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The Daily Journal from Freeport, Illinois • 4

The Daily Journali
Freeport, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i.j-' IH- .1 B11LT JOITRH AL AND, REPUBLICAN: FEEEPOET, JANUARY 5 1 895. I gave the danger whistle and tried to AMOIG THI jSABfCTU ARIES. WW. pentiey Is at Cincinnati, Ohio. TbereTwas slight fall of rain ibis Electing lYealdeat.

The- whole presidential nrateedin MAYNARD GOOD CONeRXaATKWS AT THE stop my train, hot I hi seven heavy sleepers on. and we just si'd down that 1 3 hMMMI1 I'' 'If naa aruiea Terr iar a war irom tne ortcw grade spite of everything I could do. ainncnEs on sabbath dat the week pr rXATEX. Last nlcht at the Zlon Episcopal REEPOIIT, JANUARY 6, 1885. inal intention.

The fathers did not aa- Gilchrist, of Montgomery City, Has just received a Large' line of UN tlclpat. in regard to the president, Mo was in town toay. Church, Rev. J. B.

Draper, delivered a Quicker than I can tell you the brake-nan on that freight Ifalrr uncoupled a car Just back of our cruHsing and signalled bis engineer to go ahead, government by. party; they, regarded John Lee, the Canton bridge man, BMJ5P.V THIS CITY IH thoughtful, timely and sensiwe dis was in town on business. course on -swearing unr nun me which he did sharply, but barely In Howard Curry returns home again This to tbe week of wwr. iraooi the latter part of the week. time to let us through.

In fact, tbe pilot of my engine took the.bnffer off Moms Krbho started out on tbe road even a caucus nomination of candidates as of doubtful constitutionality. They never expected, that Jhe of the people should be 4 restricted to two or three men selected by party convex, tions. As late as Jefierson's time this was not contemplated, But now the whole affair Is a mrf act Collmann started north to-day, on advent oi eacn new year, uie recior said, there wu a universal desire with some to amend their ways, and make resolutions. Tbe very fact of a tarson. making good resolutions was -v If con uie rear car.

xnrouzi mat hole we an expedition for tobacco. slipped, and lives and property were Considerable wood is coming Into tbe Fred Brock, of I Fsrwelrs force, market.1 is victing evidence 'in me signi r-i uoa spent the Sabbath in tbe city, saved, how, tnat wakeman was only a common railroader, vet be saw that situation, at a glance. There wasn't Will Widnerhas gone back to Omv that he or she was a sinner. 114 com DKERCHIEF8; Mosser ind wife, of Ortngeruie, mended tbe principle of making good time to run bis whole train off the made Freeport a visit on Monday; TaKm fiaanvv rtf Rtifntt. was OA Our a tB.

i. a. a 1 WWMM a. wmm vw and warned hit-juidltors against breaking them. He based bis jrrana iiamuum.

wa ream wmim nor even, half of lt barely time to pull op one car length by I. A large Stock of Silk and Lines in all the New Styles, at the very'Lowest Prices. is not feeling very well these days. general talk on, 1st, "How to make Itesolutlens of 2nd, prompt, quick He kept bis wits Adam Wilson was at Leaf River, to- II Btakewav. the well known stock flay, on farmer of Bldott.

made call on Mon 'How to keep the good Resolutions," about him as, I venture to say, not one man in a thousand would have done, and saved my reputation, if not my life. ed piece of machinery. If a man can by any means capture the party nomination convention he is certahi to have the party strength at the polls. The affair is determined by little caucuses round tbe country ana by the big nominating caucus, and the people, who never attend to their own affairs till too late, when the crisis comes find themselves shut up as to voting to Just no choice at all. But this.

Is not alL The nominating conventions of the parties, which were intended to. be deliberative assemblies, composed of delegates from all the states met to calnf- and clearly pointed oat the coursethat NECKWEAR lHmCroU tbis i -j-' The ChantauQua circle meets at Uie all should pursue. r. First Church next Saturday even- A i lattery, oi unioagoy wH io iue Lie is now a division superintendent on one of the best roads in the country." HARD WEATHER. Dr.

Cooleykan oJd pastor, preached 100-." -A morning and evening to good congrega kw Lowii editor of tbe IJena Star, The Freeport and) jColorado Mining At half the regular price. A spee-lal Counter has been arrrnged Where Great Bargains can be found in all. kinds of tions; br.vCooley seems to have lost TF Schofleld, one of the surveyors who is in the employ of the St none of bis old time fervor or power, and Tramway company elect officers to-morrow. for his disoourses were teeming with rcompany.was Is town tOHlayitoppIng at the PeotUTlvania House. He tells Thomas CumisfordJr Is a 'proud ly consider the situation and put before urigut uougnis, ana govu aaggwuviw.

'p-tisrted thedty fcv Builders anticipate, i good deal of business the coming season. ICTom Anderson tbe Ilbckford jewelry salesman, was In town to day, i'lis Maud Gleason, of Lena.v-. is GOODS FANCY father. On Sunday bis wife gave birth the party tbe best man. have become some Interesting tales about the severe weather the party has bad to contend with in Wisconsin.

The thermometer A very large number of the members to a little girL If the weather Is favorable, the deer shoot will take place at Taylor's park vast popular assemblies, howling mobs of ten tnousan Junore or less excellent people, in the mfllst of whom no deliberation is possible, no debate or frank comparison of views is possible, in NOTION8, ETC. Our 5 and 10 Cent i Counter is tnri was in the vicinity of 88 and 0 degrees below aero several days, but the men did the best they could and made good of this church' participated In tbe Cen tennial love feast Sabbath morning. They were presented with tickets a to the custom of a hundred years ago. The revival was a vert good one. Services nest Wednesdsy.

The Circuit Court of Winnebago Judge and Mrs Bailey were passengers or Chicago tbU-maroing progress. The engineers are now at which the delegates areJpstin a sea of Greater Bargains than ever. 4 05u wrxonTeTOdtoyrTitlr1- odge urown on me nencn. tm The band members meet te-nfgbt, to discuss the feasibility of holding a fair. win -he continued eacn evening until further notice.

Will Burrouffbs. who was spending competent judgment on the merits of I A IM A l9 men is Impossible. If government by IT i rx 1 Qc the holidays at Lena, was in town tpday, ri'. CawImt went to AmbOT. ill.

tnia sptlidwly (K3 CAN'T COME, The Baptist church officials issued a on nis way to unicago. morning, to talk tip trade for Far- Durand, Wis. i Mr Scofleld says that last' Friday the thermometer registered BO degrees below tero, and was, the only day the party did not work. All along tbe line the farmers treated them royally, and they feel very much encouraged over the prospects. MOTES.

Bert Webster is out again, arter party caucus is 10 continue, ana tne candidates for president are to be selected by party caucus, it has become imperatively necessary that this great having been confined In the house Well. )'The new offlcers forthe National call a few weeks ago to Rev. The gentleman veral days with illness. Oeorse Munn departed for Ann writes that bis health is In such a con Union will oe instaiiea next weanesaay. dition that it will be impossible for him i Arbor.

Mlchlesn. Monday, to resume caucus anouM oe xree to act and have a chance to. talk and deliberate, and to this end it will have to exclude all ex The fast mail arrived on time this bis studies at tbe University. to accept the offer. No other call has been Issued, but it Is expected another cept members, necessary officials, and Mr and Mrs PP Porter, of Lanark, one.

will be sent out this week. morning. Passenger traffic is picking np on sll the roads. visited at the residence of Stover reporters, ine puonc would tnen be perfectly informed of all that went on Capt, Barnes came down to bis ofllce MP to-day, and is once more attending to business. 5:: tjft Wm Asher bad a gang of men cutting toe on Saturday, for the lllluols Central -t 'PatMB1 Crossthe 6aiega -Street ENGLISH LUTHERAN.

The pastor. Rev i Reeser, has ex over tbe Sabbath, returning home to day. andoors, but a chance local mob would V-' .1.1. A aS 11 1 Last week was a tough one for the Burglars have been not dc idic pracucaiij maae or nin-der a nomination. ooys on tne might runs.

perienced considerable difficulty the past two. weeks with sore throat and cold. He was able to occupy bis pul Rockford the past week. They are etl- George Lamb: who used to make It is further to be noted 'that while Pfeparatory to INVENTOEY we have marked our HO SIB RT dently giving Freeport a rest for ifmiMwhtnt hu bMti anv invalid for we have departed entirely from tho pit Sunday, however, and preached to -w awhile, v-, several original electoral plan, we have practi good audiences morning and evening. Freeport bis home, was presented with a gold lteaded cane on Christmas Day by the boys of the Savanna hops, of which be is foreman.

Mrs Shneneman, an old citizen, is cally taaen irom tne voter any oppor liiss Emma Bues has returned from very low. and it is not expected that 1 EMBURY; There were good congregations at all tunity of expressing his individual 'TtnKnAii Tnvt WliAM MIA IlM llMn 1 FMTeral services. The Centennial Lovefeaat choice for president We can only vote A rwrrn 1 4W for one party or another. We say that U.UWJ1. IH 10 TJ8 At she will live Her daughter, Mrs DolUntnfyer, of Lena, arrived fiW days ago.

MS pi Miss Daisy Norman returned to Bock was observed in tbe morning. Cards with appropriate verses were present the president shall be the president of afte a visit of for4blS morning, 15, 25, 35 and 50 Mrs John srott, ot Aevaua, iowa, is tne wnoie country ana not ol a party. ed to members.of the church. at New Orleans, superintending a de Re-Opened-Tbe Nachusa House, Dixon, was reopened, with a banquet lheother night, there being a large attendance of leading citizens with their ladies. The Tdt-ffraph contains a very good article on tbe occasion.

Col II Noble, of the mm. m- a I UL I cents. partment of goods from ber State. The but we can not cast our votes on that theory. Government by party is a fact in the United States, in England, in ViWWJ.

vw FREE METHODIST, The meetings will continue in the lady is a suter or Mr wngnu Ladies' scarlet LChlcago this morning France. In the opinion of wise men It Free Methodist church this week they are quite interesting Rev Ferries, BOT A CANDIDATE. fbava kntter ieft for 3arlville. In, is the only practicable method of free jorn bailkt hot in tiie of Lena, will preach tbis evening. Ton -for- Grand de Tour plow works, who was Chief Marshal at the last Odd Fellows' government.

But it can be amply ex morning, harUifijd a -pleas- 9 1 i are T1ELD FOB SENATORIAL BOKORS niC REFERS IIlS rOSITICKf OH TOT BENCH tfeffcSjnt ume Tniong nere. celebration, was tbe master of ceremon presseaininecnoiceoirepres(ntatlves oi risr in congress, with which rests' all hurls- ILier. DI1C6 tUl.isll; I FIRST PRESBTTERIAN. Communion was celebrated at this ies. Mrsooi IMoble read a potm of Gen uh.

aus vaji jxooie reaaa Doim or uen-1 .11 a- I S'Mr and Mrs 0 Andress arid Miss The Springfield correspondent of tbe Alice Ford went to Chicago Monday Chicago Journal, speaking aoout church Sabbath afternoon. Miss Carrie Chamberlln was admitted as a mem morning to visit friends. er it would be practicable, and wheth available candidates for united state to 95 cts. responded to by Judge Eustace: "Mine ber of the church. er it would be best, if the choice of the Judge Joseph Bailey of this city.

Host," George Taylor, and "General" Ben Shaw. "Our Old Time D.immiIaM Will WM VlAlrt rniSl WVAABT ttik week; or frayer, Tbis week, the first week of the new people for president could be expressed with less reference to party. Hartford TTENS and "Please don't mention my name -in oommenOTgqmorrow, responded to by from Cheney'; "The connection with tbe matter." said the UQvram. Giver We Love," Mr Thomas A GalL year, will be generally" observed by the Evangelical churches of the in Judge to the Journal reporter Monday morning. have not the slightest of Sterling: "The Ladles lil, vow morniugi mi.wo yioicuii an i Of the 34,000 newspapers of the same proportion.

the opening of the Legisiawe, ambition in respect ton seat in the Sen world, nearly 32,000 are published Crabtree; "The Prodigal Sons," by Henry Foulk. The host of the hotel is Mr Geo 0 Taylor. Remarks were alto ate. KThAa WMtardale left for Chtcasn this city, as a week, or prayer. Tne custom has become general throughout the Protestant world.

We shall print each day the. topics suggested for that and the following day's service, as be Europe and North leaving little over 2.000 for all tho rest of the r-sf jt--i- t- at fOen Logan ought to be bis own successor," continued Judge Bailey, "and if Pp morning, to be assigned to territory ty. made by Secretary of State, Henry Dement -There were about 150 persons nenas engageaiwiui. world. South America only issues suf- a VtMil-flricnt to allow riach of its inhabitants It UUUt HALF low Is given, for today and to-morrow, Tul services: are; held in the various wno pat jiown to tne banquet, which Levi Kosfer; YeHow Creek, came three tnewspapers a year exhibiting Logan will not be chosen, I'm airaid no Republican will be successful.

It will go to some independent like-Judge PRICE. Was a most elegant one. the curwtnTcontrast in this, as In all KMto town Monday, and took his buggy out home, It Is a cheap one for him. churches atnalt past seven In the even ImvIr, else, between the great northern southern continents. Emma Spear, of Polo, wis visit January mise and necUon of Officers.

The benevolent section of the Ger udge Bailey, as is well known to our readers, is a candidate for re-nomination as one of tbe Judges of this, dis Thanksgiving. For the long-suffering filing at the residence of Snyder, re Monday last an octopus was caught love and faitbfalness of God; for his mania held a regular meeting on turning to ner nome Aionaay morning. trict, and there is every reason to be answers to prayer graciously vouchsafed during the past year, the gifts of his Some of the Democratic statesmen in Commencement Bay in about 800 feet of water by fish hooks. When brought to the surface it was almost un day, ana ine oia omcers were re-elected, as follows: President Anslinger; Secretary A Lowtzow Treasurer ire putting on the war: paint, prepara- lieve that he will have no opposition. QBITTJABY.

ratber.y goodness and mercy, tne gen tor to their denartttre for Snrinenaid. eral preservation of peace; for the open -jonn isnert. and Mrs i Sampson Bogersaiid TOE REBEXAH DEGREE. WILUAU VECKENHEIX, OF WADDAM8, AND A SISTER Of XBS. WV.

BWANZKT manageable, ana it was omy ny a severe struggle that it was hauled into a boat and brought ashore. Onoe it seized Upon the bottom of the boat and m. mm ing of all countries to the gospel, and for the nower of the Holv Spirit in its have returned to Oak Park. At a regular meeting of the Bosv A MONO i fi'f publication' Bee Lodge, Rebekah Degree, held Satur MTbey were the guests of Hoover and Sunday, at the residence of Wm. Tuesday.

January 6 Humiliation ana day evening, the following officers wev Leistekow, at Harlem, oocurred the Confession. On account of national elected: no effort coma loosen it, until it aia so joL its own accord after the vessel was set in motion. One of its feelers came in contact with one of the boy's arms pmThe residence for the use of Freald-, lintf Elder Huelster is being completed death of William Meckenheim, aged sins and the increase of lawlessness, the 84 years. lle was a native of Germany, non-recognition of Godis Judgments In pMby Mr Ilineline and will be soon ready. 1 1 "p.MB..

JBlaaaa and it was only induced to let go by N.G.-F. A.Deitrich. Y. G. Mrs.

John Gale. Secretary Miss Bertha Treasurer Mrs. Jacob Krohn. 0. QQi Brown.

1. and resided in this country a good many years. -The funeral occurs on beating the feeler to a jelly witn a ciud. It is plenty large enough to master a Subllc calamities, unfaithfulness to lod and and his truth; for personal transgression the infidelity and superstition, deeercration of the Lord's day; 00R 6REAT REUHAUT who-' hiili froffl Chicaffo. has man and would be a dangerous custo mer to meet in the water.

It was a kirf paasTVif wuv vif Ma vMwva euv Vh T. M. IvanfTmnn anA Vf ra nurm with prayer that the -Holy spirit may Bert Swaney arrived, from Chicago, Sunday, to inform his mother, that her amnio of Jaeon Kronn. AND CLEARING SALE Lowls were appointed supporters to the convince or sin and lead. men to repen Whlta' 'ami "Will monster specimen, having arms or feelers fully four feet long.

The ajms aro eight in number and are each supplied sister. Miss Amanda 'Reed, died in Jtonie tanoe. WILL COMMENCE X)N Foil. of Lena, end Thos Jessop. of Tbe officers were installed by District this jdty.

returned to Orchard Lake, Deputy Grand Master Jacob Krohn. Pennsylvania, last Friday. X. Bechtel. Among the many enterprising citl TEE RAILWAY CIRCLES.

with 120 pairs of sucxers, by wmcn tney seize their prey. Its body is purse shaped, without fins, and is a foot long Mlcb4 this morning, to attend the mill- Noliirrlau laniiarv 3d, UU The Busy Bee lodge, though not in existence many months, is in a very flour- PROGRESS OF THIS A ST. PAUL college yuiuiuui and nearly the same, in wwtn. ron- I UUIIUUIJ xens of Stephenson county, who have SVRVSYOIt8r-A BRAKESMAN NERVE dDHHU VI WW UWlllHlUKUia iuu: lattd Oregonian. ismng condition, and its membership is on the increase.

'The meetings are very gone west during the last four years, -H2EKERAX, NOTES OF INTEREST. "eompany baa sent for a copy of We have endeavored to make this none have occupied a more prominent ueuvPpuFrou cait dook. xnia is a mucn enjoyed oy ail who attend. The survevdrs in the interest of the jSewins: is to be taught in Fhiladel-1 sale profitable to our customers br place than, he who heads this article. ft very popular volume all over the State Jli.I 11- I A I.

-1 I I Chicago, Freeport and SL raui com He bad been with us so long and intl pms puoiio scnooia, wiia wotcb imarsiDg itemnants so low that yon land is coming into loil4tters. pany have made good progress in wis-, III -x il teachers glils. wately connected- with so many of pur people that bis absence Is felt on all cousin, notwithstanding the extreme mm Herman Schulte has had a good The following Li a list of nndalmMl iettn r. nV-E callers since came from the cold weather, and will, reach St, Paul maminxm ma rreepon. r.

tor tna Taxpayers, Attention. ween enains vac so, est, all of whom he receives cordially Information from the towns Kntfht. GeoP AMtf, TBOinas taxes for the year 1884 are now 1 sides. Mr. Becbtel came here from Indiana and purchased a half sectiJti of land near Florence station, where he eigHged In farming for: about a year wuiMB giance tne goods are being slaughtered.

You "will find Somnanta of all kinds of Dry Qoods that you can use to good advan-: Remnante of Mnidin and entertains them with interesting along the line ia of the moat favorable Anaenran. uzue due. I can be found at tbe office of O. character. -The Hiidson True RepublU lj descriptions of the Golden "State V.

Munn, over Mrs. Stevens' store. AgcDcy, Commercial Burns, Frank Baker, Mrs Anna Barrett. Mrs Lizzie con, in referring to the new road, says: Lekinad.JuUa Murray, OE Mack, John Nettle, Joseph Pontlnt, Jno Fontini, Jno E. 8.

Chamber Liii, Collector. Mnf! afivr dkrMiA fMm Voiir Tbe River rails isoara ot Trade have I'l wA Ida half when he sold out 990 per acre more than he paid. He bought ajpiinlH the same town the Tumeaure farm, where he lived until the Present a.a made an agreement, subject to a vote of Hemar. mim Memo Black, Katlian Utter part of the week. do GiDMams vrieane toe ratification by tbe people of the town.

far Mr writM tha r(uv. BowerK Oomi Rhodea. Anauat do to give 125,000 in six per cent, bonds te seaaon.when he sold to Joseph tJmmert, abihoh a uiawauiii'iauurr. iuu dmdt CTrawfora. the Chicago, sl rui.ana reeport taii of the exhibitors have become disgusted, I of Freeport.

Claney. Martin am Minor hnma. "i I Vmi th. var Mra Mr TliMthfol manl. Kawton, William Smith, Alex Strank, Emma Mtenm.

Miss a Temple, Allls TeseW.HenrV uavu, mih vcaine Eberje. Thos Ferrflteat Fracker. Frank T.vlfested a nuoiie 'spirit ov mtroducins way to soon as the road is completed from Freeport to River Falls. The company give a bond with securities to Carry all freights between River Falls lWM.a:- Wia i arrlvad fn ihi An thoroughbred cattle and horses Into the Fuley, Frank Fliekniaer.JU v-r. -mm, i- i i a nnminnnirv hwm viih community, and bis farm soon became Wycofl Tattle As Ohn, aiAfhriair anil wraftt fhA 'Hnvaraa JKBVBM 1 wan vtv tiuv AJ giQI and Chicago at tne current rates in St.

Hi-jiev. LW11 over the Ur Kedfearn Is Paul. Tor twenty years after the com Lint of letters Jannary ISBS Burns. Mn Harden. A ft Co noted as tbeFlorence stuck farm." His ambition was to just as good stock, and a little better; than any one running the Lke Geneva passenger on pletiondf the road.

It appears to us tna jsmtn western roaa. CUy Heirs of Christian Keek, 8 a Ooaser, Lorenzs" Mnrray.EE 2 that it is a good arrangement for River do do do do do do do do do do do else. In this he succeeded, for no other Colgrove.TA O'Brien. Mlnke VAn eminent Presbyterian, divine an ueiApp, awe Mtav-i ncara, uurt Krh Plnar John card. Piper, John man living near mm nan as gooa norses, cattle and hogs as he had.

Mr Bechtel ipabimced to his congregation that he trans. we snouia oe-giaa to see our business people organized and active to see that Hudson's advantages: as a point FINF CUSTOM TAILORING Prints Shirting. Titog Wlite Goods Embroideries Laces1 Ribbons Velvets i Satiiis V- Dress Goods, 'Silks Table Linens 'Crasli. CniMins Cotton Flaiinels Snyder, Moj lie til laeaei. also took a lively interest In the politl csl affairs of the town, where for 1 sev wouia oe oougea to use a vacation on ym, accoant of bronchituv when the elders UlMlrk 1mmm 1 en proposed new railroad should AT not be overlooked.

Hudson now bsva roroes, a Oordonjtovtd-. Herrlo, il Hoeechln, John Halsey, Seton eral veara he was the leading man In Unterfner. adward Youngs, May. immediately raised bis salary and ad iwiSkSBhTtfllm'f'A tafraft- Hil)lsl AlMlltK Sl-VPnti 7 about ten dollars more per car load for freight from Chicago, than is charged tin Board Of Highway Commissioners, and from 1875 until tbe spring of 1884, a A MmkymmtmA V.3, i I MODERATE PRICES. i Parties ealllnt for any 61' the above letters wm DieaM mate aaveruaea nee.

a. ish and He hud the responsible' pwiaon or The Oraneeville Post of th 'Grind tonSt. Paul: Why would, not an Informal meeting of our citizens to confer: tni IES AND Januarys isss. 8. O.

ATKIX8, Fostmatter township treasurer of the school fund, and of the thousands of dollars of the teArmy-btihe BepubllQ, will hold a fair faativalin flnmafwUla MminMMlns the matter, be advisable--; A. BRAVE BXAEEVANi I people's money which passed through iia TiMtvli Milno it aval fti'mj FOR Miss Sadies Stites will for the next dodo- do do: m.mj mum avair Atkins will deliver the opening address. An old-timer was relating some ex his hands not one penny was-ever lost unaccounted for He Is a man of the 30 days give lessons in ArasencCheniU pm iehces to tbe boys, among them be f.Tbe ajr is held to raise, money for the and Kensington ismoroidery at very- strictest integrity-, whose word is-us ing following interesting bit mmiUlmr rnnil nT rh. fiiu nil Inrnw tuu FALL AND WKTER MEN'S UNDERWEARL gwd as his bond. He was nrged several "Several yeara ago I was running a fast express.

One night we were three mTnere wiujpe many comrades present Wf fmMkfllliaT fl ran1 Atvir nmita times by friends in different parts of the county to become the. Republican low races. -t 158 Stefhenson jangdlw." frv 'v TTr.V. Sport The Remnants 'of. Dress Goods are most of thent Very desirable, as thev are in trobd lenetna for dreaap.

nours oenina time, and it there any- HOSIERY, Superintendent Reisinger. of the nominee for sheriff, but' would xeverl thing in the world I hate it's to finish poor farm, arrived from Kankakee on consent to enter the race He was one run schedule. These grade COLLARS AND CUFFS 1 Th BemiulnU of Colored ilks are Jwuraaycwneie ne accompaniea an Qrandfehootlag match for a live, deer, at J. B. Taylor's park, Wednesday, Jan.

oi ma waaing ajem oen oi an i crossings vi one-norse roaas are nnis Brocklin church and no 'one I antvs to the trunk lines, and we hfcd a many ox, mem marked ooc per yd, Milady, xOn the way he met the -WHITK ivSD COLORED gooas mat reiau w-aay at lio. SyiEnebago county man with four crazy from that society would be missed as I habi: of failing to atop, merely slacking 1. 1885. at 1 clock, p. m-sharp.

Con i bound for the same place. The UU fnr 'm: il nn: MYwdnir I Vi.irl much as Mr Bechtel and his family are. ditionsi 5 Shots for $IJHQ. The person Don't forget the January 3, VjM. every good cause finds, in bim an earn never seen a train at that time of nlzht making the best score is entitled to the lmb hef ore six more went from that 0Wlty, aod there se sixteen in all in The deer Is four years old.

and est and warm hearted Supporter. Pea-body doubtless has Citizens, will be exhibited on the grounds. sod so I rounded the curve out of the cut at full tilt -1 wm astonished toi see that a freight train was standing issylum, credited to mneoago perintendot Reisinger is of Mm Admission free. nut we can truly say tney nave none who are worthy of more- confidence CHAMBERLLN, Vspinipnthat wrong in ngnc override crossing, evidenuy in than KMht1. JM jonof -Athan BechteLj I tendiu's to put i few ejus eo ourtwiteh; Jansdst aptis ml 4).

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