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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 11

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tTvartera bo urM rather freely, sad fb demand from drssaed bent shippers ws also nuit ur. I rion were well mftintsined on tu better uaautiee, Texana ware tn gooa supply. nd Price favored buyers. Fmiiplng grade wer in Itnou 4Kta.l& toe rommiB to srt) ixkix i.o. irol half br'ae UI9 25..

ljM.aaiia.,.! EE. i. 25 OO ...1.700 Savon Imperial. India Whit) Boa Cot loaf. tlrannlated 'Standard New York Una aooa.

4 abot. 7 8 auoe. 8 4..... Tlomeatic, 88. .82 1 81 60 XI 45 if at Ancnor, 87 pawl, Kniit of tb Loom.

4 45 ft 10 BAM 4.10 6.25 6.25 6.85 t4 S.75 .400 6. 75 a.vr. 5.SJ5 ft.SS 6.40 S.40 7(l Texana. 6.15 17 6.121A 6.10 80 K.00 fl' 6.K0 '17 4.00 2l 8X7 3. BO iVO 4X7V 0 4.

4.60 20 4.36 tK frertera 4 'Jtl feedera 4.T 72 feedera 8J5 18 ffledera 4.01 4.00 8.W) 3.1 ood to rboica 6 fair to uo. i. food tjttMieao. nd A.9ftolA.hoif drovw. Two lot of Tory ex rs Binooth er eold at W.ii.

Texaae wvr in grioa aliens, ud said Bi ai.sia ae.Aa jor were is fair rsguest. sud fold at tM itnn gal' csl ed for. and cbs red bn1 at tW.VJ Bitclicri sad I ceuners stk in fair demand, sad Bold at for and I tK) ai5 for butchers' ateer. Calvea sold at iW.fiOc7 8r Th mart pt cloned steady i Ui lollowlng Fxts export item tlood to choir snipping SJJ.xe Fair to good (hipping alesr. Common to fair steers feeders, fair to J'M Stacker, caauaoa to J.7y? Good to choice I'oninion to fair cows.

Bnueh and nuxad lota Poor to choice SAt Ce. Jio. A. Price. No.

SO j.l?I rrTBns 6.25 80 1.310 r. VI 12 eon. 34 rairoa in rarvea. iW Texana, Thimi M. 45 1 A.70 fii Imoenal Cajstilo.10 6 .11 6 White PT AARA.

8V Tua. fonnc byaon, common to OX3D3 byaon. rood Yonntf byaon. (rood to extra Yonnc byaon. extra to Old byaon.

common to tin a Imperial, rood to choice Ounpowder. common to Movnne. extra Japan, choice to extra Japan, fair to rood Japan, common. Oolong, rood to choice Oolorur. rood Oolong.

common uu. Coarae lairy. withont liairv, with A all ton dairy, sack ntrra A vd xouait Snrar atrnp S7c AA Black strap. iwOrn airup. wxs i.

a.u. SICK. CaroUna Lonistans corrn. Fancy Rio 12 Al'JUJava Choice 11 rftll Marax aibo 4ood Rio 11 iLaa Fair tK10 alocha 0 tj10 TAC1t. Common 4VR434 finow DBI GOODS.

a.ocyt 4 vi 2.7.j:i.i 2 172 Texana ljOia 4(M) lran 870 8.5.1 2 eowa r41 ..1.44 6 70 1H OOW1 l.Iv.......l.r4 17. 17 l.CU SO Ato 21 Law 3 i. 1.4titi wjTexan. WW 4l3Teuoa. tx7 mTaiana 3S 12 1.140 SO 1.0K1 l.

11 20 Texana Texana fitu VH1 Texana (M)S il l.iOe4JXJ At. Price. Ra4 P72 a 8lMV :) 74 182 10.1 P22 .44 1 ...1.114 742 ...1.218 ...1 S44 8 0 8.70 tt.75 7 't7'l 4iW 4 IK) 4.00 6.M7S 6J7Si 6.16 6.15 6.23 4.r,o 4. no 4.70 30 6J3 6.16 6.0O 6.4(1 6.1.1 8. '5 ....1.1 JO Ml 074 ...1.016 1.011 10 1.0r.3 14 "4 10 fnadera.

l.iWO 21 Ma) t22 733 6.8.1 4. 0 4 X.I 4HI 6.1 6.15 6.2.1 4(H) 4(X 4.00 4.15 4.21 4.40 4.r. 8.6ft 3.26 Rhaen Tha racelnta of abeeo were moderate. an4 the demand waa fair on looal aerount. Prices were ateauy and ancnaiueo: saiea were Xo.

is. 1.1 f9 2 142 iainD'( i bead) Price. No. At. Price.

108 4.W'l 9.1 3.ii'.a 4JMJ.1S...... 117 4.00 4.K0 14 lamba I bead) S.r 8.751 a lamba( bead) 84)0 ait liVnM. tfmr a vme newvit hwhtoi; himnenta, S.40O head crfTennea aoant and demand liL'lit: exporta. lj.7.Jt5.0 aood tochoic 3JI 6.01: ectiimon to fair. W.iiS.iO rood eowa and heifere.

fJrfa4.60: eoitimon. 8.7. Sbeep Ke celpt. ad atiipmenU, liOO head unlet and nnchaneed: rerr common to medium, fair to fanrr. Bora araroe and hieher: Vorkera.

6.H4.1.7t): mixed parkine. bntrbera, reoeipta. 2.0U0 bead; aiu xnenta; 7.100 head. BnfTalo, July 17. Cal Beeeipt favday, 11.1 head: market ateady fair demand: extra ateera.

aVl atti.SO: (rood torhoic. t5.26vA5.75: fair to mediant, atockera. common to choice. Kbeop Receipts. 4.20i: market dull, nnrhanged.

Huva Keoeipta. 1AM); demand eood: priea a ahade hiBher: good to choice Vorkera, j.av3X5: axod xoeUiam and heary. $5 50aV3.70 beat trrauoa dupoaad of. Wtei town. July 1 7um Northern and Ka acarce prtoea not materi ally chanced, other atock in fur aupply.

pri ea rulintr ate ad jr. Beerea Extra, Siijl.75 Brat quality. 7i7.7.1; aecond quality. V4 qnabtr. 4.2nF,4.75: reccipta.

1.C10 heed. Hwina ReoelptH. ia.H4A: Wetern fat live. V7.V U.it5: Northern dresKed nova. 7.

Hheep and Lambx Beceipla. 3.17a head aalea. beep in lota, extra. oukk4 uamoa. wX'M i.ia.

Now York, Jalyl 7. Cattle 57 ear load arrived, for aiaucbterera and direct exportation. iTenaed beef very alow; for city alauxuterad. n.HtHM for IVentern: exporta. loo Uve cattla.

Slieep Keceipfs. head: dull and wt for abeep 1 (7SOfur lamlia. Botra Beceivta. 1MJO brad: none 1 offered all re; market nominally qniet at cwt Kaniai Cfty. JaTy 1 7.

Ta Ltrl Mot TnMratnr r' porta Cattle iieceipta, 2.700 head alow and weak, except for top trradea: native ateera. l.lTiOtn 1.3O0 eowa. iRMMiftl: Braaa Texana. i.2y Ho IWeipta, 3.101) head opened better, cloned weak bulk of aalea at 5.Uu5.25. sheep unchanged.

Knat LlrrtT. Jtily rattle Recelnta, 342 bead market atronar at yeMurday'a prlcee. Hoca Ko ceipta. S4t head; mirket firm on Yorkers, alow on toiia; Philadelphiaa, 5.7(Ht.1.7i: Torkera. i.7ia .75.

bneep beceipta. 3.LKA) head; market alow at about iretvterday'a pnoea. Ctnetonnti, July XTBngn firm common and litbt. 4i psrkina and bntrhen. 60 reeeipta, 7o0 bead anipmenta, 2ti5 head.

GBOCKKIEH. npirce. AHapiee. 17 CloTea. I rTtt Ca1a.T) 22 4 Pepper OUHwiaO Xuunetra 65 S5 Kur.

Oerman .047 lAmerTcan Taatne 11 Si 7 Zu E.xcra ij, aianaara. i i wv.8.1 4.1 JKM.H.1 is 94) JHK.04 .4.48 JJ.V.. 40 6tf4.40 l.lo 1 80 l.WI 2 8012.70 2 DOaiaiX) lALEBATUt, Best. 7 i 7 Si Bi carb soda. keg.

4 Pure 6 Ralnaods. kera. Bcarb osds. tb. 61 Sal soda, brl 7 17 (il8s 16 fffH wnv IS The Jobbinr konaes in dry aoods are experiencing their nsnsl mldMimraer dullness.

There are very few order arriviac, and thoae that come are email in ates and almoKt invariably confined to either staple cottons or light xummer fabrics wan tad by interior retailer for instant aale. In respect to aalea. however, the transactions durlne the week under review have been fully up to the July sverage in former year, hence merchants are not disposed to complain at the character of trade, and as the outlook for a rood fall business la briphteninr ss the crop proHpecta improve, tney are riianfMwwt tn wait narientlv for future development. There are no change to note in quotations from latit week, but as manufacturers are preparing to announce new price lists a an early day. Jobbers are to make corresponding revisions by the close of the month.

There are. however, no reasons to look for radical changes in either direction. coBairr JtAKA 7Vi Kearsage Androscorgin Nanmkear Csno River reppereu Dleacoea Clarendon Pepperell sat ft1 HaUoweU Imp. Bock port 7U lnd. Orch.

Imp 63 Lawrence sat .8 Si 7 St Coneatora 7 widx anoww OOTTOKS. Androaeogrin. 9 4 2:1 IPeppereU, 10 4 2.1 Androarok in. 4. 21 Pepperell.

ll PepperelC7 4 ltJVPoqnot. 7 4 2 Pepperell. 8 4. .20 PequoC 8 4 24 Pepparail. 22VPonot, 4 27St BLAACItKD COTTOSa.

Avondale, 86 8VjOreene, 0, 4 4 Art cambrics, 3S ....1 1 St Hill, 4 4. Semper Idem. 9 Androacorgin. 4 4.. 8'4 Hill.

7 8 8, AndroacoKKln. 6 4 12HHope, 4 4 7" Ballon. 4 4 7UKinr Phlllin. eam uon, 7 8 6 brie 4 4 lls ott. O.

4 4 8 Si Lin wood. 4 4 ott.E.4 4. 7 4 4 at AOC. 4 4 t. InnulilarimhrlcAA.l'J Boot, 8 4 64 Langdon.

tiB. 4 4 .11 Blackatone AA sofW4 4 7 Landon.7tU6... 8 St ChaDtnan. Conway, 4 4. A.

4 4 est I anKdon. 45. 14 MaHonviUe. 4 4 10a i a 6 Si New York Mill.4 4.1111Si 4 iNewJoraey, 4 4.. i rocaaaet.

P. I. C. .10 Pride of the tS Pocahontas. 4 4....

91l, Slatervilla. 7J1 ult of the Loom. 7 8. Victoria. A A .13 8s 6Si Irnlt of tha Loom, iWoodbury, 4 4 SH cam on.

4... wnitinaville. 4 4.. 7 Si old Medal. 44 7 IjJTuUnaviiie; 7 8...

Oold Vlediii, 7 8.. 64 amantta, 4 4 ......12 tiildod Ag rsntTs. Albion. bes.7 (Mancheater Albion, rrej 9 ncyJS tnentsl, ncy.O AJlcn'scbecks.) IFMdystone (ISt Oriental robea.HSt Allen's 6 javle, .6 iPaci tic Si Allen's CSHtarner. Richmond Gm Allen's purple.fiyiilpuceter..,..fl Kteel fsncyfl I do.mourni'g fl Viropaon'a 6 Si Arnold fy.6 Berlin.

dojniig blue.rt Vocheco. iancyoSi Merr I. Windaor. nas Bnosnr'CYVrrowa. Appleton A.

4 4. Indian Orchard A A. 40.81 Boot: M. 4 4.. i 7 St Indian Orcharn Boston i.

4 4. Indian Orchard W.40.9 ConUnentslC.4 4 TfLsconia B. 4 4 7 i Conunental a 40 in JBJ Laoouia 040 8 one iwa 4 4..... 7 Si Maaaachnaetta 4 4.. Si Ckmestoga D.

7 8.... Na liua 4.1 in 91, ConestogaU. SO in. evahnaB.4 i ..8 Dwieht X. 4....

7 Si Dwigl.t Y. 7 8 1 Uwit bt Z. 4 4 7a Pepperell E. 8 ln 74 Ieanvh htar. 4 4 734 1.

pere 1 4 4 wurbt Star. 4 in pporvlJ i Fnterpriae JL. 36 lVpireIl N. Oreat Falls 4 4. 7:4 Pocaae 4 4 Si Farmer A 4 4.: 63 Haratiac ..7 Indian Orehard IX.

4 4.7 S8arauao L. Alabama brown 7 Alabama 8 Jewell brown, 9 lAruata platd. 8 ox 10 rj oleoo piani. o. a ewiston broa n.

oa Si Manchester PlJd. .7 ane brown. PS? New Tenn. plaud. flvnll tiiaui.i'aaao.i.uinf V'aoi.

a THE 1 ATTT INTEB OCEAN, WEDK ESDAr MUUJSIJSO. 18t i883 TWELVE PAGE9 WITg MUSICAL oixoaiAMa ooamma, Amoekeaar "a Jinirdata. f) Ani Canton atylaa, SnfrwreatTlea lo Derkaliire. I 12a tyJohnaon Co. dreaa U.aaeow cbecka.

"II I cta atria. checka, royal White Jlf r. Co, aiaple A Whit Mfit.Cofan' lea, Oio'icaater. new atand ailit. Co Eajia.

ard. 9 i ...,10 flnnket. draa tyle.12 HKATT EOWM COTTOHa. AtlanMe A. 4 4 8, Iwrenca XX.

4 4...... 8i AtJan'ic H. 4 4 7 Lawrence Y. 80... 7 Atlantic 1.

4 4.... e1. I.awrruce IJ, 4 4. Atlantic P. 4 4 6b Newmarket Atlantic LL, 4 4 6' Myatic tiver.

4 4. Adr auc, i S4 7 Pleduiont 3.... 71, g.ft.M.4 4 7S HUrk AA. 4 4 A BoottFF.4 4 7S Tremout OC, 4 4 a 4.... i lmn Heed.

4 1..., ullan Uead.45 Caledoala. XX. OX. t'uledonia. X.

v. BFC 8. AP. 4 4 Cordis AAA. 82 14 Cordia ACA, 82 10 CorHiaNo.

1,32 Id Cord! No. 2 14 Cordis No. 8 18 coruia No. Oil. peppermint, lb 8 Wjclmnet 12H Wachuaatt, SO la ao ia 1 Park Kill. 11 Park Mi. la. Ha. Ho.

12 ark Milla. No. 70. Park Mills. Ho.

80, 14 epper. country, iw. Kip. city finifth. veal.

liKht and Kip, city finiah. lup. second ciolre Coif. city Anlab, fb Calf, city, finiah, heavy Calf, dty finish, aeoond No. 1 calx, city real, ou ru.

No. 2 calf, city Calf, conntry Finished splits, ft. Park Mm. Jo. 90.

oa. .1 IPark iliila. No. 100. oa.j tvillar.

i 1001 Bole, best buffalo, slaughtered. lb. extra. Bole, Western Hole, Bnenoa Ayre Bole, Bpaniah. damaged Inaole Upper in rounh OAK.

PaTMmnre sole Philadelphia sole t'pper No. 1, foot I'pper No. 2. foot Aim. No.

veal. Calf. No. 1. medium Calf.

No. 2. Tamoico morocco, foot 14X211, cnar, l.ts PI. 21 S.75t3iK) 6.00 V) 6i'j 10.f10..1O 74(i 7 M) 6.2. 6.50 L25tf4 18 00 kvv) JJ5 1.10 fi.Sit 8.O0 7M 4 4 7 KHia Apron 10s lOtia furuitur iiork, i os JO Vork.AA.

extra os 14 ACA lrt iFlla.XXXX. .....1 Anio keatc do. 4 4 2o IFalla. XXJ 1 8 AniokkeaK.A ...14 'Full BB Amoakea. 13 "alla.

AA ..14 Ainot.C.... 12 'alia, ABO. 8 Id's 11 (Falleawnar ...10 Auioakeau. Slietncket. K8 A Amoakear.

Coneatot: Premium A. 4 Premium Fx. 7 t.old Medal. 4 4.. It A.

IT. 4 4.. .10 Whetucket. HAS 18 iHamilton BT.32.... 17 IHamiltonD 17 'Hamilton 1.1 'Hamilton lSViMethnen A A EES! 13 Methuen 14 Si btnckrH idir A Hituetra 4 4 4, imonirtn M.7 WTDI BUCACBKD comm.

Androacoardn. 7 4 .21 iPepperell, 10 4..... AndroacoKirin. 8 4 MX Pepperell. 11 4......

Pepiwrell. 7 4 .20 IPequot, 7 4 Pepperell 8 4 i2B Pequot. 8 Pepicarell. 8 4 .25 P4Uot, GENERAL MARKETS. BnXDnfG MATERIALS.

Common city brick 3 Linie. common, on Lime, finiahini. brl New York aluoco. alichicran atuoco, 9 brl plaaterinir bair, hu Fiber, a uttitute for hair. White nan Jf brl BuTalo.

L'uca cement. 9 brl Milwaukee cement,) brl Louisville eeraent. i Portland cement. brl American Portland cement, brl alarbleduat, brl COAU Lackawanna. nnt.77.2."'Btoabnr5'.

Ijarkawanne ranffe 7As7.2VHo. kin Taller fatjuRa. color, id Potaaainu. iodide, Potaaainm. e.vmnw fnaed, lb Potaiwuulii.

Iora Potash, tn can. 4 dor in cawe Potash, in can a. 2dosin caee vuinine, aulph. ox Boot, ipecac, powdered, lb riulphnr. lb Kilver.

nitrate, cryat. os bait, bwo Whlteflsb. So. 1 Family Tront.No. l.half brl Cod.

extra UeoreeV Bank, Cod. tirand Bank, loo new Mackerel, No. 1 adore, half brl. Mackerel. No.

2 shore, hatf brl Mackeral. family, half ori EjtK. family mackerel California stlmon. brl California salmon, half brl Healed hemnr. half box Holland bemnit, rb kear, new Gihbed berrintr, new rplit Labrador herrins brl.

new Halifax split herrimr. brl Halibut, emoked, fb Bnaaian aardiuea. 9 Pollock. 100 tb 12 .10 .10 .10 .16 .18 A Ometra A. lA 12 knietraA.4 4.., 14 8 15 Mbnetta ACA.

4 4 17 Onwui 4 4 28 NimeeaM e. 7 ..25 ,.2 .23 Iis JW iaAdloo 2.0O lJ6S2.oo 85 J.7!VI1.40 1.2.V41.40 4.IX1 .4.2 8.7at4.(K) 2UX) Lackawanna. Baltimore and 6.RO Larkawauna. (ratejti.7547 O.IMt Lehigh RjHiniinoU 4.00A4.1O Cannel coal 7. no Indiana Briar HiU JMW7.I0 Braxii Block.

Lne tiJOia7.oo; WOOD. 4.50 Maple, fj cord. dellTered Btach. cord, delivered 8.W .5 Pinealaba cord, delivered JUX) COOPERAGE COOPEBS' STOCK. Alcohol barrela 1.81 WTiiaky barrel, each J.40 a lju Pork barrel, each J7V' 14W irdOercea.eacn....

l.ii axa Flonr barrela. each 1 Tierce atave bucked. 1R.O0 Tierce atavea. 25.O0 Pork barrel atavea. bncked.

a) in. 1H.I) Purk tjarrvia. Hate a. jj Whiky barrel atavea bn ked. ff m.

Fionr barrel atavea, bncked. 2 Hour barrel atavea. oak. Flour barrel headtnir. Flour barrel poiea.

Hour barrel ltoona. nikory, m. Flour bnrrel htmpa. louar aah. Hickory tierce Oak tier booiai Oak pork hoopa Box atrapa DRUGS AN'D CHEMICAL.

Acts, rirric, lb fOfiO Acid, oxalic 14 Acid, tartaric, powdered, lb .4 Ammonia, carbon, lb I Blue vitriol, lb JOM Borax, re nned. tb 15 Cronio cbioraltiiu.pte Unmaivp aublimate Cream tartar, pnre J8 (Vx liineal. Honduras .4: Chlorotorm. lb 0 (11 vcerine. (ium camphor.

i otli lb (rum abellac Ic.iiine. rr Mortdtine. milph. oz Oil. Oil.

caetor. Oil. leruon. lb Oil. olive, sal Kf .4,1 24.00 a.w.m a.m.ix riHtJft 7JW KJlHt HM 0.6t .05 A Ail 8.1 4 H.IMIS fi.OO .1.50 117.0!) cil.1.

AVJjm a144M .13 Si 2.75 FOREIGN FKl'lTS A NO KCTS. Rainina. London layer, crop 1 882 20 Itaiain. Mu catebi. crop 182 1.7.1 Valenciaa.

i lb. new rnjo. 1mK2 j07 II JW Cnrranta. ltsHJ JW Turkish prunea. 4" ib French prunes .11 J6 Almond, hard ahella.

fb. .18 Almond, paprr feheila. .2.1 Almond. aoU ahella. ft J3 0 Brazil nuta .10 Filberta.

new Sicily. 3 ft .12 Lmrliah walnnta. new, .14 Napie walunta. new. .17 Peanut.

Viivinia XO .11 Peannra. TentieHKe j08 Peannta, Wilwinirton. j08s Pecans, juu (9 I Citron, 4 lb .18 Dates JOT a) JU0 IKON AND STEEL. Bar Iron Horae ahoe bar LlKhtband Heavy band Hoop Half oval and round Norway rail roda. Charcoal iron German plow Caat plow steel American driil Tire ateel Fleiifli ahoe Spring LEATHER.

HTVLOCK. Hsrnesa. dry flnfah. Harneaa, city, aeoond choice, Harness, country Llne. fu; i Tpper.

city aniah. yfoot lpper. city, aecona cnoioo 124 1 50 fK.5f 4.00 2JHVt4.10 2.5tt..40 3.21 l.OO 8OIOt.40 8 K) 8.2.VS3.30 JL i)7 ji4 aa AU j04 JJ iM) 89 .24 3 Jl JMK4 .76 4iliS JM .75,4 J0 Jt eaajakiBail a i 7 JfXK'4 LOO A'i 0 8 Jr .84 Vj 89 i.14 J44.4 JW 8.4 .29 ettva 4M .43 J7iJ AO ia. a jjtya so lJUVi 1.1.1 JJ8.3 .33 Koana i yv French calf. 21 to SO the 1.15.

10 French calf. 3fl to 38 fNa J.2.K 1 .80 French calf, 38 to 40 i 70 French kip, 60 to 100 lbs 1 1 .20 Pink Uninr 7i2 fcfiq buasetlinimrs 6XKVi 8 i0 MLIALS AND TINKERS' STOCK. enrm. Tfnned sheafhlntr. 14 nd 10 ox 4 sod 28 Tinned sheathing, planished.

14 and lox. Tinned aheathing. planiched. No. 7.

14x62 Tinned aheathing, plamabed. No, 8, 14x52 in. Tinned aheathing. plamanod. No.

9, Copper bottoms rMia, TO 10x14. ehsr IC, 12x12, char .84 8fl jsa 8rt 6 25 IX loxl 4, 4. 8.75 IX. S.5 IX, 10x14, char 8. .5 I X.

14X JO. char roof 6.25 IX, 24xi0, char. 8.2.1 IC, 2 1X2M. char. IX.

28X28, char. rooi. srrrrr mow. OoraNoa. 18 to 18 to 24.5.75 Cora, No.

V5 to 20. 4jUO Chsro. No. 25 to 28.. 8.WO Com No.

27 4.2) Chare No. 27. Bmooth fln No. 24... 4 80 Smooth.

Jnn 16 to 24 7.76 Smooth to, Noe. 25 bmooth. Jail. 26 and B.O01 26 8.00 Smooth fin. No.

27... 60 Smooth. Jon. No. 27.

VJtS ZTVC. I Bheet, small lots. XWi XXI JKiS Bar AKi la via HAD raow. American, rlanlahed. A.

Noa. 24 to 27... American, planiahed. Noa. 24 to 27......

J9 Buaau. Jio. 8. 8. and U5 hnaaia, Kirtayt, jiua.

12 and 13.................... J.4 ntOV. Beat Jnniata, Koa. 14 to 20 12 00 Bet Juniata. Noa.21 Boat Juniata.

No. 26 to Boat Juniata. No. 27 iMMriUIUIUl .1 XI. tialTaauaea.

aem auaooanx. MU. I BI.OCK nnner aoider. heat ..16 taiv Tanner' aoider, No. 1....13 small pi Itar tin.

Carbon. Klchlrah test, p. Carbon. Michigan test. w.

Carbon, Wiaconain teat, p. w. Carbon. Wiaconain teat. w.

Carbon. Indiana teat, p. Carbon. Indiana teat, w. Carbon, standard white, 1 10 der.

Are test Carbon, prime wluto, 160 deg. Are Carbon. Kenejane, 150 deg. 4OS1 Cartiou. anow white.

150 dear. 111. Carbon, water white. 150 deg.lli. Wat Caj txiB.

baaUhgiit, 17 Elaine. ISO deg. test. Linseed, raw. Llneeed, Lxtr Neatatoot.

No 1. Neatsfoot. No. 2 Extra lard, currant mak. Lard.

No. 1.. Lrd. No. 2 Tallow oil.

No. 1 Whale, extra winter, Bank Straits Sperm. Extra minera Extra minerV yellow Luoo Machine 3v b4iriia turpeutin. pin IBON. lfoa.

1 and Lake fliiperlor, No. 3. Lake Superior, for car wheel. Noa. 4 and 6, Lake Superior, malleable.

No. 1 No. 1 8'otch, according to No. 1 Hanging Book, charcoal No. 1 Hanging Rock, coke No.

1 American Scotch Cold biaatcharuiai, tor car 13.O0 14.00 1.1. ltMM ..56 JS ..27 piAlLa, lOd to OOd ...........3.153 24 J.1 J0'4 24 aisi .13 jo in if J3V. J9 a JS4 ji .83 XO A .75 ii 91.40 .68 J57 AX 25.00 27 .00327.50 V4 JK' '5." 84.00 425.0tt 4OlKAi4.1.00 COTTON. Nww Orlesss, atnly 17 Cotton dull snd nn rhsuged; net reeeipta, 45.1 balea; gross, 9. baleai exporu to Ureat Britain, 5,755 balsa; sslss.

500 bales Stock. S4.2I8J bales. PETROLEUM. Cleveland, July 17. Weaker; standard whits, HO deg.

uU 7Sio. Pitt burg, July 17. Fairly active: united cert i 6 catea irregular: closed at 1AI1S): re nned. 7Vi'Vi. PiuiadeipJiia deliverr.

MISCELLANEOUS. New Tork. July 17. Cotton eater: furnres firm: July. O.UJOi August, 9JWc: September, 888e: October.

9.72u; November, 9.0.1c: Uecumber. P.tiSc: January. 9.78c Pebrnsry, 9.84c; March. 9.1.V: April, Flour firm. Wheat Cash lots Sarfc.and options lwlStp higher; reeeipta, 35.OO0 bu; exports, 82.inm bu: No.

2 apring. 1.0!itt 1.10; nngra'ied apring, 95a4i9tic nngraded rd.ltf41.17; ateaiuer No. 2 rd.lTrt; No. 2 red. 1.14iu stor: elevs tor; al.lrf 1.10 deli v.

ri'd mixed winter, 1 ungraded white, l.o3il.ii sieam No. 3 white. 80c: No. 1 wbitr.eaie 1U.0O0 bu at 1.13t1.16'4: No.3 red. July quoted at 1.15: Aunuau aalea 1.184.UUO buatel.16' tl.lU l4.

cloaiug at l.HV4i Scptembrr. aalea 3.. i. OOO bu at closing at 1J9Si: October, aalea 256.000 bu at 1.1H;1.21 closing at 1.21 Si November, aalea 3l2.l bu at 1.2 I dosing at 1.23. Corn Caab without quotable change; options opened Sk'j lower aud cloved ateadier, with a recovery of 14e receipts, 187 A bu exporta.

17.01M) bu 4e4.MSi i No. 3. 53s.4 Vtc; No. 2. 00c; S.

2 wnite, 7nc; No. 2. July. 58 "sj8 '4C closing st 58S; Augitat. dD'; lie.

closing at OOSc; September, 2 tl closing at u27sv 3 closiUK at 63'so. Oata dull and heavy, Snlc ioor: receipts, 32.IWO on: export. Weatern, 40fat43c; white Western. 4:1 Si sA.Vies No. 2 Cbicaaro, 41c.

Hay qniet aud ateady. tvonee dull and wwak Bio. 7tdT740. Sugar ateady; fair to rood renniug quoted at 6 1 1 Itl36 1316c; gnnulated. 8 15 ltkAac.

Molasae quiet, but ateady. Kice Demand fair snd msrket Arm. Petroleum dull: united, Sl.ol. TaUow easier at 7 lVt7ac. Rosin quiet, lurpentiue.

quiet, but ateady. Kigs Weatern treah. oni but firm. Pork strong snd higher: new meaa. 1.1.75118.

Beef qniet aud nominal. Cut meats nominal long clear mid diaw. 840. Lard atrun and higher: prim a team. rt.12St 9.17Si: Angut.

September, October. 18ttl.44. Butter dull and weak. Cheese. demnd fair and market Arm.

Lead steady, outers anuiisnged. Baltimore Jnly 17 Flour nnrhanged and qniet. Wiieat Weatern iiuhvrand active: No. i spot. l.l I.I6 4: July.

Sl.lb1 bid; August, I.17Setl.l7 ,4 H. ptembor. 1.1 Vl lS: October. 1.17 4.14i.l8: Cora Weatern lugtier and quiet; mixed sput. 50 Saawac July, tM)c asked: August, September.

13k40c: Ot tob 6J0 bid. Oata quiet and aieadv; Weat rn white. 4447c mixed. 414l45c. Kve lower at 614 37c.

Hay unchanged. Proviaions dull sud unchanged. Butter dull: Western pxeked. H4ltk creamery, lSviS.U LVgs quiet at 10.tl7c, Petroienm nominal. Coffee dull; K10 cargot 4.

ordinary to fair, Sugar firm: aoit.eP4c. Whiaky simet at l.lBtMl.l7. Freights to Liverpool per ateamer dull and unchanged. Beceipta Flonr. 1.92:1 brls: hest.

A6.14XI bu: com. M.oiaj bu: oats. 4.0tsl bu: rye. l.OtNl bu. 8nipments Wheat, ti.lXsl bu corn.

7.0U0 bu. Sales Wheat, 541.000 bu corn. 12.000 bj. St. Loa's.

July 17. Fionr flrinnr, snd top grade nc tter. oeat excitea sua ni iier; a 3.1.0, ul 111 1 P.l.lO Julv. 1.07Sljll"a An niat Si I JeAI jail I. 1 filial.

13 tAtober. atlilTiAl jail, Trt N.i. 3 red. Al. Corn alow sud w.ak;4l'4C cash.

47ia 7l4C Aumit, i tember. 4hi4 Hc Ocbioer. 4'tj42J4c bi yeur. Osls hlzber: 33' bid caaj. i'4C July.

au rust, jti year. nTe lower to aeu 4 uiu. i ler X. luacket. IVad nuiet st Cora meal firm at2.t.

Butter nnchauged. Kvga unchangei. Whiaky steady at 4 I.I4. ib' eipts our. 3.4KK) brls; woes t.

Xakxi ba corn. '2. bu osta. 4.04H) bu.

CIS Flour, s.ifcai bris: trhesL, iuuu uu corn, j.uou ou cats. IJMJU tu. Ptellartclnrilah July 17. Flour Minnesota extra. family.

ASft.V.1,'!: Olito. vtA winter patent, 76 Minueaot ptenl procea. faiXa47.26. tAbeatnrm: No. i rea elevator, a in No.

2r eleVAtor. t.ltijsl .18 Si: steam rd on dock fl.l lml.12; No. 2 red July. 17 Auguat, H. September.

1.18 V1.1M' October. 1.20..A1.2U Cora eseadv; o. uUc: sau mini sail hicrh mixed. U2c sail mixed. July.

Auiruat tl.J..UlS 8. ptember. to A i (Jctntier. brfw. tjata tinil autl lower: au.

a white, 4.a34 Sic. Others nncuanzed. eipta i lour. 1.4 a bris; wneat, 8.7UU bu corn. i.oou uu oats.

2.5UU bu. Milwaukee'. Jnly 17 Flonr oniet bnt ateady. Wh at buoyant and active: No. 2.

l.l July, 1.02a: Auguat. el.014 Sepb mber. Ollsi's: year, 1 ir 'i. torn firmer: No. 2, 62c: new.

47c Oats steady: No. 2. S.V: white. S8c. Rye inactive: No.

i Xo. 2.5:1c. Barley nominal No. 3 spring extra. Provisions burner.

AU a purs. I4.1 cash and Auguat $14.35 September. rd Bt am.at4.84l 1 aah and SMJIO SeDtember. Hoes St. ady at 4.91X4.1.25.

Kra ghta firm. Batter dull. Cheba ateady. K. vs eaaier.

Kaeeipta rlour. 15JJOO whea l4UDObu: Oar.ey. 111.1 ou. i ments Flonr. 14.U0O brU; wneat.

63.000 ba; barley. 1.0OO bu. Ta'adnL Jnlv 1 ITbeat active and a ahade higher; No. 1 white Michigan. el.lO: reiected.

Otic: No. 2 ret winter, caan ana July. 1. 12; Ana uat. 1 13: 8 Dtember.

Si. 15: tober. Sl.lll: November, 1.17 bid; January, fl .22 "a No. 3 red. 13)5: reiected.

85c. Corn dull and nominal: No. 2 cash and Jnlv, 53Sio naked: Auguat, 64m54Sac: Ser tember. reiected. 61c: no rrsile.

oc. Oats dull; No. 2 canh. Auguat. 3(, t3ic: Sep tember.

30tat31nR: resr. 2ttc. Kaceiptie waeat. 7Abu: oats, 24)00 bu. Slupmentav Wheat, LS.OOO buicorn.

o.ouu ou. Louisville. July 1 7. Cotton dull and unchanged middling. 7aae.

Flonr Arm and unchanged. Wheat Liemand fair and market arm old No. 2 red winter. I ej 1.02: new. 98ys4l.

Corn (airly active snd ahade higher: No. 2 white, A4o; No. 2 mixed. 5lSio. Oat quier Dnt nrm mixea ei astern, j.x ye nrm no.

zt Proviaions Demand fsir snd prices higher: new mesapork.alS; balk shoulders. csesrrib, l7.75; clear sides, tw.25: bacon ahoulders. f7.50; clear rib. Jt.62St; clear, JO: hams, angsr ctired. 1 13.

Lard Choice kettle rendered. $12. Whisky ateady and nnrhanged at ni ia. flBrdnnatl. Jnlv 17 Cotton weaker ati)aQ.

Plonr firmer! family. 4045: faucr nnchanced. Wheat strong sd.1 higher; No. 2 red winter. l.XVtl.O;Si spot.

1.06Sl July. 1.07 Angust. Sentember. slim October. Slxsjia recsnbts.

13. Ouo bu shipments. 8.O0O bu, Corn assier at 624 uauuuiiaiwo. itya stronger at osooc. Whiaky firm at 41.13.

Batter heavy and nnchanced. Kansas City. Jnly 17. Wheat Receipts, 2.13X10 DO! eiilVIIRiiLa. 1 1 it a mKkn imu ,1,.

a rw fall. rXSaL9aC eaah. 89c Auguat, 90Siu90'ac Septem W. Corn Ilocelpts. 14.000 ba shipuients.

8.IKA) bu market weaker 38S8 bid cash. 39c bid August and September. Oata lower to sell; 82se bid cash. No options. aexsrlaw 1 7.

Oor stead V' high mtxed. 60r4) No. 2 mixed. Oats weak and lower; lxea. Aasui weas au i lower No.

2 wniua. ou4: Whiakr steady osi. 87J1O0 bn iu35Sc Bye scarce; No. 2. 49Sk4 "Oc.

at $1.1.1. Receipts Com. 18.600 ba; rye, 600 ba I parley, IJKIO ba. 8hip nisnts 4jom. UAMM ba oats, so.tajo Da; rye, coo tm.

GOVERHOE BUTLER'S KTTT.TQIOH. In his William Colleg srssech OeneraJ Sutler aaid: 'Ihr) nothing; to do with re ligious creeds or religious beliefs upon non Brought up In a Baptist oolleee. It yet aerer seemed to that It was of any consequence what amount of water was used to giT the sign of the living soul that it belonged to Christ, Afterward, (track: with the beauty of the Uturgy and litany of the Episcopal Church in its rhythmic flow, al xnoat in numbers, satisfied the Apostles' creed, and fully content to wind up the morn ing devotion with the prayer of Chrysoetom, Oh. Lord, listen to our petitions, aa they are most convenient for us, certain that all will be done, I became member of an Epis copal congregation, But there are some things, my young friends, as you go forth into the world, that you must never lose hold of, fox If you do, there la no place where you can stop. in my udgment, who claims to believe that the RrtrintTirea are the word of God and the New Testament is the history of the life of His son, ana Uten aoes nos neiiere.

uine uuit nan la divine, has riven up the whole case, and he has btft one step further to take to deism, and then but a single step to atheism and the denying of the existence of God at all I cannot talk, to you like a clergyman, but I have some ideas of my old soldier life, and upon this question I say to you: NStand to your guna. Ion't give up the This was toe doctrine on which your lathers reared these walla. They put no restrictions upon You. gentlemen of the trustees, because it never occurred to them that Massachusetts could swerve from these doctrines, snd AUJaaauachuaetts, by the bulk or majority of her people, can never do so, and these doctrines and these fundamental provisions. I trust, will always be taught in this, our beloved, steadfast, firm, and Christian avuaa tuater." THE COURT RECORD.

A Oompleta Beport of the Proceedings la JLH tha Ctonrtt of llecord During Vacation. 1 lfajter of Interest in the Defanet fearing! mak wee a eisier AgaiBit a Brother. OXBJtAJf SAVIKOS AVZ. Jndr J'ameaon yawterday tatard a ssotlom with ref ersnoe to the defunet German Bavlncs Bank. Aooordlng to tha order of ths ooart, April IS was the last day oa which ths depositors eould prove up claim again tha institution before the aaa tr.

Bnt John Cells and four Other Italian de positors, not betas? able to read tbs Xaflish and German notices in the newspapers, let ths day go by withont proving; np their rlalms Aa their claim amount to abtntt $3,000, theas parties ap peared in co art, by their' attorneys, and flled petition that the decree' 'of court mads May 7, settling np ths affairs of the bank, might be re opened and their elatnta paid. The other depos itors have been paid lOO cent on the dollar with interest, bnt in order to pay them the stockhold ers were forced to make1 up a deficit of over $6,000. The deorew erdereVl that in considera tion of this fact there should be turned over to them the charter of the bank, which is supposed to be worth $10,000. The petition of Cells snd the other petitioner asks that this charter In nartfanlar mar be eubteeted to their claims, and the court cave them permission to tsroeeonte their claims against the stockholders tn the name of the receiver. O.

H. Morton. Connael tor the pe titioners were much wrought np over the alleged fact that Mr. Horton turned over the charter to the stockholders after he had been notified that the petition would be presented, and dated the assignment July 9, though it waa dellTered oa July 14. xms.

white's i A bill was filed In the Circuit Court yesterday by Minnie M. White, of napetio county, lowa. in which she states that on Jane I. 1 878. gave to her brother.

Alfred K. Mead, for ool tec tum aix notes made by Lonia W. Beck, with aa aggregate face value of $38,094.38. Mead re ceived from Beck $10,000 and notes for the bal anoe. Mead placed the new notes with Charles W.

Origgs, an attorney of this city. Mm. hlte, the complainant, got neither money nor notes, and in Vlarch. 1882 tv gan DrooeedlnaTS tn thts court against Mead, Griggs, and Beck. On Jane 1882, without her knowledge or consent, an agreement waa made between Commlnss Cravener, her attorneys, and B.

C. Taliaferro, for the defendants, bv which her bill waa dismissed at ber costs. 8he now chances that her attorneys were bought over by Alead, ana asks to nave tne alleged fraudulent decree set aside, and Mead, Griggs, and Beck made to account for her notes. which during the coarse of the first proceedings were removed from tne Dies, ana cannot Be louno. ITKAfS AND AKSOUNCSMKNTS, Anastasia vt bslaa sued Charles) Flynn in the BuDerior Conrt yesterday for $3,000 for breach of promise or marriage.

Nothing was done in the Appellate Conrt yes terday. Any parties bavins; tending motions can leave their papers with the Clerk, to be acted oa by the Judges. Kaphaei Beer, a wholesale Honor dealer at Xo. 25 Washington street, yesterday confessed judgment in the Kaperior Court in favor of i raxienka 1 1. 2.

1 I Judge Drnrnmond yesterday beard the conclusion of the arguments in the Indianapolis and St. Lonia Railroad case, and took the matter under advieement. Judge Uardner yesterday adjourned court until Thursday. July when be will bear the saloon license matter. udge Jameson adjourned oourt until further notice.

The will of the late Cornelloua Roo was yea terday admitted to probate and letters granted Arend Ue Kio in bond of The estate la valued at and is bequeathed to Uen derika lie Boo. the widow. In the estate of Kl I Bates, the executor. James C. Brooks yesterday Sled reeeipta in the Probate Conrt of the lesaclea for the aggregate as ahown rv uis final aeoount wnicn was approved on June last.

Ue also filed the receipt of bamnd Collyer and tbeBev. George C. MUn for their specific legacies. An order waa made diechargina; the executor. THE CALLS FOH TO DAY.

VNITEO STATES COCKTS. Judge Drnrnmond In cliambera. Judge Blodgett In chamber. APPELLATE COVBT. No further session.

Parties havltlZ motions can leave papers with Clerk. srPEiuos covin. Judge Gary Motions. Judge Jameson No oourt until further notice. Judxe Uardner No cosrt until farther notice.

4TOUXTT COOBT. Jadge Prendergsst Motion in Xo. 3,078, CRIMINAL COUBT. Judge Smith No. 1..178, 1.62.

L618, 1.619. l.ti 'O, 1,822. 'l. 1,623, 1.028, 1.U2U, JudseBotrers No. PBOBATE ftOTITT.

Jadge Knickerbocker Ueneral business. THS COXTB TS Xt. S. CIBCTJIT. ITEW pit: 19.041 Llrrie t'hnan, sdmlnlsTatrlT of Henrv H.

Adams, use, vs Matual Benefit Life InHuranoe Company. Asst. Hutchin son dt Luff, attya. BEPORK JUDOS BLODOBTT. Chancery ISO, Chicago Astrouomlcal Society vs Union Matual Life Insurance Company; by stlp time to ana oi ueit u.

AL la. lna. ext to Avar. 15. Law 13.SS2.

Ripley vs Can field: lv to witnd note, etc. 17,938, Bailev vs Wilson; costs pd and new trial granted 7SrA Holies vs Town or urom field lv to amd narr and deft ruled to pld by first Monday of Auguat 7W), Port vs Town OZ Jklav wood; aameord. SUPESIOB. scrrs. 87.671 Marshall Field ct al vs Eugene B.

Myers and Sarah Myera. Asst. $1,500. N. W.

Bliaa, attv, 8 ,672 Frank F. Cole M. B. Bnshnell and Mary E. BnabnelL Confession of Jodgment, T.

C. Whiteside, attv. Josephine Herrins vs Edgar C. Her ring. Bill for divorce for cruelty.

L. Lyons, solr. 87.674 Frederika teen bock vs Raphael Beer. Confession of Judgment, $16,765. Monroe Leddv.

attva. 87,675 Alexander U. Thomson et al vs Edwin and Henry J. Dike. Asst.

$300. Fairchud fe Blackman. attva. 87,678 N. J.

Brown, admr, etc, vs The Lake Miore ana sncnigan Houthern Jt at Co. cats George H. Dnpuy, aUV. 87,677 Ovetxgar vs Chicago Cltv Railway Com paay. Case, Alexander Clark, attv.

chaxcskt Tfrrrj iusncs jaiaeson. Orders 9,452, Kimlall vs Kimball; lv to amd bill 3.713. blevers vs Uievers: dent. Divorces 3.220, Charles Starkweather from Louisa F. Btarkweather; for bigamy 3.612, George Henry from Mary Henry; for drunkenness 3,993, Henrietta rlpeneer from Jason Spencer; for drunkenness 3,586.

Sophia J. Byming ton from Charles W. 8myington; tor adultery 3, 62 Johanna Keenan from James Keenan; for arunKennees. CHAWCITRT JVDOM OABDNKB. Orders 3,340, Bsstress va Pelton rerr's rent ref to Whitehead to reo as to tot of rsor a com Sensation and charges for expend i tares, and or er recr pay $811.01 to omplt or his aolr 3,767, Hayden va Sage; inj mod 3.789, Try ber vs Emmert; mo tor den withont pre snd lv to amd bin 3,282, Enowlton vs Han buryt mo Emily Hoyt for lv to file pet for re moval to U.

a. Clr Ct den and lv to ber to file bill in five da without pre! to removal, dent of unknown owners and art bO pi on calr 3,120, Mack vs Yonng; mo for rule on Cbas. Young and George Glnendel to ahow canse for committing perjury den and lv to withd sppts fid 3,971. Forbes vs Oener; order as to manatactare and sale of roods and draft tendered by com pit refused 3,474, Sanf ord va V. B.

Mrts Co: lv to amd bill 87,15 4, Hanaford va Bohn; exens 1, 2, 8, 7, 8, lO, snd 12 to ans auatd and 3, 41 ovio, Dscrees 3.3i)3. Douglas va Hill: decree aputg eomrs 3,276, Simpson vs Simpson; taterlocutory decree. Divorce 2.143. James B. Tavtar from Franoss A.

Taylor; for adultery. strrrs. 45.345 Vary Bantsoh va J. Marashaa sad Blata Brewing Company. Appeal.

45.346 Mary 8. Davia va Alvin Davis. Bill for separate maintenance on the errrmnd of cruelty. Chester Kinney and W. 8.

Felker; solrs. 43,1147 wm, u. Jtinney al va iiagaaisna ana John J. Mueller. Aast, $1,000.

H. Crawford, atty. 45.348 31 In nla M. Whits va Alfred K. MeaoL Charlea W.

Brigge. and Lewie W. Beck. Bill to aet aside a oertain decree. Mink Elliot, solrs.

43.349 Bradner. Smith A Ca va Adam Craig. kxw strrrs. 4.129 Adolnh Zeller vs Pater Ulller. Confes sion of Judgment $225.

Edmund Jussen, atty. BKFORS JITDOK PBKNDEBOAST. Orders 4.01 4. Condon vaMcGill: suit died 3.56'J Csnd WIRRCavsLnev C. F.

Gayet al order on County Traas for dlstn of money 4.120. In re volaasgnt of Richard Forbes: lv to sell assets of debtor at private sale nisi three ds. bet orb tdg sarrra. Orders 1.64JU. Georve Kellv.

bitrrlsm inry trial; aaaled vardiot LC27, Charlss W. Bmllh, Larceny; continued by defendant 1,603. Edward ilanson, larceny; eonttnned by defendant, Brroaa jtrooa aooBRS. Orders 13,289. John Covle and John Coyle: default, and Jnd gment set aside oa payment of costs 1,572.

Edward Daly, alias, etc. larceny; tried by the court; finding guilty of petit larceny; sentence suspended 1,579, Dennis Klrby. aa aault: tried bv the court; finding, not guilty 1.355, Delia Grant, petit Uroeny; plea of guilty entered sentenced on plea to four months In the County Jail l.all, James Biggs, larceny; tried by the eoortl finding rniltv, and 14 yesra of age; sentence suspended Charloa Miller, burglary motion for new trial overruled sentenced on finding to one year in the Penitentiary. PBOBATE. BrpoKB xtrooa KwiRKraaocaan Wills Estate of Charles H.

Kreplln; will proven and letters test issued to Amos Mavage, bond in $2,400 appro Estate of Cornelius De Boo; will proven and letters of admn. with will annexed, issued to Arend De Boo, bond in spprd Katste of John Peter Johnson will proven and letters of sdma, with will annexed, issued to Thomas B. Hood, bond in apprti. Administrations EataLe of John Koran; letters of sdma leaned to Patrick M. Hogan, bond in $3,000 SDprd Katste of Mary O'Connell; latter of admn Issued to Patrick J.

O'Connell, bond In spprd Estote of Magnus K. Olson: letters of admn to Hilda B. Olson, bond la $7,000 Orders Est Isaae Beat; tnv and BTrprst apprd Est Andrew ichel new aoprs apprd Est bar lotte Schmidt: final acct apprd. est settled snd extr dlschgd Est Charles H. Brachvogel.

minor genl sect apprd, final soot apprd ss to William fuardn dlschgd as to him ana acct current apprd Est John E. Owsley elms of Hester Owsley and Christopher C. Brown, sdmra, for $15,240.39 slid Est Harriet B. Wright; to final acct wlthdn Est Evelyn Bratnard new ded issued Est Ole Peterson lv to witnd mortgage Et Charles Gosaage; order extra distribute $25,000 among children and residuary legatees, and also make distribution at any further time and extra pray an appeal from order alls? dm of Mrs. M.

J. Greene for $150, which is granted Est alsry K. Gosaage et al. minors; lv to guardn execute ef und ing bonds Est Gottlieb Dorfmsnn. reg ord of adi Est Chaa.

Gosaage; appl bond apprd Est Wm. 8. Johnston; first annl acct apprd Eat Darius Knights; alias cit issued arst former admx ret Julv 18 Est James D. Kline; dec of aale Eat Sheridan Watt; rent of sale of real est apprd and sale ounfd Est Edmund F. Denison; final eect apprti, est settled and extx dlschgd Est Frederick Bruns; pf of beirsp Est Frank C.

ward et si; minors: iv to gnaran to expend F200 for a bora i nomas rree stone; Inv, snprst and wda swd spprd Est J. Minerva if ora nnai acct apprd. est set jt i I IT alW, UW VAfc, V.nVMH, rM7M UM. rept of sale of real eat apprd and conf ward alld to retain balance of eat to apply on ber awd. and she dlschgd Kit Lncia A.

Beed reg ord of adi Est Absalom Herring; elm of Northrop Ac Lyman for $131.75 alld, and rept of sale of per prop spprd Est Charles PfannenstlU; order C. K. lfanneostfll turn over certain prop to Elizabeth Brandt, admx, upon demand Est Andrew Miller; hist annl acct apprd Est James Casey; apt bond for aale of real est epjrd Est Kicuard P. Derickaon: elm of Hattie M. Hamilton dlsalld and appld Est Win.

J. Larson elm of Ole Chriatianson refiled and alld for $194 Est Barbara NUler; tf or neirsn, ana cim or peter Datnmann for $17.35 alld Est Michael Roach; rf of hetrsn fcst alary noacn; same st wm. Istel; atty spptd to defend est agat elm of adms Ell Bates; reeeipta of lesaolea fid and extr discard Marv Ann Carter; pf of helrap. STATEMENT Of the NATIONAL LIFE INSTTBANCE COMPANY of V. 8.

of A located at WjehimrUin. I). C. Branch office at Chicago. 111., on the Slat day of December.

1K82, made to tbe Auditor of Public Accounts Of the Stat of in, i ravsat to la w. 4APTT4T. Amount of capital paid in rash $1XIOOOODO. ABMllltl. Leans secured by deeds of trust or mort gageaon real eats le Liana secured by Premium notes snd loans.

Value of real estate owned by the con paiiy T'n I ted Stste stocks snd bonds City ssd oilier bond Stock of Oak woods Cemetery Company. Stock of Detroit Car Loeui Coiuoanv Cash on hand and In bank Caah in bauds of a receiver. Interest due and aocrued. Kent accrued. Net amount of deferred and oaUtaading toremiums Due from other I'nadmitted sssi la MortVAate losns 7.2O0.00 Chattei mortgage l.tasi.isi Atrrnta balances raccivera iUkooOaMI Total unadmitted S117S r.t .1 ti Total risks takaadunng the year, in BU nols Total premiums received during the year, in Total loases paid during the year, in DU Bli Total amount of all risks ontatanding.

VAN U. MilHtlJiH. 82rt.535.47 2.rj,ial.iN) lJ32.407Jt8 S4.6.r.a 15MM 375.a 7344.75 lxm.ol 1JM8.10 1S.OB6.63 ia.4uj,t)o Total assets saa98J)3 1UA. Policy claims doe and u. ruuiii, in ti ad usrment, or adi usted and wi .9 a a Folx claims resisted by the company ai.4Asi.tK Total nntlevelalma Net present vlue of ail outstanding poU ciea acruane per cent.

Premiums xiald in advsnce forfeited policies habls to Total liabilities rNCOMK. Premlnm Income received in cash Premium ituxinie in notes luterrst sad dividends received during the year. Aanoaut received for rents during tha year $115.721 36 4363.427.00 7.1 4.5 8 35 S2.4LSJ.7vT .13 44a7 135860.74 9930.48 Total income. SsM2.16'io4 K1M ENIITI'R. Cashpaid during the year for Inaiaw and other polii 4 laim a368.2G6.33 Cash sumader values applied in pay idcbi ui 'n iiuuiii, CsaUi paid during ths year for dividends to stm kbulders laujauujaa Cash paid during the year for tonunia siotia snd salaries.

67X56.66 Taxes paid dunug the tM'i lu nta paid during the 4J57.28 Cash paid foradvertiaing 1.41' Amount of aUomer cash Xotaipromium noto AAiMJbS Total expenditures. 649517 9.1807 J. NTll HIK 8ncretarv. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th dsy of February. 1683.

MELVILLE T. WHITAKER. notary ruuuo. ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the KEW ENOLASD MTTTJAL LITE rsSCRAXCE COMPAN of Boston, in the 8tate of Massachusett. on the Slat day of December.

1J, made to tbe Auditor of Public Accounts tat the Stats of Illinois, pursuant to law. ASSETS. Loans secured try deed of trust or mortgages on real estate. Loans aecured by nrmiuui wiKaua uu. Value of real estate owned by the oom TuibiS States State, city, county, and other Kailroad bonds, loans, and Bank stocks.

Other corporations atock Caah on hand and in Interest due and lu ui. Kcnm. liet amount of deferred and outstsnd ing prenilnma w. Total 2311.9!M.K) 854 23 liUlil7 WXS7JW LIM 'iIUjOO tr7 H14DO 2t4.U250 S.S5J41jUO 54.75Hi B77ljH 12.101)1)5 11572 JW lo432.18L85 i tann TTJt Total policy $140,959.00 Ket present value of all on ta landing policies "actuaries" 4 per 13315.00 Dividenus due and auipaid. 7S.7oo.otl Total Premium tnoora received in pMmiuai income I a Interest and dividends received during the year Amount received for rants during the year.

13 13.0X19 Dt $1 422N9Jl 740.550.93 68 .) .) 20876 Total XPEND1TCB3. Cash paid during the year for ana omer policy cuusi flasfei naiti ifnrinr the rear fat $LS5722jr7 aencu to poticy Boiaere aa7uo.7a Cash paid during the year fur oom misnons snd salaries 222 .0453 JT7 Taxea paid during the 24X.V.MI5 Caah paid for advertising lMiri.78 Atuouut of mil other cash expenditurea. lU2.lM2a8 Xotai premium note expenuiturtai 15 Total $aU5vbVL20 kllScfclXAXEOFS. Total risks taken dunug the year la nilnoie 01,254.000 0 Total preminma received dnrlng tha ths year in Total losses incurred daring the year in Illinois Total amount of risks outstanding Bfi.2W7.7i7 DO 11 ja jus r. KiEviiss, rmuaeuk JtaSRPH M.

GIBBKN8. 8ecretarv. mibseribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of A0O3. ALFRED D. FOSTER.

Votary Public. I i a If awa ea aiwruHiray JooLARKST.CHiacola ftsiliii IVft, nHwala, sar OW as.rial. aitastslisai er nvsls, alia eases caras wia aaSasSlta. aaasara, IS aa is aa, wr SSraiDR. KEAN, 178 Sonth Clark Consulution personally or by mail FKiJi of Charge, on Private, hervoua.

Chruuic and bpecial Diaease. Hours, a. aa. to tu. Suauaya, to m.

BJkXZWAT TTJCg TABLB Chtcaice) and Northwesteriu Ticket OfTloes: 62 Clark St Or and Pad flo Hotel 47atoa wtu wyv, wrw nvua Mia inais acs. Araiua, I AABSva. I arriVS. a. 11 8t Paul A III sn.

via Mil. ic MaiL. Mambalitowu EtDrcaa 8 a wa ta" Sioux City and Ilea Moines umana and lutures Eockforti Freeport anl 'in KnapJU ana rii I 'Veenort snd llarwood Paaav Iaywood Psasenger, Starwood i'BMaena'er. Mil wood PkHSenrer. at.

ensnse st jugin imhurat Pa an mer. Jiini aon Paaaenger, Fterilnir EttmM rsAsenrer. norator Elgin an EWuRi EiiflnKi Korazora snd rx tree port. Ikx lord It DabaqusJ 9 :15 ml rreepori inn AJtse ueneva. report.4iocai(jra kord A I i)0 mr .15 a ml mi fliWinl KocAiora BpaClaL.a..

lr Kxnreas. It in stxoress Kkih sud hi. Clisrles Bxiirass KiKia 8undr M.lwanke Express Milwaukee Special I Sundays). Madisos Sunday special owauaee auu uiwa LJ Milwaukee Erpreas Milwsuks Paaiw ucer. MUwsukee hight Attu Waukesha Expreaa Waukeaua cxpreax.

Sunday a. Waukehha Waukeshs Express Waukesha ireen ay t.xira. ,.7 1 i 1 1 A a 8t. Paul Minneapolis Ex fl 00 I Beloit Janeaville fll rirna ixviwom 1 AAW.rosss Aiaitota, Dakota. Winona Dakota i Uu tieueva Pssaenrer.

Lake (Mtnevs Lake tieueva IkeUenma Fiiwiigtr. Evaustoa i Evauaton raaMrUKer. Evanaton Evamtton Pasaenifer. Kvauaton Eraoatou Passeugnr Ex. Sunday.

lEx. Monday. a ss 5am Mi All a aa 10M)a 10:15 pm sfljam Dubuque as 4 IS iJOPtn'T 8 00 "aasena er mr SiVOnm 8.4Apian :4 a a 39pm :45 pm :45 pm l.M t)a AN) 6 tta ni 2:40 ua aigoia 8 5 aaa 8K)s AtOa suf 4rf5m MIm as 24K)pm Iffllinl 4aipta SKJSSm etOa liwinttwi Sioa 44JOp IWpn nt KsjamlouiOam ra ar tureen Bay sad Maniustts Ex Jt IKliisI ra Wlnnetks 1 K) i 3:45 am WiaiiKti Passenger I ft S)5 ss 7 il5 Atigniand rark 1 aaanrer. :4. wa i a HiL hlaad Jsrk iu 10iOa nt Lake Bill ft PaaseOA er Lk Forest Pssaenei.

Wsukersa Psaaenrer Wsukersn aaaenirar Kenoahs Paaaenirt fataplsines i'asaeiirer Deapuinea Psasenger. Deaolainea Paasenrer. Bamngton Piuwieiiner. Bamturton Paaeenrer, noooatoca raaaeurer. Janearvllis Paaseager.

Janeaville Janttsvills Psaaeoger. IVlllt loupes 6 HJO 6 :45 a 8:1 pss 7:40 4:10 il 1 M'lbwiu J8)m SHHipm 7 am lVlam: tilSia 84)pm't 0:40 SB mi ir .....,11 HO a 2 :00 at 4:4. ax Liiao ant a ax OObsb sSJa an i 74Mlpni i (Hioa ni I JiiOps I 7 ::) 4 6 a ra 7p a aa MiOinr 8 Ma in at 10)i niciOa aa 12 il mi Mis 4 osmr 7 4NB ml Ui)p tni'll IIU. bAturday. UWy.

siaavlay ealy. Ctitesiaa. BoornxiaMi nl OartaHty, OffleeaK Clark areeet. Ona4 PaeSe Hotel. 47 Mob roe at Caul and Sixteenth straeta, and t'nuax passenger RiaUos oa CaoaL Letwesa Madiaoa aaa AaV ama arreL ts.

Trains. Leave. Downsr iarove Paasenrer Is 7 wSi a as A iliia A kljwktne I Express 8 5 am. rre.port, ouotiausa aujuxcity. fxurea SlOHWa mm Amhuy.

Bock Fall, Sterling kx 4 10 Oil a au lloviur'i iiruve Paaaenser A 1 1 HIS a na A Sanaa City A Denver Express. 12: 15 as at Cvubcil BltiSa Eipress a 12:15 St. Jo. Atcfaiana A Xopska sp.sil2 :45 a Jlrover Faat as ioutana and pacitte Ei :44 pm Downer's (irov Pasaena er A 1 a ftlOpss 1:40 i 2:10 I 15 4 :55 Aurora Paasenrer. 3r2iipm Downer trrov Pasaenrar 4M)pm Mendota and (tttai 4:45 410:43 a fit.

Loais Ijipreaa. 445 410 4:1 a Kotkiord and 4:45 ui all) .43 a ra Aurora Pa winr A 5 tOpao iiowner'a Orove Paasrnrer 8 ra a aa Trreeport snd Dubmiae Express A xn DRaXoiaea. Omaiia. Ex lO pa II a Koatuera Pa.

the Express md A )c 10 4 mat SuV. a liABaaaCitv A St. Jo sight Erp. lalO 3tu 6 t5 a Dnwuer'a Orove Sunday Paa'gri ni, Opm Aurora Snndsy ps 'aeBrer I 1 m' 10:15 am Iowner a rtree Theater rram 1 1 sDailr. ADaliy except Sunday.

cDa.iy except Kalur Cay. dually except Monday, awnruays xn aurora Amnoy. Bock ralaa sad Starling ti kaave aad arrive (mm Central Ixpot. foot of Lake Tftrlon Micluran Kxpreaa many). Al Devot.

Canal and A da ma srreets: depot. Twenty third streak. Ticket era at depots. 88 Hoatb Clark lilllJ street, lirsnd Pacific HotoC and Palmer Honae. Xraina.

li a 8 'Daily except Sunday. tDaily. Lsava. i Arriv. Kansas City, Denver, Pueblo.

and Leadvllle A Cslitornia Fast Ex.fl330m (SOpta XsnassCiiv. Saats N. Art i I St sons sad California ril u. Ill am a is la.8pntigneiu irxaacx iimi a im u. sndNi Orieana Ex PSKIa St.

Looia sud Tex aa iS4M)m70sis I'eena. Burl, and Keokuk timiB 2 PeonA. burl, and keokuk Ex 111 to sa f7 1U1 a Pekin and Paswla A via JotwH. BA. 7 :45 is mm Mm Streator.

vieac Bs. lacea aaa; 1 1 11. 'I, 1" Jolletand Irwia l.t Trains. SA. l.Aut and Texas Eiueass.

SM lamia and Taxaa Faat Line. aC Cairo and New Orleans Exprnasl' 12'Wpra'2JI0ps ta IDaiiy. "Except trauuaj. yrjizaols Cisifraf Xlrkstoflces. 1T1 Bandolph sUsse Bear Clark t3rsa4 I'aotne Hotel, sad 47 Monroe St.

Depots, bast ef Lake street and toot of Twenty second street. LeaveT 40 am Amva. I 7. 20 a at Hal ti ra a 4 7 :20 jmv uneans aaa sx.aM pasi n.wpa (ninrneld NwM JiKlis," 8 pia Peoria. Buriin 'toa and K.

oknk 8:40 aasS 7CM a ss rpeona. KitrliugtoB and Eawk'kv tfuMlpml Ansipm Pnntlsc Kxpreas 8 OOpm Chauiwortlt 4 4 :2) b. Ii)SKi a Oilman PaasenL'er 4:20 a a DubiHiwe and Sioax City a ml 45 a at Dubuuue and SiionxCitv Ex tain Saturday night to Oiiana only. cOa aUturday Bight runs to Peoria only. laiino, 'w Albstnv aad CTiloas Bail way Cimii a a Hissat ltouLa." Ticket office, 122 Randolph street.

Palmer Hons, aad brand Pacinc Hotel. Depot Fourth av near Polk st Trains. Day laviiavllle ana Florida ErpreasJ Leave. Arrive. 8 :) mi nxitn 17 8J50pm Drrots Foot of Laks at.

sad foot Twanty sacead st Ticket othce at depots and 12; Randolph, at, taraaJ PaciOc Hotel, and 47 Monroe at. TrainvT ti. Arriv. LaniywMaJ snd LouiaxiUe Day Expreaa. x4 ceptSunday.

taliltpa Cincinnati, liubanalioha. Laiayrttci I audLouivilleNi ht Evuiiaailri'1i f)ei tn OO am Dertota, Tan Barsn. Twwnrv aeoond. aad Forty thfrtl streets. Omcss, aoeraiaa Roaaa, 43raod PaciAo, aad 47 at.

irama. I LeavsT il aai, i Special N. V. and Boston K.w Vnek Paat Ka. tdailvl Atlantic ex.aaiiy.via Air e.Mmi exnreaa.

via sisia Colehouv Colehour Accommodation. Coiciiour Arrive. 7 AMtsr amr jmpm tioo am SilSial 4Jin SJ0am Bvtn 4Hpu i JMpm i IOpm 1 iwipn Tai)vexcaujtHiuulAla. tXsulr. SaUlxday leave si Trnm Kackot rtetanw Jte Terk.

CkUaao amsl St. Louis Kail way. Train depart from and arrive at Cnloa Depot, Taa Buren all sat. Chicago, as follows Lesve Chicago 7 :55 a. m.

Chicago erne. Arrive ChieasjO 8 p. m. Chicaso time. For rates or tniormauoa.

call oa nearest ArBt of th Company, or ad Jreaa Jt. A. 8KTNNEB. Commercial Aint: or CHAs. U.

BOW. Agaai. OnVoa, SI Clark at Chicago. Hi. mmm isa chicigo ue immi Great Wclland Canal Bout.

A passenger stesmer of this line wiTi leave Ctilcago Wednesday, Thuraday. and Friday of this week st 8 p.m. I the elegant steamer OXEiDA leaving Thursday evening), taking passeuitrrs for Mackinac 4Jort Huron. Detroit. Cleveland.

Buffalo, Kiagara Falls, Oswego. Kiniraton. Ogdensbara, Montreal, and iateamediate porta. For Pa xags and OfHce snd dock. footTjsTle sr.

Sale Cltj Bofids. Jtt Rent it. By the City Council ef Oie eity ef Sioux Falls tlist bonda of the city pf Kioux alls, to the amount of thirty five thousand dollars, to beisiuied ia Surananc of the provisions of subdivision 32, of so on 7. of an aet of th Letrislau ve Assembly of the Territory ot Dakota. entitled "an act to incorpcirats the city of Sioux Fslla.

tor the purpose of paying off tbe iu debtedrtrs of the village oT Sioox Jal exiating st the time ssidsct took effect March J. 18AJ1. laclading any niatured railroad and. aobooi bonda said villaes said bonds to be in the sura of VHi eachT to ran twenty years and bear interest at the rate of 7 per cent per stinnm. pay.

able annually, with Interest coupons attached, both bonda aud coupona payable at the office of the City Treasurer. Tliat the said bonds be signed by the Msvor. countersigned by the City Clerk, and have the corporate seal ot the city of bioux Pall affixed, aud that they be sold to the hhiheat hulder. at notieaa than par. And be it further stWreat, Tnat said bonds be advertised for aale for fonr succesHive weeks, once in esch week, tn one paper, In esch of the following cities, vis: Boston, hew York, aud Cliicago, papers to bedcflgnated by tha Mayor:" 7 fHAATZaiaia, Mayor.

Attest W. H. Bolt. City Clerk. Our assessed valuation exceeds Adadres all bids toCttyCi rk.

COTEENXENT 8ALE. 1 Ccstciv Hottkx. CntCAtlO, lLt CoiaLKCToB's Orrtt June 28, 188A. Kotiee ia hereby given that the nnileritigued will sell at public anctaon at tbe north door of the Custom House Building st the hour of 11 a. m.

on July 1SV iHUX the folio ming bonded and unclaimed aoerchaa ie: one cask C27 gallons) rum. and two esses nf rum (qnarts), imported by O. M. boper; rwelily cJksks bw luiporU by Kirchoff Co. one case chasubles (silk snd cotton), imported by Lanctry A Finnegant tea cases ehinaware, imported by John Meinel; seventy boxes of tigara, impurtod by Wm.

Hamaoa; aad oue Pol yglot li.ble. Imported by A. Johnaon. Ifae gooes will be sold to tne highest Wader for rash. Catalcwue riving description of goods eaa be Clitsinsd of tin rtndrniLfned at Uie Cnatom House.

Javbbii pI'aILIjINU. Utilactor of Cualiss 11 8ATX.WAT TTantXTAVBLJL. trxleavrav Uwaauxsas suad St, Paarf. Pnloa raaeengar Stitton, oomer Midiaoa. Csntl.ani Adaias streets.

For mstat, urae tablea, si oiugar partus, sad LUnragh tluAsta appiy at itr oc, 61 and S3 Clark street; alo at 47 Monro etraot, Orand Pacific Hotel, and at Union Paanr Station. Beterenca marks: Daily: Daily except Sundays nelly ex44pl Batoroar amuv rw rpi jifiB iar. 1 Council BlnfTs.Oraaha. Den 1 1 12't ver. and 8sn Jl a 8:10 Dedar.haplds, Tama, aad i la 12:05 "Swe a Bp 1 MUSses a I raiiLUai Minnsaaisniiai i aw 11: ni eoaa SWoa sxaoiaoB.

vealeta ntm .1, 1 1 alinar, Auatin. Os toon. Fart Wilt. 84. Paul.

Minneapelia. Masoa City, Sheldon. Cantos. Hioux City. kUtcaaU, aadCkaav ree, Bamaey.

Wells, Maukato. and Kionx Palls Lat Toaes haska, Ortonvtlle. lOlsadaaa, aad Fond 4 'liv 'ciilkosh' Oreen Bay. Msnashs.aad Stevens 4iimrue ana tuiioD. Dubuque, Algoaa.

Mason) oty7lfltuhii, and iKia raaaenger. Flirln Eiria Paasenrer. F.icin Passenger, ftocausru Jtokford nr.e...... tUleat I.BAMlll. TA' aa ta' as svv aM re Minsrai Point.

ttliBllabuiv, etc Milwaake aad Ocoi wee I partop earl. Milwaukee WaukeahaA)eoa omowoe parlor can Milwankse, Oooaomowoe. snd Wsukeshsfparlorcar) Miiwsnkes. 4looSKoaowoc, and Wankesha 4 parlor car) Milwaake Wattksah.Oooa emowoc. etc IJhertyvill, Monday Libertvni) Mail and Knmai Sooth Lawn i imi tea r.xpreas.

u.nuc n. a Vaiparsiao Aasiximxuodstloa. riu i.iatia Acnommoaaaoa Ihtcaro apeea aclnc Express South Lsws AcmHnmodsrtoa. ipml )prai a 7:10 mi a jiliiH puis 7 JO a ax ll si 8 JOB PBS IMB 1 1 itn a SsMtpaai llr5Wa a hi is tOOpm 11IWPB l)ynpat Ba A OO a 12 rt'f, ss a in 1.1pm a Sr oa al2 ix 0 in 4XIUPB ltjiup mi tJtIB AlldWsm SsMpat S0 ami i i ta yalperaise Aeovwuuodation. Bine Island Aci omiuodation if mpm 4 miu 7aa)pa TrOOpra a ssya is 4 70s IB a ortpm 5 7asia at 1 flopm 7 SA) as in ls aa SlOiS SB a 2:15 nt 4 JU ss 4 9 Urn 4 H46s SB 4d0psi HO Mm, aswyss 40bbi Tjoopsx UTiWia a ra CTilas aad (Jraatf Tntadt ItaUlwar.

Depot, Fenrtb av between Polk and Taylor straeta. Th ket omced 103 Clsrk st aotrtliesst corner VI aah iiia wa at, Ormad Pa.wne Boasl. Paiaas iaoaaa. 47 st snd st iKt. Trains.

Leave. Arrive. Itllis'Bi I 8 1 riwis vty nil. Daily. ISuaday atoapted.

Chicsaara, St. Iswils sad rt4ssu Fanhandlai Itovrbs. Tickets, sleeplag ear bertiia. snd pttrtlcatar Informa tios In regard to tiiwaof trains, etc ran beolitainad at tbe ofllces of tha company 415 Clark at. teoruer ksadoipli 1U0 baadolr at 121 ltanuolb Ormad Pa lite Hotel.

47 Mourrai at. ofn. I'almcr H'ua sniat Pnioa PsaseneerHtatloB. Adams slid Canal ats. Colusa bus.

Pitta bo rg. Philsda Mi anes pniis eaass OUv Alrhlaoa mmAl xsvesrwortn iiuias Lesvs. I SeiAa. a. 70pu 7 I a 4i am a 5 HI a 6 4ii am Arrive.

piiiaaoa a lorn ti aa a HI a Columbus, Prrtaburr, Philadel I I Plua and Itew York Fas Ltae sOB Ssf vuleuid Coliitubua i jipn ai. .9 :10 a Si OOP SB uviituin, inaisnspona. I xuia i ville aad Colussbus Exntwss JI5 asa Aogsniapon At eota mo tation 47 tu a 8 :10 pm Lo rauaport Anconimodation 4't s) id )ll '5 sta DailV. SundAVB. ilimduL 1 cept Mondays.

CButeaana, RaacaCfalasat aad racIDc. srpnt, earner Van Bnrea aad Sltennaa atreeta. TlcV ofltcea. Ad Clark street. tUtermaa Return Palaset Monae.

and Orand Panne. ralaa. i laiava. I Arrive. Dsveneort and Peoria CoTiBcil BlatTs aa4 A sort si rast Enwss City.

Leaves BB SOp.aa!t IdBSsCsa, aad Atchison I ft .1 m. mJt id KxJ 11 suo a. m. Coouc il Bluffs Night Kx at a anas tiiy, AeavenwortaJ aad Atchison hirst Ex a. i 5 SO p.

as DJ0a.a .1 ti 1 asl a mm 1 OO ia Per Accosniuc Tatlon. I I 4 ai.Tii:ie p. aa. ii 7 Ml a. sa.

"flfA a. Peoria Xight ittlOaai a. i dO a. a Ujt pt jgmniu, oa. am; i PaatExpress.

isv Daily. IDaiiy except bundava. sacept tai STUtya. tlsally wseeut Moiieva. KtnadaS eaaUT.

Bsmb, foot ef Laks street and foetef Tssut) aaniil street. Ticket ofhees. 67 Clark street, soBthesat ror. Bandorph trl. uraaa racia xaoisa, aaa si car roe street.

1 Trains Chicago TH Mail, via Mala and Air ew Tors ana iatow i 'matt Mew Vnei alimaaa kalamasoo A coin modatloa. Atlantic r.T itreaa Leav. I SSS4 I ..14 'W m' ..13:441 pallOSli tl tsipiai1 H4ti KHaipra AlsAily aA SuiwIajra. ilsuijf sa. CalliBusra ssl Ohio.

Depota. lake front, foot of Monroe street, and foot or Tweutyieoond street. Uty omces. Ml liar A atm aC. 47 Monroe street, snd Oraud Pscinc Hotel.

Train. Leave. Arrive. It am a sw York Kroraas a Through Erpre si nil it lagars rsils.Mimiteu r.rrer 8:0 a a i 7 Ml a Daily. r8nndayex.

Wabsuh. St. onris said PaHfrO. 1 Cnioe Depot, Fourth bv Bear Po'k St. fable can sad wenrworrn av.

cars pass wiuun fum a. i icaea offices. 1)W Clark st, ta and Pad ho Hotel, sad 47 Monroe st. Trains. Bt, Lout.

Kansas City aad Colorado I HIS. r. St, Loui. 7 xaa aad Kew Mexico T' i iinaa Peoria. Bur.

Eoknx Peoria Pckia Special Ami 8:45 am 7t9pm P) 5pm f7 :25 am am Mpm am Daily. 'Daily, exceid Sundays. 1 (nrx Paiat Sleeninr rars from Chicago In 8t. Lonia. Kan aaa Citv.

and Peoria. Parlor fsv Coaches, with revolvinr chairs, ehninr ehalr Weeptag csrs ChicaoBtniw.lAiais and Eanaas Citv. koehaaaeof iSBV C'essrSsaCliicasto So 84. Lotus or Ksnsss Qtr. FTttafewraT, Fort WayBM aasl Clit'siaa.

Xrama 4psrt rrovn and ai rrre at Caioa Paaa lay. i SXa Hon. comer canal ana xainu est m. i i. aea omces, 65 Clark at 47 Monroe at, tirand Paioiir Hotel, and tn the Station.

Clucaro. Trains. I Lsava. i ml enipi i I limited F.tprea. ipn Atlantic Express, 8 :40 8:44) a Express, aaiiy Ill MlV mi 8 a Sstp Chicsao, DrSLrxait astd Nlaarara Faila Short Lino Trains leav from aad arrive at Baltimore aad Ohio detiot, lake front, foot of Monroe st ss below.

Tii ke offices. HW aad S3 dark at, 47 Monroe at, and tarsad Pacihc Hotel. Trains. Leave. Arrive V.nnaaa nl7AIIB Krw York rait Line a sa tfyiTDBi snn.l.y.

r. oie nia line ueicganur "luii'iw Coschea. Parlor anirDiulng cars, and I'slace Sleentiur cars. imninmwni.ii:i Suspenaictt Brtdre.eonneetlng with the hew York Ceo trai. Erie, and Lackawanaa and Westera.

CUears and Atxaatte RaJlvray. Ticket Omces. 119 Washington atreet. Palmer Tlorrss. tirsnd Paclrio Hotel, 47 Monrae st, aad at Depot, ak A tt lh CWXIOT a vurtu mt Traina.

Mew York Exp: Atlantic Expi Himtinrtoa i Pacific Chicairo Chicago AuoowirnodatioB Emitrrant. Jti eave. Arrive. a 5:15 nx 8:10 ra i 8 4in GOODRICH STEAMER 8. TTM 15 TABLES.

Twlc dairy for Bacia and Milwaukee asa A 8pm jtsvily for Bheboygaa. Maaitowoo, LadiagtoO. and 1B xaaiiy for Ke wan nee. WiweoaBay.MiiaiwaBse al a ra Saturday's boat leaves at. Ipa For tiraad Baven, Muakegon, Grand Rapids, arts.

Ifiiadi v. We.lneadAV.aud Irl riav TtS For Oreea Bay. Eacanaba, eta batnrday Sam For Frankfort, eta, Tuesdays and Saturdays at a. at 8b ada a ce ph ted. Otbce anl docka loot Mu niran av.

HUSICI Tttr the nmmmilt mf tAese stMoact faer Wto Besira lo PresBrra TIibiii rTe A. re Arawi XASvas th MUSIC1L SUPPLEilESTS Cy THK IMTKM OCKAS 4s swsWk fmrrm. Tha va AisJl is i eaSgsr Sulissry. (erfsis far FORTY SUPPLEMENTS 4awesf srtfA thm W0Utmdmp SdUitn IBB XSTKM OCKAy. jrinmtnil srttA TIIK BOCCACCIO MAMCII.

Uux De. 7.S8t emsf eMfs artA thm oa mmd. eH s. mJULBFB LOCK. OmOIJtJCjr Th Jt is prOtrmt owsaf sre aavpsr, A.i.if.iinrr r1' mMI swiaaw psUd, as 4 mddrmm ev reosajal mf TH PAPEB BOJLIIM.


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