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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 8

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, 1871. UBBIUL CJLTHOLlCim IS OKRMANY. (FROM OCft FXCSUAX COEkKUOXDEST.) BEKLIN, Jirr. V. FcrtnriAtaiy for tho prospect of tho anti InfallibilityInfallibility movement, Dr.

Ddlliajer ha not succeeded in fttha hU conservative programme accepted nn mended by the Munich meeting. An important addition haa been appended to the original draught, and carried by an overpowering majority, notwithstanding the retiiUnce offered by the Munich pro feasor and aome of hi aehoUriy frienda. In ita new form the programme ia aa follow? "LA proper seat of ar reUfiov duties compels a to tliai to Ue eld Calaeli faith sslaM dow la Hl; Writ and tradition, and to tb old Catholic form of Dirfoe tk. If a therefore regard oa retire legitimate members ef th Catholic Church and will Bot WaipelleJ from tbat Church, nor do rtaooaec aer of th civil or ecclesiaa (oal rixUti btlongiag to It, As to the ecclesiastical peaalties to which we have been aabjceted for adhering to tb old faith, we deciaro then arbitrary aad absurd and ahall Dot thereby he prevented from ackoowleigicg ourselves aad acting a tree aad Maadeetioa eoss of tat Church. Taking nr stand npoo the creed eonUis sd in the Srmbolam of reject tho dogmas proclaimed under the pontificate of Pio Nono aa contrary to lb doctrine of the Church and to the principles which hare prevailed siiiee the fin Council wai aaaambloJ by the A pot tie we mora especially reject th dogma of Infallibility aad of tho sopreme, immediate, aad ver eodnric juriadictiec of the Pope.

We adhere to the old noostitntion of the Church We repudiate every attempt to restrict the right of the in dividual blshopa to direct the religiose eoacema of their re spective djooeasea. wi repudiate the doctrine cooteiaed in the vatieanio decreet, that the rope is the only divinely appointed exponent of eonlotiastical Authority, men doe triae beint at variance with the Ceoon of Treat, which teach that the hierarchy consists of bishops, priests, an) deacons, and that this hierarchy ia Instituted by God. We acknowledge the primacy of the' Roma'a bishop as it hu beea acknowledged in accord to oo with the teatimony of Holy VTrit, aad by the testimony of the Fathers aad Conn cili of the old undivided Chriatiaa Church. We further more declare, (a.) That more I required to define dogma thaa the dictum of aome temporary Pope, backed by the content. tacit or expressed, of the Kthopa, who hare taken the oath of inviolate obeditnre to their Primate.

dogma to be ralid mntt be io acoordaace with Holy Writ and the old tradition of the Church, tuth at they hare been coaveyed to aa la the writinga of the reoogsued Fathera and the decree of the Council. En ii Oecumenical Council, though it ware really ceeamenical and possessed the formal qualiScation which the late Vatican Council lacked, would not be entitled to enaet dacieea in opposition to the fund mental trains ana the put history of the Church nor would such illegal decree be binding upon the member of theJChureh eren though they had been paxaed aaaaiaoualy, And, we declare, "(6.) That the docprialis decision of a Ooasdl mutt be in ewJormity with the religion belief of the Oetholio people. that they mart agree with Catholie science aad the original and traditional faith of the Church. We reserve to the Catholic clergy aad laity, at well aa io theological scholars, the right to pronounce an opinion, upon and protest against dogma. 3.

Availing oaraelre of the assistance of theological and canonical srieaoe, we aim at a reform of the Chareh, which, la the apirit of the eld Church, i to do away with the abaaee aad abortoomlaga bow prevailing, aad which will satisfy the legitimate withe of the Catholic people for a ragalar and constitutional share la the direction of eccle siastical iff sirs. We mala tain that the reproach of Jansenism is nn Justly cast upon the Church of Utrecht, and that, aocord lojly, there ia no difference of dogma between ouraelrea aad that Church. We hope for reunion with the Greek, Oriental, aad Kantian Churches, the separation of which from the Catho lie Chorea arose without any cogent reason, and ia prolonged without there being any iaeompetiblliti la dogma Between aad them. "It these reform are carried out, aad the road of amenee aad ptogiemlTo Christian culture is steadily panned, we expect that the time will com wbee an underttaadiag will be effected with the rarioaa Protestant Churches, aa weD at with the Episcopal Churches of Eaglaad and America. "4.

In edaeaUag the Catholie clergy, we deem It India. peeaable that they aaoald be admitted to the study of theological acieoee. Considering that the clergy eierdas great' laSaeaee upoe the iatelleetual eoadUioD of the people. aad that we all are alike interested in pus as ting a plena, IbotsJ, IntcQigeat, aad patristic clergy, we deem It dangerous that candidate tor elenoal boaoura abouid. be.

brought up la a state of amftcial aeclasiea) from the culture of the cenloiy, a is bow the ease ia the sesainariea aad ether similar lasticuUon directed by the biaheps. We demand a position and protection from hierarchical tyranny for the numbers of the lower elergy. We deprecaio the practice receatly the biaaop. ia imitation of the French law, of arbitrarily removing cler. fjTaBJfroo one parish te aaetfaer.

LAwumWUat ad aMrfaasi.) 5. We are. faithful to the political eonttituOon of our Tariou Statea, because they gaaraatee drie liberty and the edvaaee of the buasaalaiag ealtare of. mankind. We, thereore, reject, from saaeee alike eoanected with the politics of the day and the history of drillaatios, the treasonable deetrine of Papal aupremaey, aad pTotuiae to stand by oar retpectire GoTerameats ia their struggle against Ultramootane pnnaplea a reduced tM dogma ia the 8yUsbos.

6. Aa the present diaastrou division ia the Catholie Church has been notoriously brought about by the ec eaTled Bodsty of Jesus aa this order Is, moreorer, abusing Its power, Infecting the hierarchy, the clergy, and the people with teadencia hostile to culture, orderly gorernmeat, and national program aad a this order teach aad inculcates a false and corrupt syatem of morals, we express our eoavio tion that peace aad prosperity, eoacord in the Chareh, aad the eatahliahmeat of proper relation between the Church aad society wulbeoaly poaaial after the iojurieu action of thia order has beea put aa cad to. 7. A member of that Catholie Church which cannot be altered by the late decree of the Vatican, and which ha bad it existence guaranteed aad protected by the rarieue States, we maintain a right to the eeeular property of the Church. "8.

Bearing in mind that In the programme drawn up' at Munich last WhitsaoUd bare already reaerred our nght, ia the anomalous coadition in which we are placed, to have the ceremonies of the Church performed by priests Under ecclesiastical censure that i a the aame progiamiue aoroa of those pnestabava declared their willingness to per form those functioaa that we are juatifled, by necessity, in thus going back to the apostolical time when there were no distinct parishaa that the having recourse to such priestly actios is dependent on local circumstance, and individual want that until aueh change in the law can be effected a will satisfy these wants, Catholics adhering to the old faith of their Church cannot be left without the legal benefit of certain ecclesiastical acts, the Catholie Congress reeolvr, (a.) Tbat ia all places where tbe.waat. ia felt regular pariah print shall be appointed, the question whether there Is a want being left to the decision of the local committees. lb.) We claim to hare our priest recognized by the eeeular authorities aa entitled to perform those religions faoctSona on which deil right are baaed, in accordance with the exiatlng legislation of many States, "(d) The Tarioos Oortrnnienta are te be petitioned to accord us thee rights. (at) Hsriag beea placed in the condition in which we nd ourselves, every Old Catholic entitled to ask foreign bubop to perform the said auction for him and when the right moment ha come we ahall be justified in procuring a regular, episcopal jurisdiction." The principal difference between thia programme ad tho old consists ia Clauaa 8. which ls onitu new.

Dr. Dollinger, the original draught, had contented himteif with the abstract announcementa of the first seven' claaaos, and entirely omitted to provide for their be'un; carried oat pjractically by the formation of old Catholic com munitiee. Even when tho Liberal membexa of tlie xneetinK propoaed the introduction of Ctauae 8 the' great scholar opposed their demand, and cautioned them against a step calculated. to lead to aecaasiou. Tho time for ao decisive a atep, he aaid, had hardly arrived, and, after all, tho worst that could happen was the growth of lecta.

They had therefore better refer the question to a apodal committee, or put it off indefinitely. Bat' tho meeting refused to be guided by a man whose priestly atrong in the previous stageaof his career, are too well preserved, oven in his present oppoaitional phase, to allow him to draw decisive conclutiona from his own premisaea. "When he avowed his real sentiments at the meeting it was Dlain aren to tho uninitiated that though hu Vast acnolsriy attainments bad tempted him to contradict the forgerie with which the' Jeanita endea a a a 1 idi std Tourau prop up ine aogma of intauiDiuty, toe IVrfessor stiufelt too much a member of tho Ksta Uiahment to rabel againat Borne except in words. 3na orr7 poaition of many rtholica, cave beeo excommnnictted for aigning addresaes Infallibility, and now are denied the ad van tageaof marrisce, baptiam, and decent burial, dV That ia, the itproaah of attaching tool little Importance the forsns aad carwacadeebservadby thaChurah. and manded immediate redress.

Those runferttmatate present mntt either forego the benefit of the office of the Church or else hare recourse to makeshift, imitated from the Apotolical age, and of doubtful validity in the eye of the law. For theae reasons the meeting declined to listen to the objections preferred by their distinguished leader, and resolved to proceed with the formation of old Catholic congregations. There is no doubt that theae new religious aocietira will be recognized by the German Governments, and that their priests will be regarded a competent to marry and baptize in the sense and with the legal privilege vested in these ceremonies by the law of the land. The more safely to protect them, it ia probable that civU marriaze will oe shortly introduced into the various Slates of the Empire. "Indeed, the Prussian Government are even now engaged in drawing up a Bill for this purpose to.

be submitted to the Landtag in a month or ad. Other ame'ndroenta of the original draught refer to the education of the clergy and the participation of the laity in administering the affairs of the Church. In regard the latter interesting item, which had been very ambiguously alluded to in the first programme, the Liberals managed to carry an amendment granting the laity a regular and constitutional share in the despatch of ecclesiastical busi ness. As to the education of tho clergy, the Liberals expunged a passage requiring the supervision of the clerical seminaries br the secular authorities. However the bishops might hare mismanaged the semi tea i nana, it was Detter, mey neiu, jeare mem to the direction of the Church than to rely, upon the Government, whose Ministers sometimes in dtilired in Ultramontane DroDensities.

In this Dr. DolTinger concurred with the Liberals. Other minor amendments do not need specification. In the shape the movement has assumed after the enactment of the corrected programme, the ex treme reserve manifested in leaving the ancient creed and constitution intact is compensated to a certain extent by resolve to proceed with the formation of Old Catholic congregations. As the reader will hare observed, the only dogmas rejected by the programme are the Infallibility of the rope.

the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, and the monstrous articles regarding secular government in the Syllabus, baaed upon the former canons and bulla of the Holy bee. in addition to this, the auDremacT of the rope it somewhat restricted. and the Infallibility of the (Ecumenical Councils made dependent on ao many conditions as to render the introduction of fresh dogmas virtually impossible. The test of the ancient creed is not affected by the votes of the meeting, nor is the constitution of the Church at all modified, though the wiah for improvement is expressed. However, as congrega tions are to be organized.the indefinite foreshadow insaSof the programme in this, latter respect will.

perhaps, supply a basis for ulterior reform. If the new corporations avail themselves of the right expressly rested in them of looking after their own rehsrioua concerns, it will be difficult to confine them to mere administrative business, and ther mar cradnallv come to exercise a sen sible influence eren upon the teaching of their re spective priests. In such a case discrepancies will probably arise in the doctrine preached in the various congregations, when another Congress will have to be called to make up for the omissions of this week's assembly. Thia anticipation is justified by the knowledge that the anti Infallibility move ment has been chiefly supported by such as do not believe in many other dogmas, either, and that the Munich meeting, in allowing itself to be guided in the greater part of its resolutions' by professorial conservatives, acted in deference rather to the personal, weight and authority of ita leaders than in accordance with the manifest wishes of its constituents. But will the new denomination possess sufficient ritality to work out the proposed reforms Will the movement expand, and from a startling appa rition raise itself to the higher dignity of an abiding fact In modern Germany there is bat one way of achiering this.

Mere opposition to the Pope will not do it. Eren the abolishing of obsolete mat i i i i a nt ter now vigorously laaen ui nana, wui do oi no avau only their replacement by a new doctrine, in harmony with the views of an enlightened century. yet aurhciently devout to alake the religiona thirst of this serious nation, can effect a real and permanent success. The task is so difficult and its ablution ia likely to be ao gradually accomplished' that there are probably few among the German enemies of the Pope sanguine enough to hope for an immediate result. For the present the new Church which caila itself the old will have to be sa til fled with recruiting from the classes which hare supplied the comparatirely small stock of members it possesses, aueh as ardent reformers or men too much disgusted by Papal arrogance to continue even in nominal allegiance to the Holy See.

As for the Tnaaafia.tbey cannot now bo counted upon. They will bo gained over only at a future tune when ouared some thing more consolatory than barren opposition to a 3 i 1.1 "it m. an gtccu wnica mey wag anow dobs xveiy ucucre, while those' ignorant of its real bearings do not allow the simplicity of their reverential feelings to be disturbed by the objectionable portion of its contents. At the same time, it is easy to foresee that the re ligious agitation which has lust been formally in auffurated will receive some impulse from politics. The hostility which the Ultramontanes bare persistently evinced towards the Protestant Government of this kingdom since it contrived to unite Germany under its auspices will eventually compel all patriots to show a common front to Romanism.

If Rome really will not reconcile herself to the events that hare put a lAtheran at the head of Uermany. and at the same time ao restricted the limits of the new Empire as to place in it 26,000,000 Protestants with but half as many Catholics, the straggle between her and thia nation ia sure to grow intense. The anger of the Uerman people will be awakened, and their Go vernments, which have already been forced to as sume the defensive against ecclesiastical attacks, will deem it necessary to proceed to active hostility. Public feeling thus combining with the action of the constituent authorities, it is the Pope, both in his temporal and his spiritual capacity, who must expect to hare the worst of it. Thia ia the more cer tain as even the Governments of those States tra ditionally accustomed to regard Catholicism as their raiton dCttrt have, by the overbearing manoeuvres of His Holiness, been compelled to join the forces arrayed against him.

Not content with pitting himself against united Germany, Pio Nono, by proclaiming Infallibility and Syllabus, has also attempted to interfere with the administration of her individual States, and seeks to revive the most extraragant assumptions of his mediaeval predecessors. The, plan would be incredible unless it were a fact but aa it exists it must be guarded against. Feeble are the elements engaged in its realisation, it would yet be unadrisable to underrate their possible in muuence at a tune wnen, million are sent to the urn by the Liberals, and preached to in their workshops by the Communists. Hence the Prussian dynasty is driven to combat Homo as the enemr of the new institutions of Germany, and the Bavarian Sorereiini resists the Jesuits because they aim at superseding his domestic prerogatire by a theocratic riwne. Conflicts already are anything but rare, and likely to multiply if the war goes on.

The excitement of this contest wiiL no doubt, redound to the advantage of the new religious sect. Perhaps it will eren result in an ac cession of members. The more anti national the attitude of Rome, the more necessary it may appear to many Catholics to repudiate the foreign jurisdiction and join a Church of native growth. There is, then, the chance of patriotism allying itself to the Old Catholics and strengthening them, though they should lack the help of an inspiring reform for some time to come. But in a nation like the German no religious improvement can ever be accomplished on a political basis alone, its real inner force and its true outward strength must come mainly out of the depths of the human soul.

In point of attendance the Munich meetinsr had a fair show to boast of. Many aud worthy were the members. From the following towns deputies elected by local committees appeared Augsburg, Stuttgart" Heidelberg Carlsruhet Bonn, Brealau, Vienna, Regenaberg, Wurzburg, jKeinpten, Douau onn, Aiemminsen. Liuuau. Haulbearen.

eont hofen, Fussen, Oberdorf, Gronenbaeh, Ingolstadt, assau, Straubinz. Pfarrkirchen. Neuenburv. Schainfurt, Ketzing, Kulm, Hof, Nttroberg, Erlangen, Forth, and EichaUdt. In addition to theae, many other cities, among them Berlin, Coblentz, Coin, Wiesbaden, Crefeid, Essen, Man heimi Ac, were represented br notabilities distin guished in the cauae.

I may as well mention some of the beat known members Profeasors Dollinger, Friedrieh, and Hober (from Munich), Professor bchulte (front fragile). Professor Reinkens (Brealau), Professor Btunpf (CobleatsX Professor Schrickar (Ofen), Professor Windscheid fHeidel berg). Professor Massen (Vienna Professor Michelia and Rer. Dr. Wollmaun (Braunsber), Professor Rcnach, Professor Bauer, Rev.

C. Tan eerman fBonin. Rev. W. Anton (Vienna), Rer.

K. Kaminski (Upper Silesia), Judge Wulfen (Pauau), the Bavarian Attorner General. Von Wolf (Munich), Dr. Volk fMember of the German and Bararian Parliaments, from Nordlinsren), Herr rem Floron court fViennal Baron Staufenbersr. drc Some foreign rentleinen were also present ai the ait tings.

Ruaaa had sent Professor Oamin to watch the anti Romanist proceedings in the interest of the Oriental Church. The Utrecht Church of Holland had deputed Professor Vanti'e for Switzerland Senators Keller and ilnnzinger acted and even France and Spain did not disdain to take part, having Father Hyacinth and M. de Liano on the spot. Some English gentlemen are likewise mentioned. The real work of the meetinsr was done in private sittings, of which we hsre but scanty reports.

Of public sittings there were only two, and these chiefly devoted to rhetorical addresses, setting forth the iniquities of the Roman Church; The most effective, speaker on this occasion was Father Hya cmthe, who, although he spoke tn French, by the mingled rigour and racineaa of hi language earned immenso applause. He particularly warned the audience againat falling into the fashionable error of the times of either becoming Jesuit or Atheist, or, as he tersely put it, Bhuddist or Heathen. The Swiss members, with their plain unpretending diction, and Professor Schnlte, whose ruged West L' pnauan nature came out nne, ucewiae capti vated their hearers. Professor Michelis, in tremendous harangue, demolished the Jesuits. Ddllineer did not come forward at all in the pre sence of the proanum vulmu.

There were nearly 6.000 stranaers at each of the two public sittings, and the Catholic capital of Germany was not a little stirred uo br the singular event but the impression produced upon the public, when the door shut them all was tbat much more remained to be done. TUB BABX OF PEKSIA. TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir, Notices of the rise of a new quati Christian sect in Persia have, I believe, appeared from time to time in Bag Hah newspapers. Little, however, appears to be known open the subject in this country, and the following Infor mation may therefore be acceptable to many of your reader.

Of. ail the follower or Mahomet the Metawely of Persia are among the inost bigoted and fanatical. Not only will they not eat or drink with Christians, but they dash to piece any veaeel belonging to themout of which a Christian ha drunk, gather their garments round them a they pass a Christian is the street lett they should be contaminated by contact with him, and should any Christian book be tn their way they remove it with tenia rather than defile themselves by touching it. About 30 year ago some intelli gent aad thoughtful member of theaect, of good position and education, were led by this very excess of bigotry to inquire iato tha reason of it, and, having procured from some Christians copies of the Testament in the Arabia lan guage, devoted themselves to it careful study. The result of their investigation was that they became convinced of its truth, sccepted it as the Word of God.

and embraced its doctrine. They did not, however. abandon their faith la Mahomet as a prophet of God, and the Koran at a divinely inspired book, but believed themselves able to reconcile the hitherto antagonistic creed of Islam and Christianity. Their doctrine, which received the name of Bab el Hnk (door of truth), spread rapidly, and in the coarse of a few year was professed by 200,000 persons. A persecution now arose, during which 20,000 adherent of the new doctrine were slain, and it founder, known as Bebeyah Allah, took refuge with a amall band of friends at Bazdad.

Here he continued to hold communication with his followers in Persia, and exercised so much influence that the Government of that country requested the Sultan of Turkey to remove him from such dangerous proximity to soma place where he could lee easily ha communicated with. He waa acoordinglv seat to Edaraay, aad eubeequentiy to another fortress where he sow is. In the spring of the present year I had an opportunity of visiting the Bah in their place of confinement. Bebeyah Allah himself does not readily concede aa interview to stranger, and receive only such at art deal root of from him instruction in religious truth. Vr were received by hi son, who i apparently about 30 year of age, and has a fine intellectual countenance, with black hair aad beard, and that sallow, melancholia look which distinguishes.

nearly all Persians of the intelligent and religions class, tit ws dressed la aerobe of white nan net, with cap of the same material, and a small white tur ban. Over' biashoulders was thrown a brown cloth abbit. He appeared pleased to see us, but objected to answer ques tions respecting the origin aad history of th sect. Let (peak of. things spiritual," he aaid, what you are now asking 1 ef no But oa our telling him that people in.

England would naturally be curious to Know in way ao remarkable a reliaioas move ment had arisen, aad who ware the originator of it, be give the information her detailed. Ha bad remarkably earnest, almost solemn manner, spoke excellent Arable fluently, aad showed a minute and accurate knowledge of the Old and New Tattamanti, aa well a an acquaintance with the history of religious thought la Europe. Our Interview lasted two hears, during the whole of wmen time aa animator! conversation was main tained, ike ai true. Oriental, he seldom gave a direct answer to a question upon any point of doctrine, but replied by another question, or by aa illustration, bis object throughout apparently being to convince bis questioners of what he considered to be truth. He seemed te speak a one coosetooa superior light as a great teacher might paak to his disciple.

Why," he Inquired, did not at th time of our Lord i advent were io expectation of their Messiah, believe oa him And, aesenUng to our reply that it was because they misunderstood the Scriptures, he asked whether it might not be the ease that Christians in like manner now misunderstood the Scripture the Inference (not expressed) being that hit father, waa aent by God to teach the true doctrine. We did not' obtain from him a clear atatament of the vie wa of the sect with, reference to his father character aad office, but. a very' intelligent convert subsequently in formed us that be was (at least by aome) believed to be the angel spoken of in the first vers of the 18th chapter of Th fundamental doctrines of the sect we eteertaibed to be That Christ ia the Son of God and the Saviour of the world. 2. Tbat he died and rose again.

3. That justification is br faith In him. i. That th new birth la necessary to salvation and good works as aa evidence of it a. That th Holy Spirit operating upon th heart produce this nw birth.

They have no priests aad no baptism. Circameision is practised among them, but Is net essential. They have several works written by Beheyah and other members of the aeet, but it doe not appear that these are regarded as authoritative. They believe that Christ will return, but piritually. Beheyah Allah la aaid to have arrived at the truth aolely byatudyof the; Word of God.

It it believed that be ha at present 70,000 or 80,000 follower in Persia, bat not openly prof eased. When persecuted they do not fight or are ready to die for their opinion. Between 70 aadfSOahar the exile and imprisonment of their leader. They are allowed considerable liberty within the walla of the city, Bebeyah alone being confined to his house. "iThey are allowed about 5d.

a dayi per man by the Turkish Government. It is 15 years since they Lift their native country and between two aad three nuce they were brought to their present place of confinement. Thia remarkable movement and it history are suggestive of many reflections. In ita religious, social, and political aspects it It full of Interest, and it seem surprising that public attention has not been earlier drawn to it. Some may be dispotad to ask whether England, Bibla Iaviag aad freedom loving it is her boast to be, baa no voice to raise in behalf of men wham aha, by her Bibles, hat probably, been the unooascioua means of enlightening, aad whose en li htnmert appears te be their only crime.

From all that I could learn, that people lead pure aad harmless Uvea, and bold no political opiniona which could render them danger ous. But ta subject ha a wider interest than that involved in th fate of these individual. A question as great aa any that have ever agitata! the world ia beginning to prees for settlement namely, whether the progress of enlixhten Bient, and, in particular, of Chriatiaa enlightenment among Mahometan races is to be stopped by toe rude hand of persecution aad massacre. It is not in Persia alone that this question presenting itself. Tour obedient servant, THOMAS CHAPLIN', M.D.

16, Iincola'a Iaa Ccld. St. Pact's Cithsdjul. The following are the names of Breathers appointed by th Bishop of London to preach on the four remaining Sunday morning of th 5 teat momn. uetoeer ana oar.

uoariea srshsll, of Trinity College, Cambrilge, Prebendary ef St. Paul' and Vicar of St. Bruit's. Fleetntrcet Sunday, October 15, the Rev. B.

Morgan Oowie, B.D., of St. John's Collars. Oambridxe. Minor Canon of St. Paal'a aad Vicar of 8V Lawreaee by the GnildhalL city Suaday, October 22, the Bar.

John Bradley Dyne, D.U., nf Wadham College. uxiord, rrebeauary or. at. raw a aaa ana jsasser or Highgata School: Sunday, October 29, th Rev. J.

E. Kemne. V. of Clare CoUexe. Cambridge.

Prebendary of St. Pear and Rector of St Jamea'a, Piccadilly. Th Rixht Her. BlahoD Clauchton brine the canon la residence for the month wDloceosr tha pulmt la the afternoon. THE T13IBS may be PURCHASED ia PARIS, fn MA.DHE.

Bae Croiaaaftt. aad at ah amk and BKCdrftX from LlMmVt aad Co. 43. Kue Jaais Jo St the piw of miIih jaWit CStt B' HUH of LUX DON'S PreaUent Tbo Lorl Kahoeaf LOSDOX. ntsLasn ilkss.

Sir W. B. ranmhar. Bart. I F.

Caieoove. Em. H. Barnett. Xao.

vLt. I John MamJ. V. asoast said to this dale Aaaawit premised Ontral Occaauttee, attber tmme ftlatelrerar iastaleaw ia years or urn Ti iinn ITS i39.Sa 31st 3 3 Total sssemrt paid and prwaised Tb feOevfctt ccmtrftnitiooa aare beaa annnnaned ICT1 AUaaSasrtstlsBi marked thes (t) are parable br amMal If tlx aaebCT rrirtntalaautsk tut. Imttnsle.

all such soaeerts Uods are aarabta ia 10 rears. Kemiuaoees from Local AtwwiaHont. Sa. Paneraa, SMS remiuauee. nee W.

St. Truai. so. IS a u. Jew LXmaBou.

R. Wklta. EMj. lXh doo. Xn.lVKU.

PasDt. SU don. Wm. Rlriurtoo. Xeq.

Kev. Joha Bmlta. tU don. T. J.

2ksnBlain.Es. 3d dm. Ceo. Ley born. Xav, 4U don.

Tbos. WCsoo. Xao. al aaa. IS SO 10 10 0 13 00 100 E.

D. Read'nT Bar. T. StiUat. 6th 3 3 00 0 0 CO 0 01 doa.

3 0 0 Mm Wllaoe. add, a 0 N. Tatt. Em. 0C 100 Stbdao.

10 0 0 r. J. Labert, aVKU at doo. J. WeodroAtL Xo 5 0 0 K.H.

T. The aTtowtae narmentt have beea made to the Toad ouecoaDt 0 0 0 3 0 Mrs. Alien, eon. for 171 XI 0 W. Law, LVn, Ml aaa.

5 0 Mrs. C. DTWake. 7th but. ISO E.Cldoit7oClin.

00 lLU.BrTdfioa. ri ana. 4 0 0 00 The atlases Sims, fell ana. 3 Hoo. H.

IhkUcr Kffcf, aan. for IS71 TK. Tiokm at IWlforJ. ..1.000 II 00 D. Chorea CoIWOoo.

Uffertorka Ac. BC JoUa. Bet Imal green, par S. Wart. at, eavtoaz.

ni7rojr )uar. lT Be. F. Penr ar.cua uoesmar (Jna. ca.

Chrm fJhaKh. aataiaeld. at. John. Great Vrtboroab strel nar sc.

PauL Old Urmitford. Em. K. B. Madeira, per Kee.

J. John perT. Whitttnjtoo. Esq, nsB streM. nr Rev.

H. V. 1ft Hawttt B' ti 10 0 31 10 0 0 sua Almaiae 1 11 DrabbU 0 0 Christ Charoh. Chelsea talus' bos), per Rev. It Christ Church.

8ooMr ton. Per Ker. J. 3. WorsJold 3 1 ISHOP of LONDON'S FUND.

AJf UAL SUB SCR1PTIOX3 aad DONATIONS, kr lastaloaeau or la eae sum. wdlbearoroprlaUd. acoordiuc the wlU o( the doooe. either the Ueaeral ruad or to say or it apaetal eDjeeta, ttahaiDtioitt mar be tId to llars. Uerriot.

7anrahar. and Co Ko. IA at. Jaaws (tnt: Hun. Hoare.

S. Fleet street Sir aamnel Hmu. kut and On. Uavadtaa iaare Mean Ooutts aad Ga. Ka.

SdL Btral Mem. HametW aad Ouu at Unibard atreet the hank nf Borland or In Phi Ha Wriest. Ka Beeretarr. St th otBee. No.

iA. TaUHaaU. CheqiMa and purt oaVe orders seat to the onto eaa be made parable to the Secretary, aad should be uoaeml Berries aad Co. OSee of the Faad. iA.

Pall maa IW, October 1st, 1STL BISHOP FUND. Tha Biahoo of ROCHESTER. To carry oa the Home Mit rioa eo Chareh Kxteatioo Work, eoa meosed by the Bishop oC London the atetropoUtaa Oeaserlee of Barttet. Oreenwtch. aad Wootleh.eaitauilnc a pepa'atiaa of aboat aaa bow tnaaerrea toe moose oi nocaencr.

All available roads h.v beea eshaostei by the craaU which have beea Bade for ehorcheascbool efaorshaA mlaaioa parsoa aces, mfeaton euratet. aorlptara readers sad parochial miaatou wodmo. Treaurert alr T. Fowell Buxton. Ben.

sad Octsrlat Coops. Smu Dnnatlotia anar ba aceaad over vaara. ANNUAL aad IXJ.VATIOS3 may be paid to the Bishop of Bochwter's Fund, at Barnett aad 0 and Vara bard aueet or to the Hon. Sacretary. 31 Great Uor tret.

West. mloater or to the Kev. J. X. Procter.

Aldboroash faatcii Vlearace, 11 ford. Cheqne taoold be crone 1 Barnett aad Co and post offloa orders shoold be slmilariy crossed, aad made parable to J. If. ProeUr. at the General FVxt offlea.

PANiaH CONSULAT OKNKHAL. Ex portalion Ireident OPANISH o(8al Noce. Ball from the iVmraoMnt Works of TorrevWia, Boral Order, dated Kb A trust laaC the ooet per metric qelalal of COMMON SALT for KXPOKTATION to formxa eoontries or to the Bpaatah Coloalee has oeea fixed at 1 peseta. wssaeJ. and oraumes anwaaaao.


Dunne the storms of the JLi past ti moatha the Natloaal lifehost lastitntioa eoatrlbeted to the nvuis oc uvea rroas vanoat empwreezs, aaa veswu dobi dialiwiilnn. It Kj muutauaL CONTKIBOTION3 are earaeaUy toUeltod. sad will be thaakfoUy received by Meaars. WUlis end OowCootU aad Co. HerrbsaodCa; brail th other Loodoo sad eoostry bankers sod by the secretary.

Blehard Lewla Eax. at the lastitauuo. it. Joha street. Aaeipni.

ixnano. ATIONAL EDUCATION UKAUUJi The THIRD ANNUAL CXNKRAL MCSTINu wui be beU at the AtMmblf Rooms. Nee sueel Blrtnftisham. oa Tuesday aad Wednesday. lTtb aad lath Uctutor 1SL.

PROaBAMUK. Tuesday, October 17. aforntas Bttttng, tram 13.30 ottoek a.m. tOI L39 p.nv Cbalrman'a Addiaaa. Qeom Dixna.

Si M.P. The Beport of the Executive Committee. Moved by Sir Charles mika. IUrt P. Bamidad br.AUnd Illlnrwarth.

Km M.P. CleeUoa of the CoaaetL fKBosrt, and Xxeeauve Oomauttee. Moved be the Bee. H. atetnthal IMaaehestert Beeoadad by SaDOorted or BseolatloB provMlng for Parliamentary Action fa the coarse of Next heeUoo.

Moved by J.ChamberUin, Zao. (Chairmaa of Xxeeatlve CoounJUee), teeoodel by Joseph CtowetLjiuk, aso, tNewcaeUe on Trne) aupportei by luwtra auau, smu au ftaraooa fitttiae. SaJo. taS n.fa. Paper, Messutel by tha Committee of on the Worktaf aad tMfeeu oc tae setaeaiary ssnaoauoo Act.

Paner oa Sohool Fee, be Mr. W. Dale. M.A. Pauer on EduoaUoo Act aad ft Wortlac to Wale, by Bev.

Boolrr Johnatone, Mertarr. Diacwloh to be opened by Bev. J. Yf. CtlU eott, M.

Head Matter of the iMatol Free Oraeusar BebooL Wedosadsy, October 11 Maralnc Blttiac. 10.33 am. to L30 cm. Paner aad Dlaeaselaa oo Edueatkm la Iretaad aad Scotland. Rev.

David WUsoo. D.O. Limerick; Bev. John Baott Porter. BsUast: sod F.

IL Umtt J.P. Parfcaoaar, DengsanoB. aill attend aa a Deputation (rem the National Kdoaation Leacue far Irelaad. Artaraooa Blttlar. 3 aa to i aa Papers oa Tree P.lnoatlnn.

by nir OfUe. Bart. M.P. aad JaaM tear; lion, aeereaarr aaa xneeaaaHo. Breams.

D.BL Ooowmatlooe In the Twn halLat thelavitatiooof theMayorof Members wbhlaf to eonsrtbute papers, or to speak oa the asbfesta set down for diemisslna, srerennaetsif to commimleale wtth the Beete tar atoBoa. All partteulars may be obtained oo application at the otBeea of the Mara. Aaa street, ggmmtnaia rTtAXCIBADAM Secretary. IJBINOE of WALES'S ROYAL THEATBK 1 Leasee aad Maaarer. Mies Marie WOtoo (Mrs.

Bancroft). 1113 fcVX.XINU. at o'clock. wlU be performed T. W.

Koberttoa's cclflnai eomady CASTat Oeorr Alroy. Mr. Oorhlaa: Captala Hawtree, Mr. Banoroft; Boales, Mr. Oeorte Bouey; 8am Oeirldc.

Mr. Hare: the MarqoUed saint Meor. Mr.LMnrray:atheraxMlasLydia Foou; aad PoUy Koola. Mist Marie WUtosi. Act Oourtahlp the lieue aouae la mtniaia act x.

statriaaooy tae Kxleinn ia Mart air. Act Widowhood: the Uttle bona In Btaneata AWJSO, CUT OFF WITH A SHILLING, br Tbeyre atalthTMr. ObUettsTkr. Herbert. sod Miss A.

Wilton. Box oOot hours tUIA Nofeet forbooktttc seats. Ne abarr for procramnia. aa. Jlr.

Baoeroft requeatathe eo OPeratiOB ot tae poaue ia carryrat oat tats reeniatmn. hUEKN'8 THEATRE. HINKO, every eveninir. Mr. sad Mrs.

Henaana Vezin. New scenery eoatly drtsese and appotatmenta. Oroheatns ttaUa, Is. balcony. St, box stalls.

Is. piv Is. td. aacUthaatrt, tHrj, (4. Free adaheiooa abolished foe ever.

UEEN'S. HINKO. "Rapidity of 1 action and vi lataosit of iatereat wui here be found tn no derree ineomnetibU with the alevatloa of thoacht ia the text. aad subtle dirih ada oi touch bt the portraiture of character. 'Hrnko wa received with tamultoous sprobago by a crowded sad somewhat critical sadieac.

Dally UEEITS. "HINKO wa produced hero on Satur day erealaf with uixjaallSed sucotes. The moustioc of the piece will be the best imaftsed by our sayiag that II Is as the Qjeea's usual An aodleoee of aiinsuaJ brtlliaace aaeambled aad cave iodls pnaable proof that tbesuocei of the drama was la every respect eoa amuata aMnannda with It aratenaiona aad the curtain fell eathasiaam each ae I rarely wi to eaud." Standard. QUEEN'S. a puy of many strlkinj; Inddeata tae Interest I sdjairahiy sustUneJ from the first scene to tn Stat.

The play la wU acted. Daily Nee. Bax offlce opea daflr. tram It till 13 Ox ALT THEATRK. Dean street, 8oho.

Under EV, the maaaeeaieot ot Mr. Mallanilalne. Trlaaiphant snnrsa of SalLPKRIO. Bepested Blsauytui lurtaer aotiot, rtwerfal oondufaor. tar.

Mallaiwlalne, aajie. ran VauuuviliLiH lutiAiuc, Btrana. Arriiis supported by MseeraTnomt Tnoroe, WUUam rsrra.Un Bayna W.H. atepaeas, aaa una juam; ieiamee mjuj rawau, i. un A.

Vewtoa. to. A PPLE Mr. Albery never made better dlaloana than tha: of hU newea eoBIy. Capula Panrva I adalrably repraaeotad by Mr.

W. Farrea. The character of Mr. Temple is well worked out aad played in the spirit by Mr. W.

H. Htephena. Bob sad hU friend Bill are acted with straoi Individuality by Meaars. D. Jawes aad O.

Fe itoa. The Great Bam plarexl with (rest nvadty by Mr. T. Thome. The joant penuoaf of the play are hlfhly satisfaetory.

Few actresses eaa speat with more point aad laobtruaire perepienity thaa Ml A. r.iit Man A. X. Uxi. ae kiuv.

niaaatativ Draities tnrouza toe uornisn auueci ana Mr. us Barne effectively represent the unfortunate and luterettioe Moraiaa paper. VYAUDEVILLE TUEATRB, 8tran.i. fTTB UBAXI1E TREE AND TUB HUMBLK BEE. at IXU HOSta timet, th maormooMls luogaafill eitraraaanza by ILJ.

tnm.wpportd by Mewrs. Thomu Taorns aad David Jams. MUai rower, T. tAvia, aaa a. newun.

i iih stsjuu, ss iu.u. (SLOBE THEATRE, Newcastle street, Stnnd. ST3e I Lessee sod Maaarer. Mr. IL J.

Mootaru. Will OI'KX. Baiur. dayaest.Oct.7, with a New aad Oririaal UnoMdy, ia three Ana. by U.

J. Brroo, eattuea raamaua run Lirs: so iie preeeam by the Faroe. MY VTIFira OUT. aaj eoodade with THE 8WtM one Act (for which uewanlenaracterittlc nulls has beea erraafed by Mr. J.

T. Haloeel, supported by Miat Carkxte atlas ijania. atlas Jtaria uarru, mas amir Jiamj. atiee Harruoo, and Mia Fanny Josephs Mr. Gomptoo.

Mr. David KUhi r. Mr. noetton. ilr.

u. u. tevuie last ant appearance la LoenjonL Mr. E. W.

Oardea. Mr. Peverll. aot Mr. H.

J. Mrnitafu (his ttrst appear, aoea tn Loadno tor atx mnoths). BoX oSiee open from 10 till A Aedaa Maaarer. Mr. T.

R. Bmal. "I LOBE THEATRE. To the Public Mr. H.

J. MONTAaUB traaUlhst It wCl not be euasi.tred If he addreeae a few word to his Irieo and the pablle previous to the of hi rat eol maaarerUl ruinpaira. BeUettasthat there alsrs a pubit ready to aorrevtate aa ardent de Ire aad perrfiraot determlnatioa oo a maaacer'a part to praaant a hharally. providad and tastetuliy eoaaacsea eatertataweat, xr, Montajue refers with some pride to the Ust of artistes aaced a a suaraatee or the style of the iierforwance to be preeeoted at the Globe, so far a the ladle aad rentieiaeo of hi oompaay are eooeeraed. He is also much plaaeed nave secured for his oreoior Diirht a comedy which Mr.

J. Byron ha had for a very eonaideraui tioia ia haad. and which senuliarly aulud to the ahllltUof the principal members of the cua pany. aad eoeasemeots have beea made with a viewtatueelBcMal ei all the character. Nuiaerous alterallnn.

eonlf. to. the Increase I eocnfart of the aadieooe, have beea earried out la the audi tort m. which, eoohiwl with a eaaeUeeabi amouat ef redeeoratioa. reojert the Uiobe oae of the moat clearest aad eoeaioodioa theatre ia Loadiia.

Tb arrahceaiaot recardior' the enenle aceeasuriea the mnakal department, the apooiBtoeot and the eretumes are such as to obtain, as tae maaazer hope, the aii robanoa of hi patrofw. whilst in the front of toe house every effort will be made by Mr. T. Saul (actlusmaefr) towards asuriB( the com tort of all vleitor to ta Globe. En Urine apoa hl menaferial career with a foil knowledf of th dldeultiea of the task before him.

sa I thoroughly aneaBkMuathareaowiaibUitiBaof bis mioo. Mr. Montana, uw. Jtheteat, feel aaatired tha Uaatirlac Merry, care, attention, the co otieraUoa or tn tu aruete. literary aiva aruauc.

aoa sa earaejt desks to present a wholesome aad sound eeeolos' autaatoseat eaa reeare the patrooef ot the public, hie stfurt will aot have been ta vain. RIVEN FROM HOME, every evening. ROYAL ALFRED THKATKE. Mr. a H.

MACDKBMOTT ae JOUV RBLTO.V. Really aad traly a eomie actor." VI. 1 ad, Feb. a un. OUitHEY THEATRE.

VyATCH AND VXIT. Aa asmandia niociw, Bivals Trie To The Core. The Press unanimous to tu prawM Wondrous raacu JoUan Hicks. Loae Honee by the Biver, starUiac tableau. JURRKY THEATRE.

vfffCH AND WXlT. IO Oueofai aaormotta Msra, Henry SsvOle, Bhepherd. Bdzsr: Meadaaea Maria Joow, Fanay Huddart, Sbepberd. JulU fW. WeUrr Cattle storm and thunderbolt.

Private boxes at all the Ubrarlee, PHILHARMONIC THEATRE. Mis EMILY SOLDKKK aa CHILFXRIC. evert evenlne. at a mxtmA K. Bellas Dnlaro, Clara Tasey, Cleo Leoard Felix Burr, Herr Koekaer, Leweos, Marshall, J.

B. Bae. aad John Room. PHILHARUONIC THEATRE. The ROYAL OII1LPBSIO QUADRILLE, every eveaioa? atllbr MTie, Ban Rate premicte daaseue ef the Colouna i Tmupei.

Mise VThUe, Mass Wilford. ana stu uenwi. ajimeiw is. to ai ts. ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE and CIRCUS, High Uolbora.

The new ao eaeadld 'eotacanr airhttr welanad with the utmost enthusiasm. The whole ei the mwtrouoUtaa Vmenala eoanioooy arre that tha praaeat totertatament Is the bast ever wit nested. The Brother lilrar (the new mnaalinni nishUy (TetaJ with erarwasiatiac appease, atery artua a nar. every aorao a Open at i commence ss aair eaas, storomx pseforaanee Wedneaday aad oataraay. at ZJO, Friaat aa, Ja, U.

Od, sad Is. Chndreei suwer aaa pnee. mnnionm rroesau pans paet the door. ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE and CIRCUS. Kotloe.

aarrailoui Aaleloee sml Monk wettM aa Saturday aext. The neatest novelty of the day. RICHARD YOUNGER COMEDY CtlM. PANY of Lmdoa Artiata wlQ sDosar Tills XYXjmta at the T3 KATRC ROYAL, DUBU.V. ia T.

W. Boberwcos Brunaal aomedr fiCR.1. QBrttfltaUow. Ba fetsry. Mr.Btaaaa.


Doors oeea at 7 JO wen its aa A Conduct M. Kivteee. i am esaa Is Tr VEyt GAkDfiNCaDCOJrCERT, TI1U rTZilXCL Grsad Xatfeeal FaaUsIa. Albioa tar. L'aVtatr La Parle Metarka Mandnlprata March P.

BMlreJ. PereoU aad Cackno and Uneket Pattaa. Thia afaw Kubtni, a IOVKNT GAKUEX LIKBHAHT. seas Aaka. laahafls Lenin, aVmrick.aad Carreno.

TB BTKJ dTg. at M. Rrriare's Coooam. THXATRX ROYAL, COVZST OAKDBN. Pi Is.

Rey OvENT OAEDEN Mr. Whitnerr. Mr. H. boUs laonMtl.

aad at. Dupai. THDl CVX NEfO. a M. BifieWs D1 an CtOVENT UAKDKN.

TtM BATTLE FIEIiD (rourta tiawi. A (raad FastsM Gwsrrter. for faB ereaeatve auirUry baarK ehorat, an. I orgee eWirieat enMsl by Van Her K.B. Uua grent eonipiition Heteetwl froae edeahersi wav at the Alaambr ralaee.

awarded the rue of XO by tae ary. atias of aar Jattas Bawilirt, J. Smyth. I. tiodfrey.

and A akluivea. ARDEN. Sir JuEiia BeneJict's new asarea.CHAXI.aUA.VD OLGA (euaaneed for tha StrrWt. atbt Their Matls tae aoac aaitii SwttaUL of Warteaahiirsh THIS ClOVENT GAtUJtiJt. L.111L.IS xtraLOj tnew wait by D.

Oddbwet wans. MiHaarT (CL R. TeaaaatJ Chnpertt tnadrdl. THIi BTaJlXil. Proowaade.

Is. CiiYmttXEBisKrarrXBTt matek. to awrrsw. Ia aoaewraesM of the ST ioeoese of Ha hajaW saaa. BaadaTs aaahet Mater will be repeated To eMrrew Bwala.

aad for potitiealy the laat ttaae. Coe loctac. to JsSae Baoadic. COrOAbliNUDEWDORPi'. Helen rTAltan.

and JCUoyd. la BaariaT Stahaa Matee.Tmorrow Xveaiat. aecuresaauat th was ogla. Proonnal la 1T lTVEXT.1 A kDTiS'. VERUI XH5HT next orresadsy.

SeetioM rroa the works of Terdl (by particalar deainrt. ss sC RlvUrr nrerta. Las alht bat are, rtweoaje u. afOvEST OARDEN. LAST BKBTHO is 1 vTiitrv U7lnM.f.

rk anlMr 11 Tel isHi kldna. Ii.hh'irt. rraathv. Mdli. RaMai Adelatl.

Mr. E. Lioyd Oooetrte la ta. Mdila. Cerraan Roraano.

in rkxla. Mr. Vjjcti CJUias gyaiphonr la F. Cunlaetor. atr Jaime Baaancx.

FtOVEXT OARDEN. M. RIVIERE beet to an taai hU UXXEFIT vffl take tdae aa 8aiarday. Osi. IA oa Thlah ooaaaioo Mm.

De Merle LaUactae wUl ajpaar. FaU parti enlars wfll be aaaremoed. O0VENT OARDEN. Orand Circle Seats (where tmuiiuibtfinL sl (d alan tha sew erehestra ttaCa eaa secured of Mr. X.

Halt at the BM oatea, dafly. from 10 affl A wita 0Q fytw IMU IOVENTfiArtCEN. Promenade, One ShiUin; arieas baxaaatl 11a. Sd D. 1 and 13a.

ad. bnxM. 3s. sir eta reserved le whole tveniasvaL Kufraehmunrs by outers aad Fund. Aetlar Maaarer.

Mr. Edward Murray. THEATKrrE0rAL7DWEi.VE (sole Lessee ao.l Maaar. Mr. F.

B. Chattertoal It now open for the autsam dra Frea ueteatirelr easoaated. Duhfia areas exeestsd. rticm fnna Sd. sa lour aninaaa.

Uoar aaen at aauT caat eoea Braoce at 1. aad tsnalaate at ILIA Box oOd apea eaity from Bee foaowtaf swractioaa. rpHE oelebrated VOKta A. the UtznaU I A I wiu Derfona Tilt WROMO MAS IS THK KIOHT FLAXTE. at 1 THIS VKCINIJ.

Free List eattrely ftiapewled. TURATRK ROYAL, DBCBY LAJf X. iJBKCCA, dramatised by Andrew Hallidar, foandM LV oa Sir Walter 8cntfi caier atl aol of lraohoe, will be per laet eatueiy formed at a qeaner to A THCJ XV XX IXO. Free Busseaded. THXATRX ROYAL.

DRURY LAWK. OEltECOA. illustrated with Soenery by William B. Beverley. TilU XTXwixa Free Lbt entawtr Bi TUBATRE ROYAL, DRURY LAXK, REBECCA.

Mr. PHELPS will sustain the duraeter of IiAAO of YORK. TIIU ErXMlNO. Free List eatlreJy auspenaect. THSam I Mia NRILSON wUl sustain the cha tty taster of RXBCCCA.

THIS KVCTISa Ftaa Ust eaUnly Boepeaaeq. TttaAjava ttUTAl OKUKX Laja EB ECO A. Mr. PHELPS, Messrs. J.

fi. Howard. I.VK, BeeeothaL J. DewhursC W. Mclatyre, Esaa.

W. TerrUa. H. Dyueley, 3. Fraaeia.

Dolacaa. Bratso. kc PowerrsJ eaet. TH1 4 BVKKINO. Free lata enUrely eeeaeoded.

THXATRK ROYAL. EB BOCA. Mus NE1LSON. Misses Matti Rein a karat, Fanny Alllua. Xalha Rrxn.

so. Powerral at. THI4 XVEXIXQ. Free List soOrety Boaceuded. THEATRE ROYAL, DairnY LAXX.

REBECCA. Fanciful bailee Under the Greenwood free. Battle la la Itaiaa Unod ToareasMoV with real horeet and 300 aavrHarle. arraneed by John Oorwiack. Tae ertnreaa4 la ei lentel nnsM teiactel aad eompoasd by W.

O. Lrvey. THIS KTC IMU. List entirely Suspended. Ili LAME.

DEBECCA, by ANDREW HALLIDAY', founJed A oo soosts novel, tae rjaaaaw rpaamirar gram errr ysuauq Publla t4alooa ef the SBECCA. Of the piece, together with ita accee fsirlv aay that asaore Impnebu earvaaof Irrlaf beheld la say theatre. JsUsromc Paper, seot. JLV orie, we may fair! taoeasas wa never I STL KB ECCA. The rescue of Rebeoea in th List at 1.1; Templeetow.

of the real fight aad the real hone, of the colour and sa'audoar of a nseaa. of the arrame meos and weaderfal effect of a state pic or which probaMy stand aarrrauaa toe Brurqa niatory ot state tameant. tiauy niecripn. 8tt. p.

iJfiafiUUA. Jdr. 1'helps delineation of the Jew lease wa a nae sad artistic piece of actios. 'The principal pouts were eeis I with sree snbUetyaf uercep tkm. sad with the ezerda ot lawenaaieraaoa at tartar la sunn mil hps' mniTiaw, tat aartmptioo will rank amoo the aaest this elever actor has ever (lveo ba asaoaara.

aept. P. REBECCA.4 The Rebecca of Mia Neilsoa 1 tender, wonaaly, od loroiola. Xoahiac eould be luar thaa the aeaaaosaarieataiiota uaiinertwaeata baarunoea rnauao aeciare aar issilnsi ta eatbraae death rather thaa cuSer hi appmaaa. The liattoBleenQf theetroareat la tsadrams, and Mass JfaUeoa was rauy eqwiotoeeocejwa.

ntaranra. wept, x. EBECCA. The battle in the rain actually put m. wywa mm wya atva mam ie aa pnn a.

i. fiawi, beiot perhaps ta best at an the spectacular eSaeu that have beea hv trodocad lata the drama. Mornlar Post. Until EBECCA. Aa a arjeetaele.

it i ail that can be IVdAwred. Taos who visit the play for sawale effect aad their aauiber Is UfVio will tad la I rubor aa ttiraorfio and a pleasure." ueuy jwa, aept, n. iSB C.UUA. A scene of excitement almost inde i fouowed the dement of the curtain oa the tact act of i bee nardixi. Babeoea.

foaaled on Sir Waller Seotra' aovel ot Ivaaaoe. sad arrsored for the state by Mr. Andrew HaUl sonad acata. LV aerieaUel TvaoBoe we I day. The aailwam Uteralry leaped no, aad eaeeja iwar raaf Old Drary a almuat saade the rorzeuoCr citded boose rock Aa a seertacte Rebecca win take th tne.

Ob' mim. (tent. aajsuttjUA. "The perfect roar of tumultuous ap JLJ ptaaa weaoa nurm rorut aa ta ckmot ua a ret paerorBtaae, owtuased fall miautes after th fell of tn certain, stamp Mr. Hit Itday sjow adaptation, Bebeeea's adeddal aucneas.

The Bin aoea was of course ail that ronid be deUL rcno, epC A 17L TBSECCAI With rtwarai; 1 we can oaly ear titat M. aalf The aiiiniirrwei to tb scenic effects of Ms. reverie ass snmse hta aatillartes taeat be enrastiateated aaon their "aetnau tanncaa rras, wna woom aot tMratil the amicy esat paiftri aad a prettier mieetioti of tracaweltlrU eoold hardly be found taaa utneurary iaaMearnsa naut. are. isti.

"RWFAltCE, Na, ntrrlrJ StRB BT, by Martin rvTRw FAltCE. Natt. 1) 1 Beeher.wOI tMrformd THIS KVXS IXQ a 10131 THXATRX A ijtjtjsj i wm sf tmivrm ROYAL DSDRY LAWX: lljrR. SOTrtKRITs ATA FAREvfELL NIGHT at the HAY MARKET THEATRE, previous to bis epariur fur M1 iT'XGEWELTrsTairTriir. sofHrin.v im HATMABXXT TUEATRX, prevlou to his departure far Aav rioa.

aiUiViucia to oa aepannre lor America Air. A WITHXrnrB FA REwr.LL PERFORM AX CC TOOflOHT the HATMABKET THXATRK, R. SOTHERN will make hi LAST APPEAR ANCX at the HAYMAREKT THEATRX. m.wrUUT. Uatober tae serrormanoM beta under the Immediate i of their lien! UiWw the PrUe aad Priaeea ef Wale.

'PHEATRE ROYAIi HAYMARKBTYHIS JL. KTKXI50 fTnursday), laat sppearaac ef Mr. Sotbern. when, by special desire, a 11 auiUia hi eeiebraUd aaaracttr of Lned Dan urrary. xaeperTOtsaaaee win ae Taeir Royal BUtiasaees the Priaee and Pvineaaa of Walea.

aad the entire furoina will ciraa to tn aura! Ueaeral Tbaatrteal road. To eoajoacaee at f. with MldOHIEFMAJCTXQ Ml F. Wnrfat sod nr. necrsaooa, no.

Alter wuoo. at a iuanar tuuuit amehiua: COUalX: Lord Dun traarr this orixinal ebAracterl Mr. Bothara. Neesn. caiapen lsle.

KverUL Utxk vr. uordon, Kocera, Coe, Clark jieaiaaMa aar bommi o. neon aisDaaai. r. wruit.

aavi rraaeia. OooeiaiUDa wita uaiUbB FUUAUS cpea daily raw 10 till A Mr. CUppeBdal. Bos oSle THEATRE ROYAL, HAYM A RKET. To morrow, IVtnber Clo.

aad iVtorUr. October Tth ITorthee two alzhte ocItl reridaa'senciieirTHE SCHOOL FOR flCAADAL, la which Mlas tuoeriaoa wui ei Mr urn i araar uus arwon In UM cbarecter llf xesme. atr reter. ssr. iuppanaaie tnartea rMrtaer.

Mr. Kendal th vcmaiahu ehancWn by Mr. Haw. Mr. XvtrilL Mr.

Borer. Mr. Buekstooe. iao Mr. Brak.

Mr. W. Uordon: Mrs. Chla. peortale, Mrs, Fltawlluam.

MireG Hill. Sc. After which the pnper larenoMdietuUNCLra WILL: Mr. Kendal Mr. Rorrrs.

sadMis Kuhertaoo. Ooactodlac with MISCHIKFMAKIXO. tin Mandar. Oct, Ml sad darioa the week. HhakeeDesre't eoady of As Yea Like it; itoasinvi tarstwme In upadoei, atiee Kooenaon.

with Uncle Foods, and otbar aaUrVunmaata. On atomtar. October ltth. Mr. BOekstoa, who ia bow raeovwrinz from hia late severe Istdwpaaition.

Mia Aay Sadrwiek. A aad oririaal eoeeelr. br Mr. W. 8.

OUbert Is la twepsrstioe, sod will speedily be produced. not omee open aauy rroas iiinii A DELPHI THEATRE. Revival of the Old Glories. I34th airht of XOTRB UAH K. A DELPIl THEATRE, Sole Proprietor.

Mr. IX BeoJamia Webster Maaarwa Makers. B. Webster sad F. UhaUerton.

Oraad cora hi nation of attrsetioos every everdna. Fare, drama, aad Onuia ballet. Ihmts open ei balf paet A aoranaeno at 7. Star Manager. Mr.

Beojaaila Wehrter. Priee from td. to tare tmaea. Bos oaca opr a rrntn ia tui i dally. A DELPHI THEATRE.

134th Night. DOWN IN XX A BALLOOfl. faroa, by Joba Oxanl irt. Characters by atrnaeBsoa. Ashler.

A. Lillr Miaeaa Maiala Haward am.1 leea. At or eioee every mimmaf. A DELPHI THEATRE, 151 th Nizht. NOTRE Xl.

DAME or. Th Qinav Ulri of Pariv Heewatnoel and anaeta. eur draase, written by Andrew HalUday founded oa oa ef Yictor ti orr a caworataq aovea. At J. S3 A DELPHI TH EAT E.

ISith Night NOTRE i X. uwx uasracters by xr. r. Alii. xr.

James Ferna des. Mr. brittaia Wrlrht, Mr. BUoaeotoa. Mr.

A. LUle. Aa. At MS every evenlac AELHTHATR.l5uit Nurbt. HoTRE Xx.

DA VIC. Characters by Miss Fartalo, Mia HJbbert, Mrs, Addle, and Mr. Alrrwl Melloo. At T.t5 vry evnalac. A DELPHI THEATRE.

BUTTONS; or. Covers For Three, coral ballet, la which Mr. Frt Kran and hia eaia brated Troua wtil afar, at la1 'elock eeery eewnins. ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE. Sola Leasee, Mr.

Beeiaatia Weheter Uuun Mmm Weheteraad F. B. CaatTvm. Sai Xirbt ef Bihea Ore. THIS KVEXIXU.

new faros, A CRIMINAL UIOPLK. Xee Irish maaati aad eaaUiMal irama, entitled XILKKX OOE or. Dark's Th Hour Before The Uawo. And A MLMirBFRUM THECulUiei. Duors open St SJO atT.

Bos omee opea from lfltiU dairy. EILEEN Dark's the Hoar Before the Dawa. written be Edmac! FJoxar IXSth aiahtl. THIS EVtX IXO. Pet.

A ROYAL PRI if OETa THEATRX EILERNSt OOE. 4Sth NijrliU Cnaracters by Ed mead Falooaer. Meesn. ileorr Jordan, J. O.

Saor. Barrett. U. twrton. Howard RmcIL F.

Moretaad, H. Clifford, aa. TUIB A ROTALPRIKCPW THXATRX. TJ'LLEEN OOE. 35th Nizht.

Character by Misses Vj Rnae tA4aMki Krfith Mtnart. HudaDeth. and Mr. Power. THta XVEXlXaOct.A rtYAL PRIXCKW tTHEATRX TjIILEEN OGE, 85th Night.

The HsTmakerV Run, Hi Il1atrat.t be 1M aaxiUarita, THIi EVEXIXO. ROYAL FBIHUaVkfa THEATRX EILEEN OGE, 8Mb Nizht Oh Isn't it fnn to task ov lath hay. ROT AL PRrxcaTKXATTtX YCEUM THEATRE. Sole Lessee and Maaacer, Jllr t. Hata naa.

fourth week Uia bw aayl aneerwral elav. FAXCHETTE, THE WILL WUP. Mia babel HeMaraa. Mbs 0. Pauaoefort, Mrs.

Etta. Mr. Henry Irrlae. Mr. Addboa.

aad Mr. Oro. BniaK. PrerW be BAMitJZLtXO.UT: Mr. Charles, tarnr.

OaadavHat with TWICE KILLED: Mr. Ceorre Mr. Herbert Craiuav Jtit u. raaaeeiort. won opea st 30, oo.

at I. ISS ISABEL BATSMAN as FANCHETTE. THE WILL OTUB WISP. sxrrel tar self wiaa em the which Mr. tanaaaaelee 4 f.1.

reewnrerc at tale rre at enaracaw ef Unat raaan. euarart1 hy Mi J. Ktl Bcxton. Wybert Kawv this fit aopearsaee aemi. Xtte F.

Kataow Mi Dy Sret appaaraoe rel. Marat Daly. Marie Ben! nnA Mea. AariM TU WI nt srrearawaw barat WRh a wew farea. entitled THX DCarf UX THE XiOHT LEU Maaara.

BL Daltoa Oat th Qam, Gdn. Pt ianViBr eeaeeeaani tram tUl A ta dlrecUo of Mr. O. Saweaa. rpHBwTiMArTWHaTE, DRAiiJflirnbTi praluo aad far acta.

1 ONDAY, Oct, 9, at a ftuarter to o. Count FOSCO ITj. by Mr. VIXIXO. TTTt flE leave briefly to, rab iTA aait to the pnMie tb objecta whicrt Ha bd as view slr fcae am awvei.

caU; Tb Waa In Whrte." for whUIti tht star. Ia Pi ant place, be: has eodeaecriml tu rmloae Pall seteil to th aerdenee rpney on he ewa awrltsae a plar. latne aroaod plan, he aaa refrauMd froea BMkias; th Iatereat of hie eu aaaa depMdanl oa laeciintral eootrivancea. and ha relied rath iday aa a raiied la to aoewL em tneawesoa of tarSilear. en the exhtainaej it aaraater.

sad eo the eotnaton or hnaaaa eaaoaion riaiaa saliaUy troea thdm two aoorcea To reach th end that iadioated end nut attained, be i mu it tn thnak. by peeewos adapttone of th beak ta puriiase. eilneii wtshoot th sathor'a koowiadt aad rsaiiani a tee not sells ted, wnil nuasnlai th original awry la balance, BuUa. rially to alanr rt iw teem. Inn wbjoh a dhaawend, when wrttine a noeeilat, ia a few line, he ha wrtaa; aaadnaMtae.

ta Ha Hon ntor thaa eon oerepy aa aot re act oa the ether hand. peew earerally thXntel to th book ha bream anea easei abrtQa ed. and etnere entitfJ aliocethar aa aaanitahi ta the piarT This SMthnd of trnstaMnt has mm aarily rultd at anch that ia eatirary new la th iaveatiua of tocUent aad ta tbenVvtlDB. aaeut of aharXcr. the cbjct eooUm pUtad la itar eaa briar toe vrceraurion of the ctory ofth oet la a Barely draaaalie lorm.

Wita theae etplaaatnry reeaarke th author now offers ta the pubfae the arw Woman ta WhHa, ta th that bis p'ay may be fonod aotaawurttip to soar ta tb renerooa welocm whidh has biasn ttne lj sisssiisiI JT; ST. JAAiES'H. fcOYAL NATIONAL OPJESZ THK BUHK OF CASTILX, TO XiaBT. at A STTJaSIES THE ROSE XlCiirr. A Positively Ust thae for the preeeut.

ta eonee qneee of other sttractiona. JAM ES'S. Madam. VLOkENCK LAVftf A (her ssenad 13 (aer esenad jaraae LareL TtVXlriHT. at A a stlttba fUeQvaeea) la TDK BOSK OF CASTILE.

Xew sian LilI i Bc odWll toA "JAMES'S Mr. GEO ROB PEEVTTGta ODIrectorof IX Or ttal Palaee oul wst reappear aa MAXCIL, la tha ROSE or CAriH at ATO XItJtlT. FaB chore. baSa, aad ershwtrs. Cbodwater, Mr.

Srlaey Xaytw Bia craee. 11 to t. ST. JAMrS'SiSri'ATMRR as D(3NACARMKX: r. Stanton.

Mr. Cartton. aal Mr. Tmpl in th ROSB OF CATILX, st A TO XtOBTT. BullAia dreas earore.

wpper WxaJs. aaphnkeatr. Is. Doors open a Uk Bax oOc. OT." jAlriU ThTBOllEMlAN' diRL.

which kl was iwntved with the rrwateet ilhuil aa Maadsr laat. J3 be rpalit Tu eauiu IFridayi eveatasv at A till si1lsiilij a las at A Oa Satnrdar nrec, at A Marl taaa larst ttaae berei, aad slaa oa Monday bciV. Xrxt assday. aonasmhals tArs ttat herrV Piaca aay now be booked. Bus oOo II to 1 ST.

jA3lESi3yiiasTiOSE HERSEE will snake her re appaaraace a ARLIXX. ta THX BOHXMIAX niRUaaa, To aacrrow Knc aJaa Marnaaa onSatarday erunc. TheMnmli Port aaj: Tb theatre was erowded. Mass Roae Hatwa aa Artn was mart almlrsbla, A Morulas faper says Hsr sarjaaas wee ae etapiete aa I wee wail awritad, The ptfisiiisnse was tieefved hreathont with a arte aprJanaa. Box eai 11 to A ST.

JAES'Srv NORD BLOM. ste new Bwwlina. tar. ahnaa dabat an Mnodar laat waa togtt aikiuL wiU eaa his re aspaarsaff" aa TUADDKU3 as THE BOHXVtAX GIRL, at A To ssarr ww IFridart Feenma, aad all cloak oa aarerdai Baonune Mr. Maybnek aa Count Araaeim Mr.

Tempi ss Deeiia. aoofTta Maraias Pot sere Mr. Xordhiom sihl.vsd a stded asaaass ass eothat was at th purpose, sad hat stinBvi au erica aaasr wna anal atsrrt saa eaecs. ssr. ir ansiee.

oBaaoouit at T.ta. AT LAW. Cnaiactera supported br Clarke, Xear. Harry Crnnsh. Harry PaaI9eo, H.

'allaoa, BartUtt, Ac MsalssjM Loma CUare, Ray. IwapWs Dvflsaoof wa hjahly BandMe TVArrertarays: rn new Mour aan( oea eaaer up, ana Whea taa rair laod ef Poland. wtta fervent exiweaatoa nt the oae caea, aad extreea at ah other. BoT oeSc. it to A TdEATRK l'HId EVENING.

EooraVM Aitraeian. nturB Ma Joba dark. prwiaetion afOoioiu'i fanjone eocxdy. THX HEISVAT LAW. 7jlNETTOlJIHTfIGHT at the STRaKD ajl THEATRE' Mr.

JOHXB. CLARKE as Dr. PAXULOSd a THE HEIR AT LAW. snlirrmnhniriiiiriilTjinii isni thaa at eoneBtneaee of ta aanluund sneeaas sttsmllnt; the I in isttone uf taUsaeoUXosllsh eondy byCalAtaa. It wUl be perforaaed every iiaiil whi vMnmm aaaa eomwncaoej aa t.o.

rrUxK llKlli AT LiAW. JL Mr. John a.aark jTTarnec. Joha allaoa. moon, and Ada Swanhoronxh.

aeetioa wbatArr the unn tj wa er Oataar Biaycd. VaM the Freaa BOYAI. BTXAXD THEATRX, rfrag THRBB MUgBT DEARa.WI'f a LtrrfS JL OXK IX. TO XIOUT (TharsJsy wUl be reodaeed, with spteadU as scenery. paiBtea by H.

P. HalL wiaaTiHeanl dreasea heii lenme apniataseatt, sod new maais by 'J. Fitssvrald. a tread, new. ant rlziaal burUeroa.

written by th KroOMre Paulton, eaattied THE TiiREEMCikET DAAK3, WITH A LITTLE ONE IX. sVr vre rvjr smu at the box einca. or at the Ilbrarlas, ROYAL BTXAXD THEATRX Door pea a aalf aaas A 1 OXX IX. TO NIOHT. art tint.

ROYAL afTOASD THXATRX. Doors open at half paet A fTtoWuTiT' witt'be produced a jrraad, entirely new, JLaad eertaat aorlaeuw. writtan be the Brother PsaBton. eaUtwj THE THREE ML'SXET Wrrn A UTTLsTumk Miav Tilly WrtgbS (from the Oueea'a) will make her sret apvencaac at this. theatre uviht.

ROTAL 8TRAXD THXATRX. GAIETY THEATRE, Strad. and ifanaevr. MAJoealltatabead. Op AX; Vasf; somslealiXw fee.

Prlaw from CJ. Boi effloe open 13 to A CINDERELLA THE YoUNORR. GAIETY. New acta. Oaer Jsurleacmei.

in Una VS wiiita ay Airreii Thonipaan laathuruf Aladdin th ae with eriemu oat he Xoula Janaa. fnmnf rj Treea Bam, the Two Harlequin. A. XewNtreeeee. sww muni, in creaal btad.

Man Julia Matthews. Ud Claryiher 11th aeanaraaea ta KnetMil. Mix Loay. Maa Trio, r. torH Mr.

J. O. Tayww. MeeW Mr. F.

Cuoka. ta PsyaZ M.tlTSa. Mhw rUtr MiatL. WrlthLahdth whole Oalety Boutfa Comcaay, eaOa. sad ohorus.

Preceded, stf. br THE BKRIOCS FAWff.w'. tt. cuoMdy; sunportai by Man Ada Cavandlah. Mr.

W. Raraoid, Mr. MoytaTMr. Souur. Mkwat LeU.

TrrualBrii GAIJSTY aKKIOUs FAMILY (Miss Ada Cam dlah and fn3 eomady aom paayt at T. GAIETY. CISTiimLLXHEdirSOER. at A The hieideatal BaOet, 10J0. ti AlETY.

idtllle. CLATtYTthT new A nrio French bouffa iliaail Ml JITT.ri vaTTtreroN ClJfDXKELLATHX YOUXOKK, at A Rnmad. rw. ZZTnnJT every saska. THEATRE ROYAL, DBURT LAXX.

Ltawe acd Maaa(r, F. B. Caattartoa. Tim xtkxixo. st r.

lat wrosu max ix tux bioht PLACE: th. Vote. FsmDy. At RKBXCOA Mr. rteSi Mean.

J. B. Howard. E. RoamthaL J.

SarhiM. a. w. wZtST Biahrdt, AdJmm. Ryea.


tlliCklllTMATlsti vi j.i. aad Mr. ataee After which, a Quarter ta A OtTX AM1 R1CAX CUUalX Mr. cVHhera. Meaars.

fcwttW Oordoo. Braid. Clark. Cut and In! uZXlZ A J. a HearL aad raacj.

After th soaasitr Mx authern wUl ay few partial aoeda With DXOLK FOOCJAV ROYAL ADHLPilf TrtCATRE fprietcr, H. Webeaar Maaarer. B. Woter sod F. 8.

ChaXterton. thw stamxa st dIjWx ix a ballodx. ai xiCSoTRK DAME: or. Th. IMpey Ulri Of Mr.

T. a Xb Mewit Pernaades. B. Wrkrht Mim Ftartado. Mia.

HmlVw, 7r i ur. Cover Fur Three: Mr. Fred, but ROYAL PKIXCX THEATRX. ua, Maaarer. R.

Webater aad F. Ourtaerton. TKUEViiVINIl. at rACKllf I VX1. llllri I7t TV7i OUE: Mr.

Kdnuia.1 Faleoaar Mewa s. O. Jordan, j. a Shore. Barrett.

Morntead. H. Ruaa.lL CL aanim. rTli Mian R. Leebrao, StuarVHadspeth.

Mrs.B.rowr2 Ae. A MlAUYE FROM THE CLOUM. aaavma aw rower. LYCXUV THEATRE. Li aa.1 Mauaear.

Mr. H. L. nstenisn. Atl FAXOI Eff E.

Till! WILL TUB WBF? MJasIsiiei tSSl a. stweu.t aoaoer.jrt Mr. IrVlae. Mr. a u.

an cnOCitai. WUfl KII.I.KI1 IU. aerm vraua aaiaa ta. rauauaaurt, ssr. Esaa.

Beiaur, XOYAL XATtOXAL OPKRA. ST1 JAM XX3 THEATRE. THU EVWI.NU.siA rHK ROaX OF ASIIL kVtw inawary ad eoatnme, Mr. Gaorr Parren. afr.

Tn.u. Uw rv.a u. SAtaloa Miss Pmlar. aad Madame Florance LanejaT ROYAL 8TRAXD THXATRX. Leasee aad Manareve, Mrs.

haaboreeara. THIS EYKXfXiA atT. LUIMCXH AVn be THE HKIK AT LAW Mr. Joha S. Clarke.

Mare, LroaaPaaltoa. THREE MUTKKT DUtTHu rt PT ra A Masdajaas Vaoa. Clair. Arautruafc Wrtittt. Culiea.

e.i PRIXCK (IF WALrMTS ROYAL THEATRE. La and Maaarer. Mia Mri Wilt.o IWn fiiMiiiftt. THIS EVEXIXU. at CASTE, bv T.

W.Robertn. Mr rr. Mr. Corhlaa. Mr.

Baacroft. aad Mr.Curre Honey Mia Lydia FoocZ Mrv LahTh Murrar. ami Mini kirn WlUon. At 7 trr lire VITH A 8HILUNO Mr. Charles Cotletta, atr.

Herbert: Man A. WUtoa. GAIETY Straad. tee aifl M.aarrr. Mr.

Joaa Hnlllanheeil THU XYEXINO. at T. THE HRRIOCS FAMILY Mk. Ada ELLA Mu uaresaun, left ireoMta. jaeaarm.

mrixHit. aUWI. ka. At a w.ninii nmmm, mrj, wcaeCT. a.

ssoyla, Taylor. Macraa. Paynee. Bailt and ChoraA UtJEEX'H THEATRE. Manaeer.

Mr. Cllftoa. THIS EVXXIX0L at I. THE HOAPEQOAT. rrrvtrn.

Hanaaan Vnio, Ryder. Uurw Ritnaid. Voilalr. thAheut. Urwiaaaa.

X. Webb. J. JoboMno. MaKUaaeaWlIilrLIlliN.

X. Ootdsa, Marie Rtodea. and Mrs. Hanaaan Testa. ROYALTY THEATRX ao atrart.

Bono. Vader th MaaanMal of Mr. Mailaadaiaa. THIS srVEXUKI THE YOCXU w. a.vr At.

A CHILPKRIO; Maadaou. AuvuTboam. tJTTuZTlzrr ffian.IL MarUI: Measr. W. H.

Tula. Atklaa an, Arthur. Ac Fall haad sad cporBACvttd'aetar MiOviiI itt TAUDEYILLK THEATRX lavwt Milan. David James aad Tbocaaa Thoraa. THT4 KVKXISO.

at I. A FEAKFLfL. rrTT BUJSUM3 Meaw. T. Thflene.

W. Furaa. 11. V.ll phree, (X Fenioa. sal David Jaaaa Mrerttinc Aair pTu ui a Xewtoa.

AI IXli TH 1RAX (1 TrTkVuL r. JlTl. T. TWeaa Mates. Xeliy New.

Ueie, Wter. PfctT'lry A. SUREST THEATRX. Sol Maaasvr. Mr.

hhwalMrd. THB EVEXlXO. BROTHER BOH Vn i WATCH AXD WAIT Meeara. Henry Xeeffl. ahpkerdTE.

AW Joha Murray; Mi. Mann 1 M2ilRZI IX AXD OUT OF PLACE Mbn Jaiia Daly, ta streaMBaSeT THIS ETEXTXQ. Facet, Mallor. XOYAL ALFRED THEATRE, atadaier, uurie at I. Marylefjooa, Irl R1VKX FRuM llivw denaott, Maawa.

Kilpack. Bruatnn. laaoa. mSuhZixaiz autar wawn. us AS aTXTJ, atr.

janb. MISS ISABEL BATEMAN as FANCHETTE. THX WILL OTHK Wlp. tportiaa' in the BMunUsht with aar 188 ISABEL BATEMAN aa FANCHETTE, ITA tn viuatw (jnaeaas, arua xrata ta tastivai ay as IS8 ISABEL BATEMAN as FANCHETTE tha ssodaat Peaaant Maltea. MISS ISABEL BATEMAN tt FANCHETTE, to Tiatrata, shedding ttaoratof tore tad peaae overabaa NOTICE.

TA Tunas will be forwarded, bri Inland Pa anbacribera deairoaa of receivinj: it thron'htht channel, on payment of 1 quArterljr, ia aSvaace. Application! ihould be 4dreied only to the' rnoiuner, J.h4 Txmu orace. TU JiartUsoIdfor3d. per eopw at all rail war UakstaD in EaxIanJ and Wales. Persons who eaonot obtaia it at that price are req seated to eommBnicaU wilh the PnUiaher.

the coantra wpphe i with paper from thai office, CAmaf paid to their railwar itatioas, est conditio of their Miliar at 3d. per oopT. Advertisers are make their Fost ofSce order peyahl ta Mr. gRAXaa OooDLAXE, at tha ChJef Office. TO CORRESPONDENTS.

No notice can be taken of anoovmon commit aleatioBa. VY'aaUrer 1 Intended for inarrtioa mast be aatheaticateel by tie nam aad address of the writer faot aecesaarilj for irahbeation, bat aa a ruartatee or rood faith. oaaaot nsdartaka ta ratuxn rejected rrTimTikatictaBi.

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