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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 18

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'I i 3M I 1 I I -i 'THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, SATURDAY, JULY 6, STORE CLOSES SATURDAY AT 12 O'CLOCK. "Correct Dress Feature for Saturday forenoon frojn July Clearance Sates. 1 i Plain and Novelty Silk Waists $2.7 5 That were $6.50 to $15. A clean-up of various stocks, in all colors. I Voile, Batiste and Linger je Waists $2 That were $5 to $7.50.

4 $10 to $25 Cloth Skirts at $5 to $1 2 $10 to $1 5 Trimmed Hats at $2.50 i' For Saturday until noon if they last most unusual values. Wash Frocks $3.50 $5 That were" $6.50 to $16.50, xA Dimity, Gingham, Lawn, Etc i i $1 5 Voile and Batiste Dresses 50 White and colors, lace in two styles. I -i $35 $45 Linen Dresses at $1 7.50 I 1 Hand embroidered, eyelet and open mesh effects. Linen and Mohair Motor Coats $3.75 Values 5 No tale goods on approval, 'Jfourtb abtnue, act 0 LABOR iV 1 'And Capital Combined Paying Tribute To Memory of L- Martin Fox, Union Leader. Samuel Gompers and Others Delivered -Addresses at the Unveiling and Dedication of Monument.

With speakers representing both capital and labor, and with some 300 persons present, ths Martin Fox meinorial erected at Calvary Cemetery, Walnut Hills, by the members of International Holders' Union of North America, was unveiled and dedicated yesterday afternoon. Glowing tributes te the memory of the late President of the Holders Union were paid by Samuel 9ompers. President of the American Federation ef Labor, and the other orators. Several hundred members of the molders' rganlsatlon accompanied by the International officers took special cars to the cem- atery. A speakers' stsnd hsd been erected near tha monument.

The eaerlesee began with Chopin's "Funeral March." by Weber's F. Xalenttne. President International Molders' Union, delivered aa ln- terestlng address, which was followed by the unveiling of the monument. Rev, M. A- Hsmbur-rer made a short sddress and blessed the memorial.

Gomper's Tribute. Mr. Oompers. who was here especially for Qie occasion msde the principal address. during which he laid special emphasis on 'doing right, although the heavens fell." Be said that It was very important that a man see what his duty Is, and then do it gut to the letter.

It- Is necessary for the mpioyer and the employee to see their duties toward each other, and then do It. and-- to avoid antagonizing each other In gn way. be declared. "That during the past few years the employer and the employee have become bet-; tr. acquainted." be said, "and the have more -respect for eaoh other than 'in former rears.

Both sides are Inclined to arbitrate rather than to resort to strike and lockouts, which hss heretofore been the case In a great many Instances." In referring to the late Martin Fox he said he had been well acquainted with trim end had always found him -an upright man. Ha described Mr. Fox as man who always avoided a fight If he but If he had to fight, hs held out for even if Be had to expect temporary defeat. "Being 'a practical business man he brought order out of chaos." said Mr. Oom-pers enthusiastically "when he came to the front In the International Molders Union Of America1! there was a great deal of bad feeling betmjeen the emoployer and the employee, but this was overcame by his good bfluffness Judgment- "Martin Fox was the first one te Intro- duce the contract agreement between the smolders union and the Employers' Association, which In later years meant so much to all concerned." Manufacturer Speaks.

Laxard Kahn, manufacturer, of Hamilton, Ohio, spoke In laudatory terms of Mr. Fox, saying: "Martin Fox waa not a demagogue, like those irresponsible nre-brands. who sometimes assume to'spesk In rhe name of both capital and labor. Fox did not. Shoot through the heavens, score tiding here and there, but like a Good he diffused light, justice and.

warmth everywhere, "He. know that this waa an old and Im-, perfect world He knew that evils are bound to be and that the teat and moat promising reforms, constantly breed a new rop of evils. He knew that there were statural differences between men snd woman; yes. even between brothers." John P. Frey delivered the dedicatory aa-Aress.

speaking on the life of htm In whose memory the monument bad been erected. He said that Martin Fox was a trade unionist te his heart's core. To further trade Unionism he practised the virtues of loyally, fstth fulness and kindness. As President af the Molders. International Union be re-" slsted relentless attacks of those who would festroy the union." Mrs.

Katheiine Mack sang a solo and was accompanied on the organ by Miss I McHugh. MILK ALMOST PTOE. After going through a msss of figures festerdsy. Chief Food Inspector. Bluma decided that the -milk sold la Cincinnati during the first six months of the -year was per cent nearer absolute purity tnan during the-same period last year.

The average was 000,000 germs to the cubic centimeter last year, compared to 2UU.UI0 this yesr. This would mean about, 1:41, 00.008 less germs In average glass or tnilk. ITEWPOKT -WOMAH'S LOSS. Mrs. William Oliver, 124 Kan Fourth street, Newport, reported to the ponce yesterday that she hsd either lost or hsd been robbed ef white linen handbag eon-taJnlng flu while shopping In this city.

rOBGOT THEIR KEY. 'Burglars who robbed ths Jewelry store of 'Camptsl. 31i4 -John street. -early Friday morning-- left a duplicate in the lock. The thieves) secured about f23 worth of I (Blunder.

1 For Women" $6.35 and $8.50. reserved or exchanged. SUFFRAGE DEBATE DELAYED Aatr Speaker Couldn't Be Present-j-Suffragist- Defended the Cause, "The" enemy' did hot come to the sufi- frags headquartsrs. 411 Race street, las so there 'was no debate, as hsd bei scheduled, i At the close pf the debate las Thursday evening the i suffragists were challenged by a Mr. Hooper, who wanted to eotn thl.

uw. I "111 wflin inai w. called out of town, but woudld debate with them next week. Mrs. Von Klense.

whe presided at the meeting last 'night, made wis announcement. She said that when they nau received the word from Mr. Hooper yearsraay sne and Bettie Wilson, th4 Secretary af. the Woman's Suffrage party! visited, the headquarters of the antlsufl snd Invited them to a debate last night. They declined because of the short notice.

V- I I A number of men snd women were at the meeting and at the suggestion of Attorney Henry W. Backus Mrs. Von Klense took up the point rslsed at the debate last week by Dr. Bchoenle that If women had the vote they would blindly follow ths advlc of preachers, thus malting the divines powers in politics, and i that prohtbttloq would be the Inevitable result. Mrs.

Von Kltaue declared that, though 'tha prohtMi tlon question confronted one at every street corner, tne attitude of the Woman's Suf frage party toward the liquor question, So4 clajlsm, single tax and all social and po- Utlcal questions: waa that of strict impart tlallty; that they stood for political equal-; Ity on the same footing aa men. and would not use their franchise If they got It to support one question any more than men do; that they would vote as their conscience snd Judgment snd training dictated, jiot as women, but as individuals. POLITICAL GOSSIP. i Judge Charles J. Hunt and Fred L.

Hoff man. Thomas H- Kelley, Clyde P. John son and Albert Morrill met with the Cu palgn Committee of the nonpartisaa Judicial ticket yesterday afternoon. It waa agreed that candidates, should not circulate peti tlona for their own nominations, but that the petitions should be put in the hands of those who would circulate them, by Thosj Bentbam. the member of the commltti who has charge of this.

I The slogan of the campaign will be, "Tsk the Judiciary out of politics," and every ef4 fort will be made to thoroughly explain not only the present movement, but the' yearrj of effort behind It. which resulted In the psasage of a bill by the 'last Legislature which provided that the names of cent didates for Judges appear on a separate ballot and that they have no party deelgna tlon. The comnrittee- claims that this IS literally and in spirit carrying the rses statute Into execution. I The question of finances wss discussed, and It, was decided that the expense of the campaign will be borne from voluntary con tributions of cltlsens who believe In the pur-4 pose of the movement, and who wish to see Judges entirely free from all partisan ob-j ligations. Therefore.

the Bar Association will not be asked to set aaide any part of Its funds for the Those mem bers of the bar who desire to help the movement will be ssked to contribute. It was found that there are MK lawyers in Cincinnati or doing business In this county, but a number dt these are not actively en-gsged tn the practice of law, and therefore were not qualified to lake part In the selec tion of the five Candida tea From a can rasa of the list the committee believes there! are about U0 lawyers engaged In the prac-j tie of law in Hamilton Of these 8A voted on the first ballot and gst on the! second ballot: -other refrained from votlrur- feeling that -ta-V, were already committed- to-the Democratic candidates. From this It appears that 'three quarters or more, of; the lawyers of the county feel thst It is! worth while to participate In a movement to take the Judiciary out of politics, and mi number of business- men and- others Inter-; ested in civic affairs have already expressed their Interest In- the movement and their desire to carry It forward to success. The Civil Service' examination for 'Chief' Deputy Building Inspector wss held yes- terdsy. Harry Hake and W.

H. Stewart; acting as special examiners. The appll cants srere Newton Tebow. the present In cum bent; R. 8.

Crapsey, 3nuo Columbia avenue, and Harry W. Braucb, 818 Hawthorne avenue. 1 Charles McDevttt. was appointed bnok-j keeper: In the City Auditor's office yester-terday to succeed A. 'Dorks, resigned.

McDevltt waa selected from the Civil Service Hate. 1 The Beard o( Elections decided at a meet ing yesterday to hold registrations at the City Hall August 18, IT. IB and 30, from tt to 2 and from 4 to clock. This registration will be for -those who want to rote on the new constitution at the special election September a. Only- those whe moved since the primaries or who were not regis tered at that time will be obliged to regis ter.

Tha board also decided on an addition of preclnct-j In the city. .4 in -Norwood and In -i. B. OF PE0BE TO DAY, "The special Investigating committee of the Board of Education, which la probing Into the charges of irrrgulnritles in the building of public schools. Will Its work to-day.

The Rlcbter Electric Com pany, accused of not fulfilling its contract! according- to specification will place witnesses on the eta ad in rebuttal ef the testimony given by Garfield Winkler, of the Devere Electric Company, who made a personal investigation of all work done by the concern. XZED VACATION TTTITD. An appeal -has been sent out by ths "Working Boys West Ninth avenue. tor assistance in raising runaa to five ths lads weekend outings during the heated season. Ths sua required Is 130.

OPPOSED -1 By Republican Member Proposed Half. Slillion Dollar Bond Issue Is Deferred. Mullen Charged It Is Merely a Political Campaign Move. Peck H0U7 Deaied This, sod Declared It Is Needed For Street Repairs Council Proceedings. The opposition of ths Republican 'mem bers prevented the suspension of rules and the pesssge of Majority Leader Feck's $300,000 bond Issus ordinance at the spe cial meeting of Council yesterday afternoon.

Thia money waa Intended for repairs and- general street Improvements In all parts of the city and Mr Peck threw all his eloquence Into the speech he made. showing the "terrible condition of Cincinnati streets." 'j Councilmaq the minority leader, after asking Mr. Peck some genaral ques tions about, the proposed bond launched Into a tirade against ths issue, saying the ordinance, was merely for politi cal campaign purposes and 'that there waa plenty of money asked for In the Mayor's budget, nearly HO00UO. which would be ample to take care of all street resurfacing and repelling during the coming year.i Ha wanted Mr. Peck to name the' streets that were to be improved and said unless this waa done he would' vote against a sus pension of the I Peck denied rather heatedly that there was any politics in the bond Issue, i He told of the streets that -had been paved during.

the recent Republican administration, which, he alleged. were now unfit for trafll c. "This Is a matter. aaid he, "where politics should not be considered, but where we should all remember we are cltlsens of Cincinnati and working for the common i Challenged By Peck. i "The fact that the1 Improvements will be made under this administration 'should not prevent you from i voting for them Republicans and Democrats win get the credit alike and I challenge any of you to go back to your constituents and say you voted against this I measure, which means better streets for our city without special assessments to be paid for by property owners.

I Councilman Cook and -Eckert both op posed the ordinance, the latter saying It was like "throwing 'a half million Into ths If the bond issue srere ssed without first naming tha streets thst were to be Improved. I Councilman Deal said the Republicans had been In charge of the streets of Cincinnati for the past twenty-six years, and when the Democrats came Into power six months ago they found the thoroughfares In a more deplorable condition than they had ever been before. He did not believe a. Big Offer From F. B.

DTER. 1 anciAL DtsraTca to me sxoxmsx. .,1 Boston. July 8. F.

B. Dyer, Superin tendent of the public schools of Cincinnati, will leave that dty to" accept a similar position aa head of the public school system of Boston. Superintendent has promised to accept the offer when formally presented. as wilt be done lnj the near future. Hie present salary In 'Cincinnati The Boston offer is approximately Some six weeks ago.

fearing that ther would lose Superintendent the Cln- ON WAY FROM ALTAR Bride Learned of Falsity of Husband's Claims, and She Left Him. bpccial nisrjTcn To ras axoenwa. Chicago, I1L. July 5. Circuit Court .1.

fidala are seeking 'john or Jobs Evans, the eight dollar-a-week pack Ins clert; who January 18 married Miss Lillian Miscnner unaer prejenae.that he was an adopted son of. Jtfdgel Michael Evana and ah Intimate friend of Pope. Archbishop Quigley and Bishop Muldoon. Hs I told the girl his Judge Michael Evans, was to be made Mayor of Cincinnati, and promised all her. family lu crative political and rther poaitiona through his weaitn and influence.

His wife learned of the deception on the way home from church and never- lived -with him. She la now suing for divorce as soon as service can be bad upon him. SQTTLBE BELL'S BUST DAT. Yesterday Bell's busy day. From to 11 o'clock in the morning and from 2 to 4:90 In the afternoon' 112 cases came ap before htm for trial.

Among these waa one ejectment case, fifty-five eases brought by County-Treasurer William Hopkins for tha collection of personal taxee, one personal Injury case, one cm- besalemeat aad -miscellaneous civil sctlons. The case of "Clifford Mueller vs. Klein A Cohn for, personal Injuries wss disposed of. Squire Bell' giving Judgment for 5I 40 for the plaintiff. The trial of W.

V. Carey, broker, on the charge of em-besxling (1.000, preferred by Charles E. Bultman, waa postponed until tils mornlns. Accepted one cent of the money would be wasted by the present administration- Chairman Committee on Streets and Parka said ao distinction would be 'shewn between the- Democratic aad Republican that streets would be improved wherever needed. Councilman Sawyer also spoke favorably en the measure, saying even the Republicans sdmltted the streets needed repairing, but feared to allow the Democrats the enedit of doing the work.

When the question was put to a vote It stood eighteen to seven foe. the suspension of rules, not enough by isix votes. Mr. Peck Immediately called a public hearing on the question before the Ways and- Means Committee. This will ne neia afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Traffic OMlMn or Laid" Over. The traffic ordinance proposed by Councilman Bernlng. which has ths approval of Safety Director Cash and Chief of Police was referred bsekvto the Committee on Streets and Bernlng bad seat each member of Council a copy of the measure, but several of them said they did not have time to read it over carefully. Councilman Reynolds, whe hsa all along been opposed to a traffic ordinance, wanted the' matter referred- to the Committee on Ways snd Means, but Minority Leader Mul len, after praising the erork or tne committee on Streets and Parka, and the Interest lta had taken In 'street traffic regulations amended Reynolds's motion and moved to have the ordinance go back to the Streets snd Parks Committee until the members shall have an opportunity to study It. A public hearing will be- held on the ordinance July 30 at 2 n.

m. The ordinance against public drinking cupe passed. There Is no Intention ef having this go right Into effect, but Be ins. the father of the measure, believes the Deonle should be educated op 'to it eraduallv. It la possible ths factories and mills of tha city will be sent a number of paper and other Individual cups to show ths workmen how easy tt la to observe the new measure.

I An ordinance creating a number of new positions In the Building Department was referred to the Committee on -Ways and Means. A new 'comfort I station, at Mc-Micken avenue and Walnut street was authorised. The communication from R- Crawford. request lng'that an ordinance be passed preventing the keeping 01 fowl within tha city limits wss filed. Councilman Koch spoke against thle proposed measure.

The Park Commissioners authorised to purchase a fS00 automobile delivery For Public Band Concerts. Councilman Befning's ordinance, limiting the amount of money to be spent on public band concerts to 12.500, passed. The Bin tng Fund Trustees were authorised to handle the money of the police relief and firemen's pension fund. Council authorised the payment of tha 8.xx expanses .01 tne canal arbitrators- 1 1 The Advisory Commission of Convention Hall, which waa given 0900 by Council for a trip to various citlea to study municipal auditoriums, will leave. August Tu Ths Mayor will be a member of the party.

salary of a clerk and stenographer In the Public Service Department waa fixed at n.200. and the salary of the bookkeeper in the Wsteitworks Department eras placed at S125 a month. Resolutions of necessity calling for tha expendlturei of about 28V 000 for street and sewer improvements were passed. An ordinance approved by the Committee en Finance, to Increase the salary of the Assistant City Engineer from S3.000 to fa.X a year. faUed to pass after Council.

man. White spoke against It. He said the salary that satisfied previous Engineers who held tha position eras big enough for the present Incumbent. Mr. Peck wss In favor of this measure, aad whan It failed to psas he moved for am immediate adjournment until Tuesday evening, tout the members voted against him almost unani mously.

I A special meeting of Council will be held Friday attemoon at 3 clock. I 1 Boston By Supt Dyer cinnatl officials Increased bis to $8,600. While he accepted the Increase with apparent thankfulness. It was known that' he' expected and this encouraged the Boston peopm to renewed efforts to secure his -services with final suc cess, Several weeks ago. a number, of Boston educators, visited Cincinnati and eon-ferences with Superintendent Dyer.

-Ha was arged to come to this dty ax a in crease in salary. He turned down the offer, however, under assurance that substantial Increase In his salary would be made by the Cincinnati board. If Shortly after the return if this commit tee of educators the matter was Intrusted to-a former member of the Boston board. a man of wealth, who has taken great' In terest In the public schools of this He "em on a secret mission to Cincinnati, 'authorised to go to any limit to secure the services of Superintendent Dyer. A private conference was held at which the Boston emissary finally offered a salary of 12.000 Superintendent Dyer hesitated, later consented to hsve his name presented to the Boston board.

Thia will be done at the meeting, and Superintendent Dyer has said that he will accept wheav this formal offer la made to him. By the desire of Superintendent Dyer and also of the Boston men-active la the move ment to secure his set vices ths aegotlationa nave -neen gept secret. It Is 'doubtful "if any inxjing oi superintendent Dyer's la- tended change has reached ihs members of the Cincinnati board, aad ft wfll certainly os: great surpnae to ths People of that dty. WOUNDED of TW CsJlad at Hos'tl'Vo Treatment Remorseful and penitent patrtota' who toyed with firecrackers and unreliable blank cartridges yesterday called at the City Hospital to have their injuries dressed, which, mostly, were, only trifling. JoBn of 122fi Walnut j-rtreet.

burned his left hand with a firecracker. Mendel Nason, aged to. of 1421 Central avenue burned bis neck with a firecracker. Rnyl mond DeWitt. -aged i.

of 905 Sycamore street, suffered a powder burn of ths left arm from a cracker. From the same cause. Seerge Snyder, aged 2. of Township suffered a' burn of the" left hsid and Charlea Fuller, agsd 19, Langdon shot himself. the finger with the wad a blank cartridge.

-iAreds dug West ciirt left band 'burned. Howard Bairey. IS, 10M Tine street, rlgnt band burned" by explosion of cannon Dave Fred man. JIT West Fifteenth burna on right left. arm.

Barney Meyerie. 1200 Bremen street, burns oa right hand. 1 -The condition- of Rev. C. W.

emmm- who waa severely Injured ea the evening at July 4 while watching the fireworks display at Eden Park, by, a falling skyrocket, was reported much lmoraved at the last -f en 1 Straw Hats HaU ef Equal Quality Are Sola All Aroand up ts 43.00. T.1 1 1 1 It la very difficult to make It clear, on paper, that. our tl.30 Straw Hats are absolutely as good ss hats sold In other stores st snd KLftO. Vou must see the Hats to be convinced of this set. Then you'll know.

See the new Sennits, with narrow bands high crowns. See the Rouen Strawa. saw and cable edges. See the 80ft Straw Hats. Everything that la aew, stylish and ap to ths hour.

Alms Doephe Store BsaaaB'sBBaa'SBaa'MMWWB'SBaS'BaS'Bsaa''SBaaa'SBaSB'ss Closes at 12 OTlocIt To-Day Please Do Your Buying Before Thai Hour. Zbc Hints Boepfee Co CAMPS I'l'i Searched For the Negro Held Up Twa Caaplea aid Attempted Te Assault Wamca Crowd Ttoeatened SaspeeL i I Locklaad, 'Wyoming and Reading Police Departments made every possible 1 effort yesterday to capture tha i colored highwayman who held us Homer Kuntx and Edna Towner Tuesday i night and Thomaa Dart- sell and Maria Hall on Thursday night Not content with robbing tha men the negro attempted to assault the women, but waa frightened away before he' could ac complish his purpose. i Uaratui Haiuiiev. ef Iiochlsnd. and Of Hear McDuffy.

'of secured automooile early In- the day and visited camps where' ealored laborers are employed tn the v-ldnlty of Hamilton. Haalewood. Wastervtlle and "We were unable to get any Information eonosrnlng the negro whe robbed DartnaU end Kuntx." said the Marahal last night. "Pfone OX IM SCOWS I wwrw saw answered the deseriptloa of the man While the country north of Locklaad was being scoured for the highwayman Marshal Hagel aad the police of searched for the criminal la that village and vicinity. The search, waa without re-.

suit. i i Owen Johnson, the negro who was arrested eariy yeetsrday morning by Officer mwtA MWken UB In thS Wyoming Jail, was released after Kunta. Dartneu. auss xowner ana s-a-iuu failed -to Identify in. him the maa who had naaii Mavor.

Brown. of land, conducted 'the. examination of John- aon. and. seeing Miss Hall hesitate to males a statement after sne naa scrutuuseu negro's countenance, lequaafd Marshal ni.

mui over nis tacse. Mlas Hall shock her head and the Mayor ordered the man MaMiMtiM I mi eoihe on. a crowd collected in front i of the Jail and thraers were maoe laurut lonuwn. few minutes Marshal Dlstler. sddreesina; mm mtmtmA hf Ka ain had been exonerated and his release Mandy Johnson, mother of tne man.

teu on-ner knees In front of the Jail door ana return eo thanks. The crowd dispereed ss quickly as It hsd formed, I DEPOSITORIES 1 For County Funds To Be Divided Into Two Claasee -Comrnls- sfoners' Meeting. Two, claaaiQcationa wUI be made In bank depositories by the County Commissioners an- receipt of bids next month. They will be classed and; The inactive depositories will be -those offering the highest rate of Interest, aa ths money deposited there will not out by the Treasurer. 'The balance In the County Treasury never geta below 11.300.

WW, and this amount erlU hereafter "be kept in in active depoettortee. The actlvw depoaltoriea wilT be rhoee' containing tne remainder-of the county funds, i About 28 banks win be selected ss county depositories when' the beds are 'It-': The County Commissioners decided year tar day that they would participate In the trip jof the' Cincinnati Commercial Association the Hamilton County Experimental Station. Jwb miles above Mtc Healthy. The association, will leave square neat Tuesday afternoon In special -cars. A.

P. Secretary -of trfttata Board of Agriculture, and Prof. Thome, who la In charge of all Ohio experimental larms, will address the assoclatioa. The board awarded 'the following con- tracta: Culvert. on JLeaoing roan.

near Sherman avenue, L. Stander, 1 repair Cashbaum Brtage. on rtiue rocs piaa. H. Wester man, 337: repair Blue hock piae.

H. Wee terms glkO; oiling Hamilton pike. In Springfield Township, Breelln, J1 m. If j- Plana and speclncatlona for, the following Improvements were approved Bridges and culverts on Batavia pike, i estimated cost, I7-8TO; CI eves and Warsaw pikes, estimated cost. g7.l3t: Improvement ef Symmestown': estlmateaV, cost.

An estimate of as the cost of i Im proving the Montgomery through the village of SUyerton was referred to tha board until the members-can visit ths plaoa Jamea Reeves. Harry- Floyd and Jamea Marrow were appointed courthouse paint ers at a -salary or wi per week each. They- ertll be engaged In renovating the courthouse while the Courts are adourned. Following yesterday session the board msde an Inspection trip, visiting several places In the eastern of tha county where improvements have been petitioned for by cltlsens. A FULL WATER WAGON Must Be Assured the First Begiaaat TJ-ariaf Lonf arch.

One, of the difficulties which must be overcome by those arranging for the over land march of the First Regiment. O. IS. O. to Ft.

'Ancient. Ohio. Is the securing of the water supply. Colonel W. C.

Meyer, of the reglmefit, announced last night. Three camps will be made on the name number of nights during the trip, and water will be needed not only for cooking but to quench thayhlrst ef 500 men and officers along ths rosea. A large water wagon will- accompany the marchers. To make arrangements for the supply and also for the camp sites, colonel Meyer. Captain Arthur Pfau.

Regimental Adjutant Captain Thompson. Lieutenant Colonel Glency and Major Wehr. of ths Hospital Corps, will make an all-day auto tour next Wednesday along the line of- march. If Dr. Wehr ts not satisfied that the wells snd springs, which will be selected aa the source of supply are not free' from the typhoid fever germs, he may take samples and test thsm.

PIONEER In Wholesale Butter and Busi- ness, S. J. Stevens, Died in SanitariumWife la Europe. After several years' Illness S. J.

Stevens, SL pioneer Cincinnati wholesale butter aad cheese merchant, died yesterday morning at the Cincinnati Sanitarium. For tha last t0 years he waa a factor in ths commis sion business of. this dty, waa th owner of the 8. 3. Bt evens Company, at 37 Walnut street.

He left quits 'd fortune. Mr. Stevens began his career aa. a book keeper for the old firm, of Banning Broa butter and cheese merchants. In the early sixties, later becoming a partner in the concern.

About 1ST the firm dissolved, and It la said that Stevens's share at that time eras keO.OOO. Then be went Into business for himself under the name of 8. Company, and at his retirement, about Bve years ago, his sons continued it- About two months ago his wife and -two sons. Denton end Clarence, sold the business to J. Murvthlll dt and since then have moved to Sheboygan.

where 'the sons have directed their attentions toward the building ud of a cheese and butter business. Stevens and her asugnter. Miss) Helen, left for Europe several weeks sgo snd are sojourning In Swltserland. Attorney. John B.

Bruce was "is icgai suvtser I or the last S3 years. The funeral will be in charge 'of Under-taker C. Epply. The funeral arrange-menta will hot be completed until hia rw.t sons tnm morning. TO PAT TODD'S SALA1T.

The Anti-TubereulOAla Imh. tributed. Km toerartj the aalary of R. E. Tedd.

of Xmt Vrvkr ea- Pert. who waa brought here te study eoav-ditlons and suggest remedlea. Building vwnnaaKmr napp wss wen pleased tnat Todd will be retained here until hi. w- a compietea. tfte league believes Todd nua uf evils of unsanitary houses Roa- en.uoiqman, xaie 'graduate and Harvard law.

student, who recently ssked Mayor iu- v. is aaiatmg Tooa tn his work. 1TTJST SI0S COKTTSSTnsTS faWtr-rsl tthlnaasrt w-ti kmk- wt -re h.HZM tLBQ Ism SB aajtaale. nwsa eatuiieaiiuasj inej WW cheating their eustomera. and tilt thim -v saa easrva 1UIUIV -CPHIBiaUl IS KfV mAM vviMf nviis sag i is tIIltCT.

Sterling" Rubber Collars The acme of perfection In water proofed Ifnen-lnter lined Cni- iorm ana ample tin space. A au pertor white 1 i a a finish which doec not crack or dls- color; wearing iualitiea and up-to-date seo cemta. i "New Wei" Rubber Collar i Made of a cloth-interlined material almilar to the "STERLING," bat' light. er in weight. .15 sailed RELIABLE RUBBcJt EOO0S Xbe Clsisarcli Cafe, -aUBCajrnLa ussabt gtoe, WiLXlT gT." rioset J-a dies' XMalag Rhb Is fm Wetra er-er 'tea I a '-a.

Ciganticz rr en Clearance Speckal to II af VJL OPEN TO Xettletoa. mtn'i except T.0 to 1.M Gradea now. g.00 aad now Mtn'M 7Se Silk So not. dJ 47c 40S to Gradea now 'S HAIR GOODS Give Lasting Satisfaction Our Are MAIN STREET. Largest Manufacturing Hair French-Bauer luttermifk it Fresh from our Churns i It's pure product of our churnery.

we are making dally several tons of our fancy Qamr Blossom Creamery Butter. This is why everybody's drinking it. Sold everywhere. Plain 5c Quart Canal 2376. FroncK Bros.B&ucr Cat A MOT: BMBGE Ideal Picniciin Place on the Picturesque Kentucky River.

A aoO-Mile fliAc Through the 111 no Grass Costatry. Mtasic HGH BRIDGE PARK Pop-alar Airs. Sceclal Train leavea antral Union StaUon A. Ludlow. i Ky, A.

BECKtgr.Caerl fa VLi SUL 5HL HEAT WEARY? TIIY ZARIOItA TEA ICED It roolii' arid ln1ffntw-caii no u- ptcMtuit sfter -effects; keeps you cool 't sorafr thain any other bvcrag. Zamora Ta strictly, product and' therefor contains bo artificial coloring or flavorins subataaccs i i 10c Per Package at ftll L.B., AtLEN CO. CtSCIJJIATI. Rechcky Csrlshtj Spring ttsssESsrateg)- DRY RIDGE KY. SS Mi to Io-Cincinnati oa Cincla.

-aatl Soathesm RallMssd. mu, oti onir la iae United States, but in the world- We never "i isuia. sivs reuex 10 one case ot Rheomatum. Brlcht's Disease. Stomaea.

Kldner. Lfver or Bladder Trouble. We are prepared to alve all kinds ef oetna. but drinklnc t' water Is' where ou set vcair permaaent relief. This Is a reet place to spend ur -vacation.

Ths water restoree vver uir.u tk. rnvrnLl' OUTXXliiOa. -Bead for knnblwF J. B. SANDERS, President, DRV RIDCE.

KY. i Te.Maa -atefreakla Driak aa tss World, Ht-TTlr: At -i 9 Oxfords TO-DAY Mf. Clapp, rtoatOBlara Makes rTepr Oxfords. Tait, White) or Black. reducJ Ground Grippert).

8.M Gradea U4 Gradea Lot Mew's Oxford, Tats aad Black, Ctradee 9tm 2.95 LONG SWITCHES, DOUBLE BRAIDS, TRANSFORMATIONS, LADIES' WIGS, GENTS' WIGS and TOUPEES, POMPADOURS, PUFFS, CURLS, ETC MODEMATK PRICKS FOR THE BEST. -tor tnd Eairtfressinf Parlors Open Until 6:30 P.M. Saturdays. OPP. Cooda Retailers In tha World.

Craamed 10c Quart SEEYA SDIIDAY July A. M. LT srer Aavtst. CtaetaaaH. Ohl- jflj SEE iils EXCURSION nATLT.ALCniDGE,KT.

AXO RETCR.V jjlt uti Via K. OCv. Fpecisi tits leaves from Foortb st statics a a. scopptas at Cvrtumxon. L-stfwa Bvtler.

Valasestk, Berd. Eenr. CJ thiaaa. Paxla aad Wlacaestr Gras Tmowataia wasei soatlas and flL" Tickets ea sals st depots or Ticket OfTJoa. Tsautk aad Via Hatea UoteL Notice! The r-alotm SarlBga Bank A Co.

para taterast oa aaving' rate of per cent. Interest semi-annually. On money itfi wt seimt uiy ivu, cieeutea tom July X. Pccaicntas Smokeks njRNACE-KANGE-CRA 7" ROUND I TRIP I I s-vZAM0RA TEA n.f-oriTHOin.50 It.

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