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The Opinion-Tribune from Glenwood, Iowa • Page 9

Glenwood, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IOWA IN mm. Three out of four of the at (Jent-va, eight south of Hampton, lycre burned with their contents. )'. Tiiamons, a painter living 1 at Ihinooinbe, was killed by the cars while tinder the influence of liquor. Gen.

of thibuque on the 13th ccli-iiniti'd his birthday. He gives promise of living out a full century. Frank Taylor of Webster City, convicted of incest with his daughter, was sentenced to the penitentiary for thirty yi-ars. J. C.

Yetzer was sentenced to the penitentiary for thirty clays for fraudulent banking in connection with the t'ass County bank. F. Koff. an old resident of Council while engaged in erecting a scaffold at his residence, fell and wa? fatally injured. The street and alley committee of hulies' reading circle of Jefferson, of which Mrs.

Senator Russell is chairman, is for business. Mrs. II. M. Fuller of Richland attempted suicide by taking rough on rats.

She will not live. Domestic difficulties are supposed to be the cause. ,1. C. Mardis, one of the oldest building contractors in Uea Moines, failed last week, with liabilities of about The value of assets is doubtful The mang-led body of E.

A. Robinson was found lying by the Uurlington tracks, one mile east of Villisca. lie had been killed some time during the night. William P. Royc'e, who murdered Nellie Patten in a resort in Sioux City last November, was sentenced to seventeen vears and six months in the penitentiary.

William L. Carroll of Earlham, committed suicide by taking strychnine. He has been in poor health for several months. He -was 21 years of age and unmarried. The crop prospect all along the Q.

line is good. Telegraphic reports from points along the division are to the effect that a heavy rain fell at all the Iowa points. The entire family of II. N. Spry, at Agency, was taken violently ill and for two days lay near death's door.

They are supposed to have been poisoned by canned corn. All will recover. The golden wedding of Mr, and -Mrs George Wilging, of Dubuque, was celebrated in St. Mary's Catholic church. High mass was said, and the old couple in bridal garments renewed the vows of half a century ago.

The Ottumwa Electric Railway, Light. Power and Steam company, with a capital of half a million, has gone into the hands of a receiver. J. H. Merrill, a wholesale grocer of Ottumwa, was appointed receiver.

The last few years city councilmen of Creston have manifested a deeper interest in municipal affairs, and as a result the city's indebtedness has been gradually reduced, being cut from UUO to in three years' time. A document received from Rome at Dubuque announces that Very Reverend Roger Ryan, vicar general of the arch-diocese of Dubuque, has been raised to the purple. He becomes a domestic prelate, with the title of tnonsig-nor. Louis Clem, who was arrested and convicted of burglarizing a store at Shannon City, made a confession after his conviction, and implicated Marvin Conley, whom, he claims, planned the robbery. Conley is a prominent citizen of Shannon City.

He is under arrest. Representatives from the various banking institutions of Mavshalltown held a meeting to talk over the preliminary arrangements for entertaining the State Bankers' Association, which will hold a two day's meeting in that city on 27 and 28. The police made a raid on a gambling house at Creston and seven were caught in the act, and when arraigned guilty to gambling and paid a fine of Slu and costs. Alex Cummings was charged with keeping the place, and he will have his preliminary hearing later. Count Oscar Von Holtzschuherr, of Ottumwa, who is accredited with being the discoverer of perpetual motion, written a.

letter to an old L'reston friend, in which lie says lie does riot, think he will ever divulge his secret, it. will throw millions of people out of employment, and he is afraid lie would be assassinated. cracked the safe in the office of Anson A Marshalltov.n, who are extensive coal ami wood dealers brick manufacturers, but the nois-e their operations aroused the em- ployes of the JIawke3'e oil mills, near telephoned for officers. When li'ie lauer arrived the thieves had tlown without securing any booty. Articles of incorporation of the American Htiilivay company were filed with the i-ounty recorder ut Ues Moines.

The company is formed for tiie purpose of building a people's railroad irom Council Hlntl's to Chicago. The directors an: K. Ueifsnider, .1. U. Green, li.

1'uL-keVt, 11. (j. Gue and ,1. M. Gas.

The. headquarters are to be in Des Moines. A brutal attempt to murder was made on Joe Hekel, a prosperous youngfiirm- er of Newton township, near independence. A buLet was fired through a window while he was seated at a table Sylvester Hoover, boy aged 10, was til-rested for the crime. It is supposed the was jealousy, llenkel was, married one month ago to Lizzie er, a.

pretty school teacher. Hoover was a scholar of hers and a supposed suitor. The district court at Sums City lias ordered the sale. May 7, of hundred thousand doihirs worth of securities chiefly on Southt-rn California orange pledged by tho I'uion Loan and Trust company of that plucc- to secure tho holders ol of its debentures. The Iowa l.hautauijua a.v,Dria; which for yearb past bus held us annual meeting ut t'oifux.

luibdtU'rminvii tu its loeatinii or up iis in thv lust few years HI at Colfux iiavi- not i i-n- lirely successiul. umt a n-eeived a short time ug" iviaove iu-adijuiirters to iies Monica. bus Weii chosen to nli the onice oi pivsiUi-nt 01 Lulherau college at UeijsUr ily. made vacant LA the death uf Hill a mouth ago. The selection is re- Banded as a eminently iil oue.

i'rof. SitibiicWrg ha.s> already entered upou duties. News comes frotn Wtn terse that C. O. Davios, the bank wrecker; has broken jail there and escaped.

He was caught three months ago in New York aad brought back here for vvreckitig the Citizens' bank of East Peru, near Winterset, last summer. He was cashier of the bank, and converted all its assets into cash, with which he skipped. Aimee Marslte, the 17-yoar-old son of Win. prominentOermanfarm- er living southwest of Eldora, recently disappeared and his parents and friends are growing apprehensive as to his safety and whereabouts, nothing having been heard from him for a week. There are no clues whatever as to his reason for leaving home or his present location.

LEGISLATIVE RESUME W. 1C. Follett, the pioneer horticulturist of Mills county, snys that an examination of the various kinds of fruit buds on his premises discloses the fact that they are in a very thrifty nml promising condition. The winter has been favorable, he says, and unless something yet occurs to prevent there will doubtless be a good yield of fruit of all kinds. Creston friends have received word from Mrs.

Tobias Conde, of Covitigton, a former resident of that city, in which she states that shu was awarded £8,000 damages for the deiith of her husband. Mr. Conde was in the employ of the Globe Soap Manufacturing 1 Company. He fell through an elevator and was killed. His wife brought suit with the result above stated.

If Count Von Holtsehuherr is a fool concerning his alleged discovery of perpetual motion, there it method in his madness. Last week a machinest at Oltumwa began putting in the mechanism which is to make a practical test funning a job printing press. The count claims he can drive the press at the rate of 2.000 impres- an hour, and will make a practical demonstration of it. A few months ago a man by the name of Rissler was sanbagged in a lonely spot naar the old mill at Chariton. Not only was the victim knocked senseless by tiie blow 011 the head, but in attempting to defend himself against his assailants he received a bullet in the arm.

lie has become demented, presumably from the effects of his injuries, and has been taken to the asylum at Mt. Pleasant. The venerable ex-Senator George W. Jones of Dubuque last week celebrated his ninety-second birthday. It was a quiet affair, only members of his family and relatives being present.

This the general has insisted upon for some years. A large number of letters of congratulation were received from all parts of the country and many bouquets of flowers were sent to his home by his Dubuque friends, all of whom love the venerable old gentlemen. Quite an. important school treasurer case was decided in the district court of Harrison county. The question at issue was whether a meeting was held at the time new officers should have been elected for the ensuing year.

The jury decided that no meeting was held, and that consequently no adjournment was made, and the old treasurer, H. Patterson, was the lawful treasurer, notwithstandieg the fact that another treasurer had been elected and qualified. A supreme court decision of importance to many counties of the state has just been rendered. One of the members of the board of supervisors served an injunction on the county, restraining it from furnishing bridge plank for small bridges and culverts. The matter was carried into the district court and Judge Sherwin held that the board had a right, to furnish plauk to any and all applicants.

An appeal wus taken and now the supreme court affirms the Sherwin decision. General order No. relative to the coming state encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, have been issued from the headquarters of the Iowa department Adjutant Chase says indications are more favorable every day for one of the most successful encampments ever held 03' the department. "The people of Cedar Kapids," he says: "are making extensive arrangements to entertain everyone, and there will be comfortable quarters for every person who attends the encampment. Herman Boak, a stonemason of New Hampton, shot and killed Mike liartz and fatally wounded the latter's son and young daughter, lloak is a son-in- law of liartz, who lives three miles from New Hampton.

Beak's wife recently sued for -A divorce from him. He laid in wait in the brush for them while they were on their way home from church, and discharged both barrels of a shotgun at them at short range. The girl will die, and it is thought the boy will, lioak mistook the girl for his wife. William Haycock is dying home in Albia with a bullet near his heart, and his "Skinny'' Sylvester, a ter, is being pursued posse. Haycock had a ins home and during Sylvester started a vowing vengeance.

at his wound assailant, rough charac- by a sheriff's joilineation at the festivities quarrel and left He returned in a few minutes and fired right and left the crowd with two pistols, but lliiy- cock was the only one wounded, his panic-stricken guests leaping through the windows or rushing outdoors. Following will be found a partial Summary of the work accomplished by the Twenty-sixth general nsscvmbly. A second and concluding 1 installment will be printed next week: GENERAL, LAWS. An act defining fraternal beneficiary societies, orders or associations and regulating the same. It provides that such an association shall be a corporation organized and carried on for the sole benefit of Its members and not for profits and having a lodge system with realistic form of work and representative form of rrovernment.

Such association shall make provision for the payment of benefits In case of death and may do so In case of sickness, or disability, provided the age for disability because of old age shall not be less than 70 years; provided the act shall not be construed to Include fraternal orders which provide only for sick or funeral benefits. The fund for these payments is to be derived In the usual manner of raising lodge funds or dues. AGAINST INSURANCE COMBINE. An aot enabling the state auditor to summons beforo him any persons BUS- pficted of forming' a combination relating to amounts charged or commissions paid for flre Insurance, and finding such to be the caee he mny revoke the 1 right of the companies affected to do business in this state, such companies to have the right of appeal. If convicted of the charge In any court having: jtirlsdlc- tion, the company shall be fined $100 to $500, to go to tne school fund.

ANTI-CIGARETTE LAW. An act absolutely prohibiting the sale Of cigarettes, wrappers or paper, and providing penalties from $26 to $100 for violations thereof, provided the act shall not interfere with the Interstate business of Jobbers outside of Iowa, TAXING EXPRESS COMPANIES. An act taxing the express companies doing business In this state $1 on each $100 Of gross receipts. The act requires express companies to report their gross receipts to the auditor of state and In case they fall to do so by the first Monday In May, then It Is made the duty of each local agent to report the receipts for his particular station. The tangible property of express companies Is to be taxed as formerly In addition to the tax on gross receipts.

When express companies fall or refuse to render an accurate account of receipts as required they shall forfeit $100 for each additional day of such failure, action to recover the same to be in the name of the state. STATE PHARMACT BOARD. An act to regulate secretary and treasurer of state pharmacy commission and providing for giving of bonds. The salary Is fixed at $1,000 and he is to monthly reports to the state auditor. BUILDING AND LOAN An act defining building and loan associations or savings and loan associations, and providing for their organization, regulation, examination and control, and providing penalties for violations of the provisions.

They are placed by the act under state supervis- slon, to be In charge of the atate auditor, similar to Insurance companies. TO TAX GREENBACKS. An act making all of paper money issued by the gowi'nment of the United States taxable the same as any other property. This will make national bank notes, greenbacks, gold and silver certificates, returnable for taxation the same as gold and silver. DRUGGISTS CAN'T SELL BEER.

An act prohibiting drug stores from handling- beer. An act providing that all ordinances passed prior to January 1, 18D6, over which there is no litigation shall be considered to have been published and making it the duty of the city clerk or recorder to hereafter at once append a certificate of publication. An act providing fines up to $500 for maliciously, willfully or feloniously unhitching a horse, meddling with any harness on the same or any vehicle attached thereto. An aot providing for making affidavits of possession by carriers for the sale of property for charges, the same to be made when property has been In their possession three months. An act requiring that juvenile prisoners be kept apart from older offenders.

An act enabling cities to Issue bonds to run any number of years before redemption. An act enabling cities of the second class and Incorporated towns to fund outstandlngwarrants and refund bonds, In bonds redeemable after three years, with not more than fifteen years to run. An act to provide for the selecting and drawing of jurors and providing punishment for violation thereof. An act defining the senatorial dls-, trlcts. It makes no change In the pres-i ent districts.

An act authorizing and empowering county auditors to collect mid receive moneys due thalr counties, except when, otherwise provided by law. An act providing that any officer receiving money belonging to any office or Institution shall be considered to have rereivprt the money by virtue ot his otnce, and in case he fails to iui It over to the person entitled thereto on demand he shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement and shall be punished as provided for that offense. An act enabling certain cities of the first class and cities under special char- ers to levy assessments for the cost of curbing, paving, against railways or street railways where the location 01 Improvements renders it proper. The publisher of a. newspaper at Ottumwa sent a telegram to county, Nebraska, to tiie Republican, of Broken Bow, to ascertain if R.

Martin, in jail for criminally assaulting little Eva at Kddyville, is the editor, politician -and prominent democratic citizen tiie papers on his person indicate. The answer was a startling surprise, as follows 1 "11. H. is a former resident of Brokeu lie atU'inpted the same crime hvre six years and wus driven out of town by an infuriated mob uf people. lie ncvcjr has been here sim.v.'' t'oubidurable apprehension is felt aiir.jng the farmers in thi.s the state, says a Webster over vhu i'uluve price oi grain.

A puruiiou known as the Interstate, vator Company is gobbling up all liie elevators in the neighborhood. '1 have already purchased the two large elevators at Junction, wiiieh is considered owe of the best shipping points in northern Iowa. They have also secured couirol of tu elevatcrs at An act cnarging ea ot ,25 for artl- Lllsworth, Rakelitte, Hlairsburg, Man- I of incorporation under state lawa, hope and other adjacent points. The jmd $1 additional for each of capi- compauy has its headquarters iu Chi- tal stock authorlztd. the total fee not cago, and representatives say they in- to exceed I860, tjve act shall not tend to cover the country very thor- to building and loan ougbly.

An act declaring express companies In. Iowa common carriers and putting them under control of the railway commissioners. An act changing terms of sub-directors from three years to one year. An a' allowing railroads to give the quartermaster general reduced rates when traveling with enlisted men under orders of commander-in-chief. An act providing boards of health In cities under special charters shall publish their rules similar to the manner in.

which ordinances are published. An act making It the duty of supervisors to get water removed from highway in Its natural channel and giving authority to enter on adjacent land to remove an obstruction. An act recommending a pardon for A. F. Hockett.

Jtft Act giving tnfe half tit frrtllct tax belonging- to incorporated towns townships having nti such towa to the road fund. An act changing the law relating to notice ot injury, making; the time for pervlngr sjxty days, and making tt possible to bring an action against A municipal corporation after three months unless such notice has been given, An act levying a collateral inheritance tax on all estates over $1,000 of 6 per cent. An act providing penalties up to five years In the penitentiary for breaking Into railway or express cars. An act mSMitff oTTitiftT Of hasheesh houses a nuisance. An act to relmburae the members and heirs ot members of the Second and Third Iowa Infantry for gray uniforms purchased during the war.

An act enabling commissioners or trustees of state institutions to lay out, vacate or establish highways through grounds under their supervision. An act allowing the fish commissioner build a dam across Okoboji lake' in Dickinson county to improve navigation and health. The commissioner is authorized to receive contributions for purpose. An act providing the rate of interest on judgments shall be the same under ptay of execution as if no stay had been taken. An act to authorize cities of- the first lass to refund their bonds or the floating- warrants that may be out at the of the passage of this act.

An act enabling actions aided by attachment ag-alnst non-residents of tha Btate to be brought in any county in the etata where property is found and that atich action shall be brought against residents of Iowa In the county of such, residence, provided that if action is brought in the wrong county a change of venue to the proper one may be had. An act authorizing: funds in the county road fund when there Is a surplus to be transferred to the county fund or bhe county bridge fund, but this act shall not apply to money collected prior to January 1, 1896. An act to pay chaplains of either house for each day's service as such chaplain. This act amends the existing statute, including chaplains in the list of other legislative employes. An act providing for the appointment of judges of superior courts to hold court during sickness or inability of the regular Judge in the same manner as the regular Judge IB appointed.

An act raising the age of consent in females from 13 to 15 years. An act fixing the duties and powers of boards of library trustees, giving such board complete control of the library. Its books and appurtenances and enabling it to fix compensations, hire and discharge etc. It gives the board also the powec to levy taxes up to the limit already fixed by law for library purposes. An act to provide for serving of notice on person in posseaion and upon tha vendor in case vendee Intends to forfeit contracts for real estate.

If proper conditions are performed, the right to forfeit is terminated. An act to enable boards of school directors to provide free text books for pupils In the public schools. An act to authorize the establishment of kindergartens in independent school districts. An act to extend the time of the incorporation of Oskhill Cemetery association, Florence township, Benton county. An act giving McClain's code to several members oC the senate and houiie whose codes have disappeared or been purloined.

An act granting to city and town councils the power to the use of wire tc reiice any lot or lots witn- In the incorporate limits of such city or town. An act correcting ambiguous language, allowing cities of the first class to levy annually a tax for library purposes. An act providing that in case a criminal break jail he shall serve a sentence not exceeding one year and pay a fine not exceeding $300, in addition to the original sentence. An act to levy a tax of one-tenth of a mill on the taxable property of the to erect necessary buildings for the State university. An act to authorize townships to vote a tax to build public halls in which tc hold elections and public meetings.

An act to legalize assessment, levy and collection of taxes for park purposes in certain cities of the first class, whose population in the census of 187n was not lesa than 19,000, enabling them to bi? collected In the same manner as other taxes and declaring them to be valid. An act enabling- a tax of three mills to be levied for fire purposes, in addition to other taxes, In cities under special charters. An act to relieve the asylum for orphaned and destitute children at Andrew, Iowa, of Us indebtedness to the state. An act providing- that whenever a party to any cause shall serve notice for the taking-of any deposition, upon commission, with Interrogatories attached thereto, the opposite party may elect to cross-examine such witness nrally at the time of taking such deposition, and In that event eha.ll serve tVve moving party with notice, whereupon the moving party shall notify the opposite party of the exact place and hour the deposition shall be taken, and iK'frwo whom taken, which notice Khali be at-rved three days before the taking of the deposition, with one day additional for each 300 miles distance the opposite party will be obliged to to a 1-tend: the oiul examination ta'icfii down in writing and the moving parly may examine Iu chief, re-'-vamfnatliw ni'd re-cross-examin i- lluii in the usual mavnoi 1 ftnd If tli-- rufii'lntf party not dr-'slre tu so ivxamini' sueh witness tho examination shall proceed the same as in written interrogatories. An af-i: making It a crime to make buy, sell, or distribute written obscene matter as well as printed matter, and making the penalties one year Instead of thirty days and $1,000 instead of $100 An act rellnqulshias? tin f-seheat in Hamilton county to lira.

Winifred Byrne. An act for the payment of the current expense fund for the hospitals ol the Insane quarterly in advance. An aot compelling the use of pure or paraflne oil la coal mines. An a.ct tendering the United Jurisdiction over the Tama Acougty land til county fftdWI WK. An aet felftfcaftti fcftd tfmntlrtf td (slty of tlttS to lands, ponds and Islands along tha shore Lake Peoata.

An aftt brovtdintf that no city owning a gaa of water plant nefeaftfer sell the same till the queajtlon be submitted to the Qualified electors at an election when that question alone 1ft submitted. An act extending the term of the dltlonal supreme Judge to January 1, 1899. An act providing that no member of the state board of health hereafter appointed shall be a riember of the faculty of any medical college in the state and giving the governor power to remove any member of the board for good cause shown. An act making estates of insane persona liable for their support in county poor houses or asylums, the amount due to be determined in the first instance by the board of supervisors. An' act authorizing the executive council to purchase or condemn site on which to erect a memorial, hlstorl- ca.1 and art building.

To procure plans and specifications therefor and to taka other preliminary steps toward its construction and appropriating $25,000 An act making on and keep- ng in repair the state oapitol building, providing for painting all the oommlt- rooms, postoffice lobby, interior of closets, etc. The total appropriation is 5,000. The bill also provides for palnt- ng much of the exterior of the capltol. An act to prevent the issuing of policies of flre insurance on risks situated this state by insurance companies without having complied with the insurance laws of the state. The act makes all such void.

Con- now in existence are exempt 'rom the operation of the act. An, aot to provide for a general tax evy for state purposes. The aot provides for raising $1,400,000 in 1896 and In the year 1897. The state joard of equalization known as the executive council Is required to fix tha evy in order to raise these amounts. An aot to pay the widow of Hon.

li. Hatch, late Judge of the Thirteenth Hst-'it, the salary from date of hla to the dattf of the appointment his successor. An act granting consent to the purchase by the United States government of certain lands and jurisdiction over the same; though it does not specify any larrls 1 act was to enable government to come into county lands for fish hatchery. An act compelling railway companies to name their stations In conformity With the towns hi which they are lo- tted. An act making teachers' certificates pood for two years and requiring them pass examinations in elementary slvics and economics.

An act authorizing guardians of insane soldiers to expend their pensions for their benefit on order Of the district court. An act prohibiting the use of any shelter by ice fishermen; use of more than two lines with one hook each in still fishing; providing fines of $10 to $50 or imprisonment of one to thirty days for violation. An aot providing for the better protection of owners of logs or lumber ij'ing in waters on boundary of the state. The taking of any such lumber is made larceny and the offender shall be fined from $50 to $10.0 and imprisoned not more than two years. An act amending the election laws by providing further that in case of special elections to fill vacancies, certificates of nomination shall be filed' with the county auditor or secretary ol state depending upon whether the office Is within or larger than the county.

An act authorizing the state, or anji city or county of the state, to receive, hold and manage any gifts or bequests An act providing that the board ot supervisors may at any regular or special seslon fix the compensation of officers under. It. To the trial magistrate not exceeding $2 and the peace offlcei $1 and mileage as now allowed by law. An act enabling cities of the claes to buy or construct water works, and giving them additional powers. The tax for the purpose shall not exceed 2 mills on the dollar.

An act authorizing cities of the second class to acqu-lvo rnal estate within and without their territorial limits foi the purpose of outlets for sewers and to pay for the same out of the aewer t)i general fund. "Isn't thit Fdttf Djft t6ff husband: "1 thought 10 tmtll fat sent in bid bill. He'd ft flfcr fitfort to ba man: "dome people think 1 preach lon'g sermons. Do you thlak Bo?" She: "Oh, no! They only seem Visitor: "But this portrait of Mr. Bulger Is a good deal more than life oize." Artist: know it.

That Is tha size he thinks he Bulletin. "That whisky is fifteen years old. I know it, because I've had It that long myself." The colonel: "By Jove! sir, you must be a man of phenomenal self- She (haughtily): "I beg your pardon, air; you have the advantage of me." He (Jauntily): "I should say I had. I'm the fellow you Jilted ten years Melbourne Weekly Times. First tramp: "It makes me nervous to sleep in one of dese lodgin'-houses.

Supposin' a flre to break out In de night?" Second tramp: "Dat's so. Dem firemen would turn a hose on yer in a Teacher: "Tommy, you may define the difference between a while and a time." Tommy: paw says he is going down for a while maw says she'll bet he's going for a Cincinnati Enquirer. "What course should a lawyer pursue when called on to defend a man whom he knows to be guilty?" asked the examiner. The examined scratched his head a moment and answered: "Charge him double, of Enquirer. Beatrice sends us some verses entitled, "Why Do I Live?" We cannot use your contribution, Beatrice, but we can answer your conundrum.

You live simply because you send your verses instead of bringing Statesman. The teacher of the infant class' at the Sunday school, to interest the little ones, had begun to tell them the story of the fall of man, when a mite of a girl was heard to exclaim half aloud: "6li, I'm BO tired oil that story about the Transcript. Know Thyself. SCIENCE HELPS YOU TO YOUR OWN DOCTOR. BE Penobscot means "the rock river." The word Junnita means "a stone." Potomac is "place of tha burning pines." Monongahela means "'ailing in of the banks." Cleveland, waa named after Gen.

Moses Cleveland, who surveyed the ro- gion around there. The town of Marblehead in Massachusetts gained its name because the white r-'artz, which is so plentiful on the looks like marble from a distance. The Mississippi river has over a dozen names, which were given it at different points in its course. The Algonquins called it the Meche Sebe, other trlbea termed it Chucagtta, Mice, Tumalasen and Tapala Ri. The Missouri had its name from the Algonquin word mis "great," and the Sioux word, souri, "muddy." Several different namea and modes of spelling are to be found iu early writings, among them Wemessouret, Min- nlshosha, Oumissouret, Ajishiwikl-, An Irish naturalist once observed a dumlin acting in a very curious manner on the seashore.

The bird would alight then fly a short distance, then alight again, violently shaking its head. A round lump appeared fastened to ita beak. It turned out that the bird had innocently attempted to investigate a coclcle which it had found open. Tho shell had closed on its bill. A poor little chaffln was found dead near Epsom with its lower mandible so flrnrly imbedded Iu the shell of a beechnut that it had beea unable to extricate it and had died of starvation.

A' hea pheasant was observed by a sportsman to be flying around and around in a wild manner. On being shot it was discovered to have a large oak leaf upon Us beak ia aucn to totally obscure From the Era, Bradford, Pa. Too few people are acquainted with the rapid advance of medical science, and too many doctors are still plod- dins In the old paths. Once It comes to pass that people know themselves, that all physicians are abreast of the world's knowledge, much of our suffering- will come to an end. Medical scientists are not delving Into the depths of knowledge for the mere benefit of brother physicians, but for the benefit of the world.

They place' In the hands of the well man a means of keeping- well, in the hands of the sick man a means of recovery. To the parent they Eive the power of saving- the child. Science Is working: for you accept the proffered help? Mrs. George Rowend, an estimable lady who resides at No. 276 East Main Street, has faubc to feel grateful toward the science of medicine.

She stated to a reporter that she had been suffering- with a femala trouble for many She had been doctored for the nilment for a Ions fact, nearly all her harl never received anything- more than temporary relief. During the last three years her condition grew worse and WHS nspravateO by an affection of the heart. Her health was so poor that she found It almost impossible to perform hor household duties. "I never believed In proprietary med- irlnes." srtirl Mrs. Howend, "but one last fall I read an article- In a newspaper vvhioh told of the cures effected by Dr.

Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to try the medicine. Before I had taken contents of one box I began to better. The depressing- weakness which had bothered mo for so many yearu began to disappear, and the action of the heart at once became stronger and more regular. "I took nine boxes of the pills and I am now feeling better than I have for several years, and I have unbounded faith In the medicine." Dr. Williams' Pink TMlln contain ail the elements necessary to give new life find richness to the blood and restore shattc'recl nerves.

They are for by a.ll clruKtflsts. or may be had by mail from Ur. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. for f.O cents per box, or six boxes for Two Choicn Volumes. "Her father is not what you would call a well read iniin," said one foreign gentleman to another.

"No. His library consists of only two books. JJut they suth'ee." "What are they'. 1 "liank book and check Washington Star. Half via Wubusli, 'Ihe short Hue to St.

Louis, nud route East or youth, April 21st and May 5th. Excursions to all points South at oue tare for the round trip with $3.00 added. JUNE 16th, National Republican Convention at St. Louis. JULY ad, National Educational Association at Buffalo.

JULY Christian Endeavor Convention at Washington. JULY 2and, National People and Silver Convention at St. Louis. For rates, time tallies and further information, call at the Wabash ticket office, 14J5 Karnani Paxtou Hotel block, or Giso. N.

CLAKTOS, N. W. Pass. Omaha, Nob. The Energy In uu Avalanche.

A French engineer has thought it worth while to calculate the waste energy of the great avalanche of Gernuii- in the Alps, which fell last September, He makes it 1,400 million metre tons, or, roug-hly, three times the same number of foot tons; that is to say, the energy needed to lift some three billion tons a foot high. The fall lasted a minute and in that time developed about a million horse power. If the energy could have been turned into electric current it would fed 90,000 16- candle power incandescent lamps five hours a day during a whole Chicago Record.

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