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Ukiah Republican Press from Ukiah, California • Page 3

Ukiah, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iiii the Till! Mini of Hifi peoi'l" Jaeksoti, clmrgod with llio luiiifler of D. E. Sliiill on May 29lli, 1891, af. Cufrc.Y 'B Uiin c.oiuUy ciiiiio up TtiBsdny. ThP first vciiiro of forly W.IH OX- liaiiBlod ftiid sppcinl vonire of t.wonly issued, wliicli wim also ox- liuimted a spoolal venire of IIHTO inBiKHl from which thu jnry was ooni- Dieted.

Following are tho jurors: Vfm. I'roudfdot, llkiali; U. J. Ulosser, Little I'liky; .1. I).

(Jure, I't. Arena; Kdwiird Cox, Ukiali; Byron Clark, Mendocino City; John S. Kned, Laylonvillis; John Grist, Valley; Chas. Tluinier, Cleono; J. Vasaar, Hanoi; Wni.

II. UnriiH, liung Valley S. B.Martin, Oleone; Kverolt Ilolliday, Ukiah. The case went to trial at 2 o'clock Wednesday. The were all present and the cnnrt room was lilled with visitors.

Nine witnesses were examined for the prosecution Wednesday, viz: Master Alexander Cani- erson, Olof Miller, Mrs. K. Anderson, Miss Rtary Laakeniati, Ja.s. IVclaon, Mrs. Ko Tluirslon, Mike Jolinson, Alfred iNtiasMay Thniston, K.

Moore, ti. A. Overmyor, J. T. Weldon.

Witnesses for the defence examined BO far: Mrs. Hill, Mrs. F. F. Lazarus, J)r.

T. Brown, Mis. Jas. lloads, F. S.

Martin Koads, Jas. Uhndes, B. F. Higgina, Otis Gale, T. K.

Knwles, Mary Nunii, Earnest Dnoi- ford, Geo. Cooper, Will Clay, Josopii Kawles, Juo. W. Barrett. District Attorney White, assisted by J.

E. Pomberton of Mendocino represents the People, and J. A. Cooper is for tlie defense. The defense arc aiming to establish the plea of insanity.

Tho PKKH.S has full notes of the trial so far, but refrains from giving thoni this week, believing it in the in- of justice and taxpayers. The CMC will probably go to the jury toil ay. Tlie PKE.S.S acknowledges receipt of lino fruit samples from Dashiels of Potter Valley, Dr. Brown of Philo, and Cook of Boonville. The fair and the fruit samples sent to our odlco, together with wliat we have observed throughout the county gives 11 high conceiition of the possi- Ibilitios of ftrcndocino county for fruit jiroiiuction, the good of planting go on.

Our future? in this idireclion is great. Cttrd tifTlmiiks. We desire, tlirough the columns of your paper, to extend to our friends and the jieople of Hound Valkiy, the sincere and heartffdl thanks of ourselves and family, for the sympathy they liave manifested for us in our bereavement, in the loss of our son, Lin- ilon Francis Diinlap. Yours respectfully J. L.

DlINI.Al'. Mrs. M. Dci Sept. llth CldMiiiK To the rcgrdl of liis many patrons, A.

Marks has decided to close out his general store in Ukiah. is to go, goods, lixturos and the store is for rent. The sale coniniences on the lOtli inst' Of course great sacrifices will have to be made, and Mr. Marks exjiects to make them. Note liis advertisement.

A DuaUllljr For the solution of the sewerage fjuestion, for the open bid for typhoid, diphtheria, and snuiU pox, for iloud call for the destroying angel to slay the lirst and last born of every home, that of nuiking a dump for Hotel filth in lots near this city is i-emarkably the best yet nuido. Have we a health ofricerl CVCI.ONE. A Filillio, On last Sunday, six merry young pcoido from Boonville went to Springs for a picnic. They were: Misses Dora Crow, Lmdla and Delia Finney, and Olive Fry, and Messrs. G.

Brown, and David (Jrow. 'J'lie spring is about fifteen miles froiii Boonville on tho rond lo Navarro, ft is an accepted fact tlial the place, with its wild ami beautiful scenery, is very attractive. It is liecoming, every year, more jmpular as a summer resort. The party were conveyed thoncu in ii thrpctseated vehicle, drawn by four lively annuals. All were in the conveyance, and ready to start by A.

the team bounded away. The lines were handled by tin? skillful hands of Ur. David Crow. Excellent lime was nnide, and the ride rendered very enjoyable. Tho pleasure-seekers were wiOl pleased with their stay on the grounds, and afUir viewing and admiring the scenery lo their satisfaction, huuduion was spread.

This had been provided by somi! of the girls, and by the merchant, Mr. iirown, from his store. 'I 'lie dinner was appreciated by all. Being so late, Ihisiiicnio was jirobably tlie dosing event of the season, but it was a beautiful day and those present feel safe in saying that it was as thoroughly enjoyed as any of those lireceding it. Jii the evening all returned homo feeling grateful for the pleasure they had been all 'orded by the brother and sister who organized the party.

Trunk The condition of tho lumbermen iind woodmen of Mendocino county is about to bo inveatigaled by Labor Commissioner Waltz. Tho abuses to be corrected are the truck system, by which tho employes aro compelled to trade iit the company's sloros, exorbitant prices, and being paid their wages in checks due in several months which they usually get discounted by the Comiiany. The investigation is sadly needed, and it is to be hoped the evils aro soon to be corrected. AlttiKlocliKi ll4Mic4 Items. C.

W.Brown has fieeii appointed Post-master at Philo, vice 0. Pratlier. The now Steam's band mill at Usal will probably start nj) about the middle of tho present mmitli. Peter Kiloy received a broken leg at the Garcia on Monday of last week by some timber falling on him. The Postoflice at Manchester i.s now in charge of M.

Sherwood, who was appointed lo succeed W. E. Umpliray. lUilaivfii) A deoision was reached in I he Superior Court last wock in tluMiiise of Soplironia J'atten vs. Knima A.

Weller. It was a case of unlawful tainer. The defendants hud rented a place of the idaintill', and the suit was brought to dispossess them. The decision was for plaintitr, and tho parties have five days to leave. Notice All persons owing this oflice will please settle at once, either by making payment at this oOlce, or to our collector ,1.

B. Morse. Ukiah, Cal. Oct. N4n'iiiul Mrs.

Anan I'drterfii has resigned her winter Normal in favor of Ida L. Siriijison, who will open the school December Jst at Barnes hall. Prices as usual. rltO.V MANKL. ItehiH tif from our reHBiondeiit, liouses for rent aro scarctt.

A largo amount of lumber seems to be going to tho country this fall, mostly for residences ond bnrns. Howell lins closed his Duncan Springs hotel for the winter. Marion Bnohnian of Stockton on a visit to his jiarents. Mrs. F.

O. Forse left for the Bay Monday for a sliort stay. Mr. C. Hhorer of Santa llosa, was a guest of Uiill' li.

Wright during this week. Blanclio Tliatclior will leave shortly for J'lacerville lo attend acliool for aliout a year. W. H. Miller is in the southern jiart of till! Stale on a visit.

Ex-ohiof Cockrue and wife of S. F. lefi for I heir home after sjiending a week at tho Thatcher Motel. Will King, Max Carotliers, Annii! Taylor, and Elbe! Martin wore visitors to Sanel Sunday. May Brooks of S.

F. is on a visit lo her Sister Mrs. Howell. Sujiervisor Henry and JJ. F.

Long were noticed on ourstn-ols Mcmday. O.K. Owens and wife nro holding Advent meetings at tho Sanel and Hoplaiid School Mouses. S. K.

Brooks of S. has leased tli(! dairy ranch of O. Ilowidl, and lias moved hero witli his family. Work will soon comnieucn on the bridge lo l)o on the creek Hophind. It will bo a great conveii- ienoe to parlies living on l)olli sides of the river.

social dance was given at Long's hop house last Friday nitihl; quite a number werodown from Ukiah. Froii! those tliat allenilcil wo that a gay time was had. Mr. and Mrs. 0, F.

Lewis entorlaiii- ed a few invited friends at their residence last Monday night previous to their departure for Tahor Island where they will reside in the future. A most enjoyable time was had by those present. AN.VII! K. OtTV AND tJOUN'l'V. will SAM ANO COUM'TY.

Notice to 'rax-iHiyers. No receipt will be givtm for imy- ments by check until the money is collected. Parties sending check in payment of taxes must include bank exchange at the rale of 10 cents per luindred. J. K.

JOIINKON, Tax Collector. Moiidocliii) Fi'llil Kxkllilt. The Mendocino County fruit exhibit taken from tho roceni fair here, and placed in the rooms of the State Board of Trade by W. P. Thomas, shows up to Itnc.

advantage, and not only (lomjiares in all respects, but in some BiirpaH anything there. Tho Burgor-llomt niinuulty. In the Burger-Horst dilUcully Burger had Horst arrested for batteiy. He wiiB arrained in Justice Sullivan's Court and plead not guilty. Tho trial was nut for 20th inst.

with bonds at If.SOO. AffUlifMlUt Cmtfermtca, Following are the appointments for this County: Ukiah, M. B. Sliai- brough; Oloverdale and Hopland, F. D.

Dorsey; Potter Valley, T. D. Boweii; Anderson Valley, W. M. Winters; C.

O. Steele, elder. Kltteen TliotiHaiitl ShllkeH Wautoil. F. M.

Mason wants LIOOO good shakes immediately, delivered to his lumber yard in Ukiah. Here's a clianco for you. Tlie I'lilplt iliKJ Iho SliiBO. Rev. F.

M. Shroiit, Paslor United Brethren Church, Blue Mound, says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King 's now discovery has done for me. My lungs were badly diaoasod. and my iiarisliers Ihonglit I could live only a few weeks.

I took five bottles of Dr. King's Now Diseov- ory and am sound and well, gaining 2(1 Ijounds in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Corabinatioii, writes: "After a thorough trial ami convicing evidence, I am convinced that Dr. King's New Discovery for oimsHiuption, beats em all, and cures when evoiytliing olao fails. The greatest kindnei.j I can do my many thousand friands is to uvge lliein to try it." Free trial bottles at J. 11.

Mathews Ding Begu- lar size 50c and The I I. Iiimibatur. I have the best incubator in the world. It can't be beaten anywhere. i will stand fihallenge or comparison with anybody.

T. J. Propiiotor. When Batiy was wo gave Her Coatoria. Wton she was a Child, orled tor Caatorla.

When ilie became MlM, she clung Cnstorla. When ihe baU CUlldreu, ahe gave tiiem Caatorla AtnOi -lK. ou file (1.00. Cunningham Son nounce that they liave bought large slock of carpets of A. Marks ttt 50 cents on the and pro" pose to sell tiiem in like iiiunner.

It is an opportunity to get carpets for the coming winter, anJ to re-carpet floors. Bead the "ad." is ropoitiug the Boads trial in its nsuul seuaational ttlOO WIUO. The readers of the Kuriiiii.icAN will be ideased lo learn that there is at least ono dreaded disease that sicence has boon able to (Miro in its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only popitive cure now known to iuedica! fraternity. Catarrh being a ironslilutional disease, retpiires a consliUilional Iroalnuml.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous siirfiices of the sysloiii, thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strengtti by building up tho consiilu- tion and assisting nature in doing its work. Tlio proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that ofl'er One Hundred feu- any ease that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Aildivss, F. J.

Cheney it. Toledo, (). Sold by 75c. liuoklea'a Aniiea The boHl salve in tlio world for enta, bruises, ulcers, sbrea, salt rheum, fever SOTGH, tetter, ehapjiod Imncis, chilblains, eorna.aiul all skin eruptions, aud cures piles or no pay required. It is guiab- teed to -give perfeot satisfaotion, or money refunded.

Price 25 oents per box. For sale by J. R. MatUewB. Tho city taJL levy has been fixed at 30 on the $100, 20 oentB lower than last yew.

Roiiiember tlio wool sale on October 22iid. E. H. Sinilh and bride rotnrned from their tour Tuesday. An old fashioned spelling match is eoiiteinplated for a fuiuro entertainment.

Judge McOarvey folt quite iiidis posed when the Court convened this week, but is bettor now. Pay all yoiM- now ir you want lo. Thf. liiAv tlon 't roniiiel you pjtyintwu histuUuteiiU. Vou louy il'you WIHII n.

C. Thompson, formerly in the grocery business here, lias the variety store of J. Eaton. Toanhor.s' Instilnte at Fort Bragg next week. Tho town is to give the pedagognea a royal weloomo.

Prof. D.ishiells it is said will leotiiio (Ml liypnotism and lliernleof ropolition the coming institute, f-fo is an expert oil both tj. A. Ovormeyer made a horseback ride of .52 miles Wednesday, suli- pooiiaiiig witnesses for the Leivis stealing ease. Chas.

Busch of Potter sends some tine iiiMiohoa of a Into ripening variety, of tine flavorand nil usual size. Thanks tor the favor. A private maaqnerado was held at the residence of tho Misses Harris at west I'hid last evening. Tho invited guests report a jolly tiino. The Lioonso Ordiimnco i.s published in the liRiMiiK.icAX I'HKSS this week--printed for the lirst time in a Kepubli- can paper for thirty years.

TAIVE.N—From the rooms of the Hos- jiorian Club on the evening of the Merchants meotiiig (Hopt. nuibrella. Leave at this oflice. Seymoro Marks, of Fort. Bragg, has moved to Ukiah and will ocoupy his rosideneo property iiere.

He will also resume the management of his opera On our fourth page will be found the names of laxpayers, the amount of taxes of each, and tho amount of the first and second installments. 'J'lio list will bo coucUidod next week. T. A.

Toniploton feels cjnite proud of having carried oil', tho prize fur tlic best roadster team in 'i'lvclvth Agricultural Dislriot, and he may jiistlj' feel for his beuutiful blacks are daisies. Pioaoliing the Baptist Clmrnli Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7..31) p. M.

by the pastor, lluv. W. T. Fleonor. Morning subject, "Saton Lifting Evoniug "Ealioiialisiu." Ali aro cordially invited.

The Ladies Society of tho Oliristian Church will give an entertainment Thanksgiving evening at Smilli'a Opera House, to consist of a phij', snp- pleiuented by Madam Jarloy's wax work. Program week. Tho Rev. T. A.

Atkinson has been changed by Bishop Hiiygood from Chif'o lo Selma, Fresno Co. by bis own request. Mrs. Atkinson's father, brother, sisters, and other relatives live in and near Selma. Selniii is a live enterprising little town about as largo as Ukiah Mr.

Atkinson will preach his farewell sermon next Sabbath mnrn ing. .1. B. Morse states tliat Jio is too an- poraiinuated to ride a bicycle on his oolloction tonra, hut ho gets there jnst tho same. He is training one of liia boys to ride tho wheel, another lo wrile short hand, and a third to ojierate lliu type-writer and will soon have a collection agency on a big scale.

His oflice is with Sullivan, and clo proximity to a Jiistiee's olllce may make it decidedly intovesting for tardy debtors. Mrs. M. P. Sawtnllo, M.

D. of San I''raneiseo. and dungbter, are in Uliiuh this week. Mrs. lectured Tuesday evening in )ie Christian Church on 'Pliyaiidogy as applied to self culture and Health." Her leotnie was a good one and well reneived.

She is the f'athor of "The Heroine of a Califoniia novel wide merit. The book, while being an interefting novel, at morals which few autUo would oasunie to point. Il lias force and vigor whioh apppalo to the BtroDg miud. A good book whiuh oau be profitably vead hj alk TEMPLKTON still in tho lend. Fi'fish lard nt Smith GibBon.

Hibbard's Uheumatio Syrup euro you. Estrtbliahed I'LIS ROOJIH. L. W. I'etalunia butler at Porterfield Stitt's.

Buy ono of those tine sugar cured hnms at 'I 's. Don't be nilHlelKt about ta yon villi piiy nil at tlie 11 rut liiMtiilliiieiit. Teeth without plates. Case, dentist, Marks bnilding. WiiEnAN 's SAMPLE ROOMS, south side of (Jourt House.

The name of the postollice at Sanel has been changed to Hopland, Picture frames and artists' materials a specialty, at W. Evorsole's. A good lot of second hand carpet for sale cheap at Jjowis Bros. Wilmor Kvanacameliome Wednesday. He has been living in Nevada.

Always get your upholstering and other repairing done at Lewis Bros, Jnst out of the S. F. Custom House, a full line of foreign yarns, in all colors, ttt C. HofinaiiB, Tim Malonoy is doing the honors bo- liind tho grocery coniitor at C. Hof- mau's stfere.

Geo. Switzer, Flanagan, Samuel Blair, all of Mendocino City, are in Ukiah this week. Wash Bailey went out to Orr's Hot Springs Wednesday to do sorao cementing for F. M. IFcger.

P. Oobbi, a former resident of Ukiah hut now residing at Hoiddslmrg, is hero visiting relatives. Parties intending to V)iiy their winter stock of groceries can not do better than call on TKMPLHTON. Any article sold by TEiiPLKroN that is not as represented can bo returned and money will be refunded- Isadoro Abraham, one of the proprietors of the Healdsbnrg Tribune, has business in Ukiah this week. TEMPTJETOK is tho sole agent for the Drifted Snow Flour, which makes the best, whitest and sweetest bread.

All who did not receive the sample sack of Drifted Snow Flour at Pavilion can have one by calling on TEMI'LETON. A full line of drugs, chemicals, patent modicinos and toilet articles at Magee's drugstore, opp. Grand SAMVI.K Lunch from 11 A. M. to 2 M.

R. purchased a Hall's safe for the Tax Collector's otHco while in the city this week. 'J'he price paid was S7l)0. J. W.

is still in the furniture business and jias a well assorted stock of carpets, inattifig, shades, elc. give him a call. Two large aliiiimenla of boots and shoes, for old and young, just received from Boston and Chicago at C. Hof- umn 's. By having a big trade we aro pro- to fill any kind of an order with the very freshest of goods.

I'orterfiold Stilt. Mr. and Afrs. D. Duff, known in, Ukiah, were thrown from a buggy in a runaway in Viiginiii recently and both badly hurt.

Wo manufacluro and make a specialty of a kitchen table that is way ahead of faiitory goods. Call and see it ui; Lewis Jiros. Alex Bailey brought in a band of about thirty young beef cattle from his ranch on tho headwaters of Navarra River Monday. No other place in the connt can brag of such comnlete assortment of school books, anplies, and stationery at C. Hofmaii's.

WHELAN'S SAMj'bE ROOMS-Clioloo Wines and Liqaora. A full line of wall paper and decorations to be sold at greatly reduced prices for the next thirty days at J. W. ICversole 's. A splendid stock of fine clothing, Just received, and is being sold at prioes that common clothing is usually sold for, at Hofmans, There will he a meeting of the congregation at the Presbyterian church on Siindoy the IBlh at v.

M. for the purpose of calling a minister. WHEIIAN'S SAMPLE Lnuoh from 11 A. M. to 2 p.

M. navy bluejacket with plush collar. Left in ono of the wagons running to the fair grounds. Please return -same to the Grand Hotel Ukiah. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M.

E. Church South will give an entertainment at Smith's Hall Oct. 2i (th. Programme will appear next week. P'irtertield fi raaloe ponllry a specialty.

SVilh several years experience we are astisfiod we can make you money by bringing your poultry lo us. Judge Gillespie is selling out his household furniture having runted his residence to Mrs. Dr. Robinson of willits, who will shortly move to Ukiah. A letter from S.

Doiiohoe of the boundary survey party to his father here states that they are at Drury 's place, twenty -two miles from the point of starting, and hope to complete the work by the luth of November. Tho number of freight cars along the line of the S. F. N. P.

are iuautlloient In transport tlie burk, wood, and other artielea piled for shipping, The Company have promised reiisatcdly to put on more ears, but us yet iiuthiog bus been done. The service on this rnad is gelling very niiBalisfactory. The Pnusa has two propositions to subject: viz: many of our country snbaoribars are in arrears. Wood is needed in this oftico to keep all' winter's cold, and our coun try snbsoibers who are in arrears have plenty of wood. 'I'hurefore bring ns in wood to pay for siibsoription.

SAM- of the Laytonville RBtablishod PIJE ROOMH. W. H. hottil, is in town. Vt 'a SAMPLE Lunch from 11 A.

M. to 2 v. u. WHELAN'S SAMPLE HOOMB, south side ('onrt Miss Blanche Tliat(dior of Hanoi, was in town this week.

Mrs. E. S. Ames went to the City Monday on a visit. Tax Collector Johnson went to San Froncisco Sunday.

Alf. Nelson of Greenwood, is attending court this week, Mrs. Glabe Bartlett is improving from her recent yiness. Botii IlieflrHl utiil tlie Heeoiiil tlin iieiitM limy be at uiiim. 'J'ony McPoak and J.

Miller are among the sick in Ukiah. Board and lodging in a private family. Inquire at this ottlce. I'lx-Senator Yell was up from the City a fow days week. R.

0. Burger of Anderson Valley, had business in Ukiah this week. Miss Mamie Ambrose will return to Pomona, her former home, Monday. ll'ild pigeons are said to be jilontiful in tho hills west and north of town. S.

L. Redwine and VV. Orsborn of Round Valley were down last week. Byron Clark and family, of Mendocino City, came over to Ukiah Tuesday. Philo Tuck and J.

G. Rowlinson of Little Lake were visitors to Ukiah last week. A letter from the surveying party states they are progressing in their work. TEMPLEroN corries nothing but the finest eastern sugar cured hams and bocon. carries nothing but the finest eastern sugar cured hams and bacon.

Miss Grace Reed, for several weeks sick with typhoid fever, is convalescing. A. Weger, Jessie Poster, and Wm. Hitchens, of Westport, are attending court this week. Mrs.

Joe Jacobs wont to Francisco Vrednoaday for a aoveral months stay with relatives. Mrs. Joel Sveland and danghters passed through Ukiah on their way to Watsonville this week. C. E.

Nutter's youngest son, Harry, who has been vpry sick will( tyjihoid fever, is much Ijetjev. A. Atkinaoq will not be returned to the charge here. Rev. Sharbrougli takes his place.

Harry Chamberlain and wife loft on Tuesday 's train for Fresno City, where they oxpeot to reside henceforth. After adjournment last week the Supervisors went to look at the new road from sherwood to Ft Bragg. H. Fine left Tuesday to attend i E5ESS59 CITY AND GOUKTY. Flit hogs wanted at Smith Gibson.

liave the option of paytiig all their taxoa now. J. Reed returned Monday from a few days visit to the city. J. repairs furniture and sewing nmohineB of all kinds.

WUELAN'H SAMPLK Lunch from 11 A. M. to 2 P. Mrs. 8.

Hooko went down to Oak land on a short vioit Monday. A Two-horse top buggy for sale cheap. Apply to Jas. tt. Oarothera.

Paints, oils, varniflbes and brnsbca at Mttgee's drugstore opp. Grand Hotel. TEMPLETON carries notbiug bnt the finest eastei'u sugar cured hams and bttoon. The "Deestrict Skulo" promises to be a succe.fa. All tho old folks are in it," Juo.

Ginoehio left Tuesday for Jackson, Amador county, where his Bister is dying. For all kinds of jobbing and furniture for bouse or oflice have it made to order at Lewis Bros. Barrot, Supt, of Greenwood Mill, is in town this week, a witness in the Uliodes murder trial. Stock salt, ground alum, Liverpool wheat bran and barley by sack or ton at Porterfleld Stitt's. WM paper, border, and decorations at greatly reduced prices nt Magee's drugstore opp.

Grand Hotel. The complaint of which Miss Lily Eaton is suffering is pneumonia, and not typhoid fever as stated last week. We sell more goods than an.y other geneiW merchandise store in town and can prove it. Hofmnu's cheap cash store. Harry Porso accompanied Rube Haywortli to Washington for a look at the country and with prospective views of locating.

Laytonville is represented in Ukioh this week by about seventy people, witneaaes and others interested in the Oapelj trial. For a quiet boarding place go to Mrs. M. E. Ogle's, one block south of Court House.

Homelike, good table, careful service. No closing out sales for ns. but new goods every day in the weok. Low prices for cash is what keeps us "a Hofniau's cheap cash store. Summer WHUdoi'era home again.

We welcome them with new double fold half wool suiting's only 15 cents per yard, at the cheapest store in town (The El Dorado.) Dr. Stout will Isiive for San Fran- oi.sco Sunday to attend the ('onvention of the O. E. S. which assembles there Monday.

Ho goes as tho delegate from Kiugaley Chapter, and will return the last of next weok. Tho old timers stop and stai-e; how can it be: liti -iuch Fruit of the Loom, This is what bought the entire atock ot carpetB of A. Mnrlgs at, cojisiating Brussels, Tapestry, 8-pIy, 2-pIy, Linolenni, Hatting, This addition to our already large stock gives us an assortment and range of carpets eqiial to a metropolitan store, A.A Winter is coming on and you need carpets. No other store can compete with us. W.

W. CUMIMAM I M. RETiaiE FRO! MSIHESSI OT shipped steamer regular 12 yds, SI.00. Still we're iu it wiHi 14 tho San Francisco busiiieaa I yds good wash calico, Turkey Hubert will make friends he goes. A.

M. Bontley of Covelo, went to Fronttisco to-day to attend the annual session of the Grand IJodge P. A. U. Taxpayers aro beginning to call for their receipts.

About one-sixtieth of the taxes of the county were collected last week. Q. Short brought down from Round Valley last week 80 head of beef cattle wdiioh he shipped to llealds- burg butchers. J. Byrnes camo up on the train Tuesday on his way home to Mondo- cino from San Francisco.

He staid over one night iu Ukiah. The saw miU of Amos Snuffln which was burned several months ago is being rebuilt ou the old site, and will be ready for outliug the coming winter. Edwards Bros, are now well established in their new quarters on Standley Street. Everything in their line best quality furnished as before. Joe! Icel! IcoMII Leave orders with J.

S. H.irt at Wells, Fargo Co's. Express olHce and he will deliver it in any quantity at your residence. Bermudas of Round Valley is very sick at the Curtis House. He was brought down last week by Sam Redwine.

His ailment seems to be general debility. Foil acres milo from Court House, Ukiah, ou Vichy Springs road, well improved, good orchard, house and barn, good well water. Apply to L. Hale, Ukiah. Following aro among from Laytonville this week: J.

H. Dwelly, D. McDowell, L. D. McDowell, Roman, Louisa Wilniot, W.

Brana- como, Thos. Smith, L. H. Hither, formerly of Ukiah, bnt for several years in the soda water business at Mendocino, Ft. Bragg, Westport, is shaking har.ds with old friends in Ukiah this week.

The perfection of riding "The Solid under gnarantoo to do better and easier work than any other plow made. Will be exhibited at the fair. Sold by F. Brunner. Anderson Valley is repreaeuted here this week by N.

W. Bostwiok, T. E. and J. W.

Kttwle.s R. T. H. Clow, W. A.

Mcaimsey, Peter Robinson, Janies Tthodes and fainilv. John and Julia Qsohwend, R. J. iloji kins, S. T.

Ruddock, and others. A successful man or wouiun carefully examines every businesH announeeiuent laid before them by so doing they com pare Hie good with tlie bad and aci accordingly. Please compare the fol lowing prices with what yon have been paying for the goods: Sll-ineli Bleached Fruit n( the I (Oom cents per yard former priss cents pei yard, yards good waah ealiuo SI, 00. 12 yards drew giugham $1-00 toimoi price coniM per yard. At the Dorado.

Mmi at J. W. iW. aiid-V, 9 red oil print, 10 eta. per yard.

C'all and get prices at the El Dorado, San Frauciaoo has oonsiderable to intereat her at present. The grand jnry matter, the post-oflice matter, the Whitlior Fuller scandal, the oonipel- ing railroad agitation, and other minor niutlers serve to make things lively in tho metropolis. Rube Hayworth loft Thursday tor Oolfax, Whitman county, Washington, where he haa considerable town property, and whore he will make hia future home. Rube has many friends here and lins done wall in a business way. It is to be hoped he will do even bettor in his new home.

Adolphus Jamison, who has been on the coast hauling tanbark for several months past, returned homo to Ukiah Monday. Ho shipped over 700 cords of bark from his and W. P. I'homas' claims. The bark was from Little River wharf by "Pt Arena," which makes weekly trips.

These, among others, are in town from the interior valleys this week: Mrs. Jas. Holman, James Capell, Willits; Mrs. Belle Hurdin, Potter; 0. N.

Grubb. W. B. Burns, Cahto, C. 0.

Capell, Laytonville; W. J. Vasaar, Piela; Joel Vauii, J. W. Grist.

Ed BnckneU, Goo. E. White, Covelo; J. H. Sturtevant, Lige Duncan, Sanel; G.

W. Parsons, McDowell; w. w. Thatcher, Sanel; R. white, Cahto.

Following are some of the coasters in town this week: M. P. Denman, £. P. Gilmore, J.

Ross, Pt Arena; J. 3. Ward, Ft Biagg; B. P. Higgii.a, Little River; G.

A. Daniels, Cuspnr; Chas. Cleone; Jas. Rewoastle- Noyo; D.ivid Jones. Cure, Ceo.

0. Fox, Pt. Arena; J. R. 8utherlaiid, L.

Rookloy, Westport; James Nolan, CutJ'ey 's GoveTames Orr, Usal: B. Martin, Caspar; H. Mulsen and wife, Jerome Rafter and Riley, J. Mclutire MissesEllaTboinpson, Annie Johnson, Mumie Boyle, Mrs. Anderson, Jim Nelson, Greenwood; J.

E. Pernberton, Mendocino. A human curiosity will lead many to veaA this, for it is one of the commonest traits of the race. It was cnriosity tliat led Eve to wonder how j.he forbidden fruit tasted, aud her offsprings have their ouriositi' excited every day as a hareditiiry temptation (rout the small boy who ia everlastingly peeping into boxes, to the hired girl with her eye to the koj" hole. Every one won- tiu's "u'iiat is in it" from the niau who eye's the bottle, to the woman wlin handles another woman's letter.

Properly directed, thishuman curiosity ofiea leades to satisfactory results, the proprietors of the El Dorado invite all curious people to make a voyage uf discovery to store; juBt to pee what is in it, and while there they will be oiiriouB to know Whore lliey up snch a barguii) as 12 yards Fruit of the Loom (or 81 18 yUids good dreas gingham $1.00, yn good Indigo blue calico 9i Our entire stuok iu reduced tu bai'gAiua. rry ns and see, 130,000 Worth of General Merehuilis To Be Sold Reprdta of Cost I Sale to Commence MONDAY, October 19,1891. Store to lease Fixtures for Sale. parties indebted will please come forward and settle at once, MARKS, Uliiealn, Cal. Heal KilHIP I' While 1 (1 Herryliill-I In I 'onio 25 00 Monro to -Mnrki' i.iit ill ukiiiii City 00 nnd I'orle to Iu I'nilil Arflm IfiO 00 ,1 Onhlu to of SK Ji SBC -a HUd i.f KW)4 seu is ami of nee 11, .1 StrliMilliK loEdlvaril (If "CO.

(If SKl-i. uiu) HK'i, nou 4, IS Dmicftn to II fa I.Hyloii"- vllle KudkluKlJaiii Will lli SW'i of SCO 21. 17, 17 11 A Wtllpr lo in Kort Uraijit Win AnrlrPW.s lo CJ in Kort Urngi; lo In Fort flmsB llltticr to Bnoliolti! Lot in Kort HriijUf and sndii works ItKodoU Wm Mcl.eRu-l.oln In Fort UoRun lo iidjjtnc'iil to (Jleonc Fort llriiKK Redwood t'o to Ui'o In Fort BriiuK UrngK Hodwood to II Iu Fort BlaKK North I'ui'ino l.tmd iind liiinnivnniont Co to hliick "F' -Lot i i 111 20 00 75 00 OU 1 00 261 03 a-ij 00 100 C3 2S0O 00 to 00 00 187 11 10 00 North I'licllin Limd luul ImprovomoHl Un to V. Wnrd-Lot I In "0" 187 60 North to A iFV.I'i'' Court ProcecililMp). i)ioiik''aj" and J6 iind Ifl in Dloct A HigKlud, Sr to 55 lu llklBUClty llohinson to 0 of SEW of SES' 1, 14.

IS 0 Hiile to Hale-Lot Iu Tlkluli City. Itiwuman and wife- to NEi-i ot KOK 2, U. lo an alKive imoo two 00 oo ssioo 00 Hou. R. McGurvoy, Presiding.

yinnoy vs his Noyo Lumtmr Co. VB Wm. Piiokniil vs Qoo Bank of Okloh vs to Sonoma lu account Judire helpff Infieresiffd (wtrty. Pwopln ot Of ret Wm Endte vs Lumbar vti Ulnaldl et filed, case contluued. Qeo Coiiriid Bpiiolnted Kunrdlan and Orace clilldron of'Pom Ahiier Jaoolw vs lur lorin.

v. Orttrtdook vs i rorecIoHiiro niid (u-dar ot ttHXrjkd feaii Si EHtiiteorMC Brlggs Cfr mate ot Klljnh Frost dessaaed-Wlll AadliiKtaA hi iirobiito and bond Axed at mm. Poiililo Ohas nut Bulliy. Win T.emolne TS aOanuliiK tlim tor writor mandamus, denied. i Thn tolloH-luff oases WQre Heosor vs Jocoh Ijibm.

Jrio Uauaeii VH Vi'tlratiC llodwo(Hl Co. ErI HUKKlns vs Ft BraitK Ilsdirnoil Co, Burnett vs Auiriist Grotheaud atiMJJiin, sur, TiioH Uopiwr vs Joa HikitHWWKl. David iam vs Miles liinrson, Win vs Auditor. David Jnues and DaHs i Ja, Dett dpnuirrurHUstitlnud and plttvao dan FVUlite or An-bliMild MnWllan-liitarii mtiilstradnn flxert atSlUOU. CAM.iKaiil aximsed fmm Jury Antf oOvlMv Kniimda ot IwInR a ooiiqiy amner.

''P-t'iL Ixibree. dntnulUiiR lUriir by. tA-fS senre lined UI, vs 8 Qold orown and bridge work. Cftae, dentist. Marks'bm'ding.

SAMPM Itoojts, aoulU aillfc OourtHguse. 8 TinnoU from tp ay.yr"^; Willi LOCAL APPI.ICATIOIJ*^'^" not reacli ibii sonivulj' Ciiturrli ia a btncxl (UMiatIi disease, t'li'der in Ciitiiifh'Gui'e 'iu direrlly oq' tiie' turn.

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