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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 9

Cincinnati, Ohio
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TAXING Of Cotton Futures lay Pass the House if Terms Are Modified. Conferees Believe Plan Will Be Retained in Tariff Measure as a Regulatory Provision As Well as Revenue Raising Feature Most of Sundries Schedule Pushed Through.'n. September 16. Modification tlm Senate's cotton futures tax amendment to the tariff bill, to make the provision acceptable to the House, will be con-Mci red by the Tariff Conference Commlt- t- within a day or two.

Informal discussion of the subject lias developed the fact that the House probably would accept the plan jif taxing trades In cotton futures, if the terms of the larke amendment, adopted by the Senate, were modified. A substitute for the Clarke submitted to the conferees to-day by Representative Lever, of South Carolina. Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, would provide that the tax of one tenth of one per cent per pound, or 30 cent? per bale, shall not be assessed where the cotton contracts call for the regular Government grades and such grades are actu-all delivered, or where the difference In price is paid If another grade is delivered. This and other changes will be in the belief that the cotton futures amendment finally will be retained as a regulatory provision as well as a revenue-raising feature. The tariff conferees pushed through the sundries schedule of the tariff bill to-day, reaching agreements on most of its provisions.

The differences between House and senate over hat, photographic films, -works of art, furs un.l several other Important 1 tenia weie left for later action. The House members accepted the Senate amendments putting gunpowder and fulminates on the free list, making changes in the method of assessing duties on laces, and putting harness and saddlery on the tree list. The Senate receded from its amendment putting chamois, calfskins and similar leathers on the free list, and accepted the House rate of 1.1 per cent. The Senate also consented to reduction In the rates It had fixed on glove. Chairman I'nderwood, of the House conferees, expressed the WlleV- to-hJght yutt there would be no great differences between the members of the two houses over Income tax where the Senate materially increased the rate of tax on large Incomes.

Owing to the large number of amendments to the text of the income tax section, however. It Ls expected that, some time will be spent by the conferees In perfecting the measure to prevent confustun in the administration of the law. POMERENE ON WARPATH. Ohio Senator May Pit Himself Against Finance Committee. HI'BCIAI.

DIsrATCH To TBS KXQCIBRS. Washington, September If the menacing mood which took possession of Senator Pomereno, of Ohio, to-day. develops with the passage of time, he will pit himself against the Finance Committee of the Senate when the report of the tariff conferees Is submitted within' the next week or 10 days. Pomerene learned on his return to Washington this morning of the action of the conferees in eliminating from the tariff hill the provision removing the exemption enloyed by California wine producers from the payment of 1 lo a gallon on the brandy used In the fortification of wine, a tax which the Ohio wine growers are compelled to pay. The Ohio Senator claims to have received durance from Chairman Simmons, of the Finance Committee, atid the head of the conferees on the tariff, that no ac-t on would be taken on his amendment uithotit allowing him to appear before the Committee.

To-day he was In-fumed that the crfnferees are listening to no more arguments either from Senators or Representatives. He- reminded Simmons of his pledge not to dispose of the spirits amendment without a hearing, and Simmons promised to iv. him a final answer to-morrow, ir the Ohio Senator is permitted to tell his side of the story to the conferees he will not air the matter before the Senate at this time. But If lie Is turned down he threatens to appeal to the Senate. The Ohio wine producers are not giving hope without a Ktruggle.

TP-day they enlisted the aid of Senator Burton, who returned from Europe yesterday. GOEKE FINDS OMISSION Which May Nullify Effort To Place Cream Separators on Free List. lAt. nikPATl-ll TO THS BSQCIBES. Uashington.

September KepZT tue J. II. Ooeke. of Wapakoneta, Ohio, to- discovered an omission In Bena'e i kiii which be thinks might nullify the efforts of Congress t- i lace cream separators on the free list villi other farm Implements. Th- House 1.111 made no exceptions In separator, free of duty, but the Senat- added the provision.

"Valued at not exceeding The intention of the Sen-Bl. amendment Is to admit the beaPe' I'Hratorr free, but to charge duty on iios. cost ins; more than 73. look-, however, believes that as the amendment now reads possible for an appraiser of customs to interpret the wu to mean that the shipment of must not be valued at more than J3m admitted free. He will ask the Conference Committee muke the exemption specific.

inserting ttoid -each" after, the 3. a INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE May Be Reorganized as Soon a Tariff Bill Passeg. Washington. September lft-Tne Internal venue Service probably will be reorgan ied a goon as the new tariff bill Is Mf" Preparatory to administering the in' t' tne tax provisions of the law. Resignation of several collectors of Internal- re ve- wno nave been holding over R'Puhiicau administration are expected to "eepted as one of the first steps, a ieereury McAdoo has been slow, In mas I wpPng reorganisation of this serv.

lce bcause, with the coHsctJon-of the la- I i I 1 K' t- THE CINCINNATI WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, .1913 r. 9 come tax in vfew. he has considered only uUiiy ana constructive expe rience With the law on the statute books, however, it la said he quickly readjust the organisation. He now Is considering the appointment of a commission of experts to assist Commissioner of Internal Revenue Osborn in the task of organization. The Secretary is favorable to the bili pending in Congress for the increase of the salaries of collectors in certain Urge districts from JUraio tn tAiari i i that the office and field force of the Commissioner will be increased by 300 employees.

PRISON, CAREER ENDS. Death Removes James Vogue, For 34 Years a Convict In Indiana Pen. STECIAl. IttSrATCH 1 HE ENOXIEKR. Laporte.

September Vo-gus, oldest prisoner in point of service in the Michigan City Prison, died this morning. Vogus served 34 years without a mark against his record. He was one of the first men defended by Senator John W. Kern. Vogus killed his father, who was Sheriff of Howard County, Indiana, when the latter remonstrated with him about being In a saloon.

Vogns's relatives refused to make any efforts to secure him. his liberty, and he became reconciled to ending his days tn prison, though frequently expressing a wish for Just a few days of liberty. A year ago. to gratify the old man. Warden Fogarty took Vogua on an automobile ride, to show him street cars and automobiles, neither of which he had seen.

i WRIGHT PLEADS GUILTY Of Swindling Texas Man Out of and Is Fined $300. Council Bluffs. Iowa, September 16 Joseph E. Wright, of San Antonio. Texas, today pleaded guilty In the Cnlted 8tates District Court 0f swindling T.

E. George. r9 1 "i --wiiunio, out oi on a raxe wrestling match. Wright was fined which was paid. Wright Is the last to be convicted of the principals in the larger operations of J.

C. Maybray and his associates, whose swindling schemes with fake athletic events aggregated fl.lNM.IXlO. DAUGHTER Adopted By "Big Tim" Says She Will Bring Suit For Her Part of Congressman's Two Million Dollar Estate. TE( 1AL DOriTCB TO THE ENUCIEEE. New York.

September 16. The will of the late Timothy D. Sullivan, which was made public to-day by hki lawyers, leaves an estate valued at about Since the will was made two of the beneficiaries have died Helen Sullivan, his wife, and Mary Ann Summers, his sister. The entire estate now goes in equal shares to his brother. Patrick H.

Sullivan; his half-brother, Lawrence Mulligan; his half-sister. Mrs. Margaret Hickey, and to the children of his deceased sister, Mrs. Considerable awprise was manifested when it became known thatpo mention, was made in '-the will of the representa-' tlve adopted wMj announced after" the reading of the will that she would bring suit for her part of the -estate. SPARK Is Blown Into Cannon hen Actors Are Preparing To Take Moving Picture of Play and Producer Is Burned.

H'll lU pisrATCH TO TBS ESQCISKB. New -York, September Id. Wilfrid North one of the best-known moving-picture pro ducers in the country, was burned and pos slbly made permanently blind this afternoon when the brass cannon over which he was bending on the float of the Atlantic Yacht Club, Sea Gate, exploded. North and a company of. actors and ac tresses were preparing to take the moving nlctures of a film play to be known as "Miss Tom Boy." a feature of which is to be the start of a yacht race-North had placed powder in the cannon which was to have been fired as a signal for the starting of the race, and was pour ing In flour to make a denser smoke lor fllm Durooses.

when it is believed that a spark from a cigarette held by one of the was blown into the cannon. flare flame swept across North knocking him down. Walter Van os trand, who was to have taken a pan in me play, also was burned. BANK TELLEP ACCUSED Of Embezzling 1 1,744 From Balti more Bank Speculation JJiamea. n.i.imnrc.

September C. I'hler teller of the Park Bank, was held by the grand Jury to-day on a charge of embesslement. It is ciiargea in.i fud. of the bank. IU.744 jMta si rriuic.

bv o-day by President John A. Baer. of the bank, and saw ne The Directors, it was said, made good the shortage. Detectives are seeaing umer. who Is supposed to be still In the state.

RAIN BLOCKS PROGRAM. Perry Centennial Celebration at Cleve land To End To-Day. dren conceri the Armory 7 an Ulusirawa lake 1 front to-night were the only part? of n.dav's program which the committee wire -able to carry out. Intermittent ahoweiu througnoui me rauimns vwiseu the postponements of the other events scheduled. A big military parade to-mor row will be the feature of the closing day nn-v mntenntal celebration.

Of tm ciljr KENTUCKXAN TAKES POISON. "Richmond. SepUmber iS--The dead kv was found in bed In his room the Glyndon Hotel here to-day-by O. a Corsellus. proprietor.

Campbell had -t the hotel since Saturday, evening. Vrwo empty botUes of chloroform and an twUunce bottle of. carboUc add found. A PLEA To Protect Schools In Rural Districts Made By Governor Cox. Educational Decay Is Feared By Chiet Warnes Bill Decreases the Number of Employees, Instead of Creating Number of Offices, Declares Executive $17,000 Struck From Pay Roll.

srreiiL diktatcs. to the enquires. Lancaster, Ohio, September Hi. Pointing to four changes in the State Government. Governor James M.

Cox. in a speech here to-night, asserted they are the fundament als of the progressive movement in Ohio. The Executive said they were the consul idation of departments, begun under Gov ernor Harmon; a larger measure of regula tion, a new policy with respect to Industrial accidents, typified by workmen's compensa tion, and work to solve the problems of; rural and city life. The occasion was a banquet of the Lan caster Chamler of Commerce, and Attorney-General Timothy S. Hogan and Secretary of State Charles H.

Graves also were s-peakers. The Governor devoted his entire time to an exposition of the workings of new and proposed laws, touching Incidentally on the referendum, but dwelling more especially on the school survey and the operation of the Warnes taxation act. As an example of economics that may be accomplished by consolidation of departments, the Governor asserted that on its first day of operation the Industrial Commission struck from the annual pay roll of the departments combined. He defended Increased regulation and said that no business has been controlled by governmental agency, state or national. that has not profited thereby.

If the liquor nterests accept regulation In the proper spirit, he asserted, license of the traffic will be the best thing that ever happened to it. Tells of Rural Schools. Speaking of the school question, the Gov ernor said: "The school survey, which is atout com pleted, reveals conditions which will be more than surprising to the people, ine condition of the country schools is most un fortunate. The state, through funds con tributed by the people, maintains normal schools, and it has developed that as soon as the teacher becomes proficient by rea son of his course in the normal school he goes to the city. The country school is becoming practical ly depopulated in some places because trie country teacher, in many instances, does not measure up to the standard in efficiency.

Minnesota is the only state up to this time which has attemited to do'what Ohio must do, and that is inaugurate a vigorous and energetic plan to rehabilitate the coun try schools. 'Some people may hold that It Is none ot the state's business If some of the communi ties in Ohio permit their schouls to go down. The police power of the state cannot be invoked in a more useful way than by compelling the standardization of methods for the conduct of the schools. There are country Boards of Education with a surplus in their treasuries that are permitting their schools to run only seven months. Fears Educational Decay.

'The police power of the state is called Into play to stamp out contagion, and yet 1 know of nothing more unhealthful than to permit any community in Ohio to lapse Into a state of educational decay. The same power of the state which preset ves the symmetry and dignity of 'our moral structure must be. used to Insure' the education of the youth of lhetstate." Taking up the Warnes law. upon which he was asked especially to speak, the Gov ernor said: "It has been charged that the Warnes bill creates a lot of new officers who are to be used for the purpose of building a political machine. Let us see what the Tact is.

We are Just approaching the quadrennial appraisement period. Except for the Interposition of the Warnes law there would be at work, in January of next year, approximately MX) real estate Assessors in the cities. HM) in the villages and 1.G0U in the townships a total of.2,00 officers. The Warnes bill abolishes every one of these "There would be at work in April of next year as many personal property as were at work last year, 3.41."i. The Warnes bill abolishes every one of thesj 1 ''There are 240 members of City Boards of Review fn this state.

The Warnes bill abolishes every one of them. The total number of officers abolished by the Warnes bill in this state is Fewer Officers Employed. "The Warnes law provides 102 Deputy Tax Commissioners, there being two for 14 larger counties and one for each or the other counties. There will 'be 2H4 members of Boards of Complaints, three members for each county. The number of Deputy District Assessors at the outside figure will not reach more than 2.0CO.

making a total of 2.360 officers provided by the Warnes bill, as against 6,453 officers under the present "So it can be seen that instead of Increasing the number- of office-holders in the state the Warnes law win decrease the number 4,080. In other, words there will be 4.080 fewer offlce-heMers In Ohio under the Warnes law than without it. "So student of taxation questions the wisdom 'of the Warnes and the Kil-patrtck law as well. There- would have been no referendum suggested iri Ohio If ft had not, been for; the passage of the workmen's' compensation law, The money contributed- ior -this aUeged- referendum movement has come almost entirely from the liability Insurance companies, and It has run into thousands of dollars. "That fraud, forcery and corruption have been a part of the operations of these In terests tieed occasion no surprise.

1 ney were opposed to the referendum a year ago. They did all in their power to pre vent Its going into the constitution. "They are still opposed tolt. And it was their belief that the hardest Mow against the r-ferendum could be delivered by brlnrnr it into disrepute. The evidence already submitted to the Secretary of 8tate.

through the department of the Attorney-Getieral. clearly demonstrates that the alleged referendurns. brought by. the liability Insurance companies, were a part of a well-detlued conspiracy to destroy the referendum, and yet when the state administration seeks to expose fraud the foolish cry Is raised that we are opposing the referendum. We are opposed to a corrupt referendum, but we mean to preserve the honest referendum." CHUBCHES ARE ORGANIZED For Campaign Against Plan For Small Oeheral Assembly.

IN'KC IAL. DISPATCH TO THE IS.Vyl 1H1B. Columbus. Ohio, September 16. Churches of Ohio are being organized for an active state campaign against the initiated pro posal to reduce the sixe of the General Assembly.

The constitutional amendment will be voted on at the November election and is backed by liberal interests. The plan of organisation is said to have been framed by the Anti-Saloon League, but the movement is getting support from many avowed liberals, according to dry leaders Greatest headway has been made in the rural counties, where sentiment against the reduction of the representation of the smaller counties Is more pronounced than it Is In the city districts. Working organizations are to be planned in every county before the election to bring" out a country vote against the innovation. While the anti-small Legislature oragnl- zations were being formed it developed that there was such strong opposition to the so-called state short ballot, designed to establish "one-man" rule by giving the Governor the appointment of all state offl clals. For this reason many of the county organizations also will devote considerable time to working analnst the short ballot.

Jt was hinted to-day that there has been a fusion of the forces opposition to both constitutional changes. In connection with the small legislature It Is said Governor Cox is preparing to swat the proposal hard Just as soon as the referendum questions are ou' of the way. Whether he will include a denunciation of the short ballot is a matter which neither the Governor nor his friends are willing to discuss. The Governor opposed the circulation of the small legislative proposal and claimed to have received the promise of liberal leaders that it had been abandoned. If the Governor opposes the short ballot amendments he will deprive himself of pa tronage that is staggering In Its proportions, according to State Auditor A.

Donahey. who attacked the changes again to-day in an "open letter" to Mayor Fes-ler. of Cleveland. Donahey claimed that the patronage list If the Governor has the naming of all state officials, will exceed It will Include all election officials In the'-state. he said, even down to precinct clerks and Judges.

Having said there were appoint ments which the Governor can make. Don ahey to-day revised his figures to ft.478, with a pay-roll of This does not take Into account the news boards and commissions created last winter, nor the rich taxation machinery that will be at the disposal of the Governor If the Warnes taxation act Is approved. The State Au ditor asserts It Is a Joke to say that em ployeea mill be protected from removal by civil service, because If the Governor Is to be responsible for the conduct of the offices he must be given power to hire and fire. AHTI-SAL00N LEAGUE Opposes Granting of Xlcenses To Men who Occupy Brewer's Property. IAL.

DiarATCB TO THE SNQCISCS. Columbus. Ohio, September 14 Every County License Commission will be asked by the Anti-Saloon League to give prefer ence In the granting of licenses to those saloon keepers who occupy property that Is not owned by brewers or their agents. The duty of discriminating between those who are in brewery -owned property and those who are not Is to be urged on the State Liquor Licensing Board. This Is the result of an opinion given to day to the State Board by Attorney-Gen eral T.

8. Hogan. He held that ownership of the premises is not pecuniary Interest as that word is used tn the law and consti tution. Should the board adopt the policy which the drys ask there may not arise any occasion for testing the question. It Is probable, however, that a lawsuit will finally decide the issue.

"If the framers of the constitution or the Greenlund act Intended no licenses should be Issued to saloon keepers occupying places owned by breweries they should have said so. There is absolutely nothing In either law to prohibit the issuance of a license to any one because he Is the lessee of any particular person or kind of corporation." As has been forecasted. Hogan ruled that corporations need not fulfill the year-residence requirement, which is compulsory in the case of Individuals. "But the general manager In charge of the corporation must fulfill all requirements." says Hogan. "He must be an American citizen, of good moral character, and a resident of the community for at least one year.

In determining the moral character of the corporation every member must be considered, however. The statute merely substitutes the general manager for the corporation as a legal entity, to be considered in the residence requirement." Returns to-day from the State Liquor Licensing Boards from the various County Licensing Commissions show that 8,500 applications for licenses were filed September 15, the last day on which they may be filed under the liquor license law. The State Board has estimated that there can be granted In the wet counties approximately licenses. The number will not be definitely known until the board gets the estimate of the Federal Census Bureau on the present population of license districts. Only one liquor license can be granted to a person or corporation.

In the opinion or Hogan, which be gave the license Board yesterday. HOGAN LOSES FIGHT For Reconsideration of Decree in Clereland Charter Case. i STKCIAl, DISPATCH TO THE ENQCrBKB. Columbus, Ohio, September 18. "Kehear-lng not desired" read the formal announcement of the Supreme Court this afternoon with reference to the application of Attorney-General Timothy S.

Hogan for reconsideration of the decree of the Court in the Cleveland charter case! The decision affirmed the tight of the city of Cleveland to abolish partisan primaries and partisan elections and elect by the pret. erential nonpartisan, system. Notwithstanding the adverse action of the Supreme Court, Hogan intends to secure a final settlement of the question Involved when opportunity again presents itself. This will be when the validity of another nonpartisan charter Is attacked. The reason the Attorney-General Is insistent on this point Is that the decision was made by a Court which stood three to three.

Because Judge Collister, of Cleveland, had rendered a decision sustaining, the charter, the "proforma" judgment was allowed to stand. Until the question is finally decided by a majority one way or the other It will be an open one, according to Hogan, and the present decision Is not looked upon as a finality. In taking the action refusing the application for a rehearing the Supreme Court may have sa ve Ooyernor Cox poll tl cat C02TTXNTTED ON TENTS' ENTHUSIASM Greets Bryan's Plan To Settle Difficulties in a Peaceful Manner. Foreign Delegates In dorse Movement. Senator Burton Describes Results Produced By This Year's Meeting of the Interparliamentary Union at The Hague.

SfEClAI. DIltriTCH TO THE EKQU1BEB. Washington. September 10. Progress toward world peace was made at the re cent session of the Interparliamentary Union at The Hague, according to Senator Theodore E.

Burton, of Ohio, one of the American delegates. The Senator, who returned to Washington yesterday after an absence of three weeks, described briefly this evening some of the Important results produced by this year's meeting of the union. One of the principal resolutions adopted was one indorsing the trestles proposed by Secretary of State Bryan. Mr. Bryan's plan proposes that when two countries are unable to settle their differences by diplo macy the question at Issue shall be sub mitted to an International Commission of five members, who shall take testimony and make report on the subject In dispute.

One year is allowed In which to make this report. The plan does not contemplate that either of the nations shall be bound by the finding made, but its great advantage Is that it affords time for the passions of anger and excitement to cool, and brings to bear the opinion of the outside world on the merits of the controversy. The resolution was adopted by the union unanimously and with considerable enthusiasm and shouts of approval. Among other resolutions passed by the union was one recommending that nations1 at war should be prevented by all practicable means from obtaining loans for prosecuting the war In other countries. To the surprise of many the English delegates, representing the creditor nation, favored this resolution.

A resolution also was adopted favoring two-cent postage among all the nations of th L'jUvecsai Postal Union. A Wo one looking to the right of a nation to establish Itself permanently as a neutral nation In case of war to protect Itself from belligerents engaged In a contest. This proposition was favored by the delegates from the smaller nations of Northern Europe Denmark, Sweden. Norway. Belgium and Holland.

It is not expected that the commission, of which Mr. Burtpn la a member, formed to frame a plan for an International Court, would report until next year. Satisfactory progress was made, however, and It Is expected that the subject will be considered at the next meeting of the union, to be held at Stockholm in July, 1914. The Interparliamentary Union is made up of members of the legislative bodies of the different nations of the world. Twenty nations were represented at The Hague and between 300 and 40 delegates were precent As yet the South American countries have not sent representatives to the union.

From the new world only the Cnlted States and Canada were represented. ALLEN GETS BUSY And Adds To Number of Steel Car Bills Introduced in House. KT DISPATCH TO Tit SNQt lBKB. Washington, September 18. Representative Alfred G.

Allen to-day added to the number of steel car bills which have been Introduced as the result of the recent New Haven wreck. His bill provides that all railroads must have complete steel equipment, passenger, baggage and express cars, by July 1, 1I1H. except that the Interstate Commerce Commission may extend this time limit to individual railroads that show good cause for such action. All equipment, however, under the terms of the bill, must be of steel withm ten years after the passage of the bill. Mall cars- must be entirely of steel by July 1, 1917, if the bill is enacted, and the commission has no power to extend this period.

The commission Is to approve plans for steel passenger, baggage and express cars. The bill also provides that after January 1. 1114. ft shall be unlawful for any railroad to run wooden mail or passenger cars between steel cars. Another Immediate effect of the bill would be to prohibit the construction of any more wooden cars.

Heavy penalties are provided for violation of the provisions of the bill. REPLACING OF STORES And Equipment To Be Sought From Government For 0. N. O. SPETIAU DISPATCH TO THE ENQCISIH.

Washington, September 16. An effort will be made by Representative George White, of Marietta, Ohio, and Senator Atlee Pome-rene this week to have the Senate adopt an amendment to the pending deficiency appropriation bill providing $73,000 to be spent in replacing equipment and military stores of the Ohio Militia which were lost in the high water last spring. The Secretary of War has approved the appropriation. The stores were those loaned to the militia by the War Department. The House Appropriations Committee turned down the request of White that the Item be Included In the bill.

Chairman Fitzgerald said that the Ohio MUttla is lucky to be released rom Habilty for the lost stores which they had borrowed and ought to be satisfied with that. White wants an appropriation to restore the supplies for the militia. Pomerene will Introduce the amendment. AMERICA MAY ERECT Greatest Navy Yard in Country at Comxnunipaw, N. J.

Washington, September 18. New Jersey's bid for the. New York Navy which naval experts say la rapidly outgrowing Its present site, will be seriously considered and personally- investigated by Secretary Daniels, with a view to laying before Congress the whole subject of reorganisation of navy yards and stations. Secretary Daniels has, arranged to go te Jersey City to-morrow afternoon. and Thursday with Representatives lonkead, Townsend and Dayton Jurist To Head Court of Appeals tJ' 1 JZHS i i in sj in fecial nirrATCR to ths Exjnaii.

Columbus, Ohio. September 16. Judge H. Kernedlng. of Dayton, was elected Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals at a meeting here to-day of Ohio Circuit Judges.

Juoge Phil M. Crow, of Kenton, was re elected Secretary. Assignment of cases and time of sessions in the eight districts of the state were fixed. Judge Femeding Is the youngest member of the Court. The new Chief Justice succeeds Judge Richard M.

Vorhees, of Coshocton, who has served one year a full term as the presiding officer over the 24 Circuit Judges representing the eight districts of the state. The Chief Justiceship Is Increased In importance by the fact that In addition to Tuttle will go to Communrpaw to look over the great salt marsh, where. It Is proposed to erect the greatest navy yard In this country, at a cost of JOLTS TO BE HANDED Manufacturers and Labor Federation By House Lobby Body. SPECIAL. DISPATCH To THE ENQFIBEI.

Washington. September 16. It Is the present intention of the House Lobby Committee to censure both the National Association of Manufacturers and" the American Federation of Labor In the report soon to be submitted to the House. The manufacturers will be given a harder jolt than the federation on the ground that they were more perniciously active in endeavoring to secure or defeat legislation. The federation will be rebuked for being active in pretty much the same way, though in order to achieve other ends.

The committee Is in a dilemma as to what to report In the case of Representative McDermott, of Chicago, against whom damaging evidence was submitted by Martin M. Mulhall and other witnesses. There is a sentiment in favor of urging his retirement from the House. Former Representative Charles E. Little-field, of Maine, will appear before the committee Friday to reply to the charge made by Mulhall.

The committee heard to-night James A. Emery, chief counsel for the National Association of Manufacturers, who arraigned Mulhall and the newspaper which first published his charges. CLARK PUSHING BILL To Create a Flood Protection and Drainage Fund. ST EC! A I. DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRES.

Washington, September 16. Speaker Champ Clark introduced in the House today a bill providing that in the future all money from the sale and disposal of public lands In Ohio, Indiana. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida. Illinois. Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Wisconsin and Alaska, except the 5 per cent already set aside for -educational purposes, shall constitute, a special fund, to be known as the "Flood Protection and Drainage Fund." to be -used under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior for "examination and survey and" construction, operation and maintenance of drains, canals, holding basins, reservoirs, levees, dykes, mattrasses.

sluiceways, pumping plants and other works wherever needed for prevention of floods and the drainage or reclamation of overflowed lands." The Speaker's bill also appropriates $30,000,010 outright from the Federal Treasury, this amount to form part of the fund. HOUSTON IS INTERESTED. STSriAL, DISPATCH TO TBS S.X4EIBBB. Washington, September 16. Representative Barnhart.

of Indiana, succeeded In interesting Secretary of Agriculture Houston in a project to reclaim 1,000,000 acres of land in the Kankakee (Indiana) region. The Secretary, after an examination of the law, was persuaded that he has. power without additional legislation to make an examination and surrey on the. feasibility of removing the rocks at Momence, 111., which are regarded as the chief obstacle in the way of the satisfactory drainage of the Kankakee swamps. He will give the question of ordering the consideration.

TO TAKE "EXAX" BrariAL DISPATCH TO THE BXOCIBBe. Washington. September Wc-'P. H. MoCor-miclc.

of North. Judson. Ind.r has been designated a national bank examiner by the Treasury Department and is here to take his examination. i DANIELS MUST- BE SHOWN. Washington.

September 18. mors than half a million dollar already saved to the Government through competition on contracts for materials for battl ship No. 39, Secretary Daniels- to-night announced that ha had notified the llidvala. Caracals Chosen presiding over the Court of Appeals he will have the assignment and transfer of Circuit and Common Pleas Judges in districts where the docket may be clogged or the regular Judge is disqualified. Judge FernMiing was elected a Circuit Judge in November, l1l, as a Democrat.

He defeated Judge E. B. Dillon, of Columbus, who had been nominated by the Republicans to succeed Judge Theodore Sullivan, of Troy. Judge Dillon Is a Common Pleas Judge. One Important changf in the rule? made under which applications for rehearing of cases In the Courts of Appeals must be filed within 3( days after the adjouin-ment of the Court term.

The Judges callea on Governor Cox this morning. and Bethlehem Steel Companies' that he would -not accept either of their recently submitted Identical bids for heavy armor plate for this vessel unless they could show him cost of production figures to' Justify their prices. SHOW US! "TEf-IAI. DISPATCH THE RNvil'IBEB. Washington.

September 16. Representative George White, of Marietta, Ohio, received assurances from the- War Department to-day that the long-delayed report of the Special Board of Army Engineers which investigated the possibilities of flood prevention In the Ohio Valley, will be made public this week. The engineers drew up their report early in the summer, and It has since been lying on various desks and In sundry pigeonholes, caught fast In the meshes of departmental red tape. WILHITE IS BOOMED. STBCIAL.

DISPATCH TO THE KNIH1KEU. Washington. September 1L G. T. Ramsey and S.

A. Rankin, of Monticello. arrived In Washington to-day to boost the candidacy of John R. Wilhite for Postmaster at Monticello. Wilhite Is a brother ot Comptroller Sam Wilhite.

of Louisv.le. TO BUILD DESTROYERS. Washington, September 16. Secret iry Daniels to-day made conditional award of the contracts for six new torpedo boat destroyers. Nos.

57 to T2. as follows: Two vessels to the New York Shipbuilding Company, at 82.i.ono each; two to William Cramp Son's Ship and Engine Building Company. Philadelphia, at each: one to the Fore River Shipbuilding Corporation. Quincy. at HWH.OIIO.

and one to the Bath (Maine) Iron Works, at $884,000. PROTEST AGAINST CUBA SPECIAL DISPATCH To THE KXUI IRKH. Washington. D. September A protest has been lodged with the State Department against the action of President Menocal.

of Cuba, in cancelling the contracts of the Cuban Ports Company. Captain Til Huston, formerly of Cincinnati, is President of the company. SEEKS TREASURY JOB. IAI. DISPATCH TO THE ENVICIHEB.

Washington, September 16. A. E. Manning, of Indianapolis, a negro. Is an applicant for the position of Assistant Registrar of the Treasury.

STUDENTS In Steubenville High School Strike Because Football Team Is Doomed This Year. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE Steubenville, Ohio, September 10. Five hundred pupils at the Wells High School here struck to-day because the football team la doomed for this year. The faculty have notified all pupils that they will Insist on an average of T5 In all studies for all who make the team. Last year the student players were allowed to play If they could make 75 In three studies.

According to the athletic commission of the school It will be almost Impossible for the best players on the team to make the required average in all studies. The polios wars called to-day to quell several incipient riots- started by tits strikers, who refused to alkrw any strikebreaker students to enter the school. TRAIN KILLS Upper Sandusky. Ohio. September IS.

William son of James Grady, of ZaneevUle, was run over by Hocking Valley train here early to-day, He. died several hours -i. ONSLAUGHTS Met By Democrats. Important Provisions in Money Bill Completed. Federal Reserve Board Runs the Gantlet, Privilege of Rediscount Would Be Unlimited Under Bulkley Amendment For Member Bariks Cur rency Measure Near Its Goal.

Washington, Sr-ptembcr ltt. The Demo. Cratlc currency hill continued to resist assaults of objecting Republicans to-lay In such successful fashion that before ad journment was taken to-night the bill w.i more than half completed and some of th- most important provisions had been se-tlel. It was generally agreed on both sides o' the chamber that the measure would come up for parage Thursday. The principal debate to-day was over the provision creating the Federal i.ser board.

that regulating rediscount or the commercial paper Le by banks wh'ch become members of regional reserve ranks. Attempts to enlarge the Federal Heerv Board, to eliminate members rof the Cab inet from its composition, and to the salaries to be paid the civilian numbers were all defeated with expedition. Bapped By Democrats. The most importunt amendment brought out during the day was offered from the committee and agreed to. with several Democrats voting against it.

This would provide that member banks shall have unlimited rediscount privileges with Federal reserve banks. The amendment was offered by Representative Bulkley. of Ohio. Another amendment adopted would provide thai discounted paper shall have a maturity of more th.m days instead of no. as originally intended.

Examination of three experts brought some strong support for the Administration bill, and some sharp criticism of its provisions. Prof. O. M. W.

Sprague. of Harvard; Newton Ailing, Vice Presidtnt of the National Nassau Bink of New York, and F. E. Marshall, of St. I.ouis, formerly President of the Phoenix Nationai Bank of New York, discussed the measure with the Senate Committee during the Senator Reed, a Democratic member of the committee, asserted during the that lie objected to long terms for members of the FeMeraK Reserv Board that would mike that boa'icl unresponsive to a change In political conditions.

Beed Against Plan. "I will never consent to creating a sy-tem supposed to be controlled by the public, which the people of the L'nlted Sta can't change at the next election," he said. Mr. Ailing; expressed the op'nlon that the best of Government cuirency would be a Keneral Issue of Federal notes secured by a great central gold reserve in th Treasury vaults. He said the Government could continue to issue currency on thi- reserve far lieyond its actual value as Ion as the notes were Issued only to meet actual needs of commerce.

Mr. Marshall approved thp general principles of the Administration bill, but recommended many ch inacs which he believed would make it more acceptable to th banking Interests, whose support he considered essential to the success of any new currency revision plan. One of the perplexinc an.l important problems to fall on the managers of tiie new bankinK system will the curtailment of business a. tivities and the restraining of credits at critical moments, according lo Prof. Sprague.

Criticism Is Adverse. The plan of tee bill for replacing national bank notes with new Treasury notes was criticized adversely by Prof. Sprague. He advocated a change that would make Government bonds for those note-, as they are now for national bank currency. 'Representative liindlergh to allow banks to enter tue system, irrespective of the amount of their Cnder tue bin state banks capitalized at less than are ineligible.

His amendmtnt was defeated, were others seeking to change details of the bill. Representative Young, Republican, of North Dakota, proposed an amendment to allow all banks, no matter their capital, to enter the system. It was rejected, fl to 18. Progressive Leader Murdock offered a voluminous amendment embracing recommendations of the Pujo Money Trust Committee of the last Congress, including a prohibition against interlocking Directorates. Chairman Glass contended that the amendment had no place on the bill, and read a statement from Samuel Untsrmyer.

counsel for the Pujo committee, setting forth that currency legislation should not be complicated by consideration of the Pujo recommendations. Speaker Clark took the floor to urge that the bill be passed as speedily as possible. The MurJock amendment was beaten, 81 to 4.1. SIR OLIVER LODGE REFUSES To Accept "Origin of Life" as Title For Debate. Birmingham.

England. September "VfVj Joint meeting of several sections of, Vflsh Association to-day the d'lt! was on "The Origin of LlfeVj tracted a great audience. The discussion was animated, 1 ke Oliver Lodge refused to accept tlftrf of the debate, declaring that the i nn Jluniulnr th nrirfo Of 1 a laboratory synthesis of materii might possibly become enoowea wiw we call life. "I regard life itself." he said. thing not of the same order as matter, of a higher and different, order." HILL CELEBRATES NATAL Glacier.

Park. Mont, September jr. H1U. founder of the Great Northers J-way, celebrated tola seventy-fifth here to-day. More than 800 member or vimmV AaaocfatJen of" the Great era attended the slrst annual session tl lorgaaisauoa.

weiwy-nv vtttr- i are required for membership. Tb ana presented Mr. Hill with a ot 7i.

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