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The Des Moines Daily News from Des Moines, Iowa • Page 1

Des Moines, Iowa
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h- Yeor.t^i§^"^> I 1 une "Si Three Ann MAiltrO UI1U HIM11VII. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. 'r i. Spain May Not Down Her Divers. REQUESflCLlNED Americans.

Win First Examine the Sunken ACCIDENT' IDEA HELD ATlval of American Divers Show Awful Scena. In Detail. in Impi-Oritjlvo pM 111 Vx- as It would be Mittinp; that in every place of worship tomorrow same Be held 115 a memorial 'to-, our (lead seamen, whom Uic whole nation mourns. Let ii requiein for. these gallant defenders of.our.iiind go up from Olirlstlau people.

'fro! army 3 and "Knl a ni Maine now under trfiatmnnt £SS WASHINGTON, Feb. Long and Assistant. Secretary Day ot the state department had an-Interview with the president this morning concerning the cablegram 'from. Consul. General Leo, transmitting a request for the Spanish authorities of Cuba that they be permitted to join our people investigating the cause of the disaster was notifled that while -this government was willing to affoid Spaniards air reasonable facilitles ilor the inveBtigation; It is best the first inquiry be matre by our own The.

request, therefore is respectfully The Spanish request to be permitiea to participate in the examination of the wreck of the Maine in the fol- lowing'dispatch from Consul oencral Lee. received last night: "Sigsbee begins tomorrow with the divers sent'him' United States to recover all bodies still left in the wreck of'the Maine, as well as the personal effects of officers'arid. men. and whatever else can-be obtained in mat After that is completed the Spanish government would'Oike to unite with in having-the of the-Hhi. and the.

barhor in'the Jointly The following answer was sent. "The government the. United. States has already begun an lion as to the the lilfliitS cst ii ni-isiioii on should that the have occurred after Dick of the iegistor "Umpires the Game." Horritt Not Found Feb II 1 The Maine with t'he'snamS of the innmry there will UP. no friction.

for biiHal tomorrow. Qiu'Rii Sorry. lintliy of Hio queen-regent. ot hp.Jin. Slesboi' Calls it Accident.

HAVANA. Feb. Sigsbee of the in an interview with an Associated Press reporter, attributed the disaster to an accident. GKNEUAI, 'Ml I At 2:15 p. m.

the weather burring fail 20 degrees by Sunday. If you really want 'a bargain in a Piano or Organ, go to mball's tomorrow, 40T Walnut street. 16-3 LUETGERTJOES UNDER. CHICAGO, Feb. The motion for a.

new trial in the Luetgert case was this afternoon denied. The judge sentenced Luetgert to imprisonment for life. An apeal wil Ibe made to the supreme court. Zola's Attorney Used Rather Defiant Language. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH.

No. 72. Well Know Military Export Thlnlu the by a Torpedo. General James Rush Lincoln of Ames hisnector-eeneral of the Iowa. National Gtiunl ono of the nest posted.

mlll lary exports In the woHUvas Maine In Havana ise'l'uss' to toll me tl at tlie disaster was sneciany 'appointed the purpose which will proceed government-will afford ever facility it Scan to tho Spanish authorities whatever Investigation they may see ht to It" ap'ears that Spain at first based the right to the divers' in- on trie ground that tne tary c-spcnsm wfe r.ay but fc itB the difficulty was relieved this ing by the Spanish charge affaheb, who said that-a harmonious iimlet- -tancling had been reached between i Captain Sigsbee and the Spanish authorities at Havana, whereby the wreck of the Maine would be considered extra-territorial or a United States possession, just as is the United States con- "'under this agreement Captain Slgs- bee will proceed to, send down divers to make-the examination. At the same SS? slSr wm Sovflpanlsh equal a nrt simultaneous facilities for fejred --examination. i ami. nf tb caused tlie explo- bS or or anylhhiB of that char- TcTer Reports sliow that tho vessel was i'li wil into the air and then sunk. This shows ilia I iho blow carao from without an was unclonbicilly causer by a torpedo.

(If course an Investigation will show tin, "nuw but wliethor tlie public over hear- i (li-tnlls nl such invcstlgiitiou Is a Hues- tIon iiiy facts concerning the present Cuban crisis have been nunrrascd and th likely to be. Tbnt is why I shnl oecline to chance my opinion oE the cnus, tl.e. accident unless nroof is veil harbor is without doubt mine with torpcilues. It would be flioiish i KBY Feb. ID-The lighthouse steamer Mangrove arrived here this morning from Havana with the following wounded men of the Maine, Edward Mattson, B.

Tl. Wilber. J. C. White.

Daniel Crontn. John Coffee. J. H. Bloomer.

Alfred Hernia. J. Rowe. Charles Sitcher. William M'Qutre.

Ot the twenty-six in the hospital, five, have died. Eleven seriously wounded remain at Havana. NISW YORK, Feb. dispatch from Secretary of Slate Cont-osio lo the. --lip present time no Inspeclion of the Maine's hull has made (livers The -arrival of the divers' is awaited, in order that they, ac- Iwnicd by Spanish divers, may pro- IpKD- -i'Mti CORS.

'eb ovrs. Fob Tuly Fob Mny luly LAUD- Fob RIB3 Kno i.v i High Ml. 31K 10.9710. 11.05- Lowest. wax 111.95 lU.i)5 losing 1U.93 11.0011.03 5.35 5.JO- D.30 a ZOLA.

PARIS, Zola trial WT comparatively non-sensational toda There was a till between General He liux and Cull Picqnart. The torn, denounced the latter for testifying th members of tl.e army had committ foreery and turned it to account. PI quart retorted that he had top much i sped for his chiefs and for justice p'eaUUn 'the TURN ON THE LIGHT. The Daily Capital has challenged the rrectness of-THE NKWS circulation uarantecs and a committeo of business en have vindicated THE NEWS in ery particular. Now, what Is the Capital goinn; to 307 Its own honesty is challenged evasive terms.

We charse that the Capital's total ftl circulation does not exceed 5,000 nd that it has less than 1,800 paid cir- ilalion in the city. charge that It is selling vertiser 69 Moiaes College Chooses Him as Its Washington's Birthday Orator. ormer Governor Jackson to Preside. Bauqiioti Keuoptloii, Songs and Toasts at Klrsl Baptist Church, Des Moines college is making elaborate Its annual i-ein- bratlon of Washington's birthday. The celebration will consist of a public, ad- dre's, a reception and a banquet, all of which will take place In the First.

Baptist The public Is heartily invited by the college to attend the afternoon meeting and the reception winch Immediately follows; Hon. A. B. Cumrnlns will deliver the address at the afternoon meeting. A suitable, music program has been prepared, under the.

direction of Mrs. Weber, 'instructor in vocal music at the The public reception will immediately follow the address arid will continue till 6:30, after which banquet will he served In the church parlors. As only a limited number of guests can be entertained in addition to the students, tickets have been issued. The banquet will be followed by a series of toasts from representatives of the several college (lasses, the alumni, the faculty, the trustees and the guests. Mr.

J. of the Junior class will toastmaster. The speeches will be interspersed with neiv college songs by the students under the leadership of Mr. Miller of-the senior class. The following is the full program as it will be printed: AFTERNOON.

Organ Ora Newel Introduction of the president of the Day F. D. Jacksoi with Me nearest Mrs. Margaret Weber and Mr. H.

Miller. Thou Art Near Me Mrs. Margaret Weber. Address A. B.

Cummin Goodnight, Beloved Mrs. Margaret Weber. Miss Berth Stetson. Messrs. Miller and Newman.

Organ Ora Newe to 0:80 p. m. EVENING. Toastmasfer J. V.

Lattimer, '9 Song "America Blfie Plimpton "Three Cornered Pour Cornerec Hats." at discriminating barging 8, 10, 12, 2B or 30 cents er inch, according to the amount it can misrepresentation induce advertisers pay. We charge that 10 cents per inch Is the fill Cora Oarlock. "How to be a Man L. Norton "Lying as a Fine Ar Friendls In Us TTou Se. College ehoir.

N. Stephenson "The Bngbs SENATERERJSEDTO Good Lawyers Say House Action is Illegal Without Concurrence of Senate. AN.EARLIER DATE ffort to Reconsider Time of, Board of: Cqntrol Special Order in the Senate. Has the ives adjourned to a tirtie beyond onstitutiona! limit, and If'so whan rill be the effect, Is the lieme.the lawyers of 'the ave been discussing since the house djniirned this morning-- until next. Wednesday at.

1 'o'clock. There are, ardly two of 'the legal lights of he house or senate uhat agree, but iraetically all admit that 'the adjourn- nent -taken is for a longer time than that allowed by law. The question arises as what "the effect will be. There were only twenty-two members present this morning when the louse was called There bens no oliance to obtain a quorum the session soon developed -into a highly elite exhibition of horse play. A.

conr current resolution from the senate to adjourn until Wednesday at 10:30 o'clock-was amended, debated and Hnr ally shelved. A'fter an hour spent in parliamentary fun making. Representative Ladd. who chair, ruled 3. motion that -the adjourn until Wednesday at 1 o'clock -was carried, and the house stood adjourned.

A point of order by Pot'ter of -potta- wattaniie, thojt the house could not nd- lourn for so long a period was ignored. After the house had adjourned the members began to discuss the point made by Cotter a number soon, agreed that it was well -taken The news was conveyed to and' not to fall into-ithe same er.rpr tne senate adjourned, when it will again adjourn Wednesday, without the transaction of 'cH Wheat. Fe i talking. ary v.o -This caused an uproar in the Sn'cnomv'fn t'bls'mi'mi'ier:" I liilnk thii ihe Maine was nlichorod over a torpeil or mile by the Spanish who designate her lai'O-of with the In ei. lion of disposing of her if war should -li-eil It not a bad military move for the Spanish to take tills nre- p'liitloii Perhaps the torpedo was dis- ci reed perliaps by design, hit urn inclined lo the -former Iheory.

ilisclDline and prewmtlons on bnt- arc such that I am not willing to mlniit Hint the disaster was from that cause." Sims for thn Postollloo. Tlie reason of George Sims' flop from MacVicar lo Sherman has been explained. A promise of the East Bide postofflcc is behind It. Rims served on board with Sherman anil when the Sheep 1.000: lirm; lambs mui hi- boar wt er present city campaign opened it was supposed he would stay in for him until It was discovered that either Anns Brandt or George Van Dyke was Vmed for Hie place. This angered Sinisand he went, over to MacVicar, Then there was a hustling about on the Fist Side conferences, aiul long after stms name out for Sherman 1 'white oats yellow corn -s taiKins.

i inn litiUDuii court room and Laboris told them they 1 reioicod to see right and jUBtice violated more and more daily. Turning to Zola he caused another by exclaiming: "I ask myself whether it would not he better to leave, the court than to allow ourselves to 1m treated as wo arc. After some further testimony the defense announced that it would ca no more witnesses. The hearing will-be I continued Wednesday. 1 Ta iuo of its space, according to.

accepted standards of values in proportion to circulation. 'If show'lts 'rfri'ilii- tlon and advertising books to a cmn- nrlttcc of adverlisers, ag-reeiiiB to open our advertising books, contracts, and accounts as unreservedly as we opened our circulation books to tlie committee. We stand ready to forfeit, lanre sums ot money to local charities if the Capital will disprove our assertions. Our offers published yesterday still hold good. New Organs at Kimball's for Now Is the time to buy.

407 Walnut street. ABOUT MARKET SQUARE. Druily Says Belongs to l.lio Uily mid Cannot 1)0 Imaged. The recent lease of Market Square Island road to tho Blue Line Transfer company has brought to the front many kickers. This square was worth many years ago from $40,000 to $60000 in the real estate, market am many of the' citizens believe it should he reverted to tho city.

The grounds for this arc that the railroad company has lost its grip on the six or seven lols because it has failed to maintain a passenger depot on them as specified in the ordinance by which it secured tlie The Barker, "1)7 "WiiShthgtoii Our Example Song by the: students Th6 Sonrr by tiib students "Come Good People One and All will sing another song." A fine" Square Piano In first class High make, WO, at Kimball's, 407 Walnut street. 10-3 NEW'DUPLEX MANAGER. Mr. Ceo. Loarts Takes the State Management.

Henceforth it is to lie, known as the Duplex and Jewell. Typewriting Agency! A further change and one importance, bus been made in the em nloyment of Grargo Loarts as stat manager. Mr. Loarts was formerlj with the Hatch Hotel Register On. where lie made an enviable reputatioi About four months ago Mr.

Loarts cepted a-positiou as city agent for the Typewriter and on account of his remarkable success, lie having sold, on at first thought at the members 'that hoUse would be dissolved by -its action and, would have be. summoned together again by the overnor. This theory was exploded, owever, by reference code which provides that branch of. he legislature can except a es "oS rary to a direct provision of the con- stitution. which provides that neithtsf.

house can tor longer than hree days without the consent of the other and 'that'the bouse would have to meet and adjourn from to day. until ft secured a quorum. Ano her wyer equally prominent held that tlie anjuornment was in direct viola- ton of the constitution. He thought, possible it might effect future legis- result that the house will fall back on the fact that there was no quorum present at the morning "s'on. anil any action taken by them was thout force, and thus the result 0V "the adjournment would be avoided.

Is claimed by some of tlie members hat congress has ruled on the question thiil the action' of the house was not Illegal- To Fix an Burlier Date. The senale advocates of board of cen- tre who were taken by surprise and- left considerably disconcerted at the end of the first skirmish yesterday, today recovered their calm and returnci to Uic fray. When on yesterday morn-to tne nay tea tn making the Dill order for next Thursday, an average, one 'machine every clay right to build the depot on that square. Since Alderman Draiiy retired from Urn council no alderman has tried to secure -lK'Mo' I'eb J.Z4. NEW YORK Feb.

wheat 1.02%; 0orn-Cakh on -all mercan Me and that he would appear before tho citizens show the aldermen their an average, since lie entered the employment of the company, he was on Thursday last made state mnmiger. The fact that Mr. Minlb Hundred Thousand. WILMINGTON. Feb.

N. Borrs- tie ilefaultlng paying teller of tne First National bnnl: of Dover, was arrested hire. Boggs mild to nave mmlo w-iy with over 11 hundred Hmnanml diii- ini-i I'-onr prominent nifn of Kcm eimiity -iNo iirursted, charged with nlillilK BogKS ls tseallnpr. Their iniiiicii iirn: ark iind MERCY HOSPITAL. "jVd 0E Sg the mernai' appearance after stms name out for Sherman.

111 5 1 Snn i return fo, HAtVi- oxnlosion, which set. lire mu im.nun hut hia close DOIiCI i A 1 nlhpr flejll IS nOt knOWU, Out. Ills Llun. exoloslon, wiucn uui. Swdcr magazine, or else by.some other caS the nature of which cannot be pos- i Instaiitaneous and, to be behind it.

lloiirkn'B Headquarters. Barney B. Rourke. the man detailed by the Sherman managers to line up the Irish vote at so much a head, has tnc under Trades as- whiel, is to be spent is iri' 1 llV 1 a $-orUA. Fob.

H-Oorn Oats lirm: 2 white noml in I. Anothcr Park. Tho nark have chilled nil eighteen aero, pial ol of Thomas Tiernan. The price inilc! the protiorty was nearly JSO an arri'. nun-base is carrying out the nr.Klniii ij of the eemmisslon lo have a park in section of the city.

Funeral Friday, the ISlh. at the ho and Mrs. D. K. Vi-nYi- vvr.

flour. unareu. v. l.MO pounfls. JU5: 500 pounds.

i 20: slnVlf; iwl tire ct nick tllC PlQft Ol IL' DOtlt -----be lifted from'ttho'water lo sav "TIIO Alfonno anchored about I safety 'OP" 1 rescuing Iho Maine's (S the Feb -Public Interest in of 'the Jfnlne nl Havana fnd nr rom ch iron heavy tent like ple dbo next week. A MiUiVicnr Meeting. A meeting of republicans of the third precinct of the Second ward will be held at nice's hall, Twelfth and Laurel evenln. MaeVlcar and other republicans will be on hand to speak The Sherman men have made made a poll of the second precinct of I Second wardw hich shows that 1 Vicar has iho precinct with ease. fell Into tho hands ot a MacVicar man who gftve out the Of the 537 votes In the precinct only 211 wouli commit themselves and a majority Ihcm are for MaeVlcar, street wmcn was McElderry.

Ocorge Keonhold, Franl lilaghurn, City Engineer IllgglnH an nlatcii Kl war 'd Mei-ahon will'speak at Soul Kisivo I street lire house Monda traw, baled iTeb Intorev in them are lor Aiaevicar. KI of the Mnlnc nt Havana A -gherman meetlnR was held las emu nui" to bo "he "'J-ftbliorhlng tonic of ht mtlc shurch on eventj in this city. An offlrar of the ch WM n( by Shermal McElderry. Itciiorl. of the Year's Wurk al Ih" I Itie Institiilion.

Tho annul'report of Mercy hospital was issued today. Tlie report shows I hat the hospital haa been a vniy nourishing condition for tlie pant yeiir. It gives the number of pat touts who were treated in the hospital in both surgical and mecial departments. work has been handicaiipeil because of lack of room but the sisters hope to re- i move this difficulty dnrlns the next year by new building. TO CUUK A I'OMI xl Take I-axallve nr J' SjJ 0 if i 1 al on each tablet.

POWER. To Scitlc Salvation Army al rol to suffer a moral defeat in the livst Llrrnish. This morning he mo- heir forces together and.a mo- i after the senate convened.Garst Mvel a reconsidemtinn of the vote by vhU-h the special order had been fixed. Vis intention was to fix it for an earlier voted to the chair without argu- Vnlunleprs. The Cation appointed Dr.

-1- ll of stl Jolin -roran church as a c-ommittec to Inquire into th" alleged trouble betwc mir. th the Salvation Army and the relating to stands on iho OKORGB i.OARTS. Loarts will now be in charge of agents throughout the state will gi' wonderful impotns to the business. Already the Duplex has the conn dence of people both at home and Its excellence Is unquestioned. A mn 'of Mr.

Loarts' splendid energy in pushing thlo will 'carry everything before him. Iho state manager has opened an office at 61(1 Locust street, ground floor, where leased to meet those interested. With a team line Messrs. Loarts and Chase on Locust between Sixth VJ11 IL, lt HUSSEY NIGHT. lor Benefit of Central Presbytwini.

Church, Hussey Presbyterian church will be 2Bih. under the auspices ani-foi the. of Arnerh-a. a nrowoff the torpeilo, boat near Heavy Weekly nnnk sintpniei'c. Feb.

weekly bank to The Tin iiili the bankruptcy bill, orU- for a ilnnl vote at o'clock. TO'in 8 nlB I 'Snvon the Children. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ha. ino o' thounands of oroupy chHdren It without an equal tie whooping coujh. for a inn voe a oc.

in Ii- "pen to amendment 1 each. them out of certain before lie regular hour for meetings, i Dr win will report the matter to the mln'slrm next Monday morning. He win advise neutrality, holding that the alion of slrecl metlngs Is nol in he power of the Jllnlslerlal asancla- on or ot anyone except the mayor, lln iiiiil.H that the. charwas made by the u-my against the Volnntcicra istalnort. The Volunteers lire not 1 unase on jjui-uoi.

and Seventh, the block already is bristling with business and promises to be a decided commercial center. Qulr-lly Marl-led. OnUHl nvcnuo. 'flic will live al the Wnl- torK home. Mr Hussey.

,) .1. O'Xi-H 'X eh a'p fnu 3 of a Ions; Illncsa, today nflor and use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilcmecly for nil pa of stomaeh and nil unnn'ura loose- of the bowels. always.

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