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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 27

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1865. LATEST INTELLIGENCE (Br Ttxxaxxn AUSTRIA, (nou on 5 xwitaroxriXT.) V1KXXA, Tnw essay, 4 r.x. The yrstcrdxy accepted the reaijnation M. von Tlener. llefere leaving for Ischl Hit Majesty agreed to a reduction in the Eatimate o( 26,000,0008., the ram propcwJ by tne Lower Chamber.

A ot the following trcared our Seeoed EJi tioa of ytatcrday: 1 (HTT1i TUSIIHI.) VIKN'KJL Jest 2S. The mot v0 and unreliable rumourt are cur rent irpvtmj the definite nominations of the new Ministry. AU rjjvrta, however, agree tn pointing to Count IWcredi aa the future Minister of SUU. T)w Rmperor hat ft for Ischl. The IW1 to raise tho loan of was rwd In the Upper House tho rUicnsrath The following Miuistera hare definitively loft the CtrWt lint son Sclimerling, llerr Ton I'lener, Herr Hem, lUron Mecaery ronToor, Ilerr Latter, and llerr von Frank.

Cjant Mensdorff l'ouilly and lUron Ton Burger ill bold offico in the new FRANCE. TAtJlS, Jcsi: 2S. The MfnitfWt1 tcvday tayt: The Kmivwr visits! yesterday MfnilraonUnt. t.s iiwjvvt th Uro basins intended to receive the wattTstd th IKuiyt and Marne. Hi Majesty wai enthusiastically cheitd ly the workmen.

In th Corpi yssterdty the extraordinary IljJ.ft passjj ly 17 10 vote. The Court of Cassation hai quashed the sentence rrvavvl by tho Court of Rouen in rifcreaw to the editor of lithocraphed sheets. 3 33 r.M. Tlie lVure has been heavy. at CCt.

37c, or Sc. higher than yesterday. ITALY. FLORENCE, Jcsi 23. Verxi arrived here yesterday evening, and as prrvnt at auouncu ot Ministers.

A nyal decree has Wen published, appointing tee nuir.ttrs oi Uie new council ol Mate SPAIN. MADRID. Jwt 27. TEvrxisa Tft dtr in the Comwi the Minister for Foreisn Aliin brought forward the Bill authorizing the Itovcrcment to ratuy The lrtaty ol Commerce with riaie. AMERICA.

Tir the Noam Amekicax, rwJ Grcencastle.) NEW YORK, Jrsi 17, Evaxisc. vy. Gid, Ex oa 150 Paris, 3f o5c v' Jiutly firmer. New Yoric Central, 05 I2u. Ewe, 77 Five Twenty Bouua, 103. cuiet laid liius njilau J. jilc. Flour and wise at H'lU. Corn qoitt. Provisions declining.

steitiy. Suar quiet. Molvss steady. trv.leutn qiiiet crude, 35c rcSned. 3lc The New York and the City of Washington taVu out in tpecie.

QCEESSTOWN, Ji 27. The Intern tteamer City of Washington, from Kew York oa the 17th arrived at this port at 10 50 p.a.. with $537,700 in specie, and 2S2 pas ecers. She landed iS passengers, and proceeded at 11p.m. THE BIUZILS.

USBON, Jrxx 23. The Royal Mail Companj'a steamer La Plata, from tie Brails, arrived here this morning. She pasted the dense at sea on the 12th inst. Tr; r. i ra trom Lisaos.) 1UO JANXIUO.

Jcvk 8. The Paragaayan forees have rr ached Bella Vrita and Corrientes. The Brazilians hare retired to Fimrfcia; (T), great aicfcnrss prevailing among tho troop. OOMMEIXIAL ISTEIXIGENCE. 'Exchane on Inndcn, "4 1 to 2ti.

good f.rt, to 7.C00 rei. SbijWnU since tho departure of the last mail, lues, of which 4 l.O?? were for the Chaanel; sales, 43,400 bags; atV, P5.O0 bags. 50 to 571. BAIIIA, Jcxr 13. Exchange oa London, Co toCtJ.

Cotton, 14,000 i. Sucr whites, to browns, 1,950 to PEBXAMBCOO. Jcsk 16. Etc aae on London, 25. Sugars whites, 4.O0 to.

4100" rets; browns, 1,900 to 2,000 reis. Ci'toti, 14,000 rcis. TUE OF II' ALE AXD TUB OftMVIUTIOX OF LOXMX. TtfHT dfTotstloe, cutiiittiti: of slont 40 niemfceri of 1 Immia CoaociL focJalicj ttrml of the iUnic, Hh ibrLrJ Mtot (AUIerman Htlr) at tbeir U'iBiiiot Ctl br atnoisiaiftit to Twent to iU tht Qaeea lit kjj sdilrcss of cocatoUtioa ti.i'.mrato thGty of London on the tfe Ht Iit tt bv Kt1 Highnrn the Princwt of VVV and the Imli a iwnj Ptoe. Tbrj wrr seeonpuiil Lv tbe rI.

tha EcorJr, and other hijh oSocrs of ti oJ by the iwotd and mace bcaren. r.A i.Vri' cf the Jqtation wore tb oCeial nil onW for State octiont, and all the aecoa ir ionn ii nm in the corporation on arproachinr tha if rrtT wre eartfuUy obaerred. TbederoUtion, ai fcrrt at Gail tall, rcueoeded thence at calf past 12 in (am to the Waterloo nUtion of the 8: Wtm Eaiiwar the Citv Slarshal (Mr. Brown), Jx (fd, idrt tho way. From tha Waterloo no Uy mnt by cial traiV to Windsor.

A auU pbuuon from the Trt of Iientenacey of the Cay Ikcis rruecedej by tho aan train for a Ai rrj. Tb rpwial arrirtd at Windsor.aboot 1 'duck, A vhere the ilrpntatioea were rroeired by Mr. KtX the lisriaicnal aafenateudent, and csoortod to tho innu waiun( rooD, hno tho Corporation ct, itirtr which was watched by a Urn fr jn the Datehet road, proceeded to the a irinr amru at raiaos cm aepauuona wero tar GrMn Inwioj rom, and thence oondncted laid in tbe fh'aie di nine room. ith tbctr lteyal UichnnM Priocesse and Beatrice, and Prince Lropold, i the Cucrt. rMsriTcd the Lord Maror and demta rrt istrodneed by 8 Genrfe iry) in tha White wuj mm, ben the ad lmaea were daly preentea.

Thefi is lhatil Xiif Corporation of the city of ion Uort Graciou Sorereln, We, yoor Majesty's dotifsl atdlorai the Lord Mayor, AlSennen, and com of the city of Londoa in Common CooocU aaMmbled, deiirt buroUly to aprroach yoor Majesty with our earnest ssd cotisratulations on the aafs deliTery of Her I1Lls tie Phnccas of Wales, and the tirth of a st 1 r.oc, We eariMtly toy that every addition to yoor Royal bist nie uereaaaa stabllitv to ine 1 Drone, ana aur ijesiy. ty wUl voochsafe to i narvnta. io4 that Tour Kajrrt mar bare the mtiaeation of witoesaior a dsreloo of time virtuei for which your Majesty's family is so toiiaeativ ittiLrailed. "That yoor Ms jesty msy long be spared to reifi over a utsI a64 affectionate people is the sincere prsyer of the ctia ts of Indon. SifTied bv order of the Court, Fredeeics: WooorHOfcrE, Town Clerk." Iftvaty as pleased to recoire the address, and re p.d as 1 o.k, i "1 thatik rery sincerely for yonr eonrratuUtlons on birth a hriaee, fny enndson.

I receive with much Cniincatma aanranoes ot loyal and aSsctionata attach ,,4 family. Jbe Uti M.jor and Messrs. Msynard and 3. Law. the norer and seconder of the address, then kissed IV 7 nisy pee uereaaoa siaoiiKy to ui the doineatic happiness cf your Majes ferreotlf pray.that the Almifhty i ti infant 1'nncc and bis lloyal parent Lsadt.

TU aIdns cf the Court of Lieutenancy is as under Te the goeen's Most Eiotlleot Msjesty, Tbe humble 4dsufr address of the Lord Mayor, the Aldermen, and wrvyosr Majestr's Lieutenants tor the City of London. Most GracHies tSovereifu, We your Msiestjr's dutiful aM loyal suLject. the Lord Mayor, tbe Aldermen, and rvour MaieatT's LisatenaaU for tha City of London, aUy spnruach the Throne with thostronrcet feelings of ")'iy uM atlachmciit to your Majesty to offer our hearty frramtK! on a birth of a second son to his Boyal itgboea, the Prine, of Wales. Attached as wt are to your Majesty's person and Go 7t 1 eeery tie of loyalty aad rratitude, we cannot rejoice in ao event which aSords ao additional roaraalee in a direct line of your Majesty's illns Winss Honae, aad for tU staUlity of those free institutions bch bsve tbe happiness to lire. It is our fcr 'est praj er that your Majesty's personsl aad domestie hap ftnsyUUixely increased, Md that God la His left.

merry msy dci(a to Ucss the Infant Prince aad his Jooisi parents." Her Msjesty also rave a most rradoas reply, aad Parker, the mover and seeoader of the THE IT AN DEL FESTIVAL. I The Miaoellanoous Selection, yesterday, proved a signal luocewa. This is by no meant surprising when th unusually varied attractions it presented are taken into consideration but few could have anticipated that it would excito to much enthusiasm. The demands for repetition on Monday, which the length of the Performance, aunnoainir it to rmmvl from beginnins to end without interruption, made it impcrauve qq ur.uoata to aeciine.whenever be could without giving umbrage to so vast an audience, and which, on tho other hand, were altogether at rarianco with so solemn a ceremonial as the representation of Ilandel'a grand aacred oratorio, were on this occasion in tho majority of instances acceded to. The only exception of importance, lato as it happened in the day, wtSj unfortunately, just one of those the compliance with which would have conferred unanimous gratification but the aingcr wa inexorable, and would not como back again to Sound an and onco more summon his followers to arms.

The performances began with selections from Saul, au oratorio composed three yoars earlier than and comprising, as those who attend the concerts of the Sacred Harmonic Society are aware, tome of Handel's noblest choral pieces. First there was the introduction to the first part the Epinicton," or song of triumph, for the victory over Goliath and his armies; next the scene where the deeds of Saul and David are coniointlv celebraUd by the Israelites next, David's jiraycr tor oaiu next, me ciiorai atwstroplio to Envy mm tasuy, me tjoaj i jie seiecuon was altrcether suitable and effective containinir a re a sonable admixture of choruses with solo recitatives and air. The chorus, "How excellent is thy name!" the soini chorus, "Along the monster atheist slnvlc" so full character and tho chorus, Tho youth itispired by Thee, 0 Lonl," ending with a bright and cheerful Hallelujah' (the Epinicion) formed one piece of music, connected together by the soprano solo, An infant raised by Thy command," sung yesterday by Mdllo. Parepa. men tne ana scm chorus, a ed n'Moiw," Weleome.

welcome, michtv with full chorus, on tho same theme, "David his ten thousands slew," interspersed with ro ritatives for Michal and Saul Parepa and Mr. Sautlcy), formed another in a more directly jubilant vein. Then the air, Lord, whose mercies," when David rravs for Saul, whom ho is about to console and divert with tho music of the harp (admirably aung by Madame Sainton Dolby, which in the wonderfully impressive chorus, 44 Envy eldest bom of hell was deepened into a gloom Doruenng on tne lemwe. lhis ana the incomparable Dead March were, stranze to aav. precisely tho parts which in yesterday's selection from Suul created the most marked sensation.

The chorus was sung, the march played, in perfection. Both "were encored and both repeated. Next to Saul came Snmtoti, which may be said to weaa on tne necisot jfrtnoA, having, with the exception of three pieces including the air Let the bright Seraphim." and the chorus, Let their celestial not originally forming part of tne wort oeen completed about six weeks later. Both these added pieces were included vesterdar. preceded, however, by the pathetic air of Samson's r.k inrt.i.

tt. i 1 1 con fided td Mr. Santler. whohasrarelr sun? with more genuine and artistic expression. Great as the sensation produced at the rehearsal by MdllevAdelina Pattfs facile and brilliant execution of 44 Let the bright Seraphim" (trumpet, Mr.

T. Harper) it was exceeded yesterday. There is nothing left for us to add to our previous description of this performance, one of the most faultless, as well as one of tbe most striking, we can recall nor shall wo attempt to de scnoeitsenect. r.nougn mat a repetition was demanded from all aides and that again tho voice and me trumpet made music together to the intense satisfaction of the entire audience. The ingenious.

grand, and truly picturesque chorus, 44 Let their celestial concerts all unite" a splendid afterthought ot me inspired composer made a glorious climax to the bnct and welcome selection from his Samson. To Samson succeeded two pieces from the pastoral serenafa, entitled Aeit and Ualiiea. words br Gar. a better poet than it was often Handel's good fortune to find "as co labourer, and performed at Cannons, the seat of tho Duke of "Chandoa for whom it had been expressly written in 1721, about 20 years earlier than ifeuioA. These pieces were the respective love sougs of Acis and Polvnheme.

tho 44 atar sti nclr ahpnbenl anil the formidable giant, co aspirants for the favours of the beautiful Galatea (who, by the way, might have been jawed to complete tne picture, witn Hush, ye pretty warbling Moxirt himself never surpassed 44 Love in her eyes sits playing while, with 44 Ruddier than the cherrv." nothing wo know of can be compared, seeing that no other composer has set to music the burning passion of a Cyclops able to annihilate his rivals by throwing rocks at them. How Mr. Sims Reeves and Mr. Santley are accustomed to give these very oppositely conceived love songs it is unnecessary to remind our musical readers. Tho first, which breathes the very breath of tender melody, afford! tho usual tranquil pleasure, me iui, au uerccucss ana impetuosity, raised the usual enthusiasm and was unanimously called fof acain.

The epithalamium for Solomon and the Queen of feheba, Jlay no rash intruder the '4 Nightingale Chorus." aa it has been named, on account of a tculiarly characteristic feature in the orchestral accompaniments one of the most popular things in uimon, wuicn came next in oraer, was so well I sung, and the pununmo, at the passage I Ye zi phvr. soft breathing their slumber prolong. I While bifhtincslet lull them to sleep with their son?" that it was asked for again, and another repeti I tion was that added to tho already sufficiently long catalogue 1 he oratorio, bUomon, written tn 1748, seren rears later than the ilttnah and Samson. shows, nevertheless, no diminution whatever in the vigour of the composer's powers or the freshness of his melodious invention. The next piece the Coronation Anthem, 44 Zadok the Priest," one of four composed for the Coronation of George II.

and Queen Caroline in Westminster Abbey took us back again more than 20 years (1727). Few composers canbettcr stand this arbitrary mixing up of epochs than Handel and. aa every one had anticipated, 44 Zadok the Priest was not only one of the grandest and most impressive, but one of the most completely successful performances of the day. A selection from Juia Maccabccm. the martial oratorio intended to celebrate the victory of Culloden (1 1 4b), comprised more than one popular more than one admired chorus.

The chaste ana devotional 44 Pious orgies" was given in a chaste and devotional style by Mdlle. Parepa the florid 44 From mighty was perfectly executed by Mdlle. Adelina Patti and the heroic recitative and air, Sound an alarm," was splendidly declaimed by Mr. Sims Reeves. This, tha last encore, though vociferous and prolonged, was the only one not accepted.

Tha choruses, 44 Father, whose almighty solemn and grand 44 We hear, we hear," the response to 44 Sound an alarm and 44 We never, never will bow which in power, majesty, and elaborato contrivance even Handel has rarely surpassed, were one and all nobly given by tha vast company of players and singers, whose) exertions were directed by Mr. Costa with even mora than bis accustomed vigour, decLrum, and skill the richly varied and uniformly interesting selection being triumphantly brought to a close by an execution of the familiar though never hackneyed, 44 Seo the conquering hero comes' semi chorus, solo trio, fMesdames Adelina Patti, Parepa, and Sainton! and full chorus which was of apiece with that had gone before. As on Monday, the concert proceeded from the first chorus to the end without an ntrval of rcDOse which, together with other reason, caused many to doubt the expediency of altering the hour for commencement from 1 o'clock till 3. Tbe new arrangement may suit the Crystal Palace authorities better, but it is questionable whether it meets tho public convenience, generally quite as well. To morrow.

Itratl in Egypt, always the most at tractive performance of the throe, will again bring the Handel Festival to a conclusion. other work is the (frantic chorus assembled together from all parts attbese extraordinary celebrations heard to such striking and continued advantage as in this colossal work. havinc kissed kaW The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council sat yesterday. Proswt Tbe Lord IRELAND. walking stick, and with it he commenced a furious attack upon Jfr.

DeJacherois, beating him about (ntOM oc. owx ooKiurowDKirr.) the head and face in a shocking manner. The blood pHBUN, Jcxi 23. flowed copiously from the injured gentleman, who A banquet wu riven last nisht to Mr. Oaran f.n i Duffy, in the ancient Concert rooms.

It wu in an.n.U tended to be merely a personal compliment to that ment. The servants in the house were not aware gentleman by hia friends on his return to his native land, but many ot the hon. gentleman's friends seemed to apprehend, that it would be a Young Ireland demonstration, and accordingly there were very few present of the citizens of Dublin whom one is accustomed to meet on such public occasions, and it was observable that not one of the Dublin priests was in the com any a fact which wu ascribed to an interdict from r. Cullcn. with whom Mr.

Duffy is not a favourite. There were, however, many priests present from ouier dkocesscs, and they were not me Ieut enthu siastic of the numerous assemblr. The chair wu occupied by Alderman Dillon, and among those on cither side of him were three members of Parlia mentMr. Maauire. Dr.

Brady, and Mr. Butt. Letters of apology were read from Archbishop M'Uale and several other prelates and diznitaries who hail lwen invited to the banquet. Some parties had objected to have 44 The Queen" in the list of toasts, but Mr. Duffy declined to accept tho invitation unless it wu given.

It wu proposed by the chairman, but at least half the company including most oi mo pneau, rciusea to nonour it, ana remained on their seats, while not a few had the bad tute to hiss. The next toast was 44 Our Native Land, which wu responded to by Mr. George Henry Moore, formerly M.P. for Mayo. His speech wu one of the most extraordinary ever delivered on such an occasion.

Ho scornfully ridiculed the National Association and tho Pre lates who founded it, although one of its secre taries wu the chairman whom he wu addressing, and another of 'its leading members, Al lennan Swincy. wu sittmz at tho table. Al derman Dillon, who wu cridently most pained at this unwarrantable attack, mildly protested, but Mr. Moore wu sustained by tho majority with boisterous enthusiasm, and they seemed to enjoy greatly the hits at Dr. Cullen and others who were alleged to have betrayed the national cause.

Mr. Moore, in the course, of his speech, condemned thoso who represented tho Irish as a people exhausted after a long course of resistance to a superior Power whereas the fact wu that during the last century no struggle worthy of me name to pro cure redress for their wrongs had taken place. Whatever redress they had obtained wu due to tho wisdom of their masters, and he wu led to believe that if the independence of Ireland could not be secured by tho moral force of peaceful agitation, there wu still a population remaining with valour, patriotism, and misery enough to warrant an appeal to the ultima ratio ot nations. The lut hope of tho country wu tho formation of an honest, independent party in the Legislature who would insist on redress. He censured the Roman Catholic hierarchy and clergy for having mislod or deserted the people, and said that in consequence of their defection tho cause of Ireland wu imperilled though not lost.

Ho described the present efforts of the National Association an attempt to galvanize a corpse, and to raise the ghost of 44 independent opposition," and drew a dark picture of the country.staA ting that the long war between property and labour wu ending in the landlords becoming absentees and the labourers exiles. This wu not the result of foreign misgovernment it wu because there were so many interruptions and cries of 44 Question," defended the Roman Catholic Bishops from the attack made on them by the lut speaker, and concluded by proposing "The Roman Catholic Hierarchy and Clergy of Ireland." Mr. Moore challenged contradiction to any of his statements. The Rev. Robert Mullan, 1 .1 of Castlepollard, in respondine to the tout.

also defended tne priesthood from tho charges made by Mr. Moore, and said they were always a body true to the people. He also spoke in very strong terms against the Whigs amid considerable interruptions. Tho Chairman then proposed the tout of the evening, the health of their guest, which was enthusiastically Mr. Duffy, who wu received with cries of 44 the ureen above the red." '43 for ever, and waving of handkerchiefs, re sponded in a verys effective speech, which he com menced thus I am reioiced to stand ones more on an Irisli platform.

surrounded by old friends'and comrsdes, and in face of an Irish audience. In the ten rears since we parted it has been source of secret pleasure to me to reflect that whatever all suecear I personally at tain went to strengthen our common cam It wept, I fancied, towards proving thai wo were not visionary or impracticable in our aims but that they were such as might have been worked to a successful imue if we only had as fair a field for the experiment in Ireland as tiers exists in Australia. (Che rs.) Al( that we asked for the Irish farmer to poasess the fruits of his own industry in peace hss been more than attained la Australia. All that we asked for the Irish nation to rale and possess their own country without external interference Las been completely sttained in Australia and whenever I saw any of those successes won, whether I was a mere spectator or. an actor in the struggle, there rasa to my mind tho exclsmstion of Patrick Sarsfield at Landen, Would to God that this were for He contrasted the stalo of England with tho state of Ireland, and, referring to the latter, uked "Why is it endured! Is there sny law of nature by which the people of Ireland, of all people on the face of the earth, sre alone to be exterminatod out of theirown country (Cheers.) If there is no such law, in the came of the benign Ruler of the universe, why should we endure it I may be told that it is endured because remedv Is hopeless, because all efforts to smend oir condition bare been in vain.

I deny that all remedy is hopeless. I deny that atl efforts bsvs been made in vain and I affirm that tbe Irish people are in their present disastrous condition mainly because they have never persisted in sny adequate effort to be relieved of it. Oppressed countries do not obtain relief by simply wishing; for it they must work for it some by maintaining saniruinary wars, some by arousinj ana directing publio opinion, soma by long, slow, persistent, active or pawive resistance to misKorernment, but all by sacrifices and exertions. So Ireland won emancipation in a contest never relaxed for 40 years. Look at what is being don in other countries of Europe at this moment I la Hungary, after her overthrow In 1843, the idea of armed resistance to Austria seems to hare been abandoned as hopeless, but the irrepressible desire of tbe people to possess the, free Institutions which their fathers enjoyed, led them to use every mesns that remained to them, and year after year, without flagging, they have renewed their demands and now it is said their wishes will be complied with and the free Constitution of ITaogary revived.

In Prussia the whole power of the State is wielded by a despotio King to overcome tbe popular branch of the Legislature but the people of Prussia are not to be cowed or disheartened, and after three dissolutions they bare three times re elected their faithful representatives. In France, under the hoof of a despotism which might well kill hope, wherever the smallest opening presents itself, a local election, a Parliamentary opposition of a dosen or a score against hundreds, an election in the Ioititute, they seize lbs lopportnnity to reassert their opinions. This is the road to success. Historv has broadly marked upon it the truth that persistence like this in a just causa is crowned with victory." Tho chairman proposed their in Parliament, who were present. Mr.

Butt, M.P., responded, and, in doing so, spoko in laudatory terms of the services of the Roman Catholio hierarchy and clergy of Ireland among their people. Religious differences were said to bo the cause of Irish misery but it was a fact that the most prosperous part of Ireland wu that in which the strongest differences wero manifested the counties of Down and Antrim. lie attributed that prosperity to tho existence of tenant right, and said it had been stated in Parliament that if any man attempted to interfere with tenant right there the army of Ireland would not keep the peace of Ulster. He avowed himself in favour of any measure that would induce the people of Ireland to lire at home, even a law against evictions. Mr.Maguire, M.P., also responded, stating that, while he would on all occasions uk for a full measure of justico for Ireland, ho would refuse nothing that he could get though ever so small.

Dr. Brady. M.P., responded briefly. Mr. Duffy then proposed the health of the chairman, who spoke in reply.

44 The National Press of Ireland" was then given, and Mr. A. M. Sullivan, of the Nation, having replied, the proceedings terminated half past 12 o'clock. The Belfast Newt Letter reports an extraordinary ou trigs perpetrated by a gentleman on his brother in law.

on account of the Uoged ill treatment of his wife. Yesterday Captain Tennent, of Rush park, near this town, wu arrested under a warrant charged with having assaulted Captain Delacherois, J.P., hia brother in law, at Donagnadee, on thajp receding day (Sunday). It is stated that Captain Tennent drove from his father's residence at Rush park to that of his brother in law, Captain Harrison, J.P., at Holy wood house, whence he afterwards drays to Ballywilliam cottage, and. leaving Captain Harrison with the car upon the road, he walked up to the cottage and inquired for Captain Delacherois. fle wu invited to enter, and, having teen the gentleman whom he wu seeking, he told him that he wished to speak to him.

Both gentlemen retired to a rjarlour. Captain Tensest carried with tha of the attack on their muter till it wu over. Captain Tennent then left the house, Captain Harrison, and drove towards Belfast. Mr. Delacherois being in a very dangerous condition, the magistrates remanded Captain! Tennent for a week, and, bail being refused, he was conveyed in the custody of the police to Downpatrick Gaol by the evening train from Donaghadee.

The Lord Lieutenant and Lady Wodehouse went on a visit yesterday to the Earl and Countess of Dunraven, at Adare, in the county Limerick. STOCK.EXCIUS'GE. Government Fundi Three per Cent. Consols, 89 Xsw Three per Cent. Stock, 88 India Fit per niocK, iraoaieraDM at uana ol Ireland.

lOiJ. Hanks. Natiooal paid), 100; ditto, Xsw (issued at Zl. rm.) paid), for account, 94 National of Liverpool (limited) (lOf. paid), 171; Koyal (1.

Pd), 30. Mine. Wicktow Copper (2f. 10s, nail), 13. BaiUaye.

Dublin as.l urofbola (UUC paid), Tl Great Southern sod Western (10CX. paid), 8T.J Midland Great Western (S0C paid). 27. ltailway Preference. Dublin and Drogheda 6 per redeemable in 'tti, and convertible prior to that year, of which Nos.

7.401 to tt.GQO are a subsequent charge paid), 2U Waterford aad limerick 6 per cent, redeemable ML paid), 40. JOHN MITCH EL IN AMElilCA. Tho following letter, addressed to tho Hon. Ben jatnin Wood, proprietor of tho Neio l'orjfc Daily hu been published Xsw York, June 13, 1863. Dear Sir, As tor arrival ia this city, and connexion as an editorial contributor with your journal, has occa sioned much hostile comment from soma other nswspapcrs of New York, which persist in terming me and toudlr call for mv Punishment as a traitor.

I think it da. airabte that I should onoa for all define my as that seems to be a subject of soma interest to a portion of tna puDiio. ao ion; as a tsouinern uonlaueracy existed was a Confederate Secessionist, or what soma persons chose to term a rebel. From tha moment of General Johnston's surrender to General Sherman, at Greensborouih. I perceived that the csuse of tha Confederacy wu utterly lost.

There wu no longer a Confederal Government it had disappeared from human eyes; sod inasmuch aa a country cannot be without a uovernment, ana tha only Government, then tn fact subsisting being tha Federal Government of the United States, I owed to it, from that instant, full obedience which obedience I at onoa yielded in good faith, as I think my fellow citizens at the South very generally did at tha ssma time and for tha sama reason. I am, therefore, no longer a Secessionist nor a rebel, but a Uniouist and a lawful citixen. By appeal to arms, ia assertion of tha right to secede, tha Southern States accepted beforehand the arbi trament of that sovereign tribunal. Tha decision hu gone against them no matter by what means, or by virtue of what orerwhelming odds against them it is. And I believe that all Southern men of high and honourable character do frankly accept tha new position thst war hu made for them, and acknowledge tha duty of applying themselves to tha task of reconstructing and re establishing their soeietv upon the basis of tha Union and tha Constitution of tha United States.

This thev will sssuredlr do. if thev are permitted to do it in peace it tha successful Government do not trample them into tha earth, or torture them by prosecu tions lor tna crime caving asserted a right long known to nara been claimed ny moat southern politicians, and ad. mitted br man at the North also. The institution of slavery is virtually abolished on this continent. The irrepressible conflict between free labour and slave labour hu come, and slave labour hu gone down.

To this also the Southern people submit. On this point also tney accept in decision oi tna war ana they do so with reluctance and regret, it is but just to them to say that ia most cases their sorrow is more for the fata which threatens that unhappy race they have protected so long than for tha loss of the money value of their slaves, which money value, indeed, wu less than nothing, inumucn thev could at all times have had labour ou cheaper terms. Soma newspapers taunt ma with inconsistency, in that I stood up for liberty in, my native country, and then came and advocated slsvery here. I cannot perceira tha inconsistency. Tha dibertv which I sought for Ireland wss national inds pendenoe only and that only wu what I sought for tha South.

I wished that Ireland should have tha power to regulate her institutions in her own way, and I wished tha Southern States to hare the sama power. I wished to repeal an enforced Union' of Ireland with England, and I wished to resist tha enforcement of a Union between Virginia and New York. Where ia tha inoon sistency? Others persistently charge ma with having written everything objectionable to them which they can raka up out of tha columns of tha Hic'unond Examiner and tha Richmond Enqvirtr for some years put. I wu never at anv time tha editor of either of these journals. I refused to be responsible for all that appeared in them, never read their and never used that medium to give aid and comfort to tha enemy, or either of tha enemies.

Further. I never, br writing or speech, approved anv maltreatment or starvstion of Federal prisoners st tha South, nor was I aware there ever wu any maltreatment or starvation. Tha orders, I knew, were to give these prisoners the una tbe Uoufederata soldiers received, and I understood that those orders were carried out. To be sure. Confederate rations were sometimes mesne enough.

but I must be excused if I decline to believe all the dreadful stories told about this matter, or, indeed, about anything else, by witnesses before tha military gentlemen st Washington. What mora must I deny I never recommended the routing of my fellow creatures with vitriol and camphine, nor with either of them. What mora I never devoured my enemies, whether rout or boiled, with vitriol uuce or with dragon's blood. And if sny one affirms thst I flogged to death my negro wenches in Alabama with a curiously twisted cowhide, or that I hired Booth, or purchased the bowie knife for Payne, I would modestly uk him to prove the fact, but not before tha military gentlemen at Washington. I bar that.

So much for tha 'put. As for the present and future, I have thought proper, without leave uked ot any one, to oner you such assistance as I eau give, in the only daily journal in Xew York which hu steadily upheld tha true democratic principle of State rights hu deprecated a war to enforce an unwilling Union hu advocated, when that war ceased, a system of real peace and conciliation such would enable Southern men heartily to co ope rate in the luk of reconstruction, and, above au, hu opposod seoseleu prosecutions for what is most improperly called treason, and the ill omened practice of military courts in time of peace. Tha separate independence of the South being proved to be impossible, it hu seemed to me that the best hope of preserving tha liberties of tha whole oountry lies in tha Democratic party, with which the whole South will naturally ally itself as before, and ot which I conceive the Daily iVcici to be tha truest and boldest organ. I say that I uked leave of nobody to coma to this city, and to write in the AVifi. Further, I do not conceive myself to be here, and going at Urge, by virtue of tha 4 amnesty' that some papers hsvs mentioned.

Neither have I uked any and I trust tha President will not press a pardon upon me until I shall hava bean first convicted of something. I should bo obliged, with thanks for his politeness, to decline it. lis is very kind, but I do not nsa the article. JOIIX NAVAL AND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. Yesterday, being the anniversary of Her Majesty's Coro nation, wu observed tha customary manner at Chatham Tha whole of tha Government establish meats connected with tha port aad garrison ware closed, aad the workman had a holyday.

Tha Royal Arsenal and Dockyard aad tha whole of the Government establishments at Woolwich bad a bofyday yesterday, to commemorate tha aaaivcrsary of Her Majesty's Coronation. Coronation day wu celebrated at Portsmouth with tha usual loyal demonstrations. Tha Lord Warden, sailing ship, 1,237 tons. Commander Cossitt, ooa of Messrs. Green's Black wall fleet, arrived at 8 pithead yesterday from Madras, with 192 invalided men.

women, and children, from various regimen servug la India, under tha command of Capt, radish, asd accom panied by a number of officers also from various regimenfe. Tha names of tha officers with those of tha private pas sengers on board were given la tha report of the ships arrival off Falmouth, which appeared ia Tke Timet of yesterday. Tha troops will be trasaf erred from the Lord Warden to the Bojal Vie tori a Military Hospital at Xct ley this morning, under tha supervision of tha Assist Quartermuter Geo. of tha South West Military District, after which tha ship will sail for London to deliver her Indian cargo cf indigo, cotton, sugar, ko. TUB COU.VTXSS OF DERBY'S ASSEMBLY.

Lut night tha Countess of Derby had aa assembly st tha family mansion, St. Jamei's sqaare. Previously to tha evening party tha noble earl and countess received at dinner tha following circle His Excellency tha Austrian Ambassador and tha Countess Ap ponyl. tha Duke and Duchess ot Cuccleuch and Lady Mar. gtrct Scott, tha Duke and Duchess of A thole, tha Earl aad Countess of Wilton, tba Earl asd Countess Vane, tha Earl of Dunraore, Visconnt Musereene.

Lord and Lady Skel mersdale, Hon. J. Vesay, and Mr. Welletley. Among those present at tha countess's usemUy were Ilis Excellency the Hsnseatic Minister, Prince Cortschakoff, Prinoe Alexander Oorrouasow, Daron and Baroness Baude, Count Baumgarten.

tha Marquis of Clsnricsrde, the Marchioness of Ormonde and Lady Mary Butler, tha Marquis ot Waterford, tha Earl and Countess Grey, tha Earl aad Counteu of Galloway and Lady Jana Stewart, the Countess of Devon and Lady Agnes Oourteusy, the Earl of Annesler, the Counteu of Strafford and Lady Victoria Brag, tne Earl Stanhope, the Earl of Sheffield, the Counteu of Dartmouth and tha Ladies, Lrgga (2), the Countess Dowager of Morton and Lady Agnes Douglas, tha Earl and Counteu of Cork, tha Earl and Counteu of Darnley, the Counteu of Lanesborough and Miu Butler, tha Counteu Fitzwilliam and tha Ladies FiUwilliam, the Earl of Wilton, tha Earl of Morley and Lady Catherine Parker, the Counteu of Leicester asd tha Ladies Coke (2), the Earl of Longford, tha Earl Manners, tha Earl of Pomfret, tha Counteu of Harrington and Lady Goraldiae Stanhope, tha Counteu of Stradbrooke and Miu Hughan, tha Earl Cowper, Count Strtelecki, Viscount Eversley snd Hon. Miu Shaw Lefevre, Viscountess Nawry and tha Hon. Miu Xeedham, Viscount and Viscountess Galway, Viscount Ingestre, Viscount Kaoelsgh, Viscount Newport, Viscount and Viseouateas rslham. Viscount Neville, Viscount Nawry, Viscount Melville, Viscount and Viscountess Stormont, Viscount Csstl erosse. Viscount Pollingtoo, Viscount Dangan, Lord Kedesdsle and Hon.

Miu Mitford, Lady nily Folev, Lady Gwendoline Petre, Ladv Daagaa and Miu Williams, Lady Blantyre and tho Hon. Misses Stuart 121, Lady Carolina Duneombe and tha Misses Duaeombs (2), Lord Crewe, Lord and Lidy Southampton, Lord Col chester.Lady Bishop, Lady Louisa Moncrieffe and tha Misses Monereiffe, Lord and Lady Sondes aod tha Hon. Miu Millet, Lord Wentwortb, Lord Albert Leveaon Gower, Lord and Lady Churchill, Lord and Lady Colville and Hon. MusCaringtou, Lady Kayleigh and tbe Hon. Mr.

and Miu Strutt, Lady Kuthven, Lord Douglas, Lord and Lady Absrcromky, Lord Polwarth and tha Hon. Misaet Scott (2), Lard Lyons, Lord Courtcnay, Lord Digby and tha Hon. Miss Digby, Lord Thurlo, Lord and Lady Sherbourne and Hon. Misses Dut ton. Lady and Miu Fremantle, Lord and Lady Wal singham.

Lord Clarina and Hon. Miu Massey, Lady William Watkin Wynne, Hon. Gilbert Heathaote, M.P., and Lady Evelyn Heatheote, Mr. and Lady Adelaide da Traflbrd, Mr. and Lady Emily Walsh, Mr.

and Lady Deaae Pakingtoo. Mr. and Ladv Jana Reptoo, Hon. L. Stanley, Hon.

Baillio and Mrs. Hamilton, Hon. Wilbrahanx Egerton, Hon. Mrs. Dutton, Hon.

Gerard and Mrs. XoeL Hon. Mrs. Smyth and tha Misses Smyth (2), Hon. Richard Grosvenor.

Hon. Edward Stanley, Hon. Arthur Lu celles and tha Misses LasceUes, lion. Mr. Home, tha Right Hon.

Spencer Walpule, the Right Hon. C. B. Adderley, M.P., and Mrs. and Miu Adderley, tha Right Hon.

J. R. Mowbrav, H.P., and Mrs. Mowbray, tha Right Hon. H.

T. Il Corrv, M.P., and Miu Corry, Sir Charles and Lady Eutlake, 'Sir Robert and Lady Gerald, Sir Richard and the Hon. Lady Airey aod Miu Airey, Sir Philip and Ladv Grev Egerton and tha Miaes Egerton (2L Sir Thomu and Lady Hesketh, Sir John and Lady Trollope, Sir Charles Locock, Sir James Dairy pie. Sir Thomas and Lady Batesoo, air Jlinto and lyly lownanend farqunar and MUs Farquhar, Sir Robert Gore Booth, M.P and tha Misses Booth and Mrs.Dunoombe.and the Misses Duneombe, Colonel North, M.P.. Colonel Wilson Patten, M.P., and the Misses Patten (2), Colonel snd Mrs.

Tottenham, Colonel Airey, Colonel Douglas Pennant and Miu Pennant, Colonel Fane, M.P., and Mrs. and Miss Fane, Captain Area dale. Mr. Hughes ot Kinmell and tha Hon. Mrs.

Hughes. Mr. snd Mrs. Thomas Fairbairne, Mr. Hubbard and Miu Hubhsrit, Mr.

and Mrs. Whitmore, Mrs. Cavendish Bentinck, Mr, aod Irs. Bedford, Mr. and Miu Henley, Mr.

and Mrs. Hervey, Mr. Campbell of Islay, Mrs. and Miu Baillie, Mrs. P.

Egerton, Mr. and Mrs. Astley, Mrs. Morritt, Mr. Hareourt and the Misses Hareourt (2), Mrs.

Peacock and Mrs. Gukett. Mr. Geanre. M.P and Mrs.

Georce. Mr. and Mrs. Davooport I Bromley, Mr. Kendall, M.P Mr.

Walter Farnuhar, Mr Michel Williams. Mr. Sclater Booth, Mr. Dupre, Mr. Packe Beresford, Mr.

Thomu Mr. Reginald Russell, Mr. Ererton, Mr. Horace Waloole, Mr. Fleming.

Mr. Frede i rick Villiera, Mr. Cameron, Sir. Butler Johnstone, tc TEE LORDS OF THE ADMIRALTY IN LIVERPOOL. The Loxdon and NoaTn WsrrsRX IUrtWAT.

Yesterday morning ao accident, nearly attended with serious consequences, occurred on the above Use ot railway at the northern extremity of tha Birmingham station. A train of empty waggons wu due to leave Adderley park siding at 10 a.m and to pus through tha New street passenger station ten minutes later it did not, however, pass through until 10 30, and consisted of 20 waggons and one truck loaded with an empty crippled waggon sent for repairs to a station on tha Stour valley line." Tha loaded waggon appears to hava been either loaded too high or to hare shifted its position ia transit from Rugby, the consequence wu that it came into contact with tha scaffolding erected for tha men who ara employed during the nicht in recasing tha tunnel at tha north end of the station. Tha scaffolding wu knocked down, and the loaded waggon wu cut upon tha up line. A passenger train due at Birmingham at 10 10 a.m. ran into this obstruction, and tha shock seems to hava caused tha engine to leave tha rails, but none of tha carriages ware off tha metals.

It is supposad that tha engine wu thrown off by tha scaffolding laying acrou tha rails. Mr. Wyatt, tha station muter, and the company's inspector of police were Instantly on tha spot Tba doors of the passenger carriages wsra properly secured, and tha train wu drawn out ot tna tunneL It was then ascertained that a dosen or more ot tha passengers had received injuries principally about tha face, but it Is hoped nothing ot a more serious character. Medical aid was promptly summoned Mr. Oliver Pemberton, Mr.

Blake, and Mr. ChaTassa were toon on tha spot, and tha passengers who needed attention received It at once. Mr. Wyatt speedily arranged for tha continuation of tha traffie usual over tha Stour Valley line, and tba passengers between Birmingham and Edgbastoa stations were seat by omnibus" until tha Una could be cleared. Tnt Road Mchdeb Ttiu.

The time is now approaching for the trial of Constance Kent, now imprisoned In Devises Gaol on tba charge of murdering bar voung half brother, Francis SaviUe Kant, ia 1800, at Road Louie, and tha arrangements for tha trial are so complete that there can be bo doubt It win take place at tha next Salisbury Assises. Tha commission for Salisbury opens oa tha 19th of Julr, and we understand that, besides tha trial of Constance Kent then is very little basin eu to bo transacted. This will do doubt bs. got tbroogh by ths rrsnlng of tha 20th, so that tha trial for tha Bond murder win mots probably take place on tha 21st, though it is possible it may commence on tba 20th. Tba prisoner will be removed from Devises Gaol to Salisbury oa ths 19th or 20th.

The dstaeanoar of ths prisoner lrom the period of her committal at Trowbridge up to yesterday has been calm and quiet She does sot partake of the prison rations, but is supplied dally at tha request of her father with dinner from the Bear Hotel, Devisee. The attentions at Mjx. Da vies, the landlady of that hotel, to tba personal comfort of Mist Kant, sra ara informed, have beea kind aad constant Ths counsel retained tor tha prosecution in this remarkable cue ara Mr. vr.i.w. Q.C..

aad Mr. Lopes, Instructed by Messrs. Clarke and Oollins, aolicitorj, of Trow bridge and the eouasel retained for tba dWsuaa sra Mr. Coleridge, (Id. Mr.

EdHn, and Mr.Raveshill, instructed by Mr. Rod way. cf Trowbridge. AH itnaitf of reports are aireulated to tha nature of tba dsfeaee to be affared, bat est this pats MtbiawreaBM transpired. It ia only to be hoped Oat tba result may ba a satiafactcry clearing up of this terxihje Mystery, 1IR.

AyD MRS. OLADSTOSCS PARTY. The Prince of Wales honoured tha Chancellor of tha Ex chequer and Mrs. Gladstone by his preunoe at a dancing party lut evening at the family residence on Corltoo house Urrace. The Prince of Wales, attended by tha Earl Of Mount Elgeumbe and Lieutenant Colonel Keppel, arrived shortly after 11 o'clock, and was met by Mr.

and Mrs. Gladstone at the foot ot the staircase. Dancing commenced to Coots and Tinney's band immediately Prince of Wales opening tha dance with Mrs. Gladstone, Lord Eliot and Miu Agnes being tu a vis. The general company included tha Turkish Ambassador and Madams and M.ldle.

Matures, tha Austrian Ambassador, tha Saxon Minister, tbe Counteu Bernttorff, tha Danish Minister, tba Duka da Granada, Count Montmarin, tha Marquis Tsmisier, 1L Sermed Effendi, tha Marquis BalbL Baron Roaankraatx, Baron Holstein, the Marquis Msrchioneu St Germans, Baron and Baroteu Blame, M. E. Muturus, M. P. Musurua, Count Arrivabene, tha Ducbeu of Baocleueh and Lady Margaret Scott tha Duka otSt Duoheu of Somerset and Ltdy Gwendoline St Msur and Miu Callander, tha Marquis of Clao ri cards, tha Marquis and Marehiooeea of Westminster and Lady Theodora Grosvenor, tha Marquis of Ailesbury, tha Earl ot Pomfret tha Earl of Sefton, tba Counteu of Dunmora and Lady Alexaodrina Murray, Earl Cowper, tha Qounteu of Macclesfield and Ladies Parker (2), Counteu Amherst and Lady Constance Amherst Counteu and Lady Mary Stanhope, tha Countess of Bel more and tha Misses Gladstone (2), tba Counteu of Verulam and Lady Harriet Grimston, tha Earl and Counteu of Nelson and Ladies Nelson tha Earl of Shrewsbury and Ladies Talbot, tha Counteu of Galloway and Lady Jana Stewart tha Earl and Counteu of Shaftesbury and Ladies Ashley, Counteu Fits wiHiam and Ladies FiUwilliam the Counteu da Grey and Lady Rosa Fane, Earl and Counteu Vane, Counteu Spencer and Lady Sarah Spencer, Viscount Nawry, Viscountess da Vescie, Iton.

Miu Vsscie, Viscount Musareene, Viseounteu Newry aad Hon. Miu Needham, Viscountess Falmouth and Hon. Miu Bos eawan.Lord Thurlow, Lord James Hay, Lady Blantyre and Hon. Misses Stuart (2), Lord and Lady WharnchOs tnd Lady Maude Lascellu, Hon. Lady and Miu Airey, Lord Dunglas, Lord da Mauley aad Hon.

Miu Ponsonby, Lord and Lady Heytesbury and Hon. Miu A'Court Count and Counteu PianeU, Lady Carolina Turner and Miu Turner, Lady Egertoo of Tattoo, and Hon. Misses Egertoo (2), Lord Skelmeredala, Lady Fanny Howard and tha Minns Howard (2), Lord Henry Scott, Lady Mary Wood aad Miu Wood, Lord Ronald Go war. Lord Eliot, Lady PbiHimore and Miu Pbillimora, Lady Mary Farquhar aad Misses Farquhar (2), Lady Frederick Cavendish, Lady Henaikeraad Misaet Heuniker (2 Lord Girlies, Lady Mary Xisbett Hamilton and Miu Hamilton, Lady Belper and Hon. Miu 8tratt, Lord and Lady Wenlock aad Hon.

Miu Lawley and MiuLoogley, Lady Louisa Doug lu Penaut and tha Misses Pennant (2), Sir Samuel Hayes, 8ir Robert Cunliffe, Bight Hon. Sir Robert aad Lady EmHyPcel, Hon. James F. Stuart Wortley, Hon. Algernon Stanley, Hon.

Arthur Cadogu, Hen. Charles Tref usis, Hon. Richard and Miu Cavendish, Hon. Mrs, J. Talbot Hon.

Misses Lyttelton (2), Hon. Mr. Caltborp, Hob. Mrs. James Stuart Wortley aad Miu Wortley, Hon.

H. Struts, Hon. Alan Egerton, Hon. Captain Grosvenor, Hon. Henry Leesoo, Hon.

James Saomaret, Hon. Evelyn Ashley, lion. Lionel Ashley, Hon. Mrs. Wil brabam aad tha Miaui Wilbraham (2).

Hon. Mr. Grosrssor, Hon. Char Us Bonrka, Hon. Harris Temple, Hon.

Mrs. Trefuals aad Hoa. Miuu Trafusis (2), LUe Unant Oanenl aad Mrs. Knollys aad Miu Knellys. General Eber, Colonel Neville, Colossi Bathurst, Captain Lane Fox, Captain Shelley, Captain BloomAald.

Captain Seymour, Captain Grant Mr. Hubbard, M.P aad Mrs, aad Miu Hubbard, Mrs. Clivs aad Miu Clive, Mr. Ecarton Hubbard. Mr.

Warner, M.P.. and Mrs. aad Miu Warner. Mr. Dtst, Mr.

and Mrs. Forbes, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Montagu Hops and Miu Hope, Mr. Caseron, Mr.

Markham Law, Mr. Robarta. Mrs. and Mist Laagtoa, Mr. A.

Lumley, Mr. Cotterell, Mr. Wade, Mrs. Mudmay and tha Miasu Mildmsy (2), Mr. B.

Lealia Mel villa, Mr. Walter Farqahar, Mr. Dugdala, Mr. WeigalL Mr. Knox, Mr.

E. Boat, Mr. Bojts, Mr. J. Camenn, Mr.

Keith Falconer, Mr. George Dnrmmond, M. Albert Van da Weyer, Mrs. Arthur LasoeUet aod Miss LasosIW Mr. Osborne sad Miu Osborna, Mr.

Fsrquharsom, Mr.Weliesley, Mr. Colli Campbell, Mrv Okdstoaa aad the Miasu Clidttniis Mr, Wtitsr Oavvwdiaa. aad MsstCa. vsssdkh, Mr. Raipk Falser, Mr.

Orwell Strpnay, Mr. B. BntWehastoM, Ma nttr Oanjpfea, At, Tha half yearly distribution of prises to the pupils of tie school frigate Cot way, lying in tha Mersey, took place yesserday tba Mayor of Liverpool (Mr. E. Laurence), pre sided, tad among those present were Admiral tha Hon.

Sir Frederick W. Orry, K.C.B., Admiral Edra. tba snambtrsl af tha Conway Committee of Management, Mr. John LairdJ M.P., Mr. J.

C. Ewart, M.P., tad other gentlemen. Thai pupils In their seat tmifonn stood to tba right af tha enalps' man, aad tba remainder of tba deck wu occupied by a largsf auemblv af tha friends af tba boys. Tba Mavok said that that wu a Queen's ship, aad a that wu tha anniversary of Her Majesty's eoronatien. aa did not think they could open their pmeeediags batter tkanj by commencing with three cheers for tbe Quean.

Tba cheers having been given with enthusiasm, Tha CHAIkMA spoke of tha great advantages inch aa institution possess id ia training youths for tha ses service, aad soma of them far that proleuion which we la. this country were accustomed to regard with to much, honour. It wu, perhaps, difficult for any but those whov had had experience ia tha matter to know tha advaa tags of having educated men cu board a ship. It wu quite)' true that a man who had really ns education might lean to understand his profession thoroughly but tba absesos that culture which stored a msa with useful infermationj "which developed tha reasoning faculties, snd enabled a man' to apply to presrnt emergencies tha information which to? only ho himself, but others bad acquired, wu lamentably and painfully felt, especially ia our mercantile mariaa. This had been tha ease ia dayt gone by.

but he was happy that tha advantages of an InstitaUoai like this were gradually putting an end to it in addition to this, it wis not perhaps generally known, that tha geBerel education which wu given ea board this ship wu such is would fit a boy in after lift for aar ordinary sphere ha might be eallLein to occupy. He wu glad to sea that tha Institution bad beta recognised 1st high official quarters. They hsd had tha special pleasure and honour of lb visits of tha Lords cf tha Admiralty est these oeeuioas of late, and knowing that they bad bad under their awn aotir practical prraf of tha good work on board this vessel, ha" thought they might fairly come to tba conclusion that a permanent precedent had been utabtished. (Cheers.) Ota mora subject ha woo Id refer to which wu morn than all subject for eongrstulation.aod that wu the patron age which Her most gracious Mit stv the Queen had been most pleased to accord to lh em. lie thought they would all ba gratified st tba honour which she had conferred apoa Liverpool tad upon those engaged ia management of (bis institution by promising to give annually two prises to successful candidates.

(Cheers) Tha Secretary (Mr. letters of apology for non attendance from Admirals Robinson and Kiagcoma, the Chancellor of tho Ei chequer. Mr. Horafall, M.P Mr. Charles Turner, M.P Mr.

W. Jacksoa. M.P and other gentlemen. Ha tlrn read highly favourable reports front, Messrs. Norman M'Lrott, F.R.S., asd H.W.

Jeans, F.R.A. on their examination of tha pupils. Tbe latter stated that he bad given to the boys ba examined in nautical utronomy tnd navigation many of tbe sama questions ukad of candidates for tub lieutenants, and be had found then able to answer thesa questions readily. (Cheers.) Both, examiners complimented Captain MouU and the other officers) upon tha proficiency of their pupils. The Secretary next read a length letter from Colonel Sir Charles Fbipps, dated tha 27th inst.

addressed to Mr. Be ailey, tha chairman of tha committee of management, stating that ha had received tha letter Informing hlnx that tha Queen's medal had bean awarded by vota to Mr. Oswald Hillkirk, tod that Mr. Henry SandfW had beea selected to receive tha binocular glau tad 154 toward tha expenses af hia outfit naval cadet Ha bad bad the) honour to submit these announcements to Her Msjesty tho Queen, tad Her Majesty had commanded him to Inform tho committee of bar sanction to tha selection thus mads. Tho Queen had beard srith great utisfaction that tba manner la, which tbe vote were given by tba pupils had proved that thev were not anworthy of the trust thus reposed la than, by Her Majesty, tad Her Majesty hoped that tha pupila who had bean thus' distinguished might through life rw member tha suecens which bad accompanied their commendable efforts to distinguish themselves, tad that a eon tinned eouru of good conduct might secure to them happi.

seu tad distinction ia tha honourable profession which tbsy had chosen. Admiral GRIT then made a few remarks prior to distributing the prizes. Ha reminded tha boys of tba axeellsal advice given to them last year by tha Duka of Somerset. Ha told thou who had gained prizes that they would worth nothing unless their holders continued to exert themselves hereafter. Those who bad not gained prises ba told not to be disheartened, but still to work manfully, remembering that many would visa to tha highest position who bad begun with every disadvantage and, finally, ho reminded them aS that they were English gentleman, tad.

whatever position they were placed in, they should Barer lou sight ot that. He would only add to this excellent advice that at tha life of a sailor was one of mora than ordinary temptation, which no human power might be able alone to resist they should remember that they were always nnder tha eye of tha all teeing God, and that Ha would give them strength to resist. Tha distribution of prizes wu then proceeded with. Her Ms jetty's Gold Medal. Prize pwcCL Oswald Hillkirk.

Her Majesty's wish ia tha establishment of this prise ia to encourage tha boys to acquire tnd maintain tba qualities which will make the finest sailor. These consist of cheerful submission to superiors, self respect and Independence ot character, kindneu tnd protection to tha weak, retdiaeu to forgive offence, desire to conciliate tha differences of others, and, above, all, fearless devotion to duty tnd unflinching Tha mode' o( selecting tha prise pupil eon ists not only ia the testimony of the commander aad head masters to hia possession of the Decenary qualifications, but also hss tbe indorsement of tba boys themselves, tha regulation approved by Her Majestv requiring that tho names ot not leu than three nor mora than nrs boys than bo submitted to lbs other pupils, and tha successful candidate ba chosen entirelyby themselves. His Grace tha Duka of Somerset's Nomination to a Naval Cadetship, Prise pupil, Henry Sandford. Her Majesty's Second Prise, consisting of la bin ocular glau and 35L, Is also presented to Henry Sandford. subject to his passing hisexaraination at Portsmouth, tha desire of Her Majesty being to facilitate tha entry into tha Royal navy ot tha boy who is fortunste enough, la honourable competition, to obtain this cadetship.

Gold Medal of tha Mercantile Marina Sendee Association, For tha greatest general proficiency in all brioches of training and education, John 11. Warren, gold medal ot Mercantile Marina Service Association. Tba Mayor's (Mr. Edward Lawrence) Prize, For proficiency in practical seamanship, Henry Fowler prUa, orate quadrant Tba Broeklebank Prize (presented by Mr. Ralph bank), for Proficiency in Nautical Astronomy, Jocalyn F.

Ruthven, prise, bras quadrant Boyal Naval Reserve Club Prise, for Proficiency in the uu of Nautical Instruments, ke. John H. Warren, prize, sextant Captain Ptynter't Prise, for Proficiency ia Gunnery, Robert Wvlie, prise, Sir Howard Douglas's Naval CuaaerT. Tha first clau medal of tba Liverpool Humana Society awarded to Richard Darling, pupil ot tha Conway, for jumping overboard to tha rescue of a fellow pupil, John Whishaw. Richard Darling also obtains ths first swimmit prise and tha ordinary clau prises.

Admiral Qbxt addressed a few encouraging remarks tot each recipient tad particularly complimented Darling wpott the fine qualities ha bad shown In tha rescue of his fallow addressee were than delivered by Mr. Be azley, Captain Sproula, Mr. Laird, M.P., Mr. Xwart, M.P, Admiral Kda. Mr.

Broeklebank. Mr. Ktakin, Mr. E. Man, aad Mr.

F. A. Clint Mr. BxAXXsrr stated that there were bow 123 pupils oa board tba Conway, tad that ttae its formation 312 boys bad gone into tha naval tad meroaatil services. Twtuty.

three boys had obtained eadetthips, tad tot on tent up had beea rejected. Tbe oommittra had never received a complaint about any boy who bad left tha Conway. In KfoowUdgiug a vol of thanks to him. Admiral Grit said that it had given him tha greatest pleasure to be present on that occasion. had heard from Captain Powell, ot tha Britannia, tn excellent toeouat of tho four pupils who had goat there from tha Conway.

Ha had bean over tha ship and seen tha arraagamenta, aad was much pleased with all. Education of their officers as wall of their men wu ooa" of tha great waste of tba day tad ha would mention, for tha information of tha oorarairU, that a knowledge af tbe French laaguag wu bow regarded aa essential In tha education of British naval efiUar. Admiral Ed XX promised flrat eUa cadetship for com petition in tba eaeuiag year aad Mr. Ratkia placed at the disposal of tha committee a ram of lOOf. for prospect! ra prise.

The proeeedUgi concluded with a vota of thinks to the donors of prizes aad tha chairman. After leaving tha Conway, tha Admirals, accompanied by ths Msyar, Captain PaynUr (Her Maletty's ship DorMgal), and other gentlemen, visited tba Aktxir tad tho Clartnea reformatory ships, tha boys of which maenad yard. On tha Akbtr there art about 170 boys, all Protestants, tad on the Clarence about 120 boys, sll Roraiu Catholics. Tba admirals went all over tbe ships, tha boys war paraded, tad Admiral Grey briefly addressed then. Tho party then proceeded on board the Donegal, where they war en tar.

taiaedby Captain Payater. After this they visited Maun. Laird, Brothers' shipbuilding yard, tad inspected the pro greu of tha Agiacourt, and than returned to Liverpool aad diced with the Mayor ia tba evening. A Goon Lxvwa. The Earl of Chichester hag laid before tho Houu ot Lords a Bill providing But toy future appoiatmeut to th.

vicarage of Bmhililt ahtS ha sub set to such regulations as ParUamoot may enaei for appotiioaiag tba endowment betwaea tha pariah thmraa tad tb district aharehea. Tha Bill states tbat th tadowmot of th vicarage at present exeaeds 4.0CXX a yatr, aad that ths value of tb glsb lands win laeraase la future years hut than an several ether ahurchaa la tho pariah tnade quaUly endowed. The vicarage it in Ut patronage of the Bishop of Mtnrhuter. Txxasrxx Taovx. The list oi treasure trove, claimed by th Solicitor of th Treasury oa behalf of the Crown sine tb 1st of March, 1J64 (tb daU of the last retort), down to th lQth of May, 1A is very short A gold coin valuad at 31.

wu found at Long Creadon, Busks, and placed la th British Moarzxa on payment of tho ia, a. being paid to tb firmer on whoa ground th eata was found, aaa fiva piece of gold found tt Wlmborne war also placed la th Bctiah Museum ess payment of 16X the attlmaiadvVuo, to tb finders teL, tba vara ef 63 gsld coins found la aa tartan jar la a field at Stoskarawtx, Laicutenhtre. was paid to tho finders, tad are of tba sola were grantad to tb lord of too taanor en payment of tbsix Tthso.aad tonprusmtad to tho Ltsnettar Mnusmu 6,003 a Horwwu, near Newark, were antad wantcfeM wu avad tpa 7.

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