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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 3

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1907. XIAL AND FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE, RUSSIA. MURDER OF GENERAL PAVLOFF. (no orn Luio mhon already contains not too little but DEATH OF THE QUEEN OF HANOVER. bare for the but few days rapt ured THE TRANSVAAL ELECTIONS.

JOHANNESBURG, Jan. Mr. H. C. Hull, a member of the existing Legislative Council, who belonged to the Nationalist party and bad decided not to stand the new Transvaal Legislature, VIENNA, Jan.

I. The Queen of nanorcr died at 4 clock this afternoon at Gmunden In the 88th year of her age. Though her condition bad foe aome daya been critical, and the probability of ber reeover log from the recent operation teemed mil. the for election latest bulletin, did not point to an immediately has now accepted nomination by Het Volk 1 KTKR8BDR0, noUced at 6 a.m. disappeared la the course of the member of the Hct Volk party.

Mr. Hull has rnl Pavloff, Mililary Prosecutor General. I morning, bnt this improvement rnnidlv expressed his appreciation of the confidence this rooming, while walking in a i followed by a relapse and death. 1 garden in the rear of his apartment, by a Upon receiving the intelligence from the Duke laticeary disguised as a clerk of toe war of Cumberland, the Emperor Francis Joseph; The final voters" roll will be published next (Vx. His aailant fired six revolve shot immediately countermanded the Hungarian Court week, and it is most probable that the elections sMMtti into the abdomen of the General, who ball which was to have taken place on Saturday 'm place in the lat week in February.

In haihed in bloxl and almost immediatelv next. Great disappointment prevails at Buda 1 The new Constitution will promulgated on Wl i pest, as extensive preparations had been made in i the 12th inst ou whioh uat the post of Lieu i Tiewof the Court ball, which the whole Diplo tenant Governor will ipto facto lapse and Lord fc 7.r ma tic Corps was to hare attended, ueioorne will be sworu in as Governor under a ial. which lies several blocks Tht it Oimmwi rJ Hinnrn. jj new Commission. Ma Catherine (Wl fnvn tho Moika Canal, near which the Austria since 1M0.

partly at Penxing. a suburb dcr place. He was pursued by police of Vienna, and principally at Gmunden. Her c.wbo fired on him and wounded him slightly husband, King Genre died here in 1878. VIENNA, Jan.

9 All the reports received here regarding a Sunday, and her death was fully expected. returned the fire of the ne of them, and continued it herine Canal. Here he Queen Mary of Hanover, who THE NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERIES. THE MODUS T1YENDI AND THE BAIT ACT. ST.

JOHNS, Jan. 8. The three Judges forming the full Bench of the hAarinir of the of Hoem I if their example were followed and if the nnr. tjj 0. thn knights of intellect and the masters of the arts iieu ponce, wno immeoiateiy VV tn 01 uie magistrate wiere, wno on govern.

wont to thoir duties a cit ZZ' ber 15 fined them nearly 82 old a 1 that I still have confine itself to an inland policy, but must, like I January moke was sess to riss from tbs volcano, and the other great nation, develop colonies and partiei country tbs awaatsia was Hlmnisatsd with vented wide circles of the i Date in rFeJtooJittlr. The lateness of the date at nashes of ml flre. which the German Empire had been established deacn matter or by disturbances isside the bad delayed colonial development and had pre Owing to the Urge amota realizing oscrvstory were onaaio orach the summit, and for phsnotnenon are lacking. Through Renter a Agency. TUB AUTOMOBILE WDC8TBY.

THE GERMAN ELECTIONS. THE BERLIN rNTELLECTTJALS." (fbom oca owx ooaasspoNDEvr.) BERLIN. ax. S. The meeting which assembled in the Berlin Academy of Mnsie to bear a lecture by the Colonial Director, Herr Demburg, last night is already beinz snoken of as the nartv of the Keichstae which would desl "Intellectuals." Professor Hans Delbrtek no petty or hesitoting spirit, which would not referred to the spontaneous character of the J1 fact that when last the Intellectuals indulged appoint a committee which.

witbont in a demonstration it was directed against the intervening in the agitation of parties, would club) Mr (luH r.ri iwket. Hill Hr Government and in particular against Count von endeavour to extend and deepen the appreciation Rcper Parkini ton, Mr. Mdney Straker (prasidMit of ihe A diier cf the Loodnn Chaator hell last right at the Trocadero Restaurant, and was fallowed by a diwmsnoD on Aatoroobilism." Mr. STASXET MaCHTV (deprrtT cheiri! I gtilervn iacludel lrd Montagu of Beaulieu. the Zedlitz Prussian Education Bill of 1891 92, with I gjggP011 and WfJ mone the uuflS! he result that the Bill was withdrawn, while atrthor resigned office.

The Berliner TojeWatt. however, contrast the contemporary Berlin Intellectual with those leaders of the intelligence of France who played a prominent part in the Dreyfus struggle, and says that they have by no means invariably exhibited so strong a feeling for liberty or a similar spirit of self sacrifice. Indeed, the majority of them have held their tongues on occasions when the intellectual liberties of the nation were being menaced or infringed." Men like Virchow and Mommsen were of a different stamp, and German public life would have everything to gain said that He i a tall fair youth, apparently between 20 35 years of age. To all questions he replies vita a smile, and. so far.

the police have no clue kr identity. General Pavloff body was discovered by a Prosecntor General them $500 (100) each, with the Professors Delbriick. Serin. Schafer.

M2rT Iampe, Schmoller, Yatrow. and Kabl. a well a fhe Bntomobile indwtr great progras during the last few Tears, la 19U3 the imported cars amounted to and in 19U0 ther had reached the value of U. 06 1.000. Last rear there was ind the distribution of TVIf tT ban bcldin; ii he ex Miniter of State Herr Hentie.

were elected member of the committee. committee is apparently intended to arrange for the leaflet" THE AUSTRIAN REICHSRATH. (FROM OCa OWN VIENNA, Jan. 1 Throne under the title of George V. in 1851.

alternative, of three months' imprisonment, for to this general indictment, such Gtttonwith great strength of will and fortitude iaung tne colonial Bait Act by putting yeioniok nimseii. wno a lew years ago was con of character she alwred with equal dignity and herring on board a foreign vessel within New demned to a disciplinary punishment by the courage all the cruel vicissitudes which fortune lonndland waters without having previously Ministry of Education beeause in a magazine the Crown was argued by Sir K. P. Morris, K.C.. Danish popoJatkJB Of EfcMeawlg by the German the Attorney General, and Mr.

J. M. Kemp. I authorities a wrong that cried to Heaven." K.C., while that for the defence was in the hands i Professor Delbnlck was only fully forgiven when The Austrian Chamber reassembled to day for the last time before the expiration of lative mandate. Some 33 Bills and report: of them three week and business, baf is hoped that their author aoisr.

naturally a number of exceptions maehSne hh been qusirtion waa imdocbtedly Lt the botn. Muumk si ihe unrAjpalarity of the motor car in Kngland. and he hoped raiaedby vehicles nipiily pwixiS lonj them. thought portant. await adoption dn ring the hewfre'eaAned that remain.

A large number of w.ter roai. In his opinion heavy imTtioa vehicle to disguise its gravity from the public od entertained by the revolutionaries for "lnulr ft nnd in taUte possession. Whether in questions of State policy peeson. tiuir eyes, chiefly reapon influencw aJwaya wise may perhaps be the rigonm application of the death djuted. lu both internal and external questions ia ah dwiag ih bud twelve months, the antagonism between the Courts of Hanover he had ceascl to believe in the nd of Prussia increased steadily throughout the ate possibility of an attempt on his life tn.iibled period of Oemanhistoiy which preceded against attacK.

nis a pan men was in Kiiur Georoe took aidea with Austria and had of Mr. V. II. Howlev. Crane and Dubois, who are residents of Bay of Islands, went outsido the three mile limit on November 8 and joined the American fishing vessel Ralph L.

Hall, of Gloucester, Massachusetts, under the terms of the nio.t m'tendi concluded on October (f by the British and American Governments, which provided that the shipping rhile the servant of a colonel who ighbonring apartment had absolute wnatcver during Uie den ateem of his master. General Pavloff the premises of the Court, taking his daily a mite garacn on tne court yara wnere Irrcing his way to the General's presence acre, and suggests that the revolutionary egaairation which has effected the recent assassinations has attained a degree of technical perfect Km which makes it extremely dangerous to the chief representatives of the bureaneraev. Tbe effect of this fresh outbreak in Court eirclee will probably be to discredit M. Stolypin's policy ad strengthen purely reactionary influences. ST.

PETERSBURG, Jaa. General Pavloff's assassin wore the uniform of a subordinate emjJoyc of the Militarv Chan ry. He v. as the bearer of a delivery receipt bok and of three parcels addressed to administrative offices. Tlie rceipt book contained two receipt signatures written in the same hand.

Before being arreted the assassin, who carried two revolvers, fired IT shots, whereby one killed and another gendarme and a ere wounded. The evening papers state that of interference or be penal ,11 the servants of pay the extreme penalty of defeat. His kingdom repudiated failure of the attempt to brinjr about anv sortofi determine the issue whether the modus arrangement between the Guolphs and the 1 Aet shall predominate, and Hohenzoilerns ha been generally asenned in great measure to Queen Mary's influence, and important of iding her colonial statutes 1 Empire then present action is being took up the navy aeitation. But there nowadays a good many professors and others who are not disinclined to bask in the sunshine nf Government favour, who gratefullv receive all the decorations and titles that are obtainable. With regard to the interest or the Intellectuals in the colonies, the Berlin Radical organ "The development of our colonies.

for which these gentlemen some of them a trifle suddenly and withdraw First list, stand the Bill creating a of Crown appointmentsto in the 1. they Council had .5.000,000 invested in aad naturally that body had a predilection for that form of traction. Official statistics showed that the Council a szjvtiz: rasicEassKKS impossible that the secret 22f fa.w..o or 40W on tramways was Upper Chamber and a Bill for repressing electoral intro heea ob, lere hi no need kg I have. Ihs done my dm bearing ihe shot in the garden, the porter ike gate rushed to General Pavloff's assisU The mnrd. rer fired at him but missed.

He fled along the Moika canal to the historic of Kises. thence turning to the left House, where a queue of people waiting I her Newfoundlanders, after coirur bevond three mile limit and joining American vessels, can then return to territorial waters and enjoy immunity from laws which would be binding on them as British subjects. The specific charge on the occasion of their silver weddine that King George issued in 1868 the manifesto reassert big his rights to the Throne of Hanover which afforded a possibly welcome excuse to the Prussian Government to break off negotiations with regard the Duke of Cumberland has hitherto remained lnd fortified by this decision, could enforce her equallv inflexible. After her husband's death in Bait Act and prohibit her people from joining 1878 Queen Mary lived for the most part in com American vessels, thereby nullifying the taodas plete retirement at Gmunden, paving occasional Hreadi and forcing the British and American visit, however, to Vienna, where the Emperor i Governments to adopt some other form of eoro Francis Joseph always received her with promise, uu nn tnemseives unaoie to oiioct affectionate regard, and Danish Court, with permancn THE AMEERS VlSIT TO INDIA. ARRIVAL AT AGRA.

(rnoaf oca AURA, Ja 9. The Ameer's arrival to day was somewhat marred by rain, but after his long railway journey he was well pleased to reach another halting place. At the station, in conversation with the Lieutenant Governor and General Gaselee, he expressed his pleasure at visiting the United problems, and in the German several demands of progress higher significance. the Intellectuals desire to obtain a hearing igarded as leaders of the nation, they forward when the sun them from Herr Dern burg's lecture vividlv recalled Rectorial addresses delivered to Scottish Universities by unlearned Lord Rectors. who endeavoured to the best of their ability to deal with subjects in an academic tone and spirit, bv an anneal on behalf of the colonies science, from geologist to theologians, all of whom he thought would find something to interest settlement bet closelv connected by the October, when the herring fishery will be marriage of the Duke of Cumberland to Princess resumed.

for the fishermen to produce he agreement under more i which they shipped on hoard the American U.erm; that the poet might find an inspiration like that of Kipling in England, and Pierre Loti in musician and the plastic artist would do the vessels, the fLsliermeu eontendiuxr became servants of Americans and we with the latter, immune from local law? treaty of 1813. they equally The herring fishery in the Bay of Islands i closing. A merican vessels are trying to force the colonial nsberfolk to assume the ownership of the nets usea in nsnmg Dy sucn vessels, deducting tne cost, rrom tne men wages. The oo Government threaten, in such case, to sciz vessels on the charge of trading within colonial military officers was something i han a bare o'seize him as he made his wav past the the daties of the various officials, listening here tnat a policeman and wounded by the surrounded netr OSaerskava. Geoerai Pavloff but missed.

He was finally born in 1851. FEELING IN MOSCOW. MOSCOW1! Jax. 8. fa r.fTvs of the assassination of General IMof reached Moscow this afternoon.

It causes I arprise ban did the violent ends of Count Iznatieff and General von der Launitz. General I afl had cn a marked man ever since he tr before the Duma as pri intently when these were explained, and making pposito remarks in English and Persian. He bore himself in military fashion, wearing general uniform and showing himself alert and keenly observant when inspecting the guard of honour of the Rifle Brigade. He was specially pleased when the hand played too Aignan National Anthem. On the iournev to the camp he noticed variety of troops on the route.

The Gurkhaa drew forth the comment that they own Hazaras. though the latter had plexion. Thousands of natives thronged the roads, the Hindus showering flowers as a sign of crowded with spectators, were constantly acknowledged by the Ai impressed oy tne eoroiam who was evidently of the reception. person was 1 The cortege proceeded at a walk in spite of the carded bnt 11 in vain Amrt from 'n wllich began falling before the camp was JJiLi I Vk 1 reached. The Ameer, noticing that the troops oiidrrations of this kind, i wm Qot OTereoats to wear his raders long age ceased to evoke sur own or to have the carriage closed, priding hiin Trsmnt in the provinces.

In the remote i self on being a soldier who should follow the v.ilagea lying between Moscow and the example thi fnee I have just returned, people of all ive come to regard the newspapers a i own'diimitv. but vet courteous and considerate. taw. Hmor iirin, infln, nf Tmt He bore the discomfort of the weather with the the uncultured peasants, who are all greatest equanimity, remarking His bearing throughout the morning impressed bp TW Christmas holidays are drawing to a close, aej hi sHaoni passed so quietly in Moscow, to the complete closing ot the THE RUSSO JAPANESE NEGOTIATIONS, (raosi oca ooaaagospprr.) TOKIO, Jas. It in stated here on good authority that the as for a Russo Japanese commercial have addressed a letter mty have been virtually completed in St.

General, stating that always considered sign of good fortune ii rests to day and will visit the Afghanistan. Viceroy to morrow. No durbar will be held, the character of the tour is non political. BRITISH MERCHANTS AND THE CHINESE OPIUM TRAFFIC. SHANGHAI, Jan.

Thirteen firms, representing the whole of the British community interested in the opium traffic, the British Consul present holdings of n.tmrz. and consequently the discussion of 1 opium at Hong kong and Shanghai are approxi the railway station at Chang chun mately valued at ten million taels, and claiming began. The Japanese experts who mined the locality will accordingly THE LUXEMBOURG MUSEUM. hearing in regard to the i the intended THE SITUATION IN MOROCCO. (TBOM OCa OOBIUtSPOXDENT.) (mow PARIS, Jaa.

An Immediate consequence of the refusal of the Vatican to allow the French Church to obey the Harition Laws will be that the artistic wealth France will find at its disposal a certain nber of spacious buildings formerly used as Kia obstruction by which are contrary too TANGIER, Jas. The discussion of the details of the reforms to be introduced Into Morocco progresses very slowly, and the Maghxen is already causing con "oprics or seminaries. The well known oaeum of the Luxembourg will be one of the to benefit in this way. The Luxembourg has sines 1818 a museum of contemporary artists. now nd then the older pictures sre weeded wt in order to make room tor new ones by living jajntera, and transferred to the Louvre.

But progreas never take place rapidly enough to Piironic crowdin(f of the walls, which compromises the satisfactory banging separate canvas. The seminary of Saint Pies now having been evacuated will be a. a new museum, a kind of annex of Uxembourg, There are art critics and eon hers, however, who are inclined to 2f that modern painters are to be afforded additional opportunity of oflclsl otmsecratton their Utfrttaat. They bold that the Algeciras Protocol. Letters from Fes even go so far aa to state that the Sultan is on the point of granting to a foreign company a monopoly for increased at Court, and it it bis Majesty intends to dismiss the far Minister and appoint in his place a relative of Taxi, who already rules toe Court faction.

The finances of the country are in miserable condition, and never has there been such wholesale robbery in every department. Not 50 per cent, of the Customs revenue is accounted for. No debts am paid, and mm one. being Tet in spree ox mis oa nhn During the absenc Twelve American, three Canadian, and three local vessels, herring laden, have sailed since fishery is likely to end next week. IRISH NATIONALISTS IN NEW ZEALAND.

(FROM OCB CORKERPOItDEVT.) WELLINGTON. N.Z.. Jas Mr. Devlin, and Mr. Donovan, Irish Nationalist envoys, are addressing meetings throughout the colony and securing considerable stuns of money for the Nationalist cause.

Donovan denies the allegations in a recent speech by Mr. Crean, MJ, and says that the expulsion of Mr. Sheehan, M.P., as an undesirable only emphasizes the consolidation of the party. The Nationalist party, he says, require a Parliament similar to that of New Zealand, and thei hop will be realized within the next year two. Mr.

Devlin states that only about two members or the party follow Mr. O'Brien, J. and that the Nationalist party are not resoonsibl for fanatics. He added that the money ho had that it could not be improperly administered. Tho above appeared in our Second Edition of yesterday.

M. BRIAND ON RELIGION AND THE STATE fraoM PARIS. Jas. The letter from A Catholic Priest." pub lished in The Times of yesterday, attributes M. Briand a blasphemous statement alleged have been made at a meeting of teachers, and said to have been quoted by Cardinal Gibbous in an interview, and reported in the 7'oWct of Jan not only emphatically denies ever having uttered the words attributed to him, but declares them affirmation M.

Briand refers those whom it may interest to the following passage in his L90H. which the Senate ordered to be posted up dl over France. Freethinkers ss we are. we onlv seek consolation and guidance in our conscience pretension, the tyrannical and intolerable determination to impose our views, our metaphysical conceptions, on the citizens of this country. freedom is in question we must, therefore, be tolerant.

No legislation must lead citizens to suppose that they sre going to be hindered mt a hurh official to Constantinople with 3,000 I regret ITeabto ZrtLm cEaUdto. to. his 1 1 am too NAPOLEON nL (raoM oca owx cobjubspoxdent.) PARIS, Jas. 9. For several daya the Paris Press has been discussing the grave question of the colour of Napoleon moustache.

The best authorities differ. The Empress has not yet been appealed to but M. Emile Ollirier. who ouehr, to know. following1 brief and characteristic letter Porta The Emperor's moustache vas yellow.

I regret not to be able to send you any aw spent 700 million marks (33.000,000) upon i years the wealth of Germane had increased by leat 1.500.000.000. so that the total expendi ture on the colonies only represented some 2 per cent, of the increased national wealth. Some 35.000,000 was annually placed in the savings banks bv the less well to do section of the nation, so that the annual savings of this el were as great a the total past expenditure the colonies. These savings banks at present contained deposits amounting to no less than 850.000.000. so that the annual expenditu the colonics ouly represented a quarter per oo these deposits.

2.500.000. which implied waces paid in Germany to the extent of 2,000.000, and as the contribu tion of the labouring classes in taxation to defray colonial expenditure amounted he colonies. 625.000.000 Germany, the annual working class contribu rep resented about 0d. upon a working ma of a0 a year that was to say, ot more than the wages of one or work in a year. The expenditure the army and navy was regarded as in nse unproductive, nut tne ordinary recurring penditure for this purpose was only one half per cent of the national wealth GERMAN' SOUTH WEST AFRICA.

With regard to German South West Africa, be calculated before th he natives had laid the country waste, it had contained two million head of cattle worth 10.000.000. The cost of rearing cattle was 25s. 27s. per head, and they could be sold in time of peace for 100s. to 120s.

It had been said that would have occupied it before the Germans, but. separated from the coast by a bolt of arid sand ie vi to ou mues oroaa, wnien naa ingntenea iy the enterprise of other nations. This barrier of sand was now crossed by two railways, which ntirely attend es rly three quarters of the colony were capable of speedy and remunerative. Indeed he considered Southwest Africa to have the surest future of all the German colonies, although he by no means depreciated the value of the others. The baneful benefits of ardent spirits and weapons of precision, which had contributed to their destruction, and in the United States colonization had proceeded step by step with the extermination of the natives, bat Germany was going to colonize with the missionary, the doctor, the iv.

and machinery. South West Africa mieht yet afford a remedy for the breaking up of landed estates in Germany, and already younger sons of an landowners were on tneir way to tne enthusiasm tor the colonies ia the national The resolution which was adopted by the met that the German Empire eosdd abuses. It opponents of attempt to embarrass the Government bv persuading a handful of Deputies to obstruct these measures, but it is highly improbable tha malicious tactics will endanger the tirael; duct ion of universal suffrage itself. I reduced TURKEY AND BULGARIA. An Imperial Irade was promulgated to day Ixv nJ uopkue during 1 it ani stricter i lxmdoa County outlay of ksa than one in the desired there is no doubt that Bulgaria denounce the existing agreement if the iened bv the 14th inst.

con I tributed largely to the acceptance of the new agreement. Several of the Embassies also) supported the efforts of the Bulgarian Diplomatic Agent to bring about an understanding. been dcsDatched to Constantinople Turco Bulgarian commercial agreement on 1 of the Principality PRIESTS MURDERED IN MACEDONIA. SALONIKA. Jas A Greek band yesterday sacked a Bulgarian monastery at Milantche, near Prilip.

and killed three priests. AMERICAN PRESENTATION SIR ASTON WEBB. (from ora own coamsoranrr.) The American Institute of Architects last night presented Sir Aston Webb with a gold medal distinguished achievement in architecture on occasion of a dinner at the Corcoran Art Gallery in celebration of the golden jubilee of the institute. Mr. Howard read a letter from Lord convey to the president of the institute his Majesty satisfaction cn hearing of the flrst medal given to an Kngusnman and one ot such professional repute as Sir Aston Webb, and wishing every success to the institute.

Mr. Howard's first speech as Charee d'Affaires contained graceful allusion to the conspicuous honour done to an Englishman, which he felt was justified. Sir A. Webb bad in the development of the Queen's Memorial given London something it Arthl BBUUT, id become practically wnercial vehicles. That afternoon they if Automobile Club, in onjunction with is year.

the THE GERM AS CUSTOMS TARIFF. The Board of Trade si a receipt, through the Foreign avenue and in monumental architecture. In acknowledgment Sir A. Webb said that he recognized that the award was bestowed through the desire of Americans to honour Enjrfish archi tects. He alluded to the rebuilding of the Quadrant in Jiegent street as an example of American cities.

He also instanced a great improvement scheme for Washington prepared by the Columbia Park THE UNITED STATES NEGRO TROOPS. (raoM ora owx coaaisi oinuDfT.) WASHINGTON, Jas. 9. Get all the evidence you can. but dont impugn the law.

To sustain the President is not friendship for autocracy it is simply friendship for the Government it is respect for the law." With those words Senator Daniel, Democrat, closed his speech in support of the President in the Brownsnlle affair. The Senate will probably vote in favour of investigation to day too late for me to telegraph. While the President's enemies mav reioice that Senator Lodge's resolution declaring his action constitutional and legal has failed. Senator Foraker ha equallv laileu tr British firms resident in Great Bntam which sre intended for tbs purpose of ssMta toods for sale and on which are printed the names of British firms without mention being made of say other Comtctory Voting correspondent writes Several caroiuciea a proposal the ballot box. Nothing which, as Canada.

A Canadian thrObeLegT perform the Tosy, penalize tl however, we are promised i 'itself, will have's good chLce of beaming rT "1 AtloT. 1 lecuto say election shall bTSrfnuiduf oT tte smsdmg sfat SS.teJX&si Tees Consxrvaxct Commissioner. Some time ago the Tees Conserraarv Conmiasioaezs wrote to the North Esstem Railway Company suggesting the erection of coal staiths on the Tees in order to assist in the development of the river. The railway company expenditure involved, probably 170,000 or 80,000, and of coal from to Tees, they large increase in the shipments request. They add, bowvvar.

scheme they are willing to provide every facili raffle. The Commissioner have referred iproent oftl Board or Inland Revenue. Examinations. An Assistant Surveyor write under data January 7 I beg leave to draw attention to an instance of slackness in the Department of Inland Revenue. On July 10.

1906, and succeeding days, SO assistant surveyors of taxes were examined on the law and practice relating to tests a cemdncted year by year as vacancies o. nf a periods a oeedintl been made known. As the pass li prehensive public examinations results of departmental test seems to be Indian Facto et Lasocr. Sir Hamilton eer Smith. late mierintm.

f. dangerous trades in England, who left London at the end Indian experience, Lieutenarit Colonel i The Government of India have formallv appointment of this small committee as having been made referred, to the its work. The speciSc point males shonW be limited, and whether tl the Government, but. unless the investigation leads to unexpected disclosures, the incident is regarded as closed. THE ACCIDENT ON THE CANADIAN PACIFIC.

OTTAWA. Jas. 9. The injuries suffered by the three Englishmen ia the railway accident near Fort WHliam on Monday were quite trivial. physique of operatives is affected by long hours whether before children are.

to work in factories "quired whether as the result of employment a. adults of i the ages of 12 and H. there has been requiring tne creation by law of known as young persons stnfi of medical factory inspectors The committee is aWempUered endstions for th im nf practice if of opinion that present factory laborrr are otherwise injurious or law employment oi cluidren or young persons. It is expected that the report will be submittedto Government early in April, and. should the investigations of the committee establish tteeristencerfshusMwhkhreqnireto be remedied, a representative Commission will bm The Libbart Associahos.

The certificates swarded to candidates at the last examination held hv the Ubrsrv Association were Luneburg to day, hall of the London School of Economics, Clare Market. resolutions protesting agains'. the operation of r7the CROP PROSPECTS. the case of library assistants, and for that uainingto bs of of sanitary mspectors. Tbs professi cm of a librarian was worth nothing at aU if it were looked upon merel as the handing outof novel, over the roanteTlllZihiy war.

INDIAN CROP PROSPECTS. The Secretary of State for India has received the Indta Crop isrospects dunag week closed condition prices stationary but high. Crop prospects satisfactory railed upon Number of persons in receipt of relief. Bengal, 51,000: Cnited Provinces of Agra sad Oudb, 8,000. Total, 54,000.

MOUNT ETNA. CATANIA, Jaw. Btaa Observatory reports thai Btaa is show in renewed activity. Shortly before the end of the year an whose profession shoald be placed on a level with tl the barrister, the solicitor, the doctor, or these to do a good deal rr'work than tber were" lSrsrian A problenvwejTwory'of cooperation kI atered for 171 a.

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