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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 4

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1848. TkTJBLIN, Concert Boom of the Rottindav IW J. H. ABDEBSO 10ml Wlee of th Sank) tTsB! a Ua a batHy. aweary, as ta ywhew ef Details, thai ee KmcWiWiauittttkmrW (Mu kei 1LJ AL I At EXT lilnl Mat ea MwltTKiiMlnMBU.

13 the tehee? Pewiailuii. Mae, eael watakereA, ae erf lila before a what keriiee tfauMu atriu etlateftbsaeaart; ef all the rr.r1r, Wt hasa, Xla ef fWla Vaiaaai aa iwte KM Kiof Ilaaorer ha lie i to lee,, 1 be MakklM thIw, wheat rWeeaUS. tinMW wteteh he baaed IM what of lb aeexnoaTee. frk rlnmMIU the air while aelsec la a raeflaaac ltk a tikMtkTdBttaiKKM to keMapiM! tame XVI fa4M Oimfra. UaniniilWiMt.

nl! a nwnl i an, aa; aaeoa4 mn. back ion, l. CUMrcm TlUlKATJtK ROYAL. COYK.NT GARDEN JL. KMkm pwbue raepwtfuay tafonoed that Mr.

SIKS wl aaaae aatat will i i wtniM ia pmvii 1 1 i mil lili imIiii hulMlaMlidrmbku roerrros si i.nul rl4u. era HAT PICK wis be MmL Taare rtyvafl, rKis rexaseeyer. DRtfRY LANE. fllUKATKK ROVAI I JaJVa Aaeaeltferteeef JTT.L1 UC ban hwi na efaMaastfettr to UMua thai hat AS HAL KUU ef COSCCBT wis COXhfEXCE sell rkaay.Sve. J.

Hat. ttnuumi for lb epeeAal Blsht Ia eeoler te tin th rrt4 VUI to parf meane Oai an lb lata oc 1 ht rpesiim alibi, M. JoBa a tumrulf arrenred that Sauoaal A Litem for Ira eaf cjnri taada, caeewe. im orsaa, aa Da, larooea eraseaeraaioa of lb, eraaaaeosat Men of lb nctaBonta at tb Royal OwU, ob tvx3 pw f.r ibo swaittBW of ibotr aplaakSM nXttary beaaa. lie Baaet of Oar afajaetr'a let llfi Gaaria, under th Lreike Tb Bead of Her Majelr Sort! Hon Ouards iKoei.

uader the Tt Bead of her HlMfi OraeadW Ooarda. under the Mr. fichaH aa4 the Bea of Ber Hiif Mnam Oatroa, aaoVr emala of Mr. Oaofref. Tko HaUanal Abtbm wtU tbefafcra, aa Alii i aaliiB be uasaaad br ibo axtracrilnmrr arfnfaiaalkin of Ibo e1 eetWra the abort four mlLlarr haada.

with Chora abd orcaa. lumcnaiMoiHMiniuri'. ui un niau, a rrnw wiactiai I liiilii'B tr. Ism aeuennOL (bow ao ropnlar la thia eaualiil aaraLfadaipr' aar br M. Jaibra, aad aiabraelsi tha chief bcaoiiea of Uia nnara mjtt.

Abo Heetboraai la 1 a aav xJo I err IMj. aatithal oi a aeer aolo br Hi. Klcharaaoa Aol rl aalKruifalrfroai La riasnra, wtth rnabria saw Vaba M.jnlllaa oa rout ir llrrr Kcen a bev Bcbeuiach by Ju! icq a OaraUaa by Mba Ma maaa or aniiin i vraat cu irtnte bote. Ida.

TJ Bad Jll crtfl'a, Re Boadejm aad at II. JulUai and Cct aueleal HA.roM. tJ4 Kamutrart. m.Junwm brf ra paauauy io aiaw. that ibe uaatn beuut let lor ot, ua eoaearu can ncuy enauaae inr oae motu, fTlIIEATRK ROYAL, HAV.VAKKKTOpe mrj Braaiax.

Tua tacvKre aae nova mure 7 rrxieeon Xt.dbBL sadhae sal aook eiteoalr alieratlnDs aad tmrra tufcCe eomfbrt of the aadleaoa. that II ta to bo ttt uxa alitial aa wal aa the Boat eon ren lent claw cf amuanseal bx IU utfjjJi. On Moadar aat Mr. Cbarka Ktua aad Kit Charlaa ne lava aaM un Treat anu mate tbair urn aiarasic thai at. Talar alar of Tha Wlfe'a aVeret.

"DlilKCKSS's TIIKATRK. The lessee hi the JL tuoar to ansoanat that tb tan eeletrated alsier, from tha Oraiid Opera, Parks MdUa., wfaow repmaUon on tb 00a UulI hu pi eed bar la thohlibeat raiJi. alUinake bet trrt arpearaaot It lc'ABd Tal8 CTESISO. ta Kellial'a trac! r(ra cf NORMA.

r. u.o, nr. Aiaaa: urvreaa. ar. wolia; Adeld, Mua Ktnca, Mdlli.

da Bhaa. Mr. a Bnhain In the near rra of Leollae Twaorro, an eary oeealaf sot aprroprtated 10 Bobaa. THEATRE ROYAL, ADELPIII. Splendid new Tbaatr.

Opaa erarr Klfbt. Retnra of Oelert and Mr. ta th domoaUc drwna of THK IIARVKHT UuME. flr vex cf a Da fare. cataVad TUB DAJICb Of Tub 8HIKT or.

and a drama by i aear pnraraaop. X0YAL STRAND THEATRE Lessee. Mr. JL Hooper Tbla theatre harinr underson eitena! npalre asd doooraUoBi. UI opaa forth aeaaoo Til Id tVEM.IU.

ooobar 30, tau.Vr the dlnetloa of Mn. Hooper. A few ward cf iBtrodoctioa will beMiiAaa by Mra Uooper. The performaaea wUI ooo.n:ese with th rnuioal roesaaot of IICSAI QTATJ1K or. earn in it Oidea Tim.

IlautQaatra, Mr. Ilo Kaw; laaaot. The lntar luceti tub. BUTlsil tuioa. to eunelaJe iih 1'CAr AS A FOAT.

Bulk, J. bole, a. ptt, la. prtnle boles cue fuxeb each. THIATIE XOTAL, COTXST OARDE.V.

frfodpaJ cbaraetora by Mr. Stma Whlttrcr.t. Mr. Con. air.

uarocn bum ateaeeai. ana aui LaooniM. To omduds with THE AMAZnsg. THEATRE KOTAU HATMARKE7. Mr.

B. WoKr, Sole Leaee aad TnH KKxnra. the patricias uTVonTXR. Mr. Oreaaick; Earl of Lystarna, Mr.iRcur: Cantala Herselal, Mr.

B. Taadeahos; Ladj Mahel Lrntertw, Mlai lama aaboiati tgja i.rnni, nra. w. mnora. After which, LAVATEB THE To eoBcladj wtth THE 1U181I POST.

BOTAL LTCECM TnEATBC Under th Manacemeat of Mde. Verais, mi nifht or Mr. Keee. chtrarten by Mr. oho Reere, Mr.

Mr. Honner; Mn. Tate, aad KUa KilMeaa BuwtUlam. Tooaael'jde aritb TUB ATngttd Rabaaraad. at rntful Plagiary asd Puff, Ml.

C. Maihewa. hrat NUht Mdlle. de R.fci. TIII9 EVEKISQ presented NORMA.

Polllr, Mr. AHea ClotiUa, MkwKormao'; Norma, Mdile. de RcM. After which, mi rwuiiuv, xo coociaa wttn i.a ftvsitnt THEATRE ROTAL, ADELPHI. TTadar tha dbaetlon of Madame Celeste.

THIS EVES IN 0 will be preaeated THK HARVEST DOME. Uraaaer Praior. Mr. Wrbtht Triloba. Mr.

Mnnnrd IVit. Mr. Paai Bedlird Caleb Keatrei, Mr. 0. Smith Any.

Mde. Celeat Mary Krrrett. Mka wooicv: km. Peepa. Mn.

r. auhewa. ATter wbia, THE IiAKCE OF THE SHIRT? or. The cminres'i Ball. To 1.

Graham riaacala. Miaa naddart Miw After jkTA PbiAaAJfT JitlQUBOL'R. To c.LUiit THEATRE ROYAL, 8ADLKRI7 WELI.B. THIS ETEXINQ wUI be emeu ted BICHELIEl'. Lrnia XllL, III.

II. Mellon; Richelieu, Phelpa; Barradw, Mr. O. Bennett; He Maqirat. Mr.

II. Maratoo De Berwxhen, Mr. Uoaklna Orleaea. air. uraham wrt.lcl THBATRB ROTAL.

VARTLEBOSn. Re aoaeptent of Mr. T. P. Cnote.

THIB ETEXISO wlfl he Dreaanted THE MIDNIGHT TATOH. Vttrre. Mr. Joaaetoo; Cxn, Mr. J.

nerbrrt; Anume, Mr. H. T. Oaitn: l.1am, Mr. TWafl: Panllne.

Mba ranry Tlnlnr; Xiaetie, If lw ratsod ra. After whkiL BLACK EYED SViX. 7a cendade IU. Is bb A HOMA I ROTAL 0LTMPI0 TnEATRE. Mr.

Dartdann. Sol Lease and Masarer. THIS ETEXIXOwlUbepraaented LUCILLE 4 or. The Slory of a llaan. uiaua, aire.

Burns; yuue nuMmia rt. uoorfe tu Mr. to err Irak. Mr. Coanton Andre.

Mr. r. After which, THE IRISH Tl'IOR. To conclude with KATllERlXt AXK TO COREESPONDENTS.

ISo notice can be talen of tnooyinoBi 'ccanrsanieaUonf. WhkteTer is tended for iniertioo 1 mutt be kothentieatexl by the name aad addrtu of tha writer cot necoataxil for pubucauoo. wit aj a guarantee) 01 oi gooa laitn. We rnnnot undartate to return rejected commnnieationa. L0ND0X.

MOXDAT. OCTOBER 30, 18. The prbclamations of the Emperor of Austria to Lis subjects, dated from Olmutz the 10th and 19th of October, are documents of the highest impoiUnce, not oaljr with reference to the pending contest be tween the people of Vienna and the Imperial Govern' xnent, bat as a decided indication of a resolution to restore order, authority, and established principles of government in central Europe'. The memorable distnrbances of last, March were everywhere followed by a complete prostration of civil au thority and a suspension of military power. Victories were won by undisciplined mobs over veteran armies, capitals were (abandoned to the caprices of a band of students and the protection of a burgher guard; and.

so universal and extreme was the panic, that the Sovereigns and Ministers wha had exercised the most absolute, power stooped to the rajst abject capitulation or ignomnious flight. But, as might easily be foreseen, thelb un tncasurei concessions only served to raise tia. pre cf the revolutionary: pirty, and at no dUtaut period the new order of things established on this precarious basis was destined to b4 jover turned by the violence of its own partizaris! In Austria this anarchical spirit was fostered by the divisions of hostile nationality'; the Hungarian Salicals availed themselves of the 'disaffected state of Vienna to effect a diversion in their favour, when JrxLACiiifii with his army was within two days march of Pesth and the result was a fresh convul sion as irrational in its objects as it was atrocious in iU crimes. Fortunately, however, for. Austria and for Europe, the Imperial Governmeat was not disposed to admit a second time that the turbulence of a faction in a metropolitan city: is to regulate the institutions of an empire.

The discipline of the army and the fidelity of several of the other provinces have enabled the Court to adopt a vigorous line of policy and to concentrate an overwhelming force round tLe principal seat of the rebellion. Thirty battalions of Infantry, twenty two aquadrons of cavalry, and eight batterie of artillery, besides the irregular Croat troops, encompass the wall of "Vienna, whilst a competent array is oa iU march to compel the submission of Pecth.i Neither of these cities are qualified by nature or by art to resist regular operations of war but the seanrot cf the OoTtOTDent bare been so ably directed, that there is reason to hope no extenstv detnictioa of life or property, wQl take place. Vienna already completely cut oft from commnnlcitioas aad oppliea the hopes of suocoor have dwindled awar the. peril increated and the THongarians wUI probably be in no condition to offer a protracted resist ance to the Imperial army even on their own soil. At this Critical moment, when the military prepa rations of the Oorernment are complete, and Prinoe TTurDrjcaoRiTi is Invested with that full authority which the emergency requires, and which public opinion La Europe had already awarded to him, the Xmperofoti Austria publishes, with the advice of Baron Wrssxjtbero, the head of the present Ad ministration, a declaration of war against the lawless partisans of the revolution he announces his resolution to meet the rebellion and to oppose "it by force of arms at Vienna and elsewhere, till "shall have been completely quelled, and the mar" derers of Counts Lajibirq and La tour are given over to the avenging hands of justice; and he adds "that, after subduing the rioters and restoring peace, it will be the task of the Ministers, in unison with the members of the Constituent to bring about by laws respecting the licentiously abased "press, the right of association and popular arma state of things without infringing "liberty, shall secure authority and respect of the laws." It is clear that in this struggle no pretence of liberty or right remains to the party who have grossly abused the made to them.

The Emperob still recognizes the liberal concessions made in March and May, and the constitutional reforms already legally effected; but nothing can be more opposed to the establishment of any form of constitutional government than the destructive excesses which have marked the whole conduct or the revolutionary party in Austria. Those who had bees meet earnest in promoting the tardy progress of reform, and in restoring the ancient institutions of the 'empire to greater ac tivity and freedom, were the first to recoil from the vile passions and the an ti social delusions which had been spread amongst the people. By surprise, by violence, and by the cowardice or treachery of the citizens of Vienna, those revolu tionary principles succeeded, at the instigation of the Hungarians, aad under the protection of a por tion of the Diet, in getting possession of the capital. From that moment it became the paramount duty of the Emperor's Ministers and of the army to march upon Vienna, just as we saw in June last the National Guards of the French departments flock to Paris, prepared to contest the triumph of the Bed Republic. Anarchy may prevail in a city, at times, when proper measures of police are viewed with excessive jealousy, and the middle classes themselves follow a wavering line of conduct.

But the re sources of such a rebellion are contemptible in the field and most yield to the pressure of military con troL Such a war, therefore, cannot be protracted, but even if the resistance were Infinitely greater, the alternative of civil war itself is prefer able to a base and inanimate submission to the despotism of a sanguinary rabble and the preposterous demands of a people armed for the destruction of society itself. The ex inordinary victories won in the spring of this year by the sudden energy of the populace were, as we said at the time, the result of a very feeble defence rather than of an irresistible attack. The troops were everywhere exasperated by a defeat which they had not deserved and justly attributed it to the irresolution of their political superiors. It was easy to foresee that at no distant period they would take their revenge and restore the natural and established authority of the public forces, on which the public security of all countries depends. In Paris that battle has been fought once, and will probably be fought again.

In Frankfort the German Republicans received a severe lesson on the 18th of September. At Vienna, where the revolution has raised its standard on a i vast and threatening scale, the Imperial Government has now asserted its rights, and is prepared to enforce them. We applaud those results, because we are satisfied that the restoration and maintenance of lawful au thority is the first condition for the exercise of Li berty itself, and the first step to the recovery of that tranquillity and prosperity from which has deviated so far. But although the Imperial cause is supported by men of unflinching loyalty and resolution, whose political abilities and personal characters are immeasurably superior to those of the leaders the insurrection, we do not believe that these counsellors and soldiers of the Crown are disposed to reject the lesson of these event ful times, or to consume their powers in a vain attempt to restore that feeble and antiacne structure of Government which crumbled at the first blow, If these men be worthy of the task which devolves upon them, they too must undertake and accomplish the regeneration of the empire, not by giving currency to the false promises of a revolution, or by placing the highest power in the lowest grade of rank and intelligence, or by erecting institutions for which the nation is unfit and unprepared, but by giving more simplicity, energy, honesty, and intelli gence to the Administration, and by shaking off those traditions of a low bureaucracy which are the bane of Austria. It is a very honourable position which Dr.

M'Hale wishes to secure for himself and his communion in Ireland. But the idea is by no means original. In this metropolis it is a common occurrence for men and women, generally with Mac or an 0' before their names, to beg, borrow, or steal, little children, and employ them in The poor little crea tures, of course, are most carefully preserved from the comforts, the decencies, and the virtues of civilized life. As their faces and appearances are the fortune of'tneir proprietors, they are neither fed nor clothed, nor protected from the weather, nor washed, nor permitted to sleep more than is necessary just to keep the life in them. They are taught to sham and.

to lie in every possible way, and severely punished if they show the least' desire to earn their bread by honest labour, or to form associations with a more respectable class. So long as they are infants, the old harridan who passes them off for her children has commonly a pin or a flint stone secreted somewhere in their clothing, by the proper use of which she is able to excite the compassion of a premising passenger or she keeps open some filthy sore which shall constantly appeal to their eyes. As the poor creatures grow up they are so ricketty and helpless, so deeply committed to the Tillanies and habits of their life, and so incapable of anything better, that they only quit the profession of mendicancy to take up that of picking pockets. There are varieties of the trade. The most dignified form of it is that attained by the gentleman who sends out adocen or two miserable wretches every morning without their breakfast to beg, but himself spends the day under more comfortable circunv.

stances, before a warm fire, drinking and smoking, with cheerful and rxngenial society, discussing, with great freedom, the rices cf his Government and the wrongs of his country. Such a gentleman hat too nmchrfarpect to beg forUmself. If be is not the King, he is at least the Artbkhop of beggars. Dr. H'HAU practises the prefestioa on a much larger scale than is known in Be Giles, or Clerken weH, or the Borough, for in tact be has much, larger field.

Throughout his whole he has been sedulously enrplored in 'bind ing the Celtic population of Ireland in the trammels of beggary, and barring it ander the squalor of barbarism. He is always re epenig the sores of his country, administering fresh goad) to its morbid sensitircness, deluding it into a certain idea of the dignity of idlene protracting, its quarrel with dviliTstiofi, and twtiTKww that of class which produces honour among thisrea, recognizea waits among beggars, and many other corruptions of fraternity. Does Heaven send a blight on the land and warn a wretched race against the habits of savages and the food of swine, Dr. M'Hale is ready' to assure his poor dupes that the act of Omstpotrxce is the fruit of Baxon oppres sion. Does Government undertake the almost im possible task of carrying seven millions of people through a winter of famine, and lavish its treasures with an unheard of profusion, Dr.

M'Hale ready to arraign, to misrepresent, to vilify, to oes ounce ue wnote agency ana means necessary for that purpose. If half a day's, work is required, he calls it cruelty if half an hoar's walk to the meal store, he calls it wilful xntuuer. If clerks are employed to pay wages, and surveyors to mea sure work, he calls it embexxlement, and proclaims that all the money has been squandered in jobs. If the English public in a season of great straitness makes a voluntary subscription for the Irish, larger than any voluntary subscription for any purpose anywhere since the beginning of the world, Dr. MHaxz suppresses the fact altogether, or, when it is thrust on him, calls it an heretical device.

If a permanent system of public charity is founded on the principle of making property do its duty to the poor, Dr. ILtur. gives his prompt encourage ment to the selfishness and perverseness of those who, possessing the land and receiving its fruits, resist the payment of a moderate quota to the poor. His only principle is, tb denounce with equal rage every work of a national, judicious, and effective character. In perfect and picturesque consistency with the line Dr.

M'Hale has adopted throughout, he has just published a manifesto demanding national sup port for the Irish people, and by anticipation reject ing that support for the Roman Catholic clergy. Like the gentleman who stays at home while his adopted family are begging, Dr. M'Hale is above receiving for himself. Oh no it will compromise the glorious independence of the clergy. They will degenerate into serfs of the State in other words, be bound to their good behaviour, and no longer at liberty to foster rebellion? Instead of giving its destructive support to them to them for themselves the State, that is the working population of these islands, is to give that support in the shape of 10,060,000.

per annum, ot thereabouts, to the Celts bat mind, not through magistrates, or superintendents, or task masters, or pay clerks, or the Poor Laws, or any civil agency whate ver, but through the Roman Catholic clergy, as the natural almoners of the people. This is the only possible form of relief which Dr, iiALX nas not stigmatized under some opprobrious term or other, and to which he has not attached some hostile imputation. Working Eng land is to pay the sum in a lump, to the Irish Roman Catholics in a lump. In that case there is no degradation. The Romanist clergy, who of course will not detain one sixpence of the as it passes through their hands, nor receive one six pence back in any form whatever, wUI still be at liberty to defy the Imperial Government, and con trast their independence with the slavery of the Parliamentary Church." Though we have every reason to be thankful that the epidemic which so fearfully ravaged the cities of the continent has appeared only with such subdued and mitigated violence in this kingdom, and though some portion of the 'relief is doubtless ascribable, under.

Providexce, to the relative merit of our economical institutions, yet there are certain cir cumstances attending the effects of the malady up to this period which 'suggest very serious doubts whether we are using, as judiciously as we might do, those weapons of self defence which are intrusted to our hands, or whether we are improving, to its full extent, the warning which is now given. In the first place, it seems almost conclusively proved that the predisposing causes to cholera are within human control. The earliest if not the only victims to this malady, in its ordinary courre, appear to be those who either by want, intemperance, or neglect, have been reduced to a state of helpless debilitation. Even when in the foul and undrained streets of continental cities it committed its greatest havoc, such subjects as we have been describing supplied by far the greater portion of the sufferers, so that it appears as if we almost seed a cognizable type of the human sub ject liable to cholera, in the person of an ill fed, ill housed, ill cared for creature, who has, by one and the same been both predis posed to the disorder and incapacitated for resisting being the case, we would now applythe conclusion to a fact which has been palpably dis played daring the last week or two. How is it that this epidemic, which seems, in its passage across a land, to be the very touchstone of sanitary sound ness, and to mark with its plague spot those quarters where any vicious institution, however covertly has been at work, should so eagerly fasten upon those establishments where it is generally under stood that the appointed expiation of sin is so far from being aggravated by illtreatment or neglect that our felons may be said to enjoy what our honest poor cannot command 1 Why should the cholera appear at Millbank or in the hulks Our prisons are happily, for the most part, models of cleanliness, ventilation, and drainage.

The utmost regularity of life prevails within their walls. Their inmates are far better fed, clothed, and cared for than when they were in a state of honest destitution or undetected sin, and there is generally a resident surgeon of ap proved ability to give immediate attention to their wants. What is it then which, in their cases, sup plies the place of starvation orsqualidness, in predisposing them to this searching malady A obody can possibly have overlooked that there is one constant element in the cirtminstancta of all these several attacks the riverThames. Ve are not going to insist further uponthis pomt at present, but the fact cannot be blinked, that, 'whether the patients are marines, convicts, prisoners, or sailors, there is always one condition fotanrtmfilled that they have been breathing the atmosphere of the nver. nnat we wish now to remark is, trot there appears to be 'some farther element operative in the internal economy of onr prisons by the inflnpnoe of which "such mental or corporeal prostration is produced as results in the pre dit position referred to.

We are not. without. snsplcion that the dietary arrangements cpgior as uey are to inose oi a pansn union are in a cer tain degree accountable for the, evil, and our appre hensions, receive some confirmation. from the net that a change La the ordinary regulations of this fau merit was the first preacription of the surgeons employed. Bat there mast also be something more.

and this unknown ingredient of harm should be care fully explored. For, if it is ruled by our laws and fnitiUtions that nothing beyond the ap pointed penalty shall be inflicted on the prisoner if, in accordance with these sentiments, we bestow upon the habitations of felons a care which has not yet been extended to the lodgings of the poor if we watch carefully over their condition, and: discard with scrupulous justice all schemes of custody or punishment which can be conceived to entail the ffiinntest supererogation of suffering, then it dearly incumbent on us, by oar own decisions, to see that no such effect is wrought on these unhappy createresas that which the unerring touch of the epidemic has solemnly disclosed. AsecoBti point to which we think attention may be bene fin ally directed is the peculiar medical treat meat in which such a systematic persistence has been shown. No surgeon can of course be blamed for not devising a specific against the cholera bat when the same stock remedies are always applied with the same promptitude and the self same results, the very facts of the case seem to suggest some experimental efforts which would bare at least this surety, that they could not make matters worse than before. The evidence 'on the inquests exhibits little beyond a repetition of si milar attempts and failarer, and though we acknow ledge that in most of those cases but little chance was given by the previous habits of the patient to the skill or science of the medical attendant, yet the treatment appears to.

have Ken too instinctively suggested by the traditions of a system to leave a fair opportunity to the powers of art Some weeks ago a sensible warning ap peared in these columns from well informed correspondent, in which, with a view to the contingency which has arrived, it was' particularly impressed upon professional readers that they could not too effectually dismiss from their minds any legendary notions respecting the character of the expected epidemic, and that they could pursue no better course than by treating each indivi dual patient according to the symptoms exhibited by the case, and the suggest ions of their own experience, precisely as if Asiatic cholera had never been heard of. It is, perhaps, a pity that this admonition has not been remembered, and that conven tional prescriptions have supplanted the treatment which might have been dictated by knowledge and observation. There is little more reason for believ ing the cholera to be an Asiatic production than a Baltic importation. It is but a modification of the ordinary results of impurity and want, andj should be met with the ordinary appliances of cleanliness and care. LATE8T FROM PARIS.

(BT ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.) The Paris papers of yesterday are almost exclu sively occupied with the approaching election of a President for the Republic. The Republican journals appear to expect that Prince Louis Napoleon will be the fortunate candidate, and console themselves by saying that he may be President, but nothing more for that should he attempt to overthrow the Reoublic. he would be crushed br the sovereismtv of the people. Accnnnfai from Reran, of fJin "IfTi Inst alalia thi attempt had been made to overthrow the Go vernment of Fribourg, but it had been suppressed. The Bishop had in consequence been arrested.

No news from Vienna later than the 22d insthad been received in Paris. COURT CIRCULAR. WINDSOR, Scxoat. Oct. 29.

YeaUrdaT ranrnlasr Her Mawatr and Prince Albert, at tended by lia Hon. Miaow Kerr aad Carendith. General rtemyai aaa Uolooel r. a. left the Caitls for uiamnotu to pay a Vint to the (Joust and Countess NeuillT.

Her Msiestv and Us SotsI Hiirhne nbrnal to the Castle shortly before o'clock in the aiteraoon. Their Serene Highnesses the Frineese of Ilohenlohe Laa cesbonrc aad the Princewt Eiia returned yeUrday ater. noon to the Castle from a visit to her Majesty the Queen owacBT at ue rnory, staamore. His Berena Uvcaneae Prince Victor of Hohenlohe also arrived vesterdav ereninr on a visit to the Queen. The Royal dinner party at the Cajtle yetteriny evening Included her Borai Highness the Dnchees of Kent, their Serene Highnesses the Princess of Hohenlohe Lanfrenbourg aad the Princess Elite aad Prince Victor of Hohenlohe.

Lady Anna Maria Dawson, Baroness de Speth. the Rev. Lord Wriothealey BossoU, aad the Kight Hon. Henry and Mrs. Labonchere.

Their Soval Hifhaaeses the Dolce and nnebeaa or (m. bridge visited ber Royal Highness the Duchess of Glocester on Saturday at Gloeeeter boose. Their Royal Highneejes returned to their residence at Kaw in the afternooa. Mr. John Wood, Chalrmaa of the Excite, had an interview with the Chancellor of the Exchequer on Friday at his official residence la Downing etreet.

The Ear! of Clarendon left town on Satnrdiy for his seat the Grove. Watford. The Chancellor of tie Exchequer left town oa Saturday for his seat HieUeton haJL Yorkshire. SADLERS XTRLtS In no instance has the manage rial skill of Mr. Phelin in working his resource bees more creditably shown; than in the revival of Sir E.

B. Lytton's Richelieu. In the first place, the principal character is one of the best that he acta. The sarcastic humour and servile kindliness, which give the more permanent tone to the part, are exceedingly well elaborated. For the drily humourous Mr.

Pbclpe has a keen perception, and he always acts characters in which it is prominent with an obvious congeniality. The energetic bursts which are so skilfully introduced into this clever play, aad which may now and then lift it out of the genteel comedy level, are giren with great force. The ecclesiastical menace, which brings the fourth act ao admirably to a close, came down with grand aplomb, and Mr: Phelps was imme. diaiely called before the arorvsceo. The production of the piece is distinguished not only by a very creditable mite sciae, but i by a very skilful diipori tion and training of the company.

The Barradas of Mr. 0. Bennett, the Julie of Miss Cooper, the Pere Joseph of Mr. Younge, the De Maaprat of Mr. Marston, and the Francois of Mies Huddart, on the whole as well played as the resources not only of this particular theatre but of histrionic Loodoa will Here aad there an individual nirt' might be more efficiently rep reseated, but we do not believe that aa entire body of acton, better disciplined and more honestly working to one end, could be pro.

duced. The Pere Joseph of Mr. Younge and the Francois of Miss Huddart are little bits of character very nicely rendered itand ws particularly mention the latter, because it was a remarkable instance of seal aad 'energy in a young actress who has hitherto been more conspicuous for her personal attractions than for any singular display of, talent. The theatre has beta very prosperous since its opening this season. The praiseworthy exertions of Mr.

Phelps are receiving their fan reward La the applasse of a numerous audience. We are authorized to state, with reference to the increase of duties on woollen and silk goods recently imposed by the States forming the Zolverein. that pending the decision of the question by the several States, orders are about to be transmitted by the Prussian Government to their Custom house autho rities to take the same measures in" respect of goods of British origin as have been agreed upon with regard to Belgian produce and which are, to keep a particular account of such goods as may be fumisned with the requisite certificates so as to facilitate a re imbursement of the duties already paid, if, eventually, and as there is reason to expect, a reimbursement should be decided upon. TheChaacellor of tha Excheouer has received' from fO. of 0," two Dost office orders far 5.

each payment: for income tax omitted to be charged." He will nay over the amount to the Bamrerreneral of Taxes. Oovxxt Gardew Theatre. In eoniwi nfrnVva nf Sims Reerea indisposition Anber'i opera of avaVe, kick was to hate been produced this evening, it popn4 natu Wtdaeesay Bant, THE BRAZILS. FALMOUTH. OCT.

3. Her Xajeety's packet Peagaia. Lieutenant Leslie com mander, ani red this morning with the Brazil Kiaila. Baa left Rio Janeiro oo the 13th, Bahia the 23d, aad Pernaav boco the 29t of September, aad brings abevt 35, 000 f. oa The Penguin left at Rio.

Her schoooer Spider, which arrived oa the 9th of September with the Hirer Plata mails; aad Her Majetty's ships Crescent aad Alecto. the American frigate Braadywine, the BraiiTian corvette Berenice, aad the French corvette Alemaae. The BrtrHiaa frigate Coostitutioa aad the French corvette Expeditir were also at Bahia, the Brazilian corvette Dona Francises at Parnambuco. This packet, brings ao "poCtkal news of importance. Baiinees was vary dull at Rio, with ao prospect of aa early amelioration.

Coffee had hardly experienced aay alteration except the prices of superior qualities, which bid receded about 100 reis per arroba in conaecfaenee of late uafarotir able asws from the raited States. The quotations ware for superior 2.500 reis to 2,700 reis; 1st good. 2.400 reis to 2,500 reis; sad 2d good, 1,900 reis to 2.000 reis; stock. S5.0M bags sugar (white), 2,600 reis to 2,500 reis brown. 2,100 reis to 2,200 reis hides, fight aad haary, 125 reis to 18Ji reis per lb.

Some attempts had been made at Rio on the 7th aad 3th September to disturb the eublic trartauiuitv on aceoeat of the elections, but nothing serious had taken place. Th baptism of the young Prince had been deferred in conse quence ot tae taaiapoeitioa oi the emperor, out was expected to tax's puce on the ivm ot September. Exchange hat experienced a considerable improvement. ana aooat iuluuik. bad been effected by the fenxmn.

at S3. swea, per isaa, cut to TBS ORE AT SJA'SSRPEXT. TO THH EDITOR OF THE TIMES, Sir. To aa attentive observer it must a spear erideat that a great proportion of the errors into which men fall ia their intercourse with one, another, arise from the two extremes of being too credulous aad too incrednl we. The former may certainly be the more dangerous to the Indiridual but, I doubt whether the latter may not be more prejudicial to the interests of science, as it tends to prarent Inquiry aad mTestigationi There is.

however, a proper medium, though it may be difficult to attain. But. to leare generalities, and to come to the case which now particularly occupies my attention, vix. the great Sea Serpent I am urged to address you by seeing a letter signed W. II" which appeared in The Timet of this morning; but at the same tune I beg to remark that I have never even seen aay of the persons who state that they have seen the animal, and that my sole motive is that I am anxious to eive mr small endeavour, however inaimiA'cant it may be.

to check a species of cavilling which as, ia the instance, of w. n. letter, it appears to be baaed on a want of re flection, I will not say ignorance aad false argument whea widely ctrcuiued and unanswered cannot tail to be injurious. Barely it nu be admitted that tne belief or disbelief in anything ought to rest on the following grounds ins prooaouity ot tae thing lteeu. II.

The veracity of those who declare they have seen it, lit. The chance of their having been mistaken. Now. 1st. The only circumstance which renders the ex istence of a huge sea serpent improbable appears to me to be the negative one, of the species' being so rare that they are not oitener seen, ia no ouer points does it appear to me In the least so.

fa length the animal, as described. scarcely surpassed tne largest whales in balk, it is not to be compared with them. If a boa constrictor attains at times nearly iu reet in leogta surely, it may be credited that a manna serpent might If it were reported that an animal resembling a man in ireueral structure had been teen 90 feet high, men of science would justly discredit it, because it may be pretty satisfactorily proved by mechanic that oca a being could not stretchout its arm without its onaaing with its own weight. Here, however, there is no such physical Improbability or inconsistency. 2dly.

With regard to the veracity of witee, I certainly am not one of those who can be readily brought to believe that a captain ia Her Majesty's navy would state a deliberate falsehood when half his officer! and crew might at once contradict him and apparently with ao other motive thkn a Sdly. From tha short distance at which the animal is aaLato have been seen, it appears snrcely possible that those Who tat thjy saw it could be miitaken. Such is the manner la which I consider it but fair that the question should be analysed. But what is argument It rests mainly on two points 1. Tha marvellous position of the Dxdalus at the tine the serpent is said to have beeea seen.

2. Oa tha latter hariaa one aneh a short distance in the Interval between the timet at which it it stated to have appeared to the two vessels. riow, wua regard totae point, persons who nave never been at sea may easily be misled bv a show of nautical knowledge and a parade of technical terms and with such matters W. H. appears not to be very well acquainted.

in a homeward oouna ship in f.u. zt 41 and E.L. r. a north west wind would be a dead foul one. and sha must eonseauenuv Dear to windward allowm? that to keen the aails well full, she is kept seven points from the wind on the nort tack, her head would be exactlv north eaath north as Captain Mae Quhae states the Dxdalus to have been steering at tha time in question.

Will W. state what there it marvellous in this llai he mistaken the port tack for the starboard On the starboard tack, if she would lie six joints from ths wind, she could not come un hizher than weet eouth weet, and admitting which is not self evident that this wouia oe Dearer to her proper course, her commander might have good meant for auaking. at the time. northing at' the sacrifice of eaatinz. or it would, any way, oe amy a snort taca ana a long one.

With regard to the second point of W. HV arguments, it amounts simply to' this that if aa animal can move 10 miles an hour, aad sometimes does so, it must at the end of 1U hours neceaeanir be IUU nulee off. Such an areumant It is a waste of time to answer. The rapid movementt of a irpoiee. or carrier pigeon are well known.

Mav not the former cIav about the same bay. and tha latter, about tha same barn for months! Concerning the statement of tha mate of tha American brig I will make no remark, except that, even if it were proved to be a pure invention, I do not see how it can in any way affect the previous statement of the captain of the ijetiaiua. i I might tav much more on the mhiect. but fear I have already exceeded the limits of a letter. From the silence which hat been maintained on the subiect until W.

II. letter appeared. I hoped that people were wisely withholding their opinion, and that it was not forgotten that the accounts of Bruce aad the scientific exertions of Jamet Watt were treated for a long tame with that tort of seoffiosr ridi cule which W. appears te advocate. At the conclusion of his letter reminds us of the old story of the merman.

Would it not have been beneficial to him if he had, at the same time, recollected the equilly well known old story ef tha old woman who readily admitted the probability of there being mountains of sugar and riven of rum, but never could be brought to believe in tha existnoa of flyinz fiah! ZJETETES. London, pet, 2o. Aclo Sax6x A "rricicmE3. One of the most curious and interesting of the many discoveries which modern research hat made in this department of our national an ti ui tie was communicated on Friday evening to a meeting of the British Archaeological. Association' by Mr.

Thomas Batrman, of Talgrave. This sentlemanJit aDDeireJ. ra. cently opened a tumulus at Benty Grange, in Derbyshire. In the centre had been deposited a hamai body, of which but little remained save the hair of tha heid.

But in the situation where the head rested were portions of silver binding and ornaments from a leather ran whirh had han decorated with four wheel shaped pieces and two small crosses in silver. There were also two enamels upon copper in silver frames aad towards the foot of the grave, the remains of a helmet formed of ribs of iron radiating from the crown and covered with narrow plates of horn upon the top was a bras plate, aad surmounted upon this the figure of a wild boar or DOZ in iron with bronze eves there were also nor. tions of what appeared to be iron mail armour. The boar. sir.

oatemaa remarked, was a prominent animal in the mythology of the northern tribes. He considered the re. mains to oe of the sixth or seventh century, if not earlier. 1TOREIG.V fOTATOES. The lmDOrtatlons of notatne which have lately taken place from France and Belgium hare been of to numerous and extensive a character ai to have been quite remarkable, and are of much interest and importance.

The following took place during two days of the past week at the metropolis alone from the French and Belgian ports, The veseel Solid, from Dunkirk. brought 47 tons weight the Jamet Watt, from Havre. 91 ra ks the Jean Bart, from Rouen, 1 Co tons weight tha Marie Celeste, from Dunkirk, 64 tons weight the Jeune Clara, from Dunkirk, tons weight the Soho, from Antwerp, 223 bags' and 210 tacks; the Amour de la Patrie, from Dunkirk, SO tons weight the Mary Jane, from Dunkirk, 120 tons weight the Josephine, from Rouen, 81 tons weight the Clemence, from Rouen, 45 tons weight the Economy, from St. Valery, 130 tons weight; the Fair Maid, from Rouen, 129 tons and 10 cwt. the Speculation from Rouen, 0 tons weight the Tamar, from Caen.

100 bushels tha Augusta from Rouen, 125 tons weight the Eagle, from Dunkirk, 17 sacks; the Angeline, from Rouen, 72 tons weight; and the Euphrasie. from Antwerp, 95 torn weight of the article. The following very large and numerous arrivals of potatoes hare alto recently taken place: The Sir Edward Banks, from Ortend. brought 25 bagt the Erigo, from Rouen. 110 tons weight; the tnr from Antwerp, 10 tons weight; the Triton, from Ostend, 50 bagt; the.

Commerce de Gund, from Ghent, 600 bags; the Director, from Antwerp, 22 toot weight; the Colombia, from lUrre. 300 sacks; the Antwerpen, from Antwerp, 503 bagt; the Dart, from Ostend. 65 tons weight the Falcon, from Ostend, 66 tons weight the Ebenezer, from" Havre, 123 tons weight; the Maria, from Brussels and Antwerp, 106 tons weight the uoe, iron Antwerp. ivz tons weight the Henry, from 70 to 80 tons weight, from Dunkirk th Stir, from islewn 140 tons weight the Amiable Marie Louise, from Dunkirk, a cargo COnaistinsr of nearlv 100 ton weirht the Rnhn from Antwerp, 313 baskets the' Junes Watt, from Havre, 531 tacks the Harriett, from Antwerp, 145 toms weight the Columbine, from Havre. 544 sacks the Director, from I Aa twerp, 44 tons weight; tha City of London, from Rt teruam, sv tons weigai ue 1 names, irom uamcurgn, sJ baskets; the Sir Edward Banks, from Ostend, 70 the CitV of Rotterdam, from Rotterdam.

ISO bara? tha Aat vrerpen, from Antwerp, 1,549 bagt, and Sft baskets th James Watt, tram Havre, 1,025 tacks; ths Eugene, from Havre, 80 tone weight the Adocit, rom Reterdaxn. 37 Wisketa and 97 bags th Majeeehal ds ViHut, frra Harre. sacks: aad the Soho. from Antwerp. :930 thasi ef rerotabls tha production of the countries mentioned.

Tnaaa very Bumerous and extensive arrivals are exclusive of Importations of an important character, which have taken place from other ef ths coaiiaental 3tei of Europe. taetefimate of weekly trkffi: required to pay a ftr cent, apoo th total capital when called I LOJUjOX ASD SORTff jrKXTKRX RAILVAT. TO THS EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir. A rwrnrioa of the calculation, aad of the prtaas! apt wax: a taw dividend of 7 ef 21,017,70, ha made it apparent that the nominal tjoa to the capital stock ia the adjoaxaot of th tanas ef ssrialgBrnttion with tha Grand Junction Company.

U14. was. by an oenisaaoo, recardod as aa asset available for.r. i taction of loan aad. oa the other hand, that working ex I peases at 40 per cent, have been charged span a portioa oft the iacome to which, being net, such expanses do nat apply, vix, rests from hoosea, tem aad interest im; Tbanksrs bsJaacea, ariaing from rvseXheee errors the Directors hasten to acknowledge, aad instruct me tore.i quest thai you will publish In your paper of Moa lay mors, 1 iag the fcSowiagcetrected statement: From the aumaary it wuT be seen that the total matt expenditure it expected to be The account will therefor stand that rxrkirarf po total ahar capital of AxLJC.atTpweeBt...

UrUel IXi.rM4Lteseeat. XtJM. Lea, tsterert at 34 yea cent, oa XtMSS aaattiuitreejraaaaeapeial tneaatsla't, saaadiaBjaea.aa per ached al ITIt: latere oe beak art balaacea. aa per re II BSD Baatta, Mrseeipta.4. jCOStr by yeatUa 1 par are.

HI Jg Wjrtins in set 49 per cent, eg mas reeetpt tnca traae fl ai lrj Ararare par waat par 7 per cemL. ZU.TC froa traac The (roaa nrraaas for the year edii "Sih of Jobs, lMtni IM1U 1mu. (HJSaeM Pedud diTiJaad. Laa eaaur aa4 CstrtU CSflM latareal pai baak errht'aneoe Baal aa raotiptal USf atUbWSS Arervre. Z1USI per vr It therefore' remains for the shareholders to whether the sreceding calculations are sound and moderata, aad if so, whether there is a reasonable probability of the grots revenue of the company from the traffic of the raaia use aad branches to be opened increasing to aa extent of per week by the year 1552, when all th capital will have been called up an i the tubeidiary lis ia operation, 1 am.

sir, your obedient servant, CHARLES STEWART. See. Eostas station, Oct. 23. TO TEE IDTTOROFTirs TI3TXS.

Sir. Mr. Stewart one of the secretaries of tha Ul. and North Western Railway Company, stated in a letter te in ixmet, aoout a iortaigot aaace, mat tome calculations copied into the money article of Tie Timet from the London i(y tiiray SAare Lot, retatmg to that coav. pany, were groaalr erroneous.

I nave punoeely deferred making any rer lv to this alia. gallon until the statement promised by Mr. Stewart ta the tame letter, and published ia The Timet this day, thouli have been issued. The substance of mv calculation was aimDlr that the Lab don and North Western Company had. under their own acta, aad under thoee of their leased, guaranteed, or m.lg.?11tt1 lines, obtained powers frm the Legislature to raise upwards of forty millioni of money, and that should they carry out all their engagements aad expend that amount of capital, they would require a gross weekly traffic receipt of aboat 70,000.

to pay a 7 per cent, dividend. This estimate was coupled with aa assurance under the authority of Mr. Creed, the lata secretary, that the whole of this money would not be required, as it was proposed to abandon certain of the undertakingi for which powers had been obtained. The fact that Parliamentary sanction ha been given to the London and North Western, and their aHin companies, to raise upwards or 40.000.000f. it beyond all question fit is quite unnecessary that I should extend my letter by a reci tation of the acts), and it is equally true that under the moat favourable assumption the company would require a weekly traOc receipt of 70.000.

to pay a 7 oer cent, divi dend should they expend the 40,000, OOOf. I am justified ia repeating the expression under the most favourable ar tump lions" made oae of ia your introduction to this tabular statement, inasmuch as I find from that now issued by the company, the Leeds aad the HuddersfieU and Manchester, and 8 tour Valley lines are estimated ta cost in each case considerably more than the Parliamentary capital inasmuch as I find that the company estimate the probable annual income to be derived from their contributions to other com panic at 3 per cent, instead of four pee cent, as estimated bv me and inasmuch as I find that the' company assume to themselves liabilities oa account of leases of the Preston and Wyre, the Scottish Central, aad the Birmingham Canal, all of which you will find I pur. poeely omitted, as I did not know, nor was it generally known to the public, whether tae were liabilities of the North. Western or not, I mav further add. that the comoanv ti.

mate the proportion of working expenses to receipts at 40 per cent the tana at in my own calculation and the present weesjy inmcai instead Ol at 1 supposed it to be, company now show that, for their own purposes, they shall require aa expenditure of 25.SS2,012r, to which they mutt permit me to add the nominal addition to their capital, making altogether and that ue guaranteed aad amalgamated capital, which must be taken inter account in order to establish a parallel with my own calculation, will amount to about seven millions mortv The entire ultimate amount maw thna na Atari at iWf in round numbers, instead of 40.000.000t. aad the difference between these two sums, or will represent the Parliamentary capital of thoee portions of the general undertaking which it it to aoaoaoo. is win oe seen toil ia the statement no. 4, published in this day Tines, the abandoned capital saud to 3,3,8, but to this must be added about OOO.GOOf, of the Shropshire Union, also abandoned. I have shown VOO.

I think, that neither Tlw Timn nar the Heely Lut were rufltv of ntterinv a irroadearro. neons" statement; it was perfectly as far as it went, but was deficient the information whichathe company hat now furnished. I think VOU will amelwith ma that I adopted a very successful method of puttisfe. anHmportant question, aad obtaining a conclusive answer. a am, on, your ooeaieoi L.

NASH; Editor of tha ltV17 li, Warnordcourt, Oct. 23. TO THE SDITOR OF "THE TIMES. Sir.

Having beer red The Timet nf.FrUav an TMit from the Uampthire Quardim. giving the particulars of the late melancholy event at Owalebury (Winchester), in which my name is brought into disrepute, I beg to observe that the hearsay evidence ef Jamee Alexander (groom), lately discharged from my service, it in tone particulars incorrect, inasmuch at 1 most positively deny ever having given the. deceased a promue eft marriage; nor, Indeed, could the have expected it under the circum stance, tne saving oeen tor the last li months fully aware that I was a married man. Nor was I the father of the chill, a is srnnnae4 fcainr about four years old, whereat the deceased iiad not been acquainted with ma fur mora thaiKehniit 15 mnntha shall feel obliged by your giving the above the earliest publicity. I am.

Sir, yours faithfully. Captain BESAriT, Late of the Iknal army. DCTCH FCXDB. AnaTXROAX. Oct.

2JL AfitlrS Debt, Twond a Half per Cents. 44 44A ditto. Three per Cents, 52 52 ditto. Four per CenUv 631 631 AmortSmd, Thrto and a Ua! per CenL. 631 Er.

change on London. 11 92; ditto, two monlhs, II 90; ditto, on lUmburgh. 34 S3 ditto, two months, 34 75; ditto on Paris, 54 50 ditto, two months, K.Itutch papert. Acstriax FrxM. YraTrxA.

Oct. 20, Five ner Cenu, 74; Bank Shares, 1,010. Exchange on tandoa 11 20.AHoemewu Zcirmm. Oct. 23.

The Verxox Collectiox. In Trafaliar sauare tome yean ago, the skeleton of a whale was to be exhibited, and a structure was needed for the'purpoee. When supplied it was not handsome, but it was cmite effective and snitahla you could see the bonet of the vast m.inm.i every part, from the huge jaw to the rudimentary pel via, which hung to the spine at if for honorary ornament rather than naw. rart of the insignia of tha nnW nt mamm.K. On the tact lite the national collection ot picture was to be exhibited, and an architect was appointed to build a gallery the result uvi a nnmim in wwca me picxares can De teen, but that peculiar edifice called the National Gallery." In tome parts of it, indeed, pictures axe risible but aa thoee portions are very limited, even the old collection brought from Mr.

Angerttein't little house in Pall mall sufficed that space tome indifferent purchases and bequeau filled up the rest aad now' that Mr. Vernon's present hss been tent home, to the nation, there is no place in which to put it. ex. cept' a. kind of To enter it, you must dive, by a lateral circumbendibus," beneath the great staircase ilea yon find yourself in a suit of little compartments opes, ing one into another, like a wine cellar fitted up tor the nonce.

By the peculiar arrangement 'of lights, the? fall either quite sidelong or perpendicularly to the plans of the picture, excepting fat certain case where they do net reach the painting at all. Anient the light that tidwe up to them tome pictures are guarded by their own pictars frames. A Gainaborotteh is placed ia a nurr batter which pour a flood of Eght into either eye, and effectually blind you to tite pamting. The general result is to reduce the conjuring of all to a most dexnocratic equality i even tit drawing it ia maary cases obeaenred, aad tb deaizn moat limlnatrxl py careful scrutiay the only thing brocghtost strong relief is tha mtmairv nn v. r.

rougher paintmgs. The ccOloctioa itself like a telectica from the annual exhibition of the Royal Academy, with few works by deceased isaiatert added. Though the individual works are exhibited, they cannot be teen, except possibly just enooa for Identification. Too are allowed just such a glimpis a may rtfraah your txatxaory no further harm." It appears that the curaton of the National Gallery deem ths display of thee works by English artists detrimental either to their iams OT to the nrrarraaa of art an ihrr ara colourablv anhihiud na ts r.i., ku a war to evade obaarrTaticaa. We aaw a Naticaaal Gnerd dffigeatlj engaged whhaglasa in the tndearour to detect the pic tares; bat the French spy was quite foiled la that inridwa attetnpt.

There ara works ia tae collection, howertr, if rerntaor them correctly, which stlght UTV dlcrojd wtB.

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