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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • 9

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Oakland Tribune, Saturday, Feb. 27, 1960 B-9 nnn ninn irwrwirM imi'rir-nnm II Recompense to no man evil for evil Rom. 12:17 ASSEMBLIES OF GOD LIBERAL CATHOLIC PENTECOSTAL -CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE- ARTHUR WKLK, OF Church of St. Raphael THE ARCHANGEL 1521 51st Avenue, Oakland KE llog 3-6588, TE mplebar 2-6247 Rev. Byron H.

Bole, Hector Grand Avenue Alliance Church GRAND AVENUE AT FAIRVIEW, PIEDMONT Rev. Donald R. Shepton, Pastor 11 a.m. "The Person of the Holy Spirit" 7 p.m. "Who Is The Holy Spirit:" sene of wrmon on th M-Pfrwy ot the Holy Spirit LUTHERAN PASTOR SWANSON WILL SPEAK ON Capital Punishment VAnil The Bible" Doe's the State have a Scriptural right to take a man's life? A (fee copy of this sermon will be given to everyone present SUNDAY AT 7 O'CLOCK Central Lutheran Church NATIONAL LUTHERAN COUNCIL 215 Ridgeway Avenue Waller Gravrock, Pastor Sunday School and Bible Classes, 9:45 am.

Divine Worship, 8 45 and I I a m. "Informed" Sermons by the Ptitar Luther League, 7 p.m. Holy Ghost Revival Evangcljst W. E. Windlq -Nightly at 7:30 o'clock With signs and wonders and wi(h diver's miracles" Hebrew 2:4 EiMer Thomas and Teen-Age Choir Saturday Night SUNDAY NIGHT CLOSING SERVICES ODIE LONG, TOMMY WALKER Sunday School 9:45 am.

Worship am, Pentecostal Evangelistic Holiness Church 1 743 Foothill Boulevard KE llog 2-9936, KE llog 2-1992 Michael Fellows, Pastor The Neighborhood Church 8411 MacArthur Boulevard, Oakland Jacob Bellig, Pastor 11 a.m. "What It Takes to Make a Champion" The Rev. Jacob Bellig 7:45 p.m., THE WHITE SISTERS Famous Radio and Television Stars Formerly with Arthur Godfrey Program Currently heard on National Radio Broadcast in Jack Wyrten's "Word of Lite" program Coming March 6 through 14 GLOBAL CONQUEST MISSIONARY CONVENTION 24- Missionaries from around the world CHRISTIAN SCIENCE L.nitedPentecostal Ch urch Worship Service, 11am. 1649 96th Avenue pm Pastor J. E.

Klemm, NE 8-0315 Tuesday 7 30 Bible Study Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Thursday 30 Youth Services PRESBYTERIAN 1 Christian Science Churches Branches of the Mother Church, The First Church of Chrnt Soentiit, in Boston, Massachusetts 354 Street, Hayward "Where" People of All Faiths Worship God" JAMES R. SWANSON AND GENE ANDERSON, PASTORS Eirst Presbyterian Church BROADWAY AT 26th Hugh David Burcham, Minister Joseph M. Matthews, Minister of- Education Worship Service, 9:30 and 1 1 00 a m. VI lis First Word" 1.

"THE DAvVN OF VOCATION 7 p.m.. Junior High, Senior High, Collecte. Single Young Adults. 7 p.m., Film: "Life of Jesus FaJe of John the Baptist" Bethel Assembly 3618 Dimond Avenue Rev Earl Avres, Pastor "SURELY GOD IS IN THIS PLACE" Bible Study, 9:45 a m. Preaching 1 1 a m.

"PORTRAITS OF APOSTLES" Sixth in Series of Sermon Evening Service 7 p.m. Wed. 7:45 p.m., Prayer, Bible Study Christ Lutheran Church 100 Hacienda Avenue corner Hathaway, San Lorenzo Luther G. Knock, Pastor BR 8-0135, BR 6-7980 Faith American Lutheran 4335 Virginia Avenue KE Hog 3-4990, KE llog 4-2863 Sunday School, 10 a m. First Lutheran Church The United Lutheran Church 4100 MOUNTAIN BOULEVARD KE llog 2,1232 Our Saviour's Lutheran Meeting at 55th Ave.

and Foothill S.S., Bible Classes 9:45 a m. Worship Service 1 1 a.m. "I BELIEVE" Shepherd of the Hills LUTHERAN CHURCH 2750 Marin Avenue, Berkeley The Rev. Toivo Harunpaa, M.A., M.Th., Pastor TH 8-6297 St. James' Lutheran at 993 Estudillo, San Leandro Rev.

Donald E. Rydbeck Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. St. John's Lutheran (United Lutheran ChurehV THE FRIENDLY LITTLE CHURCH ON THE CORNER 1820 55th Ave KE 2-8632 St. Michael's Lutheran BERKELEY Church Phonet TH 3-2732 2516 Durant Avenue above Telegraph H.

Paul Schaefter, Pastor Church School, 9:30 a m. St. Paul's Lutheran EXCELSIOR AVE. AT WOODRUFF Rev. Carl E.

Olson. Pastor KE 4-0444, KE 2-7206 Church School, 9:30 a.m. Trinity Lutheran The Evangelical Lutheran Church Alma and McKinley near Park and MacArthur Boulevard! Gordon Hanson Pastor CHURCHtS First 1701 Franklin St. Second 476 34th St. Third 1642 Fruitvaie Ave.

Fourth 1330 Lakeshore Ave. fifth 1500 90th Ave. Sixth 250 41st St. Seventh 2333 Harrison St. Eighth 1219 Filbert St.

Ninth 3525 38th Ave. Tenth 621 I La Salle Ave. Alarrjeda 2164 Central Ave. Hayward 18i4 Street Piedmont 60! Maonoha Ave. San Leandro 105 Dutton Ae San Lc rpno Srcietv, Lorenzo Iheater 16030 Hesperian Blvd.

N.les 375 12 Seci Street READING ROOMS 407 15th St. 378 17th St. 2421 Telegraph Ave. 3276 East Uth St. 528 Lake Park Ave.

7905 MacArthur Blvd. 4064 Piedmont Avenue 2333 Harrison St. 1219 Filbert St. 3535 38fh Ave. 62 11 La Salle Ave.

I407V2 Park Alameda A Street. Hayward 80 1 Mannolia Piedmont 105 Dutton San Leandro 15301 Hespen an Blvd. Tue Thurs. Sat. 1-4 p.m.

373S4 N.Tcs BlvrJ Niles Open Wen Wed 2 Id 4 p.m. 9th Hayward, 5an Lorenzo, IT an-eandro, 9:30 and II a.m.; autiicrmay be purchased Reading kooms. Calvary Temple 6118 East Uth Street OLIVER L. FOTH, PASTOR REV. "WALT" BORING NATIONALLY KNOWN YOUTH LEADER AND NO.


7:30 p.m. 1st Church, 1 1 a ft 4th Church, II and 5 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8'h, TOrrAtamecta. TVamnmYSv Loren2S, Niles, II am; Hayward, 9.30 and II am. i twtiAv crunrtt ri 1st. 2nd, 3rd, 4th 5ih.

6ih. 7lh 8th. i 10th, P.ecimont, A'aeda. Ha. ward, Worship Services 9 25 and I I "THE CHRISTIAN APPROACH TO SOCIAL PROBLEMS" 7 30 p.m., JUNGLE JOURNEY" Kodachrome Slides of Ecuador and Peru Worship Service 1 1 am CLAIM YOUR INHERITANCE Rr v.

Lloyd Owen Gaul Eenirq Service m. Film: "MARTIN LUTHER" Church Services 9:35 and 1 1 a m. "SEARCHING FOR CHRIST" 7 p.m Adult Bible Study; Youth Groups 8 p.m., Vesper Service Worship Services and Church School 9 30 and I I a.m. Nursery Care at Both Services Sr. High Sundays, i p.m.

Jr. High W. F. Tuesdays, p.m. Worship Services 9 30 and 1 1 a m.

"LFNT- A TIME FOR CONTEMPLATION 7 ISP fanta'ii F.irhiria OM PEAP A fi'drTO'CA eVAU Worship, 9 30 and II am. THF CHR 1ST IAN HALL OF FAME Tr CJa-ence A Nt.r-cer Care at BG.tb.Seri.iies TVIrcf- Pi-PtKvtcnon Uit-L-nlrv DANA and CHANNING, BERKELEY ROBERT -B; Fastor 11 a.m., Service Broadcast on KGO, 810 on dial First United Presbyterian 5V51 COLLEGE AVENUE Rev. 'Lloyd O. Gaul, Minister Fruitvaie Presbyterian 2735 MacArthur Blvd. REV.

ROBERT V. CHAPMAN AN 1-6915 or KE 6-2017 Church School, 9:30 a.m. High St. Presbyterian 1941 Hiah Street Dr. Fred B.

Trevitf, Minister Frank Taylor, Organist and Choir Director Hillside Presbyterian Ritchie and Hillside Streets Near 80th Ave. and MacArthur Rdr.aTd CTSiriTfir-MrrrTisTerr Church School at 9:30 am. Park Blvd. Presbyterian 4 101 Park Boulevard at Hampel Rev. Ronald E.

Ossmann Churcn School, 9 33 1 1 a m.V lev a Lesson Sermon Subject for Sunaay "Christ Jcsii" WEDNESDAYS MEETINGS 8 00 m. at All Churches Also 12, 10. Noon. First Church, Oakland San Lorenzo Society, 15301 Hesperian Boulevard ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE SERVICE AND VISIT THE READING ROOMS "SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO I HE SCRlPIURtS" by- MaY-e-eE5or-e-Bsovee -and-founckM ot Christian -Scienc LUTHERAN MISSOURI SYNOD Revival This Week! FIRST CIILTRCH AvVnSueMaBnLdY East 'uth Street v. jxv i TE mpebr 4.8909.

Eell, Minister Virginia Whitney, Organist Enjoy Rohert Watters S.mda,, II am, SECRETS OF A HAPPY LIFE" p.m. "Satellites. and Scripture" Path of Prophecy from earliest beginnings of man to total destruction of the world. ana otnei by the same Dorrcea at the HaywardFirt Community F4arrsen oa4-Nor- E' A-enue Baldwin H. 5hcrman, P.i'"r Stanley E.

She'man, Ass t.v:r 9.45 a.m., Bibie School tc.r AH COMMUNITY First Trinity Lutheran Church 17TH AVENUE AND EAST I5TH SIREET, OAKLAND Buses 40, 41, 43, 80, 81, 82, 83 Rev. Henry G. Hartner, Pastor KE llog 4-1630 Bernard Miegei, DirectoV of Music 9 30 a m. Sunday Sch-oTa7 Bible Class 8:30 and 11:00 Worsn.p Service "THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY" 8:30 p.m., Radio Service', KRE. AM and FM Wed 8 p.m., Lenten Service, "HIS DEATH SAVES FROM WRATH" SALVATION ARMY Sunday Before Lent Choral Eucharist.

11am, Intent: "THE HOLY SPIRIT AS A FIRE OF LOVE" Thursday 8 p.m., Healing Service arte? Solemn Benediction Sunday School, 9:30 and II a m. Divine Worship 9:30 and II a.m. "JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM" Baptismal Service, 3 p.m. Sunday School Open House, 7 p.m. Lenten Holy Communion, Wed 8 p.m.

io'ir- James 81am, Speaker Ash Wednesday, Lenten Service. 8 pm. Holy Communion, Dr. George Muedekmg Sunday School 9 45 a m. Worship Service 1 1 a m.

MR. GUNN, Guest Speaker Meetings at 1740 7th Avenue Tues 8 p.m., Building Committee Wed 8 Lenten Service 1:30 p.m., Magdalene Circle 7 45 Choir Rehearsal Sidney Jorgensen, Pastor 9:45 a Matins and Church School 11:00 a.m., Service of Worship 7:00 p.m., Vespert and Luther League Worship Service, 1 I a.m. "SERVANTS OF ALL" Sr. Choir "Turn Ye Even to Me" Harker Reception of New Members. 8 p.m., Holy Communion Sunday School at 9:45 a.m, -Worship "Services 8:4 5 and It am-.

ROADSIDE BEGGARS Ah 7:30 p.m., Lenten Service The Rev, I. Perry, PastfSi Worship Service, 9:15 and 11 a.m. "THE PENITENT PLEA" The Rev. S. T.

Lokken, Campus Pastor Choir: "How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place" Solo: "Come Ye Blessed" Helen Studabaker, Soloist L.L., 7 p.m. Divine Worship 9:30 and II a.m. "JESUS PASSES BY" 3 p.m., Dedication of New Wing of Salem Lutheran Home Ash Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Guest Preacher, Dr. Kenneth Andeen Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 10 a.m.

-Worship Services 9 and 1 1 a.m. "THE SUFFERING SERVANT" Wednesday Lenten Service, 7:30 p.m. "HUMBLED YET EXALTED" -3o a s. Bibi., 1 1 a m.

Church Service "OUR LENTEN OPPORTUNITY" Nursery tor Small Children Wedv 7:30 p.m., Lenten Service Worship Service. I I a.m. "OUR GOD IS ABLE" Ash Wednesday-Service March 2, 7:45 p.m. "LENT AND SELF-EXAMINATION" Worship Services, 8 30 ana 1 1 a.m. "THE GIFTS OF FAITH" Holy Communion at both services Ash 8 p.m., Holy Communion HE-efffttNG-eF-tSAA( Sunday Schoo 9:45 a m.

Di. German. 10 am; tnoiish. 1 1 a m. GETTING THE MOST OUT OF.

LENT" Wednesday, March 2, 8 p.m. Lenten Worship Sunday 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 8 15 and 11 a.m. "ABOVE ALL LOVE" Holy Communion at 11 o'clock Service Ash Wednesday, 7:30 m. Lenten Service worship erviCes 8.30 (Holy Comrhuoion) and II a.m.- "LOVE OR PERISH?" Student Supper Hour 6 p.m.

-Ash Wednesday Service, 8 m. 5 ana Bible t- lass 4b a Worship Services 8-3(1 and II am, "JESUS CHRIST IS PASSING BY" 7:30 p.m., Pre-Lenten Meditation Service' Ash Wednesday Service, 8 p.m. Thought They Needed Violence" Presiding Elder, Alaska District Evening Service, 7:30 p.m. CORONATION PROGRAM of the Princess Revere DEPRESSED FEELING" Child Care al All Servient Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., II "IF YOU BELIEVE IN THE CHURCH" 7 p.m., Film Festival featuring third episoae in Lite ot Lhrist Boyhood and Barium think- Rev. Frederick N.

Yasaki Evening. Service 7:30 p.m, Sermon by the Pastor COVENANT Covenant Church CONGREGATIONAL The Salvation Armv OAKLAND CITADEL CORPS .1711 23RD AVENUE Grace Lutheran, Hayward 1836 Street Rev. W. Luebkeman, Pastor LU cerne 1-9568, LU cerne 1-4362 Tuesds ay, Special Healing Service 7:30 p.m. "THE STORY OF A MIRACLE" First Congregational Church HAPDISON AT TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, OAKLAND The Re.erend Clarence Reidenhach, Ph D.D., Minister The Reverend Elmer J.

Hosteller, Associate Minister Cnurch Services 9.30 and 1 1 :00 a.m. "The Prodigal's Brother" Dr. Clarence Reidenbach 9:30 a Church School (all 5 to 9 Youth Groups 7.30 p.m., 7th in the "Living Christ" Film Series Captain Harold Peterson, Corps Officer COMMISSIONER WILLIAM DRAY Chier of Staff of International Salvation Army Speaker at United Holiness Meeting 10:45 a.m THE PUBLIC IS WELCOME Lillian Walters relates recovery through prayer BAPTIST Grand, Lake Lutheran Church I IN THE HEART OF THE EAST BAY Euclid at Van Buren, Oakland 12, 18 or 57 BUS W. G. Ruehle, Pastor HI 4-2317, HI 4-5382 9:30 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Classep 11 a.m.

"Christ's Journey of Love to Jerusalem" Lenten Services 8 p.m. "THE VIOLENT CROWD IN GETHSAMENE" Nurseries tor Infants ana Pre-School Children RELIGIOUS "Morning Watch" Join the 8:00 a.m. Weekday! KRE, DIAL 1400 Bancroft San -CandrO BANCROFT JOAQUIN AVENUES Rev. Jesse Parker, Pastor Church School, 9:40 a.m. Brookside Baptist Church 3300 MacArthur Boulevard V.

O. Baldwin Pastor KE llog 6-6196 9 40 a m. Sunday Church 5chool Worship Service 1 1 a.m. 700 l5nPRAYETR?" BhTo Schoo. "CONQUEST IN BURMA" worship service 1 1 a.m.

"MORE THAN CONQUERORS" Evening Service, 7:30 p.m. 1 DOVES IN THE DUST" jivn ,) 5763 Wa'nut Street, NE 8-8518 One Block Semmarv and Foothill Rev. Gordon M. McKenz A. M.Th TELEPHONE CHAPEL, NEptune '2-5500 Plymouth Chun ii IINITED CHURCH 0FCHRIS1 (Congregational! 777 Cakalnd-Avenue.

CI 4 5300 Rev. Walter A. Mue'ler, Poster RELIGIOUS SCIENCE First Church of Religious Science THE OAKLAND CLUB 124 MONTECI TO AVENUE DR. LILLIAN HOPPER, Minister 10.30 a.m., Organ Meditation JOYCE 2ACHARIE, Organist 11 a.m. Dr.

Lillian Hopper First Baptist Church San Lorenzo Community -4 rrnMfRFCATinWAI 1 at Twenty-Second Street john Burke, Minister ot Musle Telegraph Avenue Dr. Boyce Van Osdel, Minister TnTm" 'Wh-tt flues "THE POWER OF SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE" Davaa i Youth Church, 9:30 a m. Christianity Have to Rjrlln KRF (14001 Monny EPISCOPAL MENIAL SCIENCE St. Peter's Episcopal Church Dr. Van Osdel preaches at both services 7 p.m.

"Who Am If" SUNDAY PARKING at 'Breuner's, U-Park and Standard Statir Mental Science Church YWCA, 1515 Webster Street FENWICKE I. HOLMES, Ph D. SEVENTH Pilgrim Lutheran 3900 35th Avenue TakrNorMS Bus, Mountain BlvdV Aifred Koehler, Interim Pastor Ph. KE Hog 2-8485, TW moaks 3-8765 Redeemer Lutheran 61st BRANN ST. Leland Moslev, Vicar TNI ptuhe-l592NFprurie2TO41- vt U- St.

lJaulus Lutheran tpi CKBADH Avrtoiic at a i TDtET xuu WM. F. PETERS, Pastor Phone: Church, OL ympie 4-0724 St. Peter's Lutheran 294 BROADMOOR BOULEVARD San Leandro NE ptune 8-4970 HERMAN C. THEISS.

Pastor University Lutheran Chapel 1.11. cr-'c Dcnit.r 2425 COLLEGE AVENUE, BERKELEY A Student Congregation at The University ot California Herbert F. Schmidt, Interim "Pastor Zion Lutheran Church 5201 Park Boulevard REV. ARNOLD LEVENHAGEN KE-llog 6-4213 BROADCASTS Pipe Organ-Chimes Inspirational Talk East Bay Church Federation Phone Gl encourt 2-1655 frirlj at 8.30 m. "Sunday Services: Church Service, II an.

ClwMte Lmne, Soloist Annette Sandan, Pianist DAY ADVENTIST Lakeshore Avenue Baptist ki vjciaiwen, u.u., rasror roadcasts 1 1 a.m. Sundav unrt Monday through Friday, KDIA Melrose 47th Avenue and Bend Street Rev Kenneth Carlson, Minister ot Education Broadway at Lawton 1 1 a.m., "Measuring Rod for Success Rev. Canon L. D. Gottschall, D.

D.D. Ash Wednesday, 6 and 10 a.m. Praver Phone. CL vmp'C 4-47C1 Holv Communion, Imposition of Ashes Church Office Hours a m. -4 p.m.

8 p.m., Healing Service and Meditation East Bay Episcopal Churches CHRIST CHURCH ALAMEDA Grand and Santa CUia Rt. Rev. Henry H. Shires, locum tenens 8 Holv Comm.inmn V. Family Service, Churcn School IT a Morning Prayer, Sermon ST.

CLEMENTS BERKELEY CfaremchTat "Russell The Guilbert, Rector 7:30 a.m., Hcly Communion 9:15 a.m Service and Seimon iHcly Communion fourth Sunday! 1 1 a m. Service and Sermon (Holy Communion first Sunday) TRINITY CASTRO VALLEY and HAYWARD Templeton at Street, Ha-ward Rev. John Luther, Rector a.m., Holy Communion, 9:15 a Choral Eucharist, Church School IT a mvrMommg PravgrrSeiiiv.n, Nursery, 9: 1-5-and II tirt. i Holy CommJnion every Wednesday at Noon ST. ANDREW'S OAKLAND 5201 Hillen Drive Robert Challinot, Rectoi 8 a Holy Communion; 9:30 a m.

Family Service, Church School 1 1 a.m.. Morning Prayer, Sermon; Child Care, 9:30 and 1 1 a.m. pr aye r'and th m' wujtN rule Fellowship 6:15 p.m. Study Class 6:45 p.m. Film: "Life of Christ," 7:30 Baptist Church KE Hog 2-3S40 Sunday, February 28, 3 p.m.

HIS GRACE, KING L. H. NARCISSE, Speaker ur. Konrrt roung, Minister of Music Sunday School 9:45 a nrf framing Fellowship 6 p.m.' 11 a.m. "Practical 'Wisdom for Perilous Times" Or.

Woodrow Rood preaches at both services 7 n1 "ALL DRESSED UP AND SOME PLACE TO GO" East Oakland S.D.A. Church 55th AVENUE AND fSOTHILL BOULEVARD HEAR ARNOLD KURTZ Each 'Saturday Morning at 11:00 i Special Serins on "What We Believe" Each Sunday Night at 7:30 Special Series on Prophecy "Great Bible Predictions" SPIRITUALIST -METHODIST- Bebee Memorial Christian METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 598 31st Street, Oakland Rev. John H. Dorn, Minister Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. BAPTIST Morning Star Missionary BAPTIST CHURCH 1136 34th Street, Oakland Elmhurst Baptist Church 1501 90th AVENUE LO ckhaven 9- 7 I I I Don Watson, Pastor May School 9 45 a m.

CONSERVATIVE WHAT MANNER OF MEN?" Re. Be. H. Snerman 7 CAN- BE TRUSTED-- Richard Walker Brookhaven Christian tiemontarv 2500 Hansen NE 8-9699 Church School OPEN HOUSE, 9:40 a.m. Worship Services 9:40 and 1 1 a.m.

"KEEPING A KEEN EDGE 12 noon. Pane! on "CAPITAL PUNISHMENT" Child Care at aM Services FAMILY SUNDAY W-rs-o Service 1 1 a m. "THE IMPACT Cf JESUS" Rev. Walter A Mueller Junior Choir will sing church school. B.30, and 1 1 a m.

in -n I 1 A FTTRT FTOUGFTP 9 m. Rev. R. C. Clinoman.

Rector a Family Service, Church School REV. RICHARD ANDERSON, Congo Missionary, will speak at 1 1 a m. and 7 p.m., Sunday Wednesday, 8 p.m. Midweek Prayer Service UNITED BRETHREN Worship Service 1 1 a.m. "PURPOSE OF LENT" Sermon by the Pastor 7 p.m., Mr.

Seth Linthicum will report on Wichita Men's Conference GOSPEL Warship Service 11 a m. Evangelistic Service, 7:30 p.m. Thlursday, March 7:45 p.m, Safnuel Hsia will speak 1 and show slides of China Saturday, 8 p.m., Prayer Service Sundav 1 1 :0 m- "ALTERNATIVES TO FJSSION POWER" Dr. Frances Herring, member cf research staff of Bureau of Public Administration U. C.

1 1 a "WHY I SEND MY CHILDREN TO A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL." Mr. Harold Camping 7 p.m., "THE SERVANTS' REWARD" Baldwin H. Sherman ST CUTHBERT'S-- OAKLAND 7932 Mountain Boulevard Rev. Charles I. Hills Vicat Holy Communion.

8 am. Church School 10 a.m.. Morning Prayer 7 p.m., Y.P.F. and Evensong Wednesday, 10 Holy Communion JAMES OAKLAND 12th Avenue and Foothill Frederick 8 a.m Holy Communion; 9:30, Church School 1 1 a.m.x Morning Prayer, and Sermon First Methodist Church Daniel D. Walker, Minister 24TH AND BROADWAY WESLEY CENTER Church School, 9:30 a.m.

8th Avenue and E. 17th St. Worship Service, 1 1:00 a.m. Church School, 9:30 a.m. KRE Broadcast, 7.30 p.m.

Worship Service, 9:30 a.m. Serres: "Our Struool" With Ourselves" First Templeof Spiritualism NEW ADDRESS 1420 Alice Street Rev. Mitzie Monroe Pastor Greetings by Rev. Mitrie Monroe Verna Burns, Gladys Uhrig Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Class Night TRUTH CENTER Men's Large Bible Class in Chanel 9-45 Pastor G. Archer Vyemgei D.O., leacher Rlchard Butlef i iU' N'" Gospel of Matthew II am "FIGHTING THAT Duplicate trr-m of Sunday Schoo, 9:45 WE WELCOME PERSONS OF ALL RACES Vg m- EvenTnl REV AR AVr.V' Ki.

General alffVI a.m. Pres. pel of Mark ri. a i Preachmo I ir.o.:,.':'T"vvn.l,' m. 1 raining leaou.

6 stanf Worship Service I I rrnT THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD" Evening Service 7 cm. "SPIRITUAL ST. JOHN'S OAKLAND 1 707 Gculdin Road, Block oft rhorrahill Drive The Rev. Ellis E. Peterson, Rector 8 a.m., Holv Communion; 10 a.m., Morning Prayer, Sermon 10 a.m..

Church School (3 years through High School) also Infant Cart ST. PAUL'S OAKLANO Oakland Truth Center MADISON STREET TEMPLE Corner 15th and Madison Rev. Sherman C. Anderson, Minister ADULT BIBLE GROUP, 10:10 A.M. SUNDAY-SCHOOL, II A.M, Foothill Boulevard Baptist r- Boulevard KE 4-5225 LO 8 14 11 Dr.

Archer WemgerPastor; Walter Linrjg Grand-Avenue at Mentecito 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:15 iday Worship Service 1 1 a.m. "Sonship Bestows Authority" Lake Park Methodist 281 Santa Clara Avenue, Oakland HI gate 4-7262 faylor Memorial Methodist Uth and Magnolia' Streets RACE RELATIONS SUNDAY Robert Minister MISSION The Mission 2100 FIFTH AVENUE, OAKLAND rA.NGaS BAPTIST 11a.m. Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., Filrp LIFE OF CHRIST" 10 a.m., Holy Communion; Holy Days, 5:15 p.m. Communion ST. PETER'S OAKLAND Broadway at Lawton JThe Gottschall.

0J 7:30 a.m.. Holy Communion 9 a.m.. Family Worship, Church School Choral Eucharist and Address, 1 1 a.m. Ash Wednesday Services 6 and 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.

TRINITY OAKLAND Telegraph at 29th Street Rev. Rowland G. Hills, Rector 7:45 a.m., Holy Communion; 10:30 a.m.. Morning Prayer, Sermon 1:30 a.m. Church School, Bakewell Hall Holy Communion, Wednesday.

12:15 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME Parking Space Available, Uth and Jackson service, II am 'GOD'S REWARDS FOR CHRISTIANS" -THE0SOPHY- Rev. Wesley W. Nelson, Pastor Evening Service, 7pm "HOPELESS YET THERE IS HOPE" 7:30 p.m., Prayer Service rt it THEOSOPHY SCHOOL United Lodge, I heosophists ages every 5undJy at a MASONIC TEMPLE, BANCROFT and STUDY CLASS SHATTUCK AVENUE, BERKELEY THURSDAYS AT 8 P.M. Crace )h ptir 162nd and Mateo Strr-pt San Leandro, BR owning 6-6971 Rev.

Harold Thomas, Pastor I1 1 TV v-iiuivu A New Reaular Bantkt CKirrh 4727 MacARTHUR BOULEVARD is. jonnson Kastor Sunday School, 10 a.m. Calvary Baptist Churrh 2711 Havenscourt Blvd. LO 9-7153 rsennern oounger. Pastor Ron Smith, Minister of Music Wed.

7:30 p.m.. Prayer Service First Southern Baptist 1421 25th Avenue Rev: Russell Frain, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. REGULAR SOUTHERN BAPTIST EVANGELICAL FREE 1 1 a.m. "OUR HERITAGE OF CHRISTIAN SEPARATION" Sermon by the Pastor 7 p.m., world: rally ALL EAST BAY COVENANT CHURCHES COOPERATING UNITARIAN- NON-DENOMINATIONAL First Unitarian 14th Street Near Grove (3 blocks west ot City Hall) Rev. Arnold Crompton, TH.

Minister Iredenck hreeman, P.A.G.O., Organist Tuesday. Thursday, Sunday, 7:30 p.m. on. J4 Radio KDIA Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School, 9:40 a m.

Worship Service. 10:50 a m. AMBITION OR AFFECTION?" Training Union, 6: 15 m. Evening Service 7:30 m. SIN'S WASTEFULNESS" Worship Service 1 1 a m.

Training. Union, 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship, :30 p.m. Deaf Service, 9:45 1 1 a m. Evenino Service o.m.

"TAKE UP THE CROSS" CATHOLIC Evangelical Free Church 6022 Seminary Avenue William C. Miller, Pastor Church Phone, LO ckhaven 2-2635 EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church ROCKRIDGE EVANGELICAL College and Hudson James E. Brecheisen, Minister Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. FULL Philadelphia Church 61 19 MacARTHUR BOULEVARD The Rev. G.

M. Scott, Pastor A Christian Welcome Here Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. NAZARENE University Baptist Church Sunday school 9:40 a m. 332 Alcatraz Avenue Worship Service, 1 1 a.m., "THE One block west of College GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JONAH" LAKESIDE UNITY TEMPLE Affiliated with UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY Athol Avenue at E. 18th Street and Lakeshore Avenue Rjv.

Alma M. Morse, Minister Rev. Charlotte M. Dunn, Associate Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 9:40 am. Devotional Service, 1 1 a.m., "GOD IS OUR REFUGE" ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE-8 p.m.

"BEAUTY FOR ASHES" Alma M. Morse WorshiD Service Ham. "THE ENRICHMENT OF YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE" Dr. John Howland Lathrop, Minister Emcr.tus, First Unitarian Congregational Society of Brooklyn UNITY Worship Service 1 1 a m. "JESUS AND PEOPLE WITH A PAST" Evening Service 7 "DON'T TELL IVl rr 1 y- 1 i riJgnm lempje Vnurcn e-t Oakland 7007 MacArthur Boul.vard C.

0. Dixon, Minister EAST OAKLAND Church of the Nazarene 64th Avenue off Foothill Blvd. J. Wilmer Lambert, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m. First Nazarene Church 1 600 Lakeshore Avenue Rev.

Matlyn Anderson, Pastor Sundav School 9:45 am. sXnTeand'ro Church of the Nazarene 14871 Bancroft Avenue EL gin 7-5909 Rev. t. Bob Clayton, Pastor PILLAR Pillar of Fire Church (Independent Methodist) 1957 Harrington Avenue ANdover H862 HUMANIST Worship Service 10:50 a.m. "CONTROLLED RELIGION" Evening Service, 7:30 p.m.

HERBERT RATCLIFF Missionary from Central America Worship Service 1 1 e.m. "DISCIPLINE AND DISCOVERY" Evening Service 7 p.m. "FROM FRUSTRATION TO FAITH" Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 1 1 a.m. 630 p.m..

Young People 30 Evangelistic. Service OP FIRE Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 1 1 :00 a m. "GOD ANSWERS PRAYER" Thomas Hucker, Speaker Evening Service, 7:30 fjjn. Fellowship of Humanity 41 1 5fh C.TBCPT aaiti amis 1 -28th STREET, OAKLAND "A FELLOWSHIP OF RELIGIOUS HUMANISTS' v-iirroro norr raster Training Union, 6:15 p.m.

St. Francis de Sales In the Heart ot the City CORNER GROVE and 2 1 it STREET SUNDAY MASSES: 6, 7:30, 9, 10, 11, 12:15 m. St. Jarlath's Church FRUITVALE AVENUE AT PLEASANT STREET St. Leo's Church PIEDMONT 4 RIDGEWAY AVENUES OAKLAND San Leandro Unity Church Affiliated with Unity School Sundav Schoel 1 1 00 of Christianity, Lees Summit Mo.

Devotional Service 1 1 00 a.m. 501 Joaquin San Leandro The Rev. Barbara B. Lyon, Minister Meetings Tues 2p.m., Thurs 8 CONFERENCE BAPTIST WEEK DAY MASSES FOR LENT 6:30, 8:30, 12:15 p.m. LENTEN EVENING SERVICES Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, 7:45 p.m., First Friday and Holv Days 6:30 and 8:1 5 a 5.30 m.

SUNDAY MASSES: 6:30. 7:30. 9. 10. II 12: lb DAILY MASSES; 6:30 and 8:15 1 m.

SUNDAY MASSES 7, 8, 9. 10, II (High). 12: IS HOLY DAYS: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:30 and 6 p.m. FIRST FRIDAY 4, 7, 8 end 6 p.m INTERDENOMINATIONAL Havenscourt Colonial 1444 Havenscourt Boulevard Baldwin H. Sherman, Pastor Richard E.

Walker, Assistant :45 Bible School for Ail Lakeside Baptist Church Third Avenue, East 15th Street Eric N. Llndholm, Pastor Bible School, 9:40 a.m..

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