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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HAINfS, Advertising Menapr Solo National Advertising Representatives: Arkansas Dallies, York, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Dallas, Clly, Ultte Rock. Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered as second cliiss mailer "I tin: IXBI olVlco ill Illylhevllle, Arkansas, nuclei act ot ConercK! Oc- totci 1917. Served by tlw United Press.

SUBSCRIPTION HATES By carrier in the Clly of Ulyllicvlllc. 15c per or $0.50 per yr-ar In ntlvnncc. mall wllliln a radius of JO mites, $1.00 )XT year, $1.50 for six months, 85c for tlircc months; by mall In postal zones two to six. Inclusive, 50 year. In vanes seven niul clglil, $1000 per year, payable In advance-.

Road District Taxes Approval of the Unilocl Slalos remt (if Koiids IKIS bei-n lo some fcilpi'Hl aid highway projects for Arkansas, to lie btiill willi half of this slide's'public works iiltotmcnt. None of I lie projects is in Mississippi county, nor, our will recall, has there beni any slntc road construction work of real cnnsi 1 in this county sinri: enactment of. llic law, mulcr which many millions have liccn spent in giving moileni I'oad system. Probably is no good reason lo complain about (hat. The main highways of Mississippi county were paved before I lie Martineau act wns passed, and under llial act the staie iigreed to meet interest charges and retire the bonds that were to finance their construction.

Other counties were to got new roads and we were lu be relieved of the debt incurred in -building our roads. That was the bargain and it seemed a fair one. It wns a fair bargain but il has not yet been fulfilled. And there is a danger thai insofar as our local road'dchl is concerned il will nol be. Governor Futrcll is standing firm in his insisl- encc that highway improvement dis- tricl obligations which became Ihe moral obligation of the state under the Jlartineau law must be placed on the same basis as direct slate highway obligations, but as yet he has been unable to roach ar, agreement wilh the bondholders.

In the meantime the old improvement distinct debts still stand as liens against lands in this and other counties. And yesterday holders of I'nlaski county road improvement bonds filed suit lo pul Ihe mail improvement district taxes back on the land. If that action succeeds similar suits will no doubt be filed in this county and elsewhere. No properly owner needs to be told what return of (be road lax would menu. Meddling in Cuba The applause which greeted Roosevelt's announcement that the United Stales would'try to follow a "good neighbor" toward its Latin-American had hardly died down when the Cuban revolution took an unexpected ominous new turn, so that Pome United States warships OUT OUB WAY to 1)0 ilisnali'lictl to the troubled island at top speed.

For a nation which had just turned thumbs down mi the old policy of intervention, this is certainly a bit of very luitl liifk. But while our warships stand by in Iho danger we us well Ki't "Hi- minds ol) livos Thi: Tlio only valid we could hiivu for landinx armed men on Cuban soil would In' pi'olorl Amc'rican and propi'i'ly I nun unruly mobs. kind of Kovt'i'imii'iit the Cubans stt up i.s mii- rinp.s lo ki'cp AnxM'icans from beiiitr killed is one landing thorn lo fi.ll tilt; ('iil)iins vvltal kind of gnvcnnni'iit lo have is muddling. And that kind ol' as we have at last bcttnn discover, simply doiwn'l pay. Steel and Wood Tin 1 iiilvanlitjri's of nuHltjcn consli'iK-lion in railroad equipment wen; never liellev illnstraleil than in UK; rm'iil passeiiKur train wreck on the Krie railroad near Binfliamton, N.

Y. In lliis acc-iiltnl a milk train craslieil into the rear of a passenger train. The. car it hit was of solid steel construction and was not enislicd; but the car was made of wood ami it crumpled instantly, killing more than a dozen people and injuring many more. Mosl of the people in the sttel car with minor hurls.

That story speaks its own moral. The wood-constructed passenger car, obviously, is out of (late. Only flic car built of slwl oll'crs its occupants protection when an accident occurs. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, SIDE GLANCES By George Clark 'Tel's act like wo Unnw something about gears and cylinders so In 1 wnn'l sell us a lemon." Tlic New jirornlscs new lease on life lo American Judaism, for it oilers an opportunity lo restore lite Jewish Salrtatn.

Semel. Jewish Education Association. Wise work and foolish play Is a sure menus of success. Every business woman! when imik- IIIR up lier budget shoulrt Imvc on it nn Item of extravagance, aiul in making up her lime schedule should allow a period of mischief. Oijle.ib.v, magazine editor.

There was only one Major Cavanaush. His plncc never will be filled. Edward J. O'Brien, famous football official. Despite inherent difficulties, I feel thai with reasonable and a spirit of accominoda- llon on Ihe pail of principal nallons.

it, shall be possible to reach an utnecineiH ihnl will bring peace and ncneflt lo the world. --Norman Uavis. U. S. (li'lceate.

Fashionable dicss from decade tn di'rudc pro- lends Mint woman's shape must maElcally aliers all (he and linprovcmcnTs. remain from century lo century most the same. Lane. English writer. I'roinganda has become one of the ninjnr 111- stnmients of Government.

Huxley. Candor the admission (hat America is a crime-breeding and crimfnnl protecting nn- llon Clarence K. Martin, addrrssmi; liar Association Health In Town or Country Depends on Living Conditions KV DK, MORRIS FISHKK1N which mnkcs for similar differences Eilllnr. of the American in licnlth and in the rate of sur- Mcdiral AsMclalton, and of lly- from disease. Scia, the Health Maparine el ms nccuniHrm There has long been an argu-l- 11IL is laiKC- mcnl ns lo whether it is lo live In tlic the country.

1 ly The answer is these orc cnces but there ars also possibili- nn tics of racial differences and similar factors which have influence. Is, of course, the Cancer, It has been found at- clty is more healthful for some (neks the old in the country as conditions and Ihe country well as in the city. Much depends others. However, tlie course, on the race of the popu- arc widely varied not only In dif- i lation fcrent parts ot the country hut It aholn different pails of the samu; morc tuberculosis than jolliers, that some Groups tend to In review of the differences be- have great deal ot syphilis while twccn health in (he city and health! other groups tend to have rclativc- in the country. Dr.

Edgnr Syden- ly little. Strieker points out that the pre- ik lv it nndmoil valence of bad eyesight, and of cor- J'cW feel men rhca are more prevalent in the su cs counlry than hi the city. More-' over, a man who lives in the conn- try is less likely to have eiilarycd tonsil'; or infections of the throat In Port After Mishap at Sea THIS CURIOUS A BIRD'S 8FAK GIWWS CONSTANT USE KEEPS WEARING IT 6ACK AS FASfAS IT CANTALOUPES ARE FOB. A TOWN NEAR ROME IN HAWAII, AT KALAPANA, THERE IS A BEACH Of- COAL A gnniug hole In her bow, lliu Dollar Liner President Wilson, which collided with the freighter Coldwater 75 miles ott tlio Nortli Carolina coast, is ehown arriving at i Newport News, Va. Tlio freighter's rescued crew threa pas- were on board.

Giant Cavern Lost 9-9 Oltjl BT kdMHi-Ct i A BIRD'S beak grows constantly, in the same manner (hat: finger nails do. If a bird were given no chance to USD his' in Uregon and keep it worn clown, the henk would soon become so long deformed as to lie nf little use in securing food JACKSONVILLE, Ore. NEXT: Arc the sun's rays 'lost cavern" rivaling in splendor! Ihe famous Oregon Caves is be-' lieved to exist In the mountains 1933 eve Revealed 3 No Worse Than 1733 revelers sometimes created I orders In taverns, to such nrJI tent lhat the tovm fathers orjl the constables uiul grand to suppress such disorders" bring offenders to trial. near here, according to Mrs. Clara drubbs, fcrmer resident, i Mrs.

produced a srajih of two youlr.s, one herj HARTFORD. Conn brolher. and a crystal stalactite to items, disturbed by jazz bands and prove the discovery, made by tlie, liappy revelers "in the lavrm hoys in 1873. They stumbled on! which have sprung up since beer Liquor Blew Him Upstairs' the cavern wni.e hunting. was legalised in Connecticut, are I SHKEVEPORT In lUP) Tlie Oregon Caves, famed as a no worse off than their fore-fathers, barrel of agin, whisky cxplocK K'fo Jr.

11 Wh bCmtCd SUCh ingS 215 home and gn'I ogle formations like Ice stalactite, years ago. i store of John A. Cordaro 35 I 1 leading pioneers to believe tho gl- An old record in 11- rfjre sent him flying bodily a ant cavern stil exists, undiscov- Town Clerk John A. Glc-ason of stairs. CoTdaro escaped hi the southern- Oregon thai In chose early vear-si minor injuries and nose related (o the tonsils.

BLYTHEVILLE 10 YEARS AGO From (hr; lilcs of the ISIythcrtllf Courier It is interesting (o see the way in which contagious disease follows population growth, l-'oi- rx- i ample. 07 per cent of 1000 chil- dren in the public schools of the I enst side in N'civ York City gave pojlllvc tiihcrculin as con-' Sunday, Sept. 1823 traslcd with only Ifi per rent i No paper, ainoui; children ol the same ages. Memlay. Sciit.

ID. 1923. selected in a northern of x. c. Myers of York arriv- York stale.

There seems 10 DC but what there arc er.ccs hehvccn the conditions tn the country and i to Mother each tveeu and she pntd my osjicnses. But 1 put up such a good sales talk for handling nay Sale of Buggy Caused Sensation in Ohio ert to arrange the details for thej r.o question formal opening of the Kress five ictual differ- and ten cent store. September 22. Myers is a typical New York- Ihe cily I er. Denial and easily approached.

In a moinenl's talk one feels lhat ho has known him for years. By Williams Motor Police Moult ric an even baker's rioaen of arrests Sunday for violations of the traffic WILMINGTON. O. n)ostlv for slMftl i ngi somc of nutomobiles aiv in 0 cut outs and mufflers. Most mlngton: even a few have lhc violators appeared found buyers but ivlii-n a before the concrete judge Monday buggy is that's r.ruj.

morning nnd p.iid their $8.80. This A local firm uwhf.i an crxl'r for a 1933 mcdc', was Moultric's largest day's turn tn and likely Hie best day the had. 'p. BLO GrOT A with rubber tires. dash! court ever joard, and all tlv.

1 ''new' 1 equip- nent. II. n. Honchins. with Mrs.

When the vehicle ir cd in the Kouchins.'from California caused a Mast veck. brought the chills and v. -s the first fever with him from Long Beach. M23.

I bough: rzauK one of our good sub. y.isl SH less rcrihcrs receives his mat -3j- back Hornersville. was among firm's store< icar sensation, )U5gy sold here George Dor.iib.v t. and he paid than the cost .1 the good old days. In nuinki 1 haivest.

the ro.v.i; stand? procedure. trained to crop: Hie directs the the renewals Saturday, lie missed his tiain but a small matter like that (lid not deter him he walked to town. September "Russian author, born. 1S50 Victor Lawson, American journalist, bora. admitted into the Union, as a Free Hays to keep it from too -free.

rw.T nncer 'of Hr.liy'a Kiorc. mnrrici Ull IS HADIMl. a con-d me I i tin fmi- En l.Xlze City. Dick Miinlfl to up Lnc hut Jiht HOI.Mllinci:, nn ndrcrll-i- man rmploycil liy anutlicr tore. Ijccunirn tntn (unt cd AHLKXr SMITH, t.lcniijjrji|i|icr at ljut fit in love tihh ut.iss.

TIIEHON KKECK been forcing uooclruiae altcn- on Kvc. UnUnoivn 10 Dtck. Ere been plii)fnR Ihp it uck mnrkel on monry Ijorro fruin lirr Rkolher. A1.LK\, cupr urltcr, dli- likcH Kvc nnd 1rh-i to ntnke trtxiljlc fnr her. nn error.

the iitorc nnprnni In nn advert IMI- men Is rcrtlly rr.ivunxlblc bin the LInnie nn Kvc. One day nt Ihr ofTirc Five re- lelciiliimr front llie lirokrrnpe ictlinp: litt iiiUNt ral.c fn prated hrt Dick (o meet hnnk nt nntm. there or rifled vrcarlnc ID She tele- ier nt the he trj Ue clotlicji. NOW GO OX WITH THE STORY CHAPTER XXX tried to conceal her dis- niny. "Dick," slio said nervously, "1 need 5200 and I must have it today.

This noon it possible!" "I'm sorry," ho told her. own money a year ago Ibat I finally won out. Since then I've paid board at home and occasionally i poured a cup of coffee" (or wild pi'ophccic-s alout bright financial future." "1 truly believe Atlas Copper will recover and we will bo glad Uiat hung on. Arlcne. Why flon'l you tell your father alwil it? think he'd see you through." Then It was time for her to the office, lie drove her dowi the roadster.

"Guess I can chauffeur for i for some time lo conje," he "ily father! Oh. that's precious. My father only believes svhat he sees. So Me goes in for houses and at a time, is tiie lliing, lie gays. llcul estate It's real to him bccauso ho can Ifiy 1113 hands on it.

He thinks the littlo fnvcslor has no chance al anytliiag else and he'd think It was a good lesson mo to lose what I've put In slocks so far," answered Arlena, She took her loss like a good sport, Eve conceded, hut she could not shake olf tlio feeling of suiil because it was she who had Introduced Arlcne lo on the slock market- It was a relief lo Eve came. She when Esther's took the $200 to (lie brokerage office JUAFIY; 1U from l.mnrhed. "That Is. if you Ellll sist on going to work." "Wbat do you mean?" asked lier heart pounding witb suapc "I'm not soiag lo have anytl lo do for a couple of aaswercd. AIIYA and Ray hcil rctuj llicir hoi.eyuioon twice Marya had lunched with I and Arleno wlien she was town on shopping trips.

That mornios she IcloplioDCil ETC at the office. "Now tliatj aro nettled." Marya sairl. "we you and Dtck to come out and ll dinner with us. iovij Arlene and Sam Hotcridsc, Hay and 1 boili like Sam." WLeu Evo repented this Invj lion Arleno protested. "But lul Protected her slock for the is likely to bo three sheets to Lvo tri I wish Marya would haven't Uiat much In tlio I'd he afraid to have you do that!" "Well," ha weut on, "I might borrow on "Oh, Dick, please do!" "It will lake about 10 dnys to complete the loan." he explained.

That made the plan useless, live had to have the money immediately. She was sorry that she had said anything to Dick about it. Her only rciru-uoinE recourse seemed an appeal to her mother. Evo P'lt through a ions distance call lo tier home. It was Esther who answered aud told her lhat their mother had fallen from a step ladder that morning wrenched ner back, hsuce she could not coaie to the telephone.

Aud It was Ks- tlier who offered to lend Kve the JCOD she needed without telling their parents. Esther would go to Hie bank in the moruing and send the money by telegraph. Kve re solved to do something handsome for her alster a3 soon as she was able In order lo show her gratitude. HE found Arlene looking ci iretuely unhappy when she returned the office. "What'll I do? Implored wllb a wan smile "I should raise $60 on 24 hours' notice I couldn't-raiso It In gradually went on to or tlic year Kvc was' worried in the first place," he had said.

Soon Atlas Coupler recovered and "Want the top doi new about her ricno ey 1 1 wi i ciKluisi-nsiicalfy nolher's lio.illli. Slic was melons i Clr 'or lier Tacation to arrive so she Maryo. in bouffant pink tali might lie with lier. (leliglufnl liojiess. The nor table was laid wiih liglu gr ND Uvo concerned nliout ''nmask.

Ivory ilislics; nmclt. Dick. too. The building wlilcli Ia ssware and Marya wedding ousjd Ilia theater was completed vcr Tlie to was delicious. and Dick lett for Chicago to clear i Sam praised Marya's skill as up some looso ends of business In artist and then offered to arra connection with the building.

He tor sale of lier batik work was In conference at the company 'ho store where he was cmplo: headquarters (or several days and "I liailu't planned to do mucb tho time until his return seemed that sort ot thing." Marya to Evn Interminable. i "but it give me ibe opl Much would depend upon his lun 'ty to earn some money tor uest jo'j, Dick had made clear lo lcs My auibition Is to her bcforo ho left. It was scarcely ize ln cllil(1 portraiture Oh, I ki likely that the Chlrngo firm would nl llavl! lo sllllly ycar3 and have another long contract in Lake and work very I City Immediately. Uick's nest lob mlnd t1lat; might be ID another city or even I I.nter when the three girls another state. Ere again refused together Eve said.

"Marya, Hit; she faced the actual facts. waken any moment and llnd She met Dick at the station the that I've been dreaming. Su June- morning he returned from you have nothing lo wish tori' Chicago. Marya, smiling serenely. her.

"Hello, sweetheart!" he greeted "Nothing but a a cherub in It." "Darling," 6ha murmured, kiss- wa3 ala a 24 days!" "Can't rou borrow at homo; Eve suggested. "Not at Lomo!" Arlcne as- iurcd hsr "I'm lucky to ot cu the board balls there. I used to IcIoUoune compact and baud mf salary check i lighted wub it Always. Ing him regardless ot bystanders. that.

On tho way home And In the lasl riding home she' 10 In a wistful voice, asked many quesltons cicept the one, uppermost In her where he was to work next? DicS had vrousSt to you think we will ever lovely borue like that? 1 "That dcper.rtr.;" an Ivory 'I'd not i-tv eo as de- r.iLd'il i toid i ('to Ue.

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