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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 8

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1844. TBX QUMZ.3 or SPA I P. (racs cn im wucmunrtO BARCELONA, JrtT 50. tke WJ iW cpiatoo given uUUi aortal ti tke Owen rc lWek, by Narvaet himself, t(W Mice, ineatioBeo lo ece cf icy late cotbjbu it would new appear tkat she will not leave ttfl ike Mi raectk. tt OmboiiU.

Th tut cf Her Ma Rfc. for tie last week or 10 dsrs, would teem vender a removal, at tL! moment, whea Ike greet Leal! rjeiort are in all their feree, highly tojarieua at least, tuck tke rneiical attendant cf tbe court end to Ikil ctIiJoo, tke ery impatience ef Narvatx The Urt time t' theatre, tbe 47 Bettr rtTn eaint, it evident tkat the L. state of suffering; end observed, Iket tzMtrvg and leafing the Royal box jk meted wilt havirsT, wats aoa CJ auu on tpraineJ ker ancle. It it UOmdkowtver, tkat the title kl4 ks J. Ut reniert her to kelpies.

jicUlerUi tbe Infante been eoweU lr. teeltb for tome rt might bT' end for ike Urt week wither them kt Wl ike palace. Te phyticUs. ft rl. itfUrr that the undertakes a journey dur iwftit heat, tke good eff eet which might have been Tbk it tx tofroUM tht it wiU uie pUoe Uforr.

a mt tUt rrpcrtfd the mftit if iaitti rpimtrorr.t th wait of nuuLtsmt on tb.rit it JL.iart UctUr.uiJbrr mrt trurt wcrtky o4 ccnftJcn A Mty nirtt in th. krttrt to kT tTJ tjl Urait4 kfor tk Qixn mch tko rpiUl, til inwfair tifflf tcnrt rM nmrhow. A th raU too Ut rTU tkf sioaaiu ruyu well. uJu urjirtftul'ly, rry rr fcyrxient, ronck the jytpotii to tick he that oUisM to i' dMiroui ef rrturahvrto MalrlJ UrrJWfrU able to comply itk. ATtnra rxr rjutxcir asd ojocw.

(noM oct ova ecuimiiDT) ORIS, Jcit 20. I tk Sateml ef vtittnx for tk ertnU on tk Moonah frontier, mUk art auppoaeA to rTfukt! by Ue. pending se(OtkUoDj ef tke cenjolar acentt of TasfWr witk th Em re ror, yea iD, rerWapf, aJtow at notice the yrxgrommt of frterancee an4 reparation! produced by H. Ouiot In iKe Ckamber ef DtpeUri on tie 5th ef Jaly, vken the budget cf AtcrrUn fSnanot'wu brooikt before boo. menkera.

It vesM arpear that M. Ouliot denanXa, aa tke (randbejU ef arraarement. tke erpelatoa ef Abd Eader from Ike MeorUh territory, lie infonni ci at ttat aame time Ut tke Emperor ku enee rentied to rack demand Tkat tke finaticiim of tit nbVcto preeenU klat (tke Emperor) from aceedinc to "tke vuk ef tke rreeek OoTtmment." iL Ooixot afterwarlr, to explanation to tke CkamVen, aodifie tke reoirement and mjt, It tke Emperor, a a Mnatalman, rnnrt tire Abd el Kaler anayhun, 11 ii Imperial jetty, at In Pranor, tcoit appoint, tke rtfufee Emir an ityloro toionecf Ike porta on tke akoret of tke At lantic." And it li julte clear from tke acimoe of jo'iot' exrUnatioc, tkat tkia baua of the repara' lion win be innrted cpon. Tke qoeatSon tkoj' be tween' EoKland and France if reduce! ilnin narrow liraiU wkrtker Prance ii to be allowed to mate decuod of inroeslbl; conorwion on tke part of tke Emperor of Morocco, or, if accorded, of impoaaible fulfilment. Tkii I repeat, tke qaeatkra became I aboull tkiak tkat both tke French and Encllih acecte o( Morocco kare com.

toon cnovtk, and rufikiett mental perceptioo, to dia coTer tkefact tkat tke Emperor Muley Abderrkman kaj no more power, morally, or pkyaically, OTer' Abd el Kadcr, than tke nan in tke Moon. On tke contrary, if tkii ija tem of attaekiof; the Emperor, Cut on debateable i the dlrpeted territory cftHe Tafna, then advancing on ixmi fttt MoorU tcrritery, It to be "punued, became tke Emperor doe not aurrtncVr a Prince wkea ke baa ca power open whom ke cannot, and, if he coaM, dare not, lay ku Lttd, tke French bad better inarch towardi Fct at ence, aa ruth a demand cn tkeir part the 'Emperor What, then, to be DLV.VEn TOSJRR. PREli AND TUB MIS13TSR3 BY TUB CLOTH YORKERS O0JM.vr. afrmkit, JcariM M.yar.i alone here with the Queen, the porp ae ct iwnine. Jr any decreet.

"A it b.irw.noweTer, lo aaoert tkat Uat dUrminv Uraear net regain changed before arolher wk, cretei lira nj done yen reply. It Trance to bedulorbedinber AUerine postcMion by Abd el Kadrr, aided and abetted, and other Ue protected, by kit partitaai in Morocco Tkii it tke Sut of tke quettion. But will Eneland lurrender Morocco because Kranee cannot make termi with iti Emperor becaute iti Era pert doei not, nnr, cannot, prevent kiirutjecti (rem rytrpatkieia: witk andaiding the unforta nate fogitire Atd rl Kader? England, I think, can r. i. tr Miniurt want "arTaei at Madrid.

I trail haw aUeaiy nsennoceu laai joc Fn.r ceieei by the rmiat of the Council from bit cnlinwt, never thi. England hat immente intercttt at tit net lor tome week! of the mott atfory Uie in of jj'0r0CCJ)t lnJ wiU not particolarly at the little confidence repcted rumnder thefe lecante the present Sultan of Morocco it is the trocpt itationed there, ytrraex bu ten more than ncable to prevent hit tu)jcctJ from girirg an anylum to a c. vrcti na nen me itrara iu j. tUt at iMrowible, to return kimtelf at tpeedily at he coull. arvex hat net Wft thia pJace earlier, because he hoped tut Her Mikity rtiekt able to act out at the mmetiae.

lethal hope "he hat been ditappcinted.anl I wat assured last luit that te anl Men had decide! on proceedir.g alone to lea tail thrir coUeaus Mayant behind thna. The MoJ ic iucuwui brave 1 ut nnfortunate chi fiain, fighting for the holy cauae of tke independence of Northern Africa, which all Europe it prrf intcrtried In preserving, France alone (the en ilaver) excepted. I an quite williog to believe that M. Guiitt rpeaii the aenfimentt of kit Government when he declare! to the wcrll tkat France has no idea of conquest in Morocco, and that Algeria tufScet hereffortt fcr colonirt Teiterday a rrsnl entertainment wai given by the Qoth wortvrt' Onntuy SU Robert Peel and ller MaJtyi Miniater. It took pUee in Ue beantifo! Uall of the Company, wkicn wat dnnpleUly filled with viaitera.

Tne dinner. which waa provided fey tttrca, oi waa oi i is IK wKnU af ttx umewinli wen tuck at the wealth tke Company and the importaeee of tke imertt rendered suitable. The platoon the UWe, including a very eoosww Lle part of tke Manaioa houie pUle, wat cf the value of SOjOM. TheehaifwaifiBed by Mr. Sherifl Muairove, tne.itner of the Company; and amonc the mort ditUitguithed gueati, bcaidet the Pnme Minuter, were tse Wan wllor of the Exchequer.

Lord Granville Someraet, The Eari ef Uncoln, Sir O. Murray. r. Tbeger. IVort Vlint Mr J.m..

Mr. kleimniet Ptioilte. Tif coont Canning, Mr. G. VT.

Hope. M.P, Mr. Emenon Jen fcent, MJ', Captain PremanUe, Mr. J. R.

Bonlum, Vice Chancellor Knight Bruce, Uotnmltaioner rane, uomrais aionrr Ooulbum, The Attorney Oeneral for Ireland, Mr, W.8. Avrton, Mr. John Young, M.l, Mr. Greene, M. Mr.

Mr. Mr. Trolttr.M.Pthe lord Mayor. Local, Mr. Alderman Brown, SirP.Uurie, Mr.Aldermanr are I.M,r.

Jahn Piri. the Matter of Merchant Tailore Ooiapany, Ir. Under tiheritl Andertoo, Mr. R. L.

Jonef, Mr. Walter. Sir P. Trench, Colonel Garwood, Lieu tenant feel, Arcboeaoon uwngtworin, Jir. n.vnwa Mr.

J. B. lleath, Oovemor and Deputy Governor of the Rank of England, Mr. Shepherd and Hit II. Willack, Go vernor and Uej'uty uovemor oi me inaia nouw, cir v.

II. LArprnt, ar.looree, Jir.J.i. nevan, jtir. aimcex, a.c Th. rloth havinv bren removed, and the IkMlictUi kaviog Veen tung by Measrv.

Hawklna, J. Bennett, Chap man. apI Ualton, ana evevcni ana cuuivaa, iui vocaluti engaged. The CuainMi.1 rote to nronose the Health of Her Ma jeitv." It waa scarcely potsible, ke eaU, tkat thit toast could h.r liMn tiroix.aeJ at a more inferrltioz Period than the present. (Loud ckesn Ue thought they might vtn ture lo congratulate themaelves ard the country on the aui piciout event which bad lately taken place.

(Renewed chewing.) It wat, indeed, with the ereelett tincerity, the utmost cordiality, and tke deepest tense of duty that be proposed the health or our beloved avere gi. ivneers.) The toast was drunk witk eatkusiaitie tbeerr, and all tke hoaoure. The CuaiKMiS then gave "the Queen Dowager." Tie toast was rrceivrd with the usual honours. The CiialnMAS then propoted Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales, and the rest of the Royal Family." The toatt having bCrn responded to. The CiiaiRMAX rose to propose.

the Army anl Navy." He said thcrewaia distinguished officer now presrnt(ir George Murray) whete name he would coLnei with the armv. and thev Lad also among them a voung efficer, already JisUnuishe 1 and of whom the highest hopes might be lurraea Ue meant Lieutenant reel tncar, brarj wnose health be would call on them to drink in connexion with the (Cheert.) Hir G. Mi kuat, in acknowledging the toast for tbe army, laid nothing kflorled him mare pleasure than to be asio ci.t. in that toast with a vounz friend of his. who had already given promise that ke would realize in due time id bit own pexMn all tbai wat uisunguitoeu anu uonour able in that branch of the service to which ke belonged.

(Hear.) He begged also to return them thanks for the army, which be wet ture would continue to deserve todnee their neighbours to ioitate their example, and he wae told thai the tenantry of the different London Campania In Ireland were the moat happy, the moat contented, and the beat attended to of alL(UearO In making these remark! ke was happy to be able to couple with tke present mm ucbui vi jAru bKH, DtMrtcman wdo waa anna; kil Btmost tonromote the weHm at IrcUnd. rChecra.) Lord Euot, in ack nowle lging tke least, laid the Company "os ouiv recetvea rroeptnty to irtund" ailh entce suam, nui vney caa mamieeted taetr tnrett in conotry to a more solid way. (Cheers.) He coeld speak from hli osm obserratiouutotheefiect prodoced to Ireland en tke ea tatetef the Lendon Companiei. He kad traversed tke north EXPJtSSS FROM PARIS. Tbt foUcwing appaved ia put cnlj ef oar yts Oar ordiairy cspme, nhieh did net irTire till thli moning, til Lroaglxt nj the Paris papers of Tuetdaj, with oar nraal Frcsch, German, and Spanish The Paris journals 13 received pnhliah the dc Ikie and the other companies hulling estates there.

Good! Jpatch Gibraltar cf the 26tb ult, announcia? V. 1 Mr. Drabmond Utj had had an iaterriew with thu company would not only it rewaricd by tke iunaard value ef their property, but also by the feekag of good wUl the Eapcror of Morocco, which we gave ia The Theee paper, are fined with fur learn ts esUem a tkeir just value tke motives at leatt, if thcr conmenti ca the late events in ia tiV.l' 01 Htt hoo. frtea4 at th Alrica, and upon the conversatiou that took place head or the Government, and ke trusted tkey would yet see a brighter dawn on the horizon of that kitkerto is rupsrt of both in tho Chamber pt Deputies on lllfulw" Uit I01 Ut; MondaT, Mvn the Royal ordinance for prorogum; Ue indebted to thit Company, and to the Irish Society, and other London Comnaniea. fCheen.) the Chambers had been read: a report of whic then ciairaS" canversation also we published yesterday.

We caa man was more enutled than he to give that toast. Hit family kal lon been connected with the city of Lundon to 1 not nd, however, much that IS new in the obser 4 gain their poiau in the eUctiont they openly drcltre i Mi.Thcia or pv cr x. liiev 1:.., i aiausnnc. ony ice crca au.v idc orekin live sworn to at netiurwr.hoa ever bad. Lull are made ca oHbceeaifawho are likely to Uke, a part to Ue elec rtrlumentary najontyand more particularly in t1 contest, orwr.o n'fbt irtr tnemseivee as canmoaics ca i irance.

i ne war pariy may come in to norrow, anu wnere ie Tbete bets are nothing mare' or leu than tvfn tbe at.j In Morocco I We StVeLer tke iriritof it, Journals and tke contest, cr bo ht the IV oouiitrv of tktia. no matter bow. You msy judge ef the bulk of the middle cUisei ia and out of that country. They 1 are all taereaooott mid for the conquest or Morocco, and I far indemnifying their laasri in Algeria from the Royal his treatmeri cf elnex out recoile, I treaiure ntiet of Meqmnet in the nertb, and Tafiiet in the rat: rUt ta, a. iue mm i uk i nouu veriaimy wc soaj expect ue war panj previy noi rt vanf ance exist Jig in the breast of the Mlrrado silly a Cu jvjt'i the cxiTitry when I inform job that en the Baron de Meer cnscTopolout at ke "a ii hi! treatmeri cf elnexiout politicians, recoils, r.

if ss. at rropctions cade him by tke fcaiert of that party here. Lauukment, impriaonment, or ttre tke distribution of crcstei and epauleU are the even lre. are spflien cf aj the puniskment for vwko wla dare L.meeU tewtfJo the Liberal in i worth living or dying for. The last Algerian trst.

wVurtary one who does. i newspaper informs ut people in Oran, that tome rr the ITJM whSe dettrUCtiOC il that SOUiht ri reteej to Uke part tke the torasion of Moroc. or rather tke plundering of Fex ifv att Eiiartero. Nc, to; tkeir only crime is, that they le, 1 to ne Prcgrrsu party, or are turposed to do so the R. jal city of Royal treasures." i ou calisU engag 'L 1RP.LASD.

win. rerbaff, not allow the French population of Algeria to be a fair tample of the French people. However, I have nut w. vtru tfcve aj taj seal oa oi ctunirj. mrst thess I would taer.tVcn a person who muck distin whawaschifof tke sua to Pnm 1 rauch difference between the Algerian French and iirig the blockade cf Barcelona Gerona, and Fieueras.

i those of Toulon, Marsei31ei, Lyons, and Paris. Al for gat if I were to tell you bow all the every grale, were infected short, frank, and modest, was received with general cheering.) The CiiiinMiN taiJ. he felt boll unaMe to ao lusnce to the toast ke wat now about to propose" the Health cf Sir Robsrt Peel and Her Majesty '1 Mini ten." (Hear.) Some centuries ago the Clothworkers' Company were in tke kabit of entertaining their Sovereigns, and viry frequently the Miniten of their Sovereigns, it appeared that they were now once a. ain adopting the custom of tke gJOl old timi. (Cheers.) He need scarcely expatiatej upon the high honour conferred upn the Company by the pretence if Her't Min'tersin their hall, lie telieved tbat be woui i oe saing wtai ould be in accordance with the sentiment cf those ho beard and also of the cuuntrv at large, when he expressed his cohviction that Her Majesty's (jovern itif Tit LJ been eminent! successful in toe ireterl policy which they had adopted.

(Uear, hear.) Of I The (Jm against D. O'ConctU and thit he wat quite sure that they had betn actuatej jf it were not mW)ibl that the crinien cf their Lord ct tue frri inicuuous, ciiu 1 1. 1 1 of the countrv bad leen the i axamouut objett 0f Mw V. cut, Herges. Eoirtl, have already been sent may, aal will not believe me if I I roruUUou, inching officer, of ex wiil, a e'acrt thee, be obliged share with it.

Officers 1 repeat, gave out here that the Prince la fite. The Modertdoe proclaim aloud, that by good 1 Je JcinviUe was trdertd lo go and bembard Tangier. 7 Tl tk are dewmtoed to sain tbeit I if be found an EnglUh fleet, tkere to protect the a. not be titendeiiith more r.ngulnry reialti than aSy tHS le wa tortliwith to tarn it. The Suffren, ship cf all their (Hear.) It would be alike unne (that th Julici Lav never net since tke cue wis clc ted ceasary and inconvenient were he, tne present occa vrould be to proTe that ttui rfpsrtli at letit pre sioo, to eiter Into 4inent question! wnicn naa oeen the subject of legislation during the present raruameni London aas eccurred fcr a 1 nz ti se to vri'e bisre, that if raster, go ca at tkey promise, bef.

anetir tacutb tkail have passed our no man will dar to it a liberal, and the ccattitction wUl be a tiag tc reiaetalerei ipokenef J71A.V AXD MOROCCO. tjC a hitler reci 'vel at Lloyd's; trcn thtir aent at raltar, dated Atgjr. 1. Tke etaly ncv.Iiy wukh bai traspird is the re tt JT the expsxted Jciaiches from our own Charge erACairt, JIr. IirmeroeBl IU, dated Jloroeco, the where ke was actively sentUtin; with Ike Emperor, ti.

hst Imperial laty Mrfaeur Ln Rex, which tews cr OoTror'txideri to aigar Wourabl for tke ti rit'TO kii twper, that at diffajeneei will be amicably I appreaeal that the pUUc are of opiaion ti th eaietiaj caolition tf uSmin is rich a not to ex al. selMSttCT! and if the tgotiaUocj, however r. 'SfJal, heUrdv, it thssg'ut tkst the French Admiral nor. Uin lacad te eectitae ti delay koniUtici; indeedi a eTent rwtoDmt prevaiie wnut groondt 1 am on v. v.

and out. tkat to a iiy or two coercive measures will iicdfcykii Rsyid Highsess the Prince deJoinvine.who is Jj at Tmgier whh a tf hi! forces. Everything rrraired satt ytiterjay in thit tewe consult tJliat, and an sttpsibasien retirel tut cumerout armed tribei ta! etifistavel caitr the walls txd is the ceigkboor 'V. be.anore citticki than the actual jtction of Tilt Britiab Almiral ia the Fcmidable remain! in with tbe Oeledcaia, three decker; while at Tan ere th Warpitt an! Albion, under CommIore is: 4. the jrt of the paniards, their brigaleit kjy atTsoiia aod Algesirai, and ijrv cavalry are daily ed inner (tnaediste reighbourbood fnm Madrid, to i tie African Their movement! will, kow rSf.

depend a the Fxecci, it it tup ithe wiE iUact, J. L. COWELL. Ts Xt W. Sterttary." Tat tare Btoxti'iiiTE.

Thelifeof the Eiagef NaxJet and b'faia it well we shaU, ttert te, tcevsrly rjs a stc of it in a few worll. Joseph t' jte wej ban, Cort. in the island of Ccr M.atebded hi irth iu lUs fint campairn of Italy Having been sr.twir t'J a cf the legisla M. Ik was idieiinfukbrl I. I lit nodir.ticn and rave troufs recrous Cmneea, when TV nk ti drletJ 'ieneral r.atnsrarie.

men tsdertle Couftc 01 etate ana one tons; I A in: OfcfW. the ne, gens, I wat aiid to be equal to any four ihipi of P.ritiih make of the lame site. Take these at rpecimenr. I lave not toocked nponany other article of M.Guirot'i prcjra mnr of grievances'and reparations. is nselers, convinced I in that the one which is demanded as the tasU cf the rest is of impossible con cemcn.

And yet M. Guii' who must know bow' im practicable "ii the requirement, cr, if not, raust I grotsly imposed epen by the Govtrnment agents of Algeria and Morocco, says, their desrtnii are very moderate and ao they may appear in the ejei of European'diplomatists who wCl net give themselves the trouble to study the peculiar circumstances of the people of Northern Africa their social and religious habits and love cf independence. Dut toother respects I an quite confident that if these de mands be persisted in even should tke French for the pre sent, for fear of embroiling themselves with England, postpone their march on Ft 1 (but which is not very probable, ai "the Marshal ii at this moment in advance of Oucbda) an immense revolution will be the consequence' in all Mo rocco. In lid, ycu ougnt to loca out every aay tor tmi Al to the north, the Enperor can hive but very little authority ia tUt raot warlike of Rif, ni tr the Algerian frontier. Here Abdel Kader will recruit tke mott determined partisan! in the event of tkii province being invaded by the French.

I lave likewise tol 1 you from personal ei perience that the Emperor1! autho rity everywhere through bis vast empire is very anl the agitation of tkii frontier business may be expected to kindle up a general insurrection. Rut tkii disaffection of the. EmferorY subject! does not arise from any irrc guUritT in tke succeer.on, ai tbe French journal state The present Emperor rules canu uvring, and thorough lv understands "divide and conquer" ai a mixim cf both free anl desjetic 1 ou ask sne, what makes the Emperor ro nnpopular! Twthinzi ki exossitt avarice, and kii alleged lakewarmnest in the pre scribed kolv war cf the Aribscf tke Desert, thepartisant of Abd eKadtrinst the tirif tians, and more particularly the French But if wai i.ecemry for the war journal! of the French press at this time to spread the most infamous calnsikiei against the Hultui of Morocco, and to blacke kin as the murderer cf bis uncle, with, tke atniable addition that poison was procured by an Englishman, and no doubt, according to their belief, an agent of the 'Go Tcrnmeat. ach is I'rctik puriulism, and the madneai of the war party. I also in the French tnat there it a rumour of the ilmpercr't rejecting the ultimatum of Fpain; at well as the mediation of England in the settlement cf the question.

Tke Emperor, I eel confident, however, will yield when tLe mittcr is properly explained to him. to the present STOf. Haere. 50c. Avignon, 760 Straa borg, 23C 25c; TersaiHei (right bank), 377C.

50c. Ditto (left bani), 237f.50c.; tfpanish Actirc, SOj Spanish Three per Con PaaiJ. Aug. 6. Five per Cer.U.12CC 50 55c C5s.fl0c.Ca.tye,; Four per Centa.

ltV; Three per Ceata, 81f. 50c Me. 50c 55e IUnx tf Fraacc 3,073 Rente de SasJee, Mf. 80s. ic; Roman.

VOi; Ctiaatvo percent, 1831, 109); Ditto, ls. 10 I'H1, 105; Piit 1HX 116 ICSJ Spamih Active, 30j tipaaiih TkresTrrr Centa, lij Rei.ianEank,lSU, oT5. Eattaaga ou Londoa, ne sncatc, money, J5r. t2jc tLrce months, wjter. St37 money.

25. 3. Arc 5. Ha rarr 3 Jt. per Cetta.

I2tf. TOc Three per Ceata, 3lC Five per Ceta, 1M, lZ. accoust frcm Madrid are of the 3 1st alt. A decree had reached from Barcelona to autharixTthej Under Secretary cf State of th Finasc Depart men: tc art cfLciaDy in the absence of the iliaiiur. authorities Matinafl adopt estraardinary mearares of jrecatien, as if a riToIatianary moTe ioZlMttLfirl 1 7ltion! of our PwU on AKorfic to adTin from Cadia of th, the ext place, he bad the honour to be at the head of )cts; but we are a little surprised to see erenthe quaiL rn ccmizandcd by the Prince de Jouvilte waa Idtolht'uU3 which accused its brethren of stiU ia the from France.

All a merchant tailor, and, if there was nt a dote sympathy be tho Taris press a day or two previously of believing the tiorcpean Conrilar agent, with the ewpticaot hcuoE7ytpt Pty that tfEag'and, had left Tanker on heariij.f the The tout K.n h. v. in the aSair of Otaheitc. now takin? the lead in that r. i vt.

cj r.n daJwUtodUtal Md tables on us with a puHL hed a decree, denouncing death more, ai of old, have the kocour of enttrtauat; their tiy vengeance. I againjr wheresoever should insult or molest the Cirris t. v. Daring the short sitting which took place cn tiasi, but tone cf the Europeani wouH wait their ration;" for which the returned tiankt and, Monday in the Chamber of Deputies," says the De arrival, and all embarked for or sue memr en ci tne House oi woirmons 'or Mr. Greene returned thanks.

The Chairman th.n Tanfa. On the Oh a reach e.camcr landed ia "the Ju.lges and the Uar, and Vice Chancellor Knight "The Miniiier for Foreign did not wi.h to inter 1 the latter taibour the French 'Jhsnccilor, aM the tc? tP" other French resents who Had been d.taii by Chairman of the Eatt India Company," for which Mr. bhrp pard returned thankt anl. "the Governor and Governor of the Rank of England," for which Mr. Cotton returned thanks.

The CiiaiH.MAa then gave the Mtrchanti of Londoa and Sir George Larpei.t, fir G. lKit.T, ia acknowledging the toast, ot served that there never wsj a time when appearances were so favourable as regarded commerce, er when it wai in a state of mere substantial prosperity. (Cbeera The Ch airman then gave the' Magitratei Middlesex and Hr. Walter. Mr.

Walter said he rote with greit dilLdence to reply to the compliment thry had teen pleased to convey to the magittratei of Middlesex. Those magistrates could not but be nimbly by tbe gooa opinion wbich othert entertained of them, lbeir own praise, uader such circumstances, was unnecessary, and might, perhaps, appear 'to come with a bad grace from one of their body. The multiplication of statutes rendered the office more difficult than it formerly was whibt the diffusion of knowledge imposed on them the necessity, at it must do on all men who felt an honourable rrile. of keeping above the great mast of thtlr fellow tubjci'ts in knowledge aa well at in station. (Hear, hear.) If thev did this, their claim to praise would iacrrase with tbe dilikulliel of their Situation.

(Hear, hear.) Un the part ol those who had been so highly honoured fry the tout he beened to return, thanks. (Cheers.) The next and laat toist w.s, "Prosperity to the Cloth fir It. Peel and the rest tf the guestt retired, and the fes tiritiet cf the evening concluded. They had been enlivened tbeir opinsoni cn the incident! that have lately occurred al the authTitiea after the departure of tfccJoBIuL Tahiti. TbeMarquUdeURocktj.qutUn.M.Bni.ult,and The ricr to alLw them eabarL waa brought M.

1 a lt. The reply of M. from te the Wj, aad great Guuot wat what it ought to have been a decitive and firm refoaal to enter into a diieusnoa which would now be ner we 3 prevaumg in W3, laa: ley cm fectly inopportune, and perfectly nneonstitutioeal (h. Bat tarita at ti C10C in tne DiOrxS Oa receipt Ot trie even if M. Guiiot wished to reply, we do not see, to truth, I ordtr.leaTing everything they tehiai thsnu what he could kave said.

M. de la ascended Oa thg 2ith 1 "learner was dwatched fratn 010 the tribune merely to announce (magnanimoualyX tkat in case to ie cn board the P. Itiih re.tdt?. IVhetx 1 France migkt count on him and hit friends. Thit it for Frcncj.

froa Taa derail Spa i tunate; but that which ii still more satisfactory ii, that, ao cording to all acrearancet. Franc, wtf not be reduced to tke Coa3uJ ntceseity of demanding kit assistance. M. Iidlault waj salU 1 i fled witk reserving kii objections. Be it so We record his UfLln fty in the Jepi.

cf the French Otaul well of tne country, more especially, as was under the direction if tbat illustrious chief, who bad acqnire no less a claim to tbe admiration and esteem of his fellow citiiens by his ratriotic virtues, than bv hu military achievements, he had acquired the attachment of those who kad served under kim in (he field. (Cheert) Lieutenant 1'EIU having been called opon, rose and laid, I am too young lo lay much, I hope my conduct hereafter will justify what baa bcentid of me. (Hear.) I beg to mint vou lor navm? urunaio mv proirsMon in iu cuiuuiiaa tic a manner, Mr. speecu i me young gcmiciuan, intervals wiia some excellent tcngs ana rices ty tbe vo (lF.cs ecu ows ccRaurc.ttL.NT.) PCBLIK. Arc.

THE WaiT OF ERROR. Tke fort gives, in its number cf yesterday, a prominent position to the following statement We kave reacn to tlieve indeed we may announce as a matter decided thit Parliament will I adjourned cn the Sth inst, again on the 27th, when Chief Justice Tindal will deliver tbe unasimou oiiuin. cf the Juices, affirming the judgment tf the L'ench of Ireland, in the case' of deenlv interested, an 1 for the prom cf which thev felt graulul ta Her Majesty's Government, (Hear.) It mutt quite clear, for instance, to" every thinking mind, that the present Government bad rescued the country irjm great pecuniary emoarrasauirnu. (Uear, bear.) The right hon. baronet, who was their chief gin si to day (cheers), had taken a very distiaiuisked part to the settlement of thi currency ol this greatcountry.

VJjo a niVject Cf susb vast iraporUnce he (tbe Chairman) wai sure that tbe country could not cut leei graieiui 10 the richt hon.l.aronet lor his exertion! ui wnen ne looaeu to the result of those exertions, in the sUbilitv which at tended the operations ot trale and commerce, be thought he mature. tnguyn cosMissiriN, The proceeding! of the Commissioners in the town of tlebar are thus noticed by the Jajo Comti 'Mion The fivo Lord Devon. Sir Robert Fercu son, and Messrs. Hamilton, Rediagton, tad Wynne, sat in the Oourt hou of this town on Wednesday last. They ar rived here from Wettnort after 10 a'clock, and returned to that town on that evening.

The examination of witnesses occurred between five and six hours. The following were examined: GeorgeVaughaa Jackson, Gecrge Ormsbv, EJ ward Dcane, IVCavtndisb, John Perktos, William Kearney. Rev. Edward N.nale. John Larminie.

Henrv Brett (onnty surveyor), William Larminie, Rev. Michael Corley, Peter Tuohy James Coory, Thomas Christie, and the r'ght appear, to u. to be on the aide of France, Ta. only fact to it cleared np questiou of form. This i.

preciselj what remalna to be'discussed between tke two Oovernmenti Vl.a Jj We esteem the British Government to much not to b.certiu rf Z'l Tv7 that the first moment of irriUtion pxsaed, and the fact. Iing Itti IJS8' better expla.ned, they wiU not make a point of honour to I'JJJtSS! oi Bt iE iir eur i I it iifu Z7a 71 1 I. s.V cf the Canrol. The wif u.t.' i I cr. dren.and tter laiiirs.

re Wl ard, Beher. the Chan ellor of th Consulate, chard will not have th honour of embroilipg tbe peace of I the worll It it enough that be should kave troubled the Jt sre.aias,TO uoora Mura ait wb.w aiin I of his countrymen, kad assembled on the hW, Jy i nVV13 1 cto tke boat of tie tteamer, tkey were atmte 1, and 1 allot J. France, many bad pinions. They cause much noise a ima'l matter. Tbe BritUk iournahi sound the alarm, i speak but of the ambition of France; and our press speaks l.n.1 fif.Nir IC A.

fl'lldnfl. 1 hem went IaIiI nelore n.ubl venture to say 13AI mere would oe um ne vuicr, auu thit would beef praise, but one feeling.andthatwouldbeofjthe ammissioners maps descnpUyecf the large extent of gratitude to the right hon. baronet and his colleagues, for drainage, on the Deasston principle, executed on the pro that and fir ti other ureal benefits they had conferred on llJ l5 ti7 J' .1 ii 1 1 i I nense. A.C. Itis complainedof that the Commissioner did vsteniac piae'i iry, her nilt jl eabark.

ix of Ccusulate. who had remained ashore, Iwiei a notice to all French" sub ard Ueir fa nilws to quit within a derty c( two boun. aruao, tbe agent, was left in charge CI auaioe? step told de Martino sl the the Plwloa to an bad occurreL 'Tne will b.ppen on thit occasion, Ourright Is the facU Y'TTt! "aftrSA SZi wu oe expiaiii a.d peace wiUnol be duturled. w.t nfp, c)V. Tbm tlrd day, a sfraaier was tc be dcspa clxtd to rrctiv the avawer.

nnt entire! BAti.rVrfAr l'rin vnul.i It would hare been all very cars our I return withaQ tit icaadroa and bombard Paris letter, "that the Journal da Dibats should, 1 1 1 waa rerorted ai Gibraltar on the tival' the cither from itelf or acting under instructions, seek Kmperor of Morocco left for Tabal on th to throw the entire blame of the late occurences at I that it was his intention to march tawarda thtchia utahcite upon sir. rntchard before accounto written with a force if iKXO men. by brench olliccrs and particularly by those in com General Villalonga, the Commander of tae mand in the affairsVeaehed France. I do not mean Spanish expedition ajraiat Moroccov arriwl at tho accounts published in the Emantipation de Tvu Malatra on the iCth, in tha Mercurio, on hit "ay to (which we insert elsewhere), but the despatches Akesira, received poitively by the French Government, to The Three per Ctnts. were dine at 27i at diys whkhthc Journal des Dibatt ia believed to have the Five per Cents, at Wl the Floating Debt at access.

If rumour speaks truly, and in this instance at 00 days and the'Cocpooa at IS fer.the much cunfidenca is reposed in it, the reason assigned i3tii of September. by M. d'Aubignv for arresting Mr. Pritchard (f will not enter into the questionwhether the Utter could q. lriTite lettcrs frbm Barccna of tte Ui iast.

a. wbicri several cmcersot tae garruonwTB saia an attack had been made upon a sin? senbnel t0 le pemntgo had by a single native, and a view solely appa arrived at fercelona from Marseilles Vho wSi rip Tt posed to be Count TrapanL The Minister of itniKle between them was terminaUd by the am nce IeaT. on that fcr ral of a numlier of French soldiers, whereupon the Otaheitan took to his heels, carrying with him the sentinel's bayonet, but was overtaken, captured, and imprisoned. Upon a report of this proceeding, La Rrrviuis, tc A erachai Ius.5 raa mesziber cf r.l I.tx. 'L On the aeces Joo to tke napire ike crown cf Lombarly wai I am quite sure, from cxjerience in that country, that i Tttairt Lv him.

A 4i.v after tke battle cf br Mtri.nd the enmmand of the armv dutir.rU to V1( tj V. rlrr. tirtietraVd without strikirif a i. ati. the ct retrurr.

ne Ei Je our agents in Morocco have not represented European mat ten fairly ard fully to tke Emperor; otherwise Hit Majesty, who ii a prudent rhan, and anxious to maintain peace, would not lave act iaself into ie many! scrapes with I vain: pto NaiJes, cf which Vir.gdcr"t!ie Emtrwlp Vrr iwawtm. Tbegwertmentif Jesephas lviuj rtiWm Low soeverbe miiht have been we. tie tray and navy, and maty txubt to rtly upon England what ever might ome to pass, In lb1 Le iiocet ltd to ocwy the aa rore jit never been lutuciently impressed tky tbat lwngjo.hc. i. anu cj ai uu wv iu.i.

vy te r' cU'trJtaacxU'jf with wUA be wat siir 'iBg ij Emperor aad bis Minuter is, to give iT. 'llSpaio wJytt tit lt "tremity. Me tf the various relation! i.mtnwu to Ffaste 1. took the of Paris, fi to tke orlrri cf the nper.T he a'corrp j.iel tke an 1 exiit forcc.i cf the natiens Europe nU they an subqnet tly li IlWis, afUri Lave som imre accurate information on the state of S. the aHie, ad aasembied around ber airtkc.

j. it extremely diffleult to treat with 'J Aft the abdication tf I'ontijncbleia, aiill W. j. then in. any satufextory manner.

msy itju nope. tlil returned to France ia tb rot' Wj Empertr A at l'arifc Afttr tiw taue r.r tCVterWo be tm' irkel fcr Amtri where Vis tat Hate Jersev. and tV lysis'a I biwivrr, tkat tie cnbarrassmenti between Morocco and Suror Lave not gone too far, and that still they will nave tolutioi favourable ti the maintenance of the peace cf lnr ilovernment must see. rievermtiess. luas con the State cf New York autterired Urn SX ArU i mnnl nar thei.hv.

wer to AUl Kader from hii territory. If, cf the emoire of Morocco retU f. the tate cf Jeney, and in slid tiot ftvm to Earoj Afsr the 1 fc.n wat is dettrmined quit the I i i twee ai.1 uxesltt Ergland, where be resided tcvend i. io fwnntcainn in i rein rwwers ia li i.tiVase rt Wese wkere be breathedbi. Ivt.

He frthwilk to be tort uatia4 hi, dyir 1 l7Lit brother s. Lou and mmed ateprey of French conquett. J' P. Jerque. There remain cf the EipTor brctben but tbe Loperor to promise it even to iwear to it but yoa wz r.1 i cw rnaiia.

i nnw l. vii it row 7" 1. would see that the Ministers had taken a deep interest in tbe support cf the interests and institutions of the citiiens of London. In the local improvements of the city. Her Ma Gorerrment had al trays evinced a ready interest, and Le lelt in s.iying tbat laey bw sum an auicamem tt the city of London that they would always sUnd forth in support of the rights and privileges of the citixans.

(Hear.) itn tbese sentiruen r.e leu il a uonour 10 pn pose the health cf fir Kobert l'cti ami lier i The toast wat recused with enthusiastic cheering. Ai soon SS it Lad subsided, S.r R. Part row and said, Master and gentlemen, it is my duty, on th part of Her Majesty't servant Vj return you their grateiui acanowi lor me verj ama tiieiirg manner in wbich you Lave received the proposal" cf the chair. Many of my colleague! are absent, deeply their rcgrtt but, they are absent oa grounds which entitle them to your iadulg uce the necessity of attending to their public duty in tbe two bouses ci raruauieni. iiiear, Gent'ruien, the master has said, that ia entertaining the MinLten of the Crown yon are revertit.g to an ancient asd laudable prsctic.

It il a practice, gentlemen, in which I trust you will long. persevere. (Laughter and cheers.) 1 trust tikt, hiving revived thit excellut custom (a laagh'you will loi'g continue to Invite the Ministers of the Crown to be present at ur annual festival and I trust, alio, tbut we mav lonz be those Ministers to be so invited (renewed Lughtir and cheers), in orler that we msyprqSt by tbe hospitality what you nave 10 uiy givsn us 10 splcndil an exaaipl. (Uear.) Gtntlemen. you will re memher that, if this is tke first day in which we have had the konur cf meeting you, it it also the last day of a very fatiguing and Uborioui fes ion of Parliament, aad tke nnt agreeable holrdav to a minister of the Crown is that dsy on wbich fc on be released from the necessity of naking along speech.

(A laugh.) But I should be d.iing an injustice to my own own feelings, and to the feelings of try colleairues, if I did not return ytu ur' cordial acknowledgment, for this invitation bv a company reTrariabl for the hiirh character ard integrity of the individual! of which it is composed, and which is conspicuous even among the Companies of the city of Lotid in for the noble application of its funds to the Unevolencc (liter.) Gentlemen, your wortay cnmrtRan nas, 1 assure you, noi uone more man ja5 ticc to tbe intentions at least of Her Maj.its Mbisterr. Since our e.cceai ion to power, we hv attempted to maintain tre peace of the world without any cimpromise of the honcur or sacrifice of the interest! of thit country. We lave attemptfd to upholl the character of the DrltUh arms, which never bat been tarnisheJ, and to repair tbe disasters which, unfortiiitelr, bad occurrea in me eastern territories vi nn ueo.i. We have attempted to maintain tran piillity and tia cause of order aud good pnvernmeat without the harsh enforcement of existing law, and without deraandini from the Legislature any i.ew restr'c'ioni. (Hear, hear.) We kave at tenpted to increase tbe of country, to increaie the demand fur the.

products of our industry, and to remove the restriction! i without, at tbe snme time, en dngering tho eaistinj and I ng vest which eaiuiot be lightly and precipitately disturbed without injjry to the welfare of the community. (Cheers We have attempted lo maintain the pu' lic cred without at the lime time incurring the evil of iiiureairg th public debt in a time cf peace. (Uear.) It is now ju three years since we vr ere intrusted by the rf actons cnuSlenca of tbe Sovereign nith Ministerial power. It it for you to whether the practical result of our policy corrtspondt with our intentions. If in your opinion those intentions have teen practicair 1 if the law 1 1 been vindicated and maintained, if the commerce of the country has fwen extended, if manufacturing pnsperity has een reviiil if the treit of the country Us been.ubLeld if the rev.

i has been cade proportionate to the demands it if there be a pro ipect thit the currency of the cauntry will be Tt'ac I cn a life and satisfactory to if the practi.iJ rcsulti of our labours bate corresponds! with cur iutt tions if we have entitled oursehei to your confidence anl approbation if at the'elo? cf the Kbours of this sttiin, and aftsr ihne yean cf tnxibu! ex rtion Iit tbe prosperity cf the country if these ilmll be your imprcsrijns, tkea ihall have received what, r. xt to the arP'Obation of cur own consciences, text to the fiT urof oar vereign, it the iu: t. aiid the strongest stimulnt to a cm.tinuance in the ctmrse. (Cheers.) Gestlcmen, cn my own 1 thalf and that of my colleaguet. I beg to return you car vrmeit acknowle Jjmenti for toe honour which you have ct nftrrtd upon us.

(Cheers.) The UHAIRJIAS then rose to propose, van ne sa: waa tbe Company rroeptr.ty to ireiana. btHtr the fundT.Joratl Wi vTB1 AIt Vorjajr. The National ttatCB tku cn Skturday sJlernooB an old man, whcee clothing an XiCanced the xat profound misery and wkoee featuret denoted aevert eaffering, fell from weaknttt cn tie Quai of tke Taeritt, opposite, the root Royal Certificates focnl in kit pocket, proved tkat ke Lad served in tke eeipsJrna from 16K lo M. Bwcb facta are not rare, aad tt nekt tkat cur reprtstauUves skcald kxcw tbat pecple are dyirg af ArtTwsjir, Aug. 5.

A large number of Enfrliah travellers, including piany persons of rank, arrived here this morning, by the. London steamer Antwerpen, Captain ackson, after a railage of only 19 hours. The ikip got up al the eert early hour of WMaiI ft uid almost Ike whole of the I saengers being ew rout for Oermai y. tkey started aenoe tv ue uoiocee rtauway train at bail pat: iv, aiicr fttdnf, (sax loan here. iinj.l toasUwith Though the tociety bad long held great pouessiotl la tkat country, tkey kad net until witkln tke last four yean kad direct control over tkem as tkey bad been let at low rentl for oentunet to person! renamg in Ireland, over wham tke Company kad do direct influence.

Be. wai harry to sy that since tkey kad kad tke management of the estates, two thirds of tbe amount received in rcr.t kad keen spent in Ike improvement cf tke tenantry, in elevating tkeir character and situation, ia their ckildrvn, and la payment to ministers of religion of til denominations to constructing bridges, erecting, beoata, aad maUst pads. (Uear.) Tkey lad dose tall to not cauw notice cf their arrival to becivea. that other per tons might have attended for examination and some cf those examined slated to them tbat it wat by going among the.pcople among the tenantry through the country they wculd reallv be able to learn their true condition, rather than by hearay from others; but it seems that thit mode of proceeding, even if it could be acted on, was contrary to the plan tgTteu upon to guioo tne (joianiiiioners. However, we think th.t among tke pernni examined before them here there were tome at least bothable and willing to give a true picture of the coaditiou of the tenantry, ana to suggest fair anil o.uitabie alterations in tbe present landlord and tenant system in tkii country.

A Mr. Conry, whose name ii enumerated among the wit nestet eximite bat written a letter to the t'rteman'i Jviu nar, propounding hit viewi oi tbe labour oi tbe voinmii sion. He yi I kave frequently read, with lime degTee of incredu lity, your misgisings as to the results of the commission, but 1 was foolish enough to believe that it was well intended by Hit Robert l'ecl, aad tbat the Commissioners were.all honourable men. A very suort experience has ais sioated the dclu. i.iu.

I believe now the Laad Commission to be one vast humbug for, in addition to what I have already mentioned, I I eg to state that the evidence I gate at to the treatment of tbe tenantry by the landlords tke letting of land by suction to tie highest bidder at more thando'ible the amount It was valued at by Ue Poor la ui and Ordnance valuators the withholding of leases the pe'nU clauses in leases when granted the burning finet ejectment! of vi riou i kinds, and the many other model by which the tenantry were kept in thraldom, wat leceived with evident impatience, and that I was cross exazined by tome cf the members of the Cmmiuixri jn such a manner at to convince me that those numbers hal come to a foregone conclusion' ujion the iubj A WniO MOTKMEtT. I am not aware whether the following petition, listed to have been eacntd to the House of Commons on Friday evening by Mr. Wyse, has male iti appearance to any of the l0nlcn journal: Ths petition cf tti ua tersiied perMns haviar, rrcrerty In Ireland, Shcweih That jur petit: are totersotsd la the welfare cf Iralaal, an tier vkw iu rreieat tat with th. atawwt alarm. at tbe a ttion is SUe 1 with difeontent.

an thu tbe rroceedinas ot 114 M4jtr Mialters in rebenioM ires of a cisil war tLt armv teu rrattr inertawl barracks kave bstn fvrufiej arwJ ve wl. haw beta fUtiiatJ tbe coast and upon tie niljrole rtrtrvof tbs conatrr. Tbat tbe o.e of force, tbowb it may effectual for lbs rartnssioa ot dir Jer, cansut re nove diwhtent. That the duwonttnt wliies nrcvlUs ta I ilad si det seated and wide tread, and until tbe eausat of it are reoievtd. pae cannot be teturtd en lvtln foundation.

T6t tbf treat bedj of the penrls aredimtfe 1 the reaersJ splnt In which they a'e lezislate for and rovemed. The acts fjr reformlig the rer rrscnutlon of tie pecrls la ParUanientta not tj'tsa to Ireland an electoral ceariaj anjthin; Hi Its rrorortlsn to its population which the elect bods of Englaid doa to ten aa 1 bHs Er gland, vita a ponulation of aNt CI rcrminUUvea In tbs Hoq of Coicmnos, Ireland, w.lh jniUli of mere than tat but 1M. Theact furreTirclaetteinuaicrUeorporitijasof Eagitxd ei ndsthe muaicipal all rabl' hoiMboldars In earerU towns In Ireland, llouih li is lis pooler country, Uh franehlM is ci'en to bouiehblders rated tv tenement, cf the value of IV a yvu ia Esctand ItOaUiibed Church is tbt iharch of tbs many in Irduid it Is the cbiirch of Uia fow in England, persons pnfeing tbe religion of the man? are ntieuonscn the bench of Jnstice, sad in tbe Counrto ofths Crown in Ireiod. althoneh r.ear'y IH siithsif ihcperleaM P. tiika Catholics, ttiere are Karce'y try Uotomi Catholics te seta ia tba bijher ottcs etihT toe law tbe tnte.

Thit Co gveen! hr actcr thus rcat fte lfcy. ttMl dtentent. tte patilietLiuJ. i3d endi lo bring tbt aU 'abaiititloB of itralf ltt niJl'a and Ci refute. Tbat tlwr are sever ptisr affict'xa aV rstc the attention of lbs Legialatare! aad ia particular 'the wboto Writes tf locl taiatios.

petitioners Burolrt tray that joor ton. nae win Uis tbe state of Ireland into ImmeCau eonauicrUjoc. anl adopt sinhbealicg mcuures as nay ar poar best ealeuJalod aitrt lbs dnrers wuics new txW, aad to pi event a reeurreoee of tbem. Ls7rrv. itbws "Ahoikmv, "Ossia wosT.

"Mum, Oo rolE. Annan, tiCTiii." TBt rorta risnxaiti. The Dcrrj Journal cf Tueslsy ays Oa Tkaraday, Mr. Campbell, one of tke watcr balafl, witk a party, supported by four of tke Water Guards armed, proceeded In baau to remove some net! on tke Deny fide, below tke mouth ot the Fiogkao. which are laid to be illegally placed: but they were met by rack a ormilable flctilla, prepared to defetd the nets, tkat tkey were obliged to abandon, tke enterprise.

We understand tkat to day tke attemrt il to be repeated; that tke Coast Oaards will be ecniiderabty reinforced on tke occasion, and act in concert with Her Majesty trader, the Neptune and that tke whole will act under tic CrecUou i cf Major 8ccw, rtipentary M. d'Aubiirnv caused Mr. Piitchard to be arrested now Parliamentary paper, purporting to contain a return" of and throw into Prison. th number cf orphan ard de erted children, cnier 1 1 years There are other matters, of a venr aeirravatinir I Eniionl anJ Wale, and of the number of nUs character, connected with this affair, alleged to have ctivins cat door relief, with the annbers of cbildraa, under been communicated to tho French Government, of deindent upon them for support anoa but which for the moment I refrain from statins; "ij1 ULST not that I doubt their correctness, but because I jjj, t. S.

buncomt. It wai ordered prlnteJ it doc? not appear expedient to follow the example I about three weeki ago, and yesterLiy can iau total namber of orpua both 1 1 rcrs of .1 4.1. r.t sr under du'ctisston by the trench and British Govern kraeunted to whom 8.S 14 were males, aal mcnts, let it bo left in their haads for the present at female. The total number ot eKUdrea aadsr 11 years el least but let not French press, by traducing an I age who kave ben deserted by their bureau aawoated, at individual, endeavour to affix the blame upon him Pt to 6,1. at wun J.

i 2.9S0 females. The total number of widows otvmgcut whora the facts of the case may, and I am convinced 2ot relief on the leth March hit. araouate to 7US0, and will, show to have been the much agjrneved party, the total Btaiber of children under 11 vrofagedp Bdentoa Jl. nenncquin, me private secretary oi M. uuiaot, then lor rt ana subsistence, jataeamens left Taria for London on Sunday evening, the bearer Wai there were 514 erpkani mules aa iW females); of despatches and instructions connected with thU 'e 0" allair.

The whole subject is now, consequently, be th. faro the British Government and at the very 1 tr.nd atal fw EngWniaji.1 Wls oachsiye ef pUdenb ment at which, I write Lord Aberdeen has in his I Gilbert's Act a follows, via un etu; 131 hands, besides the statement of Mr. Pritchard, every orphan children under years of aga (K wS iale and word that can be adduced ia defence of the violence of which he was, jusUy or unfustlT, theobject. Hb wi1ow, receiving ecUoor relief on tvYfc rf MaxV Lordship will not be lonp; in deciding upon tne case; I and 119,3 tkiidree dependent upon then for support anl nnr will he. it is ta nnosed.

delav announcing the I subsistence. view he takes of tho aflair from the evidence onb Tna Awutrr OsniROr ForsjTtite' Fsaiuat. both sides. Let not the rench i I allude particularly to the Journal tinue a course ot vituperation until tirenared to accompany their animadversions I ton. where wcwards of Oct) of the brethren sat Iowa to aa bv the real facts of the case." excellent dinner provided by Mr.

Room, tae landtal, at tae wivec, is trethrea eared fcr tho fait I occasion, aad suarxg wai commence to ue muc very Aecordxzto letters we kave received front Cadi i of I Tk.iM. I. is uniwrl fmm ri t4u tke 28th ulr and which we bebeve to be accurate io lbeir enecr tw( ef tt; brwtaen wkoali eiiei tie icmjany details, tbe French fleet wai still in the barbcur. waiting for raienU of the obj cwxrw ef the orders to weigh anchor. All the French lubjects residing crd eonsrstt nearly iSJ meutbers, tiWishel act at Tangier had been authorized to embark, and all the oni, ia cetropcus.

but throughoot ta tWi of the foreign Conruls. with th exeeBtion of tke Baush. had emJirt. The fu tt the preseat a ent aif a ta quitted the town. More tkja iudividaaU of all nitni half a m3lion of money, and the annul jabKriffias are kad arrived at Gibraltar, where tke British uaoron itiU 1, IJO.OJ.

aad TUe Bl alrtral on remained cn the afternoon of the 27th. thoe whcm The Courrier Vancaw observef, that the Prnce may from these statement be baau Ths ctbeat aai de Joinville had been cnjoinedXnot to attack Tan mony and good ItlewsmpwudiipUyedit thu fertivtl, gier, becausothat town.situaTe eWosite Gibraltar, should on that account be. aacrefTor tho French mma, nmiu luimiuauw, ou iuo vfiuiuu vi ma, i bunclre'ls were attrswua cr Me waerc i ii i i i James ianzicr De not Domoaraea, is ascritea oy me uppo 1 k. sition papers to British influence, should be o. 3.

We street, formerly the oil Set Li a TaTera.wlica glad to find that imputation proved the idea being recommenced yesterday afternoon, tker wvs (fcsmvtred ia a creditable to the power or person with which or email room, beyond tne' one wkica, a ljcsc tiop, aad. with whom it originated, even though it depr ve io vej.jaiieruwa.aouuiia var.aisnr 0'irrlrwatin2 contraries of ParU of the deWht of recording tic details of a bombardment, and de tbe hbourrs proCerd tutir a.rTicej to ttrjction of property and human life. Little resistance anJnpt th oteciiiajr. torcasa wers Sghi'd as the French expected ta meet on the doast cf andtkyprtc.leltkraib.AfteTpaaa iuv Morocco, treat eflorts are, it seems, in progress to "'H? rV.u..J th.s trance tkey tlecaelTei ia a small inc cell. abtit sa; reinforce this sqnadron in that quarter.

fwt fcj th, tj which i cauuga oaly lo auan ta tae rcnery of iu crkappy xtapaat, A Van a fort low tlan Ilia tkey discovered a imall iron djcr A iinmsfc aabataace balt eJaed arrej en th uihle, wtuca, tor at ovs an heir, re sis ed all e3 rts to open it. Ilavia at lengta was found to lo. eat upon the eld FVet rivtr, aw a2rTt ditch. Tbie djr ie ao coatrived, that a person uailax aa escape tkrougb. this aperture, If dUeowerf I by tbr se ia par suit of Jftm.

might return, bolt the door. defy the mott oiter in exiafcace. many more auch will be dUcevered, as aa active tearch it still berg ried en by'warimen employed by Mr. Wai loji caa duet upon the occision it most praiievrtTtby. as iwhawi jtrcnoji.

a nurccer et persons were attracted to the St. Katkerine'i dock b(uwe oa Tuesday to see Tana Ihnrr.j soil by aaction." 1'hu aortt kial of lot turned out to be aa iafaiii siepaut jui! arrived ia tho "John Rartktt' East Indiaman, aad of such miaatura pro pertioasas to kave received the above popular conoeaec. Hi it cf the kighet com. Is only 20 taosths oil, aadprobabtj tke mott dhnir.utiv example of kit roinaal race that his yet Racked this country. It wu purchased by Mr.

Warwick, tke late luperintendaot of the Surrey gardens, fog the neve Zoolof eetabliabjaeat at Ut esjttra part of Loadea, aca; tat mi Victoria perk. PARIS, Tria naT, HaLr rair 5 The French Government hu received the fvliow 1 ing ccmrnuaication GIBRALTAR, JrLT Tie Chancellor of tke Consulate aa 1 all tke effi. ers al bed to it have withdrawn from Tangier with the consent of tke authorities. Tke Albion wu despatched an tke 27th to Tangier. She hu cm board a superior officer of the British navy commanding the naval force in the road with tke title cf Commodore.

All tke Cocwli kave quitted Tangier nevertheltri, the British Yice Coasal lu rttomel thither. Mr. Uty li expected to arrived here every moment." The Journal del Dibatt states, that orders have been tent to Brest to arm with the ntaost possibh despatch the three gun brigs la Vigie, la Alouetlr, and la TaciiqasdthetUambcaUla Phoqua and leFcltoa. TKa Thre ner Centa. doted on the Paris Itonrse on Tnesdar at 81f.

the Five per Cent. the Orlt Houta,.

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