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The Journal Times from Racine, Wisconsin • 3

The Journal Timesi
Racine, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


SIOOl Racino Daily JcrarnaL WAliT PUBE: WATER. A Move to Establish an Artesian Well Stock Company of Capital on College 'Avenue. i HORLICK'S Rapids Spring Laie VTill be delivered to any part of the city la quantities 10 saiw Prices Always Reasonable. Pleas remember that we are the only parties who pack ICE that is strictly pure snd FIT FOR TABLE USE. Ravin a larrs stock of ice we can fill orders with prompt-.

neas, pack none but tbe best. Orderi riven the drivers, left at Lawton a or sent in roue a the 1 I), will have im me diate attention. -Use telephone. Horlick's Lime Stone Co. BETTRIDQ-E'S CEDAR BE1VD ICE IS STRICTLY PURE.

ItAVlnv th Urmut rfr mA Ik. 1. n. V- to. I beSL lonsLHtn 1tr ratttn.

tint i4.Hw.Hn. If are nntnarad to sunialv nrim. tvn 1 1 iu the coming summer at very reasonable rate. Offloa 419 Main St. XJSE3 TKLtKPHONIC.

aprjwins. OiBTEKB, KTO. -ICE CREAM- FROM- Irnro Oreixiii. -SWEET, CREAM- For. Table Use.

Water Ices and Ice Cream in bricks to order at LE PAGE'S, 416 Main St lunllyl FLOWEHS. til JOi 1113 West Street. i BRANCH OFFICE AT JLLKellogg's Book Store Owing to the latent of the Kanuner we will clone oat jour large Ntock of Plants at very low price. (Sl. 1-4 PtiANTS FOR, QUlng: your Tssee.

C. A. Johnson. aprTXyl I rLOWKKS. Decorate and Make Home Beautiful! A bd for your decorations to to i I have for this spring a stock of over TEN THOUHANU 11 assortwl otanla.

which will have to be sold witbin a isw weeks or carried over, but I propose to sell them. Space ts too limited to tell you what I have or what I can do, but If you will come and me for what you want, I will oonvlnoe yon it ts to your Interest, i If you want any of my Rosorvolr Vases lor your cemetery lot you can buy one oa monthly payments. 12 per cent, discount' on (ill eaab orders lor vases before May Ah. If you have not received one of my printed lists ox 13 I'LANXS FOR si Bend for one. They area bargain.

Green Houses 11 N. Kiie street. (Ity office, Main street. Telephone at bo places. Call' it ike Green House vies yea ca a.


SON linestgrades of Pare Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, when tt any time you want to buy, Have this to guide, it directs to f-Tilcrn wKr. t. not high. 4 Tnspect our stock, 'tis varied and A elected, you'll find we have al on hand, Latest imported and domestic command. General groceries of every de- in trade, Everything choice in shelf goods, stantly displayed.

New goods we are constantly re-reivinr fmm the 1ar4in-r Kaiim. I in the trade. nd buy for cash from the ing trade firms, large discounts we save by.diing Now we give discount benefit to our riKtnmm 3 a mnm of making business grow. Don't fail to send or leave us your nrrlrre. whetVer tKew Irs email or i Courteous and prompt attention' they'll receive and be delivered tree of charge.

01 dried and canned fruits, season fruits arirl veTfah!" Kntter eggs, lard cheese we make a specialty. our famous "Fancy tPatent Wh V. No. I in quality. Eitter's Phila.

preserves, Colgate made summer sausages we sell. A ur smoking and chewing tobac-" cos and biands of cigars noth-j ing in the trade can excel. Choice table luxuries, smoked meats and general groceries of every kind, i erything at cash bottom prices Eemembcr when you need anything in the grocery line, in condition select and neat, ivc this, it directs to F. Hilta Co's, No. 328 Main Street.

JilOHT' LsTTESTACD rOAJ c. i TIT CAPABLE GIRL, 1244 II WllMilu4niIMl hmllr 1 mayiets ANTED. WOOD WORKERS-A DOZEN Srood workmen who ha xnerienoe a Workers in hard wood a.nd who ra Kkillfnl lathe use of tools can find employment at ui worsts or ue ttaeine Masaware Mig. La. mayl.MS WAJBTJBJD MIBCELIjANJIOUB.

W7ANTKD EVERY READER TO BUY '1 crockery, glassware and lamps at muncDs-s wrocaery store. mcnyyi NOTICES. avj s. a kj Uijj iv ucvu JL WUl open pasture on the 18th day of May. Terms as usual.

Gate on Villa street. NOTICE. xhoottn and baa ball playing TTH A QTTT A. 2 TrT dad sa nrAti nuiuorn a urove is sincuy pronioivea. maylitiUi i W.Bkowu.

NOW 13 THE TIME TO BUY NEW PA-peraasW. R. Tat has just received a Ar. au lauwi paiiorna wis aay. Call and examine.

Main hu aprtllf PO LOAN-MONEY BY DURAND 4 MIL- 'er. aprl8tf SCAVENGER WORK. REICHERT A Hoens. Tbecleaniuzof nnvv vaults and cess pools and cleaning of rubbish from yards pniuiniiy auenufa 10. xetepnone.

Call No. 73. Call at or sddrma N'n Kr; Pnnti sireeu i aprltf REAL ESTATE. JL1 if) acres; good house, w. vimnv I.VIUI, 1 1 A house and lot for first payment.

Call On or 'urrsa w. ii. jaoooe, Millard, Walworth Co- Wla i UORRALE-A DESIRABLE RfSITlKVna On Main street bet. Tlh snd HI h. in mwvl ijvi.wuuwii.u iui vno mouern conveniences.

in oe soiu ata reasonable ngure. prin i A 11. M1X.Z.KR, TOR HALE TWO DWELLINGS, NOH. AJ lOltii and HUH. corner Kraklln and 11th sireeis, en euuor at a bantam.

mayitwj H. A L. Millkr. JTIORSaLE OR EXCHANGE. MY RES1-j dnnce and ten aores land.

apniuw Dr. Wk, J. Morton, PERSONALS. ii OCKFORD WATCH ES, BOT KEY AND steinhwinuers, at Heswlok'a, aprlyl LEGAjL. COUNTY COURT, RACINE COUNT IN Probate In the matter of tbe eatute or BeDjamla Hall, deceased.

On readinir and minir the netltlrtn at Xf. Teegardea, representing among otber things, iijKb iMsujiamin nan, ihi oi ma town ni Ml 1'ieHKHjit, in the county of Kacine and state of Wisconsin, deceased, died Intestate.on or about the 2d dav of March. A. L. lSHTi.

leavlmr real and personal property situated In said county; that said petitioner is a creditor of said deceased; and praying that Benjamin nan, a son oi saia aeneasea, oe appointed administrator of the estate of said deceased. It is ordered that said ion be hourri he. fore this court, at a special term thereol to be held on Tueedsy, the 19th day of May, A. D. 1885, at 10 o'clock a.

in. of that day, at the office of the Judite of said County Court in the city of itacine ini saia county And St is further ordered, that notice of said application and hearing be given to all persons inierextea, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to said day of hear- ne. In the "Kacine Dallv JbcrsaL:" a daily aewxpaper printed and published In said county of Racine. Uated April Wt 1HS4. 1 i By the Court.

i PHrm TiFT.nKV aprJSsaWtl 1 County Judge. AGENTS "WAN TED. $50 per Week. A Bop to Ag'ts. Pushing agents are making from 130 to $50 per week selling the well-known Williams tiros.

SPOT KING, the only ai tide ever compounded that will remnvespots of Ureases ull. Dirt. Pilch and Paint from wooleu uoods, silks, Carpels, without Full lulorinatlou aud sample box sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 2jc. circulars free. WILLIAMS i 4W inira jew lork city.

niHTtmH TRANSPORTATION, GOODKICH Passenger Steamers Leave for Chicago every night (Saturday ex- cepieu) at arrivmg iu uuicago at clock in the utornina. Returning, leave Chicago every evening at 8 o'clock (Hunday excepted.) Fare to Chicago, bed Fare Round Trip K.6U Leave Racine for Milwaukee, Sheboygan and Aiautmwoc, and LUdingtou and Man-ltee, every morning at (except Monday.) For Kewauuee, iMinapee. 'Sturgeon Bay' and Neuoiniiiou, Monday, Weduosday and rrl-day UtgUtat C. G. THOMPSON.

maylltf OENT1STRX. i FOR EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOtrT pain. Better than gas or vitalised air. as you are not made unconscious, orrioe hours 8 a. m.

to 8 p. ax. HALL) WIN, -lis tithtt. aprwyi VITALIZED AIR I i FOR- A Extracting Teeth Without Pain AT F. L.

Clijord't, cor. Market Sq. and 6th SL nichllyl -E-X-T-I-S-T- i Residence, No. 0 6th St. Air administered.

CiW. Deter. C. W. Watte rson.

aprgtyl H. LOCKWOOD, (Formerly with Dr. A. H. Amos) JO! Ei IV Ti 1 1 JS! T7.

BLOCK. Monument Square. Telephone 1L octaoyl SUCCESSOR TO A. II. AMOS.

Preservation of Natural Teeth a Specialty. 309 Sixth St. mch27yl HATB GREAT LINE OF "WASHBURN'S, WT til AT- TURNER HALL. MONDAY AND TTJESDiY, MAT 1-1. Will be presented the beautiful MILITARY COMEDY MILITARY COMEDY Entitled HHH II II II OO OO Vt.rr, HHH 8cS XM aJS as a or- THE SPY OF VICK8BURO, For the benefit of the relief fund of Gov.

Har vey post G. A. K. I U-served seats 3ne Cieneral Reserved SATURDAY MAY IS. For an Elegant FIREMANS GOLD BADGE.

RACE CALLED AT 9 P. M. Usual prices at all of these entertain ment. may.Mf BOOTS AMD BHOKS, None genuine unless stamped as follows, JAMES YJEArJC G3 SHOE. I These Shoes for rentlemea are made of Mmmt I'mtmrrf bed llb larva i 811k Machine Twist, and are Luneqnallea in Jrily, nee.

They are made la variou i iu lbs. to aa int, buu wild either broad or narrow toes. The mer its of these shoes hTe caused such an enar-tnous increase la tbe demand for them that we can now furnish proof that wr ele-frrmtetL fart or produces a larger nusa- or shoes of UtiS arade than any other factory in ine worm. We partlou- rUCCBALS. lartyrednest those -who have been paying so or as for their i aboes to at least try oa a pair I of these before buying- a new pair, ii costs aotuisf to try them on.

3. MEANS A Makctactckkss, noTox, i MASS. CONCRXSS L. Croak Co. 309 Sixth St.

inayl )w2 JOHN BEOK, THE RECEIVED 10 FIRST PREMIUMS 3ver all competitors at the Wisconsin Industrial Fair. Save 15 to 20 Per. Cent. Br trading at the old reliable house of JOHN BECK- -430 MAIM ST lulygyl TA1LOR1MO. THE Merchant Tailor, Calls special attentioa to his stock of mum Which he win make up In the latest styles.


FLEE BJSLICX HEX CLAY AID PLTX, LZHS 0nS3T. STUCCO' Ac Also Farm Implesients Of all kloda, lneladl Gardasi Tooas, Bar- City Feed Cutter. FICSIsBtB. embbSv'VIs LAKESIDE 3 3 Fireman sGrana Race I i a- Mi HMrcsS-r'. i BOO mb in Mr.

and Mrs. John Tapley and nice Miss Kate Tapley, Mr. Jaa. Horlick of Brooklyn, N. Mr.

O.W. Pitcher of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B.

McKinley of Champaign, sailed from New York at 7 o'clock this morning for England, in the steamer Furnossia. Professor Beyer, of this city, has been appointed one of the executive committee of the Wisconsin State Musical Association which holds its thirtieth annual festiyal in the exposition building at Milwaukee, commencing one 16th. George Hoi born, an old Racine 'boy, who has been in Globe City, Arizona, for a few years, is in the city visiting his parents. He will remain here some weeks. Mrs.

Jacob Stoffel was called to Jeffer son county by a telegram, announcing the death of her mother. She was accompan ied by tier husband. Mr. and Mrs. P.

S. Washburn returned from their wedding tour last evening and congratulations are now in order. O. F. Botsford and Geo.

Ainsworth have gone to Eagle Lake on a fishing expedition. Geo, J. Huck is smiling oyer the arrival of a daughter at his home. Alderman; Driver will spend Sunday with his Oshkosh friends, H. Collins left for Madison last night to spend the Sabbath.

Dr. S. Buchan, of Union Grove, was in the.clty. CIRCUIT COURT. In the Circuit Court to-day Herman Tabbert was granted a divorce from his wife Maggie Tabbert, on grounds of desertion.

In the case of John Morrison vs. Ed ward Lee, judgment was rendered for the defendant. This was an action brought by by Mr. Morrison to recover the amount of a note. i Jerome I.

Case vs. Titus G. Fish et. al. Leave was granted tbe receiver to ship and deliver goods to certain psrties according to contracts heretofore made.

FUNERAL NOTICES. John Spence, father of James WSpence, the jeweler, who has been lying at the point of death at his home on Superior street, died at 4 o'clock. Odd Fellows of McDonald Lodge 137 will meet in special session at the lodge room this evening to make fuaeral arrangements. Mrs. Brooks, mother of Captain Henry Brooks, died at St.

Lukes hospital last night, ef paralysis, aged 65 years. Funeral Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the hospital. A three-yearold child of Hans Johnson residing on Chestnut street, died yesterday of ioflimtnation of the lungs aud was buried at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The faneral of John Hayek will take place from St. Patrick's church at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon.

RELIGIOUS. Subject for tbe morning discourse at the State street Congregational church will be "The Last Words of the Master." Evening subject, "Suicides." Come one and all with your Gospel Songs. i At Emmanuel Church, Sunday after Ascension. Morning prayer and holy communion at 10:30 a. ra.

Sunday School at 12:10 p. m. Evening prayer at 7:30 p. m. Rev.

E. G. Updike will preach the first ef a series of sermons on the Bible Subbatb evening, at the First M- E. church. Presbyterian Church Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 a.

and at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. ACCIDENTS. Matt PolukUl, an employe at the J.

I. Case T. M. Co. machine shops, and residing at No.

1444 Villa street, fell while attempting to stop a belt, and cut a gash on his head two inches long aad into the bone. An artery was severed and the blood flowed profusely. Dr. F. R.

Garlock was called and sewed up the wound, Crime in Wisconsin. The first biennial report of, the State Board of Charities and Reform, is now in the hands of- the printer at Madison, and will be issued next week. It will make a book of about 300 pages, and in many re-: spects is a valuable and interesting document. The report shows that during 1884, there were 6,607 prisoners incarcerated in the county jails of this state, of which 6,333 were males and 224 females! Of these prisoners, 2,419 were foreign-bom, aad 1,027 native-born; 231 eould neither read nor write, 1,961 were habitually intemperate, 510 were between 16 snd 21 years of age, 98 were under 16, 1,245 were sentenced for vagrancy, 40 -escaped, 228 were removed to state prison, 40 were murderers, 42 were held for rape, for manslaughter, 162 for burglary, 37 for horsestealing, and so on through the entire category otsUtutoryerime- Odd Fellows Session. The, Grand Lodge I.

O. O. of the state of Wisconsin will hold their annual session at Appleton the first week in June and representatives from all lodges in the state will be there. At a meeting of Racine Lodge No, 8, O. O.

held Tuesday evening, E. Peck was elected representative and L. Mann alternate, to attend the meeting. A special communication of Belle City Lodge No. 92, F.

A A. i will be held Tuesday evening. Mar 19, in their ball in the Baker block. Work in the M. M.

degree. brethren are cordially invited. By order of O. P. Btotherton, W.

aad La New Telephone. Eson Higgle have placed a aew telephone in their store on North Main street. Anyone wishing first class groceries, coal and wood, etc, will find it to their advantage to ring them np by telephone. July 1st the police will commence wosk collecting the dog The JoUBXal. Bindery is the best equip ped bindery in tbe city.

It has no equal in facilities lor turning oat in quiek all rlswiripisna saaak-boak work. Fall to this City and Gladden the Hearts of F. O. Thorp and Wm. D.

Brown. It is announced that. Mr 6. Thorp the well known lawyer of this city, has been appointed an inspector of postoffices in tbe northwest. Mr.

Tborp has been quite a prominent man in his time, having been in the state senate and occupied other positions of honor. He has filed his bonds with tbe Clerk of the Circuit Court at Kenosha, and they have been approved. The appointment is not one that commends the judgment ot tbe appointing power. Mr. Thorp is cer tainly poorly qualified for a position that' requires a clear business' head, sagacity and sharpness.

He cannot be said to possess any of these qualifications. Democrats are asking "who appointed him?" Nobody can be found to assume the responsibility for it, and there are few who undertake to offer an They all admit that the appointment casts dis credit upon the party. It is accounted for on tbe score of secret influence and leading Democrats are now endeavoring to discover if that influence reaches Col. Vilas or Gen. Bragg.

One or tbe other is bound to be damned by Racine Democrats. wm; r. brown. Wm. D.

Brown of this city received an appointment this morning, to be a railway mail clerk on the line between Racine and Rock Island. Mr Brown resides on Jack son street, is a moulder by trade, a Democrat in politics snd sn Irishman by blood. He is 26 years old of excellent character, and ought to make a first-class clerk at the expiration of his six months probationary It is the first appointment in this branch of the mail servioe credited to Ra- sine for many years. ROLLER RINKTUMS. Chas.

Lovell is getting up a handsome badge for the Lakeside Polo Club. It is a pin, attached to which is a roller skate, polo stick and a hanging badge. Tbe design is very appropriate. An effort is being made for another game of polo at the Lakeside next Tuesday evening, between the Le Grands of Chicago, and the Lakesides of this city. The managers of the Lakeside skating rink made the Lakeside Polo team a present of $60 last night; for which the boys are very There is strong talk of a benefit for the Lakeside Polo club.

Such an event would draw well and the members deserve it. There are six en tries for the fireman's race this evening; One of the agents of the Natioual Yeast was in town a day or two ago looking after the interest ot their celebrated National Yeast is acknowledged by all to be superior to any other, and much cheap-. er. He sure and use tbe sample, we know it will please the ladies. CITY K0TICES under this heading will se Insert ed for seven cents per line first insertion auU Ave cents per line Hor suhnequent lnertlon TUla column will be found a valuable me dium for advertisers In falling attention to their llns of trade.

The typo UHed Is nonpareil lsaded. i. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given partnership heretofore xlsttng between Julia V. Jonen, L.

P. Muu-roe an! Tlii. Jojim under he tlrm uame of Jonn, Muoroe for the purpoae of doing a general lumber buxineita, is thtsduy dissolved by mutuul countmt. P. Munroe retir ing from lh above firm, arid the members of said Arm assuming all asseu and liabilities of the ald firm.

All persons owing the above-firm must pay at once. Joiin V. Jon an, i L.l Mt'NKOK, Tims. Jonks. Racine, May 18, 1JW5.

niaylSt-V FORMATION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is here by given that John V. Jones and Thos. Jones havethtsday assoelaled themselves uuder the firm name of John V. Jones A Co.

lor the purpose of doing a general lumber business. Thanking you for your liberal patronage In the past, we would respectfully request a share of your future favors. Jokx V. Co. Racine, Mar 10, may 16 All advertisements under the heading of Wants," Tor Sales," For Bents," Notices," Business Notices," etc.

be paid for when the order for insertion is given. Patrons of the office will appreciate the reasons for this. The work of collecting these small accounts is out of all proportion to the amount received. JOB FOR SALE. 8HARPLEH8 8TRAWBER-ry plants, berries very large, 3 to 5 tnch-et around, also Wtison A Colclienv Dlants at W.

Kcett's, Wlnslow street. noayltftl IJIOR SALE. SHINGLE BLOCKS, CUT stove IcoRth, tl.SO per cord delivered. Will arrive about May 1. Leave orders at Langlols Son, 4i9 Main Ht.

apriutf TCKIR HALK TUE BEST FORMH FOR JL leases. Draw a by a lawyer of eminence. laud lords aud tenants should have them be fore May l. At Journal otfioe. apristt FOB BENT.

FOR RENT. FRONT SUJTE OF OFFICE in Baker block. h. v. Your A Sox.

mayUti FOR RKNT. HM ALL UOL'hE ON LAKE avenue. Inquire at nj9 Lake avenue. i amylitf TJK)R RENT. A 8MALL HOUSE WITH six rooms, on Huron street.

Inoulre at 010 Huron street. myi2td Mi ii vt -f rr ILT l. 1 i. r. ivminlMl l)r In tlm I.nk block.

Inquire at Winter A Doe a. mayiiu F)R RENT Store 6th. Uvlng rooms above, with sewer, artesian water, and water closet. Inquire Windsor Hotel. aprJttf BUBLNBB8 AKNOUNOJBMENTB.

REAL EMTATK AGENCY. RF.AL KH-tate dealt In and money loaned. Also fire policies written up In first class oomt an-1. Also acent for three ocean lines of tisr-man sleaiuers. OJ.Thimkm, N.

K. corner State aad BU Clair Bta. apntsU SAVE MONEY. PILES OF RKMNANP4 always on hand. When you wish aehtld's dress or to make over a dress, remember this.

i Maktim Clakct.Jr. IX THE LATEST STYLES OF SPRING hats can be found at feb'i4tf NOTICE. CLOTHES RACKS, CLOTHES reels and plUow sham holders at the Novelty Works. mchSlyl PHOTOGRAPHERS. rrAKE YOUR CHILDREN TO BILLINGS JL ami have them pbotosraphed.

It Is your duty to them as waif as yourself. mcmaXf LL OF LUCK'S NEGATIVES' AT LKON-L ant's. OaU en him tat dapUeatee, CITY BREVITIES. Bnmncr is coming, alow bot sore. People eannot be too cautions the first warm days.

One swallow doesn't make a iubbm by any mul This morning the son rose at 4:37 and will set at A regular meeting et the e'ty council will be held Monday evening. Tbeee are the davs when the busy farmer whlshee he had an extra pair of hand. Toe 1 amber firm of Jones, Monroe St Co. be dissolved partnership, Mr. Ionia Man roe retiring.

Another chicken fight will occur at a certain place on Fifth street, If the do not catch on. The Ice cream parlors and store of Bran-dow and Seaman hare been completely re fitted and renoTated. Oscar Young- was sent to jail lor three days by Justice Shiel on charge of being drank and disorderly. Te-day an elegant granite monument was placed oyer the grave of Emmanuel CroUenbarg, in Mound Cemetery. Festal cards calling a special meeting of the Wisconsin Industrial Association for Monday evening, have been, sent to the Directors.

i There will be no meeting of the Academy et Science Monday evening en account of the Ulnees of the lecturer expected from Milwaukee. Ytsterdsy the Belle City boat crew sold their gig to Mr. Burnette of Manitowoc It is evident there will be no boating In Bacine this season. At the last shoot of the Parker Gun 1 Club, held at Union Junction on Wednesday, William Rowewon the badge, making a score of 21 oat of 25. Dr.

J. O. Meschen, went to Raymond this morning to hold a consultation with Dr. Palmer, in tbe case of a man who fractured his skull sometime ago. The manure piles snd garbage barrels in the alley between Wisconsin and Main streets might be removed without prejudice to the, health of the people.

Justice Wentworth has moved into bis sew office in the Lukes block, formerly occupied by Quarlea, Spence Richards. It is a neat and centrally located office. Early vegetables are making their ap-. pes ranee. Strawberries and green peas from the sooth, and asparagus and lettuce from this locality are on sale at the grocery stores.

County treasurer Anderson is preparing for the sale of delinquent taxes, which takes place on Tuesday next. Ue expects that the descriptions to bo sold will reasb. Monday evening a meeting ot the Prohibition club wUl be held at their hall. Officers will be elected and other important business transacted. All members are requested to be present.

On Tuesday evening a 'meeting of the board of health will be held at 'the police office in tbe city hall block for the purpose of talking np tbe best action to bo taken for tbe health of the city. The thirtieth annual convention of the State Musical Association will be held at Milwaukee, June 16, If, 1 and 19. Two hundred voices will be heard in the singing. K. O.

Ueyer represents on tho executive committee. Applications for the ofilce of deputy collector of internsl revenue in this, city, held by D. G. Jane, are very numerous. If the aspirants would investigate and learn the amount of work required for 6L0 per annam, it would make 'em sick.

This morning the oology and li cisstes of the school left for Milwaukee iu a special4' car. They will visit the public museum, take in all the other sights of interest, and, to judge from the number ef skate bigs visible, they will do some akstiog. The exhibition of painting in the Ut-ley Mock by Richard Pauli, is pronounced by critics the finest ever held in Racine, and the work has been viewed by hundreds of the best judges in art. Mr. Panli can well feel proud of his work, which ii superior.

The various coal dealers in this city are making preparations for a large snpply this Wheat Pugh are erecting a monster coal shed; J. R. Morris is also patting np a largo building, and Meeker, Hedstrem Co. will make extensive additions and other improvements. In speaking of the condition of the ward funds this morning, an alderman said "The First ward is $200 in debt; Second ward is a trifle ahead? Third ward about even; Fourth ward $93 in fund; Fifth ward fl.800 in debt; Sixth ward $800 in debt! Seventh ward a few dollars ahead." On Tuesday, May 21st, the Calumet Club of Chicago, 111., bold their annual session in that city.

The club is composed ef persons who settled in Chicago prior to 1340. L. S. Blake, A. Filer and Herman Warner, of this city, are members, and have received invitations to attend.

Another large addition is to be made to the Uorlick Food Factory. It will bo a two story brick building with basement aad. need lor, an office, packing and store rooms. The business ot- this deserving firm is reaching astonishing proportions and ther is fasts food is handled in almost every city on the continent. Four supervisors from, Kenosha oanty war in the city inspecting the court house, with a view ot building a similar one la Kenosha, the old rookery at that place having bean condemned.

From' her the gentlemen went to Elkkora. The, exact cost of tbe Racine court house as stands was $39,800. Tbe city hall cost over Compare the two structures and than 'comment. Received to-day at Baser, 40 different style of the latest novelties in children's Be advertiaamoat of Racine Hardwar Mfc. On.

mc skilled workman in advertis- The need of pure water in certain portions of tbe Second and Third wards, has long been felW During the past winter much sickness prevailed aad many deaths occurred, the principal diseases being scar-Jet ever, diphtheria and typhoid fever. The cause of tbe sickness has been traced mainly to impure water. Many wells were examined and the water found in a terrible condition. Property owners on College avenue have taken a step in' the right direction to remedy this evil and give the people oa the School Sectioo pure water. I Last evening a large number of property owners on College avenue, among whom were Hon.

Y. Quarks, county clerk E. C. Peck, 0. C.

Davis, Wm. Scott, Martin Clancy Geo. Teall and Edward Bu rbeck, met at the County Clerk's office in the Court House, and indulged in an informal talk with reference to organizing an artes ian well stock company, fwith a capital of $3,000. AH present favored the scheme and $4,000 stock hail already been pledged. It is proposed to sink the well at some point on CoUege avenue, and supply water to residents! on this avenue, park avenue and Wisconsin at a reasonable figure.

An effort will be made at once to secure the rijrbjt to lay mains through the above named streets and as soon as thU is accomplished and the balance ot $4,000 stock subscribed, work on the well will bo commenced. The' good and healthful equalities of artesian water were discussed at length atnd it was shown that in Kenosha a large number of persons had been sick with but not one where the artesian water was used. This project should be -encouraged by every property owner within the bounds of the district where it is proposed to establish the well. i MARINE, Lieutenant Rogers of the U. S.

Life Sav-, ing Service, hss been in the city all day patting tbe life saving crew through the regular drill. Ue pronounces 'them far superior in drill to the crew jot last year. Capt. Schulxe, building a new tng at Saugatifck, has decided not to run the craft at this port. She will be taken to Chicago.

The schooner Simmons arrived with wood for H. Fellows and the schooner Melita with wood for N. A. Nelson. The schoonsr Thos.

Wilson arrived with hard wood lumber for the Racine Hard ware Company. The schooner J. I. Case! passed tbe Riv- ere yesterday, bound lor, ttunalo with a cargo of grain. i Billy Clark will run the; tag MJLKnapp this season, lit will handle the.

craft in seod shape. The schooner J. B. Newjand arrived last evening with lumber for Kelley, Weeks Co. The steamer Oregon is expected in port with coal for Meeker, Hedatrom Co.

This morning the schooner Mars arrived with lumber for. Kelley, Weeks Co. Two Small Fires. The clanging ot the fire bells at 6:30 last night, brought out the fire; department in double quick time, and! the cause was found to be the burning ot a small section bouse of the C. M.

St. Paul Ii. situ ated southwest of Rscine Junction between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets. The structure with a hand cat, and tools was entirely consumed involving a loss of probably $100. The No.

I fire steamer, Meach-em, played a stream on the blase. The cause of the fire is not known. There isn't a city in Wisconsin that can scare np the crowd Racine can during a fire. When the alarm wis sounded last night seventy children, forty women, sixty men and twenty degs followed in rear ot the steamer Colbert as lit war' passing down North Main street, and the noise and din was enough to awaken the dead. At 4 o'clock this morning a boat house, situated at the foot of Ninth street, was consumed by fire, with two handsome pleasure boats, one owned by Messrs.

Vance, Smedes and Sprague, valued at $75, and one owned by Ed. Da Four and others worth $50. The total Hoes will reach $200. No insurance. Cause of fire unknown.

I The Rink License. This morning, the reporter heard two aldermen talking on tbe subject of taxing roller skating rinks $200? license. They had been around sounding the different aldermen on the subject and thought the ordinance as introduced would go through. Of so arse there are some who favor $100 or $50, but the majority think $200 right, for the reason the rinki make money hand over fist, and it is' alleged, injuis other business. They say' Kenosha fixed the license at $300, Chicago charges $250, and places wer named where it exceeds $200.

Then again it Was claimed that the Park Avenue Rink was cleared laside of three months and a dividend declared by the stockholders which is more money than any other business in Racine has mad the past year. The question will be fought and discussed la all iu branches at the Council meeting Monday night. Exciting; Runaway. An exciting runaway occurred last even ing at the foot of Main street. A son of Andrew Noble was driving a horse attached to a lumber wagon.

Some boards pro-traded over the end of the wagon, striking the horses legs, which frightened him and he ran away. The animal took a course nort over Mala street bridge, thence west on Dodge sheet and then' north on Wisconsin street. At the of Wisconsin and Hamilton streets the 'wagon struck a lamp post sad the horse broke loose and kept an running. The bo was thrown to the road but escaped serious injury. Park Ave, Sink, Saturday, May 16, one mile race.

Yissiiasd sir A extracting teeth wisfa-Mtpafr at CUrsed. ti r- apsSjl MaYSimj awl rnsf hm.

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