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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 7

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TI7E CITY IN BfJEF. FootpaJs L'akin; Jlidnisbt Travel Decidedly Cansfroas in the Xarthwest Side. County Physician Morer Slates OEoially TUt Alary LIcGurn lock Poison, The PostoEce InYestiration A Smooth Thief jostle Waiu'a Funeral Personal Brevities. DARING FOOTPADS. Th West Chicago avenu polio ar after a gang of thug who hav bean nuking tbe streets in that district dangerous during the last week or more.

During that time a number of people bare, been robbed, and some of them hare reported at the station. About 11 o'clock Monday night a laborer came into the station and mads a complaint His clothes were torn and blood was oozing from wound above b.i forehead full? three inches long. Ee had been "held up" at the corner of West Ohio and Sangamon atrewts by three men. One held a revolver to his faoe, another held his hands, and the third went through his pockets. He had nothioe with him but a razor.

They took that Then one of them insisted he should take off his coat The man refused and another of the thugs hit him over the head with a club. Before the blow could be repeated he Jerked away and ran. They did not follow him. The laborer had Just finished his story and left the station, when a man came running up the stops in state of great excitement He had no coat or vest on, but wore a new silk hat which was badly broken. The man proved to be Louis BchClti, the son of a former West Park Commissioner.

Schnltn lives at No. 4IH Milwaukee avenue. He came home at midnight from a party on the North Bids by way of the Chieam mniM brides. At the corner of San- gamon street and West Chicago avenue three tuen were standing. One of them stepped in front of him, at the same time the other two closed in behind him.

Th wan in front leveled revolver, bat notwitnstandiug this Hchulta Itarted to run across the street One of the men saugb him and threw him roughly down upon the pavement He scrambled to bis feet, and nail tha olf-nooaBaaion to Dick OP his hat and out it upon his head sgain. Just as coolly the same fellow again aimed the revolver at mm, anl told him it would be best to pass etit out Schulu submitted, while Ihe two men went through his pockets. Among other things they got a gold aratnh and rium and 12 in moneV. With th big fallow in front with the revolver they ordered him to march to the cearest street lamp. He did so, and there by the light they xaniined his clothes.

They were good ones. The big man ordered Schulu to strip. He look off his coat and then his vest Both were ktkan possession of bv the He was then ordered to inarch forward on Chicago ave nue, and not to look back. When he turned to look back thev had disappeared. Schulta was self-possessed through it all He looked in every direction for a policeman, but could see none during all the time they were searching mm.

When Schultx made his complaint at the itation several officers were immediately sent out Thev could not rind the men. Bchnlue was able to crive a rerv rood description of them. and the police are confident that they will be rated rvsooa. Complaints La been made at tne station before, however, against the same MARY M'G URN'S DEATH. Several criticisms have been published upon the action of the County Physicians in.

the post mortem upon Maggie MoGurn. It has been in timated that the examination was only superficial and did not warrant the deductions drawn and testified to before the Coroner. When the inquest was held only partial examination had. been made for lack of time, but the complete examination sine nnisneq nas sus- fl wlnj.tinna ilnwn ruinl PliMinian Mover submits the following to correct the iu- justice done him: "Some little misapprehension exists in the public tnisd aa to tbe conduct of tha inquest in toe McUurn ease, and upon the post-mortem appearances aa expressed before the coroner's mm ann Mimm vu Mtuiv VI row -heated ia some recent editorial comment. At a matter of fact the examination waa not cursory er superficial; all the internal organs were carefully observed, and no lesions were found excepting intense redness of the stomarh and small intestine.

This fact associated with the history of the case mjc.j... i i taint? Uiat death was caused by some irritant poison. The stomach, with Its contents, waa removed for further examination, and to-day present all the appearances of intense Inflammation. The mucous membrane is of a dark brick red color, studded with I ravish aad erroded patches. Considerable blood waa mixed with the contents of the stomach, which amounted to one and one-half pints of fluid, containing large quantities of mucus aad a few small particles of food.

Owing to the large amount of arsenic contained in the stomach, it with its contents are aa well preserved aa on the day the stomach was remf ved. i No Quantitative analysis of the contents of ths stomach has been made, but the teats so far as4 plied show arsenic in large quantities, probably not less than thirty grains. Nearly tire grains of (crude) arsenioua acid, undissolved, were sepa4 rated by washing th more solid portions of the stomach. i It is difficult to see how sny fair criticism can be raised regarding the method or the results of tbe post-mortem examination. if it should be shown that this is ease of hutnktidal poiaoning, there weuld be no failure to convict be cause of any imperfection is the LUJtOLD X.

Moyjca, County Physician. 1 WHO IS TASCOTT ANYWAY? Detective Tom Loftns, unconcioualy, it is claimed, jesterday perpetrated as good a hit of sarcasm a ever came from the polios forpe; Loftns is doing fly" duty st the West Chicago Avenue Police Station. Day before yesterday' a new horse was sent np to the patrol barn attached to this station, 'hands went in to view the new steed; The harger was trotted in before the admiring blue eoats, and one and all pronounced it a The beast had no name and it was suggested that some one christen him. A number of names were suggested by two of ths bystander. '( "Name him Tascait!" facetiously exclaimed a third.

This brought Loftns to bis feet "Yon want to call him Tasoott, do youf he panted. "Why not?" queried the' wif' who had suggested the name iu all earnestness. "Why not?" repeated Loftua. TO toll yon why I object to the nam If that horse was ever to break loose from the traces and get away the entire ptfica force of the city would be unable to recapture him. And then if would only serve as an excuse for the papers to roast the department on another Tascott escape.

THE POSTOFFICE INVESTIGATION. The Washington commission appointed by Postmaster General Dickinson to examine into the condition and requirements Of the postal ssrvice in Chicago made considerable progress Y1 a rt nnn. Tfu rm fnnvtW Inn. nw au .11 VU UIU 1J. UJ 1HAI collector Rensselaer stone, the custodisn of the building, where all the special work of the commission will be conducted and the reports made out for transmission to Washington.

Commissioner Ryan commenced yesterday the InveeUKation 01 tns mailing division which is tinder the supervision of It A. D. Wilbanks, Superintendent of Mails. Commissioner jJoaaer is engaged in the examination of the letter-earners' department, of which iienry is periutendent; Coro-BiiSSioDer Cotiley has been assigned to the m-apecriouor tlie money order division, which is in charge of rmpcriutendent SculosHtnan, snd fommioncr Wells is examining the depart-ineut of the Auditor, which is under tbe diree-hon of Colouei lloa. i'ostoffloe Inspector Kidder at Uie request of tue eommiiw.oa.

ss-SiKned IuiPec.tors George and Benjamin fctickiiey of his diviaiou. to reuder suuti uismt-ance as the comniuwioners may need. Post-Blaster 1 udd said no information coidd be ei ven of the work npon which toe conimiss.ouers from Washington were engaKed a tl.e result if their Ubors would be impart-M to no one before it was transmitted to the rosttaaster General one of Uie othcials here, in point of fact will be apprised in any way as to the nature of the couciuxioim at winch the commission may arrive, 'iheir recouimendatioiis can not be known nntU their report has been transmitted to Wash ington. Chief Iimpector Woat, of the United fctates PohtoQioe iiepartnient, said the examination of tbe nuance departmeut of the Chicago i'os'-oilic was about oump.sted jrenterdiy aul that tlie commia.sion ha'l already entered upon the iuvvb: maiiau of Hie mailiuz and lcttcr- carriera' departments. I hie work will occupy veral uavs.

It is liciieved that the work of tlio commifttiou will not be completed until about April la. A CITIZEN'S COMPLAINT. Commander F. A. Battey, of George Thomas Poet, G.

A It, received rery strange treatment at the hands of a conductor on a Stat street car on Monday, evening, judging by his statement made to a reporter for Thc IxtV 7 Occam yesterday. He said: "I live at Eagle-wood, and, in company with two gentlemen rienda, took the Stat street car about 9 o'clock on Monday night One of the gentlemen and myself sat down near the door, while the third was standing in the aisle, with a party between bim and me. That gentleman paid the fares for I the three, but th conductor cam around to me and not knowing the fares had been paid, handed bim my book of ticket which pass through to Englewood. The conductor tor one ticket out, whereupon the gentleman opposite to me said: "Your fare has already oeen paid. said, "is that soi" ana at uia sugnestion th conductor handed me a nickel, i aud retained my ticket The nickel I handed to the gentleman who paid the fares.

Th other parties were going to Thirty-ttrst street, snd wnen ttiev got on i snseu in cuuuui-ior check to enable ni to ride to Fifty-ninth street He refused to give it, and said, "I have given you niokel" I ssid, "Yes. and I gave it to th geutleman who ovsrpaid you, but as 1 gave yon a ticket I want a check to enable me to ride to Fifty-ninth street" He refused to giv it. snd on passiug Tnirtv-niuth street tbe conductor eam and domandiid my fare again. I said. "No; yon hav my ticket which yon torcjout of my book and retained it" He said, "I gav you a nickel, didn't 11 Unless vou give nie a far I'll pnt off." 1 said.

Til not give you fare," and at Fortieth street he stopped the car and asked me if I was going to pay a fare. I said "So," whereupon he came at me like a tiger, and dragged me out of the ear, and both fell into the mud. Borne passenger csjn out and interfered in my behalf, he jumped npon tbe car and went off. I went to Uie company onice, ana my Btatemem was taken bv a clerk, who aaid it would be investigated, but I have advertised for those person who witnessed the assault, and propose to sue th company. HE CRIED 'FIREl" William Patterson, alia Busse, is a rery ordinary looking thief, but, according to the stone told by the police, be ia a very clever one.

Last Saturday afternoon he entered the grocery store of P. Wameke, at No. XV Boron streot, with one of his clever friend. Ths two talked with th grocer, who waa alone in his store, several minutes, and then Patterson walked leisurely to th back of tbe store and looked carelessly out of the window. Suddenly he became very much excited.

"Fire! fire!" be yelled. "Wameke, your barn's a-fire! It's biasing!" The grocer rushed out at th back door to hi barn. He didn't find anv fire, but when be re turned he fonnd less in his till. His two clever frionds were gone. When Patterson was first arrested ha was cusrged with larceny.

He took a change of venne from West Chicago avenue, and at Despbunea street tha chants of accessory to laroenv waa added. On tb latter charg Justice Woodman held him to the Criminal Court in $500 bonds yesterday morning. JUSTICE WAITE'S FUNERAL. Th following committee to attend the funeral of th late Chief Justice Waito, to be held at Toledo, Ohio, on tbe 29tk inat, has been ap pointed by President Thomas Dent to represent th Illinois State Bar Association: X. W.

Fuller, Chicago; John M. Palmer, Springfield; John Scbolfield, Marshall, nod John N. Jewett, Wirt Dexter, Henry M. Sheppard, and W. G.

Ewing, Chicago. James P. Boot, Chairman of the Chicago Bar Committee, ha appointed th following gentlemen to represent th Chicago Bar Association in conjunction with th sbi committee, on Denalf or the Illinois fctate Bar Association: J. Y. Scammon, 1L W.

filodgett, B. CL Cook, C. Beck with, W. Goudv. A JL Pence, General Geonre W.

Smith. Colonel Hnntiosrton W. Jackson, Henry Y. Freeman, M. F.

Tuler. P. Khermaa. Jeremiah Learning. Leonard Ssrett Julius S.

Gnnnell, Thomas Drnmmond. Joseph E. "Gary, Frank Collins, F. H. Winston.

Pliny B. rimith. Irns Coy, George Bsaa, John J. Jisrncx, wiiiiam Brown, John 11. caton, Uaa-erat K.

Stile, William B. Bradford, and B. a Mag-rader. Mr. Koot desire all the above named gentlemen who intend to attend th oneral to com municate that fact to Messrs.

P. B. Smith and George F. McKnigbt as soon aa practicable, th railroad and hotel arrangement having been delegated to them. Tb general committee of the bar baa called a meeting lawyers at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, in Jndg Blodgett'a court room to take appropriate action in regard to th death of Chief Justice Waite.

THE NICARAGUA CANAL. At the usual weekly meeting of th directors of ihe Board of Trade, held yesterday, Charles Hutchinson presiding, th following pre amble and resolution waa adopted: Whereas, Tha proponed canal throneh the re- public of Nicaragua to allow the passage of ships rrom ocesa to ocean would snorts th ronte of sea-born commerce between the Atlantic aud the Facidc by thousands of miles and greatly promote tbe welfare and activity of our industries and shipping by givieg to American vessels and products the advautags bow enjoyed by those of Europe of the shortest routs of wster communication between the ports of the Atlantic and Pacific; and The steady growth of such ses-borne eotnmerce snd the rapid increase of trade snd population of our own snd other lands on th facine renders it certain that such iuteroceanio casal must be constructed at no very distant day therefore, be It Ktsolred, That we aie In favor of the construction of said Nicaragua Canal nnder American aas- Dicesand control: and be it further Jinoired, That in our judgment the bill to that end which has already passed tbe Heaat snd is now pending in ths House of Bepresentstivss ia worthy ths support of oar Represeutatives.ln Con gresa. A resolution was also passed empowering th transportation committee of the board to receive complaints of violations of the interstate commerce law and prefer charges to the Interstate Commerce Commission if th complaint are eonaiaerea to well lounaea Th following new membors were enrolled W. a Forker. E.

B. Chapman. F. D. Meacham.

W. a Elmore. P. W. Billiard, B.

JL Hubbard, auasu u. jacai.ur.ey. A PRACTICAL INVENTION. In view of tb 1st railroad accident in Florida, occasioned by the derailment of a single car truck, an invention recently perfected by Chicago inventor comca with especial interest In th main it is a car buffer ao constructed that each platform sustain tha on adjacent to it, and in cas of the derailment of on truck th buffer bold tha car in place. Collateral to this, and growing out of the same principle is a plan for a vestibuled car, whicn does away with many of the complexities of the present system, this buffer, in doing away with lateral, as well as vertical motion, secures a "much smoother movement of the train, and reduces the jolting to a minimum.

Tbe plan also includes an improved brake, which does away with the complications of tbe air brake, and. is highly commended by railroad expert who hare examined it This invention has been nnder contemplation for a long tune, and has only boon brough) to the attention or railroad men within a lew days, tbe inventor regarding the Florida accident as a favorable instance illustrating the value of hi invention. BREVITIES. A Short-lived Cur. Henry Jestrum, the Blue Island avenue photographer, is still at th Detention Hospital for the Insaue, and raving aa wildly as ever over the spiritualistic fancies which drov bim insane.

He ha to be kept tied to a scat, and bis hands confined to prevent injury to himself or others. When hi family visited him yesterday they were accompanied by Dr. L. IL Kason. He is a.

little old gentleman, bald-headed, with a fringe of long hair depending from his ears, a gray beard, and rusty black clothes. "I am the oldest spiritual bealer in the city," be said, "and hare been here thirty-fire years." Br permission he went to work on Jestrum, who had just before been cursing soma nialignsut spirits. With a few mesmeric passes he reduced the patient to perfect qnietuees, and presently to unoon-sciounaeNa. Then he called for seizors, snd took a lock of Jestrum's hair. He explained that by its aid he could will Jestrum to quietad at anv time and should frequently da so.

Tb patient's family were greatly pleased at the result and left porfectly satiHtled. The Doctor must have lost the look of hair or got it mixed somoliow, for Jentrnm was unusually violent all tbe afternoon, lie keepa aileut fur a time and then, with eve fixed on vacancy, holds long and excited arguments with the spirit on every conceivable subject A German Lottery Schema. F. Twcrenbold, who has a meat market at Ko. 2003 Dashicl street, and his father, who is also butcher at No.

289 South Morgan street, were callers on State' Attorney Longeneckor yesterday. They were victim of th German lottery bond swindle, and were seeking redress. 'Th son had invested "$75 and th father $83. A smooth-tongued sgent cam around in 18bt) and sold them issued by Msx Golderg, who professed to bsve a banking institution corner of Ridge and Houston streets. New York.

Tbey go some very ornate certificates in green and gold, bearing big seals and the imprint of two languages, and paid f'. a month regularly. When thev had paid $100 they were to get a German bona for that amount good for its face. Th inducement to invest waa that it cost them nothing and th holders of th bonds had a chance iu a lottery with magnificent drawings. The holders finally became convinced that there waa nothing bnt a swindle in tha scheme.

They say that more than three thoussnd such certificates as they hold have been issued in this country. Tbey have appealed to the Government authorities and yesterday to th State's bnt as the people are all ont of th Stat ther seems to be but lit tl chance of convicting them. Bara-Utrs Who Had Ko goals. Botwech th hour of 8 and 9 o'clock last Bight Lane Tint, a German servant girl in th employ of Jacob th distiller, lost th savings of four year of eeaeolcss toil by a burglary. At th time mentioned, and while the servant girl was down in th kitchen, burglars placed a 20-foot ladder on the porch in the rear of the house.

the uppor and of which crashed through the window leading into the servant girls' room on the socoud floor. Having gained access to ths apartment in this manner, th burglar set about turning thing over, breaking into bureau drawers and closets. A trunk standing off in the further end of th room waa forced open and the eon touts strswn over th floor. Tb man had, apparently, taken tha contents, for the moat part wearing apparel, ont piece by piece, so aa to miss nothing of value. Aear the bottom of tbe receptacle waa found an old family album, between tha folds of which wore neatly Disced, in bills ot various denominations, all the money tha poor girl had laid bv for tha popularly dreaded "rainy" day.

There waa liOu in sjl and securing this uie thieve left aa they had entered via tbe Udder. Ko ar rest. Cash Grain Trast. v' The country dealer ia actual cask grain ar organizing to control tne market and to pre vent particularly the violent disturbance of th market by bear raids. Thirty of these ing in Indiana and Dlinoia, held private meat-ink's at tha Sherman House yesterday afternoon ana evening ana lormea an organisation which tbey propoe shall extend throughout tb tern tory tributary to Chicago.

Th great firm of u. uaruett a reoria; n. v. JiniKtit ia- avette. and Biser A Warden.

Kankakee, were represented. Last year these three firms alone handled 21.000,000 bushels of wheat, corn. ana oats, utner dealers present were: w. Wolcott, Wolcott, Iud; H. L.

BoshneU and William Moor, Hoooatoo; Charle Hartley, Goodlaad, Ind. A. CL Hammond, Wyoming, Marston, Onarga, liL; O. Barnard, owier. luL.

and w. and m. Curtis. Oxford, Indiana. An organisation was completed, omoers were elected.

Two or three men were appointed to travel through Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, and canvas th buyers. At the end of two week another meeting will be held to tighten th organization. Uaklaf Too Moch Mosey. A delegation of West Bide barbers called on Commissioner Swift yesterday, and an tared vigorous protest against the existence of the Emelin 10-oent bath-house. Tbe delegation waa beaded by E.

Fresco tt, a Wast Sid bathhouse man. Tbey claimed that the establish- maot waa taking away, their custom sad making an enormous amount of money. They rnada a good thing ont of their bath department, Mr. Presoott claimed, since th eitr charged them nothing for water, and tha baths attracted a largo patronage to ueir oarner a nop, wnare they charged regular Btiee for- work. In word, they claimed there waa nothing in tha way of charity about tha place, bnt it was rather a moner-makimr tobliahmant, -with, profits greatly enlarged sines under its eharityi title it waa given th advantage by tb csty of free water.

Similar enterprises, tho- delegation claimed, were contemplated for the Korth and Sooth Sides of tha city. Cnaimisaioner Swift promised to investigate." Th Emelin batb-bonse ia located on West Madison street and was established som three year maea, its pro jectors seenrmg for it a plaee. In ah enemy list since it afforded cheap bathing facilities for the poor ui uie nmsuarti Mora faillUiii'sat; Among the indictment found yesterday by th grand jury waa on against Lawrouo Kin-aella for murder." II lived St B004 Dearborn street, in the town of Lake. On tha bight of Jan. 20 he.

in a fit of drunken rage, boat his wife with a chair, and she died Feb. 17. An other for murder was scainst Frank Braobohatf. who shot and killed his wife's step-son, Vaclav Kriz, at No. 59 August street on March 1.

dur ing a family row. A new indictment waa aim found against Harry Jackson, tha horse shark. Th usual advertisement about thh "bay mars Polly, record 2:35, sound and kind, the property of a lady." caught Mr. George' W. Beck, and Ftb.

8 she bought Poltv for $300. with th usual result Poliv turned out to be broken down and could not seat a horse-car. Wit this indictment will be revived an ok! one. Patrick Coakley, of Ao. U23 Thirty-fourth street was taken in by Jackson aoms time aso.

Jackson was indicted and convicted, and after the Ap pellate ourt naa amrmea tne cas tv went to the buprem Court, whsrs tt is now Wast Town Board. "An adjourned meeting of the member of the West Town Board waa held at their new offioes. over tbe Haymarfcet Theater, on Madiaon near Hals ted street, last night. Justice Scully presid ing. The only business of importance trans acted was uie runner consideration and auditing of bill toft over from tbe last meeting.

Among those present were justices nooiiy, itussei, isioom, Ebernsrt, La Buy. and Woodman, and Clerk Mc 1 1 trains. A bill which has been running sine 1882. for over $000, due to Cameron, Amberg A was finally audited and ordered paid, and a bill due to th J. M.

W. Jon Stationery Company was also ordered paid. Kn- pervisior Ot P. Berry presented a bill for $3, 000 for year's service as Supervisor. A Tonga Crowd.

On of last week's quarrel in the Bohemian scttlament on Throop street resulted in two black eyes, a bruised nose and several scratches on Josef Schrachta'a face. Josef immediately took ont warrants before Justice Jarvia Blume for tbe arrest of Mrs. Anna Tyk and her two sons, Thomas Tyk and Michael Tyk. Const-, ble Crawford took th warrants and went to ar rest the Tyk. sooner did he open the gats than th Tyk fell npon There were James, Anna, Michael, Thomas and several others, and they all took a chance at the consta ble bead.

He managed to secure lorn with the "come-alours" snd brought him to the of fice of the Justice. There the constable exhib ited a worse face than Schrachta ahowed. Yesterday fonr of the Tyk were arrested by the constables and warrant are out for tb rest of A Cashier's Trial. Evidence is all in and argument are being made in the John Van Thiel cas before Judge Clifford. Prins Koch, large Western land dealers at Ko.

01 Clark street, charge him with appropriating $1,300 of their money while he was their cashier. They proved falsa entries, and then he went on the stand and made some very serious charges against members of the firm. The Weather. The temperature yesterday, as observed by Manasse, optician, at No. 88 Madison street.

waa as follows: Thermometer 8 32 degrees above eero; a. 32; 10 a. 31 11a.m., 32; 12m, 34; In 33: 3 n. m. So; 0 34.

Barometer 8 29.49 p. Miscellaneous. Great reduction in price of furniture and araperie at toiDy 219 State street The funeral of the late Samuel L. Keith will be at the Tremont House this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Frienria invitA.1 Aa oil painting was presented yesterday to I presiding elder at ths Episcopal Churcu, at bis liuuie ou iuii.uiia avenue.

Friends of the P.ov. Mr. Burlinjhaiu niuile an attempt to pet his ca. put on call for the first day, but Jud-'S Griunell ordorcd that it await iu turn with the other cases. The regular weekly meeting of tha Central W.

T. U. will be hold at headouartors, room 4)1, No. 1G1 La Sails stroot, at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Mr.

E. W. Mark will load th devotional exercise. Tb Chicago Secular Union has leaaod "Tb Forum," at th corner of Wahington boulevard and Sangamon street, and will dedicate it Sunday evening by a meeting, at which addresses, recitations, and musio will be th attractions. Argument for a new trial In th case of Mrs.

Annia Hermann, Wm, Hi ground, and Charles Busse were postponed until to-morrow. They wcr convicted of conspiracy to ruin a roung girl. Sigmund gotung a four years' sentence, and lb other ttv year each. Three small boys sneaked into Goorsr Eofi meat market, No 253ii Cottage Grove avenue, Monday afternoon, aud stole $12 from th till. Georgo Kaylor and Fred Taussig, 10 years old, were arrested yesterday charged with the theft, and are locked np at tue Armory.

The American Tariff Reform Leagu baa been organized in this oity, with authority to form branch leagues in all the State. A local league baa been organized, with S. Corning Judd as President, aud a National convention, is to be held her aa soon a enough branch league ar organized. Michael Callaghan- and James Brittan are looked np at the Chicago Avenue Station. Pat McGuirs and Pat Burke room in the same house with them at No, 8tf Woila street The Pats charged the other two with stealing some lotha.

For this th Pat were attacked aad given terrible beating, and the arrest followed. Thirty-one recently indioted prisoners pleaded not guilty before Judge Hortou yesterday morning. Among them was Dr. William H. Hodgson.

He ia chanted with passing forged check for $23 on the Caatla Shirt Company, but there are a lot of other CL against him which, if hair true, indicate that i a moat skilled aoofideno Tha anaai-eriminal calendar will called Monday by Jndg Grinned. On that day preliminary call will mad of all th 4O0 case on docket Where parties are represented the case will bo set for trial, otherwise the caae will be dismissed, lueaday being election day ther will no call of tu ealeudar, bnt on th following Wednesday eourt will open lor boat. Anton Kelson was fonnd not cuiltv of rob bery, vesterdsr. When the evidence waa heard Jndg Haw took th case from th jury. August Anderson, on ttia way rrom Jolirt to Bt Paul, stopped here to ae tho eights.

Ha left $123 for safe keeping at Dennis O'Caliahan's saloon. No. 133 South Canal street He claimed to have only received part of it back from Nelson, tb bartender, and had him indicted, He swore that all the falas entries were mads at th instanc of member of tha fjnn for their bane tit, Ha aaid tha arm bad partner ia Holland and mads larg investments for capitalists there. He said tha profit on these were frequently diverted to th individual account of member of the hrm. They were now trying to show that $U300 ordered sent to Holland and never oat had been taken by bun.

Too oaso will got to th jury thia noon. Thomas McHsle, of No. 01 Erie street, waa taken to the Detention Hospital for th Insan yeslerdav afternoon. He wsa barefooted and Dareneaueo, ana in a violent condition, nt i bH year old, and for th past four years has not ben employed. For ten year previous be was on th polio fore attached to the Chicago Avenna Station, and faithful efficient officer.

Lately he ha been drinking too heavily, and ia now suffering from delirium tremens. Jacob 8hopier is on trial before Judira Hawea for burglary. He ia a vouug gambler, living on Hals ted, near Thirty-sixth street, woo has before been in th clutches of th law. He is charged with en taring th bona of Samuel harabelnikow. oornar of Tbirtv-eudith and Tucks atreaU.

In tha dsy time. A $100 watch and chain and a $10O bracelet were taken. Ofhoer Arthur Dillon oanglu Shopiere shortly after the lose waa diacovered, and neighbora identified, him aa coming from tha bona. 9 Tha Casars family, living at Xo. 300 Korth Market street were ao terrorized bv the bloodthirsty threats and conduct of 18-year-old Theodore that that had him arrested aad aent to th Bridewell on a $13 fine.

He thrashed his father, an elder brother, and a little sister, and tbey complained not, hut when he commenced on tne mother tney aougnt poJioa aut one waa an invalid, recent victim of a street accident, and very nervous, and ha even wanted to add to hi diviltry by blowing a month organ besido bar soneitive Jndgs Lonfsnecker is naturally elated over th fact that in Bin eases that bars juat com before tha Supretn Court coavK-tioua have bee sustained ra aO. Among other is the case of Harry tiihuan, who ia now undergoing thirty years in the penitantiarv for mnrder. Many criminal lawyers expected that a new trial would be granted in thia ease, aa they thought Judge Anthony had admitted evidence not usual in mnrder trials, bnt tbe decision of th Supreme Court prove him to hav been right in his rnlings. Cora Snllivsn. one of the inmates of the house of ill am at No.

14 Clinton street, could not be awakened yeaterday morning. Sha waa known to be morphine eater, and the polio were notified that she had attempted suicide. A policeman, two doctors, and several girls struck her and pulled her about all the furenoon, to keen bar awake. She was on th point of death several times, bnt tha affect of the doaa finally warned away, and ny nignuaii ana waa won on th way to recovery. Sb ear tha overdose was accidentally taken.

Tha Roach gang of ear burglar ar on trial before Judge Horton. They were arrested for breaking open and rifling freight oars of the Chicago aad Northwestern Railroad and there ar thirteen indictments against them. The gang consisted of Patrick Boach, William ClaavT, Grant McCntcbeon, William Tiedmsn, and William Pragma. Tho latter haa pleaded suilrv. McCutcheoo haa turned State's evidence.

and th other will certainly be convicted. Roach and Cleavy ar first being tried on on indictment Assistant State's Attorney Neiley has th saaunano of Frank Walker, represant-ing tha railroad company, PERSONAL MENTION. Thomas Andma, on of the earliest settlers in Chicago, ia expected to dia at bia homo in Lemont Andrua ia 87 year old, and came to Chicago in 1833. named the Tremont House. His only relative living in the city is Officer Marshall Walton, of the Deaplaine street force.

Walton ia bis grandson. Judge John B. Jackson, of Parkersbnrg, W. oi tn united State circuit conn, la visiting hi eon, who is on of th officer of tbe Chesapeake and Ohio Bailwav. The Judge will be a guost for a few days of Collector Bansaelaer Stone, of the internal revenue department The marriage of Mis Jennie Beaton and Mr.

W. Fred Brabrook will be celebrated April 5 at th residence of th bride' paranta. No. 1383 West Madiaon atreet, The Misses List and Tahte Cipriani, daughters of General Cipriani, of Florence, Italy, ar th guests of Mis May Bice, No. 630 Washington boulevard.

HOTEL ARRIVALS. At tha Richelien J. W. McCullagh. St Louis; Mrs.

Gore, New York; I B. Newell and Mr. George B. Newell, Minneapolis, and George H. Clark, Saginaw.

At tne Leland W. Bnrline, OSew Tork; James E. Boyd, Omaha; Mrs. IV A Hodgea, Grand Bapids; the Misses McGeoch, Milwaukee Bobert Carson, Philadelphia, and M. J.

Miller, Aurora. At tha Tremont Th Hon. M. Burch, Grand hapids: Mr. and Mrs.

a O. Greenwood, Duluth; Charles H. Hague, New York; J. a Miller, Salt Lake City; H. C.

Thomas, St Paul; the Hon. Sweat Washington, and Dr. G. W. Jones, Danville.

At the Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hill, Saginaw; O. H. P.

Noyea, Yokohama, Japan; Mr. aud Mrs. H. Van Every. New York; J.

A. Hanlv and J. T. Cl.rV ki v. RtkM London, Eng.

William Houdon, Glasgow, Soot- uu, i oiuiuiumuaru, ew xora. At the Sherman Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H.

Vsllean, Decorab, B. Goodwin and family, Waterville, N. Me and Mrs. Henry Clark, Galveston, Texss: Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Raunon, Auirusta. JiihnBlakia. Toronto.

Canada Stephen Bull, Baoina. Win A. D. Keade, Bata- jia, 4. a.

xtzzeua, iliocdon, England: 4. ti. Yi ilson, Des Moines; A O. Auten, Spring- neiu, in. ueorge iiogors, Lima.

Uhia At the Grand Pacifjtj J. F. Frigaze, Ran jTancisoo; General John J. Binaker, tirlin-vilie; the Hoa H. F.

Marsh, Warsaw; the Hon. Jason ltogors, lfccatur: Gooreo II. Harris. St Psul; Horace WtUiams, 'Burlington; ilr. and Mrs.

rairbanks, Terra Haute; Mr. and Mrs. T. Power. HuLna.

M. T.i Mr. and Mrs J. J. feaxley, Lodi; Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. iiatlu r. Glen- wood Uprincs.

CoL tha Hon. Georirs iL Peck. iTopeka. Slacsaix's best co loo, 3 Sit for IL siccxiioldehs satisfied. Ellington Directors CplolJ PrrsiJcnt Perkins In His At tit ml Tawar Striken.

Tbe Eailroad and Warehouse Commissioners Consider Etrik? Affairs Disaati flad Lumbermen. Eock Island Officials Await Jude Gresham's Decision with Some Trepidation Kotes. THE SITUATION. Ther la no change tn th affair of tha double-headed Burlington strike. Both en-ginemen and switchmen are resting on their oars, waiting, apparently, for a turn in th tid of railroad affair.

At a lata hour last night th brakemen bad not goo ont, bnt grumbling of discontent ar heard from that body that presage more tronbl. No violence was displayed by any of th strikers. Trouble was expected at the Stock Yards, bnt it failed to materialize and the Burlington yard were a quiet a a country chnrch yard. Passenger train were received and dispatched aa usual, bnt freight traffic, was trifling compared to tha customary amount of this branch of business. One train of stock waa received aad about forty cars of perlshabl freight arrived.

Forty awitchmea are now working for th Burlington Boad in Chicago, and it is claimed that thia number will be augmented to eighty or 100 in a few days. As the switchmen claim to hav quit work individually, their reasons for thia action may be aa various aatlie anon ar numerous. Ten or a dozen who war spoken to agreed in saying that no other oauae need be looked for than the danger tbey were exposed to from tha carelessueaa of th new engioenien. Both awitchmea and enginemen united in denying tb report that the vanon orders of railroad employes were to coalesce. "You can a easily mix water, quicksilver, and oil," aaid a grizzled old yard master Testerdsy, "a to eombme in on family snon, and brake men." DIRECTORS HEARD FROM.

It haa been claimed by thajrtriksrs sinoe tb beginning oftbo difficulty between tbe Burlington Boad and its employe that th management of that railroad would not be upheld in It g-gresairs course by tha owners and director of th road Chief Arthur ha claimed from tha first that tb Burlington Boad waa Buffering such tremendous loan that Messrs, Perkins and Ston would be forced by their backer to make epeedy term with their 1 men. That this hope is delusion, is proved by th following telegram received at th Burlington's office yesterday fcfteraoon: Bostow, March 17. X. Perkins, President C. and Q.

B. R. Company. Chicago: Tb board of directors bar Just passed tha following resolution: K'KotrH, That tha board nasnlmonsly approve of tho President' course dsrint the late strike, snd con aider that it is their duty to offer a steady resistasca, regardless of consequences, to anr at tempt so tass tne maaageaiens uk ins rosa uvui the hands of its owners. J.

If. FOBBES, Chairman. The receipt of this massage was the probable causa of Mr. Paul Morton's high good humor at his regular afternoon lave yesterday. "The officers of tha Burlington Koiad," said ha on this occasion, know what tney are abont If tb men who hav left a imasiaed that they oonkl foment internal disaentioa among those interested ia tha Burlington Boad they will find thev war mistaken.

Tb action of tbe officer has been taken with a view to tbe well-being of tha road- and for no other purpose. Thia fact ia recognized by tha owner of th Burlington system, who ar bard beaded business men that are saUaSed to accept sosse anno vane ia the pros at for the sake of future prosperity. Thia telegram ia tho best piece of new 1 hav to give yon to-day," con tinued Mr. Morton. Our freight business ia still badly incommoded, although wa are making progreue, Wa are receiving ail freight that is offered, and sent out ninety-aix cars to-day.

We have now a fores of abont forty switchmen in tha Chicago yard. That include twenty-fir new handSL tha balanco beins- composed ot freight conductor who are switching temporarily. We expect to fill our rank by not later than next Saturday. Our yards are well guarded and wa will protect our men. I expect no trouble, but wa intend to prepared for anything.

The switchman aimed their blow at tha new netnemon rather than at too Burlington fiosd. As ws ar bound to protect those man wa suffer more than they do, but they understand tho real meaning of the switch men's strike and appreciate our efforts to protect them. Our new hands are good hands noo better. If thev srr at all. it is on tho aide of ovcr-carofulnesa.

It ia a fact that in th past fonr weeks we hav bad fewer accident than have occurred during th asms length of time at any period in tne history of tb road. That's a pretty good showing for inexperienoed Mat it? There are plenty more of the name kind to be had if any on need tnem. If can make thia allow ing with non-union engineer can surely do a well with non-union switchmen. Th former hav long been considered the highest clssa of skilled labor, and this is always scarce, while the latter require bnt little mora experience than is necessary to turn out a good oraaeman. do not tninn that any mora vt ur meu will leave us.

It they do be thoy brake- men, conductors, section hand, or wuat not we will continue on th ven tenor ot our way, aad fill thair place aa rapidly aa possible. DOUBTED AT BOSTON. Bostox, March. 27. A report from Chicago that a meeting of directors of tbe Chicago, Burlington aad Qoiocy 1 tail road waa held in tho city to-day and resolution indorsing tbe management ot the road could not be verified to-night The Hon.

John Forbes, who is reported to have presided at tna meeting, reside in Milton, and can not Seen. President Perkins and one or two of th directors are at present in Chicago, ao that tb meeting, if held, would hardly transact much important business, LUMBERMEN'S TROUBLES. A meeting took place yesterday afternoon at tha office of the Michigan' Lumber Company, to consider tb action of the Chicago, Bock, Island and Pacific, the Chicago and and tha Chicago, Milwaukee and 8k Paul Railroads in refusing to deliver their own cars to and declining to receive their own Jha Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, in direct conflict with the interstate oommero law and to th great detriment of tho local lumber trade. The meeting wa attended by representatives of auch prominent wholesale 1 amber firm a S. S.

Martin, Chase A Pate, tho South Branch Lumber Company, Thompson Walk up, Thompson Bro. Williams, T. K. Lyon, The John Spry Lumber Company, th Sopar Lumber Company, A. R.

Gray, George G. Rob inson, tha J. Beidler Bra Lumber Company, H. Ehephard A Co. A committe composed of tho following gentlemen was appointed to draw np a resolution bearing on the issue in point: T.

B. Fleming, a K. Martin, D. a Pate, Francis Beidler, nod J. B.

Thompson. As a result of their communion th following resolution was drawn up. and will be presented at a meeting to be called to-morrow at 2 o'clock: JfrflocMf, That the vaat interests of th lumber buaineaa are being crippled by the actios of said roads, aad if auch course ia continued, ia likely to result tn th diversion of aaid lumber trad from this city not only for ths present but the future. We urge and implore said roads to immediately change this diaaalrou policy. In a talk concerning thia matter, arepresenta-tive of one of the leading lumber firms ssid yesterday: "The railroad companies refuse to handle consignments of lumber to lumbermen in the district, that is, such lumber as is lving on th tracks.

They refuse also to take cars that happen to bo loaded on the tracks with lumber. The Michigan Lumber Company has had car loaded with lumber on tha tracks since hut February. Another concern has twenty cars lying on the Chicago. Milwaukee and Paul tracks, care of the to tbe concern, for the last three weeks, aud they refuse to hand I them on tbe ploa that it is consigned to ths Boad. Lumber values are depreciatintr each day, and the losses to the large wholesale firms hsve been verv buys.

Fully one-third of the hands employed by the various firms sre now idle in the district By the district 1 mean all the yards that are oa th Chicago, Burlington and Quincy track A at 'rv-eveu, i aimtild tiiiuk that tin-re no nearly a) men out of employment Jlot of the4 nuf.irtuualcs sre luiubr-liovers, atvl when working roeHve aa pay from $2 to day. There's tlis Thorn pnon A WalknpCoiin.auy; th-y had twenty cars consigned to tiieni three weeks ago snd are yet undelivered. Several firms have brought suit against th roads, but the issues involved cannot be decided in a moment In refusing to deliver all the roads simply say that they are helpless and can not avert th THE BURLINGTON ARRAIGNED. Th State Board of Railway and Warehouse Commissioners bold a socret session yesterday.

The board, which ia composed of Mr. B. F. Marsh, Mr. Jason Rogers, and General Rinaker was called to Chicago to eonsider the complaint of a number of tha citizen of Aurora against th management of the Burlington Road.

It wa claimed by th com mittee who had come from Aurora to attend th meeting that-' a number of th now enginemen running on th Burling ton lin were so grossly incompetent that all persona traveling on train run by them wer in great danger of suffering kws of life or other bodily harm, Several Instance war quoted of accidents that might hav proved fatal tnreugh tha heedlessness or ignorance of engineers. The representations of the country delegate wore upneia and auooa to Dy three or rour ot tbe local strikers. Tbe Burlington. through its attorney, vigorously negatived imuumii ui uie Aurora yeopie. ana it wsa finally agreed that tha meeting adjourn for a week to give both stdoa an opportunity to pre- yiw uuur vuieuoe, THEY ARE WAITING.

Tbe Rock Island people say there is absolutely nothing new in regard to their relations with tha Burlington Boad. A prominent official of tha Bock Island Boad aaid yesterday: "Our engineers srs handling bo Burlington freight They will pull no "Q' ear either on our track or on those of the Burlington. They bar changed their attitude In this, as they formerly handled a little Burlington stuff, but now thev will not touch anything with th Libel Wa are now waiting to hear from Judge Graaham and tbe Burlington Boad, and will make no change in our method of running until we do," TO DISSEMINATE WEALTH. Chief Arthur bad nothing to offer last night, bnt Mr. Hoge aaid: "The great original twenty fonr who compose the Burlington grievance committee will in town to-morrow, a Chairman, bar called them her to determine on some course by which the men may be paid.

Chief Kargent started West a few dsvs ago with a boodl to supply tb want of the firemen, and I wish to make soma arrangement wberebv tb engineer can be supplied with tha needful in a fair and equitable manner. No, wa don't mean to give and of our cash to the awitchmea. They must attend to their own GAY GRADUATES. CHICAGO DENTAL, The annual oommanoamant exercises of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery were held yesterday afternoon in tha Grand Ooora House, when graduates to tbe number of forty-four wore awarded their well-earned diplomas. A host of lady friend and admirer of th lucky ones were seated in tha lower portion of tbe theater, and not a fow found eonspieuons seats in tha dress eircl.

The stag was transformed into a veritable flower-bed, teeming with th choicest beautiea that a favoring temperature and careful aurture will pnt forth bouquet for each, graduate, om ia baaketa, some in pendant form, and yet other ia mora fanciful designs, each on labeled and bound eecorely with apiece of doheately-ahaded satin ribbon broad enough to add to tha singular loveliness of th scene. The college faculty occupied a twin row of chairs on th atag. with th orator of tbe occasion in tha front rank. Aa overture from the orchestra, an invocation by tha Rev. Henry Q.

Parry, and another orchestra piece) was tbe trip! arrangement' thai prs ceded DalTBcuas w. mopht'b report aa Dean of the college. During tho year past 12S students had matriculated, the report aet forth, and of this number forty-four were of the senior claaa and aought their degree to title) them to practice dentistry. Reviewing th hwtory of th coUewe It showed that tha Era win haa been vneaomeaal. and the gradual Increase in uie number of eraduatee from vesr to rear sugured well for the future of the eollese.

Mr. Charles IL Wood then gave a pleasingly exe- ecu tea noun sola, at tne conclusion ot wniea tne degrees were conferred by Dr. James A. Swasey, who officiated aa president Tbe nat tiest of Prince Albert coats, the ntuat xraooaa of smiles, apparent nonchalance, but deep turning exultation, were a lew oi tne character- istica of the three batches that stood np on tha etage at on side, got their cylindrical and blne- nauaed diplomas, and men strode down arain. More music, a resurrection of a class history containing some pertinent remaras on tne orisin of dentistry and its evolution from the dark azes.

a clarionet solo by Mr. Samuel Fararn. and then releasor Truman W. Urophv entered upon an exhausbv faculty address. Following this came an address tiy tne iter, iienry u.

ferry, one of Waldtenfel's dreamy waltzes, and th exercise were over, ollowing are th XAiisa or tbx gbadvats; Peck, Robert Hervey. Clarke, Frank Braumont Anderson. John welsiey. Mouse, James Wsrd. Long, George Edward, Barclay.

Jobs Charles. Backer. Ueunre UeisnchuBeBDatt, Oeorce Oriu. Cady. Frank WUliaav ChappeU.

Sherman Lee. irtitmiD, Knsn ttnrea. lisirrmule, Wm. Gold. Darling.

Charles Henry. Davis, Frsnk Henry. Duncan, Samuel Finlay. Fortaae, William A. rei-man.

Clarsoos liowtner. AlTrsd. Cartta. Bnhert Mann. Anthony.

Gardner. Tbos. D. Goodrich, Grant A. Gudex, Valeotine.

Herbert. Alfred W. Henileracbott Peter IL Hsackle, Albert F. Henry, Francis. -Herman, Richard Hennas.

Henry 1 Kessler, Richard. Kuexter, WUiiam. Lattan, Louis F. Marshall, VI are W. Mcintosh, Edward M.

Merrimaa, Charles J. Morris, Ewing. NordahL Haas T. Reedy, George. Ruasell, Frank M.

Staler, Harry Stewart, Henry. Treen, BupertDefA. Whedoa, SamsH A. -Bennett. Wm.

Clayton. tha faculty and graduates did th usual thins following graduating exercise. Tbey indulged in a banquet Thia occurred at the Richelieu Hotel, and wsa a decidedly pleasant affair. The Urge banquet room was used and waa completely occupied by tho banqueters, who numbered nearly 200 persons. Hera the facnlrv of tha enTtmnt ut at tha bead table.

Dr. J. A. Swasey sitting in the center chair and presiding. Abont bim were the men who had helped to make the collegiate year success.

At three iarg table, set at right angles, were th graduates of the year, wearing tneir uest ana suuniosi amuse, mine nost i u. V. Bemia attended to the gastronomic wants of hia gueata with liberal larder and with lavish hand. At 8 o'clock the banquet proper beean. and lasted for two hour.

1 hen Dr. Swasey began the speech-making. With a delightful aoeence oi poetry, and in narrowing manner that affected the listners to tears, ha toldawsird tale of woe aa an introduction to the happier hits be made later on. When he bad paid his compliments to the guests, ha introduced Dr. tumiina oyes, waa, in us aosence or a minister, mads some theological remarks that hit tne popular lancy.

sffATOn KOCH WAS KrECTED. but sent his regrets, with the statement that be bad a headache, in his place, Mr. li Bins. ham was called npon to say something about "Chicago, tne nanan belt, compared with hew Tork and New Lngland." Queer subject! The speaker thought the theme a little awkward and hard to handle, aa ha did not know what the Mayor intended Baying. So he spoks of climate and atmosphere, referring incidentally to the climate of the Blizzard City, at the mouth of tbe Hudson River.

Then he made some apropos remarks to the ersduatea. becenng them to live in a good atmoepbere, individually and collectively. He askea that the figure tie taken in its finer sense, purity of purpose and of Lfo, and a desire to make the people with whom and for whom they work better in every sense. He congratulated tlis young men upon the privilege of going away with a license to talk iouulr and exult- ingly about Chicago. He alao anted them to sav that Chicago had ths best equipped and best organizea aentai college in the Cnnod htetes.

"The Lepal Profesvion" waa respouded to by Jud-e Henry M. bheDard. He drew some pleaoant fictions from the fact Cut law was Li 1.4 8 truth. Truth wm t.s juada- tlon of lw. I7a br-l and entertaiuip wsv, tfrtsmed hi bearers, lis ra.n i fact that Uie geutleman at his he past year, manufactured teeth and hoped the new doctors wouij Li cause.

DB, H. tTHERIDC.C spoke on "Grim Deem'' with smiling f. Death was th last thing ha was intcrr-tcd the last he cared to be familiar wuli. ia filling bis butt cavity was the a quaint grsve-stnue, in a quaint church in a quaint New Lowland town, and from i he drew some inspiration to say tLat i wanted hia dental ljHtiifs r.c to Coadminister an anesthetic to a patient unless a third person, a friend, present Tbe octort old some funny thiu connection with bia practice, and kept tl.e au -enea in a roar. Tne Faculty that Meeta When tbe Kol i Nest Aeaiu" waa tha toast responded to I 1 N.

Johnson, He spoke, of course, of spring faculty. Ha also aaid some verv bri. things, telling the young men how he in sun to deliver hia first lecture under d.iiicu. i somewhat serious. Dr.

E. E. Cady spoke on tha Alumni AMocIa-tion, was in good humor, and offered soi. reminiscence in a bappv wav. and followed by Dr.

F. 'B. Chr'k, who rooks of th class of In behalf of th graduating elass be thanked faculty and officers for their uniform good and kindness during the year. The Pleasures of the Suparintendency of a Dental College'1 waa tha bat toast, responded by Dr. Black, AXOSd THB DtLII IS'lS.

graduates, and visitors ware the following: C. font: aiiuin, wm. vt. vt Ttaiwell. Ir.

i. K. IIiLkina. Dr. W.

B. Ames. Dr. E. Honsinger.

Dr. J. A Swarey. Hon. S.

Bingaam, T. W. Brophy, H. Staler, Lanark, H. O.

Smith, G. N. WesC ti. S. Solomon.

it. nr. bmith. Dr. L.

L. McArihur, Hon. Henry M. bueoard. J.

H. Etheridirs. The Rev. 8. M.Crosamaa, h.

wrpitu, H-OBrtMl, J. G. Beid, Louis O'Hofy, L. F. Lsttan.

J. Ward House, Frank M. Cady, J. Frank Marrmer. A F.

Heskel. Charles C. Henry, L. T. Schindlsr, C.

E. Bentley. J. E. Keefe.

Charles W. Wachtsr. C. J. Underwood, A J.

Oakey. K.J.Perry, E. A. Royce, Jos Rwasey, C. W.

Btead, F. M. Buaseil, William Koester, James Stewart, B. C. Gardner, Edmund hojea.

W. U. Copeland, Charles J. Merrinua, W. J.

Nichols. R.Cochras- David Taylor. Frank H. Davis. a L.

ChappeU. V. C. Bacon. H.

H. Wllaoa, P. A Broadbeut ri. nomahl, R. R.

Powell, T. H. McCoy. C. B.

Sawyer, B. Freeman. r. F. Fletchst.

E. F. Keefe. C. W.

Carson, KK. Cady, C. F. Kachbaugh, G. B-Gniid, CHICAGO MEDICAL.

Th Chicago Medical College, a department oV th Northwestern University, bold its twenty-ninth commencement in Central Music Hall yes terday. When nearly all th seats oa the lower floor of th big ball were. Ailed, tb orchestra began to play. An ambarraased young man cam ont from th wings -with aa armful of diploma and put them on a table. Some of the bolder undergraduate gav a derisive cbeor.

Theg rad oate marched in and took seats reserved for them ia th parquet Th full faculty of th Northwestern University inarched in and took seat on the stage. Tha Rev. Joseph Cnmmlnga. President of the University, offered prayer. Dr.

Davi announced the prize winners. A prize of $100 given for the beat all around examination in medicine, literature, and science wa given to Winfiold, Scott Hall, who attained an average pence otae of 0(1 2. CTcr Fred Jenner Hodges, wboKsaade 9 1.2. Bayard Holmes received a prise fow beat thesis. It wsa an abstract of a study at diseases of the knee.

Thomas B. Swaru was adjudged to have bad th second best thesis. The Alumni Asao- ciarioa prizs of a ease of test lasses worth ltX. presented bt Fowler was given to Mr. Hall James F.

Keener ha aaasd a suc cessful examinatiott as surgeon in the United States nary. Everett J. Brosrn and Fred J. Hodge hsvw been eleetef a boeaa physicians in tha Cook County Hospital Tbomae B. Schwartz, in a eompeotiverramtnation, won a nl.A.

an Ut Tub.1. Un.hl' IJ.ll 1- ospital, and Charles B. Wagner in Micfaxll Bees Hospital Preaident Ciirriming 'corrferred degreea of doctor of medicine upon rhirtr-fiv graduates. ana, an nonorarv acgree upon l-atooert cbap-maa. The faculty orarioa iwasrrooounced br Prof easor Ralph K.

pradnaUs ah: Louis Barker, Jsww Pinly Keeney, Edward A. Bemia, Hrory H. Mather. Everett Josiab Brown, Charie lioracs Mayo, Heary B. CarricL utte beorg Miller.

Charles Wesley More, James Jacob Morgan, Edwin Morse, Edward C. Morton. William H. Parker. lUia Dniel Storer, Thomas H.

Swartx. Edwiu Palmer Taylor. Heary Aaaa VaaBema, Henry Allea Fink, William R. ringer, Henry D. Gardner, Frank rredenc ursy.

Ixmia Lincols Gregory. WinlMd Scott Hall, tosepn iiK nasceci, Fred saner Hods, -Bayard Hahaes, Uls T. Mobstu. nsries n. agaer.

Frederick R. Hunt, Charles Guatin Ives, -Charles W. Johnaosu WilUam L. Warriasc, Henry Whiunc, Two hundred and. fifty of tbe.

alumni and faculty of tbe Chicago Medical College dined t- gather at the Leland Hotel last night Professor John V. Owens presided. -Many eminent physician, alumni of this college, ware present The toasts responded to wrre: Cl-s of 'SS," Dr. T. B.

Swartz; The Alumni," -Dr. George Whoeler Jones; The Clergyman," Rct. Frank W. Gunsaulus; "Th Lawyer," James "A Lsyman on Doctors," J. IL McVicker; Profeaaor Oscar DeWoif, and "Good Sight," Professor 14.

S. A GOOD C1PTUES. Mary MeG ready, rested Car Ki 14-Tear Old Girl. Ar. rosis fty Taatta.

The polios of tha Stanton a verms district suc-ceeded yesterday in ridding the rreater porlioa of th fashionable South Sid residence district of ob of tb moat troublesome, a well aa one of the most skilful, petty thieves that the officers of the South 8 id hav had to deal with for years. There is nothing more distasteful to a police official be he exalted or humble ia position than a complaint from citizen who has been victimised in soma way and for whom th official is not abl to at one furnish redress or remedy. Such ha been th cam with Lieutenant Day, of th Stanton avenue Scarcely one day ot tha past thirty ha gone by without a complaint being made by om citizen, of a small, though annoying petty theft, generally in the way of clothing, mantle or parlor ornament of soma kind. In several cane the complaining parti a frave partial descriptions ot ou whom they -suspected of the theft, and by putting thia and, that together ti ti ofnciala of that atauou concluded that nearly aJ of the work was being done by a youn girl in broad day 'f-t tight From the descriptiona thus received of the thief Omoers Landeck and Brown arrested Mary MGready, a pretty little lrhdi girl, who' resides with her parent on1 Ejaoraid avenue, near Thirty-fifth street, and says, aba la not yet 1-t years of age. Mary waa southward on Cottag Grov avenue aud cam face tu face with the officers near Thirty-t mt street The officer were not quit suxsatfcr-t that she wa ths they wanud, but after a cloa study of Iti-foatnres snd general appearance V.

eoDcluded they wer right, and ao placed 1- under arrest Hor home waa visited bv oiue.m. aud after a thorough search fully $500 worm i women and children's clothing, table aud man: ornaments were found. It was all conveyed to the station, and parties who had madd complaint of small losses were at onco -titled to call and identify thoir proper v. Among those who have called and i tem i property are Judge Alfred Enms, N.x 31 Lake Park avenuo; Mrs. Ella O'Brien, No.

3 1 Prairie avenue-' Annie Larsen, :f.i.0 Vornu avenue: Mrs. Bowen, Ko. b3 Tbirty-ec- street; Mrs. Ada Stafford, iCJS avenue, and B. Cox, Ko.

olti8 tirovt.u avenue. A great deal of th property tin yet been identified. The girl' plan of operation was boldly enter- a house in dav t. and if by accident no one waa in off any convenient article, bbo ud dressed, neat appearing, and of good ai If she were discovered in the houe and tioned as to her business she was always with som plausible excuse, usually avert suspicion aa to her real cl aracu r. was arrested once in the Cottag Grove on suspicion of being a thief.

Ameet'nghas been hell at 1 X) gmiae a dairy asaow.4i.ja..

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