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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 4

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 19, 1897; rent money marker Satvrbat trim: Tl Hoatj Harket remains Inactive, with no change la live oootatioos for lotas or disootxnta. Gold it still In good demand la the bullion xnsxkat. Baxk'op Exolaxd itU, 2 par tat. (chsaged from 9 per wt on May Jl). Bejix ere' deposit rata, per.

cant, discount boose' dsposft rata par tut. at call. par est. at notion. Imm.

i DiMMBirBMkmmd. Vi I MM.I Kae. I 1 a lite Tbt Return of the New York Associated Btakt 'shows eoatldtrtblo changes la tha averages, Vpaeie tad level tander having oomt back la large quaatltiee. At total rtaarrt la laeretaad by 114,000, aad amounts to 39,870.000, which ft 9,307,000 mora thaa the legal ninimwrn, against an axcaaa of only 8,272,000 last week. There it hardly any chanre in tha lot tit tad discounts.

Jraiaaat oa tha 8rocx Exchaxob ni extremely limited, bat tha tona was firm. Ooasolt tcaia adraaoad aad Ooloalal Government securi vara rathar higher, bat la tha noma Raii ay Karkat tha "bMvy atoekt vera rathar easier. Axoaxican and Canadian Railroad tharaa aatira at bibber pria. Ia tha Foreign Market tha Tor kith groups roeo slightly all round. It had been exported that tha decision tha Indiaa Government at to tha forthcoming lota, which, it la assumed, will ba ia currency, would be annouaoad; to day, but no advioea oa tha tnbjaet vera received daring batiaeas hours.

Ia tha Market for Home Goremment Securities Qoxsols roaa ft to 112J for both money and tha account. Among Colonial iianea New South Wales Throe nd Half per Cents, aw) roaa to 1091. Quaanalaad Three and a IIalf par Cants. i to 107jt and 8outh Auitralla Threw per Cents. to 9.

In tha Hoiik Railwat Market the heavy stocks vara all quoted slightly lower, but tha ton generally was steady! Great Western has fallea to I'M, London and North Weetern i to 9C and Midland to 1701. There was also a fall of each in Hull and Baxssley to 63, Brighton Deferred to 178, aad South Eastern Deferred to 114 and of in North British Deferred to 42. Gn other hand. Great Eastern feu risen to 121 i. North British Preferred i to 9, Caledonian Deferred to 67, aad Southwestern Deferred (to 69.

The AmiiciK Railroad Market opened firm in sympathy with tha higher prices cabled from Kav York last arealng and continued strong till the close, the last prices being the highest touched. There is a rise of in Erie First Preferred to S3 in ditto Common to 15 1 each In Illinois to 100 Louisrille and Nashville to "S3, and Atchison Preferred to 25 in St, Paul to 87 and each in Atchison Common to 13, Denver Preferred to 43 Northern Pacifia New 'Preferred to 411, Ontario to 10, Pennsylvania to Reading Common to 12, and Southern Preferred to 30f. In the bond list there is a rise of in Atchison Adjustment to 62 in Northern Paciao Threes to 67, and ia Reading Fours to 85. Caxasiax Pacuto Railway shares closed unchanged at63. Owing to tha publication of a satisfactory traffic return there was a rise of i each in Grand Trunk FirstPreferenca stock to 38 and the Guaranteed to ,621, and each ia tha Second Preference to 22 and the third Preference to 12, Mexican Central Four per Cant, bonds declined to 72 Among South Axxricax Railway issues Uruguay Northern Debentures at 22f are 21 lower; Buenos Arret and Ensenada Six per Cant.

Preference at 106, Buenos Ayres and Bosario at 62, and Cordoba Central (Central Income Debentures at 61 are each 1 lower Central Argentine at 68 and Bahia and San Francisco share at 11 are lower. In tha Forkiox Market tha principal activity was in Turkish Groups, rising i to 38. ft to 22, tad i to 21) and Ottoman Bank shares roaa to 12 J. Italian Rente advanced to Mexican Six per Cant, of 1888 to 981, and Portuguese stock to 22. Among couth American deecriptiona Chilian 1892 bonds rose 1 to 8S1 and Uruguay Thraa and a Half par Cants.

40; but the Brazilian Western of Mints Railway bonds fell to 671. Business in the generaT Mxxnro Market was again limited, but the tona was firm and the few changes in prices ware upwards. Mount Lyall to 11. while Rio Tinto at Mount Morgan at 3ft, and Frontino at 1ft are each ft higher. In Western Australian companies Ivanhoe rose to 121 and Great Boulder ft to 7ft, but Associated Gold Mines fell to 2 and Viev Consols ft to 81.

The South Arwcax Market wjas neglected, and the changes in prices are unimportant. Da Beers Diamond sharaa advanced ft to 28. Among Gold aharea East Rand roaa ft to 4ft, Henrr Nouree to 7fc, Heriot 1 to 8J, Jumpers to 4, Modder fontein to 2H, Nigel 1 to 2. Rand Mines to 28, Wommer A to 7H, and Wolhuter ft to 6H. On the other hand, lobinson Deep fell to 8 and Van Ryn to 2.

In the MisctXLAVBocs Market Combe Brewery laree and a Half per Ocnt. Debentures rose 1 to 108 and Brakspear Debenturea 1 to 111 but Newcastle Preference fell to 14 and Smith, Garrett Debentcres 2 to 110. Humber sharaa rose ft to i but Gordon Hotels shares fell to 23, Jay's Preference to 6, CoaU 1 to 68, Palmer to and the Preference to 3. County of London Electrio Preference shares roaa to 16. Among Shipping companies Ley land rose to 16 and the Preference to 14.

Anglo American Telegraph Deferred stock felU to 10. The Bank received 7,000 in aovereigns from Australia. The Norman, from the Cape, with 155,633 in aative gold, and tha Orient, from with 190,000 in sovereigns, have both arrived. The price of bar Siltxx was again fixed at 27fd. per ounce, and the market closed steady.

Bombay telegraphic transfers rose ftd. Rupee Paper closed without change at 63, the Indian prices being quoted at Rs.lU) and Rs.l00ft. The following exchangee on London for the dates mentioned were received by telegraph, and previous quotations are added for comparison Tui, bqaM Brausls, do. Berlin, lijht Vienna, Amat'dam, sifht Italy, aiflxt M4rid, fiht. Luhoa, aixbt Be FcUnborx, IhrM mootEa BoaUy, T.T Soor koo(, four fnwith aarhu, T.T.

jTakofaams, four aiontha Bit da Jaaairo Talpaniae, it usyt' oad. Saaoos Ayres, t. raid premium Piper doL JiljlS. 2tf. lOJe.

2Sf. 13c 20m. Sejpf.1 11A.V5 124.07 lira 26 32ps.e0 36A1T 92r.h Is. Sid. Is.

Sid. Is. lli. Zs. 7d.

Is. llfd. 71. 17J4. 1U p.e.

KSSd. Jalr It tbt. lOjc. 2SL 13e. 20m.

SSJpf. 11H.B5 llfl.07 26 lira 27 32pa.60 3lt Mr.SS Is. SAd. Is. 3Ad.

Is. lljd. 2s. 7fd. Is.

HHd. 7d. lljd. 186 e. 16 6M.

JU17. 26f. X0J. 20m. 36pf.

llfl.93 S3r.93 la. 3Ad. Is. Sd. 'is.

llld. 2s. 7d. The wort of tha Court of Directors of tha Sank of Ireland, made up to June 30, 1897, states that after meeting all tha expenditure Incurred in earning on tha business of tha Bank, Providing for bad and doubtful debts, interest Uoe on deposits, rebate on bills not at maturity, kad writing down bank premises by 2,000, the balance remaining at credit of tha profit and loss Skooount (including a sum of 9,991 brought for fward from last half year) amounts to 172,664, rumuca vo wsru reoommana uiwaaivi of 6f per free of income tax, be now red tor tha half rear. Titrable on the.

prox, (being at the rata of lit par sat. par nnum. laavins a sum of 13.323 to be carried forward to next half year. Toe Bank of lctona (limited) has reoeired a ahlaertm that it is croBosad to declare i dindkad on the Preferenoa shares at tha rata 6 per cent, per annum, and to carry forward to rrt hatf vaar 46.378. The report of the North Eastarn Banking Com (Iiiawd lor toe.

can year enaeu una rm a nrafit. after Dtrmant of all expenses. taroviasoB for bad aad doubtful debts, allowsaoa ierdsfraciation and for rebate, of 17.908 of jhis laVaaat jtjk raoormnaTvled that OS be apprapriatad to the payment of a dividend on tha Ordinary tharaa for tea half year of 6s. 3d. par ahara, tax free, being at tha raU of 10 8a, 4d.

per cant, par annum, leaving 2,688 to ba carried forward. Bites bar been acquired at Bishop Auckland, Darlington, and Durham tor the erection of premiavs there, and a sub branch has beaa opened at rook, OOUllv Durham. Cardwall and Co. (Limited) announce an issue of 120,000 in Four par Cant. First Mortgage Debenture stock at 105.

Tha stock will be redeemable, at tha option of the company, at any time after June 30, 1917. at 110 on six months' aotloa. Tha Aylesbury Dairy Company (Limited) announce an issue of 76.000 Four Cent. Redstarad Mortgage debentures of 100 each, of which 4L600 hart bean taken trpr aad 33,600 are offered for subscription. Tha debentures ar3 repayable oa December 31, 1922, at par.

or earlier at tha option of tha company after six months' notice at a premium of 6 per cent. Tha London and Westminster Bank (Limited) will receive tubscriptiont at par. With reference to the arrangement: of the Buenos Ayres Provincial loans the Council of Foreign Bondholders hare received telegraphic advices from Messrs. Bembarg and Co. saying that tha contract has been signed.

According to Stvibt' Weelfy OaztiU tha number of failures in England and Wales gasetted during tha 'weak ended 'July 17 waa 162. Tha number in the corresponding weak of last year was 169. showing a decrease of 7. Tha number of bills of sale in England aad Walea registered at the Queen's Bench was 149. The number in the corresponding week of last year was 136.

Tha receiving orders'' gasetted number 80, showing a decrease of 10, and tha number of registered deeds of arrangement was 72, an increase of 3. In Ireland there were C5 judgments registered, an increase of 35 bills of sale 6. showing a decrease of 4 bankruptcies gazetted were 7, an Increase of and; the registered deeds of arrangement 6, an increase of 6. The Scotch returns show 17 recorded protests, a decrease of 6, and 21 failures, being a decrease of 5. The tatala for the portion, of tha year to July 17 are bills of sale registered for England ana Wales, 4,106, a decrease of 203 the receiving order a gazetted number 2,246, a decrease of 107 and the registered deeds of arrangement 1,922, a decrease of 79.

In Ireland the tows are iudementa 1,476, an increase of 202 the bills of sale 169, a decrease of 17 and tna btarruntcies eazatted number 118, an increase of 10 and tha registered deeda of arrangement 167, an increase of 40. In Scotland the totals are recorded protests gazetted 622, a decrease of 61, and the failures 697, a aecreaae ox io. Wo hare received the following notices The Cetmeil of 7oreln Bondholders are advised br the London and Kim PUte Bmak that ther have ra eeiveu a teiefram rrom ineir aionteviaeo eraneu in stractint; them to pay to Meurs. Glrn, alQli, Carrie, and for the terriee of tha Uroroav Threa and Half per Cent. deM, the man cf 28,467 8.

Hi, repreatntmf the 45 per cent, of ths Cnstoms Daties tor the first ortnifht of the present month tad that Utey un eeordui(ly banded Jfettr. ulyn and Co, ueir cneane lor umnns. The' subscription lifts of Thos. Bowler and Sons (limited) were closed at 12 o'clock to day. There will be ome little delay in getUnf out letters of allotment ana recm.

Inquiries hsTiac been made as to when the balanee aheet of tha Hotel Cecil (Limited) IDcery to be israed. intimates tbat ua boara, wnrtiiiw since, ajuit v3 1 as the" moot suitable date to the eeretarr intimates that tha board, onetime since. 1 upon Ai which the acconnU shoold be annually made op. Allow fixed i Ins time for the audit of the accounts to be completed, the annual meeting may therefore be expected to be held earir in October, of which doe notice will be The certificate for the recent issue of 30,000 shares in tha VUlace Main Beef Company are now ready for exchange aninst banker's receipt and allotment letter. Letten of rerret ia the South of Enfland Dairies lumiteaj neve wen posted.

Henry Kirer and Co. bare removed to No. Fen court, Fenchareh street. STOCKS AND SHARES. BaTUXSAT Evxjrixo.

The next Settlement in Consols will begin on August 3 and end on August 6. The next Settle ment in Hallway and roretgn btoclcs, will begin co July 27 and end on Julr 29. Tha following is a statement ox the opening and closing' quotations of the undermentioned securities, together with the quotations at which they dosed yesterday and the prioea at which they were made up at the last Settlement. N.B. In the ease of rsQiray and other securities whose issues quoted here are of more thaa one kind the prices riea relate to the "Ordinary" stocks or shares, unless otherwise specified.

In the case of all securities tha closing aootatlons' are the latest obtained up te half past 4 ca all days except Saturday, when the latest trices are those obtained at 2. For motementa ia nriees which may take place after these hours reference must oa maoe so our wiy jixikio. JCaae tt ttearttr TOW ass' BukMEuIaaS Bui et IralaaS 8U. Kcrruaa. I p.0.

Qua. iBdlu, JH e. Mtscns atr. i a.0. C9mU MM rda Ill 117 nr.

ioS ios in iiax W7 138 373 ISO I lois lorvZ lsTi UO 111 Te da7s prlos. 11) 1U 111 105 1U 114 toe ioK in us no ltj in ui lit 114 113H 1UH 124 lltH wfi It Ui U3 138 343 175 53 10 IW4 niS his If U1J4 122J4 IX 1X1 119 111 tOUt 10!" 1JO is 110 111 OUL03T1AX COVXBjrXKKT XirSCKIBXD SICUKITirS. 101 fOsaada, 3 a. lot ItuwLlKpA 10U K. Sl Vml HL 1U; it.

AalOriUa. 3 BimiB RAILWAT (STOCKS, blmtaa. Ord. Ds Oonr. VnL 100 1 19V OMt bam lrlSct.

KerthBPt Ord. Ic. Urf UrO. WHm iHull aad lMrailer 141 JLum. sot Tortihlr 191 un.a enibu.ura.

17TI DO JMl. 1M4 LsaCla Dcr.Ori. I Do, 4J4 rrrt WS'tXoM. tJWnuirB1 220 A I Wmuti 1JS' tfZi bo DWarrad 22H lUa, ab9LJDM 12Si 29H MmpoUtaaDUrfctl 17l(E Htdlaad 1 tth IX lHank HUlTonUlil lii gnia Eaiura. (J 114 Vlmnl 10TV4 I0IS 107 1C 107S lOSVi U3 1142 113 115 11JH HS 137 iob2 in 104 107 loev! vxi IX 10SK 1 10S 109 108 101 1S 1084Z 107 ICS 107 10T 107 10S wrtj iC7ji id ioi urn! ios HOG 111 119 111 110 111 107 10 137 108 197 usi, ioe 107 ioe io7 ice RAILWAT bTOCKS.

15C rlH 1SS 1MV 157 6B BB I EH E. I 111 121 111 121 127 123 127, 12l2 tA'l (AX 1 SStZ ttd 53U UV I 6SV 1H l' 191 193 Tasfala 1)1 197 191 1S3 191 2 1T1 17f 'I 177i 17B'i77t2 17814 20 1T4 20 i 194 ray, 2i tea scs i zm, 1)4 1B1J4 136 sjy S3 125 Vl 179Vi 17s ITSli 17fti 135 136 117 156 JsC I ltt 114 114 I 114 13 11 CANADIAN RAILWAT tXCURITIES. iCanadlaarae. 8hrs.i tT'. tl ill I WO.

41 (HSttMTiiiii Baans; i at 194 1 I 88t 126l! 12! 12a! 29 1 29t! tSlI 173 ISO 176 ITS'! 9'S 93', i 178 17fU l7fZ 17RtZ i 136 IX U6 15fc no. SI 4 pc Out. er 17 F2s 6S S2 4 (ML UU li' 9i te 94 5 SMfBTPAW RAILWAT HCCURlTIXa. SVZOMtnl It So II iDMMre lUliCosal UaseUOntnl ShnJ 174 iu. anor biwb.

CI LBBBMUaXaahT(Ui lot bir York OmtrU It m.Yerfc.OBiarlvaW. KBftsU, ura. a Dtutrnf. i Do. 4 e.

I Soetfatra. VnC 10? n2 43 44 142. It 109 IM 171 171 104 ICS tr4 it 104i 11 17 tvl it im: iooi ior SOW'BJLms ornrx roRztax railwat sicuRincs. O. TrelJ tLSoaiWd CUlBAm and 11 IK.

Arrw WatOrdJ SS Kfceinl AiSMUae SS Cbatral Cruroaj MXeatGel4.4iMLl ravle TX LEO RATH AXD TXiXTHOKX SaVnTRITIXa. JAJifle tawTlasa ..1 sCrjtox 17. a. t3abte irT si.ii. I II lEastTB IJtri 1 iiU(ai mir'nfl aaa iiimh m5 104 15 ft lit! 12 JO lo SU 14T1 ZPt S4 8.

im'4 1W IBalow. Taaxaaa. irr't. niiiia Hull AUs 1 1) 9 SBss i.OeaJ 1' BSD NUUMI II 11 I II I 11 I Ik IK a 7 t7 rt rr st S7 ss II .8 JRi JSC SSV, SSyT 2 36 3PH01JK aBCCRXTXRS. 17 17 I El IT 1 44.

44V I 44 44 I 44U 44 Jwi 101 .4 10 111 10 MtSCXXLAXXOUB SJXTCRITIBs. rOKEMU COTXXJIsLXJT SXCVRrTIXS. ssataMaa.4m I S7I mw. esena, uw 107 mJ 1 onT. rn(.

7. Iia tm ..1 JJ 103 Haacan Md. 4aZl 1K OWlMly.SBA a STi IKoalm. 4 XMraaJ loetS; 10 iou( TORXtOX RAILWAT OBXIUATIOXB. XKrsU.

BA. 73 W. wt B. Ajm I Uljl Aafb fisl a WUra. IT BukaTAMlM Lea.

a Wf af lunl. 4SV 1m. at Unlsa. EaakafRa. Waka.

Uavtetat atoek, 3 3t ClartatKKt. larrial OtSoataa, uofwa I a. Da.Ui4HV ISn tlST ttuiSudaf I Valea af Laj4, sA. 1 Maaaard af Afttaa. aaaa Laadm a Oeoatr.

13C1 tvaa. aaa sraaasaa, RRKWRRIXa ASP D1STTT XT7XV ArmeU.rrmt,ttft,US, Iloa. Ca, Ul Batelar. rTaCllH Maeaahat. rnL.1h CttratLadOT.U4 Xaakaa.

I ntVllH A tjwiraeiraf. aa. tmm. vera! ZzdlTUaad. MIXES, EXPLORATION, kc (Ehares ally paid, except wbera stated.) siAitoxa SattfgoMa.niJ, Os tmnJtU BAtAI Jasentselsia.

Ht SOUTH ATRICAV ZXTLORATIOX AXD LAXD. aha. 1 a a Dah 101 taaa Inna. rnc. A lad, Ooo, lXt, ilJ CASALS AXD DOCKS.

OOIU US coKircaciAL. rxDusTRiAi ae. Liaotn. rr. tu lekaut't.

mtv, IA AaslwMeB.lM Baraats Mcaaaaaiaaa, 1' nrnvBL Ajnaa. 141 J.lwBBisben Ocaw art Or.sBS Cana 1 kaMiuoa flack. 4 4 A AtrtcaaOaldTniH 4M4M Tiiiii.mI Tnnmai AMkaBder.AA aasua. 14 4 lKlte Bonaan. VA 4 Bafelaianrm.

1 1U ktaMSWa.H ont aaa mixaTMa (BiWli. (NVrl, 3 .1 inaaal4a.j J. SOUTH ATBXGAX GOLD. tAs dV Raadrtala.r Baad Ulmm.ailS BIMroataia lXtk CnanslNewt, CrevaDiv, CeovaRaat. Dvrtaa Sfsj4.

ua sun. 4 amlrv a SAL OakLIUata. 4Jy4A Oald. afaia RmL i Ourp Uofk. 1 1 OWncalra, 2 HaatyHoana, 7 I BarM Sn 1 1 id.

JabUsa.TT JaBBBrt.4V III tu. atsao. 7a u. 7a so. XaicM44 Kalfktl Detp.7 Laatlaatta, Black JaW(SwVl Star Oaaa.

Olawt Hntr aadCaarttsa, at to. Mldaa batata tXav), 11 Klaarn.AA lloddarfoalatB(5a, MllooUJa.B Ea taeaioB. tl Mootlaai XlallW XeonaSlaip, unoaiawj Hi IU iJ.Ko.TTil RaMaMo Iiaaa, lal Road, bare, 11 icood. 1'aitad, 4 4 aaUabarjOrawUHJA Baaba.tAtA BlmaMT aad Jack IXavtMSV pas toiilnL 1 SpiUkep Fana, Traanaat OU. VaaRSSr Taa Rra 1' nultfi Waar.

WEST ACBTRAUAX UlXIXa AXD LAXS OOMPaXDU. AavKlatadOd.BllBM, xiiU2 Barkaek'a OatOoidSaMt.l2s. it. Ina Wianmm. A A Oald Zataua, 1 IK Oald Laeda, ta.

pL, OraUBealdar.tAl Rrakaa BUI Frep, fat; Casa Osppar, IA IA Ckpla 4444 Oeelaiia. A IA CDraaaadaLi)( Oaldsa lions Sate, 12 Bsasptaa Tlaa, IK li.nakn'iBnrva BID, Id.aa and Ooloalal, 15a. rd, dla. Ivaaaaa. 1211 Mk It u.

Loedaa aad Oloba Enlor. IXaat Loads Iitj. la. mSCXLLAXXODS. Brderabad (Paeeaat lead, aad WaatAast, HalalaadOBa.1 1 k.oa.Swrd,ll kaa Alpha.

Maaates OaMaMaia, kH bJaofoea.UA BaaU KalfBTii, IA IA WallkafXatBa.KH Wa4.Aaa.OaldS.Hl, WABfcar Oar, 10a. dlf. Wklta rausar Reward. 11H BJoiiata. I RisaaEiVll WalaL 7A 7A Waltakaali.

1 A I If It) InM (I). raster iM. BA Prat li 19 Hotel Caell. PrsC Vi. HsaiUr.HMV Iatcraaiieaallaa.rrit.IA COBTORATIOX STOCXB.


Aallaa CataMa. DablO Xatleaal Dlnoaat. 10 A tBrU. S. Atrtra, 2i ft lraTiaa Oart, Dab UO, lao.

It 54J Tiruauia, aafva. it. 7. Badsoa'sBaf. 11 xA.

TTXAXCIA1V TXTJBTS. A arloaa laMat. Daf 1 11 Lea. taattiah Aaerfcaa. TnL.

LBt, wjuar, saa uea riat, i ifj IW, 42 Geaeral aad Ool. FieL. IOS Ruw.i Ia.aau Piaf 111 Stork Ooorantua. L. Marcbaata.

rrat, 103 Tat. OAS AXD RLZCTXIO LIGHTIXQ. CltTotLnadaa.t!S Ca. IJ 11 II 17 baa. CeatlaealaL I2S I a VetroDeUtaa, 146 IXStTRAXCR.

CaauaafolalUalaa.41V TkaaMS aad Manor. UK RaUwv raajoman. Tti Da Baara, tl xA. RiaTiate.Rda.lCt sturrtxa. Ijlaad.

TnL.lZ TLX. DbaboiaTallr.TS.x a Dwiarajl siaa. of xadia. rrac ua a. rm, iv TEXXORAmS AXD TELXrHOXXS.

Aeilo ABMiean, mt, 101 ii Kaatani. Prat. IIS H. Le.IMll'i Xatloal.Ialrk.llK,a OoaiBardal Cabla. Deb, 107 atari Kfeer FMa.

list CMbaurtaaVlK W. aad Bta.iL, Dae, 101 TRAKWATS. Aaflo AriaottDa, 1 WATZR. X.LaadoB.4B.e.Iab,ll4 Moownoaa, lb Maadrdroas.4 The ollowinz are chances in prices' since yester day, as shown by the quotations in tha Otlcial List, which was made up to day at 1 p.m. Boms OoKroaJnflSs.

4gi7Bscr to StivrL Soatkaoiptoa TILL to 108 7, Bk.aald fTXraaand trHaU par Cant, 1M) to 119 15, aad ditto (Three per Cent! I to 101 7. roaaroa Sroma aa Oaatooiala (Twr Ceet) boss te 35 a. Moziaaa (188S) to 9, aad ditto (lSSD 17 a UaatoK7. Binka AiMle Ariaotlae apsa te 4V t. lai Load.

a and Saa maaiKo la 3 4. CUXAI. laaaoboatar Ship rail to 1 OomiBBCUX. Aafle Reailaa Cettoa rpobeotoml aosa 1 to II: stextoea Ceoea IDabantaral te pf I Lraa. Ate IA A aad Tanarfl Ifltrata (rratarancot A to.

Ucaaas Xltrate Mlu itaj OanUn. ITnlnvo,) to aad Aitlaaes Toaaiajr Coaroainoa. Mnloe aosa ta II riBiaa.8ootaih AastiallaB fSIx Bar OnL Pialanadl uoi 1 toUt S3. Trot aad Afaaof al Aaatralaala (19 paid Bp aader eld opUoa) nu to lt 16. TacsT.

lienantfla IDalomdl Boas 1 te 411 aad Btosk Om wraloa (Datarrod Cbarfal to 4. Iticnic Liaartso. Rlnr rDabaatanl rau. 1 to 12 7. laovRhrmaaj ntlX to IK VIIXt.

Cnal Leur lit to IK. WaTUTarapaoarkUK totKa In the subjoined official record of business done transactions marked thus relate to small bonds and those distinguished thus I to an exceptional amount at special rates. Stocks and shares marked thus have paid no dividend for the last two half years and upwards BRITISH rtrXDS. 4c Tavd Tlira4iarUra tor CX Baak of Esslaad. I anUl im lllii 11 11 11 lBdla.lp.lllSSKK TaMad Thraa Qoartan par Ota, Do, I 110 alLoaaa.lUH CORTORATIOX AXD COTJXTTBTOCX3.

TjarTXD XIXaDOkt. RUekbara, p.e, 107 GloeoMler. 1 p.e., 10IJ nwifordkin. Llwinat. 117 Woat Ham.

1 aa. 10S MxcUtr, liil, 1 p.a, 111 x.d. WaM BaaMx, 1 p.a, 10) xA. attddlaibroaxa. i p.a, 107 X.A COLOXIAL AXD FROVTKCIAL OOTRRXU SXCTJTimES, DO, iub 7 TWWna, WU lWJl, 10ZH 00,1916,110 XmiTiui ixd InctniB InciL Rrldah ColuBbra 101 Ooebre.

1 B.o Caaada. 4 pc 1 114 Iiy dl. aa. iyiAi d.o.

i i K. 8. WUa. U1H Do, 1 p.0, irSJs, lu llW Rananta. ae, 10J x.

TVaocti. 1 pa, 102 Do, PA.IS24. 100 TioxrtO lL 106V (P.e..lCiJliri Do IP. a. Maiaai Da.

1 aa 100 Qoauulaad. UJH 106 loaa. lus W. Aaatralia. 4 Da.

XU aa. Do 1 aa. lH5 3a De 2 pe, 197 I FOREiaX STOCKS, BOXD3, kc Onerous Fatasib nt Lexsav. ZrnOmB. 107 nuiwiu, li 121 I7HK M.iwan, 18 IIKt Da.

im gnu XonrafUn. ISM. 101 KIMtl, II tsan'a FA Ppaal.h.4p..,i Turkirt, O. 22 iou.xi fl DO, IK iaa, tiy. Krt.t4 B.

Ana. Water. IS 4B. CbiUaa. 1U8.

S2 TV. I7 1 CbinoM. Ul, 1K4, 101 1 TJmtaar. a. 49 32 KKlOOSlK OorrOSS TATXBtB Abkoaa.

Anriaa, Raaroa 15 Italian. I p.o, 13 It AILWATS. ORDIVART STOCKS. Caladonlaa, 15 klan, 47 Praf. 100 4Do 13f 2214 Do CUT aad ft.

London 64 OtEastera. 121 Ot. NortlMra. Pr 127 r.M7ltev KJ. Hull, ai Da.

Ord 1934! 4S MwropoUtao. Do ew Ord (M l. DllHt, 23Vi mtoiaao. laj A.Hnuno, (TOT. AM XEaaf, 7JT4 SO Laae.

aai Vofltt, 1K Ji. I ..1 N' 206 X. RtaffenL 1 1 Eaitara, 151 5 L. aad S. W.n .221 Do 114 11 Do, rref, 115 TaS V.U.

14 DEBZNTURE BTOTKB. BarrT.lp.o,lI2 Lood, Cbaibam, 4 p.e, 111 1 Saw Lioaaon. aa uaorta, ua, n. imi Ot.Irt4ra.4B.o,lS2 Northern. 1 111 Oa.

Wmn, 4 157 A4UIO. a XOTX, aa. llCia OUARAXTETD OTOCXS, Mldlaa1.Coaa 4 pa, 154 fl ra4 aa 1S1X Ix. CoaroL 4 ae.Tl54 0., Cons, 191 I X.

OuSord Tnet.aed FEErERENCK BTOCKS. Olumw a 8 W.I p.o.Na ut turn. no, I9U. art p.o. No 2.

tlt al A 8 4 a 1611. 12 4 aa, 1W6. 147 M.a, Hh.flUM. 6 U74. U8 14 DO.SBA.1RL156U Do, ae, 1133, 12f Mat.

DiMrlae. ipc, 1014 O. Xortbera. 4 152V. btlolaed.

4 1S3 4 Laae. aad Yotka, 4 152 N. Brtl h. Rdla. IS) 9 1 4 1AJ Lood.

a EartB. 4 ae TeKel BttMK4 LM1, cnuwrn, 4 p.a, vo, 47X ix. 1 I 7 1 IXDIAX RAILWATR. IVenl XMmr. 117 14 X.

IndUa Daf 152 Bornbar. Barorta 23JKt Oraat ladtaa, 171 4 R.BanrI.A. 8. MahraUa, 123K BRITISR POIWIPSIOX8. AUMln.tvd N.W..

Saa. 123 tGrand Trank. I Caaadlaa 67 1 I tna, Pra,'Mi HI IV. TVk 112. Kid.

of W. Aarall 104 Bt Fiul. 4 p.a. 11 I pal Qa'AptUa L. Laka AUKSICAV SAIIXOAO STOCXI ASD SIIARU.

tAXddaaairi (MUa aH. Kaeau. 11 Da. rrwt Ji Xoa ToCantraL104Ksj IDeBW.llA tX.rarlas.14 Do, Pr.f, X.d. iRaadiaaUA EriaTlt niranlo ConL.

100 PW, liA AUXRICAX RAILROAD BOXDS. Ootn. Atehlaoa 4pa. fl Xorfelk.

Oa. Matt, JK Uee. 1S7.I1 PUMbarrB. CUa, sad Cklcaia, una Lnlntw, uaiaao.ns CaloatesadAttea, X. Tort, raaaa, Rqalp.

Treat, X. York and LasiaTM Wl ra.hLalUiaa.Mi aOWTtnW mLATT.WA.TB Arfntiae Ot. Woat. 4 let Cordoba. Cant, I aa rOaai.

Dab, 101 jitaak W7V5, JKst. feSlria? rAttaadhtaTstUKK' pa. US nw. iraxaaj, Ajaa, 7B aeBaaai Da. Adlnal UUUI Draw, p.s btal rior Liee.

91 PaiU Dta. 101 Maatrl saarlaa frt, UKsA. RrMal Uaa4. Dab, 10S Mtesa aad Mam. 1 Brraat aad Mar.

II UH Maxiaiordeatatt, rt BaokaalLIHAU Maraan s. BarUnataa CaaalLIStXtlS XtaaafBaaL 1 u.l rrat, i 1 Xobal Dnaaabe, UK iitiT li miaul Aatoia.Ha 'Wlef' Wartaa. Prat. (A RAILWAY AND OTHER C0MPANIE3. UiTXoroLiTAX RAitwar CoMPAxr.

Tie report states that tha total receipts for the half year md J. Jane SO (deducting the eoarpxsy's proportion of the revenue of the City lines and extensions) have beu 410,533, and the expenses 173,683, leavtnf a proftt of 234,832. The receipts show an increase of 34.876, and the expenses of 11,341, ss compared with the eorrespondinf half year of 1896. The receipts were considerably aarmenteV by traffic resulting from the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, and tha expenses include a grant of additional pay to the staS in eonsideratioa of the additional work which devolved opon them. The net ravenae, alter providing tor ue interest on tna debenture stocks aivi other fixed cbarree, shows a balance of 190,198, which will suffice for the diTideoda an tha Trnferenea aiid raaranteed stocks, and leave a som of 116,433 arailaUe for dividend on the ordinary stock.

The directors recommend a aiviaena oa tne ordinary stock for the half year at tha rata of 3 lSe. I I pi. frv Surplos Lands Committee announce that the dividend on tne tb orpins laoos stock lor toe part nauyear wiu oa at tha rate of 2 15s. per cent, per annum. UrtTOX MORTOAOX AXD AOXXOT COXPAXT OF ACS TRAUA (Limitxd).

Tie report for 1896 states that profit and loss account, after pajmant of interest on debenture stocks, and incladioir the amount brought forward, shows a balance of 13,393, which amount tha directors propose to carry forward. The arrsasaments in connexion with the Australian Estates and Mortcad Coaapeay (limited) have been saeeeeafolly carried oat. ana tnis company now ooios oj per cent, mortgage debenture stock aad 1,229.930 in the folly paid share capital of that company, whilst also, aa tie result of those arrangements, this company has 77,900 in Consols and other securities, of which 44,400 is ia Consols. Gold Estatm or Australia (Limitsdi. Tha report for 1896 shows a net profit of 13,329, of which 6,960 consists of cash ana 8,369 consists of shares.

To this most be added the balance brought forward 7,847 ia essn ana fczu.twi in snares mating an as nea ate of 43.656. An interim dividend of 3s. per share on the folly paid and Is. 6d. on the 10s.

paid shares was declared and paid en July 1 last, amo anting to On Jane 29 the directors declared an interim dividend for the current year of Is. per share ea the fully paid aad of 6d. per snare on the lOi. paid shares, payable on the 20th inst. DIVIDEND ANNOUNCED; RKTI.T.IAXT Gold Men ho Coxpaxt (LimitxdI.

A dividend of 6d. per share has been declared. TKAJTIO RECEIPTS. Rnlnoined are the receipts of various companies for the week ended at date or the period named 1S77. 1381 Alsaclra.

(OlaralUr) Jalr 10 Vi.K0 r.17 tiraad Tmak KaUmf Jalr 14 77.1 71,152 Cb oaao and Oread Traak Jalr 14 12.695 11.231 Jalr 14 3.543 1.489 nnatXor.b a Talscrapb Jaae 22.101 Xitnte llonaifht) Jalr 15 21.071 31104 Faoll.RUlwar Mar 22 2.107 4.114 Wait ladle aad raaana Talo Julr 15 X012 LI84 The recetnts of the Sues Canal on Friday amonnted to against lSO.OOOf. MINING RETURN. OoaaoUdated Marebtaaa Gold Mlaaa Oasbad Hi teas ebtalasd Matixsb Thratrr. A two act oomlo opera has been mounted for three evening performancee at this carionslv nanied place of amnsement. Tki if my iloni, the libretto pf which ii by Veurs.

Michael Dure and Halcolm Bell, has this peculiarity, that tha motive of the plot tarns upon tne chief comic character, a suKeptfble and bibulous friar, whose IrUh extraction and brogue are a little unnecessary in a piece laid in France in 1388, during the civil wars of the Guises and Valois. Owing to the war, no priest has visited the rtllaze of Padpvean, so that the chorus consists of couples impatient to be married, and the arrival of the znar is anxiuu.ij vj auparciea. xteicre consenting to unite the lovers, he insists on confessing the ladies, and, from a specimen given, the process consists of a very droll dancing lesson. The penances he imposes are also very quaint, and one ot them" serves to furnish the action of the second act. A ward of the King's has run oH with the Court jester, in order to join a duke with whom she is in love.

Upon her the penance is imposed of telling three falsehoods, which khe refuses so obstinately to do that the rest of the amorous ladies, wboee weddings, they are told, must follow that of the errant damsel, imprison her in a rain, and attempt to daunt her by getting up a mock battle. The second act is by far the better of the two, and it contains an admirably funny scene played in sixteenth century armour. Tie words are very bright, and the story is told so clearly, in spite of a somewhat obscure (feaosrstrn, that the long argnment in the programme is scarcely Mr. A. Iineilyn's music is tuneful throughout, and some numbers at the beginning of the second act are exceedingly pretty but the wort is so superior to its rendering that it Is impossible to Sonounce very definitely on the merits of the music, r.

A. Poulton plays the title part with some unction. and Mr. Templer Eaxe as the jester acts and sings with considers Ue success. Mr.

Wilbur Gonn, whose singing is not tinimpeachahly in tune, makes but little of the lorer's part, but Mr. J. Beam is well fitted with the part of a' Gilbertian personage whose union of the functions of landlord and mayor rets him into serious difficulties. As the King's ward. Miss Mabel Hoare dis plays a pretty face and limited vocal powers, while Miss Airs Bees sinrs the best two songs ia the opera, and Miss Ella May has a graceful The accompaniments were execrably played by an inefficient band under the direction of Mr.

Aognstas Bingham, who contributes to score a commqepuce Deuid sung by nr. Baxe. The opera would have a fair chance of success if reproduced tinder more favourable conditions, for it has dis tinctly good points and a lew excellently funny sitoa tions. Gakblxxo ix Swiss XcrsaaLs. Our Zurich Corrwpoadent writes that aa article af the Federal law, which forbids games of chance ia public places, has lately been enforced in the can ten of Geneva, with tna result that the minor kind of gambling known to tourists in the familiar form of petits, eaevanx waa forbidden ia the Korsaal of Geneva.

Tha proprietors of the building in question having petitioned the Federal Council that tha same reatrictioa abould be put ia force la ether tourist centres, notably at Locarne, or else removed altocether, an arrangement has been made between thai Federal and the cantonal police authorities, in virtue of which soch playing as has hitherto bee allowed fa the Knrsaala of Genera, and LncerDe tball be continued for the jpraaeat season under certain limitations. No play wiu be allowed in the eeeinoe after midnight, and the stakes are to be reduced from a previous aasxt'atsss of 3of to 6f. tier eooxae. As peon as the tonrist sissoa is over the whole qnostton of allowing games ot banes ia the Raraaala Is te be settled, ia a eonferatKe brtween the head dewtaapat of aeiiceaad the ATTTJCATIOX LUTS OTXX TO OAT OCOXSATL IRk 'alp. aad CLOSZ oat or aaejre TO 1X0RROW rrCZtOATI Xah Jala br TOWX.

aad WgnXRaPAT. Sat Jatp. 13S7. tar tbo OOvTRTXT. MAISON VIROT, LI3I1TED.

13. BUS D2 LA. PA1X, PARIS. rxcoRroRATza trxszR tbx oomtaxixs acts, ue to taa. CAPITAL 210,000.

DITTDXD IXTO RVan CCITCLATaTX par CXXT. TRXTKRKXCX SBARXS at RAC2X. aad 70.009 ORDtXART. SHARXS el 1 RACS. SOME MJLTN POINTS OF PR03PXCTTJ3 Ferawl te aarsirs aad extsed the walUaewa baebeajks lb.

Rao as la rata, Farls. tatikll.bad aiora taaa Tessa. Taa ortfjaal pturlaaais ndrad 19 pawB ata wttfe a lane fattaaa, Xat fnltm tor the last 13 paars 23543 larnss, or C2ZSO araraea par aaaeaa. Ia 11X7. tb.

onl rH dwliiz tbl. prrloJ. tbo art praSa wm 1L440L Derlac the lakibUloa jaar. ISljy the aet praeta wore 21277. Xat praas tor tba SrT.

stx Bisatbs ot 1PT are 11404. Oonralatrfe I per Oaai. rrsfaraaes t)rrtdaa4s absorb eelp 1403 per eaaeaa, fata aalp 2 par saL aa tutssiar. a Xe Poboatmas aor aay otbar daata Xe Foeadcnr Bharoa the Ordlaarp Saaras are. tbaiefsra lailtli te the Settrs serphai set prodts.

satlset aaj ta peerkdoa Sar a Raaarii Faad. Oidiaaty Bkaras absw aaariilat.Vp an thaa IS par aaaa. UfideeA atsar prerkaon tar DiHlMda Rnwia, aad Bobbm te Kaaartra. The Diraatatata win be neiiiiisl ad praattoal ata at Inliiii, Hamuli I wtah aiaalp saesaaaTat eoaearaa. aad.

laal Ukatr te eoatribete ta the OMpsafs praaparitr. The exiaUas Xaoaseaeat aoattaaes. Taa rrotaraaee Shares wCI be eatltlad set at the praots tatxad Cataaltttr. Tnimnntitl DtrtdndJ at I par caat. pw aaanBU parable aeltrearlr oath lit Jaaaaiy and 1st Jsbx sack pear the tret dliUaadwia be satoelelait trass the pap sat of the kaatalaMata The rtafaroaao ehamewul alaa basetaiedloraak.

bafpajt at Capital, ea the Fteptf aad AMH.cdth.OMraajUpriorttf UtaaOllai7Siana Itlsaotlataadadtoai silsaar Dabsetaras. as that the Frelarsees Shares see thslni Capital aharxe pea the aader Altar payaMstt af I per ssai, dlvtdaad se the Frafsreeee Bhares bx oaah pear. 19 par seat, ad the earplae eat preata am be applied to a BiiinsTand. Thar. Ui aa roandm' SaarM tha OnUaarp Buns vCl ba aatOlal tba aba), af th.

au plaapteSta. II rarrt Beak. LlatlaBeraiBew laoe. Leader thatr Rraaobaa. are aataerlaad totseaite thalsaaaat is, 003 CTXMTJLATITX SIX per CXXT.

rKETXXXXCX SHARKS at par. Aadef 74000 ORDtXART I HARES at lh prise at 1 13a eaah. Fafabie as ToOewa FRXTZRKXCZ SHARX3 1 par Share ea AppBoatioe. 2 ea ABetBMBt, aad ORPtXAJtT FIT I ITS ta par Share oa AppBnatlaa, ICa ea AOeteaaal. aad 7th Assess, 1HT.

SabaorUaioaaftiaorHi.UiOTil.WboUriifii I Ordlaarp fbarMbaaliaadr baaa iliri iL riBECT0R3 The RIOHT HOtOCRASLX THX KARL OF WARWICK. Wanrtok A. TOX ASSRX (Aedre. Maadal. and Cat WbltttoUoa aaaa K.a ALPRRhtAX w.

T. TCKTO SR. T. (Trelear aad Soest, PS. LadaetoMTL X.O.

PATTL XXXXOARO (Bmkard CanwitW aad Oa, Raatara rart.1. Diraotar rasjila. I laiSad JAXXS JACXSOX. Dbaotar J. R.

XabarW SSona Lbaltad aad Saa Xreaa ud Ca. IialMd. RAXKXRS. FAXRt BAXX. Ltsttted.

Barthslseate has aUX RXOXXRS, KSM FRT7ST ud Oa. g.throtsittrlse stiaal. K.CL eOUClTORS. Far the Tsedeta RIRCHAX aad Co to. Old RtuedeUset.

X.a rr Om Ceaipaar. J. 3. RISLXT. Wbltslas'ne nana K.a AtTSrrORS.

CBATTXXIS, XiaZOIA. aad Oa, I. UaB VloterWatnat. XCL SXCRZTART (pre obblI aad! OFTXCXS. THOXAS XXTKLL, 1.

Ia.dib.n ennfl.ta LeadeabaO sttaat, tt Tbi. Caarpaap baa bM (nraad to acf sir. a (ota oanaara. aad to aoataae al sxtied Ihe i.a.raal aad pi miaiaas ladles' HsCBeaast. sad XXDaarr BaaUteek earrisd ea ta the Rae as te Fatx, Fsris, aa tar ether eblatU la the M.waadaai at i ainlirtn, Tb.

barinw. wtt foaadad by IxadaaM Tlrot ataal Ov. raM 1S53L aad II eas isetlaesd bp bar aatfl the 11 Jiesirp. list, wbaa aba retlrsd wfta a iarte fortaaa Tbeia riothladameTlratha aehkmdeea sraaaar seeaaas thaa the FaeBdar of the beabMas the eat praata. abieb.

ta tha pear aftor bar ratlraaot, ta aboaS 1X031. haeta beea ralaad te JCSJTT ba ISM. aba peat el the Par KxbihttlaB wbQit loe the raetaialas alaa paan ia raladlae 1S9) tha aat preSss bare aferasat 23J2S per saaaxa. eee the aerat peas Un aaviaf pradaaat la.44S ass. Ths total aat prodls darlas the last tea pears seweat te the Ursa seal ot LQa.20lfraBa.

22S.40S rUa (or 22349, aMraea, par aaaaal, after dao p. i rial. a Par aU abarpaa, taotadla boa Bats (ieaa te susieariam, aa. FerthearitattaieBtbs from lot Jaaaary to 30th Jaaa, Ugf. batas eae aali ealp ef the eemet pear, ae eat prafks are eerttSed te be 11.404 Ua Tbaaa weald haw baaa esm bettor bet tor the sssetrses are sl the Cherlto Rasaer ta ISap teat.

TWOeajpaapwmWtheadwatacaeftheii ipar.tHeaalsea Btsaas ef the senMac wan as et Ihe si twi as thaa the exlstlas siisniaiiiit. wbteh aaa breosbs the to sa prmat aU at pr. parHp.aadbaswtUsa siaak seoaaai enetod and ulnlshied Ms bltb lepwtatlea ta the taaaleeable werloVeear sreator thaa It to dap aiU eaaklaee to ditaot as prartoal aarklas at the ssaaa Baa II te eelp raaaaaaale to expest that wh tha tenoned ooaaaxtea which paa inPj laaaRi tra the taatedaetlaa et eatomas Ibeeab.ldara, a farther inrinastet the teihues viS aawaa A taarare ef the Sm'S tiadias si the pr.elle.1 abBoaoa et bad eebea, wbteh tar tha past toa paars aaMeaS to ealp I par saat. oa tb. 1m tV va a baaaM rash to ami Bttlo ar aa It la Uat mtvt.

a larp. prapartiaa af thesalas bates affsetod for eaah. TbeSna teear praeUeaCp aa aatlap ea ad i iilh ibi i sti. tha total sxpaadttaie aader tbil baidlas fop the peat tea paars smeeatlof te aboat PSaXSOO St Tb. tUa 6f lb.

pramln. ia tba Saa da la Fai t. FuU. la wblsb the boaiaaa. a eoadaetod.

Is par the wry bast poattioator aa aatobllabaMot af late abaraotar. Tb ar. bd aater Imtm tor aa aaaxpirw! Una af at mm tmmt raatal et 3.8X fraaea or U1. aal this saa ae dsabt be roaawad ea the ibsm or ilaWter toraa. Kestra CbatterteXkAoteaadCa.

the waakaewa Cbanarad Asoeeataeta bar exaaUaad the beaks sad aoaoaaas troai 1SST to the praise! tteva, aad Ibap bay oorBSad sa tePaws I Leadea. Z.C 14th Jalp. 1X37. Te the Cbaimaa aad Dbaoters et lCAisox nxoT. i ixrrnx Geatlemee, Ws Was towatlfst the aeammM et the Malwa Tlrat Ladtes'Hat, Reeaac.

aadbtnilaarT Barfaeas, Raa da la Falx. Parte, fse the toa jeers eedias Sat Daoaatbor. 12JS. Wo Sad tbat ths aat predte for that parted hew siaaentod to Tea U36U99 S3, wbteh. at aa eishsaie st Fca SU0 sqeate 22401 7a lla.

ev ae aaerate et 2LS49 16a Sd, par aaaaax. The worst paardarias the parted was 13SX the aMpnllforabkbaarralt4k2alaaadthebaatrr wastba Ra hibltwe pear ot ltM. prodaelac a eat praSt st S3BJB1 12a Id. We alas Sad that for the irat six ateexba of the peaaaat roar the Bet areata are AUL4C4 las, Tb. bad dabts taa par omL oa lb.

total AB axpoadHare tor BMlataaaaoo et Ihe pf asilin aal pleat, lacladlat the soot of the tetaEactea at the Zteatite LtebS, hss baaa charted to lbs aaaaal axpaesas. We era Geetteaea, paers httthfaQr. CHATTKRIS. XICROL8, aad Ca. Chartarad Aeoaaataeta The prlos to be paid far tha teaaahaU pramiaos.

itock ta trada. the Siteraa Stttesa. faraltaiaatectrte Ebtla appHsaasa, andmrrtblns tbabwlaM. laoialla( tb jvQI. la.

ba. Sxadbr tb YnAcn. abo. a. proBMton, raaaB a proui.

at 115.000. wtth tetarart tbareoa at par oaat, par aaaara fra let Jalp. ISTf (25.000 bates parab 'a te aad tka bateaos la eaah or rrefsraaea Rbans ar partlp la eae aed parCp la the other at tha eptloa of the Krartonl, aad the Ordiaarp Sharaa, or tbdr ptinooJi. i(btrattea at the Oapiar. aad ap to the trlt iJlotawiit.

tlM par HI njMM nlM to tb pram: bt of ibarw. ud tb rabastpttee aad plaotec ef tha CapttaL TbCeipaapa Urns haw the bet etlhe eatlre preflu of the buaieass as a divkteed earalaf terasaMaa, TUboQt b.Tl.I bnr nmM araUr teeurrad bp a aew Ceatpaar Tbebaaam Blab takes eer bp the Cvapaap aa boot the 14 Jab laataet troei wbteh dale Ihe Camp? Isle ba eadtled to ths eatlrepreste, without sap mpoaribQtrp tot DabulUapU that data. Tb. capital erriatoeMBts wQI protlda a warktec capital at 28.093. whkk la MaaAa ad amply saffleteat, Tb beak tabu are te bo eoilooted bp the Ceapaap ea aeeseat of theTeadora.

Tb rtibXtr tb borioM. tb rtTilrttT prcsti ar b4 aWaormUd b. tb faot IbU tb. a prlU nW dariof the were! aad thebatt paar wlthia tha teat toe pears bee Saatuatad eelp to the ettoat ot aboat SJXO troai the aaerate rate ef preSU, wbteh taet ateee prero tha Fraferaaee Sbara. toteae aaaeaaCp sifteTtsaat.

Tibial th. aaaaal Bet pnau ealp at the abrre aMnta Tb I par cL ditlWl a tb Shan vf3 ibtorb Laartef a ssrplas af A dtrVVoad oa tb OrHaary SbarM of 15 par eaai. vaald aborb 2.53 0 8 1.409 0 I 19.509 0 a tua teartes srarfla 1643 0 I per aaa aat aTOable fop tinrae, addkteeal dirVtead. a Tb. aat aarslarx etftar tb rnfrtial XAr'Amoi mmz'j thro Uteaa Wkll.

tb a tb fiafu Slur, Ua. awalj OMnrad. aad a siridaod af war thaa IS par eeet, skewa ee the Ordinary Sharaa the tetter aap eaaSdar ty aattelpato proaraaaiatp ten 1 drrldaeds ta the tatara. The beatesel 1m shone BWtai pretran acer peHou aa btpasee to Ba farther CaetparadwiJi tbe anrtaS awattoae tar Sbarw te BMay tb bvdaatrlal aaaWtUlwa. broacat nt aar tb avaa aaepteas ss tha preaaat tesea bath the I par CseA, caaelsttee Fretsreees Sham aad Ihe Ordlaar Buns at this Compeer Th iM prwakua.

Aa ApaaaMat ba. tara ra'ara! lata dMd IXm Jalp. 1ST7. for tb. avte tb koaieaaa batawaa Tb ladettxtel Caa Ti i ru l.

aA at aaa Aadre te tetratL at tb as pari lad tb Cow paar 11 an'l the bratetCeetraota Bade wttk the eerrrrtes Freprtetar Bed the Mint tar the seaaaeBtwa ef tastr serrtess totWsreUefctaerCawtrseteralatlas teetadtef a Cea treat datad XStb af lSP7.sbat..aBhtBraWKartterbaaaad Isadaew Laeare Mpar ef the eae pert, aad tha 1 1 1 ilriil Ceeraal BfBflrataLlaBBad, etlhe ether part, bete, Cbattaete wfchta the alas oflicw.alS of Tb Cwapaal A 1S. aaal. for Shaaai atll to rl to he. bad eenVeef seek Ceatraebvaai to heap afraadwtaUa Caapaap aad wUhthe Tltiiiil si. lie IkasiiBl inslrtTli aaetebaalar jtinai with the till er wKh the prwrtetoe ef aad Tie, sea.

ft. aad ea eorr otbw freend, CaptessftheKsejersedaataedAntetesef Ato.laMaodafthaCoetraottar'tatete the Oawpaaa aad ef CttiriaXtehibXBedCavReert.apbeliiii ailettaetSseaaettaeCaerpaarBlilliiair AptJtesAteawfflWweaWteaeaara.feratrtbieat sad ialaiif lBseiHeBeatheLsedas IbiikFirkiae. I sstkalltaa far ftriflBsrr is I Ti m.iiAaa ssltoet 21 the aeathar el taaies altettod ha lass thaa et nkiitiinlls I fas i all taawswbaw Flerpeebaae sad Ferae stApTesttea eae the aaa lasskaal etatetaet he Oatees iter appJtod hr. the serptea sepeett wS ta apeael the axfaatot Is toeee the eapeaU eg ta iitais i leBhi at Is taarUe RsB.

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