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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 7

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

This TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1877. Sxsv iu kk'k rawj cirr intklijoknck. Friday ruing. Roth a regard1 dtsoounta nl Iowis business lm in this markttj and the tales am Tho tornu tar ttirvo mouths' Hank iwiht 3 to ir ami short loans rsrerntnent SUV" wrro tcadilr ubtairmUo at 3 cnU As nyards tho txciAngv, thorn liitlc vanatjon, with liroitipsa generally pit MB' 011 tJrnny were rather mor tie snd tho Husian rate nthor i. Ail a mnrtviii.iii! m.n )m mi.l,t wtlli Tripr i.i Awacs the Christum holidays for avinatiy ivvMiihlo to obtain suave of alsoiico from UinMnext.Mondaywil (Chritma might be vroll if, a usual, aorr.d early intimation jj by the lAidini; houses of their intention rthw atr.

It may bo useful nlo to state that WeJiHv, ihe 'JOth tiio day following fLjuna day. is a Hank holyday, tho hrst day of Stock Kxchsngw settlement, which concede oa Friday, tho SSUi, will bo Monday, the th iwt. The UUGS 111113 1 "4 m.u, Wlliauia 1 ..1 for miimw and for tho ACttount. ami fVLl and Sew lhroo nor Cent, at ICr to 3: and remained at tho prices to tho closed In lknds there is no in Indian Kiiy U1C CT Eastern Bengal, which is 1 Ltrtr, quotation! remain unchanged. er has ben hardly anything doing to day in flea liaily Stocks, nut tho tendency of prices, usual in "the.

absence of business, lias boon rd. The stocks which closed most depressed rere North Korth Eastom, and Metropolian; but several oiher stocks clcod a fraction lower jliiUnd stock was firm, South Eastern (A) tuvk is a fraction higher. There is no change Jrorta speaking of in United Status Railway Stocks, if exorpt a slight further riso in Erie shares and toad. Grand trunk of Canada stocks are dull. fortign Stocks Lave been rather unsettled to sr, partly because of political rumours.

The conti tcVd uncertainty as to Egyptian Bonds has also bad bad elect, since up to the close of business hours so announcement was made about the dividend, duo to morrow By ri.hta the money for this dividend pchl to have beenin hand weeks ago, seeing that it require but half the money due next January cuier the original arrangement. It appears, how fTtr, th there was up till to night a certain taount short of the required sum now much we enot exactly tell time say only 25,000, ethers sereral hundred thousand the total amount required being over a million. '1 his great or snuil, and the dismay caused by the constitution of a Republican Ministry in France, have corn Used to hindtr the announcement of the divi ceod payment and to render the market very sensitive. the close prices were, however, somewhat inner, and the hope was freely expressed that if lbs dividend was not announced to night it would be to at the worst within a very few days. At all events the Paris market to day bought Egyptian bonds against the speculative sales here, rench rands keep steady, but the market did notarise appre eably on the favourable solution of the crisis.

That solution had, in fact, been expected by the Bourse. si by the market here, for dan past, and it was tfeerwfore in great measure discounted. Turkish hoods continue weak, but were so low before that sobody is tempted to speculate in them. Russian bonds were left alone and did not alter in price til just before the close, when both they and hcaffarian fell a little. Spanish stock was bought sod closes firmer.

There was also some recovery in LutKi states runas, one to toe news that the piling of the Bland Bui is postponed, and to cttls buying. The Bank to day made a purchase of 54,000, consisting of bar gold, which was part of the con verted Japanese coin brought by theeninsularjand uneaiai si earner yesterday. Oct I'aris Correspondent telegraphs that the Bourse was firm. French Rentes opened with a considerable rise, but it was not quite maintained owing to the appointment of M. Duxaure's Ministry Living been discounted yesterday, and almost the hightst rates at present possible obtained.

Five per Cents, opened at 108(, 10c, and Throe per Uents. at 73f. 60c They closed at 107f. 85c and 73L 45c respectively, the former without change and the latter with a rise of 37c The relatively peater firmness of Thrte per Cents, is owing to the Eelief thst SL Leon Say's return to office may lead to the conversion of the Five per Cents. Probably owinto other plans believed to be entertained by the Minister of Finance, Credit Fonder shares lost llf.

25c Egyptian Unified and Preference were also weak, losing both about 6f. Turkish Five per Cents, lost 60c Draughts on London, at sight, wereat 25f. 17a a fall of lc 1 he Neva has reached Lisbon with the Brazil and Kim Plate mails and 471 specie. Ths Silver Market is unchanged, The rate for Ur is still maintained. 63d ptr bqMtheri no incjinatjofl uqy, no pusmeil nai peen ftope, u4 the quotation siren is only nominaL Ja (he Qorn Market (h mfa WM qwift, m4 eH 4won rrnw wh the 0oa Mirkt Wednesday's pneM wr ebi A frjIlM Ml bfBH illUad (9 thlhlFlfe9l4fl.ef um hmm ind llelland (Lltn tidleaUiiig i Liuiii tot Iti iinit lu ef'uiidp tin iifo Wif wiifliftrf th eif up voluBUFily, 'I hit Mit tfasj fesuH of ft Fuiiiltifi ml td iLe lifeHoti by lliabnldltl el His" totiitaUyi It li Id tetit butlbesi Oh ilie Dlfct IlisU tocattft abd tioldlinid report IJ folldWl lh Uicir foHbicbtly circular 1 41 At bfinntt tt ili tneeth ttlref WU ia fair amabd, tba tuppUei Dot beui( the price to but soon hweded to ft4L, which wal the rata Wrdotsdsr tut prtvioul to tbt allotmetit of the Ibdia Coaacil UUi i but when It was found that the sxehaaia cUaiacd fat tbt drstuhts was lower than bad been aotici Ptted, Uu quetttion dropptd to MJd.

bnyeri, 63ld, Sellert. TUUttef rats has tboe Ua pal4 for a tmali amount mar aew qutted to pearcst price, The llexicaa 'Wlrooibtb; the West lodta itmr were sold bt prTio Jlta, but nUaaatlr an s( q4 the PWa Nro. at pwcai 0, 8 rL ol tm.w ruwTi siriftd totdn hi lbs Hfi bttfir tni ween ef win ursWs tbers art 0 4 operations pi tiis l. an cxcaiitional witt li at. ur ThWabelWtfash 6363, DM.

lli i drif Jt6t4f lUchliea it) thi mtA Frtaf Hl ptttbtiabiqn bt lb gfotl ibitthillofa t)f the Offlfcs kalboHHrt tbe) ai. Ublwuthl bn IhU kei HwlTlUliwMttalttsfacet hn thelUb biiesd bf bh IMI4 of UttaUr, whttt tht firifadUl toail wai delUereJj wtlM rnneb blaua caBttahtlr srtvfctt to the ilowbcti of ull iWaniert.wt think tW Post Offlei lutbotitits tW bail touts inart of tbs oi'ustirti HW.Slr.ruMMaithMly, Jr4lpw In the itindng U8 roarkati Iwvt fUrthftV rr ri I i 4 rul 4liAitnl. ilia fttktimflnli Wvm, Oojfse rinina quiet, with Prfpei tend nmiy yp in tin it now Mimit Hon Winn oft nawertinan flliut 1 il AS tlile Su acitl a 31 Ilia IflHCl I ItvilPHH IpW) toM ub4f thai 1j nffefwui t'He. Hfeieki I'f fr toffiyii hafe aiVi itill UrdP, IVi liai WB.nHid dfiniMif eoKHitm Uen6Ui l)ing dttatJilihd the recent low Urlcel bt ItltlUli hlen Ittflered the gfeatesf diloh. li Ml, abd hew Uufmah fof Itiritatf Ihihhleht Wett nptm ballet ttrms.

the itigaMnbtkef does poi exhibit any Improvement During the week a tapderate quantity of low brown has changed haads at last week's rales. Crystallized Denierara pld at 1. to 2s. per ewt. decline, excepting for fine yellow The refiners do not ex wad their operations, and French loaves, when FMd for sale, have further given way in price, tt lugar continues plentiful Ballpotre is firmer day.

The folowing are the doting quotations Jnes. CurreBt qualities of PlanUtion Ceylon, U. to 112s. per owi. in.

bond. Tea. Common Coogou, 8d. to Is. 2d.

medium to finest, 2d. to 2s. 6d. per lb. in bond.

Bugar. Rofining wts of West India, Its. to 20a. good to fine yellow to 32s. low brown East India, o.percwt., dutyfree.

Black Pepper. Penang, ad. to 34d. por duty free. Rice.Itangoon, to lot.

ljd. to 10s. 3d. ewt, duty free. JkVe hare received the following notices Btock Exehaiip Committee havt appelated tbs fel StpKiU MttUof dart with offlclal quotatlon.

andar, tht 77 tb in tbt tbaret of the Hull R'rett iiidai(thtathfauUiU tba first lterV jaw ltond of ihf NVrthrn llailwar romjMkny tf Oanstla ua hi' alio orUrl tba Natal (Jdvrrnm ittlUiluUof tha Koiir atil (. friiU Nxkuef iaVl.lKX) tu in llru t( Heriiv Mi'r. C. Munlfta ali.l (. Rlvn holle (bat tb all tUn.lf lu in tb lt of Jm.ury lil.w rn Cent.

Iw.n au.l th hauta Vt Htnt jr tVut. ilsTl) will lm jmi.l at their countlugluu an.I aftrr that ilt Thf hutni Telegraph ii.iniltil. announce th. p.j rnfiit of an in 'mw ll i.lrnd' of (VI. jvr hre on tho )rJinry hr.

aqJ a i iJ, tut of nr l.aro on tba Sii iVut. I'r fetrtici br a. TIk Council of KorWgn ItoudluOdert atmouufp that Mr. O'ljp Mjr, tbt ajcrnt of thf lUwUhohtrri at lV'Rt ta, atnti, uudrr Nonnlr 8, that luvha. roceivr i on aocoiif.t iw current ceutHu of tl.e Colombian Four atul a lldf ir.

Cent, of S73. The JianL of New 7.c,lmi will pay the intcretl, lue I on tlw Iwn.l of the itv of Wellington er Cent, i C. Iamu of i.n.l of the Citv of Chn.tchurch Six Cent. Diitrirt Drainage Ian of CW.OlV) (tii.t Usiie. alo tho intere't, iluo lit on trie outstanding londi of tho Ot.g Six Ikt Cent.

LtvinttT iSOL' (lVX) OOJ). of tbe WnJ o( the ity DuueJin Waterworks per Cent. Loan of and of tht 'Municipality oMUuodia Six por Ceut. Loau of Tho UnionSteafualiip (orajvany cf Xaw Zealand (Limited) have a lend of ir cent, fcr tlio lialf year ending th Slit of July last, tho warrants for which in favour of, harehol.ler in thii coiuitry will bo paid at the Colonial ISauk of Netr Zealand. The directon of the Katr rn Ki ennion China i elegranh Company have declare an ttrim ditiJeni for the quarter ended the3(hhof September tan oi a.

im it tnare. STATJi uF TRADE. MANCHKSTKK, Dkc H. Kxport yarni hate been steady, with a fair amount of butiu.M fur nctirly qusru ra, but no iuhtantia improTttmnt in position of the ma'ket. Not much doing in honu traJe yarni.

The tn ugth of the LiTtrpoul cotiou inarkft gm nrmm'ta to pnet here, and auotationi are much the namrti on Tui tday. About id. wr lb. would oorr the fluctuation in price for aome weeks iat. In the cloth market only small amount of business is reported from day to day.

No improvement in price can be etfected where salts are made, and the market continues to sutler materially from the absence of any active demand for India or China. LIVERPOOL, 14TU. At the cloaeof last weelthe trade demand for cotton seemed again cn the increase, and the quotations lor American descriptions were 1 lod on Saturday, on wnich day a rood business was done Since tben.the uneaaintaa felt aa to the poasible course of political aifairt in Franco has in ami a pause, in business at Manchester, which has been reflected here in a slackened demand for cotton, and the week's sales only reach CO.iCO bales, of which spinners have taken 52,740 baits. Prices, however, have been very steadily maintained, and in the present scarcity of the raw matt rial an improvement at Manchester is all that is required to lead to a moderate advance. Egyptian cotton has been in very good demand all the week, and is an eighth tieorvr.

Sales fortbe week comprise 33,400 American. 3.890 Brazil, 8,180 Egyptian, 2,450 West Indian, Surt tbe import cousista of 41.410 American, USX) Brazil, Egyptian, 44C West Indian, and 722 Stirat. The actual export is bale. and the stock on the spot is itiminishvd by 6,110 dim, being now juu.uuu bales. Tne toUl vuible supply from ail sources is l.itf'J.i&O bales, against 277,70 last year at this period.

Futures have been a dwindling market throughout the week, owing paitly to tbe increasing receipts ol cotton at the American porta and partly to 1 S. I I i i i iu. uuccxrMO(j oi oe pouucai iook oui. ic aecune since Friday last has been about 3 32d per lb. fur both near and distant coUon.

To day tbe market on the spot is quietly steady at yesterday's prices. The siles are 10,000 bales. comprising 7,200 American, JOO Brazil, 800 Egyptian, 100 Penman, and 1,000 Burnt, and including 1,000 on speculation and for export. Futures were firm this morning at a partial advance of 1 32.1., in consequence of the reassuring turn in French tebtics. The boainesa douer has been small, and since noon prices bsve declined about wii.

all round. Deliveries. December. 6 7 Decern ber January, 13 32d. to January Fetruary, Febru slarch, 6 lW2d.

to 6jd. March April, 0 3 April May, 6 7 ltxL Shipment, new crop November, 6 l3 32.r.j Decern ber an ujut. 6 February March. CJd. The sugar market baa been flat tbroagbout the week.

Speculators show no dl position to meddlt with tbe article, even at the depressed prices, at the s.ock in the United Kingdom is still heavy. More business has been done ia rice during tbe week, bat to day prices art 1 lower, wnert sales are pressed. PRODUCE MARKETS. TaiBAY Evsimra. Sua as.

Low kinds close without alteration for tbawrck Wsst lodta refinlaf qol and about maintained. Low to (sir enstaUlxad Uaasrara shows qaits la U. per cwt. nductioo fiDst still asras np la price. In low mlUdUDf to toud mldduns ysllow.

22a, to Z9a. np le SA lor nna, Tm total salss ol Wsst UuUa trs sis eau. nauuf i.mi casss tor uw ja uses natal pam sold brown to onddUos ledow. Ua 2Ca. tl.

but tbs bull ot tb supply broustat forward was Uxuht ta 1.332 bas Uanjrsi JsxbrrT: at 13. to M. M. 2,361 baa falairra Jmnhurr. at la.s tsn uUs fwiancat 14s.

to 15. 1.160 bas Cbliia, at 17s. to 20s. Ui Ubds. 7S UmU 1'orto Woo.

at IS. 60. toUs. PrttsUlj 4,000 bas Us Ma sold at 17s. 64.

pwtwt. UaUsr mors dsmaa.1 (or L'lds erusb4. Corrsx. Itie an la mativ instanecs la, to 2s. lowsr than last TrUar.

dar colour plantation Onion of tba crop wot js pneea ill casstwf Mrrsia aoa slol at about ytUcrdaj barrsta bs sold, tnlddllnf to new crou llus. to I and superior, U6.j pay.iuia to iua, smaum proporuoD. Dsmis isu oa.s jstnaica, food tn ordinary pal. 60. to tia, 144 bars Indian Manilla at Ms.

uun Mocna, partir sold mixsa (rtenub and paiiab. n. to 100. loot Urry, 100s. Cd.

to UK. VA bas totvicn, enlafly JUO. wlfeOWWU. li Mas Tsa. Tbt low triors hava aBttartntlv attractsd tha notlo of for th ton of tha soarttt ba beo much balUtr durtnf th past wtt, and pricte for srades bdo la Sd.

show a rsco vry (rom lowest poia.1 ace and nneti contuia scare ana rood deai sad. lubll sales bav nacbad uackassa. tULTfrrsi arm. mines don In lUnnsi to arrlv at lis, 4H4 tolls. U.uri.l BlCS.

Tb circular of tb Rice Broksn Association for tb ml todlnf tb Uh lost statM that thtr is butpliu ctaus to notlo la lb mirkrt, volcti continues doll. Csriocs lor tmiil off eot ui wlU bsrdly er inqulrr ana tprins uipmoU ar oflsrinf rstbsr aalsr Urns, business ba bn dona to diH la Uacfoou snrUi ship. tnent at Is. td. per cvk Uomia.

Tbsrr bs sjtln bn Try small business rsportad, bat without chsogs la prtcus. lb s1m awuuut to about vA bsls. la elttdiB WmIsju st Hid. Pf tu. foi T(nns slly, BcuUwbcr, ft (Of fwwsf ktlSVI I td Hot iuHes ihl rut rrk, mMltiH titksSeUubi IrA httfatlrVS Bll lor tfelitSrl titl hf ht tmand il llhl, Si ol itl Jati Mm VhiMmtt.

but Hiret lett sfc AhmmhtHhiiV. liillt W.tia.fclitbil lb! bifid auriti ttis fan snt iwrtustttt titUPtet! wm fobt hit! brtH dobfc ttffst: Tht USilt rsmSftsHf ad lhf Il HllM 1U dM It IdteeM fcr Seet Hi al thw Il to tbetn At tbt ptbil sale d.r 119 fot tbtthlnl sppreseof eat Ins Sot tnuttoo 1 1 rtmlutn at pttd, as but qualities art Scare, sad s.s. 6d. vsipald lof flneloli otbersmad 39. tod ant thing of leas tit rctt

Fin bsetSSs. Sd. 1 fair, lit. A pared of country tallow in taktn in tomlnal tslus. Tbt London tosttl lttr ttuebattft I.

Town tallow, iU 9d.j ruoab fst. Is. meltwl stuff. 29s. Tb market stosrsUf stcadr at JH.

on tbt tpft for new, sod 39. it asked lot old P.T.0.S 39s. W. Ituffrrvd ftr Psiembw, 0. lor Jsauarr Mstoh, 40a Sd.

March, and 42s. td. tbt trie for UctoUr tWnbw, UuUul woeu Tbt fouitb kiIm of tales, which bat bseu enr rsnt sine tb Uth ulL, Urmlusisd this srsnler Tb attllsiJ s.ip plles of rat material wrrt stated' at rratb srrlrals, UIWS Ulet, sod oU stock, T1.TCT bslos a total of 10O.SU Ultt. Of this auantily; baits bsit bttu cataluued, and; about IS, 000 balst wttbdrswo. Tb stock btld otsr bas bseu tpprusiuittctf ttturucd br tb bruktrt is Dales, jsiwui kiim as csiiotarru rw bsts ma ttsa lUlU bales.

siuusi4 Uuu ba IL tlfff tl tHbtn imhi ftfWIi teH4ll, HM hlntrHftthef llftl canW ttlbIMefU'itrrr il twt, hotrtrh tttMli I toMnltlnM td tbl nt, anJ taw tn ihs.eobtliidliii'. Stifi Seslti ImBttbti lea (prt. tlended bitbtln euhui bf eonildfftblt Stat bf bid woob continued resttletlott ut wepfirt fdoux mm torn Awwif. bit itf HIHIW FHWWr't JMf)i Hit i VW mm Hmiwjri WiM: lafMWWti irttsf, km THf iir awtffc1 In contttt ptlim it hottic it msy bat be pu ta Is Dj.SndtperplttM Iob td hat thil yefl mddersW IcHL Sad tost tb small titani sltttsUoH sbriali Ibe. eurrtnl tks ttibi ill td trala IS stKlfci should.

lb snl rhsnss far thl Mil Sills to purchase With eonslderalii fitodom. The dt tut tb Mm htcb thi.toftlrn Ur, thabl them tuncmut of tb Udart silss his uul at tii been clitrnnlned, I'kiiTlllass. hstlitr a bctlcr dcmsnJ Miollixl lor Bam imisII nf butttl dr, and lb mamt (smrallr Iras arm. Frlslsnd toM fithei davil st lot. to 130a.

Murmtady bntttrs ru)4 ttsadr slUlf taints, tasting up ia (13. for tmtsbtbtsods 1 (iter, llWt. to JO. 1 a4iih, (Us to IbUt. 1o iteady fwuosl 1 AmsrlcsiJ nua 3'l 004.1 rsiutf por tsi.i uouastonsiir luf fiuotea tiifMuiuiis UrwL Bitdi a Maddsy'liiuoUtlpus.

ilastf Thuit. im ftwlius tud iluBt report tLilnrmm of (II dsscriptinus bsr tdtsmwl la ffUioui tttiUs ,4 (lit; I Ol.SUIH HMM SIS MIHUl IfSSIF, IW4 tf plHt. Pf l4 Wnsllcllor fld as nrm. rtslsnd told ih mil. mum i.ll n.

r'lrtS: r. ir Tt'r'Ji rawti r'tt'i Ltaia.1 In islus. hu II (4stl tiut.i.i.ln wwt Uu 1 fslt a. Urti.lMBH.Hls; fcl.trt il rtfKi IS Bi lPttsbU OiW 14 i hltFll.trt f. 1 bsHIMt 11 Pi td 3S i IttiHtB, It 4 Vh It B.L psMrrttitK 6s 1 bUrt tsHit, M.

Id li H. id it. el Uab It Bd. i woMriettets, H. 4.j ia to is vl rwr tia tA LtAUfcSlU iiiddk it.

1 ditto Iblactk 1L i Ht lr ltd, lOii 1 ALU wllN)tiM. 4 I. Id It. i H.jlMt (toldl, uitto, ttetindai baHIMftStlk td 1M. M.

I fcatisli. U. UU G.I i foals, Js, bd. td t. 6.1.

1 thlektna. ii td 3s. ilutk. 1 t.l. Id fs.i Irrse, bs.

II. id Ts. i 1 itinrit leocktl, IS to lit. I ditto ihttisl, to. 1 snip.

i. so is. ed. wooaeoeii rs.tkt.ta la td. eapercalitla.

H. to Ta Sd. wild ducks, ja. 3.L to js. to is.

td. 1 ttaodeoeki M. Sd. to 4s. 1 later, ia 10 is.

td. 1 paruidfr. it bo. to rous. 4a 10 hi pisrmisan, is.

to It. Id. to 10. td. 1 Snip, it IJ.

to Is. 1 toldru lilotsi M. fU, 3m. la lt. 1 1 a ed 1 esDerealitlaw Ea SI.

to HatalC Sm. W. wtdrerm. Sd. to Is, Sd.

UaL IM. to Is. J.L bletons. td. in Is.

1 oo. plcrona, Sb to lOd. I bar, la 60. td 4a 64.) rslblu (wild), la to 4a. td.

ditto (tarns), la td. tola. 60. 1 ivolson IbauBchK to TSa. vwalsoa (tot uartr), par td.

to lOd, do (uauncbl, la tl to i inm trm. TI cfc mwuw 10a td. to 25. Oris Use, ba to Is.

ir Mutest. 10s. 60. to liai Jsrsty, 2. IA.

to 4a 1 Alwuis, td. to la liauauas, 3m. par doacn. 'immos, t.

iwt js. 10 ft ooua Slito, ptMilf. W. td J. per dorra Pomei ranatcs.

la to la Cd. ir doua. SitkBS, Hpsnisn, IM. to ju. Ouiio, ahiim, Amsnosa Nw Tv plppo.

t9. to 10s. pet bartsl ditto, kltcbwi, 7s. td. to ts.

Kbusbal ditto, dssMTL lis. to tit, par tMMual 1 ditto, lady, ta. to td. nf but. Mninus, t.

to periuodrsO. Hhaddotis, Its, to Xa iwr KiiU 2is. to 42. per buslMi 5 ditto, oobtmU (K.ulLhl. 7U.

to SO, pr 1301b, Unluus, fipaMsh, la, to lie. par 173 1 ditto, bordsaax. tt. to IX 60. per busbat pltkllai, la.

td, wr bag: rucuuilwra 3s. to Ua, pw doxs sIsryTIV to ti Vt das. bond) I eauliflowart, Ss. lot. pr dot.

bortrradwb. ta, IdT to ta. par buodls tnuthrooms, 2a, to 0. pr i auut sbMlroot, Is. to 2a, per do.

Oat riow.ra Oas.UI. lSa to pr aos. 1 usbari ss. iw aVMg asahaa, aa, to at. pw 001, nraaiums, a.

to. m. ptr uo. sprrs abrysantBtvatuot, a ao. to s.

pr ooa, so, to ia m. psrbabtbi tola, per bonab fushjlsa, td, to 10. pr buacb per bunobj abuUtoo, 2. to.l. pet dot.

1 knuvanlia 7 ai bar ounofi 1 tioisi. M. to 44. nf buasB carnations, tot, par bancbi nilToniti. td, tola, par bnooh org't snkot, U.

ta la bSM) I fsstt UiuloyrL Ua, par dot. srli.Lv charr. td. fcuMk btadaU sutsa Its. to 0a bar bonah kMw, Us.

Us. sW.Uaefe Uif el ttUtt, Ut, VjUs, fttj ST00KS and HAll.WA Vuik. OVIIKH SUA HKti. riUNTlNii noi'nic 1 n.Uy Ktriutig. Tlio noxt inoiitltly otthmotit in OuuwiU is IU1 for tlio 4th of JituiMry ami lliu nuxt ftrt tnlitly sottloiiiont in Itaihsiiv 8ttoks, I'tininu lloinU, Ac, bogius uu )KViiilior .1 uiid uiul on UoiuinUr 'JH.

Ihti foll.iwing nro tlio 4 M0p.ui. pricuH in Cotuiirls, Iiuhuu mid Colonial Kuiuls, in tlio loading iiLjliah ItulhvUd uiid oroigu Stocks, uiid III tucli othor socuritu us uro sulijtc to frixjuont tluctuutiuiis In the market for Knulixii (Iovkknmkvt nkcriutik Consols opened at for muueyr and fur tba account, nud closed a the ssme iiuotatious. Now Three per tut uud Keducod are baiter at IlilNtiUN lUlLWAV blOCKJS, Kaatein lk ugal fell 1 to 12a JIritisii Uailwaym. A rise of 1 in lUsUTn (A) to 11! '4 r.i. A fall of in North listertrto HSt 141) each in Metropolitan Llisirict to 51, and North liritish to HH Hi and ouch in ab oouUu to 121, Kastcrn to Wjl Iiundud, Chatham, and Dover lOrdi nary) to 'Jli dit (Foi.r aiid liait per Cent.

Preference) to 81J and to Ho 117. UMiEDSrATia, FoitEuuv, sn Colonial Hailwats (4 15 p.m. price). A riad of 1 each in trio fSeven ir Out. our.

rtiblo to 4 1, and ditto (Sex en Cent. 2d Mortgage) to 4i til and in ditto (Ordinary) 'Ji A fall of in Atlantic and Great tern Old Slortgage) to loj 11J. (3 p.m. Official Prices.) A lite of 1 each in Taamanian Main Line to 07 C'J, ana Uopiapo to 7 1 75 Jin (Jrand Trunk (Peqietual Debentures) to "1) 80 i in San Paulo (Seven per Cent. to '2JSW and i ur Mexican to lj lj.

A fall of 2J in Cairo and Vincennca to 28 32 2 in Missouri, Kansas, and Texas ta 60 52 1 in Great Western of Canada (Five Urr Cent. Debentures) to 84 SO and each in Central ruguay of Montevideo, to 15 16, and Philadelphia and Uea (General Mortgage, ex all) to 5.Si 5'Ji. FoKKIO.V 1UILWAV OBLIGATIONS. Paris, Lyons, and Mediierranean (Fusion Ancienne) improved to 13 13J. TELtOlUI llS Wes.ern and llrazihan (Six per Cent.

A Debentures) roi 1 to 'J5 j7, and ditto (B ditto) 1 to 90 03 but Submarine fell 1 to 23U 235. Fokkiok Government SECURrriES. A rise of in French Rentes (Tliree wr Cent.) to 72i 73 1 each In ditto (Five per 107 1074, Fernvian (1870) to 12J .12, nutsiaxnl8t 2) to 77i77i, United Btates iFunded) to JUOj Hhi, and ditto (irour and a llall per Cent.) to llHj 104; and ji each in ditto (1S87) to 105jl Ifdj, and Italian to 72j 73. A fall of in Egyptian (Unined) to 31, olj) in ditto (Preference) to 52j 52j i each in Hungarian (Six per Cent. 1873) to 04 Wj, and ditto (1874) to 8'Jj: and each in ilussian (1873 to 781 Turkih (l.eneral Debt) to U1 9J, ditto (180)) to 'Ji and ditto (1873) to 8J Taris Bourse, To day's 3 12 p.m.

price are compared with those at 3 17 p.m yesterday Kentes, Three per Cent, for money, 73L 30c a ri.e of 30c. ditto, for tbe' account, 73f. 45c a rise cf 40c; ditto, five per for money, 107f. 77c a rise of 2c. ditto, for the account, lU7f.

b5c a fall of 2c. Italian Five per 73f. 35c. a fall of 15c. Lombards, 105f.

Austrian Railways, WCf. 25c a fsll.of It. 2oc. Sues Canal. 7i6l.

25c a tall of Of. 25c; Ottoman Bank, 3Gof. a faJl of 2f. 50c; Turkish Fire per Mi. 50c a fall of 30c.

Austrian Gold, at. Viic a fall of 12Ac. Spanish Three per Cent L'tf. 12ic a rise of 6Jc Egyptian (Preference, Five per 2o7f. 50c a fall of bt.

ditto (Unified, Six per Cent. 15'X 37c a fall of 4f. 38c 1 be following are other changes recorded in the Uthciar Lost up to p.m. In Baniu, Bank of British Columbia rose i to 21, ditto (New) to dis and Bank of Houmania i to 04 5J but imperial ottoman I ell i to 0 ais. In MINES, an advance of i each in Frontino and Bolivia, uold to 'J ana Kio Tinto 1 Mortgage nonatj 10 A decline of 2J in Wheal Baasett to li) 15 1 in Capo eacn in each in Copper to 32 34 in Russia Copper to 1 14 each East Caradon to 4 1, and Hags tan to 1 IJ and i Don Pedro to and New Quebrada to 2i 2J.

As rezarJs InsCEa.nce CoilfA MEs' HUAKEd, Ocean Ma rine improved to 3 31 and Thames and Mersey Marine i to bi In GajS, Continental Union rose to 20 21, while London fell 3 to 185,190. Among Wat EH WORKS, West Middlesex Shares art) 1 better at ISO UU In Docks. Millwall isl hicber at 94 90, In Miscellaneous, an advance of 1 in Anglo Argentine Tramways to 4 41 and i in National Mortgage and Agency of New Zealand to par i prem. A decline of 3 in North British Auitralaaian to 42 47; 2 ia Crystal Palace (A) to 63 73 1 each in tbbw Vale Steel and Iron td 23 21 and Tharsis Sulphur and Copper to 20 21 1 la Foster, Porter, and Co. to 10J 111 each in London Financial to lj, and Provincial Tramways to 9.

9j; and in awson and wo. to 4 dis. Stocks and Shares marked thus () bare' paid no dividend for tno lust two hall years una upwaras. BH1TUII VlINUv DlvUrnaa do, 1 UMick rnots. busumm Oona.

JanAolr i 1 psr Cnk IHW Vt X.C la. lor so Jan. 4 S6Sr ApUOckS 3 Cent lUduowl JunlLIKU Xxebtr. UUa. 100, Mann Jons Uareb, i i 4J.lp.

la. pm. INDIAN GOVERNMENT SLCURlTLEi Jaa. S. Jlr.S India Btoek.

ft n. ft. 13 102 UlUC ELLAMtOUH. ApU.Oel.1 Bank of En. btook.

P.O. Us I baif rr. S4 to 2SJ JscLApr, XlsUvpoUUn board uai.LKt. dc worts, i'n Pr (al Edemabl on tb tb oi October. IM.

units! prtvlouaty nur enaa ia tat open Bursas, OQLOiTIAX, OOVKRNMKNT tTEOUBITIES. Autbor'd Itsu. o'Clock friott, Buauatt dose. jtl.MT.COO Osntds, H7Ma 102 tolOt Uov.U4S.Opt ofOoT, ApLS.Oct.1 s.d. 101U in in hv, 4 uratnL lal It) ISaOOO KsttUWperwi Ith rftf Powfr rnXLOO) OusLS TFturlai il.

LS CUt. 6tWlt8l ..104 ii hi hi GrihltlK firVi 'ltfi, Tin set rnttt; SB AHebllit, Iks, yarni I) T'nbUs Worll fllL Bratlllsn, IBSS, Srrtiiii 9: iM.) 87liSprttnt. ii li II v)4 Mis, tt etnt tsH iiueoos Af rr tsis, la i fust lotftltii ittk it. ill txr I 1. ivj." r4 asvaj vs viavaat aw, a cs wwu a ktfitlsn, UnlBwl Debt Herip tlU Uov.

tea Hit MM 8 V4 HunstritiL lt71TreaBperetni ii L.i,.d. U7li I ixr cent. tl.lliun lkl 1 Imr n.nL feruTlao, UTi, 4. pt rortuiuet. issjwt, i pw etni.

Jtusstan, inj 4 p. to, bcrosiis. lot 111, Sbcf ctuL Jjo. UlKJVii ercsnL fin iiUa. laftfraii 2 Dttctnt 1.

1 3 mm "HRilTft'I i Ar.tuUu ilaiii UJliata ins. i. 4.tJKRIlA I'fclllrt HfttRi if hrhMiktM.W UlMtthUlrttl; iBSl; 6. Tb ilal btrteli Btw runit I per 3)U It tt ii i BI it li tt tt teatil9U9. ii IU a ittued st lBSVit tfescbi Urn filnek Block llhHIWiKV BlUliM ahli nf4Uii till liaUtSfi I oUloet filet BttilneM doat.

I IM fiiitEUrn.Url.i ,41 Brest Sortbem. At 111 1W ureal ntmiu, Ilr.lln.r. BSU 68U sasbb, V.Ywt; Itrb, 4 a. Oottl tttic LilO Bteet Stoci MWIf.tluO IJlll WftWHi PWfl if) Mi iM HH loa tLnan a Uotti Bb Btoek 1'JU Blfct led tssisru. UrtH.

lll mHWffitf JBUwl! i.iP ifcttUHl lliH i4l4 hHIt IM dlqllf ki lH It i.NH tiHHI l.rl ii WH tmn I. ttouib l.aik. ltrff tM II 41 A fSHiitei bl tUthJrhtl bull! pef ttnt. rtf kbbliU Itllh kfKaHi soil has been pM to H. (61 lletrritd rtrtltton dltl Und uotll I per ttol.

bs ba Wli fturrrto. Paid. Btoek Block Btoc Btock 100 Btoek 100 Stock 100 bn. raid. Block 100 Stock 100 Stock 100 Stock 100 Sleek 100 BtOC B.

ittllaajs. I Cluck Prleat. alcdouian. 4 i. loi told Ureal fcastcru.

p.e. 10lVi 102 Ua. 11 1167. reJem Ipereetit 119 121 Lou 1 llrisbton, 4., erewit. 4 1 London and fortb 10S in Hstrn.4irccnL 106K 10TU Midland.

4 par 105H 1H tuttntst don 102H 10H, 1UM 1K fBKfKKKNCK 81UKKS AND 8 iuuwtr, o'Clock Prices. toll) Nou UoaL i'er. Irt. Ill U. UonsulU, Out, pr eml, 121X l2tt Loudon, A s.

Con. nalftt .,124 120 otth UrilUb (Jon, 4 p.a, No. 1 400 Mortb Xasttrn, Wsst Uartkpool ..101 101 Uutlnatt doia, 124H 1 ..102 wrru niriossM Stotk 100 sk 100 Stock 100 Stock 100 costivouit oil tas raonts or back straaATi lasa, I dri. Vurtbsru. 4V4 bl lrptttal lrf.

..110 tolll Orvat Wssiwu. Uon. Irf. pr enk ..111 122 Laud, J.1H 111 ua, p. otav, isw iui Loud, Cbaibaia, Aa ..110 I HK.fKHK.VHH rtlilOK AND HIIAKM ((Juuttltyxll.

pakL Ilallvsri u'Cloak I'rioss. Iluliis done. I4IH, BMJM. trrjil .,134 lia 125 Uul i iwrwnt, lUVi Wl.lio.. 4 p.

am. 'rp, Ur UJ V. lk, IW.lIll 21, UnJ a 20U 23 lT p.C., If ft, Willi 8 UK. Stuck Htoik 16 ir Block luu too 111 All too Btonk I luo All ki tn.Ji Au 1UJ in l'i pm. Nurlli lirliub, 1 II.

H.I IM 102 194 ..1934 4 vp. U7Sloa 102 lolij N.irln lWutcrii. cinto ora.l 12 1U, Ul IlV.o.l .1 tm runt far th. IST7 IM t'sliur of full ibtl.tan l. In .11 ItAtf.v.

nnt tn uuu uu. ui uia lruuu VI .11 utll frar. Hbrs. I'sl I. 100 All Block 100 130 100 Stock 100 etuck 1W stock 100 130 All 100 All 100 All 100 All Stock 100 Block 100 U0 All IIHITIHJI 1 IW.SE.

HIUNM. rtallatya 3 o'Clock I'rlcos, Dotlatudoo. Atlantla tht p.c. (a) 104 toll ..136 HomUr, Cent. 5 1W tiulTsloa Ukslluron, a 83 91 Kaiteru IWutst.1 ip e.

123 IJl 134 t.t Indian. 5 p. 133 la ..131 Od. tninl ol Cansita. Um oliJUl dtuck 9 9 7 i muiiji.

inors. U.U. .1 chart 6 103 102 1st fret Htock 61 62 Do il Pf. Buck 17St 17i Crt.ttt'MUl Catuula, lu.Htk. 84 ES Ouio A ltobilkun4iL, fua.5p.e.

1U Bciixle, Puojsub, and Dln, 5 p.c. 116 118 TauDUn Via. Llo XJm. g.S et. 67 C9 U) Leased to Grand Trunk of Canada, 101'; 6i; 84 Vs 117 117 67 Bbra.

Paid. Block 130 AnrlAu erlcnQ.) 23 Al. IMrect Unluyl btatea Cabl ILt. 1977 (U'ref. Glob Tela.

A Trust 10 All W.lndtePanama(L TELEGRAPHS. OompanlM. 3 o'clock Prices. Boslncsi dona, All All All r.i,. H7W 91,4 2Vr 7s 11 11H S7s 13's 2s, 3 ..13 Bhr.

10 S3 All FOREIGN. Rsllwaja 3 o'Clock Frlcca. Buslnes doa. Ail Buenos Arret Great oouintrn un. ulsu4 20 23 19 All All Central Ururuaj of Montevldeo.7p.c.E.p.

15 16 Mexican uiraliedi Ban Paulo (Br rllitn) uu. guar. per wot. Vest rlandxrs. o.

Praterene 5Vi IS IK 29U 29 910 19 ti OBUUATIJ.V8. B'TOds. RaDvars. 3 o'Clock Prion. Basins doo.

133 C. Bep. 1884. Moscow Kounk, 6 p. 8597 100 100 103 20 12 Ottoman aiuyroa to Ablln) J7 41 Provin.

Orel Vttepsk, SUa.bjRussU 7S 78 South Austrian, 3 per 9 2 2h 371, 1 A Msy. 11877, coup. 77 2 20 10 63 20 S3 60 13 26 10 100 13 100 60 20 13 8 4 15 10 20 15 5 13 All 20 All 20 30 All BANKS. Shn. PaU.

Banks. 3 oUlnek Prises. AUiaoo (limited) Bsnk of Consolidate! Iioierlsl (11m.) Mmpertal Ottomaa London and County. London Joint Stock Loudon AProv. (Um.) Loa A K.

Plate, New London A H. xxioaon a westmin. Business dam. Win 13 3'4 3v, Dm 17 18'4 rn; 8 4Ti. 43 par VA lf'4 12 1J94 62H SVt 9 9 IMS 13 18 6Hp 73 75 74W 60 62 (a) ncalve nodlvidtnd until 13 per out.

bat been paid to A. Metropolitan, A Mkinuid (Uadtedi Natloaal Nsw.South Walts AMERICAN. OUaAKVOT BOHDS AKD 8H XXV Rail wsj s. 3 o'clock Prteea, Atianue ana ureal wtrn 1st Wort. $LO00 24 Ditn 2U Mort.

Tnutw Cert. 11 Ditto 3d do 5 Central of Nw Jtrter, Ooo. Uort, 8 Cvotral Padno of Calltonila, 1st MorKata 104 Erl JIOOBhare 9 'Do, Preference Share, 7p.e.... 23 LehlthVsUev Consolidated ori. 93 Missouri, Kan.

and ilort. rua (d. boods Eucllsb 60 S.w York Caotral A Hudson Rivw Uort(a Bonds, 7 p.e. 117 Oreoo and California, rrancfort zeoup 28 Hrzauao Bovn. 3Crlt with Reoons.

Ovrta. of 8 7 per 87 to 89 Do Raconstructloa Trustees 7 per cent 43 60 Panama 0n. Mortraf. p.e, 108 108 Pennarlrsnia, Con. Pund MoHL.

l905.8pere.nt, ..95 96 rnuaoMpua ana UtAlnf Usn. Con, Spa. 110 improvrment Morv, p. a. to 26 12 6 63 105 95 62 U8 30 ..25 ..11 x.d.

iSK ..62 60 117 x.L IS II Bcnp, tor the 6 airrd hu tor 1 Coupons 99 101 37 89 6SH 79 81 fib Bbra, uo 10 1 Bbr. 60 25 20 20 Ban. 20 Stock COLONIAL AND lOUElON MINKS. Paid. Mlaaa.

3 o'Clock Prlcaa Buslnsss doss. 7 All AU All All Cap Copper (L) riafsiaa 22 to 34 ii Ulm.1 1 IU LuevA CaUloroU It) J4 '1 Jllcbmona Con.SLIL) IW 9 Rio Tloto, pc ML IXb. ..6264 Russia Copper tt 1 IJi Jiraiunu.) ik l'm ..15 18U 't 13 18 IMBURANCB. Paid. OocnpenU.

3 o'clock Priaea. Rutin dona. uoonwreiai lto 14U Hv, 6 Oosao Marine 3 3 8U 2 Tnsmrt A Mars. Mar. 8 6 81 11 i Universal Marin (L) 4 2 16K Paid, Al 130 Con ipanlts.

All Coo IL rjnlon 0.1 as Usbt ana Uok. DAB. I Clock Prlcta, 29 to 21 Buslnsss dose. i2H I 0 iVaVSUtM tt A J4 1W 4H laparial CcaUntaUl 93 98 ..94 Paid. Block 00 Btoek 00 Bbck 00 Block 00 Stock 00 Bluck 30 Block Btoci ii i Gomnsnlaa Essl and India 121 UOCK8.

I o'clock tot28 103 HuU' 04 106 4 p.s.i:tu. Btk. 100 102 po 103 104 frlMt, Buslnsss dost. Do, psb.btk.,4.P t. b.8tk.4D.a.

101 10; ii ill All All All A All Bo UH4 4 KWiiiilfl mm Hi? in too 2,000 11 10 to to Ktu. uen. 1 run lWiB4l ieits 11 1951 il BL 11011 Ultfl I C4 rea. iBiu vaii Beanlih 8 b. Lsnd Mort ceru.

I7t ,.14 iH "losH to All Btoek 100 ti AH AW ,1 11 I All if All Ins Imr wL ftl. 68 69 i.68 hntlytkrtil. CtwiaMli. iwn tttifrrtlll. 14 Port street Ware bouse Unnltcdl 19 toll I4'A I TU n.n.raj C'radlt and tut.

lumiitai st 'London Plnanclal Ai vMatt Boii: ln Stock UVi llH laso. Worth Brltisb.Aur Uslaslan lUut 42 ia (I BcottUh Aaslrsltu 'TniSiMoiBt (l) V. IM 'Sfl It Si TSIMWITS tt mrl1o. RMItl KtM HtMU tt ..6 HI 4T I ill tiilfiHMl 1: 1: 11 liHll II 9 ili ii tUS CfJiixV tiUDMt C0R(BXCllANHr5. MAllRLASE, PstDlt, bet.

H. Tb4 eathtr bt beeonii lllibtly eoLitr. tb luptillrt of homs irotn irsln ccbsisi still prlncipsllf cf btrlry, while frura tbroa.1 the) snltsliof whett slid call ouutinu liberal, good of tsrlrj, id1 la mer minis ai uu u.r hi in uemtuu wst 1 uukt trad lot all sillsics st Mondsr't i tlct. Lin. was itiactita ft.tese4 qulat tbeisaai no alterltluu in tb Ual (ox s.itUos carsues 01 fMt, wbium rrifM or on puiifs, fiif BSHHI f4! Iw CM' HHt IHS; bm ii tt ASSITttS En.

A BMtcb. Iffsb, fofa Eos, mi 1Mf1 6 sk.t fc ivh RAILWAY AND OTHER COMPANIES. TUAFFIO HIXJEIITB. Tbetrafflo recelpu on the railwai ct the United Join for the weak end! December 'J mo an ted, tin mile, to and for the ccrrerpondins week in WG, nn mile, to 1,014.415. sbowiot? an increase of 111 mile and an increa of The grot receipts on 17 of the prtarir raiiwajs in tbe United Kingdom amounted for tbe miles, to jCQlti, and for the lorresponiliwr week In 1076.

on 12,047. miles, to sVjwiug an tncreaae of 70 i miles and an in crease of 211 Ther. an increase of IX ,021 Lancashire and Yorkshire, Lkstern, i 1,113 London and Ohatbam and Western. bTC MetrtmoliUn Iitrict. 1310 London aud liill (iUtow and South Western: uaiedomau, LlUi IRELAND.

Our Dublin Correspondent writos An influential deputation waited upon Sir it. lliekt lieach at Dollln Castle, on afternoon, to present memarul signed by twt Arthbisbv). snd l'J lli slop of the ltoraan Catholid Ckarch, two Ardibishopa and eight Iibhop of tht) 'Church of Ireland, the Moderator of the General Assembly, tbe delegate of tbe Weslejin Conference, 1,434 magistrate. 3 JLVrj clergTmen of all Uenominstions, lA'JQ doctors, SCO Town Councillors, and elect! Poor Law Guardians. 'J4, Mi JUnd prtyin, tbe t.o,;erninent to pass a HOI nt Session closeT in Ireland on Sondsyi.

Mr. Nicholls, one of boa. secretaries of the Sunday Clcsing Association, stated that numerous ss tbe signatures were, tber did not retre and South Eajtern. a total sent ail who were in favour of the movement. Mibt who of Against this, however, there a decrease of I were warm supporters of it did not wish to attach their 11)1 on tbe MetroMtitan Manchester and hefidd, S51 I names test they should embarrass the Government, and Great Wtwtera, 58 Great Northern, Ixndon I other persorJi were unwilling to sale snythinj At tha hands and South Western, North tritith.

i4W and of Jbe Ministry. He gave a bi of tbe movement, sad North KasUrn, 4,577 making together which, of many demonstrations of public opinion in its faro aria compared with the tncreaae, leaves an increase of 233 as 1 various part of the country, and expressed the of above. Excluding the Glasgow and South Wetcrn and the comraitUt; that the time had cotue when Her Msjes'y's North liritish, the passenger and parceU receipt on the I Government might intervene and satisfactorily srttl the above principal linet wer 323,834, against a de question. If the voice of Ireland, as exprtstcd by iU crease of The receipts for the mineral and roods i representative, was to count for nothing; ia the Imperial traffic on the Great Northern lines amounted to 35 100 Midland, 85,093 North EA tern, London and North Western, 110,673 and Great Western, 73,037 a total of or an increase of 1,157 on the' corresponding' week. The receipts derivabla from the same source oa eight other principal lines were against aa increase of Subjoined are the railway traffic receipts for the week ended December 9 aaiLwaTS, Athenry and Ennl Beilut mal iVortbeni Ooun et belt st and County Down Brecon and Merthyr Caledoniaa tobrtao Cockerraouth Cork and liandon Dublin and Mtb Dublin and WkkJow Fun let Oi tof and South Western Gr stern Ureal Nortnern Urel Northen lot Urrat X.

oX UoolUnU A DeMid Ureal A. nd West, (Ir tandJ Ureat Western Uigbland V. Lileol wight Da, Newport JtUKt on KUkenny Juuctioa Lancaauirs and Yorkshira London and Vttni Londoa and stoutb Western London and Brighton LiHidon and Cnatbam Loudon. Tilbury, and Southend. Manchester, Ofcctneld, A narjpon and usrinu fctetrupulitaa HetropoUtan St.

John's Wood Midland Midland Ureat Western of Ireland Mfci Wales North Urltlsht ortn Kast rn North London North SUffordshlre Do Canal Pcmbrok and 8outh strn Tatl Vala Do Fenarth Waterford and Central Ireland and Limerick West Cork and Ilea VUy Miles Open. 1S7S, U77. 34 13tH 1 in lii 1U6 infl 12 L643 t46Vi 39 3si LM2 12 191 118 27 miVM an 61 9 31 3S Hi 2U 13S 106 33 27 466 12 379J 23 344 900, Hi. it 191 113 27 36 3Sa 67 9 31 4 1 RecefpU. isn.

233 221 1.13 S2.4S4 3,115 727 433 8.715 1S.357 53,741 11.503 5.04a nty. 122.557 333 Ul 237 7L842 1S5.941 31.S11 33.133 18.552 U37 34.421 2.673 1C.15S S.7t7 4U U4.3J3 9,534 727 4ai55 IU213 7.464 10,131 1,445 363 2.346 29.705 7.28J MS 700 3.449 AO HMh si ttsftt lit HSMH rslti" )HH, kM: 'VSfiJl i ma. per nr. xnnn Brstrii tipns vt trt a Hlhrt Mll Sitllttt ll mXS IH III bldi tH. l)BTle4 llt(j: tthMt MpUl Mrbllfi Sbd.rHeM tilth IH ti warn lenneBrn iri inw wi u' munni nmnti rnwn talbHif lift week I iH tk bit) thletlnf Mtl st drwelni rrice.

rtetlini ttntti ItttlJoiff; Wbrsk, SO, tti Ms. barleyi 18. ta IH. eat. lis ta res.

LlHOULJL 14lk Fslf tbow bt wheat, aa.l Bet, lataHe leallred an adtaiiee ol ltu while othr sort! wer hef lertd. Mitoerst show b( batlefi trtdt btlus slow, with nu ensni in rates. Oats scan and dear. LIVERPOOL, iiik Ther was trait a imsll atteadabet cf buyer, and Hie demand tor wheat was whl! trice were the ssaut st on Tuesdsj lor all kbius ists Atnrrican, blch was l.L per cental Inwrr lor both led and whit: lu flour ber was a slow sale, without tnittri chsni ia rste. Amerloau lulled eoru met with a fair coct .111 niii ul.

al sttadr tirlce (ur old. whll bw was Id. tier or. ebeatwr, and Ualata si fully as dr. uais war neclected.

Iieaut met witn a Slow sal, anu tu ana otriej wrr unauiifmi. awn Htarr and C'ov's San k'rsodsoo telcfram ol to state, that wheat was Si too. nr oeiitaL and Iron shies jsa. o.uat to Silt. tL lr ar.

e.Lf. cost to shippers of iron csrgoet to tb United Kluidom. telegram tdds thluk wheat Is too much affected by tb continued absenc of rain, and must read befnr lout Cargo buyer, on this sld will not adTne priea or 53a for tby anttcip.U lower flurst at peace approacha, and a bcu rsiu laUs tn California. WAKKriELD, Hlh. KMiori hold wbsat for th full price of last Mk.

aud a modtrat tuusuuiptit deuiaad la uprrtoeed this uiarln al UU ralwa. HarUr uimis a slow Mia and trice mutt noted la per jr, uwr for aajthlus nut tary una. Cats fully a dr COURSE OF EXCHANGE, Dtc. 14. AMstardsm sad tUttardam, 12 2Vi Osno.

thrte months, tt I7H to 10 )tl i lv.thrM moethaU 4 to 11 1 Letboru. 27 Antwsrp sm isresawa, a aa to atiec sa. IS to ftaorui, it timer. 23 14 to 14 rVl, short, tt li otS 20 Do 2 mouths. 11 ke 25 JTH laarsAllta, 25 22W tt tt 17 Aiuina.

12 20 to ll 25 rri7i to27UV4 .1. 1 llarotlona, da, 7 lo UadU, do, 47. to Wt ferUla, do lo 47 1J 18 Valmwta, do 47 9 18 to 47 11 18 Ualasa, dau 477k to 47M Oporto a. to lAft 1SS. 2Si 2,172 132 1.J2S S2.313 3.0 3 642 733 423 3.512 7.S93 18.212 47.708 1L374 4,523 13.254 123.S5S 5.117 273 79 772 70.351 165.073 32.913 29.33 15.372 1.319 35.272 2.465 13,377 5,457 472 1C3.K 9 441 44M7 U6.78T 7.343 9.943 1,433 329 1.805 29.660 7.825 L587 669 3.330 ISO Th receipt hi the eoriesDondlzK ncHvt in.Lii actual flcurax Keoapu for Edinburgh, Loanhaad.

and Roslln. St. Andrrw'L and Le'eo and East of til Railways Included In both yean. ica mme receipts ureat ceotral of Btlgium RaOwaT for October were i7.9S5. asalnst XSS.61L b.

tt7 tvvvwt, a wa During tn week ended Bptmber. tba receipt of tb South Indian Ka.lwar. with 601 mile, ana el in IjlT.v 47 mil. showUu an Wnsw of i234 and llfmlUa. On tbe 13th Inst, tha earnings of th Anglo American TaUmnh timpanrwertlmtedatXl.76a israpa Memoranda relating to traffic receipts of railway, telegraph, tramway, sod other companies should be addressed City Office." Tha half yearlr resersj meetini of th Rnvsir Baeoda, and Czntkal Insu ILulwat Company was held yesterday st the offices, FiMbuTy clrcus Lleutenant Colonel P.

T. French, the chairman, presided, and in moving the adoption of the report, an abstract of which appeared In Tht congratulated tbe proprietors on the ery greatly improved prospect of their undertaking. The past buU year was the bet they had ever had, bat this was of less momsnt as compared with their future dfo. pects, through tbt development of trade and other circurfl. stances, lie said there wss a net available surplus on the half year working of 712,000 rupees.

In ordinary circumstances, half of this amount would hart gone to tbe Government and tbe other half to tha com pany but. according to arrangement, all surplus profits, both for tha Government and tho company, would go towards the traction of tbe new Nerbudda brldee. which would be fett long. Their incrvased Income had been tamed with diminished expenditure. uau ixoa ma eziraorumiry charge tor tbe re construction oi tjrtdjrrs amounting to 17,003, and, deducting this, the ordinary working expenses had bocn or 347 per cent, of the receipts.

As to tlw Kat tiawar extension and JJakor branch lines, feeders," one taU 8 per cnt. ou the csj.iul outlay, apart from the contribution it gave to the main line, and the other yielded 7i percent. In their case it certainly could not be said that rT. .11 I vsi uu new una was unadr feeders were taken before lately received It was thoroughly gone into. They had a telegram from their asvnt am! ehif Mai den engineer in liombay, statlnj that the Govtrnment Wished a survey mads ffem Ilrosch to pejjbafrs, some 'li mile, throuah avtrv rich conntrw.

tanetioned jttbeipg m4t, It WM proposed to mtka a branch rom BfiownuKH tfl FKHitwar. If WM lint pi the llhownugguf bu had il thm invem men tt L'Atuh sk'ttb i a. a nnrMii tn ltri vnrm rr trrt rn tt 4.. uef tm ynsfHBi K4 rtMHmsHilcu it usjea ij Imt mmt UePFHfflCfit: The hkI tuma cf lfe W.1 luftidr lltrif iifULlfarf Tjlif WHjsJ Mt fW'WtljF lUled, Ih tad syibuflieu lit tub'ifilelietii ki i gisltf JlhK, ul tu nest hs pabA iuir, ffat AhHUfdabad 4i AU faW i tad Ufagln bf Mi(i fim AllhlhlioiA ii I'shlscpiif, ih ihiuiedlSlii cobaetio with the coin" ban) 'i sJtitJa had hetlt betuh bjr thf (internment, lie belief ed the Itanch fine from l'alrl La Pui.h wuuld how stand orer. The Ouikwsf had sanctioned a small extension of 33 miles, which would benefit tht aumpanr and dersloi thl eountrr and thee would mska and work tht line, tht Uuikwsr psylbg for It.

Mr. W. liartiidg. tht dtputy ehsirman, harinc seconded tht mo tion, tha. chairman, ia reply lo question, said tha total aprottmat cost or the bridge, so far as tbey could tee, would All surplus profits durinu (ts construction about three jtars would fu towards tht Tim riixirt was aud a diiiJenl of 'i.

i. i. i i. nT vr 7 w.w jn ifia uafauito, uTona, wss uscisrea. stkJVGIUS fASSAA SSf AAiAaJtflrClA, SfHII uiractur.

1'arliainent. the Bill ahoald be forthwith taken np and carried bv Uer Majesty' Ministers. The Kev. J. l'Xulfy, on behalf of tbe members of the General Assembly Mr.

Henry Hi hardson, for the Mayor of Cork Alderman M'CreaJy, ex Mayor of Limerick, and Mr. Baxter; of Derry, spoke in support of the memori The Chief bevretary in reply, said be understood that the deputation attended not to impress upon him every argument in favour of the total ting of pablichouges on Sundays in Ireland, but rs ther to call his attention to the evidence which memorial Supplied of the views Uten on the subject by a many as persons of grvat iniiurnce and position in the country. Such memorial was tntilled tw very great attention and respect, lie was not authorized to, and he supposed they scarcely expected that hi Should, express any drci.icn to which the Uovemment might have arnved upon the subject but if he uniiersUHL2heir report ruhtly, it wsa this, that the Government should take ap the question which had hitherto, been in the hands of Profrsaor Smjth, and although ha had not been able to agree with Pruftstor Smyth's views, en many oceasions with rvgard to it, he was bound to pay a tribute to the ability with which he had conducted it up to this time They demanded, in the second place, that the Government should themselves propose a Bill for the total desins; of pu oh chooses on Sunday throughout Ireland. Although he was anxious that the question should be tatisfac.orily settled, tbe difficulties which attended a private nvmbvr in attempting legislation were by no means unknown to the Government. Of course the Government had at its disposal far more of the time Of the House oi Communa than any private member but it had alio a greater variety of subjects with which to occupy the attention of the Bouse.

The Government had to remember that there were many other Bill of great importance which the House of Commons bad. no: been able to find time to pass. The Government had to consider whether this was one of the most pressing questions upon which legislation was required. He did not express his own opinion but he did not think that even those who had signed the memorial woulo say that this was the first subject, on which legislation was necessary. With retard to Ireland, they would admit that they were asking the Government to go further than they had hitherto done.

He put thos points, because he should be sorry if the deputation carried away any unfair impression of that meeting which ho was very glad to have had. While feeling most fully tha difficulty of this question, and while desirous to arrive at a fair settlement of it, he did not think that some of the re marks which had been made were entirely fair ss to the way in which tha Bill was dealt with in the House of Commons. The House undoubtedly showed themselves anxious to meet tht views of Ireland on this question. If the Bill met with the fate which they all deplored, that fate was due, not to the action of the English or Scotch members, but the conduct of 14 or 15 reprtsentatives of liiih con titueneies. He would carefully consider the arguments which had been nut forward by those who addressed him, aud put their argument and the memorial before his colleagues.

Whether they might be able to deal with tho question in the sense) which the deputation desired was a matter on whiah ho could not then express any opinion. Lord Meath thanksd the Chief Secretary, and the deputation then withdrew. At the last ait ting of the Court of OisxxryppwaJ.tha Lord Justice, in giving judgment in a ease ol MsnnseU v. made a long and remarkable statement. Having' observed that the Lord Chancellor had embodied tha sub stance of his Judgment in tht case, and that even if he ware relieved from tht intended Interdict uadif which it was tht pleasure of the Council of Law Ke porting to place him ho should not think it necessary to otTtr on single ..1 jji.i.

vi. could not bt a letter opportunity for drawing attention ta the history ot the Con rt in connexion with the Court of Final Appeal in This Court, along with tht ilxchsqusr Chamber, will cease to exist on tht last day of this month, and their functions will bt veiled in a new tribunal, wnicn will differ organically from eaeh. Tht time seemed opportune to prsstnt a few statistics with a view of clearing, if ho could, what would bt soon the memory of tht moribund tribunals, or that with which he was persoaally idtntinad. from an aspersion cast upon then from an unexpettttl Sisrter. within a few days of the close of the last See on of Parliament, when the Houst of Commons waa ia committee, an Irish member moved tba rejection of tht clause in reference to the appointment of a second Judge of Appeal.

This amendment the Attornty Otneral for Irs land Instantly aruL mot properly opposed, but ha did so in prtgnsnt anoT rtmarkablt language, which tht Lord Justice would refer to from Tas Tvi of Jane 27 a paper whose reports, both i'arllaminutry and tefal. were always trustworthy, alert were the; words 1 Aha Attorney General pointed out the neceisity for having a strong Court of Appeal, one which would command thton fidenct of tht country end prevent tht necessity of eonstaat and eoftly tpntals to (ha fjorua of Lords by diwatisned 4id not ow what prsclse masaiag tha Ifns4 ipesker hmss)f attached to 1 best words or whsths thaw rtpretsawq soy Wtaa nw nunq peyon4 iwyWW tfM lists amid IA 4W, lrf4 II jrA faotjd J4irdJtasT rllffls tm i fi4 wbr mam 9mmi Maw Qmm wdl IF WR I IU 4 6BM snd ba bu sj (4 1 ftf that tb apiwalt ifnm Ihsm is IM House fU pofiitSBfi Ifiij Irtll IM r4 tbll eefilltflfflftHfsIV teat an fnHtaasd ifta tea a. rlSHrU bf Ifen ecHirilfy, llitr Ifl Bel lli Weft Until Tbtl U.U rliBff4J8ef MMbded Ifito III full fhSatilfirii la the bf CsriM bf tnaht UHh Trif Wftsrly misting oflha Pops nd Bo f'i'" rtftjf Ire Jnf 4ulilfrri HI Mlfft, WHIrH tfi'MfM I'M ii, fWl wllh lift tit Mf: Dial, whe ms lttit Ul WUIUl 111 Ileal flFtlfpfrFtll8Mrlfli IH 13 Mil ia ULalfDiifl 1 MMll JSHM tbSfrRyffi Its tll ilt Uul UhltftftJlH. isUiutibF turn bj hkituFiifi fwi ibTi: czirnsisn ei ine line irt'W I'i rrMefct iffraliiHI llfiifM it, tfa UsBgi bf thteu inlleii Was hoi bt omiooktsfi the eileiitlbtl hid btiii, itnetMmi bj Hit Uoflfbtnefali and wal like! IB bi iislUhle hi ifsffie beil Aj HL lher wF bduild biidef llielf rubtraet with (IdteHibierii tn enhitruel. if tfriuirtd, a line to jliittf atut luo ml lei luwer down tbt titer tlisti IJeuAh i ab.i tbete to build a bridge ibe Ulcgeii AtliehsrFi they wet hot bound to build a briJae.

but lher had offered tu do u. if fouml nmrtlcahl. at a moderate cost, on the umeri tending that tbey wen lo be teleuled rom tbt condition of eXttndlng tbt lint tu llustr. Nu reply bad tat been returued by Uo Terumeut to the couiuanr'i tiroiwtal to rail the luwef class iixiiunger fares from piu tu a pie a faithini laHhUitf and. H4Jf, Tha hia4 wrt ti conttneeij of its, tod bo fr lii it wouH in any Wl Ufcreft ba uumikf of ur inUrftfa wth U9 tWlifib' Mf IM 'IMf uo4srSrSH, SU, lp4t itil Keller III.

Kcis. Il law's! than tliu. uu all lH(f (HtiliHiiHHi Mf iiPtf Mti IfslH ftti Jf Ml efttl, Wtl tHlHed fR'fH IMWM el4, UwHti in thi fsn winti.1 il) i4 i cf kfMi mm i i m.1. A 1 IJ Ilia Witib: atlditiHttti 4iy, aud bs fiiiiisil ins liuVktuuisnt tsuuld 1 11, l'ftF Wi HSeillrH llt tlltbMlh Tlw SUMhI l.H.liS Iheif ItllnSiS wefe bbW b0il.l.l: 111 Itlditifc libMttbieli Mr WH btfUu.1 eutit Nri bf edh tetiiplated tVfiltf.ltllrlrf, Shi which Fltaiii ia br ihe, ei H'tii Akbef poil to llutii, about lOQ miles Iruoi atufadsbsil Is ltsmliuiff( tnwahli Kthee Tai, abutti 47 litUei floiU Moradal tu fofm a jauetloti With tbt Seiude, runiab, abd Delhi ltailway, at of bear Babafun tte, about 12U toilet. lTieeoni' ruction or abandonment of tbe first Work depended on the decision of the Government as to the best locality for a permanent bridge acro the Ganges whether st lluxsr or Benares the second line which, like the first, they Were under contract to construct bad been inrveteJ.

and alternative esti mates submitte to tbe Government to the third linealternative surveys of which had al.o been cotnplettti, and the survey and estimates furnished to Ooterumeot they attached great importance. With tbe closing of tbe caittUl account they were, he said, a very short distance indeed Irvi'u exceeding the 5 per cent, guarantee. Mr.ltcid lecouded tha mutiun. muI tha cLairinan. in reply to a iiueation, id if the (Jovemmect bought their railway they were to payfor it in casrMis .1 per cent, iloek payable in Knxli.h uiouev in Knirland.

Tha reixirt was adopted, a resolution was passed expressing the deep regret of toe company at the death of Mr. Dent, and the oual complimentary Tore terminated the proceedin'. s. COAL MARKET, Dtc. 14.

(Piucxa of Coals nut Tox at Closs or tui tvaiisend Utton, 18. Ilet.ou Lyvct, lot. m.j Uawlhorns. ICe. 3d.

i Lambton, 18s. Bonih llettou, 18s. Cd. Vanes. lCs.

3d. Kut Hartlepool. 18. 3d. 8outh Hartlepool, 16.

Cd. Tecs, 18. 3t. shipa a market, 36 told, 10 contracts, gas, fcc. 3 IV unsold, at iGrWftli Mil swstisiutm Hull lia(iBfli wal Madl lMbfesbM el inahf Iflth rhlfhbtM, hofal bf wielfl lli deal With II.

of, ttttsll il. ihd Itlfy EniUlh hieihbef Whs netrd It ittstltil. boturioal fsei Ihsl Id low Weft tb lw Ifltlf medlsts ippeilsle CouHl lubk In pnblld. estlmtlicfli all eonfldtnea in them had vanished, and Sppeall Wets constantly brmijht by dissppclnted lultorl But thi Houe of Commons, perhsns; did hot knew what thay knew well enough st this side thai this learned giatl. man we talkie.

of hues which he of his own Mtsosal knowledge knew no more about than any of tho young geh tismen cauaa iai Kim om Attomey ueBara ts not much in tht hsbit of being in tho Court ol Appeal. During the many yeart tbt Lord Justios had; bean sitting thart ha could not recall more than two occasions in this Court, on which tbef hsd enjoyed the adrastag.ti his presence. Hi Lordship then reviewed tha history of the Court pi Appeal in Phsncery. and showed ths in 1 years thart had beeq only appeAIt to tha Houst of Lords, whith b4 ia only one of t6 Mvt FfTlfiM iH 4filiWi fif W9 fUmi Ifcland when an s.luta WH MWk4 I HI" wm Ifiari wm eBjff ian tjt mm fHHFt fe fen HHtrsif fin 18 FsfFSIH fF llfi WlirV IRI ibujs 4HJ 8f WltBH liilbi nlifttl dlHrH (4 IB64U wis lfi FlflWhllbft feUl) elnF lBlFlbiH bf II ttF brtefi fci. If: Jtlw'H'frifst, riMHrad i8'l hi Wjet, dhl Sgotvi lHlesefrlrf; Thf laUS Ihib.

bbw btbpeBid Bief ftn th cf Jf i that IhiifebeFfefs wife1 liUesdr btil Wht Ihaild hi ittaeh IMttt! Tftfjr WrN ho roofs Id bf iittekM IhaH ab bihf gebilemeh lirepi in Isi si Iheif liualifimtiahl td be reporters aUected iba rept titioh bf the Court, and why IhouJd hi hoi attack their work If ii was dtswlng the Court Into ridicule The Lord ChanwUor laid be wss unable to attribute to tbt Attortej fJenetal 1'S wurdl the meaning which tht Lord Juities iud attaehed to them, lie thought the Attorney Uetierel was not speaking of tba Appellsu Court a that is at present, but of what would be the cast of tho future Apiate Court unless ba wss allowed tu carry out the nrojtctt auit views of the (Jov mment. There exlitedb tweeutiutmrmberitif (Let t'ouft thitl tbs A a rujmlihip nu only upon trS Hient tjia 4uchFae of great iiutfi 4utM and the on iiitfStioH bf grttt pHt Ua iuttjoBi bqt ou jntirusts pi fit's f48U. was slsti, 4f the fdl fp4i WrrirH (BI MltSf 11" Wlr s4 iiiifimiriU i'f IM JiMfd t)Mem fMowrt Mti i hw ef (bBtj sn if lrift Jiisl wiljF lfi WHfill. WH'ild Ui mmttebi I FtHW I Ml lt Uld hv h'Catl lIllfMi vtl lii titM Ji IfiWUsM Ahsl lb AllBftttr Ueiiifai. ipwlt if, Ihir fttlttfii AnlUl Uft It Vi, Im bid lilmtllf IM lnW iblotil in tbl lieuseui wiuiaons its iini eeiure ins tufber Uebefsi wst even a inembef fcf Ihsl IIeti.C Hit lluui I hit fiaaiibs for huldlEa thai eblhiorii Al tfeseni the Courts of Aftsl heard ohly spivsls fn hi ibs judge, but tu the bew Court tliejr wotlM hae to deal, bot only with a variety of rjuestioin.

fcut with tht deeiiioes Court having many Judges fouf in thl (jueen'i Beach Di islon and triree in tne tommoo i'ie ani exenequer. lie agreed with the Lord Justice in thinking that owing to the pressure of business in this one Court tbey could not anticipate tt reg ilar attendance of ththeadsof the Court, and it Would not Le satisfactory to have appeals from these Courts to an Appellate Court with only two Judges. It might be sai 1 hat numbers did not always add to right but they bad been obliged to reeonixa number in tha con itution of the present appellate tribunal of the Houst of Lords, though Lord Kldon sat alone, and sometimes brought in Lord Itedrsdalt to admiistr tht sddcIUU jurilictiou of the country. ine Loru utile said he accepted wtuingly.the exphvt nation of tbt Lord Chancellor, which bt believed to be tht a vs. untuini inas oy toe somtwnaicynicasauai enctof tbe Houso of Commons, tht worst construction woieu coma put upon tbe words was the on tbey would be mde to bvar.

and be had little doubt that the gentlemen of tht Eneliah Bar' who beard tha Attorney Central would put upon the langua tbt construction be had mentioned. 8o far front objecting to tht addition of a third Judge to the' Appellate Court, thought it indispensable. Th Lord Chancellor exsressed hU satisfaction that tho Lord Justice had so dearly expressed his opinion about a second Lord Justice of Appeal, because there was treat opposition to the tugg cstisa in Parliament en the ground sx economy..

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