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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HAINM, Assistant PUbuatwt A. A. rREDRlCKSON, Editor PAUL HUMAN Advertising Manager Bolt National Advertising Representatives: Wallace Witmer Co, New York, Chicago, DetroH Uemphia. Intered as second class miller al officc at Blytheville, Arkaruw. under act of Con- jrfss, October 1911.

Uembei o( The Associated Presa SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier Ihe city of Blytheville or any luourban town carrici service is main- Uined, 25c per week Bj mail within TROIUS ot 60 miles, pel jear 50 foi six months, for three momru; by mail out-'lde SO mile 112.50 per year payable in advance. Meditations And when they had nothing la pay, he frank- forgave Ihcm bolh. Tell me therefore, wlilc-h of them vnH love him 1:42. It is necessary to repent lor years in order to efface a fault in the eyes of men; a single tear sufficies with Chateaubriand. Barbs The 40.000 muscles in a circus elephant's trunk must amount to peanut power of about, three dozen dime bugs per performance, Chw upl Wf Just about a TV who has tonsilitls and won't be able to slnj weeks.

Don't lorget that you're entitled to the bad breaks when you start out driving with them on your car. Women, nays a beauty expert, IOM Ihtir nrm only because thc.v're laiy. a rood laugh for Ibe mother who Is raising kldj. Speaking about troubles, too many people go about doing just that I Proposed Amendment Deserves Your Attention Currently running on inside pages of this newspaper every Monday is a incon- sptciously-headed and legalisticully- wriUen item which deserves your attention and thought prior to the Keneral election in early November. It is a legal advertisement declaring that on the general election hallot there will be a proposed constitutional amendment (No.

43) for you to approve or reject. This amendment to the slate constitution can, if approved at the polls, have a great bearing on the It- sought industrialization of this and other parts of Arkansas. Stripped of its legal verbiage, the proposed amendment 1. That a city may levy an annual tax ot not more than one per cent of the assessed valuation of taxable property located inside Its limits. 2.

That such a tax may be levied by cities of the first (Blytheville, for instance) and second classes. 3. That funds obtained from payment of this tax may be used to: a) Purchase sites, inside or outside a city's limits, on which industries may locate. b) Construct buildings and other facilities for sale or lease to industries. c) Amortize (spread out over a period of time) payment of principal and interest on bearing not more lhao four pur ccr.t cadi year and sold lu lirisiij in industry.

Umi-T the provisions of this iimciul- li. ti.c ol" a ci iMcr- rnine whclhor or not a lax would lie imposed, it that the tax vvas neiHicd to raise luuds with whicli to obtain an industry for the city, a ppvition Uu- ttuo.s of nut less than II) IT tlio ciualil'icd voters would bo presenti-il to the City Council. When thus t'iiv I'mm- cii would have to rail a special ch'clioii to held uitliin "JO dnys. It would then lie up to til? voters tn decide whfilluT they wanted the tax levied. It is our opinion that such an amendment will be of great benefit in our ((iiest for industries.

Mississippi has a state law which provides virtually the same thing. Karlier this year, that state acquired So.000,000 worth of new industries because of the legal ability to obtain lax money to further industrialization. can put ourselves in Ihe same inviting position. Whether we do will be up to you Non-Joiners of Unions Must Have Free Choice The expert advices from Peter Kd- son and other Washington correspondents make if clear the real barrier to a steel settlement is not a wage boost but the union shop Issue. In fact, this question is now paramount not just in steel, but in several oilier major industries.

What is a "union shop" contract? It is one under which a worker in an organized plant is given 150 days after hiring to join the governing union. If he does not, he must either pay union dues anyway, or face discharge from his job. In the contrasting "closed shop," nobody can be hired by the employer unless lie is already a member of the union. This arrangement is now barred by law, but the union shop is not. Large segments of American management nevertheless stoutly oppose the union shop, largely on the grounds that it amounts to violation of an individual worker's rights under the Constitution.

The Supreme Court never has passed on the constitutionality of compulsory unionixiition. But it has ruled that a worker nuty not bo denied employment because of union membership. It seems far-fetched to imagine it would go to Ihe other extreme antt insist upon membership as (he password to a job. There is something foreign to the American tradition in compulsion carried this far. Of course we must obey the laws and pay taxes and serve in the armed forces if called.

But these are not the same as being compelled to attach or any other way any particular organization; society or group. The basic union argument for the union shop is that since the unorganized worker minority in a plant directly benefits from all wage gains and other concessions obtained in the bargaining process, these workers at the very least should help support the union. "Free riders" is the term labor applies to non- joiners. This is not the place to argue the psychology or justice of the non-joiner's position us against the union majority. But whether he is being fair or not, his freedom to choose what working and social associations he shall make ought not to he penalized.

Our guarantees of individual righta were not designed to prevent selfishness. They were framed'tJTpromole the maximum reasonable expression of the individual self. In the same fashion, our criminal laws are aimed not primarily at catching all the guilty, but rather at protecting the innocent. We practice justice on the theory it is better for 10 guilty men to escape punishment than for one innocent man lo be penalized. It we draft laws or countenance agreements lo force unselfish behavior, we may soon be forcing other kinds of "wise and necessary" behavior.

And then where would our freedom be? Views of Others Global Boondoggle A Third Party Sure Cools Off a Honeymoon Quick Peter frfson'j Washington Column Erskine Johnson IN HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD FX-i Paramount contract is eye-popping. Your.s: Ginger Rogers is He has script, director and co-star with a fine-tooth a matter of sitting Congress Needs to Act Quickly On Peace Contract with Germany WASHINGTON (NEA) 11 lions-supervised election to set up a six months hence. The coal and ay ing "fiddlesticks" to video alley iimora that she's trying to squeeze of her television deal with CBS because she's afraid It will hurt ici booming movie career. Here's the rebutlal snappy-look ng Ginger gave me on Fox's "Moncey Business" set: A contract as hick as the Los Angeles telephone directory exists, her attorneys are over It comb and "it's down with CBS executives and discussing problems which have arisen or developed with time." Despite her contract to do more ptctum for Paramount when she com pelt "Topsy mnd Kva," Interest in TV red-hot. "It will be fun for mr whole kind of career," said.

Esther Willams' plans to star in a gigantic acqimcnde have been shelved for 1952, but it's Aim out definite that she'll take the dive far Mike Todd In '53. There's a fortune In deal for Esther. Cornel Widle nixed MGM's offer of a starring role In "Sombrero." Fernando Lamas was the first to spurn the part Olivia de Hav- next play will be "Portrait of a Lady," based on Henry James' novel. Tom Hammond, who did the foot light version, was on MGM's payroll recently aa a messenger boy Alan Young's reading "Journey Into Fear," which Howard Hughes plans for his next film at RKO. Tan mail of young Hobert Wagner haa Jumped sky-high at Fox since the release of "With a Song in My Heart" and the studio's all set to build him to stardom Coleeri Gray had an audition with Rogers and Hammerstein In New approval.

He'll be starred in "A New Kind of Love." Eye-Opener: Irene Dunne has invested in Las Vegas, real estate but she's never been there. Now that claims are being settled for spectators injured at Henie's ice show, Sonja Is beingr faced with another headache. Insurance rates to cover her futurt shows have leaped sky-high. Franklc Lainc't two-week at the London PalUdimm In IB already sold Columbia haven'i been in Und Gloria role with Crawford in "The Iron Rutteeflr" In favor of thoae TV fttmc aht'l make In Mexico CUy. Virginia Belmont, the Goldwyn girl who won film stardom in Italian movies, stgntd with a movletown agent in MI effort to win Hollywood glory Burt Lancaster's "His Majesty OTCeeft" wtl be filmed in the Fiji Is Germany's approval of the new "contractural relationship" peace treaty with the western now expected before the end of lay a nice fresh problem on the Washington doorstep.

This peace contract must, be ratified by the U. 3. Semite. matter of The speed I'cler Edson is considered important, if the Russians are lo be beaten to the unified German government. That would Lhrow for a bad loss the western powers' plan for an alliance with western Germany.

BUT THE fear that West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer will double-cross the western powers at the last minute Is discounted by most American and European leaders. True. Mr. Adenauer has been making statements that the new German tics with the West will not be binding on a unified Germany. These being it-s arc Einnlyzeci necessary political concessions for Internal German con- punch In their new pe offensive, With Congress anxious to adjourn before the U.

S. political in July, there may be some Inclination to let the German treaty ride over. If Congress te call-j a dominate the Saar. IE Internationally, Chancellor Adenauer's statements are regarded as of an offset for French ed back into special session after the conventions, U. S.

ratification might be effected before fall. Bui if ratification ifi delayed till after Jan- 1, 1953, and the job is left- for the new Senate, it may be too late. THE TIME-TABLE on lion of the Japanese peace treaty gives some indication of hew slowly the Senate sometimes moves. 1 treaty wa.s signed at Sun Francisco last September. Japan accepted the treaty In November, after the U.

S. Congress had adjourned. Senate Foreign Relations committee hearings begun Jan. 22, The Senate ratified the treaty March 20 and it went into effect April 28. It was thus a three months' job.

A lot can happen in that Lime in officials admit that If expert. is ratifira- a SRrics The Human Rights Commission of the United Nations has muveti into a permanent home, (lie building in Manhattan, lo carry on a lob it's Uct-n clayed toi more, than five years now. This outfit cun UM? a permanent vool over its head because job us probably going lo lake 3 many mure even then nothing is Lkrly It) tomi- of it. The ion. tm whu'li Mrs.

E-'ranklm U. c. tit irpvr tin- Unutti States and of whi-h ilu.nnaii for tour years, LS trying to lip treaty or covenant setting (r. Lh iiu.i\ r.jlu.s on a s'l-ibal seale. AH the iiruici.s the uc expected to observe of tuiimin is.

of a pipe div.nn. at least in our generation. if the commit km should ever complete w.i'J:. IK no.t -to impossible lo the to iuiopt and live by (Uetn ui like Ihr spirit in which ft kept, And if they're not to uc rlfpi-tiu-, it Mern.1 like the worst kind ot people to spend years of rii ihi'm up. rtsi Mvcii i'fM Europe.

American the French had not raised that issue at the psychologically wrong moment, the Germans might have gone along with better grace. JEAX MONN'ET, French fisca expert, is currently in the U. S. fo: Gpeeche.s In which he I extolling the merits of the Schti man plan as the salvation of west ern Europe. Walter Hallstein, wes German undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, was here a month ago the same song.

While the importance of the new peace contract Kith Germany is no minimised, the Schuman plan emphasized as an Instrument thn will make western European collaboration a working reality and not Just a political alliance. Tariffs on coal and steel movements between the sis nations will the Ru-Mtuis were smart they would ncctnt the ot United is'a- cameras roll thU Sonny just crashed the London 4j stage in a new play titled. erf Man." York leal. for their forthcoming mus- teel cartels, with all their restric- trade practices, will likewise isappear. THE FRENCH contend that In tie past the Germans produced nly enough coal to keep the for- ign market price high.

With a free narket established restriction viLl be abolished. Demand will de- ennlne supply and supply is ex- aecfed to be greatly increased. The Schutnan plan pool of iron iteel and COA! will be nm by a 'high authority" as chief executive A "special council" of one cablnei lie tuber from each country and a 'common assembly' 1 of members Tom the various parliaments wil make the rules. A seven-member 'court of justice" wilt settle the disputes. The French believe that creation of this international super-govern Sptkft Tones' musical were -up In the wreck a railroad baggage car on his one-nighter tour.

"The hand," Spike's saying, "sounded much better after the Paramount has a sleeper in "The Atomic City." a suspense yarn put you through the emotional wringer. Tab Gene Barry as a new heart-throb Josephine Baker's standing 'em in line at Giro's. Her gowns make local movie queens look like peasants Yul King and Brynner's makeh Is king. II West led anything else. South could ruff while dummy discarded a losing club.

In either case South was sure to make his contract. "East thought that Soulh's remark had caused the defenders to relax. East said that player who announced thai he couldn't make ment over basic raw materials will his contract should not be allowed in time lead to a federation of western Europe. The greatMt (In armed services) have found waste of Lyndon Johnson, chairman, Wa truce down to two baste issu got to give. It's not frhrolow.

It 1 negotiator Gen. William K. Harrison. My experience in ths CommuoM party left me with an abiding hatred of Its philosophy and Kazan, noted Broadway and Hollywood director mnd onetime Communist. Communists seem to realize victory won by the destruction of human lives and property is not a victory at all.

They are pursuing a course of action therefore aimed at the subjugation of the minds of of Interior Oscar Chapman. The quest for peace and tranquility for all ri everywhere is always with us. We 1 must keep it sharply in focus; we must not let this great cooperative work, to which our fourteen NATO countries have so lately set their hearts and hands, falter or Dwiglit D. Eisenhower. To think I was out cJean'ng and IF of western Europe come.

1 this way, it will be a curious development. It will be a super-government over International trnde in basic materials only. It can. of course, be broadened Inter But at the start it will be without provision for guarantees of human and civil rights, which will be left entirely to the member countries. Tn spite of this limitation of the Schumiui it has apparently been widely accepted by the people of western Europe.

The Russians are violently opposed to it. So are spadj Hence the old conservatives, who want' business as usual. But the free- trade unions have backed it as the to recover. "Is East correct In his attitude East is not at all correct. South didn't say that he was not going to make his contract, he merely stated that he would not give a nickel for his other words that he didn't expect to make four hearts.

The odds were more than 12 to 1 against him when yon consider that he needed a 2-2 trump break, and a 3-3 diamond break, with the queen of diamonds in the West hand. I do not wonder that South felt discouraged over his prospects. Actually, Bast was the villain In this little drama. The bidding and the dummy should have warned him that South had a singleton East should have of at the scrubbing this morning English scrubwoman Lillian Guest after winning $210,000 in a football pool. immediately he Abolished when the best idea yet to stimulate peace in Schuman plan goes into operation western Europe.

I be Doc-tor By RDWIN P. JORDAN. M. D. Written for NEA Service jiw the most common com- removes only those hcmorrholrtal are piles or hemorr- veins which are already enlarged.

"This con-Won aet.s its name and new ones may develop unless theco rhoTdal veins which! the causes brought on the original difficulty arc also corrected. Sometimes instead of cutting out anil removing the piles, they are lie around Ihe outlet oi Uie tract. When veins beroi: -n'areecl or dilated, they pro- rtvce the uncomfortable symptoms of piles. Tl-e presence of uloorl around the intestinal wnste is one of the i--l Pain ami ii'hms common, bill llv-rc arc causes lor such syriptoms al' o. Al first these symptoms may be ON BRIDGE Odd Remarks Can Cause Problem! OSWAI.O JACOBT NEA Service "Please sctrlc nn argument," requests a New York reader.

"In the accompnnyint: hand West won first trick with the king of spades' played the trick In order to return ft club. This was East's only chance to cad and if he had vised it properly rie would have set the contract before any remark had been made. II the King Greece are not gorng la visit (his country until after the el lion. Arch NearbriU njm a good sign. II Uwr can afford to home, i looks like they muit toun a few million dollm I carpet some place-.

Tools of Ji Aniww to witti a solution which flllc continued with a low spade. ranges them to close by means of formins scar tissue. This" is lor only some und the decision as to whether it is desirable must be placed in hands of the physician in cl'nrse of the case. Hemorrhoids may be cither in- onlv occasionally, lli-y tmi3 external'or both. When lend to set worse at time soes on.

mlrma i alone the only in some ca'-w clots form Insirte; loll ls i ikc lo be bleeding. this is not to be icnorcd i- more than the obvious cxterna clots form the-e enlarged voins. ami this bn very painful indeed. Once in a while "the blrcdinz can be so sc- SO THEY SAY There is nothing in her iSpainV political life uaMcaliy ot VIUUUAC with eternal moral principles whicli shmilri the free Felix Ue Uqucuca, Spanish ambassador to the U.S. Your slateniiMi! indicates that you have not come to consciences at Panmunjonu to negotiate an ammtice, You appear more concerned with the UN' command's attitude than with solving the Negotiator Col.

Don O. PorroT. vrre and long-continncrt that will KMilt in a true anemia. is not entirely clear why minv people arc troubled South ruffed the ace of spades ith Operation In skilled hands is the immediate ef- are not comfortable and no one can guarantee that hommorhou's. Chronl; constipation orrhoids will form, but the re- lertainly rc-spousiblc in i ls are well worth the -o-iic cases Possibly the sitting pos- (10 ubli-.

is involved in so many occupatibiis today also plays a part, childbirth and heavy physical strains as HftlHJ certainly are not ffiaa for the who lias Hilrs." and ha.e something to! with their'development. Hemmorrhoids do not usually tils- taushter lu appear of themselves. They may )5 Years Ago In Iliish School will grad- NORTII Xi A843 KQ86 10965 WEST EAST C) 10 9 1 AAJ6J J72 AQJ A 10 652 SOUTH (D) A 10 5 3 AK4 K873 Both sides vul. Sonth West North Eiat 1 2V 4 P.iss Pass Opening pei tor a while, nnd then if- It imporlant to avoid con-i some the 1 5 rccommenrtcti for piles br'ins a certain nmount of but rarely cure the condition. this year, been born to Mr.

and Mrs. E. M. McC.ill. liyion Moi-fe.

and Rlytheville. are team. HOmiZONTAL Walk through watar S7F1ap VCKTICAI. 1 Part of an archer's tod 2 Awry SChemisli' tools 4 Cloyed 5 Pain 1 Baxball player'i tool tools 8 Hairdresser's too! 12 Era J3 Measure ot land 14 Toward Ihe sheltered side 6 Plurnber tool 25 Burden 15 Legal matters 7Weigh 26 Political 16 Curative ndia division measures 8 Ten(ier rooster 27 Most stable A MAN' usually has plenty of and realized that the ace of club uas surely held by West Sout therefore murmured that he would not a nickel for his " then proceeded to make his contract. He immediately cashed the ace and kin? of diamonds, and West unfcrtunatcly kept his oucrn of diamonds.

Declarer next took ace and kinc of hearts and ruffed dummy's last spade in his own hand. lu serious canes an operation nichimares before paying tors the best means of relief Un- mortpimf on dream fortunately, however, an operation, Lexington 1 .) Leader. off the "When South now led a third! I rtfmorcl. Wcrt was obliTed (o win. II West then led clulu.

South would 18 Intermediate 20 Pillages 21 Small child 22 Part efface 24 Hebrew month 26 Avoid 27 Pronoun 50 Schoolchild'f tool 32 Adviser 34 Soviet seaport 35 Willows 36 Not elsewhere specified (ab.) 37 Asterisk 39 Mentally sound 40 Sharp end of a pounding 1col 41 Boy 42 Adult female 45 Winning 49 Wide-spread disease prevalences 51 Hearing organ 52 One who regrets SSlnrligo 51 Watering 9 Medley 10 Encounter 11 Mrs. Truman 17 Straightens 19 Partitions 23 Wit 24 Famous Jewish month English school 38 Heart piin, pectorte 40 Spanish print 41 French city 42 Existed 43 Work 44 Bearing 46 Sour 47 California 48 Snatch 28 Salesman'! tool, a shoe 29 Gaelic 31 Hebrew ascetic 50 Gullet I.

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