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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 10

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tOB RJLTJLUr CASE. Tt r. stnr xXTXijr, oorxiumr obt or arcar acaooi. im ttuoxT sir. xxb ussor or mm Tab can aartag Um lied te nw oa to day (kink U) after the eaeppeeed petitleoa, tke Court tu tUted toenr.

fovtag from, aa early keor. Oml teteren vat erteaatly Ukta lathe eue. Ameeg ether nou pmnt wen mt Cxeter, LM4.LrttolUa. Ua Meeter a a iroi aMMi af tha Batty taciadlar. Mr.

Rkknrux, lb. Linger, tad rroInef Smith. II wat it tlau extremely difSeull mm ena far mnait eeteiDr ean.aJ te tk. tk. oScteli 1U enrrthtng that vu peatiMa to raitigBte tte te eoentl an vtlch the tmall elm ef ear Court aad the Urge and tecreaaiag number at parent be take tetenet all Vj precaedlagi of tm iertean caaaet fail ta eootttee.

The inlL reedtn ere im. fa Int tinted br Dr. I 'Bay wen. the UU thed Meeter al Rugby School, te order ta ebtala a declantioa that a reeolatiea ef the Oertrnio Bedr, dated Itet. 1STJ, naoriag Dr.

Kaymaa (raai hit eS, nad a notin Waal thmo wcire ie ulld ead lBaaeUoa ta rutraia ueCererateg Cody from dbatbeiag the pbtetir, ead ebctteg nay 'penoa to jucond. Um aa Bead Matter, end, morvenr, fron" InttituUag aay pto tIie la' eject aim from aeWUmaa. The, defchdeate Wing demurred to' the UU, tha defend. eate" demurrer uJ tha plntetlfTt motion far aa injuacbea to rattraia tha Gorcmlng Body fren di Tnlmitg htm from hb. eSu, of Head Matter af Kagby School mt nmeca togather, and aa tho" diaum.

If allowed, would pot aa eadtethetr we Udcoa oqenllyitnlntBe ufoeal al the pUiatiffa metiea, Ua demurrer vu argued frai, Aa DU7 t( oar raaiira wka Uka aa iataraat ia Um aaaa mar sat oadanUad Ua Baton af a daanrrar, it auy aaafal to. axplala taat a aaamrrar (a, tonaad ticaaai Ua 4afaa4aat tfflMrafarar wd(a farUar) taWtaatUBy aaaagaradoa tha aWaadaat Uat, adailttlar all Ua facta allarad fcr Ua US to ana. Ua plalaUff aaa aa rirht ta rraatad artU Ua aaii. Upoai Ua aaariaf af. a damBirar, Ua dafamliat 'aonaadw, far Ua parpoaa of arrmiaaat, Uai all taat alltgalU UaWUarrlroa.

aa Ula at Va aoeataatly aotaa ia wiU rafcraaea to aar atoUaaat af Ua aaaa, TU iefaaJaaU tothaUU ara, tha naranlai Ba4y BaxVy School aai Ua Sic Ua LataV BUhoaof XiaUr. aa4 tha rary loax, faaia( 81 pacaa la karth. aoaunaaaca hy tUtiaj that Dr. Haraua va ap polatadtoUaeSoa af Haad Jfaatar aa Ua 90U af Xaraav bar. 1933, ta aaaoard tha dafaadant, tha Eithaa of tutor (Uaa Dr.

Tampla, aad afterward! rafarrad to by Uat daaicaatiaal. aa ah aamttoa to tha Epateapal Baara. Tba faat al tha aaaa iailaf aa afoa daaaairar rraoar aimaary to aUta, to a aartala aztamt, tha whoia af Ut UU. hat tha laarth al tha UU randan it lapoaathlf to do aa ia axlaaaa, vhOa Ua aatara af iha aaaa aaahaa Han an arhat dlflaalt aamiaiarlaa, Tha hQl dlridad iato (oat frt, praaaatlar aaaa atora orlaaidia tfaeC Thaaa aaay ha aaHad arat, Ua toathaonlal aaaa aaaaafiy, tha haaat asaatert aaaa Mr. Baetfi eaat and tovtblf, tha aaaa to Ua diiaJml o( atrtala 'Maatara vha vara aci Ua Jsalac aaaatora.

Tha laDaaiaj a rianU of Uaaaara aatarialaHntiaaaaf thahClt Dt Tcaipla had haaa Baad Xaatat atoaa 1868, tad fcota ha aad tha plaiatifl rtaairad thair appaiat 'aaaaii from tha Ti uilaaa aaaatltatod aadar aa JLat ef Fariliiaaat of Ua PU at Oaersa. Ill, ah. la 'titXa) Aa Jket to. aaahla tha Taaffaai aad Traatoai al aa aatato. ia UaOaaatyaf hOddlaaax, (baa hy Iinian, faaadlaf aad auiataialac a School aai Abnahaaaa atBnrhy.U Ua Owary al Varartok, to aaU part af tha aaVi Ectata aadtapmat laaaai tharaaf aadto affaataato tha athar yary oaai thaTaf a aatntinaailTThia Jttt, 'aaaamt aihar tbJata, aaattod that Ua Tratkm ahoald ha atoiadtha Traatoai alUa Eajhy Charity faamdad hy Lawraaaa Bbarlt af Laadaa, rrooar," aad la a xhadala att forth aartala fmlaa aad ordan far, thav (oraraattt af tha Jaheal aad aharUy, aaoaf vhtek vara tkat tha Xar, tham aahooUaaator.

ahamla ha aaa dMaa laataa ha aaafl hahava voS." aad that tha ithaaiahabitoi krUaaaeaU haUi raaidaaaa aad mldaaot.ara& Ua Muiart vha ahaaid taataid kita aad tha raoat Uaa aaad aa a aeheal aheda tha plaaa vUahUaka7iraaarttitoaaa aaakoelikaQ Vataafkl pssMaraadthaOraak aad Latia bafaafaa aad that all UaXartanvhoahovld aaeaaod Jfc Barroarja akemld ba ahoaat vithla tkraa aalaadat aaatki after 'aty aieaaej rtaalrt Wlf hy thatraaiaaia tha aaajor partal Uaaa, aaAha lannllaaa Uaarffl aad plaaaanaf tkatraatoaa a aaar fan ef thaai "araaaat at tkair awatiaf atk tntTaaadar tka 'uaatkal Xosals Tali, hoawr, vaakra ktor lai alUradta Ua third TaaadaY la JaJr. trejUaa of tha aharltr at tha data ef tha alahv. uai appeaataaai vara mt. w. a.

Dardaia, xr. t. WlJaV X.r.,tkt Dakaof MariharanhVui ari af "Warvtok. JBari Bava, Xard Charlaa Sartla rarer. Lard Lairh, Ua BiAi Baa.

Sir A XddarUy, iLTUr. XT, BTfiannarOUW Mr. Vavdania, M.K Oaknai Nana, HI aad J3 via ah. lUJ.vhiaa ISray, LaH Lai(k ESr a Xddarlay. Mr.

rrara eaaava. Uaa to kava to dafaad it aa a rltt, aad to mi. MvaaMrL tBa Kar. mi. neiDaea, aaa woeat aara aank vara at ai ait mtUa 10 aara aTaar ate arpaiat Mat tha plalatlfl raoatrad a latter al raaaaaatraaaa, aifaadi ky Ua SO aaaataat auatan ahora rafarrad to.

ThlaUttatl waa toaaht to taa pUJattff ay ana of taa aaaiWr. vba, ia anaaaraitloa.atlit,' Taa aaaaa aataaf aa at a Hkh Cbarah 1 aua aad a Tha plaiatiS laqalrad kU aatho rtty far that atatiaiaat. aad waa Tba aaaa aaan," tha an tar addtaa; taat taatradlMeaa af Karty vanaUitlactlrlihanl. Tha Uttar va aa followi i tana Xa tt 'WTeidaMa that' reporta tol4TlMESj tUimfiAT.UMABCa 14, 18T4. Saaaaaad luyAa aaavaiaaaia that reporta 1 ahaald raak rva.

If Uy aa Bat aoa aa alraady. of that rrUf aad aaxlaty vhiah Ua aaiitaat laaatan it Knrby aaaaat bala faaliax ia rtfrraoea to aotN al Ua facta coa ua aar alaatioa aa Haad htaatar. tatek that I taa Baat raapaetf al eaarat to Ua aaly ranmmwid abUaMtoaraalff, lltottaUM yM irith Ua ttoat alaaraaai tha UaUai aad 'tha aaaaat af oaf aorra. Ta oaaaa aaaa to tha aabject vhiah va hero at; haan. than liapalafa laipraaaioa aoomioa to aaariy all, mm wn, mm appvaoav Nouum ui oa yvar I aaa woUtod aaaaa at tha taat iharliaart traau acaoaipaaiad Ua dafaaaa viU what bora Ua apoaar aaeaaf athrtal MMy larda aad raatlaoua, I hero haaa aaaoaaOad to aaaaioahaf lit.

Uarnaa lataly ta ditcbarrjag tha aim tary daty af ahawtaghfaa tha raatlaa af Ua acpool.aad Ua elaia trath that ba to atdte laaacBpatoat to arfara asiaa of Ua Boat iaperteat datiaa ol Ula plaea. ilia frlaadi apaak af Uat aa pnaaiadm aanaMariMa ahaity ha ha taa ability Impliad te a ataar pararptlaa of hlaava pvpoaat, aah aevar al aad axtraor tUaary ttraarU at wilt Bat ia Uat traa iuicht lata abaraeaar vhteh alona vjllt aaabla a aua la deal Jaatly vtth tha aldar fvrara ahtaaadharb nartaauiiaar Barby Bekoal, it vat aaaatod that Ooraraiaf Body ahaaLtte tha aaaa al Barky, Tha Troatoet" aad povar waa rJraa to Ua Uaa aa Oavaraiax Bodyof aaakof tha aahaah) tow acpHad to ataka withia a aartala tiata a atatato faraata 'kkaUat taa aoastititiaa af Ua Omnia Bady ia aaah achoal aa adrht ha daataad axpadteat, ia dafaalt of vhlah tha pavan a ataxia atetetet vara ta paaa to apaeUl aoawnlarlnaan naattaaid ia tha Xat, Tha Att thaa aapavarrdUa aa Oorataiaff Bad to ataka tfaUatca with raapact ta maay aaaitan la tha act vaatiiai i saUttettetha aaaaaoaaaataadiacalataaaaf Ua aahool, aad aftar aoafarriac variaaa athar pavan wpoa tha Oararsiar aaaatod. ia aaa. Uat Ua Haad hfaatarof araryaahwU towkiah Ua Xat appBad, ahaald ba appoUtod by aad bald hUaOaa at tba pUaaan af Uararaiar Bady, aad that tR athar Mutan aaamld ha MtatadayaadaoM taatr Hd a ad thai eaten at tha iilanaia af tha By tba rahtta ahaatf Aat, lata, Bedtei vara aaaatitatod Badka Oar panto. wtthaataataU aaaaaaa waa, aaawrar, aaaae far aminnMar tha awv Ciiaialai BodraatflhUT.lgn.vhaa tha ataiato hare aJaaraantteaad vaa avadahytha rpaaial invliatiaiu.

Xaraaahar, Dr. Taatpk aanpted Ua Bitheptte al Kxaaar. aad aanl ta kia raairaatUa aa Haad taha agaaafraaaCbriitaaaa, Taa plaiaHhTwaa thaa HaailMaarar ad BnddaldOaBafa, to vhteh ha had haaa appelated ha UK UpeeDc.TeapU') miraatisa Ua traaUaa adrar aaaa laraaaoaataa, aaa taa ptaiaaa aa ate aapHaiHaa aad tiiMaimihte vhiah tba amatiaa al aoa Iran the late Fnf a vhiah vaa aat dated, aad aaa fren Dr. Haldaa. Maator al IptwiA School, wkteh waa dated BaptaatW 11.

vithoai apaalfytar the; year, all hare Uaaotoal data oa vhteh thty van pria to tha plaiatiff. The km thaa ara id at pancraph 11 aa fattewi MThan van avraral other aaajdUatea far tke efiee ka traateaa, aad the trattoaa, after eoaaVteriaf alltheteati. aad aUlata ef the aaadUitaa. aaaaa to tha iaatla atea that tha alaiatia vaa the iteaat paraaa to ha Haad Jtaator af the SahaoL aad appelated hiai aeaardlatly. iw eg tha drained tdi tat van aaava who had beta eda er van etharvUe aaaaeetod vtth Barbr, aad whaai ateten van faroand by Dr.

Taoipte aad by the Am itela at Mattel I hareiaafter verklef aadar hiai at Baxhy, aad br Ua a BndUy. KD. (hania after aaiiad 'DcBndlayX who had hiauaU Xonaarly Iboaa aa lariatiat Master a tha aeheaL bat. vaa thaa Baad htastar af Marlboraarh Coltere aad It appearajrasa the atnaetataeeaa barilaifter atatad, to bare baaa Ua opiateaof Da. Tanate, Da, Bndtey.

aad tkeJteatetaat Maataa Uat Ua tiaaUaa ware honad to aalart treat ear tea atartnittea aatna aaanmato waa aaa aeea edainn at, with, Bafby Bohaal. er. at all ether Uaa the: pUiatl. The tad at aad had aa aaaaaattea Dr. Taopla, Dr.

Bndtey. aad the i i taiataat Maatan wan anew dinly, ataah pined aad aa. oyad at tha cbotoa which Ua trmtata had ua da. aad baiar praoiea agataat ua putattn ea raflrteaa aad paix tical er ether rreojada, Uay dalibarataly fotaaid a atkawa taad daatea af meartei by enry ateaaa la thatr pewar the aaaalsteat al tba aaid ateeietsMet, er etharwtet el aa er vaa atharviaa eooaaotad with. eraata, aaaaa aaadiaato eb ptetetiS waa ael adaaatad part ef aaah aaheaje aad deatca waa to aroesra, ifpeadhle, aoaa raaolatloa or retnlatioat al UeOrraniax Body aaa BviBrernSotUataataeeaBdaet af Ua ptetetiS, aad by paAaahiar the aaaae ia the pahlte aaatuauan towrfadtee thapanati ef papOt aad iaiaadtef aad Ua hart Ueejaalraa.

aad Ua pahlte rmnBy. axateaTtha plate tiff, taeatonahe dntealt. if aiamaaihte, far hteito 'natetaia tha awaban aad dbatplteeef the wheal, laa. 'aaadtetory kpaa tha ptetetm apeeUtaaaat. Dr.

Bradley, aad the aaid JUaittaat Maatan preai axeeato aha eald deaajra, aad Cnat Uat tteaa to the aeteaaeadta taatr Mantua to toil at leffaat aad, te faat, the arte aad pnetidiara taaeatteaad aa the pert af Dfc Teante aad De. Bndtey, aad i af the Oewentef Bady after they beeaaaa aaaaaaen tharaaf, aa far aa aaah aate aad pratatJrtrt wen hottaa tethe daae, to faitkat aWW tha lauSttled. plea dedp ate, aitaar ta praeen ithe dtoateaU Ua ptaraalff. ar ta faraa hlaa ta vaatea tha Bead Then wan fl JLaatataat Maatan aadar Dr. Taaaala, aB when, wtth the exaepttea ei Mb Barnva, a prtrate frtead al the alatetiat, wan aatateieaa ia oaf tart el Dr, laaaadDxTBradtey.aadte to'lpUtelar; Of thadntetaai Maatert, etna haaiiet Mr.

Bafnva, aad Tha Raad Matter tad (U ef the jaditaalYi item van atee Jaaaa kftaten. aad atoat el. the Heaaa. Meat an vantiat biaaa tatoral. la the Bead hteatora'heaM than vara at tha date af the pUla thTh al lattea tve heaaa taten MavSeateaadMv eteaaaaTnteaVam 80' aa'akwrFnaVnd aaaVA daavi aV aaaaaaa mJ Va JMavWdUahBTi 'dbat aWa aeaaalaBBBBtt at mW9 wFeTV, aa aaBaaar av aaaaaB XTNaehanaVBaW wa affdetFannBBr tteoa el Ua rlaoa traditionaaatoblwhad aad raapaetad caeaa they an yaat aad rlrhtod bast uat wa fatl Chat thay an aa.

It aeeaat to at, ia the ant te ateadiar for Ua Head UuWnhip jai lu'taot noatrad UttimoaUUf rata aar af thoaa aha have for yatn peat baaa Ua aetin aad veU a eeva teaara the tabtal away from Rarby; aad that, to Bay the Ueat, thw dafaet baa aM beta npatfed by aay nbteqaeet adhetloa ea Uetr part. Nov. va bar to ebaam Uat Uia hat amr happtaadT btf on evary Haad Matter ebotaavitaia the ateaMNy of the aldeet Barbetea kai beta kelped by. the direct, aad ricoreat raoanlttieadatteaj' ef ataay' aaaa who' ban 'kaewa aad tend' the achaol aad haaa ferad br it. aad haa Uaa haaa aarrwaadad frana Ua ftnt br aa atiuatuban ef aifKtioa aad eoaadaaea.

Than Head Xiaaton kan baaa an al varfeaa opiateot aad ban dtdcrad from eee aaothtr vidalT ia ether napeata. hat ia thair ditaraat dagnaa Uy ban beta eee aad all tapported by a eoaaidrrahle aambar of tht proai wt hart barn daacrfbtcc Thht at taehat el than atd Bathateaa totbe tcbaol ao aa tpaahably dear to aa all, batidat baiaf ao rital te iU bait tetrmtaasd tooarewa, Uat vecaaeot thiak with ooa potcn af Ua faot that aav far Ut trtt time a barrier ku aaaa eat aphvtvaaaUen aad We haarn, la the aaeead place, aatarakr ahteaM tetUmoar te rear araor from year awa ormtr papilt aad freej the auaten vha hara Worked aadar' yea." At ae tten de they appear to her haaa forward la boeriar vit aeat ia year lanor I kaat ef all ban thty bow to tiled ia the prwper wty to yoar fttoatt to be Hnd Muter of BarVy. whea ve eeaaidar Ue aaaaiaaoat bant ef pratetfraci Udr papQa aad bat rose before etbtf (tatlcBMa who kan tekta aharra af Baray. weeaaaethat ftal Uat aey eae who, aadar Ue aamaatrenaittiBnit, teeeateatto dianenn viUaaek eon. BMadatteaa, tehaa a lover rtew thaa kit pttJteeatett hara daca mt what li dtia te tha charaetar of the aeboot.

I. gk. iLUJ Blaeevve aoafaat Uat va caaaet dtetenr Uat yoa ban Ue atroaal toaahla aural poatttea vhteh any, la to ma caeei, Jaaiify aaaa ia aatanila a proauaaat peat, la rpita ef a atroax pohlie araiatt theta, aad aaay area laaxa i aa mptnufi aaty ier laim uat la' dan. aad that viU roo iilir ef year prfartod tettimoaltli Wa ban. oalr ia Ue able dlBoaltr eetateed a alxbt a fact whiah will wt trari txanarate fnna the aharra el laeooiidenttaaei ia harlax taaae ear re ooatteaaet only at Ula late period.

aiaat aawiOlarly remark that taiaainafiaaoaaaaiatnenlaii aa taa gjaaiar part etyomrt. rea ban rtna eaeeararaeteat to a mn abvae ef aar Oar. Vary' maay peneat ia hlch efBeteTpeaitioet anai plain bit tarty at the praatioa al taatteK tiatii anlitt tar one peat de daty for aaether dteaiaUar ia aharaetor wiiheat Iraah par aaiauoa fma the ariten, aad the difftrtaeet Utweaa Kniby a the eee bxad.and Xtal OaBrra School, St Otetva. aadjthe Chrltoahaai Qwar ut i it aa the other an aet aa fav ar ee alight Uat ttmi far the dattet ef eee' lmpltet ltaen for than ef the ether. MT tabeait Uat Ucn vm Ue ttnanet pnmtpttea' ke loreaaaa taaa yea aaa epaaea.

eeeae at taa viiatn ier Rarby tettiiaonitlt yea voald aet kan ehtalaad Ueta. Aa they atead they ptelary da aet txpreae the epiatea of Uon vhean ctnaBhetm, that yea an it ter tha paetef Ueed Matter here. The Salteltar Oeaenl petetodly antde aay aaah atetemaat: aeUtes at Ue kted, la laid aiaapt by frtf owe Blaatia, aad ve aead re aa far ttertbaa att utttBMatai ier proof uat ae taye ea ojatta iaoafltoieat aeoiainttrwe with yoa aad with Bagby. Te eeeae aow toyoeTaMeetianUla. rjnaiaBvyportal ap ptiaatioa for ether peati (whteh category appean to te dadt all hat thm el thon teat ia by yooLve aad that oar eat ef the In vrltart fnet vheat' Wa ve kan had the eyvenaaUy ef iamarteg de ladeed, traite daay year tec ha leaf right to ate an thU eondoaUen tartlmoaiili, c.

of 16 for Part CeDrre 8akoal SU1L they kadteet the teaat idn that they van aov to be aead telarthcraaeaof vidaly difftnat. All Ue fear ban a noar quite Ue rerane ef rrtuAcaUoa at UentaltelUalrrapteranat Thltrtateanat vaan. of praeered. if eaUad aaaa. to anaattatltla.

Tee lanautiwaaltaiUattharaaanrhaahaaBa Haad Haatar te Ua ttemnryof liting aua wka ku oomt ken viU all UU kted el npport Krary eae who hu bald Ue poet hat ben ieadly and aeamiy iinnaiain lag vj au map ac inetuu; aad it of ao aaa attempting te diaroin from yea ear aoatetioathatUecodtteaclUaachool fcualnadTkcea Iff jmmm Jmfattmrm tW It appean to aa UatJa tha exoitazactit of aa itapoctaat yea ban aUewwd' yeoraalf Cto ferret 'tten nrr nan eoaddtntim. jVehahlr. vftheat beinr avan af it, yea kan titotUtid yearaall te aa aadaanor to enr itde taa net aaa vaoiatoma eoartmoet al aiaattoa aero. Wa Utek that we ban a right to claim Uat ear recaea rtraaoa ahaald be diatiagwithvl treat Ue kted af irrarpoa elhla aUataar to vktek aoaa el aienr ku er enr weald teed aay eeaatoaenee. ac.

te Ue flnt vlaea, ear ehjoe tteaaanwnlmaad doinite, aot hypetttatlaal aad ooa atraoun aad. la taa attend BJaaa. va aanaut uax wa han a faravi ttaarf. fraea whteh to auke tham, inaianeh aaay tba aev eoaatltatteB of Bagby School vhteh la akertly to eoaae teto lone, tke Beyal Coauateateaen te toad. wa an informed, ia propon to Parliamant that the maatert hart, at Harrow, and at toa ahallkanan.

pnaaaaatinte the aev Oeraniag Bady. Ia tha exarctea el Uia techoate rirht, lay that' Ue maa vha aaka aa to vork aadar Um frankly aad cordially eoght htmntf to 'becja hit vita antaiag vaiea aeaaaea amatneaier qa au able at to tha meant by which be ewUtead hit peat. We an far froa altlmtng that be ihoold' agne wiU aa ea aaattan at optetoa, which wwald, iadatl. ba difficalt. aoo atderter Ue waiter el ear iedrmeata.

hot ea Ue aeiate ilraarlT atatad to oa va feel To rann adTBtatod Ttewa. ve matstela Uat yea ban talate at rea kan dtanrarded tha aatiao. tetara af the aahool witheat halawlaatilad ia doiar br Ue eomDlate. aadi eiaa litailail anr port either at thou witk whoa yea kan worked, er of Uan when teatiataadahi yea ban acat te, aad va think Uat ve nay, ta toa aatae ef enry paaue eeaoot ta jsoglaad, eemeetly aolteU that UitahaH aet Uaa. Thaw an ear ehleetioaa, aad te tnakiar Uem her dwttetlly to dteilatei all hoatfllty to yoa, vhaUar par 0.

nolitieal. or ralixteaa. We aheald. han made the atma nmarka to retpect ef aay ef Ue ttaeaadldatoi if wa either had kaewa that ae er kit friaadt had preated kit aadar aay eircamttaaeM han beea laeltiied er indaeta to deaa. We han eetr to add Uat wa naarn to eoraalna tke right af pnhlUhiag if aaeaaioa ahoaJd arbe bett tela letter i yoa may tenor aa, aaa the autten ia order Uat yea may yadn ef the aaaiarlnl proportioa betveeatken memaen af aar aoay wne ae aaa taeuvae ae aet adopt ear Ue alreetaru el the 9) marten ether Uaa Mr.

Bbttwwi. Thealatetiff hater at Barbr from the 3d teUeCUaf PenaiWaddrtaiiil Ue aadtteat muten orally apon tha nhfaat el. their tetter, to vktek he deelteed to dn a vrittaa aatwar.aad etyi teat a aaope at aad tarrmlgnt work toralaar for Ue good ef tee eaaeol, adding. aay eae faate Uat ha oaa vark eordUDr with mt, I hope be wiU let an kaewla time, that the tetereato of the aabeel any aet eoffar." While at Barhy ea that eotaatea Ue pteiatfff waa Ue gaett of Dr. Temple, vhe told kim la annnattea that he thearkt the vaatlttaat aiaatan vm jaattaedla.

Ut eoone tear had taxao, aad that he had form ad Ue eeiatea Uat Dr. Harmaa vaa aet aaaUSed er Ue peat ef Head htaatar, aad that he btoeded to eemmealeete Uat epiatea to the traateet, Shortly alter thit rhit Ue plaintiff reeetnd from Dr. temple a eepy at a letter vhteh ha aad ant to the tmteee, which letter wuuieuewa farate, aaaadenUal.) 7 "hrrl aadOattesMOSafara I kmnthteaeheel I thiak aryealf booad la daty to aabmlt yea the fallow lag report ea ite atan pnepecte, eeaeenteg which 1 feel the (reattat alarav The eteettea at Mr, Haymaamadame rary aattewa treat the moment it waa aaaaa an a. 1 knew bttlaefktei except UU he tookadoahie aeeaodeUaa whealwuetm a tater at Oxfard ia IMS, aad that he had aet thaa made aay impiulia apea the Uainfaity, aad aiiaoaga ae aaa em abaolately deieteat. Tha i UliLU far ad mere reet tovardi rood i ae viu rowera um iibiil mi aia iiiaiam er roe tilth wUl aaaandly fail aad he vffl aerer ewt maa al high mark to vork aadar him.

The iteff, at pmeni eqnal to that el aay echool ia Zeglaad, aiU In eTttohry dettrterato. Aay. panoa who kaewa what aa Eagikh pablte tehool like, waU know what it ton toTotlow.if the great body of matters 'ceatUt ef mea of dietiarUy iaieriar attmp, viU a atnar maa ef ae teaightat iU haad. The aaanl teae.aad dteripliee will ainh, aad Ue eoaBdeau of the aanati will be jattly withdrawn. It voald be aatonl that ia leering I thoald eommead my.teaotaatr to Ua partate vhe eoaanlt aat aoa fldaattellr, bat aa aa hoaaat maa I aa aaable to'de ae.

I can only be eiteat tad altelMe ia neh eauf it eoademaa two. My lorda aad mtlemea, I vrito aU thte with deer) grief, for I caeeotbear to Utek of each a fatan for tbia gnu aahool, bit ll aerna to me that I han ae right to ahateia from teyiar theeuebefon yoa, I hen (told Mr. Uaraaaa. I wu booad ia hoaaatr to de. Uat I thoald tend tab rrport.

Batl added Uat I tbealdaetMtl any ef my aay one atee vutmr, either aow or kertalter, aaleat I. vaa eocapelled to da to ia deftaee of my oollcagnat or myaaU. The trattan will, af eoorea, an Uia paper ia aay vay thay Utek at. IaeoMlaatea.IvmTMtenteiabdtthUthe trattou ban' a right, ladeed it anai to me they are booad, to nqoin Mr. Hayaiaa to aoeoant for the an be haa aaadeef taetimeaitlt riwa to him for quite athar.

pacta. To peu tail onr voald atoat to too to eattinlint to uylir that a tig! teate of eelf mpeel teaof aeeeemry tea Haad hlaatar af tgty. Tbia araH nflaat aa tba aharee terel Ue tehooL aad 4 eaaaot Utek that Ue tratttat aaa look oa viU indifferent, lam. 7. Xxojf.

Dtet." The Un thoa atatad that the plalatiff raceirad from tha mmjom bhwi eepy at a mamenat tnnremen ky them to tka tailing etrtela ocplaiate with ngard to the on ef teramoataht, apoa which it obtalaod Ittten from the vrttan el hte WttTaioaiali aaaaaaateg the eat ha had made el them, aad nhmittod rack Uttan te Urtnttou." Tab hrooght forth i letter from Df. the. Baad Maater. of tfaHboreagh Iihttl, who wrote to the editor ef Tht. Tuaa ea the IHlk ef Daeemhtr a letter whiah, la efftH, a pea the aM Dr.

Haymaa had made rteot acketer, atew rtlatit aaeaa aradil aa a tehe. ae aaa aenrueiem made ae impramiaa Hattenhlpof Baghy be vookl aot ban reached the ago af witheat ketag ataak better ksevatheahe Ualam it waa ateialT arr datr to de all that I eeaU for klaLaad beU my eoflatroet and myaalf wan culta wtparad toald him to Ue beat of ear pewwr, and to hope that ear pewwr, aad to kepe that Bat what haa kirtni i i ahoat Ua net tete deal bat inrtrtil arr aarhTtrt aboot hit nccam teto deapair. Beoa after hb alterlaa Uttan wan noalnd from aet a fre? waa kaev hiavvhteh made tt ewhaan that ate ewtttaed maay ef eld data, whiah had haaa eat te with eat aay araibaoa tram the erigfaal wrlten. Ia eama aaaati a deaha. raaanl TMtnteitea amr ban beea' ftnaVr vtiten vheaanrantempaitad the tawiintty of Mr.

Hay. maa ttaadlag for Bagby. Bat Ubwueertately aot the eaaO ia mu ue nam aoaa, aad tae act ra itaaa gra' at thaardlaarrnbe riiamitdtena ttdtonahh that aothing abort al the eteanw eaaanol la arary aopa rata laatiaro aaa praraat tu oatng a tonont no ea nor, Harman't aatraaee ban." Had Iidnrttead for oaadldatot for aa aaabteat maatanhte I thoald evrtetely' kaweeeef aktared a aaadidate who ant an laTteitimanteb te; way akaolately diaqeatiaad, hew enr hbV kb might eUirwUe e. wl Uau faMtokaeabhtTub Vonld be a eMatemoor to the eahoai aatem tSr explalaed that tiay oaaA a tetter of wmoutti i au ta MrTHarmaa. Thb atop vaa tekaa vlth eataeataltlBgBbeJyMvaQanUatU.vw Impeaable naaa, rut unrmea ei ti, expram ay jraaiwiinj.

Thay han a right to be.tealoaa at theVoMarel the a Mr. Baravaa met ar nBaaaan ta aar bau to; nalyto my tetter. He hu iaiarmed methat he toU vbem that heeUlmed, Ue riial to da what kecked deaa, aaTaW he theat.wha faM tea mt lira oaahte to yeck vthh hla aher hb axtdaaa tatatolatUmhTMtetran 'te'eaele to taatr alaaaln batalvMBtb aertoatty eaffer vhaa fat Head Maater karwa to han aVaaa atatewaer imaait aa aat watek at Itebte hr rtry tpraeead ae opiatea i thlatarHmatilth. at arid that Ua Ue ooaaideratioa ef.Ue traateet. White then for wrnaadrreowtidmtloaia aatatuVratattn (ppUad to tha tn at i a to hear Dr, Taa pte ea tttte bakalf.

Thb aad oa Dtaimbir 20, 186, the tratten paaid a renlntloa wkarahy Uiy aaamtooaly tned tkatM Mr. luymaa. had aetod viU perftet feed faiU ia the au made Vy kirn el iU tottianiiiate laid baton ue traateaa. Tab eloaed what ve ban oaSad the teetlaUalal eaae. Tke plaintiff anterad eat kU datlai te Jeaoary, Wt, aad thoattltedeolUaaaateteatateTaenititllythetve boon tolorLooatteateg boatila, the ptetettff ia Namabar, lSTO.nbaitUd 1 latter for tba aoaxidaratloa of tht trnataot.

Thb tetter, vhbh hen data Ntmathtr 1Q, leTO, vaa a nry bag eae, and began by dwalliag apoa tka twa aataaiw el edaeatloa br muten aad talon, thovtef Uat Ua tetter eeeaey laeecred tar aloaor aad men enldaattel rabtteea hrtwaea the teton aad Ua teoght thaa tka farmer, aad that he. Ue haaa, tutor, ihoold be aa after ape to' the Head Haatar te awa hooaa. aad that vhn thb waa aot the MiHii'i itflnnw vaa teteneptod aad taat red. The fl1H yW TfflltlllTrtll Mew, for ive terme'aaa pert ef a third, I kan tried the expariaaat af oarryteg ea the Sehoot heau wiU Uon enttemea at taten wham aty. atadeeamor appointed to thou poate, mm well to maatertbipa la tha tehool.

It vaa right to try what aoaeniatloa and forhunan voald dot bat 'I feel that they hen aet hen BOHiifalte ia doaiag Ueae natlamea to fool; tovrramyaaUaay teytl adhcrann or Sow el rrmpaUy." After addtet ether raaaooa. he aid that ha Uouhi ha eaht aet aay kagar thaa veold eafftee forneioatUe aetice to ntata aeon Mton Ue two gtstumea waa ha Ue Sehooi hoou at prtatat eenpy thou poaU. adding uat he Barer heard of a Haad Mater vorkteg aadar aneh ooaditteM the aatitode af. hb nllaagan bapeaed em him there. Um tempted them ebewrfally, hot moat da what he oold to mitigate tham.

He thaa eoaeladed un uon graonda, I taw uat 1 naati go ea waauy aa kan beea Nina ea i Uat Ua teaat saaaihte ahaace voald be to ehaage atyaoan taten lor two on tymneUette I nwpeoe, thefafon, at Chrbtmu next to gin t. A. SeeU aad tha Bar. J. Bohertaaa that eoliaainea.

aetteeteMr. aet retrain their aarrtea heaaa taten at a later period thaa either thru moatht from that time or the ead ef tha term next enaalng after each aatita. I thoald lilt te ban it ia the Brat teaman to tham te eeaaidar vheUer. aadar tha alreamataaeee, they earht to remala Maatan ti la Ue MsbooLThb voald zrn them the eroortenltrof nlaatarUr ntirlrfrcn Bagby they vbhedU. Ii thay paraiatedte vbhtegtentate than latter poate, I aheald let them kaev that 1 darned Uetr remaining inazpo dteat and thoald take mry rtap te ay pewar whbh might he required to gin effect to that Inarm ath, bow enr, eae ef them, Mr.

X. A. Saett, a rooadetioa Maater, Ian aet eon that ibn ttrwwtr to dbmba hiatedlUertforahanthe aooWto nqaastUat, ia oaa It beeeauaeeaemry formate appeal to yea to dia mla tte, yaa will take whaterar atapa an aectitary on tba behalf, what tke proper time oomea. Bat whether tt be, or be aet, a arr for ma te iaraka year legal inter famoa. I hope I may in aay eaaa eooat apoa year tym petbetie aaaamxrasoo aad aeral anppert aad oa thte ae eaont I ban aoeght te anka yoa eetiraly awan of my riawa aad wbhu ia thit matter.

The Tratten 'Uea met on Ue Sth 'day el Deeemker, la70Laad adopted Ue foltewiagnaolattea The Tratten kariag nad Tlr. Haymaa't letter an ef opinion that highly Important that tha relation af tha boon taten to the Head abater aboald be eaeel the gnatorteealtdeanaadoordbBry.aadithe that thb talingdcea Bat aabti the can af tht prraaat boon toten. They therrfon fnllr appron Ua ooara whteh Dr. Harmaa teteada ta adept ln.dUmb.lag then geattemea boon taten ead with regard to Ue dbmb talatMr. Scott raondatioa Matter, thty vtll be pre pund rvtemtyplted to, to gin the matter their faBaat aeoordaanvlU hb latter aad with thb reeolattea tha pkittiff ran notice to Mr.

Soott aad Mr. Bebertooa to Tteate Uetr poate been taten aad aaabteat maatan at tha ead of tba than next term. Hr. Beotl than abtaiaed eoanaari opiatea that ha aoald only ba rtmeved from hb Fooadattea Maatenhip by Ua Troatea aad Ue Tratten rewind oa UettU day at Ftbroary U71, that 'white folly noorabteg the rary neat dUBaaltba vhiak Dr. Haymaa had had to eMteadantert te tha taodntt al Ua tcheol thay wan aot prrparedoa tha iteteranti tewogkt befon tham toconear in Mr.

Boott't dbmlmtt They petaed'a neaattea dtaratailtig Mr. Scott from kit Foaadattoa MttteitMa, Bat neh reeolattea waa aW. mxtaly readnded en the greond that Uty coold only pea a reeolattea el dbmbaal at their annual meeUag lathe tiiaima AarU, lo7Veertete aemptetete hariag beea made el waat of dbeipUne ia tba Sehe adopted a raaolattea, which eoaeladed Uat i The Tratten feel It bow their daty. te ter te the Haad ataater, to lmpran apae tba aadar maatan generally tbeaenealty, for the goodaf the aahool, of gtriaf to Ue Head Maater, aot only a twmteal, bat a aordtel eo opara aarndthey had deneed theataalne, each far a bager or thorter time, to aahool vork at Baghy. Baetond la the letter by the tea aediteat auaten ni Ue copy ef abttarwnttoa te Dr.

Temple la July, eeTrr lag a alaaateat. maauraup MX. Lam ue moot material peaaaga el whteh waa The Joate majtcra, Urnbeeidn yooraaif, an paid by Ue nand en of the tchoel beyond XXX. tha achool auk anek Uon amaten would hate to go. Te Ue letter of Ue tea unaUel matten, the pl.latiff rapllad.

oa Jaaaary, 31, VSTX, Uat tneyntai itectaua a ngatvajea ae om aet admit vaa exbtiag, nferriag them to the Public School 13, fUtmrng to exanbe a dberattea ia diachargiag the daty so derelriag apoa aim, adding, ihoald eVmbtleia, oadenrdiaery ajrcamttinrat, be ahe all doe dVtmoe to uaiority ol tteBdiag, wbaa eoapled with kytl Bad eardtel' topport to myuU." The tea aaabteat; mail in then, ea 'ebraary ad drnad a letter to the plalatil, uyiag that the whole matter appeared to them aerteoaly to afftct their peraoeal aad paeaatery poatttea aa te Inn aa eoane open except to lay it baien the Board el Ootmaora, aad toey teoiaood a copy ol their Utter to ue twerd. That letter dnw Ue atteattea of Ue Oonraiat Body to Ue aMoUtJBeat ef hlr. Oraea. wbe waa ieaior ml tbem all, a departure from iarariable oaage, aot te tended by tht Head liter, hxrtUhlp, aad a breech of the pnaatet Bade to each of thorn mparataiy, at a nadittea ea vhteh the poet of ewbtett maater wu aaaptid. TNiy re ipectfoOy peiatad out Uat Ue prospect of pnftaaoeal adnaitatat ia Ha dae tara wu held oat to each one of them at a time vkea otter eonpatiooa te Ufa van pn taaaaUy withia their nacb, ead luted tbeir anxiety had alwayt beta to eo epento kmlly with the Htad Matter, aad they begged that their appeal might be re gardad dbtatad aimplyby Ua aarteaa eAert el hb pre peted action apoe tbeir proipecta, and not a criacteg aay ipiritef duafieetiea te, eeettittltd tatharity.

TbeOo reralng Body Un wrote te Ue pktetiftV.ea the 9th of February, 1872, to ny that tbey had puetponed the coa ridrntfaa of Mr. Onea'a appointment until they catered apoa the rcgulattema te be made aaderaecttoa a el the rahlte Sehoob Act, 13US, aa to Ua conditieoe oa which man Beep a aoaraiag MKraeanoaia ot nqacaua hia lathe ma tamt toahatete.fnm ajahteg aty appointment to the boon vhbh Mr. Burro wi vu about to nub. Tkapbiatltf rrpiied Oa Ut 12th of February, la a btter to the Btehop ol rToreetUr, Uat the apporBtaaeat of, Orna wu nemiarily a anoaaord to, houat af Ue berteatag ol the preaeat term, aad it had beea necind vith ntbfaettea by parent of beya te Ue bean that be bad made thb eppoiatment after aaxteot eoeaUanttea. and on fell teqoirr aate tba practice elktepredanaeeri that he had noted ta aUtntt to be made of all pamegn.

whteh aoald be fovad ia tha Bepert of the Pahlb Sehoob Cora raiMiooen. aad ia the aawan te qatitteot aad erldaao receiTad by Uem baring refer eaU te thai pnotin, and that Ue fair mull then paaaagw appeared to he. Uat Ue Haad Muter had appelated to raeeat beerdteg boaeee, end that he had almeet terarbbfy ebearred the nb of teabriir, but that it might he departed from ea nfictent eaoaa. He had aln ahtaiaaU from the Very Her. Ue Deaa of Kerwbh.teforraatioa to ate pnetteete thb matter, tad eadoeed a eepy ol a letter from haau Tka letter Uea riadteatod at taariaer ahte teegU Ua eoane he had adopted, eoanladteg that "I big permi aten te add thai I am pnfoundly naaiMt that the Urge pewen which the Aet ef rarUameat eoafan ea the Ueed Matter eoght to be exentetd witt the matt trict Impartiality aad aa eatin abet not af penoaal fnl I hope that the rrltlgin me eredit far aa eeraat deain to axarebe ay int Tha.

latter from the Data. el. Norwich yarmerly Bud XaaUr of BbxotI to the plaintiff, which waa tacloaed, wu eteaad February 1, UTl aad' ateted Uat the writer wra alwaya aadar tha that Ue Head JUeter. af Bagby vu at liberty to offer the boardisi hootn to aty ef Ue aaabteal mxttcn whom ha thouxht fit to plac4 thtrt, that ha bad aerimimlanaof ortriafortiag aoahamilla to the traaton, aad Until tbey ware eoeaolted at aU it matt ban kna through their atatterr hf tha anaaal maetlag. TMOorerateg Body, eatheZStaof Fea ruairAllTX, after eoaaidariag thb aonetpoadaaeta adopted That Uep toiitoMet ef Mr.

Onea te tke koardiat keon ahoat to be netted by Mr. Barrowa barieg beaa made befon Ue Oereraiag Body hu ben thte fraea regubtiool oa the rabjeet, tbey ara not prepared to iater attaa natdi elaordhd dwia towa wuraada agateat BtakewTaavpleaad Dr. Jtadtew. tea thiak it due to the tetaraata al the eeheal that Dc. Hay.

aevkan waa eatted thaa taa oaa awl Onmaaar'aeS man thoald ten ae Una te retiring from Ue eOn at Haad aaade ttamnhne a parry to are na Hn naemi afletrd bf the wa Ue Tha bill them atatad that at aiateaiff had Be tefaet' Utaaded to make aay akarfn vaatenr agateat Jtr.Saott, nor had ha any epportaniiy of withdrawing the ae eaBedf caargn nteaterfly; aor had be keeatltevedteeuM. Scott'a itieir to the tn nltel eharree," aata after, thai Oorarniag Body had required Ue pUteUS to wttadnv tKeta ae. The aid tenlattea el the 30tt at Wetemtor, lr t.wm Mbtbattea te the aevtpapen el that partteaal it vhbk rtflcctod mot tenrair ea tt a'pbl raiff. tad ed the SOU thai wa formed. The vu aaid to ban beea til mid by two alterwarda aeeaaaa mimiiil mt mmm aarwfj'.

ttmhwp Tanate aad Dr. latter af wham kad ban the Bead Marteerwach. aad vaa' at eae tten tor at Baxb el nriag kt nd fedxateet ad tar attteri tad. ti7Z7 at at fjrtegtow tijadrnant ad tn roaAeTeBea. vkew tbey Body, tedaaed tact wady tei tar IX.

llarataa. The aaTDoei tba ftaa el Ueoaaher; 1x72. br the pabUtaboa te 7teria a aartet net that then rnthrmee did Ubaread ol donaaBte tecome freta tha Bar. 1. Y.

Haw. te ardor te laadaeat they tnr, latladiag (1) ft btefa the alatetlt hej to ar. aeett i an eetetoa at the Alteraey Onaal Uererning Body dated ue zm ec Uctober, utx All taa afaneaid rmbttntteae tnre attde ta parpon af the afore Tba atatate aooatitTrUag the aev Cerenlag Body el Bexby School vu approred by Her Maietty Ceuaeil la Ut meatt af Aagoat, 1871, and la the taoath ef Deeamber, 1871, tha Oenrmteg Body waa faHy. aeaatitated, aad coa abtedel the following membeni Tba Bight Bar. the Lara aaaao ex nawia icnairmaat ut.

pit fdepaty ihelrmu), the Martab al Hartford, tha Bart el Warwbk. Lard Ltagh. Sir Charin IWwyar Addarby, Mr. Che tee Hevdteato Ktvdegato, Dr. Bradley, Ue Bar.

Dr. Bataeoa, Mr. Beary J. 8. Smith, Mr.

Oenra K. Wcharda, Mr! BalpkB. W.Uagaa. OltaenUe arl el Warviak haa ateoa ntiraod. Tke kill thaa te tka Cri ararn th AlUoogk De, Temple aedDr, liradby aU ben aetin partbanaof Ue uabteat matton te tbate diffanana viU the plaiatiff, aad had la fan prejudged Ue whole eue agalaat Ue ptetetiff, and van detr rnined beterahaad te drin him from Ue achaol, yet they allowed uemaeinato be elected membera ol Ue aow Oorerateg Body, aad Uat to beeome tedga ef matton te and ratpeotlng vktek they aad Ue uabteat mitten wkoaa aaau they bad tekaa ap, and vhom tbey ia fast rtprenated, aad a ttreag pereoaal iataraat aad hlaa, which made Uem'vheBy antt to form aa iapartial jmdgmnt aa each am tten, at aar' eoaenea mreea ua.t aoetMt mratart Ue JaUUff.

Dr.TemDla lad baaa Head Maator mt the nhial for amral yaari, aad vaa tke WoUer te law of eae of Ue aaabteat muteri. Da, had beea aa aaabteat muter at tka aahoal, for maay yaata, aad vu likevbe ebealy eaaaeetod by avarriare wiU eaeaf Ue aimtttai mar art, aata vr. xaarpw aad Or. isndiey van, from their paneaal expertean nad fren tkair aaaawiaa wiU the aaabteat rnacien. tetiraatelr aedoaiated viU Ue kfmln at taeataeel heih put aad pneentMtaeywaraJa teaUeohad br thtfatnaaCTnntheQonrararHadr ami trotted impumuy irteatu the preptr aaa treetweruy eoameef tnf ermatioa ea all ntoiten acmaeeted witk taa aahoeL Dte.Ianptetibqaad Ue poem tad tela mi ine kb uBugau vhtek kb long erpertean aad ampb metme of raewbdre gae him to farther Ue tJiraaid teheae aad deabjaethteraaaT aadthe Baabtaat taeeton, and aaade te eccreet, nMuubtleat tat ate' untagate aa.

te.aaeanl matten ef bet, aad men vertbolariyu te what wen: the aatikllikal eatteaaT aad amgu ef the aakeat, aad tapramattd iU yqrt al i aaah i abllla 1 1 aaaanaa ead aaagn amral marton vhteh. wan aet part taeraer, bat von ia faot teBeraxtent tetreduoad by Dr.TaapU hlmaalf aad tba uteaad neaeaadf a UeMvOenrateg Bodr. mm far Uer van heatOe te Ua nbtetiff. aad eaoe. eteUy the) taate tjam aavetealtor eempbiaed fata eaaud aad kwaagkt whotewteTpar ateuaaf pewar aadlaaaaaaa aad each teat net rwpra aeaavtteaa afnmill Tawaidt tka aad at 171 Mr.

aaalgattlaa toteamavaat aimniian wanw tU ahene aad ilaiga, an the teatigattea, or wtth Ua adrbe aad eoeourrean el Dr. Temple aad Ua ptetetiff wu thereby lad to appnhead that atythlng" bt might arrito to Mr. reet aighe bd UaUe to paaticattew. at mmy mU wUlt Ue aa wipe per aooliowiy waa ptnaellaa. aad while the nait toeetiax el the GoTtralar Body ra (till diitaax.

Oa Ue Mh ef Jaaaary, 1873, the pteteM wnee a tetter to dor tent a frtead trppotetod to kb patee tM teeaaaa a bad earn, aad that taer weald de etw iai.lTL: The Ttct CaUJKXXAOt axed If fad Trtataai at xan wen dlrided apoa tae appoiitawat of Dr. BartMn. Mr. Cams aaid that vu aet (taxed ia Ua ul Mr. OumX reatarxed that the mtehtu wata'ia d.

Mr. OonoJ aaid tad MS vat romtteat fnaaliadaa. Waat to anoeeJ vtth tke that thm wu Bethiti to thov that the Certrruat aWr kn. Ue BU ef Jaaaary, 1873, the ptelarT wreee a letter te ef aay aaaa Uia. or took uy part ta b.

JL aW. Mr.jSeoU.te vhbh. ae they von ahertry ahoat to nteae vm nottefeoeedef any neh te work toretacr.and he wU Ttleeiru te tarry at the that the Cor trniag Body rtferreJ to Pakoa Kamb aadm rtt of tht Mhrate of tad Ownraiaj ttedy, he rfpnted Dr. Bradby, belag wiU aaaliAad to gin aa oata. Tht neoum to iaaa ua euar pangnaae aia wma.

ae to Ue qaeattoa robed ebnt the aataaau2 Utymu te be aaad aa ewer tptaatamaad ea the eccaaoa at km nndabtan ter uaiiZj that ha had ariudrava the bete el eaaaamat uat ta ipeattr procoa Jtd toned JUgetl; that ae. Bad. ae. maun aata aaaae mt daty ia i aatu ao aame dnwUg taatr atteatioe to ue autter.tad added am earaau nna to ut. Gran aa ramped hb raTLamdaka pteiataff i atatttoat aittta el the Wanaetar, ahilrwta ad.

CBeaUteUeatete anlthnfv ted. that aten ta ahoabear aaar aVal taaaaBaavLaWlaiet aedtaa Btehop at Wtnimir. Uirratea at the 8ii enter Body, 1 1 i law mm taaUtaat mu te Uey.axged te oeotoe fen witt tha aat tten. At tht tame time, the Oorenteg Body retrain from i areata aay. eppnvai of ut exercue of tae need iatotVabantita la thb aartteabr In taaee.

The BUI thaa ttated ttb roaoiutioa vu bt nmaan, ef Ue aloreaaid achame tad design, and, the eon ni ranee of the defendaate or aame of Uem, mthtbhed la the Bevapaawn vittia Una wee ha from Ue date thtrnf, aad Uat Dr. Tampla aad Dr. Bradley being annoyed at the action of their 'eaUeagou 'ia rtluter te Interfart witt the ptetetiff ntbw appetetramt ef Mr. Onea, tedaaed Una, ether, membera ol. the QentateeT Bodr.

to Joia. vittthemia.atgateg a ttetezant at their requett, vu tatena oa taa auaatn at a ateenag at the Oonralag Body held ea Ue 12th al AariL liOX It te aot aietatrr to rire Ufa doeamoat ia aitenae. aad It viU be Mffleteai to uy that it vat a ttete it ol their rium far rotteg agalaat tke nuraiba Uaiaa ta take aetteaa Ue; oonaiondiom ameaa vhbh wan Uat Ue appotetmrnt of Mr, Onea vu vitaeat 'prtndnt, la dbngard' of the rngage meate nuade dTi Dr. Harmaaa 'triibntiinr. atrikteg.

at the root a discipline, aad be nam, the. polity ex. empHfied thente voald. ll peernl, redan enry pahlte ehool to Ue kmi el a pcirato aaa, whbh deptadt wholly oa the maater far the moment at the head el it, aad ku ae tradition end ae Ufa of ite own. Thb ttatamaat waa aigeed mO O.

Bndtey, Heary J. a Smith, W. H. Bateeoa, B. W.

Lterea, and F. Bxoa." On the arte day the tbtirmaa. at the reaant ot the Ooreralag.Body. Mxtar ue pitianrr. in vniea uey reqaenea (ttt eaeetmeat at the atatotea ead naala tieaxte tekt no ttep tenlrteg a da ear tort from.Ue roe tomt aad otaga ef the aahool la.

regard to the poaittea aad eaaelaraeate mt the nmbtent maeten, or other matten affaotiag Ue dltdpliae aad gwnrameat ol Ua achool, without the pnrteoi approral of the Qortning Body. To ttb the ptetetif anawarad on April IS that be 'eoaearred viU tha vbhthat the ayatan vhbh had Utaertonwnilad ihoold be miinttjaed te all reapocte without alteration, faf poetibte. and vaa glad to later that UU wat tha prteaipte vhbh the Oenrvteg Body van keepte te rtev, atettag atonorer, that be had ae. tetoattea el aay tuch ahasga tha latter pert of their letter teemed to point to. A farther tetter vu tkortly ritervtrda written by.

the aarae mranken of Ue Oonnaag Body regretting their dlfforinou viU Uetr eolleaguea, aad tab brought te a tten Ueeeooad or Haute Matten' part alUe eaae. Utanvhila, pnttedtd tke bio, Mr. Butt had aian Batter, le7l, rataiaed ait peaittoa anater to tae aaaooL out without beinr tutor of aautb. end te Jenuarr. 187 Mr.

Soott ivqauted tke pbteUfl to gin him liberty to take and to araiga to kia popUa. Bat, aa obcamtttaou aad eema to the pblatira aaowtedge whbh ia the pbtetlfTe eotetea reqalnd expltatttea, he did aot oomply with tba nld eueet, bat remteded Mr. Seott that he kad aerer aae tteaed Mr. Seott'a eoatteaed reteatirat of kb pat maater ta ue bum. air.

antt tan wrote te ue Oereraiag Body eemplabteg ef hit exdaafoer fren the UbertyoT taking popib. aad thb letter ketag laftrred to Ue ptetetiff for aatwer, be urged that the qanttea ol kb legal poven ihoold be nttted, adding; Whea I knew what my legal pewar ia, I ahaQaadearoar to exenbe It nuea ably. The plate tiff atteaded befon tha Oorenteg Body ea Ue IU of JaiyAoTlvhaa Uey intimated that they thought att, aeett oogatn oe tae meeattme, to ue eapaeitT te take papib, aad the plaiatiff, af tar delibenttea, aat af deftrtBM to the authority of the Oereraisg Body, raiatteted Mr. Seott, bat, the bul ttated, without aay ehaage la, the eyteba nterteteed by the ptetetiff ol Mr, Seott't aattaeet, ll the matten aben rtierred te nrnaiaed aaexplaiaed, to be a tater ol keya. The ptetetiff.

beverer, feaBag that the matten te wsee ttea might be eapahle of aa explanation oa Uo part of Mr. Soott, communicated to him printely a iteteaeat ol the euaomttnaan ia qaeeuoa, aat ta ue meaatime tne Oorwrnteg, Body had exprnnd the opinion that the ptetetiff "waa bound, aa a matter el Jottbe, either te ttete at eon vhaterer rrounit he might hart far waat of la Mr. Seott, er te treat Uea aa aea exbtoat aad aot allow thoa te affect hb ooadact." Mr. Seett, te aatver te Ue plilitiTi uid printe commaabattea, gin Ue ptetetiff aa txplxaitios, out bid the uid communication baton Ue Oerarateg Body, for whom it vu aot te leaded, and aftervarda tef atmidUo plaiatiff Uat be aad deae to," aad ant him a eepy of hie letter to Ue Oorarniag Body. Oa the ZldefOeteber, 1872, anpyef the fallowing naolnttea vu teat to Ue plaintiff The Oorerateg Body, baring eoatidered carefully Ue eonamtinttea made by Dr.

Harmaa to Mr. Seett, to kb letter aad tadeanra ml Anguat Si, l(7iVxrt ml aptaioa Uat the cham araiatt Mr. Seett whoUr without foundation. ami all opening for deabt apoa Ue matter removed froa their mtedt by tha trplanaLteaa giren to Uem by Mr. Seett, Uey thiak that the charge aught to bentracted witheat i ear ut iiu ar la atuver thente Ue, ptetetiff.

aa the lBh tl Kenm bcr, U71, wnte a tetter vitbdnviag Ua whole af tke etatemeat aeat by him to Mr. Seott. nbmltttec Ue aaantten that the aaraaalmtloa te neattoa vu prirt bgad, aad dbdiimlag aay tetoattea mt thereby Bauing uy ekn xe agalaat Mr. Soott, Socae further comapotvWnn paeaed ketveea tka ptelatiff aad the Oorarniag Body, aad ultimately maetiag mt Ue Oerwmteg Body waa bead witt raferran tbarete, ea the SOU Hrraaber, 1872, vhaa Ue pblatiffe kratter wu la aftendiaee, kb re auaat. wiU teateoetteaa te fern Ua Oemia Badrea ha pktetlffe bakalf mry exsteaattea taay might require.

Hla Bttendtaoe vu not, hewrrer, nquirad, and a tea nut a ni eoeetea ry ua ue reraag Dear, wkteh wee ia robateaea that tier vrare aaabte toaamaur witt Dr. Haymaa te. thtekteg that the btter aad ttttemnt aat by him to Mr Seett en Ua gSth mt Angutt, 1S73. eoght ta he nguded a nMteged wmmaaicatioa uat ua. tuytaaa vat aeoaii, aa a Banner at raataa, I ec aoa to tteto eon what rroueda he had for ni ia Ma.

Seott, er to tnatr then aoa drtnt, aad aet to eein to act te a leirit el eoHbi nedwta, whteh he hopwd toaad latgiorta.l.. Dm the UU ol Jaaaery. U73, the ptetetiff raeeind froa hi r. Soott a letter te whbh be aid a matter which I antt taf er to tae Judmnt el tbt Cerernteg Body. wraUec yoar tetter, eeataba all that had, a rteht to expect, Ia aay aan it viU he, aad hU aletyt been, at earaeet deeire, ad bag eeetimu to ba aa taabtaat matter, to dte eharge faJtUaily my dattea to Ua aaheoi, aad toyeor aelf aa Head Maater Oa tha lite al Jen ptetetiff wnta tit Mr.

Beottf "A trbmLtewkon my letter teyea ef tha Sth wad thowa te eaaadenn. told me. to my aarpriae. that Ite ttUad yuHfrepa te oped tm mliteaetmilua. If aa, I afceeix he glad if yoa would aoaridcr withdnva.

Hi i.alea aaid ke vu torry to Infer froa tha reply that hb tetter don aet eoeoe to Hr. 8eott't The Oeraniag Body; howmr, aaiJiiii ia tkair daty to delibento a all the drraaataaeu kefora ueta, aad aOev tham to aaeet hb tniteit that. tbe Oewanteg tTTWtaur uetr turanaa aiue ibliaiat at 1. Haymaa, that he vu aet aware ef Body aeold not refrain fren i aarteg tatda. ta tba papon referred ta aay ilieign tpint atcaoottt uaa atmtt to taaa tap teaiii uat aay eae thoald read the papan without pareeiTiag that Uer ewateteed ehtrgu ai arary gn ehaneter, aad awa u.

te Mr. tlirttl bneairi irrtld reader Uaa. if traa: Maa nrtky tka retpeUnirbadakip el jeatteaea a aPtkat aarteg aow aoaabbnd the papan nhaitted toUen riaee.Dr. Haymaaa teeter af aaaa a rartev af au taat au nuaiiit itivtaa ur. Harmaa and Mr.

fteatt. Uer deatead to axr rea their eaa Settee that the aaama tekaa tea aaghaat by Hayaaaa te dealing vHh Mr. SeoU had aU haw amrkad by Uat rptrit el iaatbe vhteh taa. diiitant el the eaat toTtteBi, Tae miiteti a tamradt. Tbey regret aa tntaaly taat Jlign taateet Mn.

tteaat, vhbh hvn beea tlm Iwl taiama the pUlatrff vrate to tae a aakter to kan aa opportunity etna bin mi er nbiairdt hte aeadaet, aad aatatec that he had deanmd it bett to apply for guid aot to bteUrua Un Arctibbhc potCaaterttory, vto ktetu fetteve Uy opiatea that yea hanae eoambct to ywa kit to tteto to the Oereratar Body el Bagby School that, they han try their Minute of tha 1Mb ef Jatrury, pot record that they an aet tatbaed with the ntU vhbh yoa ban eadnreond totoahe to Mr. Seott, aad at ym bar tlmdy declared roar wUBtegnea fally td tin effort to their diridaa te thte matter, yaa vffl feel ehhred by their; tefermteg yea what Uy wbh ywa to de. Yoa wiU. of ooarn, at the tama time, exprae year miiinia to do what they aak, pnridad. rat nlbr, yrn boUrn It eeaaUteat viUrear atau el want bftebt.T Upon Uiceoattea! Ue plaiatiff.

I wbh te aet. I hate the hotwar, therefare, to requett Uat tha Ooreraiac Body wiU taferar ma than aayUtea abe whbh Uey think I aoght to do. Ia uailaatny 1 detin to ay that If the CentrategBody te toad to nrtew the eiroanateaeea, I pny Uat I may ke beiag ated oa the ecneioa of km taadidatan tef tat 1 Jteetanaip at stagoy. tne uttt vu a I allowed i pit teal tr el faDy tapteteiav ay aea doct from the date af my btter ta the tratttm af the lOthof Henabrr, ihTC to taa rane rt ttmo. Ferula aai" aa It wnald lm tm it Tea aa latiKmillMm heard by eooatrl aa a day te ba appointed at Ue eoan nitned el the Ooraraltr Bodr, bat aSoviag tten far my eouaaat to bdiattnttll.

I feel that 'Ate ettariytaroae eible lot me to de Jaatbe to ay ova eaae, aadVbealtea. ay dattet oa Tkandey, the 33d, vhbk te tke epeaiag day ol tae teaoet arm, reader ary prtetnn it lasiipeae The Gorerninx Bodr notbd a flit SSd. at. Jaaaarr. 1875, Uat they eould aot aaaartekd ta tugratt aay farther tope aa taaaa ay ua pmtatn, aaa uat.u taaa epiama, aaah ttena.

if to be aar ihoald ban beea tehaa earlier and thoald han beea tpoaUaeo bat Uey weld ba ready to, rentrt ear farther tttlniiit, vrtttea em, aurnt wata taaaa. ta nam, laay would hold metteg at tho Wwt ainatar Paten Betel em the 6th ef February, at which tbey weald be prepared to hear hla, er ta i ecein aay vrittaa attaint bat that he eould aot be heard by eooaael On the 4U day el Ftbroary, 1873, the atetetiff wrote Mr. SeeU a btter te vhteh be aaid ba didaetat tka tten el kblaranr tetter peicaiTa Uttii an waa waaUagaahbyartliadteatteaar My opinion oa ttb bead ku haaa altered oa further re eettoe, aad I en tbenfen deatroat to expnu to yea folly and aaiaatrredly my regret far aarteg ntertateed aae pteioat witt ngard to year tend act aa doohta with regard to the kryaltr ef Tour eo optntioa witt me la the week ef the fiibnl Ian' tatbaed Uat than deahte and tutpiriooa wan unfeuaded. 1 ban Htmiatrj Uaa my mlad, and 1 hope that IherecolTecttea ef them mar he eoatptetely tffittdjrta yean, He atee npiaaii kb regret la refereeoe to the ten, eaettieai by Jia. Beet! through txclutioa frra pupib, a hat wkich waa act bb purpcae to latart, aad vaiea be ttppfto tt aa teager; aaffend, The.

am 1 Utek Mr. ante anBT m3aknj aad thU aeaha Ua ateoa eU vhtehUa italatnt dt Mh rhtigii hn itndnid to Ma. keary tine tin; ten whbh uo pcnhS i tteanmAaarteaaa aiiflt haa hlietod raea kteu ae tOttetUt weald aoa tepart te Uate aaaa fnea Ue tet i it 1 1 1 eeemt rd awmel awaae akett aet hear ejnfwbaitteri. irabhmatto itagtiB. ea am tha lam rt a alt iaiaaj.afc.iiagnna ajatn that.

the Go Ttmate aad Dr. Bndler. who tite to the atetetiff eat the rreoad Body, nader the teffman mt Dc peneeauy aoe ef kb ktriar kna elected by the jrif irun to the ether nndblatn Oo al Brad Matter, aad vha kad that rtaaoo, to aw enry mean ta their povar to undo, uat tppotntmnt, tad ta tem the tatlgBaUoa or dltmi aal efthe ptetetiff, kad, ia fact, beea aenaaded aad kad raaolnd bef enhaad to ret rid at the plaiatiff vhatem he might write to Mr.Seett, aad vhaterar exptenattea er ttetemeat be might make to the Oerernteg Body.The Ooremteg Body met eathetttef February 873, aad apia ua plaintiff waa net eaflad had ao aowh eoportuaity aa he tougbt ol rtedieatteg: hiraaaU. Kenr thtbu. tke fotlewteg naotattea vu adopted by the Oorrv teg Body That Ue Oerarateg Body.

an al. epiatea that tka letter from Dr. Haymaa to Mr. Seett ntteftctery te larme, aui uey oeepiy rtrrtt uat nta oempoann wna thair the 30U et. Ht aaraber, UTS, haa been until hu teat ite eelee.

The Oe rerster Body an further of opteloo that the poet. tten el Dr. ilayraaa tad that at tke Saheel ken beea to tetteaaly enenprnmlnd ky what haa beea brought aadar tbeir netke linoe Mid uamer, 1873, Uat they feel it to be Ueir daty, gaardbna ef Uebtertettef the School, to eoatideriha qaettioa vbether Dr. Haymaa thoald not now be reeommeodod to retire ftwnt the Had Maatenhip. After' thb Dr.

Haymaa vaa informed that the Oorerateg Body veold be pnpand to hear at ttteateat ke raigbtwbhtoajUt juAecteicawnthuiiiaianiidlt eotee matten ia nepeet ef wu altered by the bill a vhteaueuoTaralag to hoU the ptetetiff mpoetihU, aad tte rertev of vhteh carried keek far Mid wt 1173, af thoaottef Me aetrrith teadiag that the Minute la73.arnUtohe'naal aa ra ga daaUamtatnaptohaewadate. fteeb daabtea wu pruaounoad without arrtoatly girteg "Ue ptetetiff, who wnt ue penoa eantea ay it, aay epponaaiiy Tina. The eeaatel far tha blalatiff were Ur. Gbeaa. CilL If a Joha and Mr.

H. A. the Chtnaery Bar, aad Mr. Morgta Howard, of the Commoa Lav Bar uon tor uo wervniaf Boar wu. mm, 14.

il, ax. a. Darry and Mr. Ubert and Mr. a Sevan, al the Commoa Law Earappeared for tha Bithop al Bxeter.

Mrl OoTTor, Q.CL, te epealague pan far tte deaarrir, aabl be vu aet riprtttaliag the Bathe td Exeter, who kad kiaualf tied a demurrer, but agtiaat whoa aa nltef at taught by 'the bill ttccpt one ef the Oereraiag taa am. ttated an aet eaae te by the Oeraniag Body ef ramore Dr. Harmaa from kb aeeittea Head Maater, ad twa grenade wen atatad in anppert ef the pnyer, eae being Uat the nveetitg ol the Coranter Bodr vu not held ia the maaaer nbiddava te Ua ratet torrrnteg their meetteg aad the ether Utt anaer ua evaamati nan atatad ta, taa au tae naotateta patted by the Oorerater Bodr vaa a bad aae. The learned gentleman proceeded to tall atteattea to the formattea ef the Goraning Body, who vara, bo aaid, ittorpitittd te Ic ovedtheteerd toentoUernUteStho lia. Although Ue Oerarateg Body vm nlbd truateea, Uey vera aet truttcn te the ordinary teoaa, hal van aeoraorntioa ta vhaa rariiarant bad raated vary large Bvon, Be croooaded to read ua antbaaef tba Aetef SSL under vhteh Uon pewen won etertnd, aad dnw artteubr attoati to thawwdt tithe Aet ntigii lit tho Head Matter el Baahr.

That he aheU ba azmetntad br aaa naia omn ue pteaaan mt ueatv uer trmng Body. tba tattaat eueten the nana Aet bibtar tattr aruM at taa intnit at tat aead aaetec Thareton tte head matter held hb eOee atetrdyU the ni. it. (w.t. poven van titaa by tho Aat al raHiattit to nhe Oewera lagBedy.

Then vu a rtry anaHil lilfftrnu katveea taa uenra agAedy un firm id aad aay traateaa, tba aooBttea veold he vaether ttwOaart at Caaai eould iaterfan te tba aattea af ilia ninaan lull Although then wen lapatation la the hOl made acateat nrtete mambert of the Oenrtdaf Body, tbey in tin I it their duty a aaaa to eema totte Ceort, aa eaty te the tetereato mt Kogby. Ut of all ether rehool hodbV tetiterTr eoawtituted, te ardor to thov at the eerOeet peaihte period that then vu ha aae far the tatcedareau at theOkartef Chiaiary. Tha Pahlte lehoab Aet mm toUeOnatlar Body taormoua aad povan el aa ntiraly (Sffa eaaneter tram Uon pi 1 1 im 1 hy tratttu bt the ordt eaaa el. ua term. Tha pirn ia thvrpeaeaaad van.

1 Hat 1 1 1 1 uw. oraoMy, waa, a a truer mm im Janet, mated thaa to held the rww that bb tottimoatel thoald aet fetnkna aaad for Bagby. aad Da. Temple theogbt, tea, taatte teatimonialt van imptoperly aaad. Bat the Traetoaaaa totnenaotnttea that thay von.

aat bBf ng a te. aaZ aad the whole thing wnaaan niied aaaia after that aaay The btter ef nmeeatraan el the a el tmeb body, to. Zln aettoaJ a a part mt he Itery eat tel. Won? vtearyrar tnvbely trpri atdte thai l.J aicaad ay 93 eat mt 31 nice ragn tt, va and then opiaioaa, war. were notaoah farf aM to lit ar mmmad.

The Tica Ctexjrcaixoa aeaad ht thb aajr ef feamV mmammm waa anai aaaa an aaymea aaatra aa apoa tho dattet to vhbh ha had beea ebctad. juuvmnrrpuMaut tarmu aaaweai a hi nrtew the paiaiaa tehaa by lTaarate, vhA aaa te then tad dan te vhbh Dr. fixyman atrat uhk tamt to leera the routine af the trteet, ttinmil OA it, lT toD. Heyaum that mW TntMBad net aaada pan chain ea opiatea he alterwarda ran ia art part amaai "prirtte aad ecoldnttel whbh he ant te ttt fna? mterahnl Ha na i7ae r. AB then mtaa T2 te the tell, bat ue eaty anatiaa beteta.

aha Caaat an not aaant taaaa aintnaan mt epnma. aat rtot raratetiaa thfnrnter Body to dhr ateiDaJ wu mm una aet Ball aad aVL Xh Chart had aat 1 i i iiaanj per udgant, er wktfhar Uiy Other Jadgmenl oeald heat bin untiled tt the Peart bad bad todeeetete ttoammm! wat a legttee Indeed, aubteat oalr to 3 aad to Ue tetotenan el rrtter daJtf nmaraai Be ah nld aat artnllea that tba rai tea aaaad kna paaaed aaparta aeocTun aadmuttlut ia Ier aeaaaa a aeaeoaai tdnatega, the Cwart mbUharaUe right to intertert 1 vaen the charge vueary eae a ban or at teaauet rtod. aa te Uia emmm to the nem dl ml tha than. If the.alrnattaaia wan each UU a Ceort el taw vwald aUB 4dthn tetteate he aaaty. be aula.

teiaadthbCartaaaddBUbterfer aad he dteaaed te aaah a aae the .1 Lk VWrl. Im tha iiani attn Oeranteg Body wen Ira mt Ua ojd trail! it. Be Uea tnamtaltd ea ueeemmtetet af Dr. Bayaea. te pangnpa at ate hi tba lfe Bradley, 1 aat raacmva held tha aaaaaaa thalUatraliit wenbaaad taten tcane nam nanwtie tana taa pmatat 1 an uey wen perfectly apoa to bald that eotetea.

aae to tha adea, taaa utaga wan aame aa amanraji an Hay ana unto nmtai htm tonttaa taaaa Ba7daate were foraved far thb aanan man xaama aaold be aaid mteTt la tka hill. The tect waa then gratirmn kad fta. eat ep ntoalttee at termtea tbeir ova iilabai to DavBajmaa a fteam.Jn.tha Marl lfahtnm af a ataarlid mma thteaa uvan uu xtaj aaa Ik van aet a emaamea tor. the Ceort waetharr Ca, i tenetrr road araettrtorthe pe mmm nauTai temarrai ite. tha tell to arr td im aahaae wen apart uon Ua pwar mt taa Otmt aad that.

VheUer Trrapteaad Dt.Brdby aeTtbe an hand, erUe aeeUtett atatten the euet. ttan itektti trtm4V tUtorthUaa atttn mdetaid an )ato fen ia the taaa. j. The ytca Catacrtfnartairktd thatitwiaid team nrr oaio naate thinr tau taa Tratten had anaC iimatbiag ngxaiitg tka tetany tke ImaaaaUaaaV, tor he taoogat uat letter mail, tan toea rhmdnaom tae imam aaamrr eaaej tare ngga. Ut) eue pleaded te nitpny.

ae an ana Ckmoa lilatti aua ihat ttat emttorvn r. and uea Una alter rime at indeed wntht ue wu ur. ilayraaa aat ttnbjedhrleotly aael at aamaaarta temaa hahtiag tka pert el a Bad bat be vu aalt for tke paamaa, caatl taa tend rpn Ua peaou hi far fiTi taifltimaiaa Itodt aim tT dinal tl tm aamttal aaXaa mmd mm Dt. Haymaa, white tekteg tba aevert whbh tae Aet aata him Head iiar.matomteid UUtUaaa Anvn at to apply to kin whea the Oeraniag BedyarMtawalmmt Batter, mt te ahow tt wu rata teat Dr. Htyraaa 1 eaaa Ae whteh gan TmmVK4XuxUjomtmAiml Uat tka kfleUaa ny tten rtt ny bad fauh.

Mr. Cotto mJted taaa vaa aelblag' taalaet tn jay term ta ba litaiatit' by thaftranr Hnd an in a poaittea te jadgr of the matter. 1 mm 1 irw ar rr on. then aaa aeao aeon aa TemptevnUnilhlil vtthtoetf)iltfnt Bel maa. aaa va moat amame taat waeq ae vu oa Vrnk tar Body he txprrated ab dbatiaftctiea.

Mr. OUaA AWUer huntir aid ttollf Scfrntmie kad an deaa that diaiineoold aat ben beoa 11 aaa, Mr. CoTToa aid than vu aotalac te Uat 1 aa eouinleDt to ayter that aJadre voald aU han rr teal ataaertelaiii miliaaaperttealar an ant bed aeti eaaded aim bat the tedgmeot oeald an be tenlbamrdba. nan then happeoed to bo a greater amy elteoaatea the erne tide tt a the ottv Mr. Ouat aaid tt ne anaeaattn dtaa asay at neaitL hot el a ataal attiag aa a Jadge, r.

Cdttoj urjad that the OerKtteg Body vnt at uaaiia in ear nan uu uetr aataaaaaeaaat a by the and the Ceort roold rat My wwrrrnug souy wan nana wreagv Tka TicaUJcnio I matt tar that en vua yea em aua pttat ittt a Temple ead Dr. Bradley van btanil, vh tag Body, ta gin thair Jad xMat tana Uty to theb ferbvi.v Mx.CaTroiiiiililto natead taattaaCVmtiame aot att to nrb Ua aattea ef the Oertrateg Body, vhe bat tha powtt to do Uey had deaa, aad then ante te aa mm tea latarterean aaitn ay ciotitl at then eomnteated aa the further aliiilbai 1 to the alleged snjadteo ef Dr. anian kia, aad apoa tha albgal aboaad hb povar vheo aa.thi taf uv Dr. Temnte a4tXauaaar tlbratenthat Dr. Ttaab ad Uey bed tenant tathe at nLthea Uat kaevbdga aad tudgnant whteh Uer Tha Yica Caiamiaa ban twmtrttd thU thbpetettl thaaauUiratratod the teeeartaban af a tU than natemnte kad fraavt te aarannediale MtCOTTWf eaU they had tehe tehaa ra far fat parpntt of argmBrnt.

He taaa paaaed te rttuia tteaaf Dr. Haymaa te ivgnM to abated Ite, Onav tenter aueter, one Ua italtn, uaa aecteg enamayto the eaat oaa aad aaagn af Ue aheol, thowa bmo tetter tl Dt. Ttente, leag prrrboe hb faerteg tto la aftertax aa aanrtaiat to Mr. Ln Waara, He pointed to the aattea af Dc Haymaa auer oaen anew una taa uererarag nttymaa te Un tad ling. Body had that ba taatf greaade al nmplilat ngnteat ktet, aad that btvarht thte heatildr aram hiraanf nad the Body had te deetde wheuer Dr.

Haymaa tba ddett aaa tau uey eaeen taoe tm aeaafamg ap ue Dr. Harmaa voald ban had te iimam 11 at maaten au aeqqaiateu vtta atagty ervttwrrm' belhO bat rUtothotaho to tattrt Uafnmma MutenUm The TicaXruicaixon. after tama farther ea thb aoiat. aid that asoeater he bald the xway venvnag uar eoaaamaaa, eeon ao Mr. Coma nailed te tka am Hn, ayteg Ite legialatan had an left Uat pawn la tha aeadoa am 1 He then rr Ue part of Ue U1I ntatteg to the hent anatore ana aad Mr.

aeett. eaaa, Hajmaa'i aattea Ureogheat then mtrtm oat eat dent to thaw Ue Oerarateg Body that by kteaajatf at a aaaon axe aagay.ior ut. maymaa aaa peama mm aadna baaa vhteh he altorvaraa tknw a aai. looted to ae by faaov ramlagBedy. The trentegBady kad aaty aad oaly dealt vitt.

Ufa. whea aat VLmZ Dr. Haymaa alter they had dna tbt tr ntetW rag enr a bag pari ad, aad they eaaaaanna a tad far him aoae knnnkle tnaaaa ot nth rat tmat peeUtea. Bat they eoold aat hrteg Dr. Herama to aba.

aad tbey eaenbod the poorer ol abaimill eat ma taa wean boy aua tau aa wa, rlftrtbeod. the Oararaiag Body enld aaet tke aeat day aad dbmba Urn agate. Then vnheeeaa, aw aever mt letmfia a I ona bf a oharga of tandaen toada the Cbort eould aat toterbre. aatem at that Ueraaeintteaal tha Oerarateg Body vu htbaaw fnadnteat, aad. tbtt tf ao, a.

aalBly. htei fba aaa aa tomb team la laa bill The YlcaOu am.iaa mid ke voald tamml te Bt garmaa't oaaaool mrinity to natider tf ue Cwart aat terbdbttea te tke one priinlt i nmmur eaiorthamat MiiiwnrJaagry aanatna Ll tor aneaw area Ua papon had beea put Iato tvar teade. meaaitoarioeUeoua. They aat hrteg teto Caa I far the parpen af aagry mtnnln, aad tt aaa tar ffate Dr. Hayman 1 vkh Uat aay dbtemln ef that teaeaeBw rteald be imparted teto Ue eaae.

hfr. Oottoji Uea ininJH la daata onr nam 1 id had aot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 vtea the Cetuo ana Tha one ttm ttea aajo ttaad aatate dey Wbh. TwbkaahamLeeal Board ea TkumUrjmt airad tnen the Laeal Oi tniH etetad eemliav gcj jnAur Piimrni It a aad dtnrtteg the tavage traa ue tinr ntaae. btterAvwMaattea tTthe fart taat, ta the TeaajfJ aSTtea a .11 alma taal I ZSk tt vu" pnp eU BaX a 11 1 ni ftBeaiar ratnrt fton aav at zaai Ue tonabtaato weald he te ear wy enbeted by aa JnBbbW tttaava r.iAt. Tl ia tula eteal te the town a if liiiuf bmahrrt aaaaef liad'te.


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