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Lincoln Nebraska State Journal from Lincoln, Nebraska • 3

Lincoln, Nebraska
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KEBHASKA STATE JOTJEXAL, STJXnAV MOENING, OCTOBEB 21, 1900. NO SIGN OF A SET1LEMENT FORM NEW ALLIANCE THE TRIUMPHS OF PERUNA INCREASE. iwmm Thousands of (chronic Ailments of Women uted to the large immigraU wi of Spaniards. The immigrants ara nor- lumjnM and are susceptible to the not only on this account, but from the fact that -they have no oonoeoii or when exposed lo the effects of the disease. However.

aro making arrangements to establtsn a s-tem of detaining IhMn on huiks until they can be forwarded through to their destinations in the country lu'ricts. Of course, many will stay in Havana, finding employment in the warehouses and factories, and we must expect to find cases of yellow fever among them." MAKE HAX.N'A DAY A GREAT 0E. E.GLA?1D AD GER.HAXY FO TERRITORIAL JXTE6RITY. MUST NOT, DIVIDE UP CHINA OPEJT DOOR TO BE MAINTAINED AT ASY COST. Submit Their Position to Other Nations and Ask Indorsement- Details of Mnrder of lssionaries.

LONDON, Oct. 20. Germany an England have formed an alliance to maintain the territorial of China and to keep the port open. The terms of this agreement, rvrhlch -were arrived at wcioner Detween Lord Salisbury and! Count feldt, German ambassador to England are officially given out as follows: "The German government and her Eritish majesty's government, being: desirous to maintain their Interests in China and their rights under existing treaties, "have agreed to observe, the following principles regarding a mutual policy In China. "It is a matter of joint permanent In ernatonal interest that the ports tin the rivers and littoral of China should re main free and open to trade and to every other legitimate form of, econr activity for the peoples iof all countries without distinction and the two governments agree on their part to uphold the same for all Chinese territory as far as they can exercise Influence.

"2. -Both governments agree that they will not on their rart make use or tne present complications to obtaiQ for themselves any territorial aavantage In Chinese dominion and will I direct their tioIIc-v toward maintaining un diminished the territorial condition of the Chinese empire. "3. In case ofc another power making use of the complications In Chla In order to obtain under any form whatever such territorial advantages the two contracting parties reserve to themselves the right to come to a preliminary understanding regarding the eventual step to be taken for the, protection Of their own Interests in China. "4.

The two governments will communicate this agreement to the other powers interested, especially ti Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States', and Invite them to accept the principles recorded in It." lotted States Not Advised. WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. The state department here has not yet been advised otlicially of the terms of the alliance reported from London to have been reached between Germany and. England to maintain territorial integrity of China and to keep ports open.

While the move gives general satisfaction here, the officials say that it probably is a misnomer to call it an alliance. What probably tias happened, they say, has been a reaffirmation of principles already agreed upon, not only between England and Germany, but between all of the great powers Interested in China. i Again, the officials point to the note of Secretary Hay of July 8, denning the position of the United States and declaring It be Its policy among other things, to "preserve Chinese territorial and administrative entity, protect all rights guaranteed to friendly! powers by treaty and international law and safeguard for the world the principle of equal and impartial trade with all ports of the Chinese empire. "i The records show that all the great powers accepted the principle of this guaranty of territorial integrity. Their expressions on the point of commercial freedom were not quite as explicit as in the cast of territorial Integrity and It appears from a study of the British-German agreement above referred taken to clear up any doubt ion this point.

i Probably Germany was the! first to engage with England on this point, because of its anxiety-to preserve for German trade the Important commerce It bas built up on the Yangtse river, which might fall to England In a dl-, vision. The special reference made In the agreement to river commerce bears out this inference- The United States Made Her Beautiful Every Lady in the Land Can Now Have a Beautiful Skin. A TRIAL BOX FREE. Every lady who sends her name and address will receive by mall free a trial treatment of a celebrated beauty's remedies for beautifying the complexion. It Is not a face powder, cream, cosmetic or contains no oil, grease, paste or chemicals, and Is absolutely the only sue- cessful beauty maker known.

Fannie B. Ralston 638 Lexington Newport, sister to the famous Kentucky beauty. Helen Ralston, who also used these beautiners. says: I began using Rlbault's complexion beautiners I did not think it possible to STRIKERS AND OPERATORS ARK STILL FAR APART. LARDERS BECOMING EMPTY Sure to Be Safferina- if Agreement Does Not Come Soon Mitchell Guarded In His Remarks.

HAZELTON. Oct. -20. com mittee of four miners employed by the Lenrgh Valley Coal company called up on F. D.

Zerbry, district superintendent of that company, for the purpose of asking the superintendent to explain to them how the company Intends to ngure the 10 per cent Increase in con nection with the deduction of the price of powder offered by the company Neither the superintendent or the com mittee were Inclined to say -what took place, but it Is understood the miners were satisfied with the explanation, They were told that the company notice in itself was a guarantee that they wll receive a net advance of 10 per cent over the September wages. President when seen by the Associated press representative, said he knew the committee had Intended calling. He declined to discuss the conference. President Mitchell to night issued a signed statement In which he condemned reports published in some newspapers that the strikers decorated a cemetery In Hazelton. He said on investigation he could find no evidence that fastened the offense to any of the strikers in the, slightest Continuing he said: "I also wish to deny the absurd state ments that have appeared in some of the metropolitan papers to the ef feet that we contemplate a national strike of coal miners on April 1.

The relations between the bituminous coal operators and our organization are entirely in harmony and pur agreements are made for a year We hope the anthracite operators and miners will also adopt this humane and progressive method of adjusting the wage scale in the future, thus making strikes and lockouts unnecessary. No-Partial Resumption. President Mitchell practically admitted to a representative of the Associated press today that if every operator in the region were to post notices similar to those that are' now being tacked up by some of the mine owners this action would in itself probably not end the strike. He was asked if all the companies were to post such notices what his next step would be. At first he hesitated and then replied: "Under the conditions laid down by tne ecranton miners convention there could be no.

partial resumption of wort' When it was suggested that his reply did not answer the question he saia: "Well, all I will say is that If all the companies post notices it would clear up matters considerably. It would remove some of the obstacles that now present themselves." This is the first public statement that Mr. Mitchell has made bearing on a settlement or the contest since the operators at Scranton took their de- ciaea stand that the reduction of pow- aer price must De considered in figur ing out tne aavance In wages. i Notices similar to those already postea Dy individual operators In this region were issued today by three more companies. They were J.

S. Wentz operating Silverbrook colliery; Dodson wners of mines at Morea and Beaver Brook and the Milliard Coal company, which operates collieries at Buck Mountain ana New Boston, in Schuvikili emmtv Tyler McTurk, who operate a wash. ery at Audenreid, employing about fifty men, have posted a notice giving employes an Increase In wages of 10 per cent. The only large Individual operators In this region who have I not nnatori wuai is anown as tne second notice are t'oxe G. W.

Markle Sr. Co and the Lehigh Wilkesbarre Coal company. There is much interest manifested here as to what steps, if any. nic inarwe rm wui take. This firm Is the only one In this reelon whirt, has not consented to give its employes an increase or any sort.

The mem Ders or the Arm maintain a strict i lence. Mr. Mitchell 1 is said to be con templating a trip to Scranton next week, but for what purpose is not Known. iNothlng has been said here. about another convention and there (a no prooaDimy or a conference of strike teaaers nere toaay.

Miners Urged to Stand Firm. SHAMOKIN. Pa Oct 9(1 zjiccmig ui BtriKers was held here tonight. Which WRR nrMresacrt leaders and A. D.

Mahon of Detroit, president of the ml tion of street rallwav mpn Tha min. were urged to remain firm in support vi me men oi tne upper region until the powder difficulty has hn driin.i.j a it was Wide! circulated hc-n that an effort will be made by the xieauing company to start Its collieries next MondaV. the Koeaker-a i. i inroc of the emnlovps of that audience to refrain from working un- ui iresiaent Mitchell declared the striKe ore. The men said they would not STO to thn mine.

Oct. 20. The close ne V. 'uui ween or rne mine-workers strike In the Wyoming region, linds Duin eiaes as aetermlned as ever. The operators Insist that the price of powder shall be considered In the advance offered, while the strikers will not go back to work until the de- inanas oi tne scranton convention are acceeded to, they assert means a flat 10 ner o.nt avu no 1' 1 iwwuer 10 De aroitratea later.

Mean- nmie uie laraers or tne miners are becoming empty and It cannot be very lona. if the strike la nwl 7" li, uhui there Is much suffering. SCRANTON, Oct. 20. The Hillside Coal and Iron company and Temple Iron company, operating altogether thirteen collieries, late today posted the explanatory amendment to its original notice, modifying the ofTer to make it ext-end hevonri inrii ti.

however, make no modification of the clause stipulating that a decrease in the COSt Of nowrier shall Ha as part of the increase In wages of contract miners. National Organizer j-iicner says mis does not meet the demands of the miners rnnvcmfiAn i yji a week ago, and until it does there "i ue no ena or tne strike. The Delaware, Lackawanna Western and the Delaware prating forty-four collieries, have not yet postea tne amendment. xteports- tnat president Nichols of this district hw roller! vention of mine workers iis denied bv iur. xiiciiofs.

SAYS HAVANA IS TRANQUIL i Governor General Wood of Cnba Ar rives at Sew York. NEW YORK' rw "VI uj I j- vj i ijeyfi- r- i 1 1 arrived today from Havana. He will pro- luimeuiaieiy 10 wasmngton and return to Havana by way ot Tampa. Fla. General Wood said: came up from Havana at the request of the department and to make preparations to take mv v.

i. M. ruij ue ri-able to come up again dor'no the win ter, i snaii return id na.ina Defore the end of October, in order to be on hail fnr the .1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 liC'l meets November 5 next. Affairs are quiet ii -Lua mm ins a r' ousv preparing for the conv'ition. The.denh rate in Havana, including veJlow fever.

is Increase in yellow ferar oaaea Is attrib Cured Et ery Month Disgriiised Injtornal Catarrh the Enemy of Worn in. Peruna the Only Internal Systemic Catarrh Remedy Yet Two Prominent Cases in Illustration. Myriads of Unpuh- lis hod Testimo- nials on File. I All summer long lette ra from women in all parts of the Unit! States have been pouring in. Dr JIartman's im- mense facilities for an swiering these let- ters have been taxed to tha ntmost.

A great multitude of woi made well and happy en have been aln. Thiscor- respondence is strictly cbntidentlal. but for magnitude bas neve been equalled letters come. in the world. Still th Still the free counsel froin Dr.Hartman goes out In every mail Write him.

Tell him hundreds. all about your case. lie will answer promptly free of charge. Send for free cq py of "Health and Beauty. Address Columbus, Ohio.

Dr. llartwan, ing for it. Westover bjroke through and downed the man wpth the ball in his tracks. Drake punted the ball over Nebraska's line. Kay jmond punted from the twenty-five yard line for thirty yards.

After a qouple of plays the referee's whistle blew and the half ended. Drake had the Ljall in the middle of the field. No scjjre. Second Half! During the. Intermission between halves a crowd of roouers with clods and tin cans, chased tihe cheap stu aents out or the trees where they were seeing and windows the game for nothing.

Oelke took Stewart's pi ice at full. Nebraska had no change 1 i her line-up. Drake kicked oft for thirty yards. Crandall carried it back for five vards and then fumbled It. Drake secured the ball but after three trials the ball went to Nebraska.

Raymond punted -for fifty yards; then Westover brifke through too soon, so Drake was givet ten yards. After three or four trials the ball was passed back to Oelke to bunt. Brew and Westover broke through pnri blocked the kick. Westover failing oh the ball. Nebraska was In sight )f a touchdown, and started in as thoug i they Intended to get it.

First one of the backs and then another carried it from three to six yards at a trial. Tie ball was on Drake's twenty yard line when Captain Bacon jumped on Cranddll after he was down. Macdonald put lim-but of the game. The ball was soon carried to the ten yard line. The bleachers were wild.

Nothing but an accident) could- keep the university from scoring. The close formation was tried again aid again. Finally Crandall was whirled through left tackle for a touchdown. Ringer kicked goal. Score, Nebraska 6, Drake 6.

Drake kicked oft for flfljeen yards, Raymond punted for thirty yards. Drake fumbled and lost twenty yards, but kept the ball. Westover broki through, Oelke punted twenty yards a id secured the ball. Forced to punt again; only ten' yards. Drain returned it ten yards.

Again the university lost the bkll on a fumbUs. Nebraska's line began to tear the Iowa line all to pieces. At tjhis point Ryan and Montgomery went out, Wilson and Johnson taking their places. When Drake attempted to punt, the wind blew the ball back ten Drjike got it. On the next play a bad pass by the Drake center allowed tjhe ball to roll over their own goal.

Thiir full back fell on the ball, making a stjfety. Nebraska secured two more poinjts, making the score 8 to 0. After thrqe minutes more of play, the half ended oin Drake's thirty yard line, with Nebraska possession of the ball. Time ot seco hd half, twenty minutes. The Line I p.

Nebraska. Koehler CShe Drake. Vorhees ugln Wuri It fiVan Westover TMr Cortelyou KMc Herrin Ringer Li GPeel Li a Pillsbury. Brew (captain) TOra Ryan, EHai Kralri HBac Brew, Montgom ser Tj land (captain). i II It art.

ery II Rll (-randall Li Yoi Raymond USteii Umpire, MacDnnald; rt feree, Cornell. Doctors Deal a atal Dose. The Lincoln medical college defeated the Crete football teaih yesterday at rete. The "rete team time in twelve games grounds. The game i host for the flrrt on their homo as called at 3 o'clock.

The medics wpn tho toss and chose the south goal, The ball was kicked off to the medics' thirty-yard line and returned fifteen yards, where the medics quickly lined upland by two successive end runs carried the ball to Crete's twenty-yard line, but the ball was returned ten yards for fouling by the medics. The medics then tried to advance the hall by a series of line bucks and runs, but failing In this th ball went to Crete on downs. Crete then by fast end plays again invaded" the medics' territory and though they put up a vigorous quality of ball, the ball went to the medics again on downs and another end run and hard plunging through the line soon carried the ball over Crete's goal and the score stood 5 to 0 In favor of the medics. The remainder of the first half was played In the center of the field with the ball In Crete's possession: only once. Tn the second half the medics kicked off to Crete's wenty-fl vp-yard line and after two downs Crete on a quickly, well-played fake went around the medics' end for a twenty-yard run.

Here they were forced to punt and the ball went to the medics on their line. From here the ball was carried, by -fierce line bucks to Crete's three-yard line, the medics having possession of the hall all the time. The medics then Inst the bait on downs and time was called, ending the game without further play. The line-1 up: Medics. Masters.

Hen- Marsh ton fitlth-Gillman TBattenbcrry Ilenton-Ktlth fJDenman O- Speaiman Fuhrer Kwing OMurphy 1 Fasseberry Dogny Hlgbee Krendall BFarley Stewart Bonekemper rjray HPmith vf Latta HTIdball Subs: Sawyer, Coffin, Bates, Johnson and Srhuylman. Officials: Carr and Kicheherger; time-' keener. Overton and Cressman. The features of the game were: IJne bucks by Full -Back Stewart, three of which netted forty yards for the medics-line bucks by Half Back Dattfi for three' to 5 yard gains; end runs Half Back Gray for ten to twenty yar rr The mcd- lcT line was almost Impregnable and the large gains In line buckig were verv largely due to effective playing of the medics" guards and tackles and Center Spealman. Doane college men did the most affective work for Crete.

Wymore Repanlleans Celebrate From Moraine I'ntll Nlaht. WTMORE, Oct. 20. (Special.) The ovation tendered Senator Mark Hanna here this morning and followed up by an all day's rally was the greatest political demonstration ever held In Wymore. Every store in town was gaily decorated and business was suspended for an hour while Mr.

Hanna was here. Ex-Congressman Andrews was the principal speaker at a big meeting held in the opera house this afternoon, and by his forcible manner of presenting the Issues of the campaign he won many friends. The opera house was packed. John D. Pope, candidate for congress in this district, also spoke.

The big parade and fireworks demonstration had to be postponed tonight on account of rain. There were four excursion trains run into Wymore and the crowd was estimated at six thousand people. Tonight Tom Hargrave wagered $500 against 1,110 bushels of corn that JklcKinley would be elected. A farmer named Gay took the Bryan end. Sl'STAIM THEIR REPUTATION.

Voters of Dorchester Red Hot for Reynbllcanlam. DORCHESTER, Oct. 20. (Special.) Dorchester, the banner precinct of Saline county, had a rally tonight, a rally that sustained the town's reputation as the hotbed of republicanism and patriotism. Crete clubs to the number of one hundred came up and brought two bands.

The Friend rough rider club, fifty strong, came and a few hundred voters from the towns and country carried torches. The local marching club, sixty strong, made up the tail end of a procession eight blocks long. It was quite different from the last rally held by the fuslonlsts, when six voters and eleven boys in uniform paraded. Colonel Hutchlns addressed the meeting in the hall, while the marching clubs held all kinds of meetings on uwis, ireworKS in great nuan titles Were let rflP V. a i tut- namueau clubs.

The colonel is a forceful and nunueiu speaKer, wno can talk of the PhilinnlnpR from actual 1 jr: it The voters of Dorchester say send us mure Bpettners liKe mm. Judge Adams at Benkelman. EENKELM A Neb flct on eial.) Judge Adams of Minden made a opeeta nere toaay to a rair sized audience. He said that fourteen thousand soldiers were all i i rni in me Philippines and wondered of American Dviuieis uuiu not De as gooa as (Span-lards, and when a stable government was established less than fourteen thousand would be the size of Philippine militarism. Republicans are eiaiea wun nis speecn.

Fusion In Sarpy County. OMAHA, Oct. 20. (Special.) Fusion was effected in Sarpy county toaay. ine omana bosses went up and rorcea tne populist ana aemocratic can dldates for the legislature to withdraw and then Claus Grell was named by ootn parties.

A NOTED AUTHOR STRICKEN Charles Dudley "Warner Drops Dead at HARTFORD. Oct. 20. Charles Dud ley Warner of literary fame, one of the owners of the Hartford Courant, died suddenly this afternoon. Mr.

Warner had a severe attack of pneumonia two years ago while In New Orleans and had never fully recovered from it. Last spring, he had pneumonia again while at his home and this had weakened his heart. At noon today he attended a luncheon to bid farewell to some friends about to leave for the Mediterranean. Mr. Warner was cheer ful gave no indication of Illness.

After the luncheon Mr. Warner started on a Among his- acquaintances was a colored to whom Mr. War ner gave books to encourage his de sire to read. Mr. Warner probably in tended to call on this man, as he was in the neighborhood of his house when he was stricken.

Probably feeling ill he asked leave at a house to sit down. then to lie down, requesting to be called in ten minutes. When the woman of the house went to call him he was dead. News of his sudden death spread rapidly and was a great shock to his many friends. BAD DAY FOR EVIL DOERS Postal Offenders Sentenced at Qnincy, III.

SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Oct, 20. In the United States district court John M. former postmaster at Ridge-! way, pleaded guilty to embezzlement and was fined by the Judge $500 and costs. F.

P. Givln, postofflce clerk at Willisville, Perry county. pleaded guilty to forging money orders and waa sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. George Harrison, arrested at Quincy, and Charles Elliott, arrested at East St. Louis, for counterfeiting, pleaded guilty and were sentenced to three and two years, respectively, to the peni tentiary.

Harrison Is supposed to be a member of an organized gang and an alleged confederate was arrested at the time ot his arrest In Kansas City, M0. RURAL DELIVERY EXTENDED Service Established From Lincoln With One Carrier. WASHINGTON. D. C.

Oct. 20. (Soe- cial.) Rural free delivery has been or dered established at Lincoln, Lancas ter county, with one carrier, C. E. Wil son, who is to cover an area of thirty square miles, Berving a population of 825.

i Acting Assistant Surgeon Paul Lud- ington. now at Omaha, has been or- aerea to duty as transport surgeon on the transport Kilpatric k. and will proceed to New York for duty. Pearl L. Kaser has been appointed postmaster at Gosper, county, vice Henry Wendenter, resigned.

ine postomce at Harold, Holt coun ty, has been ordered discontinued arid the mail sent to Chamber. HOLLAND BUYS MUCH STEEL Ctrnffle Company Get. an Order for 12,000 Tons. PITTSBURG. Oct.

20 The ment of Holland, through General Alph erts, chief of the bureau of Technique in the administration of the colonies and C. W. Weys, engineer of the water works In the India Netherlands has placed an order with the Carnegie Leei company ror lz.wi tons of steel. Mr. Alpherts.

in sneaking of the order' said his government was beginning a new system of development in the Ih-dles and that its projects contemplated the expenditure of many millions of dollars, much of which, he thought, would come to the United States. What's a coat -shirt. Set one from uson St FacaL Best Dining Car Service. Only DejnK In Chicago on the Elevated Loop. will probabfy adhere to the principles contained in this agreement, as It is directly in the line of our aspiration If Russia can be brought to accept Its terms as binding upon itself, there can be no doubt, according to the official view here, that a substantial move ment will have been accomplished toward a final settlement of the Chinese trouble.

MANY MISSIONARIES MURDERED Details of Wholesale SUnchten la September. WASHINGTON. Oct. 20. The state department has received a dispatch from, the consul at Foo, under date of September 9, transmitting an account, based on apparently trust worthy Information from a Chinese source, of the massacre of missionaries in Shansi.

According to the account on June 28, some .300 boxers broke Into the compound at Hsiao Tl Hsien where Misses Whltechurch and Zlrrell of the Chinese inland mission, were living alone, and brutally murdered both women. The next massacre occurred at the mission station of independent workers at Cheo Yang, where there were at the time Mr. and Mrs. T. W.

Piggott and son, Mr. Miss Duvall and two daughters of Rev. E. R. Water, of Ten, Chou Fu.

These persons were driven from their homes into the mountains and later arrested and tak en to Tal Yuen and presumably killed. By June 29 most of the foreign houses at Tal Yuen had been burned and Miss Coombs killed. On July 9 thS following persons, with about forty native Christians, were killed by order of the governor: Mr. Stokes and wife, Mr. Brlrton and wife and three child ren, Mr.

Farthing, wife and three children, M. Lovett, wife and one child, Mr. Whitehouse and wife, Mr. Simpson and wife. Dr.

Miller Wilson and wife. The following day ten Roman Cath olic priests (French) were killed. M. and Mrs. Dixon, Mr.

and Mrs. Mccurran, and a single man and worn an (names unknown,) who were sta-ttoned at the English Baptist mission at Hsjn Chou, are ssld to have escaped on norseDacic to tne mountains. The mission of the American board at Tai Ku was attacked July 31, and Mr. F. W.

Davis a TV WMHamo H. D. Clapp and wife, and Misses Rowena Bird, and Susan Partridge were killed. One i hundred native Christians were killed at the same time. Mr.

and Mrs. Atwater anr two child ren, Mr. and Mrs. Price and son of the American board of missions at Fen Chou Fu and Mr. and Mrs.

Langren ana jkibs Glared or the Swedish mission at Fen Chou Fu, were sent toward the coast by the authorities on August 15. When a short distance from Fen Chou Fu they were killed by soldiers. It is also reported that three Swed ish missionaries at Yung-Ning Chou were sent away and have not been heard from since, and that five women at Chieh Hstu Hsien made an effort to escape. Miss French and Miss Palmer are reported to have fled to Hung Tung Hsien. On August 25 there were twenty foreigners safe in Chonsr Tine among whom were Mr.

Griffith, wife mm iimu, xjt. crown-, n. Bishop, three priests and five nuns, five railway men, three Italians, one Belgian and one FRENCH FIRST IN FIELD. Ontvrlt Germans and British In Capture of Pao Tina- Fa. TIEN TSIN Oct 19 v- Oct.

20. Advices rcflvoit -ao ling fu say the allies found the city had been occnoleHi an -J tuuu- pendent French column on the 15th. The French claim their force was really me aavance guara or the allies. But tne Germans and British r-a uiuvu chagrined at the nrematnro cllmov the expedition. Chinese runners assert tnat, mere nas been much wanton destruction of villages on the way to Pao jing ru Dy tne Germans and.

French. It is understood that a large German garrison will be established at Pao Tin gFu which, will probably prevent 1 1 in ujuoru urairuciion or the city PEKIN, Friday, Oct. 19. Via Shanghai, October 20. Field Marshal Count von waldersee said this morning that he resrarded the rimnnlrn xinuH and expected to be recalled soon.

The ministers of the powers are not ready to meet Prince Ching and Li Hung Chang Saturday, so the meeting will pronaoiy De aajourned. The Fourteenth United States Infantry leaves nere aunaay. TRIAL WILLBEA LONG ONE Many Witnesses to Testify in the Ferrell Case. MARYSVTLLE, Oct. 30.

During the trial today of Ross. Ferrell on the charge of murdering Express Messenger Lane. Mrs. Lane, widow of the dead messenger, was in the court room for the first time as a spectator. She had with her her little 18-months-old boy, who plt-eously called for i The first witness was Thomas Mullen a guard, who.

testified regarding Ferrers alleged confession. C. D. K'nney, an express messenger. Identified the package sent by Ferrell from Plain City The trial will probably continue until the middle of next week.

A mistrial is possible In the Ferrell murder case. Juror James Shirk has a well defined case of measels and two other Jurors are threatened with the disease. Jesse Williams, another Juror, has typhoid fever, and, according to the attending physician Is likely to be confined to his bed for some time. The state rested its case today, reserving the right to recall on Monday and to off erexhibits. The defense insisted that the state be required to positively close and during argument court adjourned until Monday.

YOUTSEY DECLARED GUILTY Kentucky Snippet Given Life Sentence In tne Penitentiary. GEORGETOWN. Oct 30 The jury In the case of Henry Youtsey, on trial cn the charge of being a principal in the Goebel assassination, returned a verdict of guilty this morning and fixed the penalty at life imprisonment. It was learned from cne of the jurymen that no ballot was taken lat niicht. This morning the vots was unanimous that Youtsey was guilty, then the decree of punishment was fixed.

Attorneys for the defense are preparing a motion for an arrest of Judgment, which, if sustained, -vill postpom; the sentence of Youtsey till the next term of court, in-February. Xt-J likely a jurv will be impaneled as soon as j.ra otcable to Inquire into Youtsey' sanity. HISS EMMA HEEZIGER, I Neenah, Wis. found three bottles of Peruna -as good as a three weeks vacation. Miss Emma Herziger writes from Neenah, the following praise for Peruna.

She says: take great pleasure la acknowledging the curative effects of Peruna. Last year my system was completely run down and our family physician suggested that I take a trip to recuperate. "My sister-in-law then asked me to try Peruna, first telling me bow It had helped her. I did so, and found three bottles as good as a three weeks' vacation. I shall always speak well ot It la the future.

Emma Herziger. NEBRASKA STRONG LINE UNSCATHED BY 1'HB BIU ME OF DRAKE l.MVERSITV. Nebraska Wins In a Hotly Contest ed Game Score to Medics Win. Once again the red lantern was seen on the tower of university hall last night. Booth's men were too strong for the Christians.

The score was 8 to 0 ift favor'of Nebraska. True, the score was much smaller than that of last Saturday, but yet it was large enough to prove that the Nebraskans were the stronger. i For a while, in the first half, It looked as though Drake had a chance to win. The terrific charges of the Iowa back field seemed to stagger Nebraska's strong line. Time after time they made the required distance in three downs.

Most of the play in the first half was in Nebraska's territory. i If the Iowa captain had used better judgment when he had the strong south wind at his back his team would Undoubtedly have scored in the first half. Instead of resorting to a kicking game, he kept sending his backs into the line and around the ends. His team made good consistent gains, but the pluck and doggedness of the state team kept their goal line safe. Both teams did poor work in handling punts.

Hardly a punt was handled cleanly. This was true In part to the heavy wind blowing down the field. It made the ball difficult to gauge and hard to see. The team work of Drake was superior to that of Nebraska. They worked together better on defense, and had better Interference than the local team.

The uniersity won by the Individual work of its men, and the i "football spirit" shown by the different members of the team. They did not lose heart when they were losing ground, but played all the harder. Coach Booth felt better over this disposition shown by the men than any other feature of the team's play. Fast play and fine team work will come gradually, and when it does come the team will not lose it. Nebraska will not decline in play, as she did In 188, but will finish strongest at the end of the season.

Drake had the better of It In the decisions of the officials, and she. had better luck. In the second half Captain Bacon fouled Crandall by Jumping on him after he was down, so he was put out of the game. This might have weakened Drake, had It occurred earlier in the game, but she had already lost all chance of winning the game. First Half.

Drake won the toss, and took the south goal, with the wind at her back. Raymond kicked off for thirty yards, Drake fumbled the ball, a Nebraska man fell on the ball. Brew carried the ball for three yards around left end. Crandall follows with two more around the other end. Here Drake was given ten yards for an off-side play.

On the next play Brew fumbled the ball, a Drake man falling on it. On the first play Bliss carried the ball around left end for thirty yards. A fumble by Drake gave the ball to the who lost It soon again on downs. Drake pushed It down the field fifteen yards, when Brew broke through and downed Bliss in his tracks. Here Stewart punted for twenty yards.

Drain fell on the ball. Time was called on account of an Injury to a Drake man. Nebraska changed the Hne-up of her team at this point. Pillsbury went out of the game. Brew took his place at tackle, while Montgomery went to right half.

On the next play Crandall made a pretty run of fifteen yards aiound right end before he was lowered. Again the university failed to make five yards, and the bail went to Drake. Again the Iowans pushed the ball down the field steadily for nearly forty yards before Nebraska forced them to punt. Stewart punted again for thirty yards. Drain fumbled the ball; a Drake man fell on it.

On the next play Koehler broke through and stopped the play before it got started. This forced Drake to punt again. Raymond fell on the ball on Nebraska's five yard line. On the first down Raymond punted for fifteen yards. Nebraska was given the ball on her ten yard line for an off-side play.

After a small gain, Ray mond punted twenty-five yards against the strong wind, which was blowing in his face. Drake made five yards around right end. Again they tried right end, but Montgomery threw Young back for a loss of nine yards. Stewart punted this time for thirty yards. Drain returned the ball ten yards, but dropped it when "Drake's end tackled him.

A Drake man secured the ball. Here Drake tried the close formation back of tackle which netted thirty yards. An off-side play by Nebraska gave Drake ten yards more. On the next play Koehler broke through and downed the Drake half for a loss of six yards. Again Bacon gave the signal for the close formation but th Nebraska, tackles watch MISS CAROLINE WTTMN, Chicago, ILL, "Peruna is of special merit in the dis-eases peculiar to women." i Miss Caroline Blue Island venue, Chicago, 111., writes: "Health Is Heaven's choicest gift to humanity, and yet but few are In perfect' health, feature's laws are not understood and doctors do not administer the proper medicine to thes cases.

is therefore a pleasure to find a remedy that will do all It claims. Peruna Is, in my opinion, the finest remedy for affections of the kidneys and fth(lr' nrtrjmrta nf fr nrwnn s- and their special diseases It la of special merit. Caroline WlnnJn. WILL SOON BE SOLD. Season Tickets for the Auditorium Course.

I The sale of season tickets for Ttan Journal course of "ten for one" entertainments has progressed to sucill a point that it is now time to warn the people of Lincoln, that unless they buy their tickets this week they may not be able to take advantage of the opportunity to attend the course at the reduced price. The number of season tickets Is limited. After all are sold will be through the purchase of single admissions at the door, and these will cost many times the price when the course', tickets are purchased la advance. The first lecture will be delivered on the evening of October 30 by the Rev. Thomas Dixon, the famous New York, platform orator, who made so profound an impression here last season.

Mr. Dixon writes that he will ba pleased to speak to the people of Lincoln on "Fools; or the School of Experience." i After Dr. Dixon's lecture will coma the election night entertainment, when the people will be entertained by tho receipt of election returns and a eon-cert by the Hagenow band. The cost of single admissions on thli evening will be 25 cents. 0 On the evening of November 17, tha Boston Ladles' Symphony orchestra, will play, and one week later Mrs.

Katharine Fisk, the famous contralto, will give a song recital. This will be less than half of the course, but these four entertainments alone will be worth twice as much as is charged for the ten. The sale of season tickets will be continued thia week at The Journal oj flee, it is expected that all will sold before the close of the week and prospective buyers are warned to coma as early in the week as they can. WOOLLEY AT PHILADELPHIA, Prohibition Candidate Received With Knthnslasm. PHILADELPHIA.

Oct. Woollcy, prohibition candidate for president, spoke to an audience of 3.000 persons at the Academy of Music here tonight. The reception accorded Candidate Woolley was probably the most enthusiastic he has encountered since his special train left Chicago on September 19. The entire audience rose to Its feet when the, presidential, nominee was Introduced and it was five minutes before the cheering subsided. He made a thirty mlnuta speech, which seemed to express tho sentiments of his audience, giving much, advice to the Individual voter.

A side trip was made Info New Jersey. At Ml 11-vllle-Mr. Woolley spoke to over 1. 000 persons in front of tho W. O.

T. IT. templs. He will speak at Hartford, Monday night. i WILLIAMS I MINNESOTA.

ST. CLOITD, Oct. 20. A larire audience packed the opera house tonlg-ht to listen to the address delivered by George Fred WilUnms of Massachusetts. J.

D. Sullivan acted as chairman of thu meeting and after speeches by local orators introduced M. Williams, who held the attention of the audience until a late hour. KHI GER'S SHIP SAILS AWAY. LOURENZO, MARQUEZ, 20.

The Dutch cruiser Gelderland, with President Kruger on board, sailed at noon. It will call at Dar-ea-Salaam, Tangu, Jlbutil and Marseilles. DONT KNOW HOW. To Select Food to Rebatld On. "To find that a lack of knowledge of how to properly feed one's self caused me to serve ten long years as a miserable dyspeptic, is rather humiliating.

I was a sufferer for that length of time and had become a shadow of my natural self. I was taking medicine all the i time and dieting the best I knew how. "One day I heard of Grape-Nuts foodj. in which the starch was predi-gested by natural processes and that the food rebuilt the brain and nervo centers. I knew that If my nervous system could be made strong and perfect, I could digest fqod all right, so I started In on Grape-Nuts, with very little confidence, for I had been dis "heartened for a long time.

"To my surprise and delight, I found I was improving after living on Grape-Nuts a little while, and in three months I had gained twelve pounds and waa feeling like a new person. For the past two years I have not had the slightest symptom of Indigestion, and am now perfectly well. "I made a discovery that will be of importance to many, mothers. When my Infant was two months old, I began to give It softened Grape-Nuts. Baby was being fed cn the bottle and not doing well, but after starting oti Grape-Nuts food and the water poured over if, the child began to Improve rapidly, is now a year old and very fat and healthy and has never been sic k.

Is unusually bright has been saying words ever since it was six months I know from, experience there is something in Grape-Nuts that brightens up any one, infant or adult both physically and mentally, FANNIE B. RALSTON. (Showing her wonderful improvement.) clear my skin, my face was In -a horrible condition li'terally covered with: red spots, pimples, blackheads, mot'a patches and freckles. And whenever the weather Changed ecsema. chap and salt rheum added to my misery.

I suffered a thousand deaths, and when I sent for a trial of Mme. Rlbault's beautiners just as I had done before time and again, with other advertised remedies. I did not expect any results. Imagine my surprise I when the next day all redness ana soreness were gone. At the end of a week my skin be-ran to clear, the freckles and moth patches disappeared and the eczema and salt rheum were completely cored.

I Improved so wonderfully that my friends did not recognlie me so quickly had the change taken place. My skin is now perfectly lovely and there Is not a blemish or wrinkle anywhere. "I hope all ladies will at least try these marvelous beautiners." I Do not delay but write Immediately. Thestreatment Is harmless, a natural beauty maker and will permanently remove all tan. freckles, moth patches.

blackheads, flesh worms, sun-urh. chaps, roughness and any snd all skin-lmperfections no matter what they may be. Write today without fail and the, free treatment will be mailed prepaid with full directions and all particulars absolutely freo. Address. MME.

RXBAULT. T2t Xlsa Bld. Cincinnati, j-..

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