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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 4

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OUR CABLE LETTER. Ferry Aeblerm InsUier Tfetorr la the Chamber the Taaqnti Credits. Dnmitio Ereata in the CIociBg Hours of the Trial of Patrick Irfes WftttrhanrejGroTrth of Pralwtant-im at Rome Runica Xnnment ts Lather. nuicco-onxEsi difficulties, lyCibletnTJie Inter Ocean. Lokdos.

Doc. 1, JO p. m. Tbe French Ministry' ban evcured another delay on the Tonquin matter, to th surprise and disgust of the Treat majority of Frenchmen. At Icon Renault.

Secretary to the Chamber and Ecportor or the Tonquln Credit Committee, thin evening- read to the Chamber of Deputies the full text of tha Commissioner' report The document was vajrue and unsatisfactory, and in. sur-h an oracular style as to engender a suspicion that it wai inspired and perhaps manipulated by M. Ferry himself, for the puipose of affording the government an escape. If one should he desired, from its dilemma JL Ferry, when he asked for an Immediate credit of 9.000.000 francs with which to carry on the Tonquln invasion, was pressed- to tell the country the exact situation in Tonquin. He eraded the mquest, and recommended that the question of the credit be referred to a commission, and promised to make the report of this commission the occasion for a full statement concerning the whole Franco- Chinese difficulty.

There was a great at tendance in the Chambers this evening to hear Jt Renault's report and the explanation that was expected from M. Ferry. THE EEO0MMXDAT1O3L The report recommended the credit, as It was cabled on the 28th inst it would, but upon the ground that the grant of D.OOO.OOO francs was absolutely necessary to maintain the French status quo, irrespective of the question whether or not the dispute would even taste in war between China and France. Toe document makes no raoomniendatidn as to the matter at issue in Tonquin, but takes the ground that it' is at least necessary for France to assume a bold front, and that neglect to maintain and re-enforoe the French army of occupation can hare but the one effect, that of encouraging China in its demands, and thus make a settlement ou a basis satisfactory to Franca more dilBcuit to secure. The report concludes with the statement that there is nothing in the situation at present which excludes' the possibility of a peaceful 'settlement, and that, although the necessary precautionary measun-sf or re -enforcement of the troops hare been diligently attended to, no step was being' neglected in the direction of an amicable adjustment TL Renault had no sooner done reading the report than the majority of the Radical leaders were on their feet demanding the promised explanation.

Debate' wa however, cleverly cut off by the government agreeing to debate the whola question on next rotmcxL ornnox. Freucla politicians affect to see In the report indications that the government is making extraordinary exertions to effect a settlement with China. 1L Clemenceau'e persistent efforts to force the Ferry Cabinet to place themselves on record on the Chinese troubles are fairly illustrative of the temper Of the French Radicals on the Tonquin question. The relegation of the responsibility of a vote of credit to a commission was regarded by M. Clemenceau and his followers as an Indication of weakness on the part of toe JBnirtry, and they feel that X.

Ferry's re tha fusals to explain tbe situation at this time are mere subterfuges to keep the people quiet, until tbey are compromised to such an extent, that it will be impossible to withdraw "'with dignity. The purely Radical element in French politics, of which X. Clemenceau is cndoubtedlytheexponentdoes not hold with any. undertaking which is so ephemeral and remote as a possible success in Tonquin. To-night in boulevard cafes, M.

Ferry la freely condemned, and the indefinite tactics which be and bis Ministers are practicing Ai i.i.j i TKEtCOXDEKXATIOJC OF o'DOWJTELL. O'Donnell was pronounced guilty of willful murder at 8.53 o'clock to-night and at 9:30 had been condemned to be banged. The whole scene, from the time the case was given to the jury until the prisoner, bowling and cursing at bis fate, was violently pushed from the court by the -officers, was one' of the most exciting which has ever been witnessed for many years, at even the Old Bailey. The counsel for the prisoner evidently gave up their case when tbey saw the tendency of Judge Denman's charge, which in its sharply defined Dlastra-tionsof what constituted willful murder, sentence by sentence, gradually took away tbe ground from under the elaborate structure of self-defense. One point which the Jndge tool: great pains to Impress upon the jurymen was that aftrr a fight between-two men occurred one might kill the other de-, libcrately with the premedidaOon which could easily occur after the firxt excitement 1 of the struggle- bad subsided.

This, the mure insisted, would undoubtedly be and could not be excused upon the plea that self-defense was tbe motive that Impelled the slayer to make the' original This made an apparent PEOFOUXD rjfPBEMIOX OB TOT JXTtT, and evidently brought back to their recollection with increased force the plea of the prosecution, that O'Donnell, who admitted that before the fatal Btrnjrgle be knew Carey's Identity, and intentionally roaded the informer into the fight for the purpose of getting an excuse to kill him, or after he had engaged him in the combat concluded to make it the occasion of murdering him. The Court also dwelt at length upon the point raised by the prosecution that tbe defense refused to allow Don-Hell's alleged wife to testify. Sir Henry James. Attorney General, on behalf of the Crown, built up a strong and ingenlus arsumcr. upon the fact He said the woman was O'DonnelTs 'woman," and not his wife, nd entirely qualified to testify; that eat was the prisoner's 'constant companion before sd about the time of the assassination, and, next to the defendant himself, knew better than any other living person whether sr act O'Donnell was tracking Carey, and whether or not tbe killing was premeditated.

The refusal on the part of the defense to allow this woman to testify, tbe Attorney' General argued, was the strongest posslbie indirect proof that o'uo-trnx'8 act was rEKwxxrrATED. ard tbe trick, resorted to for the purpose of keeptojr her testimony out of sourt aaturaily ttat of eetting up tbe claim i he In a ah vaa ki vUa therelort Ci.xtrti& Ids papaa applautlUS OTeaMUj THE DAILY TSTT1X OCEAN, SUNDAY BECESIUETl 2, 1883-SIXTEEN qualified as a witness either for or against tha prisoner, forced the deduction that the woman knew that CDonnell premeditated ths killing of Carey, and that if she had been won she would hare been compelled to admit that such was tha fact The Court emphasised this argument, and apparently inclined strongly toward its support It is absolutely certain that both this point ancf the one raised by the Court Itself when describing premeditation had more effect upon the spectators than all else said together, and there can hardly be a doubt that they likewise affected the Jury When 'Judge Deman had given the case to the jury and the latter had retired, the Court said to O'Don-nell: Prisoner at the bar, if you so wish you may retire while the Jury is out I would as lief sit here where I am as not to hear what tha verdict is," replied the prisoner. For awhile O'Donnell and his counsel appeared composed, although expectant But as the time of the jury's absence lengthened composure gare way to uneasiness, After an absence-of exactly forty-five minutes tha jury returned, not with a verdict, but with a question, and O'Donnell fetched. a dee man er bkutt. The formalities through, the foreman asked the Court the following question: "If one man shoot and kills another man, the first man thinking at the time that the other is about to shoot him, would that be murder?" The question held out such hope to the prisoner that his whole demeanor changed to comparative cheerfulness.

The Court answered: "It might be murder, or it might not But in this ease no evidence baa beeu produced to show that Cony intended to shoot" This interjection hv the Court sent a cold thrill through the audience and cast the cloud of despair again over O'Donncll's countenance. During the sncona retirement of the jury O'Donnell became anxious, and frequently attempted to conceal his excitement by holding' close conferences with Jlr, Guy and General Fryur. Tbe jury this lime remained out one hour, and the suspense among; the people in the court-room had become quite painful, when the jurymen once more emerged. Tbey again cam roi rsroRXAnox, and again the prisoner's face lightened up with hope. The Court was- requested to inform the jury of tbe precise meaning of the expression: "Malioe aforethought" Jndge Deman defined the.

term, without comment The jury retired for the third time, and the look of hoe remained on O'Donncll's face. He turned around to his. counsel, and was beard to say: It looks better." Five minutes later the jury denied solemnly into the court-room, and with eyes cant down, resumed their places. Then the terrible strain attending the formal colloquy between the court, clerk and the jury foreman was terminated by the foreman's slow and deliberate announcement of the verdict, "Guilty of murder." O'Donnell turned pale aa death. 5reai drops of perspiration fell from his brow, and with a sort of a crazy surprise be half emitted a cry, but by a tremendous effort be almost instantly regamed possession of himself, biting his under lip until it bled, and then clenching both his fists, with his arms extended down his side, he straightened himself up to his full height and stood staring at the court with all TBI AFFEABAJIOE or DinANOt be was able to summon to bis command.

Judge Denniaa is somewhat notorious for his aversion to death sentences, and hesitated great deal before be began his disagreeable task in this instance, During the earlier part of the Judge's address O'Donnell stood at bis fullest height after tha first utterances crossing' his arms on his breast As the sentence was approached he began to swag ger and lolled back and forth and smiled scornfully upon both the jurors and the Judge. When the Judge said Carey may have been a wicked and abominable man, but that gave the prisoner no reason for murder ing him, O'Donnell loudly sneered. He made ao sign, however, during the pronouncement of the death sentence, but immediately anon its conclusion he asked permission of tbe court to make an address. What O'Don nell said was: "Jndge, 1 ask permission to make aa address. I want to say something that will forever ring in the ears of the Irish people." The reporters, counsel, spectators.

and officers present heard these words very plainly. Judge Den man pretended to not have heard them, and putting his hands to bis ears, aaif to bear better, asked the clerk what the prisoner bad said. -HK WAKTS TO XAU A SPEECH," answered the clerk. "Oh!" said the Jndge and the officers, taking this for a signal. grabbed a strong bold upon the prisoner, and began pushing him from the room.

O'Don a ell fought hard to stay and speak, but was dragged out amid the wildest excitement yelling at -the top of his strength, "Three cheers for Ireland. Good-by to the United States! To hell with tbe British crown." Tbe officers kept tbe excited crowd back from the aialea. but O'Donnell was beard struggling, cursing, and howling hor- riblv all the way down tbe stairs. During tha, latter hours of the trial thousands of people surrounded tha Old Bailey, the crowds extending into Kewgate street and Ludgate Hilt; and occupy ing every available point of observation. One hundred special police were distributed around to preserve order.

The predominant sentiment of the crowd was ia favor of O'Donnell. A tew minutes before. 9 o'clock, and when tha nature of tha verdict known to the leading officials, the police be came alarmed at the increase of the crowds. Advantage was taken of tbe popular feeling, and word was sent out that O'Donnell was acquitted. A DECEIVED CBOWD.

This news wss received by tha people in the streets with tremendous cheers, which were plainly audible in the court-room. The crowds began at once to disperse and carry the news In all directions, screaming and hurrahing as they went la this way the old Bailey was well cleared of the crowd before the jury rendered their verdict which was silently received in tha court, except by the prisoner. When O'Donnell was removed from the court be was placed In a "condemned cell," In Kewgata prison, which ad joins tha old Bailey. The police feared to risk taking him on a night journey tosfill- bank prison. A special guard has been placed around Newgate prison.

KB. cixrvAx'a opnnoin. A. X. Sullivan, leading counsel for O'Donnell, told a cable news reporter to-night that behaved that the jury were virtually coerced Into rendering tbe verdict of murder against O'Donnell by the Court's volunteered statement that there was no proof that Carey was about to shoot O'Donnell when the latter Rhot him.

"Before Judge Den man made this statement," said. Xr. Sullivan, "I had expected to secure either a disagreement or a verdict of manslaughter. 7 Certain! before the Court made that statement the jury were a state of hesitation. I anv sura tbey were convinced that young Carey was a liar; and also convinced tbat'Curev did have pistol.

-There was a time when I feared the extracts from the Jrltk World and otner of the In as an Invincible, and so forth, would affect the' verdict throuch public opinion. But now I think they did not I believe the Judge wss painstaking and fair a he could be, and that the jury were attentive, les. an attempt may, be made to secure a reprieve, but the attempt will be hopeless after O'DonnelTs utterances to-night trout the OEXXBAL PBTOB (aid to-night to a cable news correspondent: "Everything-possible was done for CTDon nelL In my opinion Mr. Charles Russell's speech for tbe defense was a most masterly effort and tbe peroration the most touching I ever heard. If I ever get into a bad box I shall want 3ft Russell to defend me.

O'Donnell is a man of tremendous courage. Nothing could bare been liner than the scornful look. tbe folded arms, and the defiant attitude of the man while the Jndge was bidding aim be contrite for his deed. 3fr. Guy.

in an interview with a cable news reporter after tha verdict said: "When the Jury first retired, I thought matters looked favorable for O'Donnell. But when the jury came out the first time- and were sent back with the Judge's damaging statement about the total lack of proof of any Intention to shoot on Carey's part I "aid to O'Donnell: 'It looks very black, O'Donnell. He answered without the slightest bravado, and without moving a muscle of bis lace: I uon't care a But when the jury came again and asked for a DEFixmox or belf-detexse. I again grew hopeful The verdict on this account was the bitterer. O'Donnell in tended to moke a speech before tbe sentence was pronounced, but bis request was misunderstood, and ho did not eorrect'y catch tUe cIerk' audible question aa to what he wished.

But it is, perhaps, well enough as it is. He could not have said more, had be spoken for an hour, than he' did in his few pathetic and defiant, words, which, in my opinion, express as mnch as did Emmet's speech; but O'DonnelTs utterances have destroyed all chances of a reprieve." General Pry or returns to New York on the Germanic nixt Thursday. Lord Xsyor Fowler has invited General Pry or to a banquet with him on Tuesday evening next General Fry or will probably accept tbe invitation. Xr. Russell left the court soon after his closing speech much exhausted.

He went straight home and retired. He received, while in bed, the news of the verdict and declined to be interviewed. General Pryor left court in the company of two ladles, one attached to each of his anna WESTMT5STEB ABBKT The agitation in favor of aa enlargement of Westminster Abbey is growing rapidly. and plans are being submitted for tha proposed extension. discussion of the condition of the cloister has revealed some unpleasant facts.

It has been known' for years that the burial-place was crowded, but to what extent the general public hod not realised. The remains of Livingstone, the great explorer, were thrust among the disjointed skeletons of members of the ancient guilds of engineers and clockmakers; Ben Jon- son's bones are sadly crowded by John Hunter's coffin; the remains of a queen are hope lessly mixed with those of a duke of later days, who built his vault over them, and Addison's body, laid atop of that of the Duchess of Albemarle, was in turn surmounted by that of the poet Craggs. So great has the 'crowding- now become that it is actually impossible to find room for mora interments. Naturally the English dislike to abandon the Idea of laying away their great dead in this noble and venerable place, and architectural considerations are not likely to stand in tha way of proposed enlargement of the abbey. A coaa cos rss r.

The contest for a seat in the Common Council of the city of Cork, between Xr. Galvin, Parnellite, and Xr. Delaney, Liberal, was decided to-day in favor of former, who obtained the small majority of three. Xr. Delaney was practically a fusion candidate and was strongly supported by the Tory element A great deal of bitterness was shown at the polls and several rows occurred during the day.

CmrELCOlfB SKLECTtOXS, The Corporation Councils of Drogheda and Limerick to-day elected ex-suspects to the offices of High Sheriff of their respective towns inc. castie authorities loos: these selections as acta of bravado, and it ia stated on good authority that Earl 8pencer, tbe Lord Lieutenant will refuse to confirm the choice. A CBOOKED COXStrU Baron de Xohrenheim, tha Russian Em bassador at London, in aa Interview to-day, pronounced the charges against tha British Consul. Coll edge, true. These charges were that when Xr.

Colled ge was acting as British Consul at Kertr.h, a Russian town ia the Crimea, he was the accomplice of a gang of Black Sea and Sea of Azof pirates who were in a syndicate to defraud underwriters by running vessels ashore. Certain newspapers having published these charges. Xr. Coll edge baa brought actions against them for libel Baron da Xorenaelm says that tbe charges are was not only true, but that warrants were Issued by the Russian Government for tbe arrest of Co 11 edge, who evaded arrest at Kertch by escaping into Turkey, where tha Russian treaty of extradition does not Include tha offense for which the Consul was jranted. Tha Russian Embassador said ba had hoped Colledge would have, set foot-on Russian territory again.

He also says that Earl Granville. British Xinister for Foreign Affairs, sanctioned tha proposed prosecution against Colledge, who, being warned, de camped before ba could ba arrested. Tha Russian Government tha Baron baa telegraphed him ordering him to assist in exposing Colledge. TBI BTAOa, Xlss Xary Anderson will appear at tha Lyceum Theater In Gilbert's new play. "Comedy and Tragedy," on tha 2fth Instant Xr.

Gilbert Is very sanguine of the success the new piece, and says that ha believes it will prove to ba bis masterpiece. Xr. Uil. lett, the American artist has designed tha dress which Xiss Anderson will wear in "Galatea" on Saturday next, and Alma Tadema has been devoutly assisting and encouraging her with many valuable1 sug gestions. He has promised to attend on tha stage next Saturday evening and drape the pedestal and its fair figure before tha rise of the curtain.

Lotta will open at tha Theater Comtque a Xnsette, on tha 220. She will appear during tbe 'season in "Little Nell and the Xarcbioness," "Hearflwre." "La CIgalo," "Firefly." The -Little Detective," "Bob," and l'Zip." Her which ia considered particularly strong, will include Xessrs. Howard, Fernaades. Arthur Russell, Kiss Katie Bishop, Xiss Fanny Cole man, and Xira Florence' Trevelyan. Harry Jackson.

wCJ be tbe manager and Xr. Xusgrava will conduct tha orchestra, Xiss Xarie Tan Zandt baa bandoned her proposed engagement at Xaplcs, She will pend tha winter In Nice, and will come in spring to London, where hhe may appear opera at either Co vent Oardea or Drnry ghla will not, however, Interfere wlthl at ef her American programme, which aha is de termined shall not be interfered with. Xdlla Bttraooo, one of tha idols (in tights and spectacle) of Parisian playgoers, ia to make a tour of tha United States after tha conclusion of her present engagement at tha Eden Theater. Her brother, who is a painter. is already established In New York.

Xiss Connie Reeve, daughter of Sims Reeves, the famous' tenor, ia about to adopt tha stage as her profession, and will make her first appearance In "Guy Xannering" at Brighton next February. Tha young ladv has a good voice and very attractive per sonal qualities. She baa for soma years da-lighted her friends by the grace and vivacity of her acting in private theatricals, and as she has recently aa benefit of instruction and excellent professional teachers, the connolHseurs and eret tha critics are predict ing a success. A50TREB BtONtrsTEXr TO LCTaXS. Echoes of tha taithex quarto-centenary are now coming from Russia, and the' Cantons monument at Kislobea is to ba rivaled oa tbe shores of tha Gulf of Finland.

Tha location selected for the Russian tribute to the' great reformer is tha picturesque old city of Kolyvan, or; Reval, as it la commonly called by tourists who know ft chiefly Las a seaside resort during the brief Russian summer. It is on a llttlo bay on the south shore of the Gulf of Finland, and la directly opposite and only one hundred and fifty miles distant from Stockholm on the Swedish coast It is an irregularly built old- world town, commanded by a rugged bill, which is surmounted by a castle. Tbe monument will be erected about midway up tha cityward side of this hill, where It la expected to hare an Imposing effect rBOTBSTiimSH nt BOMB. Tbe spread of rrotestantism ia Roma, and the energy of the proselyting' efforts of tbe American and other missionaries in that city, are causing disquietude at tha Vatican. Two new l'rutcstant churches were opened in Rome to-day, having lmen assured of ample support to be drawn both from the foreign missionary societies and from the rapidly growing number of Protestant parish loners in Rome.

This is a very sijrnincant increase in a citv where but a few years ago Protestant worship was a crime, even ia private residences, and tha Fope is reported as sarin? in a recent interview that she dejJored this alarming spread of the false taitn una loresaw aire results II it should continue. TRKT.A?fD. Excrmtnrr at newbt. Newbv. fee.

1. Three hundred polloemen snd two truops of husHsra nave arrived, and four infantry are on the war. all in view of apprehended disturbances between the Rationalists sad Orangemen. The magistrate this after-ternoon were eonsidertnc to allow the Nationalists to march in a torchlight procaMiea through the streets to-night Painellwaa bcldlag a confer ence with friends tas whole moralng.3 Tbe authorities have forbid dsn -ths NaUonsllsu to meet outside the hotel at which stopping. The polios bare besn ordered to dinners sll Esther! ntcs upon ths streets.

A body of oransraiea win uorupjr tbe Orange hall, and a force of police will be stationed in cloas prox imity. 8erloas rlotlnc Is expected, and tradss- mea art cloxln their bnp early. BE ALT. SEXTON. AMI n'lUn.

did not srrtve to-niicht, although expected, sad a uirr cmwa enueclea st toe depot awaiting crowa aootra ana rmanea tne constabulary snd macintraiea who were st tha depot Tor tha purpose of maintaining order. The polloemen sre pttrullna tha streets of tbe town, and ths military are kept under arms In case of an outoreax. a a imraer uaa et occurred, ocnxa DtSL'tm. Tne mscistrates Iwued sn order forbidding ths tnrcblignt procenaion of the Thar aiso oraereu insi ail puuie nounes be' dosed to night. There great excitement throughout the town.

THB POOLE CAS a Dcbu, Dee. 1. Rearing la ths aiipHeatioa of ooanset I or JOMrpo ruoie on tne motion to qnaab his eonvlctioa for tbe mardar of John Kenner, to oa Biuuzm up to-uav. aaa oeen poetDooea. Qt'HLrS'S MA YOB.

Alderman William tleacher tPirnellital elected Lord lisyor of Dnhila. The Liberal and Conservative members af tha Corporation ab- ststnea from votins. ABcaananr oboef, in receiving an sddrcas of welcome st Waterf ord vexteitUT. said thsa after whmt hmA hmn achieved during the last few years by the Irish party in Parliament nnder tbair great leader, ba had no doubt, if the people persevered la their course, svoraea crime, and refused to allow tbexn selves to be transported to Canada, a good deal would be achieved within a measurably brief period of time, and the present generation mtzht yet live to see the old land clothed In the garb of ueeaom uuuer toe ircsa nag. LXTTSK rBTOf LORU BOSSMORE.

Lord rUMsmore baa written another letter to tna IjOM tjouumasioms nf toe Iftw Seal In defense of his actkta at koalas. County Fermanagh. He sava tbo aaspsnsloa of his commbwloa as justice of Ui peace la of small importaaes "ta nimscu, out many lovsnawi will conxidsr It another slight directed against those anxious to protest strains ths doetrlnes of rapine and revolution. Tbe Lord Otnmlsstonen, replrlng. bars no doubt of the profinetv of their -riilun.

aad decline to discuss tha matter farther. THS TONUUIIT AJTAXR. HOT COjrftBIfEO. Pahs, Dee. X.

Ths report that tbe Chinese have evacuated Bae Kinh aad Sou lay is unconfirmed. oocxxtxatio or scmjxs. Supplies of every kind for tba French army and navy have been concentrated at Hal Phong, and the stores are now complete and adequate. OBTTCABT. DufrenQ, the head of ths French Commissariat in Tonquin, is dead.

haemato gives a rtrBLocoa, It is announced that aa the dvil and military power of Franca ta Tonanln has been an9. rated In ths hands of Admiral Conrbet, the government has acceded to the request of Dr. liarmand, tne Civil Commissioner in Tonquin, for bis recall, and ha is authorised to return to Francs upon a furl ouch. THE CBEDIT COSUrrrTEBB BEPOBT. In the Chamber of Deputies, the Reporter of the Committee on the Tonquin Credits read the report of the committee.

It stated the expedition to Tonquin commenced with Insufficient meaas. This fact emboldened the enemy aad encouraged Chins to interfere. The report recommends that endeavors he made to And a basis for a solution of the dlfflcultv with China, for the purpose of avoiding conflict, bat in the mean while it would be necessary to dispatch re -enforcements to Tonquin, and thus France would be prepared for all eventualities. Tba debate oa the report will ocrur Friday. The yellow book oa toe Tonquin affair will be distributed Wednesday.

TBAJtWOBTATJOK STEAXEB WABTED, Lojrno. Dee. A telegram baa been received irom Msrseuies aatannzing ths charter of a steamer of any size ready to go to Saigon oa ac count oi ine rrencn uoverasienb 'OBANVUXE AND AKBITBATIOX. The Arbitration snd Pears Societv sent an ad dress to Lord Granville, tbe Foreign Secretary, on the subject of the relations which exist be tween France and Cuina. Tba address alludes to the vast commercial interests of Europe snd America involved, and sska that Granvuls receive a deputation from tne society in order to strengrnen nis nanus in offering, mediation.

uranmie rermea ins no uia not think- a rMwrt. tion of the deputation now would further the ob- ecw CHnrESE rSOMCLAB l.imrmrn BERLIN, Dae. 1. Another Chinese ironclad was launched at Stettin to-day. Tha Chinese lega- mni sun HUU7 uvimi Kocsw venptemit, WAB MATERIAL.

The Legation sre entering Into eon tracts for material of war, which Is being seat to China ia immense quanuuss. EGYPT. THE BATTLE Of Kit OBETD. London. Dec.

I. Ths publishes a dispatch from Khartoum, dated Friday, which states that a Copt merchant, who witnessed battle between the Egyptian fesxes and ElMahdt, asw Alaed Deen Pasba. Governor of Khartoum, killed the oening of ths battle. The Copt states that Hicks Pasba was slain by a lance on ths third day of ths battle, when 'the last cartridge ths Egyptians had been fired. Tha men in Hicks Paahs's army, had then been without water for three days and the soldiers were offer ing $4 for a drink.

Ths fugitives (if there wars any) from the Egyptians must have been slain or captured while making for well-known wells. Cheyenne, the civil engineer, was with Hicks las ha and It la supposed shared his fate, XHABTOUX. All tbe blaenita and nroviaioBS stand at Ttnoss loruicks fsshss snay nave been bronirht ta Khlrtoam. Th nutlrlirnniiiiBi Miln.u. striving at Kbartonts.

The Greeks and Copte, pt dispatched. Tt lBt f-m ny snnrrtrom. of is of to la FROM FOREIGN LANDS. Cardinal Vanning Denies that' Ha Mad- died with Irish Politics at Vatican Conferences, EaglUfc Radicals and Lfttrala TTiddj Apart ia Their YJewi en the Suffrage Question. Notes from tha Capitals-Marital folfflcul tlst The Falsa Prophet Musical and Dramatic.

THB AXZUZCAV PBZLATES. PETE AT JOB CABDrXAI, at Aoxa Special Tslagrsm to Ths Inlet Ocean. Xiw Yobs. Deo. A London cable says tha American prelates at Rome have renetvad a sae- eesaloa of fetes.

Tha Archbishop of Bal timore and the Coadjutor Bishop of fit. Louis have undertaken to deliver a course of English sermons In the ettv on Friday af ternooa daring Advent Cardinal Manning will soon return to Kngland. He has met with fXllur In his atlemnta to lunueuea tha Vatteaa on Ha Irish' American poller. Tba American prelates refused to totemts any mterferenca, thua Halting AN rjrTEBVTEW. Bpedsl Telegram to Tha InrerUrea.

New Yoke. Deo. 1. Tbe UerltTi Rome reapondeni sends the following: Cardinal Man ning received your correspondent at the Knglish College tula morning- Hia Eminence, who is muoh benefited br fain stay in Rome, ex pacts lo return to London st the end of the next weak, elnee his arrival hers as lived in si rict retirement, taking ao part ia ciexUMtioai matters outside of his cwi ince. la answer to a remark of your correspondent suggested by the Insinuations of certain Knglish papers, ths Cardinal said: I am quite outside of the American Congress, and know nothing of the Bishops' movements, or tba rumored appointment of a Nuncio to the Lnlted States.

These do not concern Bae, but the BRITISH POLITICS. FPBSTEB AXD GLADSTONE, Bpeclsl Tdsgrain to Ths Inter Occsn. Kew YORK. Dee. 1 According ta tha Sun't cable, Bock hot Forster continues to work ap feelings against the Transvaal delegates aad the Gladstone policy by pnblie meetings, denouncing ths Boers as guilty of slsvery and fierce cruelty to the natives.

A section of yhUan tropic aiaaenters strongly Decks up these views and makes otadatones task much more difficult. Tha Premier is taking things easily, having spent several davs with a niece at Keble loiiege. lis visited oa Thursday the Union De- Daung Boctetv. where nrtv-one rears ago be nro- pueed a resolution denouncing the first reform dul tie saa as yet said nothing as to the nro- ram me 01 toe session. BADICAL WOBK.

Xr. Smaller cables that ths Radicals are con tinuing their efforts mors energetic than aornnn. mi to secure precedence for the franchise bill over other measures of ths next session. Mr. Chamberlain's sieech at Bristol oa Moodav is re garded by moderate Liberals as a attempt to fores the band of to Cabins bv putting them ia this dilemma, either to accomplish his scheme ef tegtalauon for ths session or to re pudiate a colleague.

The same remark SDDlies to what Mr. CbamlMVlatn as Ml snout including- Ireland in the franchise bill. He violates! be eoerlshed traditions of tngliab public 11 (e by attempting to pledge the cabinet, of which he Is a member, to a poller not yet adopted, when Mr. Oladstone reinsert to stata the programme- of the session. Lord Hartingtons speech oa.

Tneedav was a good exampia of the opposite method, lie avoided either predietkn or an expression of FsXMONal, oa tbe sub)ect of ths franchise bin, bat eleartv lnulcated aome practical dim- eulUes whtcO Mr. Chamberlains Sweep ing generalities fU to touch. Tne character or to measure and Its precedeaoeover ail otner. legislation are both matters of nncer- talnty. lime to-day publishes, a singular auaca on sir.

uiaostoae, aceasing Bint of preparing tbe measure secreur sod refusing to disclose tha details to his eoueaguat rather lnaoteatly warns him that ha is tha ser vant of a fie people, aad not a Pops issniag aa infallible decree. The balance of opinion ia- cjinee toward including ire-and la ths franchise bill, for the very practicable reason that vhs Insh mem oars euerwtse wui defeat tne DUL THS 80TTDAW wthtt, England's detticcltt. Bpeelil Telegram to Ths Inter Ocean. Kew Yobe, Dee. 1.

The Aim's London special asrs: -Tsbiic optnioo has cooled down about Egyot. Tbe British troops win remain ta keep srder and defend Egypt proper, if attacked, but will take no part in rscotui Bering tba Bondaa. Khartoum'" in a perilous state, sad ao soldiers can be secured for the pedltton against Kl MahdL Baker Pasha, dered to ttaakia with U.0UO gendarmes, was serted bv nearly half cf his men. Ths effect of the Mahdl's snoecss on tbe Mason! man population of India is one of England's arareat diffi culties. HUSH JCATTEBJa.

THS vaaxchisx QcxsTlcnL Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. KEW Yoke, Deo. Tbe Herald cable from Dublin says Interest fat English home politics Just now concentrated: upon the dis cission of the asstmOatioa of Irish ta English suffrage, a section of Liberals demand that if the traaehise is equalised Irish representation ihail also be equailxed. If this were oooe it would reduce the en tin Irish parliamentary vote to ninety-foar. aad ths i-arueuoea to Tbe long silence of Par- neu upon ine vnai issues is oeginntag to provoke eMcum ox lora, ana nis followers generally.

Tba TWowne's caole states that tha innraifan 1 oi Axara manwra, too justice Of the Pterin be- Bse ha restated ths holding of a rebel meeting in Clater, delights the ParaeUitsa. angers Lister, snd is scqnieaced in bv tha Liberals oa technical Rounds. Ia anWa singular contrast to ths leniency often sbowa br HS VfSIBWllfe WHHIOI OB USB OUMg BSOsV FOOD rOK GOSSIP. TID-BIT or SCANDAL, Special TfiWrsm to Ths Inter Ocsan. New Yobe.

Dae. Ths Sun' foreign special are Mrs. Waldroa, a very pretty bat turbu lent woman, who has nude the polios soartssnd tha public familiar with her wrongs of years, ass Just brought oat an ugly blem ish ta English divorce laws. Her bus hand offered her 300 a vear and a tt mum lamiscea wax ne snouid also lira wits, her ud ths court has decided that he most do so or go to prison. Tha Maruais of Ana-leeea.

bslns' MwnmmA fmn nis American wife, has married for ths fourth lime, mo new peeress being a JLIdlle. Degalbe. Ladv Harriet Ashley baa Inherited a great deal of the old Earqnta of Donegal's Dronsrtv. as was anxious to keep as much ss possible from bis future heir, Mr. George Chichester, now Earl of Belfast, who bss most inaiodorous record.

Ths marquis, wno nss rust succeeded to tha tide, is oxtsr ms, ana sarin oeen round too wild for taenavy, was made a parson and had a largo number of fsmilv livings. The Duke of Edinburgh has at last been discovered in a ge serous set. Us gave 15; but tbe mainm. nnm out to do a notorious and fra- cuuj nwTmea impostor. rmtopEAjr echoes.

people AXD rnnrrs. BpeeisI Talegtam to The Inter Orexa. yobe, Dec A cablegram statM tha tba French Govemment has receired a waning that England and Germany will adopt a eommoa policy of opposition to tha French Oast blockad ing or attacking treaty porta. TbsHaytian Minister to Ores Britain and. druly resigned his position, seeding word to the foreign office that anarchy lalgna in Hayti.

that attacks are mads aooa British property sad Brit- un saojects, sua tut uesa nave ran dered. his position unbearable. The activity in thip-bulldlng ou tha Clyde and the Tyna is rapidly ool lapsing. The prices of material and ot ships are declining, snd a a umber the ship-building firms have no new orders. Tbe workmen upon tbe Clyde bare had a meeting, and bars ollered to accept a reduction ot 5 Kr cent in their wages.

They hope by this to dues the builders to ketp their yards open. It only a question of a short time when 10,000 artisans In the Clyde Yaller will be thrown out of employment. Tbe Hon. George J. Goscbea.

M. P. for Bioon. has accepted tbe Speakership of tbe House of Commons, snd Hpeaker Brand retiree oa a pea- aion from the government of 5,000 per annum. Ths friends of ths ueteaciuse have searched the pit of tne aiontmarte Cemetery, where the bodies of the massacred Commnnista were thrown, and nave recognised tbe remains at their comrade bv means of aome article clothing wnien-ns wore woen killed.

His bones bare been reinterred in Pere Ia ChaiM be side tliose of his sister. The Radicals of tba Paris Municipal Council intend to erect a statue Deleseluse in tbe Meial ViUe. Ths Princess IXUogouroukl has rented a nous AsunriPB uoja aa asoas satswa. Canal Vdfrbff, nnder tbe prtvats bfll of tbe Czar, will I sppertn'ona tne education of her children. nt Kedraond.tha Irish member of Parliament.

baa takea a wife in Australia, and has tberebv obtained the aaa of a dowry amounting to Besides tba sennina match be tween Dnbear. PntnaVr. and Unas. of Pittsburg, it was arranged veaterdav mat imbear shall challenge Elliott to row tor a stake of 100. from Putoev to Mortlake.

for tba cnampionshlp of the Thames. In London netting is strong on Dnbear against Boss. Mrs. Gerard Leluh. who la to ba married for the third time, holds a large fortune from her second husband on condition -of keeping the largest yacht afloat, her present vessel being the famous steam yacht Chaxalie.

The bridegroom, the Danish Minister, has a grown-up famllv. abo trouru la America about gambling on. ocean steamers has beeu cabled here, snd several eorresrmndenta of tbe bUintlard call upon ths steamship owners to exclude from their ships men who axe notoriously professional gamblers. iLTTlfRAKY Vhat about booes and authors, Special Telegram to The In Kew Yobe, Pea. L-A posthumous assay by Darwin, ssys a London correspondent, aa tha "Evolution of Instinct" has been found among hispaoers.

It is a splendid example of exhaust-ire induction, and will be read at a meeting of tha Linna-an Society. George Eliot's poem, "The Dead," set as a can tata, with orchestra and vocal effects, will ba liven at the Possitlveist festival of th New Year's Day. 1 ha Aua csbls notes tha fact that nut noyaacs has been caused la high circles ta Ger-rasuy br some artieies pa bushed ta Una. Adams' Sonrtlle iterate-, over tha simatara. 'Paul Vassali." A verv dose sennam.

tance la sbowa with tha habits. character, and position of ths lemaio members of the Imperial family, and the descriptions are verv spiteful. Nobodv vet knows the author, bat suspicion potnts to some French woman amploved as a reader or in soma otiier caijacttv atoat tha Court. ThmJoHnuU of t.dnratia -has Invited BOO snbwrtbers lo the plebiscite to form a bodr of English academicians. Alfred Tennrsoa heads tha list- sad his earns Is followed ba thoee of ukin, Arnold.

Browning, Fronde, hwinburne, Freeman, 8pencer, and Black. These names sre followed by those of nnvelisl-s Including Sbortboose. Blackmore. McCarthy, McDonald, Besde, George Meredith, and Wilkie Collins. the doubts the orisinslitv of Keats' letters to his brother Genoa.

mentioned by Dodd et Mead's orut- pectns of Speed's edition of Keats. Tha sueciiuea letter aueompenving thenrosDeetna dif fers verv slhrhtlv from ths Ictlsn nnhlialuMl bv Lrd Hosgiiton. Home, tha author of Orion." is awnlu blind. Tbe manuscript bv Carta, reader to Tredenek the Great, has been found in the Prussian archives, Caue kept a record of Frederick's remarks on his readings, which Is strikingly original. Herr Ton bybu has obtained permission to publish it, with botes elucidating Frederick's conversation.

tmlie Zola has commenced a serial In RZas. bearing the title. "Joie de Vivre." Hector at slot has Issued a romanm Lsa Ba. Boirnesuu. Plofewor Hnxkrv delivered vasterdav his nrst address ss President of tba Boyal Huciety.

It wss occupied, mainly bv a review oi ui acientioc history of tha year. remaps tne most remarkable passage rasies sir. uaraner rasearcn resnectlns' tha continuity af protoplasm turoagb wails of vegetable sells, which means, ears Professor Haxiey, owning was tnan aa approaea to a demotutra- uon ot toe essential anity of plants and animals, bir Wra. Thompson receives the Cooler nadmL and Dr. Hint and- Dr.

Burdoa. 8aaderaoa two royal medals, the latter for his eminent seikjes to physiology aad pathology, being tbe tnveair-gatoc who ia peculiarly obnoxious to tha anil-vivisection party. MUSIC A2TD THB DSAXA. INTUEbTINO KOTEa. Dedal Telegram to Tbe later Ocsan.

Kew Yobe. Dee. A London special save Stephana, tha tenor of ths Parisian Opera Comiqoe. has Just submitted to aa operation at Milan, that of cutting atuvula. Be believes the assurance of tbe operating surgeon that it would greatly increase toe force and brilliancv of his voles.

Count letch n. tha aenlntnr. la huimI making a bust ot Mary Anderson. Minnie Palmer has had a nrnvii. dal tour, drawing immense booses everywhere.

sr. attuic presents revival or snst st tha Lreeum, that being hla first uina ifir hi. etira from his American to nr. Mr; Teniae sus tains the title role. He has contracted to play a lonx engagement with Vr.

Irving. Giltsjrt and Sullivan have reieefed all nfTsra to dispose of the Amertran" right to produce their opera. I Ovle Carte evldentlv inlands ta prod nee enera in New York again. The a cabin aars Loudon theaters are qaiet, the only novelty being "Lords and Commons" at the Havmarket. Tbe characters sre Intensely disagreeable, bat tbe dlaUjansai is nrr clever, and ths acting excellent.

Aa American lady appears in this as In several rami rj.r. and is rather unprepossessing, gome approach oeen made to a faithful nortralt of American womanbood in a few English notions, bat oa the stage she Is still a vulgar, toad-voiced, and mendacious adventuress. Great things are expected from "Clandiaa," tha piece which succeeds the Silver King" at ths Princes. Drurv Lane and the othexUii theaters ara nra. paring for the Christmas pantomimes.

xneciasaierevivaia at Cambridge hare been fanmeasely sneoeseful. The "Birds" of Aristophanes, was performed without a flaw, and tha scenery and mountings were very rich. The girl students of Girtoa have produced tba "Electra," Of bopooclea, with almost equal access. Oscar Wilde's lecture in Dublia was a eompstta failure. the house being empty.

Alhery ia adapting the French oomedy "Fete de Linottc" for Charles Wyndham, upon his return to the Criterion. Justin McCarthv haa dramatis th "Maid; of Athena." LA20S UrO w7AQS. PlllSBUao, Pa. Dee. Bines tha mangura- ttoa of the window-class strike over loaooo boxes of glass have been Imported to this city.

Fire years ago tha annual foreign Importation waa reduced from 1,000,000 to 900,000 boxes, bat lata Strikes revived the Importations. it is nswrtad that It will again reach 1.00O.000 boxes. The blowers aad manufacturers view this fact with favor. Tha blowers say tha maanfacturers cannot afford ta see tbe importaUoa increase aad tbetr furnaces cold, while tbe employers assert thai tha fanpor- as must prove to tba strikers Thrlr issufWsj that It is better to Import than to produce at the present cost of product ioa. Tha strike is three months' old to-dsv.

with tha prospects of a settlement aa brighter than when the lockout was inaugurated. Tba Conference Coxamiaaionara meat agaia next Tnesdav. CSTTPART. Epeetal Talegrsm to The Inter Ocasa. ABrxoDOaT.

TTl Deo, John H. Banburn, a prominent citizen of this city, and a brother-in-law of Judge A. M. Craig, of tha Saprema Court, died quite suddenly to-day. Ho was sick twa hours.

He will be taken ta raarrin. f- knrl.1 biwdal Telegram to In- Iuier Uraaa. Jaceso. Dec I. A dispatch was ra-eetved to-day by relatives announcing tbe sudden death of Lieutenant Commandant Charles W.

Kennedy, of the United States navy. He left this city for Las Vegas, three weeks sgo and died there. Captain Kennedy served twentv years ia the navy, and four years ago ssiled with tne American neet in tha Atlantic and Mediter ranean. At on time ha waa an Instructor at the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Tha remains will be buried in Jackson.

Special Tvlevram lo The Inter (Vesu. rKEEPOBT. I1L. Dee. 1.

Mrs. Elinor VcCooL waiow of Joseph McCooL a former Sheriff of this county, died in this city last night aged tfO years. She was one of tbe pioneers of this eonntv, having com here from Union County, Pennsylvania, in 1S4D. They had none children, eight of stun are now living. giaits at vmrzsL Bpsetal Telegram to The Inter Ocvan.

New To xx. Dec. 1. The Titans sphered In ana of ths parlors of tha Hotel Brunswick to celebrate tha 1st of December, which is Important day ta the Titanic ealea- dar. Forty-four Titans "answered tha roll-call, and there waa a wonderful unfolding of lanky limbs, and the palm of max luinn riven to Long John Wentworth, a visitor from Chicago, who reached ud to six feet.

sn inhes above the floor. He was given the place of honor, and was admired aad envied bv ail present. THS CIXHOIT wassTLxz CXEVELAjax Ohio, Dee. Duncan Rosa won the three days' wrestling tournament clos ing hers to-night, and thereby becomes owner of the championship mccal for mixed wrestling. Hs will locate here and challenge an body in the world for mixed wrestling, or will wrestle in any stylo sn hour and then aa hoar at tha style of his TSZ wTXATHSS WARHCfCTOX; Dec.

2, 1 a. nv Th following are the indications -for to-day For th Lak Begiou, Ohio Taller, aad Tennessee Generally colder, fair weather, preceded aloax taa leaac lakaa hr lixat xaia or aaow brisk to, high northwesterly winds, and rapidly rising barometer. 'B0S2T21L CO. F1 af On Sot mt Creditors against syoai Telegram ta The Inter Oeeaa. Clxvxlasd.

Ohio. Dee, A few days ago a petition was mad ta the courts to take tba affairs of Brown. BonneS A Col. of Yoaagstowa, 4 out of the hand of Becetver Brown. Today a arose psthMoa was flled In tha Cnited States Circuit Court by attorneys for tba Commercial Katioaal Bank of this city, praymg that Becetrer Brown ba retained, tha petitioner claiming that prater- -snces ara about to be sbowa to certain other Tbe petition says that ths Commercial National Bank, before tha failure, aoospud from Brown, Boanell at Co.

stovea promissory not mads by J. Y. Ayars, of Chicago, to tha order aad In dorsad by Brown, Bounell at Co. Tha agvra-gat face value of thea is S60.879.44, which ia now doe, less tha amount of one of tha Botes for which was paid, leaving a balance of $60,102.94. This amount Is now daa tha bank.

Including the mtorast. At the request cf Brown. Jkmnell At tha answer ssys. If r. Daa Bells.

President of tba bank, indorsed flvs promissory aotea, amounting; to C37.439.C6. These promissory Botes ware presented to Brown, BonaeU Co. for payassat. Pit BO part ef than bats hMW paid. Mr.

Eeils eoaaeqaently wss eompeUed to pay tba amount ahov mentioned to holders of the notes, making them Indebted to him in that sum. Mr. Charles A. Otis, st tba renaest ot Brown, Boanell mt also indorsed eight promissory aotea amounting to Soo.uoo, whlca has ner been paid to Mr. Otis, auaklng Brows, Bon nell de Co.

Indebted to him to tha amount. William IL Harris did likewise, aad indorsed fly promissory notes amounting to rt7, 40.t4, which is still due, Arssna SLooe during bis lif time indorsed Ave ptominsorv Botes fng Browa. Bonneil Jc a f- tbeir iMrnnmrtuiA. the amount of these notes is 37 which like tha ether amounts meatiooed, ta yes auuL To seeur tbe payment of these aotea Brown, Bonnail A Co. delivered to tha isrths named certain mortgage bonds, being for with interest at per cent aa that plant at Youngstownv eonsiating af forty-ave acres af land, with two blast furnaces, six iron rolling mills, and other buildings and machlaary.

and oa the in wrest of Brown, Hue sell ft Co. in a Plant at Boiand. known a the btruubara Blast a-rnacf. The conveyance of this property is sbsolute. except upon the performance of all the conditions In the mortgage, among which is on that Brown.

Boanell Co. should pay all tbe bonds with to tnutre sa them. The defendants ia this case say that these agreements have not been complied with. lust tbe bonds have not been paid: that baring failed to comply with the agreements tbe deed has become abso-lute. The trustee of the bank asy that since tba commencement of the suit the president of too company, Herbert C.

Avers, who has becoma insolvent, appointed Henry Crawford, ef Chicago, as conned for the firm. Tbey ear that tba re-asatly-oonfessed judgment for was dose without thoir knowledge or ooosent, aad thai there has been a fraudulent design to show a preference for soma creditors. They therefor -pray that Fayette Browa ba eon tinned sa receiver. As will sasilr understoodLtbis Is a of ono -set of creditors against another set foe taa it'i'I of Brown, Bonnet! at Co. A FIERCE BLAZZ.

Tha raev Story th ww Tark Tfssaals Twanpto Pestvoyd Laws. S73.000. KEW Yobe. Dee. 1.

About 8:30 o'clock this morning tba roof ef tha Masonic Tempi, aa Twenty-third street and Sixth avenae. was discovered to be on fire, and before the mrljva reached tha spot great volumes of amok belched from tha windows of tba Asylum af tha Knight Tempiar in-the mansard story. Just below the roof and dome. Thick vol urns of sxaoks also poured from the roof, followed by sheets of flame which darted high bd in th air. Fir engines cam tearing to tha scene a few minutes after tha alarms were sounded.

Tha report that tha Maaoaie Tempi waa aa fir spread rapidly, aad hundreds of the fraternity hurried ta tha place. A large fores ot police kept tba crowd back from tha firemen. Patrick l.vnch aad Samoel Warren, ot th fora-most firemen In tba mansard story, war struck to th boot bv heavy plastering falling frees too ceiling, and were ovaroom by beat aad amok. They were BESCTED BT COXBADES. removed to th hospital, and restored to roo-eioasBsa and sent bom.

As tha building below th mansard is ttre-proof, tha Bremen de- v. voted their eoergie to saving what portion tby could of the mansard storv. Tba entire building is water-soaked. and much valuable ptopeily aaa been de- strwyad. After two hoars' hard work for- ther spread of tha flames waa prevented oa th mansard portion, bus they wee till rasing ia th roof.

It Is thought th lose will not fall far short af a the costly frescoing snd other decorations were destroyed. In tii eonmiandery-room toe "Order of taa Mystic Shrine, largely composed of Maaoaa. met last night anui a late Boor, and rt ia supposed a cigar or match was dropped oa tbe earpet aad aused tba nre. The commandeii loom was expensively fitted up, and la th adjoining closets wer many costly equipment aad uniform of Sir Knights. Tbe "Austin-room." named la aoaor of tba deceased Grand Secretary, was recently fitted up at aa expense of $10,000, aad tha -beautiful pictures which th order has bees so lung aocamnlaring very mnch injured.

If no mined. BTAVT LOSS. Th total leas is STiooo. Ths roof destroyed, lb rest of th damage to in building being holly by water. The Insurance oa the temple $200,000.

distributed among eight companies -th policies being for anusuauy large amount, as tha risk was thought to aaa af tha safest la tha city. UTTEIX'S IITT56 AGf FOB 18S4. In 1384 tha Xtrtag enters npoa th forty-first year of it publication, and itevalaem--' tress with its years. A weekly magarfn. gtv ing aver 3,250 wsil-ailed pagas of reading matter yearly.

It is enabled ta present, with a fresh-Baa aad aompletenasa attempted by aa other publication, tha ablest assays aad review, the choicest serial and abort stories, the most Interesting sketch of travel sad discovery, tha bast poetry, aad taa most valuable biographical, historical, scientific, and political infermatioai from th entire body of foreign current uteratnre, aad -from th pens of th foremost l'ving writer. Snob author as Professor Max Mailer, Jime A. Frond, Professor Huxlev, Richard A. Proctor, th Hon. W.

Giadatona, Bdward A. Free- -man. Professor Goldwin Smith, Professor Tyn-daiL. Dr. W.

B. Carpeater. France Power Cob be. Francis Gallon, th Duke of ArryU, William Black, Mis Thackeray. Mrs.

Mulock-Craik. George MacDonald, Mrs. Oi phant. Mrs. Alexander.

Jean Inaelow, R. D. Blackmore. Thomas Hardy. Alfred BnaseU Wallsoa.

Mat' hew Araold. W. H. Mallock, G. Haznertoa.

W. W. Story, Boskla. Tennyson, Browning, and maay other most eminent writers of the ag are repratid ia Us cage. Frequent la bane, aad aneqnaled among periodicals in amoant of matter, it furaishe, in short, aa Burtvaled compilation ef great and growing literature which embrace tba prod actions of th ablest -writers and thinker in au de- -pertinents of literary and scientino work.

And as this litaraur increases year by year ia extent and importance, tha l.mnt Ag become mora and more valuable. Filling tbe place ef many periodicals It can hardly dispensed with by any American reader who desire a thorough compendium. tn convenient and ecowomical forai. Of the best literature and thought of th day. Tbe subscription price bS a yean is cheap for th amoant of reading furnished, white th nob- -Ushers make a still cheaper offer, vis: to scad tba Ltriaf Af and any on of tbe $4 montbua or veeklies, a vear.

both postpaid, for $10.50: thua omiihlng to tha subscriber at small cost tha cream of both horn and foreign literature. Tba -pubiishers also offer to send to all aaw subscribers lor the year 1-Hi, remitting before Jan. tha weekly number of issaad after th ta- n. K-4 mn 1 1 I I II I I in STSX1S. IJUA1I Cot, Boston, ars th publishers.

BAT CUT AJ3 A1PETA Special Telegram ta Th Inter Oeeaa. East Tawas, Dec I. The formal opening of the Detroit, Bay City and Alpena tooE plaoe to-day. A special train with invited rnesta was ran from fSabi to Bid River and return. Begular trams will commence Monday neat, going west.

Trains leave ttebl at 1 1 :30 Tawas arrive at Wells Station oa tha Michigaa Central Bailroad at 3:15 p. returning leav Wells at 3:40. Tawas at arrivaat X0T3CiaT3 OCEAJ aTZAXSHZTSL Krw Toke. Das. Arrived, tha Bepublla, from Liverpool.

LovDox. Dae. Th Elbe aad Bothnia, front Kew York: Prussian, from Boston, and Ffym-euthian. from Gaiveston. have arrived ouL yUfcXsirrowv, Dec.

Arrivad oat, tha Baltic, STarrE moleskin velvet for panxtinr pur-, poses sold at radooed Bdoa at iit 1 Xas Indiaaa tuset..

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