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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 12

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Hi 12 w'gl aXryrniw. the io eta era a. follow mt 3 bV ni fet rdey 6ratC pote oCcera. irl ea I Bt. Abb.

We ro feard ihm hots feed. Id lowed br wntM.N 'Vwlir and FeUM. They vent tM OraetioB wheaea tha wnda woeae sad food iter cum froa a toUmtUtV bop FW hill road, which JaIm Bi. AuV WeU road. Jit they ap rroached the prae ther mw i wiwtHa leara thera mo op Uie etreet, ad diauMWM rooad 'a eorMf.

They entered the booM, tad it then traotpind that th OSCtipier, 2dafariittit uaal tttbr. bu bm hc. Ha we Wnx a tha flour of a' laedrooou tad on the ffleert atwapUnc to nice him bo expired. At nm iatclll phla locy Mold bo foi from Mr.WeWthy tW police learnt tUt her ntubaad bod left feu bod for the pnrpooe of UUfif down tirt bit dof, which had got into tha tod room. Oa bit metier tbo ataiu Mr.

Wethyheerd tbo report of firearms, aad tbea her aosbeod, cry lo, 1 am also," re entered tbo room and fell apon the floor. Ooaof lira. TTettby'a two dtarhtert ttated that 00 tbo preric nirht Mr. Weatbjr Kai bad an alUreaUoo with bit ton, who is about 19 yearsof are, end 00 tba precntec hein searched it waa foond that the younr man, whose bod bad evidently been oecople 1 dorinr tbo ntxht, bad left the boose. Two balleU wwo 4ieowd rooa a tbo ttalra, and one in tba bedroom.

In tbo meaatimo a rarseoa bad arrived, aad he found that Mr. Wertbjr hal two boet wonndt in the ballet in one inatanet Urine passed oat at the hack. Yoonr Weetby waa', em ployed at eierk by Mr. Frnaer, a aolkitor fa tbo torn, and aa soon at hit offleo wet opened two of the horoofh detee tim went there for the parpoee of makinc i nquirieai Tbo door of one of the room waa locked, aad, a the cher woman who wat cleaning the premiaee aaid that thit waa nnoaaal, the door wat bant open, aad a shock in ijtlght presented iUelf. On the floor lay the dead body of a boy, about 15 year of ago, named William Onion, who had been fa tbo employment of Mr.

Fraser, junior 'rlerk. Bis taeo and neck wen drradf ally ae was of hit anna, which be had eridcntly bekl ip to protect himaelf. Near bia waa lyinf a large knife, on which waa blood. It appeared that the unfortunate lad had been left; at the oSee on the preriont even! r. with young West by, to whom, of coorte, suspicion pointed aa beicg tfce marderer, not only, of hit father, hot also of hit fellow clerk.

AVettby it aaid to bar been mocb jriren to reading; highly ecau tional ttoriea, and it It abjo alleged that of late hit de meaaoor baa beaa aomewhat etratige, auggeatlng that hii mind wat affected. During Saturday afternoon Weetby wat arretted by DeUetiTo Intpeetor Eddy. He waa' found in a fowl hooae jn aoma nneeeapied premiaee adjoining the houae of Mr. Fraaer, hit employer. A rwrolrer, the tix tha aberaof which were loaded, wat found in bia hiding plaoe, and he had a number of cartridge in bit poaeotdon.

Uetub mitted quietly to be handcuffed, and asknd the detectire whether the lad waa dead, and oa being told that loth iho lad and Mr. Wetthy were dead, he replied, 44 It'a about time." There were tome tpota of blood on bit clothe. He wat eoBTeyed in a cab to the Central relic Station, where be waa lodged in a two poHce oScer remaining with him. The pritoaer 'a demeanour it perfectly cool, and he talk freely about the mordert, fully admitting kit guilt. Ha baa frequently expreaaed hi wiah to tee a newspaper containing aa aecount of the tragedy.

He ttatea that be bad reloaded the rerolrer with the inteotioa when the police came to bit hiding place of ahooting a many; a be toold. Fortunately the detectire who arretted him wat not in uniform, and wat moreorer accompanied by a friend efWeetby'a. SUBMARINE CABLE. I mmm vwMmMam 3 tgBE tba rime ted TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. 8, In your leading article on thit tubject of to day' dte the impreaaion it oonTcyed that the Eaatern (Com pinyt liaia to India bare all been interrupted, whereat the fact ie that our duplicate line, the whole way from MarteHlea to India, bare been and are in perfect working order.

Oar dificuity ha been with oar cablet between Tigo, liaUm, and Gibraltar, and theae hare been aimply tor tared and broken in so lea than errn place, near the ihore for the mott part, by tie riolenco of the ttorm. Fito of theco break hare been repaired, and our com manicatioa ia now intact by our Gibraltar route to Egypt and India, at well at by way of Marteillet. The publie would probaUy never hare heard of delay if the traCc to the Eatt but for an unfortunate tempett whkdi wrecked the land line in France while the thip wat repairing our, Litboo ibraltxr cable. Fortunately, with that energy which ia chtraeterutie of tb? (pre vent telegraprr adminitrtion in France, a wire by a more circuitoa route wat at toon aa poasible aet aSdo for our trame, and next day our utbon Gtbt altar i cable waa repaired. Thece interrnpnont to our tyrtrm, occurring at a time when nine wire in the Channel were broken, thus destroying communication with India by the Indo European Company 't line, canted aome unotnal delay, a compared' with the eottomary rapidity with which teiegramsj pas bitween this country and India," and far two day the task of telegraphing between this country and tba; 'Con tinent and the East wt both difiiculi and embarraaaing.

ITnlesa tome arrangement can be made by which telegraph cable hall be respected by fishermen ard ships tseb'cg ancboragj wo tball at all time be liable to these asriont interruptiont. The question of the neutrality of cables in time of war it often mooted: bit it would be as much to the purpoM if the) protection of cables from perfectly prerentable injury, and exemption from Custom houu fonnalitie and port duet to ahips engaged in repairing ubmarine, cables, were made the tubject of international On a recent' occasion two of our ships had to pnt to aea beyond Customhouse jurisdiction in order to transfer cable from one ship to.the other. One ship payed out cable while the other picked it op, and this delayed the repair of the cable for two day. Trobably the time it sot remote when thi now indis penaahle ayttam of between national may be considered worthy the sen on attention of the various Goremment. Meanwhile both the thareholdert in cuhmarine cable property and the publie are indebted to foa for ventilating this important subject.

I am, Sir, your obedient servant, JAMES JINDEiSSON. The Eastern Telegraph Company (Limited), CC, Old Broad street, E.G., Xor. 19. TO THE EDITOK OF THE TIMES. Sir, At a submarine telejraph engineer of many years' standi ng I fully confirm the statements in your leader of to day a to the diclcultirt often occasionci iun seeeasarily in the Channel and North Sea by Jnjli and French fishermen darinj the drift net seaauns.

I Every endearour to warn these nshermen by tbe Board of Trade aigaals hoisted (these: sigoals are ruible from 10 to 12 miles) is of little avail, smacks often aiuiug past you and ahootin; tbeir cett in a direct line of the working ground, and consequently drifting on to the telegraph ateamcr (and buoys) which it bclplett to get out of the way. 1 have been fouled with five dri fts of nets at one Hire, sweeping awy buoys and steamer, and aq breaking afresh a ea hie that would otherwi bare been repaired in the course of a few hour. The slightest forbearance on the part of the fishermen would lead to the work being spec lily completed say an average ot 60 hoars, and all obstruction out of tbeir way. The tact or we tea beyond the jurisdiction of the marine league from the coast being no man's land destroys all hopes or rrdreaa, and it i only by international law that submarine telegraphs can be protected. Tours obediently, J.

E. FKANCE, M.S.TiE. JM, Grebam house, Jfor. Crrywaro. A correspondent send tit a Natal newspaper, of October containing a reply by! the rolonisl Secretary to the folloaing question put by Mr.

Eooinon I the Government in pooeuion ot any information regarding the alleged desire on the part tf aome or the appointed chief in Zululand to hare the late king reinstated aaid in August last certain statement appeared in the Preat of London to the effect tfcat there had been a very atrewgir expresaed desire on iihe part of many of the chieft of Zu) aland that the late king abould bereatored. He had reaaon to know that thoas atatemeatt bad very considerable iofiuence at home ta in JSoeutia! quarters, aid it wat very desirable that he Boose should bi at occa informed whether there was any solid foundation for theae etatcmenU." The Colonial Sflcretary, in ivply, aaid Two so called depuUUess, sUtii.g that they came from eight of the appointed chiefs of Zuloland, ritited I'ietermantzburg in July and August thi year. The latter aaid they belonged to the former parry, bat bad been delayed. Neither of theae parties were, as they abould bare been, accredited to the GovernmentGovernment by the Resident in Zululand. Conteqoently they were told to return and represent to him anything they might hart) to say.

Tba message from toe first deputation waa that the ehieft thanked tha Government; for tha retara ot Omkaaaoe, an attendant on Catywayo, from CapeTowa, The meatage of tba second was to the effect thit tba chief deaired to visit Cape Town to see If Cety wsyo were still altre. Neither of the depuUtions said ooe word about the king's return at least, to the Government. TUaeaond deputation were told that Sir Evelyn Wood was about to viatt Zololand, and that they should attend him there and tail bia what they bad to say. They did pot do KValthaajch they war known to be dote to the plane for two day. They aJhafad tfery were prwraatad EaMtmdaaa? bY bad waaaW.

wbaa, ia fact, one of the dan vat varr aoa. Aad the whoU of tba eight ehiaZi had On Saturday Sir John Haaphrry bald ait inrastlgaUon, atiba Qrowtt aad Aaabor, Cheahira ttreet, Bathaal freen, reepaetsBf tba death of teaw tba wtf of a clerk, of Mape ttraet, Btthntl green. The dMprs aeatedaoeaetakaf featara, aad was broacht sader tha notice of the corooer by tba huabaad, who tUted that fire weeks ago hit wife waa conaned of no fewer than four children. She west on all right aatil the 13th day, a hen aha teamed exceedingly weak. Hr then called upon Dr.

Bate, who. attending, said he tboaght aba Wat suffering from biood poi aad aaked whether the drains wre all right. Cm bataf replied to ia the affirmative, he made no remark, lie jama asveral timeavand, a day or two later, told Mrv Law Bethought bia wife could not lira long. Tha hatband, being alarmed, snaeated that soma one else ahould be called in and Dr. Bate recommended Dr.

Herman, a phyaician, who, on attending tha case, aaid tba woman waa loitering from blood poisoning aad aa i.tornal obstruction! The husband contented to have aa operation performed, physician tailing bio that tha woman might die' under it. it wat found, however, that Dr. Herman wat not pro tided with the proper inatra menta. and he agreed to come a in in two hours, whith he (Ld. Toe patient wat then so low that her hutland declined to allow the operatioa to proceed, and his wife died next day.

He apfealed to the coroner to bold a ttrict in auirv. and submitted that Dr. Bate was to blame tor not having called ia other aid earlier sad not baring diagnosed the case earlier. Evidence waa then giten to the above etfect by the hatband and nurse, and a photograph handed in of the four children immediately after tirth. Dr.

George Baxter Fhillip, of Spital square, who it called in aa expert in a'l caaea in this coutt, tUted that, having carefully examined the body of the deceaaed, he found that the lungs were' extensively diseased and contained old lean tie adhesion, the neart weeextensitelv diseased. and the other organs more or less so. In the uterus wa a large tumour. The immediate ceue of daith wa the non reliet of the matter an 1 it ahaorption into the system, added to the generally diaeated state of the body, to which the patient must soon hae succumbed. Dr.

liate asked whether he woeld btve been justified in operating in tbe circumstances before he did. Dr. Phillips replied that an operation would have been both inexcusable and inadmis sible. A eriiet of "Death from natural causes was then returned. The same coroner held an inquest at the London Hospital concerning the death of Joscih Squires, aged C7, a fiihmonger, of 12, Lark row, Bethnal green, a ho waa run over and killed by a tramjar belonging to the North Metropolitan Trama ays Company.

bavago attended tor the relative. ani Mr. 1. Wvman for the couiimnT. The rate lasted over an hour, during which tven or tight witnesses werecauea.

wuo auiereamaieiuuyasioGeiaiir. especially at to speed. Toe balance of evidence went to thaw in on Jionjay evening last, at a ociocav tne oeccaaea, with a box of herring on hit head, suddenly croMied tbe Cambridge roaLfrom the Hare publichouse to tho 15rtUnl grcen side, and, being caught hr tbe swing board of a car going towarda Hackney, waa knocked down in the gutter, xioth wheels went over hit loit, crushing them so badly that they had to be amputated, and be died of exhaustion and shock. The car waa going quite slowly at the time, having just eased to allow a passenger to get out, ana pullednpaa quickiv as it was posaihle after the accident. The driver stated that there! were several van standing about the water trough at the Hare publkhouae, and that the deceased auddenly came from behind them and walked under tba horse.

It was stated that the deceased waa deaf, and the driver a statement at to hit tuddmly coming npon him waa confirmed by four witnesie. The jury ic turned a verdict ot Accidental death," and said they thought the driver waa in no, way. to blame. Vn Saturday morning the same coroner opened an inqai at the Bed Lion Tavern, Church street, Stoke New icglon, into the cause of tbe death of Katharine FiUpatrick and her illegitimate daughter Kto, both of whom were found dead in the New River on Wednesday last. Mr.

ohn Hot alio Wynne, of 5, ClarendonClarendon road, Homsey, identified the woman aa hi late house keeper, and admitted that tbe child waa hit. lie believed the former to be about 30 or 40, and the latter serth years old. The witness detailed the circamiUnces ot the un bent life be led with the deceased woman. Last 'lues day, he added, be Went to visit her and the children at 53, HifD atreet. Jrluttow.

leav'njc tbsre at T30 the same evening. When he quitted the bouse tbe mother wa not present, and he took adiantage of bcr absence to go away so as to avoid any disagreeable scene. After leating Hals tow on Tuesday night he neither saw nor hearu ot the deceased until after her dath. Mr. Francis Thompson Chase, a baker, of Homsey, depooed that he knew the woman and her children.

On Tuesday sight, about 11 o'clock, he saw them all at the Fintbury tiark Station of US ureas onoern line, ixie moiurr oau un cuuuau sitting one on either tide oi her. At a later hour he saw her again, to the heic of his belief, at Hornsey, on the bridge erosiinff he 'line. The time, would then be about 11 5. hha might have had one of the children in her amis then, but he eoald not be certain. He had no idea bow they got into tbe water.

William' Heath, of Keservoir cottage. Stoke Newington, deposed that he waa grate man "there. On Wednesday morning last he went, aa usual, at 30 to clear the grating, when he discovered tho woman and the elder child; Coating in the water. Tbey were fully dressed, and he aaw no mkrka of violence upon tbem. They had teen in tbe river, be thought, about tne or six hours.

It was quite rossible rat all threo jienoni got into the water at Harringay Fields, and that two of them floated down. Several letters wr re found upon the woman, but nothing to lead to a solution ot the mystery. She waa not in wans of money, for 16 and other property were discovered in her pockets. Mr. Wynne, recalled, stated, in reply to tha coroner, that atter leaving I'laistow on Tuesday night he went straight home, and was in bed by 10 o'clock.

The coroner, in summing up, said the evidence was too scanty to justify the jury in arriving at a definite conclusion in the matter. Inrpector Dodds hat ing stated that the police had been unable to bring any additional witnesses forward, open verdict of round drowned were recorded. Later in the day Dr. Danford Thomas held sn inauest at the Three Cnmiavstes Tavern. Hornsey.

on the body of Sarah Fitrpatrick, aged SJ, the cbild found at Harringay. In this ease the jury, after a short consultation, returned a Trdiet of Wilful murder" arainst Katharine Fitx rairick, adding that at lie time such murder wa committed she wu in a state of unsound mind. On Saturday, Mr. Samuil F. Langham, Depaty Ccran er for the City of London, opened an lnquiryat the Mortuary.

Golden lane, into the circumstances attending the death of Mary Davidson, aged 35, wife ot. a solicitor's clerk, re siding at No 3, Fifth avenue, Queca's perk, Harrow road, whose dead body was. discovered last ednesday on the rails of the North London Kail way, a few hundred yards tm i i I on uso jiroaa streci atauaa. vrcwgv nooert iMMaton, the husband of. deceased (who waa very much affected upon entering too witneaa irjx), intormau ineuorcner that he wiihod the inquiry to he adjourned, in order; that the friends cl the deceased might be represented by a legal gentleman.

This affair waa auch a mysterious one that he wishel it fully inquired Tbe Coroner said he ahould take Mr. Davidson's evidence and then the jory would be ante toocciue aueincr iaey wisueu a lunner elucidation of the mystery. Mr. Davidson then deposed i I am a solicitor's clerk. The deceased was my wite.

We were about taking the Bed Lion publichouse in Maidenhead, and on Tuesday we traielled to Maidennead to sue the house finally had paid tbe deposit and signed the contract. We retumed to Wettbouine park by. rail, and went to bed at the usual hour. The next day at dinner deceaaed aaid, George, I fesl rather doubtful whether this bouse is at valuable aa it ia said to be." She got up and I did not know the was going out. She went out by the parloor door.

I never saw her again aave. In tbe evening as ususl 1 went to an hotel to pass an hour, and my return 1 noticed there waa no light in the window. 1 found the was not at home and went to bed, imagining she must have gone to her friends to talk the matter ot the publichouse er with them. A she did not make her appearance in the morning, 1 'went to her brother's, bouse, but she had not been there. On Thursday 1 jtntered a coffee houae for the jxirpose of taking tome refreshment, and was khueked ujon taking up a newspaper to find under tbe heading ot Another railway mystery an account of the finding of the dead body ot a woman much mutilated on the railway line near Broad a tree Stations description of whose clothing, to that ot my unfortunate wife.

1 do not believe she committed suicide. Wbenwe laat travelled to Brtvad street Bailway Station we alighted at the tide of the line where my wife dead body ass Discovered, and I wish it' to be' proved if possible whether this awful affair was the result of the railway negligence in leaving tne off door unlocked, whether; the train sioppnd' and started again without warning, or whether it was due' to unavoidable misadven ture, i appeal to the jury to grant an adjournment for thit purpose. After deliberation the inquiry was ad journed. Mr. Langham, alto held an inquiry on Saturday at tbe Mortuary, Golden lane, concerning the death of Tnomae Cole, aged 9, late of 29, Wenloek road, Paddington, who was found in a firtt clata railway carriage in Aldgate Station dead from the erf ecta of a bullet wound through tbe head.

Mr. Hyron Cole, who resides in Praed ttreet, Paddington, derated that the de ceaje 1, hit brother, had formerly been a cashier to tbe Grand Trunk Bailway Company in Canada. He had been tubject lately to fita of deanondency owinsr to being out of employment. He produced a letter in bit brother's hand writing, saying that he intended to destroy himaelf, as he could stand life no longer, and asking witseat to look after bia children. Frederick Brooks, a guard on the Metropolitan District bUil way, stated that at 11 o'clock on Wednesday nifcht he looked into a first class carriage at Aldgate station, where be had just arrived in charge of his train, and saw the deceaaed fitting on the seat with blood stream ing from a largo wound in bia forehead.

His band had dropped by, bit side and it clutched a revolver, which produced. A police constable deposed to finding ia deceased's possession a porta containing 1 0. two railway tickets, a gold watch and guard, ke. Mr. Squirtr surgeon, having deposed to the cause of death, tht jury immediately retumed a verdict of Suicide while in a state of teaporary Mr.

Langham alao held aa inquest at St. lWtbolamaw's Hospital on Satorday, touching the death of Frederick George Mlllman, aged 21, lately reaid bg at 6U, Waadjwortb road, who bad been employed foi tha last two veara at a shunter and capstan man at tha high level good station of tba London. Chatham, and Dover Railway at BUekfriars. Mr. Fnllagar, solicitor, appeared for tbe eompiny.

It appeared from the evidence of John AVbiting, a eanstaa manthat early on Thursday morning na ana trncJcs TMlfctillitl aataf tttabsa to gat sway. was trasaad, aad dtoda few houre after trlmt. ioato aba hcpHsLBr Mr. yaHa. It wu tha da of ahaatara to resort to the foreman when a track vote aha Unal Ttwm thev would be fined.

If thav had waiW to report tba efaYtaaxtaaee, howtTtr, tba track would bare been rmtinm, a vctojcs maemai oca to was retorned. Dr. Danford Thomas alao bell an inqaett on oaturday at PaddmgtoB oa tha body of a female child which waa found on tba Wednesday previous floating in tha waters of tha Grand Junction Canal off Delaarae terrace, Paddington. It appeared that death bad been caused by neglect tbe tima of birth; Tba eoronar pointed out that this was another of those' cases of ehild murder that were now so frequent ia tha metropolis; and in which tha guilty persons ware vary rarely brought to justice. Tba jury returned verraei oi mm nuruer againsi at present unknown.

Dr. Dinlock held an Inquest at the Montralier Tavern. South Kensington, on Saturdsy, at to the death of George Battens, aged 34, a eoeebmen, who committed suicide oa Tburs lay by cutting bit throat. Emma Suasens, the wife, a a a a living at VRtpei piace, taii tne last taw her husband on Wednesday afternoon. He went out and had aouta drink.

Tbe coroner asked bar whether she was drunk. The wit neat said the was not. He waa in the habit of going to a publiebouac), but the never troubled herself about him. He bad tried to cut her throat several time. Last week be re ceived, notice that he would be discharged, which, she believed, preyed upon his mind.

On Thursday morning ahe round him lying dead on tome straw tn the stables. PolleeoestaMe Banker, of the It Dn Uion. aaid be wa called in and found that tbe deceased had a Urge fath in hit throat a razor was lying near him. The jury returned a verdict That the deceaaed committed suicide while in a state of nnaound mind." An inauest was held at the Sunderland Infirmary "'on Friday evening into the death of Henry John Yeld, Medi cal Officer or ueaith for sunoeriand. lne endenca went to show that for a few days in the course of the previous week Dr.

Yeld wa in a low state of mind, and on the servant maid going to bit room on Friday morning for the breakfast tray she found her master had cut his throat with a bread knife. Dr.jU. Berwick wu called in. but Dr. Yeld died in a few minute.

Tim jury returned a' verdict "That he deceased had committed suicide while in a ttate of temporary insanity," An inquest was held on Saturday morning on; the body of an unknown man who met his death by jumping over Wetberal lridge, Carlisle, on Wednesday night. The body wu found about a mile down toe river. From tba evidence of the two paa tennrs who travelled in the tame compartment ee the deeesfied, it appeared that Ihe deceased expressed a with to get out of the earrisge at the train wat apjroach ing Wettirral station, but was prevented from doing to. lie immediately afterward! made a second attempt, and, jumping ont tbe parapet of the bridge, he disappeared The jury came to tne conclusion that the deceaaed, who was under the influence of drink, had mistaken the parapet of the bridge for tbe platform of Wetheral station; and therefore retumed a verdict of Accidental death." Tbe deceased fell a distance of l(X)f t. from the bridge into tbe river.

Mr. R. M.Wilson, coroner for the Salisbury district, held an Inquest on Saturday at the White Hart Inn, Whiteparish, Wilts, on the body of a child about eight months old. The child hail been found floating in the parish pond, and according to the testimony of Mr. Boss, a medical gentleman, who made a port mortem examination, it had been placed in the water when alive and had been there about a week.

It appeared that a woman had been teen sitting by the tide of the pond. She had previously called at a publichouse in the vicinity, stating that the was her way to Southampton to find her hnsbsnd, who had deserted her and her children. The jury found a verdict or ilful murder against tome person or persons unknown. LATEST SUIFPINO INTELLIGENCE. (Fhom Lloth's.) WRECKS AWO CAfiCALTIXaL Tha from lvsrpool for Calcutta, Is rsported from rernamtrtMo to hat ou ashor si rMtiaa, Ek Grand will probably ba tot off.

Tb Ora. KorwafUa brl(. bound from HadikiwaU with limber, has to towsd into Uopeaasssa toaU dlussstcd by ths Germaa staamer Flooiar. 7h Aosutta, sahaoear, from Aodcrhama for KJoe, lata with wood. 1 ashor al Alttaa, and will probaU a total wreck.

Aa unknown cerellet barqn Is ranortad fross Flsktrfjont to hare straaded at Fabrraod and broken on, Sh was ladra with ptn Iocs, som ot vhieh havs washed aUort. The Lorn, reported ruterdar ashor on HMdla Sands, Cm, will, aeeordins to a farther eabUrram from Portland, Onyoo, tvTirrd November 19. prwbablj be a total wreck. A cablzTMa from Pbt ailahhia statn that the eerrUn, from TJrar rool (or Cbarlottetown. has boea abaadoned wsterlogsed.

Tte crew era Ukra ott br ta Attive, from Londonderry, and landed al Lave One of the crew was drowned. Tha was a brtf of Ml tons, built at Frloee Edward Islaat in 1877. aad owned by Htm. h. a Uvea and William Welsh, ot CharkHtatown, frmos Edward Island.

The Ud'too. British ship, from Calcutta for Xiondow. arrivwd at rort Elizabeth evabr It with. decks, swept, bulwarks stova, sails split and lost, and Jettteon of part of canto, aa. Llojtl I sat at Dral tedexraphad oa hatorday that tba' raitaisla.

harqoa, of liondon. for eydnay. has pat back to tha Dona, and saohortd, wilh darass. harlag been rua lnti on Friday while workinf down by a baroaa, nam 'Ananena beloDsina to the barque has breo left on board the Fantalsl. Lloyd's area! at Dover telefrapned on Batantsy Uat the alrer bad tinned no tbe bote la lb plate of tba steavjer FlaminccL asaore ia Hi.

Margaret' Bar, and eonaiarably ndoesd the Tea ton of cooit ustlUee itrm been dlaeWxed iato a bans, and the reatel Is DOW twine UchtaMd aft. A Ulecram from Cowwi states that the Alarm, pilot boat, of that pert. Is rrportod to bare bewo run down on Friday off. Duaaote, by a screw tlexDcr. Tbe Caadis.steamer.hatoerlnr So the RnbattUo lis, which groundad at Combo on JfoveoUsr IS.

was sot otf at 5 p.nv 2orember 18, ItboulbavincsnstalBeddamaf. Sbe bad to be Ucbtessdof 103 toue of tar carto. The Id Jon. from Liverpool, for Victoria, TaBconver Island, his put back to Liverpool, leaky.aod doraed la the Frlaeeea dock. The iKjran, st, which pooadoil Ifovember 17, on BarUtland Bretk water, cco oS after llfhtcrdnc and proceeded to the roads no damarwltn hall exported.

Tbe Ettina, Germsa caUiot, from Berrva for Leer, with tram efl and berrinf. aahor la a ad position at Lemvic AH tha carte will rr ibably be saved. Tha HophU, of Saodefjord. from Dalhoode. arrlvwl at tleatweod cn fitarty, and reported bsvisg lost the greater portion ot her declined.

A telegram from Malmo on hstnrday state that the British Mer chant, from riymooth for Daataie. sahor oa Bradgraod, Un successful attempt! bars been mad to get her off. A telegram from Copenbaeea oa Saturday etatea that tha'salvage eperations on tne u. raiueea, aanor a uragoer, are propeMiog, favourably. Tba steamer Prunes, of Stsraagar; laden with bar'er from 'ra, has bean toweJ Into Mai mo with machlnrny dltsMnd.

The tag has put in a elakn for salvag of JSSQ. Tba Wymphm (htrjue). of Dram, from Quebec, has arrived at null with Ums of deekload and damag to bclrsraa. Bba nporu Karini paaead. Octobet ia tha Atlantic, so abaadanad and wavsr losgtd Jforwaln banjos.

Tba 6hna lea (banrae) had starboard woarter emsdershly damased si Lot la. Jlovambar 17. by tn Laxar UM roonng her. A teletram froir. 'Wlsby, dated Sovembrr It, annonncea tbst the Higrid (Norwegian rigk from Bandtwall for Hull with deals, is sahnra at Barsrlk full of water.

A hfebuoy painted white, aad marked In black letters fartoo. Loadoe, bas bewo picked op st Castletown, Itl of also. A Ulecram from Wisby, dated Sot. la. reporU that the Sehnalls fOarman), from Blga for Antwerp, with daal, baa been sowed lata Kattbaiannvic after being ashore, also that's galliot schooner ashor at Ostertam, Tbe MaruniquesSUaooer, beore roponad ashore nasi Tunis, ha got off and is now sat In toe harbour at Tunis.

Pstaage, If any, not yet ascertained. To Jupiter lewedish seboooerl, from Borgo' for Apanrada, with boards, is ashiira, tall of water, at EevaL raw saved. Tbe Tbbt steaiuer). from Libau for KtetUo, with oat. Lai smvtd at Htattin lekr.

and with a portion of eargo jattiaoned. baring len ash re at JUznoatt. Tba more, booaa for vaerbourg, bas returned to Cravtseod leaky. Tioe Waterloo, rrom Antwerp, wbJcn got aabora near Oarsten, hat got off and docked. Xb Uanita, schooner, of Lerwisk, with.

It is reported. 20 tool of nsh, drara ashore near Lerwick Korembcr 17, sod became a sstal wreak. Ti Betty Alltn. from Absfdees. has been wracked near Lerwick crew Iter meu saved.

tbo ecraw suawer, of ww Uartiepool. rrom romaroa for Shields, wit it coDDST ont. baa sunk near SCbielda. artar aoQiion arith tne rwio. strw slewoier.

oatard buuad froer. Mhtetds. Tba after end ot tht IV covered at low water. It Is possible that tha Ctrl mar be saved and th vessel raised shuuld th weatbar eontinu An, bba ia vtesal ot UH net, sr au, and 132 under deck toanag. FOBKXOK AtUUTALS.

OatCVTTA, We. 11 City of Calcutta and Clyde, CoriXHABM, K'W. 17. La Plat, st. Hull Cossack, st.

London, fez. liSLsjcs (by lalarrsDa 181. h'oach VL.LaDwliic Coptobageo. Bbaiia, Celestial Kmtdre, KUxabeth Siavwns, staniUa. ra sea.

tt. LiDtnano, uape itaes. mu. Aua miinwnt. noyu Alfred.

ona, Go. Xnslga, Wood rill, Bygda. osvilli. aov, is, suia, st. jiiaiasnroaga, riOhtE AhMUTALB.

Daarxocm, lTov. I9. ttintba, OalUioU. i)i Nov. It and IS.

Lindoo. st. Vlxo Molina. st Talsnda Ironside, (iopaulpore AdoM, at, Uibraltar Usvanseraig. Caloutta ootbauo.

I aroalona. Dor sa, Xor. 19. Mary. Calais Joseph Parens.

st Caleutta Ogtaora, Cbaiieston Trrat, Aleiandri srets O. Day, haw York Prtne AUrad, Toeopilla. uuSLtx. o. l.

Tnomas. aau mactsco, VaLXOUTH. Nov. Appia, Aax Oayes. UsUVBSBMD.

Nov. It and IS. tnnereost Pananr afabnaa Abbsr. Montreal MocUana. Waldamarsttk tledUitUa.

Branawlek ieuaral von Dobeaao, Kami Otto, Pogwaah Star of Maotia, uai ntta Brunette, xruioaa AMxanora, auramtcni tMra cmuy. Montraal Alfivd. OrsTaiinaa Kika.bart. Rlnaanora New World. New rork aJoceoi.

Memel N.t.wo Trnbsv.Libaa Barde. Was Ale. Kragaroa Victoria, Manas Ulaabcth Catarina, Dram iiiao. ieaaorg ireot, it. sie ianarta "asau.

st. tug Karra. Alsoa Bay IsbU Uytb. Mlrameot Jaa Bopbla. NaoU 8ir Robert M'Clure.

akena. Nov. 20. Oodand. BareJou Cameo.

st, ChrUttaaia Lyda. ltcaoog Bavenacraig. galoattt heeia sod roeat, Trrguiar blldun, st Saadswaa uui. rov. u.

surenr, flysjobtng Nero, st, Blga. lXluwu Hcan. Mercur, QwbM. KixosoiD. Nov.

11 M.oarra, PnlucUlphla. LlVaarmiU Nov. la, Hlaik 11 sad. sa. Sin.tfirama rt.

Pama. CaaKs itangoon Prioe arwir. SoK lL eWrughara. st. VlecJalaff laarrarata, New York Glma, Baitlmora.

sasaiwaws, aov. la Ahkar. Hbsmiabl. HBiaxxw, Nov. 11 Prassier.

st, Peeaaroa. SnmaaxasB. Nor. 11 Anna, Quebec. hwamsa, ov.

11 Nomaad. st. Carlofortc TUX HMBI OBLUlBt OT yaw books js a tiq if a. ODDBB mad STOUOHTOJTS LIST COtTKT 0ikP2LLOt ia ijitobtcevrnelTr; jHtW hit as sons for Uevtng the Chare! of Bota. yha aa Mra ausuoa ay tt.v.

wiujsm axiuvk, at. TswleflGlilUailT liiflUSSiSSSVSSrKZ mHE LIFE and ot the Kisht Uatk JOHN BRIOOT.aLw. By QXOBQJC BAJUtaTTT aXTTll. ausri wr saw asiaac air. uiaastoo.

uL L. at. ORBSIDKNT OABPlEl. From LOU UABRT ta UUUSBtih ttsnry Pieeklul UartabTs Ltf. Hf W.

U. T11AYXK. Tba asaaarlat 1W taia work was fTwishad by Uenarat uaroeid aissaU.aad by several oC bit early opiia, aai otbers. Mr. PAXTON HOOOw KtW WCBJC Crown mitLS I'M AS the Preacher of Wild Wales bia Oenatrr.

hla Tiu ud au iwtammuiai Stt raiiua iiuuu. A btogispay eg singular in tares. iUj Chroalela. 1 NtwandclteaMieslOaed elota, mHB ENOLISHMAK ClilTIulLand KXPOSf TOBY BIBLE CTcLOP.tCDia. tUCV.

A X. PAtTUKT. M.A, Ttoworkstawdto7S0 awanx faagws CUM aolaaanal. with mwwwwiw. ins uwa iMurtwi says a aaa ean ttoaaly speak of It la term of bigh pral.

A CLIR1CAL TMrnjICbLiali dar. nrhaSaT mHB LOUO'8 oUPPEK: its Dtiicn, and the A UencSl it Uoofcrs oa to Isdir doal aad ihe Cfloreh. Tba trlautor Ineliid Drs. Latrardt X. 4 Prase an si.

B. r. litttedakt David Brown Kers. M. t.

Sadler. T. Pat Uopps. J. Agar Beet, a.

uooaou, nottjcr ana nsouanson. ii. ranrnocr eow. JJICHAKD BRNTLBY and WOBKU SOS 2TBW AMcsvi aVUttceioT mHETEMFLE UAH MAUAZIXE for November 'X ibliee ls.1 is now ready, aad aobirs can ba obtained at all Buokv seuer or jtauway Nations. By Ht.

PHILUPS WOLLLY. Now mdy. ia on vol. demy it, PORT in the CRIMKA and CAUCASUS. By CLIVE HLLLIPS WOLLKY.

late British Yla4Vnl at Ketteb. h'ow rvadT s1 in 1 veL terra crown 10. td A CHEQU KKiiD CAUKER or. fifteen XJL Ylctssitudes of Ufa ia Aaitrsiia and New Zealand. i a tin.

M.ini i 11 ITU the UAl'E AlOllNTEUj A Record of Barrios la tba Natlra Wars aiaiaat the Oaiekaa. Gala. Psodos, ha, tnclodlng the Storming of Moirosf Mountain. NEW NOVKLby the Aathor of "Cast LrnoI Nw" ready at 4i uoiaiiea, in vu. erown CiOURT NETHEIILEIGIL Second edition.

By Mrs. MKNRY WOUD. Author of East Lraaa." ThChan nings, ac. NXWUoYEL, by the Author of tbe WeilBeids. ha At all UDfwir.

la vol, crown svo and KIN. Mis FOTHKROILL, IX Aithor of Tha First Violin." Probation. Uicaard BenUey aud una, a. tw iluruatiooretnit, fdblishars Ordinary to Iter Malesty lbs Queen. QEORGE BELL and SONS LIST Cloth rtra.l lit 6d THE THAMES, OXFORD to LONDON.

Twenty Ktehinxs by David Law. with descriptive Lettarprea. Larger paper, SO copies ou'y, on Waatmaa paper, imperial tux, Ss. Crown lro 4s. tC SON1NETS by 1 OBTS of the PAST.

a. OJfOLISH All ectad sol arranzd by Laglisb Honncu by urlug wrilars. 2'roUl'lOa. rtifuiniwa nnrv'iol wJ WADDIh'dTON. Bditor of and PRACTICE of VX BANKING.

Neweditioa. Edited hf A. 8. MICUtK, Deputy tatiger or uoyai bans ot ioouani. uoanoru Crown Srv.

cloth. (Qt el a It tl LEGENDS and LYRICS, liy ADELAIDE AHHE PROCTER. New edition. One voL. witi New Portrait tcaed by U.

aiurrar. a palatin Mm. Oagsiotti Kkbarvtel wlin rroutiat ce by it. liisoxuciu, ena numerous tuustruiuo by w. J.

Hennessey, liorvlou Krovne. and otbrrs, beadaomely bound ia cloth. 7UI paa ra. Imperial lfcnKX, pne ta. UHT UUVa ANNUAL VOLUME.

Edited by London. York street, Covnt gidea. LOCKWOOD and CCS LISTV wv rilR Ail WAYS: their Construction and Working. JL rjy li. MflMlAK uiitruw a.

last tic Bupplaiaantary Voiama, reoordlog tbe Prorres ixntly made In the Mean of Looouration by Meebanical Power. Wita Wood Xagraviagt. Large erown.aro.. Li, cloth (postage 6d.t. j.

TltAMWAVS: their Construction with Special Iirerenoe to the Tram wait of thi Unite! Kingdom. By D. KJNNr AR CLAKK, M. Irwt C.K. Witn Wood Eagrarlngs and Poxliag PUte.

Tht complete work, la 2 volt large crown aioUi. AVAL AitC01'l'C1'S and SHIPBUILDER'S PUCsUCT BOUK of PURMUUS. and Tables sad Marine Konnear'a an i Barreyors llaudy Boo of Kefareiice. br NusMTdae Illustrations. Pep.

MAtftTTACrnTRj (wwiassKatteUl ffaUHXXn JfAtHMt urn. TtsWAOUkKg MXHiaitlOSI. aadTJfSThw Am mmA M. 1 W. BUSSETTB ORANB6, HoiaU, Hydra 11.

wseam. Oa. a4 Mawd 4 IHBAUITB'op COMMOIT COALi AAITMOUT SJioJaE. SoU Maker, VLAkri. BtTNS IT, and Co.

(Limited), ueen. sQetrewt, Oty. aad sUtbbooelMa. Ptwpm lawasfrw.

frULB THok.MCUVr'k RASUE, Stee; sasartr tn a aTTWa a lUil. UAtafiBrM. tau ujl I fiHB M6ST KVi'lClE Vr, rimple, arid eornieal JL OIlQsvlN KSjUt la raw tad. CVO NSlSfS ot a anialf niw itawre, open or closn at wtaaawra. bawiaa! a hot atoast eo eoe sid.

while a hot ataes for poutnx. rsean waasiy toe iat mam aie iwa anwi tba not eUie. at aeou tas leal or tae are. are iwo lanes atna smieB are aaleklv basted aad Mereesdaosry ssaee tae attrad taetr maMH neniwa isia now psaaw a wiwaens srwe botiar. All twee are mad to sisaa Cheese raaatrin laitdnarhst aaJaa aa rarwlaiat ti tbe wlnrwt aioetr.

aad bba oomaioosw, cod east awsd, NkWlXlN. IAbtBai aad Co, rwaommaad the KANtiK witb great aaa a lraoa. la a vwrv abort tloMtb coal saved wdl defray iU coat. aad. trrwm trT of ti rtnc tba eoulneas 34 eomtort oi sn osaaea saaau i wsnra inir a loytlon.

tteSMted oaeoripAms may ba bad ea apptetiM la hfi Nirtaa. Cbsiwhara. aad Urv. tnoraauga irowworsa, aevar bsm orsatbsirLoaidaw Eilsbllihtaeal. 1.

Viaduct, JLU, tba Thnruetna ransa mar be) eeenJ AitSOAliiS, HhtAl, and JJirrfililta, Ancui XI ttrsl alawera, ipswien. ewg. urarwaaaiua esraes. uowoow. AASOilES PORTAJ1LE and TRACTION Plso.1 aa I Vrrtleal KNOINXi Ais0iii3 'fHRASHifvil MaOHINKK' aadCORX MILLtt WOOD PLOUGHS for rA 1 A TR.

AKTHOII ttOLLQn, fca 4 Pr. A PO LI IX1 KfflTfctva XX lif gj jjJL taWear.Marl.atl raatlasttbel las egesy MesV bsaus tooaamA serty aajtafar sti sasyar ti a awe kewavaaA a POLIJ1 IRlTU BJJUT JUSyiSu. mii2 Saturday J. paocl MJar I A POLLKfAB ItiVlEvfW! baiit moH li A KHIIM VA' 1IU1N and ALL COUXTX1IM aad SOILS. liXmrnSX' ILAKKS and UAYMSrtEBS.

JLV TBaatrata.1 Catalocaee poet free. UAMbELsoK'S PRliiii strIa.bIKdINc HABVKSTKB gained a Sdr Madal st the Xoyal Agrteaharmt nodetr lnaav ut nut it star wmnmt sw was WHsra Cnubug MUia, Ac. Britain! Worts, naabary. IOLONIAL'TRCHATS and SHIPPERS laritad toapply for. dataloroa to SAMUKLHON and are Col.

Arrieultaral vrlaeer. BrlUonta Worts, Ban barf. England. it. and TUKMhlK llpawiehi Specialities.

PO.tTACLB KNGISKS. Vertical gleam Xnghv from 3 b.w.. tiortaoutat PUad Bteam Knrtee. rbraahlac MachlBerr. Corn sod Bead (Jruibers.

Uora cnndlni stui. nor Uaars, aad Uu Caka Brsatars. Oil Mill and Artidoial Manarw Xacbiawry. AUttuwrtami aitsvYAttr, ennncera, uanburT, Vertical STEAM Agent Wanted. I AttRuWriand i'E WARIV Ennn JL Makers: of PUstTABLa Traction, and aauiaej, inraaning Macoinea, Korssr atuu.

tIPA.N aud UEAJJLV, Leicester, Mined i'irst Prise botb for nANUaaJ IlOiU LUC CAKTS at London Dairy Snow, 18L Ulustrated astalogues free. WJ. and T. RURucaS (late itarse and iveyh EorJoeers. Holborn Vtettoot London, and" Brentwood.

Ceeec UUWIN.a sad KKAPIhtl MAUrUNSH Cbad Cutters. cotton urns tor au uaaaot oKaoa rresw ior Cottoa. WouU aad lUz Water Lifts (3ortJ tor lrrUatioa, A. I lALLUWAi ana soits, JSnjineert, JJancheater. i lUAD PRIX, iirfi.

1 ALLOWAY PATENT COMPOUND iSNulXt ES. lALLtnvAi patent steam boilers. Vt ATTCirvrAYri' U0PE and STRAP PUlIsEVS. 1 ALLO WAV OrRlN GandSidJLb'Tlittn If Harond Uton. rat Ised.

S03 pp. leatber. 12s. 60. (postage lit by all wuo are angagedlath Tni Is a book wluca abould bansettby construcuoa or design of teeeeU, fcngiaeer.

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Seonod edition, reaiaed and enlarged, with 4.1 Wood Engratinrs. Crown ft frl. lott (postage Sd.k PRACTICAL GEO tiElRV foTthe aRCIIITEct; KVOINEEU. SURVEYOR, sod OlrlM Kale inr the Delineation and AppUeation of Tarioo (Geometrical Lin rigures. and.

Curves. By K. wryjluitAat TaBH, SI A. edition, with AbDradioes' on Diatraso of Strata and 1st Projection. Wltu 112 Wood EnsrarUg.

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aomblnlaa atmnllaltr. rraa I siramrtb. durahUity, superior worsmanship, and low pnea ea sowar Ten hone newer T9 Pour lM power IS I Pearta hore por 100 olg oorse power 46 1 Alt wicn Uoreraor aad Feed Pusbl' Vo full BartUular seels l.andHoLM AN. CornwaU bous. Warn VicrlMtrect, Luodaa.

Uold Medal, farl. Hit DULISU and Ca, Su Helen's, Lancashire. BXUlNKSinl BOILERS of averv deacriBtloa aad oower. stuuag Maoniaery; uoai iMwp. turn, urore, itre.

it annas. Hoax. and. Worm bae.a. of acy raquirod sis, by Patent arhlnary.

PPL Y'S CO MPO OH Dfc 3i UTNESTwirUo: tZX. maaaaValfOear. Uraod Prix. Part. IPs, A PEEuY'S PAtENTTClLTiRS.

x. Ia pplery, RROTHEKS' SrAAt XX and OVKUUXAD TRAYKLLKBM ppLeBv, APPLEBY, RROl'HKRS, EnRineera, Greenwich. Offleea, 13, Cannon etrset, A VX HA LL Usi DONKEY' PUMPS, the bertlBotler Preders and eamvm tot' ratstnar ser. are maouiacsared br ALEX. WlLONac Cow.

Vaaabeil Iroawesk. Wanda. wucsn roaa. ton n. a.

mueirarau aoq pneaj ca is post rrew. PNDULU31 DONKJdk! PUMP U'ATENTi. from 10. Soatbwark Ulgb rpd Ka. tine, OS; trails, lifts, Ac.

J. SfAyNArliwsrirge road.Loa RMEROD.GRIERSOX, and Co. HYDRAULIC PitKdeilSa sad PUMPS of all khxtt iBMElOl), URIERSON, and TLaTLWAY PIXKD PLANT of all desoriptioa, Twmtablea, CraM. Ac. Mancbester, and Wsiistar caaibr, Lowdoo.

n.W. I 'liu URH AAl'fi Patent lneumaiio DlSCHAJidlN yTM. H. ALLEN and CO. LIST i TTtltOU bwuitu a ti Alt a fort one in i 1 Plve Yean at Hawaii ByCtptala U.

WHALLTY NIOHOL BOS. (Jtjwo Dosojria, a 60. f7 iIIEIUN SECRETARIES of 'the lirth Century to JU ItU. M. THORNTON.

2 vols. tra. with 10 Por traits. 33. 64.

second edition. lWJ tSJ bein a Complete J. lanatiTe ot the Captor of Ca'ml. ths Sier. of Sherpur.

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Xaglaaer. ilway Plant and Uacvsral Citrtor. ICKHAM, HERER, '45, tjaeen Yictoria ttreet, tin IRS of the THOMAS CARLYLE. elections from hi Private Letters tn aaursrww Oor ipoadeots. raiiea or aiuuswi uaiui aaarnaii.niii a ny urlAr.uu a.

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ARNOLD. By DEAN STANLEYi 12th edition. Coatua ing tba Autbort latest eorreetloos, and aa apubllsbd Poem by v. juun nti Joba Mnrray, Albe narls street LARENDON PRESS LIST of NEW BOOKS Crown grnu doth. 10s.

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London and Ediaburgh. Uonorary PtUow of Trinity College, and Profaeeor of Kxpertmental Physic in tb. Cniversitr of Cambridg. st ta by w. u.

niYEDi, reuow or moitr uonegw. MaXWI Demy Bto doth. 7s. Cd ELEMENTARY TREATISE on ELEC TRICITY. Br tbe Uu PRurr Ertaott JAMES CLERIC AXWKLL Edited br WILLIAM QABNXTT.

M.A. formerly Peliow ot ht Joan Colteg. Small edition for Schools, fee. tvo. cloth.

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and Kpod. ttsnry Browne, uuora universiiy rrees vrareoocsa, No. 7, Ps rater row. B.C. A and BLACK'S LIST A.

WW SVJ ay, yuw ra4Fsaa, It aW LACK'S OKNERAL ATLAS of tbe WORLD. A sense of 56 mens of tb prindnal oc astrie of the world new edition, witb new maps Victoria, Nw ttMth Wale, and tba AncUnl World, and aa Index of names. Bound la Imperial folio half morocco. Now cmi4et. in orio IA 4.

THE WAVER LEY NOVELS CENTENARY EDITION, with the Copyright Note and ttra Steel Plates. np TO. avaamant uaari JMaea. JgERBY and EN DEAN'S NEvV HOOKS i WHITE and RED. By J.

R. HENSLOWE, Author of Darotbr Comntoa." 2 volA crown oth 21. Dei interwating, dispUyiBg great Insight into (haraeter; tru tnciaents, tcsa witn unnswai power, goossetr. Sara, Peeaaoola. Xswopbow.

iom of owwdaa. feewa Wtt vtomx Dau Nov. ll IUlla. st, Cteuoa OommrmaBxh mt A 1 VII. eat a a a a auuictos, nmw neaianq mi Ovsaaan, ll Pirinx Piab.

TriaWted lia Uueea of tb North. Hri. a iienn amota. i41sa. uuuioca, jiot.

Hope, Koaario Phws Keen. Balxoo. ttou, Nov, U. Alboeo, st, eWUln hatnai Hall. Bydawy Livaaroot.

Nov. ll. Loanda, it. Africa. NawTuar Nat.

lfL. llaaA. aa a jj, mm ttd tha dreeaatd encaxla lowawf a tha other platform by moana of a hoirt. I 'Jr 1 Oa imtey. st, Maite TJe wiairtTtj ts asnrxi' amh 4toU tent into a ei oob While ther ware perforndBf thi dnty the privaU trnek cstma off Setala.

aad aa ther lU Bf a mk a BUM wTI4twj aaw bp aaa xotoed awiE nev.iaTlo laetadlag avtewof the Plan Trw fat atstierr Br. Carnsaui' rutxr. N. 11 oa worth, Mclbowm. WaTll ATL0DON 8Xa TKBlAr.

fe7rd74 Ua after Afltwi a.arterl tri. COMPTONt a Story of '15. hr JLf 7. B. HENSLOWE.

Crown tvo. new edition, cloth, (1 Mnch abov the arerwe fraah. loietwati wU writtan. Darotbr Is a noble character. on ag Paper.

rnHE LARGER HUPE: orT alvation for All.ln X. dading the Rejecter of the Gospel. Examined in a Keriew of the Ber. mnl Cot Salrator Moadt By the SEY.THOUAS POWELL. PJag.

tva, cloth, 1. Sd. ma50SPEA(OBI)TNO to SATA1T7y JL BTANDloH OBXY. M.A. New dlUoo, crown era, etoth, 2s.

td. A rertnl sod masterly erpoaurw of rstioeaHrm. dee err lag or est aoq noosst eocowinm. ri mm mtu. LENDING UNTO the LORD orThreeDaya in Proreeeor Oeitert Ufa Br BARON CONWAY aad J.

RU8 bLL XNDKA8. aad etKp edlttea, Aa Importaat work. Archbiehopot Ycrk. "A braatUat boot. BevJV.Cu asii g.

A dallghtfol booL Dr. DorId Pnawr. TTAIK TK AD li versus FRrlE TRADE or. Which JC rtyetem wta Beat roeoU tae iTawaelal aad Cteera JaU rweUoi Ureal Britain. By Peleka.

Dwoytvc. It. KerT end Kadawj 443, Otford eirwea. Croww Ire now rarliM ana la. TDG ATE HILL Paw and Tfetent, By W.

TBXLOAE. IXwatntad enU Xacrai stent. Br W. P. m01 ralWgwl.

rs beg sears, drawn Cable addreas. Ductkaay Looao The PATENT RAIL PTER Wire and Rope. nHEmBUiWiAILVVAx, 0ATtRTAG and JL IIOJN COMPANY mtairn. Opanabaw; Xaaebesler. Man lactam rs ut atibwai VAtilUAUa aad; WAUU, Xramway Cars, Iron wor a.

IVaeeis and Ail, Piad Ptaat. ae. 1UE RlRMlNOHAM liAlliWAk CARRIAGE od WAUON COMPANY Luni ted), Smelbwlck. near lUrming WAUONit To? tha wra) at thm CEST WLrnnmixzEmr" POLLIrT Ria PGLmAJtl fjptUTH say A POLLINAlS vry acneskU ifmi lmpn amlsMulkt Uqakl vweheead te a by 7ee Thasse ad tae WasecCfwpeaw. A POLLINARlS.

The oUoarinx hare bwea tatoctod from asaaag la at teat easlaa rwarwlral as tbe TOflJCtt A WttftfAfilf KATTJHITJ INVlGORAflHG AILY 1aRLJ WATBL" POLUN AR1S. Of treat valaejoth cavoaTot 4t testpraa aad good swatth, a a tatty tabs water. Da 2r sJTaaseaJle XVftj eYeJasaa A POIXIN AId. bisUnrmW from oiker Dav agwa by its i eat at ad re and enlireoing sTae" Dr TailaaisA ot Bodeo. "A POlaLINARDi.

"Prodoeea with the beat tvseoeet' atoal ect upo stomacfe dig Sl Prof. Oartei Man. ich. 7 A POLLINARlS may be had at all hotels, rmaa yf rants, aad auaeral water dealers rowgbawt Geaat Brit iawr APOLCiyARlS and troarnoatT the eontine tei Js roMi XXtJAL tJALE, jmirsxaossr" A POLLWAttLJ OOMPaKT Ltmitedj. JU: XX.

real itree. LewAoa, tW, Bob porb rs. JLLKllt GlHJanTCb'MAnnl Suvertaha ELKLN LiTuK and 0oM Patent, oi the HUflTLG. i PLATE. ILKINGTON and Col CAUTION puacn I i ag net abean and lhftcw tmtteltnns.

litasxrased Ca laajaei aa. Klkiiigtoa street taty. ORWICK'S JORWICK'S HAKlftU ORWIOXAT OrG and Co, J7. hawaeO rk e. or i.

AnitG POvVDER gor Bread UrVb or Cakea OORWIOK'S BA KXNG POWD forPtre, i. amiauj wLiewiyejs' )H I. i a. LOh sOiva nurt in ru rr uiv tor rrKkiiara. LL WHISKY.

Pare, mud. and and most wholesam. Vaivwnt rsina mewed by tba profe to a. Tb ereiei osd trmh pa, LL WHISKY. Dr.tdamaH tayti oft yV and mallow, pore, wafl a anrwd.

and of very veaOewt asaii ty KIN AH AN LXi WUlSKvY. Uold Medal, Xzhttll7t! DwhUn Xl httlo 1 tb Oa Masat Mo.aQrwrtTltrmwM rfrswy Loa so. W. L)ARNARD, BISHOP, az4 BAi SAJ OS, Nor fkjds. 41. vl0fKhn: EaTBTERElTSLO COMB SIIOS MoVES; Xta er Oona try Plrsew's IWOias. CPIAXLYDATliD for BOIIMLSU Aif or OUAL ate ety at Ani Disrwulnn. Lond i Pog. SPECIALLY PATRONIZED by M.KM. the.

PKOf CX WALaTtV tA4V WOOU A9 TiLrHUaUJa la creai LLOsrj IATKD Tar It. 1 LISTtCtree oa ar catson. ii a I hi is i AHUniThCih it uudo xor wat a i worx twgmiten forfr ctaarr trxewaadte ejawatjiadilistrte, 1 a' bjgea A 1 a Ixmvima, unrta, Amrons, uo uraua, ana 7 WCV stiWKt I DOMESTIC ART JTITTINGS at app ed to nra vannnima i ecaweirme 4 RT 'PAiNTE and XULHTJU) TiAslSa of the XX cootcwat eohectloqjrfsabte for 8livwt HatHb. as ate TA A iDrBl5iI0P. and BARM ARISTA JU) wtett iMS, SJ.

aaa tfi larsiag abor stoT eaa 1 and steam coat I nternatIOITaL JL .0.1 or SMOKE ABATKMENT xxHTBrriox, gOUTH KENSINQTON. BISHOP, and KrfaKlrS LARNAUDt TAND ntnata in tha Eaatern Mtrant. near the eetr i from Xd bttteerr 4. NEWbMOKjtJONSUAUNO JfiRJa URATE (Xvarttt and Barnardsases 1 to be st haat sUsofacturen of RAlLWAk CARRIAUfM and Tram Can, Irnaeork. Wbeeis and Axle.

iTaatln. as. AlLWAY JLV Old bury, CAlAUai CARRIAGE COMPANY (Limited near Birmingham. Mat i Tactarars wf RAILWAY atm WAtiuna. lTa cars, ironwort.

a. OtlUXl.NO RAILWAY TRUCKand I CARBJAUB UUXrKIti are in as. Has ra rotation. Pari niUtian, 1j71, Heahaysesi's Patent for Ulostratad rrice list apply 1 r. aq i rau aiiway oonoier racwwy.

roiseeaooe. AVID HART and CO MP AN IMPRO ED PLATFORM 8EJJ I3D1CAT1NO MAOHlNEa WEIGHING MACHINES and X. WEIGHS! DOES, adjo tad to tbe standard wcilbtl oi aor nation, and to ta specs asiraiMuU of partioala Ira u. bar net loose weight whatever, and error ia reedwg weight ae not ari. sai i niui atACUU ta are used by UOcers ot Kxou an i Custom sod la tbw Uovtra meat em uau ay sne pnn pal Ltxxlaa DooK tVw i pa a tea.

the ill a I Ulaaw An, DaeertptiTe ense Beta seat aa appiic aU i to DarjJ Mart and Ut. toginaar. Wer lock road, lai tdon. X. sOTEEL RARR PENC1NU.

steel thorn hed.e. in ipawwae. WTEEL UARB PE.NCING, pi tj 4.039 ton a montS. resent nTEEL RARR fENClG. Sole cunsumpti on Manufacturers Mancbeour, and t.

Ureal WinbMtrvatAet, Loanoa, MACHINES various UNPOtVDEK, The PLANT for I La ODOCTION Ca ALLEN. Derwant VoanilQ. bmalngt TILDES LEY, Crwcent aea WiUaabaU, aekaraX and by TAYLOR al ate a Mat uaery Ironworks, JESSE BOILERS. Gasholder, Girders, Bhdxea, Jdinzt, Kooty Tanks. BaaK.

Wat ran, and aU kind or imsani h. wore JkAdik TtLDtaL Creeeewt Iroa worts, WUb ia halt ti IflTPliATES andKTCORAi ED IiTpATE A tiKAUH. riuvr it, and Co Meiye Tda TVr Naatb boath Wale. and 4. Caliu atr Lood O.

I OHN Cooxley lronworxs, near rUd lermlnMer. IRON, Tia Pteva, and Large Tinned at Iroe i MAKKRA euoa i Agent, Arthur BaiL ILUracecburttwe. BRH IKON.of all aire and descnpUona. is madeonTv by WILLIAM BABROWs aad hOJirL Bleeu ld baa Waakl llptoo, otaaorusair. All lmlt nsof us turksre fra nluteot fS OSPELTOAliriRON and GAXVIEiyiR0i VI sod vTiBS (ivaed Ixua aaalac ran.

Works, tipton and Wolvs rbi unptoa. dial oi hire aad sstatsa, asAfSag JiAsW. AAata, Vawrsaa tsVerftJek, Itl WWitlli fm 1 OHN. BELLAMY. Bynr strcet.

MiUwaJL London. fff WROUOUT IttON TANKS and ITKRNA Oaivaau edaod Paial 1. of eterr iWcria o. Una Tat its. aa.

i aow rgeaa taqeism sue sraac. Tb sote lie amy. WROUGHT iRON ROoPS, Girdera, Bridget, Tanu. lion (loose, aad uurnhM Sam Hi liidlivr a ami DA Vi 3, HKOf HEB3, aad Co. Woirerhampion.

A SB K3TOS a New andTnettructible PacMnx for X. Ktaam Joints and Claai tar lui 4a lit ui tb CNirxD Aatt 4TtM COMPANY iLunl tedt aa Vtea trs LooM a Works Ho e. fin, a 1 0 agow. A SR s'TOS New nn tspart Yarn Pacta rc and Mili XX. board for Joint.

JOHN BALL. I in ta tK a si iui. ho. lit, Boutawsrsweaa, Loodoo 'IUCK'SATENT PACKING and V'AV3 JL Tuci isnlCo. 1U, in tllC noon st.Lc 1 an ew rJJ rarpoot pHE PEltPETUAL BALING PRESS awarded A the oPBClAL BlLfKR MXDAL of the Ry Agrio tural fV clety, at Darby, mar be mm ia everatioa oa S4pis oa to JoHl 1L LAUD aad Ox, lit toae i Vic ria et, uf MURRAY'S PaT NU RRlC kAiilN'fi MACHLNKRY.

Sote Manafa su re. TrillHit Vinnrnviv a Jow fagtaewr aad Millwrtybu, Locv street, eowthwai k. X. a tc S' l'T'H kivai vr ti LriL. wwa.

a wa js a a a uuur wuri. STKUCTION. 1 fatW tk. IL'NCAEMENT of. IRON GLt UE an A COLUXNX afford riOMPCETE SECURITY, a ploTed by the late Li Plr in tb Uanurket far i.

Zl ii. rrit.k wi v.i. a I REDGIN PLANT, for Uroourt, Ban, ehoaia. XJ Bhip Caul Ot which can bw deepened to 4J feet a tu jr part of tb rtob. Howtnatai by W.

S1MO W.t and kcatnwT A jBxSSlNlAN TUBE WELLS (Norton1 Patentt XX. I SQRAND ant 30TCLIFP. Artaaiaa Wall rrtZZ. .15 Consraoto rs for large sappltea luo, Hiinblll ro rfVnn. OTTO OAS ENGINES work Sb.

extrwme imoothnes aad ra arity. and start at 1 nam was a omenta aotio. Waaa the wore I gone a Its gsa torned ott. ma waste of fuel take ace. Tor larwiiat nk VT! oneaUy crrW tatiwKwita, and ail ioTia mifWWViwMiai namnaaai a.iLiat "arlnwnih stnwt.

Mancbee T. se 24, Poaliry. Loo dan. wswiaga jla HUN AD I JAN OS. The txatnateral aperient Water.

wadon Ms I Bsiara. TT CTNYAJJI JAN'03. Soeedy, awrtvand CTntla. jt noteasor qiumm, ss tt, r. UNY1T3I JANOS.

laad by Prota von Ltehig. Ylrebow. Aitka. inaawiar. Atrm.

Aa. 1LX CK YAIii JAN OS. The ne of the APOLU JULX Of aaC A SK POR NARia COMPANY Oirni! KM aa CttamkH ind Miner Water Dwal st to, A 4 MEAT. 1 IKBIO COMPANT'6 EXTRACT of I 1 Aa rsluj sad pate aabte tea ate for ta da. eca du In aU ease of del al tty and weak dhp.

IEBIO EXTRACT oT II IsrartaT arc whew, rtr tried. I f5nrCOMP ITTJ EXTRACT cf MEAI, A I itreta maw riAUTION. IEfilG" EXtBA of MiUl4. Norn eroo la fartor aad Jaw prtead ate tag lo tm accomowieq niiwiag iniiysast paraears ic oa baring tb al)ra pear'i xti wc. wbi a tec row ea tt rowgb.

i thai tn a Ink am la tL IEBIO CO Mr AH I BATBAbT OX lAT. Ask tha Lte Ooatpaar's Xxtrae. aadsaa tbatawataar la aa for la. RAGG VEGETABLE RAGG 1RAGG' charcoaIT CHARCOAL, chakcoaLT" to ret we to keep weiL jRAGG RAGG AJ CHARCOAL, for actoitx CHARCOAL, for JRAGG'S liBAtvG charcoaET flatnlency. for heartburn.

CHARCOAL, for impart brt th, charcoaET tor uta on. for a purtcr. VbRAGG'tt oragTS. jRAGG CHARCOAL, for a iirwrenUva. JRAGG.

CHARCOAL, for a pwrrartt BRAGG PURE VEGeaB1('0HARCOAL The namber of tn eiue ogmarrwltew tea itl gsnv from tb parse wing as of prspand ramn eaorsowa. Liver iw It liii1iieeii(ni. flsriileiirj. neriiiiin iwmuval worms la ab trea. and auiuts.

by Its poe ar ot dotroyiag thetr food 1. isspearrtrL 5 paraott with the tropins or hot etimite tbo eiwr be was tb a ante rasaadte 1 agent, a Is prat as tha sjS eolnwt aU tm fevert ay Jts actma absorb ad bwpwre gas te ta mm aiiiaai bowel. 3o by ail amu, la Dot m. 2s 4a. mum.

TEAYE POOD. Jfor InfanU and" lnvalida JLV rastahl1r 1l JJEAV TiTOOD. Chaapeat and NEAVE POOD. Caret oily prepared and Hh5lJ awtr cat adapted for children. Inv Et 1 eAVE's Pood.

Weu aged people, and tors dit' Brt tee cal Jewmal. MEAYES POOD. For lnlanu Ini Al mm by tba Pscelty gaeeraUy. KJIiAVE'S POOD. Bold erywhere in 1.1 eeUtsrs.

tb Maoa teat a wrs. J.AXXATZa Pord xBrldg. knglsarl OSEPH" GILLOTTS "PEnsT gTEEU QOLD MEDAL, UARIS. 1S7S. A uiLLarrs steel ikS5.

lOLLl SOH and LoC Oriwinal Deairr fOSEPH soTxnrsiyy AT it auriatttiu aoa xotapiti. ie PROCK more ti uST magaasia. and troo from hard watwa. logetb eg a au arraa aax 1 other matter in ensioa. It is in ooesation epa a a lama ie ta Loton.

Ufwrpool. Mol, gwin doevbdsrbowrw aad oti pis for msnnf angering and rati way purposes, aad for tow water mdoiV or towns aad privet ibsiosis. at aa a reran east at Id mmr thi galiooa. The UtraUosisajU the Altertsg adl a ri re joaar tTwtcS. frisrs.IBdow.

lia we rwss. jJ XaBOORMB BXHITIOKa 18hU Tha Jury LILARK'S BEVOLVIHG SHUTTEBS HlflHtoT AWARD. for the QLABK, BUNNETT, and Co. (L ato tJ, ilaxm LARK'S PATENT aaasly tt tats ark. :Pahtld.BrO PseX tesaysl buy I dag, ia and nld sw all OISELES3 STEEL REVOLVING SHUTTERS, INGRAM'S KAIO KAPN03 bTOV i i 4 OETOLV1NO SHLTTTM flta 8TlcmT Itsfl i Cyaatetwhw Prea te aa BatkWbf and LOCK Famita ra.

and LdlCK ii at pt riGLTJSSUS' 10LLLN30N and JCK Wad 'fmSLav, TIOLLINSON and LOCK Curtain Staffs, OLLINSON and LOCK Deeoretiva Palter, 54 'lOLLINSOlT and LOCK aad Platter Cefliitix. QULLLN801Y aad LOCK, JTot ett actvC. ROWLAND'S tLTflKiBJtwgflg wr 1f wwn sj ueiwaaj va ft Its baa a mast faetaf 11a kail III I rootafB rtta. OWLAND MACASsLtIIaJfca Kraaate a aatva tae groen at iJ''rmmlml bs ew taw ary. eaaawi avJUbti iif am aa ag tafcsssya Jaa.

awat eg a.

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