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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 14

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lefcr af fmtetfi 81 1MBW, rkrUltt IMl iiKllWLMlfc. And ferttaM vttMatfat town ThA fag xilaB of rmtoWra lmwj, wmbtb. mew to mrr Be. Of It etofera. AeW to rffU of Ow ref tonrwest to toU to tha ecJon at a saetaber ot tti imiiiot iAm town of ItoiMfutdweei were seemd.

end 6m Act did act Interfere jrftir Ik right ot tea coonty the torn ttpmmOaA to iPitUiMBtimA iuU McdM I uMiMt aba adjacent alee lectioa a eneenber forHavsriordwa at, and. together rtta the Mjuty of Hevarfuiilaoat. thenceforth eoa Utw4 ah IefMrfaedvel district or tvrAof fUii. (I) Thai try ssvttle. tad Ik (4 an 4ft Vie, Um Ito arferdweet district eiutd in fiT aMrnhar sad the eotmiv fif tka Iowa of )InonMl Ma for the fmrpoA of elvcUoaa InolodaJ to the eeuaty al Is of i re TUt by aeetlcst 17 of the nu Act the rirhta of re.

LsLUn to ik ere of wbAiwu formerly thAooaatyof 0 tow of itoverfcrdwest war prmmd for topitfp6M nf tubllng them to voto to the election of the inAiaher for the twenty of Pnhf(ik tort la of th 4bu QBiIiAeiUaM which fonsartj iBahJed lhsi to tou 61 MBW I(ff IU I0QIUBM tVUi' laeaier bdroaeh. flO) Thu trr ncilcffl 7 cl Lha KdliM. Utlonof SoU AcU lo PfcriUataUiy bono of Feet inuw icr ui ci bo reiuiBf nri tlMtloBi ralirrwl a to coapriM Uta plioa Mttpriaad la Unload ftrllaantuT twroaia of ltonrf otfwtt, dtcuoo uw uw mutnf to tu rlKliosa for tia fti ilaacaurr borooch of Ftmbroki asda to tpNy If tfct plic ooaprbed la Um irt of tha ffiraer mliisffiUry bonnah of liinrf ontrm BtaM in ua neona aci oi isn puon in tiM vlccUoa of a otsOkt for FembrokB, tod Uw jww ralvrnl terossh rwcl ml Un nam of Pembrpko aod IlamfonhrnU (ll)TUt by Uw Uw retotbg to tb election for ta rtrliaatattrr borowj of raxabrokt. frreboldcn had to right to tou for la cltcUoa of Um raeiabvr or Um korooh, bcu Petabrok mw.M Ilk HrrforSwrt or bovtttaapton, covat town or of city Hk UrUtol, GxtUr, sod Norwich, tad taer or Uw frrtijoldr ho osad to rl(ht to you for tho nwWr for ta borootk of ltorfordU dJatnet wm not rTo a H(kt to vol for tk borouxk of l'm broko but oad touad a rlgkt to vot for Um mambar for Um oomtT of PcnroV, (15) 1W Meiioca il krj of Um Kafora Act, 1833, ara totallj toapolUmbla to (Wa fraakoldara an rlgkt to vota la tka alaaUon of tk hmbUmt far tka borooik of Paiabroka. baeauM lack Mtmkr rrM oot BMrMjr for taaeouatx of tka taWB of ltoTorfordwaat and plaoea akarlag tborawlth, but ka aarvaafor tk kola ba borough wklch liraabrota and rJaora akarlag with I'ambrok.

It wM ooflttodad ca bAkalf of tka arrallaat follow MIS) Thitliirvrford waat aa a oounty cool not ba oUiUAgwhad from llar fordwaat aa a rJaoa. Thai tflMt of lha Itodlitrtbir lion Act.llU.wu to trastfar llarr rf ordwoat wlUt jta coatrlbutorr mum of naaguard and h'arbcth and all Ita fraaekta (laeiodlng fraakoldara) to tb atw boroogb "of Uawrf ordwMt aad that no aaeUoa of that Act daalt with tka fraakotdar of Uararfordwaat aa a anarato clan of to ten. (It) That Um dltfraoohJaemaai oiUm boroogh of Uamfordwatt a irpwato pollUcal ooUty awl. lU loacUoa with tka ParliatDcatarr boroogk of Pambroka to tka eaw boroogh waa aofleiaaUT affactad bj tka firat ftragraob of aaetlon UMOrat Mrt of Um llrst aekwlulo, aoeUoa t.aad Um Oftk obedala of Um tUdUtriboUoo AcU () That Um Kvoad panrrrph of aaoUon 3 and tb taooM part of firat achedula of tb aald Act mad no distinction batwoea llararfordwaat and tk otbr ootmtl of town and dtlea nwelionad tbaraln (which bar baooao atlrly ptrt of certain rouaUea aa aat out In lha achnclu) aad oo dJiUaetion batwaca fraekolder and oeopaUoa roUra la aor of tb aorml town and eltlat. and that la far tkia aaetion wa Intandod to araljr to Uararfordwaat (which ha not boon nad part of a eotatr and to not in rJoJad In tb MTfoth echadula) It ia ineonaliUnt with th lator aaetlon of thaats Act (aaetlon 7, acWulaJ.

action 11) and 1 tbarafor of no aflaet, (1() That tactions 7 and 11 of th HadittrlbvtJon Act and ackadula a ipraMjj Indud la Um naw borough of l'Mibrok aad IlartrfoniwMt th old IVtfliafflaftUrjr boroogh of Uw fofiMMt wlut all Um franohl UMrafora aordaadjla IbTrtfordwMt iUalf. (17) Thai If ltorarfordwast had boannamad Lath Act of 1183 aa with i'ambrok in th aleetloa' of a mmbf, it fmholdar would bar bacn aaUttod to tb protection of wctions 81 and 9 of UiatAet, UMaa aaetlon not being; 11ml tad tooocstita rndes tad od leg nothing baald town aad ooonty aad Ilararfordwait then sharing its npresenUUoa with two other ptocaa. (IB) That sootloo 17 of th Aot of applied only to Um question of Una for Uw first ragUusr lion sad operated a far as the HaTerfordwest, fra holders were oonoamad to aaakje them for the porpoaa of Toting for the new boroogh to bar credit for th Um of their koMing UMlr qnallffoaUona In Um old boroogk. That this section applied to all eUaaea of voters aad aid not operate to preserve any right of HararfordwaU to vote in tke of Pembroke. (10) It wu altar.

neUraly ooatandad that aran If th contentions of tha objeetor ware wall founded, Um said John June, having on the rati tar prior to 1M6, was estiUsd to remain on coder aacuoo it of in ltoaiswoauea aci ana seettoo 10 of Um Uapraantatloa ef th I'oopl Act, lale. f90) I was of entoloa Uat Um eonUnUoa of Um respondent Wllllaa Charlaa Irsnwy wa correct and that for tha reasons mbaltted br blm th nator of Uw Qoallflcatlos of th ai aUigtd tha third eoiuBBof th lift, wu not by a quuiBeatioa to tou la th lctloa of a msaber for tha rarliameotary Dorooga oi rtewrou asa uaranonnnvtiano bcootwbkit Mpongad his nam from th said llit. (21) Tha said appallaat having duly dallrtrad ton aootlcaln wrlUni that ho la dedrotta of appealing against tny decision aad hartog rcqtawted to waae William liolm, town clerk of Um borooek of Pan broke, as reapetident, in aooiuon to aaia nuiiam uuriaa irtmjt i nar elated the ahove ess accordingly for tka opinion of bar Meieaty's lllfk CWt of Justice. Queen's Beech pirklon. (371 If tha Court shall of opinion that my dadtlon wu right the said lists of pgrlkmafltiry laoton Intituled aa stated to tha special caw for th amral parishes man Monad to paragraph ft of thia pacial rasa land of all claimants to toaarud to the said rsaTMoUwllstt to ramain ga rf14 WWt fm (hat mj dscislaB WM wrong, (ban th voter aM rwtem to 1 Um aJ4 llstg rt0tlTlyt" Mr.Qmm, Qi0iim Mfi Iawii epwAXB irfaared Is MPfeSrt ISfW lfi WBlMdad tta nmAthj trw wwteM itetstoj MoflMi IWrrlir wm f2Bg i aipaglnt hen tha llt.

60Uill Wmk 6M teaM, awJHF th imiiaet'i niku HHiHiri iaa Hprm mm ei hsi lw8 waft Baeajaiaffi fBrtto hmt ttt cam wu wijawied astll Wa4asMi KHt. JkEuwfy iff, Si 0, LyfllM fpaf tdt an ravyooaenMi corrt rokfl airfl tmnU, In fsl8 cu Mfi yooto, Q.0.1 Hi Hti Vt RAtoURa appaarad for th plaintiff Mr, Eyre Coot lord of th manor of Martin la WHtahlr Mr. Duka, Q.O., and Wf. 7 Pu lot th oefandaota, who. wr all aHf4 to oocrhoMsr and their tenants.

Tha caw wu triad at BalUbory and further argued In umw, Tn pulsus appght for injotctico to mutia th efndwti front pursuing and Wllini garoaund rabblU 00 hfsrUj) Down, The ctofandsnt plaedsd rlgUiiby rmmt Two of UMnwebji purtii an4 Mam Ptaartog also powtarclalroad for aa InwrtloB rartrsInlBi tbn pUlntlfl from panalUtog Ely Gbirlu NsgfAt to triln bona on th daws to th dstrlRMt thalr rights of MatsrHit Tfe pWallff, la fipfi dild th imviel a ee. fil larrufMMfit of tha tlgku of ta eopyfeaUrf or tulr TfS fiseli Md afjffiWjU tufflglafitif appear Mm til TM Ofst Of th tWO. Biaifl Witttldhs ia thii ouo 19 um aiiHtfiM era.fighi, aiugM br lha of Ppiweu I of iBHrtadla 'il to relied topoa li ilHn6 ef a tlAti alltf dsMweUi la Um MPtbidr or Um i in mlUhlM toattaalru and thalf UhiflU rabUU oa Hatto is part th 61141104 llMfUbt arue4 the MutOia Of UM fn fevldent of. It wasisto of (1) anti la tha Oppy Cwti ttofls relsUhg to rsporded proceedings of thj Ooorl leei. togsther with tha Ooort baron or enstomsjy Oonrt of tha ttsaon of Martin, and Tidpttt I (9) acts tall to fm dan pndar tadta rurcju pf Jh U(f ed custom afcee October, 1 Ptop Us not been esUbl(sbad I twfok thai, a maltor of Uw ypeb owtom would peccstutlv fea yold foronraisonr pwwimt Si tb Wnfa awgi our lm of ua Qtm mwi Mm on Oopftold, rsaW ffir.M a HtUf if fiv.

UF8 falffal Ml. M. I gedgajj villi w. oi BOISOT arliifMr 1 eua if" i) iMtiieMfoV fi whicflwa aokamui tfiff mten eMtflsirf br Misl lets ss iastffif Ins whi it from tha ef pttko ef Patau tilll (LH.i I e.T a it ai it. 0 iital lee in vareeaa snsisiss ine lensni Sllstwl litlttMt.

In lee iaM. WUi Siid Ufdiiaad i aifblAMa faaHetln tha tA and thill fioou) pHi mj jTba oputft li qoaatloa of erWoa, which I railed oi by tha feodaflu OetH ws, aa nave eeia, or ill eanstn astnssoi praaaouaaaa toCWOourtEollst (7)illd onto of atarelsf oftho right fader ah oastom otar 0 losf period of Una. Aecprdlng to a paper kaaded to mW comitl at tbi UUi Utar lrtew bot not as aoonUsuma aftrieatrto to Cow, Roll of tk holding oftha o0 5 Oonrt o'. Uie maaon of Dwerluai, UrtUM wo ao wh WMieg Twe it Oopj Dowt Molls for atwswi it IWMB twi in; totio triaei ni PfuM our nsswu ULm i rro um SI IL. vM.t to UuaMaa awMaaaaUif uu1 sM aoti, Murllr iuaW a4aof a in to gaua Hst liiaiiiuiai il i mm tiln suss, one i bo tovtoi fttrsihitlttJ bOTfBoA teTjapoai, Wih to vtrrM waotr so fohvih tw ansa coomb matter astwwco ran tsaa haro th rabbit oWoyodia thu toaUpwuti ms.

dogs, or aarottsar war, they bsiasj Hf ui uu pen ttM ioowwry, peoeltT of 40e. irhoebell Lifider or sseUet mrt OMtroTlegof hee eopy of the i itiimita la inAntwl froo BB wl tkt to farm otlv aesa. in use tae words reooaueeoded to oe ooae wereedded. In 1714 the form of tkia oresantaaat la sllgkUy changed, and It ran Wa prnasoV thai the rabbtU shall be destroyed by all taanae of ways without uMainoixnoeoi say person wnstsoevar. in no, nreeadlng presenlmteU betog tke aanu as bafora, tha pro aentmest to rahbita la again altered slightly SV present tha rabblU easy he dectroyed by gssa, dogv or any othar In KC3 tk aaaa wu "Iff ftrauai Uui any penon akall kir liberty todutny Um rahbita with and hU nithout th hindrance or taolaeutloa of ny person wkiuoerar." In 1769 It runs We present that th fabblU shall dastroyad by gnna, dogs, or nato wlthont tha hlndnnco or molestation of eey penoa kaliOVr WithiA th liberty of rUmrftm ci ifirtin.M Sabstantlally th MOO form ru foliowad.

aitkar every cncoeodiiiff year or with mo txetptiea of a few wars, until Then wu no pro saataent as to rabbits Iron 1890 to In 1507 th trauntiacni reappears in th form of 17C5, am li followed by a nraafiaunaat that tha glpsioi be not allowed vutb laalr honei or to camp on wartia lAnni, itppwi wb In ronrd to this, tho oocoiocQUrT cTldnrcc, that it is no value In support of lha custom. Tha entries, from th Dm la 1754 onwards, do not appear to totvnded 10 DO preseaUDtnU of a CWWbi wbetbw wo, Ivor at their TOslUOQ aiUl OrUtr WO It mwuvna pw MBgeege, la lour presentments oi cww ww wn wey arvi wuniSbaaaDij aau spun mi vi custom. (tUB lordship read Uaem. Possibly, Utouch thej 09 QOt appear to nie to bo such, the next Uuee maybe read pmcnunsBM oi iww( jw m(BW), Bat from Um tth, to the 21tl (lh pmaatoMatuto rabbite) the pr ntmt olewly blU of what may called temporary legislation or ordinance, aad the 24th, in, my view, properly comes Into the category which Its petition ladleatau Tb words reoommended to be done added to it la 173a point the same way. I think that tke obvlooe nMeaiaff of the presentment when it first appeared in 1724 la significant of Lha absence of any such custom.

It coatalns tha statement they (,., tha rabbits) being like to overrun all this part, of the country. Dou not tail indicate, nm. that tha cony holder had not had any custom to daitroy tha rabbits. which, had tha custom axUtad. would Lira bean riDt down I and, aacondiy, that tW Jntantloa of tha pre aonUnant la to enact that for tha futuro slon.

which had not been takao bsfore. shall Ulna to abau and koto down a naiaaoot which bad ariun. baoaou prior to that aai do ngni to uastroy nu axuioa.r i wouja amy boo In regard to this nan of th aridror that. If won to read thlijmit of th proaontmaat th prtscotoent of a custom, 1 should hT oonaldrabl bcaitatloa ia holding that allege a valid custom, It would be, according to lis terns, a mitora fvr enr pvrson, net, merelr ear eopv holder, to kill Um rabbit on the manor without mole tall on. Thl appears to be oo the face of It on reasonable.

Counsel for tha defendant suggested that It might be a custom for any person who wu not a tree passer, out see no right to Introduce this queilQceUoa In word of general Import. Th Acta relied upon appear tomato be qually tosufllclent to support the allsred custom Tha evidence to affect I that during th 60 rear or aa which oracedad 1897 all aorta of neon! shot vsrythlng they could find to shoot on Martin Down. (Ills Lordship revlawed the evidence) to this affect and proceeded). All this Is excellent proof that until tha rear IBM the plelnUff and his predecessors for many years let any one who' liked go in pursuit of game on Uartln Down, and that Mr. Iloddlna and others who had copyhold In tercets in th manor Mieved that thou Interests gara them, their friends, and guests a right to shoot any sort of gams there, Uut I cannot treat it a proof of any value to the defendants in support of a customary right of the copyholder and thalr tenants to kill rabbits on the wste, sad this (a th custom which they have io Ia my opinion th case on this first point entirely fails.

I am also of opinion that the defendant John Curtis and Mark Khsarlag fall upon th second point which I have to decide, and that la thalr counterclaim aralait tha nlaiatlfl la reined of alleged injury to th right of common poosuud by th copjnoiuers ox um manor ana inair tenants in occupation of copyhold Unemanis. Aa I understand th facts, I rrutly doubt whether either the defendant Shearing or the defendant Curtis hu any rliht to claim on behalf of th copyholders and th tenant of copyhold teosmtnU. Uut 1 will assume that on or other of them has such a right and consider what that cUlm Is. It is for an Injunction to res train the plaintiff from causing Sir Charles Nugent and his servants to enter upon the com toon and Interfere with or dlmtolab Um enjoyment by the co fry hold ra aad thalr tenants of richta of common of tieaturate and common of astOTsrs. PracUcallv tha onlv suggested caae la in regard to the common of pasturage.

The material facts are that th plaintiff by deed, dated November 11, 137. leased to Sir Charles Nugent the right to train and gallop his bone on Martin Down for apariM or uvan years at a yaariy ranui or iuu. bit Charles Nugent hu srclied tb right so acquired and has made thru course on th down, on a flat couru aad two wiw arUftcial Jomne, constructed by hurdles and rsgiots, nu cut a oitca wm ny luiw, ana man a sort ot bwu path where tb borsos walk! covering altoieuier about tan perches, at th bottom of the down. On th othr hand, has emnloved men to level the molshana and drstroy tha molss, to tow era and put ia turf, and to Bilk good Um ground when itji cut up la wet wuuter py in nooia oi uia oorseii go. into uu aataiu ot in to th Charli which 1 utiafled by Um evidence that la fact there hu been aav Sttbetanlial damage, either to the pasture itaalf of to the do aot propoM to conuiciiag eviaaBoe as to a em as past virago of aheep being caused by what Ulr Auisnt nu don, but to state Um conclusion at have ca the whole arrived that I am not eajoyrnent of it by the dafeodsats resulting from this user the down, or any such injury to Of diminution ef the copyholders' rights of common his resulted as Is equulte in order to give a right of action sgsinst the ord of Um oanor, This li suflldent to entitle bin to lay udgmiBBt, but I trill add that area If this wsr not the 1gbt conclusion and If there war eubstentiaj injury don in ngni pi in commonsn paussd by th act or mt 9 mtmh cowl tw properly how 9 iww mtmh coow pot my view properly how tm lord pf 0 msnor ruponsibto fer WtWi gctfpn, To clajm lucceasfully Igilnst WW for foJBry dpnbyBJr fwrlfO EBgfOttbasa dafsndsnto moiL think.

pOTf mi injury acted either WIW BIS II 1 MBtr MriM mfm is em nil or iitl mU so net kapirM to bow tbt a to two afi4 guiop HI aw must nf naossslty. and hawasei tha JMldPiu an emimim, mm thn to ua siii ei uw figiii i jwswriia oa uu mwa ig a Jkya "tut tk pfslauq ki fruiedlhi rUBi i lilleB boms oa lb dowa at Metal subiset leise' Jflsli Ifl to ihituMm falls. tse ol.lh ben a IratfitBg laa cajermtBi eftfio iFiri. UUIfiaft irHs.efid gijiQB homs tb dowa ispfefsly wkjwt neuu oi in copy urns at tn its fiblfiibfl thalr aoiiiil kbh regard t6 UTTallied ctistonUfy lllh, 10 kill rabbits, trnlcb 1 hleeded Si Shiitbef tnilfrf hi countef cialm. Well la answer to SebleiaUfl's claim for an tohmctlont I hare already dealt, glv Judgmant far Um plaintiff In tha action an his claim for an injutuv tlon and for Um plalntlfl also upon oounterclaua of th two defendanta who have pleaded itj with costs.

PBOBATE, DIVOECE, AND ADMIRALTY PlVISIOlf, (Bton tk IUopt lion. Bir Fiumcii Jguifi, rrsridsnf,) ITAFrORD sTAFyOBD yUTD I mTTf Thli wu th petition of Btswsrd Stafford for the dltsolntion of Ms msrrlsge with Mary Jan Stafford, nil Adsmson, on tha ground of bar adultery with Thomas I mm MDMKM fSmhi SfaSkMd) le il ai TT 1 Wifffsi eiu iWM 8aUa4 Vdh OBSSSl TTsssrrt Bosamn Cab Gm CLU.Y Uimt.mmn y. OMfdtJia KsDsHmm of lfarlboroafB i msttwiisBa rueassl Tisil gdewttoej eH(4sh toi.i Un. JrvRra OpmeBAxBV, to S3 Otuabtr naeAMML CUM Ettate et Vt. B.

Wu4 etkers aad tke Battled Lead let Pary BaiithWtta. KnsSrrrttlti.aIUt To foilev Um tot Dtrkioo a Hmlth. WnogK aI4. that tba petitioner who wu chief nffloar th Undfrn4, i uarv pam no liiua ua iBarMpoBoea that hii nt tb fat profisea for, wpaB, la lei a bad imn Am ri ifidba tbffi WU KWIf lb WU married to tha iPderlflLUfj, on Aoggst 0, nf the msrrissa. Ths Nnifrerahonjiiarsiirjii) eft to Mr owb rweurpsi, vis dlelsvereS Is el m.

wtiflm ks was and VMMHideht narmlmtm is 4 Mr. aid Mrs. thai while fivldencd WU I If fJ Mary VYhirtoft, whd bad khoi tha feSbottdelit Since eh had b8 livifli taielbar II a a .1 i i TCW BSiUJi" Tb fchlld wu th IfStji Of thtt Iri, The witness I Support 6fli betltlofl wee a anrii co reipondeut refer Slated if Vfri, thit ah bad beard lb to Use fesnondent as lira. Stafford," Tha I'HtslhlSrf. however, did hot think that tiawna justlfled pn this evidence alone In coming to tha eon taas toe po reponqen wa ewara mas tne was nurrlad woman, fan mgh bar been 4o.Wf H.m 4 BOt, Mrefor.

Condemn bfra costs, but be wu sstlsffed as to th rMpon4Bt'i vtwwj hwi wgujn pe a ntwtm nm, Ua'jESoeutlry Trati tJ WMUM Attitfalia tULi iaSfe Ran. and iaen BKweed eerUeess sad BreveAllbi icH. Ed rtt Ron. an hrigij. Ktls aneeal WnsVs aeeUoaWcTiiv BraHcx)imToyj1rrrtcE caAcniiYt)m8iow.

19 tr iUi Oeontal SlaiM; tnsa (Blaefcana v. BiaacknuMKRe OanMrben elsrVaiM faUarr Tsftitata (Bters vjtUaraejtrisralKBe saeuVfonr amiii (Hiwwfrevfvrw r4nruar inpaefL wuMqt At 11 ir.xar uanMBi SI MK JCBtiesj nveVBiH onrtM HW lm r. teiacare SttJ ftoith IUl To foiiev Ue OteZDtaieo SmbiV Sj Bedtta tDarli v. 2lswmsn Hl(bmsa v. Hutlnc.

Wi ant QmnsBl "Msryoo wiispn novw. To rouew tn Sifisioa AtorfMavt wwtbM4 wnn Owwi P' 22St AMfanO Se Aim Tnuta Beiueeli Xitato (Bn ui EUtaae Ks Brawn, a souitot. aa Lean CauirriLLcfs Cflnr. Befcrs Hx. Jrmci Tiawxii.

Ia Ccart 'At 19 sr crambar tsmnrcuws. io isetf bl.uEi. rta OlktUt Bine gattH tVitk CeunMl Se OoMhaai. esesaasa itossj t. tosuauar iwra v.

fjecersr vievv; tStlirS (Wtlel tW aod JUttitd Lead AetS. To follew ike A to IJitcaO 9e Copj Tailor Bmt 'Tiol Kl UulU 111mm TKvWk TnutMa1. CnrnmtbiB. V. ArO treef srlilBa, BftasD Bs IVsntry (Wsnisy v.

Wsaar) JUThsmiTtersrv. Tbrjwt fr rhan v. Titer IUo ULjrBin Bccxlcv. ml 13 lfUea. ttUckbanav.

lleM TAnftt Osuisi for Trill Ha tUfituet rmll r. Willsr Uil t. Erm itrsdlnz. I OUXSrS HOCI ODVBT 1. BrtBTV MB.

JCSTICB J8TV, J3 io Ouhi tor Trial, vua Dnnnms v. Cmrvacr nvviniL HiriBiaa. oouri o. is 0. o.

vm UvrIM tW Wod Uu. rW Va. III. U. JLL Ka ri BarorT UlLPollccs.

At 19 GmmaD v. Danny. At 10 JO llanltn v. BcosstOJ Pea v. Urban Tntirict et Ham.

QUIXJTB SClCQ DITIBIOX Tin nnxr Jrsrici'B Cotht. Dmrnossi cornr. iicrore HmmmAm Tmm A nAltnr fif nnnn RrVwil Rn1 norT Til. brruaoeab Cncitx, (iuiwh Vitrr vmrt. Itafara uu Jcence waaaBTana jomce nauwu, fl irpaali from Coeatr Courts.

ns Steal and Wood (ti parte i i a Q. Biemun (u Certs ITisrills Blseraan T. lbs ta Troitee. a. Citmmu lex pan pbtor r.

W.tWU X. lluWI (.1 gmrtm Ik ttmtoe W. Hattmr oe(t aUai'ntdaJPaealftrl HsnenrfBeeUand SoMltjpsrt ths Ufbtors Arwur asm saa tns uacisi rsctirerr nsb one (eierte ljgnta tb Ptr Owo Jrt X. Oocsv IX lUfora If a. Jcince Uatssw.

it 1 1 1 (VmmwxU! rJiLrar JndrmantMflRtioinarr s. tha Indsmnltr stntnsl AliqrsBce Cc (Lta, yet Hrennr. tiatnne, MsodopaJi sndVy, KT CU Co, hL tymcUi llvMetkrfa a4tara Jyw Avnmem Cannntua. Aetloes MtdeeB OreV XIV. Bat CUrk t.

Wairrd Tur and sartrer nrscis an snowvr vh ti iwsw aitwioq i wmw. I'uiun r. man r. LOOIMT. uit llAeib Dne BUamiiua Ca.

f. refd akioi C'e LUr lUn jMdua. Voi altsadMl OMIBSSllhS iBSlS IL Mssssr (Ud.r HorUi ef Irrtand ntsam.hlp ue. ASsmr LootM t. Uron T.

rUmlnm mmt tw 'iUihM Wood A4uMa Walj JsinroM Tin te C. v. OsBtral Iron Ca uti i. urut. puottATf, Dironex.

urn aduiuilt' ditiiio. Ccsf liWors the RiaNT Itosr. Bra faiveia fl. JSCs' a i Appilcauotil is bus ADroiute tne iymvt I jmimm Malta mite and svriM vas rslint. At i lallalkafnllMlBl VaM aad iiuUserrlteiiitae.

Ktrtillon J. Ii. Tf lor f. Tirler an4 lisij WBillaa. J.

0. f. wTuttoaVlL 0. WU4 Wftd. irr.

llarrate.irA..v. MariratalvV Vei. Foi. A. f.

0. UMrtman. tlMMraaa, M. A. rj.

Ti m. A. BaeWWB V. EWIMMM Sna riao. "rebate slpUom.

Dnife, deetaMd (Dreee t. YouojKU. Totlaoo. scrssed U. A Parprvall, dervssrd tl.

Aletaadtr, prereiaed aeeustw. w. Brii. Brtrumed darued MeTsnrart Uwased. Moriaraatt V.

UeTasrart. bltona LtotlanL oOardcer. IX It. f. OsrdtMr.

J. l'aarioa. J. r. rrarson, Karruista v.

Kerreisb and Vawla Tboinpton, W. t. ThoniMoa, ltoaisiM AetosiaMa. isaiw, aod lleMk. otWebe AlUa.

UndrfaadMl DltofaOaniM. UeL K. Lavs. U. UImB.

1 CL t. UUea. JW. a Ua)qtteanr. A.

A. C. T. ti. I dbt ll befbr Jerries Oossn psaiw, st It A lr aumnsrs.

At il Uadrrrf Pirorre OaoMa. ienaM MsedsasU and Muoe Utr.ll.?, K. f. tsedsasU and 111100 1.141! Un.JC, I. oa.

mu, t. (wen, w. wi instut WsodinrUn. n4MKHUPT0Y.Al BaatraptoryalMisrs, CJUmUrt. fiooai bsfors Orrriacs il II Utr.

sryiieatlea feat. sL. Du Kent. I W. T.

Ctmtrton v. CbiTtrtoi Rju Imhil Dmtui. U. W. W.

JohBiao. v. Jabo. son, a. H.

Weddinfton Wsodinftan. OareMtreM. Iin ImAUSSHLW Ai 11 H) ub (Ut la a4 inert) eTue (m. MMour MUUeAA At is Mwri te awue appeal eroer. Oonrtsiss wiidiso Url riBlrsrwbulld r.

wades. w.q Uefar Ma. Mauirtain IImu Ib turt. Oeurl I. Atili Nauensl Tradjas CorrnrsuoR bll kisralnstloa fit MattriM Joamti WtllflUmiMi lluibaMs lVrtl Arthur trade.

ntaaraaalliinia liftaAt II mHri it 1 Isrt Crsts Co. Ilid.1. Vooa W. A ssiib and At II nibrwius an I'sttdsniuu. ai enhlnlrs.

WhHe. sad lie. JId.1 ioa tbur snd' ttilleam'twa ft nen r. Atll JroteBOf sM wettn RaUesr piNrv iv covin mti i TMlaaS YlrtaJ lm. Uit Room ta At Oardeas Oa (tAd.

riMtatae Vretbart (Ud.) eiu ronus eeaoioaM iwai Caivcsar DlVU10. B.airn tlrr buDdicn. Leodaa. Irt ai i viamena iss rrnairM( Ssunend Ta eradicate, UU At II lfnalLtd.t All) S3 VhmMms LULL At 2 li WuUra Aut DlametKf ta frn Ud.1 At It t. (Ud.MU.arff.

Reora irovn v. Dlamc mt Auitimlia USay LULL At WuUra AattraUan Unticpmsnt I iff (Pilar f. nmmtn uiirui.n cvafaioynwnt I. Koom 14. At 12 fl.

Jthn aad Co. Mrea O. Jahoena and Co. Uk. Soon 47.

A I II g) cisrBflicst Jii VBitea iroj eyndKate. I II (Uil (lfa.tlnp Wctbw. UlV BomU At IIS9 it. Duhop aad Horn (UA.I iBUkaaf. E.

BUW and Sana. Lti.L At i tuff.r rlrotiari IliljUIsnr IJUJJm liroitsri. Lift I. A(ll JO Jeasi snd snothsr LoteU snd othtri. At IM Lartniton, kaa, and Oe.

IU4.I iKes Lf lestee, Kana, ae4 144. 1 Omen it, nersivsae iDoiso or Tstesl tlsariwoa er RAILWAY AXD CAWAL rOMMIrBIpjr. Psfer UK Rrnr. VTSAM MiiMSHsaa, la Haetn ICS, at If MtiHt and Bees v. Mid.

lead tUUvsr UeZeshire sad Vw.itiin etben TIIB TIMK8 LAW Hlil'OUTH for th wuk sadlac Movmbr St will be published on Vitday, Kevember 99, price Pdi Orders shoold be sent to the iubllher, TniTlhtai Offlo, rrlntlD.houaaquirB B.C. Ttra ArrrAi, CouRTr Tho Lord Chlof Justice (Lord Ahsrstone) will preside in Appesl Court U. to dsy and until further notice during the absence of Lora dustioe itomer, wno is engsgea preparing nis report of Uw Booth Afriee lloabltale uwjulry Oommlaatoo, Tna Wbot Ljmkqton Kwortox Vmrtax, It a imderrtood that an spplJcstlpn will, shortly ba msd that the bearing ot th rYat tsjlpgton elecUon petlUon may be flsed to take place before the Christmas holldava. It will trjed M.MO.MV V9Urtl pefon lr, Justlcf AN INTEBJtoTINO ARRlTRATIOW. Tba arbltra.

tlon orooaedlflgi Ratween the reetor and rfjurph wardens nf fiti uy Wporneth, th eImiuiM Dorflrsfssfonari and uiUitaMBOuu hOb4ob iiaJIway Oofflpisr, wblpii lury daffiAgai arc elsipart, 'will be efiramenkd at th Kdrvofors'lMtitylai WfstwlBsUr, en lyrsOiy wit, 11a tBureflii fiiu it ins corner ai Lommim, railway draMay sm ef IU pfffieinu tjlalieus befieitb it, FfUniaJi will ippagf i or um enurvnwsruens i sir, kji Allan wu utiree a a i a snr sab reowriin iiavi mn urooae i. iUi Ui eaiw Ifipfaffof lit, Dlbtllrl Wll KMlsslsstlcal DqWhilealobefS UI, lllchei will appear of the uisbop jef i lliowne, Q.0, and Mr, ifshkes I tbn.W 111 fese feseflt lbs hdnh I aiifl Mf. Mi font of Uw tsliway oompanr ttafih BofAKid Bocim.Mf, xJedFON Wallace, formerly of ths Department of Agriculture, Victoria, and th Oovsrnmenl Horticultural Gollag, Mtlbourn. delivered on Friday afternoon. In Uu museum at the gawens of the Itoyal llotanlo Bocletr, Begent psrk, the flrst of a course of four lecture on the First Principles of Colonisation and Plantation," Blr Andrew Clarke, AganUOeneral for Victoria, who presided, said that ths Jscturer wu a gentleman to whom (hay Australia ware greatly indebted for th assistance bad siren to young people and fsrmsrs, Mr, HedieWalTao said Ihst tki object pf that short fours of lectures wu to Micitoibyreferenco to eertAfn groMps of commercial pUnu, th grlpai fgoton tbt should coMldersd and flsUrrnlaed befora (WJ PB altha engaged personally la vs fuHlvitlon of shpr ponjfriBrpliJ planti In any Uriliib eefoBy or dependiwy, a I in ma raiBrw iwry.w, aad Plsntitlen pendfUoBrjf tb weild Irj upa Uf I Ula'e fif whleli ii enu tne eutii 4 Ryenly, en I pSHM rfflffl en mir si TbJ fMtOM tntl ifliMJIy deilffflifli tBYSiUd cipim if hpffls ia 9 or a emu prinsjnlss ef peienlittlen btssd'UFun tha nhyilelaslBsI and the luulaet hid grist bw rilflfl eauhfr fly eg tka lffltfuli flu, yeitifHiflM BflHibi itr ef suewsiful eulllvat aa wer leeaijou, efiuaia, all securitv to life a a is ana at El II el iAd boilllbfl, eattdltioui of Uoiif.

and flftelbtM of caltmiMtitrli Ud ecl Mittutlda iiid Ud (0 Waildlfed, Wdeetil4 Ittidled Willi in thfi couatryi Wa should bar a knowledg of our own colonies to order to benefit would be settlers, and so to able to deal with th feat and important subject, of our food eurply, Addlflonai factors that should ba carefully considered war (1) and nrooertv Sna fstr treatment li) Wllty Pf'tb market labour. Land bj flurW Md brought under cutTSUon wWfft shpulno have been disturbed, and sreat loss sod waste ba occwa4.tWOTgb.thi tndlacHmlnat clearing o( Umber frop A.Mttler bad to do many thjpgi for Mmself. I I9M tJI'reww bajvly man erpf9r got pn best, PeiOBlM fnPwfifi daserrfd indaperrfrot lBTffUgltlon Jtaay, 4 If wj followed the Utrmm In thalr timj el pnplas ef eelenlRstlon tm plwdtlon, ts prrpiFwer? is Jn4r ef teonomls dstHjfi it wettldM mw mam mi Awrif lafH Hii teat JBI.jaettirt WM fWflf iBtefllt IBd i piflesse to aa KflilUk MdleBM, ffei tmfBimet ef the fUBjlet WUBltielllTafll 60nfd fit fel UF'sillBM. Gofitill it frlnrte kit eflTllf Ud IfiUfMllfil act! abattt tSa dmlohmefit ef log lol rnafiufacltifi MWsTbesI Ul fithif ta6f InaxTlhl usiial ndaatMll lAUMat Nri of ffii raUoii tfesTeoniB 6f tk mowflmisaflfcstsnd hava ntP thu becoml thl prlhclbaj ttafUt of thl AliajWjbera, aivtog tttloo to ihTvelopoent jftb tdMrt. ti report goi on to uy thsttnlMO too totai prodUrmwlthia Emplr wu only 600,000 dowapalnb.B; 1W thl bad fecreued to 1.7W,W Jflte SHllte' 90 that ii now coaena, Th grwtut glo bu te? J.1 of with cotters, jn Vienna tb number of aatabUanauBM tea fUner wbu ta prodoetloa bu Increased, owing to the teodener toward eomblnaUcm, Tho BaufBrtorai mw tBfJnly ooooentratad a thm sHrvt tiwve invnnwiw law bui a maauraciurB bow tau Austria i out aioorta to tha TIM IB0Jstf7 BU BOI flBM Itg.

AfMM MMAfUeM vvwi rBoruitaa. try a large y. in toe tfragtblrft. Tb ruult wppiiea Hi owb dessand aad Mada lU Of BOf than fl.9M.MU a eaae. mxti Mia teEtt wisAry, tMJ0ak4 POUCK.

At TOEmnmxa, ca rutjT.TRjaraacx aosos, II, describbg himself a banssa, and glrteg London ned. ElclaTrant, a an aadj HlZIZXr Saxczx. fiatXTXi, 23, oi StieMtreeC, tork'tosd, trtr Vro' t. 6b0 rf AtwKwk Sciah Western ltoOway Company 'bj travelling from BoQtausptca WLCnaoa tnthoet ninng piBiiuuaiy psu UmIt fares. Here wm farther chsxg against Um prieoaar fimith of being a deaarter from the Mariaea of H.M.8.

Kooarch, tjTMrdsbip at Table Bey, Cape Town. Xt appeared that Um celsoueis beceoe scquatotcd while on board a tcsjcI homeward bound from Cap Town, la which Smith wu woriiiii a pamga a coil Wmnrr A abort time prev ioualy ka had deeorted from the Ifonarch. In Dctabr, 1800, accordtsc to bl owb atatemant. be lauded with Uie Xtoval Srinde made up from Um attached to tha Capo Sonidroa. and joined Lord Medium's fore.

At the engacement of Orispaa WU weonded atMPeent keek ta koepitol ai CkpeToWn. Asked by the magistrate if he now pleaded guilty: to being a deserter, Smith said that an oQccr told Um to sebore BCd oot como oil Bgaln, and bo twkbln wt bie word. Qltcon Hid ha too wa trortlnz Hii vtmg9 Iron tho Cape, Emlli wit token ill. and ke promised to pay Gibsoa'l fare to London If he would do bis work for him. Mr.

Sbcil faxsd Olbaos wltb tbo altvTMU of IA day1 loptlaoomcBt Smith wu remanded in order that the natal authorities might ba conunnalcated with. At V7oneBir eTBxrr, jAitcs Clark, cartnan, was charged with stealing a quantity of horaa prcrreader, Um property or ueorge riohosos. hi employer, Buatcr cinnxa. Too eridesco of Detective sergeant Handler, Divliioa, showed that about 11 o'clock that morning la Globe roAd ha uw the priaonor, who wu driving a van with two koraea, poll np at tha door of marina atore dealer's place, take sack front the van, Sad go dowa a. courtway which led to a side entrance of the merino store ehop.

Following th prisoner, ho uw him eater the gate way down the court, and witness slipped In and hid behind soma lacU of without tha prUoaeri icolag him. Tha prisoner, wcat to a tin and emptied th oontaarj of tha uoklnto It, wltncuMfllni It wuhona protender. On all leaving tha wttnss stopped him, and thoogb th prisoner at first said It wu ropo be bad In tb uck bt tftorwardi admitted it wu boruproreader and that ho wu caught red handed, lie uld ba had Deter dono luch a thing before, but tha wltncu notlcod that ha walked itrelgnt to tbo bin, know nil way about tb place, and ret had no communication with anv on while there. Th manager for tha prosecutor said that be had impeded Uw prisoner for soma ttm from hi horses' looking so voor, a prisoner nasi men tne wnoi oi tne proveaaer for Uie day's feed for a pair of horse which had a 18 mllee' iourner to so. Mr.

Conor aald It waa a cruel and unnatural robbery, and sent the prisoner to gaol for one month. At WwrLcirDOX, a young woman namadEuuAliABDT, urrant, who had been twlc ramaaded for tha arrest of man whom tha represented a casual acquaintance and ar tha actual thief, wu finally examined on th charge of being concerned In stealing Jewelry value 30, the property of her mistress, Mrs. Mary tiunter, who resided In Drsyton gudena. South Kensington, The robbery wu committed on th Slst the prisoner representing that a man had entered tha houM during tb absence of tha lady and stolen her watch. Tha prosocu Uil became alarmed and buteued to her room, when she missed the watch and iewslrv.

The prisoner made several statements, on being that ah found tb man in the room with a light, and Uut when she asked him what be wu doing he said wu a burglar. To DetecUveergeant Mchois. of tne li Lmlsion, she stated that the met a man named Jack ia th Pulhamroad, wbo uked her to go out with blm that she conentd, and he waa In th habit of visiting her at to house. Hb further stated that belli a candle no th drulBUbl and put tha watch andiewelry Into bJs pocket, Ulllng her tour, "You left th front door open and a burglu got In." hsrgeant Nichols informed the magistrate Ihst a man wu arreated and detained, but th Identification failed and be wu liberated. The ririsonef cried and said ah never took tha jewelry.

Mr. Hoe committed bar for trial at tha ensuing sessions. At NoBTn Loirooa, Baaab Toes. II, a aervant employed in Dethuae road, Btoka Newlngtan, was charged oa remand before Mr, Fordhanj with ateallng a gold watch and chain, value 4 the property of Edith Bates, a fellow servant, Tha girl Dates bidpurchued theaxtlclM from a "tallymaa at tha door for 1 13s. Th prisoner took tha watch to a jeweller' and sold It, with the chain, for 12a.

The Jeweller aald that he could supply th watch and chain new for 3, Inquiries to th priionsr character showed that she had been brought up st a worknouu school and bad been under tha ear or a society which looked after th Interests of urvanU. liar mlstreu uld that too priaonor wu a luy girl aad fond of to eld door. Thl lady sdded Uut she thought Uut men should be preveaWd from calling: on servants and Klling worthleu goods, Mr. Fordhara uld ba quit agreed, arid, having, beard from tha prouautrli that ih had only paid ii, oo aroouat of tb watch, advised her to pay no more, If ah told th travsllsr of her doisla wben be called again, the firm might sue her la tb County Court, but moat probably sh would nut be called upon to pay more tfiaa the real value, and the firm might not be Inclined to sdvarUa their business. It was a cruet thing to get from servants their hardly earned money In tLls way, and be did not heal tote to describe the system one method of robbery.

The prisoner was again remanaea. At milk deeier, of ilarrowfoadi lumwoned for relllng mlH adulteratod with) pwcaat, of aJdad wUr, Mr, MnKirdy, th County Council inspector, proved th essa, ind th. defendant Pleaded tha, h4 apld th milk bad beugy mm riminded hm 0t e'jiiwl btfori, and lnflJctad a pmlty of Wilmam Pawpv, 4J, i PrinUng pQPtriwtflr, Oeoifll Jofira PidiaBOi 41, a urfuat In thj lioyii Hieervi ef tho UfigoeMi win eaarged oa raaaad wiUi ebulaiflg BBfliy by fain ptttemt, Tbi BrliefiSH had bwa iity to tlratf Bfeflitill BifiM tho OOiif haVlBf beatwl6f Banded fer th attoudAae of wiuse atUsslionj alhltthl mfl Wire thatldOfi aftef tb. WaJlkrhstoW lotion thd pfilofllf DsJtofi tfltwducd Fickafii to vafiOul psraonl A man Whd hid been Invalided Join South Africa, 11 also laid ba bad been mentioned tn despatches, and that bfl had been brought from York la order that might record hi tot for Mr, Morgan, tha Unionist candldato, Fickard wu ut forth being without tha means to return to owing to these repreaen tall ons three sums of money war given. Pickard wu on furlough and bad had bis jeav estanded.

Pickard aald be waa aaergeant'lnstructorof signalling and was stationed at Um Cavalry Barracks at York, fie voted st the Walthsmstow f'arlismantary election, ind bo wu asked to stay specially or that porpou, Hi called with Pilton at political club and they were given the secretary's card, They called at another dub and were bar also given the secre twy'l pard, WW PUfgeitod that they ihould ca upon tim vetare in arder to gtt ioms bslp for witnass, Tney nsJled Mr, Urombasd (ona of th prom tori) an4 that giBlliman gav witnau 'is. Mr. Ulll (aaoiber or tha pro ucutsn) wu wiled es and ha s(d tAtt If they breygnt a yScrltitleM it would jriri lomithlsf till) wm told Ihit ftfuwa bad win lift beklrnl to vto, that fee had overstayed hii leave, tint tad been msniieiMd is diiauM by mt Im Warren, and that hi beea pfOfiillexl lorn MP, Flgkifd kim tlwt be BiatiofiM lu dieBiteaif by Blr CbaIm Warris, wbo itili wfdta to blm, and thai bie 11 ytarveharutor fa th Army WU eietflblAfV, Tb bfliUnefs Wf committed for Ulal, thl JJehctt uId thai Flckafd could out bfl bails 111 TltJ New TaAtra Hotrni Crnrcsit IrtoiA AMO imia. Th trad rout from India to Persia throuih lilan bu now been opened for lorn time, and Informa tion In rgard to the prospects of a successful trade by Is gradually being collected. The pad goes from erj Quatto through Nbk and KlsUa to Blrieod and wm wii mm, tnarany nwm JwMtr Agwyt Pirilli MWM to to IWth pf AfabanUtan, (tn avoiding to dutie Uried br to Aouir, tka, lut oSMil yf, aMrdtoa; to toe report of ypwm ei irs bfr.liiPlUefi $ltoBrte IlKHKMiB ito mmm la ctreunutaaPM st deorM PiniiB rarifify, tfe igu i eijilso, but fff TaMa rupotf, iHli of trad tha and ear tj tfsae eftl9 fHg Hit SMfirew! HFiwdisimf.

mwmm ZZ Tm, I 2" mm A rar WHTSiiHs eavairy, rensitflt ire aniast lau than 4 lakka ti torpfiiifll FiiBiB hm dfjufi iter ail Bias life ftsek by tai aaaa wu all avilfy fii tta tia wfsw arrived it to jitter bIih Heel I Somi 11941 IBS WftSMI 61 tal eiiabai man IH fUll Fifllll tdt Ui uni ftifMH, trad inef lif itSei by thl Uinl fouU alia InerfUlitl, th bfaetice It MSSeht bllBi ia UBeH eAmelsi eMefl feioAlMi to Khd abfia aad tost! ta Juf ItafTtltosiki 4 i' a Irlei trading oasaar, na neea ataausnsq, arm Pan Um ba aatobUabadi ttWlhsttU Of Kifmin havO sOnt. trial earavsni Of Kir man warn. wciliy iqulalto Rs gaawiii to toduj mar tea and Indigo, com I Rafnuil mmU kiwi with indiaa trodncto, ohlelly bef Information oa UMsabiectb contained Is a memorandam from kiahomed All Brothers, tbo ftrst Indian merchant to open a regular trad by th Ntisbil root bttwNa India and Blrjeod, to oapital aod eectr of trad of tb Kainat Brovinc in Eaatorn Tbia maaorwdww wbleb is published la tb sentei of a er a A MS aLa. A i a (nettearuoi ro, sweeveat muwa was irwt vo ran poorly provided witb frwopw food, tUlattor, wWob wr iaportod froa Blriaod, very dear. A trial caravan of lerta of eBuller foreign war wu BtaderBp.

aod appear to bav attoaded wRh iuoous. th pncM.Uiai tow. ao to advarUu too boalaui, and tM oaiin aod otwlportt. ptrtoag 1H1UM being bbcbi Both I and as tke PBrehAsers, aoodf rucb jMrJaad, waare bUre atuy reaWeat laaMuw, Tbo poor! prtfir Jritia. fcodji wMoli ia.

Taa ifoai. Qoraraof utroswid a obtato bAttar Bflua. dHire to (oru la aViUab. toad BfifHIl ImpOWlBMto BOSJftto Wlto Wfai I bsm oiotr artlciM oa asoBtof TkMNfti fiwa illfjwd aro.woM aad uw, oarBoto, an wooli aid. tawtU oovtoaoi low Dftm.

Botheby WOkiaaaa. and Bodge oa Friday and ttoturday tb dispersal of a portiom of Lord AaflfeHrtoa Ubrarj, Tb awet iapovtt of lie isaaricaaa la Frldayi ale (wlilelt mlftoa total of wu a ftn rahoend aapy of 'Tha Oleeoverie of John Lederer In three Several Marcfiai fron Viriinto to the West Coeai of 1878, with the rare map 103 (Sabln) in the) wilier part Of th century this book used to sail at frost is. ao. ta aad Brlrit'i aTpTiealixed ema and a half guiacu aboat 50 years ago L. Ceyinia, A Eelation of too Stoeod Toyago to Oeiane, performed aad 'written In the year 15i Tcry ise J650 f.Orlta) SI W.

tUWgk, Tka Diasorflrls Oi too Liizo. Rich, and ScawUfu) Emsire of Guiana." 10 (tha Brazilian Minister) F. do Oulr. Terra AnatraHs Incognits," 1417, vary nf 39 fOUAlltch), Books of olW tka Aaerteaa fateresi Included tha following; I T. Kip.

KouTeea Thfttrv de la Grande BretagMA lTlS Sii wltti about 900 ptotee 50 YLeigntonJ Slenr La Oroi, LiTra d'Eitimpca da 1'artdeto Cotaeor dea Damee Frnoise." 1,63. with 23 coloured lat bvlW baaddraasee SXl (OuaritcU E. rortrait of Xihwti 1X714. larTB DBDCTi BUPorrvrrel folio rWitch D. Lvsons.

Th Eavirona of London, ieoo.ii. mmiAUi be tha addition of 63 portraits, TiCWS, fi23 (Bompoa) D. end S. Lysons, Mignl Britaaala," 1813 23, eatrsraiBstrtJ, CTtendcd from six to 1 vohunee oiarto jCaO (Sothraa) W. Rm.

Hlatorv and AnlUniJUea of v. i ci Urce can County of ieiceetor," l7 iautoa frgl. ito r.n Xntsmtn Psllicer. win ted throuUh oat In Tellum its QuaHtch) flva folfo TolnmcB com prisini remarkabU eolleetloti of early English POUT. UlUdi, nClng from lM to 19.

formerly la tha BlodW Ubrary, realized a total of U1 and K. PelwhTle LWnahWM aale' waa tha orliinsi bventory of toe eflecta of iima. da Pompadour, comprising. win. rnrnilnT, cainj, warerow, atotuary.

library. Jewelry, fl all most fully daacrlbed and detailed, with tha ippfalleISat gtUCOOU to each entry, 170f 133 I (he Amartoina la filtnrdiv'l portion (which realised 1.703 ISs.) ml a copy Of Very rare work of LU tVtnalow, Good News frOffl.NlW island, or a True llelaUon'of Things very Itomarkabl at the Plantation of 'Pllmoth la New Eagliad," lK book which befor AmerleanA becam UAol0A0i wiu mAikw Tranialianlle collaCtOM adld fflf A flW ahllllBXS. On Haturday th bidding itortod at 100 goJaau. and at 340 th book bacam to property of Mr. Ifattail.

Otoer luuta American Intaraat Included th followlnf I Captain John Smlto.Qoveraor of Virginia aad Adoirallof ka a mm e. at al m.m. Uw new cngiana, Aavamaementa tor ue uBeipaneucea fluUn of Naw Knsiand." leal, with a fine Imoreaslon of to rare folding map by Blmon Pass, with Bmlth'a portrait In tha corner, unbound, bat with a few letters shared 160 (Cattail) Thomas Oabrlel, An Historical and Qeographlcal Account of the Province and County of Pmallranla and of West Jtow Jeruy to. Aawrtca," JCM, a varv rare bonk dedicated to William Penn 03 fQuirltchV thls book at on Um realised from balf a crown to 16a. Captain K.

Wnltbouroa, "A Dlacowse and Uiacovery of If sw.rouna Ljana, iba. isw nrnwiinei vsry llgbUy shvd llJQuarltob) W. Wood. New Hngiana a rroapect i a true, wtsij, aou Mpynaiaii DaMorlDdan of that Part of America Commonly Called i. 1.

I. naw tuiKiana, imw, wiui we rate iivuug wav, www, frso.uently waatlng (Sabln) a on oopyof toil very scare bock, of which a full account ii in too MroipuUH lUvUw.Vo). VIII. snd another oopy of to lAoa, the rasp and top margin of lut leaf allhUy inavea Ais Among to fin French books, of which thl Aabbortca Llbrsry included so many, perhspe th cholcut wu tho copy of J. J.

Vsd4, OJuvre Polssardu sultu cellss TEcluu." 1790, in Saturday1! aalai it is on of 100 copluoa large paper aocOMiag to nrunsi, are bow worth from If. to iOf.J, but it had th orliinal drawlnu In' water colours of to elates by Monsisu bene th ettraordinary prlc paldlW (Qua ritch). Other French books Included 1 J. P. Hag.

Hard, CEuvree Computes," lm, one or Bu copies orlnted on laraY vellum naner 14 ta. (Ouarltch) I I. Bllvestre. "ilscuell d'ua grind aombr Vuu deanlus Ullea villas, Palais, Calcui," ic, 1750 3S ids. (Kontain) i and v.

liaron oe Trenex. aismoirei Piierecourt cony, with proofsbefor letters of th plates 30 (Sabin). The sal also Included tha following i mmmm' a Ww AO mm aa i SM Kapla and i lrwai. "wtiory oi tniianu ana sieosiuo HUtory," 1733H7, extra Illustrated with about 800 plates, 4c 80 (Sabln) H. Uogers, Poem and 'Xtoly, a Pocra," 183i, litre Illustrated and extended to four volume by ths Insertion of about 170 plates and upwards oi iw vignettes ivs.

(PouMrao; i oir e4vr pcov novels, tales, rornancet. and Doetlcal works. 18.1 33. 6 valamu. Illustrated by th lawrUoa of ODwanii of 000 pistol, of rlws, V4 (8othrao) It.

Boot, The blsooum of Witchcraft," flrst dltlon IO(Ellii) the Itov. fl. Bhaw, History and AaUoulUee of BtoSord' aire," looi cio iwauora; i ji, Durieei, History and Aatlrralllu of LhirLtra." MirWD 10 13a. fYouni Yt and Ulr Wratall, UUtorlcel Memoirs of Wy Own 1115. rxviwTWss of tha BUkd Bstrairtk ca a la a a a a Usmr bOUfid 1(1 tafi lfflb4fIU OttUta OIUfflMt Ual tXlTaV all a a as.

a "a a a aa a. Iiiustraieo oy tne adOJUoa or upwards or B70 poruaiu. many rare and fin Impressions 131 (Quaritcn). Tne toui sale or tne au lots amounted ta its. Bo.

T8 WWT i rH.Utlrl flaare lawt ApKsItshesnbsd BZmm. it ceo SB sLoioao Drafts parala en dsataad aod LUan ot Credit aa AsatfanaW n. i. i a a BANKS. "VTOTICB is berebr Ktren that It to th Intention of Xtta CAW Apia BASS; ml COUMXRCn sod tbsBAWK ef prriBll COLTfaBIXU AprlVUapstorlaoVajU ai Tba Baak AjA Amend maol Ast ICd 'IPawdsl sal imk setfteUesj will ke med tr.

not 4e BoWWied (m it mtt few rw i tCBr' sWfirs trvstKin gfwam WS IKJQW gesrtton, Beak ef lllf. lAiaAaaUalca. ii. KlUbUlkid Peid HlCilil fHrilaeffslH.jMiM'rMea UrhNrt (m AlWtrtWh atM 5 ralthd tel )(ilM. BCu kiutaBASee BflaMail feteifiettleit tasdsi fas BA ef rBW Botrrrt WALBABe sioid Breed itra rrant lettert ef ft Mil ih euu et sitnanse ea tna ueesasretsi Baal ct TaamaQla, Limited, saf able al Usbsrt sad braerhei st lAaaeeftea, Seerf llaf.

Lelrobe, Loesford. Oaliaads, IMJoralnA Wartberr. Helens, ear han, toe Vg pINQLISU, BCOTOSHjand AUBT1ULUS Bixd sacembsrdetrssa, Ka aai'DBITSj'ea t.BraaJL aai OS5cs a Baxabttne. LoeiTwOtrret, HQ WATHAW1KL CORK. lUw a 1 ULC LOJTDOJT BANK of AUSTKALLa, UaW" JL 1 Old BraaeVetreet.

Z.a BbasOadCaita 144.890 rsid SB SrM.76 JSSKfBnLtobHi C73UA SfTTTAJCri etsUetv CAPLlt to AaiWta. MAm. JJTTBaU al CBKntT. and C1HCULAX STOTta kwurd apoa BrsBehea sad AtraU. vraaj c5S? ea Aastrss sTSOOTUTSD ssat bv mt AwketiM PewHise erery esriatlB 1 Ml Haai ABaaaar fkfaUBAAAIajISaaL' Lu BraMS Alu hi i Hsewd fleitkif.

1m. 1 IMtfifaTtH; i The (taal HaavU ftteftflul tuluittei ittiirrCTdlu Stall We AbIKIUOAX bank TiA Shdlt erll P. y. HOblBtidlf, Uiau it UBUal This Bank trauael etitaa wits Boats aae luaas Latun ef uraeit. Uraru.

aa VtUti hnncter st Jol.aiinaibBri cd tasejBwa. um rrssirHk wp nomt, urtsM mrtr ppolU ri lo Afx Mfteds, a rm iSresAM i Treasfers aa rmf saitrfir aa fJlHB AViTimiAjjIrfT STOOrt BAJfK, ef WjHiUv flffcnt fee Wit! fffiMS et 'H'HiM Wpiltuyni tkeleverl brie aetirled elll Offrrt snd ttsr rliid UereattBScvlSto emr Baas, BaX Bin WilUsSsetrseS, uu oa mt mimmauwr. is raw HSrtMSaJ i Iftf Sllllrf I Hre li IM aaaU BaaaS. irawja fl the Pvastort IkeastriatoBMk, A ttoaa4sriitalttan BieC lJttad 8 find Seaeett BeeeM fee to tea taj rart aserasd aa aaweiag taereoa te jistojf setwastM ragafeyttaa S4 ataat lbs pvMsatov AbA mm, mnwm ptv pun, I 1 1 1 i III I ft mm 1 1 sH avwat Sf tke BU af tke seaueal aria bar a.w ilfse wiUm fae. ear veeeBues.

Heu. im Baits au ewes ev IT IBM it, tiii, Tnatal UflJU, Ltoiliad. sriari, OaMftfttafBBwat mkli COMMamCfAL aUSX of sHMgwee fVTTIlMfl nA.AA.AA Wich fl.lf (A kAmtrUinmA mm imIUIa. T. 3.

CTTBTia, Beentcry. fTHIB U2TIOX BAXK of AUSTIaAIaIaU Iimibi i lnanwrUAl im jypgfy ii wxo TT aiwawl LiahaBrW eree Utara 1 CiOCQOM Lattart ef owls sea ttu oo tirnund tr rrisd oa ths ttmV Xmmtm Uavaslwat tb vt moi Srr CesilS'pt'W nalUun, wvulm to tmm Bin. on tks Csleaias are aMotktad aed at lot eoD UW DepcrUJ trs raeairsd for Had parted, tenu thiek saw KTvtLf: mJL rrmoj pas of iioowp'irV ET Clawtsr, Tir xts Artrrrt. LnOa rafatoD capital Reserve fond 17100 Brrrrrv UaMST ef prvytrtorr eeew ttv AAAltA, (Ka IUt IKai.K. i Hltrml'm.

4n4 sue nasousiea er sent tor roiiecHon. Teicgrsplua iranrtwi made, IoAa rc, A ia LooAa aA letn lit tow AsaA jmiuin a taras erbieb mar ba aseartalnad en aenUcatloa RKJijLriiriJUA, fTOE COMXIKRCLAJL IUKE of AUSTaUuT limited, LODnofflLKkiM treat iTtiLaTtC. PBAXTS aad LETTWiS of CKEOIT ara hnrmmi bj tba Ls Aoa eAaa ea the bead aSVe ef tke Bank sad its braaekaa UrauiZl? ISs AnrfTTlxifan Colociej, nXM rXTAMTES reads 07 CABLE SI LLS XlCOTUTKIl mmmt ta CULLXCTtOBL A.V'KIX'l and KXCHAk'OC fcoiieMi ef trwaaeted with Us Tsrtcos ACBTBAUAS BOt a4fDtacsa term. OBilBQE IV fN Ipi; fJWB BRITISH BANKof 8QUTH AiLEIUCiT Umrnd amom, ta, t. Lbo4o K.O.

giniarorBin capital PAIILTJB OABITAL ltsJiUYBrvxw aou.oa) DRIFTS Luatdeatke Baakl braake ssd remtBoadieia gantA Aauvtca. Tmvrftii snd ui of fU.HW axUiruias. slifl Uie rsrrlM 1j r.f( iv rntwuce ane Miin2 mlkm laMtlauis tABIMf Mtnnerl. bXPuaita fstwired ULsTlHMT fcr gjsd perlOSa, tts tasi al WHf Bf arw Tl Bweaww wws ryyr ftv mEB BASK OF AFRICA. Limited.

2, MHflSM Ilead eflea, lit, Caenaetr tee4' Isheortbed sssaai. Cl moo Pw BAfaerre SSial. AAClOoa TBI Beak been draft. Bii. taUfncble ramittaaace, Wri ta seUert Mlla andeeederte.

all kinds ei baaJuas butieaas aae aesiea wu BOOTH AJrSl CA. Depseds rstetred ea terns walek stay i aeisitela a anbaa tloa R.U. tJAVLMsmwr Aam lUBTJBAJfOl. COMPAypg. fLKniCAL, MEDICAL, and OEJTEHAL L17H VJ OrriOB.a It JaWee sare.

B. W. KiUblUked IHt PBTJPE5T1AL ASSURACB COMPAJtT. IJjBlUi Heiborwban, Loodoa. roaadtdm Umfd rundi gMooaosa jpBOVIDEJfT CLKRKS' ITJTTJAL UTB Ossh BMBeeosls! meren.

COMPA5T, miE XMWlAtn LlaOtarlf1fe. Bat. Old Breads taBsrelMMMlar Total ruaas. sver CLtcutH. a.

uuxxna smitu. urn. nsasw. PIREOrflCK. K1 Itssd aslea 17, KlnMlrest, Cot astfwdea Citf sakae, A aIb WU IsaMtrssf, B.CX XTORWIOH UKIOIf PIBB Bfld LIPE OFPIC73, il reeeded 1717 sad IKX Head fleet.

Sartor Xerrkk, EgTRUC TVf ETBOPOLITAX LIFE ASSTJlU5Ca Jjl BOCXm. faUbtlahedlati OBose UUcorntoVra" XITOBEMEirg rsliciM'YfrmgTWtf rontuttnsrsl moderst ntesef rHnanUansf in? Asset, erdtract (real the ACCXDIWIT IK8URANCB COMPAJTY (Ut), OLAlbtaPAIO 1,801088, BBilssalcuard im TUOff. POTTIb MsasUbb. A LLIAVCK MARIN and OKXKRAL AH17B. rik.

AJICB OOHPAMY (Ltgttedt 'apel eee t. BeHkaleaav liaa. jnumem. werwwpn ixu snrt ritAasriH aouaa er us sbn cm Be ant aataa dare af nanaaiiier aaiL sbn Ceapaay wUbs flTs'ssnsf Thm art, tntl BAttUita Um aUtaW I lid mUB OuAltAlT.H BOuIeTY. "ittataiBt AW ItKTBKaiOJfABY IimSitliHT BOCTTJTf, ew sw a awAS paaa af adtaaeasaudst sad KOt'an? aadL0Ai aod KtTBBT KMKllAXi sfenT DOsrrAlfr.

Umitsit, ft, Wrmsa aataeuiiiaa inb. capital ttfa.axk RAH.WAT TIUW PBOVJOja, mmm BLetXTB. IflBL few lit CL 11 eallaua 'flBfti iSMaf weewc stiw taan BBtitfteiif vwn iakaaia 8AJLWA COMAlTlia. IfiBAt. tLAflTBlllf "ttAltWAV COMPAlft.

oi vvbiwiz i4i am uunau en us ereains oi wenjieesi. ue seta a ovtrn Der iniuai. ana eu sarttei rerutared at tne time er tnca eleeias ef Ue Traasfer Bock will be eaUtlW UU eUriW parable eathe Ut Jaaaarr, lKL Tka Tranifar Boeki ef the above Stocks tin Baepea eayMday, the mum 'H nw wwaaw UTfrpoel ttrtti JarauaBS, TU "grenbeTrQ. r0BTHEBN PACIFIC BAILWAV, imijl Trvit PfritM, Uaft. Sf laQalf tke TBdof TreiffMuaisr ths ismwd wd PavaiaW 14 tl ad WfVSM f.

T. If snB sb4 CwmMj, )iawnaiaium Keaanrji aefZ af1jaTlaasM As7aeol Jos Ut fewfieclHbafl Jiu Nus(cigal, aedBriUai. pirtiM al Ike Srtl VWH fmuaa, senias Ik ssseU pvt Ibanie. are tmhl uiUai IstUffed es itatiisiu 4waei UjiafiaaF Vtt lf ifM.banesf Uftetesai itotl smhsm i sad. Ms tiwwwrf ef BBffeiwB4jfte sip Iws weSfHsusl Befeejb lsL im eib st af tiiM i(W Mill kfteat 8Mw SSld t't fsM HIIH MriH IB ti lh WfMHedJSS ewtleStM tf brnfifo af fH nBtb fe Vmjbi HUIi m7er aai lnS ee ef UtoJM' Seee4 ef Jtaaarf.

1071, All Ste I Trait CeHlS eU nr sedaHd Httiiul biTm ftmrt a i ri bt hl, UI riUrdhoJdflthsftor llerf Tnuf fJtriitM blued la YrrkfesiiMhrsMaUd fe exablase li llvtfrrta ta. HfiK tof ValWtf trasUaa rati. BWk faiUsWa UteWU Bertie iaajlbe rMtd for Stcbaai te the DtatfeM unsi Bsek. asenU ef th Tel roitee bt BsrUn. Sutfi Uf kanrse mt mil BXIf tW IBBBB BB BT BltST US ISCSBtl CSS Bf rfUBalT.

IHL M'jt tka 100 KiixiulM Aitm eUl be rseilted brthaaeetlta Steer citr. (a sisksei foe ail Itaek Tnut CtrtlAaMKJ IttTMBilfTtd tare will be delimsd rcubtrt esULUas ue sartr tkartie aaaval Is I aouliic recetre Stack Csrtiacatte sf Uw skaracti aad. aa Ium tea unii aaa ae miomit tkaraia ilFace (of deUtv. PfWff MUBHiW. nan vulf artuBsfa MfUWI fUA BT 1 JB trlTT5 I wfl ybAitlr Sl fleei nfratt DeHlftnile se, iU be ledEaie liatki tW ekk the a seemrttlas ssai Vr tsilera a4 at bf usrsst tOttr asseasa LIXUTSCHB BAS dCd MtHrmiiT.TfBOU8 C0MPA51B3.

If TBS UBS, AL suaav. l7Ajf law. 1 a 19, Jan. Jnne, 1S0BC V. 001 Teadarsaa katf avksea, I PjVV evw)l Isarw' fliiikii asMS Biriis lariai Bf tw.

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