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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 6

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Enquirer torn TL McLasa lV3lee, 1T Tim Strt, ClVCOTATI. pint or sx'Bscairriojf. Br mil pe paid. Cane huMW header) Daily (mm 'rev Wkly TqstTsr mn4jt ne er 1 la till saw sastttaia ear SarvU Tbe Milnr be denvsmd fllagia espy. 8 TWELVE PAGES.

TRIDAT. JULT 28. 107. Tub usual eay condition of the mon-ry market In evidence, with liberal sup-- pile fort iter Increased through the chancre Incident lo counur operations and movement of currency. Tb regular borrowing demand waa only moderate, an-1 th applications for dlrcounts were readily (ranted at SVtrt per cent.

me lower ruling. Thwc waa a fair buelnees. though, in call loan a. which were freely accepted at Krt4 per cent. There waa a libera! sup-' ply of collateral loan In tha open market, arid a tha demand waa good brokers' r.e- wr easy at eft-tf per cent on call and 44 per cent on time.

The market for New York exchange waa a shad firmer, with ssles between banks at par SSc par premium. Foreign exchange waa arm and in- good mercantile demand. Government bond ware ateady. with some local movement. Buslneaa In sacurltlea wa mail, but the general market appeared to be steady.

Mercantile affairs were generally quiet. Flour easy, with no demanl. Wheat firmer, bat the Inquiry light. Com quiet and firm. Oats steady, with receipt and demand light.

Rye easy and qulvt. Provisions In fsls general demand and firm. Groceries unrhsnged and active. Wnlsky firm, with only a moderate demand. The i'orto IUcaos.

"The Porto Rlcang are dissatisfied with their position," says tha Buffalo Courier. 'They want either American citizenship or self-government. Con gress la not disposed to give them either. So far aa their political status under American rule is concerned they are what-la-lta." They are not by any means non descrlpt in their relations to the United States. There Is no mystery In thei -position.

What they are is eery plain They are dependents of this country If the word Is more pleasing let us call them While they are probably the best behaved of the peoples we bare lately acquired through our ex panslon madness, they are not quaUflei for either citizenship or self-govern ment, and our Government will mak another great mistake if It does not keep them under guidance and dlrec tion for many yeara to come. After the Civil War we ran reckless ly Into the enfranchisement of th negroes. Including the former slaves We have been paying the penalty for that rank concession to the old Abolition fanaticism ever since, and we must continue to pay on it for long time to come. The abolition of slavery was a necessary result of the -war, and the ballot should have come gradually. Had the Union people not been so frantic to quickly establish 'results" of the conflict the relations between the white and colored people would by this time have been smooth and brilliantly promising for the future.

Aa It Is. the race prejudice and feeling Is growing constantly worse, and frequently rare war Is Imminent The white people are still the rulers and the knowledge of this fact baa been the main restraint on violence. The colored men of the United States have the citizenship and the suffrage to keep. The patriotic part Is to pro tect thenvln their rights and to educate them In the responsibilities that were thrust upon them when the shackles fell from them. All talk of repeal of any war amendment to the Constitution of the United States is rubbish.

It raises a question as to the intelligence of any person who engages In It. The country should not, though, enter upon another lifetime racial experiment till it gets- approximately to a close of Its present trouble. Our acquisition policy was a rapid development. It was a pretty startling jolt to be driven to the admission that our Government could exercise Juris diction over communities that were not citizens and compel obedience on their part by force of arms or judicious civil administration. We have ascertained that wj can take care of "subjects" without being a monarchy, and without abolishing the Constitution of the United States, and without' trailing the American flag.

Of course. It is a moral misfortune that we got into our present position, but, as this journal haa variously observed. time and again, this was owing to the omission to "sail away" at the precious moment. Oport unity often travels In such deceptive disguises that It is hard for even a smart man to recognise It. We can do the next best thing.

We nave ascertained now to run our Islands and our nonasslmllatlve dependents without again wrenching the sacrednesa of our citizenship. Let the Porto Rlcans wait, patiently and unselfishly. They are a great deal better off than they were under Spanish rule. They are not qualified aa a general proposition, for anything better than they have1 now In the matter of government. The trouble with the people In our "possessions" Is that a considerable number of them are Intelligent enough to be "Jingoes" and schemers, and to srtlr up the Ignorant, who are better off as they are than they would be with citizenship and suffrage.

Porto Rico, as an Integral part of UUa republic, la still In long clothes. Need of Pare Ice. Artificial Ice has so generally taken the place of the natural ice of former Uhiee that it is not only a daily neces sity, but Is gratefully received and promptly paid for. even if with much grumbling as to the price, on the part of many. The great majority of business houses and households mqst have Ice through several months of the fear; and.

In many cases, all through the year. There can be no doubt that the profit on ice Is large and continuous; nor. that the average consumer willing it should be so. But there ought to tfe certain obligations on the part of manufacturers in the important matter of cleanliness of their product and its sanitary condition. While many people do not use ire in direct contact with the tissues, preferring merely that the article they use It In ta It In But And of Ws cold shall acquire the desirable chill through there are many also who have to use It directly through the mouth.

In the hospital, for Instance, there are frequently occasions when crushed tee must be applied to the tongue. Many people use pieces of lee tn coolers. Generally, where food and drinks are served to the public there Is use of ice direct to the mouth and to the stomach. Through careieas-oess in the use of oils la the machine ry and of some chemicals there occasionally occur a condition that is suggestive of great uncieanli-neea, ft not danger. At times blocks of Ice are found to contain pockets of dark pitch or some strongly adhesive substance so like pitch that you cannot well think of anything' else In connection with it.

This will adhere to glass, or to the hand touching it, with a tenacity that is astonishing. The Enquirer submits the fact simply of the presence of this foreign matter which may be very deleterious to health. The Ohio statutes do -not deal specifically with artificial ice. but In the matter of ice generally (See. 1536-750) the Board of Health (Public Service) has fall powers to enforce regulations as to health and cleanliness.

1 Thi Cape Colony legislature is trying to prohibit the exportation of ostriches to the t'hlted States. Ostriches have been with us many yeara. but they are still merely curiosities. There need be no alarm. Might as well try to promote the propagation of elephants as a part of tha farming Inter-eat In thl country.

Tkz world run to "word, words, word Brevity Is the demand of the time. Men are getting tired of "stand patters;" we ran call the Tariff Heron "the Procras-tinationiata" According to the Department of Agriculture, farm lands In tha state of New York have declined In value iS170.0OO.Ouo ince lv. Th void haa been Oiled with politic. Thi Korea incident show what Japan ia at heart. HALF MAST, River Boat Flags Flew In llfmnry of the Poet and Veteran of Inland aters, Who Was Laid Away.

rSCIAI. BlirTC TO TBS EHQCtllS. Iouisvllle, July 25. The funeral of Colonel Will B. Hay, the poet of the South, was held from the First Presbyterian Church this afternoon, the ceremony being conducted by Dr.

Charles jfL Hemphill and Dr. J. S. Lyons, both life-long friends of the deceased, end who officiated In the absence of the pastor. Rev.

Egbert Watson Smith. The musical program consisted of three hymns composed by Colonel Hays, and loved by him above all others. They were "Come Unto Me," "Enter In" and "Save One Bright Crown," all writ ten at an early p-rlod of his career. It was requested by Colonel Hays years ago that whan he should be called to the great beyond these hymu be sung at his funeral. Tha remains of the distinguished writer were Interred In Cava Hill Cemetery.

Every boat on the Ohio River and many on the Mixsissippi carried their nags st half-must to-day. A telegram was received from Captain Max Melbolt at St. Louis this morning, announcing that all of the flags on the boats out of that port had already been lowered, and messages of condolence from rlvermen all along the two rivers were sent to members of the family BITS OF BYPLAY." Taken in One Way. I Harper Weekly. lie So you persist in breaking off the engagement T- She Moat decidedly.

What do you take me for? HeOh, about Hetter think it over may be your last chance. Tep! I Milwaukee SentlneLl Of all sad words Of tongue or pen The saddest are: "I'm stung With Show Girls. I Puck 1 Oaley That auto accident In th park. which DeKoxton figured, turned out more seriously than waa anticipated. Usdaby Why.

what's the latest? Galey The reporters discovered his real name and his wife la suing for divorce. No. Time To Tarry. I Atlanta Constitution. 1 I seen de Devil once," said Brother Dickey.

"And how did he look" 'Well. suh. ter tell de truth, after I quit runnln' I clean dlaremembered hla favor!" SUNFLOWER PHILOSOPHY. (Atehleon (Kan.) Globe.) In addition to being blindfolded. Justice no doubt frequently wishes she were deaf.

This much may be said about th men; good ones are In great demand. There are two sides to every question. except In the case of a railroad, a railroad always wrong. The weather never gets too hot for an old person to eat or too; cold for: a young on to eat Ice cream. I I It Isn't tha dying that wonie moat peo ple so much as the fact that when they go haa to- be all alone.

When a hoy la compelled to put bathing suit, he doesn't regard such aa ex perlence as a swim. A real swim should be th altogether. PROSPECTS. I Chicago New I There's no limit at all to th things that will come When your dad gets his "raise." I Oh, the time we shall have! We'll mak everything hum. I AU the street we'll a mas.

1 They won't know u. we'll all be so vary genteel: We'll be riding, maybe. In an automobile. Or a carriage, perhaps, with a smart pair of grays When our dad gets his There won't be any trouble with coal or with Ice When your dad gets hla We shall have all you young one rig-gad out mighty nica. I think, some of these days, Uttle Suale shall bar bar whit stockings and shoes.

And your mother's old dresses won't gtv me the blues. And we'll go out ef evenings ta concerts and plays When your dad gets his "raise." Oh, I tell you th time that we'll have will be great When your dad gets his "raise." That th ofllc will not put off till to late. That la all that he Bray. it's quite a long tana that baa never a turn. i It's likely, my aears.

we'll have money to bum. We'll be sealer far. though, ta all of ways When year dad gets hla Tal-- STOCZ BAB ITS BTJSJT. rsctt, searavrB re ras sjrorrasa. Princeton.

July Th stock barns Johnsoa Crider. Jr. war burned this aft ernoon, with UA tons of new hay. due te coenbustioa. Sixty eosns were rescued.

Tn 1 44.UUO, with Uua Insurance. If th Of to In cos a the ar aad a siv FUIJDS i i For the Llagic City Are All Froo (be Capital of the Steel Trust Progress of Work at Gary To Be Probed in Detail At the Meeting ef the Direeters ia New York Toesdaj. I i I Explain. RauoB, Saja EoHajd, Way No Iaereaaa cf D.Yid-ai Will Be Gitii To Stockholder. srscui.

wisraTca re ens as-ecraxn- (Corrriaat. WOT. by paileaelphia New Tors, July 23 On Tuesday next tb Director of the United States wtsel Cor poration are to meet aad pass upon several Importaat Question. Thl sneetlng will leader, so to apeak, pointing te th prob able comatarcial and Industrial condition tb United State during the fail months, and ala resulting In detailed and authorised statement that tell of industrial and market cgndltlon for the past three months. Curiously enough, may be negative art ton.

what th Directors decide todo or not to do, that may contain quite as Important leesona aa any affirmative action. For the Directors may decide, and th Impression to-day la will decide, not to increase tb dividend upon the common stock. That would not mean that th earnings oC the corporation for the past six months and the prospective earnings would not Justify any Increase In the dividends, but that th Directors are of the opinion that it la the more expedient part to defer any actual return to those who hold common stock until after certain Improvements and ex- Trie owner of the common stock are sure to receive an indirect dividend. Each shar of stock will have lta proportionate return In value, at least, and In prospective dividend tn whatever amount is added to th surplus or whatever is paid for tha construction of the inew steel city, which Is to be named Oary, 'ahd la to be a f73.O0O.UuO ateel city before a single furnace is fired or a single ingot of steel produced. Instead "of borrowing money, mortgaging the the Steel Corporation so far has Invested Its' own capital In this work at Gary.

Thi Directors seem to regard It as a sounder economic policy and a better philosophy for their industry to build and pay for out of earnings, out of surplus, out jpf their own capital, this colossal steel plant at Oary, rather than borrow money. and thus lncreaae fixed charges which the Steel Corporation Is obliged to meet- There must have been some very close and ac curate work of financial estimating, true actuarial work, and the kind of Intricate and yet simple, elaborte and yet far from complexed financial reasoning which espe cially distinguishes the ability of George W. Perkins, Chairman of the Finance Com' mittee, before decision wss reached that It wiser. from all point of view. for rhe Steel -Corporation to pay out of its own pocket, as the work progresses.

the cost of construction of the new steel plant at Gary. The Hag-ic City. Probably, at tha meeting next Tuesday, some detailed statement will be mad of th progress of this work at the bead of Lake Michigan, tbe building of a city to order and with almost maglc-like celerity. If there be such ja statement. It probably will confirm th Informal announcement re cently In circulation that th first produc tion of th furnaces at Gary may be counted upon some time in th year 10U8.

The building of this new ateel city has puxsled some whose training waa in th old faahloned method ot manufacturing and marketing. They wondered why It was necessary or expedient. But the explana tion la simple.7 Th dullest gnlnded layman can comprehend It If It Is made! to him In understandable language. It la la Una with that policsr' well Illustrating real business science which th steel corporation perfect ed and began to a upon some four years sgo. It waa regarded as an extremely au dacious step for this corporation to take.

In view of the fact that those were the months of th greatest liquidation, when. there were any water In industrial securities. It was well pumped out of them. for there were shrinkages in value of ap proximately two billion dollars. But.

In stead of being unduly alarmed by this liqui dation, the Steel Corporation at that time set apart about MO.0o0.uxi. There are som who to this day speak of that as a glaring and almoat heinous example of trust methods, so-called. But those wb do understand th philosophy of It know that It represented not so much monopoly aa co-operation, and that It had view not any Increased, price to consumer, but much greater economy In manufacture whereby wider markets could be obtained. By reason of this expenditure the 8te4 Corporation was able to report a year ago not only earnings for the quarter then ending of forty milllona, or almost exactly the amount expended In harmonising th plants, but also was able to ahow that there had been such treatment of consumers that they gained a considerable portion of th advantage following this unification and harmonising of the plant. Or.

In other words, had th Steel Corporation charged for lta product as many dollars a ton aa th market Justified before this harmonising began, lta earnings would have been ,10.900,000 greater for th quarter. Caa Maintain Prices. I Moreover this policy mad It possible for Steel Corporation steadily to maintain I ii il I k.m Ia r. Km every consumer knew exactly what th cost the product was BOt only to him but to very on else, and was for that twasea enabled to mak hla own con tracts, feel ing sure that be would not be compelled tepudlate them. Harmonising th plants rr-ean simply exranaton or concentration the vsrio is subordinate organ tsati ms that tb aearest steel plant to any nar- could furmiah that market, whereby a saving ta freight trans porta tion could be secured and moreover, it waa possible Inertia at th moat convenient and tcunv ml- manufacturing plant special or locality demand for tha particular product.

Now It la undoubtedly la pursuance of that policy, although there may be other purpose In view, that the directors bar organised a new field for It at Oary aad have apart to pay for th ef building th plant and putting It ta operation, it ta te a model city ta more i way than one, although th Steal Corporation and especially Mr. Perkins, who has mad a arterial study ef what may be railed th soctoloaicaj feature at great industrial community, believe that better part la for great corporations ta pay good wage, guarantee tady work 4 persuade skilled artisans esrtnta nrvtboda ef earing aad larettateat so that they may have a sens ef proprtetsrabtp In psmdene aad tet that they ais working not merely (or th Bag of aa anew o-wp tion. bat for then own. Thus rrlrtt of independence Inculcated aad th artisans' any ceeneunuaity sir depended asoa ta Basks for tl a tnmfortabhn aad ultimately a a-odel community. city of Gary wfil typify nd ta mak a climax of tb spirit th I for ie Tss for roe THE ENQUIRER, CnTCI NX ATI.

Fill DAT. OLD-UOIiLD CHITCHAT. Z0UAS' XXSSZ0H TO This trio of Korean statssnse furnished th pretext for tha Mikado ef Japaa to depose their ruler, to place a poppet oe tha throne and te assume full control of their country through the Krtdaat afarqnia I to. ta Seoul. They era.

from right to toft. Tl-TJoesM. formerly Judge of th Supreme Court ef Seoul; Tl-8ang-8ul. formerly Vice Minister, and Prince Tl-Ovt-Tjlena. formerly Secretary to th Korean ration at 8C Petersburg.

Tb ex-Suprem Court Judge, especially. Is th leader of th progressive factions of the realm, and It was he who Inducad th old Emperor to sand him at th heed of a mission to Th Hague te protest against his country's ex elusion from th! peace conference. It will be remembered that Japan had secured a treaty at the close of the Far East war by which alio was entitled to cx-erctae a protectorate over Korea and to represent th nation diplomatically abroad, hence Korea waa not entitled to send a delegate to Th Hagu. Though th majority of th peace delegates' saw th i uatice of th cause of Korea operation, which I th vital Impulse of the Steel Corporation, It may be that at Gary is to one of the finest illustrations of that distinctive method which character ises all successful American manufacturing plant. For there have been report that within a year or as speedily aa It caa be done, certain labor-saving apparatus or machinery which when Installed was regarded aa th beet, and which of Itself cost aa much aa some manufacturing plant have deemed necessary In the way of entire capital, is to be discarded, since newly Invented or perfected apparatus is able to do tha v.ork which this older machinery has done fully aa well or better and at a coat of a few cents a ton leas.

Details Are Vague. Of course, the details are somewhat vague, but the essential feature of thera Is glvsa. The new city of Gary undoubtedly will be equipped with the la tee and most perfect manufacturing machinery and apparatus. But it Is a feature of th report that some of the older plants will discard this apparatua, although It waa Installed not long ago at a cost of over I2.00U.0U0. sine a saving of a few cants a ton In the manufacture of th product would fully Justify th sanding of th old machinery to the scrap heap.

I There may come from th meeting of next Tuesday some refereno to this report, while, on th other It may be deemed aa so well In line with the recognised policy i of this corporation that It is not necessary to make any mention of it. The Directors meet with a cloud that cam almost from a clear sky In tbe Northwest and they do not belittle the trouble, soma of the Directors going so far aa to say that the or miners' strike is not a very pleasant thing to contemplate. It la pecullsrly unplessant because of th under standing of th Directors that this was an actual violation of confidence and a breach of good faith. In th past a strike begun under cireumstsnces of that- kind, no matter how many took part in It, has without exception failed, sine it cannot command publlo sympathy. According to th statement of soen of tbe Directors i th agreement with tb or miners of th Northwest was to continue until the laat day of October of thl year.

The agreement between th corporation and the miners was to be In fore until that day, and It then was expected that a new agreement would be made. Undoubt edly the miners will assert that th steel corporation haa violated Its agreement, and yet thera Is no assertion of that kind in the demands which the miners mad a few days ago upon th steel corporation. They simply ask for a new rat of wages, and that the contract system be put ia opera tion, adding th alternative that there will be a atrtke unless this Is don In 10 daya From one point of view It is a difficult question to handle. There seems to be no opportunity for, arbitration or for any con cession. Th suspicion Is grave that the professional agitator and those who are not th true friends of organised labor have stimulated this disorder.

It la the first serious labor trouble th steel corporation has met with. It may or may not result In som embarrassment, although for tbe present, unless th miners should command sympathetic strike, it cannot seriously Interfere with the manufacturing and marketing which tend to belie th serious reports that we are on tb eve of or are actually In th midst of som nee sloa In business. HouLaxn. BRYANT'S DAUGHTER, Tb Poet's Constant Comrade Tin Death, Expiree la Paris. New Tors, July 25.

News of rh death ta Paris of Julia S. Bryant, who was ta only surviving" daughter of William CuUea Bryant, th poet, haa been received Ja this city. She waa 73 yar ot age. and until her father died la 1878 she was his constant comrade and associate at his honse ta Roalya. lo 1873 sh went to Franca where sh has since lived.

Miss Bryant waa owner of her father's birthplace at Cut-tlngion. and main tained it aa a public memorial to his memory for S1XAJC5HI? KOVE-tESTS ia, w. a. Jiir ta Th. Hi Arabia fiota Liverpool for Xew Torh waa TSS 1st of naady Heok Usht skis a a a.

s. Win abeat I SO a. Saturday. New Tors. Jnlv Arrived: The FreeMeat Ha lUd: DeetacRlaad.

HasiDorg via pivmestk asd CtMrbovrg; Ceiuc. Liverpool vaa Owe -a Bavoie. Havre: Vltmla. Nantea Tnasts. negina iriiaJia, j-apiaa saa qisis; Ltti aa Ulaa Juhr trax New at Terk far Hamburg was IS ml lee Haa te-aay wiu asset 1 a.

sa. jrrMajr. Queentasa. Jaly 38 The Cyaarta froaa swats Uverpsal was ID aulas west at 11 a. aa.

se-aar. Mart la Mver. K. a. Jaly I i.

a. virginal a. uv Uverpeet. Jaly as. Arrived.

The Orleans; txk, Morten, town. Tort via Peal bslsaoa far" Ksa4 Kaptea. Jaly gana. New as. Ant red: Antwerp.

Jaly StV xera. Jr Qvseastown Jsly SL 8aied-rmm Ui mil tor I-til'-teals 1 13 a. sa. Majestic, (rem an sin xew vara. Wenif.

Jaly TV Arrived: Tern Najlaa tor Trtaaea. Ta Osrty. Vers fmreebssa. Jarr 11 anliad: raive. New art vaa Casts.

Lima Jsv 81 Arrive Xew IS Jaly 2 La Haven, resorts in aui aosuweaa at i Ba. srUl srsea reach siavre Ulan. Frv Xsptea. Jaly 88 Arrived: TSe run 1 1 few. New Vara, vta OOwlar.

tar first sain Seta: Th Hearten twees OewceJ. Urn stew Tar. Jaly Sa Had: Tar, via Qessastawa. Jslv SB.aaas4: Th Kew Tare. Jaly Rotterdam Boston, Jaly SV Arrived: The TUaWisiUa, sfsaw ehaater: RepabUe, Uvarpaat vta, QisKim.

Busll it. real. ia tj- -i-i Th Baa- a ss rmvAMTsV APJPTTAL TO XOOSXVXI.T. they did at have th moral eonrag to en- tartaia tb protest of th Emperor's en voys. and th Korean have now toft Hoi- land with thetr taaa undone They are thetr way to this country, where they will try to see Preatdant Roosevelt and point out tb high-handed methods) of Japan tn th Far Kaat.

They beiiev that by agitating In lac tuna and Interview their cause, before th Amerlcaa public such a wave of Indignation will be created as to call for Interference by th civilised world on th bold steal of Their country by th On th occasion of tb signature of a new treaty of friendship and good neighborhood between tb Kingdom of Italy and th Republic of San Marino. King Victor Emmanuel haa ordered to be presented to the gallant little country no leas than SO guns. 20 muskets and 1 cannon a which probably means an entire rearmament ot th military service. The tiny republic I possessed of a Foreign Secretary, who salary la said to be no less than S4O0. When Italy proclaimed war against Austria the Republic of San afarino did the same, and since no declaration of peace haa ever been signed by the little state.

It la still technically In a state of war with th great Austrian Empire, WEATHER FORECAST Wsshlngton. Juay ai Ohio: Showers Fri day Saturday 1 partfy cloudy and cooler light to fresh Southwest to northwest winds. I West Virginia Showers Friday; Eat ur day fair and cooler. Lower Michigan Showers Friday; Saturday fair; fresh to brisk west to northwest winds. Indiana Partly cloudy Friday; showers and cooler In north portion; Saturday fair In aorta, showers and cooler In south por tions; fresh southwest to northwest winds Kentucky Fair Friday; probably show era and cooler at night or Saturday.

Tennessee Partly cloudy Friday; Satur day probably showers and cooler. Department of Agriculture. Local Office of th Weather Bores Record for July 26. UUT. ending at p.

seventy-filth meridian time, and a comparison with th Corresponding day ef th last three years Thar. Hum. Wind. Rain. Weather.

8a.m.L-..T 70 W. T. Pt.Vldy p.m.. 83 T2 6.E. T.

Cldy 1907. 1008. lBOSj 1904 Max. B0 7V 71; HO Mia. 74 61 69 or Av.

temperature. 70 6 70 Precipitation T. 0 0 tl Statement showing th condition of th temperature and precipitation at Cincinnati, Ohio: Excess tn temperature for the 4' Excess In temperature sine July 1.... 9' Accumulated deficiency tn' temperature sine January 1. VXft 231 Deficiency tn precipitation for th day.

.12 Excess) tn nreclpttatton sines July 1.... 1.78 Accumulated exoes in precipitation sine January 1. luo7 7. US 8. 8.

BaeaLBW, Local Forecaster. i Hourly tempers tor readings for July 34, 1WT: I a.m 78 11am "a 4 n. Tarn 7l 12 noon 81 8 p. nr. 8a.m ft 1 p.

81 p. 2 p. m' 7 p. SL' lO a. aa.

.80 8 p.m.... SO REFUSED Her Hatband" a Praise For Tarlft. tat Woman esjgt a Hamaa Tarca Bafora Hr CMicTi Eaa. Llttl Rock. Ark July 23.

Angered because bar husband refused to praise her for saving asooey ea purchases for their store aad for recent heavy sales, re-Ann Law to-day poured a gall on ef csal aO ea ar head, told her little daughter to watch and see the snow aad tbea set fir te the oil. Mrs. Lews' body waa burned te a crisp ta eight ef ear eug-itsr and relatives, who war attracted by th child's scrsaata Low a a labsrsr aad hi wtfe eaadnetad a store while a was at work. HAT DISTURB Y.1L C. A.

IX0ACT. Hamilton. Ohio. Jaly 25. Th emit ef Cs, New Tor brokers.

rawrator ef ta tat ef DaWl HewvO, -1 -1. sawn Bon ad ta thl Eswmx, tavwrree IsVSZS aad th a tb enrrsat sjeotatioa ef tbe Maasnari pacta stock aad Its valw th tlma of its pwrcawase. If judganst as re-r-ersd. tb sin sunt rial mad wowld ml met at the rsnwtasry estate disposed ef by wta te ta T. A.

that city. V.I i TO T. B- Csswaabaa Orewe, Caw. Jaly 25 At Kief-srvfll. ha Putnam Cwenty.

a frog, wwura-tac 11 pounds, which waa fewwd tnrasii tn large Jus; flahed up from the creek while the gup si ism waa risaatrg eat the streaaa. ew exbtsatlosv. It ta suppossd tt wwng la aa a aavby seat si ta th a ot JUL.T 2fT. 1C 07. RAIDED The Kosher Butchers lad feared Kertseie der 111 the Heat ia Slht, Became the Prico Was Raised Ej the EeUilera.

Palie Era air. Te Quell the Elatou DcaitutratMBk Bjr Hf brewAVeuV ea ia Pkilt.elpkia, PknawelpMa. Jatr 2V-TVa Jewwaa wai ter la the aaejtbejra satrtioa ef the city was 1 scene erf soany atrtnrn aa4 Iwci- pieoi rtaMa to-day folio via the effort a the Tkddlaa wossaa ta keyeott Kaeber butchers who have increased the price ef ata. All through tsve Ofcetto there were eathreaka la which pi maim eke attempted te patreniae the stares were roughly he adieu. In eeveral Isanaaeee the nd dastrwywd.

Th wossea gathered ta front of th Korea i and seined every person wb entered. Tb meat tb had purehaawd was fr th streets after coal oil or acid poured over it- la. tare shop btl waa poured over every piece of meat, th chopping blocks and counters were overturned and the window to th stores were demolished. nuci nrr axsv. Tb police of thie district were kept a th run answering riot calls and reserve squads had to be saat to their aa-sistane.

As a result of th outbreaks 28 men and women were either sent to prison or held ball for Court to answer charges of assault. Inciting to riot and other charge and as many more were arrested and locked op for bearings to-morrow on minor charges. Because most th disturbers Were women tb police at first hesitated Bee force In trying to disperse the mobs tn front of the bat as th situation became more serious they were finally Com pelled to use severe measures and a number of men aad woman were aenx to th hospital suffering from Injuries received In re sisting the officers. None was seriously hurt, however, and the authorities have th situation well In hand. atrrcaans wru.

rstaljatb. I late in the dsy a meeting was held ia the center of th troublous district in which the disturbers were sd vised to use less strenuous methods. but to fight the butchers by refusing to buy meat or any thing else In their stores. i The butchers plsn to retaliate by having the "ebocketa" cease killing chlckena and poultry, so that thoa participating In the boycott cannot secure a supply of flesh from this source. I After the raeetlns: It wss reoorted that a committee of women would go through the district and endeavor to dee troy ail meats.

but th police hare taken measures to pre vent any such attempt and It Is believed that there will be no further disturbance. TORTURED B.fjraHe Died la Midsaa Wai tha Ship's Cook, th St Pierre Offleers BslleTe. St. Pierre. Mlquelon.

July S3. When tb steamer Chateau Laflte arrived her a few days ago from the Grand Banks with large far of fish, th shipping master's suspicions were aroused by a conversation which he overheard between the Captain and a member of the crew. Upon making Inquiries lesrned that the cook had died on board the steamer during tb trip. Of flcerk were sent aboard th vessel and found the cook's body, bearing, what they state, to be evidence that th man had been brutally tortured before he died. The Captain and crew were arrested.

The Chateau Laflte is a schooner rigged steam' er or z.uo tons burden and nails from Bordeaux; Franc. I CHASE'S BONDSMEN. i i Defeated By the Guaranty Company, Decide To Appeal. I racial. Duurm to tss bxiicibbs.

sill polls. Ohio. July 28. Bondsman of former Treasurer Thomas J. Chase.

Meigs County, who sued th United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, of Baltimore, for 10.0(0 and lost before a Gallia County Jury, have decided by a unanimous vote to appeal th case to th Circuit Court. A motion for an appeal will be heard by Judge Martin. Chase claims that when be was Treas urer th vault was robbed of IU.oijo by burglars. The Insurance company thought otherwise and refused to pay th amount for which Chaa was bonded, and bene th suit, I EGGS FEUD BT THE HEAT. (A seta Cor.

Atlanta Jnaraal f-It was so hot la Aaguata to-day that sa egg broken upon th vitrified brick peve-ment ef Broad street cooked thoroughly within four minstea. Actuated by som aa-knowa motive, a number of young mea mad th experiment at about 4 clock. A large crowd gathered aad watched th egg slowly fry. Within four mlaatew tlm If waa cooksd aa well aa If It had beea aa a hot frying pan. Similar experiment war mad by akeptlcal people all along Broad street, and but for the totervenuoa ef the police.

who ordered tn egg-cooking stopped. Augusta's most prominent thoroughfare might have been termed late ewe hog frying pan. aided aad abetted by the efforts ef th sua, I Th official thermometer oa th Federal Building registered lol degrase la-day. but tb temperature on Broad strsst and ether streets was v7 degree. HEAT.irn.T3 COLD VICTI3L laaa SiisiiSaii Or.

Lss Iseiln Tlwi Tacoba Meynbortla. of CUftoa. Aria, died to-night at th County Hospital, walls tb aoercury resiatared nearly Its) digma. from th effects of having hi fest frsaaa. Last winter was working la.

water at acsmga. When toe feet war ft seam. he attrd ta thaw them ewt before a not fire and the result waa seriowa. In January ha was take te the hwsncfsL Beth let sea ntacn. wa atnaasi at aaaputat tar tow ef tb left sseqeeatly th whoas fost wa and taew the leg cat a8 Jus, kessw tha The Intense best of the hast few ears cane el com pile tton aad gsatb foUowed.

HZATTXST LOAD C7 VTCXZS. FtTlagham taveat srhmn Pops casae te lees sa Saturday. Of mat Saturday the New Lsef says: "In tb rontst for tb hsaivisst load sf trsnght te Sawa mat Satarday Mrs. Oesrge DeUelder woa anally and raalsd tb gay cash offered by th Efltngraam Csamr-rial Club and tb loe sxread of Gold C'jtm flsar offered by Mr. Richards.

msasgf ef Pswple' ssjor. Mr. Delf sides brsnght lead mt 80 wsma bea hs a hayrack a pair of tsw tracks, drawn by a team ef males, and th ceanainsd reght ta wesaaa waa psanda. bea nan brwug-ht ta a wad sf It a th I ar th la th th a ex 4 3 THE PHILIPPINES A KEKACE. BKJd Be Oi taw larni aa Cabas aVeswrding Te Jodg Xlesjat.

laUrsar-s Wsh discussed last sreek th presosed eTte-aavtrh of an ewrj first -caaae battle snipe as th Pact no. Her we weald rely scan a fact which must have eried saaay daring the reoewt talk about possible ag-gron aw tn part of Japaa the fac, ns as sir, that bat far our pisnaaio ef ta PbHlppin Archipelago we shsaid have beea entirely free from epprahesnuoa ea th subysct. Psssssasag a naval Stat to ta ta Pacta east sf her hssular chain. Japan could not safety undertake a deaewat a wr Pacific roast, or vea hop te retain Hawaii for aa extended period, Th ease might be therwia with PnUlpertne tf an et-tedsd by surprise In capturing: thoa Inland aad placing there aa army ef e- rusatioa amounting sa some fader the circumstances we might Sad th recovery of an archiplagd so distant ss extremely difficult aad costly task, svea If our navy should ultimately prove Heel superior te Japan's, ss doubtless It would. Th on vulnerabl point, than, la our armor la th Philippines, aad the quest torn is whether we derive from them any penaatlag advaatagea Th eueatkm has beea examined of late la some Interesting artk-le contributed to th North American Review by Hun.

James II liluunl. wb for flv years has been a Judge of the Insular Court of the First Instance, No Amertcaa knows th Islanda better thsa he. nor is any other likely to present more trust worthy and Instructive report. II points out that It Is Impossible tor us to reconcile our refuaal to, give the Philippines self- government with the fundamental pria-ctples of th Declaration of Independence It is sometimes ssld that our refusal Is Justified because tbe Flllplnne do not want to govern themselves, and the aasertlia seems at first sight to be sustained by the fact that at the recent election for members of a chamber to which Is lo be delegated a certain ahare In the Insular government only on out of thlrty-flv registered voters la Manila took tha trouble vote, wfaii the proportion of actual to qualified voters la th archipelago, as a hole, was as one to about on hundred and forty. It may be argued, on the other hand, that a far greater fraction of regis tered voters would have gone the ballot box had they had an opportunity ot voting for members of a legislsttve chamber pos sessed of powers aa large as the of a British House nf Commons or of our owe House of Representative.

As a matter ef fact th voice In the management of their wa affair which st laat haa been oua- ceded to the Filipinos Is but nominal, and the belief I widespread. If not universal. among them! that we have no-Intra tion of granting them mora As far as the averment that ur moral ciaim to rule tn Philippine le borne ut by th fact that they are not fit te govern themselves, whereas we govern that well and Justly, It will scar-ly hear rlos in-apectlon. Judge Hlount snows thai we do not govern the Inlands well, for ws hsv succeeded neither In making tbe Islanders prosperous nor contented, sithoush In eight years we have expended gl.ij without deriving the slightest counterbalancing benefit. We bar deprived th archipelago of tha Spanish market which It formerly possessed, snd have give It no substitute.

Wa have treated the Filipino far lea Justly than we treat th Porte fib-ana having persistently denied tn former th boon of free trade with our territory tn mainland of North America. have burdened them with an expensive system of civil administration, and ws tax them for th support of It. On th other hand. Judge Blount maintain that It Is by no means certain that th Filipino ar ennt to govern themselves. Observation and experience have convinced him.

esya. would possible quickly lo establish a competent nstlv govern merit were certain that complete political Independ ence would granted to tb Islanders, at glvsa dsta It must not be supposed that Judge Blount would advocate tbe aull'y ef "Seattle and run." 11 would nt have as leave a native Insular government at the merry of more powerful neighbors He would have us not only guarantee the In-depsndenr ef the nrrhlpslsg oursnlve. but prevsll upon all th other Powers la-I crested In th Far East ta agre I rsrog. als Its neutrality, iln a ward, he would have us not only for th Philippines what we bars don for Cuba, but undertake assure Is them th guaranteed neutrality wltarrtaad or Belgium. To wb mny be Inclined is dsa the plan Impracticable he would aak why Jap aa should object to doing er th Filipino what It haa don for tn Chines.

Is wu. gunranta thetr territorial In testily. There a doubt that Judge Blsuat article deserve th rhw attention which thy attracting all ever th CnMed SHate. TUX PAS3IH0 OF TETE' I Waskistss Pest 1 Th President' Mm ribbon bull terrier. Pet, tb liripn Ibis defender sf th Whit Hows psrtala.

whose disrsgard for dial i bib ta. high stat oflVriai. and ham hi de-partSBeat clerks has plunged him mors Into Ignominy, has bee shipped away te parte ankawwa. Pete baa be aumsnering- In the back yard ef ea ef tn President's friend la securely ao aa tra frwm afl ewmasalnsshla. snv than ef a wen srgsnlsal pose of al ley csta.

Hat haalshsaeat baa restaltsd relieving that eoaataat drsdd fart by vhaltars the White Howes gr minds, wb canine did Share ta ausprss keejuisfttv aaarehlsta thaa the sins 11 army sf Mew-eeats wb wear naif ui ms and lawk eras. But sblfvisa aty la least sd Pete's anger as mt his desperate maaSS eeearal days age he broke all rrs whsa he bM abawt pcond mt fleas froaa th leg ef aa electric lss. Th hitter hsppiaifl en lee bach yard here ta wa tnnad. inart dmtsn tn tee- ferwef ly toward th aaan. tas chain wham heed bias tin; and ampltsd his bad Week by case- lag th nana ts seen th sawftne aital far rep tea.

Th laidw I tss athmrtsa sf ti of bas serv. fram Oystsr May aad sasrd a hs will hust roTxs nr Atrrci I Us Aasaahas Thwa Aatsm.sOsa are swwvteg aa lmpsrtaad faetaar ta th haaUeg aVrree thl an and at dayua Ss day a scare mw Basra sf big aaarhlnse will leave Ls Aageis fsr the Baa Fernanda Tadsy gad estsastv grata flams, wbsr tb are nsin.i hataer eitra thb-fe tals year. Aa tnsr raintrrf drive tb ewnmsMli ever ta flat tend. Nrs th dwvee tea-gvwgata. the ewmfortabe baa tec take, in i tas right aad ta ethar the left hand saaea tha ear a ssma frawa.

It I real haa. has ranchii swt himself, whs sweated aata 8 rami bar ca ta as tea I and traia destiesd fsr ta pans has namir es a 1 I yf TWAIM AT OXFORD. Of AU Who stead Pegi Be Waa seal wed Wit rentes Xnthmsl tl sis Car. Rarpsr-s Weeaiy I fa istl mi My waa Mark TwsJa aM th rar tpiswt ef degtus grant th Th what broh 1st a rwer epaUwa when, a 4 Bp te he sresaeted I th Chancellor -Wast nav yew dsns with Ascot Caa. Marh" eehed a soar freaa th a Bevy, and th assembly sfcook with taughtee.

-Have ya a. mnl ths'l! using got that jumping fresj with ywu, Mark- sa, asked east nee rsice. aad peel apon pssl ef i rung awL The apesrb la whtrhlaad i Mara Twain waa presented was perfect: Jte ln I Inaudible, bat th prof mar wb asUvered tl.e It, betag aoeaewhat said, and steading asder wlrtita a foot er tw mt Mark Twaia'e snagnlncwait mane, gave point lo ta rsas-tng query that floated frees the gal lerlsa. Couldn't ros snare him esias at fear hair. Mar" I doubt whether Mars Twain baa ever mm mnrs severely in than aa hs stood there.

rndimnd tv all I th peorstette to slleetr and a mors lew passive demeanor, nhll th Jests fie eir -r fast aad all: th spectator al ia us ter and apple was. A tremefuHxie Bjmsi enovm! PfSIiei ytiRnmi tew cellor' add re. Vtr Jucawdiaela I Wud -r beers), lepidiaalms llosdsf rber, fa- e- -tisslme Ifraatlc cheer. 1. qui lollua terra rum later net It a tan hllarttai ron- i hr.e.

h4 i- cutis I proton (ed cheers during whih l- Ub V-wam I ei mm Is fHs t'kaanlliv I I 1 rostrum, shaae hsnds. and passes ts seal nn the tefl. smiling and grnlined es mi fn tas iiiMichi sf all tha ataod thin km have miA In renlv. And It WS! 1ha)r th saan wherever he went In Osfoed When lbs presentstkws were over and the newly made IVwtor filed out nf th theater and went I lunch at All Fowls t'ullege pvl hn lb streets singled out Mrh Twain, fsrwisd a vast and meeting h-sy-guard around him and esrsrted him te t'-e college getee Mot beftw and eHer hm lunch It was Msrh Twain again. whr everybody smd meat of all wast tn meet.

The Maharajan nf Hikanir. fr Blear, finding himself eled at lunch neat lo Mrs. Hiss iKsi Ifcnislaa Wlgglnl an I hearing that ehe knew Mark Twain, eased her tn reseat hlm-a ftiemony duly per, formed later on In Ihs quadrangle At in garden party given the same artemssa Is the besuUful grsunns St. Jolia's. where the Indefnligsbte Msrh pul In as pear-anre.

it was Just asm every ia pc eased forward fw an exchange nf gret Inge and a handshake. a the f. Mewing day. when the Osford Pseanl lent pie. It waa even mors an.

"Mark Teim a I's gesnt" It wss called by eeie nf the paper Wherever he weal he received fron, ins psopls of ia feed SnS wsrm si leem that greeted him In iMea. ea I tnul will continue lo greet him In every uws he vlelts In tne telende ILASTJTACTTJBIBa GOLD, i i Th lime hs come when gold Is an article of manufacture. There ar practically i- hsustless trans mt ruth and" soil la whir a goid 1 being produced In ennrmau qan-title with aheolyt elimiaatlon sf rtah I hall briefly rotilder Iwe typical lnet'ne ef "gold manufat lure." either ef which I sufficient lo doom gold as a medium ef is chsngs. In IMt th discovery of th greatest de pusll of goll In all hlstsry wa mad known. Tli la wss la ISe Wll walsrsrsnd dls irh-t ef th Transanal sf 8Vuth Africa Compared with lbs (aswiit t'efnet fe mine aer nothing hot until reeenl year hs It beea possible I ge ahead In the el I actios of th billions of gold which ar srsttered through tb rocks and soil sf the Wltwatsrsrand.

It required new prvreesee but science and Invention supplied them Here la a gold bearing reef, eo. miles If. length. 3U miles la width, aad In which Ings ta a depth of 8 fest shew gold In undiminished aantltlee! How much gold la there la In Wltwatereraad Hundred probably thousand, ef billion sf dollar of lit Th Wltwatsrsrand ewnglaensrate rarrle only the Insignificant amount of le pann? weights ef gold to th Ion. but II rune wu form, therefore la nly a quest Wf sf ms.

chlnery and lar deiermla the yield Money supplies tn machinery. sad hm th labor. Th annuel predurlKea sf ih Transvaal gold I selectee new es reeds I and th reevrd I broken evef month. If Wbsr caa be bad. there re reason Why th output should But rasei, half a trillion a ysar.

and tha rarl ran socked fsr rsnturiss wltbawt saahiag a serWua Impresslan at It vast a lent. Not many tears ss It wa diecvered that all ef th soil la Ihs fleer amo is and aa Juaquia ValUrs waa filled with g-ld will csider what belag dsn la the struMSia Fsr hundred sf mils river runs through bread valley cf a width varying ftsca JO i more tea mllea sea II tier ms known thai gold waa seatterag through the sail this squar mile ef valley capital railed on enca nnd tovenltrm, for nasiataaea. The die laat saowntnln war saade ts famish wele awwer fsr lsrtrtrily. Thea lhar ws leu 11 a Boating gstd fnetsry at a east sf am It los a posltloa near a bank sf the river aad with It dredging ppllarw be lo st It way lat ihs ml Th mad aad dirt were carried ever th bug acsw, ihs gld extracted, tb tailing were damped ta ta rear. Taw wss witnessed th mraage sight ef a fact err avawltng siswly ever land taward th dl steal fcesrhliia.

II rested is a ranal Its sws making, it waa run wit etsrtrtral pwwer g.enid hy a snsweiaia break; st wsrhsd 34 haar a day with tnr. shifts of saew: th amsunt g-ud ssusetsd wa aa walferm aa th tarwst sf It awst-ere lie asms wa aa eneaa of md. Ihsre wss no mars rsmansq. ahnst Ha apsrstiaa thss thar I a saat a krkk klia. and yet that IQitan geld fartsry snad a Sjst pro It Uwutm ta grst yssr' XTTJTT) COTOTEJ XTMAJSIS take a woacWrf ally good dog kill a 9mU- 1 -w a Fraaa." tb.

arwaarty of mmy nalhhar Mr. Jobs TkiBigiin. ef fnrbarry, swveral iimaa rwa ds-wi a Is hinasd. 1 saw Manlteha. that had a aad fcillad earste art sally see-form ass fast ta eves her.

lenx The again aad agala. hat tas roiie a tim 8 anaa la. fram (te Java end whsa tha ta fly ba tswaud snap at bis rear rm ahtandng tb wU I fewad that ta dog tastb bed sank dssa hat tb woirs nses each tiaas. that hmd leg Were d's-Th waif, haw ever, dd Sghtwg gaaety. a my early days I reaghl a graal mast rssa saaay araes.

If nat ban 1 faaad grant siwrmr mt tnssa at tha Irrse lines Were ntteriy enmt and saassitled fh daata nentinr ta slen'. stasrs straggled Is escape, maws yelled and nat a few barhsd and grswtsd aa v-egaly. trying 8 ranee nee. raging and da-asst ts ins sad. has sftsw kaiw a cava la tsesat a doff chaa him, then at a safe feeen tha SVars Imu raVrhee lues aw him aad hua barn an a avsy i in waive are a a dee i tp ii VIr Tetaraa Th res a a4 uas a wud, pesctlvai Jan.

i skniik ir I' i a 1 am r1lt Tr. i i K. 1 faraf a' 9 me ir 0 sl esf thai are I ill ml Am It I I ait T-n i I i fn- al i a 4 t'fe. I Thaer la He Ifg sri r- a ft om a Irinr I i II en im4 Ii lw a ar fr In haod The our SS the a tera. cell WRECKED IX THI ilTTL Afier In ibKli ii i.

beat ae fnea rc i INl i ity. ion -l tne ''i- ah.an1 to Aef IM dersef I hie I 1 a i Hut lhie ui I ese i. I a li aii I Shd 1 a ffUShl feS' I 1 1. el I i.e e. i eenic fo.een erif here i e.

1 .1 I i ee 1 I I 1 ef fneifilar rrl.l ef San I erw I.I I a se.aa I Ii. Ii it i HOME tr I The I 8 eet I aosll 1''' life. I e.l I ho" I Irs hec-e' MH I TVs 4 fl Has hlf I lrf.r nt a tenor eted C05SIP rE'K thi 14' flsre tt Will Msks t' A i When ears i.e sttoe counter Ins wofrn Treebis ef Hf An Sf" knee I Tas r'i vine fcftmof i le pr f- rale A Btri' rierr.n ursi a hesa se mi ne-l leva i Ar I Ornat 1 i ealee-' I IS' I he I II pe" I Hi' Org a' thlbtrea I' I in Se-Ihrsas ts hi-' Km J'eerspe l-l eueed ts iii i tff Dl in Hit pefSe nltaesa fee a thing sicf Tl a- Tram aa i rc pitnaefg a. I.

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