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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 15

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Joti Dartina. at the Central Criminal tfhHv imprisonment in. the Loa' oa a ebarrc cf, without lawful autho "liwtitc irfcVmation calculate to be. or which jrecUy indirectly, useful to the enemy. J0.

her oweson certain coaled and sa Unied for sec ret. commuuicaun 1 Not. T. air lorco information. It y'rrT defendant, Ihd pleaded rMin for Mvretlv rimv .1..

Srt tf Ther Hr T. von Ilotlimcr. H'Tsl vr.tica "i14 to heat or other ival Clarke OHW1 rt in which t.m kPP naiibn ued other Uian written Jawtatia is.t.le tinlcrs the medium fn ytilBXi i and Mr. IVrri p. lurchasc defended.

ot MR Asisiipui.iHw, 08 in private, but the Jiwe r.t me c. 1 aklRClAV Court. IlonsiN, the the rare iv.invn in ramm nr up. w. inai daitshterot a nmeer.

iSffirW a town. Hem; left a widow, alio rit? German feelings. When 'win AU" defendant sped. of the Knglish in uV irnnf el hatred and abuse. Slie expressed Sft ST German would set to the Channel I Jru bombard Encland wiri, the bi nhirfi 1licv were bombarding Tarja.

Her rrfT the iiermsii shells must JSin" said" Mr. Justice Darling, "wmurt NA3IES OX PATIOX BOOKS. PRICES FOR MARROW JAM. Th rublic Har ln that thry will I re quired io return' thr; preen rforence leaf from their ration licmka to Fo.M OflW an earir dt. The J'ood 3fin4r rinta out that even holder.

lWnro cutting th refen nce leaf. nhouM rriie hla name nnd address fari the outside cover of hu ttonV. IJy new Order amending thm Jam Price '(No. Onlr. published on September 3, the Food Controller fiiea the itrittw nurhw.

'mmw and lemon, arrow tul raepltcrry. iuarroiv nd red currant, rtiarrowr and e'lderlwrrj marrow and inrer. iiiarrtw and' airaw berr and marrow and blaelberry jinisvw follow be priced bcSnc hn me as h'dsci p'a yablo for damion and apple and' pooseben jam rllh. 2th. arh.

OrerTlh ffio it hi 7t3. rrlt. WHt 110 i Th dte forj tKe Aneo of wholesaler' appli rr.tKn for oupplif of lard on forms N. Fats 13. iatii ami Fat under the Ianl I)Ltribnlion wheme.

i rtostjonel to next Monday. SeptemVr 23. Any holc s4lfr uIki receives. rders fmm customers after that dcte) nvay end in a MiptJomentary application. 1I cannot, however, Rtiaranteed upplios Ui meet the fcupple'menlary applirationv on the first allotment of lard under the scheme, uhich will comf into operation Jon Octoljer 1.

It boped'that n. first distribution of ioshcr maJ may available on October ti. SILVER 1TAR BADGE. NURSES. V.A.D.'S, AND Q.M.A.A.C.!S ELIGIBLE.

An Army Order jnrt ismc rtateo that the conditions the award of the Silver War 'rudfte to men fintludinp oflicer have Vecn amended. Lxuer th new 'ccnditiona the Iwulge will le isauea ta NEW WAR BOND CA3IPAIGN. FUEL RATIONS STEPS TO TA ON CHANGING Sir Albert Stanley, President of tire Board pf Trade, will make an imxrtarit statement on the coal Ml nation at lanre meefinir of the Lxindon Mayor SiaJ SIr Justice uanins. we must nt thr Mansion Houe next Friday, at 3 olockT T. with tbc nd antittncca jk.

Times lat Friday, iinr bere nust tale Uiar chance. The Wn cxilfJ ihe I)ril Maw 1o ajllclBW (he rst liiT was We to lcr jeturs 10 ucr. method of l.rinping to thealtention of the inhabitants rr3 me metropolis tlie ferinm coal outkiok Anil th osacore than myelf. Ins Ixirrlhip ajI. is ist means of promoting economy in the usu of coal, njw pa, ana elect ncttjv reele bye lost tlwir heads over this Thev would condemn anybojy C5JJ tfa witfi'a German ailver tepoon 1S a OeUan iilver watch in hb rocket Hut itttw ta'real froot of an offence aain.t (rJii.tjor,s or ef attempt to comnut an offenee.

jHSte riiht Uiat there should )h! a conviction Stwss ltd aterdne deliberation, and punisln It is net Te to ay This person did not, IwA anv valuable, jnforrcation to the rZ End hid fhowi.1 a desire to injure this wrh teps as he can and pms niwtlon as ke has to rive. he commits an lwbkh be should be adequately purJahed." terr found the'deiendant (Tuiffv. i DiKiJxo. in Dasstnr sentence. aid tia defendant would certainly interned for IvT cif the war.

Jot it was obvionsly wrons that Stae with kex "aentimenta should be allowed to gia at liberty in this conntry. "ENEMY ALIENS. 557 EXEMPTIONS FROM INTERNMENT. HeM esa Advisory Committee sat every day lat icd on several occasions until late in the Praise. There were jjresent: Mr.

Justice Sankcy iOiiBMn). Mr. Justice Younsrer. Major Oeneral Inri Oxvlesroere. Sir Donald MJV Mr.

Esiaria. M.P. Sir John Butcher. K.O. MJ arid yt J.rMocpey.

M.P. Lonl Lambourne. who. is atrriar ea an Itnpnruir.i uuju.iu.t., ua trer tried trora attendinr. At ttf neetinr.

of the Committee yesterday JwnriSixniT read7 the followins statement rcianl tette wticb hid occupied their attention since tYaeatian: Cemsiittee investicated a yerr lare number efraM hich had been prepared for their considera txn ty their "secretary (Mr. Urodcrick) and the ittt secretary vMr. Theirer). It waa found that JtT'ottbe eases examined the persons in question 11 teas who had fought or were fishtinc in the BatiA Army or Navy. In many eaaes such sons Yti tea ki3d or wounded.

The Committee had a tobr report and 'a military report in every case, tad la no instance was there any objection taken tit! alien bein exempted. Further than that, no esRriiat has been received from any memler of the rabCe in respect, of any such ease. The Committee thceicre unariiiiously determined to advise the Esse Secretary that those persons should not be fctaned or repatriited. Many of the cases investl rried were these where persons were of creat nee permaneniir incapacitated, physically or mentallv. amuaber cf these waa 370.

In the case of ajred "jeers, all of them were over 70. many over SO. vi 1J had reached the advanced are of 85 and Tmrit Many if not the majority of them, had Jws in nciand over halt a. century. are strikinz examples, and are too eharitable Institutions maintained by the rsasmnity for their areil and deservinr poor.

Icim fscii institution there is a Oennan woman, ''h who has been in Enzland S3 years, and ajciic German woman of nho has been here. 1 y3. The are eicentional eases. 'Space OMt wt permit the' mention of numerous cases aad wqpien. well r.

over S3 years of In rasect the jnfinn persons. many, if not all. of them incapacitated either by blindness or total or It2 Iri ach iUr Committee had a Vkxt report, and in no case was there JtS ctr JDi the police or anv. meinb. fi.7PC, In 'e anv suestiin 3 dancer.

In nearly nil the esses the wi KMntaineJ by relations or in charitable Sajwns and was cot a burden on the State. vihk omciusion that no cafartiea could he dnm Many people' are removing at the Sent ember ouarter. and are puTiled as to what they should do with recard ttthe coal which may then remain in their cellar; With a view clfarinf; up many questions the following official alvice is piven WTien tho orT.Mpier of any premise i al.out to remove ho muitt pi notice of Ids removal and of the address t.oj which lie is removing to his present, local Fuel. Qyrseer. The local Fuel Overseer will recall the certificate under which the householder obtains his coal'; paw and electricity, and wiir satisfy hiraself that the person, who removes had not exceeded hw allowance for the pciod of tlio time he haa occupied the house.

If he has done so it Will bo deducted from5 his allowance, at his new premise. On September '30 there may be some cases where no certificate haa leen issued "owing to the order beinc in the early Any coal or coke left behind in the consumer's cellar will be allowed for. He' may sell his coal to the incoming tenant or any other person so long a previously approved by the local Fuel pverseer, or fate it with him to his new house. It is wasteful, however, to take coal out of one cellar to transport into another. The local Fuel Overseer will, if rtmoval is out of his district, forward the local Fuel Overseer of the district in which the premise Mtuate.1.

T0TA 1 TO DATE 1.086.830.72o. The Prirae 3lir.ister and tho. Chancellor of the Exchequer will make important speeches' at a mect inz. to be held at the Guildhall on Monday, Septem the followiap, who Mj Vcd with the, colours for at Jcast bet 30, under the chairmariship of the Lcrd.Mtfyor seven days ubeejnent to Auirust i. 191 I ot Irtndon.

The present series ot National War Iionds will come to. an end on thafdatc. and the object is to inaugurate a new campaign to etiraulatje still further tlft Sale of Itends. Cp to Saturday last National War Bonds to the value of JC1.0S6.S30.725 had been sold. This is exclusive of lst week's sales through the Tost O.Hce.

the ficure? of ivhirb are not j'et but which may bo reckoned at between iMOflr.OOO and 500.000. The becqnent to August ft) iren who hiv KrTed during 0 present war outvie fc liritrs l.lnnds. rr hare rtt ol In tlx DeLt in any reriow war. men 5io. altLeurh ther hre net srrrtd as In Ut aNe, 'n fmrn'on tA Anur Form 20T.

xterJ hf the reeruitlnx autbnntks tfct rUrtX tiiat tbTr hate lm faptvt to twalljr aM lierraimitlr tinflt for anr fin ct niilitarr erriee. or who' hair left, or been disrharrel. on aenunt of neurastbcrui or alliel funrlKmt nrrre dix crrtiflt by a Sp ial MedicU Koanl to Xf th result nf kAiUit eerTjre In the piwnt tri VrTfant lr len iMclr4 from tl tnllitarr forces fur rewous 'jthrrth'ui ni ")n Itij. and w2v at tte tlmr ct the receipt rg their for the awM of their are orrr tbt militarr if. Hfctial in tint MiiiUrr Service Acts at UUt tune force.

The ltadge will, subjject to the approval of the Armv Council, aLo be issued to the undermentioned I rains who have served with the military forces subsequent to August 4, 1014: fa) lr.iTa hjre bi pavnahu of MinistrT ef Jfatlooal Serrtee Torm nr irio are ovtr mlliurr we eportact In tlie UUtorr jVrvirc MU for Ihe ttinc brins la inT.awi wU (i.t hare mriv A with jt ItorU Amiy Medical forps uwlcr a Hied aarrement fcr a itri il of wrrtf or ai.i hare, with the muclion ot te militarr. authorities, been erail.i ith tlie Annr oielxeas. wl liave rvstcned their tuilturr ntlciriueut aououut dlmWenient or 111 iKiUa. tit 'rule. iiures ail meabrrs of Voluntary AM Jtetachmeats.

and Ouevn Mirr" Arnir Auxlllarr tVinw who hTe beendincliargel or hire rrlui'iuM tfcrir ilutics on arruunt of ihrieal siK w.wM mwler tLnu pcnaancntlr. uuflt for fuirther etrrlce ia their cwrv. I lof utimher of amplications. lor tienrts 1 1. ant ot fKnciand Issue! received by or notified to the Banti of Ensbnd dunnz the week; ended at close of busi; ness on.

Saturday was. 9.935, the amount cppiteri lor Keini ir.47F,5:i. makin: a total to Uiat dnte ot RiO.ll applications for an nmount ot 1.04!,1J19.4S5. The tnfU number of applications iroit Offlce Issue! the wei ended September 7 was. 16.400.

the nmount applifl for bems 13. .000. makins a total to that of 1, 403,694 applications for an amount Of 37,031.240. total number of War Savinrs Certifieates sold during tlie week enderl September 7 was 2.503,377, making an a'psresate total to that date ot 234,037,2:1. FOR SHELL SHOCK CASES.

COUNTRY HOST SCHEME EXTENDED. The 'Minialry of Pensions has now decided to extend the benefits of Country Host Institution for.the treatment of var neuroses or of shell shock," to pensioners, in nil areas of the 'United Kingdom. The success of Ihe scli'me, which originated in a letter to The Timre About a year "Co, is further shown by tho fact thit the, llirector tieneral of the Medical "Department of the Navy approved of it sonic month for undischarged naval tat ihp suffering from war neuroses. An attempt Is malo to find suitable work for each patient when he return from, treatment, nn'd most of thoe who have been treated are now doing useful work. requisition will liave to be Mibmittcd for the uh expired portion of the 12 months to July 1 next, or for 12 morrths clear if the application is ninde before Septemter 30, 1918.

Failure to pive notice of removal is an offence under the Order, and a new occupier may le required to afford evidence to the local Fuel Overseer of his district that the provisions of this jiortion of the Order harve been complied with. The Coal Controller wishes to point out that the U5C of candles and Umpts in bedrooms and other parts of. the house where there is gas or electricity an unpatriotic action. If this growing practice is not stopped there will soou be a famine in jwrafHn and candles, and' distribution and rationing will be the nejt step. POOLING OF BAKERIES.

ABSENT VOTERS. HOW BALLOT PAPERS ARK TO BE DEALT W1TH. The Local Co vemfnent Board riave issued a Circular tn ix glstration ofliceis wbo are to ext as returning office! under the Represent aticn of the People" Act. 1318. calling Attention to an Order in Council which lias leen made under section 23 of the Act.

making regulations as to the mode in which ballot papers at a contested election are to be sent to absent voters and dealt with on receipt by the returning oCicer. A further Order is. in fixing tho time for the counting ot the voUw. Tlie. Order, now issued, nays' the Circular, deals with a novel procedure.

The Board impress on registration officers who are to discharge, the duties of returning ofllcers the rrsponsibility which rests on them to see that all themcciary p'renai al ioas for an A' utw election are made in" good time, and that all persons TO THE EDITOn. OF THE TIMES. t. Sir. The pooling of bakeries at Bexliill.

a. descrihed in The Timet of to day. sUzse3ta ap ex ivriment in tlie and distribution of bread that lias' carried cin in part.s of lleliinm and 'occupied France since the' besinnins of the i war. Flour is distributed by the eomniune to the bakeries weekly in proportion to. their number; of.

pre war clients. The bakers do buy tbc flour, nor arc they allowed jto' sell the bread. They deliver it to a communal depot or depots, from vyhich ail bread ii distributed. the bakers receiving ei.aht francs for every 100 kilos of flour into bread. The commune eeilaftbe bread directly 'to the people from these which are situated one in each section of the commune, if it is a large commune.

There is no ovtinsr, to the absence of horses. The people coma jlhree times a week lo the depot of their stion. their houseliold bresd cards pay ca.h. and Ietf3i their bread away. Moreover, they are able to get their own baker's bread, since in cery depot the.

bread of b.iker 'f it is placed on a. rack his No Inker is allovved to liave: on his premises other than the wheat and ize flour delivereil by tlie The results hre manilold. The bakers are pleased, becau they nre paid cash by the rommune, hav no bad dehtsj and ore not bothered with "drlivrry or tiop "ill day 'The people pleased, since the bread is better and they pay for it. The' price of bread there for the first "two year? of the Afar 3S centimes per kilo. a.

rorn pareil witic ran aver.iz'e price of 4S centiines here. 1 tkt if iicji cases, anc last io jj me price rais enter 1 T' 1 iL a price: the cr npt them all. t'overnment is not loins million of terHrre A vear ti SS. 'inammoda conclusion that by. it The commune is piefed.

flrt. beeahse oaTE the Home Seerten to has tlie sinlnlest of controls over. tli;tjnf. hatwWrT. also decided I each vectioit.

and r.ecj household ration cards the road tetarA about 100. orders once in feyr months seCrindlyr 1 eranseit Jrtin. li rcicnt he made, hiit control i mer the baker. who take part in the conduct ot th elect lou are thorougfily corrycrsant' ith their ut ics. It is explained thai the returning officer at a contested election will as soon as practicable after the nomination send a ballot paper, to each "elector on the absent voters list (except, to those electors, who have appointed proxies, or whoni he knows to be rerving in an area, on lahd "abroad, in which voting by proxy is permitted by tho Order in Council of June.

25 last) together with a declaration of identity which has to le signd bv the voter and authenticated by a Wit r.ess.9 The Order in Council prefcrtlxs 4 ho. forin of the declaration of identity on back of which will le printed instructions to the vot.r. The ballot paper. for Ihe absent voters wiii ie similar in every respect to those, used at the oi nary iv.illing stttioni. The election agent of each candidate, or a ptrson appointed by him.

is entitled to be present at tho issue of the ballot papers. Tlie returned envelopes containing the ballot papers witl reach the returning eiticer riy post nay by ilay during the period preeeding tlje counting "of the votes. Arrangements roust be mode for their reception and for their being placed unopened ir cly on receipt in alseht voters' ballot bxes. oese lixes will lrf in the prcsciice of the agents, and. the returning ofiiccr will then proceed to open the' envelopes anuVscrulinixe their contents and prepare the ballot papers for the count.

At tho end ol. this, procedure the ballot papers which have Leon from the voters, with the. exception of those which have been, for one reason or another rejected, will all have been placed, in ballot boxes read to be the ordinary way when the count egins, and then mixed with the other ballot papers. STANDARD SHIP "RECORDS." TIME OF VARIOUS YARDS CO.Ml'AKED, Amory; the mercliant thins completed during August were a nunller of the type of standard steamer. Thfte vessels are 5.109 tons grew, or 8.100 deadwei pht.

400ft. long. S' ft. broatl. 31ft.

deep, 23f(. 2.500 h.p.. with a speed of 11 knots. The foltriwirc? table shows the times taken by diilerent shipyards in the construction of thus type of vessel Kran liylr kcei to ccr.r.5ttioB. From lrln teel to.Iaucch, nelft Storkf.m Snnfrhrd Smith Ishielli Hull Sundedjod Pnivlerl iad fJUseow rn vor Glasrw S3 weeia St .33 37 M.

35 4 7 21 41 i 41 47 4 it 6S S5 In the construrtion of the first 8,000 ton standard oil carrier. just launched at Palmers' JarnjW yard. 155 fons of rivets were driven, home. She is one. of six similar vessels now in Hi's hands of Palmers', and every effort is being made to get them off the stocks as rapidly a possible.

They are 400ft. longand arc built on the Ishenvood system of longitudinal framing. A' departure from the usual type of tanker is the placing of the triple expansion engines amidships, instead of aft, so that after tho war. if neoil be, these boats can be used for carrying general cargo. All "records." in ship finishing have been beaten by the rfin of Messrs.

Workman Clark and Co. (Limited), who have completed a standard ship of 8,000 tons in 3 Uays. ine vessel icit ine stocks on Tliursday afternoon. Her machinery (main engines and boilers) were all on board the. same evening, and sd rapidly was she brought forward that she ran her mooring trials on Frid.ay afternoon.

Steam was up. 44 hours after the boilers place, on Saturday, which was a fhort day. and yesterday the fhip loft for her preliminary run, the trials proving satisfactory' in every refpect. Thr previous record was held by Messrs. Hailand and WolfT (Limited).

Belfast, who tinished vessel last month in five days. mrs. tilliers stuart sentenced: SHIELDING A DEAD AN. At the Central Criminal Court yesterday, lefore the TteArder. the trial of En.EF?c Unon Fox ViLupts STt ART.

.25. on bail, on the indictment charginc her with hfgamv in nurrving Captain Percival Grandison ViUlers Stuart during the life of her husband. Percival Douglas Bray, iras concluded. Acting on the advice of her counsel "she withdrew her plea of Not Guilty." and the Kecordcr sentenced her to nine months imprisonment without hard labour. Sir Richard Muir and Mr.

Cecil Waiteler J'fo ecutel Sir Edward Marshall Hall, and Mr. E. J. Purchase defended. The defendant went into the; witness box.

and in reply to Sir Marshall naH saii that in JamiarT.l Ushis wrote a letter to Captain VUUcrs Stuart'a mother. ia wjuca sne saia Hike hss just ihcrrn me.wr letter. After neUrc its onetects I refuse absnhitetr and nnitelr to marry hhn. "othtnz will errr liKtuce me to alter nt One thins I do ak too I dTOl It mr rleht to defend mr Kni nvrrt is nsroe aaI kHiw or the person who ritr 7m soch libellous rtateme. I tatetd insUntlr to place the cutter in tbe binds of my aolicitors.

Sir E. Marshali. Hali Had Mrs. Villiers Stuart a letter making very serious allegations against yem with reference tn some mm She had. Was the name of thefman.

who is dead, contained in the; letters producedi on Saturday, ths" writing; of which you denied That is so. Do you now wish toisay that you did. write those letters: and that you denied writin them to prevent ths name of the man beinc mentioned Ths defendant (to the jury). tl did write thosa letters, but I denied it to prevent ihe Dame ot this man getting befot the public. Sm RintARD said that the statements which the defendant made on 'oath on Saturday would have to be considered, by the Director of Public Prosecutions, ne urged that it was a very grave case of big.imy.

Srn E. Marsha LL HTAii. for th defendant, submitted itkat the ruling 'of the Common Serjeant in the rase of v. Thomson (1905. "70 J.Pw 6) should be followed by the Keeonler.

Although, the defendant's story was true thst she had been told of the death of her.hUsbsnd. the Keeorder would have been bound to direct the jury that sh? had not made reasonable inquiries, as sh'should hava done under th ruling in that lie snggetetl that itwas not a grave case of bigamy. She told Captain ViUiers Stuart that sha "was Tnarried. but that she did not know whether her huband was alive. There was an arrarigem nt that if he died they should get married.

Captain Mlliers Stuart's mother thought that be son should marryja woman in the same social position a himself. She WTote a "series of letters in which" an attack was made on" the defendant; with regard to a man which the defendant indignantly repudiated. In Xune. 1917, the defendant was told that her husband was dead. In July she was married to Captain Villiers to whom she was devotedly attachetl.

At the police court the prosecution mm eonducted without any animus, but at that Court slw? hmt.been subjected to a rrossexamiiiation under which she became rapidly hysterical as blow after blow was struck. The: 'rtKCORDEB. said! that he very doubtful whether any jury would believe the story of the defendant of "her interview with the wounded soldier If other steps were taken with respect to the statements which she had made on oath, and which were alleged tD be false, he was not concerned with that, and. be was not influenced by it in the sentence ho pasVd. 'which would be one of nine months imprisonments Sin E.

M.vnsii ai.l Haix. Will your Lordship make it in the second division The Recordee. I said Without hard labour." I have carefully considcred.the matter', and I cannot alter my CONFERENCE ON RAILWAY' DISPUTE TO DAY. CZECH0 SL0VAKS IN LONDON. A CO.MME.MORATION SERVICE.

A eommemoratfon service, attended by the Czeeho HOLBORN lUNIClPAL Slovak community of Lhndon. was held on Sunday The Government conference on the railway dispu.e Vjarden. to exnrcss gratitude to Almighty God tak place to day. Mr. J.

If. Thomas. M.I., i for the rfCoPnition bv the Governments of Creat yesterdiy that he was delighted to lind his appeal nriuin the United States ot America, and Japan of not to force precipitate action had met with a magnl 1 1 I MW oiiin ilAtU rurh. be riven until the delivers 135 kilos of. good; bread for every u.o TkH 5ri weranve.

The Commitioe never nour delivered to him: thirdly. hecatiV to it that he o's errctsry n.if K. it lias i a hinnv rnhmrnmiw i.t.,. by realizes that taJess either i'i Cenrunv eoBstrr they themselves desire to aji soHalism. Tlie.

State thev are a danger In this has not killed duitiiitive. since the b.i UNSATISFACTORY MOTOR SCHOOLS. GIRL RIDER HOURS' TUITION. vA fatal mOlor eycle collision which resulted frcm the testing of a girl candidate for the ltoyal Air Force, who. confessed to having had two and a half hours' tuition, was inquip into by the Coronrr at Suroiton evening.

The victim was "Mis. Maittia Kuvr, aged 44; of Eo'wer'. Green road. Esher. jwho died in Surbiton Cottage Hospital on Thursday meht, after having been, in collision on her bicycle with a iuotor eyle on the previous Jfbnday.

Miss iilian Wornum. of HelsUc Park, Hamr stead. said she was undf wing a test for enrolment, as a motrr cycle driver in the It.A.F. he was driving a iOt.or ith a side car, in which was asergcar.t who was tearing her. She saw Mrs.

Kent approaching her in Lower Green road her bicycle. The motor cycle tVerv ed to the off side, and the. side car struck. the. bicycle thiowing 3Irs.

Kent into tLe roadway. The cVRONKn. You lost control of the motorcycle Yes, I could not gft it back to the right side. Were you nervous rrVej a bit. In reply to further questions.

Miss Woman said si had undergone a course of two and half hours' instrtiction at a School of Motoring. fieent nurionse throughout the country Wltn tnat spirit prevailing he could only hope that it would the Canadian Prebvterian Church, who. be possible to effect a settlement preaching from 1st. Thessalonians i. 8.

surveyed in Mar I Anils, with sneetal itact with Prebyterianism late T.oyal Sussex Besiment Mr. H. B. ColUna. listinctive features of the old tsurzeon.

R.N. tretircdi. medical omcer tor Kingston voluntaries were ancient. God Save tKe Kiricr ii. I.

ei if.miin. .1 ( ii uui 7, i was followed dv tne tsonemian eariy me un.e "i.iuu uui.uj spread of the Gospel and female, of the Jloltonr Borough Council have ts of struck work owing to the louncii reiusai to grj.nt cUnd. and tome the denian.1. made by National church.

The tiori Worierb.i for ntr increase of war bonus lor nil i. and We are demand ing from the Ilolbnrn Borough Council," said Mr. J. II. Burgess, president of the union, the same treatment for bur memt.ers as that conceded by every other borough in London.

We want all grades to receive 1 per week over prerwar wagos, and although 25. boroughs have given way. Holborn refuses to pay more than 14s. war bonus'. The ordinary wage? of tlie men are Sweepers, 57s.

lavatory attendants, temporary hands, 24s. It is the worst paying borough in The Council has posted 'up notices nking for women street cleaners. Tht Cli.iirman of tho lVison Sir 1. Buggiet Brke. will meet a deputation of 1I.M.

rrison warders at the Heme Ofiice to morrow, to discuss tho demands of the latter. The trkchers of WalthaniMQW are a sking the local Edtitatjon Committee to grant to all members of their teaching service a war bonus of Ce. "per week, to date from April 1. 1018. The Committee on Production will be hearing cases next, week, among which is a claim by the Ship Contlctors, and Association for a waga of a normal working week: News in Brief.

Fcur Labour candidates have been chosen for A large number of American troops have arrived ta the alensey. A Bmushing (Herts) lana gill, aged 16, haa milked 19 cows ia hr. 5min. lr. James Ejt, the racehorse trainer, of TMej (Berksirrej, died yesterday.

German ptisoners are engaged in threshing opera tipns on th Eton playing heids. The Archbishop" cl Cantrtbury hj. Joined th National Alliance Employers and Employed. Dr. Addrson, Minister Beeonstruction.

win address a conference of South Wales Chambers of Trsde at Newport on October 8. Majcr Bichard Bigg. O.B.K Master ol the Felt makers Company, has been admitted a freeman and liveryman ol the Xecdlewcrhcrs" Company. The Mayor of Camberwell has orjanUed a veget abts exhibition which will be open to cultivator ol all allotments rented from the Boroush Council. Count Goblet d'Alviclla.

Belgian Minister of State and Vice President of the Senate, visited Buxton yesterday and. addressed the refugees ia th district. Mr. P. J.

Ward, solicitor, of Donegal Town, been selsctedJfa Sum Fein candidate for South Donegal. The sitting, member Mr. G. Swift MacNeilL After running across the to stop a runa ray perambulatort containing a child. Mrs.

RodwelL wifa of Mr. W.J. Bodwell. of Tring. fell dead oa Sunday afternoon.

Bankruptcies have creaUy decreased in Nevrport? Olon.) during the war. During Ausust there was no Bankruptcy Court, arid thexo will be no Court this month as there arc no cases. Mr. Robert Jessop Hamilton, a wen known ophthalmic surgeon of Liverpool; died suddenly yesterday. In his.eaily days he was associated with the Koyal London Ophthalmic Hospital and tha Hospital lor Ski Children in Great Onnohdtrect.

Harry Rbwe.5t. a temporary postman at the West Central District Tost Office. pleaded Guilty" at Bow street Police Court ywterday to letters, containing postal orders which had been entrusted to him for delivery, and was sentenced tcLsix months Imprisonment in the second division. At Dorchester yesterday," Charles Henry Smith, provision merchant, town councillor, and member ol the; Food Control Committee, was convicted selling SIh. of ground rice at 5d.

per lb the control price tteiug 4Jd. The Bendu ot which Mr. Thomas Hardy was a member, imposed a flue of 15 and cpsii. Harry Karlstadt, waiter, was fined 2 at the MarlborougSistreet Police Court for inflicting, bodily barm on Patrick Ilyne. another waiter.

The mori quarrelled in Penman street. Soho. on September 3. over a game of billiards, and Hyne received a blow in the face which caused him to fall on the back ot his head. A bodv has been washed ashore at Ilfraeombe.

and has "been identified by papers found on it aa' that of Hilman Sverre Gulltcksen, captain of the Norwegian steamship Bogstad, of Christiania. Another bodv wearing a lifebuoy marked "Bogstad' has been ricked up at Combe Martin. A third body Is reported to be lying on the beach between Illracomba and ilorte Point. During tho past week 1.455 sailors and soldiers slept in tlie Y.M.CLA. Hostel.

97. High Holpom 2.059 the Shakespeare Hut 1.059 at London Bridge 1.S78 at Waterloo; L610 at Belerave road 1.320 at Eustoti and 1,295 at Paddingtcn. The Eagle "Hut, Aldvwch. accommodated 1.953. tb Beaver Hut 1.092.

and the Hostel for Relatives of tlie Wounded entertained IS1. Harriet Anseix, 50. was found Cuiliy at the Central Criminal Court yesterday "on a charge ot nnuryinc Lahibert van dor Plnym, hef husband beins alive. It was stated that she was married to lnubaivl 33 years ago. and that thev lived together for 29 years.

when they separated Oa Feliruary 15 last she married Van der Plnyra, a Belgian. She said that she believed that her husband was dead. The deaths are. announced on our front page of Mr. Avaloa Shipley, British Consul at' Casablanca, lately attached for special duty tci the British Consulate General.

Salonika Colonel p. G. Hamley. C.M.O.. A.P.t.

Uieuteiiant coionet oeorge Jlanlen. nii Tliames; Prebendary L. H. Bates Uarbin and the Bev. H.

'Ben well; formerly vicar for 25 years of Wood hall Spa. i AILS LOST' IX UALWA CASTLE. The Fostm'stcr Gereral announces that the ma i's Inst on the Oalway Cattle, Thursday lt. inrludin le'tc'r maiH for the I'nion r.f South Africa. TJechuanaland l'xotf ctorate.

Rhodesia. Nyasa lano. Portuguese East Africa. Mauritius, the Katanga Province of Belci. Souih Wet Afric.

contP.ining cotrrsi'ondcnce posteil. or rcrciviHl, in 7ndon" lielween the evenings of August 31. and 7. and parcel' mail for fhe Cnion of South Bechuanaland Iotect orate, Khortia, and the ooth by route only), Sonth West Africa, Britu F.vt ar.d Zanzibar. containinc mr els. in ior.don lieiween eniir Expo pr.rccLV lost. for the T. i i riin ion 1 i rt HOOl Ol I 1 UI 1 II IT. I wvurimao or antj.iintib o.u? oy oaKing ic oest oreaq can k. en is trsile i tn mid tay on AUStisx.

anti mw un inr rri 'a CfUf er. A I 1'7 hakes prrbread it, will M.ow ilp poor brea i sai'dt was not the ArrnV practk to ask for a tertifi Utter and r.el mails for the Ist African trm A wmn exempted on the; tn the depot iiul his clients wi 1 rboose some otl.rri. iei eev when women nrenent M. ditionary Force containing correspondence and v.rrL Spo wfJiin the class of Ge m', On ether hafirl. tlie Stnfe nrriteet.

tt.l 'i 'i v. ann'roximatelv the s. "wmo e.iTrl"?, btn 'upwards of 30 ear's Individual exploitr tioh on the onrt of th hA tu.f 'It. stater! hat the pai Cgers Ukcd lEdWM fV trho voltintarilr the and weight of the I manv pupils fhwn the sVhool of otoring menticned, Bhodcit ssih ,1 ia'thr Galwry thVMfiLP1: the 'TV State t.bat'..can seeu' Vnd Ja never' found ohc right yet. tb Catn YIV 00 the war and nt I a verdict of Accidental death was rcturr.rd.

IMUEX LESS' 31 A KLRS tt A MED. bee rat, I I'Lft1 1 "The dem'and "for rriotor car drivers of. both sexes. a fortntglrt. lor is particularly for eervicewith naval aiid militaryorgam Prism binoculars and sighting and ot Ktrtcrrri, V.r, "ll wiucpm led many to cMaui Insttnction from motor teWope are now made in this rour try on I av.fl JJ ltt Mr.ll 4 rri a.

'I. 1 a 1 i I I uift.lil I KllXI17Tfinaai I fl rf I I A 1 1 1 1 TT 1 If 1 fcSfir I 1 1 1' 11 Ii ininrmpfi SwitWuir ralization iS itatit a.n nl 11 elocfc in i.h iMiiji i ot tan wfji and forms. No rl and tho pro tt nvn: The Committee will ,2 Wmminsier Hall, tf a since the litST. lVrnrTi. 1,.,, tase.

tu. pnn.u aooross. tei wK wraiMed nnre include yours. noniNso.v smitii AmerjeaTv Cemmitt. of Fng rcers in London 6.

Coppall tivf Kije, Sept 16 surox I WEixnnnG's that in certain cases the tuition obligations have not. hee.iv. carried, out. the actual time given to driving being. inadequate to ensure The asfociaticn will, in interests of reotorinc, give advice as.

to the selection i of it.s head oflVe in London (Fannni House. WJiitcotnlt strcet, C.2I rnd at the branch offices Birmingham. Manchester. Leeds, Norwifh. Exeter.

Plymouth. lucn would nave neeii coniierea.iinpo& in i On' this supply largely depends tf; sighting, of I' boats and the saf' ty cf oifr shij. her smal in 1313. the omen oikers are still neejled for the manufacture of lenses and pri 'ms. 'They will receive inst turf ion" at the Northampton Polytechnic Iiu titute.

lerk enwell. with maintenance, during course cf from six to 16 If. finite positions' in. factories in the Metro politan area are assured to tramit students. Ir.telli jSfMOv ased IT.

a furrier, of Dur wjs io tree month' imprisoninent. ceiied the Automobile As. with hard Jar Air, as rogue v.ig.d,ond, i filHs. if beeess irv ts Wni. fconrt, He orislnallv Vprotec'Uon of the.

puidic. charged with concerned with twy. others iL 1 Itrtstol. Cardiff. Glasgow.

and 'Dublin. When gent women between the ages of .1.6 and 30. not already have cau to be flrssatistierl with the tuition re ehgng(l on war work. are astr.l to apply lor training srociation will cor.sioer the. the Director, Optical.

Mututicns 1 rammg School. ke strong action lor the Northampton Polytechnic Institute, so, St. Johs jbtm London, H.t'.l. st' ew. t.

ns. uere'ore i i. ft Htt. of their lives and 1.,, Lfl iW'l' )tve 'their e. ises ecv time' ta Trti um ommit "a shop Prn(l i Paddh and wiUi liavitig hou i Ii bt trfissession In re i.a.

i I .1 i vui o.j.'i'.ni. e'rfric Tl.T.1.'. nr. snip jirrmsn. rn.irgeii torch to hreal: fii the About 1 eVloek in the nt ljiveet ot esti rday With de erting hi's acting HKniing.

he iUMiel. Uf utvl the in a if.ninftr to cau. mii'inv. sedilon. and dis i iriKi.

i rrt i i i l. i. I txn a. anv time, lie V. .7., told rfiliecilli new.

jihi iuiiiikii.ih,' nn nave een i'kci) i n.u"iv F1HEMA X'S THREAT TO CAPTAIX. KITCHEXEil SCHOLARSHIPS A WAItD. NAVA APPO I NT.MENTS. were yrii for iJaty Tr)tb "3rin Jr 'i ii. Areter and II.

cx. fto Acaaeriim': anl. It was stated that the in. rrrt iT.fc. i i tt" sretarr.

Certificate ff ran eon tet.i S. ...1 wiss gf.i i iu 4 the danger Tor the sen.n.l encin. er went fcfWH" 'v Boy. Courts' of Ii'ii 'l tTV of so iW. tol'l the stoiriiold and found prisoners furnace nV The CoKrr.

'ttee will issue a xvA rn 'V'V1 1Mn choked. The prisoner used bad language. and iPtr jlift was not Siejis be had tnwite.J:that do' Janeiro. On. one oc.asion" lie antl inen jawed that; the.v emfrfesiisl that 'lie' liad iftterfenNl will.

flu. would rbnre, the li. The rJlir innii sai.l hi i 't. wd''u iiaii feoji meupg ou. iii lor j.

idge awl told the captain that hV iui mis aiii g.iuoiis aauisi mm vwrre i. j. e. J)iidgr told the th. it fi would give hiin i a way to a German.

siilmi.Tine ominander Ijad 4 JI V. il lip if 1 1 i Vaptain of nnother ship. The police that 'f piivorier btai that ship and she was tor pedoed. A icnter ce of fix imprisonment was passed. The Council the Inl' National Meinoriol has avard Kiteli.

nT Sclinlarships the f'jliowing disabled. and men If, .1 STMS. Ile lleiilrrnnt. 'ar. ttlitil urzh Triiers ty llarli.

lri Lit sn niul i lreyil Kcrre. three jf ars. utHi 1'riTrisitv 1 S. Iiinvi'. late ITn i.t.

Ir.c. rrais. S'lw Oiffrd A. Wnnn rs. Uie li.

iitfiiarit. lf. I VW Artilleiy. I6 if iilUciumb I. xis.

i Lite te. WeWi t.e sr. TJren eol i W. i.kVY. Lite WH oiid Iifutei irt.

lt' Ijtjicvhir l'r; meet. to i jear. Oillesr rf Ki a 'i'. It. J.

I ta'e prtiieiiar t. i "cn t. tla.t jrits. Am tro foller. Newcastle aid 1..

ami 1 Ls. nOiiCrr, Utytl Jjijicetn. die sear. 'fchfCeli! Vrherslty. LA H'.

XOTICES, SEPT. 117. fi w. p. i nanhruptcy.

i At r.rev rt.t 11 fltrtrrals. P.K fraren, i V. Tt I.i.:p. R4vt Orirr i rt; i jl II 'riir? a rirrvrr 1 llALF AX UOUlt OF FAUST." A MU UXI TJ AS OA TS. Colonel H.

Xi: C'oKi ii'i whrn gain presided r.t a Sliip slrert loiin Keoiv Mm 1 VVG0P ALL BRITISH TYRES W00D MILNE, 21, Albion Gaythorh, Manchester, LONDON Telephone Tclcfaras 42 46. wigmore Street. V.M Mayfair 735. 6769. 6799.

Tudmiln; Wcido. Londsa." At the Palladium" this week the Sir Thomas'. Bi erh un ojH 'ra ballet herns presents alw.iit of iitirelv r.d;nrow'! ball 1. 1 chorus. Trne.

Valentine (Mr. Williruii 1 MkhMi. Mffist. (Mr. Frclerick ai.d oin or two others, put but iif ftl.or Fniirt iiorMamii.Tite is poc ii h.

nrd Hu ll the ballet arc the i hief of the ve jpovji de uka i i tV p' i If I'V. Jw. i Hnxivrsv IH At 1'ark. J. was 'rgru with having had mi i fncnt.

by Mr. Julius Harrison, thev TO:" K' r. r. lsum Ur on June 22 50.00 1 pleasant a Jarge vrry xvelN.i; ftJ5 h. r' n.

if. rtattrr I 7a c.Ajel auf at larer.ii'eaiaiiict rouwU of Jjail cartridge perind Iroin the i espenMly. tlie br.Iiet. with Miles. SrV.

R'iSm17 Swwi.T 'J i '1; 1 cornp nt military 'authority, mid with having aided Vidois. I.uise Maisic, Lily Gerald, and Anna 'MTTrW. I Tm.Tit' i VfB" 'Ft Crta ef Jtt.i i Sfaetera. nd altttd Janu M. to transfer the aromutdtiofi principals.

Antral Cr'minal Court dispose of H. Uo. plcadd Gyihy." P' ttKi i'! ''ie t. for the prosecution that, th an muni, L0XG SHIPYARD ir.7., rlV inr. rs tria: 4i v.

ll! "7 vV.1 Messrs. Gray and Co. (Limited) have 2i wo 1 ni, 'irS IvVAXZi.1, THln who' have completed more, 10 years' son Cu. C. W.

Tmyra. to raUc cf SU8 P.rt kJ.Ii. "JV v.v Throe arc foremen, wliose conibined "st riice exc lori, 1 fTcr Pr ower) At 10.30; i2 i T' 7, 1 10 years Mr. James Blackwood, foreman tu a 10 "UJb" v' taa yiwrs wrvicvj nueman ti, (2X71 and he Mr. James McNeil, foreman in irnfFcrve jrn irnnrfp of the repair department (4 1 1.

dr. McNeil haa i "wrir? 1 fjwlnt. Mr. Z. 12 C.

A. CliKXEUl: Sn.t tl OFFICIAL SCIIATCUIXCS. ai rcaslttj ftily, ni (Jem Uexa jtarllaj colt. Tlie provision cf. homes for" munitions workers within reach rif tlie fhctory is not always easy.

One i finii in the r.o'rh west of EngLmd is viluige of fully 4, poo iiouv? lor tn nceomnioci isum of 15,000 At presrrit 300 hoiws ato in rriurse of C'" truclion. Tliere are grass omi i spaces for along tlie front of each block. A church, scliool. pU grouTid. and refreshnicnt homo arc includedJn! the plans.

Thc village haa already its own fairn for eppijing rniliu ST. ALBAXS JIEMOJilAL PICTURE. rkers at ice. eods rner black charre seen 1 some vessyis year turr.en our auer jiu! t7uring las 41 years senii he ha. seen nearly I I v0u0 new vi'ssi'ls launched.

Mr. Frank O. Salisbury's picture of the funeral, pro cessioij of Queen Eleanor through SU Albans, pur VhaMl by Aldcnnan' Faulkner and priwcntcd to St Albans Catliedral'by hini and his wife, as a memorial to Hertlordsliire men who" have fallen in the war, was yesterday unveiled by MrsFaulkncr and dedicated by the Dean of J5L After acknowledging a "seaman's salute at a level cffe sing at Sheerney Commander" Cherles Walter Campl ell Sliicklaud, K.N.,, stepped on the raits without noticing a train which was approaching. Ho jumped back but was knocked do and received injurk from which he died: At the inquest a ol Accidental Death was returned. 1 2039 LOTUS F.N'5 ivlj 'time boots male fairlv ire' with by Lotus Ltd, arc Jr good supply at ali shops appointed to sell Lotus, and Delta; 'fhey arc midb oh a Aaricty of lastsj to plcaec purchascrs'individijal shape of toes but'a'Iscl to ensureftr creates, comfort in 'wcarj.

At half the tot of a pair, mep irith 'only, one! leg arc supplied tvith 'stngle r.o more than other iricr." tKcir bo The shops, too, thrvcatwot send to Lotus Ltd' for raTrs asih rrc war days, car. still eri" any. tints fur singles and get then, by 'return of boots or shocst rights or 'lefts and at I 1 1 the cost of; a pair only, men vritrf odd feet, the pr.c foot bigger than the othar, Lotus Lti, Stafford Makers of Lotus and Delta Boots City Ttkphoas Loadoa Wall 69.S9 1. 1 Pru ej Fairs SinsleJ Boots S7 13,3 bhoes Price branded on the solos by th 'makew.

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