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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 3

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rewtipwM opprf fiinxjianti ftan iujuriou to. tti-itisli. So hastily was that net drawn up, Uiai instead euunit-ratl particular artk'lcs, the expressions arc to nfral that wo know not'whit Is meant is prohibited, Aquafortis can be brought only to glass or gold aquafortis was imported into Nw-YofJt but could not be landed be- i i' i cause it was gsa. pair wraii-d whether books can be imported. This act cannot be understood it not specific it can not go into operation, Oik vague, capricious, and Jf we must liave we, let he uniform nd regular Half the goods that have been brought into New-York have been refuMd entry Woolen blankets could not bo entered because included tit hempen wrappers Bcsideathese vexations to our merchants, thit very act I believe, to be the principal hindrance to our ncgociuiions with Britain.

Mr. Chandler. If the want of An enumcra-. tion of particulars be the I would advise the Physician's cure in certain cases, (ro for the whole, give a double dose refuse imKrtatiori to allHowever, as I hare hopes of an accommodation with I Khali vote fr an amendments Mr. Dana called for the yeas and noes on agreeing, They were yeas 82, noes 23.

Mr. Randolph offered the following rcsoln-tion. Resolved, Jhat the President of the U. S. be requested to cause to be laid before this house account of the sums of mnnev expend-ed on the Capitol, the President's House, the public Offices, the Navy the Marina Barrack and other objects of public expenditure in the City of Washington.

Carried after a short debate, and the house adjourned. ir-YORJC rEMHG POST. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20. It is reported, that the Pwtfdejrt of tli United States, has made a communication to Congress of the most serious import, relative to Colonel Burr's expedition. 1 As' the Southern Mall had not arrived when our paper went to press, we can neither youch for the correctness of the report not give the 'particulars of tbe message jwliich is said to state, among, ether circumstances that COLONEL BURR WAS IN MOTION AT THE HEAD OF OXEpflQUSAtfO MKX.PML Gaz.

Extract of letter, dated Jl cuhingtoi City, J9te. 18. "The report of yetterdaj' respecting Col. Burr's departure with 1000 men is til, founded. The President mentioned that a party of 20 had marched to Join him, ami by the time this had travelled from Ute President's' House to the Capitol, it had augmented to 1000.

It now appears that the proclamation was in advance ofsll Burr's parties, aad that orders had beep given to seize the boats and prevcut.thf junction of the different bodies." Mnrtef of another letter from, WathingttHf ef the ''''V tame date. The law to auspend the operation of the Non- laiiiorUlioa Act, has passoi the Senate, with an Amendment to authorise the President to further suspend the said Act, if ha should think expedient, to the second Monday in december next 1 have no doubt it will 'pass the President, ami the suspension go Into operation Jhe Amendment has passed Our house, and the Amendment so modified that all costs should be paid by those who had incurred penalties as soon as the suspension passed tho President." Extract tf a letter Jrom JJeut. Commandant Jacob one, Etna River,) Missitsihhi, Aov.StA, I nave jhe pleasure to inform you of our arrival In the nver yesterday, with the gunboats No. 11 and 12, in co. and all in good The Vesuvius separated from ns onthe night of the 17th October, a few lcayic- east of the island of Abico.

"VheKcUhessail very fast The gun boats far exceed our expectations They were nearly as dry as the ketches, althoukh they were trpt under a press of sail all the passage, which was unusually rough. I have left No. 11 and 12at Fort St. Phillips, about 10 leagues above the Balize, to wood and water, and then proceed, to Pcachar-train and cruize there, according to orders that I received from Capt. Shaw, at the Ba- The ship Charles, captain Burnet, left the.

16th October. A gentleman who came passenger in her informs us. Tbat Masnena hd passed Monteleone. and Verdiet was at Cattaro. It was expected mat the advanced gnard ot tne renew army had arrK'e4 at Reggio.

Sir SidrvevRniHli had returned to Messina with the chiefs of the Marshall lourdan had returned to Paris. 600Potockshad armed at Capua and of the 1,000 men ordered for" Naples, only 3000 ereirmittetl to ro. In th rxeeutSons were verr fre- 3nenT, scarcciv a aay in wnicap or piion id not suffer (tenth. lie Trench, to the number of 6000, had entered Rsgusa through the Turkish donun-iom. The MontCTfgrios hve retired with the bootv they had ccikxteJ, and refuse to Tejoin he Russians.

The latter have been repulsed in their attack tn a fcrt near the Baccadi CatUro; with tbe loss of 600 men. The Russian amy had retired to that vicinity. roa Tie svtio ros-r, the ityor CtrAoroftoi the City of I.Uke the liVrty to submit a few observation and reflections to rour consideration. As they relate to the welfare of the city, I flatter myself they will not be deemed impertinent, but rather regarded as the well meaat eadettrurt cf a mas, who ardent'y wishes to wdcr his native chy healthy, happy, and Ceat. In laying rot a city, the great objects to be kept in riew, arc hcaltfc, convecmce, and teaut.

The larrer or more exteosrve the city is likely tr beennte, the greater attention -ot to be pid to these CARwderations. How ialue they bate been hUhm regarCrd la o.rk. evidjot from Uic narrowness awl crookedness of many' of our strC'cls-'the sj'e of our public and the very many ob. placed, or. skew jwuics as they aix HU1UUUU05, wens reason to tukik, to a greater than is cbutaincd irt Lou, it rans, or pronatjiv Jn both thosa great cities together, When these circunutauevs are considered, an ium irtial ols.

but i-cgrct, that the important objects above' luniuuiicu, nave oecu so inuQi) insgiecteU, or. through ignoraucc or weakness, have been sa-criSccA Xu the carrow or aviirkious views-of aemsn individuals. The healthineas of great cities, lndepVnd. t-miy oi mo inuuence ot natural Cannes in their local situatious, depends much on their being well ventilated, and aumlv Drovided with nit. able means for carrying away every kind of liltli.

ConsUatiitople, a large populous city, wiiu narrow- tireen, almost every year visited with malignant 'diseases, and sel-dom escapes even tUe plagne itself, London, previous to the great fire in 1666, ahnunded in narrow, crowded streets, that conflagration destroyed upwards of 13,000 houses and about 100 Churckes. After this dreadful' calamity, the streets were built Cp wide and spacious, and a more plentiful supply of Water was procured, which, with other reflations and improvements, rendered the city remarkably healthy the plague, which only ear betore the fare had carried off 100,000 its inhabitants, having never in it since that time. I have premised these observations, merely to draw the attention of the Corporation to the importance and utility of the limits I am alnrnt to suggest. I mean not to propose, at pre-scut, any measures to correct the errors and abuses of past times. That perhaps.

I may hereafter attempt. My view, in this address, is to prevent the like errors and abuses for the future and the evils and inconveniences which result from them. The Island on which our city 1 built. fur nishes as fir.e a site for a large, healthy, convenient and beautiful city, as can be fetind in any part of the world. The great advantages it possessosto foreign and domestic commerce, must render it in time, equal, and probably far superior in size to any v-it in Kurope.

It will henceforth greatly depend on the' measures you, gentlemen, shall, pursue, whether it shall not excel the proudest of them in convenience, elegance and beauty and be an ornament and honour to the American em pire whether you yourselves shall hereafter be regarded as men of judgment arid taste, the founders of the finest city in the world, for such it can be made, or be handed down to posterity in very different characters- Tast errors and neglect, with the, evil consequences of them, nre now obvious to us all I it is your business, Gentlemen, to gnard against, the like in i Should our City increase for a few years more, as rapidly as it has done for sonic years East; and the new streets be laid out as theyj ave hitherto teen, not on a deliberately form-, ed plan, in wl-ich health, convenience and beau-! ty are combined for the general good, but a the whims or avarice of the proprietors of the; soil shall suggest, in what. condition will it then' be? pisfigured with more narrow streets more skew-ltouscs, the ridicu'enf strangers and all persons of taste. Lnts over -built upon; no provision for plenty of water for elomestie use, extinguishing hie, ana cleansing the no proper means for carrying off filth no a-ces or spots of ground reserved for public buildings and other public uses It will ever be considered as a monument of the want of wisdom, and spirit, in its magistrates and citizens. Consisting of a number of street and houst funned without system or plan, and coostituring a. mass of deformity, it Eroductite of similar inconveniences, and be able to the same fatal diseases which prevail in the old parts of the City.

Pure air and ex ercise are essential to health. A city with narrow streets crowded with houses cannot be sufficiently ventilated, nor afford room for public walks and' suitable exercise. Hence in such many grown personssufftr infirm health all their davs, and do not reach the usual term of human life children aie puny aod weak, and a greater portion of them die, than in pla. ces where they enjoy pure free air, And can take exercise. To avoid therefore in future the evils, id conventencies and deformity, arising from the selfish mode of hying out streets, it is proposed that t'e ground that is not already built upon, extending from the present buildings to a certain diotaiM northwards, shonld be ac-curately surveyed from low water mark in each river that a surrty should tlso be made to a certain-distarce behw low water mark, in order to ascertain the depth of, water at different distances from the sliore that a map should be made from surveys, in which the position and elevatbm of the riding grounds, and the depth of nlong shore should be accurately laid down.

Frmn such a map, and a carefHl personal examination of the ground, a pcrsm of judgment and taste, who'is acquainted with the subject, will find no difficulty in laying out streets, squares, crescent-, circusses and other figuivs, according as the local circumstances of particular places or spots of ground shall be fit for the one or the other. These forma of building, when judiciously laid out. not only embellish ciry, but iucrease tne vaiuff oi ue grouna on which thev arc erected. With equal facility, auknble places may be set apart for public buildings and other public us f.r markets and slaughter bouses, so that they shall be neither a deformitr nor a nuisanee, wharvealocks and piers fi fhips of burden others for ri er vessels: others again for ferry beats, with Convenient houses contiguous to them for passengers to wuir in till the bats are rtaJy to depart may all be properly laid out. In lamg out the -several particulars above meni vied, one sra-! object should be sta dirsl kept in view; anJ that is able to provide for carr) ing off fakh in the most effectui.l manner.

For Uut purpose, the ground sh-ndd be so hid cut, that common wwers. on which the privy of eeh house is lobe placed, might hereafter be censtrurted to'n-n through eeh lot, whenever a of water shall be provided to keep tltern sweet aJ dean. Vhcst our citv aiiall be extended a mUe two beyond the Manhattan water works are the new to be applied with wa-er I Are we te dig caaiiguous them raalt fcr privies, to enrrapt tbe sister, as hss happened in swne xJaces The idea is too itKSeticate tate tolerated. in case of fre at some drure from eir Rier, how is a luSe'-ency of water for the cegiocs to he providoi- If tsrre rtservdn of water ere ta be fjt tnetl in two or wore elevated ptrts nf tt 1-d. and, the waters would be plcnti-lully ributej trouh-every street, and to every houe, and ecfiaionally poured through uic common sewers, uow gutiy woo Wit dm-trilHite tothe cleanliness health, ttvehience and wJifcty I' r.i Th Brunx, Croton, and JSawmUl rivers or any or wo of thetni wil) furnish that amplr supply, anl may be had by suitable pipes to the 'reservoirs, and rpm.lftcncc through' every' street, I am not ignorant that sitoh a work cannot be lmmedi ately undertaken and J.

mention it now only that (hp persons who may be employed to superintend the important surv eys, and lo form the map of streets, squares, fccas befnr mentioned, may to tliis important object and arrange the plan so as to loave space, In the proen. places, for reservoirs and; the- mala pipeato lead from tkeni. Witout this precaution the ground fit for tilth puqrtfeea may be, built upoivin which etise, we should hereafter; be andor thefnecesbity of purehtsing such- grouiuU and bulldinjiivla" vast expense. Should these hints gentlemen meet with your approbation, and induce you to begin in earnest the work of reformation and improve-. ment, I shall bring forward a plnrii plain and simple in itseu anu oijvmusjo every capacity ior loruivwff cur naroour at a moueratc ex pence, so effectual a mftnner as Vill ren derit impi-egHllile the united natTolis'of all 1 i i hi great respect, Your very humble servant, i Oritrindl Son Jlfq.

At late private: ball In this town, a young Englishman made fluKe Mnclonsly impertinent with the Ma-dies. One of them celebrated for thel grarea ornerperfm anqunaerstaiHliiig, and who had been pestered Iv the nooDiniav," verr pro perly reproved the rudeness occa-i sioned an acquaintanea to bef ve to tier, tliat the vounerentliman was a Btranwi to Amcrl- cat manners, havinir recently arrived in this country yes, Madam." added the Cock- ney i am one oi me last linporuiu'in, -i ar. rived In the, and had a very -narrow es cape of your non-imnortatinn You are very rejoined tne young uciy you had a very narrow escape the law you mention prohibits the importation of artH cle of wnich brass lathe chief material." The eu d'esprlt had the desired effecr, CowmuHicatiom; 1 iJterart Notice-7h admirers of chaste Po etry Doric simplicity are informed that a small volume ot original poems, (of wnich a prospectus may sen 1 Mr. Sargeants,) is about to bo puMisnedm Carlisle, renn. winch we trust, wii; amplv rrstiiy their taste.

To such are acquaint ed with the character of the author any reconw it i It it impossible for nn who hM not aad a neru ssl of them to tneuk dtclslveW With regard to the merit or the Poems. This however, one who beshad the plossure of tn intimate acquaintanri with Mr. Hay, can confidently assertc tbat if 4 very aecurste and almost universal knowledge of Orf. d'euvre or antiquity, ami an intimate la innisriTv wnn an tne nntinn roetsoi cejenray if a rcSnemcnt of bute and an acate sensibility rarely to be met. with, joined to the purest moral lity and most rnsftectell benevolence, ttaniB ny vaiue worm lipjn a pocuca pcrrnrmnncci fhe Jtval Ptem may b' presumed entitled to pubhc patronsje in an eminent degree; (.

l'JEA7AY3 POUT MARINM. JUST, 'asstvsn thus oAV.l dart SUio Mary, Case, Cork Brig Mary, Parsons, i Cadiz Brothers, Helmet, Charleston li Loss, Moore, Savannah Eliza and Mary, Riiey, Surrinam 2 Schr. Mercury t' Simpson, St. Johns, N. B.

li William, Rose, Matknxas-23 CLEAR t.11 THIS Shin Loean, Mrrick, i Charleston. IVttton Junr. Boreal,, Newprrt, y. Cdfltoln, i Phulipsburgh, Uflir.gwelt; Chxrletton. Jmvitand.

Lcda, Spear, Baltimore. jL 't Independence, Griffeth, Gaudaloupc. A. L. G.

Gritwld. Clyde, A. Crow, Amsterdam. Captain. N.

Orleans. Shtfihard. (jaudaloupe. Reraulu; VillUm, Schr. Claressa, Henshaw, it Swallow, Chepkin, Nancy, Power, Harmony, Aydelott, i.

ITupatch, ftrbei lf Chefo. SUelburne. P. Moriim. Halifax.

P. Mtiritm. Barbadoes. Robinon. Norfolk.

Had) Ship Mary, Case, from Cork, in -ballast, to Thomas Rodman. Brig Mary, Parsons C6 days from Cadiz, has wine, salt and lemons to John Patrick. Left at Cadis ship Cabinet, of Norfolk; for London in 2 days brig Ana, Prances, for N. York next day brig Clsritsa, for do. do ahip Minerva, of Philadelphia, for Vem-Crux in 10 days.

Just arrived at Cadiz, brig-, Matthews, 41 flays irom l. brig Elixa, from Edentmi, (N. and sliip Elinor, from New-York Not 4, lat. 27, 43, Uwig.ty, 2, spoke schr. Margaret, from Ma deira for Charleston, 4 days out.

Dec. 3, lat. 30, 34, long. 62, 30, spoke brig Samuel, 12 days frosn Connecticut River, wiU stock, for the West -Indies. Brig Two-Brothers, from Charleston, has rice aad cctton to M'lagh'in, W.

Shaw, and U. Stewart. Brig Lttely Last, Mocn, fom Savannah, hss errtton, ta 3. Mfjee co. ami N.

Park Ijurst, 'Sailed tho dt4ofore, brig l)cn, for New-York. Sailed in o. brig Cleopnra, for. Now-York. Left there, schr, Mtry Ann, Tjt New-York, Spoke, eyeti days ag slilp Pennsylvania, Thomas, Ncw-Yoik, for days out.

v- Hermophro.lite brig Eliza Mary, from Sarrinam vja Barbadoes 36 days, has tnolass cs and rocoa io J. Watson, Jun, and Mr. Murray, Left at Surrinam brig George, of and for Boston, uncertain', and brig l4a, ftivd.for Providence, (R Scbr. Mercury Simpaofi, 14 days from St. Johns, fN.

11.) has fish mid; to i itiiiynrui, Schr. William, Rose, 23 days from Matan ivi lias sugar and sejars to fj Scatou. Left brig Hiram, for Providence, (U, In; 20 days, and brig Betsey, for Charkstou iu 10 Sloop' Phoebe, -Burton, from (N.C.) has na val slorea, to Hurt. Left at Ocracctk, schr. Helena, for "Jamaicu, in 2i days.

Sigiuli for-5 shins, Jbiigsf iiouneiSi and a schr. 'ashore to tbe eastward. A Meeting of the 'of the Chamber 'of Commerce is requested at thoii-l Chainberhjs Evening, at 0 o'clock ou tf'tfiut iMiawcsa, if- py or'ler, JOHN FERRERS, Dec, ro. The Storkl)olders are hercJiy uitlficilJ thattlie Animal Elctionfortwetty-ono will be held the olliua of Ote Comnany, on on. dy the 12th dy of will 0t at 10 clock in the close st Jo'cluck, HUGH ANDERSON, Sreretarr.

Dee. 20 to Jail. 12 VmvtiKSAL SALVATION. iUKjiRv.j. jtotTXR, wm deliver; four dicourcon Universal ahKs to the naturo ot Ood and the Uiule Ue- at Dydes Hotel, opposite tho IVu kJ Broadway.

The first discourse will be dcli-l vered on Sunday evening; the 14th inst. at seven o'clock the others on the Sunday even ing following, at the same The room will be well, wurmed, Ladies will do well td come curly in order to got comfortable scats' N. Proposals arc issued for Printlni said Discourscf." Dfe.i2tf I WAN TFD, FROM to. fiWO Dollars on interesf, foi which Isndtd sccwjty will given, KiKjuiro at this Office. lw.

Fur freight or Charter i The ibrig MAUI HUsseyj master, burthen 1.10 a (Uk) afSEsuniitantiat veii nnn restiy to-rer eelv'a esrifo.Aaply on' board -at Flv-ifiaiket wharf, or to HALL HULL, 1 "or liarrfttua and Ht. Jacrol: I Tbe KhAHARKrtrr, Row Wnn, muter, will sail on uctiay nejit For paiMgu ort boord, at Crane Wharf, or. to HALL 4 HUtt, Dec. 20 Vi Soutli-slreet. I 'Tlie Schr.

HALOMA. Lee, master, will sail in four days. or pfcnj only f.jily to HALL HULL, 8J South-stret-t. 1 Dr. 20 J'or Tbe handsome f.ew Schocmrr AKROSS, Hltors b-irthrn, built scrllcnt nutrrinlH.

and is a su- 4Ki'ior Pfce of wurkniaiikliip, she is well calcula ted ior a boutiiera rax Met, having large nccoromo- a i j. Hi -l. uauuiia AJl'i un iwara, mi can ioe cm I't'CK-sup, or to' 1IALI. HULL. Dee.

20. 15 South utrei-t. 'TV, Tor Sale, Freight or Charter, The ataimrh new Pilot-boat! srlioom FESSENDEN. 137! burthen, built of good materi ami mU murk-lily fiut Apply on board tu'. tiue oi I'ine-tireev wnan, or to HALL Dec.

2.T US South-street. 'LL- ri i. tr a i TlT wS Tlie re'iilar Packet Bri iVJ.JP' LOVELY LASS, Kobert Moor VMS master, will tml in six Cfn 1 freight or paaaaire. havinir comfortable aecomi; dations. apply to the eapttin on lxmrd at wliart, or to JAMES MAtJt-C, It Co, Comer of Water and Pine-ttreets.

Who hss for salt landing from said brig, 300 bales prime Upland Cotton. Dec. 20 tf FOR CJUHLKHTUX, THE brig WASHINGTON, Cushing lAphm, matter, will s-Ul on Thursday, 25tfi Insrant For frfif l.tor pasnage, apply tin board tt Murray' wllmt, ortO KltllAKUS Be CUIT, D'C South re. freight wanted fur Liverwot. About 100 baits Cotton, or oilier light goods, war.teJ 3u freight hrtvttrn arcki.

to ciiKcIrt tlie loading of the ship LAVIN I capuia Bray, to sail tn about a week, 'Apply te ekjtn on bard at Dorer-ttrcet wlwf, or to H. U. LAMBERT, Corner cfPeck-alip ail Soutb-atrcet. Dee. 29 tt RICK, Uc.

La tiding on AjotiJ.iy, from Sloaji at Cofoe-iUuM Sbp. 162 buls. Ki hmanu SafrTsx flour, 10 lbk. do. Tine da.

13 kegs Manif-cturd Tobaeco, Aid from eke Seta. Aisimg Suttj, ct Teib-Slif, 24 tiercel Rice, firwdr by Dec. 20 J. STHONG Co. I) AX-itDD, iCl casks TUx Seed.

16 p-mcheont Antigua Rom, 15 bbls. Tar, and 1 LImL of Molsscs7ur wktw SAMLXL IITCH. Dee. 20. lw MADEIRA CM'KO A quanuty Und-irr ihia dav of chok uutlity in prima or derFor tale by Win.

S. R03INSON, 3 No. 93 Marraj's Wharf. Pee-W Jvt W5iF- iiCsaTtTtvot PUBLIC AUCTION WILL.prnUi.vely be aold, Pulc Auotlil willtont rcturve, on Thurd.y, lat nusrynesi, that clrgaut Houie' m'it-irtie'ej nvsinsiail, laiciy VCCIipira cy Mr Jtei-or, vantages tf ffVtui! or for accomjiuJjivionl A rftKi-flinjIimne it i Hcnesptg-Vknilji ctl indlc Ui 'a lours, a above tirs, an al.trgu number of eommmliuus mnliiirg il t.nuicd of the he brick being Vain, J'hilndclphJ') eon-, trutted fj; I'mvtcu wurnincti nn any uiuca. nee.90'-'Or..

I l.MT10N,COCO.Vic7vMUtUa I i 6 i1u.ll initi ihJ 1 5V buira Carracas Coioa. 'I'M I 4 i Hum 'r'V! SU police, 4 tin rustic? sV a v.V'S NfsrHgvVcoJl VJssl it T) i JiVM-l HULL, Dec .20 v-m Ttlri jUAs A YOUN(; MAN ko Ina received a libcJ ral education wishes torfevote hisieisuro liottin Nothing a French br ItnliitH, clot In Ildardi 'School or' Asadoitiv. Klieidd anrpjofJ any get-tlewiui In tbif utndyof tho lUassiasAlr 1 rrtvato lesion in cither of the abor Uirpu res. ne is veried in soma dranuhes of tue Ma- thematic i Any eoinmunirniiors on the nbjuit sddrrsstjl to Mi-.

SArgrir, 'WidrstreeV Mf." or to is will inett with prifr atttil- tjon. i0i 8(, 2irf. fiitolunt Jhttt: on, thttt the) hc caute, if tiny thrj hit4effii thr eaij Chiifjuitire, at hie IhtonUri, in the Cityf TVi i February urst, at JOi' duct in theforenoon, yihy an unlgnment tfthe erJJf-I tiltertt Ittite should net It and the Mtjl in, orimh'ir erparute capacities, erjrtm thel sain Aiurew at one the late Jirm of Adrrt Slavery C' Urtetn l.tfti, t(erdln tt the directions thu aeif entitle An Act fsrgivinv relief in cases tf Intel. ui paetei tmrt or April, iwi, Uiitn the jifst day of pettier; 1806. ANDREW SLATTERT 'If A At KS SlATTEftV.

Jnsolrettttl Richard Tayfer, Isaac Setring and otnere, ti-tiliaui)ig creditors, SO t. ui o6wt i JUTICS OF fMVfiAXVH A.T FsJ I MOs. 64 St 33 naiPr-N-lAAC, ICtli day, (Mondnv) for 3 doiUrt, 11 prpce, Uth day, (Tuesday) for doll.w, .11 In proportion for lnrgcr turns, i Dec. 30- 1 j. TXaVwj MUSWVADO' SlfAU.

fiO'do, Mucovlo5 1 50 DeniiJoluiK, f. puncliabhs 1 io New, 5000 bhds. huvy Pepper, 1 lJOO.Cunr.y Bsifs. lmmv Jbsv H1 t. l- t.u w.

s. VH Murray Deo 19 if HESH PUUNEri, RAISINS, JkcLaiul inr 1 1 Miivena' iirf, from Vvrdfiuux. wv nvAif nun i iuiir. viiuiiwiij jsy suw. jmmki CO f.mmU tlM.n..- tifi II ih Stttet 300 bote MnieaU-l Kaitint, 50 kegs Krisins, 1J0 hagt a ShUd 6 buses Lemons, i 100 jars graiiet, contairinirtillja.

140 pots Ltinet, Ginger, Guavn, and ladies sweet meats, 12 boats Boidtans Frnits In Syrup, 5 tierresZanle Cut rants, 800,000 rlrat quality Uniisct't Serrs. Double Glwtcr Pine Apple Clieet, witU 1 various otlmr nrticles in the Fruit and j. grocery line, lor ai by JOHN M'KOY. 148 Broadway, corner of Libcrtr-st, riM is fc' NN TODD, No. C8 John-street, hat jut received the followinir u.hh:!i Vofleredfor sale uroiaunllv low, inuis wouous, conaittiug oi Anitas, vutrahs, iu ami Mtmoodies, hie Iriah Liimms, and French Cam bricks, pLin Jacone', Striped', and Cold and Silver Mull MuC Muslins, Muli Ktil! bdkf.

hud Leno VeJU, Diaper and D-mrsk Table abirted Acuta J-4IO 1 by 13-4, Ladle Mark and white, French and.Engliah 'Silk Hoae, plain, enibroUVrrd and rich We Clock, Figured Black Crape ami r.a La-a rs, Pine Mecklin J.sces and Elfgart white real Lace VtiU and pattnt do. Efaok, white ami lead color Catrelt Ha'r Shawls. Fancy Dreas Triniinioi and Bkiidatf TsmIs, Limerick i. Angola Um-a Aud yKu BuKlir.rt. i ot kind; 6 A variety vf India Mull MnJ Muslins, tt Cinr.

hams, Aljt, Imperial anJ Hyson Ts, ColTe, Swgsr, fcc. ke, 'c lm iVA-V. MAji 'JW INFORMS the ttiblic the has removed from Broadway to No. 6 street, wht ah baa opeotl Ir StxinaaT tut th winter. Ordy 12 young I tAt tlir rtted 4ar tchtian.

Attend? tnce frora IQ in morning tdl in the aiUrikwn tt. ant pkit will be ai'propriaUd to lb Eni; vl Li.tTr. Ue. and the Ltur tf Wntinir, Arithmetic, arid Mr. M.

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