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The Journal Times from Racine, Wisconsin • 1

The Journal Timesi
Racine, Wisconsin
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JOURNA 1 ill" i i j. i i -j RACINE t) -J: DA 1 1 racine, Tvrrscotfsrtf. Tuesday afternoon PRICE THREE CENTS. VOBUME XVni, NO. 1G2.

if. 1QQO i I 1 I ti ii ni II II Ml VI! 1 1 1 I All UVlllvU llUIUUllt r- Sena Chicngo VIEW80N The Locomotive to Shriek In 1 Africa's Witdv DEATH BY ELECTRICITY. Mare Evldeaee Agalast Its Vse far Exe-, eating Criminals. New York, July la, At the KemmVr conference ycatcrday David L. Gibbons, one of tba electrical commissioners, was the first witness called.

His testimony was against the use of electricity for capital punish 'neat John W. Noble, an electrician who for some Tears has been connected with the ATMting-houss company, tseUfiei to the experiments coodactoil by a former witness. Brown, upon dopatEdHnnsworka, Uadescribxt their sufferings aa something terrible to look at, and emphatically aatd that the animals ware not killed outright but suffered a lingering death. A Chance tor Blew Carbonisation, Alexander McAddie, who described him. self as an expert on atmospherical electricity, stated that doubted if the machine proposed to be used by tha state would kill a roan.

Science had not as yet demonstrated ASSLE Has jq at received a Select SPiiDilGiGOODS lit I SUITINGS. Which it will be well lor you to inspect before baying. KI.EOTBIO SUDOR. 8 fence of. tha porta of Franca and the seaooast and those providing for tbe building of new war Teasels, but M.

ilunbert remained firm, and finally the'- decree was read dosing tba Cataetyavaa Are Case as en la Cblasv Bam KnAaotaco, July 10. --The steamship City of New York, whkh arrived last night from China, bring information of a flood in the northwest of ilCwangtnwg in which O.000 Uvea were hwt aad 10, (XW paopU were rendered homeless aad ueatitata. It was caused by the bursting of a waterspout, and the waW iu tho floodel district was thirty-six feet deep on the level Cwaat ArMt-Valeys Stotaav Losdojc, Jialy 10. Tbe i report from Munich on Saturday that. Lady Acton, slater of Count Von Arco- Valley, German mini star at Washington' City, bad committed suicide at Tegernsee, It deuied by Tbe 8tJ Jamea Gaaette.

The i Oaxette says that tbe iady who eommitted suicide was a widow by the name 'of Acton, who was related an Italian family of the same aaina. i i I- I Tbe Testaatt's Ie(MM Losdok, July In. Tbe leading lueeabers of tbe Irish H6me Rulers' party met yesterday to arrange the preliminaries for the Organization of tbe new Tenants' Defense league. A committee appointed to draft a constitution for tbe. proposed organisation.

Tbe committee coniisBi of ParneU. William O'Brien, Thomas Bex ton, Timothy Harrington, and others. Cblaa Will Ual1d a Railway. EojfDOX, July in. A dispatch from Shanghai to The Standard reports that the emperor has issued an edict ordering tbe immediate building of the projected Tnag Chow i railroad, and that-the Marquis Tseng has appointed by the emperor general director of all railroad in China.

Ye iWeary anfl Foot Sore! DO VPUR! FEET SWEAT? HAVE YOU GOT SOFT CORNS? j-q If set, use the 1 FamousEiectriG Suflor 7 ANOTHER LETTER PICKED UP, Nlaaara Falls Oettlng Prettv Tlaab ta Craala Marder "rakes. NiAOABt Fiua July 1G. The fol lowing lotter waa picked up yeaterdaf on the Grand Trunk railroad track near Stamford, two miles weat of this place, by J. Kelliher, a laborer. There is no post mark or stamp on the envelope, and it at supposed Ito have been dropped br some person going en tbe railroad.

It is dated "Niagara FaUs, March 11." and is as follows: Dkar Fribrd: I have just krrlved here and am waitiug for the event that is going to rake place on the 4th. Be re and make away with our enemy apd spy. Dr. Ooutik Leave no corner in which there shall be any suspicion and tn.ty tbe Holy Father bieaa you for tbe deed. lamia terrible anxiety.

Tell Dan to be ve careful; also Kunaa. Work for Ireland. Be true to Claa-na-Gael No. 5. Ml ji -J.

W. Kavanaugh." Tbe letter Is written on note paper with pencil, aud iuclosed in a cream-coloreil envelope, adJressed in ink, MClan-na-Gjel i), Chicago, Ills, (immediate. Tbe envelope has every appearance of baring been carried in a person's! pocket for some time! THE MILWAUKEE ENCAMPMENT. i i v. Preparatloao I Going- Ahead la thef Crease Citv to Welcome tho G.

jA. 1. MU.WACKKX, July ICj Milwaukee will continue to make preparations ffor the national eucahipmeiit of the Grand Army of the Republic, notwithstanding the facU that the railroads have refused a 1 cout per mile rates and eight commanders hare deeided to discourage the attendance of their (various Tne common council yesterdajf pas-ted the followuig resolution unanimously: "Resolved, That we, tlie common council of tbe city of Milwaukee, regretting any adverse action taken by any department commander of tbej Grand Army of the I epublic upou the acceptance of our invitation! to hold their twenty-third national encampinent in this city, hereby request and authorize the local encampment executive "counaol to continue and complete all necessary arrangements for the proper care and entertainment of our expected and honored gjuestsj and in tbe name of this city extend to the losts of this organization our hearty and cordial greetings." jl I Investieatlue time Coal Strike. LaSallk, DLt, July lf. Judgf Gduld, of Rock, Island, mid Dr.

F. H. Wines, of president aud secretary, respectively of 1 the state board of cbarioa, together with Iresideut Wheeler, iof Chicago, and Isaac N. Phillips, of Bloomington, members of tbe railroad and warehouse qommis-siou, complete tba joint committee sent here by Governor Fifer to examine aud report on jtbo troublea. i Thei begun taking testimony yesterday and beard everal representative miners onj tbeiif grievances.

Which were, in short, too little jay for mining. Manager C. J. Devlin, of the Spring Valley Coal company, charged that the miners of his city supports forty saloons, and that their lack of lersonal economy wjis such that it would require a state law: to legislate them into wealth. McCall presented figure to prove that the average wages Iof tbe miners: were hot above a month, ad that requiroil more than this to prppcrijr sup port thi-ir families.

i -H- 1 The Cotuine; New States. I llKdc-fA, Ml July IC. A petitipn wai received- in i the constitutional icanvntion yesterday asking for woman suffrage. ptVopo-sitions were submitted for tbe establishment of a bureau of labor, in regard to the i recognition Iof God iu civil government, providing that no officer except senators and representatives shall hold office more thau two The committee reported against compulsory education between the ages of8 and 14; a resolution was passed proyidingl for a state exa valuer to audit the account bf all olllcials every year. BiaMAJtcK, D.

July In. Tho conveu-tion spent yesterday in discussing various propositions regarding taxation, the number of houses in the Icgialafure, tha judiciary of the now abite, but nothing was decided upon. Them is a iHiwerful irtovement to restrict th houM legiHlative Ualy Ut a JaiugW Is-" i 1 I i KnbUett Her rather of oSOO, rnn.ADKLritiA, July 10. llolert Smu tli walu jagiHl Vi, and Anna Steven- aged 15, of SteulKtaviilc, were arreatod here yesterdayfoii telegram from the I mayor of that placed i Tba couple. It la alleged, stole $5tx) from thri girl's father Saturdny bight and onine to I'hiladelbijv When) searched, over $400 of the money was found on tboin.

The girl coufetaud taxing tho money krom her father and said they wera on; their way to Trenton, where Kmuthwaite pro posed to work in tha pottery They Will be' held to await tbe arrival officers. i of Steuben villa Tba Raea Courses, Chicago, July 10. At the Waahigton park coiirse i yesterday tbe winning feoraet were Aunt Kit mile, 1 HHX; Teddy Venture, i mile, Alphonse, 1 Cmile, Winning Waya, 1 mile, Prther, mileav Maori, 1 1-16 miUa, Maiblolin, 1 mile, I Nkw York, July Id The statej at Brighton lleach yesterday were won bj tbe following' horses: Prince Howard, smile, lKX; Miracle. I mile, Baturaby. 1 UiiieJ Dago.

,1) i miiea, Cody, IX miles, tiOH I it Never Had Much Miad, rrohabljs Nxw Bauaa wick, N. July jia. John Bennett, a son of a wealthy farmer of Jmas-burg; and a married man, 'recently beaine infatuated with an Irish girl named II all fish. Sand la alleged to have paid his wife to lpevo him. I He continued hia Improper! reUvtioos with the and gave bar deeds of; property i werth Tbe girl then lefhimjand married her cousin, a man named Jhbba Bennett said to be losing his mind, Will Mahe Old "ma" Coel Badl Nkw Yosux, Jaly Id, An immense crowd attended last evening the festivities in ce la-bra tion of the fall of tbe Ilastile, at fasb-: ingtno park and Joues' wood," which Iwere thrown ojien for tbe occasion.

Fully its 000 people were present. The diversion which sos mod tot please those preaen in the highest degree waa that or tbrawtqg a bau at an efflgir of pa German chancellor, Emsaaas Blalae's Good Lack. Cbicaoo, July Id Tha engagemeol of Mr, EmmoM Blaine and Miss Anla Mccormick, the; second daughter of tbe late ILi McCormick, of reaper lame, is announced. Jlias McClormick is a beautiful anl accomplished girl of 23 and baa been a great favorite fat Chicago aodety. She will hate a fort- of or more to bar own right, EOort far Jobs) F.

DaggsJ CbzcaOO, Jaly 1(1 Late yesterday alter-noon tha attorneys of John F. IkgrsJ the Cronja suspect, aaade an application to Jadre Horton for a writ of habeas corpus. ITbe judge was engaged in tryhur a cbsbl agrwed to bear arguaaenta oa tba patjtioa eoooy. i I Despe rate Deed of a Beautiful Young Woman. SAVED A Wealth and Happy rroeekv rasatry Ralaed by tba Conduct af Owe Bcoaadral A naaghter Nails Owe root: a Oaa Head to Daor, but la Tletected 'Wblle Trylag ta Flatsb Her Awful Taajk.

I Kkw ork, July'lft. The receo commtt-tal to tha Black weiry Island aaylutfi tor the msane, while suffering from suicidal mania, of Miss Leon SteovenaL adds another painful incident to the sad story of thef misfortunes which have befallen a refined and distinguished family that was onoejrich and nappy, Leoni, who has bean' tiring with relet ires at Bayonne." N. a few days ago, while suffering from religious anil suicidal mania, brought on, it is believed, by. brooding over tbe family misfortunes, attempted to crucify herself. She procured 'm) hammer and nails, and in tbe retirement of her room, after having stripped off all of her clothing, undertook to affix herself to the cai door as upon a cross, I I Bad Fixed Oaa Band aad Foot.

When discovered she had already nailed one foot and one hand to the doorf and while the blood was streaming from tbos4 wounds she was making frantic efforts to fasten tba other hand aand foot The -wounds were quite serious, but in her frenzy ahq seemed to feel no pain. Upon due examination by physicians she was committed to the insane asylum. Every foot of. the extensive landed property once owned in Milfordj and tha vicinity by the rich retired wine her father, has passed under the sheriff's hammer into tho bands of strangers History of the Faaatly. 1 Tbe unfortunate patient is one fof three marvelously lovely, amiable, and accomplished girls, who were reared in neighboring village of Milford, Pa.

Their father, John SteuvenaL was ouce an extensive importer of Freuch wines and liquors in this city. Having acquired a fortune, lje- retired from business aud settled down fwith his young family in a handsome mansion in Mil-ford, He invested Urge sums in reil estate in Milford and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Steu-venal were French by birth, and wej-e highly intelligent and refined.

They gave the three daughters all tbej careful nurture and educational advantages that wealth could procure. A Serpent la Their Kdea The misfortunei of the family daed from the appearance in Milford of aldhsolute young French; adventurer, styling himself Count do Beaumont He managed to engage the affectioue of Miss Miloliue, he eldest of the Steuvenal Sisters, and the tt pair Were married by Father Richard Breniian, then of St Mary's chnrcb, in that townj now pastor of 8t Rose of Lima's church. New York city. The marriage turned out a most unhappy one for the beautiful brkla Within two "years the dissolute count Broke her heart and squandered a large rkare of the family fortuue, and then abandoned her and went back to France, She lived bat a short time after the cruel treatment and desertion, and was soon followed to the grave by her parents. i' Fata of the Other Children.

The remainder of the family removed back to New York about ten years agoj Two of the sons are dead, and the whereabouts of tbe third is' One bf the twin sisters, Leonora, contracted what said to have been an unfortunate match with SignorBardo Foutana, an Italian, toacber of languages and music. MITCHELL'S ALLEGED PERFIDY. Chieaga Man 'Charges HI with Relaa a Traitor to Baitimouk, Md, July Itt The wife 04 Charlie Mitchell went to New York yesterday in obedience to a telegram froifi her husband at Toronto on Saturdky. Jakj Kilralu wife went with her. A lfilUr was; rooeived at Kill-Ala's house yesUrda.y frtMii Usury Hudtton, of Chicago.

Tbe latter snd bo won $1,000 on the light by overheartugl Charley Mitchell in New Orleans tell a uiati about years old, with a mustache and an English accent, to bot all be hat on Sulkyab, as KU-raln's defeat was a foregone oonclunion. 'The writer alo says that be watched Mitchell in the ring, and saw him communicating with Mukloon by stgua, 'I Location of the (1 ujcgerfei Chicago, July .10. The locations of the sluggers were as follows lat night Sullivan was here, still cultivating a largo and interesting "jag;" Mitchell bad arrived in New York and was to sail for England tomorrow. JCilrain paased through Rochester, N. last night eu route to the metropolis.

It is understood that Sullivan can not get that -dog collar" the' chain pi oa bvlt ualeaa be gives security in $1,000 to bold fit subject to challenge. No Whisky. No llaaluoaa. FaBOO, D. July 16.

A. queef case resulting from prohibition is reported at Lis bon, I). T. Tbe city voted no liceuse, since which time most of the. country ftrade has been going, to a rival town, where the law was I not stringently; enforced.

The merchants held a 1 meeting, resolved, and waited upon tho mayor and council to remedy the matter. Tbe officials refused, aud In consequence every hotel proprietor notified his guests to seek other quarters and closed their doors. Now there is not a place In tha city where a night's lodging can be secured. The whole city is In tbe greatest turmoil. Tha outlook is anxiously watched for.

Ii Death of aa Original Bepahlleaa. Wkllbtuxx, N.i July loV The Hon. A. N. Cole died at his botna bare Sunday night, aged 07.

He was well known throughout tbe state as an editor, politician, and agriculturist, and as the "father elf the 'Republican party." la PH7 be established The Geuenee Valley Free Press, at BolfM, N. it being tbe first Republican paper printed. He enjoyed the friendship of Horace Greeley, Chief Justice Chase, "and Lloyd Garrisotw Averted a Fearful Riot. Ptttsbcbo, July 10, The setUemant of the Homestead labor trouble seeas to bar been a fortunate consummation In 'more than Good authority hi given tor tbe it that rifss were stocked in an old barn in tha vicinity of Homestead tor tha Immediate use of tbe striker! should occasion require, and men from other mills were in readiness to respond to a call for help from their Homestead brethren, ji i I Forged Hia Father' Kaaae. MaJUOS, July lfi Yesterday Benjamin Thompson, son of Frank Thompson, a wealthy farmer, waa arrested toy forjing his father's name to a note for $130." The father hia intadUost of letting tba law take Board of Trade Men Startle Them.

THE RAILWAY QUESTIOH. Tba Wlady City Men Cause ta tbe itofeaae of tho Caaadlaa Uoada, aad lleaouaee All Horta of Cowtbtnatlooa of the Amer-leaa Unea, laeladtag the Inter-lMata Aaaaclatloa Jtowie New Idea Clvea ta tho aooata Cotaatltteo. Chicago, July HI A special committee from tbe Chicago board of trade met the aaaate committee oa interstate commerce at the Grand Pacific hotel 1 yesterday morn-ing and aided its testimony to the fund of information already gathered on the subjtet of Canaaiianj competition with the United States railroads. Secretary Stone was first called to tbe wituea stand Hs began by reading a report containing tbe replies of the board of trade to tbe interrogations submitted some time ago by the senatorial committee. It was dear that theae replies were quite unexpected and that some of them were regarded by the senators as really sensational.

Tbe Canadian Kaads All Right. In answer to the question how the Canadian lines of transportation in the United Statre affected the commercial interests of this country the answer was: "Probably as a whole they effect it favorably by smashing the iniquitous and scandalous pools and agreements at times existing between tbe Michigan Central, tho Michigan, Southern, and the Pennsylvania railroads, by which unjust and unreasonable rates were exacted ou western products from Chicago to the seaboard previous to tbe entrance of the so-callud Canadian lines iuto the city; by equalling freight on all western products to numerous poiutM in New England, where previomJy American lines exacted severe and ua just rates." They Are Knterpriainf; aad iJatt. Mr. St one further said that the Grand Trunk railway was the pioneer iu the trafiic, which Ua-i, always lien discouraged by tlie-American lino-i. Traffic originating iu tne United States had not in the opinion of the board been i Verted to the Canadian lines "only in so far as tbe latter have' offered greater facilities for the safe and quick carriage of perishable aud other property.

Too Canadian lines were nmon the first to build and operate transfer elevators here for the preservation of -identity and the weighing of grain in hotter scales, as required by the law of the state, which law i nowi openly defied bysomeof the American roads jcebtering here. Tbe Canadian lines have won the larger share of the busiuea from the west by such kindred measures and by uniformly just and equitable treatmeutof their patron. Want No Farther Restrictions. Noj additional Ujgislatioo is neo.l No further restrictions upon com mercij letween the Uhited States and Canada by the watci ront4 should be tolerbted. The committeo recommends such enforcemiut of the inter state fommercj act, and such laws a per tain to the bonded regulation of United States products passing oyer the great com mercial highways of Canada as will allow them to pass untrammeled in the future as in tha pa at" The committee volunteered the suggestion that "the adoption of any legislative measurea calculated to restrict ttw transportation facilities uow enjoyed by the farmers, cattle raisers, and cotton growers of tbe west and south west would bury iu impenetrable fWivion the party that accom-pliabeti it." Opposed to ItallWay Camblaes.

Another suggestion waa "flint additional legislation is needed which will make it un-lawfulifor railway corpoVaticais to combine for thd formatiow of associations like the Trunk' Lums Central TralUc, Southwestern, atni Itiler-Htate Railway aasHiations, tMr rallrotttl trusts of any form or nature, be lieving that auh aaMwiaUona tend to thMtroy coui(Utai and to taaie or 'evade, the en forownient of btw." 1 The Hoaatora urprlaNl. Thl statement caused considerable sur lrise and Senator lliMCock said: "I want to know if these la temeuta rvtre-aont a jileliberate juilgment wltetltoi' they are laereiy theoreticaL If jou believe what you say Chicago stands alone in its judgment Men every where, Imth railway of uctalsaud shippers, take decidedly the opposite vilsw. Wherever we have yet been we have ound, the contrary opinion." There was no direct answer to this. 1 "I Jndge then," said Senato Cul lom, "that you are satisfied with affairs they aref" I -Yes." "No." placing Cana-ourownf Tbe -la (here any ob jecUon to dian railways oai a level with Witness, after some besitatiou, said he saw no objection. George Clark when called to the stand expressed an unfavorable opinion of pools and railroad assooiationa, He thought the gor-erDmont should be 'allowed to make tbe rates.

Similar views were given by W. J. M. Wright six I other meiubera of tbe board of trade committee. At j.

m. tha senate committee anljourned to meet in Washington on tbe convening of oongsess. i I The Itaae Ualt Record. CiriCAGO, July lfi The eastern clubs In the Rational league continue to sit upon their Western adversaries. Yesterday's scores wars is follows: At New York New, York 7, Chicago at Philadelphia Philadelphia OeVelaad at Washington City Washington 10, Pittsburg 4.

Boston-Indianapolis gamej postponed rain, American association; At CiadnnaU Cincinnati 4, Brooklyn at Louisville Louisville 4, Columbus at St Louie St Louie) Baltimore T. Kansas City Athla tic game! postponed rain. (: i Westera league: At Pea Moines Dee Moines 4, Minneapolis at Milwaukee Milwaukee 15, St. Paula. Hie Bias Civlaar Bio Heirs Trouble.

SajB Fkarcuoo, July 16, The contest over 1 1 tbe property of the late Thomas II. Blythe waa coaunanoad in court yaaaerday. It promie to be one of the most celebrated, cases irver brought to tbe attention of the court on foe Pactflc coast, as the property involved is valued at $4,000,000 and tba cUiinmnta number over 3JU paraoaa. The meat ia-ominent of these are Florence Blythe, who avers she is tbe illegitimate child of tbe deceased miUionaire, an-1 Alice F. Dicker- son, who rhtim that Blythe rsoognisad aahis wifa h-i No Crelosta Horror at rriaeetoaw Cutcurxatl, July Id.

from Ham-atooa, on the storm of Sunday show thai tbereiwns no loss of life, The loss of property at Princeton is estimated not to exceed Tba damage to crops, fences, is very ktea fat tba pathway of tba storm, wktch waa about a uoarker of aaUa wida, ALL THE MONEY SOW SUBSCRIBES. Wark It ItagM 11 for ta. Kwd tat Toa aaxl Fr Vaavra HKiwlred IralM taa ltd Tk tkaelalUt Coaarreaa hi Pmria--rraneh Btataa i Botelt Taatr naaiaew Haall HarrUo Diaaa with TlefHa atlalaaa CWM Ptaakaa. Bacasaxa, July Id. Krery dollar of th money needed to bnlkl and equip the Congo railroad baa been aubaeribed.

Tba amount rahwJ is 000,000. The aubacribera inclada mom of tbe leading banking boom and eap-ttalista in Bolota, JVanon, Germany Eos-land aod th United Btatea Tlie aurreyg, eatimatea and technical atodiea of the Congo Conuneixial an! Industrial company which aet tho project In motion I were anbmltted In1! aummary report to theae lnstitntiona and financier. Figure were firm to how that the railroad was from the ttrat ajanred of bosiuees. that would yield not leas tanj $500,000 per annum, which sum la now actually expended each year for freightage by ijoeans of carriers aroond the cataracta. It waa alao shown that the groat xpeneea of rnttning two trains each way per week and of maintaining the plant and aup-porticg four aain and twenty subsidiary stations wouUToo exceed a year, leaving a fair teres on the investment.

1 The Kebem. Many of tt snbacribers, however, paid more attontioif to the philanthropie and cir-fiiain aspects' of tbe enterprise i than to its prospects as investment. They agreed that if the government of Belgium would take part itatf in tbe work of setting the projtttt on its feet they would subscribe the Imlance of thstapitai TbegoTcrnment was therefore authorised by tho chamber of dep- 'uties to suoscribe two-fifths of the capital, or $3,000,000. The bonds held by the state, as well 'as those subscribed outside are to bear interest at th rate of peecent. per annnm and are to be redeemed at ir in ninety-nine If the early fliuvncia, results are not -so satisfactory a anticipated all arrears of interest are to be paid before" any other djistributioa of dividend is mndA On the face of It, therefore.

the capital subscribed is not a and if the roel is able to discharge its obligations will be first railroad built near the equator without an out-and-ont gift in cash. Home? of the Contributor; Belgian baifks have contributed $1,400,000 of tha capital They include all the leading bank of tho country. Among the! capitalists who haveyVeraonally snbscribed to tbe fund are Hir Villtam afackinnon and J. 1L Reuter, of England, and Mr. Huntington, of the United States.

The Congo Commercial and Industrial company, which has already spent In making the sor-veys, has tbe option under its agreement with the Congo state of buikling and; running the railroad under certain restriction A meeting I of the stockholders, has been called to form a construction company to buiLl the road. There will be no delay in taking the preliminary teM, and ground will be broken on the Congo beTore the end of tho year. Tbe work cannot program very rapidly in that cllmat) and with little other than native labor. The engineers estimate that the building of the road will reqaire four years, ami then Eo rope will be connected by, steam fwlth the very heart ot'the dark continent, EjSOCIjjtJST CONGRESS IN PARIS. Every Nation la Kuropa Bepreaaated Tha Opealsur am I on aatd gpearfeea.

LasDOJf, July 1(1. The Socialist congress, which conveied In Paris yesterday, is composed exclusively of tbe followers of Karl Mars, and the congress itself is spoken of as the "Marxist to dixtlnguish it from anttlK'i- conveutUm of Socialists which assemblod here Sunday, who are knowu as the and who meet in tha Saalo rvtroUtk Some Notml Men Present, Germany torn a representation of ninety threa in the ilarxict rongriw, including the ieadura of the Oeruutu Social)emncratia party such Itnen es Bebel, Liobknecht and Voltnar. tlcser. Morris, Carenter and IlarJy are present front Enlaml, while Austria's delegation is headed by that well-known Socialist, Dr. Ablen.

Every nation in Karope isepre-wnteiL A Frereh Welcome to (ieranaaa. -M. Lafarqoe, of France, delivered the opening speech, extending the welcome of Peris and of to tba members of the oongrosii, bu to the German delegates more than to all others he desired to extend the band of fellowship. He wished to demonstrate to the world thatrace prejudice, which its tyrants everywhere fostered ana en couraged to further their own selQsh tkau, had no place In tha hearts ambi-ot the Socialists of France, who could weloome their German brother with a that was all the stronger for tho' hate they were expected to brhig him. Two chairman were elected to serve for tha day Councillor of the faris municipality, and Qerr Uebkaeoht nember of tha German parliament The latter In adjirtsstng the congress spoke in Gerraan, Francb and English.

Wod aeeUas; rrevaleat. Tba beat Of feeling prevails among tha del-gate, and all express great enthusiasm as to the the work tba congress will aooooiplish. Some of tbe delegates to this oonwention also take part in tbe "ftasibllist" congreas at ba Salle ratrelle, but none of tha Bloety-tbrM German fjoclaliats will go near tha otter gathering. A SNARlJ IN FRENCH LEGISLATION. The Chaaahar Adjearaa I-awrta- tba Seav tatter's tleveasa.

TaKM una 14 Tbe chamber of depo-tiea paased tba supplementary credit Of 320,000 asked by the minbiter of marina for the purpose of building new warship A bill was also passed extending amnesty to various classes of political offenders, after which M. Meline, preaidant of tba chamber, rend tha decree closing tba and tba chamber adjournad. -1 Tbe Seaate la a CaaapUeatioa. Fifteen miaatee later tba aanata resumed Its adjourned aeaaion of tba morning, and was about taresume its routine business when, tba acting preaklent, U. Iluahert, one of tha Tios preside nta of tba senate, announced that the chamber of deputies having closed its teas ten without sending formal notification Of adjoornmeot to tba eenate the body waa no longer oom patent to dealbaraia.

Ua la siatad that nothing the senate coojdaowdo wooid bbtb tbe force of It. i TVw Kin Bflla, Pramier Tirard expressed his dtaagreumeot wttl tkia view, and many aawaaqra argwataafe it waa nsosnaary te pass tba bills few lb de- the fact that a current can, with any certainty, be driven through the vital part of a man's anatomy. Continuing, be said that, assuming tbe man was not killed, tbe effect would be a slow carbonising of tbe victim, DISGUSTING BRUTAUtV. A Horrible Story Told by a Disreputable Woman Five Arrests Hade. Sckanton, Pa July 16.

A disreputable woman named Mary Jane Lance alleges that she waa criminally assaulted by fifteen men' at a place called Dickson City, about five miles north of Scran tbn, last Saturday. She states that she was on ber way to Scran too, when assaulted by one Anthony Ducy, who dragged ber Into tbe boshes near the river, where she was outraged by fourteen of his companions, ppa of whom flourished a ret volver and threatened to kill ber. She says' she was kept tha woods all Saturday night by her assailants, and that at one tune she tried to escap3 through tbe river, and was dragged bacUi Sunday five men, askl to have been implicated in the affair, were arrested for the crime and placed in tbe county prison. The remainder of tbe woman's assailants are iu hiding. I Notes from Johnstown- Johkstowb, July 10.

The board of trado passed resolutions yesterday urging that steps ltd' taken to bring tbe matter of clearing up the streams to tbe attention of tbe national government, and urging an appropriation fwC; that purpose. As now arranged the sufferers are put in five classes, nl are paid respectively $000, $400, $J0O, and in each. If there are funds enough for another distribution the same basis Will be used. I Will Irop Labor Organisations. PiTTSBCRO.Pa.', July 18.

W. T. retary of tbe Miners' Progressiva union, yes terday wrote to President Mc Bride, of that body, resigning his office. Mr. Lewis intends to sever, his connection with labor organizations cofcil-ely, and will go to tbe Paris exposition as ppe of the party of representative American workingmeu.

Ou his return to this country be wUl begin to pracUoe Uw. Dancing Killed the Dedleatloa. Atlanta, Gi, July lo. The question of allowing the cit'xeus of Atlanta to give a big dedicatory entertainment in the new cajJUJ received its quietus iu tbe senate The senate refuses to grant tbe ut of tbe building if tht-re is to bo dancing, ijbe anti-dancers outnujiiber the dancers wo tto -4 r- Hang f- a Cowardly Mades NAsaviix.E July 18. Toin Condor, who murdered Jack Riley, near Troy, Obion county, in September, was banged yesterday.

Condcr was 43 years old, aod had been a Mormon for years. He shdt Rlfoy while the latter was asleep in a chair. InreasodCbcIr Worhnaea's TTagea, cbAfgsvitl, July ltt North Fros.j Charles Housw Sons, aud W. W. CaU Sous, iron jnanufacturers, yeatarday gave notion of an increase of cents per too to their puddlera and a corresponding increaso in the wages other employes.

Asking a Compulsory Military Service, Atlanta, tv, July HI A hundred military men, rosntiug forty-flve oompanios of tbe state tjitlltin, met bare yesterday end memorialiavd the legislature, urging the passage of a law makiug one year's military service compvjlaory. Aa Old' Illlnala Citlaea Killed. IUa, July At 6iiW p. m. yoatortlajr E.

CUrno, Sr.J an old and wealthy resident of Weed man, this county, was killed by si train on Ute 0hh ludiana and WesUrn road at the high street creasing 'It Tba President Flays Tea-Plaa. XBB PabkI Md, July 16. The president soetue jo be enjoying life bore, having temp-orarilyi laid aside official cereal Yesterday afternoon be played ton-pin with Secretary Windpb. The Weather We May Expect. WASBKOTQjf Citt, July la.

Following are the weather tpjilcations for thirty-six hours from 8 o'clock p. m. yesterday: For Viscoa-' sin Fabl weather; warmer; southeanterlr winds. For -Illinois and Iowa Hhowera; warmer weat hen anntheaaterly Far Indiana and Michigan rair, warmer variable winds. THE MARKETS.

Chicaoo." July IS. Live Stork l-Tho Union stock ys0 quota Uie folUiwltui prices: lioa-s Market opened active atid'flra. with prices advanced on tight eradea and on other lota. Light Kradee, 4.4,t4.aJ: roaah packlac 4u klkJZx. mxod heavy packing aad shipfina lots.

$4.34.40. t. CattleMarket atrong; Native beeves, higher cows, l.TXHJO; atockcr. Texana, ateady: UJSooaja Sheep Market steady; IJAiii-ai; lambs. $4.: i.00; Tax- aha, US4.Klr Da thai board of trade to-day qaotatlens were aa flkv-x: Wboat No.

opened 7, eloaal '7TV4o; August, opened and ioacd 175; September, opened and clinsed Corn No. Augast, opened and closed 2V4c; September, opened Xc, doaed May, opened aad 1 closed 37H-- 04ts No. Augast. opened closed SlH-ttc: I September, opened xlHc cleeed 21i46c. Pork Augast.

opened JUJU. closed $11 September, opened $1L45, closed flLsO. Lard August, opened $00. closed iProdoo: gutter Fancy Elgin creamery: lvSdH: per dairies in line, luetic; roll gs Htrictly fresh. UWlVtc per aloe.

Ponltryi-Llvo cluefcena. We per Bn roosters. Sorter kera. 4fc: doeba, Potatoes-New. LttiaiJ9 per hbL.

Apples New, tUXA 4WperbbL par Sa-qU caae. I j-. New Tark. Nw ToBB. Jaly 14, Wheati-No.

9 red eaah. 7e; do Jaly. tie AmriMM- toa do September, tOTio. Cora 3ta. mixed cash.

4Tc: do Aatfoat, tSm do September, ta. Oata-Qnlet; No. mixed aab, ST7cl do Jaly. 27ct do August tTafej ate September. 7Hv Rye DaU.

Barlay-ShamuaaM Pork tuiat: new mesa, 1XA Lard-Quiet; Aagust, taAk Septam-ber. $4,744 lUrastpck: Cattle In Rood demand at an advaaee qual te too per 1U0 lbs; native steers. JX70 per 100 lb Texas do. lOaJk Bar tlve bulis, IJJAif 40. Sheep and Limbs HlMvp twtrely steady, per 100 that lambs, decidedly all and weak: eomaoa ta xtrsw per kW lba.

Hogs Nominally aaeadr: fAauioo. Absolutely Pure. This sowder never varies. A Jaarvel of parity. stiengib and wboiesomeness.

More eooaoai caaa taeorataary kiihis, ana cannot ee sola ui eses petitioa wit tbe maltitBdeof tow test, short wetgbt alnsa or pbospbate powders. Hold only la eaas hstu sunt rnvnia.iisaiiiL,n.i, seplSyrl i Hur.1PHREYSv Da. Hparauuivs'Srnuaaus are tateaUyaad earefnur prepared prascrtpaoo years la private praettoawiUi aiir nf.anS foerww ihim roars Used bv tee neoota. Brerr alaaia Boo clfte Is a apeelal oura for ttoe dwcaai nanwl. These Bpeclfles cure without drnaxlnn.

jamr-' hiar or redactas; the syatesa. aad are la fact and deed the sovereign re sat ales af tba World, Xjjrr or nntcsrAi, aoa. ccaaa. nucsa. revere, ixnxesuoa.

iersaa, worm rever, warm lxmio .4 rrni cane, or rwumn 01 inmn diarrhea, of Children or )yeenterr. Orlpnic BUlooa C0U0. I helera JWertna, VonUUax fsacha, Culd. BroaehlUa Nearala-lsw Toothache, eaaaeh esv Slek Headaone, Vertigo eaaaeh eavBlek Headaoae, VerUo ffyspepsla. BUloos tMnmnrh.

fa npreoaed or Pnlnfnl Perl ode. Whites, too rroruae fenoos Croon. Conch. Difficult Breatkhur. Halt itbeana, Cryalpetea, krupUuos.

Kaeumattsaa, UMtusiSe rtlau. Fever aad A a a e. Chills, Ilea, IlUad or Bleeajna Catarrh. tatkeBead aoopina; i 1 Coavb. Violent Concha.

il Ike keMIHv-ayi We IdnerDi erveaa Debility. riaary Weakaeee WetMna Bed. iaeaaea of Sold by Tfrazjfrna, or sent postpaid oa veeslpt -of irk-e. DiTBi-anuT' Haviiau (144 pares rtrblv hnand In eloth aad v.ld. walled free.

SPECIFI CS. I BIBB Afw aviit-ITOWa Mta 1 I I m.i a.w-M aaiaa HtCHIKG PILES.Kil1 feeMilaa very eero, aWAVkKW al.NT. I a fc.HT Ma Ikr taklaa an4 kWelaot keaU no gUnallaa, mm4 la Meat mil moeaes the la. ddra irnix at fir. wa.

Wmb. Jt tan Imum, KS. SW4TBS SON, rhttaSaia. rm. Kraeaaa, Itrhr, He air, Hhla Tertnreo.

SWAYNE'S OINTMENT as? aaraa bMiiIm, win mmrt af TMtar. Saa) SWAYNFS OlffTMENT aaairw-w. aiofworai rvsrei. ntm. iorw.

rMssM, Tyinrdaia, tUI SKIN DISEASES awa to Hail i a Cav. a. Sa SaMt to aratMa, Aat fmm AaaraMk. Ua, aurleodaw JEW ADVEETI8EMEHT3. llcure.

HAIIKL.II'U 1 HAIR DALQAtf -Zj 'CWaaaaa and aeanalioi tka hair. I lyuaiutra a luauiunt vrowin. 1 1 nair 11 11a auiui veiae. I rT lMHimr aixl aalr rIUaV MINDSRCORNfi. aet anm I raa.

a-aaMiwlav Bnwro UtatMa. Ite, a4 teVUta. IIKSI aik f. IM woraf KMHtiul Ifiala- rwoMvlf fr an uia ariatiw troas astacwre aaii tUum. Inks la tune, tea, aad aUSk CHICHE3TER'0 alNCLISH PENNYROYAL PILU 15 CSCS3 HITS.

Otlalaal. Wat, aatf aa4 M' un mrnir, Smr Aak tw HaaMVi Jaelua uitntM araaa. rre a U.r.. mini aUS bla. a.

At Draaalata. Aravot ne etkea. Ail atlta la Ma enaeaneterfbll. ecu 4a, wnai he aaruaslan aaa "KWk fr ISIea." t-ar, to rctera nanl. 1 a.ooe I LAJKS aaaa laaav (aw toir.

Lkcaucal CeaJUdhoa haruuwra. 10,000 AGENTS WAMTEO ONLY Al'TIi t.N TIC, Complete aad lira hie IHstory of the Mastown I Flood. Prafaarly I laatrated with views of sU sorts con nected with the terrible scenes of tbe mighty tasn-d alios. mo. eo page.

Price flUi Liberal terms. Thoaaaada waat It. DEMAND Id lit-MKNHK. eud uotckJy ceaU for OotAt to ULBUAUO bltUa Baud log, Chicago. jjSwtaaw xa HlR2SMrtW0VG Me PvOOTCEGrj UQU0 r80aJMS lAS-QT Mf TMKPACxACf MAaaSfTvt CWUX0KS 12; Co, DGLiHa Ca e.

HIRES. Philadelphia. n.ninMr7r?rnr' tr the LAooor, Io, hrv 1 tt ion be flvea etT aw t-a ee aa. awaa iof food, vtUeitlMtaava, af tiaakoolwaelT haei I eaa. aS nui and aoasdy earn, wkstssr tee ar a Srtnker or alooaotts wrov.a.

e. Over iBa.aoo arsnkaa4 rave I i erste who have Oo -a 1 I 'betr soWae WHJxmt taatr knew Inn. a. k- I Iter a they silt aato of tassf OWB t-ad Va. page hook of paHinnn Vs tree.

W. R. K1RKBT, fra, Ageat, Kaciae, Wl 1 39 '2fi. Mb fwxtoo ou r.i pti vn T5a sS laagi ri rn mm .7 A 3 tbe aaoaS AWSt 1SAIKS aad Bill Baa 1MB nocraBAltas OThihe wertd. ItfR.

As yew Praewkst at Oesset sot H. Klne Haaabert aawl the Phaaograifb. Hums, Jnlyi Id. Tbe king yesterday received an Edison phonograph and manifested great delight with its working. He talked into the instrument at intervals for an boor, and sent a phonograph tbe queen.

who is en ice. IarriMt a Maote Ball Artiste, Loxdox, July 1ft. The Pall Mall Gaxatte says that Viscount Dualo, aged 'JO, the heir of the earl of Cflancarty, has been married to Belle Biiton, a beautiful music ball artista. Crop "IIar 1st liohcmia. ViKXNA, July' 1G.

Owing to recenj, disastrous storiuii in northern Bohemia all tbe vines in that region, as well as the entira fruit crop, will prove a total fadura i 7 i Liaeoln awl Uiarrisom Uiae with the Qiaeen. London, July Minister Lincoln' and Mrs. Lincoln and Rusdeil Harrison dined with the queen last evening. NIAGARA'S MYSTERIOUS SUICIDE. i Attempt to Meal tbe Uodjr or a aoppoaed Croat In Mardrrer.

New Yoa July ia A special to The Work! from Niagara Falls says: Tbe finding of a letter on the Third Sister utlanl on itauday. 1 uly 7, together with the discovery of the body kit a man; still frtsh in the minda of the ptblic. The letter indicated that; tba drowned -man had been actively concerned in the Ooniu murder, and ovorcomo by reinorse had ootu-mitted shicidej I I Ghouls Away. The body was buried in the Drumipotwl-vllle cemetery 'after being kept as long as possible for idea ti Qua tion. Thw cemetery is on tbe old Lundy Lane battlefield, abot a mile back from tbe falls.

On the Canadian side. Hunday night, about midnight, William Wright, af resideut of DrummoadviUe, discovered several men iu the act of digging up tbe body, They fled oh his approach. It supposed 'that they knew tbe dead jman, and wiahod to bend the body over the falls in order to prevent identification. COWARQLY CRIME IN OREGON. A Tired of Ills' Teaaata.

Ifm-ulia a llratat Double Murder. I KiariaK City, July 1(1 Mr. Eaten-hover aud chijtl ware brutally murderod on the (arm of Jthu tV.qUiU City, Thursday uigbt, and burkl in a gulob' near the where they were founl eater -day. The huhaut was working up tlie river, and returned borne on Saturday. The Ealetiliovers a ere' tenants of Gihnan who wanted them it leave, which ttiey refused to do until their feats expired, Laid la AVatt for Katoabover i AfU-r the murder of the wife and child Oilman lay itk wait ou Saturday and attacked Eutenhover on bis approach to his borne, but he escaped end gave the alarm, which resulted in the discovery of the remains qf tbe wife and vbiVI, ami a readytaiade grave for the ami his wife were ar rested and may be lynched.

The K. of L. aad the New "Brotherhood." Chicago, July IS. Up to a late hour last night T. V.

IVwderly and bis associates on the executive board of the Khighbi of Labor had not arrived in the city to attend the meeting of the executive board in this city, which is an unprecedented occurrence, as heretofore all meetings bare been held iu Ildladelpliia. Tbe meeting here la supposed to be on account of the rapid incrvaae of. United Brotherhood of Labor, and; it is thought that the meeting will result in tbe expulsion of those Knights of Labor who are members of the United Brotberbood. -r Wake Seale for Ulaahlowera. PaiLAbKLPUlx, July 10k The Record's Atlantic City tfC.

dispatch Tha wage scale was Used for this year at yesterday's session of tha'glassbtoworV ooa veation; It la to be tbe same as last year a 00 pert cent list, less 10 per cant. Trouble is appreheuded at tbe Cumberland Glass coco pauy's works at Brklgeton, If the corporation refuses to o(rate its factories according te tba reu-latious of the K. of L. I Thai: Carter Dlvorea BajL Chicago, July lfi, Judge Jamieaon refused tbe motion for a new trial in tbe Carter divorce case, yester-iar and entered a decree anaultng tbe marriage an-1 g.v( ig tias custody of tha child to the late iibiad, Mrs. Carter to be permitted to j-r buy occaaional y.

Counsel for Mrs. Ca t-f made no argument cousidertng it of time, and will appeal the cat to the higher court. -t I A ret Squirrel's ratal Mite. WracHKsTEa, July lfi. E.

C. Jordan, welt known throughout the United Htates aa tbe proprietor of tha Jordan Waiee Kiiphur sprmga, this county, died yesterday morning, lie was blue la the hand by a pet. aqairrei two months ago, and Uood prHsnnin aet la. His arm waa amputated on Friday. Warifanted SAFE ami SURE CUKE for SWEATING FEET, 1IANIS, i AKMriTSantl a FACE.

Bad pdor fEntirc ly pone Away Witly. Wo hare est ablight! an Agency 'her sale and Kctsiil, vit Wholal J. BUCK SOIVT, Dealers ia liootn, Shoes ami iiabbens. i SEE BIO- PICTURE. JanStsyl rii Teacher hei wuiiila to strencrtlicn Whj aitvfa4 by the ufte of Aver "a Sar- aparilla.f aiiret'iate I th truth that buiUii health ia eaHitatial.

to mental' YiKir. Fur perMOitH of itelicate and foible. ronittttiou, wlifttipr jouiifj or hi this -liMUcine r-iinrkaMy ll urelyoii get jAyer'a Saraaarilla. 'f fcrrry nrinir anl all I take a muii-vlrf iHMtlejf of Ayr' Sarsajmrilla.aml tin greatly tlra. Jamea JI.

Kaatmuu, 8t'oiieliaiii, MnN.t. have tukrn Sarsaparilla withjrreatlHsiirlit lw iwy general healths" -Mins ThiraU 1.. frcrar. 1'alinyra. Aid.

ily twelve ear of baa uffejHl fvr the Btijjt ear from GeneraI Debility, A 4'7 fflt 'inee iM-gan to giro lier (A yetV KjirsavarillH: lief health linn treat ly improveil." Harriet II. XtattUat, tionih CilielniHforil. i -A bonl j'f nr I Itegan using Ayer Fararill; an a reaieily fur lelility anl reHiiItlng from malarial exptmur in the ariuy4) I aa in a very bad condition, hut nix lnttle of tbe Sar-aanttrilla. with CH-caaioinal dimes of Ayer'a htfVe greatly Imf-roved iny health. 1 an i now able to work, nd" fytd that I cannot 8iiv much lor your excellent reniedu-H-' F.

A. BoutU KlojuneuH, Me. ij daughter, aixteen years old, ia naiiig Ayer'aSaraanaridla th good Kev. 8.i J. Graham, I'nited Urtsthren Church.

Va, i43l aufferel from Nervous Prostration, tritft latrte back and headache, and have Iteeiit nnn-h liviiented by the umo of Aycr'a Saaapartlla. I am now tH years of age, and amaatiNtleil that niy orenent hearth and prolonged life are lu to the turn of Ayer'a 8ataaarlUa.f!, Lucy Molhtt, Killingly, Conu. (j Irs. Ann H. FarnnxrertK, lady 79 8i.

writea 'Aiter aeveral weekn' buffering from nefvoua proBtration, I procured a lMttle of Aycr'a 8araHrilla. and ttefore I iial taken half rt it my usual health i Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rairAitiD by Dr, J. C. Ayer Lowell, 1 Prtca $1 i ala betUiM, d. Worth i boliU.

Swrl Hncmo caiad to of malignant Blood Poiann arirr I had btwa treated In rain with ofcl o-caiie4 (Mkadiea of Marcnry aad Potaahw 8. 8. 8. not only cured tao Blood Powon, bat relieved the Ktwamatlam whkh waa cjoimmI by tha uoiaoooue. mineral, UJSU.

iWYJOX.W UAvwuo, Is'. Y. rVroftilaaajkw)adeBiTUaairhteT-wlllDf aaj lump oa her Bock. Weffavaacrbwirr'tbraeiric, and rwall wu woaderfnl ad th cur prompt. i -8.

A. -wtrr'a Sracino ia entirely a t(etabl and la only atedldiM whtck parmanrntly curva Hcronila, Uiood Uomora, Cancer and Coutaekma Utoed Potepn. Seod for Moka oa JUaoA aad bkla Xiwiw, mailed free. Ta Swirt ericirta Co4 Drawer Atlanta, Oa. Ias-s4(Trk3 Clouds a VRAPPER5 UM SIZt) rttaiva a aitviyiijy- MEiC JanfaaldJtw TL DULY iCUHNAL fr flKUF.

Th mm at va.1 v.atrv Ii A 70 Chieave's Aaaoaatlea Baboaaa Oawsnalotoa. CniCaoo, July lflL Judge Prendergaat, of the Cook oouaty court, yeatarday ofilcially declared the result of the annexation eleo-Uon on June SB as certified to him by the election commkajortora, aad lanial aa ordrr ii acting Mayor Cragsar to taba charge of tba annexed diatricta i i i I i 1-5.

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