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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 16

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

and THE SOCIAL GRIP. ft Has Not Had the Strongest Hold on. People T- There Were Few Weddings Last Week and Few Are Record of the Various Entertain ments That Have Interested -Society of Late. WATRIMONtAU En traced Mr. Walton Allen and Kiss Sell M.

Bogg, both ot Englewood. Ths engagement of Miss Elizabeth Donaldson to sir. Charts Melon i'owler noaoood. Tern is an- Tn marriere of Mr. William Parker and Miaa Ida U.

Walton occurrod 'VYendeaday. Jan. 8. at tbe borne af tfaa bride's car la. No.

6408 Waatworth avenue. At borne to frienda af tar March 1 at Ka 3108 Rhode a venae. A. wedding occurred at KayweOd, Tuesday evening, at us residence or Mr. ana Hit jca win C.

Ttaa contracting partiea were Miaa Came W. Akin, aistertof Mra Edwin G. Morton, and Mr. William F. Giflord, formerly of isoeton.

Tne offlciatiofr clareymaa waa lie Be CL It. Wilcox, of tbe Coocrexatioual Theo logical Seminary of Chicago, 'i lie groom's beat man -was Mr. Albert Barker, of Boa ton. while ba bride waa preceded bv her beautiful little) mace. Misses Eveline and Henrietta Norton.

leeantlr coaramed and representing two lovely enptda. with elaborate bowa and arrow of fluwsrs. Tbe nahera were Mr. Henry F. Akin.

brother of the bride, and Mr. John fry, of Cni- caxo. Bobart H. Groeehow. of the Lake Michie.

and Lake Superior Transportation Company. and badie Saviea. Bsc of Charles IS. Davtea, were married WeUneed ijr erentus; by tbe Her. Father Dora at the Holy Kama CstuodraL Mr.

W. A. Flnkert-in gave the brida away. Miaa Anna, sist-r of tbe acted aa bridemjid. aod Chriatopher Pfander aa best man.

After tbe ceremony the party repaired to the residence of Mr. Mallory. the bride'a uucio, where waa held a brilliant reception. Among the many present were Mr. Vera Dane.

ases Annie and Kittle DaTiea. aiatcr of tne bride Mr. and Mrs. Maliory, badie layJor, cooaia of the bride: Mra. L.

M. Mallorr. Mr. and Mra. F.

W. Grnschow. The grooms parent; Mr. and Mra. Grnacbow, Mra.

JLeogso. air. rinKertn, Air. at. McDonald.

Mr. and Mr. Kobrxtaon, Mr. and Mra. Danuehtv.

Mr. and Mra. W. T. Mc and Mr.

AJborn, Mr. and Mra Kreaizberg, Mr. and Mrs. liotn. jar.

ana Mr. W. JLioya. Mr. and Mr.

Babsr. Mr. and Mra J. ViaUe. Miai Bertha Groachow.

aiater of the groom; "Misses Ijllia Mallorr. Nettie McDonald. Mand Clark Loin Fiber. Lena Scnenster. Lizzie Wade, W.n- iwe and alia (Jannen.

Mary aud Josie fecanlan. ineia Miller. Aate Messrs. rfaniier, Jihn and Haco Gruschow, Bob. Koberwon.

ft. MiUer. Preacott. Osboro. Van Winkle.

Tott Avery, Casey. Koilie ad Harry Taylor. The bride were ecru faille and brocaded a a tin, diamond ornament and carried bonqnet of reeee. Ansa wore neuotrope crep tie cnine. cut decollete, ana carried pin roae Miaa Kirue, fawn colored auk aud pfak roses; tiadis J.

Taylor, black lace, cnt decollete, and red roaea The presents were numerous and costly. The couple left afternoon for tour thtonKU the Western btato and will "at home" attar Feb. 1. -i PAST PLEASURES. I Mra Elbridge Keith.

No. 19UO Prairie nne. gave a dinner party Friday. are- The Forty Clnb e.ijoTed a rare dinner Georga French' Taeeuay ereniug. at Miaa Jewett, or Ao.

uaiomat aTenne. ear a charmiug young ladioe' lunoneoa 1'ueav- tiay. Mra A. P. Kelley.

No. 2244 Calumet aTenne. rave a icuch iuuraday in honor of Mra Kendal. Mr. and Mra E.

E. Ayer and family, of N'a 4S1 North btt atreet, laft a few day ago for California. Mr. W. vV.

KimbalL of No. 1641 Michieaa avenue, save a ladies' Juncueoa yesterday, oor- era beiUK laid lor twelve The member ef the Sberidan Club enter tained their frienda at their pretty little clnb- lior, Aa JOiJ JUtka avenue, Wedaeaday evening. Aiwut lOO of the Sons of New Hampshire. together with tneir wives and daughter. down to banquet at tue Palmes House Tn ore- day eveniinif.

Thursday aveciaK Mr. and Mra Christian Jeveuecavea unique entertainment called "orexd-aud-butter party" at their XjaSalie ave- nua reaidenco. A reception occurred Wedneaday, Jan. 15. at Ho.

S14Ubeuth Park avenue, given bv Mra Geo. T. Jboker, aaaiated by Mrs. CL W. Caraon and Miaa Jietti E.

Xioker. Mr. Thomas Bmitb, 'of Boston, waa th gueat or uonorat a reception given by Mrs. JJenjamia W. Kendall, at her ridnca, Ko.

2638 aveaue. Thuraday aiternoon. The Snnaet Club held it regular banquet and anseiing ai a.waiev jnurau aveaiute. Mr. tiiason Thompson, Mr.

Jamas H. Baymood. Mr. MolTiiie btooe. Dr.

C. Booney, aad Mr. A. IX Eddy were tbe speaaera. The Social Hour Clnb waa ectertainal by Mia Oden Tueadav tveninifc The honors were awarded to Mra Lonis Wann and Keater, the booby priieee becoming th property of Mrs.

Kestcr ua Mr. W. 8. Hall. i A formal reception and danoiag party similar to tue one given in November waa given by the Farragut Boat Clab Wedueaday evening to memoir aad their lady friends exclusively.

Every arrangement waa made for a royal good time. Tha yrST Benevolent Society of Garfield Park sociable at th bom of Mr. Dymond, No 843 Walnut tVflituosdav evenine: An enloTabl ifHrndlitarary programme was rend'ersd. enta were aervea during tha areninz. Mrs.

W. V. DashieL ef Ashland bon- levard, celebrated their twentietb marnajt a an-Bireraary Monday eTonioic The affair took tha form of a oaocing recaption, which was given at No. 346 Ashland borne vard. tha reaideoco of Mrs.

Daahiel's mother, Mrs. Lems Baaa. A surprise party was tendered Mis Helen Xramer at Arlington Hall last Saturday evening by a number of her frieuds. in 10Q couple who were preaeut thoroughly enjoyed tha various dance of the evening and did full Justice to tha supper which waa served during tbe iutermiesioa. Mr.

aud Mrs. Will Rankin, of No. 313 West Jackson street, entertained th Medio ah Pro-greseive Euchre Club Friday evening. The honors were awarded to Mra. Frank feberrard aud Mr.

Eddv. The consolation to Mra George Eddy and Mr. f. D. Hixgiu.

Miaa Jennie a MoCloilan aod Mrs. Charles Lott were the happy recipients of the boobies, A dancing party waa given at the boma or Mr. and Mrs. U. ti.

fantcninseu, of No. 33U Ashland Boulevard. Thursday eveciug. It waa attended by young people only, tbe hostesses of the occasion bemu Miaa Charlotte Hutchinson aud Mies 1 lia Hubert Ihea young girla fulfilled Their dutiea well, and 'were graosf oily assisted in their effort to eatertatn ay Mia Florence Cook aud Mia Jeaaia Hurl bait, Professor and Mrs. Henry Cohen, of No.

16 Bellevue place, gave a recaption Wedneaday evening in Honor of Princess Marfa Eagaliu chcff. An impromptu programme waa intro- and included reading by Mma Cohen, pioo soios by Miss Adele Lewing, and whistling eojoa by Misa Grace Bunnioa. Among those reant were: Mr. and Mr. E.

J. McPhelim, Irs. Ooderdonk, Mia Era Onderdonk, Mc Fay, and Big. Manteliat. Tha usual semi-monthly meeting of the Waahiagton Boulevard Progressiva Eacbre Ciab wm held at the house oi Mr.

and Mra.G. W. Spofford, No. 152U Waahington boulevard. Tees day evening.

Gamea oonuueooed at o'clock aud eloaoa at autduiKhu At 10t3U enjoyable rafreahments were served. First and second prizes wars won by Mrs. E. it. Oziaa.

Mr. H. I Thompson, Mrs. John Olivsr. aad Mr.

M. A. Bichardaon. Tbe French Literary Club gave an enjoyable ntertainment at Emerson Hall laat erening. The comedy by E.

Ceillier, entitled "Le Bouquets," waa preaentad, with Mma H. Knowlea. Mdlle. Kath.rin Kuowloa, and MM. Ix ds badowaky and H.

J. Mellen in th cast M. Carl Hauae, a pianist and composer front Loudon, gave selection oa the plana; M. h. Toioaws played th mandolin.

aad M. A. Grudsky sung several pieces. The attendance snows growing interest la tb club. Mr.

aod Mra Geor? 8. fTilletia handsomely entertained Mr. and Mrs. Kendal at dinner last Sunday eveuiog. The dining tabls was round svad ita chief adornment was a high, wide mound of American beauty rosea and feathery dainty breast-knots 1 of violets, covers wers laid for sixteen.

Those present bains: Mr. snd Mrs. Ksndal, Mr. and Mra. Potter Palmer, Mr.

and Km. craoaua Maoveagn, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Howard, Mr.

aud Mrs. Augustus Eddy. Mr and Mis. Charles Deermg, and Mrs. WillettB, Tbe Wetrn branch of the Association of Oollagiate Alumnae entertained by Miaa Hatne daughter of the- late Lawnder Bione, atJier home.

No. 3352 Indiana avenue. yesterday afternoon. Trier wore present rep-lesentstiraa of nearly all tha woman's college in th United Bute. Miss Btono being a grad uate of Wellealey CoUew in the alas of 188a 'ihes gatherings, although exclnaive, ars pro- greaaiv.

aiacuaaion eevenng a broad field, pbilanthropio aa -wU aa th social part being th minor feature of the gath eriDga, The Outre Whist Club waa entertained WeddaT eranins- bv Mia Hnithal aaaistAd by Mrs. Morris and the Miaa Biddle ana bheU don, th uniqu fsatur of th erening being the chooaing of partners aad table by flowers. The honors were won by tha Misses Morse and Btavan and Misses Boots and bperbeck. Among those present were Mesdamss Hnxthal, riperoecK, ttooarta. tna Misses uiimore, Vaugbaa.

Oliver, Grier. Cole, Messia. Anlt, Archibald, Biddle, Campbell. Cad man. Haw-kin.

Jones. Kichola, btavena, Bobarta, and tn Misaea xjnroorow. Tbe L. and S. Club of the Peopl Churek gave ita third well-attended serial at th resi dence of Mrs.

Fick. Noa. 284-6 Ashland avs- uue, Tueaday eveuing, Tbe feature prominent or th vning was aa ay from th pea of Mi Dr. Wooley on th humor of Georg Eliot Dr. Thomas followed with remark xpriog admiration lor the philosophy ot tbe essayist la treating tbe subject of wit aad humor and their usage.

Among inoe present wra Mr. snd Mra Baldwin. Mr. and Mia Allen. Mr.

aad Mrs. Moan, Mr. aud Mrs. Strong, Dr. Thomas, the Misaea Raauey and fcber ourn, ra aad daughter.

Mra Bicharda, Mra. Weaton. Mra Wilaon. Messrs. Biaiey.

Thackaberry, Wiley, ana many otnera. Th Yon Ladies' Soeisty of th First Con Church gav its annual reception iburaday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mr. David riwarta. No.

17 Park aveaue. The parlors war beautifuiJy decorated with plants. Tbe musical programme was exceptionally line. being assisted by Miss Graos A. Groves ss piauiit ltetreshmeats were served at -10 o'clock in the diuiag-rooma Among those preaeat were: Mrs.

Dr. E. P. Goodwin. Mies Paolin Swarts.

Mis Emilis Glass. Miss Lilli Phelps, Miaa Gertrude Newton, Mias Kaiili Parker. Mis Urac Xxomis. Miss Ella Bnggs. Mis Libby Mead, aud Misa fedith Monger; Mr.

1'. iiico. Mr. W. K.

Carpenter. Mr. M. auak- Mr. Charlea E.

Barker. E. D. Arnold. Mr.

Fred O. Brook. Mr. T. B.

Brow. Mr. Herbert Phelps, Mr. Euward Eastman, William bbawry, ana rrea Jueroreet 7 Th members of the HvdsPark Bubarbaa Club, at their annnalmeahng at the elub.honae corner Fiftieth street and Lake avenue, elected tbe following oincer and direc'or: President, tb tiun. Huh.

uiggina; Vic fresident. Ben jamin F. Bay; Secretary, W. P. Oris wold -I A 1 1 WUMle A.

SM1VI. VUBOHira, erv two yearx. Messrs. Hamilton B. Bocae A.

W. Wheeler, William B. Kerr. WilUam L. rierce, and i.

T. OBnea: to serve ous year. Messrs. Barton bewail, ueorga Ll Warner, Lewis-P. Harvey, and Charles H.

Hunt Th club ha recently purchased the northwsat corner of Fifry-hrat street and Waahingtoa art nua. and will proceed at one to erect thereon 1 tone and brick building, which, whan com pletc-d. will embody all th modern feature of a firat-ola club, including ball-room, billiard- room, bowling alleys, gymnasium, eta Friday Mr. Zuiacliua rover, founder aad principal of the Dearborn Seminary, paaaed tha seventy-eigbto milestone of Ufa. Ihe mem- bera or tbe Dearborn Seminary Alumna im- proTed tbe occasion to congratulate him.

and. moreover, issued invitations to hundreds of his friend all over thi country snd Europe to join with them in offering felicitation. The responses wsre many, aad Kiasley's bail-room was for a cos pie of hours crowded with aa fair a gathering of lovely wo tne all of whom had been, at soma time pupils or tbe a nest or the day. on couhj see aoywber. Th recep uuu aomaiitwi tne sames ol mra Charles Hutcbioeon, Mrs.

Halssy, Mra Cun ningham. Mra. D'Vidson. Miss Faulkner. aad Mias Bartlett From 2 to 3 o'clock Mrs.

beebercrer aod Mra. Clare nc Pack dia pause the honor of th tea table. From 3 to 4 Mra. Allea and Mra. Fester presided, aad from 4 to 5 Misa Alice Wood aad Mi Gaylord poured tb ragran leverage.

xne following ladia were distributed in different quarter of to room, craceta ly landing their assistance Is the wav ef outertainmsnt sod introduction: Mra Kenley. Mra Bearualey. Mra Hubbard. Mrs. Williams, Misa Ureen.

Miaa Moea, Miaa bible y. Mis Barrv. Tomaso a mandolin play er contributed their xq aisit musio during Ui afternoon, addiug no litti to tbe oleasnr of a affair that a thoroughly enjoyable ooe in every res pact. Offloer of the alumna) for the coming year are: President. Mr.

D. Frank Kenley. Vio nesideata. Mrs. Chsrlsa Hoard.

Mra Herbert Tnomaa, and Mrs. Eugaaa Henabaw: Becording Secretary. Mias Anna Tilden Moss; Corresponding Secretary. Miss Jessis M. Xivermor: Treasurer, Miss Ella Wood.

THE FUTURE. Th Boos of Massachusetts will bnaqnat at Kinsley Friday evening. Canopies and carpet eevera furnished for ro- Osptious, etc Uoberts 71-73 Market at Mrs. A. F.

SteveoMS, No. 378 LaSall av nue, will hold a reception Saturday from 4 to 7 clock. Mra. William Havemever. No.

112 Pine street, will hold her second reception Thursday from Stott Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Studebaker will give a re ception and ball at th Auditorium.

W4nday venuig. Jan. Z'J. Th first ieceptioa of the Bona of New Tork will be held at 8 o'clock Thursday evening in th rlor ef the Sherman House. The Assembly' next party will bald at Bouraique' Tuesday svsning.

Tbs last half of tha programma will be devoted to the get Mrs. John Hutchinson snd Miss Hatobinsoa will hold their brat reception at their residence. Aa 3149 Indians avauue, to-morrow from 4 toO. The oomoHmenatary social which Company First Infantry J. SL Intended to kit Tueaday has been postponed on weak later until Jan.

28. Mr. aad Mrs. George K. Wood.

Mr. and Mrs, F. Wood, and Miss Wood. Ko. 28U1 Praine aveuna.

will hold a reosoUoa to-morrow tram a to soa 1 -to xu. Mrs. Franklin W. Fiak and Mrs, Franklin P. Flak, of No 532 West Adams street, hsve is sued cards to an afternoon recaption Thursday, Jan.

30, from 3 to 6 o'clock, A private masquerade will bo given by Professor Patoille aad faia pupils tasir parents ana irienas xnursusy evening, si IX usu, us dji rioria tiara atraeL Mrs. Georg Willi tu. 369 Erie street. will hold a large receptioa Wednesday, the hour being from 4 to 7 o'clock. A eotxlloa for yeung people only wiil follow during th evening.

Mr. a IL Moor. Mr. and Mrs. J.

H. Coarad. aad Mr. aud Mrs. m.

K. Wiley will bold a re- eeptioB at Bonrnique'e. No. 51 Twenty-third street, Thursday evening from 8 until 11 o'clock, Daaciug at 10 o'clock. Tb Chicago Drapers' And Tailors' Xxobangs will give a banquet at the Palmer House Thursday evening in honor of the omoers aad mem bers of the fourth snaual convention of tbe Merchant Tailors' National Exchange.

Tbe Cecelian Circle will give a progressiva euchre Wednesday sveaiag at Congress Halt The entertainment will begin at 8 o'clock sharp with a short maaicai programme contributed by some of tha members. Ths card playars will bt divided into three sots and each sat will be awarded oar prises. Tbe fourth annual Masoaio reception and ball will be given in aid of th Illinois Mason io Orphans' Home Monday evening Feb, 3, at the Auditorium. The members of th executive aud reception committee Include a distinguished number of Sir Knights. It is the gurpose ef all concerned to make thia ball a rilluat success, financially and socially.

Tickets admitting gentleman and ladis $Ot Ths "Cabinet Bomals" will bold a reception at Varaoo Hall. No. 521 Wast Taylor atreet, Thursday evening. The omoers of the elub are: Michael J. President; A.

J. Doll arty. Vic President; T. Frank Byan. Secretary anu Treasurer; Charley NichoL Manager.

Tn reosntioa oommitte will be Mis Mary CKsUy. Maggio Curtia, Maggio MoGurty, Quasi Croft. Jsie Kslly. Nellie Egaa, Mary Nichol. Asna Dohsrty, Mamie- Nolan, John P.

Jennings. Daniel Byan, Daniel Currau, aad John Ahero. The Amateur Musical Club will give ita sixth annual chanty concert Thursday sveaing at 1 Central Maaie Halt A number of well known society ladias will bars eharg of th affair, and it it ia expected that will be a great social as well aa musical event Tickets may obtained from Jamea Gibbs, No. 400 Superior street; Mra Charles J. Haines, No.

Sana, Jltt BouToair dwtar. at the platea J200X Mielu.aa artaosj Mra. Sua MsdUl, Ha, THE SUNDAY INTER OCEAN. JANUARY' 19, 189 0 T.WUNTY PAGES. 1637 Michigan avenue: Mrs.

Frederick TJ11- mn. No, 46 14 Laa aveou. and Miaa Florano Henderson, Ka 1816 Prairie avenue. Tbe annual Charily ball, under ths auspices of th Yanus: Men's Jewish Association, will fake nlaa Taaadi osanine- aa- th Anditorinm. The aareral committee have been actively and successfully sngaged In perfecting tb final do-taila and arraBgnaMia, and th present indiea-tiooe are that this will provs by far tho moat aaoosssrul financially aad most orunant oiallr tb aasooiaiiou has ojoyed.

Tho ar rangmpts at tb Auditorium will bo aimilar to those at th Chanty bail last week. Ths afficara of tbe association are as follows: Presi dent. Milioa J. Foreman: Vice President, Ben jamin B. Cob; Trsaaurer, Oacr ti.

Foreman; Financial Secretary, F. Babel; Bsortary, Gears- Wamnold: Board of Director. M. Beaamgar, H. 'Baulaad, Alfrad M.

Sny-dacker, Sidney Stem, Jamea Boaenthal. Nathan Greeaafelder. 7 X. Buxbaum, Charlea X. Blooh, Henry N.

Greenebaum and Carl Darn berg. Th reception oommitte include tha name of th following gentlma Mr. Barnard Caan. tbe Bey. E.

G. Hirsca. Mr. flodrrey Bnrdackar. Mr.

Daid A. Koun. Mr. Joaenh A. Kohn.

Mr. B. Kappenbeimer. Mr. Oraenanaum.

Mr. Lowanthal. Mr. Kozminaki. Mr.

Loaia Wampold. Mr. H. F. Haba, Mr.

Simon Floraheim. Mr. Jacob Koaeaberg. Mr. Leopold btrauna.

Mr. Gerhard Foreman. Mr. Nathan Mayer, Mr. A.

L. Binger. Mr. E. FraakonthaL Mr.

Charlea Silverman, Mr. rMrmA Witkowskv. Mr. Max H. Botbsohiid.

Mr. thnhim Strauss. Mr. LeoDold Millar. Mr.

Lowenbene. Mr. Edward Hoffman. Dr. M.

Manabaimsr. Me, H. A Kohn. Mr. Benjamin Liadaasr.

Mr. Martin Barbs, 4 Mr. Max Stem, Mr. Leonold Scblessinaer. Mr.

Mose. Maaa. Mr. Henry Oppeaheimer. Mr.

Morria Sela. Mr. Jeeeph Beifeld. Mr. Laxarua Silverman, Mr.

Philip Stain. Mr. Haso Goodman. Mr. Morria Bosea baum.

Mr. laaae Woo If. Mr. Maurice Koeen- faid Mr. Charles Miller.

Mr. Abraham Hart. Mr. Henry Leopold. Mr.

Nelson Noma. Mr. Abraham Kan. Mr. M.

U. Hirah. Mr. Lonis Frank. Mr.

J. Gatzart, Mr. Morris Eioateia. Mr. Arlainh Tsitb Mr.

Nathan Eisendratb. Mr. Greensfeldar. Mr. Uerm bchaffnar.

Mr. Jo- Mr. B. Marceatheim. Mr.

Cat Wolfsoha. Mr. Jonaa Kuppeuhaimer, Mr. Edward Boss, Mr. Meyer Lindauer.

Badolpa Eosentbai. Mr. Adolph Mosea, Mr. L. Loewen- atain.

Mr. MiBChord. Mr. Harry Hart. Mr.

Rtmoa MandeL Mr. Marx Wtasmaa, Mr. Morria Clayhnrvn. Mr. Ado ph Kraaa.

Mr. Max Ham- berger, Mr. August Yoodorf. Mr. Leopold Mayar.

Mr. Barnhart Stoeie. Mr. Jaoob Atwau, sr. li Oherfalder.

Mr. Georae Emetelo. Mr. AdolDh Suir. Mr.

Joeeph Scbsffusr, Mr. Leo pold Bloom, Mr. Charie H. Schwab, Mr. Henry G.

Foreman. Mr. Moses Gimbel, Mr. Meyer Newman. Mr.

alius Koothai, Mr. David Wallach. PERSONAL. Miss May Oliver is attU quits sick with la- fiaenxa. Mias Nina Bsvan is at tha Pones ds Leon, Bt Augustine.

Mra CI. Brown sails for Europe on tbs White Star Line ateamer Adriatic Jan. 29. Miaa Bewo, of Lock port. N.

i viaiting Miaa Oakley, Na 488 est Congress treet. Mra George Pulimsa, who has been very dangerously ill for ssveral weeks, baa passed tbs crisis, aud bar recovery is assured, Miss Alberta Bichardaon bxa been a patient little sufferer at her home. No, 1212 Washing ton boulivard, witu la grippe the past week. Mr. and Mra Harry Kinaley (nee Allen) have returned from tneir trio through tbe K-ew and will be at home to their friends at No.

W4J West Adama street Mra Percy L. Shaman, who has been in Europe for the past eight month. Bailed for New York on Tbnrsday on tbs North Uenam Lloyd steamer Saala. Mr. aad Mrs.

Martin A. Bysrson lsft Tueaday evening for Mew Xork, and aila yesterday oy by the French ateamer Burcoyae. to spend aev erU muntha traveling ACKOIA AuxoBA, '111, Jan. 18. Sptciol Com tpotulenct.

For ssvsral months th watch fac tory baa been a tenantlee building, snvirtfned by blasted hopes and dismal fersbodings, but tb tim i thought to be nar at hand when it will be enoe more tha acene of activity aad bus lis. Judge LovU, of th County Court, this week issued aa order to Assignee Evans, authorizing and instructing him to sail ths plant for $100,000, free from all incum brances. Ths assignee is settling np matters as faat as possible, and ths transaction will be effected in a short time, IX Bpod being the purchaser. Ths real aetata boom is subsiding slightly, al though frequent sales ars reported. County smiley aas parohasea a lot oa Laks street snd thinks sf settling down ia Aurora aa soon aa bis official term expires, which will bo in December next Hi home.

praviou to hi election to tb treasure rabin was at Maple Park, in Virgil Townahip. Sheriff Joba Kelley ale entertains soma notion of in vesting in Aurora property, aad it is aot im- prooabls that ha. too. will conclude to maks Aurora hi hm at tha oonolasioa of lb County coart common law term ad journed last svsning. Th most important ess passed npea were some street condemnation cases from this city.

Damages aggregating nearly $4,000 were awarded to thirteen different defendants whoaa real sstat waa aaerifiosd fsr ths good of th traveling public. Edward Clinch, a fugmaa in tho employ ef tho CL. B. and Q. Railway, was killed at La Vergue oa Thursday.

a remains have been brosght to tnia city ana win interred sanasy aftsrnooa. Cougreaamaa Hopkins and TJL F. van Liew ksvs sold out their stock ia tao Aurora Street Railway Company, and it ia aaaoaaeed that tho tracks of the company anil be materially extended next season. Th Forestsrs' danc on Wsdassday svsning was a very pleasant affair, but was not largely attended, 'ins anno or tue cigar-makers' union 00 Tbnrsday erening, oa the contrary, was attended by a oeosiderabls crowd of people. Albert Monroe, for several months day elerk at Hotel Evans, lsft aa Monday for New Xork But.

CL Raymond baa Quitted ths service ef ths Chicago. Burliastoa and Quinoy Railway, aad will settle lu St Paul. Dr. Thomas, tho eminent Chicago pulpit orator, lectured at th reoois's caurca Monday evening, and delighted tna spisnaia audience that gtthered to hear him. The Hon.

Andrew Welch has been a offerer from Is grippe, but is now convalescent The Bay. Pattoa went to JJixon on Wednes day to attend th bedsid of a dying friend. Postmaster Hodder went to Baoin Wednes day to attend the uueaal of Simeon Wnitelsy, a former Aurora editor. Dr. Cnarle Woodward la aenoaslv ilL la fact, a ooancil of physicians has dnoidedtbat bis ehaaees for recovery are very doubtful.

He is a prominent physician ana a leading member of Aurora Poet No. 20, G. A. B. Special Penaion Agent Cor bm cams down from Milwaukee Saturday to visit bis aged mother, who has ben vsry ill for ssveral weeka Superintendent J.

D. Bsslsr, ef Galssburg spent Sunday in Aurora. Tne Bev. Samuel baa gon to Do Kaib to assist ia a series of a rival eatings that ars going on at that city. For two or three weeka a physlcslly Immsnss man named Shields, alias Greenburg.

baa been hanging around Aurora endeavoring to work ap interest in wrestling. After an snooontor with Jo Higgins, of Chicago, at Binger Hall oa Moaday avsaiag in which bs waa vanquished intcloriooaly. Shields' reputation tumbled. The next dsy hs lert the city stealthily without paying faia hotel bill Warrant a wars oat for his arrest, but ths polios failed to spprobsnd him. He cam to Aurora ia company with Cnarle Moth, tha well-kaowa wrestler.

Th unpassable condition of th roads during tb early part-of tho winter and until recently bas so stimulated tho deairs for paving thst it is xtremely probable th down-tewa business streets will be paved eany tn tha spring, whsthsr the sswgs fight is settled or nob Toe Hill Block, at ths corner of Fox street and Broadway, together with the Daily Newa Building; wars yesterday sold by Colonel H. H. Evans to a syndicate of local business man for Colonel Evan bought th property between two and three years ago for $19,000. The Hon. Ii.

Brady, one of the prominent retired business men ef Aurora, and aa early settler, will eelebrate bia 80th birthday 8undsv. He ia strong aad wall, aad will prsoably sar- yiv for many years. Tbs baby-King Alpbonao, of Spain, is now a godfather. The other day. bia Ambassador at St Petersburg solemnly accepted ia tbs nam of His Majesty the duty of seeing that ths son of tha Combs and Comtesso ds Morslla re-nouaoss tbs pomps aad vanities of this wicked world.

As ths King is only three year oldsr than bis god-child, bs may find ths task of toxOag the Utter late tat paUa ef ttrtit ua- A WE PLACE pN SALE PARISIAN PARLOR In Antique Oalc, Cherry, and i- Manojjany Finish, All Piano Polish, Less TLian Half i Worth $2.50. Not more than two sold to each customer. SAVINGS OF 2 to 50 Guaranteed in All Departments Prior to Inventory. OdcPito! PliFi THE CHEAPEST FURNITXTRE HOUSE IN AMERICA. 249 AND 251 STATE STREET.

commenly difficult 7 By enrioua coincidence ths little do Morella grandfather waa Cabrera. tbs noted Carlist leader, who tor years held Qassa Isabella's forces at bay. It was bs who. 00 the evening before a battle, appeared ia tha camp ef the rival commander and auggeated that, instead of allowing their mea to kill on another, bs aad Eapartero should throw with dioe for the victory. Tuey did so, and Espir- won.

Cabrera scrupulously kept bis word, and comported himself in all wave aa if be bad beea defeated. He waa one of the men who loved, with almost equal ardor, intrigue and warfare. ELIZABETH FRY. Th Christian Work: drove little Friends' msetfog-bouaa, and there I stood oa ths ssms pulpit floor from which thia wonderful woman delivered some of her rich and devout gospel discourse. An eminent piece pal clergy man one said to ms, "Elisabeth Fry bad as dear a call from God to preach aa I have.

or aay biahep in th land." It was a terrible trial -far her. laker lovely youth, to break tho io, aad to opea bar lips ia pnblie prayer and exhortation. Hsr first attempt was a sentence or two of prayer offered at tbs funeral of bar own father. Elizabeth Fry became an "acknowledged minister, sad addrssssd great multitudes of people ia Britain and oa tha Continent for thirty-five years. The Holy Spirit owned her instructive aad Scriptural discourses to rh oarers ton aod difioatioa ef many son Is; her ease ia a suffloirat anawer to th absurd dogma that God nsver calls a woman to proclaim His glorioas gospel.

Would that thers were a thousand liks her today to confront th rampant ekepeciam and worldlineas of the timet John Randolph, of Roanoke, aatd that tha arextset wonder to him ia London, bevood oven the Tower and Westminster Abbey, was te boar Elizabeth Fry preach to tbe dspravsd womsa in Newgate prison. On, it wis a sight worthy ths ettenuon of Angels!" It waa that extraordinary work wmeh has mads ths asms ef Elisabeth Fry immortal. In undertakiaa- it she waa a oionsor: no lady had svsr ventared in among the horrible crowd of 3 OO ragged, swearing, drunken thieves sod prostitutes who msde tne female wards of "Newgate" a living hell. Tbe beautiful Quakeress was about 33 ysars of ags and ths mother of several children waea ths ids first arose in hsr is ring heart to go aad "preach to the amrita in nriaoa. It waa a hazardous andertakinc.

bs governor of the prison told bsr to leave ber watch behiad her aad everything else thst could be stolon. Taking her friend. Anna Buxton, with her aba entered ths loathsome roomclothed ou with purity. Holding np ber Bible she told them tnat aba bad coma to read it to them aad to do them good. Her.

saiatiy eeantenaaoe charmed them instantly, and they flocked arsusd her and listened aa quietly aa lambs. She dropped bar handkerchief and aoma other articles, bnt they were picked ap by tbe prisoners at one and banded to her. That dtya work wrought th victory and pioneered a movement of gospel lov which soon spread into other jails aad penitentiaries, and which has altered ths whole cnaraotsr of emale pneeaa to this da; X. as Cutxzb. Ztf "Do yon think your-sister like to bays ms come hare, Jaxneyf Ton bet Ton take bsr to tb the-a-tar and bring her candiea" i Tm glad I can maks her happy." "Tea.

and the young feller what she's engaged don't mind it either, for it aayea aimthil much money toward going to heoaekeeping." 1 THC ONLY ONE. Tbe Chleae-a. at lleranraa uj t.n1 is the paly lis running solid vestibaled. electrio lighted, and steam-heated train eetwee Cfaioago, Th Chicago. Mllwaakee.

ind St. Fanl Railway Is the only line manias' solid vestibules, electrio 4 lighted, and steam -ousted trains between Chicago. Ceancil Bloffa, and Omaha. eding lamp feature tn the Pullman Sleeping Cars run oa these lines is patented, snd can aot be ased bv anv athar Itisthegreatimoroveasest of the age. Try it For tickets, sleeping-car reservations, and all information, apply to th company's ticket office, Cmm4 AUm u.V.T sagas staateas a em 01111 UiJiC hl Silks, Dress Goods, Linens, Flannels, Lace Gnrtains, Cloaks and Suits, Laces, Embroideries THIS MONDAY THE OLD RELIABLE CUNARD LINE.

XstabUslls4 184. Cemrlac the British sad V. at. Kalla, FAST EXPRESS MJUCL tlVJS AiLOfe rvntT battkdat ntov wgw tobx. Alse KXXlta FOKTM6im.T 8LLIit frees UlSlllir mw wm Vknk-Mni sata Weekly Berrtee from JKMXuM every TTsTBBla, aTBtJItla.

itikiMi. cntTla. SA1XU. BOTUMX HCTTbUA. PAY OSU.

CtPHALONU. ana others, belagth LA KO JEST.F A Ml WT, AMI UOnT AUN1T1CK FLILE'r Hi TBK Maay of tbe aeove ere ever 6 JO feet loom. feel wide. 70S 14.SUS horse ereee tbe aeeaa la a tnSe over niX DAYS. The character, recant.

eaS shmsI reputation the lias er epees. eeaa-tert, as eafety (having never leeta pssseaser in the eg vearv ef luexlsteneel reeairs eesaaaeat, f. WHlTLKte. ataaaser Wasters Dept-lal Baa4aa a. (aaSer Shensyaa nomas'.

LIBERTY BELL CIGAR GENUINE HAYANA 5c Onlj. GENUINE HAYANA 5c Only. Ws eflvr 91 jOOO forfeit if we eas set provs thst oar Liberty Bell Cigars are made escluaively of uena iae Imported Leas Havana yiller. IraperuS Bums tra Wrapper, aad WITilOLT ABliriClAI. FLATUA alsalatai Mis.

1st Clerk. China rer Hal ky buck, a mimei. bssbs aaa sise-lsen. snd by aU premlaeat ere" and Sealers everrwnei. THEHf Used am THX INTER OCXAlf H.

BOKKELL CO Usu J. Cfflee, Isrt. BKAKCH. ui Dearborn at. CMeagw BHOT ATCUA FLMSII, For Fine Furniture and PolUhedv Surfaces.

It will make your Piano and Furniture as good as new. Is instantaneous, economical, and durable in effect, and easily applied. i. CHARLES D. DANA IO State Chicago.

Go Tim thm XOITOJr ROOTS va INDIANAPOLIS; CINCINNATI. AND LOUISVILLE. Ferfnfl tnfM k.mii mark ee. at atr Bakes OfttcaT3 CHICHCSTCR-S CNOLISH PEnnynoYAL pill nco ceoaa siaaieaa aaaaa. a.k A.

rea i.iim miM till na. sk. ae athe. a4 4a. 1 arm) tsr rmrtinimn and i -Heilef Am LaSi.

raters aot. fm oiDR. KEAN 169 S. Clxrtc Stw CUeaf. Con.nttstion persenslrr er bv mall FR.

ot Cbsrss en Pr.Tate. Xwtuiu i a ra si sue special sea. H.ur. Af SJBW rt SJSW AiaAiMaJ Lit-- 1 IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. 10 PER CENT REFUNDED ON ALL PURCHASES DURING THE NEXT THREE DAYS WE BEGIN Our 13 Curiosity phc) THE MTE AMTJAL VOLUME.

OTJR CURIOSITY SHOP tne yearly compilaUon of tne QUERIES ASD A5SWIES of THE INTER OCEAN for 1888 is Ready. Apply tor it at Tne Prices are; In PAPER CO VERS. 25 Cen ts In CLOTH COVERS .40 Cents AM tne Annual Numbers will be ftxrnisned from 1880 to 1888. Tho entire set complete cine volumes ia paper covers can be had tor $2. 11 Tne entire set complete nine volumes la cloth covers can be bad tor S3.BO.

Eacn. volume contains over 200 pages, of closely printed reading matter. Eacb vblume contains articles on over 2,000 topics. Each volume contains a tnorougn. complete, sod clearly Index tnat is witnout a parallel in American Reference Books.

Tbe Nine Volumes treat of 18,000 topics, and contain 1.800 pages of closely printed reading matter. Jlistory, Science, Literature, Politics, Religion, are all treated. with, a comprehensive condensation and clearness never before excelled, OTJR CTJRIOSmr SHOP books are pronounced by Divines. Editors, and the publio generally as the Best. Briefest, Handy Reference Books to be had.

OTJR CURIOSITY SHOP is everybody's Encyclopedia and the family repository of all useful, interesting; and instructive information. The Tenth Annual Volume for 1889 wiil be ready Feb. 1, 189a Address. THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. L.

MANASSE, at. rTrlbaiee CMllsttax. XSTABUSEXD 1888. EIGHT IS Priceless tr Beware, We Have 21 0 HrancJl Store in this City. Spectacles sad ty Olasas sdsptsd to svery tors of detective eyesight with oarBraailiaa Pebbles sad French Crystal Leasee, which have aooalrsd, aa M.rvh.linllic jAruaMsl Hnmsn Kres Inserted wlthewt pals.

Oparesnd Kiald ltavaM. Mlei umlil.Tl SMsM, Aieronatre. Thnsomt.ra Alac-ie Lssiorat. Anwtnr fbeiosrrapaiiA Owi.iie, Architects, Laaners, and 6urverers reB pli-. etc i rl ht lanrest stock In the Nerthwast.

laaae ininirated Ca losses ea application. Fairbanks' Scales, WI5D inLLS, HAT PEESSIai Superior Qoodxt rTorile Prioest FH1HDAUKS, HORSE CO, Handkerchiefs. Muslin Underwear, Corsets, I Gloves, Wool Underwear Druggists' Sundries THE SALE Dr. Dwsn's Electric Dclt. FOR MAN AND WOUAN The enlv pnstttraM elarcrle bpttaiad.

Cnraa Stlisillia, BrWhts Pto- Hililla, Tond Fcanal Vaksiaa. Wmaal ti" arnsal Kxoaiaitton. ai St. Vaaa lln Inkvb Setninsi Weak Pmta Awarded ths seat medal at Clndanatl Kxanuuoe, ISM. tttves mild ar scrooir enrnt of elenncity wbira to beelta and ELECTlv'? INSOLES SI.OO.

Srtid So for. mulngw -mtUu foil Bt of diwasni a rataaUe Inf inuuua ml iwnra utrmnla in mlrt sad Noravwisn. tm. 0EV BELT tl A 193 StsteSL. Chicao.

IlL i ns. is. imi. iniRuim suit. i'.

i.r i.i,. a.iiwiuii. if ifi 1 tib, li H'tj-iy uy. tAkUMIIsrfuliuiuiaia. of ted m-im.

rmmt at alAJirt ar paw. sue 4rajnac.eaiv year.el f. iriairm la. Isaat aiWun. iHiitlk VR1C Sv'LTLiita aoKLa.

ttrtr lewiirtii freswits a.i. Beits. fcM. mis 1 1 .1 La. Hosiery, Ribbons,

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