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The Journal Times from Racine, Wisconsin • 11

The Journal Timesi
Racine, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 THE KACJXK FK1 DAV AJ-TEKNOOX. OCTOBER It. rOH SALE HEAL ESTATE FOR SAUK REAL ESTATE TOM IAXJD TAJUtS LEGAL' XOT1CKS THINGS THAT NEVER, HAPPEN The Journat'News't, i vl nrppmy -Jfft it ylr "WWS ALL RISHT G0STOUER SfMfS EUEfe SHAMED I FIRST TIME I U5E0 I I'M S0WWA MEW YOU T'8E A VSHME ME EEaiWELY X'Mti 4 A HJ7 CARTOON m1'' MARKE UO TA TJ QNS CORRECTED DAILY) Although it is not my policy to advertise all the houses I have for sale, I arrfgiving the following: list because ey- ery one of them is a reaUbar- gam and immediate possession can be given on each one. Strictly modern, brand new bungalow' oak finish, 2630 West 20th Street, one-half block west of Asylum Avenue; a bargain, $1,000 "down, balance easy terms. Bungalow, with garage in rear, at wo Grove btreet.

Strictlv modern. "Lot 46 by 120 feet. $2,000 down. Two-family flat, 1301 Blake Avenue; lot 42 by 120. This is a snap at $2,000 down, balance easy terms.

1 Strictly modern bungalow, with garage in rear, at 1610 Frederick Street lot 42 bv 128; $2,000 down. A real bargain. fl Ai 1 1 lisMtca garage rear, at 1.5,54 Ka- cine Street; lot 105 by 120; next to Salvation Army. Paving paid. The lots alone are worth $5,000.

This is a real bargain at $1,000 down. Seven-room modern house, with garage in rear, zi wrignt Avenue, nears Washington Park, $4,900 1,500 or a little less down, Full size bungalow, at 2000 Phillips Avenue; good as new extra lot 5 tons of coal and be sold at rossession given within 24 hours. Furniture also for-sale. $4,800 takes it. Act quick.

This place is worth 56,000 to $6,500. 50-cash, balance mortgage. Two-famliy flat, at 1125 Forest Street; lot 54 bv 174. A real bargain, $1,000 down. Strictly modern home, at 1646 Center Street all rooms on one floor.

Possession given at once. $4,500, worth $5,500. This one must go at once. Possession given upon payment of deposit. Strictly modem "bungalow.Hvith garage 2330 East 20th Street.

Good location; lot 40 by 131. Nice modern 6-room house, hot water heat, at 2132 Carmel Avenue, $4,000. Two-family flat, 2100 block, on Clarence Avenue. Frort entrance. Lot 40 by 120, facing on both streets.

$6,300: $1,000 down. Frank J. 7003 Grand At. Pho 1601. FOR SALE 54 Houses said 300 lots at Fifteen mniutes ride from the heart of Racine, carfare 16c round trip 12 trains each way daily.

These houses range from 4 to 9 rooms and are partially modern with water, sewer and electric lights. Some have furnace and bath complete. Prices from $00 to $3,000, on easv tetmi of. $150 to $500 and balance monthly. Three hundred; lots at $150 and up.

Autos leave this office at 9 A 11 A. 1 P. 3 P. M. and 5 M.

Come early and take your choice. SKILBECK' 1 33 7 Waihinfton A. Opn Evening t. A REAL BARGAIN Large modern home without bath) with garage, paved street; price is right. Ttrmi arranged according to the amount paid flown.

Must be aold In ten days. SOPH US NELSON REALTY CO. 4J7 Main St. Phone 412. oct2tf FOR SALE 8 ROOM HOME ON 1BTH St terms.

SKILBECK 1337 Washington Are. Open Evenings. ctlti FOR SALE MODERN STORE building on State between Douglas and Erie. Possession can bo given In 40 days. A bargain.

See Keefe Agency. 133 Main St. Tel. 8084. octlt4 FOR SALE ROOM HOME ON Wisconsin between 7th and Ith Sts.

Hot water heat. bath. etc. This is also a splendid business location. See Keefe Agency.

38 Main St. octlt4 wAjrrxD to kkjtt WANTED TO RENT FLAT: ANT part of town. B. Lubovltskl. care Rialto Theatre.

Phone 1334 or 7073. sept30t WANTED ONE OR MORE FURNISH -ed rooms by married couple. Both employed. Phene 1710. Call morn-Ings.

oct2t2 WANTED TO RENT I OR ROOM flat or cottage as soon as possible; 310 reward If taken. Write S-87, Journal-News oetltt WANTED TO RENT FLOOR SPACE, about 1.000 equare feet for light man ufacturlnr. Write 8-7J, Jouraal-Newa. ae 1 1 tl WANTED TO RENT ROOM WITH bath: small family. Write 841, Jour.

nal-Newa. sept37tO WANTED TO RENT HOU8K OR flat in rood location. Reward, Write f-Tt, Journal. New petit HOOMKWs ASP OAnpr.Ha WANTKD POAnDtCftSt AT 1024 Villa Ht. epttlt First publication toctStS.

STATE OF WICONSIN. COUNtT i of Itaclna, In County Court. 1 Tfcotuaaan and llarver. Attia. In the matter of Jhe ImhI willand testament of Jennie H.

Itevoice, ceaaed. tn reading und flllng the petition of Henry N. Ilucon, admlnUtrntor with ill annexed of the eatnte of Jennie Revolce, deceased, rtireiieitinic antona other thliiKH, that tld det-ensed tiled welted of t-erlMln real emtnte therein tlescrtbed, and that 4t to sell or Incumber the aAme (or the pa i ment of the debts of aatd deceaaed aiid the expenses of adnilnlstrntloh. and lriyirtK ror a license to een or rn cumber the ettme; and It aenring ty such petition that It la necensery to aell. or incumber aald real estate-for u-tv purpose.

It I ORDERED that said petition heard at a special term of eald county court, to be held In and for anld county. In the court house. In the city of Racine, in esld county, on. Tuesday the let day of October. A.

D. 1910, at nfne o'clock in the forenoon. Further Ordered, that this order be published at least three successive eek before aald day fixed for- the hearing on anld petition, in the Racine Journal-News, a daily newspaper published in said county, and thnt a cdpy thereof be served personally on ll persons interested In said estate and residing in this country, at least twenty days before euch day. and on the tr torneya of all persona who have appeared In the proceeding herein, i Dated September. 26.

1919. i Hy the Court. WALTER C. Pom iv First publication oct3t3 STATE OF RACINE County, lri County Oeurt. Notice is hereby given that at a special term of the County Court In and for said Country, to be held at the Court House at the City of Racine.

County of Racine on Tuesday, the tenth day of February. A. at 9 o'clock; In the forenoon, the following matter will be heard and considered; the Court will examine and adjust the claims and demands of all persons against the estate of Henry W. Jochum. deceased, late of the City of Racine.

Racine County. Wisconsin. And further notice is hereby given that four months' time from the 2nd lay of October. A. l.

1919. will be allowed to creditors to present claims against said deceased. Dated at Racine, Wisconsin. Oct. 2..

A. .1919. By order of the Court. WALTER C. PALMER.

Countv Judire First publication ctJtS. Thompson! Myers, A Kearaey, Attye. COUNTY COURT. IMAGINE COUNTV In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Floyd Fink, Notice Is hereby given, that at a special term of the couhty court to be held In and for the said county at the court house in the city of Racine in said county on the 4ih Tuesday being the 28th day of A.

1910, at the openinfc of Court on that dsy the following matter will be heard snd considered: The application of Edward 1- Fink, administrator of the estate of Floyd Fink, deceased, late of Mt Pleasant. In aald. county, for the examination and allowance of his final account, and for the assignment of the residue of the estate of said deeeasedM aoch persons ss are by law entitled thereto; and that the court find and determine In whom the real estate owned by said deceased, vested, upon the death of aald deceased; and for the determination snd adjudication of the 'inheritance tax, If any, payable in said 1 Dated Oct. 2nd, A. 1919...

Bv the Court. WALTER C. PALMER. County First publication oct3t3. STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY Court.

Racine County. In the matter of the last -will and testament of William Molloy. deceased. Notice for Hearing Petition for Conveyance. Notice- is hereby g'iven.

that at a special term of the County Court to be held In and for aid County at the Court House 'in the City, of Racine. County of Racine. State of Wisconsin, on the fourth Tuesday of October, A. D. 1919, the following matter will be heard, considered, examined "and adjusted The application of Henry A.

"Wahlen for conveyance to him of certain real estate, by the executrix of Lh estate of William Molloy. deceased, pursuant to a land contract dated the 3rd day, of April, A. 1915, made by such decedent in his lifetime as set forth In the petition now pending in said Court. Dated at Racine, Wisconsin, this 2nd day of October. D-.

1919. Bv the court. WALTER C. PALMER. County .1 lulu First publication NOTICE TO BUILDlNO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals accompanied by a certified check or sum of money equal to five per cent ia'c) of the amount thereof will he received at the office of Edmund B.

Funston Company. Archl-leots, bO'i RohinHoti Muilding, ttacln. until 7:30 o'clock p. in. October li, 1919, for the construction of the two rooms and basement school building for District No.

6, Town of Mount Pleasant. Racine County; Wisconsin, according to plans and sieci-fications prepared them. The school board reserves the. right to reject any and all The plans and specifics -lions can be secured at the office of the architects, Rsclne, Wisconsin. S.

De SMIDT. Clerk AU KHTIMKH I.HTTKHH cine. Wis. Post Office. Oct, 1.

IVls, Almeida, Cresendo Londli, Schmidt Hltwiou, jsnes- Lucia. Komlit riackstrom. Miss l.edlvg, adv Kaun Masenao, Luial Chrlatenseu, Martin Mteh)analu, Colmsn, rrancka Camarda Chrlstensen, MatAlikr, Otto It M', 1 itrvs lit. Psut pervollanakl, Ktn ins toil I l.iatmro, Ali Porto, Itasca I I'urrington, T. Ruller, Charles Crletlano, Joe i'oihvIK, Jan Cotton, Joe.

Dahl, Paul 1HU, Alls Fisa, Votech Fylllnr, Jahan tirahner, jiteri Uoltn. l. Heckling, Kuaie Itankluson. Lovulsa lioynork, Thyors wanela. ueo.

Hell. Frank (2 I'tao, Olovnnlu d' Heinrlch. Ab Wink. Trsikob Hlsdtkobeck. Wuseslnskt, Tarma Wtedystsn Hajluslk, Johan Mr.

Mrs Johnson. Carl G. or Miss Jacob, Victor Young. John Jakaby, Fred Yerakulski. Johsn- Johnson, Krnest D.

Kulper. Klaaa 7.valo. Joeef Karsatos, George Zajc. Frank Zelvowskl. Gi When'calling for above letters, please mention "advertised." Letters all) be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Qt.

16. 1919. sssssg 11 Mi 1 Doctor of vuuviniiXK. CC.HEFT Over years of sucrtsafbl practice In the city. Offlc: 400 MAIN.

Phone: lift 'Lady Attendant. Cxmsnltatlon Free to the Sick. Finns Farms Je acre farm located about milt southwest of city. About SO acrea of best farm land located 1 miles nt of thta city. About acres of choice garden farm land located about 1-3 rnlle northwest of Haclne.

Wilson Mitchell Phone 2013. S1S-I15 llaker Block. farms ron salk SI acre truck farm on 4 mil road; rood buildings; crop, atock and toots. Prlca 11,000. 10 acre truck farm on 4 mil road; fin buildings; rood soil.

Prlca 11,000. Will consider city property -In exchange. IS acrt dairy farm on Milwaukee road; rood buildings; equipped for dairying. Prlca 1300 per acre. 8CHBIXINO A BCHOKPPE 1213 Douttaa Ave.

Tel. 1047. Optn Kvenlnge. octsts i- IUU BUI UNU irom ua in oreat ana vconto counties, Wisconsin, OUR CRKDIT SYSTEM en-Sbles you to get credit before your ld paid for. XOU DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT Ow $100 cash plan builds house, barn, S'trnlehes atock.

tools, etc; low prices! rood aoll; free literature. LANDS. Fifth Floor Manhattan Chlcaro, 111. scpt25 10 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, 3 north of city; fair buildings. Prlca 11.400 90 acra farm for sale.

1 mile west of Frank evltte, with all atock, cropa and machinery, 1320 per acre LAUBE TOMEK 1123 ICth St. Phone 710. octit FOR SALE 21 ACRES NEAR RAY-mond. Will trade for city property. SK1LBECK 133? Washington Are.

Open Kvenlng. OctltS FOR SALE 10 ACRE FARM; GOOD buildings; large chicken coop; term or will trade for city property. K. F. Borsh.

304 0th St. octlt4 FOR SALE OR TRADE 320 ACRES g-ood Montana land. Write 8-33. Jour-nal-News. oct2t4 WAIfTKD WORK WANTED WORK JOHNNIE ON the spot for beatinr ruga, washing kitchen walla, cleaning wall paper, and cleaning furnaces.

Jeflers, 1014 Lib erty care Cooper res. Phone 7107-R. oet2t MY BUSINESS IS REPAIR WORK; I give you a square deal. Lawrence den Hartlrh, carpenter. 2032 Lawn 8t.

1 lj737- septiOtlm GRADUATE NUR8E WANTS Position In dentist's or doctor's office. Write 8-44, Journal-News. oct3t3 WANTED POSITION AS HOUSE-keeper by middle-aged lady with one child. Write S-43. Journal-News.

ootM Aato For Hire Phone 33 It. aeptlltlm IF TOUR HOUSE NEEDS REPAIRING. or remodeling, see Lawrence Den Hartlgh. 2032 Lawn or phone 7370. oct 1 1 1 WANTED PAPER HANGING: VERY reasonable.

Levlne. hone 711. aept30tl WANTED TO DO UP CURTAINS; 2129 Clarence upstairs. Phone EXPERT TUNING AND REPAIRING of planoa and player pianos a special- tJJCdjrJMatausek, Badrr SHOE REPAIRING AT 1309, MOUND Ave. oct2tlm PAINTING, PA PERU ANQING; REA-aonable Phone 1432.


Knudson. 1312 Fifteenth phone 1022; Jobbing promptly attended to. pr2tly WANTED ALL KINDS OF COLLARS, shirts and shirtwaists; we do the finest laundry work; our system la ail preas work: phone 222 ana our wagon wtit call. Model Laundry. 60-th St.


Secretary of war Baker in a atate-mentf Thursday night through the Leag-uo to Enforce Peace, urges the ratification of the Versailles treaty. including the league of aa a means of enabling the United States to reduce the size of its military establish ment. With the league of na tions in operation, he says, "great military outlays" now made necessary by this country could be appreciably diminished. CHANGE Cr.MTWXS HIM; TO INCREASE RATES WASHINGTON, P. Oct, 8 By'a vote of 8 to 6.

the senate interstate commerce committee on Thursday tentatively amended the Cummins railroad reorganisation bill to provide that rates he fixed so as to yield stockholders a return of 5 per cent, plus halt of 1 per cent (or malty tenance. The original bill left t-h rat of lld to determination 4y the Interstate commerce conimlalorv, OU InveMor have in many in-aUficea discovered that all they rot for their monry was omt hlrhly attract va literature Phone 390 A M'VLISH C.OWN Waist 29,87 and Skirt 2995. This graceful creation is of blue serge and black moire, taffeta and serge, crepe de chine snd satin, would also be effective. The -Waist Pattern 2987 is rut In 7 sizrs: 34, 3C. 38r 40.

42, 44 and 46 Inches bust The Skirt 1905 is cut in 7 sizes: 22. 24. 26, 28, 30. 32 Jand 34 inches waist measure. A me-'dlum sixe will require 5 7-8 yarda of 44 Inch material.

Width of skirt at lower edge with plaits extended about 2 yards. This illustration calls for two separate patterns which will he mailed to any address on receipt of 11 cents for each pattern frt currency it 1 cent and 2 cent stamps. THE MF.ACTT 'ATTn UO. 11HM- Fall Street. Department I.

llrooklyn. N. T. Write piaialy your iiarae and ad-dretv and enclbae eleven (11) ceate In currency or stamps to the fore going addreea, Knelose this coe pon with your order. Consulting- Contracting: Our Specialty FACTORY EQUIPMENT Phone ui when in troub! 2364 F.

A. WIER, M. D. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Noae and ThroeH GIASSES fttted 223 Sixth Street PHONE M58 il DAHL MARTINS UNDERTAKERS PImjdc 1758 ftl High St. Prompt Senkw at all Honrs ihh oCIt SUSlilLU When you are in trouble or atallai along the oad phone ua.

we give prompt attention. All of our auto work la ruurameed aatla-favtory. HTANDAHD GARAGE Jtihn F. IlAnatin, Prop, Phono Is 1314 Doutlae Ave, UEIBER1NG GLAD KlRNITniK A UXDKUTAKINO 1'lionr 3500 Wash. Att.

V'NDKRTAKINO I) KPT. Open Day and Night. Phil Itcibrrinr, Reg. Thone 3 Tit L1- ACINI, WIS. 3 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK U.

S. Bareaa Markets. Hogs Active; unevenly 25 to 50c higher. Heavy Medium Light Light light: Heavy packing sows amooth Packing iowi, rough lfi.50 .15.2541 14.70 .16.75 10.75 1050 .14. 0014.

50 .13.50 14.00 .15.00 trlCQO Pir Cattle Recelnts 4.000: steady, Meef steers medium and vuvivtj nuu orlme Medium and rood ll.54i l.5o Common 8. 50 ft 11. 25 Lightweight good and choice 18.15 Common and medium 8.004)15.00 Butcher cattle heifer 6.604i 14.75 Cowa 13.60 Cannera and cuttera 5.50lr Veal ealvea .19. 254i 20.50 Feeder ateera 7.004fl2.50 Stockera ateera 10.00 Western range beef steers. 8.00lS.0O Cowa and htlfera 13.00 Sheep Receipts firm.

Lamb 13.75HMS.15 Culls and common 9. 001-13. 5 Ewea. medium good and choice 8.00 Culls and common 6.00 .25 Breeding 7.00ft 13.23 CHICAGO CLOSING MARKETS iornDec, 1.23 1-8; May 1.21. ate Dec.

701; May 72. ortc Jan. 82.80. Lard Oct. 27.30; Jan.

22.92. Ribs Oct. 18.77; Jan. 18.02. CHICAGO PnODlTCK Butter Unchanged; receipts 3,158 tubs.

Creamery extras Firsts Seconds Standards Cheese Unchanged Daisies Twlrm Americas Brick. 7 62c .51 450 .57158 .30 30.c .32 TS2c Kggs receipts 0,489 cases. -v Firsts Ordinary firsts At mark cases included Storage packed firsts Poultry Alive lower Springs Fowls .54 56 45(46c 47 i43 25iC 19 25 Potatoes Steady; arrivals 3 cars; Karly Ohios 2.050 2.80; round whites; Idaho rurals 2.75. MILWAUKEE BUTTER ASiD Butter Creamery extra tubs Prints 4 Firsts 2 Kggs Fresh firsts cases included ..88 50 Wisconsin country candled cases returned 5045l MILWAUKEE GRAIN Wheat No. 1 northern 2.

2.70 No. 2 northern Corn- No. yellow No. 3 white No, 3 Dec, May OatsNo. 2 white No.

3 white 2.55tf 3.62 1.44(1.60 1.4 4 4l' 1.4 4 1. 44 i 1.2 Si 47 ..72 475 ,.70 4f74 No. 4 white lc wJJI May Rys No 8 iiS'! Harley. Wisconsin reed and rejected 1U Unchanjpted, 4 A A It MT 8tock nuoted are of rood merchant, able quality and condition unless oth-erwlaa stated; arrivals are for 34 hour period ending Chicago market thte mornln: Job. blnr prices (

prices on large lot" to Jobbers), tClear. TO at 1:00 a. m. today, local time). Wis.

Minn. 1 arrived. 03 cars on track, Including broken. Demand weather. Sales to Jobbers.

Wisconsin slow, market weaker account warm bulk per ton, Holland Seed 33.00(926.00; bulk per ton. Domestic 1 3.00 20.00. Barrels, 1.752.00; Colorado 100 lb. crates. Danish Seed 2.25.

Red top and timothy mixed2S.00 26.00 Feeding 14.00O16.00 Packing 10.50 till. 00 Rye straw .10.60 11.00 Oats straw 8.00 9.00 MILL8TUFFS Carliol hnn 19.60 Standard middlings 53.00 4 53.50 Red dog 467.00 Oil meal -e 0.0 FlourSnlddllnr 69.00 Rye feed 52.00 All In 100 lb. sacks. VEGETABLES Beets Home grown, per dozen 20 26c. Per bu.

50 ii 60c. Cabbage Home grown, per ton 20.00 Per. brl 1. 00 tl 2.00. Carrots Per dos.

154120c; per bu. 60 J80c, Celery Hoot Home grown, dot. 210 30c. Cucumbers Home grown, per 8e ti 1.00. lull Home grown, per bunch, 50 25c.

Eggplant-Home grown, per crate. 76ce1.25. Oreen Onions Home grown, doa, Ureen Peas Home grown, per bu. 2 0030. Heaa Lettuce Home grown, per bu.

6ocd 1 oo. Horaet adtslt Root, per pound. 10 llo; per bunch, 75V 85c. Lettuce LeaL bonis grown, doaea bunches Leek Home grown, per doa. 100 12c.

Lima Beans Per quart, 40 60c. Mushrooms Per lb. No. 1, 1.151.25 No. 2 tOT.

OnlOna Pickling, boxes 20 lhs. 1.50. Onions Pickling, boxes -20 1.60 432:00. Parsley Home gsown. dox.

10i 12Jc. PeppersHome grown. 76c 1.25. Pickles Home grown, per. 100, 25 40e.

Potatoes Home grown, per 100 2.50(72.76; round white 2.2592.40. Radishes Hono grown. flon bun ches. Sweet Corn Home per 75 lbs. 1.00 1.50.

Spinach Home grown, 5f'7rc. Squash Home grown, per, dox. SOc. Tomatoes Home' crown, per bu. 0 60c.

HAIRY MARKET THURSDAY'S QUOTATIONS Butter Creamery tubs Prints Extra firsts Firsts Poor Dairy Packing stock No. 1 Eggs 6 63 64 .60 .66 58 ..20 etS, .45 47 ..36 gt Current re-ehus. turned 4S ia0 Dirties 35 37 Checks ...32 433 GAME. MEATS ANU POULTRY Lambs, per lb. .........20 Mutton, per lb .14 Poultry Live Springs, fancy Springs, general run Q24 a 18 26 a 25 B27 421 i 24 ti 19 i 29 i 22 i 22 0.00 Hens, heavy 4 I Hens, light General run Roosters and stags Turkeys Oeese, old and young Ducks, old and young Guinea bens, per dos.

old or young Pigeons-Old flyers. Llv per doxen 4V 2.00 Dead 1.25 Live squaba 1.76 S. 00 Dressed 2.60 3.011 Depending on weight and quality, Veal-Carcasses unfit for food are condemn-ed by the health department, regard, less of welahi. s04tll0 lbs. .,,,,,26 Cr27 0f 0 lbs .34 70WI0 lbs, i Oft TO lbs so 423 604T0O lbs.

I (1 -to 0 Poor, heavy and rouRh or off eondW Utwoalvea aold less according to uuai-Hi'. HAt Timothy, choice Kb. 1 3T.60t JS.OO No, 8 No, 1 clover 2.1,00 Light clover, mixed t.voner 36 00 We make a specialty Milling Co. Qduy in nAcirr Plumbing Healing OClDAVIS Phone 328 600 Sixth St. Tho Opening of Our Hew Sforoco Houso "Corner Fourth Street arid Lake Avenue 100-106 Fourth Street Our facilities for storing household goods and merchandise are the best with prices most reasonable.

On or about NOVEMBER let. THE BELLE CITT MILLIN'O CO. (Horlicksville). equipped with the moat modern machinery, will open for the milling of High Grade Flour. General warehouse for storage, packing and shipping.

a) PATENTS Protect Your Inrention By Patents -r MORSFXL KEEXET Solicitors of United States and Foreign Patents and Trad Marks. 803 Majestic Bldg, MOwaake ISM LAKIESDDE STORAGE CO. See usMor the sale of your wheat and rye. of Grinding Feed and are ready to do it now. RALPH LAWRENCE, Prop.

Corner Fourth St. and Lake Ave. Belle City Disappear with a few applications of Becker's Sure-Cure Salve. It's guaranteed. RED CROSS DRUG STORES HORLICK'S DAM I.

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