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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 16

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1900. WW, inSCELIiAKBOnS COMPASIBS (OobUbbbA from rttCrsrpeyi ae sjapr4 wtt Im rt WrSn'( trap. Ukdrtakieg mwi of a bo avfid ebwMttc, tad XuLaivrtgrtMrtMlMHirilliit ta support Colo ki4lnnM efthi smTjWUUV; Arsvtratsoni will be ntm4 Masse. Horn. 17.

Fl treet lndc, K.C and lb Australian Joint stock Bank. Limited, ins" illiiss ttrrrt CO, for lb andenrjeoUooed Sher. The Last of Apptkioa Oo oo or before Thursday. si DeoJiber, 1M3. for both Town aad Gantry.

nrUIK lMl'KUlAL AU8TUAL1AA' WINE COMI TAJCT (limited! lDorrTmtKl der th OcapuiN Act. 1S62 Is 1833. capital tsaow. Divided lot at mi MttuN Shut ef 1 each ro tilled ta Six Mr Cast. Cm resistive IXiwUil Ihndesd 41000 A0X tcdiMre SJiare ctsltaca 40.003 Toui ttxan The Veode has tUjttttl for tit aOntaMat et 13,000 Ortiinan ,003 Ordiauy Eharai fhare la rrt parBMot of the lwrcae Moaey.

43.S33 YrferAc Share u4 th remaning 23. ere now ecered for 5bcnpUoa. raraa I.viows On Application. 2a. 6JL; oa Allotment 7s.

6d, XI days tatter Attot neat 1. rN Etllwa.VtSCOrXTIIAMPDt.V.aCM.0. (TaU Convenor ef 1 i sow nwiji, sxana. viivaar samncta aterworks Company. Chairmen.

W. w. Xiun. Hutao fVldi, CkntrrtMor. Erat r.

Unnl (of MMT. ut Iiaant. Wm UmWUl Vuvt Fkmncdna Uiwt. K.O. UCAL DIRECTORS IX UYDXTT.

IU. Doa R'n. Jeha lo. K.CM.U.. IYnnir of Bmtil 11.

Kixm. et Trimnt tarXrw Sonlh WaU. P. IUv, FrfM7, Jir Kooth Vinim. )oia Um 1M kfu AfiolaOBL Mow.

17. I1t tmt. LooJoq. K.D. Vt Asttnlua Joint Ftock KkiL.

Uaitrnt. 2, Kin WiCUa rtreet, uxl erla7. Now Ronia MTac, AattnUa, Uvtcap, Dsrii, tai Cobbot filteUa baaMw Anmdal itiwt, Ftrand. W.C. At'DITOK.

A. AiuatcB. Kini WUiiua tntK.CM tad Buin(seb4abrt. Mdhanra. Aiutnlia.

BKOKCR5. leeion Sj anj it fit. 4. CopUailoart. X.CL, aa4 Stock Kxcfcaocr.

CUw IVxisU Ckiracy. HLWt Crarr4trt. aad Mwk Exehaara. od I'urst. IX Cmt ttrreL Uiocfcecier.

rickktaky ASn omcra Wav DoabMar IS. VKtorw rtroH. tminUf RW. AIHUDTikD rRtsrECTu. Ttit CVmrOT hau tn (ormJ to accQir.

carry oa. aal fortbrr KaUoo't wll non buiinrvaoa of Win Urowr ami Mr rhiclt. in Alfarr aai HjGntj. ew BoaUl Wain. Auitrafiv rtta htiall about ra" aco Uw UU Mr.

J. T. t'alloa. and iia i urTr(iilT carrird ro by ti prwnt Vndor. Tb rrMit oat rot of tr Vlajrd impi about 2iij callont a ytar.

anl that quantity will larff nwrl wr tb aon 40 aitr co unit ruHivaUon bat tv planted. It it propoanl to furthrr lacru tta mppy bjUw purrba oi rrcpa cl (rapw frcm roall rxrwrrt in twicbourbood, Uw plant artjusrikl by tb Company btinc rtpb: ef prnlocin; mora tbaa doub: tb rrent out put. Tb Vtavjardt ar moat connnifnt of ac. a Main Ijna (lha Grrat KptitWo ttaUvaf) fiarr nl Slelbouraa au thronh tba veprrty ttt plaa of proprrty mrioftvlL Tba wiora torvd in Albu ran(a from tbo natai; of tia yem 1S7S to ISiS. lb io ttoroil in fyJnay racrn from tb Tinlajri of i year 1S67 The Vendor baa adopted tb prartkf int iai not lr than fit jwi old.

and that raetk U1 ai far ai Vibl. bntiaul in lh futnra.1 i Th ranatasioR of the ration Winoa i rrcood to nooe in Australia. Tiom a.i cmu 2.SM ctitt4aen upon tlx boot, hilrt caarly 303 lYur. Mh1I. and Aard baro bmi enntrd to tbv Kirm at' tr rareua ExhiUtiont to London, iutenUB, LrUculla, Cicv Brdax.aodcbrCiti.

Ittuin yrta ef manarmrat tl in the pan viu be cnntinnod In the furtira. the prwwnt ta2. iom of tb iwmtf of bich bara Imi tn tb ccplo, cf tb trra for om 20 yean, being rotaiuod ai lirrtcfa, Tbedctcand far AuttraUaa la Orat; Britain it Ineroarint. Tr tmporu Auttraliaa Wiri inla the United Kingdom for the ciee mnthi cndinr (pptrmber 130CL vera C33.715 rallona, at afaimt callcat in tbe ewTrapondmit period of but yrar. It tSotctrotiontl the Director to open up tba narket lori'sJlon'i Micet tMi ejuntry.

a to tba hih prMectlre dTstJea hitherto icipol by tie. other Colonic tbe btninrt up to tbe present hu been aunott eirlnsireiy toNrw Poutb Walev Ititpnw that tbe Auttralian Culoniea bra I'edentad theeedutie Vill be abolubed. aad tba W'iiM of llu Coupaoy abouUl find a ready market otrr tbe wbole of Aua trl' aj ai la tbe t'cited Kingdom. Tbe ccuat ef tLeatiaei bate been eunuoed for tbe yean ISa and 1S3 17 Mr. Adamton.

CtTporat Afcbuataat, cf London aad Melbourne, aivl bucarUVate mows that tbe areraca net prou amounted to iS7S per xaaum. vbilit tben sr tbe lt year acre la rxcta oi taoae lor is Tt real OOea aaUoriUta har(a adrUadtbai. CTiriifm bitaawL tba rtaapactutea to retard to tola taraa vara two dan lata ta eelrnry. ApplcaUoet wiO. UMfttora.

ba ra nma irea um rouao7 uatu Di it pott mm morcirif. as BadarrnUac baa bea or'wiU be doo in ooacaxioa rilb tbia Taa KabarriptioB Lkt a Qoaa Tbia Day rWadaaadayL 13iSr eetatw, isnrj. at p.m.. Trm Thk BisciiuF White lead corpoiiatiox (1900a Uuted. UacorporaUd under tbe Ccmpanloi Act, UO S901000 frrea per Cent Cuatalatie ITrf eranca fbam of each.

ana mm fMmiM HhuM n9 CI aarK ITsw affaead Mr ISO. 090 PIC VEX rmt CEJfT. CUM0LATIVErBKrERK5CE8ltAKKSof each, aad iWuBQKlJLnAKi 8 II A ECS of 1 each. Tba Tend on uka fraOOO rnfereuca aharai aad CaOOO Ordinary tharea. tiioad aa ollj paid, la part pajneat of tba pirehaaa pnea of ldQC0Qi Tba araoanti parable on both tba Preference aad Ordinary Cbtrat mrm aa vnoer OaappUeatioa per abarE! 2 0 aaLotaect 00 Two acathi after allotment O.IO 0 10 0 Tba Vendon' reaerre tba rlcht to appolat another director after auotmeat.

DIEECTOEA. John r. Braaaar. Dtractor of Sruaner. Xoad.

and Company, limited, Jfcrtbwtch. Robert Moad. Director of Braaaar, If sad. aad Company. Limited.

K. Lloyd I'eaaa. Director of Tea aad rartnan, limitad. Oaruaxtoa J. rrmooa reate.

Director of the Darliarton For re Company, imite 1. Darbttttoa. Are mamben of the vendor ryodkata, BA.NKEKK Tbe London Joint Stack Bank. United. 22, Vktoria i traet Weat ruoitar.

London, K.W. Head Olscc. s. rrlacaa atreet, Loadoa. r.CL, and braocbea.

Loadoa. Gaorra Whitehead and Cbovn, ZX. BacMmbnry, E.C. and Stock Escbanfa. Glaiycw.

AKita. Macienua. and Ciappcrtan, 2, Vest Eerect (treet. and Ftock Kxcbanr XiweaiUe on Tyue. J.

rV CbaJ loner and fc'on, 31 Motley rtreet. pouonoiw. raithfall aad Oven. Daore benue, Victoria atreet. WattnUnttar.

London. R. AUDITOE8. Cbalman, Wada. and Company.

Chartered Acrauntanta, 8. Fenvick Itrtet. Liverpool, arxt 18. Colemaa etroeV London, EC XKCUETAKY aad OrTICKA. 6.

A. BarUeU. CWinc crota, London. T.C. WOIIKH nytbcHtiaJ.

WiUedan iu notion. Londoa. J.W. T1 UE BISCUOF WHITE LEAD COllPORATION (131. limited 1 BOM'ECTUa Tbii CosEane hat been formed for the punwia of aocmirinx tba rvrbu in (uUt Bitcboft I'atenta and alt other ataett of IiuctxTl Vi'hiU Lead fyndieaie.

imitad. that it, tbe White Lead Manufactory at WUaJeo juncUon. near Loadoa. tbe butineai cf Wbite Iead Maoufarturen aa a coinc conoern. together vilb all BnUah.

Colonial, and foreun rifhta rraated or eltevtsera obtainable a retpert thereof, and fo icomoie aoti form tubaidiary companiea for the purchase or ute of tbe laid patente and rifhta thi Company in tbe Col.miee and fcreun eountriea; Sjndioale bare already a rontiderabla and important clientele, includinc II. IL Cornmnt DejartmenU, the London County touneiL harbour vorka. railway wbite leal inaunfacturm and (riDden, wbite lead broken, builder, contractor, carriage and' other painter, color menbanti and manofactnren, Tarnih and floor cloth manufacturer, wbota repeated orden are tba beat testimony of aatiifactory quality and price. Patent bae bean obUined through eminent Tatent Arentl Meiin. Abrl and Imray intlreat Britain, United State.

Oermany, Auttria llurtary, l' rbiura. Franca, and Spain. In Germany arl the' United Plate patent are only franted after a Governmental Lntetticaucn of noTelty. Keport on the Patent by J. Fletcher Mooltoo.

Ei Q.C., M.P., and Mr. Arthur ColeUt. "In our opinion Letter Talent No. 11G02 dated Jaly 24, 1S90L and I32C2, dated June 13th, 1S33, (ranted to Uuta Buciiof, are 'undoubtedly rood and valid. "(Sisnod) J.

FLKTCHEK MOULTOX. "(SicnoJ) ATUUCOLKFAX The Temple. 27lb. 1300." publio ApponnaiEOTS. rXDIAS UXDICAI, BEETICE.

IXDIA OrriCX. 1Mb rVcrreber. 1900. A2f EXAMINATION for TWENTT NIIfE ArroLSTMKXT in Her MAJESTT8 IMflAX MEDICAL mhiviuk vui ca bald ta Lccdoo oa the Eth Jtbruary. iwu ana HMMwini aay.

Coptr of Hecatationf for tbe Examination, with Inform ation reraruirf tea ray and Katiriac Allovwe. ef ladian Melxal ODlccrl BUT bo obtained (rm the llilrtar Kerretmre. India Of9ra. LoodonK to a bom application for admioioo to tbe examiaa uoa. vita id nereaury rertiBeatea.

MmU ba Hot ao aa ta reaui Dim act later man the 2th January. 1SCL K. 8TEDMAX. Major General. Military PeeraUry, MATEO.V.

11 ETROPOLTTA3T ASYLtTSIf? TIOAHD. 1TI APPMCATI058 are inTitert fnr tha APPOINTMENT of TEMPO KAKY MATRON at tbe Gore Farm Ccnacent Feror ana MnaJipT iiotpital. Daren In. near Dartfcrd. Kent Hilary IlX per annam.

rwinc by annual tncreiueota ef 5 to a maxnsura oi aiao. vim rauon. rurmiiwi ftMrfntfnfc muerjoencav coal, iicbtint. nd watbina. uaoaiJAtae man r.ot exreacl year ef if, mart ba fully trainee nunc, and bare had experience in bouaekreptr.c.

Fermi of application, with particular of tbe ifutira. may be ob tained at tco om of the Rard, corner cf Cafmalitetrret Embank ment vbera rarh form, dult eud nr ta deliTered nol later than 10 am. 00 Iburaday. luth January. 1SCL (isyrraerj T.

UU.1tU31i:i; MASS. Clerk to tbe Boara, 17th I'eremher. 1K0. THE EOYAL HOSPITAL for IXCUKAliLES, Wet.hi!L IIHnx.rumfh HW 6ECRETABT WASTED for tb above lnititoUon. Salary 250 prr annnm.

wunont rtoara or luiaenr. 1 ancuaie mnu oe Deiween ju ann au veAr or ara. Tbe t'rcrctarT will be reoai. vd to raaide within a mile of tha AtiDUcation. with coo' of not more than fonr recent testimonial.

to be made br letter on or before 3 lit Dervmla next addrenad to the Chairman of the Board. ICS. Queen Victoria traet London. E.C. BOAHD AND RESIDENCE, APARTMENTS, kc CJT.

LEOa AKDS. Crantock. TO. Wnxrior Miwre. IO rint claw BOARD and RESIDESCE.

Kewty furaubed. Re eiev. Lirellrnt ruinne. BiHuud Mr and Mr. Sidney P.

letter. room, eaniury certiicaU. mO DOCTORS and others. A doctor's to if wished RECEIVE PAVING PATIENTS durimr the temporary abrrnre of her nd throucb ill bralth. Ererr home comfort and kind care lwr invalid or convaieacent.

Horn in London. Addre fl. care of Wani'i Library. 233, Maid a vale, W. 'PO INVALIDS.

A LIST of 5IEDICAL MEN In all parta RECEIVING RESIDENT PATIENTS ent rratia with full particnlara. School alto recommended. Medical. Altociation. 22.Craven irret Nortbumberlandavenue.

ctrand, W.a Tel. add. lYiform. ondon." Telephone No. Gerrard.

ANTED, bv two pentJemen, LARGE well FURNISHED hITTING ROOM, with two food Bed Boom. In wdl appolntod houe within ten minute of fct Jme" treet Itath (h. and elartri ligfct. and (nod cooking eiaential. Addreai O.

M. care of fetre' Agency. CorahiH. KC FLA TP. FLATS.

ESSRS. ROIJINS. SNELL. and Co. Have a'l the beat FTON ISIIFI) mil 1 nv 1ST! ED.

to be LET. in every part cf tanrfon. Iublub and Propriaton cf "FlaU," a'weekly publication, by pot Id. Oflloe WESTM INVTEK. 95.

Victoria itreet h.W. WEHT.KNI. Conduit ftreet. l'ond rtret W. T7LATS.

West ond. New. throe to ciht rooms. bath room (h. and central earden and tennu court i free.

L32to ICXX ineludinetaxrt at bentlnrton Ptation. W. 1L UlDlia and Ca. nearly cfcpojite I7LATS, Keninston, off MeIburj road. Charminr; eljht roonied SUIT ES of FLATS in thi eielurv and fiahion abl neixbbuurhood to be LET LEAeX.

Containinc drawing room, dinin room. 8v bed room, litbt kitchen, bath room, and uiual office. Kent from 1SS to 210 p.a. Feautifnlly open front and rear, directly overlookinr HnlUod park. Apply to tbe owner, one Brothen.

on the ule, Melbnry maanon. otl Melbury road, W. rTUIE HISGHOF WHITE LEAD CORPORATION (19001. Lim.tod. Tb aoit of production than that of the Dutch or ordinary proceia.

To pound of Biachofi Wkite Lead are eoual ia vain to the painter to three pound of best Dutah White Lead, or a taring of no KOWBOTII A and 41. Blf ord eonrt inanf ion. W.C. I bin 53 1 3 pee cent to the tuerv Tht u. 10 parU of Wi nor White ld equal in ceverin power IS part of bet DutchWhita I TJUCKIhGHAM PALACE MANSIOhS, BIvDFORD COURT Rfordquarc.

W.C. The rooet perft and convenient I LATH in thi central locality replete with every comfort electric Ikbt bft. carpeted ttairranea. liveried porten, ic mite from four to even kitchen and lialb room: rent from tlCa Meur. RICUARD Lead.

Tb: ba been proved by practical paintinc and laboratory I teta Ivkie Prof. lUmav' aad Dr. Durjr'i renortiL Bischor Wbi Lead i a pure amorphuu banks carbonate of tbe ame ibemical competition a tbe best Dutch Wbite LeaL Dr. Ludwif Mond. while through preriur of other butinen and nutnernu call ufon hi time recret ho lannot accept a leat on tbe board, ba wntleo and authorued tbe publication ef a letter wm ahich et out herevitn.

rrcm which it aiu be leenuat tbe proce by Mr. J. V. Mill. A'jAt TGoTemment Valaator).

of Sydney. Nw 1 ba. hi. entira approval and upport. He wijUnr however, to pv.

Gro venoT rardn. P. W. The mott perfect FLATS at tha Weat I end fireproof, (penally well Iigbted building, with grand carpeted ttaircaa perfect lift irrnoe day and night aiectrw ba bt On Small Flat ta be Let Cent 165. incluiiv of all taxe and water.

Apply to tha Hall Porter, norkincham Palaoe mantioni, South Wa'ea. at l'3tlL Takin; tha net pronu of S.S7S a a batix. without allowing for the incrcaaed proSU from the extra 43 acrea or thereabont now under I which it i. reaaonaMe to airnme will be coniiderable). or the general development of tbe bullae, ia Aoatralia aad the United Kmrdom.

there will be required to par 6 per Cent Intemt on 40 COO rrmfarnr tharra Z420 0.5M Ordiaarj fharea 3.23 5 leivlcg a large mrplai cr Directon' remuaeraiioa, additional dividend, ie. rsoth tha Rirht Hen. Fir WBTiam lyna. K.C.M.G.. Prima Minister rf New South Wale, and Mr.

J. Henniker Heatea. M.P are inti Eite'y acquainted with the bvuine arqairedp by tbe Company, etr TiUiam Lyne, who ba accepted tb peaiuoa of a Local Director. writeS I hare very onch pleamre in errtifjing thatjl hart lived in the rjefrtbcurbooO of Mr. Fallen' Murray Valley Vineyard for many yean, aad, ccefequenfy.

alio near hi vine cellar. Tba vineyard a. I think, one of tl a bet in New Sooth Wale, the aoil i a rich chocolate with a mixture of iron aad granite, and if titaated marti oo the top of inall bill of a volcanic nature. The win eel an are well built and contmodioui. When laat I vu tber be bad a larga itock of excellaot Wlnea In fact Fallon Wise ar go well known that it ii naadlen tor ma to enlarga them.

Tbe vineyard ha alwayt been well eared for, and thug the crop rrapee tax bean very good and rag alar. (Signed) WILLIAM JOHN LTNE. The pnea to be paid for the Freaoold Land. Baildingi, Plant BoIUng Stock, none. Trad Marks, and other imilar aaet connected with tbe bainee.

and the Goodwill (tba later taken, ax will be noticed, at only 6.8X1 if 14a.00a payable a to 2S.0X In caab and a to 20.000 by the allotment a fully paid of 20.000 Ordinary Share. The Company vill, in addition, acquire the valuable Stock rf matured wine (approximately 154.003 gallon) at tbe price of 30.000, tint making up tbe working capital of tha Company to no leas 35.000. Proepactaaa aad Fermi oi Application may ba obtained at the Banker. Brokers, Solicitor. Auditor, and at tha ofSces cf the Company.

HOWARD and BULLOUGHl Limited. Notice i hereby riven, that tbe TRANS KKK BOOKS ef tbe rRRFERENClw and ORDINARY 8HARL8 and DEBENTURE FTOCK will be CLOSED from tbe 19th. ef Decamber to December 31t 1300, both date inclusive. Ixterun Ihvidend and Interest Warrants win poitsd on December Slxt 1301 By order of tba Board. J.

GJMHAW. Secretary. Clbe Works, Aaerfarton. December 19th. IJ0.

HOWARD and BULLOUGH (AMERICAN MACULNX COMPANY. limited. Notice I bereby given, that tne TRANFVR BOOKS rf the FIRST MORTGAGE DEBENTURE STOCK will be CLOSED from tbe 19th cf December to December 31tt 1300. both data inclusive. Interest Vinuli for this itock vill be posted on December Slat, 1323 By order of tbe Board.

J. GR1M8HAW. Secretary. globe Works. Accrington.

December 19th, 1903. THi: OT AGO and SOUTHLAND INVESTMENT Company. limited. TERMINABLE DFHENTURES. The COUPONS of tbe above, due on 1st January.

9CL will be PA ID on and after that data at the Bank of fiectlaad. London. The Coup c. mart be left three dear dav. for examination.

FOUR per CENT. DEBENTURE STOCKJ Warrant for interest Cue on 111 January.l9CL vill be potted to tbe bolder on the 31rtirut AFFLECK D4 FRASEB. Secretary. No. 1 Adara't eonrt.

Old Broad itreet London. Iec. 13C0.t rp NORTH MOUNT LYELL COMPANY. Limited. COPPER Notice it hereby riven, that the THIRD ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the North Meant LyeU Copper Company.

Limited, will be held at Winchester boose, Old. Broad street h.C, in the City of London, on Thursday, the 27th day ef December. 1903. at 12 o'clock noon, ta transact tha ordinsry butinea cf tbe Company. By order.

Til OS. UBU1IART, becnrUry. Dated 13th December. 1900. No.

1U 1SS, Laadiball trt. London, tn SOUTH AFRICAN GENERAL SYNDICATE, imitad. Notice hereby given, that an ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING cf the Shareholder of this Company will be held at the offce ef the Company. 184, tirasham boose. Old Broad street in tbe City of London, on Monday, the Jilt day ef December, 1900, at IZ30 o'clock for tbe following parpo To receiva tba report of the Director, aad the audited lUUment' ef account of the Compacy for tha twelve month ending tba 33th una.

1930 To elect a Director To elect Auditors 1 and for other businessj By order of the Board. J. A MiON TRUKAN. Recreiary. No.

ISC Greshan bouse. Old Broad itreet London, R.C Uth December. 1900. the Comnanv the benefit cf hi elDerienoe and advioa. "20.

Avenue mad. Itegenl'a park. N.W.. October 6. 1933.

To the Committee of Masagement Biacbof's White Lead byndi rata. Limited. "Dear Pin. An agreement having been entered into with the Commercial Development Corporation. Limited, to float a Company which i to take over tbe affair cf tba I write to ripre my regret that tbe multitude and importance cf my other engagement makes it impossible for to take any active part in.

cr any responsibility with respect to. the management of tbe new Company. I resrrt Lbi tb more a tbe do acquaintance I have acquired cf Professor fuchofi whit lead process during the vaan for which 1 hare acted as year chairman ba convinced me that tbi jt. ccm offer very gTeat advantages over all it competitors, aa it produces a better quality pf white lead than any now in tte market at lower cot and in a very much thorter time.and it free from the well known dengen to which the workmen employed in tha other processes are exposed. It procesi having now been thoroughly worked out in all details, there ihould no difficulty, nnder ordinsry good management in carrying it on iuoreufully on a large manufacturing (cale.

Your very truly, LUD WIG OND. mHE BISCHOF WHITE LEAD CORPORATION (1900). Limited. The factory when erected vill be "capable of turning out 40 ton of white lead, ground in oil. each 24 hours, and taking the net profit of 3 1C.

per ton for 300 working dart, thii would cive a prof mm of 142.003 per annum, which would be suflcient to pay the following tno divide 7 peT cent on the Cumulative Preference (bares would require 15 per cent on the Ordinary Shares i 14.000 2Z03 36.500 5.500 Leaving a balance of lor depreciation ana reterve. Tbe profit to be derived from royal tie and the sale of foreign and colonial patents have not beea taken iuto account in tha above statement Tbe 200.000 provided by this isiue will be ample for all requirements Purchase price of tbe patent rights, tbe premitea aad machinery, tbe buune as agoing concern, and the goodwill has been fixed ly the Vendon Hichoi White Ia4 Syndicate. Limited) at l0.0?0. Toward satisfaction of this they have ttirulated that they receive 5C0O3 Cumulative Preference hires and Ordinary (bare, all credited a tally paid, aad 50.000 cash. 1 or Contract see full Prospectus.

It i intended to apply in due course for a quctstion en tha London itock Exchange. ProepectuMS and form cf application may ba obtained at the office af tbe Company, and of the Company. Soli itorx. Brokers. Auditors, the London Joint Stock Bank, Limited, 2 Victoria street Westminiter, bead odlo, 5, Princes street London.

X.CL, and all its branch. IjlIRST CLASS FLATS, at moderate rentals (Ridg monnt rarden and Gordon mentiop. Gcrdon quare. W.C,). Rent from 50 to 1W inclusive of all Uxee and water.

Lift lemi day aad night Tradesmen' goods lift in tbe kitchens Mlcctrfa light and gas. Perfect lanitation. Apply to Mr. BART LETT, Ftate Gordon mansion. Gnwer itreet Bloombnry.

KENSINGTON. SaporiorLATS. facing south, within two or three minutes rf Farls court Station, containing two or three reception, four and five bed rooms, and good domestic office pasengr and good lift separata outs de staircase for tradesmen and tenants Rent, to include nte, from 130 to 180 per annum. Apply to Porter, 23. Bramham gardens or to Jme Whitaker.

lSt Farr coort roart. KW. Wcatmingter Palace rrarTlfns, within a few minnte of Victoria and ft JemV park Station. BACHELOR SUITES. crnU nlns liUIng room, bed room.

bath, and w.c Kent 65 per annum. Double Buitea, containing two bed rooms lifting room, trr.okiug lounge, bath, and v.c. Rent 100 per annum. Catering done on the premise by an experianced cook: moderate tariff. Apply to Secretary, a above.

WESTMINSTER. HandsompJy FURNISHED GROUND FLOOR FLAT to be LET. Uouruallj good accommodation. Excellent dining and'draving room, imokini room, nine bed and drening room, two bath room full office. Kent low to good tenant Agents.

Mrn HAMNETT and 55. Pall mall (op poit Marlborough honte), K.W. sTIHAMBERS. To be LET. for a year, a very Vj PET of RESIDENTIAL CHAMBERS, meat choicely nlshed throughout Rent 300.

and bath room. Electric light St Jm' tret S.W. fine fur Aerommodalian. three room. ha'L Apply to Mrs.

LUMLXVS, 22, FFICES. 22 to 40, Victoria tree Westminster, Near the Hnue of Parliament light Cbeerf al Roomf. Lifts, Dot and Cold Yt ater in Lavatories. Rent from 41 Apply Secretary. 23.

Victoria treet B.W. TVTESTMINSTEll. OFFICES and SHOW ROOMS, in corner block, very light large rooms also elf cootaiced Suitea Electric light Hydranuo lifts. Hall porters. Rents moderate.

Apply Manager, 5, Victoria street fpHE ROUMANIAN OIL TRUST, Limited. Notice is hereby given, that" a MEETING ef tha Holder ef tha Debenture of tbe above named Company for 175.000. ecu red by a Truit Deed dated tbe 2nd day cf May, 1KU, and made betaeen the Company of tb ODe part aad the London Trust Company, limited, of the other pat will be held at Wiacbwter bouia, Uld Broad itreet la tba C.ty if London, on Monday, the 31t day of De cerabwr. 1900, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for tbe purpoee of approving tb aanaxed tcheme and Extraordinary Resolution! to be submitted to a Meeting of tbe A Debenture holdrn on the 20th day ef iiecember, 1300, and of passing tba annexed ltraOrdinary Beta lotion. Dated this lSth day of December, 1500.

By order. II V. RICHARDS, (Secretary. 3. Princes street London, HC.

THE PERNAMBUCO WATER COMPANY (COMPANHIA do BEBERIBE) SIX per CENT. BONDS of 100 each, 1836. THIRD ISSUE. Notice is hereby given, that in conformity: with tb terms of tb laid bend. BONDS bearing the following numbers, namely 35 63 71 83 87 vera this day DRAWN by lot for redem ption at tha offices of Martr.

Kaowle aad Foster, the Agant of tne Loan, in tbe presence of William Crawley. Notary Public, aad that the same may be presented for payment at tha said office on and after tha Ant day of January next Tha Bonds with coupon sheets (tl ached must ba left three dear Sari for examination, OCea beun II to 2. SatsrcUys 11 ta Lcndcn. li December. 1503.

KNOWTJCS and FOSTER. Cour tsnirnad. Ta Crawley. Not Pub. Grain and Sons, 43, Xorabejtlhtreet E.C TFHE PERNA3IBUCO WATER COMPANY (COMPANHIA do BEBEBIBEX SIX per CENT.

(THIRD SERIES) STERLING BONDS. INTEREST thereon dne on lit January. ISO. will be PAID at oar Connting bouse on and after that date. Coupon can be left aay day except Faturdsy between tha bean cf 11 and 2, three clear dart being required for examination.

41 Monrgate etreet ilC. llth December. 19 XL KNOWLKB and FOSTER. THE CITY of SANTOS IMPROVEMENTS COMPANY (limited) 5 par CZ3fT. DEBENTURiS of the Notica is hereby riven, that tha undermentioned DEBENTURES bare this dar been DRAWN for redemption I at tbe office nd in tbe presence of Mr.

John Dalton Venn. Notary Public. 50. Grribam hoove. Old Broad street ia the City of London.

The Debenture to drawn ar redeemable at par on tba 1st (January next abentha tstert thereon will cease. Four Debenture of 100 each No. 14 S3 45 43 The drawn Uefjenture vita tha Coupons attached can be pr tented daily (caturdayi excepted) at the office cf the Company. 174. Graf ham bovra.

Old Broad ftreet, ro the City of London, and must fee left three clear day for examination. J. X. RIM MER. Secretary to the City of Santos Improvement Company (Limited).

Be. 174, Greshaa bouse. Old Broad ttxeet la tba City of London. December 11th. 180a (CoviBtjieslgoad) Jea D.

Venn. Notary Public rTUIE LANDS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. With which Is Amalgamated The LAND LOAN and XNFRANClIlbEMENT COMPANY. Incorporated by ipecial Acts of Puliameet TEEMS ef REPAYMENT EXTENDED from 23 to 40 rean. AdTaoce an made to Landownen in Great Pritaln for all kinds acricaKural improvemenU.

and for the general improvement cf aoded property, by the erection of Artisans' and Miner' Cottages. OfopcDent cf land (bring part cf a landed ritste) for buiiding parrceea, and for trial ptu lor mine, also for tb erection, altera boaj. aad additions to maaiiona, stable, aad outbuilding, including entrance lodges, coachmen's and gardeners' cottage on settled tstataa. fee supply ing water thereto, their general amtary improvement and electne lighting. Tbeamouiit bcrrowad being re raid by a rent ehirge spread over a tt Board For terms and farther particular apply to the Company.

Offices, Fa Great Oaorg treat WeeUninster' London. B.W. GRANVILLE K. RYDER. Managing Director.

OEOEOK HAMLIN. ficeTetaiT axreexor. DEBENTURES, yielding irom 4 to 4g per cent. In ound commercial companie guaranteed as to both rrineioal ad Interest by tb IkW GUARANTEE and TRUFT EOCIETY (IimitedL Fu2y Bobscribad Capital. 1.000.000.

Head office, 43. CliancatT lana. Vrig Cityrjc56. MwirralatTeet. K.CL UTUAL LOAN FUND ASSOCIATION, limited (Incorporated lliUi.

aacastar rlae, 8trand.VT.C VAN CES MONEY opon pencnal security, deeds, A rrpaysbl trinaaaeaOt, Idvas SiUf prwspu diieoiiBted. Forms Moderats W.a WaUViBiDSCTKan. Proposed modiflcationi to be rubmittad to the A Debentnre bolden cf the existing Scheme for redemption of the lint Mortgage Debenture tor 250.000. of which 233.000 hav been isiued. PROPOSED SCHEME.

The legal document ifeuriog the Pteaua Romans Company' Debentures to. be altered in the manner required or permitted by Roumanian law by providing tht redemption of those Debenture tball commence as from tbe ltt June. l'dOO. instead cf as et present arranged from the 31st March, liCa, tbe eteaua Romana Company to pay to the Truftaes of the Debenture Trait Deed for securing the above mentioned Pint Mortgage Debenture or other the holders of tb Steana Romana Company' Debenture the um of 5.030 in each et the yean 1SCQ to inclusive, and thereafter tbe turn of .0.000 per annum in addition to a nm to be paid in each year, beginning with the year 190, equal to tbe intemt saved by the reaemption of the Debentures until all the above mentioned Eteaua Romana Company Debenture re dichargd. acn turn to be pUvced by tb Trustee and when recerved to the credit of tba unking fund to be created under tb Truit Dead.

Tbe turn of 5.000 originally et aside by tbe Fteaaa Romana out of their profits, and afterward, tundrd over to the RonmanianOU Trust, limited, to be used for tbe endowment of the Sinking Fund of that Company. pumiAnt to the Resolution cf the eteaua Romana in General Meetingon the 16th December, 1S93, and by that Company paid over to tbe Trustee of the 1 rust Iteod (ball be deemed to bare been duly paid on behalf of the teaua Romana in full eatiataction of their obligations under their own Truit Docu ment and thai! be accepted a a payment on Account and in satisfaction of tbe liability of tbe Roumanian Oil Truit Limited, under the Debenture Trait Deed. 2. That the said Trustees so long aa they remain holden of the Fteaua Romana Company's Debenture, be authorized to band to the Steaua Romana Company la each year Debentures of that Company of the nominal value of tbe amounts paid to the Trustees as the case may be aa and when these turns an paid to tbem in rash. 1 Tb Truat Deed for tecuring the above mentioned Pint Mort gige Debentures dated tha 25th July, 1833.

to be altered by providing lU That the words out et profits in CIsuie sub iection be omitted from lines 2, 6. and 8 of the sub Becticn. (2.) That all payments made or to be made by the Steana Romana to the Trustee in any year are to be taken a pro Unto iiat action of tLe liability of the Roumanian Oil Trust Limited, to make tbe payments provided by Clause 12 (1) of the Trust Deed, (1) It is proposed to submit the above scheme to the Meeting with the following RESOLUTIONS. That thii Meeting approves of tbe above Scheme, and astho rixea tbe Trustee the Debenture Iru.t Deed to conreat a. the boiden of all tbe Iebeutures ol the Steaua xtomana Company to tbe alteration of the legal crcumenta securing the Debentun of the Steaua Romana in accordance with to said (chrme.

and totjie endorsing on the said Debentures of a. notification the raid alteration, and te execute and do all other thiru. necesrary to carrv the lame into enect and tbe taid Steaua Romana Debenture are for thi purpose and so far only a to enable the arrangements to be carried into effect released from the charge thereover created by the Trail Deed and (or) the Debentures." 2. "lhat the following modification, in the Trurt Deed which have been prepared by the Company and recommended by tbe Trustee be made, viz, That Clause 12 of the Debenture Trust Deed of the 25th July. 1EJ3.

be modified a follow lly omitting from rub clause (1) tbe words out of the profits In lines 2. b. and 8 thereof, and by adding at the end of tub clause (1) the words any payments made or to be made in any year by or on behalf of tbe Roumanian Company to the Trustees or Trustee in redemption of any of the bends or debentures of that Company, for the time being held by the Trustee or Irustee. iha Ib taken by tbem or him in satisfaction pro Unto of the liability of the Company in that year to make the above That tne Trustees be authorised to postpone the carrying out cf such scheme until they shall have been tatilned by the advic of a Roumanian legal expert whether instructed on their beralf or cn bebalf of tbe Company, that the Scheme can be given legal effect to in Rouaiania." 4. That a notice of tbe alterations to be made In the Trurt Deed be made upon each of the Debenture, and that all tbe Debenture be for this purpose produced to the Ihat these resolutions are conditional upon the assent of the holden of the feeond Mortgage Debentures of the Company boinj duly given to the Betolution to be Passed by the Debenture holders, That this meeting approves of tbe above Scheme, and authorize the 1 rasters of the Debenture Truit Deed of the' 2nd May.

11S9. to anient to it" HOUSES, WANTED. FARMHOUSE (old, QUIRED. Write E. London, W.

and ROUGH LAND REW Deacon's, 166, Piccadilly, SALES by AUCTION, or Private Treaty. Tho special facilities and advantsre which MATLE and prw res enable them to CONDUCT PALES of PROPERTY and FUR MTUHE by AUCTION or othrrwiie to the great benefit of their clients, nd xrutl men about to dispose of their properties would do well to consult tbera upon the subject Estate Offices, 145, Tottenham court road. W. Tf OWNERS and AGENTS. REQUIRED.

FREEHOLD COUNTRY HFSII'KNCK. eontaininr 13 bd room, three reception room, and billiard room, or tpace. to build same (tabling, lodse entrance with drive, not lei than four acre of land. Folios ing diitrirta preferred Leatherhrad. Asb tead.

Oxted. Krnley. 1'orking. CsUrbam, Button. Price to .300.

Seed full particulars and photos to CoL A. F. IL. at 3. Agar vt'Trt.

Ftrand. WANTED, to PURCHASE, a umall, compact I ESTATE, with good residence, inrronnded by a park or Any rart of England near the coast and good goif iu us. rtarklikn land. linka Price about 20.000. Addrtsl IJTCHF1ELD.

3. Ilrai on street W. J. care of G. WANTED, in Hanto or WestSusrex, an ESTATE of 103 to 600 acre, affording fair (hooting, and, if poibIe, trout filling wild fowl (booting much appreciated.

The house ibculd have good sized rooms, stand high cn gravel or ssnd, and contain aliout la bed rooms. Price up to 20.000. 1'articuian to Ixrd 4. Waterloo place. London, 6.

W. HOUSES, 4a, TO BE LET AND SOLD. BRIGHTON. JENNER and DELL, KstaUisbed as Agent in Brighten more than Half a Century, Recency square. Brighton, and The Drive, Hove.

Register and Map of Brighton and Hove free. BRIGHTON. To he LET or SOLD. The best selection of private RESIDENCES is contained in Metir. WILKINPON.

riON. and WELCH' LIST. Oftcet, nortn sireei. ana Jua. nesrern roaa nove.

1TO. BANKS of tho THAMES (Twickenham). Very fine old MANSION, with (bout three acre, with river frontage, for SALE. Ibe accommodation comprises 18 led and dressing rooms, five reception roome.complrte offices and for arveral bone. Apply to Mr.

PENNINGTON. F.A.L. Auctioneer. Rich L514.J EASTBOURNK For th best selection of RESIDENCES to be LET. Furnished or Unfurnished, scd Proper tie to be Let or Sold, spply to MAPLE and Ca.

116, Terminus rosd. Eastbourne. Brighton and London. Etablished half 4 century. I FOLKESTONE.

For freedom from fogs. Scenery, sanitation, and lubrrry. Meii n. ElLJARTand MEACHEE. Tbe leading Agent.

89. Sandgata road. I FOLKESTONE. JOHN SHERWOOD (oldest estshUhe.t), HOUSE and ESTATE AGENT. Illustrated Monthly Property Register and lTinted list ef Furnished Houses rrs til on at plication.

Office. 5, Jtandgate road. Telegrams, wood. Telephone. 61a.

HYDE PARK and PORTMAN ESTATES. MULLETT. BOOKER, and REGISTER of the principal Furnished and unfurni hed RESIDENCES to te LET or SOLD may be inspected at their Auction and Fitate Agencv offices, Albion hone. Ilyde park tquare (corner of Albion itreet), W. LONDON and COUNTY ADVANCE and DISCOUNT COMPANY (Limited) ADVANCES 10 to 503.

no preliminary fee or deduction, by easy instalments, upon personal security, uf policies, furniture without removal, deeds. Stocks, Bonds, tc. Bui discounted, lorrn trati. 67 and 3, Chancery lane, W.C Kitab. 30 jearx.

JOHN STONE. Bee HE CHARING CROSS BANK, Est, 1870. No. Tt. Bedford street Chsnnr crcvs.

London. Assets. 512.475 Liahilitira 209.475 Surplus. 333.001 Loans of 33 to 2.020 granted at a few houn' notice in town or country on approved promhscTy Dote, mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stocks, plant, crop. kc without removal.

Also on deeds, policies, and revenion. Easy payments. Reasonable terms. Currant accounts opened. Interest allowed on balances, LVpeaiti ef 10 and upward received a under Subject to thresv months' notice of withdrawal, per cent.

Subject to tlx months' no tie of withdrawal. 4 per cent. Subject 12 Booth notice of withdrawal. 7 par cent Special term for lo nger periods. Interest paid quarterly, lb unalnabl Deposit Beads pay nearly per cant, sod ar a safe in rait merit Writ or call far oBc.tua, wwiisuuca.

HYDE PARK. Attractive RESIDENCE near Albert gate, havlnehsd (considerable sum spent on it to be LET for trie remainder of term. 23 yean lease unexpired at 130 per innnm. Premium 150. Agents, CllAS.

SAUNDERS aad SON, 40, Gloucester road. K.W. Crntral London Electric Railway. HOLLAND PARK and PEMBRIDGE SQUARE. FREEHOLD deUcbed RESIDENCES to be LET or SOLD, hating excellent reception rooms on ground floor, billiard room, good bed and bath room, kitchen, and otfice.

Electric luht and modern lanitation. Illustrated particular cf the Manager. S3, Holland park. W. KENSINGTON (Campden hill.

To ba LET, nn um ih d. in a high rituation and on gravel soil, a donble fronteJ. attractive KESlDKNC k. containing fir bed room, dressing room, two reception room, and conaervatory. Rent 103 on leare.

If a btth room is added the rrnt will be 110. Agents. CH KSTERTON nd SONS. 140. Kensington High atreet Wi.

15. Slone treet K.W.. and 51. Cheapside. E.C.

WELL FURNISHED RESIDENCE and STABLING to be LIT for the season from Feb. lit In MAYFAIR (facing south). 12 bed rooms, bath, four reception room', full basement lock staircase electric Uiht old Chippendale furniture atabljrgjn rear for four hones. Arentx. COLLINS and COLLINS, 34.

South Audley street Grosvsoor iqnare. W. "VyORTHAMPTONSHIRE. To be SOLD, a JJ genuine old MANOR HOUSE, itanding in 10 acres of well timbered grounds and paddock, and containing 14 bed rooms, bath room, and four reception room. Stabling for 11 Hunting with tbe Bicester, the raf ton.

the Py tcblev. ard tbe Warwickshire packs 14 miles from a railway station. Price 7.003. Further particulars of the Mrsir. LUMLLYS, EL Jamea'sbousc 22, 8t JaocxV street S.W.

(X3.54EU SUSSEX. For the beat Selection of RESIDENCES snd ESTATES to be LET cr SOLD in this county apply to MAPLE and 109. King road. Brighton. London, and Eastbourne.

OUSSEX, within an hour cf London (450ft. aboTe IO sea level, lovely views of South Downs bracing climate, gravel oU). ONK cf tbe prettiest ESTATES In tbe County for SALE. FR K.EHOLD nearly 3J0 acres boantlful ho use. Urge, lofty room, line billiard room, hindsome rocservatory excellent stablins.

well timbered grounds, undulating pork productive farm, tint class buildings shooting on estate hunting with several packs. THUS. G. LITCHflKLD. 3.

Kruton atrret Wi (1.414. TUNBRIDGE WELLS rind DISTRICtT ESTATES snd HOUSES. BRACKETT and SONS, House Agents, 27 and 23, High street, aad It Cbtnng croes, London, w. I UtratJ MONTHLY REGISTER and GUTDI fxaa, IrtabUihed Mic70yrv MU aedL ia the favownt dsstrsrU of Eagfand and naies. to tui) or tnlurnisoea ana i urnjinea, gar the winter, or by tb year, tb majority of which hare been personally tatpaeted.

may ba had pot fr for lix itampa. CcuVf oa. 4. Waierloc plare, PalVtaaU. S.W.

Branches at Maidenhead and Bonnlngdel PUtxma. OSIERS ETSHIRE (in a good huntinf di trict). Tb FREEHOLD for PALS of a choice LITTLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY cf about IS with evr llent moilem Residence containing ipaeious entrance and inner halls, four reception room, nine bed rooms. sth room, aad excellent office rapital rtaliling. firm builduir, three cottages, pretty greuods.

ihruies. orchard and meadow land. Itupsrtrd by Messrs. GIDDY and GIDDY, 4, Wlrfoo pV e. S.W.

BEAUTIFUL LAKE of FIVE ACRES, with isur roundinr velttcsbcred aad nrdu'ating lands of 15 acre. for SALE. There i an ideal lit for the erection of a good c'an residence, bich above tb lake with beautiful views. Gravel and and sabseiL Main, lin railway station, 45 micutrs from London, two miles distant Photo, plans, and full particntan of rstn. GIDDY and GIDDY.

4. Watsj joc piace. B.W. HINDHEAD, TOO feet above aea level, bat in a pr itinn and on travel soil To' be LET oe POLD, a picturesque MODERN HOUSE, built In the old fsshk ned tjle. having south aspect commanding magnificent views, and containing four reception room, lo bed and dretiing room, and office.

Tber are stabling, cow stalls, and other taibting. aed tbe grounds Include lawns, shrubbery, and small weed: kitchen carden of two acre. Particulars of MrssraGIDDYandGI DDY. 4. Waterloc placa.

8. W. LI. Fremiwn! lor hr of profit, and wparior ressdeoca aad ooara oancg an yvar. tiau.

AOOress BUU, zna Taaee Office, E.C A GENTLEMAN WANTED, exeoced in the shipping trad, to RXPSX8ENT an old esf ablisbad wharfinger' busirsrr on owt rid Rirwr Thame, near Lrradon re idr and new Tower brxira. with a connexion in futhw aad Mincing lajv preferred. which win ba treat ad aa tnctlj conCdential. by letter ody. to care cf A.

Cos. 24. Scuth wark itreet S.E. ENGINEERS PUPIL. An oM esUblir hed flrrn, in a pleesent country tewn.

Admiralty contra cti ia Ac, employing abemt 200 men. fcav VACANCY for tb above. Esceptior advantacea for amtnif thoronxn exxwrience In ill branch of the profusion, lor fa I parlicu'an addrvs tors. care ef Messrs. rtanley ard II and IS.

Uwiy apprcarh. Lonceo brslga. K.E. IJNDER MINUTES from WATERLOO. To be SOLD, or Let Furnished or unfmrniihed.

with immediate msNKn. a wn sttraetiea and well built modern DENCE, in heantifol grounds of between three sod four acres, and within five minute of nation, with iplendsd train" service. Fine hall, three reception. 12 bed and dressing room, two fitted lath rooms, and every coatentese. stabling fur three, and men' rooms.

Rent unfurnished. 250 per ann. Inspected and strongly reoomrnended. Forpiiewacd tvher deUUs anply Messra GIDDY and GIDDY, Watei place, S.W. mOWN HOUSES.

GIDDY and GIDDY REGISTER of ail the best to SOLD cr LETia MAYFAIlt I BgU(KAl. KENSINGTON. CADOOAN ESTATE, livrit nrfiTCNTS PARK. Aad other fashionable centre, for many of which they are the cz elusive Agent, may be inspected ax tneir vniei woe 4, WATERLOoPLACE. PALL MALL, S.W.

SHOPS. Bnsiness Premipes, SELECTION of all those available end tneroognrare wtu sent menu GIDDY snd iGIDDY. mall. S.W. Investments.

A in all the bast West upon receipt or require 4. Waterloo Place, Fa YOU WANT to RENT, or BUY. LET. or EI.L HOUSES. FLATS.


Citr. or Fuburba. apply to 1r ESSRS. CHETWYND. LLOYD, and DEANE, J.TJ AUCTIONEERS.

VALUERS. 8. tOUTIIAMrTtlH STBEEr. BIKJBUUX BViiAi.t m.u. Mortgage srracged.

enu colleclea. caic cy fliraon. K.B. Erery Dercripton ef Auctioneer' Easiness UnderUkm. mttEF.WOI.n RESIDENTLVL ESTATE.

Otten elchamp Ua comprising modern white brick and at. Mnf I in r.r.l' lli LI1J Ulf inw SI 1. 1 iitreh ansia sjrvi. nlf nral hnildinn in CXrollent Order, Ifi acres all adlmnine rond well of SDrrnr water. Possession Cf the bouse cn completion.

ITice 1.722 (10 13s. per acre). 1IUCKLE. 19. Lower Brook tret Irawxch.

T0 will PURCHASE FREEHOLD Oy MANOR HOUSE in lovely part of Surrey beautiful view of Leith bill full iired billiard room. 14 bed room, excellent stabling, farmery charminc and paddock extra parklike cranland if wanteil TliOri G. LITCHFIELD, 3, Brutoa (UeetW. (L4ia) R. LEOPOLD FARMER rires ppecial attention to the SKOJNO and LETTING of BUILDING SITES, having revere! for disposal, situate in flnt elas portions, and rait able for tbe erection of beps.

residential nats. lactones, warenousea. and other building. Man and full particulars at the Auction and Stirrer office. 46.

Greshain JS.C ana ajiourn, j.vv. T.N. 03. Ixindon wall. FREEHOLD BUILDING SITE, Sonthwark, to be I FT or snr.n.

with eood river frontal i and approach from main street, inance offered. Also rrppercorn. Area aoout a.vuui. Suitable for One warehouse, runs ana particulars, aoove. WEST HAM.

FREEHOLD LAND. 4i acres, three minutes from Plaiatow Station. 4l a mile east of Bank. in populou neighbourhood. Over 1.600 feet frontage to proposed reads.

Fint rate factory site. Pnce only m. Alio a lew ntu frnnlinr iut.nn No restriction. PlSU tO be en and further information obtained ef NICHOLSON and CROUCU.Clun ho use, Surrey Street Strand. W.C "7llEEIIOLD SHOP.

Crrrmandinr and enbatan tialle bnlit CORNER PREMISES, in important main road. three mile from the Bank of England. Let oa full repairing lease to an established firm at 130 per annum. Price 2.600. J.


CENTRAL STORES. MAGNIFICENT PREMISES, in the centre of the West end. suitable for the above trade. Modern building. SOft froBlag back entrance hydraullo lifts.

Long Ieae, no premium. Full particulan may be obtained cf MAY and ROWDEN. Na 33. Maddox xtreet W. SHIPPING COMPANIES, TonrisU' Offices, Very fine TRIM HE? AVAIIJIBLE.

in the very Ustcf all positions. Considerab'e premium required, whie h. however, is mote than Justified by the low rent aad locg leaf. Apply Tba Time Office, itu TtOVTVRTr.EET PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIOS. mriE finest PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO in the Wst end.

together with expensive apparatus and evtry modern convenience for a business or tne nignest enaracter. XJVge Muaio. rirasslne room, dark room, handsome receotion room on tint floor. eisht rooms sbov. Rent 50) inclusive of rate and tax.

Sole Agents. UARRSTT. WHITE, and POLAND. IS, llano ver street and 4Z, foul try. CTORE WAREHOUSES.



S. W. FURNITURE REMOVED from honse to hout or WAREHOUSED at monthly rent. Estimate free. Mode i a tipn, a Vvf.

s. PANTECHNICON. London." T. 262. Westnunster.


An OPENING. Hish class Publiabing Baaine. An excellent epporteaity for a University man having about 5.000. Kemunerative rrtuma. A aaf investment Full particulan Mr.

A. M. Burghes. 34. Paternoster row.

ARTNERSHIP. Well established BUSINESSES bowing good profit and itanding every investigation are RE HIRED for numerous capitalists requiring partner! hi pa. Arnold and Co 15, Pall mall east and 63, Queen Victoria atreet E.C. PARTNER REQUIRED, for lace school, with sale of lace, lace mending, kc Knowledge ef tbe subject not essential it practical and artistic. Ravival Pillow Lac School.

23. Buckingham Palace road, S.W. PARTNER WANTED. 500 to 1.000. A Gentle man with this amount of money at hi command can obtain an excellent appointment as well as a share in a good paying buii ness.

Money absolutely under own control. Preference given to one with tome knowledge et butine. and who would take an active interest Address, in rxt instance, J.K., car of C.S33, The Time Office. E.C. PARTNER WANTED with 000, in an old establishedestablished London Manufacturing Business.

present (bowing good profits; minimum income of 400 a year ainired, and capital entirely secured, advertiser who is a man of good social position, is investing tbe lame amcunt Highest reference given and required. Principal and (oliciton only devt with, G. W. C.593, TheTime Office, E.C. WANTED, by a Public School man, who is a F.S.L.

a PARTNERSHIP in a firm of land agents, with country work, or Employment a Agent or Sub Agsnt on aa estate. Excellent reference. Reply Z. 323, Mesan. Deacon's Advertiiing offices, Lradenball atreet London.

A FIRM of GENERAL MERCHANTS, with a central London office, but not sufficient work for their clerks, wotud be glad to AMALGAMATE with some other and share el rises. Address. Box 103, General Po.t Office. Birmingham, WANTED, PARTNER (sleeping or active) in a recently established Saw and. Planing Mill business in Norway.

Machinery of lateat improvements. Capital required from 9,003 to i.13,000. Full particulan on application to Robt II. Dab! and Co. 88.

Bihopegt treet EC CONTRACTOR, with extensive works on hand and in prospect deiire FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. Principals or their solicitors only dealt with, X. Y. Harrison's. 45.

bt Martin iana, W.C EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH RATE of INTEREST for sums of not less than 25 is offered by a firm of colliery gents, who are able to utilise additional capital in order to profit by the rapid increase cf business to their foreign export trad. Absolut ecurity. Depoeita withdrawable at (hort notice, or particulan address Meura. James Godiiard and The Exchange, liff. REQUIRED for a SHARE in a pro 3sVOvV msing new LITERARY ENTERPEISTS of high character.

Fo nble returns very Address Box 2,547, Ball Fleet street London. OANS GRANTED at 5 rer cent, in connexion with moderate Life In in ranee (with laretietl. at the ENGLISH and sCOTTIS II LAW LUE OFFICE, 1Z Waterloo place. pall malUP W. Apply for Nw Loan Froapectu.

showing easy term v. EVERSIONS (Contingent or Absolute) BOUGHT on favourable terms, or liberal ADVANCES made by the English and Scottish Law Life Office. 12. Waterloo place, PaU mall.a.W. INVENTORS.

Patenta secured, sales neco tiated. and inventors assisted. Special facilities. Handbook advice free. Uuzbea and Younz.

Patent: A rents lest. lftMi No. 55 53. Chancery lane. W.C.

Trade marks registered. JOB1LASTERS and FUNERAL CARRIAGE PROPRIETORS. BUSINESS in large South cf England watering place for SALE on the proprietor retiring. Black stallion and other bone, beanes. carriages.

Ac. Worth about 3.003. To be Sold at valuation, with goodwill Address Livery, care of W. J. and E.

11. TreraeUen. Solicitors, 331 Chancery lane. Vi.C T0. WjiLLi suu Aihu xaiAiititstijiiiNr PARIS of retail dealen In fancy goods for ladies would like to REPRESENT ENGLISH FIRM Armaud, 6, Place de la Bourse.

Paris. for suitable article. Apply SITUATIONS, VACANT. (Tinigr Litis, 3a. etskt Zxtxa Ixsk, Is.) IMPORTANT to TUTORS.

A list of classical, mathematical, science, modern languages, music, drawing and Junior MASTERSHIPS sent to all candidates. Pleas stste qualification, age. Ac Orellana and 44. Old Bond street, ASSISTANT MISTRESSES (English and Fore Lin I WANTED, in Jacaarr. for Public and Printa schools.

Salaries 20 ta 103. list cf appointments vill be sect to candidates on application. Address Griffiths. Smith, Powell and Smith. Educational Agents, (Estd.

18331, 34, Bedford treat dtraad. 380 WANTED, a well educated and thoroughly competent Kindergarten DAILY GOVERNReS, It is desirable that she should have obtained the Higher certificate of tbe National trocbel Union, and be a Graduate of a University. Write F.B.R.. car of Messrs. Reynell and Son.

Advertisement orfiee. 44, Chancery lane, W.C GLERK WANTED, with thorough kncnrleoVe of Xiport Trade, chiefly in Iron and 81 eel. to the Eastern Markets. Foil particulars of previous experience and salary rati tured to K.R, 20Q. ear of Measrs.

Deacon a. Lead erihall atreet. TTNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL, fJower street, W. tl WANTED, a CLERK in the Steward's office. Aged betveen 30 and 3S.

Good writer, quick and accuraU at flgars. itaady and retiabla Wge 30. per week. Breakfast aoddtnacr provided. Hours (4L Apply, try kttcr, Crkxhip, ftssstary, ag abera, OME BUYER WANTED.

A larre and important boos ar open ta ENGAGE a GENERAL HOME BUYER for their export department Must have wide experience in baviog forth Eastern markets and Aostralasisn coiooe. Unex ceptionable reference required a to character, health, experience, and ability. State ge aad (alary destred. No eovamawioeia of aay tort will be given or allowed ta ba accepted. Address Cotmos.

rare cf Mead. Burt, soi Co, S3. incbeiter bxxu. 50. Old Brcsd trt.

London. EC INSURANCE. REQUITIED, at once, in the insurance department of a large firm, a smart. Intelligent YOUTH, about 18 23. who baa had aotae xperiecca in insurance busiaees.

Good writing and emwrtrsesi at ficurea ind is pec sable. Apply, taxing full particulars and present salary, to W. P. A ear ef Messrs. Meat Bart, and 60.

Old Broad street Ixd 00. E.C. was "ii "aw sTsft. L1 MTTi aaXr VafnTLW "rSJ aacnra. a.

Bl. saeectsd. fi iVUTiriw road.X.W. Bpedal qwotaticWfrL tt lai COALS, 23a. r.

R. WOOI). 22a. BBkTtoa. Pp aahu.

nil li.V T4t. 1 road Portsmouth I tUAbS. LiKA and fV. lalaud. rx Bart WaHsend, r.

Eu Ptaffard. Ma? Maw rk.n, rCij Slrteaa. H. Hartley Sl is .18. Per 12 sacks Cash.

HighbSry Ccrbwi! fate. N. KiagTland. X. Old Foed.

C'Sf'i am p. tead road. kTw i X. N.WNo. 1 Wharf.

Warwfca road. SnStAj. COALS. NA1U. PEGG and Co.

Bt Wallarnd. 32s. Selected. 32tl Ww11 Pegg. 81'kstooa.

30. Dtfir BrlghtiTik irtThit i' JuT cobole. 23a. hard eobb. hi.

a. lL w5 CUpham eoad. 8.W. l' F.nga. and Bickley.

Tjt ZiS9 ALBERT USHER and Co. Snrric7rT77T Household Cobli 25.. Wsliser 3U Tw2 Pilkiton. 31. Derby.

3C. kitchen. SittiJif Tasalt wvaaaw all ftQ IP L1' Delivered all part. 113. altera road, sjtr stations at peeially low pnce.

LARGE NUTS. 25s. 6d STANLEY WaTtt' TUNIOR CLERK established Inrwnnc I rant, with a knowledge of I sctooL Write, rtalios age Smith's. 5L Moorjate ltxeet old I Stov Coal. 25.

bouse. 2S. aack. lis. Ed.

Orders. 64. Pascras road. N.W. as.A a.

Stanley Wa2oA JT REQUIRED by an "1 vyT I Aifl AT vjv rrt anxaase or ihortnand and irora a putxio uh uiiii, ojiiiu, anri and salary required, to Foreign, car of I Vy Prted with Rickett Cockerril. and J5 ki I ana n. Let 32.: If end mm and beet Silkrtcee. 31. ants: per tea SHORTHAND UJ iiltiv.

AXJCJJ.immeflUt'y, couje nw. sncnen. ssa, ti.i. iniait RiaotRTirvnr.ltAPHEk. I hard

a. stove coal. SUt d. what knowledge rf foreign laMuage. Ac Give fullest "fh '''ET' Tacr Apply, by letter only.

E.ean. 23. Mennettvsaeet. S2TlSS''Js'9 ltant sef avv 1 STACK WANTED, ASPIRANTS for the STAGE, to complete th cast of higb ela French eotoedy. by a well known anther, at West end theatre, prod need in English.

Prrmtu23 required, or could take a financial interest in same. Edo catson and refinement eserntial. An xceptional opportunity. Long engagement Reference exchanged. Apply by leOer for interview to Manager, rare r.f tha Metropolitan Pre.

34 asd 35, bentbamtten itreet Strand. W.C TO PARENTS and GUARDIANS. Wholesale Tea Trade. Special opportunity for YOUTH leaving SchooL No premium required, but ranst grr serrire for first 12 months. Address, by letter, to IL IL, care of Abbott's.


LIMITED. DIRECTORS. Harold J. Reckitt M.P.. Wintead hall.

E. TorkJL John Brook Bny. Esq. Clapham. Polegate.

Scssex. Benjamin Glasgow. Eaq Tbe Rowans, BUckbeath. 3.E. For pamphlet and partieulan address or call upon th Recretarr.

V. M. HOLLINSWOETU. IU Charing crosfc WhiUhall. S.W.

(corner of Trafalgar aquareL tea 1 in across. 3 IZ. tEces. ti Addintton 'crmAaA' 1J2U. J.

COCKER ELL and Co. VT IiKwuiiated with Bsckctt Cockercg. and rw rv.s Coal Merchants to the yueeo and Prioce of wi Bert Coals lockareii Best Kitchen No. 13. Cornhin.

E.C Bet Wallsend (32tt Bast I Silksoneal. f23. Cobbles ijaard) (7. per ton. Cok.

(IJ, satlTf cnees. SMeisl tnwV. wurrf km COALS, 3a. txL F. B.

CAM ERON snTrT" Contracrvto Her Majerty Government ara deSvt L. special bou at 27a 6d. per ton. They are the btt ttZS1 xyinaon. large and well rcreened.

make a cheerful tr. tc Sa na nwa THOROUGHLY experienced COOK (Chnrch wnman) WAN I ED. early in the new year, for small country heufe, eig ex nuie imm London. Gentleman, lady, six servants. Country servant.

GP.S. member, who has lived in larre households. preferred. Kitchenmaid kept Are 30 40. Apply, by letter only, to an warner.

Bouinena ncuse. Chief Olflc. 33. 35. 37.

Pancras road. N.W. Ilampitead. raddington. Pbepberd'( a mHIRD HOUSEMAID of three REQUIRED JL at once.

Alio a. uustbav nad oo experiancfl oi good service. Apply oy setter or personalty to Jin. nux parx. Ouildlora.

SITUATIONS. 4c WANTED. (Foca Ltsxa. 3s. Erxar Erraa Lurs, 6d.) A Very Pucce.sful MATHEaIATICAL COACH RE0CIRE8 one cr two VACATION PUPIIA Tutcr.

73, foutb strtet Greenwich. e.E. Ta AILY. Vipitinz. and Resident Holiday and other GOVERNESSES tall kinds) recommended by Mr.

ELLIS. 33. Welbeck t. Cavendiah W. (etah.

ever 60 yean) alio Companion. Secretaries. Lady Nunes. Honekeeper. Ao.

No chsrx to ladies. fee to governesses till placed. Schools recommenced. FAN AMILY or SCHOOL Cert, (honours) COVER music drawing eaintinc needlework. Underrtands car cf he Jth and neneral well beinr of nnrllL Kefarences Countess w.

and xTm' cipal of high class school 63. R.V Madame Aubert. 14L Regent strett AS CONFIDENTIAL CLERK, Accountant, or Cashier. Higheat references. Sound experience.

Oorrrmercial sad liberal education. Free one week's sotkav Compos, 33, CUftoUi road. Stoke Newington. "1XT ANTED. EMPLOYMENT, for centlemsn.

aced 33. in a olicitor" or Mereanta ofBea. or as a Secre tary. Capable and energetic, with connderatle experience as taanaring clerk to a well known principal of City Solicitor. Ceold uodertake estate manage nt er would go Jrod.

Rigtest refar oees. Box 2.S49. Sell's. Fseet trreer, E.C. mO SOLICITORS.

Gentleman REQUIRES SITUATION as MAXAGING CLERK. Six yean' erperienco (five in London Tnoroaxfily rpenenc In 4 onrt practice. Probate, aod Conveyancing. licttof'sHnal I3XL' Well adueated. OI coco aaiiress.

cacaoie. ana enerxeuc aceiiens rerereucea. Salary 1 per annum. Address C604. Tb Time Office.

X.C A GENT. London Englishman (33). fluent French. XJL German, knows Contlnnt well, extensive higb elaas European connexion, excellent reference, desires REPRESENT another IIOUSF. Only first elan enurtxined.

Address CX5S3. The Times Office, EC ENGLISHMAN, age 35, thorongh French. German. Danish (each acquired ia own country), seeks POS abroad or would travet Business experience, axceueni retarences. jaoaresa G.

W. care of Street's Agency. 33. Cornhill. EC GRAPHOPHONES.

Phonocraph. FOREMAN In a evlinder factorr. havine a thoroaia knowledge of all that rrada desire a similar nil uahuji in franc or asroaa. rrnt to Folnceler. 7S.

rue Uaubeuge, Pan. TTOTEL BOOK KEEPER. SITUATION RE XX QUIRED, br younz lady, experienced in bar and book on fibular lib best reference from Cambridge Hotel (Roval patronagel; Address Bookkeeper. Crown Trading Co, Cottea nam. tameriage.

A REFINED YOUNG LADY, accustomed to tra vetlinf deiire POSITION aa LAD in MA ID. or Co moan ion to Invalid. Would prefer going on the Continent Xpert needle woman. Baiary no ODjecr. xiign.

reirrtnoe. r. Th lime Office. K.C CJUPERIOR DOMESTICS.

Numbers of all kinds aT) DISENGAGED Also a larre itaff ef Useful Companions. Governesses, uouseseepers. lao.j iooxs. xaay uousernaia rariour maida. Idy Nurse, and Lady General Helpa Maud Merrisoa.

No. 48. Keniagton arden qaare. West bourne grove. lieaa omce.

v. ooutcampcon row. iioiDom. FEMMES de CHAMBRE.TraveUin Maids, Bonnes dEnfants. Pchoolmom Maids.

Cuiiinierea. ens res da IRtranr rbercbent de rutu. tadreser a uesdame Uppenhetm, 63, Berners street GARDENER (Head or Single handed). After Christmas. Underatands vine, rncumhers.

raelana kitchen nd Cower garden. Gardener, Tbe Cottage. White hall, Olden hilt, Churchend. rinehley. N.W.

WANT PLACES. CTHB.ZE LlXIA. ll. 6d) rAID, or TJraruL Dress inai or. machinist, packer, keep linen or ill store X.

63 8t Mary's road. Oxford. HOUSEMAID, with help. Ag 25. On vear aad eleven months character.

J. X. care of Mrs. Brands. 13, King' place, Kiag' street Pertman square.

W. TRAVELLING COMPANION, or with children. Rom or France preferred. Good linguist, and reference. Mis.

Crate. St il an well. COTTErEE VALET. High personal reference and teitimonialc leak fluenGr Enrliari. Gsraun.

French. Italian Snani.h Useful to invalid. A. Ill Sydney street Chelsea. B.W.

TRAVELLING VALET COURIER to single gentleman er family Swiss. ThorOTgMy experienced. Pour language. Personal ct rscter. Carrier.

232. 8.W. TRAYELLTNO YALET, experienced. Swiss. Aged 47.

Singta. Valuab'a in case of illness. Knows Eeypt aad Continent Three yean personal character. M. 15.

Montpeiier placa. S.W. COACHMAN. Ai 33. married, two children, 9 years' persona! character.

Left throuz! civins un. Tewn or town and eemstr W. 37. Devonpcrt mew s. la osi ter quar.

W. GARDENER tHEAD WORKING). Age 4a Wife experienced laundress. No encumbrance. Five yean' good character.

Barker. Woodrora bouse. near Thraprten. Northampton. WAITER.

Head. Single, or otherwise. Thoroughly eipenaneed, Fint cUs notel sharacterv. Good linguist An 25 mirriM. 31.

Wal pole road. N'ew cro(. 8.E TRADES. beat W.t Chester Wharf (Pimlicot Wandworth. fcnxtcn, twkv.

aT3 Shoreditch. Bow. igtburyvala. Tottechaa. WaittZSJiTS Leytonstoca Special kitchen.

25s. to. mBc COALS, Gd. Srecial Prices. THE Vrr CASTLE COLLIERY OWNERS.

33. PotscrZLt ww deliver their hand picked Wailsend at 23. 6d. per tea Lmi tT 7 27a (elected twuse. 2C.

larg. caU. 35a ItrS i5a.6d.eash. eBUi OALS, 23s. M.

The GRE.VT NORTHTtTt COAL COMPANY deliver their coal (lane Md41 screened), at 26s. 64: sVnds. 2Sa cash Sprcia! ri tai 5 tatioiia, C. Gordon. Manaver.

1Z1 Paiicraa S. W. COALS, 24. DAVIIS PARTNERS. Carrick best 2Sa.Sd.

la bixlHdajienli Bright He use. 7. Ed. Carrick Kitchen or Cobble, a. 61 24.

6d Best Nut. 27; 6d cok. 1. per a cxt Cub. i eras road.

N.W. and West Kensington Station. W. Canatr, ti ERBEBT CLARKE, Limited. Gt.

Norta Railway. King's cro. snd numerous outer Loodon. ll. telected.

32. beit coat 32a. ttN3KacallS naw Sdkstoo. X. i Derby.

30k I good bouse eoal. 2Sa kidsi CSa i team. 2S. cobbles. 2s.

bard cobbles. 27a kj ztsseaer stove coat 2c. nats. 23s. coke.

Us. per 12cwt Epenalgaaatiu for truckloads to country stationx. OALS. STRATTON, GENTRY, and Co." Best! House. Sis.

Nuts. ZSs. :S.G. eIrct.l Kitchen. 3Ca Eir rv.

ColUe. 27. coVe. IE. 119.

Pancras road 17. AW. firomnfnn Hanmeniirli f.r.h.n. mond. Paling.

Kew bridae, Brent: ord. and elsewhere. it WHEN Winter's here, and coals ire den' TT Buy DRAPER'S LOGS for bean's rood cheer GENUINE OLD SHIP LOGS, from old J1Tf Snip. It. 6d.

per 103 500 for 40v. Oak and beech. 7i mr 2T 500, ll. bd. Mixed7malllegs.500forI5s.6d.: LOW ftw Isris (hte briadlewood.

3s. 6cL per Grov Wiwr, rr, road. Battersea. BeUvered. FIRES, LOGS of.

OLD OAK and HIP TIMSIX (from OLD NAVY SHIPS broken up) in suiubleizsi kt Uting room famous for beautifully coloured flasx re b. a load delivered). can ONLY be ottained from the ShipbreilurTvasl ef U. CASTLE and SONS (Ltd. Baltic Wharf.

MillUakTlf mHE MOST RELIABLE FOREIGN CIGAESsot on sale, are th wellinatured tons from rood eropskal by BENSON and Co, 61. Sti raurs cburchyard. London. TMrearks enjoyable cigars, 15. 22s and Ox.

per 103. Very a iai CaerooU. 7s. 6d. per 103.

Sample cf aU. by post Is. POTATOES, at half the price of shops sad skcts, direct from th growers. 112ib. (cook IXk ball ef fioari tm deliverea.

for 5. 3s. Will keen. Cash ea ialnv Tha Direct Supply Store. 6.

Uolborn circua. London, EC SALES rY AUCTION. Sales by Auction for the Year 1901. 3fesri DEBENHAM. TEWS ON, FARMEB, id BRIDGEWATES keg ta announce thai tiir SAl.F.S for 1'oCt of E3TAZX3, lave ments.

Town. Suburban, and Country Hcuses, Boniiess Fremisfi, Building Land. Ground rents, Advowsons. Bevertioes. Itscst, Share, and ether Properties will be held at tte AoeCoa luet, Tokenhouse jard.

near tb Bank of England. ia theDtyatlesosa, as follows Tuesday. January 23 Tuesday, February 5 Tuasday. February 19 Tuesday. February 2S Tuesday.

March Tuesday. March 12 Tuesday, March 13 Tuesday, March 2a Tuesday. April 2 Tuesday, April IS Tuesday. April 23 Tuesday. April 33 Tueday.

Hay 7 Tuedy. May 14 Tuesday. May 21 Tuesday. June 4 Tuesday. June 11 Tuesday.

Jane IS Thursday. one 23 Tnesdaj. JnseS Thursdaj, JrmZ7 Tuesday. 3siy 2 Tbunday, July 4 Tuesday. July 9 Thanday.

July II xuesday. July IS Thursday. JulyU Taaaday. July 3 Tbanday. July 2 Ineaday.

July 33 Tuesday. August I Tuesday. AnguitU 1'uesesy. OciobertS OctobatS Tursday. Octobers Tuesday.

Novembers Tuesday. Novemba 13 Tuesday, By arrangement Auctiors can be also bekl on other dit a or country. Messrs. Debenham. Tea 'on.

Farmer. Jt Bratis. undertake Miles and Valuation for Protate and other jatjcfai 1 urniture. Pirturca, Farmiag tcck. Timber, ce.

Detailed list of Investments. Estates. Bporticx Quartsrala dences. Shop, and Business Premi to be Let cr Soidbvynssa contract are published on the Int of each month, xajraaat tained of Meura. Debenham.

Tewsorl. Fanner, aad Brif svtr EstaU Agents, Surveyora, and Valuers, 80. Cheaptirte. LcndoB. lleehonNc5C3LBank.

A Collection of Porcelain recently received frota China, IJeerrato Object. tAdFurnitare. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON. and W00P3 respectfully give notice that they will SELL trAt" at their STeat Room.

Kintreet St Jameaa 11113 011 (Wedneadayi, Dereralr 13. at 1 o'elcck pr dselr. A rouecuoa or nankin xiu ana wnue vuioeve Whole colour PORCELAIN recently received trom Cto Porcelain Decorative Object acd Furniture frora vanoBS Metoa. Catalogue may be had. Picture and Drawing cf the lata S.

Copping. Eq rfjw MESSRS. CHRISTIE, 3IAN30 S. ami rcsectfallvxir notice that they SELL by ACCirOJ. their irrat Booms.

King street St. James irrBar, (Thunday J. December 20. at 1 o'clocktrrecisely; rial Modern PICTURES ud DRAWINGS ef Eiav SM, also om ana modern sTeture. us prepwru ia and from numerous private collection and ciZarect sron sag vmrss oy B.

Allen T. Cox li. H. wena G. Barret W.

DaciVH Yeeod Kin David Bate L. da Bio J. Mogford A. W. Bayea J.

Dosmhaa G. Marland W. Callow T. D. Hardy S.

R. ercy J. 8. Cotman T. B.

Hardy U. Rotferts XStaaaw KnorTs5f T. Eovdsa, J. Varky II Water y. Tilcss May be riewed.

and catalogues had. PaU mail This Day. Pictures, Drawitigs. aad Zagnria vanoul soorcea. ESSRS.

FOSTER regp ctf ally aari0 'baT IT I BALE by the tmaO Tau I Wednesdayiithe 19th inst. at 1 o'clock preeuely. iiViar ITALIAN PICTUKEi early English" Water colour Drawings. Engravings, and Old Coloursd a be flewed and catalogues had. 54, maJ.

sal rjlHOMAS JpiANOS, OETZMANN and Ca IANOS, For HIRE frora 10. per Month. For 8ALP, at Best Discounts, or oa Three Yean' System. ALL LEADLVO MAKES. SECONDHAND.


Co. CRAMER'S PIANOFORTE GALLERIES. PIANOS and ORGANS br all makers. TWhsfem nottaM I bach, Sreinway. New and aecond hand.

Cash or hire nurchaaa yitem. Pianos for ordinary hire. 9M USIKLOILMS TO SELECT FROM. J. B.

CRAMER and Co. 237 and 209. Resect street and 6. Moorgate street EC THE STEINAVAY PIANOFORTES. Tho recognized lUndarl PIANOS ef the world, nsod in rnhllesn private by the world, rreateet artists, for SALE, Hire, or Hire Purchase.

Lists free. and SONS, Stein way hall, 15 and 17. Lower Seymour street Portman eqnare. W. MOORE and MOORE'S high class iron framed PIANOFORTES, 'diitirtfuished bv nnraemn Award, from IS to S6 gTjineas.

Full cash discount HIRE SYSTEM from 6s. per month. LIST FREE. 1M and 106. BUlaorte treetwithin.X.C.

Founded 1833. pail maR On View. Decorative Furnitxre Old I Chita outer ana usnaeiaora. ruver ani lection of Watches received from ConstanUoeple. Prtnm mjiA EnmiiiuL Cabinet obtects.

and Peruaai IM SALE br AUCTION, at the Gallery. 5iPaU jnarU IThursdayL tbe 2Cth int. at 1 o'clock precisely, FURNITURE, comprising Chippendal and satinwood and amboynawood tables i trron. "17 crcrs Oriental. Nankin.

Sivre Dresden, old Worcester. "aJJu ig4 Derby, French porcelain, dinner 'hina. majola aoa" ware. Louis XVL and Empire and other candlesticks, silver and old Sheffield plat. aet ati lection of watcbe received from CoriitaaUacp.e double gun.

Batunea enamels, miniatures, caticei ui engraving, and coloured priits ia frSoali. Indian rugs. May I vnwed. and ca talcs ues WTLLI5 ROOMS. KI3G 5TKEaTT.

61. elots Oa View. Antique and modern iIJecorativ rurnuui forte br Ascberberz. a venux jxarua caw ck prciely. antique i ts( FURNITURE, comprising mahogany room sub.

and drawing room iurnuurw. ito.m old English glasse. a chiming clock, decorative TOJSr jUfM candUbrv Oriental china, ana a quanwy viewed, and catalogue naa. rtu7 WILLI33 ROOM3. KING 8TP.EET, Tl fr neir fDieovenuun, A nr ffna TVllctave forte by Asrcert erz.

In fine lniaia row oj i a "YI ESSRS. ROBINSON and iriiiA if i i SAI.K a abovo. To morrow (Thnndajl. the above valuable instrument WORN PIANOS (or defective) RESTORED in tone and touch. BUDDand Co.

'a 0 rears meeialit 71 Dean street Soha 13. Beclford place. Brigaton or 74. Uua streat Button. HIGH CLASS SECOND HAND FITRNITTTRtl SPILLMAN and 14.

NewcasUe street.Strand. bold br far the I arrest STOCK of sennina SFrovrvMAVTi FURNITURE in the world. Fifty ipacicu. for OLD CHIPPENDALE. SHERATON.

ADAM. FRENCH, OLD SATINWOOD. and MODERN FURNITURE of all dssenpttons. All marked at loweit possible price. stock of Turkey and other cat pets.

SP1 I.T.MAN and Co. LONDON. fpYDER, GUARvNTEED PURE. Patronined br Roralre. NehQirw.

Unirarsitiea afwt asis PtTiiciani. who recommend our brands for Gout RheuxosAisxn, Ac jieatuacniaia and Lasts. WHITEWAY and Co. Whimple. Devon.

CHILDREN'S HAIR. Nothing is more beantiful than tha fiowinr. curlv. and eolden locks of children when property attended to. and deodedly the best application is ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL, which promotes beauty cf ppearanee aad strengthens and' eouriahes th hair.

Its mtrocuctjon into th nurseries of Royalty and tha srutocney is sufficient proof of Its merita. Also sold in a eolden colour for fair hair. Bottle Ss. 7s. 10.

6d equal to four imaiL Ask for ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL. SHAVING with EASE and COMFORT. All men who shave will find GLISSADERMOS a hsxarx. No brush. no water, no sown reeruired imTWv a tnba cf Gbsaadarmoc aad a good raxor.

A eomfortabl shav vill obtained rvea with a tender sktn. Pric jpeat free. Is. To be obtained of all uat fuiuers and ehexaista. Whalwtal ef R.

HOVE3TDEX aad SONS. Ltd 11 33. lfterlraet. TT o.f. r.

e.lK. VearlSCL cw. v.j.i. EGERTON.BBEA GALSWORTHY. acdCo.

fjel begtosnnrmnce that the Bnd.Tnectwned datf rsve JA fCTtherr AUCTIONS af tUZOiULlKCcri) a E8TA1 ES. Bevenions. Pharas. Ufa Istercst. 6 as MartTokeaJiouse

Other appointments tot iiermediate Sales can ajoj I TKnrmd, V. JU.n Tiunday. January IT Tbursasy, January i Monday. February 11 Tbunday. February Mondsy.

March 11 Thursday, March 23 Monday. April 15. ftarsday. April 2s Thursday. Mas 2 Wednesday.

MaylS Thursday. May Monday. Jan 10 Thursday. June 13 Vrmufav. JrUM 17 Thursday, June 23 "fvarya Ttanday.J",1! Wedne.

nundaJ A Jturfl. WeuaedW.AiV3 Thandy. f1 Th xrjOfotj5 Thixrrslay.cviaseri Monday. Thuraday. Thnrsdsy.l: A hit of fcrthcosainf Fale by AneOoB i pubLsi! rast Beat column of Tie Time.

ataaaaro. sbrether. Effir. mkI Co. aSo lT motlTs CHEDULX OF FBOPEKJU J7 eomprising landed and residential 1 rstate.

UrnJ wj rWsea. town and ecuntry baJdirx warucu irw v. atreet Tempiaber, ltt TVr.P,l Pablie Pale at Wine aad Piarraca sway. JJjoBl ESSRS. SOUTHARDMdSworii 2.

bt linta a E.O.WC1 as abo th London Ontts fial Sake jscoava. ftrtjcalara due coarse. "TTl wvhsaat af a. vaa. a a a ft aaw va BrvlajT 1 atO Ftlataa ana aninasn ui is Ha trnxixtAuaewiuar.

jZjliam aoasriajmiwseraru. us ia sasn Gael.

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