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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 10

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 THE TIME8, WEDNESDAY, JAN DAK If 4, 1871. to fall eo Amm there ni clreedful cooctwnatlao ambag th mi artillerymen who aenred th gun oo the Mount. Most of them fled to Fkra daring the Ant day! firing, and communicated the alarm to troop and civilians 'there. number of the soldier, in pretence of THE UNITED STATES. (num ora axbuoax oouuroKnurr.) raiLAOKLPUU.

Dae. XL The Pre li dent, acoording to anticipation, on the General TInoy, of December Dominated General ltobert 0L raited the cry La J'aix The Oeneral waa Schenck, M.U. from Ohio, aa American Minister to inuiiaat, ana repueu, jt tvu jtra ionaoii, ana be wa continue by the ornate, nanStr." Tho German engineers and military Ueueral Schenck accepted the peat, and will sail officers who hare risited Amm say it waa for England early in January, Mr. Ueniamin Moran einuraMy fortified. The parapets were excellent, continuing as Charge1 until his arrival.

It will re it was provided with crenellated walla, and the am quire some little timo for him to close up his Con buacadca were extremely ingenious. There wire greoalonal Schenck having occupied three or lour series of above the other the very important aud rusponaiblo pott of Chair tacincs in abundance, and earthwork of admirable niau of tho Committee of Way and Moans. The construction. No good artillerymen would Lara expectation is that the appointment of so positive up Mich a position mi one day hring. a man at Schenck will bnug the Alabama contro ihrongh the kindness of hi ltoyal Highness the veny to a focus.

Ilia circlo in Washington 4y he General eoratnin ding this Army Corps, I luid to will lw instructed to propose the reopenius of the vlay an of visiting the batteries aud negotiation, aud they, regard, the preaeut temper of eextbrcrk constructed by tho Germans to oppose favourable to an amicable conclusion of Forts Nogent, lwny, aud Nony, aud the the Ion pcnJing controversy. Tha United States natttr.f jiear I hd so in company with tho renewed negotiation, it announced, ia.uptmaiiii nodenberg, one of the Stall, aud a will require that England shall pay the owners for tv nU resling day I could not havo doaired. the reaael and other property destroyed by the y.ien te tnratmvnt of Paris as ooinnicnoud the Alaliama and kindred vessel, with interest from German were modi sunheJ to hud nothiug Lad tho date of destruction tint England shall rvim done to fortify A rou, so coiniu udiug is its burse the Cnitod States' Government for all (lo a. r.ii. i'rnbaWy the rrncli engineers had ro veninieut cxiwnses incurred by reason of tho sail Xra.ti.'.i froui making a Valcrieu of it for this reason of these cruisers, ami that England shall tveog tat, though very dominating, there are ou throe nize this basis of settlement aa containing the true of its si ii1 posiUns which rciid.r it assailable br an Itfinciplea of neutrality Those points are an enemy on this sde of the Manie.

When some two nniintvd as embracing the on which the oitwasfortit.laiUieUermajwhaJalwav. new Minwter will instructed, end it is added that bended would be, the artillery otSecn of i in no event ill tvi 4 mMlli cnjtmctive damages. General Scheocks netx Army foresaw that if the war cnntiuued friend say he is to rnako no extortionate demands lira it would bo necessary to avail them he is not. to thn aten nou inUrcourso or the capture mmtiw on positions. The difficulty was to do of Canada, or to ask anything humiliating.

The ii the tace of such a tiro as Avron was ootirin 'r 11 that England will willingly accord what 1: Jrth day aud tiisht taut that lifficartr the over. tb tion will soon bebronght to I ti, iTwroin imuiMirou, i ne nsnery trou me aau TT" kT th Uwn uiation duputo both to be unvvjTt U) opened, but also in a Inmuly way, altliougk uiwu cuiiny. and the secrocy with which the batUries these, a much firmer attitude will Iw assumed than ru coostructeJ aud those guus niouutei is mar nn the Alabama question, the injuries being more T0Uus. inis ort was Uone ma amgle ni jht. It is "TUl upon me nsnery irounie factthataiUteaUtMondav.thelY.thint f'' alrealy reeWved such lnsirucuonsirom ensianu as will lead to a discus Fr.

commenced the of wooden bar sion of the matter this winter in Washington, and on Avnn. Had they known that at day probably an amicable settlement. ht jta'Xt morning four batteries would open, on i from a distance of only metres they ould a. have done so. As I passed to day from the Maion Ottyot to IVessoir at Montfermed.

Avron I rivateeriu is a nuettion hitimatelv connrct.l wun me Aia'iama coutroverty, ami upon its gool policy tho yew York Chamber ff tVimmerre has this week had an important discnuion. Some time ao the matter waa referred to a committee for eou to be within a few px of mj. I could see Uiey brought in a report favouring viuttue na.ed eye every house on its summit and the abolition of to which wero aj tue whole of th lunette work on its slopes. Uelund ponded two resolutions which they recommended were the three groat Forts, NVhjent, ltnsny, and Chamber to adopt. The declared that the Xoisv, standing out from the horizon in Uld re rerfect ny from capture of all private pro iieL A ttiU Uff perty upon the ocean in time of war is dmanded by TZ 1 "ni Avron, ice village ot ljsuy, more promuiont on spiritof civilixaUou, not less than by adue cotuider the left han i iine Neuilly.

thrn tlie valley of atiou of the st interests of rommerco, and re the with the row! from the Champ commcndel the Government take nieastires to oisy le Crand, and the Utter viiUs incorporate! in tho cod ol nilf on the other side. The new batteries placed ntmaW discission .1 wt Kr.A A bw, Samuel ft. "TT tUHftjlea. John A. rker, Jonathan Sturges, S.

Ik, which repbe.1 but slowly. lu neijehliour Chittenden, and other prominent New Yorkers IxMfiy was uv rc brisk in its response to the heavy took part, and the greater number of them opposed itSW SOUTH WALKS. CHARITABLE at a lower rate than per the Finance Cora i mittee of the Senate has reported a measure an larginftha Malt of tha amount of debt to be' funded at Spar cent, This BUI provides that the I amount of bonds authorised by tha Funding Act of vtl. K.ifna deeetfees la the last Beeaion to be iaiuW bearimr Oner cent. 7 aasWrsth.

bterest annum ahall be to rJr ZlZ "r3 (XW.dlKI. and the Interest of any portion of u'" MTl', mods Issued under tha rundinir Act or this MM Mti arw nrt imfiMtfntVf I aruNKT. KT. lt. Thf rarliament ha been in Session about ten weeks, APPEALS AND CONTRIBUTIONS.

tnj Mi lac eaase ia Osteasl Jf, K. (las 2. nisdssttt, i. aaswar to be asfi 4 iHmmtm tne iHinos tssuoa umier the ruiuiinir Act or tnts 7 7 .1. Hill m.rbema..Wab..

ThU mea a J.J 'tK. lion actually droned on through ulSZXl Uto lt. Cril. P( sure will will probably pis, but it doubtful if it Pring a.iptully UaU to anV extent aid th. funding proceaa.

As Tker tki on actually akl this Mmsl sd awsral eeanir, wnwm 11 i vi tC1 hi quarrel with the President, ho may at anytime no driven from the uamnet, and so tpeeoh capable, aa uul. Twialac 30. Oaesa saaar. "W.a. aptwal for see sappon of ibibsms enatrikalUms at this for Secretary Iloutwell ay pathuo.

with Sumner in SSSSTSTX few lines. 80 the time wasted, and gentlemen Hu Uks's IUas. Tber. are tbrse IIoasM cseasetej UUh DO proventwt ...7 .1 ..1 1 lluiiU trwnl workkoea from furthering tho funding prooeis. Ho the titUiomiU sl IsearaW.

smms, 32 a4 21. Ne. rVtw' one able Minister the President has, In North Carolina the impeachment of Governor Ilolden has boirun the maiiairers havu nreferred tlicir charges at the bar of the Senate 5 Governor Ilolden has been displ.icnd, tho IX mocratic Lion tenant Governor suiiersxilimt him and the Demo crau navtng tnu gained the object they were manuurnn tor Uiey are correspondingly juUlant, UoMen rotirel irom omoe without attempting any resistance. There haa boon another annalliii diaater on the MississimiL D.irinirthe niint of the lHth of T). cemlier the steamer ruck Wall struck a snag neir Vlcksburg, and tho cabin, on which was piled a law amount 01 merchandise, tailing 111, tho escape ol many ol tlie passenger waa prevented.

There were 15 cabin passengers, of whom nine were lost, ami 125 deok passengers, of whom .10 were lost. They were all emigranta from the Upper Missis sippi 10 lexa. ine wreck Hoaioi three miles down the river, and waa met by the steamer Kemlnole, wnicii iook 011 ine survivors. The bark A. IS.

Wvman sailed from Savannah ou Novruilxr 27 with a cargo of 2,700 balus of cotton for Liverpool. On December in laL 30, long. Cl( durin a njuall, she was stmck by HIit set the vessel on fire In the hold. Every eilort was made to subdue the flames by pouring water through holes cut in the deck, but they proved ineffectual, and the tiro increatiiw in inten sity the vessel waa abandoned. The UcLcian shin Charles took the captain and crew.

1 1 in number, off the burning vessel, anil brought them to New 1 ork. The A. II. yman was an American vessel, owned in IVistou, and waa 8K' tons reenter. Tlie well known Itoston publuhins linn of rieldt.

Osgood, and Co. will after New Year'a dsy become ames it. Osgood and Mr. James T. livid retiring.

Mr. Fielda, Jmwever, will mtinna to I the editor of their Icalia; prriotlical, tho Decmber 'I, the 3V)th annirerssrr of the land ing of the i'llgrims in ICJll, was appropriately ewle brated at I'lviuoutli and other nlacoj 111 New Eng land, and alv) by New in other parts of the country: At I'lyiiiouth the venerable ltobert C. Winthrup delirerel an oration. Tho election in Georda was held durin? three days this week, closing yeatnlay, and is believod ti I'ave resulted iu a Democratic victory. The Democrat have e.lcwui four, if not live of the seven members of Congrewi.

and also a majority of the Sutf Legislature. Tlie returns are yet too moagre. however, to give any figure. CiJian steamer Hornet arrived at Naasau on Doeemhef lotth authorities wamI her to eave and she sailed again after only a short stay. llntuh.

war steamer and a Spanish corvette fol owo i ner to sea. (from their busing at aid rabl. InoonW etiou. and comnellad to keen in attendance lor li Vi it I iT f. n.

I 1 at 1. 1 L. il Ury ef Ue Christ Uhufe (w. Is sltnste oMol tbe laJt Hami Ut Cark na S. any division that may occur, tsur acnoois aro ur hm.

rr rrt changing and improving the nature of our constitu IU(1 HeiMol, BarotrV eneies, but the bnlk of the voters are nnntto i to hebaifef this isstitution, wniea a.kawll.l 1 K. iL, Is. Nmv. alia M'rlinr. 3.

dr. A (w wsleunied saf or a Mi tw to(hr wit a eapr tl rr rt ,1., bl be saa exercise the trust repoaol in them, and men are poonu umwu si im tm Ataaar ma in their several district, ami pledged tliemselvea to ud ntmUof Ufl oi sUhU.j lb.skl.ll, re Walker. rv, force the Government to undertake public work MjTi br Ur. J. Chalk, treasanr, 1U, (iaa strset very rrsuiy 10 In their apodal localities.

Each district haa I claim rea i. K. iT 1. for road aud bridges, Ac, and hammer lwaded men Mr. CbarUs sh, nsritary of the Hilor' Orphae Olrla' an chosen for the moat trt to batter awar all the WoJ a4 Horns.

oOos 77, ObestiU. iaks spJ .1... i. aid to tai loaUtutise. lie stats that Ue mmmIv slutht.

mal.taU. and for u. otrviee tue If anatUmiitis ma le to deal with what is beyond ...1 i. ih. diiu the wauls of the day, the delate usually dia suad mat ia srmpalky.

It tremtiy cover the absence of statesmanlike foresight. 3Iot admitted son of tboe reotrJ orjrbao ir HwloMof thinking wple are beginning to aee that there ia ths 0H 1. vWs a bo for theaj afur one reme Jy for th seeviU namely, the institution i'vu'L t. 1 ti foliv rsosirml by ptila th llm. r.

JIU, of municipalitios throughout the eountry. If the 1 Government is relieved from the publio works, with 0f the sodetr. 77. Corahilll appeals for which it dunned Session by Session, gr, iUatp Css 4ia. UorliosWs llama.

Kr. K. J. Mn. K.

H. Brs lVy (saaaal'. I', la; J. 2( If. Ml Kmilf frrvn 's oasll, I.

M.r., Mrs. vIik ir lK. MarquMo Ei 2f. btitlnniarsfTs ally ia fv taainV. 1 4Mtiht erpliaas th tnttt tbaskfally ckM tll.

Tnt fl.arrrat. r' Uit aaem or znt titnUtf pemitt lu iMiiiaaU 1 Tim, imk x'mIj tir I tarns iar tr ve lAnatud taa Uat.r Iruuu ii'ari and obliged to carry out at great expense, and each fr hslp for th rslMl of gral povrrty la ta itstnet iii.77; 1. 1, Mr distrirt rendered responsible for it own we vWta, whisk Is ithi a f. yard, of ll iiSWd iitaXU'v nuyhoMtoattain fourde.irableresulU l.t.toget 'utT thM? 7. 77TU W.

1 Hr, riof tr.rmrc of a great amount of corruptionl rtUrSrTiufia itlt'L' ai, to relieve tha country of an excessive taxation eear kefora. Vtl the.Mtrso U.i. wiete Jjjj V. ft fHrtir' or worss tuas in sot csmei out viu, ur ir grir tban urn ever aw 11, owiuj nmai xir rwul with tK in munnin tha ooU asd th duaatroa war. which tS to foanv the expense of government aJwi, 4tn, to Increaae 1.

I. fir si I la hihiif rf iht Hrraif rrTra the elleetiveneaa of ran lament by ojtenmg the way saaipdv FeaaaUa, Ofanaaaier pU rurtma wnara. toa elaaaof men who will not allow theiaselvs 1t th Hoo. iia KioaaiH, Aooa rd, Ett's be as mere tai to bo huwrUd in the nub Mr vt ButH "J'1' 1 an. lfird .11 Nfiaor.

w. 1: AH these ten weeks have been waiting for naive, bat eflVcti work. tho H'idet almost every aueitlon that 'was enter sre voxor mwh who taind was postpone)! because the Ihidget had not haJvs If aadlwrk, hul asr tvmfmlM by thaii been in. If it was a matter demandinz '1P 1 ark trrraue. ror ssvea braa earryiax ao Uoat of (o aatra aarviea ar thair tha nn.tiii nf niniiM n( ixina it YV thou oar.

iMdeierre until the lreaaurer had dwcloeed hu view ban, atJ bat lb mJjht have to tau sock si, aL With bn.a lina; tba.r tiT of atfaira. It tboaamo every year, ao that by this rafas milullr w.kl hav lon t'a workboaae. sternt timo the Government should know that if they homo aa this. Tho br a ara law aa aoaatbio would eoonomite time ther should otien the Seaiiou r1.1 TV?" 'rk)f' "1 to bo pail by th laeiate fur tol ia. board, wuhia.

aud byj ltWlticing tholtu lget. that aUU stUtvlaoa. hot th moratasa myf Tho OppneiUon have en lookln to tha appear .1 rd. sod it ia aow ou aMaro.1 ancenf the ll.idgot as the i ocasion of giving a death dairal to eaUblish a limitad aanbrr of frao ilsfor tbo blow to the Government. They expected a dis ptioo of fswof th auay ntUrly bai tlowrv astrousaxposire of indebtedneaa, and are djui rH fcUerlfUow a ay ba to y.M to th.ttheTreruha.mlenofrT.h ielt.

but lias rather cleared a littls. an. I fin is his diillcnlty only in dealing with the debt mad by his KxrroEs ma IIo.ilm aji Uuiiuti Chilmu, prelocers. Ihe actual expenditure ol lat year axu uichestkm Taaixtno smr, a. UatUaaa trrt, has kept within the income, an to be tho cae this Vrar tmt tsttenes at Kaiocy on my right.

The day irosry and very cold, but the sun shone with remarkable brilliancy, and there was not a cloud in the heavens. The scene waa majuiticeut, the of tlie eii'na contributing to its irran the resolutions on the ground that privateering was one xne neet detences the United states had that it was a bond of peace between this country and England and that cooaojurntly to take any action ou the matter now would be inexpedient. Those sentiments prevail 1, ar cloae to tliem was ploughed np by shells which hd fallen there before tlie German batteries opened tire, and ou the "7th. when Avron was still raining down immease projectiles. What a to make thrso batteries under such a tre Yet, I am told that not one man flinched from the nndertakine.

They sane while cutting the trenches and dr cring up the gonn. The former weredng the plans, and nuder the personal Til LaSS OP TUB CAPTAIN. id the same prujiise lolborn, sad 13, BrtHvUtrrtt, Cloofaatarv. ft. Wtoainj as the revenue has IT11 7' J' 2VaiMa been ma le with'navinz otf inatalmenU k.

i t. t. I t. of old licit, the rnlemption of thoao outatand MupJ, Un. lUuiu (ivj lUfar ii.

lltfci. ing J'Uts revenue account in arrear, and the Treasurer looks for a deficit due to I thee cause amounting to in December. lOrflt' It; V. Dr. Atr If.

I'M. i Miat aaa, IZJ. Mrs. Uaartat aaaiialL If. J.

ditto Vaw Taar'a jn). Ik 'fr. There is no w.y of meeting the. rrear. at pr VTn.

TITt 'll iir klard Jl sent but by borrowing. The Government l.ratraaat ti'oaral Sir rthu, LC, says iia. ti! iirTin nun 1 ma. rvtreoenmenta are not posiDie, although tny iitoyr raf), Aula (ipi, ia! Mwibar xl J. were promil.

Tlie IVtimatc indeed, show a (MrS Kefaae). WTaltoiabav, Jlr. U. Ut Vr, to Mr. hich.

a. a Ir IUri I aasnot 'mrVV. 4 5P). A rnaL MUo Jo II. Oil tin.

If. ('oatnittnn ifa. 2A. 10a. DlaTKa AlSO fs'O a M.

tr t. 'r lxodo. raoipt iu foltioia twib tatlor." (Aarioo Wiluama. sad aa fawirir A. lUuakat and Lrr, Chiln aa ot J.

A Ufa. ll.aS o. 2. NaTlo AI. JVrilTi GiaLu, 4.

Br moat thaakf li to laf eootnb tuxM Aft fa Jlhtiy. SW. lvar rir Mrs. 9 Mr. MoortT, V.

2a; Sir. Irvn i. rl Lewis, XL tho Casv.t.t!' J. Taff LoMr" ri sia Iasnrrrios. VT.

Toa. ta toad. S.tV acaa itlof. r. TTwt, II.

fw llaaonf, 2. XrVt Attoool, Mr. vValror'. 1 WrUht. jf Morkm.

Jlr. Faraor, 1 2. (m KrrcMis. Kiar 'latton, trc arr, vhi. to fUU.

tl! frait r. A. a. IUIai ki2, IDs; a I il J. V.

ftaTifjc 'a a U.wav. a a K. I. tsaaaf, rawo a lv. tha Lard Kahoy ill fUraoo M.

Oa ar S. A Xm M. Joaent, Wf. lu. TttZ rrmr.

or tPt A TO THE EDITOK Sir, TVra ar pat pirt of th I7lh ol Jtovaiabar ralatiraof th lata Capiat a Itorfo faa Dsnottafl. h4rin to aWuh I haa raa ail la tKW that ha aaara to the EurroK or tub hir, I law thai too faUw ar a baai alrar or onrract 4atpraaaso tho pre ivpur ai ita ur i.rr (raws .1 a leur. The ctound behind the new batteries and finally a motion to poatpone wa carried. The American rrethient who urges the abandonment of privateering will rind that he is exceedm lv nn. popular.

The people look npon it as one ot the I iai' orl atpraawno. wsst tnrtata iil II I tha akin'a II. I wuiil liafe IJl ine 1 a. mi. rauiinaown immease projecUie.

hata eveut of a foreizu war. and csDeciallv of a cmtlLt ra.i i.b: rer it i. a oaohat diaiacrasa a in with England. Sir Siwncar thaa eoafoua rth nrral lwpr.loa ith rvlerence to the lauding of ocean telegraph tj hiia br persaai alorinuilr i lvma to th Jo bleauiioa the shores of the United States, th ef tha aHIn, a4 sr vifi wsralsrs ml to hbn si ran. House Committee of ForeL Affair, whieh has of the aStpbr anbnaihl oOUtali.

far ram ax been considering the subject for a past, has Tr'n kaaief br paan. it bow sha Uaily lr finally agreed upon a general Hill for thir reguha Cuaitrnctiv l)partmot ol th Admiralty a tar hash lad i reaaurrr, tnereiore, contents hims til with an at UrtlNa a Year 1L I. lire il tempt to rtleem the he gave on aasuming Mr. KJoia haariost th eoirT tlie SHiiros ilatlia.

The re 'IV: 0itui(4ianer' It; H. Ilatahal. t. lOiria' IWf, Uist r1 s'loo I ear a inanori. Xial attoo ua Bri (aaaaalh Cruwira rvr itel ao U.1sita warai from KT1 ru.i.giy, jir.

nr. r. It. i itvt o.,.

XwTa.Wtu.ll, Samuel proioae a meaaureiuent ami uxed dutr. Mr. FraoU. 1., r. I I.

f.oaho rJ. rellIIt by this duty amounts to l.tif.. ffj 'N Koerestrr aasoQ rj Hon. It irovida that the Unit I Goveni alw oUd any Janxacto thoahip froos lb caaa aruifB. ot ciBHie a range 01 nattenea haa m'nl shall nave the same privilege with refer th eaUstnh never, T.Thap, been executed in ao short a time.

The CDca to the of all such cahles as are enjoyed slr "por lU.Wsao os oa to say that tho sh! wn enectot leir arrangement was to expoa Avron to 7 any loreignttovemment that Amenran atucens properly ssd that sahcly which bo sunpoae will iriv him 2ill.0rV.. an araenJe.) Htamp Act, which ta to pre and a tax of (VI. in tlie pouud on all incomes of 2n0i. a year and upwards which would sire llki.Olkli'.. to he han led over yearly to the Public Debt Co, mi (atone ri fcr dWravinjf th incumbrance over which they preai.le, maasuremeat are age, and all pack Nura.

UK 61; T. A. tS Jloa. Mr foot. i.

ia jnoys if I a J. ii.r ditto rtJ.rU lfa If. ditba (ship). litto (jouatry hon. It.

sir. A. Kt. aria. Jlr.

lUaaall, Ul onbt R. Ilaat. Mr. IL, C. USam, AaaoyaMaa (for an.

Un, L.V i Mr. Hoary K. Ooilsaoh ii. Mm Boar aaaa r. iiiauMa (assaan.

Jila Ivrai ilirU lla All g.U sabject to d.ty by cubic JVti1 17? r.toUmeare.IUideth. pack tTVtr fe and under half a cubic foot Thru 3., Mr. Thorn tUrn. 5.

Mri. A. a eorUia assoa: jact, a draw attaasb. to ear ir 6 or si taara i ail us Uriaea ar a. aai.

aaw a i or waa paoaty ai i at (wi i a wir yoara ajo l' W. dVMi axtramitr thai una. while tha pivtUttcri ra mar9l th' aa ie. war throws ail a SMpUrwat. avar w.aa war las a I with daatra.

aal tMMaplr a atri a atato af 4aoraaa. aa.1 shop ara antr. aa4 a pr Uvt rC Bat t'n a losat of to hrlonk with tho naclaa over half a cubic foot tha fr etional Mrs. aad Mim Wilkiaaoa IsaaaalL IL la. i il tireet hre.

from the front, and to a now erf wl 1 T' pnvuea a aa i payment ot aawiaiau racaaa laapra tanl ar icnoraal atioa of half a i i r. EVIoarUa. liV. Mr. K.

iaoalL Ira. if cannon on each really on tTe re he aiismiasion of tele ire vw all. tha ahito her al 2.1 1 ,.1 V. t.sM a' tv wl wnk v. ht a.

an, tin (VVi he "Uun nf the mntt fa onred nations, and that Pt I rfU l.k. gar rsc Kobi.oo, frZ, WlK. I 7 a CharWtW ry taw ot. a 7 that Avron might be the traiuraiasion of telegrama the f.diowing pre pVai too. bartheo.

with e.U a 7 7 V. ma pro Ha.aMJH IW.b ditto (liu RWax, it. with It. ooaOan lev naww, hak. tho aV ar, oniwed to aaccumbtosnch an oppoaition, thouKh cedenoe shall! obaerred fo? the t.

fraoboard. Ua, of faof, ormld tail sa.lar fnj i i.B rT9.11 bTB JJlt 7 nT l0 ea.f and pafii. 1 aiaU always rai a. a powerfully provided with the means of holding State Dejrtment 2d. thoaeTn the'teWraph ser tm.arw.g her I onlaK nCLhTJ.

iw IlZlSlttl koJTi 'rfr efUtai tarriU wiator. a.1 1 a iu own; bat I repeat that iti giving in after mU telegram The Unea are to Pf ocer matt kaow wU that muh a feat l.poe. p)J the thn bln, th tVL 1 ttiiaai K. Moors, ii," Mr K. S.

(rnetar tk HUtrea oJh a a few honrs tire haa snirrued the Hermans, and kePt conUatl7 subject to U. ralaUv Captai. Barfy aar. Ju Jlj ll Hi. Maihar.

Mr. WKllura Vvaata. 'la 41. PT e.parla eria th arTaaJHag bf can 1r ha an LVw. 1 i.lT 1 'K'6.

'tions are to be forwarde.1 in th ieptai. ot iuU th eo. iTfffTT fi" rr at, Wa, Ur aaUmita tr.fcKlMo.m rmner; were made, or, hS. STM 7.7 luf hatT. TZJZZZX 77 tramed.

The batteries Iteody fired towUy, but IWhment not exo dmg S.UM fine tlo. of Its rat or cad Tatt whSrainf tinl'hf. NT.tW., VkTl il tVDtu.av.rylively.tyinreplytotheielUthrown thrT thrte oa n.t ta saillnj ships of wsr, sail of laolisatioa thou Hfi B.t thi. wi.w i.

WrTM, vara, aa.1 them from one of the new batteriea at Raincy. tlv. content, of I aar. 1 Keluoo alli bWtW i wii aoa tirltar sow uaiatal la tk a i waalhar iaJ a I a quanrityol sulphuric acid was dta.rI there the Hou the closing day waa devoted to bun Captai. n.rry l.fornvo that.

J.ri... sal. I. J.U ST oU) wahot a th. Irm.lXV..

ch.rv;. on 1W IU. 21t7 ir. 1 1 1 iL aat of a pan sash a. thi.

ka. iuw a oac onniaininr soma ua aureawir leu aa asn mrrai uae Irom as.1 to a.I I V. material. It xped, and wounded SSStlS None of th. French fort, on d.yidTe Z' 'T' "Kion S'S Stfe have firedtcMlsy fa believed that the French tionof aomominsLn.

oTJ ttltlft SVtr Alreairyin deference to the voioe lom withoukthe i j. uiwuiriaaii. aanii n. peaoooaoo lonr a.B roa.I aa undenrone eoranlato eh vn ai.empi naa nren made to suit Change, it to the have dismantled Fort I loon v. Not a ran aident.

a en there, but, aa Uinda" have been put ud in! Senatorial Session to which I have front of the batteries, it is not qwite certain that IT WM to 7 acrimonious thehaverrmnaved from thr VlZ: iM twncy have been faring on by Sumner', a nding to thi Secretary's desk andi.a. sod Lord Xotbhrook, both awabrra of tk roaoa, niaooi tbalr on soos on hnM lav. ti With ear It Is Imrv aihl. ta a I a M1 sal tho LU. tk.i li I' I.

German batteries are firing on Neuilly, Iloany, Merlaa, Noisy le Sec, aad other, Tillagea, in which rrtmcn troop are tramscme.1, mod it sup pred that in these viliagea the French are erecting amall batteries aa a measure of defence. Something of the kind ia aeen to be going on at Iloany. The collapse of the great Forts ia matter of surprise for the Germans. Their belief ia that tha French Generals cannot find men to serve the gnna. Pkotoiied IVblic rno.v of M.

Jem F.vaz. Yerterdsy a oepatatioa west to th Prone. Emkacry toro OMt thoiarosr of ao in.aiad.aU iatiuation ia'tho aeot of It. Jalea Farr baiof likely to attend th. pendinr arropeae Powers.

Ia as twi patio of ki TT9' xa proiaetws of tk Re pabUcaa and Dr McratM omouatiooa war at Won, aa to maka a daaoaatratis la hia faroar atoiUar to that aosordod to Garibaldi whea ha vial Ud tht. eouBtry. Th. prapoaal U. aa xHa Jloos rorterrUv aad Ut veaini laot with rrI favoor aad tho report fareajrht ia to th ooautittao "Jcm' nraDcnes wer to tb.

affaet that th. rroposition wsath.rpark thst woald li(kt a fir. of reoeral esthaaUss thro thoot th aoaatrr. addilio. so mcttmg a

In which actirtly at nUT eoraa.ltUa haa hrn faraadto rv. a to U. r.vr. at th. FrseiwoW i a7 loanenuai muaavra.

it is stated. ilVvSf J. and rrrry waUotoa. i a iraoo, eoiMlaj, aad libaral Fnxow rr auxo. The most wonderful event of iI TTTv i 1 "ai rtUl to raoorded.

twuntou ka. twcarrol. Tha Saliaa ha. thT Id rar awahot eo Uhun, 30.000 fraa? wTTtha ra I tiff. The WactlaaTptira Axis.

"IT. thl.ktgrAnTr.X UbUabei his kodyurd of JaaiMarUaoaaisstaf eTrwau 2. wST1 11 ...00 CoartaaUaopl. aad irertW yaara ao I wa thiak of jarch acai. th.

failor, th. XTvViii It ea in MM U. lUtuming to the delieit irt of the bu.ine Mr aZlTjL1! that, althiun tlt flS CWUs tor. Iron V.aice,of VUb SrwTb tfi iaasVeS 1 it 1 11 Ith r(sr. to th I u.ucienaes and left balance.

IUad CTthrir lJTnf th E00OUnU bJ Ught of my owTrJonTl TCri'th. I ot th. detu'lT siilent's cham aa wiiha.t ttZZZTkl IT Mu 17 lWin TPOU' lh" unpopulir. t. a rj a mo oecmiary desk and was aivao mav h.

If 7 wie traue Ol Uie eamuyan'tuomgnyaidonthe navtng read there an extract from a Washington Chllder. Lord VmVi ina inme ux may to; but I oaiienes at irancy. There have been retdiea, but "w.paper stating that inonectaal att mi.U had rJ.l i. .7 atut great diffienlU Jiwrrn omnner and the rreaident that Sumner criticixed the President harshly; that the rreaident deeply resented this, declined to be a am friendly Urms with Sumner, and even ninwauK wwe ne not ITeaident he would chal 1 tb a. th.v dI eaax TlalVh.

k7 Ti 0Tn bo wUI wi itwi "uooea. Alter this extract waa the tnfaa. 7 roaaea out tnai ne naa kept the read Sumnwraade few remark, defending him 1 h7. tTirwrfo lh left ibiel a ana JMnying that the rreaident had an real an Impra tieahl. prohla.

art hafor. him byTh. mr c' I a to rrour cauae forhia lU fealmg. The matUr then passed off thi. loimitaUoa.

hi. m3Jy. finance. I despair of doing ao. I have mo, woon oenator aiorton a reooIoUon, eT7S7W no atatomenx oi aooounU yet produced which to tnd Commuwion to San Domingo to examine Sher olilf" WHOTiiaLKr.

Ut Wj. Un men agree to rea.1 in the wsyVTh. revenue the uland and it. ihhabiUnta, waa called nn. Thia 0'nwa, 31 accounU of this colony priwent a very pretty potxla! Wa noommendwl br tha eaMat P.w, n.

ZTr Mndeed. whan road liar th k.l ii: I that wonUr tJL' TioJia. have just I. "TX r1 ana a i a 7wpeorMoucn irom vaa oaral rl Offlee, attic forth I ii 1 7 roasurer makea out au wm arununso as woum lead to ita an 8umnef th Wa speech against a waa nissriabM lor 1U mtter neas of denniMnation lU bold criticism of the IWi dent, iti expoaoraf the Job connected with the propoaed annexation, and for it length, for tha benator wa on hu lege about four houra. Morton.

Kdmnnda, and other defended the Preaident, and the debate continued all night, reaulting, at 0 next th. molution by a vote of 32 to 9, the negative being four Doinocrata and five lpnblicans, Including Sumner. It waa. of eouraa a in liL. i a a roaiuent DUt the debate ha sown tha aeeda of aparrel which will split the Micm '1.

Already active efforts arVbeinz made by the President's faction to an jc Metta Senator from th. ChaWnshJp of uuSZ rf 8n thal of For55 Aa anticipated, the Potlvl Entirely ViSS ZJT Vr Pjvdon to be granted to the ax re bola, which wer. Jmoat aa vanon, a. were the members, th. HouU nPIT1 ft" coniid rstCo, i7" 108 Th d.Utea ana, like all suoh Jabatei.

b. able to mature anv ntirel in the forgot RiMin ocoout Rrrvat roa iw'osara. try to mm Ia ra.irad ky Mr. Saasool oUo TV. OooHtaao lt wtth.U (aaaaall Mr.

Vt. tl V. tha i55WtW raoail ara aa ii 'In axxsxdaoor btliti BkTT. Xfi5! tha ar. rweai.

I v. i 7 lr Kjv. to twtltird. of rinlaaWtTof aaj 20 1 F.braar April Jl tViSj Mao" ba reUilod within iU limits. Th! TO Snlkv Th, Du Edinburgh ia amusing hinsirVMaU I bouroa.

I understand that Uommodor. SUrlln h. 3UI Ptatei rinSS I 02 paaa, but the diacnion lndn.t tZ.Tiirnr;in,teru ia I Uorernor haa returned from ebseno. ef SwdU aais aaarary.

i Srs5iira. th. community tJ rf atyftlaW weight. tli INTUIUI. ilMM at1u a '7.

I 01 poaur. ea orrs.iMMvU. isrn i l. oyuaoy 4" commerctai matters ar ooticrned. that VTctori roU underrtwd bTuSS wwuiu aa ui ftMimiuiiMia ak a.

ujt oorttx. or 8t. tKi' I iu vat una SrFJ rw dMrfaS rd.n?. forwardod hr I iM rwtmcJww. aaya Mr.

it aaami.ii uwm a.a .1 1 1 iuun ta aaoant tbo opteiat of uuZLL wat Mat la th Gabl at. CI nir .1 5 "J' Vfalpel. V. Rrr. Vai ehsrity has a T.

JCTrattvas. 10s. 8, sad U. Krv. IV Toiaisw.

1 MrA W.Walty Mr! T. iledA IX' V. Soot B. a4 oZ.aL hfkT "iSt ft I ther. la UW.t rart.

Mrt, Walter aad Sooa aa.uaO. Mr. VT. Habaraa Itoath (aaaaall. it; Major! ui.

rJ8 MU wy laaaaal), Mr.VTUlUaa. Mow. Mr. Hack Wbtaal laaaaal), Mmw Orao Le 1 i. ji.a.

ftk li Mrs. al l2Z i' Ml raltv: TavUr Sit C. Smith, U. tulb Kkai tiu ai wa a u. "rT a HadtfMaooa.

It, Tj UiMr. W.T.; ut.v;. 4 1 9 OonroaATtOlt, OaW gA UaealaW AH oYork7iM iii i ftft ia. jitas J. i.i.

I lit J. TL Whawler.Ulai OasWll. Ut Mrs. CbaUr. iHaTU, Mrs.

Mrs. aar. iiu aaaaraoo. if. 1.

av. a Osptaia Brewalow Larard 1M. 11. f. 6s.

aa ak oersal ra baard ha tNo rt of th ITnioa io lnrr ao mm for tb haritahSo oUintieo 4 of th. pnor. howo av aaaaaa a. those woaU ha tha tnt ta utwaV't daty aJtnfftha aetailo thor ri, that thor. i.

ah dMnas wkie thoe oaaaot 4ra or alWriaaa. Oe tk thea, whU. Use. ar ao at pra of ear faOiag hock late tUt taU of wwry aa. we, rron waioa aro hare booa aWoIr eattiu 'r Ut aQ ear win aad taor than all ear Nawae iroate aew aaa ae to oroa saw mmtrm rf 14 Uaxraa oa tak hat tbo rharltahi.

a al a faal to at great o4 aad raliev roa) anaiaity at eoatrilaaUoaa to reltort of. pitioa aaai.t Is ni. tag the if arstt.aa at aharltio ai ready totabhohot. aoa. Sit.

yoow aWnl aaraaai. a as vi nTO St Mstthla rarsoaaa yo Jar, tL. Jan. The or Ixjb Lav Om Mrtr feJItaa KalWrt. Ofloora AUtii foetod by kladrod Maatan la ud UMh oei.

rsaddro oada pstitieo to the (W Uw tbaard VT th awporaaaaatoow of toot Law ear It pota oat that tho praublo to tho Tvh aavt SUk Va. oap. 2.tat a i Ita.po.tiat tMNvramtha aad to aaaMa rsparaa.aatMa aSowaaco to Ui? iTT parUhoa wWa Ut. Wro aMod hy UlrsMty or ac Wa diaska fV tha datya Upward. lit jaar har tW th.

paa ara of Uk AH, sad th. a iJ JJ shew tha the aryeatio. i Jr alik o. tko raUpayara a IW Law orla r. Br th lm a Traaatla at tho dhsoroU trs "Tthwaxsyh Aaaretcwwtiakaed.

rf pwo rvod aaU toe ttoa 0 ao ardtmar Mad. and alUmuvto al ar. avma aalaoS tbo pi aoara of tor aaaa lUatTSUoaiary pooaf the Broaant sua of tha haaao ahuloSota aa hla a aat HTttammm aa aid oOaor, rr a Uv. that Um Mrrio. roiaarri by ilVaalrao b.

ea. aahra partah. fUowra. n.r. 1 he hoU lea ear, and la thoa alMtod.

as in iinag a B.atar 4 asp rlmas, to he aor ef th Uachaas ku wl 1 1 Kt three Mar Xa wp rsaanaUoa aOrv aeo oas EIT aeeaaa hia Brfaea have toe rt'tr Ue da two of Ida eOe wiU tcar aa M. aeariaf the datwa of hi. JLm with was vtutaiL a. 11 1 UTias.iairi ri 1 anfta XlhlS hVtLilk 3a. 3 waaaawaatoha H4Tll1toIs! 5 Aait A rrleal ardUa.

aftthkaT EE i 1 cawetaaa ft aaieaa aad farkiki. raw swas a bbss an of Mraaaa rSIIHIihlt wawa 1 at a a I ladod tla a tho hawagt tko As, bba that the weed "eeW WJ IB at naaws Mooat Aal 1 tTMfr a TS rfibthayaUa.

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