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New York Herald from New York, New York • 26

New York Heraldi
New York, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'ENOCH ARM LAW RAISES HOPES Bich and Poor Ask for C'o-j pies of State's Nev Divorce Law. ONE EDITION IS GONE Flood qf Letters Received byj Secretary of State. Many Asking Advice. STRANGE CASES RELATEDj Measure Draws Inquiries From All Parts of Soon to Start. Sprrtaf Duipatrh to Tub New Yoik Hub ALB.

The number of letters written to the office of Secretary of State Lyons hy seeking to end their matrimonial status under the new Enoch Arden law. has jumped to 1.457. All have been received since March 23, when Gov. Miller signed the Swift bill which makes Ave years' absence a second ground for divorce in this State. Written upon all sorts of stationery, from the monogram med and often fc-ented sort to the cheap pad variety, the h.Vve all but swamped the Department.

Many have come from law firms, not only in the larger cities, but also from hamlets, indicating that there will be many suits for divorce within the next few weeks. ,1 been exhausted, and judging from the present demand the new divorce law In chapter form rank as one of the "six best sellers of the New York Herald Burma. I April 10. to Be Ont. Realizing that many requests have come from persons whose matrimonial troubles have been fraught with much unhapplness and that publicity is the last thing to be desired.

Secretary Lyons has made a rule that under no conditions are the letters or tho entity of the writers to be revealed. While some of the letters merely seek a copy of the law, a great rn vry cover a page or more, the writers apparently thinking the Secretary of State may be able to offer some legal advice. Some writers pour out their troubles, pags rtor nace One woman in asking for i copy ot the law said that while her husb.ind had been gone riTof him snd'thaTall she now wantfed of tO thousands of helpless women "ho otherwise would remain han 1 foot was another woman. a Yorker, who Informed Mr. Uonl tliat her husband, a professional balloonist.

making th. round, from him sinceme. for copies of tlbe )fl nlorg inclined forgetting to leave any forwarding address, than are the Probably five of every six leite.s so fa. rsiceved are from women. Some Arise.

Mr Lyons has received a letter from well known artist New York and ha, bet 11 leading an Isolated existence for iom? Urn! In the C.tskill Mountains He also asked foe a copy Of the fcwir. UWhile the law is generally known as the Swift divorce law. one.woman ap parentlv took It for granted that word 'Swiff indicated speed rather than the introducer of the bill, forin her letter she asked for the quick the law already In effect, some puzzling situations have arisen. stated that he formerly rj- in New York State, but had marriedla Canadian and had been living In for the last seven or elghtjears. although still claimln; New York htau nJ) his home.

About five years ago his wife left and since thin has never been heard from. The husband, still living Canada, is anxious to know If "nder he present law he can obtain a dlxorce. Matrimonial agencle3 in the middle West, and even fir the Interested in the bill, for several written for copier. SPIRIT OF PALLADINO CALLED UP FOR DOYLE English Lecturer Goes to Philadelphia To-day. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle went to Philadelphia to lecture last night at the Academy of Music.

He Is to return to New York to-day or to-morrow. Dr Mereward Carrington. secretary of the American Psychical Institute, at 40 West Klfty-seventh street, said Sir Arthur attended a seance by an Italian meolum named Nino Becoraro a few dsvs ngo at the chambers of the institute, but he refused to discuss the details of what was said to be a materialisation of Busapla Palladlno. "The medium was a young Italian, he said, "and It was his first seance for us. He was tied with wire, but wire Is easily untied.

The seance was not of such a nature that I am prepared to guarantee that the materialization was genuine." According to the reports the medium simply announced the presence of Mme I'ullsdlno, and no messages ssme from the once famous medium. RED WING'S BRIDE LOSES. Complaint Aitalnat India" hlef Thrown Ont of ourl. Chief Red Wing yesterday answered the summons obtained lan week hy his White bride. Marlon Stehllk.

who wnnted Ititn punished for abusing her during the month that they lived together at .7 Vest Seventy-first street after theli on March 1 last. Magistrate fiber wager, after a hearing In Market court, threw out the case and suggested that Mrs. Red Wlrtg t.eke Her complaint to the Court of Domestic Relations. FATE GUIDES MILLIONAIRE, AGED 70, TO BRIDE IN SHOP Marshall Burns Lloyd, Baby Carriage Maker, Diverted From French Lick to Florida, and There Found Romance With Widow, 55. Marshall Burns Lloyd, who Is about TO years old and has made several million dollars manufacturing baby carriages out In Menominee.

was married yesterday at the Brick Presbyterian chutvh In Fifth avenue to Mrs. Tourlette Pollen. who is about 05 years old nnd lived at 3)9 Taylor street. Oranee. X.

J. They went to the Robert Treat Hotel, Newark, Hfter the ceremony, and there Mr. Lloyd told about his life, how he made his fortune, and how his romance with Mrs. Pollen began. Fate, he explained.

was responsible. "Maybe they all say that." said Mr. Lloyd. "Anyhow, permit me to yuote these three lines from Ella Wheeler Wilcox There no chance, no destiny, no fate. Can circumvent or hlmler or control The firm resolve of a determine! soul.

baby carriages, but they are Just to my case as they are to baby carriages t'sually 1 have gone to French Lick, for my heaiih. hut this year I went to Florida. If 1 hadn't I never would have met the 1 woman who Is now my bride. 1 met iier in a novelty store In Florida. She waited on me and her manner was so I courteous that we became friends.

went to Orange anil asked her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Veals Hammer, if 1 could marry her. and they said they guessed It would all right. We win go to California In a day or two and then we will go back to Menominee, to live." Mr.

Lloyd said he as at one time mall carrier with a dog train between Port Arthur and Pigeon River in Cana- da. He got his start as a waiter, he naifl. and then bought and sold land until he got some money ahead. He Invented a process of making wicker by machinery, and through that he went used those lines in advertising into the baby carriage business. BROKER CONVICTED OF FLEECING CLIENT Horsfall Sold for $4,000 Stock Given to Him to Hold as Col lateral.

William Horsfall of Cnappaqua. Westchester county, former stock broker at 52 Church street, was convicted of grand larceny In the first degree yesterday before Justice Brown in the Supreme Court. He is alleged to have' stolen from Paul Wechsler of 71 Prospect avenue. Flushing, who deposited that sum with the broker ns collateral. Horsfall was arrested In March, 1921.

Wechsler, who is a retail cigar dealer, charged he had given the broker the $4,000 in 475 shares of Willcox Gas and Oil stock as collateral" for the purchase of 2.000 shares of Home Oil stock. Whert Wechsler demanded the purchase he had ordered as well as the colloteral stock, he said the broker failed to furnish the certificates. Hugo Wintner. Assistant District Attorney, prosecuting, brought out that Horsefall had told the customer he had purchased the stock and was holding It for safe keeping. He showed the defendant had paid Wechsler two semiannual dividends to allay his about the existence of the stock.

The defendant, represented by Franci3 P. Burns, as counsel, alleged the transaction was a marginal and that Wechsler had been wiped out througi failure to cover losses. He asserted the case should have been brought before the civil rather than the criminal Mr. Wintner showed that within two or three days after the delivery of tho collateral to the defendant he had sold It for approximately but that the registry books of the Homn Oil Company of Tulsa, showed no sale of their stock to either of the two principals. Horsfall will be sentenced Saturday.

WOMEN FLEE F1RE BY ROPES AND LADDERS 300 Workers Caught on Upper Floors of Loft. Three hundred women and girls employed on upper floors of a friir atory building occupied by Tappe, in millinery and gowns. In West Fifty-seventh street, left by ladders, ropes and roof scuttles yesterday after a fire had started In the cellar. The fire did not spread, but the building was filled with smoke, closing stairs and hallways. Women on the second and third floors fashioned ropes from bed sheeting and swung to a yard in the rear of the building.

The structure Is not equipped with fire escapes. Others went to the roof and across roofs of other buildings, and a few were taken down fire ladders. bottle Lewis. 22. of East 122d street, was overcome trying t3 make her way from one of the upper floors and was rescued by a fireman.

Two other girls suffered bruises In down improvised ropes. CHI'RCHKS BACK DRV LAW. solutions were adopted at last night's closing session of a two days conference of the middle Atlantic Congregational churches at Plalnfleld. urging all churches to work for a strict ot rvance of the Eighteenth Amendment. The Rev.

W. A. Morgan of Washington. D. was elected moderator: Charles H.

Baker of Montcla'r, X. vice-moderator; James H. Xoyes of Kast Orange, treasurer, and the Rev. Charles Carroll of Phila Iphla. secretary.

RAND SCHOOLTESTS LUSK LAW TO-DAY Hillquit Says Provisions Also Cover Singing, Swimming and Brick Laying. The of the Rand School of Social Science to continue its classes of tion in Socialism without a license from the University of the State of New York Is to be tested in the Appellate Division to-day. The issue involved between the State and the American Socialist Society Is the constitutionality of the Lusk school license law. The law, which is the outcome of the Lusk legislative committee's investigation ofv Bolshevism, requires that any corporation, association or society operating a adhool shall first obtain a license from the University of the State of New York. It further provides that no license shall be granted for the conduct of any such school by the State regents where It appears that the Instruction proposed to be given includes teaching of the doctrine that organized governments shall be overthrown by force, violence or unlawful means.

Conduct or audi a school without a license is mad-e a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of J100 or imprisonment for sixty days. Algernon Lee, educational director of the Kand School in West Fifteenth street, agreed with Morris Hillquit. counsel to the American Socialist Society, that the only way to test the validity of the law was to refuse to apply for a license. Mr. Lee announced ready to be made a martyr if necessary, and the school accordingly opened last September without the license of the State Board of Regents.

In his brief on the case, which is to be argued to-day In the Appellate Division of the First Department. Mr. Hillquit contends that the entire law is unconstitutional and should be stricken from the statute books. Mr. Hillquit says the scope of the statute is too broad that under its provisions no instruction could be given in painting, singing, dancing, skating, swimm'ng or sewing, laying brick, setting type, or in any other handicraft unless those offering such instruction should flrst obtain a license from the Unlversltv of the State of New York.

The argument is also made that the law contravenes Article Section 8. of the Constitution of the State of NewYork and the Fourteenth Amendment of th'e Constitution of the United States by depriving persons of liberty and property without process of law. and Article Section of the State Constitution. which provides that every citizen may freely speak, write and publish Irs I sentiments on all subjects, belns responsible for the abuse of that right, and I that no law be passed to restrain or I abridge the liberty of speech or of the press. SENATOR MEYER FACES FIGHT IN PRIMARIES Assemblyman Steinberg Considers Entering Campaign.

Assemblyman Joseph Steinberg Is considering becoming a contender for the Senate nomination jn the Seventeenth district against 8enator Schuyler M. Meyer, chairman of the Meyer legislative investigating committee. The latter 1 raid yesterday he would be a candidate for renominatlon and welcomed a primary fight. 8 lator Meyer was the one member i of the upper house from New York city i to vote for the Miller transit bill. He has fol'owed the Governor In everything I cxcept the proh'bitlon enforcement and the moving picture censorship.

To-day's Radio Program Tune to 360 Station WJZ, Xrnarli. (Westlnghouwe) Musical program every hour from 11 A. M. to 6 P. M.

on the hour. Waathar forecast 11 A. 12 6 10.01 P. M. Shipping news, 2.05 P.

M. Official Arlington time, 9.52 M. Agricultural reports dally, 12 M. and r. M.

Program changes announced by radio telephone. 7 00 P. Habblt Stories." by David Corey, N'ew York KvftUiif Mail. i P. by B.

and I Warranty. 7.45 P. Pally Marketing." by May B. Van Arsdale. associate pro- fessor household arts.

Teachers Col- lege, Columbia I'lilverslty. 8.00 to 10.16 P. by the West Orange Community Orcheatra. W. O.

Axworthy director: several radio parties are being organized to listen In on this concert. Program: "National Kmlilem," Badgely; overture, Oruenwald; selection, "Dolnty Daffodils," Ml'es; waits. "Aloho bake; "I.a Cxarlne." Oanne; march. "Roul Trum- peters," Self zer, by the orchestra; soprano solos by Mrs. Hi H.

Axworthy: "To-morrow Comes the Hong" (Ambrose). "An Old Garden" 1 (Temple). "Joan" (Burleigh), and "Oh for a Day In Spr'ng" fAndrews); meiimba phone solos selected, by the Misses Alice and Mildred Maull: "Kalry Moonlight" and "The Cobbler and the Kvrnlng's Silver Star" and "The Bullfrog on the Bsnk," by the male quartet; cello solo. "Serenade" iWldor) by W. O.

Axworthy; soprano solos, selected, by Miss Mllle Guernsey; a few remarks by the Hav. Oeorge Suyre Miller, pastor Washington Street Baptist Church, ('Mange, S. J. i Station WOT, Schenectady. i (If, mra I KJectrlct Program provided through the courtly of Hudson.

N. Y. T.4S P. Ostrnw." piano solo. Karl Hermanco; "It's Only Tiny Garden," tenor Harry Bannister; Llebestraume nocturne No.

3, l.l.tit. violin solo. Guldo Bella; "Barbara Frletchle," barytone Rolo, Fred Hermance; "Morning." soprano solo. Miss Helen Ber-Ier; page's song from "Le? Huguenots." piano solo. Mr.

Hermance; "Thank Hod for a Harden," tenor solo. Mr. Bannister; "Melody," violin solo, Guldo C. Bella; "Daddy." barytone solo, Mr. Hermance; "fare Helve from the opera soprano solo.

Miss Beeler. Station KDKA, PI 11 situ rich. fWestlnghouse) P. Citizenship Through Organized Play and Recreation," hy Sidney A. Taller, resident director Irene Kaufniann Settlement.

Pittsburgh, Pa. From Pittsburgh Post Studio. P.00 P. Shady Side Academy Country Xew Kducatlonnl Development In Pittsburgh." Frorn Pittsburgh Studio. SO P.

novel entertainment by the Maresco quartet assisted by Bessie tValTi, reader. Station Sprlimfteld. (TVestlnehoure) 1 prano; Hubert Blackburn, piano. 8.30 P. Park Orchestra.

Station WVP, Fort Wonri. J(. Y. t'nrps, P. S.

A. (Tune to MM meters) to0 P. In electricity. 4 no P. Idalla Hare, colorature aoplano; Joseph Ward.

violinist; James Caakey, pianist (courtesy of Knabe company). GAS VALVES FIRE CHIEF BERATED; Angry Landlords Threaten I Kenlon for Referring: to High Rentals. ORDINANCE NOT SIGNED Mayor Suggests Utility Coin1 panies Might Pay for Auto- matte Shut-Offs. As a climax to one of the most ills- 1 orderly hearings ever held In the Board of Estimate Chamber, during which ugly epithets were hurled at Eire Chief Kenlon, Mayor Hylan announced yester- day afternoon that he would disapprove i the ordinance providing that every building' the city, with the exception of one and two family houses, must be equipped with an automatic gas shut- oft valve. Some of the small property owners, who composed the larger part of a crowd of several hundred protestants.

sang the praises of the Mayor in a loud voice as they streamed out of the room after a three hour hearing. La.ter the Mayor made public this memorandum servt to the Board of Aldermen "The principle set forth in this ordinance is good. Everything should be done to save human life. I am disapproving this ordinance so that the matter may again be taken up by the Board of Aldermen, who should give further study and consideration to so important a matter to the people of the city and give consideration to placing the install- I ing of such a device on the gas com- i panies." The trouble started when Chief Ken- Ion faced the landlords to plead for the shut-off to save the lives of his men. I Referring to the protest of a previous speaker that the device would cost I from $130 to and would mean an 1 outlay of fiS.000,000 by the taxpayers, the Chief said he knew of landlords getting as high as $30 a room.

In a minute there was a roar of anger. The landlords 'surged toward the railing back of which the Chief was speafcHng. shaking their fists and hurling all sor'c of insults. "Liar!" "Crook!" "Throw mout!" "Kick the bum down a 1 few of the mildest of the statements. When the Mayor had restored order for a moment Chief Kenlon said the' landlords were thinking of dollars rather than lives.

Firemen were willing to die like men, but they did not want to perish like rats. He would not sond I them to death in a gas filled building, The effects were not always immediate. In the last seven years 130 of his men had died of tuberculosis because of gas poisoning. The Chief denied the cost would be t45.000.000 and asserted the reduction in Insurance would make good the stallation cost within a few years. Among the opponents of the ordinance 1 re Stewart Browne of the United Keal Estate Owners Association.

Dr. H. Berg of the Greater New York Taxpayers Association, and Charles T. Haubert, former Alderman. WHITE WAY IN FIGHT TO KEEP ITS LIGHTS Purdy Heart of New York Association.

Four months ago when Lawson Purdy, I father of the city zoning law, predicted that the step to improve New 'York would be the extinction of the twinkling lights on Broadway his suggestion wa? received with shouts of ini credulity. But now the Heart of New York Business Men's has thought it over and decided to take tlon. Already the Board of Aldermen has doused the glimmering lights on Thirtyfourth street, and now Mr. Purdy and friends want to scrap all the electric signs between Thirty-fourth and Fiftyninth streets. The Heart of New York Men got together at Keen's Chop House yeeterday and told Mr.

Purdy and the world that it will be done only over their dead bodies. A committee was named to take the matter up and report at the next meeting of the association. The members ere L. M. Boomer, Augustus Nullo.

Monroe Douglas Robinson, William R. Edrlngton. Paul Henkel, David Belasco, J. C. Yorke.

I. Flugelman. Etll Carroll. L. A.

May, A. Lorber. 8. G. Uumperts, Macklyn Arbuckle, Ralph J.

P. Muiler and Frederick Goldsmith. resume HEARINGS TO-MORROW Gompers to Be First Housing Committee Witness. i sn executive of the Lock- wood housing committee at the office of i 8a iuel t'ntermyfr yesterday It wss deI elded to resume the committee hearings to-morrow. Samuel Gompers.

president of the American Federation of Labor, will take the stand when the committee meets in City Hall at noon. Mr. Gompers accepted the committee's inv1taiion to come from Washington to give his opinions regarding suggestions for the regulation of labor unions. Among those at Mr. Untermyer's office yesterday was Assemblyman Thomas A.

McWhinney of Nassau, whom Mr. charged with come of the renponslb'lity for the defeat of part of the committer's legislative program. Mr. McWhinney some days ago announced that he would demand a public apology from Mr. Untermyer when the committee resumes Its hearings.

Asked at the close of the meetInn if harmony had restored Mr. McWhinney replied: "Vou'll learn Friday whether it has or not." "There Is entire harmony: no Acrimony of any kind." was Mr. Untermyer's 1 comment. WON CAR IN CRAPS GAME. Prisoner Ho hut Police Theft.

James Malfatto, 20, of 520 Thirteenth stre-t. College Po'nt, L. arrested yesterday for the alleged titeft of an automobile belonging to Gerken of D00 Kings Highway. Brooklyn, told the police he had won the car In a craps game. Tin automobile was taken from In f'-ont of 1 West Sixty-sixth atreet, Manhattan.

February I. Malfatto was arrested when Gerken saw lilm drlvlnx; the automobile. He was at liberty undei J5.000 ball, awaiting trisl for the aliened theft of touring i aT long'ng to Elizabeth Boyteaux oi 320 Park avenue. WIK TRIP. Seven New Jersey won trips to the Pan-American Conference of Women In Baltimore thl- week and next ir.

a competition on the subject of gov mmental and political Information. They are Mrs. Victor Parsonnet, Newark; Mrs. J. H.

Urhlg. Beverly; Mrs. H. Hoxle, Jamesburg; Mrs. Albert F.

Halllman, Plainfleld; Mrs R. M. Wlers, to. itcJafr; Mrs C. A.

Warren. Jersey City, and Mrs. Francis Hamilton, FUR STORAGE AO BROADWAY on tlie at Street Absolute protection i Store Hours: 9 to 5:30 rcrmerly .1, Stewart 318 of America's Finest Trunks Today A Divided Nation Can no more stand than a divided family. Do you remember your old school teacher told you of the father who had four grown sons who were all the time quarreling with each other? He threw down before them a bundle of rods bound together and bade them break it, which they tried to do without success. Then he had the cords taken oft and they picked up piece by piece and easily broke them all.

"So now, you see," the father said to his boys, "as long as you are united nobody can overcome you." Together this Store pulls. April 20, 1922. Radiophone Program 1 W.W.Z. Wavelength 360 metres A musical program will be broadcasted today at 1.40, 2.40 and 3.40 p. m.

And at 4.4'J VOGUE'S Paris cable of Fashions, by courtesy of the Nast Publications. AU QUATRIEME'S Magic Touch In Your Dressing Room If A Quatrieme should wave its magic wand over your dressing-room or bath-room, one of the things that would immedistelv appear there would be an adorable pet of glass bottles, soap dish, powder jar and sponge bowl. These are exquisite in Venetian glass, painted in bright rose with dashes of black or in bright Venetian blue with a powdering of gold. Six bottles of different sizes, a glass and a soap dish, $60 the set. Or if you like the French sets there is a lovely with tiny st' iced and rose-cluster design, or another in a design that recalls the tricolor of France.

The first has bottles, sponge soap dish, brush tray, powder box and glass. $125. The second has four bottles, soap dish, powder jar and glass. $90. Set? for Men are of exquisitely engraved French glass with three very large bottles, $8, $10 and $12 each, and soap dish and glass, $6 each.

Fourth Floor, Old Building French Peasant Chairs for Summer Cottages Made after a Normandy modpl of the time of Louis XV. Of natural finished wood, their graceful backs and aprons are ornamented with carved and sprays. But their most engaging feature ia their genuine rush seats, springy and comfortable, with that rustic air that adds to their charm for summer use in the mountain bungalow or the sea-shore cottage. $25 each. Fourth Ctllcrjr, New Building Crossbarred Homespuns in Suits For Miss lh to 20 Sky blue ground with cross-bars of beige and beige ground cross-barred with rust tones and violet.

The excellent lines of the model and the 'beautiful tailoring emphasize the chic of the material. Model $65. Cross-barred homespuns? less in in suits at $39.50. Suits of homespuns in stunning plain colors, $89.50. Coats and Capes, too Homespuns and tweeds? plain and cross-barred at $39.50.

Homespun frocks with capos are $39.50. Second Floor, Old Building PATOU made the original of this black crepe with black and rhinestone clasps at waist and shoulder. Evening Gowns gowns, reproduced? beaded frocks in crystal, pearl or or chiffon frocks, slender apd the beauty of absolute simplicity. And always color gayly brilliant or in paitel hues of early spring. A great variety of; charming gowns reaching the highest phases of fashion, in design, fabric and workmanship, but reflecting the downward trend of to $295.

Women's Fashion Salons, Second Floor, Old Building $29,491 for $18,376 Hartmann "Castle-Grande" Siecl-Jrame Wardrobe Trunks masterpieces of trunk-making The only trunk without a nail. Round edge construction (the original, and still the only reinforced round edge). Automatic stooping to lock or unlock. Most compact. Most convenient.

Most durable. Most distinctive. Full $80, $97.50 For the $125 to $150 Castle-Grande and $96 For $120 and $145 Castle-Grande Bachelor $96 For the $120 and $145 Castle-Grande Three-quarter $72, $92 For the $115 to $140 Castle-Grande Steamer $64, $72 For the $100 to $110 Castle-Grande Full Va in. Medium size and Bachelor size? 22x21 '4 three-quarter in. Steamer in.

All 40 in. high. The covering of these CASTLE-GRANDE trunks is a rich black, dark blue or dark green brocadel. Very artistic. Very distinguished.

And very durable. It covers 3-ply basswood panels, each riveted on its particular steel frame, not even touching the panel in the adjoining frame. Removable sanitary shoe hat section. plush cushion top, the only serviceable garment iron carrier (except in steamer top, all garments in view and locking device, which also supports the fronts of the drawers in bound drawers, practically unbreakable? master key lock, easily operated, never sticks, may be sealed in bag, closed by Closegard fastener (so that contents cannot fall out), an effective dust curtain? smooth steel spot-welded frame slides for for the most fragile piece of hardware exclusively designed for finished interior. are the original features of the Hartmann Castle-Grande, a new standard of wardrobe trunk convenience, beauty and durability.

For the first so far as we know, the ONLY the low prices above quoted. Street Floor, New Building, Seventh Gallery, New Building Spring Silks Radiate Color Prices are lower than they have been in years, for fine, beautifully woven silks from leading makers here and abroad. For example: 40-in. printed Georgette both the new small and large all-over design, light or dark colorings, at $1.25. 40-in.

printed or large all-over light figures on dark grounds, at $1.85. 86 and 40-in. silk or evening $3.85. 32-in. fancy wash stripe patterns, for dresses or men's $1.68.

40-in. extra heavy crepe de American weave we know and colors, at $4.50. Street Floor, Old Building 1 THE SHOPS FOR EE FLOOR 175 Men's Four-Piece Golf or Sports Suits at $48 Our $65 to $70 exceptionally significant offer I Suits are made of imported Crombie Shetlands, famous for quality, of good Spring weight. Patterns are the distinctive custom-tailor kind won't find them duplicated in the average ready-to-wear herringbones and diagonals in gray, brown and tan effects. The price for the quality and style, just at the time when the links are opening, is nothing less than astonishing.

You will have to see the suits to appreciate this. Two models Coat, waistcoat, knickerbockers, long trousers. (1) oke with inverted pleats in back, and half belt; (2) wth fullness cleverly distributed across back of and high yoke nlaced above line of back shoulder muscles, permitting free swing in golf. Large roomy patch pockets. Knickers cut full The are made the Wanamaker way, with all details carefully attended to.

Coat sleevcM have linings of durable plain white, pearl or sateen. Knickers have strap and buckle. Stroot Floor, Now Building.

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