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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DISSOLUTION OP rARTUKWmp.i..1 Tho Copartnership ol WhrtB tt AMlUMAN, in the HaM-Ktead Baking Kiitincts, tt this by consent All ibote who have any tltroso.lsag.uim laid Aim air riiietied to tbem fur settlement, and those In.lctitid Ate re-ssuested to m.iks; immediate p.tymcai ifci lub. Hlibu. who is duly autlmrncd to settle (tic line. Dl.KK AMtKMAH. IJ'Ai A A rttntitity rt quality and Mid- dlmi Hh1.

Maw HI PAKK N5'i'iCK7 HT-' of 1 west, will J. lu its hmi as at niuuwl vuMrnf, tle Mi-rcsmil connection lirremiore rimed on in Ibis cil), under the firm of PMIN12Y tt WU.MAN. All per-tonl hiving demands will without d. lay pusri.l liiem immediately indebted will please to make i)u ftidit. FEHMNAND IMUNIZV.

FKANU II WKL.MAN. Snvrniuth, Dtixmher 51. March 17. "Cnptirtiicmhip heretofore ISiSUIIi! betwetn Ci a 4 1 1 1 t. St I i and LuvHia Loom 1 1, Juniir, under ilit firm uf U.

'SMITH It Co. mluiurc will be. r.nlmnd under the firm of SMITH I.0OMI1. Mwim A 1.1 A A 1 I I K. situate in the Town cf Newark, New-Jersey i it hat one Hill of il bamU.

i.f 10 barrel, and nne of 2 barrels 13 Citterns umlir the flior, and is numlicr above, all incomplete order and lit ltninr immediatelyAlso, baiatotis.ant and plentiful stream of water running in Inrcwlcr. iaiJ lli.illlcry li wc: calculated fur the Cram or Molasses business a will at an stand Hrtweiy Trrmsof pay. mem will be made vesy ray fi the purchaser Li-aire ofibewiUcfiber in New-Aik. 1 March 27 lm TUllIAS liOLHMNO T. SADDLE, No.

19 Water ttuel, hat lor sale mi assortment uf fashionable Mt'ii and Women's Saddles nt the fn.t quality, nisde tirctilinily light and luodsoiinj He bat also, Plated Undies ol various descriptions and quali-liet Cig lUrncat, with bic.l liinmurc Maid Ira-Iber and Hair iruvi-llii Trunka, with (frry tnltr urtiile connrctrd Willi the liu.imr. Likewikt, a lew dwzen Mtn' cnnnuii and mull mj; quality Sad-Hc Uiidles, wliiih he will tell low fur cash or ai. proved nntet. Cuattt HainrM, rr any thing usu. ally kept rcaily irude, will be rNCcnii-d on tlinrt no lice lepairi dime at umi.iI.

A Urge and general aitorlment cf Imported Saddlery, lelling oil vtry cheap. March 23 1 1' (MJU SALli, Uitiitlsome witli jdated harnen, apron and top, made by one u( the bet workmen in ihncuy it b.u I vtn uied about twomonlhi. tmiuiic at rtjjftC Livery Stable, in F.iir-tucct, nvaf Broadway. 'Mtfch06 tf ryO LKT, from the fit-at of May next, the ciitmnodiiuu Hume, upper end of Kma I way, coniiiting 'f 4 lotinf cr'iund, nublc, Jic. now occupied by Mi.

DaviJ Cuiduit. I'nr tenm xpnly to sicismund iiuantf, MaffhSI tf 141 Murray urcct. TO LET, from the lat of M.iy next, large hvM Room, luitable for uitice or ttore, with aback Roum adjoining it, y. prcient occupied byjarrii it Wood, No. 31, oppKiiie the Paik.

January 31 tf IfUli SALE, a Country, aituate ut Havcmraw, in tho cmiiiy of Kuiklsnd, 4U milcifrom thetity ol md a mile and an half from the landmt, Itom uhciuc vtucU daily ail for the city. The Home twoitory hich. well built, ftniihcd neatly in the uiculi ru inlri and com. maodtan cxtomive and view of (he Hud. on, The Farm about H.wfi nionly under -eoHivm ton, and in good lence, atare part 'lit Thehouro, barn and other buildiiiGi have alt been built within 4 yean.

A more description of thoprrmnei may be had, and thotarmi of tale known, by npplying to JAMLS SCOTT SMITH, No. 93 Chambcn-itrect. New-York. A I jo for tale the equal undivided moiety or half fiart of a tract of lund, containing acrct tiluate Township No 2, in the Arst range of Towm in Steuben County (formerly Ontario). Apply at above.

Jan. 19. tf FOKEST TRKf.S, he. W. B.

PHINCE, have for talc nt their Nurery, at, Isltnd, the un drrmentloneJ Forest Trees, which they will srll at he following reduced pricey, for the present season near 30 per cent, lower than they have usually U'en sold at via I.oMtiAaov PorLAns between CO and 30 fret in height, and 12 to IS inches in circumference per hundred, or 5 hy the small qnantiiv. lliuo 20 fm in lieight mid 7 to 9 inches in cirenm-fcience prr hundred, or 2s each lv the small quantity. Ditto IU (nt in height and 4 l6 inches in circumference .16 jitr hundred, or 2s fid each by the small quumity. Kro Flowihino Si-oar MArtc, straight, handsome trees 10 ftet in height and 6 inches in circumference ik 6d each. Pecam or Illinois Nut Florida, 8 feet in height and from 4 to 6 inches in ciivum Terence, forming a straight, hamlsoire- ornamental tree, (ihe nut they were raised from excellent) per hundred, or it each by i he small ipiantity.

FLowraivc Chbsmvi, 8 feet hi height and from 4 to 5 inches mciicumfrrence -l 8 per hundred, or ls9deacH by the Mnalt quantity. WEEftso Willows, It) to 1 2 feet in height and 4 to 6 inches in circumfrrrnre per hundred, or Is 64 each by the small uaittity. They have alto for ssle as uual. a large assort-mont of FKU1T THEES and FLOWEK1NG SMRUUS Catalogues of which may be had at ilessrs Gaine Ten Eyck's, No 1 18 Pearl street, New-York, where oiders left will be immediately attended to, and the trees, if requited, packed in mats and earth, and delivered at Uceknuti-ttip. March 3 1 Iw TO TUh LAPItS.

.1 toft, clear and delicate SAin. THK proprietors of the ctlebratetl Italian Liby Lotion, tike th. method informing thcUHict, the fathionab.c wond, that they h.tve Just receive a frcsh supply of that valuable article, which it held in tuth high emni aion hy ladies of the first rank in Euiopc and America, for its superior qualities in cie.mung, clearing, and toltcning the skin, sswcll as freeing it from those cutaneous mptions incident to many complcxious, and so detrimental to lemalc be.iu'.y. The Lilly Letion is pet uliarly plcssant in its ope-. nation it washes the sain pttiectly clean, an agreeable softness immediately succeeds its use, atsdthe skin is also sweetened and rclrcshed, while tjrf.

whole comptcaion assumes an enlivened ap- pr.nee. The proprietors of this article think ft a duty incumbent on thciii, to apologue for the Icngih uf time they have their lair friends in not having a sufficient supply totatiify the very great demand. 0, Dollar. Sold, wholesale and retail, at Messrs. and Cos Patent and family Medicine, 433 Pearl-srrect, and retail at Mr.

Jttijimt Bookstote, Water-street. Druggists and Cuunuy Stores supplied on adyaatagteu tern. April AT JttTloV, "BY SIIAY, UNDO Ic NOAlI, ON Wednesday, April 4, at 10 o'clock, at Ns. 31 Wwhindtun-sireet. tho 4tusebuld and Kitchen Furniture belonging i the dta ut Hip Uc John nd decease oU by vrdoe ui the sistuwi.

April 8t IIAHLES CHRIS 11 Ai, Avctionxkr, begs leave to present his thanks to the public fdr the great share of patronage they have been plrssrd to bun with, respectfully offers his service (at the approaching season) to fffpram and uuetiun HOUSEHOLD fUKNITUKb. Fur those who ma chum to have their Furniture disposed of in iheir house, be will see, if i.eies-lary, that it it put in propoe repair for sale, and wdl tujgeat a new and ptoer mode to asvemblc pur-craters. The vast ijnuntity of llouseholJ Goods that is sold by aw. lion, in this city, and the olivious advantage to lie public ol employing an auctioneer whoi. a am u-i'ac i caru and too a of Household Furniture it hit tor introducing himself particularly to the ii.

tice of the public. haws are retjiectfully assured that proji-er means II betinployrd to aril toadvaiage MA-MOGAI'Y auction Those win have lavored Id'n with heir business, in that line, has found it io ihVir intercut. At rivate Sale, a pair oT Tier Glasses 6 frrt long by 32 ii clns broad The Plate are Cmidcra, tin btft in the Citv. CHU1STIAN PAXTON. Auctioneers.

March SI tf No 4 niirloig-slip rPO HK SOI.U at Auction, at the i ontine JL Collec-Hoii'C, on the 'iOtli April, unless sooner disposed of at Sale, the place whereon the itthsirihcr resides, at Brooklyn, on tho of the river, or particular impure on theprcmisct, or at No IK Pine-street. Mirrli27 ROBERT BENSON. t'HjtllTOrKKIt KlKHsTKD 'i'UOMAJ 1un a waV, having entered into Copartnci-thin under 'Ik funs ol If DVXAWAY Kcipectiully inloim their mends, and the public in general, they havo for talc at No. I Ob Kroadway, eiond door south of the Oswi ao-Market, a handsome assiuiniu.tuf seaso lahli DRY CiOODS, which will be sold, wholesale rtlal, ihcip lor cash or approved notes. h'id Hw I Oil SALE, a beautiful Country heat and Faim, at North Hempstead, Long and, known at the te.i.'cnte tot mauy )eis of Mr.

c'harlet Moulton. It it four miles itom the town if Hempstead, 6 from the pic waul town of Jamaica, and IbUouiNcw York. It combines every uqui sue to make it a desirable an nn agieeable rt si-deuce, being in a remarkable healthy situation, and the grounds laid out in an unusual tiy ol beauty and ill nice, giving it mor the appearance of an European tcatih.m any peihaps in this country. Thtic it a great abundance ol the luiiunon kinds of jame in the neighborhood, besidt the addition-ai advantage oilieiiigeanliQiiiiui to 'lie Plover, and not very distant from the brume and Deer grounds. To a person, line fore, fund of the amusement of the field, its situation is paititularly desirable, ilmoit unequalled.

It (onUinsahimt loor hundred and tlnity one acres, of hich about 6ilarc excellent woodland, pciliclly convenient to the dwelling home, tho rem iiiulcr it allatabie, and it now divided into onbard, mowing, pasture, and land for a rotation of crnpi of gram. The toil being loomy, and under good improvement, a considerable pro-pott ion ol it having been manured with, it produces very good crops ol grain and English hay. rhe'i isan exclU nt garden, with a very l.irge sparagus bed in it, and well furnished with fruit licet and ti mer routs. Alio, fioni 1 5 to 80 acres of orihird, consitimg of peaches, Enf.bsh cherries, apples, pears, and every odutr sort of fruit, uf the tliu.sett kinds, selected from Europe and the most reputed nurseries in this country. The buildings arc all in good repair, and consist of a handsome and substantial dwelling house, ii feet In Iront hy 3(i iu depth, laid out, a grceu-bouic adjoining the house, and forming ao ehrg am wing to it.

furnished with a handsome assortment of orange-trees, nn-f a variety ol otl.rr exotics, a summer house, two farm lion cs, avcty Urge commodious barn, and two h.iy baiivuks, which, hesidet many other conveniences, have good stabling fur about 90 horses and cattle, a cattle shade, a (o.uh house, with pideun and fowl houses, a cyder honse and press, and a com rnh. There are alto a never failing welt of cuellcn' drinking a large cistern fur ram water, and every other convenience for a sunt or faim. With the above piopeny wdl also be sold, if agrceab'e to the purchaser, li tcs of salt meadow, and all the household furniture, itnck, farming utensils. Ice. For terms, kc.

apply Mr John II. Thompson, No. I Ccdar-ttrtvt, New-York, or on the premises, to J. UTIEN. Marth -i9 L' OR SAI.Ls A Farm belonging to the es- tate of John Hodman, deceuted, formeily occupied by John Cauldwell, Esq and now in the possession of Mrs Green, on Lnng-Itiand at Bay Side, distant from N.York,abut Jamaica, and three from Flushing Town: containing about t(k) acrrtofgood arable and meadow land with a sufficiency of wod for the use of the Farm, and an excellent hearing Orchard The place is well watered, a never failing stream runt from a spring near the house.

On the Farm it a good and convenient bnuie, a large Barn and Stable, with adjacent out Luildiogs. The Houxe it tiiuaie on an eminence near the shore, opposite to Throg's Point, commanding a beautiful and extensive view of the Sound and of every vetsel that passtt to and from New-Yoik. Fur evciy advantage of situation that either pleasure or cotilJ drriie, this place staiids unrivaled by any on the Island. The amusement of khonnngand fishing msy here be enjoyed in almnt every variety at all scavonsof tli.j year. In Summer tt is one of the mrst agiViHtble retreats the ali'nrds, the air it pure and remarkably salubrious.

The beach jutt below the Ionise is a most delightful place for ha'hing. Buatt with good accommodations for passengers, 50 everv day from Flushing to New. York, being a very pleasant sail of about two hours For terms atul funhtr particulars, inquire of the subscribers. SILVESTER ROBINSON. 98 Mntriy's wharf.

THOMAS RODMAN. tin '112 Maiden-lane. Or to CHARLES CORNELL. at Success, Leng Island Maroh 29. Plv II if LOTTERY Xo.

II. ron 1 it FKCOUR ACKMENT OF MTKRATURIT. T)-M()RROV will be published, immediately nftir the eomplction of the drawiog, from the Printing. in the upper part of the Watih-Home, opposite the ei'ttal-Hall, John K. t'ttrmnn'i Actum) Lil of' Plikt friz't, in the above Lottery, to he continued eveiy day during the drawing.

The price to subscribers will be five doll irs during the whole of the drawing, and c.icii number 12 1.2 cents, to he had at the Printing Office. The above Lfst will be compaicd and reused by several others, and every mea.nre taken to order to render it perfectly correct hut sbooM any eirors escape, they will be corrected in the suoeeding number, by an urJti. At the close ol cai wet kt drai' infr, a statement of the hel ill the above list. Letters from the country' (iii paid) sonifying wish to be supplied with the above public mon, ill he attended to, and carelully iot warded by tvery ataiL Apni2 lw WtDNtifV EVENING, APRIL will (t rattsMTto, (NtVKft rEaVORMKD UEII) A Play, lis 4 sets, called, TfTE WIFE Or TWO IIUSBJ.VDS. Marc by Pelitsier.

Count Melflor, Mr. Fmull, Major Oolti, ll.qg, Rinaldo, Armagh, ilvvoud. Baron Werner, TyUr, Isidore its. Thcoloic, Mist I', Walter, Mr. llnHam, jun.

Peasants, 1st. Cenikmcn of the Company. Countess, Mrt. Joinon, Lilla, Darby, Ros.iliC, Mist PtitUm, Tcinaie Peassntt, Ladies of the Company, to waicrt will as At-ctt), A Musical Entertainment, in two acts, called, THK REVIKW, Or, THE WAUS OP IVIA'DSQR. T'it Donri Hlt" fmHfvf, ami It Cut-I' in ii nt huHti'l iir- GROVE THEATRE, TUESDAY LVLN1NU, AI'kIL 3, will as ratstNTtn, The f.ivmiriie Comedy of THE SPOILED CHILD.

To rh th mil wl4f.l, A MtU'rM parte, intwoactt. ea'Ied, THE I'OOR SOLDIER. Thf Ponrsvtllepm at S-n, and Ike Ptijrma'ire earn' menct at Srxm ts. hOX fit PITTSs nALI.FrtV4s. AIM V.

RT.C.IMRMTAL ORDRHS. The Regiment of Artillery will Parade in front of the Arsenal, on t'liifay, die 6tlt instant, at 3 o'tloik P. M. under the command of Major Swartamit. The Ait! battalion will parade with small arms, the second with field pieces.

The ut ccssary tqu ments for the field pieces will be furnished by the Quarter Master. By rrdrr ff Iiiig. Gen. SUvent, ROBERT SWARTW'OUT, April 3 TfRWARK RANKING INSURANCE COMPANY. ORIGINAL Capital 5225,000, in Shares of ft so taib, payable as follows, to wit 1 Five dullart on each share at the time of subscribing, Ave dollart on each share on the day which shall he appointed for the election of the first Directors of said Companv, and ten dolUis on each share on the Arst Mom'ay in every other month nest surcteding the election aforesaid, untd the amount be paid.

Of ihr above capiul 300 sh.irrs arc retcrved by the charter of the company for subscription by the state of New-Jersey. Siihtrript ions to the capital aforesaid will be opened under the direction ol the undersigned, on Monday the second day of April next, at the house of Nathaniel Srabury, I nkcepcr, at Newark, (N. and continued open for Ave successive days, between the hours nf Itiand 12 A. M. and 2 and 5 P.

M. of eaih day, during which lime any person may tubstiibe any number of shares, subject to a pro-pnrtionate deduction of each subscription above 8 sharri, so as to reduce the whole number ol shares tuhsi ribed to 4000, provided a greater number than 40U0 shares thall be subscribed at the time of do. sing the subscription. 13 The eompsny tune authorised by their charter at any time to encrease their capital by the addition of any number of shares not exceeding 3500, and the Stockholders for the time being when such determination to encrease their capital as aforesaid shall be nadr.arc declared to have the preference of all olb for the space of 30 daya, to subscribe such additional shares. JOlt.V AT.


Stockholders are hereby required to 'pty the further sum of dillurt on each tlmrr of the Capiul Stock uf the t-aimi-rs Kauk, hy thcni respectively held, to the Cashier of the said Bank; on or before the d.iy of April next, under the penalty of forfeiting their shares, aod all previous payments made thrnon. By order of the President and Directors, HUGH HLEBLLS, Cash r. 7Vy, February Varrh24toAp 23 Hammeken, Dumsh V'CC Consul for the State of Ntw-Ywrk, has departed for Copenhagen, and the snhsi riher is fully authorized to ael for him, in bis uffnial character, during his absente. GtORCE BRIN'CKERHOFF, March 21 tf 1H Pearl-street. BY particular dexirt.

Mr. Mitcmkll will give Ins Second BALI, on t-'riday Evening, April the Cth. in the Astrmbly-Runm of the Union Hsirl The Bill to commence at half an hour af-t 7 o'cloik. Tickets, one dollur each, to be had of Mr. M.

or at the Bar of the Union Hotel. April 2 At PUBLIC RALL. MR. FLINTOFF'S Annual Public Bull will be. given at the City-Hotel, Uroadway, on Tu-day Lvcning, April 3.

t3 Ti kets, at one j'Lii each, to be had cf Mr. l-'lintjfr No. yi Partition street, or on application at the bar of the City-Hotel. Mar-h 2" LOTTERY be INSURANCE OFFICE, 351 WATKR-STRKET, OSS DOOl'lUM HIS ILV-MA1III, F. rilEPOE Respectfully inf.irmt hit friends the public, that he is cummcr.ccd the INSURAKCfc OF TICKETS, SHARES, StC.

AGAINST ALL RISUES, ATC FLANAGAN'S OLD ESTABLISHED LOTTERY OFFICE, lil WATSR-S7 artT. He bis only toassuic his friends and customers, that they may re on experiencing an equal degree of punctuality and accuracy with any ottice of this city. HI ALJ3 TO 1HI PUSLIC Ills UMtil-ALLtLSD CHAKCES, SV WHICH THt HOLotr may, rna OXE SHILLING, CAIN 50.1MH) S.OLS. The turn being to trifling, the advantagei to great whith may ante to the fortunate possessor, he flatters himself the plan will meet public approbation. A correct List of Blanks nd Print taken each day by himscif, an4 til numhert exam'ned gratit, for ifrate who honor him with their Tickets and Shares, in the greatest of numbers.

Air tle as aiwive. Ra'f oflnturance for Firtt Day. 10 eentt lur gj 14 centt for jf7. Jte. 4sc.

aad proportionahly moderate thro' the Drawing. Martb WASIIINOTON, March 2ft." Mr. Randolph, from the committee ftppomt. ed for Unit putjMjse, made uti ndjy the following report, which was ordered to lie on the RFJORT Of the committee appointed to prepare Art i Clesof IiiiDeHcliment fleainst Sumuel nne of the ossociitc justices uf the Supreme Court of the united htatci.

ARTICLE OF IMPEACHMENT. Articles exhibited by the House of Rcpresen tatives uf the United states, in the iimne of tuenitclves and of all the people of the Unl-ted Mates, against Samuel Chase, one of the associate justices of the supreme court of the United States, in maintenance nnd Mi)jort 01 tnetr inifieachme nt against btm, fur lutjh crime and misdemeanors. Article I. That, unmindful of the solemn duties of his office, and contrary to the sacred obligations by which he stood bound to dis charge them faithfully and Impartially, aod without respect to the said Samuel Chase, on the trial uf John Fl ics, charged with treason, before the circuit court of the United States, held, for the district of Pennsylvania, lu the city of Philadelphia, during the months of April and one ihnnsHnd eight hundred, whereat the said Samuel Chase presided, did, iii sua junicini cnpxri conduct nimsi'ii ink manner highly arbitary, oppressive, and un just; viz 1. In delivering an opinion in writing, on the question cf law, on the construction of which the defence of the accused materially depend ed, tending to prejudice the minds of the jury against the case of the said John Fries, the prisoner, before counsel had been heard in bis defence.

2. In restricting the countel for the said Fries from recurring to such Englibb authorities as they believed apposite, or from citing ri rtain statutes of the United States, which they deemed illustrative of the positions, upon hich they intended to rest the defence of their client. 3. In debarring the prisoner from his constitutional priviledgecifuddi tssing the Jury (thro' Ins council) on law, as well as on the fact, which whs determine his guilt, or innocence, and nt the same time endeavouring to wrest from tlia jut their indisputable right to hear at punient, and determine upon the question of law, as well us the question of fact, involved in the verdict which they were required to give. Ar'itlc II.

That, in consequence of this irregular conduct of the said Samuel Chase, us dangerous to cur liberties, as it is novel to our laws nnd usapes, the said John Fries wnsdej 1 i-vrd of the right, secured to him by the eighth article Rmeudatory of the constitution, and was condemned to death without having been herd, by council, in hisdeft-m to the disgrace of the character of the American bench, in manifest violation nf la wand justice, and in open contempt nf the rights of juries, un which ultimately rest the liberty and safety of the American people. Article III. hat, prompted by a similar spirit of persecution and injustice, nt a circuit court of the United States, held at Richmond, in the month of May, 1800, for the district of Virginia, wheieat the said Samuel Chase resided, nnd before which a certain James Thompson Cullender was arraigned for a libel on Jhn Adams, then President of the United States, the said Samuel Chase, with intent to oppress, and procure the conviction of the said Calendar, did over-rule the objection of John Basset, one of the jury, who ishedto be excused from serving on the said trial, because he had made up his mind, ns to the 'publication from which the words, charged to be libellous, in the indictment, were extracted anfl the said Basset was accordingly sworn, and did serve on the said jury. Article IV. That the evidence of John Tay.

lor, a material tness on behalf of the afore, said Callendar, was not permitted by the snid Samuel Chsse to be given in, because the said witness could not prove the truth of the whole of one of the charges contained, in the indict, mrnt, although the said charge embraced more than one fact. Article V. That the conduct of the said Samuel Ckase was the whole course of the said trial, by manifest injustice, partiality and intemperance viz. 1. In refusing to postpone the trial, although an affidavit was regularly filed, stating the absence of material witnesses on behalf of the accused 2.

In the use of unusual, rude and contemptuous expressions towards the prisoner's counsel and in insinuating that they wished to ex. cite the public fears and indignation and to produce that insobordination to law, to which the conduct of the judge did at the same time manifestly tend 3. In repeated and vexatious interruptions of the said counsel, on the part of the said judge, which at length induced them to abandon their causeand theirclient, who was thereupon convicted and condemned to fine and imprisonment 4. In an indecent solicitude, manifested by the said Samuel Ch tse, for the conviction of the accused, unbecoming even a public prosecutor, bfit highly disgraceful to the character of a judge as it was subversive of justice. Arti' le VI, That, at a circuit court of the United States, for the district of Delaware, held at New-Castle, in the month of June, one thousand eight hundred, whereat the said Samuel Chase presided, the scid Samuel Chase, disregarding the duties of his office, did decend from the dignity of a judge and stoop tothe level of an informer, by refusing to discharge the grand jury, although intreated by several cf the said jury so to do and after the said grand jury had regularly declared, through their foreman, that they had found no bill of indictment, nor had any presentments to make, by observing to the said grand jury, that he, thr said Samuel Chase, understood thnt a highly seditious temper had manifested itself in the state of Delaware, among a certain class of people, particularly in New-Castle county, and more especially in the town of Wilmington, where lived a most seditious printer, unrestrained by any principle of virtue, and regardless of social order, that the name of this printer checking himself, as if sensibly of the indecorum which he was committing, added" that it might be assuming, ton much to mention the name of this person but it becomes your duty, gentlemen, to enquire diligently into this matter and tbat with intention to procure the prosecution of the printer ia question, the said Sunuel Chast liJ, morectvr, enjoin on the district attorney of the 1'nited States the tiecruitv if piim file of the patser to which he alhi.

tied, (mid which were understood to be those jntlilished under the title rf "Mirror oftbe imes and General and by strict examination of them tifind some pas. sage which might furnish the ground-work uf a prosecution against the printer uf the said ptper, thereby degrading hit high judicial functions, and tending to impair the public confidence in, and respect for, the tribunals of justice, so essential to the general welfare. Article VII. And wheieas mutual respect and confidence between the government ot States and those of the indh iduai state, and between the people r.nd those gmemnient, resectively, are highly cendttrive to that public harmony, without which there curr be no public happiness, yet the said Sumuel Chase disregarding the duties and cf his jui'i-cial character, did, at a circuit c.urt, for tl.e district of Mart land, held lit Baltimore, in the month of May, one thousand eisrht bundled and three, pervert his fficial ight nnd duty to address the grnnd jury then and there is. sembled, on the mntieis coming within the ince of the saitl jury, fur the purpose of deli.

virinto the ud grand jury an intemperate nml infl immatory political harrangue, with intent to excite the ieyrs and resentment of the said grand jury, and of the good people tf Maryland ngainst their state goicrnmtiit, and constitution, a conduct highly censurable iu a. ny, but peculiirly intlecet.t and unbecoming in a judge of the supreme court of the U. StHtes and moreover that the' and Samuel Chase, then and there, under pretence exercising his judicial right to address the aatd grnnd jury as aforesaid, did, in a manner, highly unwarrantable, endeavour to excite tie odium of the said grand jury, nnd of the good people of Ma. ryland ngainst the gcvt-rnmeiit of the. United States, by delivering opinions, which, if the judical authority were competent to their expression, on a suitable occasion and in a pro-per manner, were at that time and as deliver, ed by him, highly indecent, extra judicial and tending to prostitute the high judicial charac er with which he was invested to the low pur.

pose of an electioneering partiznn. And the House of Rcpi csentntives, by pro. testation, saving to thenisclve the liberty of ex. hibiting at any time hereafter, any farther articles or other ac.CHsation or impeachment a gainst the said Samuel Chase, and also of re- nlvintf to his answers which lip nn. to the said articles, or any of them, and effcring prooi 1 tue ameesaici articles, aad to all and every other tich.s, impeachment, or accusn.

which shall lc exhibited bv them, as tbf cnnf. reipnre, do demand thr.t the said 14.1 1 namuei viksso may oe put to answer the said crimes and misdemeanors, nnd that mirh nrn. ceedings, examinations, trials and judgments, may be thereupon had and given, as are agree able to law and justice. MHV.YORK EVEATIAV POS'l. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3.

Some gentlemen directly from Washington who were t) witnesses let tlx following transaction, informed us that there were one or two misraJces- In our relation of bit evening, we now, with a view to be strictly begin again 1 taking care to a. mlt or umlv to th mth ffrulH. And thus amend' we, relyingtin the unquestionable respectability of our Informants, undertake to assert that it is no fable, but a correct narration of what actually happened. Tt-r Man if tie A fellow who had been excommunicated by the Methodists, and so got iut favor with the President and was made chief baker to the navy, took it into his head to compliment hit patron, and for this purpose, on Monday, the day before Congrett rote, formed a procession cons-sting of a suitable number of the sovereign people, prece. ded by all the bakers in Washington, dressed in clean white frocks and aprons, and bearing some thing covered with a white cloth on a bier.

This was actually carried into the capitol, and laid out in. S'ate in the large committee room, separated front that where the Senate was sitting by a passage way, and on a level wi'h the senate gallery. Being uncrsj vered, it appeared to be a Mammoth Loaf of Brtai abnut 12 fret in length, 2 feet in breadth, and of a suitable height. Accompanying the Mammoth Loaf was a huge cold roasted sirloin, and two quart casks, one containing wine, the other the more re publican liquor, cyder. The bakrrs arranged them-selves on eachside ready to do the Iwnnrsnf the tab's.

The mobility were not, at onee, admitted into the room they therefore soon became vry clamorous their equal rights, and loud and authoritative knocks were repeated at the door; meant, however, were found to socth and restrain them till the President should appear and take the first cut. In the mean time the house of Representative! adjourned for two hours that get. Tmen might regale themsetver a sight and a taste. Some ofthcin were witnesses what we relate, but a-ho thought it most prudent fot them to have the rdom soon after the entrance cf the great personage. At length sbput 12 o'clock tha President of the United States sauntered in among the unceremonious style of a true repubhcio.

After he had exchanged a few careless nods with, one and another, the chief baker advanced and asked rhim if he would take a luncheon He put his hand deliberately inhis pocket, pulled out a jack knife and advancing tq the loaf he cut oT a large piece In this particular we are concerned to state, our InfoTt mants are not precisely agreed whether the piece of bread was cut by the PresideM or the baker; on the whole we let the citeumstauce remain as it stood yesterday and proceed then turning to the airloifl. he very handsomly cut off a alice from that, after which he put up hit knife, and taking his bread and hit meat in his fingers, he eat with apparent ever and anon dipping his meat in the salt and mustard alternately, the band all th while playing Jf ferton't Marckt By this time as many of the to-ereign people had got in as the room could contain, consisting principally cf the unhappy fugitivta. from", with a su-tahle imVare of our lad' neighbours," brethren, afld several stirrer cf j.ii'fi, a 'he 'a-eit ard cost London.

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