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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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Society women often feel the effect of too much balls, theatres, and teas in rapid succession find them worn out, or by the end of the sca- r.on. They suQcT from nervousness, sleeplessness and The smile nnd good. spirits take flight It time to accept tie help offered in Doctor Puree's Favorite. It's a inc-Oicine which waa used by a prominent for years in all cascn of the nervous disorder; from it. The I'vo- scrhViion a uterine nervine, adapted to delicate for it reirr.lates promotes all the buildn up, invijj- orcte'i and r.

suffer from prostration, or to cor.geBtion or to dir.ord,-.- of the r.pccinl functions. The waste should be cmicUly rid of, tie bed i'-ource of irritation relieved and till' invigorated with the "Prescription." Do not take the so-called celery compounds, o.nd nervines which only put nerves to sleep, but get a lasting cure v.i'h Dr. Picrce's Favorite Prescription. "FEWALE WEAKNESS." Mrs. HOOVER, of Bellvillc, Richland Ohio, writes: "I had been 'female I tried three tors; they did me no good I thought I was invalid forever.

But I heard of Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription, and then I wrote to him and he told me just how to take it. I took eight bottles. I now feel entirely well. I could stand Mus.

HOOVER. On my feet only a short time, and now I do work for niy family of five." RUSSIA'S GREAT LOSS. M. Do Giors' Death Is a Blow to the Muscovite Empire. TRAINING NATURE.

fco Hnkfi Marvels for til Miirlcot. At Jamrach's, in Liondon, the other day, some one asked the great animal- catcher and importer "if ho had run out of mermaids?" used to Uoep them," he answered, "when they fetched four apiece, but now wo cun't get more thini-one pound for them. Jj'rank Buckland burst up tho trade when he exposed the method of their manufacture by the Japanese from a. fish arid a. monkey slsin cleverly uniicd; so we no longer make thorn 'loading he smilingly sullied.

"The arc remarkably ingenious. "Not only that, but they possess infinite patience. Th': telescope fish is a casein point. It is a (isli oT immense length, with a double, fan like tail, and produced by breed ing on the principle at ortiBeia.1 selection. However, they arc quite common in Germany now." "And do you know how they get white Java, "They select a.

pair of frrayish birds and keep them in a white eafi'e in a tvhito room, aad they attended by a person dressed in white. The mental effect on a scries of generations of birds results in completely white birds. They breed the domestic cods with enormously long tails after the samo principle. They lirst select a bird with a pood tail, giving him very high perch to stand on; then with weights they drag tho tail downward, carrying on the same system with the finest specimens of his descendants till a tail almost us long as a peacock's is produced at last. And 'how marvelous they aro in the fertilization of plants! Did you over see one of their dwarf trees, perhaps flfty years old, and yet not more than an inch or two high?" EARTHQUAKE FREAK.

A Sno Francisco FrucUireil In CurlouH Manner. At the time of the last earthquake shock on tho Pacific coast, January 3, 1801, a pane of plate glass in the postal inspector's- oflice in San Francisco was fractured in a most curious manner. The pane was ISxSG, and more than one-half inch thick. Tho fracture extended entirely across the pane, storting from each corner and leaving a perfect uninjured square in the center, thus: The sides of each section arc said to Ixj as smooth and straight as though cut with a diamond anil straight edge, and the proportions of mathematical cx- actncss. This relic has been deposited in the California historical collection, as the most remarkable earthquake Jreak on record.

Snttke In Solid Stoftc. A live snake iu cavity in a solid, stratified stone is an oddity reported to have been found by a railroad construe- 'tlon gang In charge of Jlatt McLaugh- JJn, of Beaver Falls, Pa. The snake some unknown'striped variety, about 10 inches in length, and unusually lively ami vicious. The geologist examined the egg-shaped cavity in this particular ophidian was found, declares that the cavity had no possible communication with the outside world, assigns it to a period which would make the snake at least 40,000 years old. Next to GortxclinkuCr Was tho Clcver- ftt ItiiKliin Diplomat of tlio On- Il'Si! ill tilt! Worlll r.f Nicholas Carlovitch de.

(Jiors, Russia's minister of foivitfn ai'fairs, who died I'amiurv -fi at -St. IVtc.Tsburg. was born May Vs-JO. lie wa, (if Swedish origin. After passing through a course of science at thi! Imperial Lyceum of CiKir- bkue lie tin: A.sia-tii; department of the minister of fori'ign -if- Hi: thus debut ou the at the ago of eighteen.

Despite his yontli li-' ill once bei-inne a ligure in Un.ssian diplomacy. Jn IS 11 attached to tin. 1 jlussian consulate ar.d in September, ItT-iS, In-. by the. to proceed to the of the flus- tiian troops in during the Hungarian to act in a diplO; matie under Ludilers.

JJis marvelous in the fnliillment of his duties at this post k-d to his promotion to the olllce of court cottucilor. lie also imperial recognition for his services in the shape of th order of St. Slnnislusof the fourth claw In he was sent first secretary oi the embassy to the sublime porte. In 1S3S he WHS transferred to Iloumania as director of the chancery of the eommis- plenipotentiary in what wore then the'principalities of Wallaehiaand JIol davia. Twelve months later war bi-oke out 8ILVEE VICTOKY.

'between Turkey DC Gicrswiis attached to tho ministry of foreign In 18j5 lie was dispatched with important instructions to the governor punural of New Russia and ijcssnrabiiria. In he was appointed consul general to Egypt, and two years luter he acted in tho same capacity to Wallaehia and Moldavia, bearing-, however, the title of actual council of state. His services at this latter post during the next five years earned Him the order of St. Anno of the first class. Iu 1SOU De Gicrs was cloviitecl to the position of ambassador extraordinary ami minister plenipotentiary to 'Persia, lie remained at the court of Teheran until 1SGO.

His influence greatly contributed toward the consummation of friendly relations between Russia and Persia. De Gicrs was next made privy councilor and was decorated with the insignia, of St. Vladimir of tho second THE LATl-3 M. DE GIEES. class.

After spending three years in Borne as minister he went in the same capacity to Stockholm, in succession to M. Datchnkoft'. In recognition of his services in Sweden he 'was rewarded tho high Kiissian orders of the White Eag-lo and St. Alexander Ncvsky. In-.

1ST3 Do Giors, then recognized as one of the leading statesmen of the Russian empire, was appointed adjunct to the minister of foreign affairs and director oi the Asiatic department, with a scat in the national senate. During the absence of Prince Oortcba- koffi from the capital in 1S7G the direction of foreign affairs became altogether confided to DC Giors, who was thus practically designated as tho successor ol Gortohakofl, on whom age had begun to tell. Again in 1877 DC Gicrs' capacity for tho place was tested for seven months, during which he satisfactorily administered the affairs of the foreign office. So great an impression did his ability make on the emperor that De Gicrs was at once created an actual privy councilor. While GortchakoJl was attending the Berlin congress DC Giers for a third time took charge of the foreign office.

As the imperial chancellor was never afterward able to transact business for any long period, it may be said that from tho time of the conclusion of the Berlin treaty, when GortchakofT turncd broken in health, Do Giors was to all intents and purposes the head of foreign afi'airs. In April, 1SS2, ho became actual foreign minister, and cvor since then he has held a position in the- politics of Europe side by side with such statesmen as Bismarck and Gladstone, De Giers may fittingly bo designated in history as the Grand Old Man of Russia. The wife of Co Giers was Princess Kantakuzene, a niece of Prince Gortcha- koff. This alliance, early in his career, materially assisted the great statesman to the position of rank and honor where ho belonged. WhiVt the Ciar Wnuted.

The first mot of the new czar was delivered upon the occasion of M. de Giers' official visit to the emperor, who received him with the greatest demonstration of friendship, at the same time expressing the hope that notwithstanding M. de Giers' reported wish to retire from office he would still continue to work with him for many yearss. "But, your majesty, it is scarcely possible; look at my feet, they will hardly carry me," Tho czar, replied: "I am very siorry for you; but as far as I am concerned, I do. not want'your feet, I wact your head." Bill for Free and Unlimited Coinage Favorably Reported to Senate.

The Amended Portion of Measure- Carlisle Appears Before the House Committee. Feb. 12. What approaches very nearly free and unlimited coinage of silver was authorized by the senate committee on finance Tuesday morning- 03- a vote of 0 to the same vote by which the committee at its last mooting declined to mit the reporting of a bill to provide for an issue of bonds. This iv was reached on a motion that pending when tho committee u.l- jourucd at its last meeting.

This was the motion of Senator Jones to strike out nil of his bill bat the ninth section for which Senator Vest substituted the St. John proposition for the free and unlimited coinage of silver. The motion of Senator Jones prevailed, the -section having been amended, however, to read as follows: AmtMuliHl Section. from and after tlio pnssnco of this act, tlio socrotary of tho treasury hereby nu- Uiorb.crt iuid dirt-clod to receive at any United States mint from any citizen of the United States sllvur bullion ot the standard llnoness nnd coin tho sumo Into silver dollars of -11214 grains oacli. Tlio sdinilorsigc on the said bullion shall bL'loiiR to Uio United States and shall be tuiidlffei'C-aco between tho coinage value thereof and the market price of tho bullion In New York on tho day tho deposit Is made, and nil expenditures for coinage done under tho provisions of tho act shall Uo paid out ol -sal and the secretary of tho treasury shall deliver to the depositors of such bullion star.dard silver dollars equal In amount to the price thereof as aforesaid; and whenever tho said coins heroin provided for shall ue received Into tne treasury certificates may bo issued thereon In the manner now provided by law." Subsequently Senator Jones reported the bill to the senate, the title having been changed so as to make it read: "A bill for the unrestricted coinage of 1 It will be seen that it fixes the value of silver at the market price in New York, instead of London, as originally provided in the bill, and eliminates that clause which provides that, tho certificates issued under authority of the section shall be of denominations less than S10.

Vole on the Mill. The vote by which the bill was ordered to be reported was as follows: For the Voorhees, Harris, White, Jones (Ark.) and Vest, democrats, and Mr. Jones (Nev.) republican. Against the bill Sherman, Allison, Aldrich, Merrill, republicans, and McPherson, democrat. C'urllHlo Before House Committee.

WASHINGTON', Feb. Carlisle went before the ways and means committee of the house at 10:30 o'clock this morning-. He Vroug-ht with him a copy of the contract made with the bond syndicate. For the first hour of his appearance before the committee- his time was occupied mainly in answering the questions propounded the members. All of the seventeen members of the committee; were present except Mr.

Gear who has been ill for a mouth, and Mr. Halze-11 Newspaper Men JCot In It. Shortly after Secretary Carlisle toe- pan addressing the committee a resolution was adopted that' none of his statements should bo repeated to the men, but that they should be regarded a.s given to the committee in strict confidence. At half-past 12 o'clock Secretary Carlisle was still before the committee and the proceeding's were partaking of n. general discussion regarding 1 the bond and financial questions, WASHINGTON', Feb.

the house senate amendments to the bill authorizing' the expenditure of a portion ol the appropriation made in 1894 for the improvement of rivers and harbors be used at St. Joseph harbor. were agreed to. Joint resolution directing- the secretary of war to return to the state of Michigan the flags of the Seventeenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth regiments Michigan volunteers was passed. The house then went into committee of the whole on the legislative executive and judicial appropriation bill.

Senate. Iii the senate Senator Gray Del.) reported adversely on the house joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution for the election of-senators by direct vote of tlio people. Senator Jones (dem from the committee on finance, reported favorably a bill providing for the free coinage of silver. Quite a little storm was precipitated by his request for its immediate consideration, Senator Sherman remarking tnat the opposition to tho bill in committee was very decided, and that it was reported favorably by a bare majority of one. Finally, on objection of Senator AJd- rich R.

L), it the calendar. Senator Vest from the Catarrh Is Caused 7 i by Impure Blood Hood's Sarsaparllla Pure Blood Permanently Cures Catarrh, Suffer untold miseries from a- senw of delicacy they cannot oyercome. BRADFIEUD'S Arooilnfto Female Regulator, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC It cuues health to blown, and Joy to reign throughout the irame. IT NEVER FAILS TO CURE. Jly wife hu betn under trcatmtnt of pay- ilciui vcArs.

Trtthooi benefit. Afttr oslnf three hottlcjo! ElOCUlTom La do herown cooking. niUfclnjr N. S. Henderson, Jua.

BJODFIEU) BE6TILITOB Atlanta, fit, ttO. by $1.00 Mr WttU. Mr, 2L Camahan Patton, 111. Hood Lowell, very happy towrlto to you that I have- been taking Hood's Sar- for catarrh with great success. I bavo been troubled with this complaint lor over ton years, ivltli dull beadacho nearly tho tlrno.

Alter taking tares bottlei ol Hood's Sarsipartlla, I am cured ot catarrh and clear of the headache. I was also led with a scalp disease, which very Hood's annoying, four or yoars. Sines taking Hood's SarnaparlUa I do not have any trace. of this trouble. I sleep haye ft good ancetlte and feel strons.

quite In contrast to Sy feeling before I began to take- this good J. M. CAJINAHAN, Fatten, HL Hood's Pilfaarc prompt and officiant, yrt easy in action. Bold by all druggUti. 25o.

committee on nuance reported'- bacit the house joint resolution to extern! the time for malting 1 returns for income tax for this year till the 15th of April, with important amendments and the resolution went over until Wednesday. The consideration ol the post office appropriation bill was then resumed. POST OFFICE. Flrit Steps Tuken Preparatory to Erection by Secretary Cnrllslc. Feb.

The first steps preparatory to the erection of the new public building' at Cbicag-o were taken by Secretary Carlisle in the issue of instructions to tho treasury officials having offices in tho building to confer with Postmaster Hosing' with reference to the rental of a building to be occupied by the federal authorities during tho course of the construction of the new building- which is to be erected on tho of the present structure. ICE CAUSES TROUBLE. Forrlcs at Gnivcsvnd All Torn from Their Moorings. Loxnox, Feb. ferries at Grave.send have all been stopped by the great accumulation of ice and tho watermen's boats are all laid up.

The pilots and custom house men are using strong tugs in order to reach vessels outside. Some Coating- pieces have been detached and a number of barges have been swept away from their moorings and are drifting in Midstream. A few of the barges have been crushed by the ice and they arc in a sinking- condition. Grpcn floods Captured. TOLEDO, 0., Feb.

secret service officer arrested C. J. Jenkins, of Oxford, at the Banner house. He had arranged to meet persons from Swanton, 0., at this plaee and sell them a lot of green goods'' at the rate of S13 for SliO, and was dcooycd into the anus of a detective. Southern Kducator I'apses Awiiy.

SASHVILLK, Feb. Garland, ex-chancellor of Vanderbilt university, and one of the best known educators in the south, died Tuesday aged years. TILE MARKETS. Gruln, Provisions, Etc. CHICAGO, Feb.

12. CHICAGO board of trade not opcr. in observance of Lincoln's birthday. pound: Turkeys, CJJ7o; Chickens, Ducks, CJceso, per dozen. ja.OOi&S.'i.uO.

Bcn-EH-Creamery, I2JJ23HC: dairy. S320o; Packing Stock, 7ii9o. 175 res'-. Gasoline, 87 dcs's. lOc; 7-ldeK's.

80; C3 dog's, 7c. quoted steady at $1.22 per gallon lor iilghwlnes. NEW YortK. Feb. 12 State and Western dull, steady.

2 rci jnoderatcly Me lower, llarch. 57 3-iflc; August, dull, easier. May, July. No. 2.

2, dull, nominal. unchanged. Mess. Sll.23@!iOO. steady; Steam-rendered, BUTT.EII—Quiet.

Choice, firm; Western dairy, do. creamery, lOJliOo; do. EI- glns, Me. nrm, unchanged. lower.

Western, C9c; limed, 13 Live Stock. CHICAGO. Feb. 12. active and leeling rather firm.

Prices on good grades 5c higher and other lota steady. SiUes ranged at SiSO 3.90 for pigs; (3.7034.10 for light: S3.SO-.t3.95 (or rough pack- Ing; SJ.Si&iiO for mLxed. and S4.003-L35 for heavy packing and shipping lots. CATTLE Market rather quiet Feeling strorut and prices unchanged. Quotations ranged at t4.90&3.50 for choice to extra shipping Suiers: J4.35®4-SO or good lo cholcs J4.OOa-l.SO for lair to cood: for common to medium i3.OOS3.60 for Batchers' Steers: K.loai-90 for Stackers; SiMSS.SO for Feeders; a for Cows; K.

for Heifers; 52.OJg-J.00 for Bulls: 42.55^4.20 for Texas Steers, and S10035.50 for Veal Calves. The annual fire loss from 'iaccndiar- Ism in the United States and Canada is $89,000,000, according to conservative The Qitcition ol Kmnlc" Settled In Early Dnyi of the Republic. Thirty nations are represented at 'iVashington by four ambassadors and twenty-six ministers, each of whom haa anywhere from one to sixteen secretaries attaches to carry ou the necessary business. So fur as work is concerned, the duties of the foreign representative are not onerous, aud are largrely social, says the New York Tribune. lie sends dispatches to his own g-overnmcnt and oceasionullv addresses communications to the secretary of Whether these eonniHiieations be on matters of international interest or are simply a request to be allowed to land a few oases of wine, household eiTects.

or a trunk full of linery for his wife, they arc known as "notes." lie is not permitted to transact any business with any ofiicer 'of the jrovcrnmont except through the secretary of state or other high of.ieors of that department, and it, would be a prreat broach of etiquette- for him to address the president personally upon any oilieial matter. Tho eodc o'f diplomatic etiquette is strictly followed. The foreign representative makes first call upon the members of the cabinet, but- is called upon by the senators. The only members of congress oflieUilly i-ceofi-nixed arethcvnembersof, committee on foreign affairs, in whoso good graces he nal.nrally lilies to keep. A private citizen calling without an introduction at any of the legations prompt 1 receives a card in return, and the latest addition to the corps makes the lirst call upon the resilient members.

Konc of the wives of the diplo- mate holds public receptions, except Mine. Romero, who began the custom some dozen years ago, hen Washington was not so large as it is to-day, and has never discontinued it, but even her house is open but four times a season to the general public. Until two years ago, when Great Britain raised her representative to tho rank of ambassador, and Franco, Italy and Germany quickly followed, tho dean of the corps was always the minister who had seen the longest term ol service here, and the dean now is tho English ambassador, Sir Julian Pannce- fote. As cJeac he takes the lead at all official functions; foreign ministers call upon him lirst, and in matters in which the whole corps is interested he is consulted first. When the.

ambassador first appeared in Washington society thcro was a good deal of surmising about tho matter of precedence at dinners, and. for some time it was a much-discussed question, but it has settled itself without much difficulty, and nothing is ever heard about it now. In the early days of the republic the question of etiquette became of sufficient importance for tho secretary of state, Mr. Adams, to address a letter upon the subject to tho president, but it was never settled. Years of precedent have, however, given a certain fixity to the etiquette here, which is much more rigid than i3 generally supposed by those who hav-a not lived in Washington long enough to know.

ii-nc Mns Llrc Cuvier says a whale may live 1,000 years. An elephant is supposed to livi! in some cases 4UO years. KNOWLEDGE comfort and improvement and "to personal enjoyment when useu. The many, who live bet- tbAu others aiisl enjoy life more, witb expeiulituro, more j'lvniptly i-bptiiig the wcrld's? proihu-ts to need's of being, nttost value to liwlth of the liquid principles embraced ia Syrup or Figs. Its escellen'co is due to its prosonting the form most acceptable and pleas- Ir.t.

to the taste, the refreshing find truly boiicScuil properties of a laxative; efiectiiany cleansing; the system, colds," headaches and fevers iiicl permnnentlv curing constipation, i.t has given satisfaction millions and with approval of the modical orntVssion, it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Rowels wii.ho«t, them and it is perfectly free irora objectior-able substance. Syrup of Fiirs is for sale by nli druggists iu 50e bottles, but it is man- ifiictured by the California Fig Syrup Oo. only, whose name printed ou every also the Syvup of Figs. iLd being informed, you will KUV substitute if SPECULATION! Whether you ever speculated not, you will find something of jgreHt interest to you in our newi; pcmphlet. It tells HOW TO MAKE MONEY I In Stocks, Bonds, and li sent free upon request.

RICHARDSON COMPANY, NEW YOBK.I PAP CALENDAR For 1895 Like Miero. The chlelfnnctlon of tlio kidneys Is to separate from the blood In Its pnssaec tliroujli them, of certain Impurities and wah'ry piirilcles which make tbelr exist through tha MiuUler, The retention or these, In consequence otliKictlvlty ot the kidneys, is productive of Bricni's dropsy, Diabetes, albumlnnrla nnii ollnr mnladles with a fatal tende.icy. Stomaclj Bitters, a biijbly sanctioned diuretic a- blood d--pur- ent. Impels the kidneys when Inactive to renew theirs! function, and strain from the Tltal current, Impurities which Infest It and threaten their own existence as organs ot the body. Catarrh of the bladder, gravel and retention ot thenrlneare also maladies arrcsteC or averted by this benign promoter and restorative ot organic action.

Malaria, rheumatism, constipation, Biliousness, ind dyspepsia also yield to the Bitters, which Is also spiOdily beneficial to the weak and nervous. A Ortnl CmidliUU For your favor is Oito's Cure for the throat and and we can confidently recommend it to all as a eupa- rior remedy for coughs, colds, asthma, bronobltia, and all lung affections. It will stop a cough quicker than any known remedy. guarantee it to cure you. Instant relief in all cases of croup and whooping cough.

If you are suffering, don't delay, but call on us-und get a sample bottle of this great guaranteed remedy and be one of the great party on the road to health. Samples free. Large bottles 50 cents at Ben Fisher's, the Druggist, sole agent. Children Cry foi Pitcher's Castorla. 111 111111111 A Desk Calendar is a necessity most convenient kind of storehouse for memoranda.

TbcCoIumbiaDcsk Calendar is brightest and handsomest of of dainty silhouettes and pen sketches and entertaining thoughts on outdoor exercise and sport. Occasionally reminds you of the superb quality of Columbia Bicycles and of your need of one. You won't object to that, of course. The Calendar will be mailed for five 2-ccnt stamps. Address Calendar Department, POPE MFO, Mention thii pnpcr.

Hurtlord. Conr, IIMMIMIIIIIIIIIIIN If your child has pale or Is fretful, give Rlnehart's Worm Lozenges. Sold by B. F. Keesling and Keystone drug store.

Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Far Fiftj ftut Mrs. Winslow'a Sooibinfe Syrup has been used for over flfty jears by millions of mothers lor their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the allays all pain, cures wild colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. li will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately.

Sold by in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Besureazd ask for "Mrs. Wtnelow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Children Cry for Pitcher's Tills, Their AliuKC.

Pills are by far ibo best cathartic to use, but you must not abuse tbelr use by habitually depecding on them for dally stools, If will uee Rinebart's Pills jou will find them to regulate the bowels and afford regular and free dally by an occasional doee of one pill. Sold by B. F. Keesling and Keystone drug fctoro. 'When WM itefc we her Chrtorhk, 'TTbesa the TOO a Child, she cried for CastoriA, me became Kiss, ste clooff to Costotta.

TOien me bftd Children, itw gaTethem Cutalfc. M.udf, We would bo pleased to have you call at our store for a free package of Bacon's Celery King for the nerves, which we are distributing- to all afflicted with dyspepsia and all blood, liver and kidney diseases. Bacon's Celery King doing wonders in building up worn out constitutions, and the grand specific for sleeplessness, headache, and all derangements of the stomach, liver and Samples free. Large packages 50 cents at Ben Fleher'e, the Druggist, sole agent. Pale Lipi and Fluhtd Chceki Are a sure sign of stomach worms in children, and if not removed the symptoms are nore alarming by frightful dreams, nervousness and epasms Tbe beet remedy to uie is Blnehari's Worm Lozenges.

They always remove all kinds of worms and the worm nest. Sold by B. F. Keesling and Keystone drug store. If you lack strength, with no appe.

tite, take Rinehart's Pillt One a dose. Sold by B. F. Keesling and Key (tone drug store..

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