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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 7

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

n.1 Vri medicines fl ran 1 11 2 WELFARE Of Sister Republics Discussed By Visitors From Spanish America. 1 They Spend a Day in Getting Acquainted Here. Words of Friendlj Feelln; and Cordial Sjmpathy. Trip Dp and Down the Ohio and a Talk of Business. The Fermi.

Reception at the Grand Htl a Drcidt (I Snee tn T-Day They Will Say Adie n. Tf there waa no special time Bet apart In the programme or arrangement for the vlsltlnn delegates from flpanlsh America to look Info the torleylnd the business af-fatrtl of CinclnriatJJiey certainly took every advantage offered to them yesterday. and more than accomplished what mlarht aa the memheis of thev local committee wanted to hate It. They thought that rather than take all the party to certain places they would allow the members of the Manu- I facliiTer," Club or the Chamber of Com merce to get acquainted with their men eea. embracing an area of more than aH.

eouare miles, and so proline and bounteous that, although the crops of all the flelds and gardens of all the world but here were to fail bring forth corn and fruit In season, yet could th world's millions here fed or. with proper commercial facilities of Interchange, all the world might call upon her stort for bread and meat and wine, and none go away hungry or athlrst. Is not such a fair and fruitful domain worth courting? Are not trade relations with her well worth striving for? It Is the part of political wisdom hearken to the voice of mutual self-interest. Jt ta the duty of the patriot statesman to look well to thoae forco which will bring wealth and contentment to his people. nrTT ar states-mex.

And it Is the duty vf your statesmen and ef ours to artve their best energies and -r na rauiTia: an to prar-r aMffiUM. but kcuM Mr prooiKtUM aft iaiia fn-oin iitomm 1 worwiilo, anf rmirvlina" Wa buay thott- tmriral ri- dui ta RulMd. Kranm-. I hf rniaana I "ao WrlnT of tha aoul ara rtta Vrmanr. Iflaltfta ajvl Italy, atvl rw- fju-furora, Inti 5.

"a and rnuat ha rv front CnnM all lh auo4 rqilr. II will )Hff I loa fortli ana all rwr rtficaiai tmit vitH i I eli I In 47 lhp' ki.fw1a ait I. 4 fraternal trrcvtlrur. REB POSSE To tb Mayor Welcome By Henry l. Price.

Tha res pun aa to Ih Mayor arM waa by Henry fl Price, of Barran-qallla. Colombia. It waa In part aa follow. Ma ma 'iKMnMKii: In behalf of my fHlow Mrgmtt from Mettoo. Central and Ifouth Anvtv, atvl alao In mr own.

I thank you hrtlly. to tb preaenl tlnrm th trad tMrtwrrn- thla country arul other alatar on thla continent haa not rearh-f far the proportautta that the foreraoat eomnvrrlal nation of Kurope have attained, aitd during our aojoitrn la thla country I have repeatedly been aaked lo what that clrcnmatanoe la to be attrlbut e4. amt I wish to repeat here what have aid In reply." atad that ta. that Knarland. Kraure and fiermany were doing bualneea mlth our tountrlea lonar tt-fure you attenipt- el It.

and were abln to supply our markru; tlwlr ahlpa many of which are aubalillsed by their reepectlve Oovernmenta touch at all our principal porta, niacins ua In con stant reuJar communication with their markM. Their merchant, durlna; lona: yeara of trradlce ami esperU-nce, have tudled well all our wanta ami requirements; tltetr bankrra facilitate operation wri liuver and eellera. and facilitate alao the ttteana to ri ll In the ciin.lvrim.nla of our prrelurta. anil their 'onaula. ho are I arenerally proirerly trainetl for -the purpose.

I an aim are not constantly moved or re- liave been done In the way of aTirtnir about I foecitve Cioveriuitenla all tliat can Im of In- I lereat in a commercial way. and laatly. busl- tlie -lt arid at aomo of her lare -m men from Kuroiean countrlea hav, for maoulacl-urlna; concerna. I inemeeives me 1 1 vl Jt I 1 1 1 JimrniTB, 111 Jtost of th- mnnbera of the party were I 'hereby materially helped lo hrltia" alout Dp early yesterday and many of I Ive mother countrtea. them lef, t.r.tid Hotel earl, after lreak- u.Z'J.

fast and vl)ted some of the local man fee- I with you. Hut it si-ema now that you I n-ed a larir share of our business, now 1'inna concerns in small nodlea. This waa I that vour ever irrawln ami nnaiiiarniia couniay is artie to pruaiuce all kinds of articles hinl manufactures, and proiluce them at such a low -osf aa compete favorably oiner countries. 'Well then when there Is a will there ta WaV. and With Vour vmat r.ann kinds, you are better able to rmrrv out v.u iirirrmmauun to orinar anout an Increase trade witr us than any other nation on th ace 01 ine ilolc.

You ned simply to nd take them to their places or to such I what experience has taught ia necessary, Institutions as they wished. Ho the party split up. Pome of them went to one place and some to another, but at a. m. they were all gathered again In the lobby tir trie i.raixl Hotel, where an informal re teptlon waa held.

This reception lasted for an hour or so, and at Its conclusion the vlsi aorled Into the convention ha I 'lata; from the land of that marvelous river a lio estuary ia so wide that to those a rial mnrra nave alone vaan aiiil may depend upon it that the time Is not far instant When your -fondest hopes In regard to a large anil productive trade with you slstera of Latin America mill be fully real laru. to ma chambbk or cou wears. At the conclusion of the lliaarh hv ftatnr i rice, air. t-owen siateu that the members it nr a were ea 1' and the mrmli.ri of the com a. I tnlttees would fall In line and proceed lo th II.

where they Chamber of Com rrvrce In a body. At th! were formally welcomed by Mayor Cald Mayor well. This waa really the first formal ad at formal ad st formal Cald-1 imint tne t-namler of I UP lively air where id- JO outside the door. This tO that time. I frature of the.

mrrtlnar at li Iraal mitail.taa ika .1 Thlm .1 ii a 'I a a illlir. I I a I LJ I at I I 1 1 maai mar ar I i Ilress thaat ha muH. "7. tnaa I ipa ra.t Int. and a hile the guests appreciated the change I 1he band had come to the th- set way of doing they were much In- tSnemof't! forested In the Mayor's remarks, and fre- aiuently him.

The Mayor was lntr'diiced by James Powell, the Chairman of the committee that had charge of the entertainment of the guesta In the morning. The address of the Mayor In part was aa folios, THE MATOR'S ADDRESS. "OEXTI.EME1 Or THE IATIN-Atl ERICAK RB- ion clnw from an America that lies ti our Haiulh, from lands the aun god woo more ardently than our own, and whose kisses warm Into fruit and flower. tropical abundances and luxuriance of which we can hut dream. You come from the land of the Agtec and the Inca, from thf, llanos of the Orinoco, the selves of and the pampas of the Rio de la hotel from th he reedy to he delegation to trap Chsmber when the Informal reception was At toe axinaduslon of the address of welcome delivered by Mayor Caldwell the fano played for the entertainment of ihe visitor, ami also at the ose of the re.

sponse. The party then formed In line and marched to the hamiter of Commerce, tha institution neing reacneu at noon. r-verytning waa In readineai at the Kx change room for the receotlon of the vial tors, i ne entrance 10 tne floor was oeco rated, and from the arch hung a floral piece bearing the word The rostrum was covered In front hv a hurt American flag, and uton the arrival of the tir I tor the line was kept up headed by tha band until the entire party was on Ihe floor. A short time was then spent in handshaking mi excnaiiae or greetings, wnen tne tnaoi was called to order and the visitors anal other gucet of honor given seats at the Toot ot tne rostrum BLAIR float Its central watera It seems 1 Talks To th a la It or, la the Chamber rhorel-se. whose, traders and voyagers! ()f Commerce.

jwestwara rvounn neeo onty to noist sail When the Chamber was called to order the kindly trade winds waft them west end westward almost across the continent ro the very foot of the towering snow capped Andes, or eastward bound with craft rich freighted, with spoils of forest and plain, there only need is to lower sail and lloat with the mighty Amason'a swelling i flood laack to the sea. Tou come from lands productive beyond the power of man to even estimate. You come from lands which pro vince much that we need, and for which jwe have much to give that you lack. You come the name of Pan-American com mercial Interchange and reciprocity. We 'resident Ulalr addressed the assemblage as follows: 'We of Cincinnati know full well that the distinguished visitors whom we are privi leged to to-day have had the heartiest of greetings In all the communl ties visited by them during the time In which they have been in our country.

While we may not be able to say that our hearts are fuller of the cordial sentlmenta of wel come to these good people than are those who have had opportunity for such maol testations previous to to-day, we do believe thul none have had. or ran have, more c.r Cincinnati are happy to welcome you earnest feelings of appreciation of the presto our city: we are glad ta have you with- ot titre representatives of neighboring in our gates, and are more than ready to foreign countries, and of the significance of second any and everyelTort looking to the OI their visit tn the promotion of a better fostering of old or theestabllshment of new international understanding and wider re- en 1 permanent trade relations a'ith you. rlprocal intercourse, I know you cannot but tire of the ta Vr'mliy1 rn'r" formalities and speeches Incident to such a mrrr our wishes for extension of Mali as vnu are making, yet while extend-I business relations that we are to be bene the warmest of Cincinnati wet- "teal tn this country, from this visit and its I lessons, for we snail ourselves learn mucn comes, and Cincinnati welcomea are never 1 or what needrtil In the promotion of such roll I am going to ask you to bear with me intercourse from the opportunities thus while I say a word upon the auhjeet that vailable to has brought you north; commercial re- the protective principle, but it ciprocity and trade between Saxon and would not he appropriate to the intelligence i- theme unon which I of a Iieople as progressive and successful lttn-American is a theme upon wnicn jo Mky no, thelr wlflh feel deeply. their intent to regulate aua far as possible favors a TRCftK UNa. their International relations otherwise than "In the few years it has been my honor upon a truly neighlwrly and reciprocal and fortune to bear trust relations with my manufacturing cen- fellow citizens I have llftd my voice on nhjjpsa BJ factories turn out prod- a verv naissible occasion in laenail Ol 111- I un navina tne vaiua- ui a.r..

wiauiaa establishment of a grand trunk commercial highway from Cincinnati to the sea some port on the South coast; say Savannah and this connecting with a 'merchant marine line that will reach every port of every Latin-American reptiblin. Such a route a.r.iil.1 aave 20 davs' time In shipment. I vearlv oerloal. These products are more and more seeking widentng.channels of distribution, and a-epecially in the great markets which our distinguished visitors represent. Our manufacturers who have so xealouslv cw-otKTatWl with those of other portions' of our country In efforts to make the visit of those who have come so far, at such sacrifice of time ami convenience, one of satisfaction and Interest, are entitled raoor.Kelto the thanks of the cltisen.

generally. part or our leo.l anil ot we of of business thought locally, in the direction cement their commerelal relaUons countries southwartl in the recent Cincinnati look upon l-alin 'America as he rounlrles southward In the recent I mIT. -tivrii" lh flub in this city, the member, of that lntimat- and extensive com- their earnest efforts are prepar- merclal relations with yot. "ball prove JuM as advantageous t. you i as uj.

I have gIMinh neigh- sung again and again that Inc he jY ro friends, we rejoice In your very center and hub of all that fair domain you for your eastwani to the mountains rn, ln rour departure you will be fol-ward to the Mississippi, nor to the th7 warmest wishes of earnest great lakes of Superior. Michigan. Huron vour enlovment and and southward to the gulf and I UUI iivaiTi DISAPPOINTED Is Argentina. SAT" Carlos I.ix Klett, at the Tarir. The response to Captain Blair's address was delivered by Charles Lix Klett.

of Buenos Ayres. Argentina. Tha address was in part as follows: "Mr. Phesipejct: We have had at tbis time an opportunity to visit your principal cities and manufacturers, and we have been received In a most cordial manner wherever wtj have been. We fully appreciate the cordial reception tendered ua.

and you can be sure mat we win iiwiji wim tnought to the solution of how best to sup- uu th souvenirs of thla trip through the tilv with the least possible errort tne great- the Cnited iStates ot Amer- -st possible demands of their people. And am perfectly sure that all of the if Investigation prove, as it surely will, that deiiatea are Inspired with the best wishes w-e can produce with less outlay of money. rrran) lo closer, relations with the ttme and labor much you want end gtal. I should feel very glad need, ami get in exchange therefor from you nf) Argentine Republic should find her-things that we lack, and whiclij'ou produce mJf trvr ume position, but unfortunate- things that we lack, and waictijoo produce Mm. poaitl with less of expewaiiture than is possible for! )y our vl)t to tbe us.

are we not each made the richer by sucn riMM wm arv put exchange? Is la not then the part of wis- now passing ntieu ctaiea ami our aside by the tariff- bill aval naaa in tiuir i on a 1 H. liom for us to enter into auch a achetne orj result will render difficult the real-reciprocity, such a system of trade Int of closer commercial relations with ahange as will enable us to have yoor eof- Americau Allow me. gentlemen, to fees and chocolate, your rich dyesturTs sad k- remarks In regard to the Ar. alpaca fleeces, your -valuable wooos ana tj Ue public, which country i rep- and "bhoeohates. your rulir fTL-.

a. Ta. imneni from the United your diamonds and precious to the Argentine Republic In lai tones, and ail that Infinite variety of mineral riches, spices, fruits and tropical products that in comparison dull the fabled wealth of India, the fragrance of Cathay. In exchange for our golden malse and life-sustaining grains, our snowy fleeces our tow and cotton, and all those highly diversified products mi our numberswaa factories, whose immense output rauiks us tbe great manufacturing center of the North American nminfoL Oentlemen. the Queen City of the North Amerta-an temperate aone bespeaks your good will and favor.

She conjures you in the name of mutual commercial Interest to look well into her vast resources, her diversified tndustriea, her commercial and Industrial advantages. From her hilltops in their garlands dressed she lifts up her voice and cavils upon you to note her seat of vantage, to observe that she is bu tided in the very heart of thia republic of the I'nited States of tbe North American continent; that she is the natural distributing center for all the vast agricultural and in-duatrial wealth of. the most extensive, highly cultivated fertile domain in all the world. But not alone doe, Cincinnati boast of her busy mart, of trade, her work shops and factories, her beautiful homes, her scenery and natural commercial ad- these ahe feels she may well be satisfied and proud, but her highest saJIs-faetToi. and mid.

Ilea in vhla, that to ail tuacacaba baa addvd. tbe snnoonna; smounted to atll.21rt.47... The ex porta trom the aAra-entine Republic to tea Lulled States amounted to orrrctax. waCRXs.

-These official figure, show the difference ln the commercial balance berween your country and mine of against tha Argentine Republic'. This balance ia produced by tbe excess of importation from toe I'nited States to the Argentine Republic, and the small exportation from the Argentine Republic to the. I'nited States. Now. your petroleum and your agricultural machinery are imported Into our country free of duty, your pine wood paying a very sroa-l duty and with us your Congress should have this in mind and treat the Argentine Republic with a certain amount of consideration, but.

unfortunately, it baa been to the contrary. Tbe two principal product, that we export to the I'nited State, see wool and hides. We have over sheep, which produce about 2fati.0fu,aat kilos of wool, and this article haa always been imported into the VnUed States free of dutv the same aa we import free of duty your machinery end your petroleum. Bat now the new tariff bill baa imposed a prohibitive tax upon our wool- We have been exporting to your country our hides during the past years free of duty, but now you have taxed them with one and a half cents parr pound, and you caooot nnier how a tins auiy win auart waar u-aajw ora tryina- by all me art to hotd the liln Amer an marketa. an'l 1 aeojina to all of the republic to study tha resource, the commerce and the financial state of each.

aam-a larvar tsicc The whole amount af the Import trade of the A 'fat, tine hepobtis Itiet was and the erport waa lo 'l ff waK-h rives a balamw of tn favor of the esporta. so be total amount of the Imports aad exports of the Arare-nftn Me-poiallc ta reprentarf by fStt.i'-f.iKZi. an excess over the year of which amoantel to which balance cants pfinci- pauy irom tne innw in ine imports, amounted to s.o0. 73H. ar tout balaaee la thromrri a special repreaeniative in Bun Ayres a proposition for the opening of an International Fair In the capital of the re-pubilc to be held In August of 1KO.

The capital necessary for theenterprlaeatnount to rranes, ana it aas Dn suo-scHbaHi. As In huenos Jtyrr will take ace I am right when 1 wllyour attention to th opportunity that Is offerd to yon lo control the market of Laatln America, which offers a most eitepsivt field for the con- ii mm Ion of vour manufactured products. Cincinnati has many Importsnt Industries. many pushing and enterprising tnen. tou have In these the two things that are neces sary to the extension of trade.

All you have to do Is to put to one aide the obstacles that I have noted, so that Ihe way will be completely open, and the commercial relations with the country of Washington can be easily la the name of my col-lesguea ami my own, I thank you for the cordial reception tendered us. and 1 hope Formal Fa notion For the Visitors at the (irand Hotel I.ast Majht. The only forma) function ln connection fore the gentlemen marched Into the hall ln costume de Hguer. In fact, it waa a per fect drees- affair, tliac haa not been sur passed in autet elegano, and pleasure bv anything of the kind that baa happened in hla cuy. Hefore the Dart hear an a dlscusslsn of the deiicaa-tes.

and listened to the flow of ora- ory and the Interchange or compliments, he Belittled Orrheatrw dlacoursed sweet music in the rotunda of the Grand, and later delighted everybody presan! th 1 choice and well played programme under the direction or Herman, himself. Among the leading numbers on the programme were "The til Capltan March." relections from the oner a "Riarole'to." bv Verdi; Sousa's latest march, "The Stars and Stripes Forever;" selection from Bisei carmen. i ne enquirer aiarcn: aia- non. a ChiKan dance tail a popular medley. Toe orchestra was completely hidden beneath a wealth of palms and other trop ical ftotaert I-aldlaw.

O. U. Waldo. V. F.

Browne. Km est r. riuKrui. John H. Frejr.

J. H. Straabrtdge. W. H.

HAll. C. H. Atslns. E.

K. Morris. Albert MaarsbacB. t-. K.

Rain. FYeds, large. THOSE FBESBXT. The renresentative Clnclnnatlans look part ln the festivities were: tieorg Puchta. Wm.

Schubertn, Jr. Julias Cihlrln. J. O. rVhmldispp.

Albert Kreli. Jr. n. P. A 1 ti berg.

Harry T. Atkins, rrank A. Ue. 0- K- GreaawaM. H.

C. Teiner. Frank! a Ives. James J. Hooker.

E. B. Pispho. James Poweil. Robt, F.

Bahmana-P. P. Hunter. 1. K.

Meaehaxn. F. W. Fouida. Andrew J-rseea.

f. Ijinkanhetmer-' A. H. Hirkenloopar. Tboa.

P. Kraa. i O. H. Oelioiyer.

Philip Pttadlek. K. a. Cowing. if.

At. Ine. 1- haia. F. Thompaoaw R.

H. Cnajie. tx-villa Simpson, W. T. Hanna.

s- J. Xlilfw Blair. IX T. Wll llama. W.

H. Justice. Wm. Br Mellsb. F.

Phl. i w. Willi Ueorge Peck. A. If.

Dolph. U'. A. Savaws. Jo.

B- leal aer. Philip Hlllkowlu. M. Scbwarts. W.

N. I'arter. Wm. H. Alans.

W. B. Carpenter. 1 A. Aolt.

i. A- Mayer, ('has. R. MoFarlaa. I R.

fiaMIBtam J. Cbas. MeCallougb, J. B. Stan wood.

Frank Bills. R. T. Puilen. John B.

Heberger. R. AUisen, H. Burt tier. Thos.

J. Ecnery. A I red Heaas. Liman Pajtrfa. Rurus Rurkaardt.

mtsart Phiuiio, E- P. Wtlsruv O. J. Bryant. B.

W. Campbell. H. P. Wlborg.

i A. aSanders. W. O. Roger.

W. I. Norton. Beat. Sarbastlan.

Samoei E. HiUea. T. B. Stone.

Adaaa Gray. A. N- Speocee. -Rev. I.

N. Mackey. a. Klein. Fimncta B.

taoomia. Jss. M. Ayres. at.

IX Thos. Morrtsosa. W. T. Perkins, a "baa A.

Farahaaa. P. Kgan. iaevl Oaxadale. F- raanner.

Henry Peanre. T. C. Pearce. K-v.

J. M. Mackey. a eHAjtamto Tbe real hosts of the evening were Section of the Committee of Enterta-oraent. consisting of Ueorge H.

De Golyer. Jobs Om wake. Franklin A. Ralph Peters, George Armstrong. E.

H. Hargrave. R. A. Cowing, J.

M. Stro-btidge ami Wm. Schuberth. Jr and these gentlemen turned their guests over to the memaiaers of the Manufacturers' Club, whose President ia Mr. Frank A.

Lee. There waa a charming innovation in the character of the entertainment furnished the noted foreigners. There was no regular bantjueal, but a er.aadms; buffet "iunch waa announced oa a beautifully engraved card aa follows: rvuatiaaa to the Iaatia Aniericaaa 4 by the Maarafartoraeaf- Clab. Jaana: Aaaoatillado. Hors rrooevra.

Vaiiea. Oiuil. -tVeoaaettee ate Ris ds Yeaa. Yeave Cn Yaaikrty laaeL. PeiHe Psaa.

Kaararraase Mr, a ta triable. O. H. Maaum's Extra Fraatd. aSaataaaa as Kenaefcee.

ApotHaaria Iiea-oree a la Raese. iaaiaata XV Crevatte. la Horatrd. Clgaretta. jv stall la.

Ut hanma ie Taire. Saaanajaachea Aaeartt. Pnaita, Cafe. CAUJCD to order, It Was Just o'doch when Hon. Thomas p.

lug so, the weii-known saana-, 4 THE EXQUIl.EK, TUKSDAY. 'JUNE 29, 1897. that she ha, well rou thfnb we have evr 2 rrl tin. factorer. nlM the party to or-la-v He said afored tibrarve.

excellent schools aad ed. We have been treated )n aa oafraendiy man- to th iwMa of the evening tha. th great mni universities whrr(u all kma rver asd at the iinw tire yoaa sahcnlf to se men urrt wring city of Cna4nnatt, hrous saria-ncea mar be le rtf4 tM th I4 a treaty. I am lunufx i ur-r aad wwn serve, Li! hia-hwr edua tan had by sorry to say urvl'r these Hrrwmuiirx areaM-d and "aid WSd press-to. within aer galea for th asking, and I ne statesmen of Ihe Argentine KrMk Soeae- of hi Ctns-innsfi frienals aright arrant Htm.

4W1 na HWl a nr4 kllWlA Mil a.a fMafUa auat ft. 1 n. MHaUl lkl 1t ikafll liUl hfal ITTW rls aplr and doaM- from hu chime forth only ivr r4in rMn Ciat yarn en faliuMr, at he- refeeratai ism -n fy- yotir lit- aivl lwt i prints a tbo Aat4 to y4 'T -mm- nir nftininc to dd iv tuaa tn ma nnn- trtroiurn cfM-tr rriiatjT. jar. iu an I t'l In our otrn d-fcn atxl irapoM pro- llr.

Ie po ori-fly bnl from a country where tne atatue or aan- rortcurrentwith the excess ial 'the Import I rvrr covensd with Towers a of coin, which aanounte.1 to bh.isVIM... while tne visitor almost upM hla art-nth exort was only flat-j Th neech of Mr. lxHtja-lo au i ures prove that the country baa been able 10 pay wltn Its own labor the increase tn consumption by the increase in prosperity, and at tne same time haa been able to pay the uriforasewn expenses. This prosperity and development of our country has been In Kurope, and a trust established In taetinatln; accent, mavle a dellxhtful llttie eayi. He saiai that since rhelr arrival af I'iitiaxilphlai In evja-y city.

ai-t anil email. tnaM-e was a strlkina orlannallty In evat-y-ttiirur. They havl rart aith a beajr-y wei-eome and affectionate hoepitalti). The local committee) (lad made them fel at home. He wanted to thank tha Philadelphia lu-aaetim for maains; them feel at home anal anvinar trwa the rtvila-trv of Tleltlna this great anal tieautiful cootitr'.

He admired our iHrusul lliierailty and our lolerajjce of opinion. In tne name of the d-leriies be thanked them -most heartily. He had come ceived with a storm of cheer. next year an exhibition of the national In-Ian hour alout the guests ami their obj-ct dustrirs, the Minister of the lnterl'sr haa I in coming here. He told of bis mission to submitted the proposal of the Krench sytr- South America as a lilted orfb-lal to dl-ate to the Committee of the Industrial 1 lnsiect the Consular service, tte nan i-eii Kaposltlon.

of which I mat a member. The Jra-iueted by the Fniiiadelphia Museum to In-riromotera of the National Kxpoeltion are I the repr-eent-ttl liuslucos men of the Kuropean manufacturers, who wish to Houth American countries to he I'nited make In Araeatlne a aree.1 show of all their 1 Htates. and he was kIk.I that his mission nan n.a ta ia fai Tliaa nf this arreat I ten so successfully accomulisUeil. Mr. KiKlT ask no monev of i ho tlavern- I hai-k made a strong argument for reciprocal ma-nt: all that thev reoulre of It la to take! trade relations.

In order to i-ure the trade the enterprise under it protect Kin. I thing 1 or America li aas n.ssairy mr ui give our m-irhlaurs eoually as good Induce ments aa r.ngiatwi. rranre, aaermany ana Belgium. It waa essential to have trade houses, a mt-rclaant marine and other faclli lies which we lack, but which other coun tries possess. Th assemblage was much In- resten in Mr.

KishhacK tais. Mr. taeorge H. JMXtolver staoke on l-ehalf of the manu facturers, following Mr. Flshback very briefly but In splendid taste.

Inviting their friendship ami their trade. The last of the foreigners to siieak was Consul tSeneral Peres, of Mexico, who, like the. others. proved to be a genial and captivating talker. 4 olonel H.

Meliaan wound up the ora torical part of Ihe oacaslon with some wtttl- ia. ik. Museums cisins. wnicn were neartuy enioycu ox an. will And in this slate tile hesrty co-opera- I The reception came to an end a few minute, Hon that is reuiilrrd to fulfill Idea off.r midnight.

It was a charming finale lo closer relations and friendship between the I a busy and Interesting day. Iaatln-American republics and the birth- putc, OI liberty. TEKBARAS. IgTRObt'CEO. At this point General Michael Ryan was called to the roatrtim.

and spoke briefly knd to the point regarding the visitors and the sigmncance or mrir presence in nie imru Slates. At the conclusion of his speech tieneral ilyan Introduced to the gsaembly tJeneral l.uls Terrarae. of Chihuahua. Mex- I street Rail Ico. who was ror 1 years liovernor ot inai state, and whose patriotism and sterling qualities have endeared him to the hearts of tha Mexicans aa If ho' were their Washington.

The old tJeneral Is not able to speak Kngllsh, and had to content himself with bowing to the right anal lett in recognition or the coratillment paid to him. This ended the exercises on Change, and tha. oartv aaaln took ua Its way and marched from there to the foot of Vine TROLLEY BIDE And Other Entertainment Provided For the lei lore To-Day The programme for to-day includes a trol ley ride all over the hills. The Cincinnati furnish a special trol ley train for the occasion, and the guests will be shown a number of the attractive features of the hill tops, including Rook- wood Pottery, Eden Park. Art Museum, Chester Park and the suburbs Intervening.

It has been suggested that such members of the party as are desirous- of going to some of the factories of the city may be street, where the Island Queen lay In wait- I taken in charge by member, of the local lng at her wharf. The boat had been given i a. i'. a 1 1 committee, and omit the trolley ride. It is Itrooks, and the entire party was loaded ori I likely that this will be done.

The J. A. Kay her for tnp up and down the harbor. This irln was one of the moat delightful of the two days' stap up to date. It was under th, charge of Section 1) of the Uensral Com mittee-, consisting of 'm.

B. Meilsh. Chair man, and Koliert H. Mctaoaan. B.

Mry- ant, Charles Thompson. W. T. Hanna. C.

O. Waldo. l. M. Hmcnam, franK Fouids, Adam tlray, C.

R. Houston. Morris Shipley, C. T. Wood row, 8.

K. Hillea and Le H. Brooks. Contrary to the usual order of things: the big boat took a trip down the river first as far as Ihe laagoon, and then rriuaeseat tne city and went up the river beyond Coney Island and in sight or the smone from tne brick yards of the J. M.

Blair Urs-k Company, tin the trip up luncheon waa served hv ihe St. I a a. It was a most elabo rate lunch, and waa thoroughly enjoyed by tne guesta The entire trip waa an enjoy able one. and the time waa spent in enjoy ing the scenery or In talking business. which was preferred by a number of the A Kgan plant has already been visited by such as wish to see that sort of machine factory.

The J. II. McOnwan Company's hydraulic pump works haa also been visited, and will le looked over. The Procter a tlamble-Hoap Works, the I'nited States Printing Works, the big plant at Twee- dale of the I.alJlaw-1'unn-Uordon Company and many others a-lll be awe, and as cannot be seen In the forenoon will be Inspected in the afternoon at the time of the informal reception at the Orand Hptel. whlcli ln reality Will be simply a chance for the vlsitora to get out and see the features of the city that they wish.

A party that will be made up of 10 or 12 of the visitors will lie that to visit the Scottish Rite Cathedral. This Is done at the Invitation of William B. Melish, there being a number of prominent Masons In the faulty from all parts of the South. They earned of the fact that at Cincinnati the Scottish Rite work is done In a manner most gTesVs. on "tbVSturt, perfect and and a more splendid lav the band, to the ISrand Hotel.

The Chamber of Commerce Band accom panied the boat on ita trip after escorting the procession down to the wharf. The miiaif renrtaareat hv the hand was of a hlarh order, and waa greatly appreciated by the guests and -the mem committees as well. laiaaraaaet tha ra lie Invitation to meet the officers of the Scot tish Rite borne at that Institution at o'clock this afternoon, when the Inspection will he made. The party will be chaperoned U. a 1 1 1 -1.

.1 Ika laaoHaar llttla Fonseca. DELIGHTFUL TBADE RELATIONS To Be Established on a Gift-antic Scale By A mertfans. Mr. J. H.

Pennington. President of the North and South American Transportation with the local entertinroent of the Latin-1 Company of New York, which is preparing American visitors took place at the Grand I the way for gigantic trade connections and Hotel last night. It was a delightful affair, I relations between this country and th. In which not only the distinguished vlsi-1 South and Central American countries, is tors but- the leading manufacturer, and I at the Urand to get a line on Cincinnati merchants of Cincinnati participated. The I and other Ohio cities, more especially in event at the Grand which I the matter of machinery, tools, agricultural waa ln lis gayest The large dining I implements, fabrics, and so on.

Among tne hall was festooned with flowers. and rarest Directors In this company or national note exotics and the parlors were handsomely I are James N. Huston, or Indiana, ex-t'nlted at haino Ha. et iiftioneh State, Treasurer; Senator haries H. lb- decora ted In honor of the event.

Although the beginning of the festivities was an- on. of Maryland': tJeneral John B. tSordon. ex-l nlleal male nenaior irum ui -an i. e.

nr a. v. I i Dmii hm.vr. a Wash i nst on I T. C.I a rrhl teCt, ana a nUmOOr Ol aa aaaa.

men of high repute in their respective '-T-a-- niifauva. a one romnanv." said Presi dent Pennington to The KriREn man. "Is to do business direct through a system of concessions and agencies in tne nepuon.w o-Central and South America, and contracts with I'nlteal States manufacturers to handle their goods in those countries. These concessions admit our samples sent to those countries free of import duties. They facilitate the transmission through the Custom Houses of all merchandise sold by our company, exempt all our agents from military and civil service, and give us other rignts ana privileges ui iirai ii" laaae veaaaaia llur SVStem Will give US a 1- sponsible agent in all the important cities throughout those csuntries.

I will go to Rio de Janeiro September to max a permanent exhibit of American manufactured goods, ami will take with me an or more active, experienceal American agents, and this foree will be supplemented by over Pl a.ani of character and caoaclty. Rio wno I de Janeiro, tne capital or oraaii. is i-icu commercial city or tssi.issi popuiaiion. am the best electrically lighted municipality In ihaa mrM ft I as lierhr as dav there at ciz-ht all over the city. Buenos Ai-es.

tbe capital of Argentina. Is a splendid city of over half a million people. Montevideo haa list.1100 people: Para, an.l In all those places we wiil have expert salesmen. Braxil alone has a population of and we hare a population of 13.ia.'a in all those republics to Iran wnn. a maraei mat nu been singularly neglected by American manufacturers, while Europeans have cultivated It assiduously and to their tremendous advantage.

In those countries bicycles were sold last year, and of that number were of American make without the name of an American Arm on one of them. They bad been bought by European dealers and shipped down there with the manufacturers name erased. We can make the wheels cheaper than they can aoroaa, but the Europeans get the business. The import and export trade of those countries aggregates tl.isAi.nrsj.i'sio annually, and of that vast commerce the United States does not do more thsn 8 per cent when it should do 80 per cent. We import worth of coffee into this country annually, and wofh of thi, come, from Braxil alone and lo.tii,isi from other South and Central American countries, and why should we not have reciprocal trade with them? The Bogota coffee ta equal In quality to that of Java, and haa superseded It ln this market.

There were only 1 pound, of Java coffee Imported into this country last year according to actual statistics. By oursystem we propose to put coffee down to the Cincinnati dewier, at 2 cents cheaper than they pay now. which is the rovaliv paid to New Tork Importers and Jobbers, in like manner we can lay down American good, to buyers in our sister Republics free from the charges and pro tits of two or three- intermediate handlers. I have been tn those countries for lO years, building railroads and transacting business of different kinds, and sun thoroughly familiar with their language, customs and businesa methods. They are aa exceedingly agreewble people to deal with when they are treated squarely and fairly, and would be glad to- trade with us.

There are golden openings and opportunities for Americans there In every direction. Their cities are charming to live in in tbe Way of climate, comfort and enterprise, and that is our Meld above all others on the globe for tbe projection of our cotnmer-ce. which must be enlarged to give our immense acd rapidly inert asing population ana inausine, a ket and inaiatenai-ace. HER ARM BUEaJXP. Last evening' at o'clock Mrs.

legate end ail. Tasstding at tha corner af Sixth aad Wainat streets, accidentally upset a araso-line stove while trying to light it. Tbe gasoline caught lire, and airs. Kendall was severely burned about the left arm and hand. The members of Patrol No.

2 attended 4o her injuries. An alarm waa sent in. but the Firs Depaa-imewt waa not needed. aTmly atn, Im Rales. Via.

B. O. 8-W. Ry. Good going Juiv X.

4 and a. Returntng. aacjuding July 4, 1.7. tma rare ror tne koum itio betwa au BOARD OF ELECTIONS LVcMm To Divide Trerinct of Ibe Twrcsitj-V lariat Wirtf. Toe Board of Elections a sp-rlel ai ting yesterday merrting H'l reesed upon manu-1 a aueab- of vouchers.

Th minn for rirrarrB book to be rearlam larded ta the Waujrua- I nr. auvh ta I ho Oiimii iMir mrrpi.1 m.ut it. n.riM iKa -nltil Stai. I mill i-iKrar rwicaai. vt tatr ltI of 21X TC" ih- Stat.

I vH i Kydr Catnajir. j-Jv 1 your aror and rour com- tton nnrrur to ipuia ur tnl-l rr- ta for tb hww-f of nr (Bit aaaat of dtrVljBaT Pracinrt of tb Tw- nnrmgrramn. i incinrati wi- nurv. jta uni rw ronitxkfiaa.taon. mt tjurw mif iunnitrimy in iiw ah- rtv Ka rnn)a of all arlthin aer rMMm to nrmmirm in ik I'aiiof tiriat tnri ImunM than inr olHrr rtty ther -tir ''r gJitM fo foil tfr lillla MlU tkWM a HialM nf4 Ha iU Ia.

kl.l Tha P-B I lftMfA tO Bar r1v-r bnauiifullv rlo- thtiik Chat taklna Into conaliivratton lhar bfi roa mnn jnVlx4 for Ih rfmdaon arns tf kom lrat latitat dortrina cf liila country Immj'm -lTllnm-fir I ptwnl 10 you 'y-hrta Ward into two precinct waa then tiead Kepulj be dtvtdad. and. I', ta convenient to n-c tbsl Europe ta lican statesman elWtted warm applause, lit tend 1IT a I re oTHCa arcanEU. Then the chairman callal upon Mr. K.

tioshorn. who male a brief but timely and lMiiLnl staach. lie comollruent ed in the hut-hr-si terms the work of the Philadelphia l'n has represented to the tjovernment I Museum for bringing the taouth Amern-an here. He ItOoed that the two see-none 01 America would not be sisters in name ouly, but in fact, and trade brought nations together. The next speaker wa Mr.

eorge Flehlaack. who Is In charge ef the Pan American party. He talkeai for more into cotasviereq. ana restutea tm roe nqttanaa nan re belaujt made. Tae 4d peectnet em-ttraced ail of the annexed terrttorr tuiuaeily eotnprtalBK the vlUs-C of KrrersiJe.

Aa it bite. I duties upon aU tha Ameridan (O'vJs and aravve the ytsltona a cordial welcome. He esteatda over a territory several mile la that mil bar Imported lna Argentine R- ma-ie a atrmr ptea tor re--ioeaty as lrntl. the chlxena aaked that the pretnet pubtu-. We rearet vet-r much to take lurh cated oy trie late James J.

fl Ute I ln7 e-ava 7 tiivn, rl wa.i a. jaia ufimi 9 SO. mwntfMFn VI I fjnw a i front Hereafter Prectnet will ex Boldface Creek to Hatch's ronouawn r. iee iwniea oreeki what waa foranerty CuHoin' Mai tlnaa. Tha territory west of the stream to Ao-leraoti'a Kerry, the weatera boundary line of this city, will comprise Praactncf H.

Tbis will increase the total etty peectneta to 30. The country J'rec inns number tM. ANOTHER VERSION Of That Klsht ita Joe Urill's fValuoei Hunday Morning. The light which ccorred at Jo? nil's Smith Interfered to save VSoifs life, he Malms, anal got bit for his troutale. nen Marcus came to his brother's rescue, and succeeded ln stopping the light by handing a heart blow on one or oil a assailants.

BURGLARS aAnd the Festive Sneak. sneak thief had entered hla closet at the fin lory and stole cents and a gold ring val- ucxt at ne rnert was reported to the po nce. FEDERAL BUILDING. Postmaster Albert Sahn and Assistant 8u perintendent Deering of Free Delivery of support of Federal Judge David -Tar-be of Georgetown, Ohio, who is President of the Bimetallic exceptions to tbe report-of Master Coves aa to the case of Receiver Short, of tbe Lan caster aad Hasnden Railroad, who It is alleged la short In his accounts. The ease belong, to tbe Northern District, but it was heard in this district yesterday.

W. H. Stevenson Is at present receiver of the road. According to tbe report of General Cowen it seems that Short was short in his accounts. Exceptions to this were taken and Judge- Taft e-r ef erred tbe matter back to the master tor anotner report.

SEJTT TO THE W02XS. Mike Re Uly, of Liberty and Freeman, sold his shoes to jret money to buy whisky and then be struck his wife. He was arrested and Judge Gregg gave htm four SBomhs. Scott wnilams. of Seventh and Plum streets, picked up a fork and stuck It In his wife's lea.

Than she hit him ln tbe bead with aa iron bar and Judge Gregg gave him foeir months to keep bun In line in the future. rEX3 laTJSSET DEAIj. XixroxJawcKT. Yt, June Colonel F. B.

Musse-y. the well kssva Washington eorre-spondewt, died here late last night of Blight's disease. He was HI years of af and bad been ill for some time. LADOU Or theoducts of Lhbor. Tfat Oily Median of Exekta in CaoninsTillt.

I A Plan To "Abolish the Present Wage System," Which Is Ta Be Warked Oat Self Raliaace Lakar Zt-f hanf a. 220. Into thin case. Neither seller nor buyer be show for bis day's labor except a labor check, and if Mrs. Feicker had Just stent one of the children around to say that "be didn't need any more grocer-tee unttlenext week, that workman would nave to go without meat Pricker's meat, anyway on- OOUt ma-ai ncirr sneaat, be expected to go careening through th street, of Cummlnsviile.

while the joy beiis peaied front every atswpie, akllUsO MILWAI KKE ASD KETTRX. C. IL Jk D. ssd July 3. 4.

and Four trains daily, with tail and steamer connection, "Monday" train baa parlor car and cafe dining car. Nlrht train has finest sleepers in thasrorid. Open Pulimaa and compartment Kacts reona haa complete aiouet appoanUMots. It warms you In the winter, cools yon in two summer, and ia good at awl ttoaee, Caxa4's By Out in Missouri there Is a busybralne-J gentleman nasted C. B.

Ia Bernardo, who place Sunday tnoming la still being talked 1 for a decade or more lias been bending at of among ttoe but other account hla energies toward materialising one phase than that first given out arJa circulation. I of what is known among advanced labor Krank and Max cue Smith cre callena at I leaders aa the "splendid dream, of 8o- Tui Exi-nu ofllca last night. They claim I ctallsm. Uiat they entered Brill's place when the! Mr. Ie Bernardo ta a reputable cltlxeo.

fight waa awing on. aad that two men. I who haa the respect of his acquaintances Charley Hanovan and Bert Means, had I even if the do not accord to hint that ZrJZZ' Vrl'sTi hmeaaure oi confidence in his economic idea kicking him In a cowardly manner, frank I I devoted that be would like. He haa steadily himself to propagating one thing, via: the labor exchanger Mes. or the mutual ex change of the products' of labor and per a lieves In the unnecessary.

Intermediary of money, tnereiore the traaaction Is easy. In a long column on the first page of the nei I tveiianaje organ. If money had been necessary to do busi ness with that printing office would never nave been sotai, because toe buyer did not have any money. i If money had been necessary before Kara james. tne printer, got a job.

ho would still ie among tne unemployed, or, as our En glish friends would say. "out of work: but under the benign influence of the De Ber nard Ian Economy, the printer sold out. The a iaa? aaa ill a.trr SOI'l OU1 I League of that place, besides-being one of I that was paid ln for labor check for some thb shrewdest attorneys In this section of 'orJ' tbe country, was a caller on Postmaster I workman who came Into Felchetfo butcher Brown yesterday. He stopped over ln this I shop to buy meat didn't have anything to city on his way to the Columbus con yen tlon. He said that everything ln his sec tion of tne state was tor tree stiver, and that he never in hla life felt so confident of anything coming to pass as that tbe Demo crats ana arree cuventes wouia carry tne state at toe next election.

Wilbur S. Hlatt, of Winchester. Ind, was yesterday appointed a postal clerk on tbe line running between Chicago and Louis-1 -rtlle, Receiver Arnold, of the Cincinnati In clined Flans Railroad, yesterday filed a re ceipt In the Circuit Court Tor $3M 23. that was on hand on the first of Jane, 18lX Chief Clerk Arthur Behymer, of tbe R. M.

8.. left yesterday morning on his vacation. He will spend bla ttme tn fishing for mistakes and hunting: for work. He will be gone about two weeks. Judge Taft yesterday morning heard the TEXSaTT.Y.XVk.

SHORT JLLVE SestilVire) ExcaurgJoav sta tions wlihio Juw snues of aeluoat Boisu Thursday. JXj Xbtk. 4 IfOJTI HALL PICK-UPS, MaTiaeve HoraBs flowers Has Bkl 'ar Makiat Coal Teats. Machaaarai register Cieorg, Horn ana who last Friday sutxsuttad a repast ttes to the B. that woaUi cost far each coal teat asade at ta proposed tsaMs to be carried oa aader that body, ta a see Mad setter, reeved yasterday.

altera hla original bid ta tluo. Bert Bald win. who sM been asked to aaaka a bid upoa tha work, twfoaod. oa tha gioaevd that has other business required haa eatlra at test lloa. Baldwin works for tha Ctncmaatl Street Railway Cocnpaay.

Engineer Her-nung give, sa reasow waatever for alter ing his first bid. lis Simply agseea ta so tha work for less than ha asked at erst. No actioa was taken upon tha roaasaaatcav Tha B. of A. yesterday received Doilce that Mrs.

Julia K. liaanlag had deeded to ta city a atrip of land to by two feet, which ha ta be need for street parpoeea aa aa extension of Florida area tie north ot Chase avenue. City Engineer Stanley reported to the R. A. yeaterdwy that the brick testa which have been going on for soma ttnae were con cluded, and that only two of tha many brick, tried have met the full reatulreaneot.

These were the ftetotovllla Star and I "slam Paver bricks. The failure of the others however, he attributes to poor taylna. and recommends that an additional lest be or der. I by the board. The test will be or dered in a few days.

Superintendent of Bchooia Morgan left last evening; 'or Toledo, Ohio, to be goae for several days. Mr. Morgan say, that the closing of tha school year Is a source of much gratification to him. In almost every school of the rlty marked advancement ta to be noticed, ah lie In the admissions to the sonal services without the Intermediary of I three high school the liic bank or ntorey. I vjt ia not proposed to discuss here whether Mr.

Ue Hernardo plans are eco nomically sound, but the fact that this 'one-idea man" has made his influence felt until there are Ti or more tabor exchanges In the Cnited State, organised and operat ing under hla plans lifts the Idea at once into prominence aa a news item Cincinnati, or Cummlnsvllle rather, haa one of these exchanges. Whether tl Is proa- ft iv a tha Palie. Plenty Ttt Da Good perous depends somewhat upon the la such that he Is at a loss to aca-ount exactly aa to how he wl I handle the new puplia. providing they ail enter the schools. I pun bis return Mr.

Morgan' will pteiaare for his summer trio to Wisconsin, where, with the root air ami nne tuning, ne nope, to secure a rest. The special committee of tha Board of Kducatlon having In charge tha Parham charge, against Principal liaulf. of the Twelfth lMstrirt School, pertaining tn the alleged discrimination of Mr. Oaull against the colored pupils of his schoiai. will meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon and endeavor to I 1 a.

I a aaa M.II.F It Is also I I I i i a ot tne inaivnusj wno gnes Hani Made an Walnnt Street ODlnlor Thi. i. it and L'fc,B2,.J2?.,,rti aai a ll dcitiiiii a'laaiafa i lithe Job. I Knwi-ibe readers may draw tneir own con elusion.

Mr. Peter Herbert, a furniture dealer. Is President, and Mr. William Multnrr, a gro- Burglars who knew their business made Pf.r of cummlnsvllle. ia accountant, ar a good haul on Walnut street Sunday night.

I Treasurer and General Manager. i Some time after a o'clock entrance was I About tha first thing necessary to float an effected to Raymond's restaurant at Altruistic venture is. of course, "an organ. Walnut. When the thieves got In they I or a newspaper which can be used for ties of Guardians and Allowance of Attorney Fees.

si ill have been so arranged bv Judge llson. the tatter's attorney, that the committee ean dismiss them without any further NEW LAW found the safe door open and they gathered I propaganda purposes, and aa under the I A -tiontiead Pw Tnits-e' Vaeeia aa Tn Tin, Up In change, about cigars, and had a Hernardo cult money la not even a becea- AnnOUDCea JuagO l-erm 10 UU general good time drinking beer. After ran- I Bary evil, but quite an extraneoua and cum sacking the place they proceeded to cut albersome thing. "Self Rellanee Kx- hole under the stairs and then dropped Into I change No. set about procuring Its the cellar.

There is a door leading to I type, press and other things necessary in a cellar of How-ell. Gano at hardware printing office by issuing labor checks store next door, but it was locked. The! therefor. thieves- however, had plenty of timer sol uaoor cmeces. thev took a nick and dug a hole through a I These labor checks are issued tn conven- i.

a. ia a i i v. I i. afenaimihatlona from five cents to: atfll. In the Probate Court yesterday morning Judge Ferris announced some new law In reference to the duties of guardians and K'lni-n wail aan'a kui aiaav oic iianiMan i i toe- Once Inside thev had amooth salllna.

and the members of each of the 22 labor auowa. ee. and packing uu a lot of knives and razors exchanges In the I nlted States hold certin carried them away. The robbery wa, not catea for which they pay fl each, in which a a MMKninv lit la set out that the holder "aereee not to It was In the matter of tha guardianship of Edward Uuy, an inebriate. A guardian waa appointed for him after a full hearing aaoaa.

e. a.e.a .7. til. A hlhm wi a a i a. i i i.

i I en roree navment or anv balance wnicn mial "'MU" aH.aa. him 1 I fan. I ita ital a el.lm I. the Curt foe SO.HI everything in the place, turned upside der; but to accept commodities or i il aa ii. i lie a a a up ui oir aiaraa air in i lai i nei a w.Ta a i.

mil ae pria in lieu inn eaai. a at S-ttNK The police have no dew to work on II. A. Thorpe, employed by li. H.

Mueller, of Seventh and Race streets, whll way to bank yesterday, was rrl check for ZH by a pickpocket. The check was on the Merchants National Bank Payment on It was stopped Thomas Mltler. of aai Sycamore street, was out all night and spent his money some place that he had no business visiting. Then to even up matters, he said that he was given knockout drops and robbed of tM. but hla wile said that he never had that mucb money.

A spring wagon was stolen rrom v. Bovrt. of KM Hunt street. Miss Heman. of illuu Wood burn avenue.

was robbed of a gold watch that had been presented to her by a choir of which she was formerly a member. A lot of tools were stolen from H. KeUinghouse, of Queen City ave nue. Burglar, entered Pollnskfa ooolrooom. on Laongworth street, near Elm.

and stole three sets of balls and ln cash. Sneak thieves entered the home of Chris iff. I ta therefore entitled to all the rlehts and 1 tuseai tne application. ne ursi reason I or privileges." Ac. which accrue to members.

I doing so wss that where service, have rii'le on his Perhaps, i fori rmndertd to a person for whom there hS'-oliB'm appo.nted. the per- owned a first-class new, and job printing son rendering the services cannot be paid office that he wanted to sell and cotildn out ot the estate being administered by the laroausa of the slow coming of the Hanna prosperity coach, and another man. who uardlan, and It la not in the power of the wanted to buy said printing outfit and could Court to make such an allowance. The not do It "under the present wage and In- claim la a oersonal one between the Derson dustrial system," for exactly the same rea son. See now how admirably the Le Ber nardo system of Industrial economics nta who rendered the services and the person for whom the guardian was appointed, and the claim must be made to the estate the same as that of any other creditor.

Second "Self Reliance Branch No. 22ir' Issues Ita I lv. whatever services were rendered In thla scrip to the owner of the first-class tiews caM reference to the appointment of a and job printing office for the, same. This I juardian were ln resisting the appointment, scrip certifies that There Is due bearer in 2mi th Court found that It was for the I .1 I Interest or the person and his eatate that fiual to the agreed value of the nrtnt narl- n. 1 I. I. I auaiuail aaw B'nmilWl, Of. W- a ra. 1 1 a- -aaawiiar, i resisting the aouolntment were not In th Cumminsville business is able to procee th-T "iirn or the eitsfe. Third in either event the Court could not mall the Court could not makt jeii.aaau oi laoor.

an allowanca of attorney' feea eeer.f Xhs, at XKVf coleraln avenue, and among curitie aa knv niw i iha BiVh.7ilT wnere tney nao oeen nrst snowed ty tne a lot of papers taken a note for $4M. Ju.r!Iii!!?-i?5i? JZl guardian, and there had been exceptions Some te e. 'eVday mornm a ane. iTTi aaTJl h. iTl filed to tha account, and the allowance by thief entered Augt.X'JSke?? room.

wtTil celvViWe In is Lh -uardlan the amount of the fees' West Twelfth street, and stole a gold neck- bL mTLt ni3 what oLMkTaf il The rule waa the same aa to exeeutore and lace valued at ir, a gold pin valued at ft. nt tfI administrators. It was entirely within the and 7 tn Mexican money. The notice are stores. discretion of the guardian to allow such working on the case, Joseph ttaker.

of. VI East Second street. son a TiocBii ahead. I fee, and. aa said, the Court had.

nothing A list of these business men who will re-I lo "4011 escept where ex reported to the police yesterday that a 1 ceive laiaor exchange checks la. published I captions had been filed to an account. HE'S A FARMER, Bat He Managed To Escn Crowd of Parsnere. LOCALOTICE-. CUE U.

H. Pottenger. Sanrrstary. C. a O.

a Btjr David Kats keeps a second-hand store at IS) Cenral avenue. Yesterday morning he had a valued at finn. In front of bis aiauaaaamiavaaa. aaara aa iwrci via VBIIIIW I I ihnii IH ter Brown yesterday. gentlemen came Vabor Kxchange Wrted It.

E.r. 11 to thia city for the purpose of getting pointers about running substations. Post master Sahn bad heard that the local office ranked foremost and was not backward in acknowledging it, and said that he wanted to pattern only after the best. He shown every courtesy possible. The local Subtreasury Is the distributing center for this part of the Cnlon as regards stiver1 coin, and each, year the demands for silver are so heavy upon It that the supply I ha ages in Ohio, all organised on the same I Is exhausted without many of the numerous I Koai.

toiano. lAiaiaouia, oi tana uu s. oruers roeing iliieu. of a demand for silver James, the printer, got a lob. and nro- I with a lot of empty barrels on his wagon.

reeded to fling to the world a weekly broad- I One of the barrels fell off and struck the -d'h burden of which (barring BrMVln. K. waa now to live anu sort, and be lianur I I thou money. I gathered about him. trying to make him It may be difficult for tha mind trafnaai I pay for it.

but the farmer waa smart enouah unoer ine present system Of miuetrial I tsrl- aw.y areiire me ponce arnveL economic," to grasp afl the ramification, of tht, deal, but it ia thoroughly understood out iti v. urnminavuie. now JT WORKS, earn while there are "aickerar" there at. way, are It seems. Notwithstand ing tne i act tnat tnera are li labor ex- Cleveland, Conneaut J.

are others, there is a butcher in Cummins-I I SB aw raa aVa asSe aw TV a WaSh I at as aa aaau. aa a-. wa a a a I aer ana, aaeuaaaau amm "ml cuiuuirniUIJ I vliKa. SXa.1 a.ysrT DieSSant VOUnW man. too.

greater than It has been for aome time. The I by the. ay. named Paul Feleker. He eava amount of silver fractional currency j-e-1 that when Mr.

Multner. the Labor Ex-l l-PoTltTZ Maysvill Whisky, 8 E. Court rrTar the Home 8 taram Laundry, DEATHS. There 1, not so much anal elsewhere, there are men" who rind I GRIBBLE Funeral services of Laura L1I-pr dollars as there Is fori 'suit with the new system. For lan Oould Gribble, daugh-er of George but as regards the niutratlon will do for all.

for there Carrie K. Gribble. will be conducted -a at 1 p. m. to-day, at residence, lib Ward av, Bellevue, Ky.

Interment at Sprlog ijirove vemetery. reived lately for redemption ha, been much I change accountant, told him that he (Mult- 1 PROPHA TER Wesley, aged June as. smaller than the demands for It. and as a Inert w-a-atldr receive labor checks irlVex. consequence It was necessary to send to I change for.

groceries, be nromntlv rie. other Subtreasuriea to help out. There waa I mitte.i the uae of his Felckersi name tn the received atjhe local Subtreasury yesterday I Hat of business men who would take labor I fliM'sr in nair dollars ana tne same amount I check, ln paymeatrt for gooda He made a I in quarters, ine nrst came rrom uajtimore mental reservation, however, tnat be won anal the second from Philadelphia. Thla is consult daily with Mrs. and find taken at th, Subtreasury as Indicating an out Just how much money she needed for improvement In business.

family groceries, auid when he took in suffi- 1 I rlent labor checks to Day the Fek-ker fam- Marshal Devanny yesterday filed his re-I ily's weekly bill at Muiiner's grocery, labor I oort for the Quarter ending March al. 1SP7. check, were no Tonger receivable at that I fa. 1 1 sir a vaal elaawaaaaa laart It shows that 761 32 was expended for the nt until next week. 1 a cask tx rotirr.

This little plan workarrd all right for pricker, who traded meat for groceriea and for Multner. who got all tbe money Will be buried from his residence WediMs- 4r p. 111. ERK AMP After a short, pail but well preraared. faer hard H.

Verkamo. in nia ostn year, put notice of rumwai. MnNIIMPNTK Suixrlor woi-kvaraaaia aawa.waaaa ai-aa-vr i i a a aa-ai -i, a-- MOinKPITt auTesrr ar At.rsu asUlUCLai. wtslTC at aaaaa. aaua a.

I J. J. SULUY1N I C3.t iTv-TTrTeV Talsptvena 100. DIAMOND a. AC.

a Lefts. S1SW. AlhsaU, t-IECIgBATI. SOCIETV NOTICtS. tTitaOXWl.

CLAT LODGE. F. sad A. a til Mrs. Feleker passed a new act of the do- Vkkpu Tjao.

if 7-aii anaartr elabxture majtlna labor checks a I 1' tVtNTNu. June w. at T-m clock. fa-I Jlu. a a.

ii ta. We I BettW, llll aal-y. James, the editor, he smiled, and said that there were other butcher shops in Cum-1 Bpwriai itu tidat' EVJLfinta' mlnsvtlle than FeJckers, and that Multner was not the only grocer on tne avenue, ii Feieker got his groceries for labor checks. It only showed what a sensible man Mr. Feickee waa.

If Multner sold more gro ceries thanotber CumminsvUls dealers in mackerel and prunes, because be took ta bor cnecKs in payment tor uwm. n- oua 7 proved that Multner was an up-to-date grocer. AO STBaSrOB 09 Z. dock- Work: At. Af.

tarcree. XrTT HOUTH, W. M- Mcxii.i-aw inArTEn Ktsted saaettag EVENINif at Work: ft. A. In THIS Visitors weicaarae.


i There were no strings on any of the other awwwwwwwwwwwwww grocers: they could all come in on the aaWMItaan.ailaa gToiind floor 'by paying 1 for a member- AU jtlf.flW 4 hip certificate with Mr. Bernardo's name "Till. LAUaDaiiJ 1-iiU on it. Then they would sell Just as many groceries as Multner did If they had "Self- T- Mr. James admitted, OT 'CjZmii however, that "Branch 22o" had one weak V1 jl- sptt it didn't produce anything yet except SMTlfJaV TtllTai if newspaper, and the demand for that par- UlilV Ja" JHIJ i.

tii-mar nawsoaoer wa hardly brisk enous-h Leavins at A. V. tVnaa. to lake no ail the checks. What was need ed wsa some labor exehangw factories.

It was prooosed to establish a broom factory, a chip basket factory, a cigar factory and a coo shop right away. When this waa done and all the workmen employed therein were receiving labor checks for tiaeir out- a V. Mn.aair'nn asuM be eellewed ar oaem and Feieker and Multner aad every body rise in Cumminsvtue would not acorn the checks. On the contrary, the retail dealer who bad a fist full of labor checks would buy chip baskets, brooms, cigar, or barrels with tbem from the labor exchange and make hi ho resale dealer take ai pay ia these com moditiea. When the circle was completed bv working out this little detail via, the eatablishtng of a broom factory, a chip basket factory, a cigar factory, a cooper aoop and.

per liana, a brick yard, ail paying oat tatbor checks for sal I Ices reedeajed, then. and not tali then, prosperity a coach might i Ca 4th Letvat. a Olisro-Nunk (Tho Plate of Caves) $1.00 jsre. Ky. Traiss strap at Coyinjtras, port aad pria- -JT eipal ea rente- 'W TIC Flat, jgad two day.

l-AO. ta-aaad three aiays.fx.e. ar Arcomnxadati as (or board aad lodgisg at 'f- rery lev retea. tswinlnr aad ashtat -mloti, ymsaausaes OCT OF THr! flVKLr-UCKLT ia a eoatstry al pure oaraoe. 'QKEOg BITTERS.

a a a-a V-f avwwvassaaasiiiaa sVasf by Isavailsg i i le. AUCTION SALtS. Tea hZLUZL ai Baxnciirt Co- aa. BAaV. SasV, 4VM aLsala a.

FURNITURE rVmaa Ihe rVatteM- Mr. JOHH KaCAUr. Tbrall Araiftoa. ELtXJVtT MiW tiOOD tHraeart Crows -rialC Ilooen. Be-d awd Par law steas, svialeboaaraa.

a ardrehea, 'blfTaasarw. aMrriea, Hairsri a. ttaavira, tavrwaeta. Everest Cnrigbt Piasvaa. Irost aad ftraas IWHlsteavda.

Ilaaareas, lie fri geeo tnrw. ta-r AT AltTIU. At tS O-CWrk A. I la rira rUssy mt Vavr aaj EDUCATIONAL. er.

I aAtl, 9. llaw. fin TTaraaata. ataaaa. AaB.

New Ta. I. pa. raa-iaaja, a ai ihkhh, ii Lawia. as, aUMvs.

t-atnesai Taers ar Uaoaasaas af pasHaka ta hs aiisd Wttb. lav wm lew asuextaa A Ara sii asolia'aitajas to I MIoN TsVACMnta" AtiLlMCICA. Saitasaars. reaa. BARTHOLOMEW ENGLISH CLASSICAL SCHOOL.

laswrsoee eiaeaee of Tnira. "sil asm Saatrmraar 117. t'eniSesie aaaal'a (a baa f'ar aaaia. Twwl-aaMraraai Ysar fauaj. aeelinatiMSi.

Aak ae circular at uae In mm arm. Tlsw-Yaaa, Jfisw-Tsrc. e3 sCaaCeL 1811.111 111 81T SCI8SL FCI ClXlt st. at Kasr arra mm. Cnlisgs-Preaarsiiwy aa Art sart.

eseata. special Maateaia sua a tea. 1 WHU attOHT-S atllllarrl Aeaateaar, PaMhaktU. T. Tbaarouak tauluu-V srstaam.

Pralaaraltaaa Sar aollaas mr asMuaaaa. c. Wntat. AV Prut. LEOAL NOTICE.

THB UHDERAlOsIKTA The Herman Lackman Brewing Red. Br tie. Pink. Kngagaad the aaaalraea cat snassafaav. tar, and alf ef HiaUett Br ta Clavols-sail, Otue.

Iwrewy eettify that tha botile, asaad hy ihera tn tsasir siaas sr. marbeal "The tiers. g. aiaaaa bresrlna rnaelarvad. aad laaat th boses la th aasna sea tlai .4 ee paeaad ara Srajiaait.

i sraaated aad marked on both erda. 'Tm Hvraaaa Lackaaaa Heewisag la. fin it, Any psr.ow wrv onlawrslTy uss ee haa said buttles la bis wUI at Mloaeiitd am ear it Ins to law. I cfaclaaaU, Oaie. Juae last.

Til IiraiiaUckBu lBrtilif Ct (3 reel). Yellow, Lavender Aiaavr la cm max. ACKMAX, Owe af the mnet baaatlful trips oa the Asveriran cunllnest. 4 stearoers each week 11 ti liaae Island. Tl.

ket twanilaer of rnmrneree Bui ins. eta and Vine. I Iwpot aad Usymliler. LANQOON'S. To Set Cofors I 1 Ladies ef tasb gre tha patrons of tho Langdon Bakery.

I BRYAN M7'0 CO. Cliesp I Calicoes and any kind West) UoMa. Ab-solutely uo fading harmless Jo good and band, kasipe ry mail row or uamps. Bryan MTc I CmelnnatL 0. ANNUAL MBETINO.

Stcckholiesrs Annual THB artgh.eeanrh annual sneating of the stockholders of the CI iv narl street Ratlvar Comnanr will be held at the ofnes of the company isseocd flore. Apollo Bonding, northwest comer of Fifth aad Walnut streets. In tbe city of Cincinnati, trnto, on WednaMday, the 2sth day of July, 1mh7. for ties elect loo or a Board of Infractors and tbe transaction of such other btisliiews as may legally come rerore me mee-ting. 1 to f.

AMUSriltMTS. A sat Vswdevtllo reaatf Ifjsa aa atsse silaeat Iks "AjaTrT KI.TICCXT SIirriICHalS8 13 at. raalaataMfea Ks a-raet Ja- mjtf tmX a iaaear-c rv fr-aaa anaaMais i-a- HfOK AVEHY'3 MU3CW-1. vm r-a na a TO-DAY I i-v r-; a-- I ve.s-a. Wnelai wsWra.

if a. Isaaa-a. A Vaa Irri leg Free. 4 X). Acfea WooJlsaA No CroJicr Etaamsr, Foot Vl rT.

0:30. It. I. 6:30. T.

CHESTER RARIC sttlf. AMIE. RUXAT BACX AhVlssins rAKK sff. araatest 5ucCea ol Yaar. UGOOII WATER RIKB -oi" TO-DAY, 3:13.

CINCmWATI rs. ST. LOUIS. hiatntaeiM Itaak a.a I.tu. Haa.

Iii.t ZOO sV MTa4 mr fttrw tta skti (saart rtlT. rVf UtV- frr ft --a. r-e awa. SO-. Tt4lBlaf RN4iTt JlVlH Pre-eaiiiigLa KilCOtlC HaM1 sea' aa-1 I ar.

aa vae Sa0 SaaM Wt "INClwf ATI ff KENTUCKY Klagaj rat av. sTT MNU-aiMssf narMia asavs, aharx. t.m mt atain eaery Tw-aalar at ft the atalaa ta r.rn.lllia., ika H.SISrtf la HI ftrliiaa. reTurialiiv Tiiiaaaanaxj vaa eest Tvkels. WT.

o.laK. I 1. Bui Haall.llfa lilaidaat UH. DRUNKENNESS. Wesnsaek, CW aHasS mmm Vlws Saa.

Joka aawsaaa. SHslA mm aiaaaa a. riOa aaaat Walaaa Ma Kail s. sua Waiasstsaal SaaSW. I 1 at C3LC0J SFECIHD IHilLLLl saa-jy MlM tW Ml I HIS tm lawtil nvatat sj i Mb.

SW aOLDtK Sf trir IO CO. rraae'iw CJaBsnmsra. Oans. ORDINANCES. IHmmUmt, 4I ORUINANCK Vt ta rhssge tho grade of Monfort front orakr Sa-asaBway wit.

1 lo I'liaiiel I orlaltiea by the Hoard of Iagllat laH H. sk D. Y. GEORGIAN BAY 111 1 1 Via H. D.

Ry. Detroit tad acUaac. An. A. i.t-r 11,1 a.

weorsaavry. LEGAL NOTIC-TS. THB undersigned. Willlsm Stephan. hereby gives no.

lee that bo baa Is.n duly appointed Keeeiver ot tne ousiasaa an. ail the peraotuai property, fixtures, stocks and book account of uiiua m.epns, try ta. Court of Common Pleas, in and for Hamilton County. Ohio. In Case No.

llo.44. The Btein-vogeier Drug company vs. juntas Stephan eat al. All persons Having claim, against said Jullue Stephan are rsasutred to present the ssarae at one te tne under- af the Cliv of I ln innst I. that the curb grade of Wonfort street, from Foraksr snue to Cbaiael street, lie.

and the same la. hereby chansed as loiiow. vis: iMnmeac-Ing st th tin or Hie east rurti of Monfort street, with the south curb of Foraksr atsnue at lb level of three hi'ndreat sixty-seven ami amy hundrsajllis tut faael; hence aeaacendliig st the rata flv. burKlreal and elsht y-foair Ira on humlrsxl for slaly fei In la) (r ail feet lo the level or Hire lautldraaj slatytreven and twenty-five bumlredl Ii iJnT a-'l set tlience ileaxaeiwlina ai th rale of (wa end lafaaws in no urvlred aae on huiwlred a lad eiahiy-si, ijold In lJ for sot feet to Iti, level or I are tiunirM imp three and fifty hundredths iJtti theme descending at ine rale of two and sixty hundredths In one huitdrsal fur Ally J-! In for Uit feel lo the north eurb of veil ue and the level of three hundred alary-two and twenty hundredths 'Jt feet' them crasimetwing st the In-lersaclbxi or the south curb ef lAncoln it. enue at the level of three hundred and alsi y- Iwo feet: theiioe desewndlrig at the rale of.

two and evn hundred and bine thouaandth In ane hundred for one nun. dred ami ninety-two 7 In for l-l fee. to the level of threw hundred elsiy-seven and twenty hundredths ,7 feet: thence aacending a. Ih rata of four eni twenty-four hundredth In one hundreal for one hundred and fifty 4 ift la for feet lo I lie notth curb of Chapel street anal ins level or Ihree hundred severity-Hire anal tiria.aalK I. ia aa, 1 eaaat ii a i.lT!l tali thst th grade of the west curb shall Lie as foalow: Commencing at the Intersection of th.

West curb of Monfvrt treat with the amilk curb of Koraker avenue al the level of ihr hundred slaty-eight and forty liurvireair IMA 40, feet; DieiM seertdlng al lbs rata ef one and eight hundred and ftva thou, sandths In on hunal real foe thirty-six II m- In l'S 1 for feet to Ih, level ot lhre dun. dred slity-seven and svm y-hva hundredth, 7:. feet, Ihenaw st the rat of two arid thouaandiba i one hundred ftrr on huslrd anal ihiy-ia (2.0111 In li fltr Ian, feet to I ha jeyel of Ihree hundred and slaty-four IHH feet tln.w deaoendlng st th ral of two and twarnv nunorvrn us ill one bumlred for fifty (2 In luu for lr feet to Hi north Curb Car avvnue and th level of threw hnndred slaty- iww idu nineir nuiKiie I la lairij atf, Ihenoe commencing al lha the south curb of I almoin at Ih of three hundred and flfi hundrealtha feel, and ascending a the rate of two and forty-liva hundred in Ii One hundred for oie bureirad anal tWO (2 tVa In 1BI ror I In I hundred slly-aven and twenty bun- dredtha VI7. rl ihenee aaeervding at the rale ftr four and rim, i. a a eighty-sis thousandths In on on.

numirio snn nrty 44 4sn In for 1 .11 T1 9 nr'n 4urb of Chapaa strael and the level of Hire. Imade i and nlnety-thra bur.drediha U7 U.K fet. i arao, or faarta of fasI eonfllctlng here, with, ba and I be same ar ttmrmuw Passed June 21, A. I. nu7 t.HWIN BATIfGATK Vic President of Iwaard .2 I Attest; Epwim HaMoaaaoai, Oiy tie, a.

AN ORDIXANCB No. 2 lo Ih, grad. of Psrk ay.ou from rofskej. a yen a to Chape street. roraaer tae it oraaind Hob of th grai of to Chapel cBatigwl Inter s-t by the Board af a.

I'll, a. .1 Paskan-7i-Viar atret. be and th mum la aae.a.w Be follows. Vis: Ion Of Ihe east curb af a aaaa avlala Ika aaw k. a a.

1 i a ii an rraae at the ley.l of three hureir I eighty Ils.a, fTVtb" soanding at ta r.i. of ae seventeen thousandrhs In on two hundrwd smd fl fi r-o-. 10717 llU 21,1, feat to the raortb curb of lalneois a.e- aiei tn wTfi wi laria nunoraai a aid forty-eight tMA, feet; thene romnrn. mi at tha totarsaartmsi of tha. sourb eurb srf Ir-eoia avenue, at th level ef threw kaannr.i forty-aslghl anal eighty hunatriadihs vaa feet, and ascending at th ra la wt twa ad elxty-seven hundre.itha In on hundred thirty ri.rn in bi for fat t9 i he twvel three hundred fonr-tain a.

au.i. drwltha feet; theoc. aacendin ai signed, and au, persona inamati to aaid ii." Julius Stephen are hereby required to pay the same to th onder-irned onr. dred and 'L "fl I WIIIAM STEPHAM. Reeetrer.

JVvL, hZr.XfUi. X. w. cor. McMillan and Hamlot streeta.

1 ttlT" 2r' Office, 2112 W. Sixth street, a 1 1 1 'n4 1 jBRoatn D. Cmsd. Allen BuUditag.

and' 1 In.ti A Jakbs. Plka BuUdina. AtUarzaarra one hundred ,3 41 ba 10b for lOO Im-l ua tn. for Receiver. CT.CK Is hereby given that the under- -a' Sl iened haa beea appointed and ouall- ned as Executor of tbe estate of Gerhard I west r.rb ef Park avaraus with the a Gasorse Bans is.

lata of Haaoiltow Cotiaty. oecsaaea-i. Dated this arth day or June, jrarr. JOHN STAGGE, ExSCwto. GaTaatAsr.

A Taoatraow, AUOYneys. PROPOSALS. RAXED PROPOSAL" aU! reearrverj C7 at tbe ofnee ot tne tsoaro or Admlnla traiton snttl 12 o'clock neon of TVt.HUAT. Bonn euro or a rami afeaawt and ta i of three hundred amy-trn and bsndredths CVHI ot. f.t: and that th of thf west curb shall ba fo laimnerririi st in intrserioii curb of or aer a at a level tt tnre nunoeeaa ana ni ia deseendtng at he rare rf sis fcimdra-1 lorty-sev8 tbesaaajidths la ono -two hundred sod thkety-twe i a7 In 1 for 222 feet te toe 11 ef thr.

i forty-eight and gfty bundredth, fast: these ascend lag at Ih rat wf tn one hundred for thirty 44 la fov feet te the nor rb curb ef Lincoln anwat s. the levirl of three hundred fori v-rMa forty hundred-h, (Xit fet; July 2. A. 1SU7. tor tne impevmwt of I Bavencitag at tne hi ter seen ion ef the nsieslde avenue, front aicatiiian street te I euro ot aaaocoiii ireni.

at toe aevet ef Forest avenue, by grading, setting cvrb. 1 bund red aad rrty i-vsii feet aad e.ea.i,. anat croest'MCB. nagging ana paving ro tar. I al tne rate ot inn ana six hundred a waaa-aiaanlxiiag tbe roadway and construct-1 twelve tBoaaaaadtna la on h.ndrad i lng the ntcessary cuiverts.d rains and retain-1 three hondrd aad faarty in 112 la for X.

lng walls, in saccordane With p-sna and pre-1 ret tbe aorta eurb ef BapH atrawt an 1 flies on nia in tne ooioe ot laa naei jvnge I tne iva va inrw. siiih. Beaer of tbe Board ef Administration, and I twenty-eight h.indred bs ft. accord lng to spectneauon, on tlie In that of-1 Vsction 2. Tat ail grade, or parts ef bee of the Board of AdrBlrtistrstioa, The grades heretofore 1 conflict bee.

aam to be paid tor as pro-en en mine reso- wh a be am ia earns are hereby repad. lUflOa aiu oroiawwvw a "a aa laaaju a ibenv I I at ail. a. i lW'i. Tbe boero rsservss is, nict si rejecting any or all bids.

jadajers snwst xrau-ui tneir sarnn sag ao-resa uoon tbe outaide of the eaveiopes eon tainlai tbeir bid. iArh bid to be attom- nanleai by two dteinterested sureties. Ridders to use tha, rutad as Bens ofner will be received. Br aalrectaon of tne eoara. Aid.

HfcRPMANIf. fTCsndtai. A- P. LOW IN O. BtTHHTr Vice Prswl.ait of Board of Lerlsi s.

Atuast: luowtat liBaiaaaaoa, Ci.y Lai LCOAL NOTICES. Hamborir, May Zhh, W7. Mr. 1L O. Jea dird la tbis city i December lDtb, Leaviiir a Sealed PROPOSaALfi wm be I wyill.

by wbicb Mrs. AdeLc Gacrtnrr at th a.V of the Beard of A 1 rrilria. I 1 a. nation antu tat ocioca Boon oi Tl, t.irA T.I a.w mm rvu i' ic- uiy aj. A.

D. ir, tbe taprovemeat of CmelnnatL i namria a. r-- Waverly avenue, from A Point 2 fart sotitb ef McMUiaa street to south line of kinaer avenue, by grading, ae-ftioa cwrb aad erossings. Csggiiag and paving gutters. mavcaiamtxing tfl4 roadway ana cvocaatruct.

lng the neceasary eulyerts. drains and re taining in accordant wltn Plan, and profiles on lue In the of the Chief l.n- gtoewr of tbe iwal or Adnuniairatlon. and acoordlng oa-inratloai on hi la the ernce of tbe Board of Admin 1st To same te be paid as provwied to the resolution and ordinance for swad laiarvmnt. Th board reserve, tn right of rejecting any or all bids. gaV- Hldder, must ladorwe tb4r Msnes and BOdress upon the out -me er (he nvelol rnnl.l-ina h-i htirt 1- .1 a.

k. Ol panva-d I jr two dis1nterestad turedet. 1 Hldaiers fo WM the oraalaad form aa ban. other Rrelvtd. By direction of tr-e board.

Al'G. HKRftMAX.V. Pri.idsoL A. T. aCCTTtaritLX), Oatrk.

of tbe beira. Aa the address of Mm. Caertaer is unknown to me. I herewith reqnest the same to communicate with ine without delay. That Executor of the latt KRNST IinNNINi; MichaeJbricke Ilatnbtirp, Cierriany.

tTOTICE ta berehy rl a.t i tnH has ben duly a nalxwi at A-lai nu. ef raat of in 1 Hamlll'aa'i 'onutt, 1,1 o. i li Jaei.v.lirfflf 1 HW'lsiHK ll' ai.iV, A''-C 'i'im'op 1- ..1,4. JiaOelJ,.

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