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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 5

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rHB times, Tuesday, avril so, 1872: LATEST INTjBLIII GEN CE. TIKI INDIRECT CLAIMS, (nex ocs oyrx corrswckcdktt.) 4 PHILADELPHIA, Aritn. S8. Xb aanoanoement may now be made that the Alabama Claims quetUoa wQl bo settled this week fa ineT satisfactory to both eoan tries. General Schcnck hs beea instructed to saj to yxi Granville tha, it England will decide in ad ranee int the prindplo of roakinj Clim for Indirect Damages, America will aje to such ded wan.

The principle being thus scttlo 1, it will not Imre to be diacusaedby the Genera Arbitrators. The American4 Case will remain unaltered, al though so perilled by this arrau'ement. EujUnd, it is understood, accepts this propo siti (hcttto TZLtGttAM,) NXW YORK, Atril 23. The Triune expresses a belie! that the Adrninis trtii will surrender its position with respect to tie Alabama Claims. Commenting on a statement oTtbe.Y Yerfc Timu that the Indirect Claims could only; bo withdrawn in the owe of Great Britain making certain important concessions and virtually crafting the poiut for which the claim preferred, the TrtSune says that the IVstJent's mouthpiece thus tries to prepare the public for the confession of tho Administration.

that it has betrayed the mterest and dignity of tho country at the dictation of the British Ministry, tai in obedience to the cowardly spirit of political ftxpediencT. is a lame and impotent conclusion, tajathe to the most pretentious and important act of the present Administration. The State Delegations are arrivini at Cincinnati to attend the Liberal Republican Convention, hi is summoned for tho 16th of May, and indications seem to point oat that either Mr. Charles Francis Adams or Senator Trumbull will be nomi nsted for the next Preeidency. The Site tori lPorfi and the other Democratie journals state that the Democrats could consisten tly rapport Mr.

Adams. TKo Guion steamer Minnesota armed out at 2 and the White Star steamer Atlantic at 5 a.m. to day. The Anchor Line steamer Kyropa has also arrived out. COMMERCIAL INTIXLIGENCE.

Cuviix Prices. Gold closed at 112; the highest quotation during; the day was 112S the lowest, Sterling exchange London, 1093. Fire Twenty United SLtes Bonds, 1355. 116 diU 187, 1I5J Fire per Cent. Funded Jjoan, 187 1, 112J.

Union Rail way Bonds, She per Cent. Gold Bonds, "93; Seven per Cent. Land Grant S2; Central Pacific Railway Shares, 103j Illinois Shares, JS'5 Erie Shares, b9. Cotton Middlinc Upland, 23Jc Petrolenm, standard white, 22f Flour, rxtra State, t7 25c to J7 45cv Com, o'd mixed, 76c Eedsprinj Wheat, $1 69c Atbil 29. The Cunard steamer Fleda arrived out at 5 tc day.

CANADA. QUEBEC, Arm 2D. Allan steamship Scandinavian has arrived bertv TJNT VESUVIUS. Vr TxLEORArn.) (neat ocx cm ooeresfostet.) NAPLES. ArRiL 23.

Twelre jersons are missing; all Italians. 13 wounded were taken to the hospital of these six are dead. English or Ajnericans are reported dead or wounded. VesuTius is still roaring Naples is covered with ashes. (ux tie's to STAPLES.

ArWL 28, The sky seems hidden, and the fall of ashes has recommenced! Advices received from sercral neighbouring communes state that showers of ashos hare, fallen there also, but lure now ceased. The ashes had reached as far as Cascrta. Aran. 29. Up to midnight yesterday the shower of ashes from Mount Vesuvius continued to fall.

The mountain is invisible, and rumbling noises are still heard, The statement that fresh cratm had opened is incorrect. The shower of ashes from Mount Vesurius has beenj accompanied in several localities by stones. In the ashes cover the ground 2 inches deep. jiPro: The journals praise remained at his the eruptions. post afesaor who has in the Observatory to watch 2 r.x.

Mount Vesurius is displaying terrible electric phenomenon, marked by flashes of lightning and ribrations.of the earth. Here and at Circola thare is a perfect rain of sand, and at Mass Sornma a rain of scoria. April 23, ArxxRsooy. Professor Palmieri telesraphs from the Observatory to day st as foUcws 44 Scoria in zreat abundance has. fallen in the direction of the Obserratory.

The instruments at the Observatory are very unquiet. The projectiles Trotn.the volcano rise to a height cf more than a lulcuaetre. The lara his ceased to flo THE INSURRECTION. CARLIST (Br freosi ocn owy coERESPoynrxT.) BAYONNE, Aran. 29.

Marshal Serrano arrived at Tudela last night, and established hu headquarters there. He has issued an adilrcss to the army, and a proclamation to the inhabitants of Navarre, Aragon, Burgos, and VavjEfflgados, yucerpus petty epcounters are one in wfcichllj2(i0 insurgents wore routed by 200 sotdierr. Three companies surrounded in Estella had 15 IriHed and wounded in breaking through the Carlist Jiae. Somereporta represent the movement to be de 'dininr, but others assert the contrary, There was a great fall on the Madrid Bourse last eet The extreme Republicans the authority cf tutelar, Figueras, and Pi Margall, because they disconttenaiice a Republican insurrection. TZLEORASCS.) nAYO.S'KE, Apkii.28, Yxxxvta.

The railway commuuicatiou with Madrid has 'been re established. Letters from Pampelusa state that the. Republi can of that town hail demanded Co with arms by the authorities, and had united with taxational. Guards and the Progressist to march aninrt the Carluts. General Moriones, the Com aatdant of Pampejuaa, is displaying great aeti It is sUted that all tbo bands hare priests cither IwtfUir.eoaaunders or lieutenants.

v' Forty CarlisU at Ataun bare iabmitted to the authorities, and 60 prisoners have been brought to Vittoria. MADRID, ATBtL 26. A Pttclaaaonsizned by Don Carlos circulated JnJIadridi' Don'Carlos says soilsrf jmr country and find ayself among M.ssk st a AA taA i bum an (saraew ippw a aw a saw the tit that Poa w31dsiirain or. die ki the. attempt, wspsmen bar been ae(ed for publishing newspapers Dslarsd In trsssmlMios ddreaed to tk aoldim and The Republieaa Cotsmittee lure aint an address to Madrid.

eonnselllW the Federal Left to leare'tho Coasresa' after the cot firmaiion of the electiona. Adricea from Saragom.of state that two corps of Gorcrameut troops are forming at Vit ton 3and Tudela. About 0.000 Carlista, well quipped, hold good positions between those two places. Aran 29. Up to the present the spirit' displayed by 'the army has been excellent, and there hare been no defections.

General Lagunerd, an adranced Radical, and formerly Under Secretary to the Minister of War, Scflor Zorrilla, has been appoiutol to the com mind of a column in Navarre. This appoint mont Jias produceil a great impression, as it is con' sidered as a proof' that the Republicans and the Radicals will not join the movement. According to the lates Scial accounts, no Carlist band remains in tho field in the province of Sara gossa. Marshal Serrano to day commeuces his operations ayaiust the insurgents from Tafalla, in Navarre. 1 Ercanc.

A few Carlist bands hare again appeared at various points, "but they are of no importance. Perfect tranquillity continues to prevail in Madrid. The Congress haa ratiSod 9G elections. A deGni tire constitution will shortly be drawn up. The insurrection is cottoned tho province of Nairarrc LOGItON'O, Atril A union of the Radicals and Progressists has been ejected, and Volunteers from both patties aro preparing to inarch against the Carlists should they pass the Ebro.

FRANCE. TA HIS, Ar ril 2J, Evzxixo. The second trial of Blanqui by the Sixth Military Tribunal for taking part in the insurrection of October, 1870, terminated to day. Blanqni alleged in his defence that an understanding existed between the Government and the inraders of tho Hotel de tile. The tribunal condemned the prisoner, tq transportation to a fortress.

A letter from the Due de Broglie has been published, in which he saiys that hi resigned the Embassy in London because he considered 4 his legislative duties as of the tint importance urgent family motives also conduced to his resignation. The Hou. Mr. and Mrs. Borie and Miss Grant, the daughter of the President of tho United States, hare arrived in Paris and alighted at the Hotel Meurice.

3:30 r.M. The Bourse has been Tery flat. Bentes closed at C4f. 57c, or 28c. lower than on Saturday.

i VERSAILLES, April 29, Etexiko. The Councillors General, Municipal Councillors, and Cooucillors of Arrondtssement of the Dcp rt meut of the Rhone, hare addrussod a letter, to tho Deputies for tto Itliono with reference to the resent arrests. They state that the Republican party in Lyons is too much couriucod of the necessity of respecting the law and maintaining public order to respond to any provocation they iy receive They request their friends to rely upon tlrem for the vindication of justice. The Mayor and Assistant Mayors of Havre, at an interview with M. Lefranc to day, protested against the theory laid down by the Jlimstcr in the recent debate on M.

Dural'a motion respectiug tlie duty of Mayors to hold aloof from political aisom kages. In to day's sitting of the National Assembly, the Bill for constituting a Council of. State was discussed. Several speakers demanded the adjourn ment of the debate M. Gambetta said that he no longer sopportcl the Gorernment proposal, but he advocated its discussion.

M.Dufaurc.the Minuter of the BilL Keplyiui to those members who had argued that a Council of SUte could not be created until the constitution of the country had been definitively settled, 31. Dufaura tized the constant allusions tho provisional cha racterof the presout state of thbgs as unpatriotic 1 1 I I .1. A .1 1 i 1 A ano preiuuiciai uowi iojiiuauuu nuunu wm vu the autnority of the Assembly. By 377 votes against 239 tho Chamber rejected the proposal of several members of the Right to continue tho Provisional Commission acting as Council of State, which was instituted in Septem ber, 1870. The proposal of a member of the Right that the nomination of the Councillors should be made by the Assembly instead of by the Government was also rejected.

Genton, who was condemned to death' for taking part in the assassination of the; hostages, will be shot at 6 o'clock to morrow morning on' the heights of Satory, near Versailles. GERMANY. BEKLtK, April 29. Prince Frederick arrived here yesterday, and was received hythe Emperor to tlay. Count Amini left here yesterday for MUNICH.

AraiL 29, Prince Lnitpold closeil the Session of the Bavarian Diet at 3 o'clock this afternoon. In the SpeecA from the Throne he enumerated tho resolutions and proposals adopted by the Diet'arfd Approved by the Gorernment. IIo dwelt upon the realization of the idea of an ideutical ptmal code for the whole of er mauy, which hail bwu effected by the introduction of tho Imperial jCode Tinto Bavaria. He tnutod that the new Parliamentary regulations would accelerate the performance of public business by the Diet. Princa Lultpold congratnlated the House upon the return to a definitely ordered Budget, He acknowledged the willing solicitude shown by both Uhamrra to supply the requirements of the public servico and to further tue lnccresis or ino sciwvc, and art, wherpin the Chambers had been guidod by the highest consideration for the welfare of the country.

He lauded the sense justice and lore rif rotinfrrof which evideuce had thereby becnuiron, and said these virtues of the Bavarian jwoplc were tJi most atTectua coiulition ot internal pmspeney, and would be of powerful aid in the of the task' which fell to tne snare ot Havana member' of the Empire. as a BELGIUM. BRUSSELS, ArniL 29. In replv to a question pnt by M. Beyntiens, in iv's sitting of the.

Upper Uotwo, tho Korpin Atfairs declared that IJelgjau Jin tb di fur Vor accru'lited to the Italian. Court was no ac tually residing in Homo and would remain mere. SWITZERLAND. BERNE, April 20. The Russian Minister has annoiincod to the Federal Council that tho eishth.Interiiational Statistical Congress will be opeued at fct.

Petersburg on the "of August. THE 31AILS. SUEZ, April 29, The Peninsular, and Oriental Company's steamer Oriftsa, from Bombay on the 15th arns'ed at daylight this mo I'lieMirssporeand the Surat loft on the 26th inst. for Bombay and Calcutta respectireiy, srith the bntwarl India, China, and Australian mails of April 11 19. The Orissa brings the Mauritius mails.

8T. NAZAIRE, ArRiL 29. The Measageries Maritimes steamer Nonveau Monde has arrived here. Her dates are Colon, April 1 St. Marthv the' 4th Guayra; the Cth and Martinique, the llth.

She brings 161 passengers and 300 tons of Cargo. QUEENBTOWN, Tha National Company' ateamer France, from New York, arriTed off Queenstown ml2Vi turn, to dar." and nroceoded for Urerpool. THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. Tho eneral contents of the Exhibition are arranged in three Diriiiona, of which Fine Arts forms the first, Manufactures the second, and Scientific Inventions produced within the last ten years the third. The lirst of these Divisions, excepting sculpture and other art work displayed in the ground floor of the Quadrants on either side of tho Conservatory, was notice! by us yesterday in a pre liminary and cursory manner, and we shall to day" make a similar tour of the other two, thus introducing our readers at one to tho whole of the hibition, and leaving more particular accounts aud criticism to olio at leisure as the occasion serves.

The Manufactures shown this year are divided into fire classes', begitming at Class 8, and numbered and named in the oictal documents as follow: Class 8, Cotton and Cotton Fabrics Claw tf, Jewelry, which is explained to ihcan articles" worn as personal ornaments niade of precipus metals, precious stones, or their imitations, buriichv des goldsmiths'; or silversmiths' work or watches. These wid bo shown in 1376 and 1875. Class 10 Instruments of ail kinds Class 11, Acoustic Apparatus and Experiments Cass 12, Paper, Stationery, and Printing, divided into (a) paper, card, and millboard; (6), stationery and account books (e), letterpress, plate, an 1 all other inodeiof printiug. To tlieso classes of nuuuttcture are joined the raw materials, the machinery, and the processes used in their' production and, considering how many miles of galleries they till, even when sifted, and winnowed to half Uieir bulk by Committees of Selcctiou, we are most certainly of jopinioh that tha Lords Commissioners ha vo dona exceoding yell in distributing over two decades the burden of the sum total humau labour. Beginning at the boginning of the Cotton, in the uppcratory of the Wes'tern Quadrant, we have, first ot alt, the raw material, just as it comes oX the shoepa' backs," as we have known alady to say, cleaned aud carded into soft masses, Or wound iu yam of ditlerent conistoucy and thickness on spoo.s or bobbins of all shapes and sizes.

All mauueraud colours of knitting cotton and sewing threa 1 are shown by Messrs. Ermeu ami Etigels, of Manchtfn tor cotton 44 raw importo 44 willowed," 44 carded," 41 in alubbin. 44 in roving," and yarn successive stages of this pUnt which has niore.c'ianes thsu Proteus, more, incarnations than Buddha, in the glass cases of Elkauah Annita Uere also, giving tho clue to some mysterious telegrams, is 44 DhoU'era spun into ID shilling, and Middling Orleans" spun into 24 shihiug twist. Adding to all tliese, cotton 44 dyed," 44 printed;" 4doubled," and "polished," in 6d varieties, curious donees built up ot reels of various coloured thread so disptwed as to sin the iiamn of 44 Urdbks, of Iluddersfield, sample of 44 Tahiti," 44 44 Sea and" gyptian," hoapl in soft or, one stae nearer its ultimate apotheosis, wound away on bobbins in. 44 clubbing frame roving, wo pass on to caifce of can dlcwick, hosiery, and lishing tackle yarn's from Gotheulmrg, to cases showing us J.

and Coatsk of Paisley, pntich with a blocking machine out of a cross cut slab tho wooden cylinders for their reels, and how a roaring trado is driyen even in the cotton wasto wherewith engine driwrs jro contintiallj': wiping their engines and mopping their foreheads. A few steps more, nnd tho 1 wonderful 'plant 'is w.ov'en into fabrics for pnr poses of dress, and hero we not icy that each! country has its favourito patterns in petticoats, the wildast cosst its niceties of fashion in loving onvrards towanls the Conservatory, the risitor is improsse I with the splendid variety of the calico brands, and hesilatcs bctwecu 44 Tho Lome FiiJsh'" and 44 1'ure Truni Water. Bieichcd." Crofting tho terrace of the Coiisr7i tory, from whiclf, we look down on Air. Boehm's ntntuo of the Queen, jnst plaoed on a low between the tlights of stairs, wo begin the, East Quadrant with a caso of curtains latolled 4i Tamboured another of cottou yelvuts of many colnors and most excellent manufacture by Ke.elmeyer, of ManclesUr, andpasS to Scottish and Belgie trophies' in the slupo of embroidered petticoats aud stays, or, to speak with polish aud oorroctneaa, corrre'r wove corsets. Fine niaoniaand other embroideriaa trota: Glasgow giiaTn" ihis workJjriiig' iis to the end of tho Cotton Gallery, though wn have omitted much in way of neat soft rolls of wad ding, gigantic reels of 44 six.

cord, netr jo miI laceTbf seren rows of pear's, ia a case the contents of which. will represent over Birmingham iewsdry is here Streeter'a machine made brooches and necklaces and bracelets bring us to of this Division and, passing by the French Annexe, not yet ino'rder, we traverje an arcade in which are placed some French brouzes, marbles, and casts. One of the first, 41 Wrestlers, by A. Ottin. is exceedingly good.

Passing through a well lighted and pleasantly decorated tunnel, we enter the. South Ease Gallery, Room 21, and the Paper aud Printing Department'. Bibles In all languages are shown by the British and Foreign Bible Society, printing types of all sorts and sizes are displayed in albums and frames by various printers. A complete sequence nf the processes, from the drawings done on the battle neld to the illustrated newsjper ready for; sale, which go to make up a number of the IUtutratii Loiy Jon Acirs, is exhibited by its pntprietors. Marc is Ward arid Coi, of Belfast, here show some of their excellent colour printing, and re never saw anything batter in its way tban their pictures for cheap dn ing The doorways in this part are hung with papercurtaius, a new invention worth the attention of those ladies it concerns.

The patterns are pretty and novel, some of them imitating chintz rery wed they seem. durable, and, of course, are cheap. Turning the corner and onteriui; the South Galleries running across towards Queen's wo pass ecuntefi at Winch the tieliotypo and Woodbury processes are in full wort, while to tho right, a little further on, note paper is being put into blacic eles, and coloured, clipped, sn stamped iu various modes by a party of young Tne next nvm brings us to tho great collection of Stationery. full of funeral cards and other implements ot mourning and memorial observances, hicti won Id be cu rious if practised by the Chinese programmes, fashionable and otherwise, of balls lou ago danced out bills of delicious and otherwise, of duiiierslong a io eaten iuks, honn aud foreign, arranged in their cases like cellars of wines curious in their vintages and bottling an elephtnt in bronze, and Her Majesty and the f'rincd Wales in red seiiliug wax puns, from the neat little crow quill, slight and new, and tit for noitiing but a billet iloux, the Kat swaii's plume which an Km eror' might sign a treaty all theio and' a mil. km other objects, make up a rcahy iuterestiug if rather 44 shoppy" collection.

Messrs. Parkins and Gutto show at least 44 5 articles sui Ubloor preseuu litched and ail tho procrsses of stcei pen and all the sorts of steel pens, even to weapons of 12 points. A frame on the south walls contains soma curious 44 railway tickei ruling," designed to make tickets distinctive by. printiug them in various colours geometrically arranged. Fixed "against the' lhjht are samples of watermark paper, in which Euirlish maiers ex KATJ.L MILITARY eel of new else hero beautiful tclvotecns and bravcrteeus.

cTlton blankets light and warm, daaiasks, quilts, zebras, trimmings, dimity, muslui, and 44 other stufls with which we won't stav puzzling," all being 'disposed in built weil aud handsomely of good plate glass and cbony laoking wood or oil revolving stands. These fittings are tho'same throughout the Exhibition, and their convenience and elegance are anions its mcst agreeable features. Desceudiag the stairs and croosing an antechamber toJloom li on the ground floor of the East Gallery, wn find ourselves among the Musical Instruments. To the right is ranged in open order a regiment of pianos, overlpokeJ at proper distances by organs for church, ciiapel, ana chamber uss. To the left, in cases, arellutes, of ebony, silver, and gold, and other wind instruments in all their sorts and sizes, from he.

huge trombone in bras', which needs, one wnuld think, thodmigs of lkirc'as tb chase tho music through its many windings, to tho tiniest for which, to go again by siz. Zephyr must hare too rude a touch. Stacks of gnrgeously painted drums great and small, kettledrums for the saddlebow or the orchestra, harmoniums, musical boxes, or rather trunks, and bagpipes lovely in their silence aud spick and span with their tartans and ribaiids, complete this chamber. All theso instruments, or such of them who.o makers will it, are to have opportunities of trial and competition, 44 recitals," as the regulations call them, in the Alltert Hall, in Boom 12 we come to tho Jewelry. W.

Whiteley shoivs some imitation ornamsnts thar'desigu and workmanship, of which sometimes brings tip tho priot? to a substantial figure. Thus, a set comi prising a sterling and solid looking brooch, bracelet, and earrings is marked to cost 7U and as for the black glass jewelry, Avltich is not to bo" told from jet, by the same maker, it runs up to 10s. for a coronet, earrings, and brooch of delicate and complicated design, and sepa rate pieces of glass, each piece cut like apreciou'sstone, and soldered to a metal tntmework. in tins room aro more pianos and organs, and the manufacture of imitation jewelry will be carried on at a counttr to the riyht. A door on the same side leads, to the East Machinery Annexe, beyond which is the Belgian Annexe, still in chaos.

The Machinery'Uooui contains Messrs. Dotikin's hugo revolving bowl for boiling rags for paper making. This has a peculiar fi tness of construction which we will not now stopto explain, but itis not intended durin; the Exhibition to domore than illustrate the manner of its aetion by selling it in motiou. Kastenbeiu's comH)Suig and distributing machines, latter tho first of the sort ever patented, arebein set up, aud will soon be iu working order in this Annexe. Machines, identical with them have been in use for some months at 1 th.oy are exhibited in the same enclosure with Walter Press," which will most probably be in readiMeis to print 7 ht Mut, from a continuous roll of paper on VVeJiiesday afternoon.

V.sit6rs will here have an oppoitunity of studying omo of the most intercs'tingand latest developments of the art of Printing, and 60 soon these inacliiues have bcrn put in action we shall tako an opportunity of explaining them. Beturmnto the Easttiallories and turning ta tha riht, we enter Boom 13, which continues, on.either side the succession of jewelry and, pianos. Here, also, is a largo. uran by Messw. Uryceson, pliyed by electric communication, and here is aroat piecv of quartz troiii the famotis Caledonian Mine iu iew Zt aland.

It is a greenish grsyish'stone, and appears to bo impreguatevl with gold throughput. Auemjity cases' awaits the Princess of Waless jewelry, kindly lent; another case 'contains peasant; jewelry, of which there is scattered about this room andithe noxt two an" excellent collection, consisting of Spanish, Swiss, Egyptian Moorish, Chinese, Walla cniati, Armenian, and other specimens. Of jet, worked aud in. tho rough, bog oak, fScotch gctns and dirks, skain dhus and sporrans there nro plenty. K.

Culver exhibits Clerkeuwcll made whoiesslM jewelry, aud gives us' an opportunity of observing the dutereneo between East and West end prices. Florentine and Byzantine mosaic and Venetian 5 lass ornaments are in other cases; and Mrs. Alfred lorrison lends, tome beautiful gold enamels. The diamond ornaments in Howell and "James's costly case ranee to 4,5001. for a single necklace, and, Messrs.

Hancock are permitted to show the match loss asd priceloxs Devonshire irems. a superb neck banknotes, old and on the walls are all sorts of playing cards, and in the cases valentines, dress and a thousand and one other articles. Japan sends i cigar cases, hats, shoes, umbreHas, ihasks, toys, aud'. an imitation of stamped leather, all. dono in paper.

There is a reel of fUi Ttuics paper, 2f miles long, and some parchment paper of such strength that a sheet of it ustaiii3 a weiht of ScArt. This department comas to an end at a counter upon whicli arcexuibiteda numlerof table epirgnes aud a singing automaton uightiugale. Turnmg to the left and keepiug to the rear of Spiers aud pond's great refreshmeuV room come to a corridor, ujkhi the wails of whic.5 aru foldrl, in frames, copies of moit of the newspapers of the world. The United btates. collection attords some cunous titles; and as one strolls alon the eye is caught by heading which seem whimsical enough to EuglUh eyes, sueh as 77w A'itwitat The bntxtay IZtpublti, The Munch Lhtink The papers last, we fiud oursoives among the inventions.

Tho music of a baud playing in 44 The Kiosk liollandaiae' is conducted cleverly underground, bo as to be hoard out of dors and indoors tho sima time. Sir, Joseph Whitworth and samples of tho metals named' alter them thire is a pnatomoicr dv ur. oiemvus, lor comaanus tue at embroidery (2,018) is very gojj, the bov 1 asso reauinj; pleacs ns indeed, and very much. The Dake of Cambridge, as Field Msnbsl CoKxaasdlajr fa Chief, a levis yesUrdsy afterooon at the Uorse tioirds. wbea taera was a larze attrodaace Soeit.

Qortrrmter Serj. Qsaipbell, cnrrioa quarter isaster seif. at Woolwich, bavin been promoted tohe risk of Qoartermsster, iiltrToceel toladia in Attest next to join ths 20th Bnjvls Sojsl Artillery. FletriUbe ibccwLm! at Woolwich by Serp. EirkbriJe, of Brifsde, lUyt Ilorte Artillrry, now it It is noJentooJ that a Battery'of Koysl Hone Artillery Is future to be quartered at St.

JohoVweod lUrrxckt, which have hitherto beea occupied by bittilioo of the Guards. A return haa just been issued from the War Office iciviss tbe namh of oSeers in noa purshve Indian rryunenta who LsTe retired1 froa the erriw rince the I st cf Xnveraher last. Tbs return also fives the auaber of oScers wbo Ksre applied to retire hut have not yet dooe to. officer have already retired, and four are makin; arraosemeats to do so. The follow in; exchange of stations of Batteries of Royal Artillery hve been imtdeby dir'ectiao 61 tbe Wax OE A battery, 18th Brurade, CapC C.

P. Roberta, to Rrlsan.u oatbe lSth of March. lottery, 18ih Cap ILReiJ.from Deljaum teAIuh9.lsha.lpa the 12thof Mareh. Msjor Geo. J.

S. Brownrirg. C.B., the Comnian'laat of tha CbUharn dutriet, held a briyide tield dhj of the troop in gniob on the Great Lines yeterJy, wben the evolutions to be performed at th( approaching celebration of the Qaeen'a birtliday were rehearsal. TLtn ops cf the koyal Etiapneerv the Hoyal Jtarioes, the 4th. battalion of the lU9e Brizade, the left wij of the 2d battalion el, the Otb Rejpment, aaJ the general depot battnlioa.

The beaJ qnarter of the 34 th or TeieTiph Cons pny. oft Bojal Engineer, at present tUtiooed at Iavernete, ha been placed ender orders to leave tbat place for the School of Military Engineering at Chatham. Capt. VV. C.

"Cham her lain, the Captain Superintendent of Ch.rham Dockyard, has issued aa order thitin June oejt ten ahipwrijht apprentices od ia enjioer itadents will, ho eotered at that dockyard. inaJe st once. At the last exasdaatioa fr the entry of engineer it u.Jents at Chatham onlyooe candidate succeeded in psins. Vaeancjes for Suh Lieatenaats ia the fb'lowiag hips bare of tUe First Lord of theAtimiraltt, in conCueace of the proiuotiou to the raalc of Lieutenant of the following o3ceri la the Hornet at Molan in the K.coon, rice nroome in tlie Volaje, vice Rohcrt in the rice Lsns 'ey and Lob in the pate of VTellinxton; vice IlofUkinson and Grietl in the Helicon, vice Pbipps in tbe Keiudeer, vie Gardiuer and June in the Trafaiar, vice Joo'ea is the Lori tVarJen, vice White and Priekett in the Hotp ir, vie Edye, io the Iocoa tant, vice Ferris In the IHphoe, iee' Bower and Sitiip kios in the Lord Clyde, viee Sajee and in the SyWj vice Otdaeid; in th Sirius, vice Deverell; in the Sphinx vce Byte tn the Min.trel, vice Oanlaer in the Kudjbiion, vice Clarke 'in the Per vice Clarke in the CewicVe and llntchinaoa in the Hinsldo, Vice Durbfbrd'; in the vice Carr6 in the Sheirwater. rife Hoore and in the Zealous, vire Home.

Tlie Fotn, eomposita guntxtat, Lieuu Com maod'er Bell, made a final and hUhly trial of intensities of light at various depths of tlie sea and there are somu other curious patents, bu: nothing that is to ruvolutionize.acience. Travfrsiu" some chambers, jijl I of South Kensington properties, and, turning north wo reach tho galleries opposite to and parallel with Qireaii's gata The rooms bu tho lower, story, i adl alolg this side," arp" Mcred tppriating aadlcittoa macMnJry, of which Was ntt fixed yesterday, llerotheratiruor' will be many printing aud lidio graphing in Boom 5 the JZcJio has already legun priuiiug one of its editions at a Mariuoni press. Envtdopo' making will ben tomorrow in lldoin 3, and promises to be very interesting! though all this machinery is that hi ordinary ttstsi and new only to tho general publici In Boom 2 wdl bv carried on thb embossing, mar blink, and ruling of paper, kwl Messrs. Virtue and already at work yesterday afternoon with a prow of special construction. 'I 'm Key was also printed for the first and will continue tp give day by day, as last year, programmes of music aud other matters connected tho Room 1 fitting with cotton machinery, which will manufacture tha various yarns, from the 44 web ot woven ono pound of which unwound would cover 115 miles, to the courser varieties.

Hero cotfoii will be ginned, scutched; carded, passed through the jacking and twisting machines, and CnSHj woven into calicoes, fishing nets, velvets, aud other Cottou plants of various roivtli will also bo seen in flower and pod in a hothouse adjoining tlugallery. The cotton machine room coiupletes bur tour of the Industrial goods, and it only remains for us to walk through the lower quadrants. That to tbe west is devoted to sculpture, arranged aaint tlie wall, audio engravings photographs, placed on screens. Here aro Weekes 44 which wo hope oue day to see in marble, Mr. Theoi's bust of Prince Albert, and ilr.

Bell's 44 BedtCroas 44 Ivan the Terriblo is a lino bronze lent the let diScuhy. tmder the superintendence of the Iv the Gzar and. crossiuir to the East hsrbour SUff Cjt. Watrrs. Aotthsta diaj the some other llUSian bnuizes ot bears and are'very good.

Tha 44 Beading Girl is here, and a ilrapod woman, by lautaruuii. A child worKin Iter 2IaietT' five rnaite Iron shin A tin 23 J. O. Hopkins (beiria; tbe flsgof Kear Adminl F. A.

C.iipM!). enteretl the Grand Harbour at 3 30 p.m. on the 17th ciht days from Gibraltar, where she bad been deUioed ome time by atrenz, easterly piles. The coIosat aprfeiranco of this fbip, she beinj; tbe rirt of lier clas th5 hac viited Malts, crested excite iBeot, and the line walh aat barraccaa were, fillot with, fiectaturi to see the mannetrvrins ef the vessel in takiot; her herth. This she appeared to do with jreit facility.

aa as moruv nia ie iasr uew uiii item, wiinoui number of Urge men of war in port, there appears to be auiple room, not enly tor tne Asmcoort as see now lie, but fir fro or three rooro similar grsntis ships; and tbe 'question of lerthia; them in this port iny now be laid to hare been: solved. Her Mv jeit' uirreyiiir vessel Cart. G. Xares, tne screens in me cist ytiauram are nuns; vim sh.ilf jk arcmvecturai nesrus lur iiiuru iiuiii loivcrs and trotvwjus than world has room for, and, passing onwards, the long journey we thus have made at a push and at one stag comes an end in a square are displayed many interesting Japanese curiosities, collected by Sir Harry Parkes and. others.

The Exhibition as a whole leaves upon us favourable impression. Tho objects appear to have been weh collected and fleeted tney are a Imirably arraiieJr and though tUo building contains no startling Aoril. nt tlifo latter on'the 8th. Her Jlaiesty's'ship Ante ipe, Lieut. Cmniankr WoodruiT, wasat AIexas hia when the Stic trwater lef.

On the arrival of the Antelope, with the Viosrby of India on board, the Unsun corvette and Turkbb ahipol warin portluted his Escellency on dis ejibarking, altuniih Its Lad no flc fljing to liticnih his hio rank, and, conseueutly. this set uf xourtrny waa novelty, and soma thiiis, such as. a nuui per of unt topojranhical tbita with reference to its shore. It the' pictures, which aro inferior of their sort, yvt! no doubt, on account of his Lijl. scientific qualifica nny one who chooses may find in it a great deal of I and peruliar aptitude for research that be has Imu aeleeted to take the ccrainand of aa important ex pieaure, sucu as ue caiuiui Kei any uere uwe, auu for the circunsnavi atioa of the gltAe for which he may mix with as much instruction as hs lt4 priocioa't o'fiec; the diternatatioQ of certain moot roint atnetiw will endure.

cbnneete.1 with oceanic eurrenu and navigation. Tie oceanic eurrenu and navigation. 1 i vcru bmon held a private view and in the banding prosres is bein? roa le ia our dockyard with the re Yesterday tho colonists and others interested in fel'wr ater rtmiaa on tni. station on ter prent nr. tho'Queensland Aunese of the Internal onal Lxhi to suecee.1 to the cain ao of that tmkL containing me articles irom tne coiony.

tnesecom nirscf the Lord civ.ia by ice nt uepart r.riu iii. ii. of t'ohldiist. ciittno. taxiderniir.

i under th' of F. Jlartin, fi! tM 11 tdmir fh shipwriiht and it remarkaUs bow sbon she 'l 1" 1 i made to present an 5Pearace almost fre from 01 vueeusiauo a.ioi an inierestingcna 4of aDuoi3tuleat of fkar Admiral SI racter. in tne speeenes made by trent emen present, Mr. Wheeler (tn the absence of Mr. F.

Daintree), Mr. iJedgwicic Cowper, Mr. D. Taller man, Mr. It.

H. Allen, and Mr. Thompson, the most earnest wihes were expressed that tUa. wflola of the Australian colonies suould bo represented in thesj Exuibitions. TyEXTri at the Oreici.

On Saturdty night, at the 'Rttyal Italian Ojvra hou just i die. Albabi was pcrfor liiug tbelep walkiKceu9at the null in La 6cn itanald, cry aroe fro.uoueof the sUlls, sql a gentle, inst there was ta to be in The Lon.e aas verf full, and the incident caused some esciteoieut, but MdQe. Albaui coatiaued without noticiojr it. The tratle u.awiu Wkenl oat into the lobby, and. the opera went on to its concluiijo.

He proved to be Mr. Cristobal, de la Quiatana, of the well kuown Spayih mercantile house. Cristobal Marrieta and of Lvnlon. l)r. Edmubdn, of Furroj quarr, sittiuj In a box jastover the stall occupied by Jlr.

the seizure and battened down' to giro assistance. Mr.OscarClayton,ooeot the uhreoos totbePnnce' ales, ala soon after armed frorn 'another part tne house. TbeotEcials of the Opera hoirse reodered cverv asist anieiithar.waa practicable.bat as the uofortsaate gentleman it recover us aen ibuttvatter aecoBdattaekof couTui he waaaeen home br.Dr. doraada. ja ho called 0 tKe for Dr.

T. K. Chaoibers, of llrook stxeet. Qxiw 's usual medicil attendant: Both physician went borne hiin. and tended him auiduoaslv till tha UsL.

The nlaioas recurred, however, with aaoa. eev. rity that oa at ocessions tne circulation was only restored by aru and after tbe ele'reath attack all eSorta at citation failed. Mr. Quintana died at o'clock' oa lav morniof the rites' oi extrems ubetion'haTiajt been performed.

The deeeael reutleman waa 42 yean of age, untttiu. uuuiariiai riii maw didAc eioem. Unl witl eoof SCVfT SuA aDtwiatun C.U., F.R.S., to tbe Preaidecev ment, mater has been aniazo. Cooper Kev. the Uaral Naval Hni isst.

from Ooa, with 39 oSceTs (ioeladisic tbe brother of tha KtBf, ico(cnito) and 367 oven. replsoiahing nel, pfovisiona, and water the proceeded 00 tha foflowrac day for A. foreign taaa of war passed the island on fJaturday from east to THE MILITIA. The foSowing regiments of Militfa will" endeTge their ac.nul training at Aldershott this yesr: The lat.Eoysl But Middlesex, under the command of LienL CoI. F.JK Aikinan, Ag to assemble on the 6th of May, the 4th, or Boyal South Uiddlesoi, nnder Col.

3. Scriven, on the Cth of May the Hamp hire, Iieat CoL G. Brisg, on 13th of lL.y the Oxfot d. Lieut. CoL J.

Yat, on the 6th of May; the 2d Royal Surrey, Lieut CoL W. J. Shsrp.oa th Uta of May the Byal Fdthorne, or 5th MiddlefexiT CoL J. A. llanttr, on the of May tkc Rcjal Bucks (Kuiga Uvb, Coh W.

a Pratt, on the Uta Msy the 3 1, or Eoyl U'estminster. Middlesex, CoL II. Pentn, on tb 27th of May tbe 3d Royal CoL T. II. Terry, on the 3d of June the 2d Koyal Tower fUnlets, LieuC CoL J.

a llalkett, on the $1 ot June the litEoyal Sarrtf, CoL G. P. Evelyn, oatbe 1st of July. Tb 1st, 3d; 4th, aad 5'd UidJiesex Kegioienta.will encaaiped afc. CoTe the Busks, lsmpbire, ari'POxford will be encaurid at Ku hmoor, the 2 1 Surreyat Oove com Swiq lua.

The 1st and 5th Middloex will attached to Gen. Lvtoos' Brioule. the Lucks. Hampshire, and Uxfordwill be attached to Gen. Smith's Brigade the and Middlesex and 21 darrey to Gen.

Maxwell'a Brigade, the The Brudea.iad sitcsTif ea caoipisent of the 1st and 31 Surrey and the 2d'Tower Ilamleta haa not yet been decided upon. TheCaraarvoa Royal lUfle Militia aaaembled for training at Carnarvon on the 3th under coinaiand of Lieut, CoL V. WulUnu. The recruits, uader the xomeiand ef the Adjatact, Capt. Nrei, weal through a 'aoath's pre limmary drill.

Ttiia reiimeJt has given the ull qoia' of mea to the. Militia Heaerve force. The Deiron Artillery Militia and the South Devon Militia yesterday entered on their moetlTa traibiai former re.iment ia quartered in the Mqunt Wise and ttagiau Bar racks at Devooport, and tbe latter in tie Barracks. at PlytLoatn. "'X The Lokp CuivcfuoK.

The Lord Chancehr 1 and Llr' 5rley th TJuited States Mini Vjtr sir I. Jlis. iaeuca and Miss Giant, the Chancellor of tue hxciiequer sod Mia. aud a distinush'rd. party st dinner oa Satunlay at their residetce ia JUrest Georjje street.

Tue Cu irrai Hocse or Wn rnnxsTEit Absxt. Ve.terdiy irorning the newly reterrd Chapter Ucu of Wa taitTi.ur Ai bry w.a thrown for tte in pecrioa U.e public, aud during the o'a some thousands of persons availed taeu.te.Trto tLe opportuuity ot inapectioK it. The Chapttr House was buiu in 1200 bv Iitaryt ILL on the tie of the earhtr Chapter Bocse belougitig to tbe Abbey as toundr by Edwakl the tbufr'for. It' waa account of its beauty c.llel tbe "Isoomparab'e Ctspter iioae." Jt was there tbe abbots ant aionk of time of the aiicieaat luouaoiery lield. tfctlrT Chapter or meeting for dict2aioa and boatntts.

AXmt from the tine of its Srt erection it wu used for tho sittings cf the Hou of Commbua. The IIousof Comaonjr erne into xisieace in 12ii aad at trs: is UiH with U.e Houae of Lor.U but. in LStl. they parted, ana from that time for 2Ji) jean their locettcg were held ia the rretincw oi Westutinster, soaietuiic in the Refectory, tow dtsrroywf. but usually in the Chapter her nwchinciT I'lvmoutb, oa Saturday, under the sarr 4Jf Ua'the doluta.n of the aecient woaattcry Mr.

Georje C. Bardie, C.B., Chief Inspector of Machinery afioat. The indicated borse power of. the engines waa very nearly. timet the ceniinal power.

The Hecate, newly LuQt turret sLip, rn charge cf Cora man Jcr Itowe, moved frboi Sound into the harbour at ijevoDport yesterdsv, and will be docked st Keyham to day. The crew of tbe Lord Clyde, now being repsired st Malta is tb be brought home and turned over to the Swiftsure, at. Devooport. Briton, 10, screw corvette, Capt. Charles T.

Tage, has arrived East India, and China station from. Eng lami, ani, by laat accouuti "remained st Bomar Lieut. Pbib S.KV, Miyow( December 20, 1S71), died on the 25th bf Marchj Her Hajety'i Coastguard eraiser nawk. Commander Fre lerij't Hardy, tender to the VaaguarrJ, II, armour plated Coaitguard ship, at Kingstown, get aakbre on the Uatier liaddj, StrangforJ, On the 2ith while tn mule from North Wales, She afterwards proceeded' for 'Kingttowo, having suatained, it report ed, but little in jnry. Tbe llawk ia a hamUomo, eommodious, and swift vessel, She was built by Messra.

White and "of Cowes, an 1 was launched in Jane, 1SK, is 372 tons, and 70 hore power. The following appointments were made yesterday at the Admiralty Sub Lieut. E. H. Ramsden and Sub IJeut.

K. F. Powell to the Ganges, additional, "for the. Liberty tender Sab Lieut. W.

G. Mantel and Sab Lieut. R. O. C.

Brcctoa to tbe Impregnable, additional, for the Squirrel tender Sub Liaut, tf. A. Roberta and Sub Lieut. T. II.

B. lVresford the Boscawen, additional, for the Racer Sub Lieut. W. H. C.

Chamberlaine and Sub Lieut. T. E. Ciichnne; to the St. Vincent, additional, for the Martin tender Sab Lieut.

D. L. Dickvon and Sub Lieut. P. Pipon to tbe" Implacable, additional, for the Scaiark, tender Sub Lieut.

F. R. Felly, Snb Lieut. T. C.

Fenton, an Sub Lieut C. P. tree ten to ths Northumberland W. B. the Sultan P.

U. aad J. de V. Alien, midahip meo, to tbe Hercules F. J.

O. Thomas, tuidsbipmaa, to the inotaur W. S. Ilees.midshipman, to the Beueropboc; Thoinit Nunn, chief enrineer, to the Fox Frederick JT. Pope, chief engioeer, to the Achilles Joseph Williams, chief engineer, to the Vanguard and Simon Matthew, chief ecsiueer, to the Mersey.

Oar Mslta Correspondent writes uader date of Valetta, April 23 i io a tins Lruwo, and. Irom trat time tie IV aad Lhaiiter bare held their ciretings in tbe Jrnaalcm. Cham er. the Ctaptef IKuse becumiug 4 Hijudry of eubfia Daring Mhia perioi it wu ttted "up with book fbelvet, wLich disSuml ant coi ceaied. beauty, la alter ih remo.val of the reccrds 'tb.

the House, on the fw asuirerury of tba foaoilation of the Chapter, and the (k.Vlh anniversary of the House of ComiiiOli. it rutor.tiou wi undertaken at tb ie.Urt of the Society of Autvjnarie by Mr, ('Udstune, ho as then Chancellor of the Hxchequsr, acd Mr. Cowper iemple, First Unsitnisaiooer of Work. Tha requisite sunt waa gmnte by Parliament, aad the work waa iutniite.1 to Mr. Gilbert wnu Laa restcred the plce aa aa goasi to it original state.

The' roof baa beeu entirely tebuilt tUt paintinns, which were by the bfok helves, are now iicIoel. Thoae at tbe east end ortr the suVU of the Abbot and hi fcur chief oft cm are of the It th century, acd represent th seraph round the tLrotiO of tte an th'jse nnnii the waiU were paintetl Jin the crDturv by ouir of the of the convent named John of Northampton, sod represent scatci from the IteTelacion of St. Jbn, wtir of birds aa beasts undeteeath. The ftgqrea each of the entrance, rcpreaeuling the Argel and the Virgin Mary, are ancient. The eentrl aiurc is what formerly tLere.

The tiles on the fioor.eoTeird wjtU curious Leraldic emblems, axe no seeavfor'thehrst time. The tracery of tbe windows has been mfc red after (he model of tbe one which hvti been let't uninjured oa the cortk wett aide. It still reoiaiaa for tbenr to be tilled with itained glass, according to the' original tleaigc Strike or OairrsBs at Livxbpot Yeaterday, the itnke of the Liverptxd cstterv, which has ren for some diys appreheode.1, wea about men ab staieed lrom work. Tbe drSereecee between tee men and their empyers relate both to matters of time' and wages. Hitherto tne hour of the Den have been loci; acd indefinite, sometimes esteudiog aa ar aa 16 aad Id hours per day.

The men aevlc to limit the time of work, to 12 hours per day if actual work with carta and horse, exclusive of aome two or three houn employment at tbe stables, and to be paid for overtime st the rate of 6d. per hour. The master, evn tbe otbrr hnd, ire to fix the time of working with the eartt and beneaat 14 tenrs pvr lay; instead ot licitinj it to 12 hours and the are then willing te pay for overtime at tbe rule demanded. Iu' taopect to, the question of time, tbe men would probably.cOBcede aa hour, so tbat the difference. between them and the masters upon this point would be liinrted to one hour.

The men, howrer, also demand anlocrease. of waee from 27. per wcekT to it's. The masters met this demand half way, aad oOer 2s. Cd.

per week. A minor matter in, dispute, that relating to Sunday work, haa been fully conceded by tbe mailer, who are willing to aceele totae wiih of tbe men to make tbe number of their visits to the (table on Sunday two. instead of three. Tbe strike, yesterday extended from the' quay carters' (or those wbo cart goods to aad front warehouse) to tbe general carrier mea, whoee employers are forwarding agents throughout tbe kingdom, aad.wboss business lies a good deal ia the carting ef goods to and from the railways. Thai tbe only lTge carters able to conduct their business ia Liverpool yesterday were the railway companies.

Tbe result has been a pretty general auspen ion of busineea throughout tbe docka and warehouses, causing Hrtneose inconvenience acd Ion to mary merchant and abipowaers. Should tbe strike continue, tbe deapatch of several ship and steamers must necessarily be. postponed or the alternative ran. be adopted of sending tbeni'otf with their caroea abort shired. Owiog, io a great measure, to the judicious counsel cf Mr.

William. Simpson, a gentleman who has identified himself ex tent locally with the interests ef the working the deeeanaur of the men throughout the day has beea meat orderly and quiet. At the instance of Mr. Simpson, the men abstained from making a public processioa through, 'the tows. Their pace of ia aa open space' near the George Landing stage.

During tbe day a small number of masters conceded the damands of the men, and Mr. Simpson is endeavouring to briog Jeut an arrangement between tbe merchants and the muter carters, wheraby the latter are to receive higher rate from the former, so that they in turn may be enaoled to make aome cooeeesioos to tbe men. The maaters. at present, state, that, tbeir great diaicultrin meetinz the men arise from toe fact Last the mereaants are tha habit of deducting a discount from their account and that alt the more Capt. Narea ba by tbe warehousetaen have to receive certain STatuitiea or exertion, inwhicn be has in aappurteu by flis ofEcers, fees, whieh air tend to dimiaish their 1 prdt.

npon the a complete ana survey 01 tee uair ci i cartage. tue rubers of tbe Eiaiters cotni tudc. and obUineil not rnlr most valuable information connected with the navigation of the Gdlfbnt most impor. r. 1 a.

i versity about to be established at Gretnwicb, haa been re ceirl here with pleasure. common cartage. "Seme taembers of the Eiaitersy cotnnuttee are now ia the agricultural diatrieta in seareb ot. mea a substitute for tbcee 00 strike. Only a few: of these sabstitntes have arrived' in town, bet the masters, exprees them elr, eonSdeollT a to their speedy success in thi.

dirvrtioa, while, oa she other hand, the. opinion ia freely expressed that the wan: of local knowledge, and their inexperience in the handling" fji every variety of produce would reader agricultund' teauiaoren substitutes. THE DlSZSTaEUSHZD ClIUECH OT Ibzulxd. Oar Dnblin Correipondent writes "The General St cod some Bills on Saturday for tbe regnlation of Lathe dials. It was enacteit tbat St.

ratnec'a Catbedral to base a national character and represent all the dioceses, with stall for the several Bishop and Christ Church ia to be the Cathedral of tbe diocese of Dubbo and Glande lagb. Th agiutioo on the subject cf reviaiun baa been checked in the bynod by the vote of the clergy agaiDSt tbe removal of the damnatory clau ea of the Atbanaaiaa Creed, although fire to one of the laity and; all terfrBishop exeept i rtyacdTh uniti V.fP. There ia a stroog 'eelmg 00 tnl servis regret, hewever. tbe lusa of sueh aa.energe and aaujtc.ou.m ua, oonenu. abl officer, hs, during his short stay oa thi station ss THE Hxicajccx Sheet.

In the financial year Admiral Siwerinteudeiit rf the Dookpnl and Second ia Com ended the 31st of March, 1572, the groaa public iceotue of maul, rerulefed hiniself, invaluable, to all those who the Hailed Kiag.iom a The Customs have hee brought in co.utaet with him. The CoaimsnJer datiea produced Xatiae, iu Chief, after ex rcisin? the Sqna re in pert on the morn laadUa aad bouse duty. 2.330,U)0i.; prcperty inof the 15th, pi dM en board. Her s'ship tax, O.UJI.UtW.; P.t Otfiee, telegraph acrvicc, Crvn lands niiaceilaueoua, iuspeeted erer part of the mnsled Ue oncers and thia Uat item includiig militari and iHif company, we aiicrooca in j.imiraijii 1 a eX5Ia receipt and proceeda 01 ohi stcre aoId.830.OOOL relay meat of laaaea for the Abtaaioiau expeiinba. aad ironx inoua ou account, or army caarges.

sixilar isil to er Aurora, Capt, The crew of tha missing fishing host ia cf which Her Maiestys Wizard, was srtit, were piekedtsp, afr. Tieing a day and a half out, by the Etu'IUh choonet Aretai, Cat. lU jUorgao, bouod from Galhrndi for KnJland, 15 miles otf this iaUocT, avd brought here. The Wisarl returned on Suodar The following uivlenr.entio'ied yohnz oEcera beloozing to Her Majesty ship in port, having passed tbeir examiaatioi for the rank of Lieutenant, bare been appointed by the Commander in Chief to their respee tire bip Ur. J.

SL G. Bond aad Mr A. J. Farauharaoa to the Lord Warden Mr. H.

Liodeaay 'and Mr. A. A. Brougbtoa to the Lord Clyde and Mr. J.

Lv Marx to the Cale iosis. Mr. tarqucarsoa obtained The cxtoaiiitare of the year ocnaiatd of for inWret aatt management of the Debt army liitcladiug 00 account of abolition of purchase), navy, i expondad from' vote of, credit tor tha war ia Europe, ciril aerrice aad eharge oa the Consolidated. Fund, collection of Custom, and inland reveoaa Poat cSBoe eicendltan, tad packet service J.UcyOut, teegrapb, ser viee ao.1 ttiegraph siakinx. find 2L6eVt, These, items arnoBBt Deductini this root from tho years income, there remain a aurplo of That urplus reaucext to eicvW.

we Oeuact cx firUseertni Ms seamansnip ana gunnery xne j.jed oa fortifications hu thia SCB wit charge annual Jioval Nvat Ri3e mcetuu came of on the 17th 4 .1 v. i UU Baai 1 and ISth inal. at the KieaaoU Range, and waa very ncrne roualy sdtenoed. both by competitors: aad i pert tors. It was unfortunate, that this meeting aad the Royal Naval Ra (atta came cloee together, aa the; practice ia the boat affected both' the shooting of" the bhejackeUaod the number of en trie (ertho "oSe tuatehTw bith' wai carried 'off by as lo a seore as 43.

We have, hewrvar. to congratulate the" Navy en having sgsia''earnedr off the palm ia tbe matches open to both services. Tbe rortuauea Ttranaocrt. ladis. arrived her aa the 30th oo the car' iacome, but i provided for by the creation of aaaurtse tertaiaable' ia" loSo, tha.

payment cf whicH Will lorna art ot tb for tbe Debt, vear by The balance in tho Exchequer amounted to onthelatof ApriL 1871, aad oa the March, 1S72. Signpr.S. Toifrey asks oa to state tshe ptetrst theltaSaa departsseet cf tea International Exhibition, is the work of Sign or tte Far rvcL of llorenca. aad aotai tdxsor 9. Teorey.


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