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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 10

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 THE TIMESr SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1882. TEX ATTEMPT TO 8II00T TUB QUEEN. Aa Important discovery tu made yeaterdiy morning, leapertor NU, ef tbe Great Western Railway and InanecUc I mar, ot th laicomollve Department, wwat to Wmueor tor tb purpose of making a eeareb of the ttoUoa yard, where soiUedJed in lUpiwal.MWMM track, end abort 15 yirdi from the QiuWt waiting Tuom, Uy fowad a baUet. TU Qoara ouki bare bad tocraea the line of Ira, u4 it It tuirealoet that pert Iba aantar Mw Mrk, Tl. LulWi armiinb4 mi iwapjwt aim IWm drawn from IU rsvlr by Mt'i, tU (U Iba f.t4tM bad bar (art If it Limber IU il oh1I IM the pi mtVl a llft Im( Iba (J IU )h i wfM (rvw him Ha frum rH MrariUy rwfftlfcp tb (ttMXi tea lf vwtl MtHilHif In the tfraind t4 tbi t'aslU ttwl drat mil la It ttlTww, Hlarr inf the llU atwwtt lilf past A lhrvnS VVlndarv end tSlna II Mtjraly a vrryner ronlitllv reeaUed, Al tbacervlew at r.

tier re's Chit el tn II brewing the tia, W. (I iMwtrrit, made an allukm la lb daitardly attempt tij.n llrt Utjet, (ot whewa a i.titl im offer end tlic Began liijrJ lb Natkaial Anthem A UUfxtm hai Iwrvi received by Iba Mayor of Windier from a Inn of aeUcitora al Dover titling that in 1H74 they drlewdad a man named lloWka Mar Iran al Maid tun In a raaa of attempting to or! a train, Bullet ratrks have beo tonal on the truck whlsb on Thursday evening wit lUndlng la lit station yard, ami which new at Heading Mr. PaprrlaWndmt Ilayra ttaa rwlrol a lUfTm from Vhm SajlftUvUBl of Iba rVijtrrml CViuuly tinatk) Atjlum at all rtatinf that a nut namnl JU.lrrlfk Martan aa Hiarliargoil from that wiUblUlitnrnt aoro tim aro Tba rallrra at 00U1 Marthoroub ttouae ami lSuclibfhaa Talara vara atlrtatrly Btimcnraa. lUOrtkk Maclaaa vaa yraterJay brootht brfara tit Major (Mr. J.

Irrrpuxj, Mr. O. Toolry, and Mr. J. f.

Wrllman, horonjh inaftitrati, at Ilrr Majrfty, with iutrnt to Ull bar. Pir Jamei Ingham, Chlaf Magitrataof lio itrrt, aat oa tba bvuch by ttia aida'of ii Mayor. Mr. Strphrown, aolicitor to the Trraauryaid be wu In atnuUd hj the Sfcrrtary of State to Toaorutejn this case. lie prrjxwcl to brine forwanl icient eriJenee to jattify the nufittratea ia (ran ting a reraanJ, but ba did not propoae to fo folly into Uia matter at pmrnl.

The iriaoncr, RoJeriek Madras, waa chargol with abooting at the Qneen with istcfit to monler. Tba facta were that on the prrrioua erenins the priaoner waa aren to ra a pistol in the direction of the carriage in which Her Majesty waa fitting. Mr. Superintendent Uayea. I waa on duty last erening, bout half part when Her Majeaty anaTe.1 at Windaw.

The Queen, aasompaniad by Triticeal Beatrice, entered a clond carriage. I do nat know whether any one elite ol lowed. The carriage tarted, and iad got about ten or 15 yardi from the waiting ruom. when I heard the report of bairlxort aVwl winn what charge, arnl it ba wouM be charced with ihootlnc betwee tba plaM wbtra the man waa itaadlsg and where tba ballet waa picked Bp. Croaa cxamiBed by the priaoaer.

Where do yea tay tba ballet wa found tba Qaeea't wajtinf room, whera MM truckl were ttandinf. Yea take it for granted that it tnt itreck the track I baliera it did. bare aot aeea the track. Yoa aannot tell at what iteration tba mark of iba bullet (al leannot tall that. 1 iheuld liU to kMa rary much.

Yoa mv ma, here were you. You were belaf aTreitod baa I mw rou, Yoa di4 Mt na dra IU uU4 Junuu Varnai.U uM, I ant iotogr4ti oritor, YMiay wM ctoaa Iba prta atf Mr, llafN pwiM blm: I a.W ft lb Im aim WW IK t.a llfMl 1f IM r.Mw III Ij.tla, WiM rVaff IHrM Wjml, 1 lh HiaMW ilt a hA i bi Im; IIm i lU mhU Utitti a 1 la trTa rateltK lttrt fl) flllrtb.ati.ifnlh alW Mbwl frd fat artjrid. 1 IM Mf IliJM WrHlt H'W lh anf Mr Ultra frenl wt itate iml I Ifnijt Hhef, Thniianiierw'aiiRMtlM rrlef I liMhl Mr. HayM rail him a amnwlrel. I ught hi retr Mm.

Maetimlneil ly tba Trlwift. Hlitl mtkei yen aertaln tlia line of Are I ba firai thing I law wat yoar arm and the rirriaa in front of me. Yni i tiw ruined at in from the frit gnla 1 Tra. bat diiuiiee wu I from tatl 1 Almut fire yirdi. And yoa aay yoa rould tra directian af the 4itol Ym.

not the gate oMtmtt your rlaw Na, 1 law orrr yotr ibookleri, Mr, Blr4n'iio then lid that wai all tba eridenea ha lleM to otter Uial day, atal I aikni that the launrr might Ui remawlnl, 'ibe Matuh rrmaivlnl tba rltouer until that day week ami oriiira lb ifiwai The MitUM aal that at thn Unren wltb intent to ruurdrr. The leinoner aain laid that be hid made the itatement pralumt in roniKlrratioa of the charge being that of in tliuidating olheri. The lirl oticr waa then rrmatxlnl. and at be wu tmt Iota a tab outiide the Court he wu buuted by aa Immenae crowl. The crowd outalde the Town hall, Windaor, wu excited to turn a trn tnat when I be iriaoaer came oat attempt wu made to or ertnra the carriage.

Our rortnsouth Corrrepoodent writea The priaonrr hu lit ed for aome time at Southaea. He waa mainly dependent npon Toit orTice remittaccea from a aiiter who lived in and who, be aaid, owned a bouee there worth It ia certain that he did re eeiTe a J'ot offiee order at Southaea ouce a week. Ther wrreitatedto be for 13. each, but Itr. Hucker thinka they were for amaller iunu.

On Wnlnreday week he received a letter from Croydon, enclosing an order, and begging bi.n to itay in hi ludgingi for the preacnt, and a tecood letter baa Dean received by hi lanalaly lince his departure. From the knowledge which he prof raied of various twni ia Kngland he appvarod to have tramped a creat deal, and had also, according 1 9 hi own itatement. completed a tlx months' tour in France. Indeed, he waa believed to have been able to speak two language, besidra rut own, ana to nvao oeen in oiurr respects weu iniormeu and intelligent. lie told hii landlady that bis lather built the Mlia buildings in the btrand, and that his brother marrk a aister of Mr.

Augustus Harris, the lessee of l)rury la Theatre. Aa his sister's property in Croydon a pistol. Looking to the left I. saw the priaoner, whom I Uwa iaroraoa that the usuaT remittances would, in cou.e hadneTeraeen before. He waa then In the act of presenting qnence, hate to be stopjied during the present month, be the pistol in the direction ot tier Majesty carriage from 1 announced lus intentiou ot walking to London lor the pur nf ltr.f Wr.1 wlv nn i i lose of aakins Mr.

Harris to rive him some of em immediately sprang at him, 'caught him bv the colUr'and nent atoul I the theatre. at Southiiea he led a Tr. purposeless sort of extexe, and his apparent helpless nee, and bent down to take the pistol from him. A young oeM eccentricity were such as to lead hi landlord and man name Jame K.urnsi.le, of Helena road, Windsor, got Undluly to believe that he wa a pirsou of weak intellect, poateason of it, ba? iu what manner I cannot telL asked He was accustomed to wander about the town all day, and kirn for it, and he gave it to me. I now pr vdace the same "hile ly tia pistol, which huheen in my possession since.

I pashed iie wu a voluUe talker and a leJoua politician of strong k. k. Kadical news. He was accustoronl to denounce the treat 1 was agisted alao by several other persons. "The prisoner mnt Mr Itradlaugh bad eiPeneneirf the House of Com satd, Don't hurt me 1 will go qmetlv." An Eton boy 1Jcfwe latxlf tor loloa dispose.1 came op and hit him with hii One of my 3f trtjna and a woollen cornfortrr for the aaie of IRELAND.

UCBLIN, Mik h3. Mr. Footer returned to Dublia this afternoon from hit 8P0BT1N0 INTELLIGENCE. MILITARY STEEPLECHASES. Fwdat.

An exhilarating and bright aftcrnooa faroorad tba rUit to Uo county Clara, During bis stay at Tulla and nflitary at Sandown to day. Aimlgh ba supposed, tba ia bis journey through tba scanty tba Chief tSacrrtaxy wu antioua to obtain from personal observation a clearer viaw of tba eoodltion of tha rouaty anl tba eausas which bar Ud to it. II bad aa Interview yesterday at Talla with Colonel O'CallagUa, on of tU llojaoltad UndloriU, )la III taauawii Mju Clitfanl Llayd, a of tba (4l naaistritos, In charga if tba Clara tiki IBu.f(c, It liVly It'll mora titnt nwamfM aill ba arin(M tl n4it MH ft'iwrljr in4 rl lithl l.i fm wl wjf Mt rftlf rt IKJf Hhll Iltvir aH WiM. Mf relief flllfi lil fltwaf MW1y(wit tH ltrrt IH llw lw hljlll tgri atnl wa ermiiHiail Httifkl bi iitta ijleit Df Iba wound, lift Hill lltir but lhK li Uilli 11 of Id ra eovety. tight lion.

gnll tnin alta liil lli pollee barrack htl bad al lnl rlW wllli cam er Uf farmeri, who Implored 'furlber proteetlon againit tti nntrige wblrh ara ferpetraleil. lla llsteiie.1 with atteatian to their tatementi.and sssurnt tbaia that the subject should reet'ita most rareinl rooldritioii. lie rrtnainea lor anmn lime at tba hmlslda of sab ennstalt Willi, who WU waiiO'teil a few night ago In the attack by an ana) party 10 Captain W'llfrwd iJovd, ll.M Ha wa Informed thai tl a illirn waa rriieveil tu bave ln lor O'Callagbaii, but that In th darkness of tlm night Captain IJtiyd and bis Bumnloo wr aniilakau for tba land bird aixf tlxwe wIki usually areomiiiy bim. Tba Chief Secretary manifested much (ympathy with tb cob con stable, and Intimated Uial ha wauhl ia at onea outolad to tba rank of nmstabl and that a Slil grtnt would ba male to him, Ha arterwards addressed th lice forte at tba station, uiurliur tliem that tlialr aervirei lisul evelte.1 almlralion not only on tbli but also on tba other lida of ll Channel, Tbry had dishargod tlvelr dutla with eltlcl enry, endurance, an.1 Intrepidity, and lb Oovernment would not fail to rvcognite and sllfy their Jut claim. Tlia heoiJa of Tulla.

('lire, were ilreiJv Imnressed with tba ligi.lficsnca of the Chief Hecretary's rlslt. During bt stay ha remained at the lloyootted'' Hotel of Mr.Oriale, an ex constable of police. The ItuMn Oatetlt eontaln a proclamation offering a reward of 1,000 for such information as may lead to tb conviction of the person or persons eonrernel In the murder of Constable Kavanagh at Letterfrack also a proclamation prohibiting tbe boldingol a meetmein tne aarony 01 innis howen, county Donegal, for tbe purjoie of obstructing the sheriff in serving writs. The Court of Appeal gave judgment to day in the action arising out of tbe rnnning of tb North Wall steamers. The Court affirmed the decision of the Common Fleas Division, changing tbe verdict for the City of Dublin Steam racket Company (the plaintiffs) into one for the London and North Western RailwayCompany (the defend anta) in an action on a contract of November, I860, voder which the plaintiffs alleged that the defendants were bound to make good to them any deficiency in their receipts for tbe passenger and parcels below 35,000 a year.

The Land Commissioners have appointed Monday next for bearing arguments upon some of the questions arising out of tbe case of Adams v. Dunseath recently submitted to tbe Court of Apjeal, and decided on Tuesday last. A new pamphlet hu been issued by the Land Committee on Tho Working of the Land Act." It criticize sharply thw decisions of the Commissioners and Sub Corn missioners, and contrasts them with tbe report of the Richmond and Be sg bo rough Commissions, and with Sir. Gladstone' statement. aergeanta cot a cab the priaoner ti tbe poli at the top of the street, and we took "Uj.n ltti' there can bo little reason to station.

I asked him there for doubt hf tUrTln tte when be committed tbe daring bis came and sUms. He eaid Kalerirt MsrWn.S4.Vie. I ce toria cnttajrea, Windsor, clerk, aged 27." He said he had A eorrespondmt of the IVrss Association states that been ia Windsor about a week, and that he came from about a month since a man giving the name of Rhoderick 1 asked him where he wu born and be said. MacLean made application to the reUeving officer of No. ThciaVTh.

KDin vard, witn intent to do her crievoo bodily barm. He slept at om of the lodging houae in the neighbourhood of said, un, ine yueen. On tbe war to be station. the Wal worth road, and asking for admiasion to the in to the cab, he said. I am starving, otherwise I should xmary.

He wu examined by the medical officer, when not have done this. There were two rmptv cartridge it wu lound tnat tnere wu notninr to warrant his being cases in (he pistol, which is a six chaaibtred' revolver placed in that institution. The medical officer advissd the tiinfre. There were two other loaded cartridges and two reiievinc officer to send the applicant to th workhouse. empty chambers.

I produce all. He wu searclx and but Maclean declined to take the order, and organ to other cartridge of the same description and bearirg the curse thn yueen. saying tnat she wooil sutler lur it. time name wce lonna in ms possession, 1 also louna NAVAL AND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. ner Maiestrs ship Jumna arrived at Aden yesterday.

The Channel Squadron, consisting of the Agincourt, the Achilles, and the Northumberland, under the command of Sear Admiral tbe Hon. Henry Carr Glynn, will leave ibraltar for Fort Mahon and Cagliari on Monday next. The following appointment were made at the Admiralty yesterday Capt. Charles Vidal, to tbe Cleopatra, vice Capt. Francis Durrani Sab Lieut.

Wyndham Richardson, to the ITe la, vice Sub Lieat. Elliott; and Sub Lieut. Alfred E. Grant, to tbe Hercules, vice Sub Lieut. Hart.

THE IRISH LAND ACT. other articles, including a pocket book, a comb, and aome in Dublin is one of idteufe satisfaction and thankfulness locae paper, which I hare not yet examined A letter wu that Her Majesty escaped unhurt. There was evidence louna ax bis pocket in my presence, written in (encil, 1 tnat citizens 01 au rank creeos, ana parlies were aeepiy follow: moved at the thought of Her Ma jeaty's dancer and heartily I should not have done this crime had you, yon rejoiced that it wu providentially averted. No political should have done, paid tba 10. per wrek iuteid of offer significance attached to the occurrence, ing me tba insulting small sum of per etk, and ex Yesterday, at tbe suggestion of Sir Herbert Oakeley, peeling tue to live 00 it.

So you rxreeiva tl great good tbe first piece in the concert programme at tbe weekly a little money would hare done, had yoa not treated me practising of th F4inburgh University Musical Society aaafuol, ainl act me more than ever aaina those bloated wu Here's a Uualtb ante Her Majesty," and at tb an.locrsu, led by that old lady Mrs. who it au close the National Antbcin au given amid great ea rJbUf in all nuses Uui kKii Maruaa March thusiasm. 1L Viting rocm, M'fruru lUilaaj all part of tba country wa hara received report is Mi4piiiUL'siout jui r. )t taddres4 ta aUwJHf to tb cxcitemi at ppcasiooi 4 by (hu any uui and hu lu ,4 ijuui4, Htv4 PR ilt labjBct kf Ion ft IMfJJtbt il tu juifM fUu cwcciUauMliiical buUiet, of memtfea Ifaiumjtle TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir, Will yoa permit me to correct a maapprahansion doabtless due to a want of clearness on my part which might arise from the following sentence in the report in Minified with the universal expression of loyal sympathy Tke Timtt of my speech in the House of Common last attendance wss larga, although tba outiide drriaioa formed only a small portion of.jt la tba member' eocloaara waa tba rriaca of Walaa, Tba racing; pni teased, tba aaoa) element of per! inUrest, and it may ba awmtioned, by tba wiy, Mt 73 un of 3a bufsa thai UrU) ara ri.llan by lif awnrs.

Ita dy' cM aoouia4 Iba ortb)4l II. Mt f4 whisb wi IUUran.1 MilUary I Ni' aiiW Mat it, 4 UAm Mftt t4( I sibrMlie Mr, WrifM' TM Ymfmi tl tl Iba FtfeaisVUf, sf isiM f4, NiW'y' Jwealar ha kul a ill, ba fatwur ll 9 )i riBWl fiif MtIM "Halesl'l Wt TteilrUfi. jnenlsf wit ktail well lit ll f.r, bat wh filrl la IM llhe fuf aVbi he had (ho Irwlblihe fsvtmrlts, If) twlbert litila difflrnliy lh bealib Captain Maudsley'i gMlng by iwi leegtb. Arab Lavl BeJihol thirl, and Tactician fourth, fit of tb 13 tolourd on tba earl turned out for tlia Military asl Open Hunter' Horlla Usee, in which Mr. II.

Owrn 1 Otlilro ami Mr. C. Cunnlugbam'l St. Anthony hired tba honour of favouritism it ia 3, Tbe Ally by Mogador Neroll and Norih II. were alio wall lupnortad at tligbtly el temJedodd.

After (Uttering her admirers until near log borne, tba Nenll Illy fell right iw.y, aa. Urd al the Ilsrero looked all otr a winner. Galileo, luiwiwr, tarn with a rush uppisltn tb Ktirxl, and snstcbed tba race from Captain MIblU after an sidling (nlsb, by a head. ThaGrsnl MlllUry Gold Cap csme out, and Included imung th stsrters th I.lveriool randMat Lor! Chanaellor, Mill, the tart of Iord MasonrY representative baring to aotieeiln Arlstorrat 2st. rauanl tba latter to bold tba prl le of place In th quotations at 6 to 2.

one point longer lis lieing lakl against Lord Chancellor. Soon after the water jump bad been clraml tbe first time, Lord Chancellor took the rommand, and raa right awsy from Msjer who came aloruf second. Alnt six furlongs from borne tbi ailvantaga wu diminished, and tboae who bad supported Lord Manners' horse began to feel doubtful about their chance, a the favourite looked exceedingly dangerous. Lord Chancellor, however, managed to hold his own to the fiuish.and ultimately defeated the favourita by a length and a half. Only five came out for tba Military and Open Hunter Flat Race, which Horse Guard placed to the credit of Lord Rosmore, easily landing tbe odd of 5 to laid on him by a couple of length from Mr.

ifannington's Merry England. He found a new owner is Mr. Lewison for 145 guineas. Mr. E.

Owen' riovrr trpset a better favourite in Posh Forward for the Grand Military Selling Plate, while Kerr's Boniface carried off the Veteran's Steeplechase, after a runaway race, beating Mr. Wood' Eaker Paaha by 30 length. HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. BTAOHOCNDS. Una MaJsTTw.

UsaUwrden Inr heaik Irl, Hawtaara kill as. XoiroLx. Fit. Blacham 30 BCTroLK. llarlastoa (Wnlte houial II 33.

roxuocxtia. ALsaiasmm. Tues Btictloa Tnnxa. 8Ubletaed biUi Sat. ItMaeyiaBk 1L AtHcasmsK.

Button Cheney Wtd. Ualoa Inn, Uaashaa twiuiam as, Art.ury ju. BamnroaTH. Mon Darrinitoa Tut Seanbi bar Than, th Kennels nau. nowoo 11.

lunuin Dcxa of. Mod Tm. TrMhaa WL lart Kraneu Fit, Lowes Weods 81a, Kcrmaid. Banna. Moo Badala WL, Kortoa Oonysn TtL.

Broaaa ball 1L BsaaxLCT. Old. Basbev saUl 11 30 Tnsa. Rsmrdso bnuM 11 at. Lwiurd Chorea 11 baa, Bunbaia fotw li.

BaasiBiaa, Old. Mon CaOdrer vUlia I W4 Cuauie FrL, Fox sod lioonas, uuieworta 11. BaawicuRias and Basr Ivraiiu. Loocforaacas luec, ilanjiUss 11 ItL, LoontlsTowrs 11 jj. BicvsTca.

Bartoa onmmoa Middlctoo HIH rum, aineiman aaL, campiot wuaaa u. ItiLsnsxz. Imi, Biltoo 19 33. Bumooa Yai K. Bed Lloe.

Charlton 11 Tasa. Baraas Cross Soada Itut, sn 11 BaL. UmptoB fconaa 11. BLaaurr. Tba Gnu Mia vfllne U.

BixaciraSLi. Tnea. MiUbaek QUI. Bkiddaw. Baaoo's, Mr.

Mon, Natswortkr Tbnra. Sawrldca, LastWak Buniix MooB. Wtts Baakwltsahaw Ut Fit, inorpaaraa una rwm u. Boanaa Moo Wblubaoah Craf WnL. Blraaai.

Boocuoch'i. Deal ot Moil, Anaram bildsa Taaa, Msciaaa bndf rnoia. Biasuia Ba. imsjusoaa ai. raansaa a.

Loan, Men. ntwto aiul I FH, Misatsa U. rwanaotrraw. XUsx aC Mesv. Bowdleica scene Taan, SowtH Mills rmi staiiaa I aaa.

04jM uo u4all. rowau's. Ma Taaa. Ujiiim 1 TtL. Kvateaa 13 19.

rTTCWUT Maaw rrleakr aaa Lasloat Wa4 Wast tUwoavFTr. Brli 1 Taava, MiliiiH II lUfcrt. Ms.Maa,, TWa, Hlaba, Raft aaawf Kaal Wai, Ottf I tail ru llMwa.Biig)aiaU 1 Wai, Mirteto NUata I FIS H4a i Hat, TV If swssImM Ml MawltawMtsTerwWwi FH, WrvteD OaM anst lt. tkif Ws4, ttMsl I cYU tb tit ati anrriMiiicc aowta. Twat, Maastef wataa Frl Mfflerata PTSM er ta Warr.

Tma, tiaetsntoaaad tkaca, Barerka ativtsroia Masu FnalataQlaa Tkara, liitlinlia Hartlaa4 1L cr roll. Tms, Awroa aall Tawr. Owaiaa Fc IL Khu, Te, Fsar oaas, Bitatof FrU Cwastawnw statl, FiirUcw IL Ttrsros Vata. Twaa.CastU rwlM 1 Frl, BlaiiiM IL TsnwulTH Ts4wenh Kaaaals Tsuru, CMUs(WwrM aaaars ftst, UliawoejTillasw II ML Ticiata Twat, UtiUlsti Tkara. TS Ksaaal 1 aat, Braiaar Tivtwlv BaeaeU Tkara, Hswsaitl Warauas IL Trisasic (nlaua, WL Bslser 19 Fin atOwitl.

Moa. Uaatuacw FrU rrUet IL Tat Tow TW, Blare Haaa, Uae4evry FrL, Tar lien aaoaa, reawiuaww Ta TM. rvrlwai aa 1 Tiara, aaanlaftae lat, ubau aa Jaaa13 la. T. II.

Tun Fom Ctms 1 Wal, awlllaaHUe I nart, aisaa. kiu cu F.wva 1 aaa. iu WiMicunlii. M. Vsr4olBa 1 Taea.

Tkara, aantartild i Frl. Fsraboraaik 3. WautLAD. TW. FrU Moalaoetoa Witn.

aotrra aod War. Moaw Aastr; Cawtr enMaa. LwmIo.1 i Mors, iboa ariaaw Fit. Kaoyl uxinUt lL WacdrrvasatRa Maw OeUeresa 1 WaX. Ba4 LUa Bait 1 rrl WidboU IL WTia.ia W.

W. Wai. Omtga mam I FrU Baa church i Sal. Bara kftJsw ld 30. EaaL of.

Mow. Klrtaa sUMoa WsA. Brwdln eraaaraMls i FA.Sillow vlle Bal. Bwalle mm roails lL Ton aad AlmTT. Tue.

Ju Asvloloa Oankan Wotiaeass aaa. Alea staioa U. Zmajto's. EaaL ot Moo Msnk Taea. TlmaabrMse I BtapMSoB miic aaa.

nariMra casus etauow jw. ttC'w4 jfi Iba fbr. I UWilu )k Wf MJI' tVjifi ff "(fWlrtl frtw 1 ft.Ft":i 7 awjDir te srt itnt fiiws.i ri Ptirjmrgmr( ry in rsiTirien nrmr tta Wr iV 4 Hil IttlBrfMVlHW.WrjM: imtt) IJtJfl retrlWIl'tleftrSif "lBlsP' lr nf fK bfeif lU'HritliflU1 VM. fr tif ii. i tba archill ii ui tiuj jWrtiUf ctitfti 1m which 1 WeW nMnWl All Hlbeht hffjbT.rlfm bti lief HotldVntUl eiest frm Ibe the rjfnmtfahttt tend li rt ite UiU slami hi.

Flrtlt wiriwl attempt fnsde tipwi Hef Mtjet verteWi ihd bad I desired hi Injure theaerm 1 should hate 6ml at etpres the issnrttoce of the nnsbsled loyalty and affee btr abru lw ta MttittlnglliB tailwcy eirriaee; Qalle Hon el the ehlreni to lief Majesty The teply which the wntrarfj I pointol the ritol on a level with the "wc In the woM of Sir William Harroart, was at fol heels but I frit a slight kick, doubtleat the contents lows The Queen commands me to assure yitt of the any have lodged in one of the dW. satisfaction with which she has received yonr Isyal If Her Majesty will accept this etplanatlon, and allow message on behalf of the citl eni ot Ixindon. 1 am glait to tbe words, wjth intent to Intimidate Instead of be able to. inform you that Her Majesty hu not suffered In wltb intent to cause grievous bolily barm, to be Inserted health." Ibis announcement wu at once posted outsida In. that front, I will offer all the usistance in my power the Mansion house, where it wu eagerly read by crowds to bring the cbtrce herein specified to a speedy Issue.

Lduring the day. Majesty will accept the only consolation Tbe Lord Mayor further summoned a special meeting of I can offer namely. 1 had no intention whatevrr of eausinir tbe Court of Common Council, which was held in the ber any injury. Uooerii Maci tAS." 1 afternnon at the Guildhall and very largely attended. Hi It wu broucht to by Josetih Turner.

I fitted the buliet City Landi Committee, moved" That'a loyal and dutiful to one of the empty eaera which I took oit of the pistol, address be presented to Her Majesty, expressing the deep ana auo ia ine barrel 01 ine pistol, it wu 01 ine same 1 mugnaiion 01 lias uourc at inn iiasraiuiy ana atrocious aire. I attack yrtrday made nron tba life of the Queen, and of Cross examined by the rrioner. Where do you uy yoa I gratitude that by Divine Proridenca Her Ms jesty was crere 1 On your left. i mericfully iiresem Mr. Alderman M.

Lawrence, Were yoa facing the carriage Not when I beard the the senior Alderman present, seconded tbe resolu report. My back wu then to the earriace. 1 wu facing I tion, and said Uwy all felt indebted to the Lord Mayor for the street looking out of the railway yard. I calling them together at the earliest opportunity to enable You uy yoa uw me Ire the pistol did nut uy I saw them to rxiTM U(e feeling of the citizen generally at you ere me nstou 1 11 cam ine report ana siw ine pistol in your band. Can you uy that th pistol wss not pointed at tbe wheels I I cannot uy anything about that it wu pointed in the direction of the Queen's cam if e.

How di you know that if you were facing the other way I did not uy that. I hear! a report, and on turning round saw the pictol in your hand. Yoa said you were not facing the Queen' carriage Not at the time you fired. When yiu did so the carriage wu in motion. 1 uw tne pistol alter It was discnsrgm that dastardly' The resolutioo wss then put and carried unanimously, and the court waa then cleared to Ifeiare the address to Iter alaiesty.

which will be by ancient cuntom presented personally to the Queen by a aeputaiion 01 ine vourt. Yesterday, at a am tini of the Rosso Jewish Relief Coruii at which the Lord Mayor presideil, it wss re aolved unaniraoasly on tbe motion of Cardinal Manning, seconded by the Rev. Dr. Hermann Adler (one of tbe llAbbiie That tbe Lord Msyor of Lonlon anil the M.Jision house Committee for the. Relief of the Jewish I was not three yards from roa.

I uw the pistol pointed Population i suffering by recent eventi desire to fervently straight at the carriage. You hal no chance of firing the I congratulate Her Majesty, the Royal Family, and the pistol a lecond tim You were about l. yirds from the 1'tiiled Kinloni at large on the merciful iirotection of Her Miie.tjr's prtrious life from Uw wicked act which was perpetrated yesterlay, arxl to convey to Her Majesty an srnet exmion of their true loyalty and derotod adec tiou to ner rson. TO THE KDITOU OF THE TIMES. night I am reported to hara aaid 1 I cannot understand why tba Land Cornmlscionar should not be authorued to advance money to tenants to enable them to purchase from tbeir landlords lands, the rants or wnica nave been judicially nxea ay tna Umd Court, on an average of many years' purchase." I intended to say: I cannot understand wby th Land Commission should not ba authorued to purchase any estate that might be offered to tbtm, price ckulate4 pa Vb lcrga numWf of years' purcbaa ar abicl) estates vera sq14 in tba Laudinl itats Pourt dqfing the three pt fv ja4f 1 fdiP witi) lfrW, oa a.

nUl fiad by iu4iciaj neb. mMm (fl fimB PlftfMiU rM Jfbif pMrri r9 wnSffl Beftf JF MMl 1 fitfifltit (frsp4iol Wf lttfHPtif 1 18 (if vrlfiB ty HjM(iei 8f to iMm immmt ifi mft of it but i Ms I6I Mi Ibti It VbUlJ be 1 leff ednliuefablll extension bf tfcH eiistlei Uw, whlen bhlf aileH the Ltntl Cdmtrillilorl to tueti tmfebasel when th jf 11 ail latlsEad' with the Hpvdieiiey bf the ptifchae( aid ire lurtbef latiifled that a com lent hatabef bf tbe tenant! are able and willing to burcbue their holdings (ram the) Land Commission. 1 remain your obedient servant, m. e. maxs BBAon.

SO, Charles ftreat, Berkelayaqoara, March t. AaBicuLTUBaL Socimxa un IUix.wat Ohimk. Tester Jay a deputation from' tbe Royal Agricultural Society of England and 20 of the rinclrl provincial agricultural societies nao an interview wun tne ruiway general managers at the Railway Clearing bousa on the subject of charjres for the conveyance of live stock to anil I rem snows. 1 ne aepotation inciooea urt auicart, um Auckland, Sir IMmund lechmre, M.P., 8ir Urandreth Gibbs, Colonel Ruggles Prise, M.l'.. Admiral Duncombe, Colonel Turberrill, Mr.

Clare hewall ltead, ar.d Mr. Jacob Wilson. In introducing the deputation Lord Catbcart painted out that they came from every part of England and tsirly represented the agricultural Interest of the country. They desired to urge the general manager comply with tba following request! (1) That the stock be charged full fare to the shows, but hilf faie on return journey, if unsold (2) men in charge of stock tp be conveyed free (3) the foregoing proposition to apply to animal whether, carried iu Tiorse boies and by pusenger or special trains or in cattle trucks and by luggage trains (4) that greater facilities be offered for conveying valuable animal to and from shows iu horse boxes. Mr.

Jacob Wilson addrsned tho managers on half of tbe Northumberland Agricultural Hocicty and tbe Royal Agricultural Society, and handed in between VO and 100 eumiilaintau to tbe excessive charges, recently received from ctLibitora by the 'secretary of tbe Royal Agricultural Society. Mr. 1, Rigby siioka ou behalf of the Manchester and Liverpool rWciety Sir llmund Lechniere fur tbe Worcestershire Society Captain Rest for tbe Rath end West of Knglau Society; Lord Auckland for the Yorkshire A rricultural Society the Hon. M. Fiiicb Hatton for the Lincolnshire Society Mr.

Crisp for the Suffolk Society and Kir Urin lreth GiLU ai representing tlie Royal Agricultural Society arvl tlie smlllineui Club. He ssl.l be lia.1 oeen eon IsTiuttoaJ WU FaUlaa sil, unwooa 11. Calm sot's, Mr. Twaa, AsfewaUr v01ac U. Camainoasaiaa.

Uoil. Uarstoa Tusa, Psiiiwi ball Fit, Outoo Ulbbet U. aaiTUTooK. ITilsVwb WsoU Fax Iaa, Flask Fit. Ball Ina.

Btraltoo 13 li. CsnoDiiravoui. Battaakam Bal, BaQ olaee U. Cuviusa Hia, Daas4alMilfs Thora, Fsiiii mum ti 10 3u Caaaa's, Ma. Wal, Ftampoat Ibrsaktast at 10) Baa, BawUay, 10 4i Coayroa's, Ma.

WtLH Tnas, Bsasiaclart Frl, BUlanaUl THE WEATHER. METEOROLOGICAL REPOBTS. Wuthzb CiuitT. Mulch 3, Fjt. sJ i Y.

ajunuySO Bar. auaTo rjojl 33 7 ca Ca MaaT ua SCfr 43 3SanAjJlm jo. BWOBX 135. PorrswarMjOj Misstdsa rulf WKi aat, Bb 8l. puctilci atiUoo.

ma Uou Taktccota hJl 1 Tues, u'tt'1' 6rtkitiaWtt, rWlbatfUi Mi itatli Miiaaftli 11 tHrstkblt Ptk rHefti Hira.iMtrftiiiiit BotfcHa fbmtosfi Aiiciteg lt faiktaiws. Toei; Dean Bt. Aea I tbspel lL jHbr.jl lloot Wavl. Mirrh ilTMt W. lritol Hsaaas.

trian r4. (Mb. Ibi ltannooi. t'ntaeoat Htstloa; tbarai 17th. Mr.

W. L'oftton I Statloa 1 It lh llartaiooe, nuivwm is. Biplinallnw at tba Chart, la tb above ahart th dotud Uaai an boom's Unas ef aqual aaromalrlcal prassara, tba vabMS which thai hxUotts baiaa (Ivb ia tewns at the and, thai 39 The shade tsauwratare Is ctvB la aa uras for ssviral plaoas oa the ooaat. aod the wailhi la rsoorde la worda. Tba ssvews fl with thawtad.

tba fores of which shewa bf the asabaroi barbs and tsalbaw. thna Bfkt; Irak er itrocj a cala a violent xala 0 adnUas sslrn. Tba slate of the saa is aetsd la eapttal liltwi Tka teases Remarks (8 30 p.m.) The decrease of pressure reported from ear south west touts last evening prayed to be caused by a small depres sion, which advanced to that region daring last night aad. joining itself to tba scat bam aide of the depression Of a north of England, formed fa larg area of law prss t.e stretched ffom nortn wut Frcc acroM fb sauth wt ol Jiogiaod. IS? P4: In conaequaww, ttil BorniM tba baramitaf rmng fpt ift Mi mt r'Mcwi 8i! tfi wir4 tbHaad tdittiset ciicuiatim around tbe fsmmii, Hg ieiffHffl 9ltll Ifi4 rtn It tnt FfWa Iftej Wf IliHrtM, IW Mst Ifl Fllas4i tfi4 IWH IH khi it ci)lri in Miianti IBri 8tH lb tiif bf Biscay It ftU still rtHrnji bttt In matt place It mrsjtftte bf ligbt: tb eathef the and cf ght ottf tbe tooth east ef 6etsmi( bat dull and' ttnsettleti ei wherei wltb tain In eft many blares.

At midday tbe depression wa sppsrentlr nasclBg oatb actaid toward France, tbe barometer iu falling at Jersey wltb rainy Hbridf BUh1i I Than, CotUat eJktber, while tba reeoyery on tinned In progress In nearly all otner places wiu cner coouiuona. sow ii as 6 o'clock this evening shows that a slight fall aftba carnage. txm yoa nred the eamige bad got ball way tow ird yoa. Rytb Court. Ill band wu straight out from the lUulde.

Tb lrioaer. Will you (wear It wu not inclined It wu not inclined. lly the! Court. I think It wu pointed to the centre of tb carriage or a little Tb rrisoner. Ymo will find the position of tbe pistol was towards the wheels.

It is ciuit possible for any one ta make a mistake to the level at which a iiistol Mr. llayea. A I aaid before, I did Iwt see' the pistol fired, but it wu pointed at tb carriage lien I uw it. It is joite possible that yoa held the pintal in a diffen nt position after it was I believe that It would be impoaabl for any one to continue to bold it in tbe same luaition. Tbe Prisoner.

When I made tbe statement I said that nartiallv I would give every aasistance tow ards ejiicidating tbemys 1 railway track there wu a gapofatleut ayard. Ijcwek TbmFLE FlRK BaiaADF Yeiterday them TtiL, IaaS toW.l'flIln ttis gap stoid'e railway offici.l, and immediately wa. a driU of this brigvle. which I. composej 'of the awa JaiUJ 7d Srg biI hl.fcd the general public, including resident member, of the Imu under the earitilne, that Iwould volunteer every There w.

no military guard, but a sprinkling of lice (I I Did I Iot say tliat if the charge wu Her Maieaty he walked alone across the platform. A I there are '26). with hose and branches attached, ready for determined aasasain standing where I wis might easily instant use, and outside hydrants (of which there are 37), Sir, As 1 wa within ten yards of tlie man who fired necWwith tbe Royal shows for the last 40 year, and tb yeaterday at Her Gracious Majesty, perhaps yon will allow result of that experience wu that in promrtion a the j.irenm.i.t,ee. .1 ii. iliow increI tlie railway farilitiei had been curtailed.

i .1. The animal sent for exhibition were sample, of tlia flock, which will tend to how that the safety of Her Majesty I ba.1 brml to Imrmive the of the due lea to eeeutiottary measures than to tbe loyalty ot country, and were sent In order to obtain custom. To keep ber subject. these way wu tlnrelore to curtail me railway iramo trcttrsriis. Raady War Tbanu Ballroa ca the BM loar, noar uas i orall.

DnwraitMHiaa. Tuaa, Dormoatt TksA, Ballaatass KasethlU lL DciHiH. Roara. KlateUr Wal. Ooakal aalll FrU Tiaoar ahaU 10 li.

DtraaiM. Sons. btoa, Fextoa Wlatsts aroas rosdc Frl, BUhoploa la i. svnas 11 30; Valdwwd kuuoo 19 Ksxnaic, Tba Tuaa, Dal baoai FrL. UttlsWck.

Eaaax. Moe. WIHlDiaU) WL. Edaaf aoauua mill bat Cool, Ian, Epptaa U. About yards of the platform of the Win Isor, Great 'iio remaining is.nionoi w.eje.

nr. u. i i. i general manager of tba london and orth neem eaten. Railway, term inu.

wa jarliaUy encloaed by a )B tlf o( hll Ueagxies, iomiel movesble barrier or railing, some three feet high. I uy 1 that tba boints raised should hava very careful oonsidera rnclosed. because between tbe and of tbe barrier 1 tion. ance'that I coold. cot a cats Lai one I would render every assistance Mr.

Hayes. Ton asked me whether the Qunn wu hurt, and whether yoa would be charge. with the capital effenee. I aaid certainly not, Yoa then gave ma tbe letter. By the Court.

Hi arm wu ctraight oat from tbe (boulder. By tbe Prisoner. The pictol might have been inclined when firnL Tbe priaoner aaid that be made the stitement ta consideration that the charge wu that of shooting with intent te intimidate, and be was given to understand that the charge would not be a capital one. Mr. Hayes, in reply to tbe Court, said be did not caution the priaoner that tb latter would be given in evidence against bim.

Joseph Turner (aid, I am Inspector, engineers' depart tuent. Great Western Railway. I found the bullet produced about 11 yards from tbe Queen' waiting room at th WerUm station this morcing. I produce a sketch of tba yard. I TirW the bullet from the groand.

Ther a truck standing near tba spot laat night, but it hu left. It can be traced and examined. Tbe ballet wuaboat 2ft. front where the truck would have been standing. I know tba plase where tba man fired tbe riitol.

I heard the rwinrl and saw bim there. Tbe bullet wu found about 29 or 30 yard from the spot where tbe nisonar stood. I now produce tbe bullet. I washed tbe mud off it. and took it to tbe police station.

I can swear that the tmlle I now vwmiuea fa the one I mcked an. Mr. Hayes also Identified It th ana be fitted to tba tieUJ aontlnnad. The earrUat would fcart patted have pushed through the above mentioned gap and efferted i brancV. coupled to the standpipes ,7 ready for being screwed into the hydrant at once.

All nia oojecv at os I the bydrants are connected with the water mains of the which attends a ahot directed at a rapidly moving carnage. 1 faTer which a perfect upply af water It may be said that a disreputable man like Maclean would can be sent to the roof of the Temple Church and the not have been allowed near the barrier. This I doubt bigbest building, without tbe aid of lb engine, which I is oniy to oe usea in cue us STur.t uniiecuuij iiu. ru" The men were ehown where tbe diiterent appliances were man who could obtain a good revolver could, a he were so 1D1 pti in the them. In less than tw3 minded, also procure a good uit of clothes.

minutes from the cajl of the supposed fire tbe men bad the It is to ne nonea tnat wis orourraw uu, i in.i. whole Question of carry in, cranted that the men wl vol rem are either knives claase the public ouht aiarcn a. Em ix and ScrroLS. Tnaa.Elaa's Ford, Staawaf IrU Bajaoa IL Baau Usioa. Fwiidladock Gnii wsU faW, Bad doa; BaU WkUord Carti.

1L Faaasaa's, Baax. Ashlay toleaaU i Itauloa EarsM, Fira. BatkOlst toU Fil. rUcorthh lL Firs, Waar ot. Tims Aochtarderraa Balaate U.

Firxnianiiios's, Loan. WorUej Dewa aeoa Uamanr mUl UM Kra.nali 13 i Fttzwiluim, Tba Mon Aahloa Wold 11; Wal, Cat worth tiuldaooit 19 33 FrL. Wilooi pfk lL Fmwiu.UM'1, Loan. Men, St. CathariM't Frl, Cutlay Uae aol 13 30.

Fuxr and Dxialaa. Tuaa, Maaa Zlwj FrL. LlasiilrUlhalaea 13 30. FeauT, New. Boldrawood Tuaa, Lradbunt Statloa Tbnra, Paultopi 1 eat.

lliatoa Admhnl IL Gaxwit's, Loan. oarabf Mour tain too FrU Dart too gat, ateetlr iw 12. Uaara's. Mr. Wirraa bonta WU Bwwwood Ledxat FrU Vaidia hUl BilrrrUnai II.

I Farm li 33. nasoaxiVMa Mr. J. AldwmaHoa Tuaa, Ballav, Otoe. Tkura.

WutaSald FrU Crews, ThMll niVDoa 4. bawlac Shlald Bat. Dotlasd park lDX Uaasruanswiaa, NoaTB. Moa, Bujhopa HUksLseF II.isroaMB taf. Sorra.

Tiua, Flaekhail FrU Mordatoe4 13iS; lissTruaru int. Moo TLraa Houses Sharpaahos FrU BsrTaaor. Mow, Blaabeua Adlastsof FrU Taaalay IL IL Moo Prirtoa Oilbills Tues booie Tbura, Brawa VSO lOVSV Oik, BUlWO COTDOWJa 14 9. BoLDsax us Mob Wiwaa 10 IS Toaa. Kaeiwaa IS Tkars, mwia 14 ru BvasLsv.

Vtoo Hrtck kQa Wad, OUarbooraa hUI Fri, nrav uowD HciwulTX. Toe Skantartkaifls Dlxisdsla hridca IL Lilx or Wioht. Toes, Bhaisart FtL, OaavlUa sorMr lL Jaavu's, Mr. Tata, tlarUhoima ball FrL, Laaafard btll 11 39. Cam Uowbdala Sat, Artoa IL Kaar.

West. Sceldhant Tuaa. Larkadd PnlkM smi atu iroM uuiua rnorj iw nnanmi Lamarox. Mon, Birch wood Than, Germauwwik IL Laxiaasuiu ud Buraawiiuaa. Toaa, Crooastea Sal, may oe taken lor ia th 3iinato.

The Firo Brigade Committee bo. in tngland lat leut, carry re appointed by the Bencher, consists of the TreuurerMr. or foola, and from each of theae jS m. u'. nr.

r.i. on. MP. Sir Patrick to be protected a far as possible. I rjoloquhoun, Q.C., and Mr.

Baylis, Q.O. In ease of fire at sour ooouieni night.hand pumra. backets of water, and with EocirsiajmcAi CdrBTS Coram: ox. The Commissioner, held their 24th and 25th meeting on Thursday and yesterday at 8, Bridge street, Westminster, S.W. There ware present the Archbishop of Canterbury (in the chair), the Marquis of Bath, the Earl of Devon, the Earl of Chichester, the Bishop of Winchester, the Bishop of Oxford, Lord Blachford, Lord Colrriire.the Right Hon, 6lr R.

Croas, Sir Walter James, tbe Dean of Durham, the Dean of Peterborough, Canon Btubbs, Dr. I lease, the Key, Chancellor Espin, tba Rev, A. 0. Ainslie, Mr. Cbarle.

Q.O., Mr. f. U. Jeune, Mr, S. Whitbread, aad Mr, li, Kemps ecrUry hose and branch ripe, attached, are kept at tbe Inner Temple rate, under the charm of the mrht watchman.

ready for immediate use. It is nndentood that helmets and uniforms will be provided for the use ot the fira ongaoe. The Cbaxvel Ttskel. Sir Edward 'VYatkirj accompanied aome distinguished engineers from Franca to the Channel Tunnel works between Folkestone and Dover yesterday. The following gentleman also accompanied the party Mr.

Sbaw tefyr, M.P., Mr. Samuel, Morley, M.P., Ceneral Young, Colonel East, Royal Engineers, Captain reaeocke, Royal Engineers, iTofesaor Boyd Daw Una, Mr, uag Ya aat Ur. aitcanncy gi tna ivuneaa rmrasiy, ana uaptaM um, Barrochaa 11 33. Lxooxnaui'a, Loan. Moo, Dnmswkk brtdia Tuaa, Drove Than, Btrood froea Bat, Foorhooaa il 33.

inacar. Moo, Farkway Wad, CUSs LtvUTHaow and Brrailsosaiaa. Toaa, WoedbalL rnllnlira 13 30 Sat, Binar hoasa U. Ixaifoiaar aad Cbimtow. Toaa, Idce waad: TVin Tlntiia Locth.

Than, Duleek Bat, CoHob IL Lewimra's. Mr. Baxay. Taas, Baldaa WlBdmO aat, BndvaS. I'jsa.

LtfSLow. 8Uaaf park 5 Thun, Btttsrlsf oaurl Sai, MobsIow 19 33. LCmrut Mr. Toaa, Qaaatoek tarsa 1 IrU Trwhorowfh Elala Uuamei lJlS. Caara.

Toaa, Ttanahaaclla Wat. Asian nana; Haadteet ij.otanaa aaa, roupowwai u. Xa nixu. Moo, ITewton vliIica Wad, Parlay near; Than, Foreman Drarwwt dilf 11 33. MxsnLrroa'a Loan.

Mow, Birdiall: WU Fowrth aUesteaa, aoraa. nwiajnia Moarrra. TMa, Setbarwtttoa Bat, Willow vTllais IL XoaroLX. Wsxc Moa, Xsrbera Cos trad Brlilaf ansa FiU East Wmch OewaIL Oxjoaiwaraa, BocTB. Maa.

BrlaatweU FrU Chiaaor hlO U. FuLLxaaiac Twaa, keudear's4ridc FrU Treaaraa IL Fiasioxtiaiia Mow, TvasTan tidf 1 Than, FmsUsw Craas Baads U. fiaK Mails, aVvmw twau ataaartaM fri. Ti barometer bu occurred In tbe north ef Scotland, bat that la all other pi tees tbe mercury la rising, while tbe depres sion apparently continues it progre. south east ward.

Tb wind I easterly In nearly all draw, into norta in tne wen ana souiuwest, wane is ii nauewe.irnj ia tlia aonth weat of Franee. It blow, freshly or stronclr over the Channel, but I light or moderate clacwber. Tb weather I dull and gloomy In Ireland well si Jerie and In the west of Franee. bat In all other daces, thong! cloudy, it I fin and bright. Borne mist, haxe, or fog ha been reported irom moat station aonag loeuaj, wuue suowers Cave occurred at nam vasiio ana steaay ram Jenev.

Tamneratur. which la leoerally lower than late, range from 47deg. at Valentin to tOJeg. in London anl tldeg. at Stornoway, while tba avutatd tbi afternoon varied between 42deg.

and sea cuu rougo Stilly and on our north east tout. Fob team of Weather for SamtDar, mabcb 4 (IJSCED aT ft 30 F.M. 05 TUB FBETIOCS DAT). t. SccruaXD, K.

South westerly and southerly wind, light cloudy, vome fog SoOTLASD, South easterly winds, light and mode rate fair to dull, and slight, dritrling rain. 2. EsoLASD, X.E. Same No. 1.

3. EsgLaJid, E. Same No. S. 4.

Midland CornTits. Same No. 5. 6. Esc't lXD, S.

(London and Channel). Euterly winds. drawing' into north east and north, light and fresh fair, colder than of lata, 6. EcoTLaJiu, W. VariaMa or northerly brwesea, light; dull, soma fog, 7.

EstoLaJtu, N.W. (aad N. Wiles. North eagerly wind, moderate to variable breexst cloudy, dull. I.

EltflLAXD.S.W. (and S. Wales). Northerly and northwesterly winds, moderate and frtab cloudy, fair. 9.

laiLAJD, N. Same a No. 6. 10. Ibelajcd, 8.

Northerly wind, light or modersta dull. Warnings. Kona Utud. By order, ROBERT H. 8COTT, Baaretary.

Tbi sTBJ0Et) Dugeam crvrj the wticano. vs. AT IWTEBTALS OF 2 BOCBS, FEOM 2 P.M. TO 2 A.M, OF the Jobcajt Gltczbcte Baeometeb cr rsx at nrj Office, the Readings ita a cosxkctxd fob tbm KUICXI AXP KBDCCED TO MBAJTESA IXTBU Mabcx THE MULJJDB. srpwaal tatoratt attaawad to tba coa.aai bt taaa mmt yastatday, awimg ta tba pre sane, Court of Iaw4Cwaf Jastic Caiaridga, who, sigaatara la xdtofaa) to bare aaa sOKtaaaiTaly fargwd by tka priawoar fsaraaaaa.

Wa lw shiy arriyad frwot Londo, by tba train raia Wratmr banat a anartaa aa4 wa net VyVbaMtfeF (Aldrriaaa Ary), wka 4at4 Mai ftfalfM to aba Cwrt, wbar bis Uf.lMp wu tayoraa.itad TvtatiaaS a) tba Baaab baaida tba tipaa4iwy, Mr, KraaafaUf, Tba priaiaar Htf Caafwaan 4 Jaaas. Qawbiaf UiMUwtaly Uuh) fka d. iwi rbaraad bstvaa, Mr, Mlf4, sa tl Mwlf to trx Ttasari eMap4ni4 by ba bai aMMluH hf ta44rMwV, MaH, ttafttM awj llV, tael uUed Imi IVIcfsttw flv ills fof labip, ftaw Hi Kil tvtdww ttm tba rVtwc, saU, la aacwar Mf rellararat iM Lei fbief battle ef rleglaod, do nnt kwrW either tb prisoaeH. lbav hercf seen tbrm before ta tay kaoatedg. tbataketwt bad any reiteration wllh tilbf of tbeot to tba battel at Loei Attboi Cllatoe, of bom 1 know bothlag.

Mf rollarU. WlU ytmf Levdshla look at tbi latta marked At tba foot of that your Lordship wQI tea signal ur. I that your signature I Crtainjy net. Mew, look at tbi lettar marked I that sigaatara yoar I Certainly not. Will yoar Lord hip look al ibi letter marked 1 That net my bandwritiag, It la not the Uul like ay baadwrlling.

Tbi Utw, I Is that your Lordsblt I kaaierlUsa 1 Ma tartalaly not. Thar la do rtiamblanae. There I a Uttar bar pat la wltboat a aumbsr. It dated October 1 1, U76. Will yoar Lorlablp took at tkal and cay what bar tls bandwrltlBf ll yeart It Ic not.

I propose to put In two or urea more latter. Uer aaa dated tba 7th ot Wt, edJrrssedto Lord Arthur relhani Clinton, Will yon be good enough to look at that and My whether It la ia your handwriting 7 That la at myhandwritlng. There are lour letter care, uey car not yet toaa not In. Lord Coleridge. Do yoa wish me to reed them I Mr.

Pollard. No, merely to uy whether they bear your signature. ixiru oienugw. one ox tneae nave any resemolanca ta my handwriting. There are none of them ia my writing.

It ia alleged that tba prisoner Gething Hated that be bad an interview with yonr Lordship at Judges' Cham ben, either i the year lb76 or 1ST7. with reference to this matter. I certainly never bad such aa interview, nor could I nave bad, for I never waa at Judge Chamber daring the yean 1876 and 1877. air. 1 uiiaru.

iui is wv iou Tba magistrate's clerk read tba deposition of tori Coleridge, who wu then bound over to appear a witness at tbe Ass Lies. Tba augistrate', clerk then formally charged tba priaoner with forging and ottering the document that had been given in evidence, with obtaimnr money by falsa pretence front Edward Beynoa, aad witb conspiring' to defraud Mr. llebbert asked whether a ruffle ient care bad been rt oat against Gething to commit him for trial As regard the ottering of the domment ba submitted there Dad oeen no eriuencsj ta auwui waa saia that Beynon uw the document at Selby oak st tbe time be took np tbe L'GOO bill, bat Beynon would not swear who gave bim tbe documents. Gething bad nothing to do with the uttering of the doenmenta. As to the false pretences, there wu no evidence that be aaid anything to Lord Arthur Clinton, It was tuggastwd by eyai himself that she was Lord Arthur Clintwo, The Stipendiary drew attention to tne journey to London.

Mr. Hebbrrt sncceited that Fearotaox bad oma accomplice ia London, who might have represented Lord Coleridge and deceived Gethiag. There bad been a large number of letters pot in, bat they could not in any shape or form be evidence against Gething. They were never in bis possession nor could they be traced to him. r.

i oa Mr. Hebbert'e application consented to admit Gething to baiL hi nself in and two sureties of each. Both prisoners were tfcen couunitted to tbe assize. Feameaoz baa made a itatement witb regard to the wal which she used and which were believed by some. of ber dopes to be tboae of per jo of high rank.

A man whose name she rive mad ber us them. Tbey were old coins, and the man reierred to inreaiesea to seine ner if sbe did sot do be wished. He also threatened that if ahe left off sending him money or writing to bim be would communicate with Lord Coleridge. Fearneaoz declare that on only two occasions bu she appeared in mala attire. The following extraordinary decoment.

which were not produced in court, have been discovered among' tbe paper, forged by tan priaoner Feameaoz, and have not ywt bees pobllsned, tne nrtt DCing sniwa rwu us Balmoral. Scotland, Meets ber 13, 187B. I Ooeen Victoria. Oueen of Cteat Britain. fiontland.

and IrelaLdj do, together with my ad riser and prompter UeaoonsnelJ, give special ana inoroagD paraoa to one already acknowkdgM to bar been deeeased (namely, Lard Arthur Pelham Viller Clinton), who baa by my most gracious order created tna uignt nonooraue tne uxl ot Laneaboroagb, and upon the 24th day' of Jane next, 1879, shall tome lorwara ana aexoana cis rignt axi lanaa borough and claim tba following residence No. g. Great Btanbope street, 1'ark laL, ia tba City of Loodcn, Middle aex county Swithlaod haU, Loughborough, Leiosttar shire i and Lanesboro Park, Balherbart, oouoty Cacao, Ireland tozelhar witb tba sum of SUl.0CO sUrliaa. alrcsdy the proceed ef such estate dnseJ (byma, yjctona by tta Of ace af ubict t' tba followiM itiwdatiBi of coUitianwth uaia noted data UfHB PWM I'll that bis otJ1.ib is cui to rt BjH iffHcf hWfW fttftlji! Wt WWWB lgM Mf lffPet HHifJ ttSBI tB lw Itfraw tlsMW: HI IHfMimp If (rt niht filt: i bftaTU btlf leffijalbl IptMfiriHi i IM bttl eett kh hf hra iN tW.fiittttiil Ibri kc btrttf tkt ham JRltlrHcriiB wuTt theirpttrntwi axtH letter hit bfeat ntme, and dopt IbO et ballet. Hit ieWshif wacbhra lathe yeai ocethoiMiiid tight mrndre lsnd thirty nine.

1 farther1 authorise my Secretary for 8ttt AJairt to pay the weekly com SO, to the aaid feeder) ek de Fearreaax, to be paid out of tbe Lanes borough estates, to doubly seenra tbe title tbe properties, and estate of Lanes borough lotlg and park, wall a other bereia named, to tbe said de Frameaox, la ease of ay decease before tbe said tuna expiree, far which moiety.hi. lordship mast rnd receipt in title ef Lord Lanes bore agh to my Secretary of State Croat. "Given under my band at my residence, Balmoral. Scotland, tbi. thirteenth day of Sep torn ber, aaa tboosand eight hundred and vnty ight.

'Signed YICTOBII. Qcbxk of Ureat Britain aad Inland. Witness, Crou, Secretary to Mar Moat Gradoaa Majesty tbe Quern. wit JS ss a i XT. sa, II TVs roOewtmc Tha shawl BM Baadmai ef I awssat for the II hews isiiitisa Ike showa, I aavtad at aassa xevvtaa te I aa.

at tbe avscanw fwMawaaaa W1 itneu second. John A. Karoo! of Lorn. Third witnaa. the Bight lion.

Jama Btddolph. Conclusive witnau and writer, xt. A. Uroas, Moratarj for SUte Affair. September 13, 1878, Balmoral, rViotland.

"To tbe Iloraa Guards, ImAtn, for Tabfrwgli Deptford, Kent." The document wu folded np. after tba manner of a lawyer' bill, aad oa the back wu written, asder a targe red seal, Victoria Begina, Given under and by command of llr Moat Gracious Majeaty Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, Scotland, and Ireland, tbi thirteenth day of September, 1878. Balmoral, Seotlaad. Crou, Secretary of State. To florae Guard for forwarding toF.

delear neaox, The document wss enclosed la a Urge blue envelope, addressed, Frederick da Fearaaaoi, care of WiLiam Bravery, 83, Church street, Deptford, Kent, LooJon." At the top of tbe envelope til written. Important aad Immediate registered. Te be returned if lelt to underneath address, J. lath left band corner of the eavebpo were the wordj, Croat, Secretary of 8tate, Balmoral, Soot land." The following communication, also purporting to come from the Queen, wu written ia red ink, ia a large and somewhat illegible band i Balmoral Castle, Scotland, 3d October, 1871. I.

Victoria, br tba One of God. la tbavwaref KMlemotion one thousand if tit hundred and Mveaty eiaa do her oy demand the presence oa November fourth, st tbi Cutle Balmoral, oPhiisuraee of Lanaaboroagb, woo from tbi day forward hall bold tbe tJtlae of Xaighl of tbe Garter and tbe Moat Noble tbe Order of tba Thistle. Given under my band and teal affixed til day, victoeia. Followin the etaatare Its lerre red eal In Imitation of tbe 1 loyal coat of arm. Tbe envelope wu also sealed ta a similar manner, addrecaed to r.

da earneaax, wiu tb initials V.K, and a small rol seal In the place of tbe stamp. Tbe two aext documents are forgerie relating to Lord Coleridge. Tba following document were alt found 1 "1, Sussex place, London, 1st December, 1ST. 1 1) Thomas Screen tba elder, residing at Brad Village, Oldbury, boilermaker, tbe com of taar thousand pounds, being promised interest for tba sum of three hundred and fifty caah borrowed oa behalf of tba Earl of Laneaborough by me. the said Jujtice Coleridge.

tbe farther sum of four thoosand for interest and principal, already borrowed by tbe above Lord Coleridge for and on behalf ot tbe most noble the Earl of Uaesborcmga. making ia full of all charge tbe sum of eight thousand pounds starling. By me, before me Witness tbi lit day of beeembtr, 1879. J. D.

COLEEUXJE, Chief Justice, Court of Common Fleaa." Across tba document and ia aa entirely different band writing had been written, "Denmin, Jodgo of Crim Com. Courts," and tba initials, J. B. a while la tbe left hand corcer, at tba top of tba sheet, were the ftgorea, 3,000." No. 1, Sussex place, London, 2d Jan.

188ft Lord Chief Justice, J. Duke Coleridge, do make tbi deeliratioo that I make ovrr all my household goods.pUte, aad (battel, situated at tba a nova addreaa, to Taaaaaa 8,0, tbe elder, of Bradea VUlage, Oldbury, Staffordshire, if he in consideration af tbe above authority, without removal from my prenHses, will tod on hundred and fifty pounds for my client Laaaaborourh (at anew at aay in tiwXhinrever great. Also that tboold I fail lathe payment of this caad hundred and fifty pouads do grra Tbomaa Screea liberty to sell tna purtioQ or pareal of my household to rwimbura kimsalf oa the Sth day of oapUaa ber one thooaaad eight buadred and eighty four, the aaid one hundred aad klty pomwa, wtta correal interest en ssm taiwa. should tba case of Clinton y. Begina we be tattled before that data.

Signed bycae. Chief Justice p. O. DoLXanxja. Ocurt of Common JVaa, Ws il ail list doa, WXL Witaeea.

Mr, Jiutiaa Looaa, JadwBtniw 9m,.

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