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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 3

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LATEST INTELLIGENCE. TILS EASTERN QUESTION. THE GRAND VIZIER. (Br Tuxcab nax Xizsm.) (no ec trsaxit ccaxoronnex .) TWk, Der. 51 TV retirement of the Gnad Vitvr, Mehcmet fshdi, tad tho elevation of Midhat Pasha to tho rtttti Cc occurred under tho following iubcc oa Sdndsy; Aa wu from tho nptiV, jlidhat rK had a three hours' intcrvkw with Sir )HU7 Eiift.

Ob llaadsv Midhat Pasha bad a long aadktcu ct Ux SuUn. On the sama day the Grand Vtr, owinfto a alight indirpoeition, wa unable jo the Sullies l'ortc. On Tm eday Midhtt mi insUIhtl Grand Vizier. So far at the Court (Vcu ar accouuu for th crisis, it ia atatod that jut iaerriv Mcvnrd on Monday botneea tha fehnn and Mehemel lliuMi, in which Ilia Majesty on th necessity accepting tha Midhtt with three cliue constantly objected ta by tb Grand Yiiier, wLich limited the authority lb Scrrcreirn. aa well aa the power of hu chief ajnr.

lhcuit Uuihdi (till argued that, Low. ycrf willing Ilia Majesty miht be to submit to the (artaSnent of hi sort reign" prerogative during Lis ca Vn ed rifit to aanction a compact which would be equally binding on hi tucccaaora. jh Sulun cut short the discussion by allowing. the Grand Viner an hour time to reconsider the sub jwt, Tb Grand Virir made his bow and left tbe pibcr, but he had hardly readied his own reai iron belve he waa.orrr taken by the Sultan's mes pjir, and bidden to deliver up the State seal. Tfc triuirph of Midlist and of tlieMidhstConsti truee.

raa thus accomplished, and the obstruction which frustrated the remits of the Palace, revolution of last May was st last 1 emoved. The soul of that revolution had been Mid hat, aa it right hand tsi Uureein Avni. MTiat Midlist might hare idaered had ho at nnce then aiid there attained tb npreoe power we shsll never know, but the rivalry between him and Hussein Ami rendered the temporary promotion of a Moderate such a Mahomet Ruahdi a matter of necessity, and for tb last six months the Constitutional acheme. vkica was to eecre as a ladder for Midhst's ambi poc, was th waned by the obstinacy of the wary old msa who has been finally tripped up.The promulgate of that Constitution, which has long been ira inent, ought now to be inevitable, and yesterday Busy people creamed over from SUmboul, deceived by (slse announcement that tbe ceremony of in ssgcration was to be held at 3 in the afternoon. But the new Grand Vizier, who cannot conceal the fact that no man in Turkey and himself less tii in any man can hare faith ia the practicability of his Constitution, still hesitates.

The only, use of that Charter or Organic Statute at tha present juncture ia to supply the Forte with a pretext for rejecting the reforms proposed by the European Powers for tbe benefit of Bosnia and Bul fsris. You wish to improve the condition of the Christian population of those Province," the Turks argue but here is the Midhat Constitution, a remedy for the evil, not only of these Provinces, bet of the whole Empire, not only of tbe Christian, hat of tha Mussulmans also, and insuring full justice and perfect quality to all tbe Sultan's sub Ms. without distinction of race and Aa now Turkey, however late, ia willing to fulfil all the obligations contracted by former HatU, Firmans, and Iredea, and stipulated in all the Treaties, tha inter fame of the Powers in her internal aiTairs becomes superfluous, and will be resented and opposed by the Porta aa a gratuitous piece of impertinence. It is in this language, we are told, that Midhat Pasha spoke yesterday, 'as he returned the visits of the foreign diplomttists who had icon gratula ted him on his accession to power. The measure agreed upon in the preliminary actings of the European members of the Con eacw have already been privately oomm unseated to the Ottoman Government, with whose rspresenUtives they sre to be discussed in full iswably at, the Admiralty Palace to morrow.

The proposals of the Powers, in the opinion of one of the most rabid Turkophiles, are at ridiculously mild that the Turks would be peat fool if they did not at mce accept them. Tct SCdhat, in his round of visits, threw out clear hints thai he would meet such proposals and any others by which interference with the internal affairs of Tvkey msy bo attempted with aa inexorable and invincible turn jvtnptut and with three emphatic ea. For sJl that, however, he may be more safpatd to compromue than he pretends, because iijnKjal with tbeee cunning Osmanlis to refuse at bst whathsy full well know they must ultimately traat, as it' is also cuatomary with them to show peat readiness to promise what they hare made up tiwr minds not to fulfil ladeed, the proposals? of the Power are so Msnshle, they are so admirably intended to better the condition of the Ottoman Govern swot as well as the condition of their people, that the refusal of the Porte would be aoiddal.even if it did not entail tbe danger' in which, no matter ao tmight ultimately be the conqueror, the Turks tbenaalves would sure to be overpowered. The nprettstires of the Powers hare been particularly sriout to spare the Porte the humiliation of an anird occupation of any part of the Ottoman territory. they insist upon is merely the esta order and the reform of the ad Bs istrstion in Uosnia, Herzegorina, and Bulgaria.

Tbss objects are to attained by the organization polios and by theNappoiotment of an Intorna tMoal Commission. There is not a Turk la or out oSes who will not avow that the polios through ut the Empire, owing a variety of causes, but MpxiaHy to their wretched and precarious pay and lh tzclusioa of noo Mussulmans from the ser rice, instead of being tho guardian of order, 'sv worse element of diaorder in the State. The "th propose ss a remedy for this evil Lord 'Wry, I am told, is credited with the suggestion ta of a small number of Belgian rdartDes to supply the cadre for the erentoal "hrtoxntof antiv police force, to be organized lfW the model common In roost Continental State. institution will be sufficient to reassure and tat subject of the Sultan, still terrified by tss OMrages which have been perpetrated among Vad will enable the International Commi as it ill be with ample powers, to lwe4 to the development of those 'reforms which inaugurated and carried out under its At the same time, the supremacy and pwdence of thPort wiIl suffer no diminution, Uovernment retaining the power of garrisoniDg fhs strong Ltce and of initiating all reforms. These st chiefly first, of the appointment of the or Governors General, which will be made by subject to the approval of the and the tenure of office of the nominees be ensured for fire years, unless they be re the reconsUiutton of the lrovindal 0is by fair lectJon and on the principl of fJnU repreaentaticm, according to the provision law of YDUyeU, which is fsr from bad In fbrt which has never receiredsproperprsgtical JPffcation ia thee Provincial Councils.

If they can ssade to work well the pecnl viU hare the cenns best local elf government and the police, fsdmrflhttrsttonwiUbeilstadawwdrng u4aHhaTtic. Tl Powwr vtll not or the 'riMat Ms4 wooo aa immediate wholesale di. armainent ot the population they wiU be satisfied wiia a prohibition of arms being carried about tbe person in public plscee, and also, as suggested by General lenatieif. with the teatitution of thnaa which had bven supplied to the Mussulman population by the Government at tho time of. the mas acres.

The International Commiaaion will beaides, in this as in other matters, exercise their discretion should more stringent and thorough measures sp pear advisable. It is not eay to eo the rational objections Midhat can urgo against these proposals. Nothing is certainly more absurd than tho argument about the injustice of cranting to some Pro vinces benefits which are withheld from others, for the Powers can liave no objection to tbe same or even greater reforms being extended by the Porte to tbe whole trapire, snd, indeed, the Plenipo trnuanes wjii conclude their propositions with an exhortation to the Porte to that effect. But, with such a homogeneous Constitution for a population consisting of so endless a variety of races, discordant in relirion. in lanrusce.

in custom and minMrt. and" arrayed against one another by the traditions of mutual rancour and grievances' for centuries; it is impossible to bear such a thing mentioned with patience. Yet Midhat is pledged to it and svldled with it as with an incubus of which he can only rid himself by the most clever (our font, lit has already exhibited all the proverbial activity oi ue new broom by throwing out some hints about finance, engaging to rescind the Irade" of October, 1875, by which the Grand Vizier, Mahmoud Eddin, half repudiated' the public debt, and promising to disengage the Egyptian funds now locked up in the Bank of England and due as interest, to tbe bolder of the Guaranteed Ottoman Loans, and insuring for the future the regular transmission of the Egyptian tribute for the same purpoao for which it was originslly paid. lie undertakes, besides, to devise some compromise by which partial, if not entire, justice may at some future period be done to all the creditors of the i one. There were rumours that tha nw Grand Vizifr contemplated the appointment of three Christian members of the Cabinet, creating Zarifi, a Grvek banker.

Minister of Finance, an Alhmimn now President of the Ottoman University, Minister ot l'olice, and Odiaaa Dendi, aa Armenian man of all work of Midhat himself, Minister for Foreign Affairs. These nomination however, not been made public, and the report may have no foundation. The ttromulfation of the Gonatitntinn li inis announced for to morrow, when the Conference will also hold ita nrst general sitting. Noon. The Bazaar of.

Van. on the lake of Van. in Armenia, has been pillaged and burnt. According was accidental the plunder of which Christians and Mussulman and also the military were guilty was the result of the disorder and confusion inseparable from the catastrophe jsbut private tele grams assure us wet tae uazaar was first robbed by the soldier of the adjoining barracks Bedifs, Cavalry, and Artillerymen then set fire to conceal the jobbery, many of the, people who hastened to put out the flame being also massacred. One might question the verscity of these Armenian accounts were it not for the obttaeles that the Government have deliberately put in the way of telegraphio communication with those districts: The neonle at Van, reduced to a state of dire suffering from wsnt ot rood ana shelter, are calling for assistance, and especially for nrotection foe the Uvea ifnd knnmr nf their families.

The fury of the horrors ot Bulgaria seems now to bare come upon unfortunate Armenia. Mr. liutlar Johnstone, U.P., ia staying as a guest with ome Turk ia StambouL THE CONFERENCE. (Bt Txxiujs irH.) (roox on xvrzxnx oouzsrcciszjrr.) YTJDfNA, Dec, 27. If the account coming from Constantinople as to be believed, the time spent over the 'draughting of the project elaborated by the preliminary Conference has been turned to good account, although the question of autonomy.of a European Commission, or of aa occupation are carefully avoided.

The project culminates in the proposal "that the insurgent Provinces should have aa administrative autonomy, the introduction of which ws to be controlled by a European Commission, supported by a foreign armed force, endowed with the function of an international police force. Yesterday Lord Salisbury was received ia private audience by tbe Sultan, tha object of hi interview, it 1 supposed, bavtng been to press upon the Sultan the acceptance of the proposal made by the preliminary Con ference, let in spit of this, tbe prevalent opinion ia Constantinople seem to be that the Porte will not accept these proposal. If. never theless, the position of things is not looked upon yt as quite hopeless, this is owing to an impres sion that tbe refusal of the Porte will not be peremptoryin the first instance, but rather evasive, so aa not to preclude the possibility of further negotiation. Much will, therefore, depend upon whether ue proposals embodied in the work of the preliminary Conference are adhered to by Russia aa something unalterable and as a sort of ultinatvm.

or whether Russia may be got to make some further conceadoris. If we are to believe the information which come Ignattea would seem to have declared tbe pro posal agreed upon in the preliminary Conference to be the sww'mvm of concessions which msy be expected from Russia while the information from St. Petersburg would indicate that the proposals presented to the Porte are considered a admitting of modifications. It can only be a matter ef vague speculation which of the two accounts is likely to prove the more correct one. AUSTRIA.

(Bt TxtxaajLTH.) (nox era acstuax coxjunroxnxjrr. VIEraA.Deo.27. The Hungarian Minister President and Minister of Finance came up this afternoon, from Buda Pesth. Hi Majaety is coming up to morrow morning for a Cabinet Council, which is to be held to morrow, and at which, besides, the Austrian MinisterMinister President and Minister fof Foreign Affairs, the Ministers of War, of Foreign Affairs, and for Imperial Finance sre likewise to be present. The Cabinet Council is held ia connexion with the Eastern Question.

8ERVIA. (Bt Ttxxoxith.) (nox oca. AFSTUiJi cotxtsroxtixin.) V1ENKA, Dec 27. Yesterday afternoon tome 1300 Russians, mostly Caralrr and armed, passed tbe Danube on pontoons. from Thum Severin, in Bervia.

Lut night some excitement was caused by the new that tbe Danube Steam Navigation Company had received intelligence that one of it passenger the Hildsgarde, had been fired into from the Servian shore. The tact 01 the case are that the night before, when the Hildegaxda was putting In in the vicinity of one of the Servian village below Belgrade, the report of a shot was heard. A the night waa dark, it was not possible to aacertala the direction whence the shot was fired, nor was it, ia spite of a oarefal examl naUon of the ship, poesible to discover any trace of theahot. The attempt at the formation of a Coneer retire Cabinet I Selgnd ha nuieo, TflE TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 187a and the pn sent Cabinet ha every chance ot remaining in office. Together with thi the new come that the commander of tho four Corp into which the Active Army of Seiria it now formed have rcoeivrd orders to go to their head quarter, and that tho Russian General Nikitin has taken the place of Tchcrnaycff, who is no moro to return.

At tho review which he held upon taking the command he made an address to the soldiers, in which he saiil, In a week's time you will bare an opportunity to prove your bravery before the enemy." Hitherto it has always been understood that General Nikitia was only to take the command of the Russian Corps of Volunteers, while General Tchernayeff would keep the command of the Karri an forces so, unless there be some confusion bat ween the command of the Russian corps and the Servian forces, the despatch of General Nikitin from Russia to take the command of the Russian corps was only a preliminary for talrins the command in chief in Servia out of the hasdji of Tchernayeff, snd to investing General Nikitin, who baa been sent there officially, with it. R0U3IANIA. (Bt TiLzoxira.) (rxox OCR acsteiax coxxEsrosrDErx.) VIENNA, Dir. 27. The Roumanian ex Ministers, Florescu snd Ixmovar, who bavo been indicted for abuse of powers, snd who were to have appeared before a Court appointed by the Chambers, hs re refused to do so, and have sent instead a declaration in writing, ia which they denounce the resolutions of the Clamber as illegal, but declare their readiness to sppear before the regular Courts of Law.

It is not thought sdrisablc to enforce their appcaranco, as it might give rise to demonstrations and tumult, FRANCE. (Bt TetioRara.) raox oca owx coaxisroxcrsT.) TAIUS, TVxdxxsdat, Dxc 9 30 r.x. The Budget Committee met to day at 1 o'clock at the Palais Gambetta presiding, to consider the arneadment made by tbe Senate in tbe Budget a voted by the Chamber. M. Raoul Duval opened tbe sitting with the proposal to settle or pronounce on tho question of the respective rights of the two Chambers in financial matters.

After various views had been expressed for and against the right of the Senate to restoro Estimates, M. Gambetta moved that the Committee insert ia its Report a declaratioa that the Senate has only the right to call for the revision of the Budget by tho Chamber or to suppress Estimates, but in no case to re insert them. M. 'Wilson proposed the more practical course of proceeding at once to the examination of the Articles modified by the Senate, and, to let the theoretical question alone. M.

Gsmbetta's propeaitiou was then put to the rote and negatived, but only by 12 against 11. One member abstained and nine members were absent at the time of the votinc The Committee then examined in order the different Vote restored by the Senate, and pronounced against the amendments of the Senate. The question will come before the Chamber to morrow. The Journal OfiUitl of to dar nnblixhea a nnt1M that the General Council of the Bank of France, at the sitting of yesterday, fixed the dividend of the second half year of 1876 at 61f. 85c that la.

da. ducting the duty of If. 85c, 60f. net to be distri outea per snare, itus dividend will be paid on and after the 2d of January. "We have received the folio wing telegrams through Renter's agency GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES.

(Bt Cable.) WASHIKQTON, Die. 27. Ia the message transmitting tbe extradition cor. Rsrjondanc tn Canimm. Alm which are already known, President Grant says 11 1 wiu (rest astutaction that I sm able to snDeeaos to CooprM sad tha country that, by a voluntary act of Her Britaaaie Msiestv'a Garanimaiit.

it iKatrU. 1 4 posed to tha ezeeadoa of tae Eztraditioa Article have been rsaoveo. vm X4in of uctober, air. Tnoretoe, tha British Jflslster, laXennsd Mr. Fish that Great Briiala weald ha nrcnarad antO a saw Tmtv eluded to rsforee.

all the power vested in It for an surrtaoer ot aecusaa persons under tb Treaty of JM2 without stipulations. I tp liad that a tha Indicatioa a readiness to surrender fuiitivee I should be ready to respond to aad make reqaiaiLiosLS." In conclusion the President hope shortly to be able to conclude a new Treaty of a broader and more comprehensive nature. TURKEY. CONSTANTINOPLI, Dxc. 27.

To day Is the Fartlvsl of Curbaa Balram. Evxsiso. Ifotwitaataadlst; heavr rata, lb eeremanlaa nutl with the feast of Carbaa Balram hav beta celebrated wttn rraat pomp. In preseaca of a Urrs coneoursaof soaa. tatar.

Tha Saleaioa Natlomal Ocard formad part of tha SalUa's torligt. The daerae of tha 6th ef Oetabar. ihumj that far Ave year oly half tha tatarast aa tha Turkish Debt would bo tH. has baaa daBattlvtly wtthdraws. Tha Greek noDulation of ConaUntiamila ia tmil irriUil tfost the CEeumenical FafaHarth Joachia on tha (round e( hi havicf acted contrary to tha interests of hi flock, A damonstratua aaiast tba Patriarch which was intended to held to day, bat was prevented by the rata, will pre oaaiy na nau to morrow ar tae day altar.

COUNT SCHOUVALOFF. PARIS, Cooat Sebouvaloff, tha Bntaian Aabaaaador to tba Coart af St. James's, had aa Interview with the Due Decase to day. THE IMPERIAL ASSEMBLAGE THK DIFSRIAI. CAMP AT DELHI.

Diu Tha Maharajah of Raws, the Bacnm of Bhapal, the Vaharajaha Sdndla and IloIVar, aad 13 other dinitarta vfantad the Vleavoy to day. Tbe receptions ware most neUUaat, aad Lord Lyttoa preaeatad each Princa or Chief with a mi faineant manorial banner aad Bis Ex allsaey afterward visited the Maharajah ef Cashmere, the Maharajah of Jeypore, tha Xswab of Bhawnlpora, tha Bajaa of Jhaead, aad alevea other Native Chiafs. MEXICO. (Bt Casxi.) UKW TOBK. Dxc 27.

XaUllhrasee from Mexico to tha Sh laaC. pabliabad here to day, (tate that the Iflealaa Governmaat had establiahad itaalf at Qoeretere, and waa raoocnixad by eleven Mexican States. Itleetae had aa array ef 12,000 man. Porfirio Diaz, who aommandad aa army of 18,000 nun, held tha State of Max loo, Uidalco, Phobia, Oaxaca, aad Vara Cm, aad was marehinc acalnst Qoerataro with 10,000 aaen. The Matemora telegram pabhshed by tha Kaw York papers of tha 10h inat.

enaovndnr tba capture of Praai daatlerdodeTejada aad tba execution of several ef hi Minister baa not been eooanned. cWra on Lcadon. ihort, 20a. t2pf. Discount in tha apaa markat, 3 per eaat, XZZSXJL, VtC IT.

Bouraa waa I rm, with no Bafarial ebanr la prim ef stacks, roraigw exchaata and butHan remained at nearly previous qootsthrtia. Money waa a ehede lower ia valno. (Bt NETT TOBK. Die 27. Clotoo Paicxs.

Geld eloeed 1071 hUbest, 107: lowast, 107. Czehanc oa London. 4KUe I i.T 8 di." Cant Fundad LoaV, 11'J 5 Foar eod Ualr per ditto, 1878, i wi i actse, yort Central, 191 Illinois Central. 61 9J. Cotteo, 12Je.r petroleam, 30c tlear.iSKJe.

to VSt eorm, red arnsf wheat, $1 43c. Wastara Uaiea Talacraph Shara. To daV MMt(t rt Ul e.0l bain tbe exporta to Great ErUaU. lit to ui iMtinant, taiea. TEX HULLS.

THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. (Bt Cjlsls.) NKW YORK, Dxa 27. A majority ef the Florida Ratcrcinx Board raloaad to obey the order of the Soprema Court of that State tare eaavaa the Praaldeatlal vela aeeordlnx to the fall return. It considered that. enmpUaaee with tha Court's daeisioa woold result in pviac the Stat to Mr.

Tilde, the Desao cratie candidate. FATAL FIRE IN CANADA. (BTCaau.) MOTKEAL, Dxa 28. A eoavaat near JoDUM Va. V.

AmtHA Thlrteea parsons periahad ia the ecsfierratioB. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. PARIS, Dro. 27. TbeBfluraa waaflrm all round.

Torabni stocks showed tWly ae malaria khanf since yesterday. Kachanee a Londoa, ahort, 23t lio. Baea aidoa the BosUeTsialseraahti tathe rtvapavOaal. Baataaat UHf. 7a.

arm. The Beam seseii eaUt aa4 eUead raahae trsa. Sx. Isuix. At the annual meetinr of the Anglo Indian Christiaa Union, held la Edinbarxh on Taaa.

f1. Pd by Sir William Mair. K.CL8.L In tba court of a anM k. to tbe aettured natnre and isolated position of our eountryman India. All tne lntervanlDC pied by hundreds MahoeMdaea, who many respect food eituaa of the covin try, had yet brooxht to bear many usuancea ana many pnasaa ot taxptatioa upon oar countrymen settled there.

The European popola hon throojhout India had very rapidly increased sine the Metlny; The object of tbia society waa to supply the lack of Christian ministrattona. Many Enrcpaans. eapedallj tmyf, kwm a stations wQcra tear naa BO oroortnaitiaa whatavar of Chri.ll.. .1 It waa most distressing to saa in tba midst of a heathen population tha repreaentatiTfs of Christianity aa the repreaestativea of vice aad dentorafitation. In a pontics, aspocto doubt, it waa a great source of strength to have "ero uroognoai tne country wbo wer mea of Christian probity, undoubted Integrity, oprigbtnasa, aad charity, who would draw tbe life aad affection of tha native toward tkam.

and thmnrh I hn In IVhi.S n.U Tney bad need ofalltbaaa things to draw India cloaarto tbam. Ia rafarrinc to the Eaetern Qnsation, be savl he Bui wian to aunae so it in a poutiea or party spirit, but ha thought he might mention tba position of tha Maho mac'an ia India aa one caase of anxiarr, or possible ennse of latent anaiaty, to our role there perhaps the only real oaa. Mabomedaa valued bis aad the people who, according to tha fashion af the present day, epoke slightingly of tha influence of, tha present crime upon Mahomedaaa throughout the worl and anirog the Mabostedaas la India, ware very ranch mistakes ao verymueh Undervalned tha real poetuea ef the present crista. They eSd at uaderstead the real pnaitlou ta which the Mthomedana thteaghoul the world stood, bound op aa ibwj ware witn aacu oiner. iney torgot tha leasona which history had taurhL If ther rvmambared.

in ha tm ot Islam a rapreaanaative nation sprang forth like a tiger wi.u tarn wms werra aa prey, sm la what a short it devaateiad fair Provinces from Samareaad ea tbe eaat to tba Atlantic on tha west, and many er the etrlier Christian States were swallowed up ia tha ruin. It Was a rastam ta tlt Mit. nt'rfrf. and though it might be ao, many a maa had learnt to the riskef death, and Ufa that, area if it ware aflate, the eld are and ngonr wrra still there aad if the veuad be ia nicsaa npon in euele and aged aaimal, it might spriuc forth with it aarient fire and bring death and dismay aroaadit. If th rririt nt Tslsss wnr. ir il religioa ware raUed, if the word Jehad, which waa iynoay. aw vmsBoa, ware aaara urougnout tae wxrld, then won to thoaa eommonltlaa and Chriatiana wb were scattered various places throoghout Syria, Egypt, and threugheat the East. The lesson he would draw from thta waa tha noihmg aboalddeaewUch wauld aoaaeaasarily or gratwWeaalT.arease or axciu the antipathy ef the Mahosnadanaiv Rx B. writes from St. Mary labooe la your excellent article on the ontbreak of smallpox bow prevailing ta tba Metropolis, ia Tkt Timet tl, Monday, you remark that boards of Guardians aad other Saaitarr Authorities should he stimulated to promote, and pay for re vaecinatlon.

Aa chairman ofthe Vaccination Committee ef one of tha large! parish ss in the Wart end of London, permit rae to my that the Gnardiana bare used their utmost endeavours to carry out tha provisions of the Vaccination Acts, snd also to encourage re vaccination, the latter not being eompuleory, although of equal Importance, as regards tb health of tbe community, with primary vaccination. Prior to tha Issue the Local Government Board of their recent circular, th Gnardiana of this parish had reused to be printed a notice calliog tbe attention of tha inhabitants to tha protection afford ad by re vaed nation, and strongly urging the aceeesiry for that oparatica whan th protective power, of primary vaccination at ths sga of adolescence baa, to a great extent, poaaed away. Moreover, when vaccination vcc4natioa la performed by tba public, vaccinator, no fae or charge of any kind I permitted to be made and any person residing la the district, whether poor or rich. sually entitled to the bena6t of his services. Imperfect vaccination doe not now exist to the same extent aa fmicriy.

Th degree and quality of success are better understood but coatianoue vaccination it, from arm arm. a most Import aat matter can only be carried out to its full extent by tba public vaccinator, as lymph, though active when recent, baoomea untrnatworthy hea preaarved. When epldamie, as at present, every peraoa past tnaag of puberty, on whom vacciaation has not before beau successfully performed, should without delay be re vae daated. If vaccinatioa caaaot be considered as a aerre failing preaervativa. it must be racommeaded a most potent aud'graeral preventive of smallpox.

It la aa operation attended with bo danger, and little boon venlaac it protects a very large majority, aad, la thoaa Instances which tnultpax occur ubaaiuent to It, It tasumes a modifiad and mild character. The ilirrsis. hnw ever, rarely, if ever. Biaalfeata itaalf after re vacdaatiea. One word with regard te 'ether Sanitary Th Gnardiana have charge aloes ef pauper.

With respect to precautions by, which tha spread of diss may be prevented among other ehaaee of tne community, thay are utterly pcfwetleaa. At tha present crisis It I the Yss tries ot the Metrvpolis that should be stimulated thay are the Saaltary Authorities. I regret, however, to aay they exhibit few'or bo sigus of activity, and take a precautions by which th eentiaued spread of the malady may be peers, ted." A Public Vacciaator" writes i "Having raid with much Interest your leader va scaallpcx in TM Timu ot Moadar, ia which you haveao powerfully urged th aeeeeerty of re Ttccinatioa a measure of present! on not ae importaat than vaccina, tian ia early Ufa, I am tempted to aak whether it la consistent to five the punlie vaccinates a smaller remuaeratioe for the aeeoodary operation, aa ia bow done. In tha Union la which I hold aa appointment the fee for re vaccina tie one third lass than that for primary vaccina tioo ths ia. Is.

8d. and it is only paid whan th operation i uoceasfal but, as re vaccination succeeds ia rather las than half the caste, it follows that th actual fee for each operation is under 10d. If rs raci nation la to become general, it la to be hoped that. th Vaccinator will stimulated by th hope of larger rewards than now await them." snesa. The IaXae or Ascxxstox.

Surgeon James B. Draw, R.K., baa forwarded to tbe Admiralty aa Interesting synopsis ef note ea th natural history of th Island nf Aseersion. which he has explored while there with, aa ba aay. his tha a great extent what is commonly called Bis awn. ims iittia itiaaa, aloagsg to our West Coast rC Africa iaval station.

Is of valeaaio origin. Of tba 41 extiael craters bow found ea th island the larreat is that which I knew aa Cricket Valley," from th number of those ineeete which infest it to feed ea the wild tomat and other plant that clothe aarfac. Tb list of nwmmafh eonelets ef animals iatrodneed from Kurop from time to tima, th cat having aesa Brought for the purpose of exterminating vermin, nod allowed te run wild. Among the land bird ar found the guinea fowl, pheasant, canary, and vevdevet this last a native of south Africa belonging the family ef Friagillidav Tbe oaly representative of tbe rrpCdia eUss ia the maeb famed ee turtle, of the order Chrionia, which frqut tub island in the art! tlx months of th year to deposit It agga, which are as many a from 300 to S00 from each turtle. But comparatively' fsw of Uis large number srriv at maturity, owing to the aamsreus eneesM which prey ea tbam.

From tbe time of capture until required for use the turtle are stowed ia pMida, and teed) oa seaweed and small eraataoeaa and met usee, washed la and out of th ponds by the tide. Meat of the nab found la the water rarroundlng th island are eatable. Th green Ash (Julls Aseansionia) ia peculiar te this island, aat may be seen disporting itaalf among th rocks la th sandy beys left by th tide it is closely allied te tba Julia Baneta Helena described by Mellia. Ia tb list of iwerrtafrraaVi may ba noticed the ostrea, a specie of oyster, being found ea all th rocks tbe pal in am, whiah ia ceawdared a great delicacy on the Ukad aad tha Nerita Aaceoslooia, a specie af wholk found oaly oa thi desolate ialaad. The insect elaaa ef course, no wanting.

Ther are two kinds of moeqaltoee, en making night hideous with le discordant noia the other silent, bat more venomoaa. Tbe common house fly exists ia large swarms, darkening the air, and rendering th parUUng of food aa unpleasant necessity rather than a pleasure. The bed bag weuid be very trcmUeeoxo tf great Ktcaatione; wer not exercised to prevent its iscreae. principal specie of the order hymeaoptera ar not tound oa th island it ia (ugreeted that their Introduction would be conducive to the nrtad of v(station by fertilising the seeds of tho varied sped of plant whicn require Insect agency. The representative of the arachnids and myriapoda order moat frequently seen; oa Ascension are th acorpian aad canbpade their bite la very painful at th time, but it doe not leave any aubeecrueat ili effeela.

Passing from zoology to hotaay, Mr. Drew obeerrea that vegetation daring th euoler months (May to Oclobarjaow cover early half th island, aad even In tbe moat berrra parts toe eje ofthe traveller is often relieved by tba refreshing green of the wild tomato or the Mexieaa poppy. The thistla like appearance of this latter plant ta given riea to many misnomers, ach aa Thistla hia." th calcined aide of which are covered with this hardy Wanderer, bow so largely scattered ever the tropica. With tba aid of Mr. Oswald A.

Beada. the writer hae been able to classify nearly all tba flowering pleat which Ascension produce, snd give hat of the prineipa' ebaerving that only ix Udigeson. He describe tha ialaad aa salubriooa, ite landing rUraeteristk being great drynoaa. and, la the first four month of the year, great hen. When thav ta tempered by the aaoth eaet trade, the sir Is eooled taa balmy 4 tempera tur at the aaarea of th MadV temaeaatWt, tlmaa, the month of February, March, and April, when there ia a aortherly wutd, or tf or me hours) bom at all, it is hot, aad on night almost aay unbearable." However, he any that th ialaad peculiarly healthy, snd thalwtth the green mouataiasto retire te when thaheat am the plaina tirasnts toe great.

assansian nsna always be test ass si a sanavaarrnaa of the Bargaen 9ns rau ia in AoaUralty UTa, Tba North Garaaa Liayd Bayal Mail steamship Tfaacr, CaptaiaF. rcnEulow.framawTark en the icec. anrrad at Southamptaa ea Tneeday eight aad landad 4S bap of mafia, 00,000 ia rpeci far Lcodan, aad seveapa. eager, after which ah weat on to Braoea, having for that port 63 bags of maila, 75 rasssngirt, and a large carge; including IV balas cf cotton. 232 bale.

283 caeca, and 20 hhd. af tebacee. Ob the 23d, in 1st 43 31 K. hag. 26 IT the Wr spoke the North Carman Lloyd ateamabip uww, i rota ooutcamptoa lor york and en the 23th.

fa UlX, long. 1J a steamer cf the French line, 1 bound west (Br TzLinsAnr.) The Colonial Mail steamship Duarobm. Castle, Cap oewaon, from tb Cap of Good Hops, arrived at Plymouth at am. yesterday, bar date being Capetown, 4 SO pra, December 5th St. Ualeoa, 4 SO, 11th and Madeira, 3 43 2d.

Her stoppaga were St. Ueleaa six hours, and Madeira three hoar. Sh had ou board Ga paaaeagers, 34 sacks ef maila, sad a full cargo. The 21st ins, lalat. 27 33 long.

17 th (poke the Uaion Company's UiI aa. Njaaia. from Madeira to Algoa Bay, and ea the 25ta exehaaged night signal with a Caion Company's stammer bound soub The Daarebia Castia having landed at Plymauth 24 paaaesger aad th maila, proc.e.le 1 far London. Tb Colooial maU aa Courlaad arrived at th Cape oa tbe 30th of Korambar from Dartmouth. Th Castle Lisa ateamer Gordon Cattle arrived at Singapore oa the 21st iast.

from Loudon. BALTIMORE, Dec. 27. Tha Beaver Iiaa steamer Lake Champlaia, from Liverpool, arrived her yesterday, (raox ixoTD'a) IXVEKPOOL. Die.

27. Th Canard ataaaaer JULh. from Beaton, arrived hate Uet aveaiag. The Cunard steamer Alias left for Boston, lee evaeiag, witu the mail for th United Steiea. PADTLLAC, Dec 2i Th Meesageriee Maritime.

Com. paay steamer eauegai arnvad narete daya IS vm. briagt inward ireoch mails from tteeao Ayrve af Not. 25; Montevideo, 27th; Rao Janeiro, Dee. Bahia, ftth Pernambueo, 10th Dakar, 16th aad Lisbon, wni iii passengers ana general cargo.

GIBFULTAB. DEC 2L The Han Una ataamae Rr.V. aotn Hall, from Bombay for Liverpool, paaaeii here to day, and tba Trentbam Halt, ef the same line; front Liverpool far Bombay, passed oa the Dee. 25. Tn Star Lia ateamer Oriua, from Calcutta for London, paaaed bar today.

Dec 2d, The Pesinaular and Onental ateamer left for Southampton at 11 with tb India heavy mail, bbe may be expected to arriv about De emstr jl. id from eonteamptoa Dacmaber 21, wiu ucuanaavy maua. Mil as pat, tor tne eastward. Both vesaels had experienced heavy waataer. MALTA, Dec The Hirricn Line steamer Legi.

asivr, iiua umpm tuc Laiua, paataq aare to day. SUKZ CANAL, Dxc 25. Th ttesmar Mikado, from London fcr Colombo. Madras, and Calcutta, eailed from this port to day. Dec, "A The Mengri Maritime t'empaay' steamer Pain, with th inward French maila from Yoaobama of th 21st of November Shanghai 24 a BaUvia December 3 and Mauri tiua, 3th, left here to day for Port Bald and Marseille, at which latter port ah may be expected ou or about th 3d of January.

GKEEXOCS1 Dec 27. Tba Anchor lia steamer juniopta armed oar IMS morn tag from Kew York. MADEIRA, Dec. 24 The British and African Steam Kavtration Companv'a ateamer Conn, with tha anmnt mails for the Weat Coast ef Africa of 13th December, ar. iiTi mis us nil) ana tn lameroou, tb am line, from th West Coast ef Africa, arrived to day aad left at nildaight for Liverpool with the mailt from th Weat Coast of Ainca, eight pa sengers, 449 lag ef cochineal, and a general cargo Tbe Cameroon report th mcvemeate cl tb oompaay' ststmsrs a follow DsoeiiL at ltoaay, Daoamber 21 Bangnala, at Accra, Decern ear aad, at Sierra Leona, December 1L COLOX, Dtc 23.

The West India aad Pacta Steam arp ucpaayssjaajner rr set lDdun, lor Liverpool, t. left thi porVcl3ay; BABBADOES, Die 23. The West India aad Steamahip Company' tteatner Calif ore iaa arrivad her from Llvarpoel snd left to day far Colo. DEMERABA, Dec 21 Th 'Direct lia steamer Para sailed to day for London. TRINIDAD, Dec 23.

The Direct lia steamer Con. tUace srrived yeeterday frera Glasgow, and left to day for Demarara. DEAL, Dec 27. Maaara. Donald Cttrria's Colonial Mail ateamer Elisabeth Martia paaead tkroogh tha Dowaa this afternoon on bar way te Plymouth te am bark mails for th Cap of Good Hey.

ST. NAZAIRK. DXC The General Transatlantic Mail staamihip Lafayette, with maila and pae asgars from Coloa aad West Indies, arrived here to day. HAVBE, DEC 1, Tbe General Traaaatjeatl Man steamahip Kranca, with mails and passengers If rota Mew York, arrivad bar to day. I RINGAPOKE, Dec 27.

Th Gka lia steamer Olav faUoeh, from China, arrived her oa th 25th, aad left today for l'w Tck. (aerrrxmn Ttxaaiuata) 8UXZ, Dec 27. TheAaeher Lin steaaaer Trinaeria, from Bombay for Liverpool, arrived her to day. LIVERPOOL, Dec 27. Tb Padae Steam Ifarlganon Company's Royal Mall steamship Britannia, J.

Hall ecamaader, railed to day with th maila for BradL River Plata, aad th Weat Coast of South America, The Britannia will call at Bordeaux an th 13th aad at Lisbon oa th 2d proximo, for supplementary maal aad telegrams. SYDNEY. Dir. TZ TbeVaeiSe VeU Steamship Company's steamer Zelaedia, with the Sydney mail cf the IStk and h'tw Zealand mail of th 18th, left Aacklaad for Saa t'raneiac on th 18th iast. NEW YORK.

Dec 27. Tba State Linn ste.m.l.U Stat ef Pennsylvania arrived hare tbl morning. The la man noyas saau nrrnuer xienm Mil Ber to day. PHILADELPHU. Dec 27.

The Amerieaa Da steamer Indiana arrived here fa dsy. QUEENSTOWN. Dec 27 Th Canard Roval If.n steamer Alia arrived here at 30 m. to day, aad. haviag embarked mail, paaaeager, despatches, ta, proceeded for Boston at 7 4 LISBON, Dec 24.

The British India Steam Navigation Company 'a ateamer A root, from th Persian Half srrived her to day. Oa th 18th ah experienced bad weatner, aad Kat co man orer board. annioatioa ianrtetadtn Iry Report ea the health af the Nary tn UyjVERSITT IXTSLUQKXaJZ. orroRD, Die 27. Palceaxr Madan, BJL, late anhaUr ef Hreae OU kg, waa on th 20lh alacted to a ra3c wsip, teaabl a laeg as he abell routiau hi th aarvic af th CoQara.

THE EARLDOM OF MAE. TO THE EDITOU 07 THE TTSIZS. Sir, WiU yea kindly asak pnblia th following fneta At tU election ef Scotch lreaeatetive Paer on th 22d last, th Earl cf Crawford aad Baleerre lodged a protet nadar srren artid. It I to long te aak you iaaert, bat it ommeace aa follows Right Hoc Alexander William. Earl of Crawford sad Laicarrea.

Ac, protest sgainat the Right Walter Henry, Earl of Kalha, aaawenag to tb titl of arl ef Mar, whica scaads va th Uasea Roil of Pears, or vwung in ngat taai uus, lorasmoca aa a hata no right tiereuj and aaouid 1m vote cf ta Right Han. Jaaa I Trancis Eraiine, Earl ot Mar. hitharto recairad a th aJecttona ae that of tb representative tb aacsaat Earl I dam ef Mar ea th Vakas KaU tendered but be no ie caived at tha said election, I nrtaer prate against tb 1 rejection of th said rot aa being contrary to tb usual iregolatiaaa regarding tbe vote of th repiee ttlivee ot 'thajpaerage which etead oa th Union Kail, a wed a oetag ra noutaoa tb legal right ta said xUgfct Ho. Job t'rancsa Ershia so to vet as tb actual toaaal of th aacka aad nly Earldom of Mar ia the Peerage Soo'iuil." Lcri NapiVr aad Et trick proteated aa foCowt i tU Risht Hon. Ireacie Lord do here or objeat to th Rieht Hon.

Walter Ueurv rr. kin, Earl, of Mar aad heili. answering to' tb titl of Earl of Mar on tn Uaion kuU. which ataadr oa th (aid I roll with a ra eewdanc of more thaa a century eruee taa I the title ef JCail of liar, assumed by th Hua of Levis to nava ncea creaaea uw. and adjudjeataai te ta aarl of Kelli oa February 13, 175; and should veto of th Right Hob.

John Praci Lrskia. Kart af Mar. hitherto received at the election aa that of tho repraeoata ttv ef ta aaoeet Eartdoen of Mar cm tb Colon Roll, ta tendarad aad not reoaived. 1 tartbar object the re jaetioa of said vote, and protest for tho reason aa forth ia th prnteet ot th Earl Crawford aad iSalcsrrva." Tb Marqui of Haatly, th Marquia of Ails (Lord Cassilia). the Earl of Morton, aadth Earl ef Caitanaa also proteated againet tharl of KUi answering to th titl of Earl of Mar which stands ea tha Union Boll, as hath no tight thereto." Tb Earl of Mansfield, wh was present, voted for "the Earl of Keltic," aad in reply to a qaaatioa Indicated that ha declined to accord th additional uti (of Math I may add that th gentleman spoken of during th bat few day a Mr.

Goodeve Ermkia ia designated by th Earl af Crawford aad Balearras aad Lord Xapter aad EUrick. ia thair abovemaationad protaata against th Karl of KsHie, aa tha Eight Hon. John Franc Erakina, Earl ef Mac I have th honour to be. Sir. your eodant servant, LOCKHARr SHANNON, Salicitcc.

114, Corg tret, Edinburgh, Da. 24, South ixx Italt. Our NarJs Cerreeuotident writes, under date December 20 1 Th Ministers are agreed la thinking that ao xtraordiaai7 aaeaa nr ar aeeded ta trtnq utilise Sicily thay bare at least decided oa sending mora troops to the ialaad. Six battalions of Bersaflitri have received order to start, and perhaps no more could be better adapted to the servic thaa thee picturesque, active fellows. With langs incapable of ex aaustion, their ordisary rata of marching ntast ba from six to eight milea aa hour so that whether they have to breast a hill or hurry over level ground, th brigands will aad them awkward men to deal with.

At th tarn time, torn distinguished officer is to to Paleravt to direct the military operation. Colonel Giadotti ha bean a of by sots journals, bat perhaps a mora likely aad mora abie man will be uaaaral rallavicuii. He it was, you trill remember, who cleared the Proviso ef Salerno of brigandage, or very nearly so, for we still hear occasionally of clashing aad dangerous incident there or on tha borders. Tb hidliaa journals report an unpleasant fact which occurred last weak la th Prefixes of Caltanlastte, aad which demand careful investigation. The Prefect having heard that aotn brigaada had approached Cefalio.

sent off immediately two squadrons of Cavalry ia pursuit of them. On arriving, on squadron surrounded th boos and nroneny ia which tha bviraada were supposed te have takes refuge, aad prepared to fignl or capture their prey. Th pro pewer oi uw pais, unacr in Impression that the soldiers were brigand latent on capturing him, mounted a Beet horse snd fled. But. unfortunately, waa taken to either a brigand or a Uaauteagolo, aad ahot were fired at him.

whica war returned. Hsnnilv it was a osnedy of errors, for no Ufa waa IneL cor was any harm uoco, laougo inaocwot sum nugna nave neea saed for the want of a little cv eaatton. doubt, tn affair, a it ought to be, will be investigated but yoa may wall imagine west is the social stale cf a country where each facte can occur. It a relief, however, to be able to report aay railway progress, ruck a that which ha been mad between raiermo aaa uirgeniu In recent letter I informed you that only on section between Spina and Pacea fondatn remained to ba eeaaoleted. and that ia awaiLI officially exammod on tb 7th ioet.

Thi hat been amid tb great rtjosciag or ta pscpteon th lia, and railway communication ia now established oa a route which has beea eminently dangerou between Palermo aad Girgenti. Th importance of th lia. too, ta a eomsvrreial poiat of view cannot exaggerated, aa it paoatrate th sulphur districts, cn of th great article of asturst pco ECCLESIASTICAL rudsEOUTIOyS. TO THE EDITOR OT THE TOOES. Sir, In your artid to day, concerning Mr.

Tooth, yon. ay" A aaart yr may rafua to obey what ha eaoaiaars aa aajast aad aa.aaholy law." That i aiactly what Mr. Teoth. ia doing. Tb Pablla Worship Ragulation Act sty aothiag about th church being forfaited until thra years have elipeed.

Vat it do pretend to eaabl a lay dg te suspend a priest from hie saerad functiooa, aad thi pratenaion is just whu Mr. Tooth la recasting. Had th Act heea eon fin. I to th temponhtiaa, might have bean expected to obey, even though th law issmsd aajaat aad eppraaaive. Vat hav a higher law to obey with regard to exercising our ministry, aad that higher law 1 tt Church's law.

Imposed apoa as at oar ordination, wheal th omaiiaioa from God to preach the Gospel waa riven to us. Thi law the State alone can never alter.) Allanr ss to say that I cannot admit that Lord PanmaosV Court 1 th Court of Area, beeaaa though tha Area biabopa nominate, tha Crown mart approve, and ba the eveal tt th Archbishop differing aa to their sppesatawat or delaying th appolntojant for six saoath th Crown, ppoiata. May I. ia eonelaaion, add that th Bishop of Rochester cannot be really very adverse to fltimlhrn. a he preached last asonth at All Saints', Margaret etreet, the aead plot of th Rltml nVmat 7 I am, Sh, yours faithfully, KICHAKD T.

WE5X. 33, Dalamare terraca, London, Dec 27. til Pajwcalssia. raxsVaea or yrrm Thetr Royal Hlghaasaa tb Prtaan and Priaoese Wain are thi weak eatertelaias; gnaste at Saadriagbam. Oa la.

day hi Keren HichaoaaPrisce Edward of Saxa Wsisaar arrived on a visit, aad vrrterday tha "Royal aad diatia guiakad shooting th Saadriaghaai prsaarv. TV Han. Mrs. Coke ha terminated bar dado in waiting and left Bandringtiam. Other Royal peoafa are expected, and, should tn went bar permit, there wUl ia th next fsw dsvs ha swm brUliaat nvaetawiu tbsWat Norfalk hounds.

Caxaoa axd BamsH Colcxsm. Our Canadian Correspondent write, aader date Toronto, Dm. 14 Tho GoTwnot General aaa lost reoerred dpatch from Lord Caraarvoa, the Secretary of Stat for th Coloalo I hav rowivtid your despatth of the 23th ot ttey teas ber, ea closing a prid copy of tho ipssca which yoa dalivatwd on th 21 rt of Senthr last to tha dWa uoa, eonsarung ot aom ot ta loading aiuans or Victoria, apoa ta subject of th eonsaruetion of th Paoia Raflwav. 1 caaaot convey to yoa ia adequate term my appreciatiaa' of tha ability with whiah you have daait with thi very difficult qoeetioei, aad of tha admirahla languaga ia which ou brougbt roar viswt uror ta doiagation. Your speech, caaaot doubt, will have th beat effect soon tha nahfTa opinion of British Columbia, and.

Indeed, ia every part 81 th Dose ia ion, and will, I hop, contribute greatly to that eaha aad dispassionate view which I called far ia a can surrounded by ao many aad. great diAenltiae a fat tb precast ewatTovarry LiecTejusT Covrxso Caxox Our Canadian Cornapoadant write, aadar date Toronto, Dee. 14 i iL Rend Edouard Caron, Ueatenaat Covaraor the Provlao of Quebec, died yeatarday af teraooa. Bora at 8. Ansa, aad educated at the Qwabao Bemisnrv anoT tha College ef St, Pierre, ha had a careet vary similar to taat ac many punii men tni country.

waa caited ta th Bar ta 1827, waa mad Queea't Counsel Ua 1S48, aad waa raised ta th Bench of th Superior Court Bv year later, being transferred la 1S3 to th Queans Bench, where remained until appaiattd to th CovernorsUpof hi aativ Proviac. aat ia th City Council af Que bee uww mam uuwiB( waa aiectwu Jaayor CX that city, irom U34 to 18 1 re presented th Upper Towa of Quebe ia th Uuoe et Assembly of Lower Canada and from 1841 to 1837 waa a mawber of tbe Legia ktrre Council ef Canada, daring four year ef which period waa Speaker of that body." Grcr Accids.vt. On Tuesday ahockinz ronaeci aai otarren at to aamsn oi Baosoomb. near Jfetav ducuon. Tb Minister of Public Works hae begua also to mark oat th tree of a railway bet wren Syracuse aad Li cats, aad so far be is redeeming th pledges which he to th Sacutena.

Bat, aaf ortaaately for himself aad eoUangssa. both aad they were too nrofne of nominee on nadertakinr th rovernmant of tha country, and they are now taunted by their opponent with haviag enacted a eomedy.and with hanrg knowingly raised expectations which cannot bo satiiflad. However tkia may demands hav beea made lor railway mm otcuy sad all parts, of th kiardoo. tb lone list of which nil a column af an ordinary journal. Sammlsg thm, altogether, they amount 4,000 kilcenctrae, which would cost ia th enostrnctlon, aceordrog to Slgaor Zeaardalli, a milliard of lira.

And where ia thi Binary to ba found Every towa aad vilhvga fancies Its ewa Una, of course, to of saprem import aaw sun weica nscssssniy ana will uruduc an uapteaaaat fee tint towards Ministers. Tha Minister of Pabhe Works state taat by aa expawditar nf 60 Bullion of lire a year the kiiocaetrea of railway required will otapkted ia 14 yean, aad ia tea year th priacipal Una and a tea year ar ainsasary for th eonstruction, be Is of opiaion thai peopU should ba satia fied. So, probably, thwy would hav been had It not been fur the socawvaat to gaarr rental sec which were aw da at first starting. A aaa aom seer tho weather daring th leet few day. Hitherto it baa baa.

lovely, Vat it is, still aad even oa the gjcoaleet day vaora are raanrvaat or tv waea tae moat ainsaei tawau aaa go aat, roriasUiary sasweaye. bastdaa th crdinary imLtSrs gee taa J.V A aaaeaaai named teamb had left hi loaded gun ia kia cot tag white went with Bis wit to lilae at th hoaa ef aom rslativea. Ia his abeeac two children, about tea year ef age aad tanas, began to play with tb weapon, sad one ef them ultimately pat a match to th nfppl of th gun. wsica inawiuHi; tipmta, ana otner eaua waa abet through th body aad died alatoet immediately. Ths AaxT or JarAX.

On tbe 1st ef September. ISTn, tha whole military force of tho Empire of 'Japan numbered 33,712 man and 117 horsaa. Thi army ia; divided a fellows IcTaatry, W.6M Cavalry. 431; Artillery, I.6M Eagineere, 1 43 Commissariat, 134; Coast Artillery, 34. Th imperial body guard contain 3,731 man aad 384 Bert, and ia represented ty all tL hrascho of tb service.

Sen rncvsc CAreairc. CBsnrtKAS Bqxe. 31r. iitnry Clay; station master, writes to as from th Railway Station, Egtaai I Year paragraph hoadad Chriatma ia 2 a Ttases of Wedaoaday, refer to thi station. tegiva, aad.

dog in tba macgrr like, would prevent others. Th writer statea that ha doe ao berrodg tho porter their Chriatmaa boxen, but always gis sua mite, iadiacriaiittate giving that objected to; aad that every man should share alike an tba station waa my director order." I do net disguia th fact that, having been ia tb Railway Company's servic ver 20 years, there are soma geatlamea who take a pleasure in showing at tbia intern a bttl rood feeling for to staff aa thie station." BaxnCTicr Deiats. Messrs, Hunton and Morris writ as I "As yon hav opened your column to th just oomplainta delay ia th Cham bar th Chancery Chief Clorta, permit ua to drew attention to aa equally tad state ot thia ia th Bankruptcy Office. Ia a recent nsmber ot 7 Ac Tima it was suited that oaa af tb Registrars, eittig a Chief Jadge, stad soma sever coaamaat en tb who hav tb conduct of baakrsptciee far aot dosing th case mora quickly. Sow, Sir, ua tb 22d inat, on of our clerks iudgsd at th Master's Office a unopposed bill rd costs, sod waa politely informed that tae earliost ar.poiatment which could given to tax it (say.

a quarter of aa Lour' work) was ta VJth tt rebruary. batxtt or Thxatxxs. The 3Iagiitrates of liver pool, at a mawting held yesterday, decided that ia future, before greeting a bceoo to aay theatre ia that towa, they mast hav a eartiaaate from th Borough Sarreyer. or other surveyor appointed by tbe Health Cenuaitte af tha Towa Council, aa to tb eoaatroctioa of th building, especially with rejard to it moan of egreaa. They alao resolved that tb Haittk Commit! should asked to Qow th lSeroogh Sarveyor to immwliatefy iaspeat th existiag tUatraa.

With th sxseption of th Theatre kteyaj which pateat hone and th control of th Lord Chamberlain, all the Liverpool theatre held their hemnem from tb magistrates. MrrtoroutiT Fimimc Saaber of paupers ha th Metropolis (exclusive of lunatics ia aayrom vagrants) the. last day of th third weak nf Da comber, 187t Iador adalt aad ccdldrrn. 38JI4 1 entdeor sdalte. 28,07 childroa undor loraara, 17TtT Th aerveayondtag taaal ka 173 won aCtwi U74, The total aamvVst rlTriZi maevedlatae MawwpoU ea tb hast dnrf tla tksd week DwaaaWv.

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