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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 6

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE RAILWAYS. frnmi Meeting of Uie EtocJctioltl-ers ol tbo B. and Q. Com- pany. Consolidation of tna Baa Line and tne St.

L. and Road, 'Missouri, Kansas and Texas Directors TH8 Fight Over Oregon Transcontinental. THE BURLINGTON'S ANNUAL. Xb annul meeting of the shareholder of the Chicago, Burlington ua yuancy murow Company ni held at theompany'a offioee here yeeterday. Oni of total of 763.916 bare of stock, 430,624 ahere were represented, Mr.

Wirt Dexter called the meeting to order, and was subsequently cnoaen chairman, no two shareholders from Boston who wr sxpeoted to maks trouble were present, bnt failed to make any disturbance. The following di rectors were sleeted for the ensuing yeane Bushard Olney. Boston; John M. Forbes, Boston; Charles J. Paine, Boston; Jonn Gardner, Boston; Franoia W.

HanneweU, Boston; William Endioott. Jr. Boston; T. Jefferson Coolidge, Manonester, Mesa John N. A.

Gris-wold. New York; Peter Geddea, New York; Wirt Dexter, Chicago; Charles E. Perkins, Burlington, Iowa, The only change in the directory was the election of Mr. Oluey in plaoe of Mr. Sidney Bartlett, deceased.

The Board of Directors will meet daring the month in Boston, when they will probably re-eleot the present officers. CLASS RATES FROM MEMPHIS. The following ins tractions were reoeired her yesterday from Chairman Albert Fink, of the Joint committee: Referring to the proceedings of conference held at this office on April 3s, 189, a per joint committee circular No. 983, section 8. In reference to lower class rates from Memphis via the Southern roads than via the Northern road.

At a subsequent conference held at Cincinnati was. mutually agreed between members of the joint committee and represents tires of the Southern roads, that the rates from Memphis should be made higher than the Bast St, 1 I I 6 Cent! per 100 10 10 I To eire effect to this agreement it becomes nee-essary that the roads north of the Ohio Biver suoma pro-raw sneao nisa ua uie huh ummm mm tm now in effect on cotton. Notice is hereby siren that this agreement will take ellect on one 1, 18S8, as proposed, SOMETHING ATTRACTIVE. The Chicago and Grand Trunk Bond is pre paring to put on a Pullman veetibuled train, to be known as the "Seaside and White Moon tains flunij tt Thl. i will ar.

Wavdnaa- days. June 26, July 3, July 10. July 17, July 24, July 31 Aug. 7, and Aug. 14, ThU train is to be oompoaed wholly of Pullman vestibuled cars, consisting of a oilman library, chair and smoking-car, with barber-shop and bath room, a dining-cir and four sleeping- cars.

It is promised that these trains are to do toe nneei in tne worn, me train wiu stop eight and one-half hours at Niagara Fails ana proceed to Kingston, where a etesmer will take passenger down the St Lawrenoe to Mon-, treat Passengers will meet the train strain at Montreal and proceed to Portland or Bar Harbor. The train will serve ss the Hotel of the passengers throughout the trip. MISSOURI, KANSAS AND TEXAS. Topkka. Mat 15.

Snecial TelmranL. Tho Union Trust Company to-day made appli- cation to the United States Circuit Court for direction to be given by the co irt to the re- rHTrs of the MimouH Sinui and Tutu Rail way. The Union Trust Company is foreclosing a mortgage amounting in the aggregate to about ibl8.UUU.UUU on tne Missouri. Kanaas and Texas from Hannibal, Ma, to Denison. upon which it holds the first mortgage.

The Mercantile Trust Company of New York filed its bill first to forclose their mortgage amount. tog to about $14,000,000, being a second mort- gage on mat portion oi tne road on which the Union Trust Company holds a first mortgage and a first mortgags upon what is known as tho Southern extemon in Texas. The receiver hare kept the accounts so as to be able to apportion the earnings and show lost how much of the net earnings are earned by a par ticular mortgage amnion, xne nrst two months or earnings produced by them snows that lour. fifths of the net earnings are made upon the nonnern extension, upon wnxen me union Trust Company's deed rests as a first incum brance. The receivers bars been using the net earnings a a common fnnd extending over tne entire line, inoiuaing tne Missouri.

Kansas oeen mating permanent improvements out or the fund on the southern extension, without reference to the amount earned on that end Of the road and appurtenant to it The Union Trust Company a application is for direction to the receivers to spend only sncn moneys In im- )ja cauvaj so wu u. a ui iiqiuUD ars earned by such division respectively. In other words to prevent the divisiou of the rents and profits in which they have a first lien to be permanent improvement of that portion of the property on which they have no lien at all The case is one of great importance toward settling and determining tne controversy created by the Pamohs, May .15 The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Missouri. Kansas anil Tmis Railrnaa fjimnanT mr.a Kal.l office of ths company in tins city to-day. There were represented by person and proxy 331,062 shares of stock, H.

K. Enoa, chairman of executive committee, made a report of the doings of said committee during th year, and recommending that inasmuch as the road could not earn more than $1,300,000 per annum over and aoove operating expenses, that th bond and stock holders be made acquainted with the fact with a view of scaling down tne indebtedness so as to come within, or near, that limit Ths following named men were elected directors for the ensuing year: xtuaoipn v. juarnnson, nenry William Dowd. E. Ellerv Anderson.

William Bond, Simon Sterns, Jacob Deneuf ville, Samuel ueorge v. jrorrest Herman a. Kaltser. Maynard CL Fry, of New York; Harrison Cross, ampom. Kan.

Beniamta P. JLaDonald. ft-, I rl--kr 1. C. Thompson, Sedella, Ma; John Hancock, ASHU, 1UH.

BIO POUR CONSOLIDATION. Cytnujxo, Ohio, May 15. By agreement of attorney th eourt permitted th- tookholuer of th Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis Bailway to meet to-day and vote upon th proposition to consolidate with the ig Four" system. The meeting was held In President Leyng'a office this morning at 8 o'clock. Director Cox of New York, Brown of Columbus, and Townsend of Cleveland and aboutadoxen stockholders wars nressnt.

Of th 150,000 shares 12J.933 were Toted, all being in favor of th consolidation, no negative votes Being cast, ai oeiock tne stockholders left this eity on a special tram for Indianapolis. where a similar meeting will be held at 5 oroiock this afternoon. Itroianaroua, May la Three im portant meetings were held in this oity to-day iv oi um propoeeo. consouaauon or tns Bee Line ana tn Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St Louis and Chicago. The stockholder of th Utter line assembled at 12 o'clock, and of th imun vowa in lavor or consolidation.

Seventy-three per cent of th road' stock was represented at the meeting. At the same hour stockholders of th Indianapolis and St. Louis, representing 5,000 shares, voted on tn consouaauon question, and 4,892 hare war cast in it favor. of ths stockhold ers of tn Cleveland, Columbus. Cincinnati.

and Indianapolis voted. Of the 1 uuo shin represented. 122,935 were voted in favor of consolidation. June 24 was fixed as the date lor ths first joint meeting of th director of the several compamea, CHICAGO, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Tofxxa, May 15.

Special Telegram. President Lowe called th annual meeting of th stockholder of th Chicago, F.t?i and Nebraska Bailway Company to held in th erne of th President of ths company in Topeka on Wednesday, June 12. All existing agree- manta anrl contracts of that annnu, m-rmmi-A th proper officer line th Iwiyuinual meet ing of th stockholders, for th lease or pnrpoee of th railroad' right, franchise, and anuur- tenanciss of other railroad companies, as well as the eon tract dated Anril 10. lftMS). between ths Union Pacifio Railway, th Chicago.

Bock Island and Pacific, and the Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Bailway, whereby th Union Pacifio Bailway is given th right to ma it train over a portion of th Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Bail-way, will be submitted at th meeting for ap proval and ratification. It promises too very important meetine. The practicability of extending the southwestern branch of th golf ww aionasa B. AND O. BixTixoBS.

May 15. The monthly meeting of the director of th Baltimore and Ohio Bail-rrad Company was held her to-day. J. T. Odell was appointed general manager of th entire system, and W.

W. Pea body was appointed general superintendent of the line west of th Ohio River, with th same duties and powers as hs had heretofore exercised as general manager. was also appointed general agent of the Baltimore and Ohio at Chicago. The statements of the earning and expenses for Isst month show a failing od in the earning of $34,489 on "the lines east of th Ohio River, an increase of $9,372 on those west thereof, snd a net de crease in ths earnings on th entire system, ror the month of $23,1 17. For tne seven months of the present fiscal year there is a falling off in ths net earnings on the entire system of The report of the committee which has been investigating the affairs of th road for nearly a year past was adopted.

OREQON TRANSCONTINENTAL. Krw Yobk, May 15. Th fight for control of th Oregon Transcontinental Company eon-tinned fierce to-day, and $150 was paid in differences between cash and delivery in fire dty forth proxies at th annual election. The resignations of Director Sidney Dillon, 91. Is Bull, and Q.

M. Lane were recaivod by the offi cial, bat no atop were taken to fill their vacancies, aud no meeting has yet been called of the remaining members. W. L. Bull, one of the resigning directors, who was re-eleotod President or the Stock Exchange on Monday, sailed for Europe on ths Aller this morning.

will return about tne end of une, F. W. AND CHICAGO. Pxttsbubo, May 15. At th annual meeting of the stock and bondholder of th Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, held hero to-day.

Messrs, I H. Myers, P. Williams, and Charles E. 6peer, whose term a director had expired, were re elected. Nearly 320,000 votes, representing $31,870,800.

wer east, being the largest vote ever polled, The report of th board showed a total income or less cost ot ope rating and maintaining 7.l2.aei. leaving a balance of $2,712,752,50. The lease oom-pany paid the Fort way lie Company a rental of $3,158,908, leaving a deficit to the operating company of HEADLIGHT FLASHES. i The general manager of th line in th Western btates Passenger Association will meet her to-day. The Interstate Commerce Railway Associa tion met tiers yesterday and disposed of considerable routine business.

The Western Freight Association met yester day and continued its discussion of th division of lake and rail rate. THE WEATHER. INDICATIONS. WiSHXXOTO, May IS For Illinois Fair in southern portion, light rains in northern portion. southerly winds; wanner in eastern portion, sta tionary temperature in western portion.

For Iowa Light easterly winds, becoming vari able: warmer in northwest portion, stationary temperature ia southeast portion. I For Wisconsin Light showers, sllghtly warmer. easterly winds, becoming variable. For Minnesota and Dakota Light Showers, slightly warmer, easterly winds, becoming vari able. For Indiana Fair in southern portion, light showers in northern portion, slightly warmer southerly winds.

SIGNAL SERVICE BULLETIN. The following were the general observations throughout the country yesterday, taken at ths same moment of tints at all the stations named, being p. m. Chicago time, corresponding la all cases to p. m.

Washington Urns: SlvKVATIOK. 4 at- r3 'SiJt a Montreal .0 0 S. W. Cloudy. Halifax jS0.Oi! et 74 W.

Cloudy. Boston 30.06 Si S8 8. E. Fair. Toronto so S.

E. Cloady. Albany. aaoi et Ti N.W. Fair.

New York au.0 et TS K. Cleac Philadelphia. 30. us so S. B.

Fan. Calm Cloudy. eu E. Fair. Washington iM To ou K.

Clesx. 29.M tn 5N. W. Fair. .08 Medicine flat M.W 60 eojCalm Cloady.

Bwift 44 60 Calm Qroody. Norfolk so.0 S4 Cleac W.48 16 8SW. Fair. Charleston. 0.2 70 82 a W.

Clear. Jacksonville. W.W 86 K. Clear. 2JL93 88 88 9.

W. Cleat New Orleans. SO. 00 7s 8s Cleac 2 861 88 Cleac Ir'ort Smith 7s 801 84 8. Clear.

Little 6a gi 8. Cleac ban Antonio. 29.84 80 sCh. Cleac 74 60 8. Fair.

Chattanooga. au.OU 74 82 8. Clear. 2a.i 80 82 b. B.

Cleac M.M 74 80 A. K. Fair. Louisville 70 76 8. E.

Cleac Indianapolis. 20. 73 76 Cloudy. T'J 7UI14. Clear.

29.96 12 76j3. Cloedy. Buffalo. 29.06 so 66 K. Cloudy.

Oswego JO. 02 64 frK. Cloudy. ..,80.00 64 60 B. Cloudy.

iW.8 6t 70S. Cloudy; 29.92 70 76 S. W. Fair. 29.90 70 7 8.

W. Cloudy. Toledo 29.88 70 74 B. W. Cloady.

4 Detroit. 29.84 68 70 8. Cloudy. Alpena 29.94 38 40 E. Rain.

.64 Urand Haven 42 64 W. Foggy. 2 80.02 86 86 N. E. Cloady.

Port 29.86 68 68 8. E. Rain. Chicago 29.86 64 74 N. E.

Cloudy. Green 29.94 44 46 N. Cloudy. 29.84 62 tWN. W.

Fair. .28 UulQth 29.98 40 42 N. E. Cloudy. .62 St.

Paul 29.86 44 48 N. E. Cloudy. .06 29.88 42 60 N. K.

Cloady. 29.78 70 74 8. Cloudy. Des 68 70 E. Cloudy.

4 Q.J.7S 66 72. E. Clood. .03 29.76 701 72 8. E.

Cloady. Cairo 2.6 80 82 8. Clear. 29.81 70 743. E.

Cloady. .40 St, Loais 76 80 8. Cleac Bpr'gh'lilvMo 29.70 68 86 8. Clear. Omslia 29.60 68 70; N.

K. Cloudy. Huron. 29.7s 48 60 E. Cloady.

4 29.88 48 ft 6. X. Cloudy. Bt. 29.901 66 Fair.

Bismarek. 29.88 46 48 N. E. Rain. .08 Fort Bnford 29.90 4 2 44 a i Rain.

jOl 29.94 40 42 E. Cloudy. Fort 29.80 S8 88 N. E. Rain.

.28 Helena 29.80 8 42! W. Cloady. .01 .29.52 42 E. Foggy. North Platte.

29.60 46 48 K. Rain. .01 Denver 29.4 62 66 N. Cloudy. Fort 29.44 88 98 8.

W. Cleac Fort bill 88 B. Cleac Kl Psso 29.62 92; W. Cleac beltLakeOity 29.74 4ot 48 W. Rain.

.0 ilrae of rainfall. THE S005 A50 THE TIDES. Xatfaib, I1L. May 12. 3 the dUor.

In correcting Dr. Hasting on gravitation D. Cowan make the startling disoovery that "our moon in her passage to the westward, while our earth passes eastward, gives us our tides." bupersti-tious astronomers have been teaching that th two motion of the earth on it axis and th moon on it orbit are in on and th saras direo- toon. Cr.H. FAST TIME TO COLORADO ASD CALL rORXIA.

Two Trains Dally wis Chicago, Milwamkes sad St, Jaol Hallway. Under nsw time table tn effect May IS two fast trains leave Chicago daily at 12:30 p. m. and p. via the Chicago.

Council bluffs and Omaha tsaort Ltine ot me Chicago, Milwaakee and bt. Paul Railway, with connection at Omaha, tor all Kebraaka, Colorado, and California points. Dining-cars on all trains. New, Pnllmaa vestihaled sleepers; D. m.

train has through sleeper for Denver. For- tickets, sleeping-car reservations, and further Information apply at ticket office. 2u7-209 Clark street, or st Cnioa Passenger fetation. Saaoisoa ana vans, susst. MARINE INTELLIGENCE.

Telegraphic Summary of ths test New at Ail LaKe Porta. Arrival of the Schooner Royco in a Sinking Condition Frelgnta. Rivers, Straits and Canals Items ot Interest Afloat and Aanore. ARRIVED IN A 8INKINO CONDITION. Th schooner E.

P. Itoyca, Viohael HoNulty boat, arrived her yesterday afternoon with her decks flush with th water. Bhs sprang a leak in midlak ony her way down. Th craw was a sorry looking set of men as th boat mad fast to th North pier. They had been kept -at the pumps day and night, and war ready to Jump ashor as soon ss she l.nded and go to sleep.

Had the vessel been flying light nothing oonid hare saved her from foundering. Her load of dry lumber alone kept her afloat. freights and charters. Receipts are picking up, and th demand for tonnaga i increasing in proportion. Bate ar firm and unchanged on th basis of H3 cent oata, 2 cent corn, and 21 cents wheat to Buffalo.

Th following engagement wer make: to Bumxo. Bnahols. Prop Weshoto, 186,000 Prop Bcranton, eorn.l.i.i-..i..-..i.v.... 40,000 TO OODCMSBVBO. Prop W.

Frost, corn. 40.000 Prop W. Frost, oats 20,000 TO KINQ8TOM. Schr Oliver Mitchell, corn 1X000 Prop Dean Richmond, corn 96.000 Prop Dean Richmond. oaU So, 000 to OBOjtoiaJl aval.

Bohr Tork SUte. oat 25,000 Bchr Ada Hedora, corn 90,000 to ooixnrowooo. Bohr Oeorga Steel, oau 96,000 to sannxa. Prop S. E.

Pease, corn. 95.000 Schr Planet, oats 43.000 ClxvaXAND. Ohio. Itav IB, Not many ves sels wer chartered to-day, but there wer good reasons for believing that th list would have been larger if the tonnag oonid have been ottered. Thi ia particularly true of vessels to load.

No change in rates for sitter coal or or. Charters Hohoooer Kate Arnslow, or, Escan-aba to Ohio porta, $L20; steamer Bnperiur and consort Sandusky, ore, Marquette to Ohio ports, schooner Penoke, eosi, Ciev-land to Milwaukee. 50 cents. Bltvalo. May 15, Coal freicht quiet and steady, at unchanged figure, with a tair demand for Lstke Michigan tonnage.

Charters ui de, Alaska, Chicago, 45o: Fits- gerald. Milwaukee. 45c; Jiorth Btar. Duluth, owner' acoonnt; S. B.

AimLali, Marquetta, private terms; the Saginaw Valley brings pig iron hare from Elk Rapids at and tn schooner Nana take paving stone to Toledo. FROM STEM TO STERN. Cautionary aignal were displayed at Dulnth last night En Canal freight ar quiet and firm at previous rates. On load of lumber baa been on in market here eight days. Ths barg Levi Bawson wo given a rebuild during the winter.

General Manager Baldwin, of the Ogdenabnrg lane, was in Chicago yesterday. The steam banre Sidney Wilhelm was launched at Davidson's shipyard yesterday afternoon. Th Samoa got away from Buffalo last night alter a week oeiay re paring her Doners. The Erie Canal break at Clixel exoected to in shape so that boat can pas on Saturday. A reception was given on board th new steamer Fedora, at Erie, last night Ou hundred eooplo participated.

The Johnson steamer, being bnilt at th vard 01 tne uevetaaa urytioea uompaoy, may be launched on Saturday afternoon. Th Detroit Biver tog lines ars now running wild and price have been cut considerably. naii rate neing paia in some instances. Th board of survey on de steamer Aus tralasia completed their work. The sum of th damage to tn steamship ia footed up aa $10, Cheboygan, San Besoh.

East Ta was. and other ports on tn west shore of Lake Huron report a nesvy nonnesst gat, wiu vessels seeking sneuer. Oaptain Wilson snd his msrine glass ar airain perched aloft in the watch-tower of th Chicago light-house. The Captain acta a lookout for tn vessel dispatcher. Martin Burns, of 6t John, N.

a wheelsman on th Pringlo, fell overboard while the boat wss landing at Band Beach yesterdav, and was senonsiv crnsnea ov a leader, hi was sent to the Mann Hospital at Detroit. After the big schooner Northwest bad been on Pilot Island for some time last fall, George Mo- lioua, 01 tne insurance oompanies, who bad tne risk, gavs it as his opinion that shs could never be gotten off. On the strength of this Din 10a Smith Davis sold tne wreck at nnvate sale for $2,500 to James Be id. of St Iguana, Mich. She is in excellent condition, and Bold got a Anal iMiHswuioorniua Offioers John C.

Eesnan and Jams P. Stan ton aredet, lied for eervioe in suppressing th tng and steamboat whistling on th river. Th Citizen' Association lend their assistance in th person or iSvron G. Steven. These three were on rtutv together sll last summer with marked effect Their duties will axtend to locomotives, which are, at times, very noisy, both .1 i -1 i wiui sueif suisum aua uteir oeus.

THE PORT With Lumber. Etc Proos WlMs. TanMt Powers, Berrien, liosnoke. Annie Laura, Colin Campbell, Col born schrs Isabella Sands, Vega, Howland, David Powers. Mead, Savidgs.

Ellsa, Jessie Phillins. CIlDDer Citv. Burnria. Lska Fop. est, Mowry.

Ids, S. A. Wood, Bessmption, Mediator. rto Pandriee ProDS Petoskev. Ifna.

xeron, nenominee, a. n. layior, Bcranton. Wttnuoai frop Btimson. Oladstons, sco ma: sckrs Sunrise, Muir.

Newsboy. With Oravel-Prop Bumbell. Light Proo Hosedale. With Grain. Etc Pro ds Jnniata.

TTurlom T7. Packer; Neosho, Conestoga, Buffalo. Tiogo, Buffalo; Frost, Otcdensbnrg; schrs Lntt, Colling-wood: Flying Cloud. Barilla Hoboken. hUogaton: Arthur.

BaSslo. With Sundries Prons Plltrrlm. Ssantack: Me nominee. Grand Haven; Muskegon, Manitowoe; Petoskey, Harbor Springs. Light -Props Colin Csmpbsll, Chlpman, Lad-ington; Torrent, Wilds, Muskegon; Powers, Shs-bavgsn: Street, Ashland; Westover.

Cheboygan; Burroughs, Little Harbor; Gladstone, Buffalo; Roaaoks. Wente. ManiaUiaf Knit. Berrien, Grand Haven; srers Adventure. Detroit: SUfford, Balpa CamnbeU.

Presto. Maskeaoa: White Cioad, Menominee: Vega, Isabella Sands, aianisvee, nan. ugonts Bay: Minnie Mailer, Little Traverse; Homer, Ashland; L. M. Mason, eeue urgwn, rrsnue usy: ustrica.

Mixer, Hail ors' Encampment: La Petite. Fish Creek: Hal stead, BayBeid: Burton. Garden Bay: Evening Star. Pine Lake; John Martin, Buffalo; James uarraii, nsnit bis Mane. RIVERS, STRAITS, AND CANALS.

DrraoiT. Mich, May 15. Up, a. m. Ohio, 930; Em Peck, 440; Davidson.

Snook, Lenty and barges, 6:40: Cambria, Rochester. Heather Belle, U0; Mather, Fountain City. Dyer. 10; Eddy Shaw. J.

K. Mills, Ketcham. 1040; Gratwick, May and barges, 11:40, P. M. carrington, Monterey, John Westley.Bival.

Pandora, 1:10: Hiawatha. Minnehaha, Wetsl(1 Mongosgon, Calumet, Ash, 1:40: Milwaukee. f.alalftnia 9SA, a. T. k.w.-M.

m.nn. Gauges. Bnby, Cumberland, Brace, Wail, :46: Grover, Qaayle, 4. Down. A.

M. Northerner, Montana, Hisma and barges, Largell, Arenac, 1 Inter Ocean. Sawyer, unaoiiHon, aiiyaga, Veronloa, 6:10 Turner and barges. 6:30: Northern Lieht. a Pridgeon.

So: Queeu of the West :30: Jewett. 10; George king, Teutonia, Gawn, 10-ML P.M. F. L. Vance, Winslow, 6.

Post H0J.OK. Mich May Up Newburg. 10 p. rteienv oanna and barges, 13:20 a. m.

Mary Pnngle and barirea. Kincardine, H. Wolf, Susan Peck. Mockinc Bird, Lyon. Hatcblneon, 4 A); Arabia.

Fitzbngh. Tower. Brittaln, Alisons snd eon- sort, 40; Lame bmith, Flora, I. P. Clark ana consort.

auut iuitn, 'xrsneler, 10 Kboda aVDuir. noon; Andrews, Montgomery. Man mee Valley, 1 P.m.: Cambria. 1:16: Mather. Bochester, I'hoe.

Davidson, Abereorn and barges, uatwicc, Dysr.6 :46 lvetchum. Lenty snd consorts, 6:20. Down George King, 11 :80 p. m. Queen of the Week.

11 :40: Verosiea. 1:10 a. Corona, Pridgeon, J. Roberts, 3:14: Northern Light, Jewett, 6: F. L.

Vance, Devereasx, 8: Sheffleld, Winalow, 11 -Ml Smith Moor. 3 D. m. Dominion snit eon. torts.

9:102 WaUula, IM; Kslaon MiU sail eon- sort. Corste. Josephine. Thomas Parker. Tempest snd bsrres, Col well and barges.

6:24: Spencer, Pennington, Pasaaio ana oargea, Bllgo, MiMOBViLiaK, May 16. Down Corona, D. R. Martia, William Home. Un Pewankee, Charles Luilng, Paakrats.

Manitowoe, Boscobel, Mautenee. Advanoe. Wind northeast, fresh foggy and raining. Sault bT. MaBIK.

Mich, May 15. Up John Mitchell. Idaho, 8:4: Prentice, Carpenter, Kate Brainard, Hodge, Emory, Owen, Michigan, Nicholson, 11 Mi Colorado, 13:30: Baletgh, Adams, fA M. 1 wr l.Ll a a. v.a, vhu Auapp, uvuusri) iiewui, e.xo, Nashua, Guiding Star, Sherman, Monohansett, Massasoit, Tattle, 4:65: Frontenaa, 8 vto.

Down-Christie. Sheldon, W. L. Davis, Oity of Dnlnth, 10ri6: p. p.

Pratt, Louisiana. Hebard. Winalow, Brink. Sitka, Fiske, Athabosea, 3 Jo; Ooeanlca, Specular, 6:10. Balning: low barometer.

Pom DaXaRousia. Casu May 16. TJp Krln. Hartford. andlconsorts.

Emerald, tlsnr. Down Gleniffer. Pobt Colbobwb, CanH May IS. Down Alba-core, HaskelL Up Erin, Glengarry and consorts. nina westerly, light, Dctboit (Later).

Up Bruno snd eonsorta, Weston and banrns. :4: Philadelnhia. 1-M: R. Roberta, Kittle Forbes, "lou" snd Allegheny Schoolcraft, Nester. 11.

Down Wallula, DDitn aaoore, n. aims ana oarges. uuu, VARIOUS PORTS. SOUTH Chioaoo, May IS. Special Telegram.

Arrived Minnesota, Massacbnsstts. lesrsd Manhattan, Moss, Msssschnsetts, Waukesha. KENOSHA. Mar i.Ktecial Telearm Arrived bchr Wallln. Cleared Htssmbtrn J.

E. Bumbell; schrs J. T. Jones. Cubs, Gorman, Henry Cowles.

MaUrrrowoo. Mav IS. Sboeiaf rsbtmms. Arrived Stmrs Sbeboygsn, Depere, Lawrence; schr Wolverine. Linerla.

Departed Htmrs De- wl re, Aiswrenoe, Sheboygan: schr Iiilshssses. ind northeast, light; weather cloudy. DULUTH. Mav 18. Arrived Oariframa Japan, Osceola.

Departed Japan. North Wave, Oasifrage, Ontario, City ot Fremont, City of Holland, Lake Vermillion. SlFEBiOB, Wis, May 15. Arrived North Wave. Jaoan.

Departed North Wave, Japan. Buffalo; Anna Smith. Redwing, Ashland. Two Habbobs, May IS. Arrived Ossf-frsge.

Northern tVueen. Record. Departed Oasifrage, Norther Queen, Record. Cold, cloudy; threatening northeast. ASHlaAKD, Wis Msy 15.

Arrived Hale, Anaa Smith, Fsyette. Bessemer, Ida Keith, Bad Wine. Kent, Bliss, Japan. Departed Japan. City of Traverse, Anna Smith.

Bed Wing. Hale, Kent. ooseemer, uainoun, hubs, las jteitn. li. Hals.

AHJUFKC, May 14. "pectal Jeiejram. Arrived Schr Indnstry. Cleared Tog John Leathern. Wind northeast, light weather cloady.

MlIWAUKKZ. Wia- Mav 16. Arrivals Tonaka. coal. Sailed Avery.

Hawgood. NahanL and Omaha, for Escsnaba. BHBaoTOAN. Wia, May 18. Arrived Schrs Waieaka, Maggie Johnson.

Island City. Sailed Steambarge Arcadia, Stark's Pier; Glen Cuyler, Kewanee. BAT Crrr, May 15. Arrived Reindeer. Cleared Warn nr.

Toledo: Reindeer. Tonawanda. KmCAWABA. MaV 16. Arrirad AanvillaL Ford, Omaha, Merrimae.

Cleared Stewart, Ashtabula; Merrimac. Kitchen, Fsyette, Chicago. moo nortneast, ugni; rain ana log. Maboobttb. Mirh May 15.

Arrived Contl. nental. Hopkins, Chlsbolm. liollsnd, Middlesex. biemiwa arweu.

Atntter, vmanoini, xtattenont. Galatea. TOLKDO. Ohio. Mav 15.

Arrived Prons Ganlt. Chaffee and barge. schrs Young America. Neeion, Voages.Cbsrgtr. Cleared Props Groh.

Chaffee and barges, Bt. Ignaoe, Josephine, Emerson, Breck, Kingston. Rounds, Ogdenabnrg. EaiK, Pa May 18. Entered Prop Conemaogh, Lycoming.

Chins. Philadelphia; stmr Fedora; barge Sam ael Bolton: schr Sweepstake. Sailed Prop Kseauaba. Escanaba; Servia, Escanaba; Philadelphia, Chicago; Alcona, Chicago; China, Dulnth; Clarion. Chicago; Conemaogh, Buffalo; prop Itasca, Cheboygan.

MAKlSTaK. Mich, May is, Arrived Markham, Slmpaon, Clara, Shepard. Emetine, Schaette. Sailed Hilton. Milwaukee: J.

H. HalL Racine: Corsican, Escanaba. MUSKXOOM, Mich, Msy 18. Cleared Props m- -J a'V vitj vi aauuaaaaavaa. a aaaaaio, wuiciaoj sebr Penobscot, G.

Barber, Trio, Graham Bros, Amiiwaaaee. Ludixotow. May 16. Arrived Woods, Hsyward, Cater, Guide. Al men dinger.

Batters. Cleared Wooda. Hay ward. Carter. Butters.

Al- msndinger. Chicago Guide. Milwaukee; Boole, uacine. Kxnostow, Canada, May 15. Arrived Tiller and consorts, Godkbick, Canada.

May 14. Arrived and 'De parted United Empire. chkboioah, Mich. May 15. It la blowing a northeast gale and raining.

A number of boats ars outside waiting for tavorabie weather. Arrived Araxes sod barges. Baito Bkacb, May 15. In harbor sheltered from northeast gale: SaUna and barges, J. P.

Clark and consort, Brittam and barge. Mary Pringlo and barges, Kincardine, and Atlantic. Oscoda. Mich, May 16. Arrived J.Fil-more.

Genesee Cbref. East Tawas, Mich, May 15. Strong easterly wind. Several boats at anchor. Arrived Harvey Biasell.

nstice Field. Sanilac Fitxhurh. Cleared Leader, Jupiter. Chablotte, W. X- May 18.

Arrived Heels. Mills. Sherman. -OoDiutsBuaa, May 15. Arrived Bald win and consorts.

Buffalo, N. May It Arrived Parnell. Buss! a. Lehigh, Chemung. Fitzgerald, Foley, Americaa Union, Sage, North Star, James Pick-aads, Saginaw Valley, a H.

Johnson. Cleared Albany. Liehlgn, thlcsgo: John Kugee, Armour, Samoa. Milwaukee; Foley. American Union.

Kel- denhoase, Chicago. Ahhtaboua. Ohio, Hay is Arrived G. H. 1 AmM a tl a-.

o. Paul, thenango, Geo. Hadley, H. J. Johnson, Ewen, Wayne.

Cleared Sparta, Havana, Helena, Sumatra. R. Rhodes, C. B. Green, Camden.

Marauette. Fair bank. Britannic Gilchrist, N. Ryan. Faibpobt.

Ohio. May 18. Arrived Mabel Wil son, S. H. Foster, Arsasc Cleared New Or- leaos, Marquette, Germanic lOiamoisn, CLEVaLAKD.

Ohio. May 16 Arrived Eber Ward. Roumania, Servia, Iron Age, Kalkaska, Mackinaw, G. W. Wesley.

Genoa. Cleared Eber Ward, Dulnth; Iron King, Iron City. Dnlnth; Republic Magnetic Eraataa Corning, Georger, Escanaba: Jessie. Alpena. Our Son.

Erie, all light: Kalkaska, Oscoda; C. H. Johnson, Mar- qnette; Warmiagton. Lobaixs, Ohio, May Is. Arrived Spokane.

Clearwd barge "101" and Ash. Ashland. SaKDOBCT, Ohio, May 16 Arrived Hattie, Es-tellc Dauutiesa. Cleared Fred Kelly, Dnlnth, HOTEL ABKITALS. At th Lslaad B.

Spraena. Buffalo. N. T. L.

B. Oaylor, Stamford, Coun. Dr. and Mrs. Archibald, Colorado Springs, CoL M.

lie amy, Mexico M. Ooodell, Boston; G. W. Dewev, Albany, N. X.

Frank livingsloo, Pittsburg; ri. Perkins, Grand Rapids; W. A. Willard, Minneapolis: 8. Root.

Cleveland: Marion Goddard, New York. At th Richelieu A. H. Newman. St Ionia: H.

Cleveland. New York; Frank Tracy, Spring-hsld; a E. HiUiard, England: th Bev. Dr. and Mrs.

Tatlock. Stamford. H. 8. Young, Pongnkeepaia, N.

Y. John Curr, Coro- rado rpnngs; Hiram hioiey, Rochester; J. T. Howell, Denver; la S. Haggin, San Fraui-isoo; Aug.

J. Bowie, San Francisco; J. T. Lswis, St Louis George H. Moor, Detroit At th Sherman Mr.

and Mrs. J. CL Garland. i anMi i Greggsvilla, HL Theodore Harrington, Pass- aena, u. Jones ana wiie, ruonneia.

ail F. A. Harrington, Troy, N. Y. Jam Baker, Milwaukee; E.

C. Pinner and wife, Hartford, Conn. J. E. Hackett, Indianapolis; a Nor- eross, Lynn, Mas carpenter, Home.

(is. At th Palmer LX B. Moyer. Albany. N.

Y. M. C. Kelly, St, Joseph, Martin Emenoe, Baltimore: W. E.

Snyder, Findlay; Thomas Patten and wife, Appleton, Wia Georgo Bolt- wood, urand Rapids; ueorge Anaerson, Boston; W. H. Young. Boston; D. Darrow, Indianapolis; p.

B. Bnssell, Denver; Charles S. Smith, New Orleans; Frank Armitage, Syracuse; John H. Adair, Houston, Texas; W. Becharing, New York.

At th Grand Pacifio Hanrr E. Smith, Salt Lake; ex-Governor Newton Booth, San Francisco; Patrick Kelly, St Paul; E. E. Livermor, Eastport, Me. George F.

Hays. East port. Me. P. F.

Daly. Buffalo, A. J. Smith, Cleveland; F. Ayer, Lowell, Mas E.

U. Bailev, BiUinga. M. T. Y.

Eldling, Holland: Walter H. Breed, Lynn,; Colonel J. H. Horton, Buffalo; William H. Sayer, Bethlshsm, Pa.

At the Treraont The Hon. E. Eaty, Ithaca, N. R. P.

Chapman. Hartford, Conn. Colonel J. Litt, MUwaukee; a H. Walton, Fort Wayne, J.

Healy, New York; M. Mo-Gee, Jackson, Mich Ci 8. Nutting and Wife, Nsw York: M. J. iiogsr and wife, Maxieo; T.

Jooe. Louisville, hy. CI Monugne, Cairo, 11L; the Hon. Jame Liliie, Kankakee; a H. CapeUo, New York; E- CL Tooker, New York; J.

O. Piatt and wife, MUwaukee; A. W. Shaw and wife, Austin, Minn. Wm.

Keavy and wife, iHjtroit, Mich; W. Ryan, Houghton, Mioh. TEIPTIXS THK COXD0CTOBS. Ckdab Kapib. Iowa, May 13, Special Tele-tfnvn.

An enthusiastic mass-meeting of leading oitisens was held to-night, at which a eom- mitte was appointed to go to Denver with a proposition to the order of Bailway Conductor of a it worth $40,000, exempted from taxes for fiv year, and a guarantee of 6 per oent for fiv years on th investment if th order would loeat their proposed nsw building hers, to ooat $200,000. The City Council to-morrow will aiao aonat tn eity park lor a ita. CITY OFFICES AND N. W. BY.

COMPANY Th city, freight, passenger, snd ticket offices of ths Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company ivw ivaiini aw wi saa viai CITY AND COUNTY. Salaries of School Superintendents suicl Employes Increased by the Board. Members ot the dominating Coxn-: znlttee Discuss the Insane -Asylum Case. Congress Street, Near the. Auditorium, May Be Widened Alter AIL FIXINQ SCHOOL SALARIES.

At the meeting of th Board of Education last night a communication was received from th memorial oommitiee of the Grant? Arm of the Republic aaking the board to such action aa will interest -th school children In Memorial day, and Interest than as well In ss-enring flower with which to deoorat the grave of fallen soldier The eommunioation was referred to the committee on school management A oommunieation wa also reoeived from the George H. Thomas Post, G. A. x-presaing their gratificatioa that the board had seen fit to name th new school building, at th corner of Belden avenue and High street, the Georg H. Thomas School, and stating that the post proposed to present to th echoulaaoil portrait of General Thomia.

The committee on eohool sites asked permission, which wsa granted, to advertise for a it for the North Division High School within the territory bounded by Garfield and North avenue and Wall and Halated street. Th present high school building can be used as a grammar school to relieve the overcrowded condition of the Franklin School, The same committee recommended the purchase of the following school isites: 109 by 125 feet on Western aveune, north of Grea-uaw avenue, for 300 feet on Adam street, at the northweet corner of Spanlding avenue, for HOU feet on Spanlding avenue, south oi Twenty-third street, for $3,000. The contract for the erection of a fifteen-room building on the Marqnette School lot wer let with the exception of tne carpenter work. Mr. Feruald objected to th bidder reoom-mendod by the committee, and on motion tne matter wa liid over to the next meeting.

The Joint eammittee reported on Mr. Sun- deli's motion to discontinue German in the schools reoommeoding that it be not adopted, and this wa agreed to after eonaider-abl diacuaaion. Th report of th Committee on Janitor and ippliea, submitting a schedule of salaries for the fiscal year 18S0, of effioe and other employes and of engineers snd janitors, was adopted. The salaries of engineers and Janitor ha been moressed from $2.50 to $10 per mouth, where, by th erection of additional buildings or otherwise, increased work hs been required of them. 1 he salary of the attorney of the board haa been increased from $2,751) to $3,600 per vear; that of tue chief engineer from to of tbe Auditor from $2,000 tu of the assistant clerk in the cupply agent office from $1,350 to of messenger in tne same othoe from $600 to $750; of sssistant in ths Clerk's offioe from XtM) to l.OO0, and of th stenographer from Tne report of the committee on school managemeut fixing the schedule of salaries of superintendents and teachers for the year 1889 was adopted, though Mr.

Forch wanted its consideration postponed till th next meeting. The principal ebaugea made by the committee from last year's schedule are aa follows: Ths salary of the superintendent is increased from $4,500 per annum to of two assistant superintendent from $3,500 to of three assistants from $3,250 to the salaries of the special teachers of German ar increased from $2,100 to $2,400: of vocal music in grammsr grade from $2,000 to of vocal mnslo in primary grade from $1,000 to of assistant in primary grades from 1,000 to of drawing in high school from $2,400 to $2,500: in grammar and primary schools from $2,000 to of assistants In grammar and vnmary schools to of physical cnltar from to No material change were made in the salaries of the principal of the high schools or their aeaisteots, nor in th salaries of principals of grammar schools. Tn salaries of principals of primary schools ar increased 1 00 per ann un for the ourth subsequent years of servici Assistants to principals are increased from $1,050 to $1,100. Th a lane of head assistants in primary schools are reduced $00 per year. There is an incress of $25 per year tn the salaries of ssaistant teachers in primary grades after the third year of service.

No change ar made in ths pay of second teachers in half day divisions, reserve teachers or substitutes. Cadets who have served in such capacity for a period of six months are to have their say increased from 75 cent to $L50 per day lor each day of actual service. Mr. orch, from tbe committee oa compulsory education, reported recommending tne re-employment of five of the attendance agent wno were laid off the 1st of May. The report wsa adopted.

President Stewart Mated that he had reoeived intelligence from Springfield that there was every assurance that ths compulsory education bill would become a law. Mrs. Emily A. Fifisld, a member of the Boa-ton Board of Education, was introduced to th board by Mr. Mitchell, and wa invited to a eat on th platform, WANTED: A SUPERINTENDENT.

Six ot the gentlemen named by the County Board to select a upennteodent for th county institution at Dunning met at th County Board room yesterday morning. They were General Joseph Stockton. Governor Bererid0'e. E. B.

McCagg. Eugene Cary, IV T. Crane, and A E. Dunn. They organized by selecting Mr.

Mo-Cagg a Chairman. Com miss toners Kimbell, Sonne, Blair, Hodgkins, Brsnan, and Gil mors were also General Stockton aaked what permanence (hey could aware to the man they should select for ths position. Mr. Blair replied that ths board could not contract for longer than on but a oompstsnt man could not be found who would accept the posi tion tor on year, tie inereror believea tu board waa ready to mak a contract for fiv years and rely on pnolic opinion to enable them keep it Mr. McCagg said he thought $5,000 was a larger aalary than waa necessary.

The eupertnteodente of Slats institutions receive ouly $3,000. and he believed a alight advance over that would secure the best talent to ba had. Hs the snpenutendent should have charge of every employe at the two and institutions, tuemdlng tbe farmer the engineer, and have absolute power of discharge without any interference oa tn par oi in ooara, Governor Beverids coincided with thi view. He also agues ted the superintendents of th three State institutions. Dr.

Dewey. Dr. Ward-ner, and Dr. Carroll, as men any oos of whom he would like to see here. Mr.

McCain siur- geeted Dr. H. N. Moyer as a man of ability and promise, but he desired to communicate with Secretary inea, of th Stat Board of Charities, on tbe subject, Mr. Blair said the board had appreciated th over-crowded oondmou of th asylum for two years, bnt it has recently been placed the position before the publio of doing nothing to alleviate it The facta are that an additional wing to the asylum waa considered by tbe board last year, bnt there waa only $100,000 to appropriate for buildings, and there were six new judge Who had to be given court-rooms.

The rotunda of the Court House, in which provision wss maae lor toeee judges, cost $30,000. leav ing only for other purposes. Two months before the present aoaniial broke out the board urderedjplans for aa addition to the aayium, an worlt will begun on it vary shortly. Uovernor Bevendxe offered the following reeolution as ths basis upon which th oommiu tee wonld recommend to th board a man for appointment: Jletolted, That this committee recommend to the Beard ot Commiasionera that ia the appoist-ment ot medical superintendent of the ssylum and Poor-house at Jefferson, the said superintendent be given full authority to appoint all attendants connected with the institution snd farm, and have absolute control over all, with such roles and regulations ss the board may prescribe, Ths committee adjourned for a week, during which time available men for the position will be looked lor. CITT HALL CLEANINGS.

There were only a few appointment made yesterday. Bernard Niebling wa mad chief clsrk In th detectiv department; Andrew Xoong, a plumber, wa mad chief teaomeat la- specter, vice Mr. Gennng, relieved; Elijah Smith, colored, waa placed In charge of the Polk street bridge; Mathisa Matters wa mad tender of the Cly bourn avenue bridge; Mr. Shields was appointed foreman of hydrant basins, and John J. MoMahoa wm fnnjiehed with a place in tbe sewrr department, Comptroller Onahan entered Into a contract with John Brennoak and th Union Rendering Company yesterday to remov all dead animal for the ensuing year.

The oon tract one was $12,000, which is $2,000 mors than last year. i aim is ou account oi tns increased territory. The Union Rendering Company us the carcasses to make a fertiliser, nod it is said that the contract ia on of th moat profitable In the mtv' gift Mayor Cregier wa visited by several delegation yesterday urging him to veto th repealing ordinance which prevent the widening of Cou-eree street The last caller wer Alderman Whelau and "Billy" Fitzgerald, who urged that turn auyor naa no ngnt to wtenere in tne matter. Thavetoof a reraeaJinar antinann said ths Alderman, "is something unknown to peruameaury practice, ana yon can not afford, to set a precedent which will result in a biff law-suit" The Mayor wa non-committal on tbe subject He did not eay he would, neither did be eay he would not veto it Alderman Whelaa ia of the opinion, however, that be will, as hs believes the pressure brought to bear on the Mayor ia too strong to resist EHOST-EOES CATTLE SHE. IaSai-g Attsmdaao of Breeders avt Dexter a-ars, Ml BptrlUavas Kidding.

A larg audience of short-horn eettl breeder was present yesterday at Dexter Park when the urplne stock of th Bow Park herd of Brant- fordV Ontario, wa offered for sale. The bidding wa spiritless. Twenty-six head brought $6,320. Ths beat prie realised was for tbe Dn chess of jOxford, XX YL. $2,500.

Th ani- bought by Homer Brooks, Wixham, Mica. Following were the ale, with the name of the purchaser: Seraphins Duchess of Belvolr, calved Dee. 8. lst; to W. H.

Jacob, Madison, Wis $71 Ssraphina Duohsss, VIL. calved Feb. 21, 1883; to John Bmith. rlristoL ill TO Countess of Belvoir TIL. ealv4 March ins: to same.

us Eleventh Countess Belvoir, calved March 8, to asms go Duchess of Clarence calved Dee. 183: to Jadre Blosn. Wis lan Moselle calved May a. 1883; to F. A.

Baker, Detroit, Mich Mazurka XUL. salved March 18, 1881; to B. B. Ogilvie. Madison.

Wis HI Boss Branch, calved Jane 8, 188: to Thomas Swan. Mukowaago. Wis 88 Rose of V. May, calved May 83, 1888; to B. Ogilvie.

Madison. Grand Duke of Oxford snd Ridge wood IL. calved Sept. 8, ISsS; ts T. W.

bmith. Bate. Ill ana Wild Eyes of Erie IT, calved Jan. 10, 1886; to r. a- nsier.

netroit. alien 190 Wild Eves of Erie VIL, to 110 Lord Wild Eyes ot Erie VIL, calved Jan. lws: to a 11. Ward. Kansas City.

Mo 10 Lord Underly Barrington VI- carved uly ISMS: to Set Fiaher, Janesville. Wis 800 Boshbury Coantess of Kirklevingto VII- si red May a. 18M: to 1. D. Smith, Berlin, III, 177.

288 Dnke of Kirklevinrton XXVIIL. calved Oct a. 18HS; to Frank Merrill, Charlotte. Mich US Kirklevington Dncheae LXIIL, calved April XL 1888: to r.A. Baker.

Detroit. Mich 80S Waterloo LVL.eslved March 1888; to Same. ISO Waterloo to Bam 100 Daks of Kent VIL, calved Nov. 18. im to Charles walker.

Clinton, ill- II Earl ot Aberdeen, calved Jan. Is, 181; to Joha Smith, Mukowaago, 128 AdelixalL. calved Oct 15, 1881; to Charls Walker. Clinton. IU 10 Adelias XXX calved March SO, 1887; to Sam.

110 AdelisaXXXIL; to Ssme Orpheus XXV, calved March 22. 1887; to F. A. Baker. Madison.

88 Lady 'wslev XVI, calved Dec it, 1866; to Jam Walker, Beotoa liarbor. Mich 100 TUBSDAT'a ium No. S3, of Spring Brook. 10,218, ealred March A 188: si. t.

ruiier. Madison, wis 1130 IS a. 84. ot Spring Brook. 10.234, calved March 24.

Ins: A. JTuller. Madison. WU 100 No as. of Spring Brook.

10.223. calved March 28. 1888: A. IV. Madison.

Wis 100 Ho. 38. of Spring Brook. 10,226, calved March 81, 1888; John 81 dell. Delmer, Iowa 140 No.

87. of Spring Brook. 10,280. ealved April 188; M. E.

Fuller. Madison. Wis 12s Ko. 38, of Spring Brook. 10,733, ealved Sept, 2L lsw: Cicero Keek.

Tsliuia. ill as Ho, 8. ot Bpnnr Krook, 10.234. calved Sept, 28. 1888: Abigail Bowen.

Stock Tarka. Ill 80 No. 40, of Spring Brook. 10.235, calved Oct, 7. 1888; W.

A. Grandv. Scale Mound, 111 45 Ells, of Spring Brook. 10.217. ealved.

Pen. 19. 1888, U. W. Shinkle.

Denver. 111. TO Flora of Spring Brook, 10,218, calved March IX 1888: a. w. fines kl.

Denver, ill 120 Gem of Boring Brook. 10.K0, ealved March 12, 1888: M.M.u. otewart. wiumington. 129 Hannah ot Spring Brook, 10.221.

calved March 12. 188: M. r. Fuller. Madison.

Wis 128 Ines of Spring Brook, 10.222, ealred March 14. lms: h. r- ruiier. Madison, wis as Jndie of bprlnr Brook. 10,223.

ealved March IS. 1888: A. X. Uraham. Denver.

Ill Kitty of Spring Brook. 10,22., calved April S. 1888: A. X. lira flam.

Uenver. Ill 108 Leah of Spring Brook, 10,228. calved April 4. 1888: i. X.

Marshal Aioaie. Meg of Spring Brook, 10.22. calved April 8. 18S8: John bidaa. lelmsr.

Iowa 110 Sam of bpnng croon, 10,291. calved Sept. 1888: J. A. Marsnsll Rons.

Zanesville. TC Opus of Spring Brook, 10,232. calved Sept. 13, 1888: Job Sidle, Delmar, Iowa- (4 Bsncy of Spring Brook. S.K7&, ealved March 1.

18M; T. F. Clarke. Dreyer. Iowa.

ITS Olivia of Spring ttrook, ealved March 18. 18M; F. F. Clark. Dreyer.

Iowa tu Pradence of Spring Brook. S.98S. calved March 81.1888: X.F. Clark. Dreyer.

lows SO the rnorcari or av r. cable. Primrose of Hoods, 18.412, ealved Jan. SO. 1887: John Sidle.

Delmar. Iowa. 155 Rose of Boods. 18.413, calved March 18, 1887; ajoha Midi, ueimar. lows i BeaatyTof Webster.

IieocheU 13,872, ealved teb. 13, 1887: John bidle. D'lmar. TS Jane calved eh. 187 U.

w. prim, Athena III 100 Lilliaa. calved AprUS, 1887. Joshua Kobeea. Aiedo.

all 100 Ardeslea 22d. ealved April 7, 1887; Marshal boa, xsnesviile. Ohio 150 Aaceilcs 5th. ealved tsb.4.1887: D. Heron.

lasnesvilla. Ill 200 Flora sd of aEveaneoter, ealved April 4. 1887; V. Barber. Decatar.

ill 85 Bells 4th of Cordeaston. calved Feb. 1837; V. Barber. Decatar.

Ill 100 Waterside Violet calved Feb. 10, ls7; Heron. Lanesville. Ill 210 Waterside Mabel, calved March 1887: V. Barber.

Decatar. Ill sa Sweetbread, calved March IB, 1887; V. Barber. Decatar. Ill 128 Brauhilda 3d, calved May 1887; V.

Barber, Decatar. Ill 140 Daisy Dxchesa 3d, calvsd Jan. 27, 1887; V. Barber. Decatur, ISO Bondmaid Sib, calved March 33, 1887; D.

H. Prim. Atbeaa. Ill 115 Petunia 2d, calved March 4, 1887; V. Barber.

Decatar. lis Alexandria ad, ealved June 7. 1887; J. Kobeen, Aledo, III 125 Godelia, calved Jsa. 4, 1887; John Sidle.

Delmar. lows 125 Petunia ot Clin terry, calved Jaa. 6, 1887; J. Kobeen, Aledo. 85 Diana of Clinterry, ealved Feb.

14.U887; Mar- anal mt bona, a.ansville,Uhlo ISO Gwennie, ealved March 1887; Marshall Bona ZanesviUe. Ohio 15 Briony of Clinterry. calved March 10, 1887; D. v. ueroo, LasnesvUle, III 110 The sale will be continued to-day.

XILWATJKEK WKST S1BKBS AK0CI. MttWADlxx, May IS. Special Tele. gram. The long heralded mass-meeting of th WestSider wa held in Turnsr Hall to-night It was a fln gathering and a tuoroughly repre-entativ on of th West Side interest The hall wa packed.

A sensational feature of the proceedings was th implication in the report of the committee appointed two month ago to try and securs tne location of th post-offio on th West Bid that undue inflnenoe was need in the choosing of th East Side Bite, and wae recommended that every effort be made to secure the maauog public of Agent Linton's report The oommittee, it sppeara, had received word from Secretary Windom that before the matter waa fully decided a oommittee of one hundred West Shier would be heard in behalf of the Weet Side. It waa with much euronee. therefore, that it waa learned that Mr. Windom bad settled the matter and would not reopen. One of the speaker asserted that he waa satisfied Agent Linton' report aa mad wa not wholly in favor of th Last Side site, and that a publication of that report wonld bow that Last Side influence came in at a critical moment, and that the east wa chosen not because of th report, bat because of th weight of the InSuenoa.

Among the speakers who ad. dreeeed the meeting were Assemblyman Mo-Elroy, ex-Congressman Denstev, F. W. CoU-hansen, and three or four other. BUKLISQTON Dining; Csrs to Denwer.

The Burlington company ha extended It dining ear service all ths way through to Denver on Its aat traisa, number one and two, between Chi-eags sad DsaTWts SHOT HIS SON'S WIFE. An Aged Indian at Farmer Fills HIS Young Daughter-in-law wltaLead. After Butchering His Wife. A Hooew ier Saloon-keeper Kills Hlmselt Another Woman Mystery at. Kan way, N.

sL Tnomaa Suieaf Crime. A FXENZIED FARMER. Uabiox. May Special A murderous and probably fatal assault wa commitied by Charles Hope this morning on his daughter-in-law, Mrs, John Hnpa, The elder Hnpe and wife and John sod wife reside under th asm root They have had numeron quarrels, snd the old man threatened to shoot both hi chile ren. Thi morning the two women had a quarrel, and the younger Xr.

Hnpe put her mother-in-law ont of her aide of the house. Being; informed of this, the old man got ont of bed and stationed himself in tha doorway with a abotgua to wait for his daughter-in-law. The latte on appeared with a pan of chicken feed, When ah waa thirty feet from the house, in a stooping position, th old man blazed away. The charge took effect in the young woman's bead, neck, back, shoulders, and arms, Both car were perforated with a half-dozen shot Mot less than a hundred ahot tooK effect The victim wa cared for, and the old man and hi wife were arretted and -1 ailed. Hope i 72 year old and hi wife 63.

The old man has bsd reputation, and it leaks out to-day ths year ago he fled from Germany to escape th consequences of a murder. The victim of hi attack to-day will probably die. MUKDEKED AND ROBBED. Tor ska. May 15.

Special Telegram. Particular were reoeived to-night by General Manager Bobinaon. of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Bailroad, of a brutal murder and daring robbery a th Santa Fo Mine, at Car. thasre, X. a short distance from Socorro.

The employs of the mine were being paid their April earning to-day. and a larg sum of money hsd been received this morning from Treasurer Wilder, of thi eity, for that purpose. At 3 o'clock two Mexican desperadoes gained wss to tbe company's offioe from the rear, Superintendent George- w. Bichards being entirely alone, and deliberately shot htm, killing him instantly. They then captured all the cash in th safe, amounting to about $7,000, and mounting their horse fle 1 to the mountain.

A large posse of miner in in pursuit on flee horses. Richard has been mining engineer and superintendent about live year, and is a gradnata of University of Illinois, General Manager Bobinson has offered a reward of Sl.OOO tor the captor of toe mur- aeren, ana ror tne return 01 tne money. The civil authoritiee of Sooorro and Santa have been notified, nod tbe division nperintendent and station agent at all pewit wouth of Lavs Vegas have been directed to take all possible steps to eoure tbe capture of the murderers. Certhag ia aa isolated mining settlement and the countrv surrounding it is almost uninhabited. The au thorities fear that there is little chance Of overtaking the fugitive.

ANOTHER RAH WAT KT8TEKY. BAsrwAt. K. Mar A young woman about 24 year old, apparently a stranger in this plaoe, wa found is dying condition at the lower end of Main treet, near the river bank, thi morning. Eh wa too weak and exhausted to give any Information, She is badly bruised and ahows svidence of having beau violently united, The theorv is that aha waa in search of relative in this eity last night and waa me by some one.

who led her to the lonely spot wnere sue wss found aud then ffTnnilttil hatv Thar is no clew to her assailant KILLED HIS UNCLE. Tuscola. XiL, May 15. Special Teleyrmm. Thomas Sider, of as it isslleged, waa struck ever th head with a board in the band of hi nephew tw weeks sinos while in an altercation, died thi morning from the effects of a fractured skull.

Iaaeo 8idera, his alleged assailant, finding that he wae ia danger of lynching at th hand of th dead man' friends, haa fled to parte unknown. It is stated that he is in concealment at the home of a friend, Th murdered man leave a wife and three children. SLEW HIS WIPE AND HIMSELF. IirDlAaaroiaia, May 15. Ferdinand; Sohroeder, a grocery and saloon-keeper, residing at Xc.

251 Shelby street, thin morning cut hi wife' throat aa shs stood with young babe ia her arms, killing hsr instantly. He rant about 200 yard to a vacant lot and. kneeling down, slashed hie throat with the same razor dying half sa hoar later. Schroeder was Insane, CLARA DAVIS' DESPERATION. Xabiox, May 15.

Sttecial Clara Da via. recently from Bluffton, (wallowed a big doee of chloroform last sight for the pur-voee of destroying herself. A physician applied a stomach pumo and her intention wer thwarted. She i 18 years old. aOSEI POE IEELAHD.

St. Loots, Ma. May 14. The Bev. Charles O'Beilly, of Detroit, Treasurer of the National League, to-night publicly reoeired the Pbst- IHtpaUh Parnell defena fund, Tbe formal turning over of the money took plaoe at th Exposition Building.

There were addresses and a musical programme, and an admittane fee of 25 cent wae charged, which also went into the fund." The amount turned ever to Father O'Beilly by Editor Dillon, of the Aat JHtpatck. was $5,282, The Fanny Parnell Ijeagua, of St Lonis, contributed an additional $500, and with the receipt at the door the total wss swelled to about Jftf.OOO. Father O'Beilly delivered an address upon th work of th league and the condition of Ireland. Mayor hoonen presided at the meeting. BCK6LABI At CLI5T0K.

Clisrox, IU. May 14. recW Telearam. The tailoring establishment of N. Bunbeek was burglarized last night to ths extent of $600.

Aa yet there to no clew to the perpetrator. Th loss is chiefly of fine goods. Catarrhal Dnnfrir freed from the danger of aHocatios wkl'i tying down; to breathe freely, sleep soondly at 4 undistarbed: to riss refreshed, head clear, brai actlv and tree from pals or ache to know that a poisonous, putrid matter denies the breath and rots sway tha 4eUcats machinery of smell, taste sad hearing to feel that tbe sysseim doss aotj through Its veins snd arteries, sock op ths poison that la sure te undermine and destroy, la Indeed a blessing beyond all other hums snieymsnta. 1 purchase immunity from such fata ahonld be th object et sll sOictsd. But those who ksv tried msny remedies sad physlcisns despair of relief at cats.

BuuryoBs Bapica0 Cms meets every phsssot Catarrb, from aim pis head cold to ths most lostb Boms aad destructive stages. It Is local snd eon. stttational. Instant in relieving, permanent tn earing, safe, economical, and never-failing, 8airvoaS's Banicat Cckx consists of en bottle of the Bantcai, Otra. one box of CaTaaasax.

sjrr. and oa Tjstbovxb InnaLaa. all wrapped lq ens package, with treatise and direction snd sold by all druggists or Sllw. PoTtsaDaoe a Chxxxoax, Coaroaanow, Zosrow PAINS AKO WEAKKESS Of females instantly relieved by that pew, eli-sent, and nuallililn Antidote to lin. Innamnisiion.

and WeakneaAthe first end only pain-siitdutn( flSNUsr especially adantedto Cure female Pains aud Weaknaauaaa. iuuurs Aiiu-raia 1'iaater. Tne Vastly superior to all other Plextor vet prrpsred. At all drnctiista, rents; live tor 81.00: free, of lorraa iiac aac CMaauciO. CojLrOaAliuau.

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