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The Seattle Post-Intelligencer from Seattle, Washington • 1

Seattle, Washington
Issue Date:
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VOL. NO. 25. I 1 Moat everybody has tried, hut PICNIC SHOULDERS I They have not. Wt, Lave made tbts fecial Price Cents Per Lb.

PffHi are Bold out. Our usual gu a ran tee with every sale. It will pay ygg to them. Two oniy to each pur-haser. 90a lM AND loe FIRST AVBRII SOUTH.

IEATTLK, I KLONDIKE A Commodious and Fast Sailing Steamer Will SAVE SEATTLE ON OR ABOUT JUNE 10, 1898, And every tee days thereafter, taking freight and passengers, flff Part Get There. St. Mlchaeis island. Alaska, raouth of the Yukon river, malt with the river steamera Weare. Cudany.

Hamilton. Healy. powor Ml Klondike for Circle CUy. klinook Creek. Fort Cudahi and Klondlko gold Reservations for passage or freight on Ktearaers nay now be secured by making a deposit.

fINV mines bought a old. Investmenta in mining property aala. aavtng expense oi sending agents. Our agents and experts are oo the (rosed, sad have been for yun. Vt wtU lasue letters of credit on our cr mpany at its posts-Circle CUy.

Alaska Mi Fort Cudahy. Dawson City and Klondike gold fields. Northwest Territory-at a of 1 per cent. Laigs stocks of supplies of all kinds wiu be found at Fort Got Tb-re and Ham- UN an the Lower Tukon. For particu! apply to North American Transportation Trading Co.

Ha. First Arcane, Seattle. Waal, DlttKi TO as. Ms I Haaly Michael Cudahy Chicago, in. Dawaon.

Klondike Gold John Cudahy Chicago. 111. Bf Wasra Ft Cudahy. N. W.

T. Krnest A. Hsmll Chicago. 111. CUrtee A Weare Chicago.

Fortius B. Wears Chicago. 111. VESSELS For Copper River or Cook Inlet. 1 have for sals or charter two schooaera with gasoline power and Balling schooner.

which are Just the thing for parties of from forty to sixty going to either of the above points The vessels are new and staunch carrying sail enough to make food time without their engines. Will carry 2SO each. For apply to E- K. CAINE, Arlington Dock. HOUGHTON, Jeweler.

Rat ibir of Watches oii y. Diamonds. Rich Cut Glass. Silver Plated and EtcUsf Finest line of Silver Novelties in the city. Umbrellas frfctt.

Beautiful Gong Bell Clocks. You cannot find a better place to rjyHoftljy vrrS'iits here. laatelostng ivt my Umb'eilas. I your will be mv price until al: ciS GOODS SOLD ON TICS' INSTALLMENT PLAN WHEN DESIRED W. W.

HOUGHTON i 704 Moran Bros. Company. SHIPBUILDERS Yukon River Steamers. I Get Away From U. tt i W.

Have I fine I Fl'ty Different JJ Klgllt-Day udr Jl $3 L'p. tt 1 Mantel The, Are I Clock. Going Fast. zf THIS WTrK-s WATCH svi.r: HAS BEEN evcrmoi PUT tv- to surn.Y ai.l wants from the man- it 8 SST grade SCI.ID GOLD HOWARD TO THK CHKAP KICKED fx MONTH'S fj 00 FAST. JI it i- AND 81 IS XX IT 4 IFRISCH I 8 Watchmakers and Jewelers, A THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER.

ii ns Mil Spain Has No Complaint Against America. CUBAN PATROL EFFECTIVE Sixty Expeditions Investigate! in Two and a Half. Secretary Mppurti on the Activity of the Krrtaac Hail Spauinii BMB Half mm Hatrhfai Not Cartridge ontu Hive Hraehrd the Jnaur- Not Liable to Sritare by America, Take la the Ettiiaaie of the Money Spent by the tutted States. WASHINGTON. Dec.

Gage has submitted the department of state his report upon the action of the treasury department in suppressing expeditions to Cuba in violation of the neutrality laws, a synopsis of which, as furnished by the department, ia as follows: Secretary (iage points out the fact that during the two years and a half only six American vessels of an aggregate of 1.331 registered tons are alleged to have safely landed expeditions from the United States in Cuba. With the exception of the Laurada. the six American vessels alleged to successfully have taken part in expeditions in Cuban waters, are small tugs and a pilot boat, each less than PW tons, and obviously incapable of carrying large numbers of men or large quantities of arms and munitions. Three foreign vessels, of an aggregate of 1,773 tons, are alleged to have been successful in the same effort. Referring to these foreign vessels, the Norwegian steamer Leon, the Danish steamer Horsa, and the British steamer Bermuda, tne secretary invites attention to the fact that the crews of these vessels are required to be shipped before the consuls of their respective nations in accordance with the laws of those nations, which also impose on the masters of those vessels various other duties to be performed by the consuls.

He suggests the inquiry might be pertinent whether the Spanish authorities informed these consuls of the alleged expeditions and whether some measure of responsibility does not rest on the Spanisn authorities for the alleged departure of these vessi or if the consuls re notified, whether the same measure of responsibility does not rest upon thfm. This suggestion Is made, not to shift responsibility, but to show that if tb- se alleged expeditions started without the knowledge of officials, they also departed without the knowledge of officials of other nations. whose action was a necessary preliminary to clearances. With the vessels referred to, it Is alleges, there have been associated about a harbor three or fanr lighters, a small diearr.ers and about a dojtrti small ships and schooners, tn all less than fifty, on the Atlantic and tlulf coasts there were lO.Stlv ve under lim tons and 2.917 wssels of 1,100 tons or lees a total r-f 1 Ameri an of description available for filibustering purposes. That only six out of 13.D55 American -eded in reaching Cuba, and that less than fifty bad any share in expeditions.

Secretary says is a demonstration, flrat. of the law-abiding spirit of the nation and of obedience of the people to the president's command; and. second, of a wholesome and ro.nreswln* fear on the part of those who micht be disposed to lawlessness and of our obligations of the law of neutrality. Eight revenue cutters, with crews of 317 men. armed with fifteen guns have 7S.TSS nules, occupying 189 months in the assrejajate.

the coast In prevent filibustering expeditions. Th( have captured seven vessels and 115 men. and have brought up tn expeditions and haw under surveillance fourteen vessels under suspicion. From time to time several other revenue cutters have been employed on temporary duty. Perhaps the strongest statement in the report is this; "If the Spanish patrol of 2.200 miles of Cuban coast had frustrated onehalf the number of expedit.ons whit-h were frustrated by the United Stater along a coast line of 5.470 miles, not one man nor one cartridge would hav, been il-1 i -rt 1 landed in Cuba from the United St ites.

Out of the sixty alleged expediti ns only four have been broken up by Spain. Illustrating statement. Mr. Gage refers particularly to the expedition that left on the l.aurada from Baltimore and landed at lianes on March It appears that the remained tn this seanort two landing men and arms, ard wis molested by the Spanish authority's in Cuba, who had been informed of her landing and even minutely where torpedoes had been placed. I'nirss Spain is prepared to avow the inability or indisposition to defend lnterests in Cuba.

St -retarv Gage holds that the responsibility for any filibustering exttons may he proyeriy fixed on Spanish authorities jr. Cuba, had been informed by the fgatton. in re:«-."\ that all the ports in Cuba were in their on. In it'l alleged eapedlt ar- id. Of that twenty-eight have fcees tr.

-trat. i ot the five have been frustrated by the l'ii i navy. oren t-aied by Spain, two have wr- I. driven ha- by storms, one rrom a cnibina'ton of on' I awa' he to tvoogn.s- other than a of the t'ag en istatent act. As Spain has suff tv injury from f- t-tree it is that wil hi ej ted by S.

as den of the fuo-M the Umted States main.tslnir.s Its and that a tailed statemt nt avx if cn v. -vik ry. i xht-n vi the SBfcewful tipedi. tions. He out that the partial su-- in one th Spanish pat; that in one the Spanish at New Vorli havv v-i thr of the trerssviry f--.

rn -imtifter dis tssa-ed -a th the Spsnish b-atsor ar i with htm its to UHA jr. no ii.iv;tnati.a SEATTLE. THTBSDAY, DECEMBEB 9. it In a request that any proceedings be instituted; that in three cases the vessels have been wrecked and proceedings against them obviously Impracticable, while the principal in one case is imprisoned as below: that in five cases the principals have been sentenced to Imprisonment or are in prison; that in one case the vessel is under British jurisdiction and cannot therefore be reached by the United Slates, while the principal has been sentenced to imprisonment in this country as above; that in three cases the vessels have been libeled for forfeiture on evidence furnished in by this department awaiting the action of the courts; that in case the officers are under indictment. that in one ase the libel on the vessel was dismissed by the United States Judge; that in one case the question of institution of proceedings is under consideration; that in one ease the government asks time for consideration.

Concerning one ase it is to be observed that the collector at New York reports that Mr. Hand, representing the Spanish consul, stated to him that he did r.ot desire the vessel detained at the dock, but to be after departure therefrom. Mr. Hand and Mr. stated that they supposed that the Pinkerton detective agency has the watching of the pier and they would advise the United States marshal promptly of the departure of the sloop, and they the matter left in their own hands.

Secretary Gas- makes no estimate of the cost involved, which has evidently been very large. The extent and results of the work performed by the department are an adequate measure of the fidelity of Its officers to their oaths and a standard by which to measure efficiency. BILL TO PKOHIHfT SEALING. American Citiaena Shall Not Hnnt North of 35th Degree. WASHINGTON, Dec.

senate committee on foreign relations today authorized a favorable report upon the bill prohibiting pelagic sealing by the people of tha Unit States. The bill is the joint production of the state and treasury and its passage is asked upon the the grounl that with such a law upon the statute hooks the administration will in a better position than at present to ask othvr governments to prohibit pelagic sealing. The bill was reported to the senate later in the day. The first section of it is as follows: "That no citizen of the United States nor person owing duty or obedience to the laws and treaties of tne United States, nor any person belonging to or on board a vessel of the United States shall kill, capture or hunt at any time or in any manner whatever atiy fur seal in the waters of the Pacific ocean north of the degree of north latiiude and including Bering sea and the Sea of Okhotsk." The bill also prohibits any citizen of the United States from equipping or furnishing supplies to any vessel engaged In killing or hunting fir seals and declares that no United States vessel shall be employed in this work. The penalty for violating the proposed law is Imprisonment tor no, mote months or a fine of not less than sJuo or more than 12,000, or both, and the forfeiture of vessels so engaged.

The fourth section of the bill la as follows: "if any vessel of the United States shall be found within the waters to which tnis act applies having on board fur sealskins or bodies of seals or apparatus or implements suitable for killing or taking seals. It shall be presumed that such vessel was used or employed in the killing of or that said apparatus or implements were used in violation of this act until the contrary is proved to the satisfaction of the The United States courts in California. Oregon, Washington and Alaska are given jurisdiction over cases arising under the act. It is especially provided that the act is not to interfere with the privileges of coast Indians nor with the taking of seals on the Prihilof isiaruls. Officers of the navy and the revenue cutter service are empowered to search suspected vess- Is.

The Importation by any person of seai skins taken contrary to this law is prohibited, and all such so imported are to bo seized and destroyed. Representative Hitt, of Illinois, chairman' of the committee on foreign affairs of the house, introduced a similar bill in the house. IN THE SENATE. Fnr Sen I Mill Allen the WASHINGTON, Dec. session of the senate occupied less than an hour, the time principally being consumed by the members in the presentation of memorials, recommendations and hills.

Davis of Minnesota reported from the comrr.mlttee on foreign relations a bill prohibiting the killing of fur seals in the North Pacific ocean. He asked for immediate consideration of the bill, but Hale of Maine objected on the ground of the importance of the measure, and krd that the bill printed. A resolution by Allen, declaring it to be the sense of the senate that the -ted States should recognize the independence of Cuba, was made the subject of some by the Nebraska senator. He expressed the belief that President MeKinley's statement in his message that the recognition of the belligerency of the Cuban Insurgents is now unwise and therefore inadmissible would be a great disappointment to the members of Republican party throughout the T'nlted States. The national convention of that party bad decl ired in favor of the independence of Cuba, going fnr'het thin the simple recognition of belligeron y.

He thought that the pr. sident was under obligation to carry out the pledge whl his party had made, a pledge whi had been to people. The president. All-n thoueht. had been lulled to sleep hw the declaration of Spain that she wou'd give Cuba a ml-politlcal existence.

expressed the belief that the president's neglect to take such action as would insure the political Independence of Cuba was an exhibition of "rank hypocrisy" and a Warrant of public would he corrected by 'he All Ruling Power in His own good time. At conclusion of Allen's remarks, Hoar presented a resolution Ire resrret of the senate at the news of the death of Ashley Wright of Massachusetts and providing for si adjournment further mark of respect At 12 SB o'clock the on Vi is adopted and the senate adjourned. OF TIIK roinmUtee on flanking Prepoaed ASHIN(iTOX. has of a portion of financial legislation ln-fore the its this morning 1 outlined a general plan of action. If of Secretary ommendation of a comprehensive revision of ctirr banking affairs a resolution v.

a 1 inviting the secretary to em; his views in a bill. Th" commute inf -med hat secretary was at rk -n m-- sure and that it would be a 1 i i ble for the committee in about a k. H. 1 Connecticut rr- 'lpi'atel a sharp d. t- by vine that the act at on.

by reporting to th" house a bill financial have the Jcn-'s approval. Ti w- re embodied In a Nil heretofore 1. and Hill propoe-d that the frst placc-j before the nv iv. s- ns for a rcuiation has 1 upon par vaiue i i- nds a reduction of the iirciilatlon t- of 2 of banks in 1 mmir tt do well to go through the is oi and debatir.g tshre- which ou tid rage. HBO! is ii nil Co-Operative Commonwealth of America.

SETTLED IN WHATCOM. The Organization Which Threw Eufjeue V. Debs Overboard. tp a Farm of 2HO Eleven Families and SO Single Men on the Are Admiaalon Fee la SIOO in Man Who Joined the Cowmanlty Exchanged Fixe Aerea of Land for a Membership of Uoaua of Forty a Day. Special Dispatch to the WHATCOM.

Dec. The advance guard of the socialists has at last reached this state. The Brotherhood of the Cooperative Commonwealth of America has established a colony about fourteen miles south of this city on the edge of Skagit county, and unless all signs taii the settlement is destined to grow to representative proportions. The new colony has crept in almost unheraided, and by skillful business negotiations has obtained title to a valuable tract of land. It is a tract that is not oniy Inherently valuable, but is peculiarly adapted to serve the experimental purposes of the socialists in the way of agricultural and colonial life.

To the theorists of the new school of social and economic thought it possesses additional significance from the fact that it is susceptible of large additions from all sides, and indications already point to a considerable enlargement of its present borders. There are already eleven families and thirty single men on the ground, ail living in a newly-erected colony house and St work clearing up a 2SO-acre farm that Was bought for them last spring by an advance agent at $lO per acre. The parent orginization of this society was first started by K. V. Debs, but when ho organized the Social Democracy and took in the labor unions he was disowned Ithe brotherhood.

The men who are on the ground already aire from many different states, mainly the prairies, and they came West In jS-airle schooners. They say that many accessions to their population are en route the East. At the head of their colony Is a member t-feted by a majority vote, and he can be deposed at any time in the same way. The work Is all common, and the property Is the community's. The members receive 40 cents per day from the parent organization till their land is cleared and made productive.

They will admit anyone to their ranks here for $l3O in cash and one man who joined them traded five acres of iand for a membership ticket. The colony has been at home in Its new location now for several weeks and has begun clearing and diking In earnest. Some of the members announce that they will hire out and devote their wages to the community. They say that tley have an option on the land close to their farm, which is a splendid piece land, part marsh and part timber. THROWS OPfcN lilt; LAND.

Decision In the Sttinson Case Makes i.TOO Acres Available for Klne Tlmlier. Special Dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer WHATCOM, Dec. decision r.f Judge Han ford in of the Stimson Land Company vs. Gaudette, Rice et al. Is hailed with satisfaction here, as it throws open 2,700 acres of the finest kind of timber land close to What -om, and the owners will renew their logging operations at once.

It Is estimated th -re will be Tj. feet of timber turned ir. to our mills from the property. Before the land was tied up by the iast suit. Gmdette and Rice had expensive logging outfits at work which they have been using elsewhere since.

A Kl AMI CK. linrkentlne Adrift Causes Heavy (il Dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer AKERI'EEN. Dec. Katl Fliekinger, loading lumber for N'ouema. Caledonia, at the Slade Company's do- k.

parted hr lines Last night wrtSie Tied wharf and swung around In 'he W.atik river. striking her stern a lo on the opposite side, partly demolishing it. then her tines parted and ahe ran into the schooner O. M. awav the Kellogg'a Hoth tangled and under no contr for the hooner Alien striking that 1 a glancing blow amidships.

carrying away her rnizzen rigging and allowing thei tw to drift clear. threw ov their anchors hlr.g the mouth of the Chf-halis and drifted apart, cab the for mix-jp and ng their bowsprits and hlr.d gear, as 11 as a part of their stern rail, and both havlr.g badly marred sides. The damage approximate MMral thousand do.iars. FVMHE (nmpirl'lT lat Off rom i'nmplKK Station. iai hto the CHEHAI.IS Pec.

it on of a wvr The h' 11 ptng vtarrn save way of creek yesterday morning At prr-srnt break Is elsht of wat. from Nf juk river ar cannot he rea-h dto mik- rs. Ir w.U prohablv i before the water down the can be repaired, th nigh water com ran hopes fa en within a to make a line the hrokfn -lon Th re la La ihu rvoir to i a short tiros In case there are no fires, but no more water can be pumped in until the line is fixed. NO JIK THE KKLMR CASE. Men Fiamlnrit and 1 Special Dispatch to the PORT TOWNS END.

Dec. entire day, including a night session, waa consumed by the superior court here in a fruitless attempt to secure a jury in the Keilai murder rase. The majority of those examined seized upon the excuse that they are opposed to capital punishment, and were readily excused on motion of the prosecution. In all. seventy-one men have been examined, and three peremptory challenges, two for the defense and one for the prosecution, are still unused.

After tonight's session Judge McClinton adjourned oourt till tomorrow afternoon to give ths sheriff an opportunity to summon twelve talesmen from the country precincts. SLOOP AM) SCHOOLER WRECK. The C. E. Ward and the Maad Meet With Diaaater.

VICTORIA. Dec. wreck of the sloop C. E. Ward, of Whatcom.

was four.d in gulf today. She called at Plumper's pass on Monday last on her way to Westminster with marble. Two or. hoard undoubtedly were drowned. KR, IV," 1 During i heavy tale Tuesday the Amerlcan schooner Maud, of Whatcom, wis driven ashore near Steveston.

At high tide filled and sar.K. Tne crew got oft the vessel with great difficulty. GUILTY MANSLAUGHTER. Verdict In the Crowley and Creamer Murder Cane. Special Dispatch to the Post-Intel listener.

EVERETT. Dec. jury the Crowley and Creamer murder returned a verdict of manslaughter. Crowlev's attorney made the usual -notion for a new trial. The trial of Prank C.ahv for the killing of James Cox on the night of October t5 will begin before Judge Reid in the superior court tomorrow.

Supreme Court Decialona. OLYMPIA. Dec. question as to the right of a second mortgagee to recover of the first mortgagee taxes paid upon the land mortgaged was involved in the case of William Farrell, appellant, vs. Samuel Gustin.

defendant, and Charles 11. Baker, respondent, appealed from King county, which wis decided by the supreme court today. The court ordered the cause re- 14 "i4 M- I'M 7 STEAMSHIP ALGOA SAFE IN PORT. 2 Arrives at Port Townsend After a Stormy Tidings of the Pelican. PORT TOWNSEND.

Dec. steamship Algoa. for which shipping men I have been waiting expectantly since November SO, on which dare she due here, arrived tonight from Mojl, a Japanese coaling station, reporting terrific weather during the entire voyage. The Algoa saw nothing of the steamship Pel- lean, now nearly a month overdue, from Tacoma to Yokohama lumber laden. The Northern Pacific Company, to which both vesseds are chartered, had ad-It vanced the belief that the Algoa's failure to arrive wts the result of her meeting the Pelican disabled and towing her back to Puget sound or her destination.

It is feared now that the Pelican's crew will starve to death before being picked up or spoken. The Algoa Is the largest craft ever to enter Puget sound, being 4, 597 tons, She loads wheat at Tacoma for the United Kingdom, and her cargo will doubtediy be the largest ever sent out. IfWHii -t -H f-H4 1 -H WfHWfM manded, with Instructions to the lower court to so modify the decree as to allow the respondent to recover for taxes paid prior to the time to redeem had expired, appellant to recover costs of appeal. The court reversed judgment In the case of J. D.

and Mary R. Lowman, appellants, vs. D. W. West et respondents; appealed from King county.

Mayor Hnmea In Olympla. Special Dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer, QL.YMPIA, Dec. T. J. Humes, njayor of Seattle, was before the board of tide land commissioners this afternoon as attorney for Mrs.

Hinman in the conUst of Nettie M. Hinman vs. Henry C. H.timm. The cafe involves the valuable wharfage fronting the town of Clinton, in Island county.

Judge Hum.V client claims title to the projwrty in controversy by virtue of a deed of conveyance, hut this instrument being fectlve, does not cover the property it evidently waa led to convey to the lady. Judge Humes' client seems to have the best of the controversy before the board. Col. Lew In at Monteiano Special Dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer MONTEBANO. Dec.

B. Representative I-ewls delivered an address here last night. There had been no notice of his coning and the audience which greeted him was not large. He ppoke in his usutl style, announcing that stood squarely on the fusion platform; that he ved in all its declarations, and particularly that he believed in the Initiative and referendum. Mrs.

De.wls accompanies him. From Special Dispatch to the Post-Tntelligencer. OLYMPIA, Dec. Hardt. an Olympia butcher, fell from a stepladder in hts shop last He stru upon his spine and lacerated on" hand badly in the descent from catchinsr it upon the meat hooks, it is not yet known how serious his Injur''- 1 may prove to i Mr.

Hardt was yesterday elected treasi urer of the village of Tumwater for third term. On a HnalncM Trip Special Dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer superintendent of Grays Harbor fommf Ci-mprtny's plant at this leaves for a three business trip throughout the Fast larite Increase of business 'hat returning pr-sperlty has hrought wi'h it, compels a trip of this kind. Mr. White Is accompanied hy his wife ard dnturMer and Waller. tent Rpfnrm Dlsoatch to the CRXRALIB.

Dec. agM 15. son of J. Nehring. of this city was yesterday committed to the re.

form by of XV- over Young hring was brought before the Jus'ice on a charging him with a religious meeting an 1 Inrorrig Me. Hear? at Haneor SP'-c a- the HA.V iOH. furlWM wirvl has blowing fmm thf- aouth for the hours, arrompanied by A vrjr heavy fajj rain. have bren far known, the prw daaiace confine the irV trails, are I'rnnnril in I'lrr I.M n. aster of the ffur the of Pitt Uk? a and in attempting to ptjgfe off tell ItfurifH IIS to tlirnl Trial.

VICTORIA r. If Jadir" -rnti the as Son of G. I writ of corpus la teal Two Hours' Consultation With Iron Chancellor. THEN LEAVES FOR KIEL. Almost Heady to Sail His Squadron for KiaoChau i ay.

The Aged Statesman l.liei the Emperor'a llrother a and la tiltea a Kiaa by the Commander Waiilrrsee and Other Oltleera heer for the Prince Ilia Will Send Three Crniaera to Said to Have Ceded Ulapated FRIEDRICHSRUHE. Dec. Henry of Prussia, commander of the second squadron of German -hips bound for KiiO Chau bay. visited Bismarck today, and remained two hours In consultation. HAMBURG, Dec.

leaving Prince Bismarck. Prince Henry s.iid: "laa me also salute that brow which my grandfather so often kissed." He then kissed Bismarck on the "rehead and cheek. The aged statesman wished his a safe voyage and a happy teturn. Dr. Schweninger, I'rlnce Bismarck's physician, said the prince will soon recover from the effects of his recent neuralgia.

pains. ALTON. Dec. Henry, of ni'-! f.r Kiel afternoon. A number of officers, headed by Oen.

Count were at the platform tj hid hhr farewell. The prinee thanked them an.l made his Lditu. lit aaid: "I you to believe that in going where the emperor's favor sends tnc, I thar.k him for reposing such confidence in me. In the name of the emperor. In his honor, and the honor of the fatherland.

I will discharge th' duties of my command. live the empt'ror." The officers responded with a henrty cheer. BERLIN, Dec. It is rumored tonight tnat China has ceded Kiao Chan many. Whether the report true or n--t, there Is every Indication in the prepara for the edit on under Prince lletsry that a lonst stay is contemplated, William will make rhe departure of Prin squadron the lon of an Imposing naval The Brand-nhurg, a flrst- baflesMn of more than 10.000 tons displacement, and the Wurternburg.

a seeord-elass battleship of nearly tons, while coming from to Kiel to take part In th pl-iy, collided. Both vessels Injured, the Wurtemburg so badly that it was necessary to send her to a dry dock. LONDON. Dec. According to a sppeial dispatch from Paris, the French cruisers Jean Bart, Aisaly and Alger have been ordered to prepare for immediate dispatch to China.

NEW YOBK, Dec. Commer-I 1 Company sent out the following notice today: We are advised that the Chinese autli Itlfs gtvc notice Of the Closing of the tele graph at Kiao Chau, in the province of Shan Tung. F.nclanii litis Trouble on thr LONDON. gr. Jam.

Cv retre this afternoon announr-i a'jth that th" Briti-h rr.m- not exp- ct trouble with 1 r-Karon the upper Nile regions, France having agreed to a cept the France KithH Hunt fur MUUI. LAOOS West Coa-t of Africa, Additional advKeg r- i from interior the French troops with the native IWore tlvely occupying Nikki. The kit fl. Both France and Oreat Brtt sin eiaitn that the Borgu territory within s-phere I'RtITKVr FROM Of tIUI.OKH s. lioniinn the I ninn Pacific lliil la Invalid.

NEW YORK. Dee --tr gram has nt to the IttWaty (Mtfil at. by fin in son St a firm of London accountants, tcting for rrottp of holders of I 'mon za-ion m. rertii-caU -r I'j- ClTic "We no'-ifjr 1 invoiv- frotf the of tr under 'he trust ngreea-c nt declared January 26. pars' -ant r.

war- a paid nearly The chan in for th- purpose hf. i Fa and i I b-i f'ir ae Cfiion alone, purchasing praetlnatly tUiua truat to EIGHT-PAGE EDITION invalidate -v iru n.vr So oeived or JV i as a 5h Probity Jm Ow 1 iU "uthortshtc tvl s.txHi framed by the general and to be intend, oKS Kanaao P-ctnCSf HEAT HTU aUEAO. I hicaao hrrkaialei u-. i tfl MlN Journal th afternoon orints me 5 with a IV. I wheat tn tho market.

shipping It to contract 1 late in lumber that the rWI shipment is that Armour expected to ure share of the for i until and it will a genuine th. trade that the hull clique. (u permuting wheat to remain in all W.m-r. will ship it all-rail wlum 1 JS I Jork t. nniUl or Kuropo.

tn way December wheat will be eliminated from the situation. The supposition is thai Mimu contract wheat will Rraduato find its way Into Chicago. DI kkant knb. I Supreme Court Snitalaa Judge 11 a hen He Ite-Sentenced worrmv, SAN FRANCISCO. IW.

afternoon the supreme court dispelled last hope of W. H. T. Durrani hy li posing in summary manner of two a appeals In a written opinion by Chief Justice Beatty the c-onrt affirms the n.ent of Hahrs In remanding 1 prisoner to Sim Quentln xintll the tc) for his execution, hut rev ernes that re- iS s. to he hanged on 11 remands the cssa to -M court, with Instrucllotta to cecd accorOlnir to law.

As the remittitur was ordered forthwith and the court hohtH that tlon can only he stayed now hy tha a nee of certificate of cnusa, it 1 only remains to the "9 I demncd murderer, which will done tomorrow. Justice Garoutte alone dissented. no it 1 Ovrnlghl In I.nn to Paaltk 1 for t'rlme i fT, PAI'U Dec, s. -A Madiwm. apecial to the Dispatch saya: i The of Lixzie Danedc, a from du Pl.tmheau, was tli court today, charged with with intent kl two Indians, and brought tip in Important oversight in thr law.

The assault was committed at August After the had 115 days In Jill here. Dunns missed her case on a motion for want jurisdiction. Congress, in pissed a law to I vide punishment for assault committed hf I Indians on a reservation, but left It i other statutes to settle in what and in what m.inn-r the offender shoitM he tried. Upon investlKatlon It was that there was no other statute whlclt contains these provisions and the efitWt was without Jurisdiction. The decision one of national 1 WAOBft TO OK CVT lO PICK OBHK Prospect of a Strike la the Hlver Cotton FALL RIVER.

IVc. er.ft m-eflng of the Cotton MannMlwijflf Association today it was roted ly to reduce nil wageg In the mltla of city, the amount and time of the redtO' tion heinir left to a committee which hjM for simc time had charge of the matter, ft a is undrrstood the cut will he not per cent, and that It will go Into jon January 1. Ttu cut will Hffect JMH who are paid an agyrefhtt weekly wage of Jivt.OW. I The feellntc Is prevalent that before i matter Is settled there will be a strike, hot how large a proportion of the operattvot will take part It Is Impossible to Pajf. HACKED TO PIUCES WITH AX i r.rlekioa Marilerei at rallt-Twn Arreat" Hade.

RIOI 8 Dee. Inir In his own blood and literally hacked to pieces with an nx, which was found ih is next room, the body of Roy Krlekaon, a tn.ik«-r of kcr found shortly afier midnight In an old ahantjf ori Main avenue. The police were raldlnff th-- pla. for purpeac when tha horrli'lo wis made. In the nMtt i room sat two men.

who are now behfad -a bur.4 for murder. la WlttialA Wei. daughter Krlckaon eused of havtng ruined, and the other It i James ( the owner of the ty. ejarrahan made a confession.

3 cntinir West 'n the killlrg. HKitl TIDE US VAQI Water the Jetty and vndea the Strcctn of NEWPORT. Dec. heavy wf St storm yesterday telay, waa thi ever experienced here. The tide washed out a larsce action of' water fr -nt bulkhead, and damaged WtW A to the nt fit several hundMll de.Mars.

and th' heavy seas carried awajr; porii of the- At Yaquina Ciry the Ude 1 to Oregon central Eastern rallrrwd wharf and ettrri'-d away the bulkhead In front of several SEMItM. (llNlH'mtl Amount of Money Orders tlml of NEWPORT Pec. the nsali baft '-h W.o.t on the At Paul tolap re money int- to Wl are for and most of th. mgo to iv and Sw. 'f, Th- rr order baaineaa In this year la about douola 5 is at holiday Thera w-re money order' handed day W.m on the day last year.

'j UT fEAH. St. point (aaimHtee. st Lorw i hl (i tardsmen. the ni 1 following exeeutlee (Jen UnoU (Jen wden i Co' cur-i- lad Hr.a.

TMO to urge Xl)f nwosfci of i y- arly to th-r National HKQI ISITIOA THE IWhO. (itflf-ers 1-rtirr loaebwan tnae VS lib Mrlreaa. I tf ITH A ttom Jfffj rttn CUfongl Stephena haa laoued p. the man ejojv with 1 W. vc Kbtio to ilwsaniia, Wtgg vhoaon,.

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