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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 5

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SOME CHICAGO JIILLIONAK S. An Eastern Paper Kindly Credits TJa witn a Dozen ot Tnem. Tae Possessions of -ttie Twelve However, Foot Up Over $45,000,000. In Addition Tns Inter Ocean Sup. elements tne List witH About Fifty More.

IS ANYONE OVERLOOKED? Coder tha caption "Chicago Millionaire" aa Eastern paper publiahea the following: John B. Drake la a Backer and 63. Li. Z. Beiter la a Uaryiander and 63.

Marshall field i from Massachusetts and It ST. Columbus Cummiaes was born la New York year ajfo. John la S3 and Connectiout waa his birthplace. Philip D. Armour la front New York and la year of ace.

In IMS. in Maryland. Lambert Tree waa first wrapped in awaddlin; clothes. The arwell brothers are New Yorkers. The Senator is 64, John V.

two years younger. bidney Kent and B. P. Hutchinson came from Blaasachusette; the former ia 6 and the latter one year less. John Cudahy is an Irishman and not ashamed of it From a poor boy he is a sereral times millionaire and but 7.

This list is all right as far as It goes, bat Chisago has a few other stray millionaires who might aa well be tacked on to the list, And the batch now given below doesn't complete the list by any means. Taking the shore names, as they stand, it should hare been stated that the men mentioned are -worth a million or more. Giving the names in the order in which they axe given in the Eastern paper the gentlemen laas in wealth as follows: John B. Jl. 500, 000 L.

Z. 6.000,000 Aiarahall 1U.UOO.000 Columbus ti. Uummint uha DeKoven. Philip 1). Juambrt Tree John FarweU.

C. B. Karwell. bidnsy if. P.

Hntchioaon John 1.0UO,""1' eutHUou Chicago has a thousand men who oome any where between $000,000 and $1,000,000 in a carefully prepared hat: but each name here published, in addition to those givsa above, ia guaranteed at $1,000,000 or over by one of the leading bankers of Chicago, and thoir names would be good anywhere, either in America or Europe, for that amount No one not positively known to be worth $1,000,000 is admitted to this list As the gentleman said who gave the informa- tion: "1 want the list so clear that when uie men who know read it they will be unable to ridicule it as con tawing names wortn only if 1,000,000 by hearsay. I have in my desk iusre a list published a tew years ago, and 1 am in a position to mow tnat were are names in it of men who have never seen the clay when they were worth, all told. toOO.OOO, and yet they are classed as million aires, xnis conveva a wrong impression, ana tne press should not publish each lists. There are many men engaged in business in this cut, whose firms aro worth over a million, but have given you only the names of me a woo are wortn a million or over individually. Another banker looked over tne list and con curred in it, and added to it two or three names of men whom he knew were personally wortn a million.

A perusal of the list given below of Chica. goaus who are worth from $1,000,000 to 90.vw.wv wm prove interestunt read- lug, as there are therein the names of some poisons tne general puobo hava no idea are millionaires. Ileal estate and bonds have been the foundation of most of these enormous I or tunes, ana it wm do notioea that the jority are under GO years of ago. bainuel 1L Aickerson, born in Xaeaacbueetta Oit years atro. Samuel W.

AQerton, born in New York about oa years atro. Nelson ilarria, bora in Germany, is about 48 years old. kolas B. Cobb, a Yermonter, over 70 yean of bko. John IX Jennings, aYankee, abont 65 years rotter rainier, born in 2ew York, and ia not lar irotn iZ years old.

John Crexar, a bootohman, dose to 60 years old. Daniel K. Pearsons, a Yermonter, and past 60 year via. Albert A. Hunger, a native of Chicago, and Chauncey B.

Blair, of Massaohoseta, 70 years old. George Sturgea, an Ohio man, and not over ov years oi ace. Albert AL Billings, a Yermonter, and is abont years oia. ttanry J. Willing, of Vermont, 43 year old or so.

Henry 1 Field, of Massachusetts, 45 years OIU. Cyrus H. SlcCormick, of Virginia, 32 years eld. Jueander J. JlcCormick, of Virginia, 70 years bid.

George iL Pullman, of New York, about 57 years oia or so. Byron L. (smith, of Illinois, 36 years old or tumaoouia Jcera W. Peek, of Illinois, about 40 veara old. atuaniei Fsirbank, from New i'ork, and auout uu years oia.

Albert Keep, a Vermonter, over 60 years old. iiBnrj Kei), a Vermonter, about years old. Clarence reck, of Illinois, about 40 years old. Walter Ia Peck, of Illinois, close to 50 years VI IKA btephea W. Bawaon, a Massachusetts man, 52 years old.

-E. J. Lehman bora in Germany, and ia about 40 years of ago. Carter iL Harrisoa, of Kentucky, close to 60 years of age. uha iL Durand, of Vermont, 63 years of age.

uliam V. Kimball, bora In Maine about 60 years ago, Conrad beipp, born in Germany 65 years ago. Henry H. Porter, born in jiaine about 6:4 years ago. Jacob JEehm, came from Alsace, and ia C8 years old.

Conrad Farst, born in Germany, is about 58 years old, Jacob Bosenberg, born in Germany about 60 veara ago. Henry A. hohn, born in Germany, and is 60 years old. HK ia a German about 50 years old. JHonael Brand, born in Germany abont 60 years ago.

Feter eichcenboffea is a nativa of Germany about 60 years of age. 7' JOavid Braoiey ia a Yankee, 70 years or thereabouts. B(erkina Baas waa born in New England about oi years ago. Ail red Cowlea is a nativa of Ohio, about 53 yeara of age. Voiney Turner ia a native of Illinois, about 62 years of age.

Orrm W. Potter was born in New York abont 52 yeara ago. x.npuaiet w. Diatohiora la a nativa or Vermont, about 65 yeara of age. "COM 05, PAPA." Cincinnati nqurer: The unconscious act of a little 4-year-old saved Us father from punishment in the polios court yesterday morning.

The child, with its motner. ZIra. Ecknardt, waa in court to witness the trial of its father, Harry I Eckhardt, a boox-keeper, living at Dayton street and Freeman avenue, who waa charged with failing to provide for his family. It waa daring' the hearing of the testimony that the little tot left his mother's side, and, toddling over to where the prisoner stood, reached up and took bis hand, saying, "Come on, papa," as though to lead him back to where the injured wife was standing. Simple as the scene was, vet it was powerful ia its effects, for Judge Bode dismissed the prisoner with a warning to give op his bid habits and cherish his interesting family, of which he should have bean prouu.

COLsAX'S SUFEBHVIAX TASK. Denver TimfC JUt. Colman, among the Mis- aouri farmers, was always an authority on the best methods of raising pumpkins, boots, cucumbers and watermelons. His long-continued and intense efforts to invent a cucumber and a watermelon free from ailernateiy doubling up I and relaxing tendencies entitle him to a high rank among pniiantnropists. ma promwoa is but the fitting reward of hit valuable Labor la tho groat cause of agriculture, 1 RKPCESEXTATIVE OP HIS EACE.

Tba Bev, Jmf Matthow TownMsd, D. D. ox Bloanoudi Ina. Kicitmoxd, Iud, Feb, 13- To th Editor. Among the men who are being urged for appointment and recognition at the hands of the incoming administration ia the Itev.

James Matthew Townsend, D. ot this place. Mr. Town send is put forward by colored Bepub-licans aa a fit representative of that wing of the party, and it ia believed be will receive recog nition ss such. Mr.

Townsend was born at GaUipolia, Ohio, Aug. 18, 1841. He waa the only son of Will iam and Mary Ann Townsend, who were both notable members of the Methodist Church, His mother gained considerable celebrity as a ci area worker, and for many years waa a staunch advocate of the Wesley idea of aanoti-fieation which aha herself enjoyed in an eminent degree. From early childhood young Townsend received the moat careful religious and moral training which so eminently fitted him for the active life ha hss led. He had enjoyed the advantage of a common school education and being inclined to habits of thought he laid the foundation of future usefulness by years of careful study and research.

At the beginning of the late civil war he felt that it would result in emancipation of hia people and tneref ore sought the earliest opportunity to taik xnr Axxa in defense of the Nation and human liberty. He enlisted in, the Fifty-fourth afasssohnsetts Volunteer Infantry, anil remained in the field until the cloee of the war. On returning home he entered Oberlin College, which he af forward left under a commission from the American Missionary Association, and subsequently waa appointed principal of the colored schools of Evansville, which position he held until 1872, when, the schools having bean thoroughly organized under the free achool era torn, he named hfa successor, resigned, and entered the ministry of his church. His career in this relation has been one continued cnain of successes, fcserving as pastor for six years, in 1878 he wss elected secretary of home and foreign missions by the General Conference, wnioh position he still holds. During these years he was three times a member of the General Conference, a commissioner on organic anion, and a delegate to the Ecumenical Couferenoe in England.

To him belongs the honor of organizing and eondueting the entire missionary department of his church. And that the church, to-day, is able to maintain and support missionaries and mission churches and schools in the Indfan territory, toe West Indies, and in Africa is owing to the thorough system of organization under his wise management of the department While in the discharge of his duties aa Missionary Secretary lie has traveled quite extensively in Canada and the United HUtes, especially in the South, has made one visit to the West Indies, and teres to England and other trans atlantic countries, He baa come in contact with men! in almost every walk of life, and his knowledge of the condition and WAKTS All. CLASSZS. especially the negro in the South, ia aa compre hensive as that of almost any other man, be ha wmte or black. As a representative man of hia race, Mr.

Townsend has probably no equal in hia own btate, and but few in the Nation. He ia a lover of hia race to the extent of being a race man. and believca that the possibilities of the oolsred race are equal to those oi any otler. everything else being equal. There is no class, as to con dition, among his people but tbtt finds in him a friend who evidences hia friendship by words and deeds of charity and kindness, wnioh amounts to mucn more than mere eourteaiee or benevolent contribution Hia successes and good fortune have not had tee effect of removing mm from any part or class of hia race, but have brought him closer to them, so that wherever be is known all alike feel tne touch of hia warm love and are inspired by ma ardent nope ana Parian seal zor I race.

As a business man, be ranks among the suc cessful. He began life a poor boy. but by in dustry and economy has been successful in a cumulating enough of this world'a gooda to pines him in deoidodly easy circumstances. His great love of his race and of justice and his strong belief in the justioe of the common eq ality of all men before the law hava led him to take an scare part in the politics of his titate and country. In this aa in every other work lie lias developed JfABXJKO ABILITY and now ranks among the foremost politicians of his State, In 1814 he was elected to the State Legislature by the suffrage of the Republican electors of bis (Wayne) county, and in this relation be proved himselfno less competent and efficient than in others, while the bid introduced by him to expunge from the statutes of the State those black and discriminating laws, and his able speech and unanswerable argument in support of the same make him the acknowledged champion of the cause of nis race in his own btate.

No man of his raoe in the State has figured as conspicuously in the various political conventions and caucuses, from that of county to National, as has Mr. Townsend, for when not a delegate his presence has been in demand and his counsel sought both in oonventioa and caucus. In the last political contest, beginning with tha organisation of the Bepublioau National Convention at Chicago and continuing till tha noils closed on tha evening of Nov. 6. Mr.

Town- aend worked incessantly. And it ia due to him. no doubt, as much or more than to anv other one man that the colored voters of the Btate of Indiana were kept ia line with tha grand old party. He is a man of strong convictions, and baa very pronounced viewa on all the leading questions effecting tne politics of this country; and as a representative Afro. -American bs evidences the possibilities of the race, and is a living refutation of the oft repeated charge that the negro la aa inferior if, tr.

iioitb. OXB OF THE tOO. Boston PoU: Henry Ls Caron, tha British spy, who baa been doiog ao much swearing in the ParneU investigation, has a war record in America which is spread out on the records of tne War Department Before his name is marked "coward snd mutineer." Ha waa a member of the famous Company B. fourteenta Pennsylvania Cavalry, which waa organised aa a body guard to Geaeral Thomas, and part of whom mutinied when ordered on to light at Murfreeaboro. Ho waa one of the 500 mutineers who were confined in the- penitentiary.

Jail, and work-house at Nashville, KKWSDEALKES. Fmmuel Walitnr. tuwrdimSar. Ne. MOO Forest svenne.

alwaya has Tux tx-rxm oens for sals. Patron of the paper will pleat bear this la mind. Hmry Fash. nwrtra Ko. 1S tVsat Maditos street, keeps Thb IxTKa OcsaK tor sale, and don yon orret it.

H. lielm. brui Aontt Rnt wtL always haa good supply of Taj lirrxB OCZAJI on band. Drop In and him. hrlr W.

Gum. tlmier ti iruriinal Ma. IRS Uadivon irtwt Tax Ixrx OoxaM always oa sale. Call asd see the veteran newtbey. J.

M. Oak, bookHr and ttufww. Ho. 890 Went Lai treet.selUTRXljtTXBOcxaX. Always Clad to see yon.

IV. O. Aiolaii. nncidealrr and mtatiorwr. Ka Went Lake street.

Ton ean always find Thb iwtzm uceaji ioc saie at this place. Q. A. take notice! TTm DAILY KTIB OCT.A.K, MONDAY JfOHNTN'O, FEIJUTJAItY 10. 1SC0.

-WITHIN THE CAPITOL. Notes of Some Half Day Explorations Tlirougtx tne Marble 'Mountain. Ttie Dome Watchman Tallcs Also a Revolutionary Claims Committeeman. Canvas witb Too Many Heads In tns Crypt Lincoln's Deserved Monument. IN AND AROUND TUB CAPITOL.

Wabhixotox, Feb. 14. Spteial Corrm ond-oa Ia tha lower regions of tha Capitol, which possess a subterranean labyrinth of corridors and Cham bars from which Ariadne herself eould not escape unless piloted by a modern edition of tha golden fieeoe, ia an an. oient room with window panea about two inehea aquare, and tha legend over tha low, deep, embrasured doorway, "Revolutionary Claima." It would certainly aeem, aa George Washington died in 1789, and even George HL, despite his sixty years' reign, departed hence in 1820, while tha American Centennial itself waa celebrated In 1876, that all claima arising in that heroic aga would hava been adjudicated long ago. But it ia not ao, and there are quite a number of eaaea still pending, and, strange aa it may appear, brand new claims are atill occasionally filed, it being determined that no statute of limitation shall work to tha disadvantage of tha heirs of any patriot who helped to call tha Nation into being.

"What la one of tha mora recent clalmstnI asked of Committee Clerk Brown who bails from tha same State aa tha committee's chairman, Senator Coke, of Texas. "For the destruction of a vessel," ha replied. "that had Bailed to tha West Indies from tha east shore of Maryland, I think it waa, and waa returning with firearms and powder when ana waa taken by the British, and after being rifled of her cargo was ran aground ia Chesapeake Bay and burned. After many eomplt cations tue matter now la In a fair way to settlement Years ago I climbed to the top of the dome. as every visitor to Washington is expected to do once in the course of his uatural lite, but not not twice, aa the memory thereof needs no palimpsest power to remain aa vivid and clear aa, for instance, Bmmidi's own famous fresoo "The Washington" nnisned in 65, and eonoeiving at a height of soma 175 feet this noblest rotunda in tba world, Only the familiarity or.

tns wstenman. grown gray on duty here, eould breed the contemptuousnees of his allusion to the skyward pouring, or perfectly allegorical, perfectly outrageous" His opinion of Chicago sharpers was equally diminutive. "A chap picked ma out at the Van Baron street depot within one minute after I stepped off the train, and said be would like to have ma run out to the crib with him. For reply, after kicking myself Inwardly for my verdancy of appearance, I turned over the lapel of my coat with its detective's star, and yoa should have seeu the rascal leg it. The passage to the dome closes at 4 o'clock, and I keen no one out but children and drunkards Yoit, it is a winding way at the start, and the atone steps till you get np to the battlements are getting so hollowed out by tha top-nailed snd other shoes over 500 pairs on aa average pass over them daily that they will bave to be replaced Bonis day.

That story of a murder in tha little chamber now closed at the top of tha first spiral stairway is mi located, and it was a esse of self-murder, too, the poor demented fel low hurling himself from tha topmost point of tha dome, right from the base of tha statue of Tbst happened twelve yeara ago this month, while the Electoral Commission was sitting below, and tha dent made bv tha suicide's bead on tha metal over tba central padimectia stdl plainly visible. 8inoe then the stepa hava been barred to tha cupola above the dome, I used to rattled on the guard, "that statesmen would be unlike ordinary morula, and so at the start I used to steal into the Senate chamber and House every opportunity I ot. Dot A round poor numan nature amply if sed up into the pnblie gaze, and jealousy. slander, and vttuperat on in full command At th time President Grant and Senator Sumner quarreled oa tha Sao Domingo question. Sen ators ixmxiing, Diewari, of iievaaa wno is still here and Howe, of Wisconsin, crossed many a sword with the Massachusetts man, and one day Conkling.

bowing with hia own dignity, asked: 'Does tha gentleman from Masssebueetts refer to Sumner finished out bis sentence about as long as one of Evert without heeding the interruption, and then replied. The Senator from New York is the last man I would refer Senator Trumbull bad a habit of bending over and saying, would the Senator from ao sod so be kind enough to repeat that question, and at the same time be was studying up how to answer, and working bis bigehaggy eyebiowa like mad already in those, days, when so many of his Illinois ooUesgues branded him for his defection to tha Democrats, he was she most wrinkled man ever saw, and I can imagine bow corrugated be must look now. lightning atruok this dome last summer, and tba aouud knocked ma insensible for two minutes. It waa like a thousand cannon balls rioochettiog round tne iron ribs of the great in verted cauldron." xiu wt vr the said cauldron is still suspended, aa ft baa been for the last eleven years, the airy easel and working platform of Brumidi and (after hia death in 1880) CostiganL Tha snail-faced decoration in chiaro osouro haa made the longest atop of all at the present station, midway in a scene of California gold-diggers, but it ia hoped that by the close of the century the ona remaining deaigu byt Brumidi the driving the last spike of the Union Paddo Railroad ill hava been portrayed, and tue circuit oompJetei. Lower down, oa the rotunda walls, among tha beroic-sixed canvases painted by Trumbull, aide-de-camp to the "father of bis country," is a bit of a puzzle that exercises and amuses the thousand and one daily visitors to this National picture gallery aa much almost aa the mystery of the echo itself.

It is in the highlv-oulored study, "Washington's Surrender of His Commission aa General of tba Army; Annapo-1 lis, Dec. 23, 1783." No exception can be taken to tha idealized serenity and dignity enthroned in tha oountenancs of the hero "first in peace, first in war. and first," etc. only admiration and awe are directed at the of Mr a Washington and her three little granddaughters. lifted aloft in a gallery." It ia to another female group in the right foreground tne two little daughters of John Carroll, "the Signer," who stands just behind them that the wouder ia directed.

There are only two children by the by, re teraara rally old looking but there are five heads, and, as you try to reduce the surplus, tha number expands to seven, though perhaps tha Signer ia responsible for two of them, but clearly not for the fifth, on the waist of the right-hand little old lady. "I will fix it!" exclaimed another Jersey maidea on a visit to tha Capitol excursion rates 17 tha round trip all the way from Cranberry Slouch but aha gives it on: iust as everybody has to do at Saratoga with onathan Trumbull's auoerfluoua leg beg par don I iimo in ui oohi antique canvas OI pulling tha fox out of tha cava. In this connection it msy be said that painters aa wall aa poets exercise a certain license for instance, aa to such environments aa the gal lery ut the a Dove rererred to canvas, aa also the three little Custises who sit perched aloft therein beside their poke-bonneted and be- ruffled grandma. I have aeen the original painting of this historical event, limned exactly true to life sad fact as swears every resident of Annapolis, where the event transpired aod where the original painting hangs in tha very apartment the already aucient Maryland Senate Chamber that show the resignation. This old version wnoiiy eliminate tne granddaughters indeed it is saiu they were not born st the time and ia equally silent as to tba gallery itself.

mere never uiTiuij iwni one ut me senate Chamber. Mrs. Washington, howsver. is pres ent, in even a deeper capote than in the rotunda, and with all the majesty of countenance and carriage in tha drawing-room canvas on ttie White House walls. There, too, in most faith ful likeness, are the old body servant, with head bowed in grief and hands holding the grand military cljalc, and tne foor coming immediate successors oi the great chieftiin in the Presidency when, six years later, it should be established John Adams, jenerson, Madison, and Monroe.

And there, too. ere our friends. the little Misses Carroll, with 1 hasten to add only the regulation number of fingers and thumba. rS TH CBTPT or "undercroft" of the Capitol, reached by a succession of dimly.Iightod underground corridors far longer than were traversed ths other dav in carrying Eudoiph to hia tomb among the other dead Hapsburgs sad Capuchins, you Oome at a sadden turn and with something of startling effect to a brisntly-libted vault with a blaca bier standing in the midst canopied not only by the grained, chapet-liko roof, but the unsaeu dome and heaven's own vault, the only mightiar vault in the Western fiomiapbere. It im the catafalgue oa which rested the murdered Garfield aa it lay in state in the rotunda above, and one hundred thousand people passed by in execration of the Chicago aarassia, and tradition Bays it was used, in part, also for Lincoln, and the ancient serge and withered rosettes support the theory.

No one lingers long here the close air forbids and quite naturaliy Washington willed hia body to tne wind-swept, sunny siope of tha Potomac, although this vault waa ue-aigned for his rne ting-place, ia it a Jest that a dark, aub-basement doorway baa the heading, Committee oa Aoonatics and Yontilation." "The House bath-room' ia of mora evident fitness, and tha Democrats especially are understood to priite their unwonted privilege Here ia "the robing-room," in its cedar chest for tha Supreme Court is taking a month'a vacation as usual before every inauguration-reposes in freedom from moths and the gaping ayeaof tha multitude Chief Justice Fuller's official gown, already emblazoned in these eol-umns and the delight of Chicago, where it waa fabricates. It ia aaid to droop aa gracefully from hia ahouldera aa does hia giant mustache itself ia white silken drapery front the oiear-ont mouth and Romanesque nose. The Chief Juatioe's official chair, midway in tha aevea ranged high in a row haa a back only half aa high aa big Justice Gray's, who aits next but one, but avuirdupoia count only on tha soales, and Chief Juetios Fuller oa tha 4'h in the momentary interval between o'clock high noon and President Elect Ham-Bon's taking tha oath which Constitutionally oompletea hia election, will be tha first citizen in tha land, aa he is for life tha second. THA BEXATK KECXPTIOX-BOOM of marble across the lobby from their cham ber is a ball for kings, ana Use its magnitude and golden chandelier aliil farther projected onward, indefinitely aa it seems, by the pier glasses at el tlior end; the "President's room," for occupancy by tba Chief Magistrate whenever be oomes to tha Capitol, they say hss been entered just three times by the present Executive, despite the sumptuous furnishings, gildings and frescoes, and tha portrait in oil of Washington's first Cabinet grouped about their white-periwigged head; the Vice President's room but thereby hangs a tale. In tie exercise of tha rights and privileges of an un crowned sovereign I tap mora or less gently at thai chamber oooc A creaking or locks 1 the, response tn only lubricated key having gone' wita pour Hendricks and a voioe as grating makes proclamation: "No living man" emphasis oa tne living "enters bare.

The electoral vote ia in keeping." And ao it proves, and a guard night and day atanua watch, with drawn sword tuey say, over the two sealed boxea registering tns Nation'a last quadrennial choice of its rulers. la it design or realistic accident that tha white marble of column and vaulted roof in tha main eorridora of tha Senate chamber ia varied at the deep-embrasured door over which ia cut deep tha word "Penaioaa." by blood-red marble of deepest dye? Or a truth, tba tears drawn by the lash have been washed out in torrents of the life blood of martyrs, expiaUng a crime not their. Why ia itjhat tha name of Lincoln baa as yet no decent commnmoratioa ia Washington, except as appreciation ia intangible? Tha park- side statue to Emancipation cost perhaps' uuu, ana tne rotunaa oronae poasioiy uau toat sum; the little old shaft, before the district municipal buildings, with its travesty of a surmounting likeness, ia already ruinous; and even at the Wnit House where the immortal death-warrant wss signed, the inadequate painting, oosung some $luO, is hidden in a oorner. Yet even the monument to Washington himself waa not begun till thirty-three yeara after his death, and if tue gratitude of the Bepublie awaxened slowly, it reared him finally the highest construction of human bands since tne world began. Is it not time that period having nearly elapsed now that a second awakening, aa when tha mock Peter led Europe to buad again tha sepuloher of Christ, should set about rearing to the second father of his country a fitting memorial, and should not (ha voioa of Illinois preach tha crusads? CI5ESAL JOB W.

XOBLK. Keokuk Oat Cify: There's a lot of folks ia Iowa who will be aa glad aa any in Missouri if President Harrison has really picked npon hia classmate at college. General John W. Noble, of St Louis, for Attorney General. General No ble waa a young lawyer la Keokuk at tha outset of tha war.

A speech hm mads here for tha Union when pubho sentiment waa ia suspense and unformulated ia atili remembered in local traditions aa a prodigy of power and eloquence. Ha oalisted ia tha Third Iowa Cavalry, and proved himself a born sol dier and commander. At tha close of tha war ha went to St Louie to get hia law powers into a larger field. Grant made him United States Attorney at St Louis, and ha waa tha ablest and most fearless government attorney in tha Union. Ha crushed ths great whisky ring into poweriessneae.

For yeara be baa been the leading lawyer of St Louis and Missouri, His yearly practice is a fortune. He spends every summer ia Europe, and ia a delightful traveler. He is a prince of good fellows scholar, an orator, a brilliant conversationalist, a great lawyer, a man rich with tne stores of books and trarel, a patriot, a mm of the noblest courage and in tegrity, of tne souadest judgment, ripe aod wise in counsel, of delightful manners, and a groat big Western herl, he will be, if chosen. a splendid acquisition to Ueneral Harrison, and in two years he will be the best liked and most admired man in the Cabinet We want to see General Harrison's administration a success, and we would commend no man for tha Cabinet out of mere complaisance. But if ha chooses General John Noble the President and tha country will more and more reioioe the wisdom ot the choioe aa they come to kaow him and nis great qualities.

He is a Republican of Kepublicans, Merer dodged or trimmed ia hia life. Hi I aa Iowa Republican and a Missouri Republican, and there is no better sort than that THE INAUGURATION. EPECXAX. TBAIX TO WABHTSaTO. For ths accommodation of those desiring to visit Waahincton at th time of the insnrnration of Preddent-elect Harrison, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will ran a special train of Pullman sleep ers and day coaches from Chicago to Wahiejjtoa ana leavm cmoago at p.

Saturday, March 3, arriving at Waahingtoa and Baltimore the next evening, paaaing in daylight over the Allegheny mountains, pat User rark mouth, paat Harpers Ferry, and through tue beautiful and hiatorio valley of the Potomac Tue round trip excursion rate from Chicago will be S17.501 and flckeu will be valid returning oa all regular trains leaving Washington or Baltimore, including tnoa of March A Excursion tickets from Chicaso to Washington and Baltimore will also be sold tor all train Pen, aa to 11 arc a inclusive, good returning until March 8, inclusive. Excursion tickets to Baltimore via B. and O. are good to stop on at Washington in either or both direction. Excursion tickets via B.

and O. are on sale at th offices of road throughout the West, as well aa th B. and O. office. No.

193 Clark street, aod depot oa Lsks Front, foot of Monroe street, Chicago. FOB BKIDESIAIDS' WEAK. New York Pott: Beautiful toilete for bridesmaids' wear are ahown made of Pompadour brocade, in which tha background ia of tha exquisitely lovely tints in rose and gold called "dawn;" this figured wito pale-blue cornflowers, marguerites, forget-me-nots, or with larger garlands of flowers, pink and silver rosea of natural size, moss buds, hop viuee, honeysuckle sprays aod foliage, trailing vines in ghttering green and gold tinsel, and pomegranate and lobelia blooms in heavy embvssed weaves on the "rose -and gold" surface of thickly rapped faille franca is. THE SUPER'S GlNIUS. An actor had a jug of gin.

And wha went to play, hid it darkly tn a box. Till he could come that way, A super ssw bim bids it there. And daftly mad a scoop: Lo, wnen th actor cam again, Ths gin was in the soup. 1 Washington Orlt lo, CAUSE AHB EFFECT. Milwaukee SttUitut: The New York Prtm haa discovered that Bop Ingersoll cbewa tobacco.

Aa everybody ia tired of tho question. "Is Marriage a Faiiurs?" suppose we take up the question whether the ehswing of tobacco has made Ingersoll an infidel or whether hia luhdeUty haa led to tobacco chewing. Ilorsfbrxl's Acid Phosphate For Wakefulness, Hysteria, aaid eUiar diseases the ervens system. I THE JOURNALIST'S WOUK. Mr.

W. T. Stead, of tne Pall Mall Gazette, on tne Future ot tne Newspaper. His Lofty and Ideal ot tne Mission of tns Journalist. Work Women Wronged Find In Him Their Defender Tne Journal- 1st In Politics.

GOVERNMENT BT JOURNALISM. (Copyright VSSa, by Theodore Stanton.) LoHDOW, Feb. 7. S'pcii CkrraoonUnea. NB afternoon ia tha summer of IS 85, when his revelation of ona of the seamy sides of London were convulsing tba United Kingdom, Mr.

W. T. Btaad, of tha PoU Mall Gatett, told an American newspaper etif apondent who called to ask what aiming at to noma back in eight yeara. "By that time." ha aaid, "I ah all be doing ona of two things wearing a conyiofa garb or bossing Great Britain." -Before tha summer had slipped into tha autumn tha prophet waa in Holloway Jail It i a to be noted, however, that there ia yet a four yeara' margin before tha American a appoint- nmnt ia due in Northumberland atreet It oc curred to me the other morning to call and aea how Mr. Stead waa faring.

At tha outsat of our interview the talk drifted to tha "Maidea Tribute." and I aaid: "If you bad that fight to make over again would yoa alter your plan of He did not BaariATS ax rxaTAirx. No, air, I would not, and if I bad to face tba Judgment seat to-night I'd rather face it with tba record of that work ia my hand in tba full faith that it would weigh more with the Almighty than any single thing else that I hava accomplished on this earth. Those who criticise my methods overlook the fact that the usefulness of publication of tha "Maiden Tribute waa registered la Westminster la tha statute book of tba Kingdom through tha law raising tba aga of oonaent Prior to tha pub lication repeated efforts to paaa tha law had proved futile, and tha promoters and friends of tha measure bad practically abandoned hope of any immediate action. Following tba exposures of tha PoU Malt Gazrtt tha opposition waa overcome and tha bill became a law." Now, I have always thought that much of tha moral effect of the work was dissipated throngh Mr. Stead's winding np is jail, and, aa be would never ave gone there but for tba evidence adduced before tba commission called to pass upon hia facta, it would seem aa though hia ap-pesranoe there waa in the nature of a blunder.

That ia not Mr. Stead's opinion. He aaid to me: "If it waa a blunder it helped ma mora than all my successes. My enemies thought my imprisonment would crush me. What they aid wss to make a pedestal of my prison which made ma visible aod audible all over tha world.

Of all the tilings I bars to be grateful for, my trial aud imprisonment eome first. I had. However, another objection. TBB OCBXAilST the diurnal man of letters occupies a plaoe ranked by bo other profession if the work is rightly understood. In th pursuit of hia calling when facts bsv eome to the surf see touching abuses in which humanity baa a etaka, why should be not draw np a report upon the situation and lay it before hia oouabtueuta who bay the commodity, publicity, which it ia hia function to provide! if the Pbiliaunea and tha powers that be condemn then what tiureiy the ouiy possible answer ia either a white flag or a cannon bait As I take it, it wss Mr.

Stead's duty to ask vba gentlemen composing the commission of inquiry Bishops, Arcn-bishopa. and politicians, not "Do you think I hava a case?" but "Here are tha facta, what are yoa going to do about it?" I can not aaid Mr. Stead reflectively, after I bad advanced tins point of view, "but that ia appearing before the commission 1 acted aa I Bliouid set sgsin were tha eaaea parallel. Nothing so cripples the circulation and influence of a newspaper aa an unwUungoes or inability to prove published charges to the hilt Besides my reply to all these objections is this, 1 snc- oceded, We carried the act of Parliament Had I done otherwise I might not hava a ieceeded. Every one aaid even as it was I wsa certain to aiL A general's strategy may be open to severe stricture, bat wbat does it matter if ha wins tha battle, or conui I 3CADK lasTAxxa, If I could have been aa wise before aa any ona ean be after tha event I might hava avoided many blander, but after all it waa well worth while exposing myself to discredit rather tbau to dimtnisa tne very forlorn ehanoe of snooess which there waa for the causa.

If I had thought balf as muoa about myself at the time as my fnendaand enemies hava thought about ma since, tha act would never hava been passed to this dil it afreet your paper?" "It improved oar circulation, but hit us hard in oar advertisements. Wa lost every theatrical advertisement but two, thanks to a boycott organized by Mr. Irving because I had stated that a certain well-known profligate had a pea-chant for actresses. This Mr. Irving regarded as a ainr npon tha stage, and waged war accordingly." "Do you believe," I asked, "that truth ia commercial to-day in "It ia in a restricted sense, but otherwise not If 100,000 persona could be induced lay down 1 apiece to fotmd a oaily newspaper to be organized on somewhat advanoed lines, and subscribe to it for turee years, I am couvinoed that it could be made to pay a good profit on the investment, starting in with such support There are unquestionably 100,000 persons ia the Cmtad aue ana willing to ooa tribute that sum, but tne troable here, as in ail enterprise of human ingenuity, ia to bring about concerted action.

ik TBsUTTitO or TflTS KATTaa while in Holloway Jail I used these words: I have not yet lost faith in the possibility of aoma of our great newspaper proprietors who will content himself wim a reasouab.e fortune, and devote the surplus of hia gigantic profits to tha development of hia newspaper aa an engine of social reform and as a means of government. And if it be impossible for those already ia tha purple to display such public spirit, then it msy be that the same spirit which led pions founders in mod val times to build cathedrals and establish colleges, may lead aoma man or woman of fortune to devote naif a million to found a newspaper tor the service, for the education, and for the guidance of the people, Tha Jewish legend which Longfellow baa versified tells how Sandalphon, the Angel of Glory, Sandalphoa, tha Angel of Prayer, stands at the portals of heaven listening to ail tho sounds ceaselessly from tha crowded earth. All the petit.oua he collects, and they torn into flowers in hia hands aa he presents them befor tha throne of Jehovah, Tue editor ia tha Sandalphon of humanity. Into hia ear are poured tne cries, the protests, tue complaints of mea who suffer wrong, aod it is his mission to present them daily before the conscience of mankind. But to do that be, or thoaa about him, must be familiar with the wants, tha wrongs, the sorrows of tba outcast residue of the human race, I do not say that editors should be oa visiting terms with the thiovea of Sovea Dials and the harlots of the New Cut, bat they auoald know those who can ted them what the Dialont-ana feel and what the outcasts ia tha Now Cut Buffer.

"MKWKFAPSBS WILL KEVKB BKAXXT rt78TXFT their claims to be the tribunes of the people until every victim of injustioe whether it be a harlot ruu in by a policeman greedy of blackmail, or a tickt-t-of-leavo-man liuuted down by shadowy deteuiives. or paupers balked of their legal allowance of food eeuda into tha editorial aauctum their complaint of the Injustice which they suffer. There is something inexpressibly pathouc in tha dumbness of the masses of tue people. Toucu bnt a hair iu the head of the well-to-do, aud forthwith voa hear bis indignant protest in ilis columns of the timet. But tne milliou who hav to suffer tne rudet bnff jta of ili-iortune, the victims of olboial insolence and the brutality of the botter-cCf, tuey are as dumb as the horse which yoa may sooargs to deaia without its uttering sound.

NY hen men cease to complain of laj uUo it 1 as if th sUsntiy con fessed that God was dead. When they to lay tneir wrongs be lore taeir shows, it is aa if they had loat aU faita in tne reality of tbat collective conscience of society which Milton finally calls Ood's "for every appeal to in puoiio is practical ooufesaion of a laitn that shuts out despair. Whea there ia prayer toere ia boost To give utterance to tue in articulate moan of tha voiceless ia to let light into a dark place; it ia almost equivalent to tns enfranchisement ot a class. A newspaper ia this sense is a daily apoatls of fraternity, a messenger who briugeta 'glad tidings of joy, of a great light that haa risen upon tiioee who ait in aaraneaa sua THB SHADOW OV DEATH. "Do yoa believe, Mr.

Stead, tuat tha Journal ism wuicu you forestmaow needs to be endowed in oraer to attain its highest usefulness?" "Yes, yoa may pat it that way if you like. Mar circulation does not make the influence of a newspaper. If it did, papers like tha 'JU-grapK would be monstrous engines of power throughout the provmoee: but the fact is they aro notning of ton kind. Soma nanera with alight circulation, say twelve or fifteen thou sand, wieia a mora potent influence tiiaa tuoee claiming ona of a quarter of a million. There la no mystery about this, Tha influence of newspaper depends far more upon the quality than upon the number of its readers.

The only aristocracy I believe in ia tne aristocracy of urita. scattered tnrougnout xugiana, and lor that matter throughout the world, are a limited numoer or people wno compose this aristoc racy. They are men and women with faith and plenty or it. moidera or opinion in their re spective local! ties who see toe need of helping to tmake more tolerable tha lot of the poor and who are eager to do all that ia them lies to lighten tneir burden. bat's what I'm Here for.

In writing a leader for mv naner I add rasa my self to theae choio spirits, and the plainer I can maxe my meesaga from oay to day tne do iter. My theory of tue journalist comprehends nis getting into personal touch witn aa many persona aa possible of tha right type in towa aud village, men nis worus aoma to tnem CHABOES WITH A raXBOBaXITX. "It ia precisely as though ha were saying to them by word of mouth Look you. this is tha way, walk ya in itl Tnia ia your duty, yonr individual duty, which you must do or be damned to all eternity yoa aonL' una tniog tuai handicap me at present, or. rather, tnat cir cumscribes my range, is tue fast that ths Pall MeUi Cfattltt is aa evening paper.

Tba but edi tion can not be delivered in Scotland and tha North of England till the morning after publi cation, xuia is a serious orawoaoa, a. paper one day oia la ancient niatory." Replying to a Question aa to tha most notable instance ia his career aa a journalist of tne power of tba movable type, that is to say where the effects ware inetantlr manliest, Mr. Stead "After tha "Maiden the Truth About the an exposure or Uie condition or the English navy in 1S84 and tha need for immediate reform. Remedial action followed close on the beela of the publication, and it ia aafa to aay tbat tba whole history of English Journalism affords few mora striking illustrations of tha power of tba types in relation to imperial affairs. And this bringa ma back again to a consideration of tha real status of the journalist 1 believe ia government by Journal mm.

To-day, ia England, the journalist who understands hia position can be mora of an act-man than tha majority of tnoe who figure ia Parliament aa BO BLAST UOTX BOCTXDrSO-BOAllDa. Take the ease of the navy aa an example, Tha ofhoera of tho service and tba people at tha AdW miraity were awasa to too deplorable eondiuoa of affairs, bnt it needed tba journalist to sound the locals and impel attention. The journalist was tnere the man of action, and it ia precisely because he can get closer to the people that he ia now more powerful than the Parliament- It will be seen that Mr. Stead bxkea advanced ground regarding tba Journalist's work; bo holds that be ia very much mora than a fact- man; that he ia a man of action quite aa much aa tha politician, that be ia a politician, aud tnat the measure of hia power is merely the measure of hia capacity aa a man. His responsibility, in other words, is sa hia might, Reoogniziag that government tends aver downward, be believe that the secret of ths power of the preea and the platform over tha House of Commons is tha secret by which tha Commons controlled tha Peers aud ths Peers ia their turn controlled tne king.

They are nearer tha people. Great aa ia tba power ot journalism at present, be looks to sea it become a much greater power ia tha state, and thinks that toe future ot Eugliah journalists depends entirely npon tbemaoivea. wnne iranziy coniessing tnat tas genera out look at recent is not very promising. XTXAirmtn KS DBTVXS BTBAIOST AHXAS on tba haw of his own duty as he aeea it, and if aver journalist gave sturdy battle in humanity's cause Mr. btead is that man.

Last autumn, at Mertoa. a Utile suburb ot London, a house- painter shot a linen-draper for seducing his daughter. Too poor to empiov counsel or pro cure bail he waa locked up pending examina tion. Mr. Stead investigated the ease snd found that the painter had suffered all hia life from tha atigma of illegitimacy, and tnat the fresnmis-fortune thst bad eome through bis daughter's downfall nad almost crazed him, Mr.

Stead bailed the man. opened uo tue case ia tha columna of tha Pall JfU Gatette, or ganized a defense fund, and developed the fact that tha seducer caa ruined auotner young woman. Tnia waa not nsed to justify a resort to tha pistol, but Mr. Stead insisted that under existing circumstances the under man ahouid have a chance to exonerate himself for -hia momentary insanity. At tha trial ha waa ao-qoitted, TAXX AKOTBXm rXSTAXCa.

It had been a matter of public comment for months that Mr. Cnanee Bradlaugh, X. in hia Parliamentary etruggla for religious tolera-Uoa, had gone $10,000 in debt, and being dependent on hia led ares sad pea for a liveluiool was seriously cramped tor funds, Mr. Stead came oat one day in a leader on "Tne Sunginees of the Skeptic," and, using Mr. Bradlaugh aa a text, pointed out tha: had tha latter labored aa hard for tha oauaa of the orthodox as be had for the cause of tue skeptio ha would not hava been left to struggle in tha dark valley of debt and want It waa asked if any one supposed for a moment that if Mr.

Bradlaugh had been a Jew, a Catholic, or a Noo-Conformiat. he would have been allowed by the mea wnosa battle ba waa fighting to be crushed by the cost of the campaign. It would have been a point of honor wUt any religiooa sect to have discharged the financial liability of its man-at-arma. Toe reluctance of tha unbeliever to display the ordinary liberality of tba orthodox ia very disheartening to taose who be beve the Christaaa virtue will survive the decay of tha Christian faith. It was once believed that after men and women bad fallen away from religion they would aull consecrate their means and their energies to the service of their failow-creaturea; that tha altruistic instinct fostered for oenturiea by the churches bad atruok firm enough root ia human nature to secure the bearing of frait in tne shape of unselfish endeavor and sacrifice of wealth and leisure in the service ot their fellow men.

so rr irJOHx bi thought, and no doubt there are some" conspicuous examples of self-aaorifioine enthusiasm absolutely divorced from religions belief, but, taking the average man, when he ceases to be religious ha too often cease to subesribe. Tha funds which he no longer requires for tha maintenance of pi ritual guides aud ghostly counselors, ba apenda not upon their rationalized correlate vea ia humanitarian and political endeavor, but upon himself. It ia a supremely important subject For if Agnosticism visibly dries up the fertilizing flood of such an extent that wealthy agnostics agree to let their champions ba well-nigh crushed by debts incurred in fighting their battle, who will anawer for it that the aame spirit may not be equally fatal to all tha finer moralities which have sprang up under the shadow of tha Croaa. Thus, Mr. Stead.

The answer waa tha immediate opening of a Bradlaugh Fund, which did not close (ill tha debt was paid off. At present Mr. Staid is agitating tha case of tha German governess whose reoeul suit for sed notion and breach of promise against Horace Wat-pole waa thrown out of oourt on a technicality. Money ia flowing in for tha legal expenses: and though taa battle wul be a atabbora ona I predict that Mr. Stead will win it Victory haa a way of perching on his banner.

This is ths work thst be does. Hia mind ia essentially military. He plana tba exposure of an abuse or the raising of a tuna as a geuetal plans a battle. Every detail ia wrong tit out, and the facta and arg amenta move np with the precision of an army corps. He wasto no effort ia intellectual titidation, but bewa etrafght to the root of tba matter iu hand.

No motives of self or fear have ever turned tne fine edge of his oourags. As mea go, he is still a young man, with the best of life before him. Ilia nu- ergy and horoio cnaulhsuness will yet lead him far. Shebudax ONE FACE FOB ROUND TEIP To tha G. A.

R. Enesmpmeatat Springfield. Via 111 Watoavsa KaUway. This popular line will sell excursion tickets ta Bpringfleld aod return. Fab.

13 and ia, at on far for the round trip, on account O.tB, eneam -went. Palaos sleeping car and elegant free chair car on ail traits. Caii at city ticket entoa, iM for full information. TO-D All OFFER SMrts, $1.00. Trousers, $5, $6.50, $8.00.

a low price for such a shirt as we offer perfect fitting-, long- wearing-, materials and make faultless and we'd like to see the man we couldn't fit properly; he'd be a curiosity; all size necks, long or short arms, large and small bodies. We can fit all these with comfort, too. We continue same prices in Trousers made-to-measure $5.00, $6.50, $8.00 for superfine domestic and imported fabrics that are bringing to day at your fancy tailors' $6.50, $8, $10, $12, and $14 the very choicest of patterns and over 200 to pick from. This gives you some conception of how cheaply we do custom tailorings. The best $2.00 Derby Hat in the city you'll find here new spring style.

The Neckwear judges came in Saturday by the hundreds bought; and. decided our new 50-cent goods the finest extant. Gendemen's Gloves in many styles. Lots of extra good bargains in ready-made clothing. Wanamaker Brown, State and Adams Sts.

Blood Poison. -1 havs had eojne troubla from blood po'septwf fsrf'y tn 1871 while removing bad aonee from Uie ankle In a very delicate surgical operation. I used Paine1 Celery Compound and waa ao much pseaaed with tha raw sxut tbat I ardered It for a patient, mad with very happy ra Bulta, A.W. K. Kbww row.

M. Bu aa Tre-mont Street, Bowtrm. PAKE'S CELERY C0IIP0U1ID has a rantrre power over ait rhettm, arrofnla, and other diseases of taa blood not posseeeed by ordinary blood purine ra. It drives the potflon from the system ta a rpeedy and effectual way of Its own. A physician a preBcnp-uon, pnyidciana prescribe it.

Contains no mercury or otlier mineral poison. After all else baa faded to remove troublesome sorea, Paine a Celery Compound will be successful. SLOw. Six forxs.oo. Prugwisia.

WxUA KKBaBTMOM At CO Burlington, Tt DIASOSD DYES Gotdt CMsrt than aay stasr stjrea. Tour BAB rK't Uctated FootfZZ (Omcial rublicatisaj AKSVAIt STATEMENT Of ths FHEXIX nrsrBAXCE CO MP A ST. of Brooklyn, l. th. uuu ot New 1'ors on tn a 1st dav of Is- cembsr.

18M6. msds to ths Auditor ot" Pnblie Aa- ooiuitsox Uiebtai! riAPirai Amount of capital stock paid up in In il. 9U0O0JM0M ASSETS. Tains of real eststs owned by the eom- ptny Loans on bond and nlu-d btstrs bond 4 Kailroad bond snd stocks btaw. cur.

county, and other 11J97J H.J.550JJO S37.OO.IK 5U.7S 4.1XJrJ Bank Loans os collateral seearity Csss on hand aud ia latere du snd aeornad. rtemiumi in court cull so tion aaa IranBlullkion. Bills reosivsbl. taksn lor Ar. marine, and Inland do snd -aeiat Lass special deposits to ssenrs Uaois- ttat ikim -j mm uitiaiiaw viiim.m.-m i.iwww Gross claims for losses upon wnicn mw scuoii lias been 18X889 AO uokesreslstdbrthcom- panr sijww Total gross amount aT claims for Wet amount of unpaid 1M.789A0 Amount of unearned premiums sa all ouiaianaing nszs as lor oomunuiou and 10H.o77.79 us and socraea lorsalarlas, 1.U1570 us lor return preaimaa.w fijJ.toirl an otusr liabi 1 1 17.1 ii.b7 Total 7uss lisbilitiss secured br special ds- posiu ia otnsr oia is 89.335.93 Bal aoc ixoosiiC" 3.40380.77 Pramiuma rsoslvsd durtuc lbs year.

Interval rsosivsa dsr- lsy tn Rsnts received dlirina tas Ttlf 99.651 j0 86,16 .61 0.4.313 ProatoasurlWs Total Lossss paid sarins tiis yssr 8A1 5.33433 Commissions sud salaris paid ear las th year pel JW-VJ Tsze ALant is. stationery. soums. savems- yw-. egaO.

sad other siiasss. las. tea S30.987.3C Total sxplmrs. Total rilka taxsa auxins tas rar la Illinois 27.58 1.SMA5 Total pfumituns rsoslvsd surras ta y.ariBiainois............ 473.02B.0O Total lossss laeurrsa aurlng th year is v-f Total auioiuit ef riakc outstanding.

ttl 'iUciS P. bxiLi.f0, Subscribed sad swura to blox tarn taia kud day John h. DOtroarERTT. Kotary FubUe aJ rw.i.'u. a Ft.

i. tVt STCH, 1 a-s I IL'J fcouU Ciri CLIciso. tprw)ry' mr Wr 1 i Uw. i ta, ttna utwc ai 1 --aw a Irk ti I II tKtlu ..) onir on is k. wm rrsi Sec itrn t--.

1 -a ff (Wor- si A i 1 dl i. A a.w&a i.

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