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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 5

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, THURSDAY, THE UXtTED STA TES. or om pmwwntomt.) fiEW YORK. Jcit wWrr freqwcnlly lloJo to ln rnnny difficulties Pfffirviinf; the pawiw of the THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 1 OVEXOLAND, Jf iV ti whr.rn patfrnitv, and whom, if it fails, fiilurc "be "ew irarmte for ffnK in public Ti vw Iwcn laminate vj ih iwvwnug uovW vwn measure heretofore brought for 5 Sim" Hi prewnt exertions, however, wn at tat rrtisl and ho 1 rnr. tW the first timo to'be doubt llkintorrns acciM thehiiTu kiul' iii mieiToSiBK hi rcmmal iiifltieuee ti it to 1 the pnieralopt "thil if the1nvuTent had favoured it, or hil UjiBrtinMBini'. A new impcCittMW has now i.

oi trxrr not atiticipsioa nron I aw Nvn forwarded from lk hware toher MsiWlt''KM tuuuve in flisanprorauoii oi ii iw uunis, i a r.rj' srt for from that Jtate, "'i. iCa of all. sends a martj senator to th mc1 wrr atrd wiu" lf her txxri is cwisuktoii con tfce' defrat of the bill. Man suppose nt will tale rdacv without any wtt'ci'fc f' dJsatifactkn, the prWhwry. Lt i wti hope to 1 more ttrongly ri ci.

ten.jvra" iuivuir Jri 4ivld rolsiMy tend to tame the preseut new tl ultra nK mKrs of all vn.Vr l'y the fneiiMof the Au attract aweniion 10 inc aimirs ui i which an armed intcrferewee has leen "pcnj.inu.J 1J Mr. Clajten. not only to pre cvBimuAiKTe vi, war nv hut recover certaiu alh jii elaims Ai upon that emmre. I ursuant trime ution. Mr.

Fixite. of liwifsppi, lias rWHi a ruoliition in the Senate, iustructtns 'iiitti iuKorein itmia" iuU "tin fT du fndiiip a peiial agcut to Do alir.totl propriety cf onJerinj: a nival f.K tlt uarttrto tveree'llis Majesty tin of certain momy extorted 'r cJ utrjeu impositions 4in Auicriean yVoWterthouhtthiswasabriailiiuesiion. I 'if rti if t) the ilUruptiou of our rati if aiiitv with the principal Towers of 1 of prite dthts by a public je" a. ta hi opinion, an important nioasure, lid: i.i the rcolutiou lie? over. His re ti ul hv; were calculated to adiuouish eii.Ut In.

MifL.ippi that, if fnch a principle (x his en State might come in for her 4 li" rajvdfn the 22d of June which autLvrircd up the raulg of the aruij by raiinif each iijui vf Ucht Artillery to 04, and each cim li to 74 men. The Secretary at. War Z' r'i'C i' order? in conformity with thi bill, xh he ni'A be enabled to uicrvafe the ftR tigth the sinij to men It present ranknd arc ou. which is quite injullicient for and at no time has so great a retjuirvd to preserve traLuillity on the Th. 'f the Secretarj at ar, in connexion rh Gslphia claim.

i now Wfore the H. iife of Stprm taUTc. Hi friends, thouch' ftretiun, rstnothitijin his favour except the reiterated assr tu tiut tli rc i no warrant for clurpiuj; hiui or i5 ith corruption. Aitsoli n.vre nu kto'v. part i.

'n the reverse, ar.d indicati nj Ulitf tlut their report will lv adopted. Tr.t 't tao ierate do not repress their opiui ins to the iadec jrum of a Cabinet Minister layiu kr.stlf vpiu to the imputation of having taken ai tf his officiil position to recover his private Not is it lorffottcn any nese claims i oiev the existence of the and aibe! rtfjted previous Ad E. iit ili' wliiih they were presented. At the uu tuu. d'i illnwauce should be made for the nobility which (alas humvi frailty) may ri.v ea.1"ace the opportunity of doitrg.a'l ii tier jwir i bring disgrace oa a protniaciit an1 theOovcrcment.

imval of General Pacz Is daily looked for. mi preparations are in progress by the civic autho to tender hini a jiuWic welcoti.e. The second suamer belonging to the Atlantic and Ficif Ship Canal Coxcjouy made her trial trip a i ir t. since with perfect success, and "Will pro id rb her station on the Sau duan. She tl.e Director, and is of the lightest po silt dr vl water, thus eliabling her to ascend r.vtr at ail seasons of the year.

The steamer jji i alnady at her station on the Ukt casieT and the company' are constructing a Sf) that the route to the Pacific will now rsv ied without loss of time, and with everv iijty the rapid and comfortable, transportation Wl TO 711 i EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Altliccfb I fear it nay be an tmwin Mitslle intra i V5 vrurjlae nal ttcntiia ca cij prt, I tauft ykll tit desire which moVei me to thaa't you, in the last tai for your titiitW remarks in a 'f Juac ll.oa the iubject of Aiaeritn diverr, K.J te ftciiUr isr your animajrer ioa on the braUl ul: stm me ty a while I nu quictlyand 'Jcii on the DitKry kt Kew York. Ti.iiii.tact eiertei ujicn the more intelligent clan of tt Arriia jwlicious rprewuon of DntUh i euetfjiAn 5'l htoaaityis iranerm. and, I beKsTe, Uri tr Ta wve upon tae in tw Vork the TMkcfLtriai ncwaKjrfj.Ie. Yet, Sir, you were perfectly rii Has tut ca kfe, uii the remarks mvle cpon it lytL'.

i f.r illustration of the bitter 'antipathy here, eren by the better elw of white w. .1 rtl iroiiS. IoTiLeJ Araericmn genlle ul i dcel of ruSanunn like the one in ul vhtj miht (hrink Xrou the (erfonn tee tf tie ucel itMlf. My oSesce allee to it tf doirn Uradiray ia comjwny of two 'rtata." Thii howtTer, not a fair iUUutnt trt x. My oJtijce wa that I walled down Iiroa i tvCi white persons, on terms of equality.

Ei 1 ts r'aii er0M limply as a Kryant, and not fntj4. I thouM hare been regarded with complacency tj rtti 1 reflect by the Tu'gar class of whit jl? tLat rrcat thoroujth'ire. The clamour 1 MTiillri ti mwiiacAem We here 1 "'Ctcj of ma, wuh which if a man be cofereJ, an! 11 vi t'ie tut prisons, he pof caee the hijfh priii tzrAisi: a coloured man witli tlic most perfect im 3jty Tha cUv aristocrats art nertr more displease 1 J1 whea atti with an intelligent coIoartJ man. Jj fsc 'F iK ia him a contraJiction to their unstntrous l' titortes mctinj tha necro race, an not' him down toalerel with the brute, they fjret to knrik bun down the desirfl lereh I Trt. trepufinj toa lonj upon yonr time, and cay It a small lualter to you as to bow Iinay rwTfla to journoUe defence of injured and fnsulte 1 aot auisaed with loyielf without ex bj i.mule way my sinctrest gratitude for that Very rcfpectfiilly' jnn, rKEDEBJCK IK)U0LAS3.

hrrtkT.T Lkpex. A new literary enterprise Jf''Artol in New York, which iUustrates the i 'grwbieh ''Englwh literature ii made pcr" Uibers. This is a monthly mainline r. weli known baronial bouse in CliSe Ii 4rt aed an immense fortune, by al tacm jf current Eoglith bookt for the th, TLj Eiaazine eonawts of selections fr rai lirhah ptrio'Iical literature; including Knglh looks, which they is i4611 tieir TKiblicatinn in London. The plan 'w 10 this country, bat tljs differs tronj Uir" irtteded it in iU eitent and cheapness.

For tree jT wnhcMjans; July number will contein the tiew UIrt with cewus rtiecimens of ante i bate made their publk appear vaivr. at tLat time Utml'i rhinminr S'l iher wvtim of un.lW inUmt. Thil 1 ai aim, arid with the contexts of the maja' ai mud Jl STrtiSed, ta rh tinmher containing 1 SiiT ol JfMa U'rv ofik ridiculously low pnee of Zr. cents. The niter.

7 to crpies the firt Xn. This certainly sbswi ths iscte. i bterature thu eoentrr, wbaleTerin to Jwii as to Americas rkl? The Hon. East India Com (rmo oca ows troTi.) EXKTEIt. Jcxt 17.

Tlic proceedings of the agricultural meeting hero commenced formally this morning at o'clock by the opening of the showyard for implement! to public inspection. The eencral character of portion of the exhibition is highly'creditable to the I eumpetitors, though in nome rvsptKU it is hardly up to the mark of former years. Perhaps the position i Kxeter, rrmoved as it is to a great distance from the centre of manufacturing industry, and espe cially those brandies of it which tend to develop agricultural implement making as a distinct business, may account for this. The great tuskers men as the lUiisoius (of Ipswich), Oarrett (of I listonY, and Honisby (of Grantham), are annually put to a very serious expense in sending their implement to the Sivcicty exhibition, and of course the further away the agricultural meeting is held i the more onerous this burden lnvoine. Xor have (he arrangements and rules ujkiii which the exhi I bition takes place tended to diminish the objections which thus arise.

Instead of being, a it ought to be, an exposition of a few new machines to which an award of prizes may attach their projwr value, and of ft ice in guiding the s'Kvtion of practical men, the show yard of the society has for years past, if not tiiice the commencement, leeu tunie 1 into a regular lazaar. The stands occupied by each exhibitor are, indeed, paid for according to their ex tent, and some'othcr checks arc prolwbly adopted but practically the display of implements iliffers very little in principle from that of goods in a 'tradesman's window, and it is well known that many of the makers are much motv intent on liud ing purchasers and getting orders in comjet ing for premiums of the society. Indeed, 1 if they were not so, the rewards held forth by the society would hardly remunerate the most successful 'of" them for a tythe of the expense to which they are put. What can be the object of ching Mr. Garrett as a prize for his drill a man who gives constant employment to some UK or men Or how can the Jlcssrs.

Hansom be i K'nttitted, with their works covering li acres of ground, who any "day they chooe to ornaiuclit themselves culd turn out with "a display of tned.ils that ould astonish the Peninsular veterans who waited so long for thtir decorations The i effect of the state of things is iKxiiminir to show itfelf, and by unmistakcabie signs. In tho pusent exhibition the names of the Messrs. Uansoni and other well known implement makers are absent, not, it is Klieved. 1 eeause they are indillerent to the trade in agricultural machineiy. but Wcausc they aw dissatisfied witli the mode in which the business oftheshow vard is conducted.

Again, in tlii oxhitd tiou containing altogether an immense variety of articles, having 1 10 contributors, uiot of whom send a dozen, and some 40, and contributions, there, is hanlly a single mtvelty vvortliy ot uescnptioii brought forward. Tlic sjiowyard in. its material features presents almost no variety from that jjf tho last fcv yenrs, and many of the 1est things exhibited have received the awards of the society nt former meetings. Xow, itnay Ik very truathat it is desirable fur the society to attract the implement' which have contributed to' the improved cultivation of the Eastern Counties westward, but it is not likely that manufacturers will submit tothe heavy expense which this' entails without an adequate prospect of reward; aud it is notorious that implements which suit one ps rt of the coitu ry are not necessarily adat iw to other parts. It might have been expeftti that the." variety of iinplements suited to thp climate and soil "of the est.

and to its agriculj tural progress, would lave entered into the consideration of the committee in drawing up their list of prizes; but it does not soetn to have done so, and the Iis presents very much the nine appearance as if it had livtn intended to apply to the groat level of the Kens. one who is all conversant with the agricultural state of I'evonshire and the adjacent counties, the avvard of the Judges of Implements at the Kxeter meeting must appear very curious document. It is undeniable that there is a spirit of improvement on foot here, and that fanners gin to feel the necessity of doing something to meet the of the" world. It is true that a few landlord, such as the Puke of Itedford, Kirl Kor tescue, I.ord IVltiniore, and an almot ei'ullv limited uttmlier of" very intelligent tenants, are doing they cm to raise the character of the cuitiya tioti ut'thevatt majority of the agriculturists' in. this district would reganl the prize list of the so cit'ty 'as the invention of some visionary who knew icthingatout tinning to a profit.

hat are men wh let all mauuri tlow into their horsepond or into the rext ditch likely to of a liouid tnanuri? distributor with a 10', premium Hltachcd to it At 'hat will they think a p.rtaUf f.mii rail way who liavc never dreamt of iurmY a 1s or of a jrtable steam ngine, who have hardly yet attempted the application of hor prwer to the lnur the farm If the society wi lied to Ik really useful, ic ought for instance to nave got one of the country thri. hii! machines, and placed it one of the newest uud It st coustruvtivti to do the same work. The visitors tothe show yard would then see it tstructi ve sjHrtacle. On theone siUeau implement ol the most primitive kind, re iuiring an. immense amouht of human labour painfully performed and with a small i esult.

On the other, a machine easily kept aud cheaply set in motion, and mst ctfectual and fpti edy in its operation. If the iuvidiousness of such a inparison were o' jcctivnabli the show of implemt nts might still be made interesting and instructive by ing xhibite 1 at v.o but there thty remain undtr the fheds of the yard, au ungainly mass of iron and tlaritig paint, by no means pre jKessing look at, and though their owners will readily explain thtir use, and even set them in motion at the reouest of a visitor, none but tho judges see them fairly and properly tried. These observations are made wiih no uufneiiuly spirit to the Society, hut under the conviction that if they wisn to. make tneir exhitntion implements locally beneficial they must give it a more distinct local character, that if they desire to retain for it the distinction of novelty they must put a stop to promiscuous contributions; and that if they want to make it really interesting to the general public, some plan should be adopted for seeing the principal implements at least openly tried. Of Course it is a matter of rejrret that any of the best known implement makers tnould have absented themselves from the present meeting.

It js also to 1.C regretted that the showyard jossessc3 so little in it thit is new but a third point in which to many persons this part of the exhibition may appear a comparative failure, is by the lest judges considered a decided advantage. The numlier of articles exhibited is considerably smaller than last year, and the collection altogether is in consequence tnoro select. The following is the award of tae judges in this department of the show For the plough best adapiel.for general purposes, 7. Mr. William lb For tha pUujh best adapted for deep ploughing, Mers.

John Howard and Son. For the bent one way or turn wreel plough, H. 1. Henry Lowcock. For the best pirinjr plough, tf.

Mr. Tlioma! 'Hover. For the best suLaoil pulverizer, CI. Messrs. John Howard and Son.

For the bt drill for general purposes, 10. Messrs. Richard fiarrctt and Hon. For the best jir hore cteerage corn and drill, I V. Messrs.

Richard Hornsby and Son. For the best drill for occupations, Messrs. Richard Garrett and Hon. For the bent turnip drill on the flat, 10', Messrs. Bichard Hamsby and Hon.

For the best turnip drill on the ridge, lW.Mesfrs. Richard Hornaby and For toe Lest drop drill for deponiting seed and manure, 10 Messrs. Richard Garrett and Son. For tl.e best luanure dutributr, H. Messrs.

Holmes and Bon. For the best nortaUe steam, emrine, applicable tl.raih Inj; or other agricultural puqones, liil.r ileasrs. R. Honisby and Son. For Die second ditto, ditto, 22.

Messrs. Clayton, ghultlewoub, and O. For the belt portable thrashing macUiQe to horse or tem power, 20. For the lt eorn drestmjr machine, lOf. Messrs.

R. Homaby and Sn. For the bett frinJinit mill for breaking agricultural produce bto meal, 1W. For tha best Unseed and com crusher, w. Mr.

W. 8tJvSrTL st chaff cutter, 10. Mr. J. Corner (Barbidje).

For the bert tumin cutter, W. Mr. U. SamueW For the brtt ihie breaker for erery ranety of cake, U. Mr.

W. NicboUwn. For the best one boras cart lor general purposes, i yc. Jir. W.

Busby. For the brrt Ught waggon for general purposes, 10. Mr. W. CwkiSL FortbaUatHiaclilru Tor inalmg tile or pipsi, 20.

Mr. Heury Clayton. For the be.t aet olools fir genersl driiaiar, 3. HlMTi. ai L)Ft.

Fr the beet hearr harrow. Jfetars. Williams sad Talor. For lbs best lkht harrow, oon Iloward and Son. For tlK best fultirator.

jrnibbsr, and scarifier, 10. itieurs. ennui ana uo. (fiumtoro). For the beet patr bone scanner, Mr.

If. BenUtl. For tlit brit.borM bo on the flat, 10. R. i Garrett and Son.

For the lnt horse hoe on the ri.lgf, W. Mr. W. Rusby. For the best horse rake, CI.

Menst a. John Howard and Fon. i For the bett horse seed dibbler or seed depositor, not belns adiill, 10. l'rit. withheld.

the best rhler milL 10. For the bent bsrroir hand drill, to jrork with cups, Mrs. 11. Oarrett and Son. Fr the best liquid iuanure distributor, 10.

Messrs. T. R. and J. Rectes.

For the tx tt haymaking machine, W. Messrs. Smith and Co. (Stamford). For the lt Rorse bruier, For the lt rottce store or range for burning costs, 5.

Mr. IV, N. Nicholson. For the lcat and most economical steaming apparatus for fctr.fml purpoc, ii. Mr.

W. Stanley. For iniproveuienl to the steerage snd adnption of rul ranUcJ lodian niblier pipe, in place tin conductor, for scedjilrer meihil Mers. R. Homthy and S.m.

For draining tJ.mti and windlaM, nn 1 pipe making machine, Mirer medal Julin Fowler, jnn. For epaniiin moTenirnt in bono 1hc, silrcr medil Mrrs. Fwant Hill and Co. For dmiblc citem ntcni agricultural fire cnginir, silvtr tnrdal Mr. Kithard d.

For a new patent cottage store, silrer uioUl Mr. W. X. Xi1olon. For a atent 'churn, silver medal Mr.

It. Samuelson. For a permanent and portable farm railway, lilvcr uiodil Mr. V. CroMkill.

To this award is appended a lonjt list of articles highly commanded aud commended. The large it prize, it will lie perceived, is that of given to Messrs, llornsbv and Son for'the best Hrtablu steam engine applicable to thrashing and other agricultural purposes. Now, with reference to thi machine it very doubtful whether the society have exercised wise judgment in selecting it for such proiniiu nt favour and patronage, especially in the Woat of lingland, a country of comparatively small hohliugs, for which, the opinion of many eminent practical men th IimhI engine is the most convenient, the cheapest, and the most lasting. A locomotive engine mav probably lc tlvbest on large firms, such as tlioso on the chalk formation, and on the light soils of jh, Risteni and Midland counties but even there ex pet ienced fanners lire not always agreed on their claims to a pit fer nee. opposing, however, that the society have correctly singlcl ut this machine for the largest premiums, iu respect of the skill required for its completion and the dcsiraMcuefT of thus cenneetimr the business' of agricultural implement making with that of mechanical engineer, it would appear that in deciding K'twcen the ditrcrent engines exhibited tlie judges have not cn gnid I bv the most correct tests for forming a deci.

ion oti tie subject. An engine of "i horse power will, of course, work more economically thsn one of siv, and if economy and power comparatively are made the tests of this competition, as it is sai.l ln Ken the ease, the more powerful machine has tin advantage, though it may lie very clumsily cjn sttiicttd, and from its Weight as a locomotive be i xtremely liable to a displacement of its parts when mov it! about. With reference to the shovyof drills exhibited, the most remarkable new feature introduced into their construction is the substitution of gutti pcrclia pipes for the unsightly tin seed conductors by Messrs. llornsbv and Son. Nothing but practical oxrience can e.tabli.

the value of thi change. The tin conductorV have hitherto been preferred as lcat liable to Income furred, and thus closed limed The exhibition of drith generally a vtrv goml one. and we were paiticu'arly pleastd vrith that for small occupations exhibited by Mr. Garrett, and the form of the implement most liki I) to le useful in this part of, 'the country. Mr.

Garrett is also a successful exhibitor of that invaluable implement the irseli.V, which has Contributed so largely to the cb ati culti vatioii by which the Eastern Counties, and Sullolk esptciallv, arc ditinguihed. If by the ntdue tioii of iue. iianioal facilities, this west countrv, the icoL ture and fertility vf which arc so to vvteds, could get rid of those traces of slovenly farming, a gnatboon would be conferred iiuii it. The onlv remaining point which it svms necessary to notice in the alvo award is the draining plough, for which Mr. John Fouler, is to receive a silver medal.

It is dcscrilH. in the catalogue as invented by exhibitor, and as ing a mob' or p'ug plough for, making a hole in the soil at depths varving from two to four fMt, anJ at the same time drawing into the hole thus ma fo any draining mateiial such a' earth 'ii or wooden pijes, straw, ropes, There is an apparatus attached for raising or sinking the plough so as to i ivj a level drain under an uneven surface. It is drawi by the power of a windlass, and one horse's power excited there will move the plough a )ardiii econds at a depth of two feet six inches. "Tfnreo horses four men, and six liovs ill keep two ploughs coii and do feet iii a day at a depth "of th'iee feet. A hole reiiiires to ti dug for the niachiue cvejy l(Ht yards, or six for an acre.

This irnpli n.etit is altogether the moot remarkable feature of the exhibition, though of course its real value remains to be decided bv practical experiment, and though it is open to the objections made to all at tempts at draining by mechanical mean. namely, those which arise where a gravelly or stony subsvil has to lie dealt with as well as cl.iy. The Cattle Exhibition opens this afternoon, and the gmenl thow of Intli yanls will lie inoir Kxeter is crowded with people and scene of great rejoicings. In no other place has the RojmI Agricultural Society received so warm and Uttering a reception. filVEl: STEAM liOATJ.

TO THF, KI'ITuK OF TIIK TIMK.S. Sir. Tfic hte accident to the Queen river stcanibfit, at rivmoutli. aiid wliK had it occurred but few minutes Inter, must have cen attended witli thu mot tital tiiic qui nces. as opwanls of lSo.p 'rsons were fc' iut to esihark in Iier, len ls me tuu to call puonc aitemion io inai "ir I understand to be the fact, that while seuoiiig liteam 1 oats are most properly placed the Ix giaUture uni the cir.ita'nt ihrction an.

urreillanee of duly authorire officers, the steamers that run on rivers arc wholly eienipt from this must necessary measure. Kurelr, Sir, if this monstrous anomaly does exist, the evil ounl.t to 'be forthwith corrected before any more lives ara tacriSccd by the neglect or other miaconJuct of tho persons corrected with rircr steamers. Mr for behering that I have been rightly informed on this point arises from a circumstance which lately canio un ler my oliserration. A gentleman harin? chum to apprehend that a steambost that plied on a rirtr in DeTonshire wan not safe, she having i one occasion, through her 'defective state, sunk, with i.carly 200 on loard of her, told me that he had applied to the proper officer at Plymouth, or leTnport, or 'elsewhere in the country, to haTe this itcamer duly sur vevt 1 and examined, as be was accustomed to go to and fro in' her frequently, with his family, between the two towns with which alie daily communicated, when he was informed, to his great surprise, tliat this surveyor of steamboats had nothing to do with "rircr" Bteamen, hi authority only extending orer kteam vessebi that went to sea." If this representation of the oCiccr in epjestion be not true, an awful responsibility will rest upon him if any faUl accident should arise on board the lcamer referred to, as she still continues to run daily, though every one doubts her safety and yet, there apjicars to be no means of causing her to be thoroughly examined. I have the honour to be.

Sir, Your very obedient servant, July 15. Hl'MAXITAS. Thk Military Force is Ireland ix Jri.r. The following is the official return of the present military force in Ireland Cavalry. lit regiment of Dragoon Ii birds, Ihibiln ditto, ditto, Cahir; 7lh ditto, Xewbridxe; 4th regiment Light Dragoons, Dublin; Cth, Knninkillon, Dundalk 7th llussars, Rallincollig 12th Lancers.

Dublin; 17th lancers, Infantry. lit regiment of Foot (3d battalion), Limerick 2d ditto, lubiin; 3d ditto. Limerick ith ditto (reserve lttalion). Temple more; Vth ditto, Xewry; 14th ditto, Dublin; 17th ditto, Cnstlcbar; 31t Athlone Kith, ltoyle 35th ditto, Knniskillen 31th ditto, ltelfiw't 40th ditto, Dublin 41st ditto, Kiniale; 43d ditto, Dublin; 47th ditto, liutteTaat; ditto, Fermoy ditto, WatcrforJ 57th ditto, Dublin ii'th ditto, Kermoy th ditto (2d battalion), Dublin CJd ditto, Dublin 6th, Youghal Cctli ditto, IJracrick 7Ut ditto (Ut battalion), Dublin 73d ditto (reserve battalion), Xaas 71th ditto, Clonmel 70th (reserve IwttaHon), Cork 7i'th ditto, Kinaale S9tli ditto. Birr; and 1 Jd ditto, Kilkenny.

Tlie effective force, including the Itoysl Artillery, Horse and Foot, and Snppcrs and Miners, is men. lieaides these are the enrolled battalions of 'pensioners and the police, ataut men. Aiivam ok I'riiLic Moxgv ion Dbaixaue, kc. The new act to authorize further advances of money for drainage and tlie improvement of landed property in the united kingdom, and to amend the acts relating to such al vanccs, was yesterday printed. Ily this act, which contains 14 sections, the Treasury is empowered to advance for the improvement ot landed projrty in Great IlriUin, fir IreUnH.

A further sum of Sftt0CW. for draiiiage and works of public utihty in Ireland may be al vinced. It it provided tU ksun to tb am owner of pro petty eitliaf in reat Britain cr Ireland shall be restricted to Tli act took tffsct frvta rlunlij rkeu it rf. cirri tc Kcl TBS RErRESE.VTATlOS OrjOUTUAitPTOX. BOUTHAMITOSTWrnsrSBAT.

Jrir 17. ThS lection if a losmher to renrint this bnrtmrtt. vict Sir. A. Cockbarn, appointed lier Majesty's iMieitor C0L0XIAL REF0RU SOCIETY, The second annual dinner cf soc 'ety took place at ths Trafalgar, yertenfsj evening.

Tie attendance wa not very numerow, mt, as wtti He seen from the sub IK sW li 'it comrri mo of uiuuuri, iii lumrautinT i ne i own nan oeing imoer re i ,1 pair. Tae room, which Is of small dimensions, was densely to, the Jn ronlfe the agiUton ir crowded. Mr, T. L. Harjcas proposed, and Mr.

C. tAtrtT v7 V1' seconded, the nomin.Uon of the Kolndtor fJeneral and, no otlr candulat. being forward in to a 1 firjif i ll PP" rw elecUoi of the bon. gentleman, he was declared ty the i Mr. frcott.

if.p JlAioa (Mr. Hiehard A.fdrew.) to 'be duly 2cted Ta, Lm! WiTi rU "preintationof South tel: the taMe tilt after, more tiuut an noar elanseii in thr simMim r.r an able ui jcoTtrnmttii.Jtf hkh the noble lord "0WB aotuid priaeiaUi rolonul pnrt'y. snd his aJk.rtlon1 "fh antborlty th meat importajit doctrine ef f1 oloclai reformers. To lis frmatB of the Colonial Helena Society rcay so 1 attributed the proj. Vvrnnins loinated.

Tlie Solicitor General addreiscd the electors at the Hjyal wni ivcuiiuy rooms on cTeiimg, and again today, after the nomination. On both occasions he was well received, but, throughout the. procenlings of the proneut ciccuuu, mere ua men notning wortiiy ol special notice. REI'REJSEXTA T10X py ItKVOXPORT. PLYMOUTH, WrnxEsnAT.

On Mi.tiy evening Mr John Komilly addred the elec tors of MtnnrlHiuse at hillingly's Hotel, in that township. Yesterday eiening he met the far greater lio ly of his constituents who reside at Devunport. Thev aswmbled at the Town h.vl, and chose Mr. M. V.

Jeffry c'hiirman. Tlie Attossxv tUsriiAfs address, which occupied nearl two hours in its ilelivery, was a reiteration, in an amplified foim, of the statements and opinions delivered at rU'ine houwf. He aain warned his friends 'nf tlie atmcgle which would tuVe pine nest KMion on the rencwaLof thepreiperty tin, and tin far greater struggle which was impending on the r.f the return to the corn lawn, and which only waited a bad harvest to burst forth with the ereatent The improving the in Ireland hI oecn iiiutn uiiiuiriMicu in nt use lumens in mo liouso ol Lordd braiicli the Legislature with which it su desirable that thi! i tber brar.che ahould act in althoih it created coiiidi ral le in the progress of such improvements lis the of the franchise, and compellel the Miuistty well to weigh Uieir projects before introducing them to either Hliim. Mr.

Mor ii objected to the course which their mem lr id nimied un the suffrage question. The late fmandi! refonus bud rgun by rutting down thewy of the labourer in the dncL.var.Is, but bn.1 not wren. led to the wera rune nuuieruus now than in the time of war, wlien a greater nuruU of artUans were emplojed. Of houses in Di only 1, 40( pay window tax not contribute one h.ilfitnny. Siiptnce per window would produce a revenue.

Mr. T. Hawkfr stated, that tlie borough was as close as any ef the boroughs of former times. Sir Kdwanl CVIring toii nnd Sir urge (irey weli tatcn rare of their own interests when prescntir.g it, Sir John nuilly had not kept his regarding the windiw tas, an i.apst which greatly cholera lust year in HeionporL lie in ulercl that their cnndivlitc did not come out limn from hu former pledge to this obstruction to light and air. AKteatpait the deficiency might madi up by the n'landoiiitient i the African ijuairon.

Joiiv KiJ ewpl atically, that if his election dopenle uism it. he would maintain the African sjuadron. Jlr. Hutt's poit, rt'iidomninirits miinteiiance, was carried only by the is in vote of the chairnuin. large and mere is ing trade from l.ivtriooI and other ports was prvaeeutel on the const under the protection of the 1'ritioli tl tg.

He would support modification of the window tax. Mr. J. Williams proponed, and Mr. II.

Evexj seconded a vole cf approval of Hir J. Uoniilly, which was carried I a considerable majority. Mr. T. Hawki.r apeiMlel a resolution condemning in strong terms tie continuation of the window tax; this was supporte i by almort every lutnd in the large assembly of per s.nm presenl.

Tlie election is fued for to dsy a 10 o'clock. It will, no doubt, after the previous lengthened meetings, occupy only a hort time, uud permit the bon. member to leave I'evon i in the evening, and commence at once the arduous dity whira now devolve on him a Attorney General. IXTEU.ivEXCE. WOOLWICH, Jilt 17.

ArroixTiK.T.s. Cuiiimander John S. Ellman to commmd theSili. tteuiu elxip, comiuiuviicl this day at Deroa Hirt. Lieutenant P.

A. I). Crawford (1313), ta the Imium, 72, rceiving i l.ip, Surgeens. lie urge Doak (ISIlj.

to the Inflexible steam frLs al Woolwich Frederick (1316), to the Niger steam at Portsmouth. Male. Henry Hall the Niger. AmuUM surgeon. A.

Halkin (IS.Vi), to the Inflexible. Second Masttr. WUluun 0. Aldrich (1313), to the Iuiaum. Masters' Assistants.

J. Hutclungs and F. Piper t) the Irr.sum. ClerL. Mergan Evans (1850), to the Imaum.

I'oinmandtr John W'heatley acourso cf stadr steam at the factory at Woolwich Dockyard, vas on Monday last ly Mr. Triclett, aasiatant to the chief engineer, and passed satisfactorily. lievser steam sloop. Oordmander Francis T. Brown, Whs paid i ff in the l.a inat Woolwich Dockyard to day.

le c.imp iny r.f this fine ship behaved in a most exemplary mii.nrr. not a single inntance of drunkenness occurring. The tlicer, previous to leaving, presented their gallant Uni with a snuff box, as a slight token of their high tstttm nn 1 respect. They all expressed them clTcs as troly Cotnfoi table in the vessel, and left her much regret, as the liesf f.vling always prevailed amongst them. Tlie Volcano steam vessel is ordered to be fitted at Dept.

ford with the stcerir.g aiparatus invented by Captain Denbaro. K.N., F.K.S.. which has for it objict the teering of a ship when on fire abaft, or when her rud dcr hea 1, tiller, or wheel may lie disabled in a gale of wind, or by shot, during naval engagements. Tiie IVsneratc. 8,.

steam sloop, cf 400 horse power, will leave Woolwich to morrow, at i o'clock a.m., on an experi uuntal trial down the river, and will be taken to by Lieutenant bertson after tl.e trial, to 1 fitted at tliat port for si. Lieutenant Robertson, with Mr Stuart, the pilot, will return in the Advice steam vessel from Sheer ne. to (ireenhithe, the' former 1 1 take charge of the ltetri bution s'ennvfrigate, and the Istter to pilot that vcisel thf oug'n the Dow lis, on her way Portsmouth. THE EKISTISU XF.XVW ESTABLISHED POST FFICE IIRO CLA T10.Y. TO THE EDITOKOK TIIK TIMES.

Sir, With every possible respect fr the motives of many if th jso txtrenicly pious people who hare succeeded in getting a liolydsy" for the Post office clerks throughout the kingdom on the Sabbath, I think the next return that shout 1 1 move 1 for by those gentlemen of the House of Commons who by tact and stratagem managed to carry this measure, oiutht to be one to ascertain the exact r.Ltii' er of those liU.mteuv.cIerks who now attend at places of worship regularly, that could not, or that did not, do so before their emancipation. Put, Sir, it ought to have been borne in mind, that the lively cf the litters on Similar mornings in the various towns of the united kingdom did not prcTent the persons in the pos't oflices from attending their places of worship, bj caue it is an indisputable fact that, of late, all letters are sent awvy from the different offices for delivery before 10 o'clock, and that in no toon in the kingdom is the pnst ottice kept open during the houra of service. Ilut, even if the duties of the office compelled one, or two, or more persons to remain in it on a Sunday, for the public convenience, why could not the same regulations be observed that are established in the army aud navy, and also on railways and elsewhere, that of having a relief to perform the necessary duties for no one ever heard of the persons on board of a ship ho had the watch, or those who were on guard belonging to a regiment, being wholly released from duty on a Sunday, nor do we find that the railway cr other carriages are itopped on the Sabbath. Upon the principle now adopted as regards tho Post office, neither soldier nor sailor, nor railway clerk, nor servant, ought to lie allowed to work in any war on Sundays. A FRIEND TO COSSISTKSCV.

TO TIIK EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sif, The press being the only medium through which the public can obtain redress for the grievances at is ing from railway minnutnageiaent. I beg to lay before jou the fallowing statement, hich I have received from my family, who went yesterday to Margate by the South Eastern Railway. We arrived at Margate safe at 6 o'clocjc (instcaj of 3 o'clock) this crciiUigj after a most frightful journey. We had scarcely proceeded two miles when we were alarmed by the train suddenly stoppinj, which it continued to do for nearly an hour, when we were informed that something was wrong with the engine, which was soon remedied, and we made up our minds to a pleasant journey but something worse was in store fur us.

About three miles on the London side cf Tunbride there is a little wooden bridge which crosses a stream, and the other side is made ground to considtrablc height, wliere, with the whole weight of the carriages on this little old bridge, the wheel ot tlie engine came off, and by the greatest miracle we were saved from going over the bank. We all had to get out and scramble down the bunk, and wait in tCe field beneath until another engine could be procured from Tunbrilge, which took us liacktothe first station. We then changed lines, and went on the up line as far as Tunbridis, lasting the broken down engine on the rosy, and tlie poor engineer, who was very much scalded in preventing the carriages from turning over. I do not know what should hare done had it not been for the politeness of a gentleman, who rendered us every assistance." I myself went down on Sunday week, when an accident would have occurred but for the timely discovery that a pnrt of the engine was lost tho train was delayed till it was found. Again on Saturday; the day before, on the train reaching the Margate station, it was driven at full speed into a luggage train in consequence of the collision the whole of the passengers were knocked frightfully against the carriages and each other, some ladies being seriously hurt.

Unless, Sir, you lend your powerful aid in exposing this carelessness on the part of the railway authorities, there will undoubtedly be some frightful accident, as anything short of wholesale slaughter is little of. Your obedient servant, July Id. O.P.T. the cloth was removed, and the bus Loess the nudist com msnceu. The Bishop of OrforJ havinz said dWncr grace.

The CllAia.MAN give "tlie Health of ti.e l.ctu." the Sovereign, it only of these kingdoms, but ef the vast colucial TN snessions ef the Crown, and in that caracrty exercising the same responsibilities we at home knew ami ree gniieiaad were prepared to enforce. (Cheer.) The toast the Royal Family" having been receive! with tlie usual honours. The CilAHiM.s.5, after apologiiing for what he the presumption of prtsid n. on the occasion, which be C'udd oi ly excuse on a grooad that he would rcadilf tie! if he could, to the youngest man present, namely, that be was the oldest among them, proceeded to review the nsalt achieved by the society since they met that time twelve month on their first establishment. As a practUiil min business, Le should despair unless the preliminary stages liv 1 been pro.lnr of good; but, Lokin lstk what thy Lad already achieved, be was prrfuald that thev ha I it cnlv achieved good, but by perseverance in the course ti.

iy bad fcAen were likely to originate still greater Jnetits, not only to the colonies, but to the mother country. Tlie society had two objects. No member of either house Vf Parliament culd 1 unaware of the two great disadvantages with whicn the Legislature had toc telid namely, want of ade information from the co nies to enlighten them i the r.f their duties, and want of due rn operation among reformers. It wa tb meet those disadvantages the society was and with these object it members were united together. They were not less determined to enforce those objects, or ss attached to their principles beo they were met to pronounce them at a dinner.

The object of the ti ciation was mainly to obtain the fullest information ef the feelings and the ymjKithics of the inhabitants of our colonial possessions. It was true the of the society ere not bound to the colonic by the tie of representation, but the more evanescent and intangible the tic which boun i colonies to tlie mother country, the more was the Legislature called on. to acknowledge it. Although a Cambridge man, he was forced to admit there were tiding above and beyond firm and cuantity; and, a the dearest blessings of tifs wre not to be weighed or measured, so were our obliu nti to ur colonial fellow countrymen, however difficult to determine, not the lew binding on the Legislature at home. iw i no say this society sought to brin charge against the C'oloni office, or that they accused X.

Y. or any othr unknown quantities, of mi government or wrong doln ail tl.ey sought to do was to come forward and enforce, as f.r as os si'jle, the princtiile of justice to the colonies. Tli sought to enlist tlie sympathy of numbers as the grctt element tf moral and political Sucre's in their effort! for oionul reform. Were there any indication that their first attempt had led to any aiti'tactorv result LoOkinz Lack ti the event of the session, tiiey could not but scknowledge a ereat improvement ar.d advancement lis 1 been evidenced by 1'arlument in the discussion of coon al affairs, Tlie great feature of our legislation this year hvl been Ihe measure relating to the Australian il inies, an 1 he would tike it on himself to sir, that never had the cffuct of co oj eration, if not in legislation, certainly in dis cussion, been more strongly evince! in tne debates upon that To the members of the House of Commons who a llocate! the cause of colonial reform with such zeal ana ammy iney owe unatiecte gratitute more tiarticu latly to the hon, baronet near him, who, unsatisfied by the mere statement of a theory, bad brought forward a p.a:i to carry out tl.e object he offered tothe House. There was another point the Colonial Society wns anxious to enforce.

and that was that the arm of this great country should be open, in a constitutional sense, to our fellow subject who returned from the colonic to the mother country, and to show to those who hid everted their abilities abroad that there were men in this country ready to welcome them back, and t) thank them for the service they bid rendered elsewhere appreciate their exertion to receive their information. and to. turn it to account in the practical improvement of legislation, at heme. riothuig cuuM be more untrue than to assert that the conaexion between England and her colonic wa not of the nature, and when he considered the effect which emigration, pro perly directed, might have produced upon the destinies of boih, he could not but call to mind the wonders of some Oriental tale, wheu some necromaiicer.wiih all the treasures of the world at his bilding. had neglected scatter them I .1 lli.n, u.l.i I vantage.

(Cheers.) begged to z've "Sticcos to the Colonial and with it to oupL "ths Health of Sir W. Moles orth. Sir W. Moles worth. I am much obliged to you for the henour which you have done me in calling upon me to reply Die toast of eucces the Sciety for the Reform of Colonial Government.

I do hope tliat success will attend the cforts of tliat x'u tv. for it has been framed for a great and useful purpose, which deserves every success. Tlie Colonial 1U form Society owed it origin to a party of gentlemen in teieatcd in colonial matter who dined here about this time last year. On that occaaiou it wa felt that our colonic were in a very critical and dangerous state that Australia was much disappointed at not obtaining free institutions that South Africa was indignant at the prosfiect of becoming a convict colony that Camwla as irritated, and thinking alout annexation to tse United States and, in short, that dissatl faction and discontent prevailed throughout the whole of the colonial empire, and seriously menaced the stability of that empire. It was generally agreed that th'is disastrous ai.d much to tie lamented cute of things in the colonies had occasioned by a bad system colonial government that that system needed immediate reform a.i 1 that to bring about such a reform it was necessary tlut there should te ui ity of purpose and combined action amongst thnne who felt an interest in tlie colonies.

These feelings led to formation cf the Society for the Reform of Colonial Government. That society has been frumed without deference to litical parties. It numbered ans ngst its members all classes of politicians, Whigs and Tories, Conservative and Radicals, Protectionist. 1 F'mancialReformors. We have been termed tlie "happy family term, applied in derision, 1 willingly accept in earnest for we are luvp pily united in one great and ueful object we cordially concur as to the best means of attaining that we strive to obtain good government for the numerous dependencies of Great Britain ws ara anxious to promote the wealth and prosperity of our colonies, and thereby to promote the weal and prosperity of the mother country we are desirous to extend their trade and commerce, thereby extending our own trade and commerce we hope to unite them closely and firmly to us, so that they may for ever be loyal and contented subjects cf the Rritish Crown so that they may henceforth cease to be a costly burden to this country so that they may no longer require numerous fleet and armies to keep them in subjection, ar.d no longer entail upon lis a heavier annual expenditure to be defrayed by odious and vexatious taxes.

With these object in yiew, tlie Colonial Reform Society was framed. In order to accomplish these objects, the society his endeavoured to ascertain and poivit out tho defects in the existing system of colonial government, and not only to do till', not merely to grumble and complain, but it has endeavoured to how by what practical measures, and in what wanner, those defects can and ou lit to be removed. The society Las traced colonial misgovernment to its source in the absolute and irresponsible government of the Colonial office. It has proved to demonstration that the local affairs i Englishmen on the other side of the globe cannot be well managed by gentlemen in Downing street, who, however able and laborious, have never had any ocular experience of the condition of thi colonies, who have no personal Interest in the prosperity of tlie colonists, who are always obliged to trust to second hand and partial information on all colonial matters, who are therefore necessarily ignorant and generally misinformed with regard to colonial affairs, and who consequently, with tlie very best intentions, cannot fail to commit numerous and grave errors in the management of the local concerns of the distant dependencies of 0 reat Britain. TLe Colonial Reform Society, haviug thus ascertained the nature i the disease which afflicts our system of colonial go vernment, has proposed as a cure to give to the colonies tha greatest amount ol sell government that is not inconsistent with the unity and integrity of the British empire.

To do tills, tho society has adopted the old, the well known, and sound maxim of the first English colonizers, namely, that an Englishman, go where he ill, carries along witli him as his birthright as much of law and liberty as the nature of tljngs will bear," or, in other words, that an English colonist ma colony is entitled to all the rights and liberties of an Englishman in England, with the exception only of tdiose rights and liberties which can proved to be irre ci r.ciUble with his condition and duties as a subject of tlw British empire. In order to reduce thi nuuim to a practical shape, and to give to the colonisis the rights and liberties to which they are entitled, tho society has attempted to distinguish between imperial power which the colonists ought not to possess, and bcvl powers, of which the colonists ought to have tl full ar.d uncontrolled exercise and the socisthas endeavoured to cmlwdy this distinction in a measure which has been submitted to the consideration of Parliament. Of that raeasure I will only tay that though its tape may have been imperfect I am convinced that it was founded uiion true principles of government, which have worked well for the hut 70 years amongst our brethren across tho Atlantic, and I ana aiso convinced that those principles must le adopted andacted upon if Great Britain and her coJties are to continue to form one empire. For, be aeurdt in proportion as tie colonies flourish, and their popatation mcrests. less il less ill they lie Inclined to endure the arbitrary govaramefit ot the Colonial office more and mors will they dxutni the uncord trolled and complete management of tUi local concerns.

In order that the colonist mar manage their local affairs in the best manner, the Colonial Reform 8ciety has propped that the true coloaie of OrwU Britain sLeuU possess thosj i in s'itutions which theory aud experience have proved to bo best adapted for tW government of to Aagie Saxon. man, and far which the habits and adacaiion cf cwtsries have made Mm peculiarly fit. Tata, the peat object of th Society for the Keina ColonuC Govern, ment is to procure for the true colonies of Or sit sJf oarernmect in their load aad cuv as similar to those of the mother cvuntry as the The Registration. Saturday nest, the 20th is the last day allowed for parties entitled to hay their names inserted on any list of roters in the return of niembcrs'te Parliament for the cities of London aad West minster, and the metropolitan boroughs of the Tower Hams ignorance to be dispelled, much prejudice to be removed, and to give ccn titutiin to the early intrwijctiosi ef the bill fop to? a ttr KOTenunent 'of the AesfraKinrnloaiesif the fnll smri'L dd romsl te csion cf tl bill, tic fullest, the sunt r3 mt complete dic svon a coh.aial bill whk a. ba witnssstJ in Parsament, anJ wluch has succe.t.' la rousinr attertj in rs lb true principle of mlmblpVl'y al iroven.mnt.

I tCink. tiierrfVre. tint the Col cJ La dir. rrll tlii yiar; fl I bope ifi npH tliat it will realmsfts continue its tfwrts, merit warnt" tlasis. and ohiaa tfjs corjiaf assistance Lb eofvuts cf Great P.r in, and Je sTre the irsnooe' which you hat Ion it rr ririnkiKir tn its icrts.

T.r KTj.ip of O.trvr.r mse to gre "3u rrs to the a terb iry Coli nr," jotainr witli the toast sh Health Lord Lyttelton." lit shocld le sorry, imlee to to the assertion that the probability of failare rsceedel th protaMQy cf succei in the saseol the nesrolcry: beeaou it was. ash V. liersL rondcrl on tha fm trag of colonirvtion. It was no emigration iwrpmg oat the poor fseca they trout ted the people at bcessr. no mere outpouring of toe cumer which swelled over in Uia street great cities, but it was an attempt to pbnt ia other nrifres tir sejls of the greatness enjoyed ty tl Ll 'and tn ph tr in a faroura ie soil, there, as he hrrs to be thV'lof HeviS anstto hs righrr.

ecnn.l Sjch vras the nctfon of C5t i.uat; tliat Kij4 ii held by all the great worthies of tba reentry. T. iarbury aettmtnt was an attempt fw follow pri i. iple. Itwss not so atteitpt tJ giv rebef like tl sl tung 1 the gorged of the miesr 'ocat.

ef that which She could n.l safely retain inv ler own rircuin. but it was the ig in. lan.J far distant of tliat rits! priceipl wUich bvt ma tnsj mtlier trssintry great. Frod con ienrioa en's lives, anlfro tbs fetdinz thit his own culhu dutkM da an ted hi utraisjt attention, he hJ nt eassged ia the afflirr of that settlement, because he did not wish to seem to belong to a lIy he cr.a not effectively serve. Eat the nobis lorL (Lyttelton) besi 1 htm, 'with sell denying labour that could.

Lot be; etcee le an 1 with zeal anil perse ferarioe, Iiad ia terest himself in the affairs of the infant col my, an he l.o;l the noKelord would see the work cf bis hand groir mature and "ripen to a practical realiiAticrr of tha great principle, on whieh colonies ought to be founded. That irrr.ciple wo to be worked out the men themselves. It was no ierf.m which could te settled by the ancient vJ ihtr abnlnn tn, while men prtle i thera selyes and walked about waiting for thersult but it wa to le dteru.iiiel by cien of airainhtXsrward honety, common, sense, an in lependence, working it boldly out for themselves, ('leers.) Lsrl Lr after a high encrminm on 3fr. Co.I3ey tLe originat of the Canterbury settlement, whoso absencw f. om ill health be greatly deplored.

proceell to spenk or prospect of tiie selllemcnt. He should be sorry to be) uii Jemo' to speak in tone of despondency, for the settlement had ma le a Successful beginning and would more sue cessrullyrroceed. There wr re. no doaDt, difficulties in the wsy of the colony, liut the principle on which it was founded wssj in entire sympathy and accord with the rinciples of ths Colonial Society and the first body cf the colonists, without any pcculhr advantages, were persoas able to receive the i2et pilitical privileges which the society desired that Governmnt should bsntow on the colonies at large most of" all wool i tl.ey have impressed on their mini the principla of Self gjvrrnment. lie should be sorry to say anything of a discouraging kiuj as to the efforts of the society, but he must observe that he regarded the successful progress of tha bill for "better gi.vcrnmer.t,""asitwascal!d, "of the Australian ci lonies," with the greatest regret (hear, bear) anJ could not but wish that the Government measure hssl been of a less important and more revocable character.

He hrptdhe might be wrcug, but he looked with great fear and anxiety to the operation of the act upon the colonies the mo susceptible of uH colonics to gwl or evil ia tlutnces. Her Majesty's Minister had missed the greatest opportunity any Government ever had. and he only hoped tliat the colonist would ee through the imperfect measure) they had obtained 1 measure which it an 'litter dela ion and imposture to pretend gave them the government cf their own affairs, and that they would not rest content, as it was much to be feared they would, or risk the danger ef ac iuic in such a measure, but would seek for thorns rights to which he believed them fully entitled, and ia the pvsseiin of which he would wish to see them contented. (Cheered Mr. Hi Mr avowed that ha was better satisfied than th ru ble lonl with what bad been done for the colonies.

So tar a a the influence of tlie association went, that influence was) very great, as wa shown by tha professions of ti Minister, and no announcement of principle had eTer been mora solemn or decided than the declaration of Lord J. Russell as to the colonial policy in the early part ef tha session. Ia the Cape of Good Hope tha colonists bad certainly pursued most dangerous course but, he was bound to say, no relief had ever been granted any colony he knew of until it was) on the verge of rebellion. (Cheers and laughter. Still, they bad avoided the serious results which had follow ed in other colonies', and held out the means by which other colonies could bope to succeed.

(Laughter.) He looked upon the Cape of Good Hope as aa example to ail the colonies. (Laughter The Colonial cilice was the) whole canse of the mischief which was going on in British Guiana snd elsewhere, snd members of both Houses of Parliament should cr.dtavour to bring tha Colonial Secretary book about it. Making every allowance for Earl Grey, hs must say be had been miserably disappointed in him. (Hear.) There was no eoleny where hi policy had met with approbation but he hoped the attention of Parliament woolil in future be directed to tho real root of the evil, and that they would cut off the control of colonial matters from Downing street, and give it to people on the spot. Ua begged to give them, Success to the Cape of Good Hope," and to couple with that toast the name of Mr.

Adderley. Mr. Adperikt, in returning thanks, observed that hs felt obliged for the connexion of his name with the Cape of Good Hope, bat at the same time would not so far subscribe to the principle of the hon. member who had just spoken as to hold out to all the colonies to the colony of Canterbury, for instance, of which the Bishop designate was then presentthe eiample cf the Cape of Good Hope as precedent, tbeythotdd inTsriably follow. (A laugh.) He hoped, or the contrary, they would hare, a better and mora constitutional method of arriving at their rights, but he should ever be proud of having his name associated with the colonists of tha Cape, for he believed tha event there had given tlie cwp dc ijract to the horrible of compulsory transportation to our dependencies, ami formed another example of th vindication of their rights by the Ang'o Sfxon race, of which one great example hail been witnessed at tlie other side of the Atlantic.

Ha believed the) Cape would not only look to this country with gratitude, but would ieel themselves united to as for ever by a free constl. tutioo, liicb if DtUimed by the Government as their tpolict. i 'ima, must certjfilily Upon as the first fruit of the labours of the asiatioiuAUhough the society had as yet received nothing nom tha I6nies, the contributions in the) present "month amermted 40 of which loW. had been expended in the nbhcsiuon of various works. One oC these related to thsCCiiarters of our American colonies, and tha librarian of tha House of Commons no.

bad iudze on snch a matter, on receiyinz a copy of tha work, said that if the association had, done nothing they had performed good eemre by its publication. Ii asnvar alluded to the publication of tha wcrk oi Mr. Mackay. who absence he regretted, and to tha speech of Lord Ljtteltoa on the Australian Colonies Bill, the hon. gentleman concluded by declaring his belief that 'the society had been productive of the greatest advantages, and that Lor if J.

Russell had sufficiently evinced has sense of their im portance by his speech at the commencement of tha session, which was but a commentary on the text furnished by tha manifesto of the Colonial Society. Mr. Scott, in an animated speech, proposed, "Successx to the Australian colonies." Mr. Lowe returned thanks at considerable length and, after an onslaught on the colonial press, proceeded to rsruw the provisions of the Australian Bill, and to dilate on the) grievances of the Australian colonies. Karl Grey had, he said, like a second Pisistratiis, turned oat office, under pretence of greater zcaL those who had.

done as much cr more for tha country as himself. Tha colonies had expected nothing from Lord Stanley, but they had hoped muth from Karl Grey, yet was bound to say tkat Lord Stanley was mora a colonial reformer than the other. The conduct of the ColoEisi ofBc in managing the waste lands had been most ruinous their present upset price was something hke the agrarian law of Rome, and must ultimately read to the effusion of blood. ror his own part, he wouM rather take a dectuon 01 tba Emneror of China than of tha Colonial Secretary, for tha forms mro tit irfn. a fair fVsrrsion but the latter vraa so ham pered by his speeches, despatches, and reports, that he could not give an unbiased eciehooji.

He by csJhntr onthe company to Rand between tha Colonial cists aad our colonial empire. The Cit.tiiL.irAw psve tnenejioi lnerress. princes by some) vrry compliratntary Bcrtcnces, ltAor tb usual Tote of thaaks to his Lordship, the proce Jiags Unjuaaied. some time after mMnight, and tha company rt tired, a very pleasaat evening. ExTB.voiuiixAiiT ScR iiit.

On Ptttunlaj morning, about i ptdice constable HosLjes, 83 IV wa on' duty at the ksek ef Argyla Loilgc. Tulsa hill. when he found a chili fast ssleev unlcr one cf the haystack. He awoke her, and "aied to. the tatiiin hia in the Brixton read, whici the did.

anil hers told Inspector Eaamereon that ber name waeMaiy Ann Cooper, aad that she lived witA ber uacle and aunt ia White Hone street, Waterloo rcai'. but could not tell how she got to the Yajstack; ar 1 that, being scry tired. sh had slept thee since 6 en gs Friday nemg. Upon liVlzss tasiinq ber i the place she had reationf 4, ha round that she bad nA been with "oex untie and aunt since) Christmas, and Hat, in frt 1 reaided with her father, who is very respeetaX carprater, in the Green lane. Tulse hia.

r.f the fat ol Chandler, that her name ws SowW Chandler, ud root Cocptr, and that sb wa barely 1 1 yn cf age 'Jn wssl, bixii iss, cf vsry small statuw. rpswi hearing tn'a. Inspector Kiamenon desired she should he tsjten home sober father and aha went with Hodges, apeajtntly in hir apiriss, and ruaniag after butter fiioa for aLaaseinent. Wsan they had get into the Cress lane, ia sight of Ur fthet'a house," itr rushed through gap in a hedge, and asrosa a field belaajisg to Mr. RouiU, of Briiton hill, in which is a uetp pond.

Jug for Dialing bricks, and into wbw she resoratery plmogeJ. Hedges proceed aftsr Ur, aad his feet ssKking in the day at the bottam, he wa teoy ntariy drew bJ; bt yeacg JJr. Roid uappemcg to witass tae wle ecuKjice, wm. sistsnss isi i nr. tmt a auarter of an boor cire.ttstuces of the colosiiee admit of.

It could be fai before ii bedy of the poor child could be rsy.orT3c. ci ected that complete success would at tce attend tha and she was th suite deal It seems a Mighbr.ur ef Mr. efforts of the Colonial Reform Society. Fr there was much Chandler bad missed some silver, and a rolicenorji had been sent Icr, but not to use cm mi ois 1 PinsWry. Marylebone, Lambeth, Sonthwark, an I many a auVistsr interest ta be fought with and vanquished I have alaraud ber, and she ran away fn ra 'home, aedthea Oreanwich, and also in the election of a knight or kniVcts before the victory could be sained.

Cut it appears to nu that the next day coming suddenly In siiht o' her house) of the shirt fer tho counties of Middlesex, Kent, barrc, ic. a much success has already attended the effort of thit so ith a police man by her side, aJtboui net in bis charge, If they do not send in their claims on Ufore 'jiat day ciity a eoaU reaamably have been expected. There can be auppeaedto hi they will forfeit their privilege as eltctcri fyf tag cusuirg no doubt that tl forxatiac of tlut society indoced tha 1 o4ldherto jesr tUe lull abyut to mod, rtisi, 'rmaM tt'j Kuioa of raxliajr.ea ty (f twswvy Ityaaitr thit so with a policeman by her side, aJtbouvi) net in bis cbsxir, iisis ssw "7 orfuirsr vas kss ecuqiK suictsc. mPla wrw.

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