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Carroll Free Press from Carrollton, Ohio • 3

Carrollton, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

account of lift Corwm's fwl tui fear I Can Lucofuroa with such disorganising doc make ina aucmpt. vil0 has ever Itsiciiea io innes ru. by their party, talk of "democ him. an) could tell what he heard 1J imro ductiun, clear calm and beautiful, may be ro '7. or ad Ord.r." of ih.

aiuu h- meoi to the coiiainuiiont And will memberco; a proposition here and there, laid unmoved wnh ihcec revolutionary measure pro- aown pminly and pointedly, may Do recollected; grc-samg around ihemT an inutiriiiion, appropriate ana mrming, may exert ourselves, to accurc the election of men fix iiself indelibly on the mind but iho cur- who have the interests of the pt-oplc and ihe rent of hi discourse in the main, i too rapid, protection of iho comuituiion, at h-art. a I. i I i oeep mm mmmmmm mmm any uisiinn mun neneemrward say he ha no interest in (he impr aaiona. bear io the cloud amidst result of this canipmun the lightning's flash and thunder" roar; he de- the Legislature next winter, every wheel of our acend with us to the d. ptlu of ihe ocean, nnd Suite Government mutt stand sull.

The the aound of waves ore chungej ui I ubbling mur- focoa know this well, and have ther- lore mmrni murs; he carries us along peaceful vale, and such riaTKS a Mednrv. Old. Morgan and lifts over high mountains -and when he ha Vulliindtghain, aa Saik- ended, we awaken as from a an exciiing. TV." hat salt for lile, lib.

riy. repuiaitou dream. We may be uble to recall many im- or property will be luuud in theae puriu.u dem- norlant nrnniwitioti or 1'iih. Iwims. i'i -v ayouuesf .1 are well known to all, or liernuso they tiro new and impressive; but the filling up the iilustra-rations the machinery, excite and bewilder; and cannot be described; like music, hi elo- A "Leisiirii IihLm ihu-i iii'hiu io im umra mi uur ciiarni.l Wheels.

CmaVfM of Carroll, we sav asasiai if Stale goverunieiil la Worth preaervwg. you BjaM arouse in ludefem iu the present campaign-you cunnoi deler your dune auuiiur veur. Ueliieiuber, can learn little of its effects from description 'he Locofocos have made ihe isue. but from all that he said, wo huve gathered ihe our constitution ui die polls on ihe e- iueuay 01 UctoUer, or deleud it wnh the btiyonet on the first Monday of December. If be done at the polls, we have no time to loose.

"Tis luier wnh ihe wise ihan he's aware." IttXlMD. All I quirt ill this htlh' rto dntre td rouniry. and all pMBSJI of soccevaful ui-urrnrnon for ihe pmwni is ai an end. From every pan of Ireland, ih report are and give por hopes of jrine the igiat bulk of ihe iHiiain eroi added 10 whe It is limn to arouae and is ev-n in.rt.-d ihat tie- Oram crou will l- r- muen bi-low ihe nitf-. Bfc riepons 01 lamuie the an-n- IIOII of I i fri in- I iii.

ii I. I L'l nO Hit. ,1,1,., I r.irMWrlBtl.ll.lf .1... (HT(. .1.1.

ill'. I.n diiv or sailing of i Wuhoul ihe Mahal of aWkeriiia. there had been a fnvornhle rhungv in the Wi iiite r. I he i.n ram thai hud fallen during ihe week, and th'- done ihe crops, have naturally produced a ajaajat whin (I pat 'sing i if c- upon the ciioo market. Tin- alarm news of ihe burning of the Paek-i Sh -O-eau Moc an-h," of B.

sum. in the TtniiiK io sue rl had ar-r'Ved ai Liverpool, tile- had gr ai numtx-r of pmw ng. on hoard. 160 wl i lassl ih ir lives by ihe fir ai.d drowning. Mio burnl to ihe watt r' edge.

Livr.nrooL. Augusi SC. 1848. UmiN UM fym a kt Wequoie Wi-a-irrn rnmH Flour 33 6 I 3j. In ban ajaasal 16 61 io 17 Cd.

Indian eorn 36 hi 38. I tie ffJMM markei still remained in that depressed eoudiiioiias wle-n ile last sn-am railed. (wKAiO RALLY OF THE following brief summary; arranged not in the order it was delivered, but' as it occurs lo us now. Ho opposes the election of Gen. Cuss, because he is pledged lo die doctrines of "circumstances" of "inevitable destiny" of universal conquest" of "out! mm power;" and if elected will involve ihe country in funh'T wars for the extension of sluverv; and will adntiuis- 100 Gam for the Vermout Election.

This old higSiaiC bus done her duly. The Whigs have ihe Senate and House of Representatives by hindsoilie majorities. A Lniied i i ii.ii yj iuu arvuiru, a atluttOine ter the government (or ihe encouragement of IV Um i a ma I'm is shown on iho nonu ar vntr. I li 1 mM II loretgn tauor. tor uii; avuvui oi a i-aku aim not for iho public gooJ.

He opposes ihn election of Martin Van Bureti because on all questions of public policy on which he, (Mr. Corwin) has been called loact, "Oir ArmySwork terribly in Flanders." Out of greai many "anecdotes" with which Col. Weller interlarded his speech, in thistown, there was not one in which he did not introduce in the course of his public duties, he has always CL'ESE or an oath found himself opposed by, or necessarily opposed to, the opinions and sentiments of this man. Because Mr. Van Buren's whole public life has been hostile, in the extreme, to principles of "Freedom and Free Soil." Because even in the month of June last, ho declared his opinions and sentiments as exemplified in his life, sull unchanged.

Because his sudden conver sion, in viete of the office of President of the 'y "hard 10 opal United States, appears like a conversion for a consideration, and therefore not sincere and because the Almighty, in his gradouj dealings with mankind, never yet carried out a good work or benevolent purposo through iho instrumentality of a hypocrite, nnd will not, ii may be inferred, through Mr. Van Puren. He will give his cordial support to Zachary Taylor Because he is a Whig nnd aiiached to Whig principles and here, said Mr. Cunvin, 1 am not mistaken. Some of my most reliable Whig friends nro the intimaie friends of Gen.

Taylor; I have conversetl with many nf the most respectable officers of the Army, and from these men I have the assurance that ai h.imi, or in camp, Gjn. Taylor's Whig semi-moms, and attach imnt to Whig principles hns ever been as wall known ns those of any other man in ihe country. From this and the evidence we have in his own avowals, 1 am satisfied Gen. Taylor is a Whig. He will support Gen.

Taylor because he is un honest man and a patriot. Because, if elected, bo would not bo the moro President of a pnny having "no private purposes to accomplish no party projects to buildup no enemies lo punish nothing to serve but his country." Because, though soldier by profession and practice, ha looks upon war at all times as a naiional culumity and on peace as the true policy of our country. Because, although a slaveholder, ho is opposed io ihe extension of slavery because, if elect-ed President, he will noi use his Veto nor his personal nor official influence to establish slavery in any pari of our Territories, Nonh or South, acquired or to bo acquired. And here again, said Mr. Corwin, I speuk what I know I speak not without authority, and 1 tell you, know Zachary Taylor will not use his Veto nor his personal nor official influence for the purpose of extending slavery into any of ourTerritories, 1 know it.

Think not my fiiends (he con tinued, ihat I am here to "make a case" for Cen. Taylor. Huve I not sacrificed as much as any of you in defending the principles of Free Soil? In their defenco I have battled, when few battled with me. On ihis platform-I look my stand, when to do so, I had to separate forever with dearest friends friends, who, for twenty long years had stood by me through good nnd evil report. Upon ihis ark, I cast myself, with all my hopes freighted, nnd buffutied, almost with single arms, iho waves of popular indignation.

Think not, therefore, that 1 will abandon it now, when in the full tide of popular favor. No, no; I support Gen. Taylor, because of the three candidates'for President now before us, with him, and him alone, am I willing to trust the cherished principles which you and I have so long approved. The foregoing is but a meagre nnd imperfec1 outline of his speech. Many important facis he stated and commented upon in the most impressive manner, which wo are unable now to notice.

For two hours and forty minutes, he enchained ihat large assembly, with such eloquence as it seldom falls to the lot of man to hear. We would rejoice, had every friend of correct prnciples, every sincere lover of truth in our district, been present, and heard him on that occasion. We would not again hear from them the enquiry, "how can Mr. Corwin, the great advocate of Free Soil, support General A minister of a christian Chnrrli. mlLm -8 with us respecting the speech, said he was desirous to hear what ihe democratic cnndidaie for Governor had io say upon the principles and ft I i measures oowi political parlies.

But his vul KUt lilt LLL iU.S lUtth tPIjigs of tlje 17tl) mtjrcssional District, IT CIRROLI.TDN JIOSDU, SLNLMBCI 14. Freemen to the Ketone! J. MVBf xalmTA MRL- Ml rifiti mi unit gtbiia) In-- I' I. nr. ui ntoath-'t it, i H.

A. Ki. i Car- 1 urs Uby ii. i o. Ltm-n; Cf M.I'm-reui.

tl Use ftm HOW. TIE O.MAS The able, the eloquent, the honest advocaie of Coniiitutional Liberty the frarless defender of ihe People' Right ihe uiicompromisit.g enemy of Slavery ihe true friend of Free Territory, of Free Speech, and Free Labor, will be with us. COL. A. M.

MITCHELL, The heroic leader of the Ohio Volunteers at the battle of Monterey, will be here. Col. 3amcs Collier, gar anecdotes, ai limes amounting to downright 1 proprietors feel a oecu'iar satistnetion in referring i i-rofanitv, drove him from ihe meetine. not only to the universal strength, but olso to the The tried soldier of 1812. JAMF.S MASON, iha Whig candidate Tor Conaress.

Col. A I lin llint tl, Pnt usll 1 1n. nun .1.1 I. Vt Dl Another mdividuu we are informal rr--- i i'eeior, UI1U HIOSTER CIRCl'S. In announcing to the citizen of thia place and the adjacent the approaching performan ces of this immense and unrivUcd company, the at "SWEARING alter hearing Col.

Weller, he would knock grace which they have been enabled bv extra declared that labor and expense (and after years spent in the en terprise) to concentrate in one establishment. Ar-tizans withuut number, and certainly without regard kwwl. tUi the eeerswr Mrtickw of imaoritv -mc, Tnir proMr mmmm aitf ported th taia, thu I the ght'i Indian Vefetabl Pill will W- I.kibJ aVhfhtiut aeUKiiMr.K all diMrtWnof the skis; b-caase they rtpel from Ui aody uW puuoiHWM Hw-mr which are th fK- of all kla-ls af mvmir W. Wrifht's In Vegttaklc Pl'h wfflW found Ui aid arxi improve di2'ion. asxt sa tkay ar a direct aurinr th KkiuJ, thrv will most hcs.lh tnd itjM wWoW nm.

mm turn mm sure Ui k'n' a Muxik aaxl i (1 I dian lg The pn I roltUin: 8. I liurgh: tmt uipal ofBce, ICS i Di M'Lisl's Lve P.i Tin. tmmf jwat IsMbWm tttfmi) t)Limt nmmm yet pnipo v.r a mmm r. mm decided, sale w4saMW, as lopiveitr! iiuaposaeo by iinf.i.T nieUieine eArad to the vuiihi invenr ahrst r-iririi, prcti-ir. in rl try in wi.i.-ii I the Liter en Hi isUrmHV mtdicai mr-r.

i- --r' SJMSJ end I 'rnri jh! Dr. M'Ltne, sttnt years in the Hcor'T of t- hn-jfredieatso: M. Pi.t, sod in proportirpiej their Iqusntitits. Tr.e ru tef i hi name fi'! ru mtnUirf. hv sffbrding a it 1- wh-h sHeriate's nd cures UM n-t obs i irriM comnlam.

Have ym; In he riltt i'4e, der the edge of tie rt s. pressure MMMI to NM a he with oecafioiifi, pr inun ier the shoulder lia.c. fx ftivr I I li. ft oi me iif upon it, ai'tHx-h t.e latter pains are -iwnptinits taken ail srise rroa oi the Liver: tBd it roe wmA I have reiiet, go in-tantiy ir.d a bo i Ih. Wtmtf Lw-T Pilis, Pet Gt5Ts.

Hjl'lH'l iiw M. snd hn k.r-son It t'arroliton; Joiin I'otier, New I nomas Lake. Harp RisM M-4-. tier. New CumberUnd; Georpw MajtAitl mm, Kw gusts; John Coch.

Wacnasliveji; Uu; ie Ier, Bolivar; A. Boml, lUgaolia, Sinclair; Co, Malvern: IJ.ill Bj Oneida; Faith, Pekin; lllbbett d- Boory, Ifinms; jynb It i rlea Spring: E. G. Storr, K'i McKlroy Russell. Jefffrin; Hi Bna Me nil, Jlew ley: A.

F. Market; J. M. Brother. isters Mills; Carr i Cumndnga, Lee, burgh; Latimer Pofisa, Ragentaanii II.

Roly 4. NVv. ilagerstown. 11- Aor I uiagusieu noi only wnh his pe- to expense, have been employed during the past Mocbacy, bui his profanity; and henceforth winter in manufacturing, from the latest London 1 n.l ru would quit, both cursing and swearing, and voting lor ihe Locofocos Hon. Sea bury Ford, and Parisian designs, new Chariots, Costumes, Hou-fcings, Trapping Decorations, and other Paripherna- lia, to correspond with the beautiful richness, and The Whig candidate for Governor, are confidently expected to win thi Grand Council of Free- to give effect to the representations of ihemapnifi cent Pageants, Tournaments, Cavalcade and Pro cession, which this far-famed and talented compa ny have the enviable reputation of giving, and which they alone have the numerical strength and brilliancy of talent necessary to perforin.

This talented and monster company will have the honor of exhibiting "The (lumsy Dodger." Gen. Cass has tried his besi not io commit himself on the greui question of Internal Improvements. Dut he is iho clumsiest dodger iu the Locofoco ranks. In his reply to ihe C'nica-go Convention letter, he informed thai "circutn-stances would prevent his attending." This certainly wits not very explicit. Ai Cleveland Judge Wood thrust ui him ihe very poimcd inquiry whether he wus, or not, opposed to in-lurnnl improvements? Gen.

Cass reolied ihat "iho noise and confusion that prevailed would HENRY ROCKWELL St Co prevent his being heurd on ihat momentous sub-, vVst. Hubbell, jeci!" E.G. Mead, If he had stopped ihero, all would have been Shay, well. Bui ho added: Charles C. Pell, "I hone vou have ull reml the kUli John Lovett, In arrolltonon Friday, September 22, 1348.

Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock. Performances to commence at and 7J o'clock precisely. Adniiioii 3S cents only. Proprietors. Manager.

Treasurer. Equestrian Director. General Agent. Clown. addressed to the National Democratic Conven- the f0 lion.

I declared that to bu iho close of my no-' 1 I titicnl oiofeinns 7 i aew Blld magnificent carna- tros. wit i trorirpnus hth ir httorintr liirnpa trjin- Here a a clue lo tho mystery. In iho letter pings to match, will he heraldeifin grand triumphal thus referred to, Gen. Cass says: procession through the principal streets, preceded huve cnrelully read the resolutions of ihe 1 by the Democratic National Convention, laying down lianimolh Sea Shell, or the Lcvia'Uan harlot ore fit my arm oj our political jaitli, anil adhere. to them as irmly as I approve them cordially wow men, whai sny those resolutions upon this partiulur subject? Here is one of them: "Resolved, Thai ihe Constitution doe noi confer upon the General Government te power lo commence and carry on a general system oj internal improvements." So the tlogder is cornered at last! Willi nil his anxiety Ui evade the question, he did not succeed.

Ho stepped all around the trap he put his fooi in ii alter nil! He "adheres firmly" to the declaration ihat ihe Government has no power io carry on a work of internal improve mem! Of course, he would follow in ihe foot sleeps of James K. Polk, and veto any such bill. -New York Courier Sf Enquirer. Correspondence, of the Pittsburgh Gazttte. Arrival of the Steamship Washington.

NEW York. Senlpmhfr fi 1 K.l Tho Steamer Washington arrived at her wharf Prmers names; the owing synopsis is The most magnificent band carriuffe ever seen in the western world, which will ronl tin a powerful band of music, which on account of its strength talent, has obtained the flattering Miu'triquet of the Victor Bin- ind; Lead by Messrs. Bnllo Sf Wo id. After the procession, the immense cortege will proceed to the new and magnificent DOUBLE WATER-PROOF PAVILION, Which is furnished with sufficient seats to accommodate 4 000 visitors. The eats are erected on an entire new plan, affording every visitor an opportunity beholding every act in the arena.

The proprietors do not deem it necessnry to say much about the preservation of order anil decorum, during the ptrlorniances, as the reputation they have already established in that respect is one of the peculiar straits of their management; and has rendered their' the "Model Company" of the present age. It would take up too much space in an advertise ment to give a full account of the performances, and last evening, bringing three days later intelli gence from all parts of Europe, having sailed from Southampton on the 21st of August. She experienced rough and stormy weather the entire voyage. iiNULAND. I he weaiher at London and Liv therefore given of the many acts that may be ex pected from this numerous and talented company: The opening scene of the Cirque Olimpique, and Arena of Equation, will present a new; glittering ami magniliceut Spanish Cuvalcade, entitled The Andalusian Entree.

erpool continues very bad, and ihe cro, After which, among many others, the followingbril- a I Iiont orla will ra nm-fafro in rnniJ ctieeotioTi' No Taylor? The Revolution advancing. We were informed whilst at Salem last week, that the Democracy of Columbiana county, have required and obtained pledges of their candidate for Representative, to refuse to lake upon himself the duties of his office, if elected, unless the Democratic parly shall have a majority in tho Legislature. Aud ihus, if a quorum of Whigs cannot be are to have no Legislature. is suffering dreadfully in conseoueneo enaiige in me markets. Ireland.

In Dublin and vicinity every thing io oiB soups oi excitement has i isitonenrnt No further outbreaks are anticipated. John Martin, the Editor of the Irish Felon, has been found guilty, and sentenced io ten years' transportation. The potato blight is spreading in every direction, aud but few fields have escaped its influence. France. Theintelligencefrom France wears a gloomy and even threatening aspect dread pervades all classes of the community, in consequence of ihe many rumors afloat of secret societies, and formidable conspiracies to overthrow the present Government.

General Cav-ignac, it is said, has received warning of the meditated insurreciion. He is concentrating a large military force in and about Paris, and ii is believed thai he has sufficient strength to put down all opposition against tho Government. Italy. The accounts from Italy represent the cause of Italian nationality at almost hopeless. Charles Albon is talking of abdicating.

Liverpool, August 21. 1848. The Corn Market showed a rise of from two shillings to four shillings per quarter in Corn and if ihe bad weather continued, a still further advance was immediately anticipated. The Liverpool Cotion Market, at ihe close of business on the 19ih, showed no change. Arrival of the Steamship Hibernia.

Boston, September 8, 1848. The steamer Hibernia arrived this morning with four days later intelligence from Europe. She sailed from Liverpool on the 26th ultimo, at noon, and arrived at 8 o'clock, making the run in thirteen days and a few hours. Her intelligence is not very important, yet the spirit of anxiety manifested by the public, has induced us to lay ii before our readers, which is done by the aid of the Telegraph. liant acts will be performed in rapid succession: Grand Trompolinc Leaps and Double Somersetts; by Mr.

Charles P. Sherwood. Master B. Stevens, the young Ducrow of America, will appear in a brilliant and dashing single horse act. The Celebrateo Acrobat Familt, from Nib-le's Garden, New York City, will appear in the remarkable Classic Statuary or Living Pictures.

Mr. William O. Dale, the champion vaulter of the world, will appear in his Grand Vaulting Scene. Mr. Dale has thrown the astonishing number of 89 consecutive somersetts.

Madame Ella Steward, the most talented and graceful Female Equestrian now in America, will appear in some of her favorite acts. Corde Elastique, By A. W. Lymiho. The Wild Son of the Forest, By Mr.

Charles F. Sherwood. Trio Juncto in Uno, or America, Ireland and Scotland, By Master B. Stephens. Grand Concert and Breakdown, By the Cincinnati Band of African Melodists.

Shipwrecked Sailor, By Mr. C. F. Sherwood. Allemande a Deux Chevaux, By Madame Steward and Mr.

Dale. Wonderful Feats of Posturing, By Mr. Lyming. Grand Principal Act of Equitation, By the celebrated Equestrian, Mr. Wm.

Owen Dale. The performance will conclude with a new and laughable afterpiece. O0rrn's Company will also exhibit at Cadiz on Wednesday the 20th, and at Jefferson, Harrison county, on Thursday the 2 1 si inst. CHAS. C.

PELL, Agent. September 15, 1848 49-2t. Estate of Uriah lUarkham. Notice is hereby given, that we have been appointed executors on the estate of Uriah Mark-ham, late of Carroll ceunty, Ohio, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate, are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, to present them, legally proven, ior seuicnieiu, wtintn one year trom this date.

CHARLES MARKHAM, SOLOMON MARKHAM,) rs' September 16, 1848 49-3t. Letters of invitation have been aderessed to Hon. T. M. T.

MeKennon, of Pennsylvania. Hon. John Sloan, of Wooster, Hon. Wm. L.

Perkins, of Lake couniv. Hon. Van R. Humphrey, of Portage county. Gen.

Samuel Stokely, of Sieubenville, John A. U.nghnm, of Tuscarawas county, C. Dewey, of Cadiz, and H. Qriswold, of Stark county. Come, JTcccmm, iComc! Rally around the standard of our gallant oid chief GEN.

ZACHARY TAYOR. (Dur air Countrn Utomcn Are most respectfully invited lo join with us, and with their smiles cheer us on to duty. Come one, eome all! tDljigs, Democrats anb Cibcrtg Htm! To this fi-nl of rnion. We off yntt no Executive patronngo we tempt not your cupidity or ambition; but we ffi the sacrifice of Fn amen, a place at the ultur of our country. The Latch String wji he oat-Our hospitality is offered to all.

ORDER OF THE HAY. Our friends from the pnrt nf th county will form in procession nt Gnrge Abrahim's farm, on the Lihon road, nt 9 o'elock under ihechsrae of JOXII marahal. Those from ihe West will form nt Harrisburgh, ai 9 o'clock, JOHN REED marshal. Those from the South at Kirkwood's farm, ut ft o'clock, JAMES MeCOURT, marshal. Those from the Southern pun of the county, cominc in bv wnv of ihe New Cumhxdaiul m.l will form nt Champnr's mill.

LUKE DAVIS, marshal Those from the Eusi at Gulloher's. on the Sieubenville road, THOMAS LEE. mnrshal. Those coming in by ihe Wellsville road will meel at Alexander Porter's farm, WILLIAM niiLiLio, marsnai. Chief Marshal Gen.

E. R. ECKLEY. Assistant Marshals WILLI AM ELSON. JOHN H.


DAVIS. The different processions will be met by an Assistant Marshal, and conducted into Carrollion. nt 10 o'clock precisely, the whole to be formed into a grand procession, headed by the military and proceed lo the eastern end of ihe town for the purpose of receiving our guests. (ttrSeveral Bands have been invited, and are expected to be in attendance. K.

McULAVE, GEO. F. KENEDY, FRANKLIN BUTLER, Commiiteeof. Arrangements. a n.

c.o r. ui i ROBERT CROZIER, Carrollton, September 8, 1848. Hallo TlUT (E ZfUi is tWAUA WING DK ItX Bfl SE- I van una? Pan i you know iha: ttu at F. Htmaaa, Aan Pitt its Faa Till, wi.l ana tr i taa ai pan I i i to two of tL- pills mi a ai.d an a 3 PCMidtC FlU. fa IHOrS ibut fiart yean data they beta la uar, they at warrvned pet ior io any tuadr, threroaUl it never out of orir, iheaa it ars kajn in the nua ly and uad arm I to 1 Br-ware of ai la thai are Idled and haw km a-j lout tli roj: 8r, was the loN I discover of dtraa re than ktrtf reera ago; and his mi mature VUl o.

aachai UM! taentv li'. an I f.t'tv rr.t that ihe No i ili, Uuauatai H. F. O'i i VtS3 iiiBBAHo pilli, are Knaiua. K.

') agaat in Carratltoa liar tUr II, r.i.'. Ifr, J. ff Carr it ''uruniillg. J. fir' lfi.ff'-Htr'W MeBeao and Knox.

Liaci. SiBClaifi stcu ei; McCaaky. Palaru XOTH'E LMratruiiian Uork! THE JaUBRIED WOMAJI PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. a. x.

aUtKlCtatf! Trofesscr of Diseases of Wosirn. Sixth Edition. I81.10. ptiiJO. Price 0.tMH) mU SOLD II MX MONTHS! Years of aaHilag, af physical and mental an-Iguish to many sn tfltcl'onatc wife, and peruciarr fficulties to the liUsl.nnd Might have been spared; thousands now poor would enjoyed competence: thousands now broken taaaaJtfa woaidaaM enjoyed it; huritreJs in graves been stil aiive, by a timely po-tsi-ior.

af tiiis work. It is intended for the married, or those i contemplating ts it AiecioaH important I secrets whieh be kr.ovn to tiicia Truly, kaew ledge is power. is I.appi- i fs. i n.i 1 1 re. The aaaalsUoaa eeatantad in aagat have proved a blessing tetboaaeaea, aattieiaaaaatMale letters received ly tl author will tttfit.

Here, also, every female the wi.e, the mother, the one either budding into womauhood, or the one in the decline of years in whom nolure contemplates an ketaortaat ehtaga can discover the symptoms, ami the most efficient NaMcleBi and most certain mole of cure, in every cumpiuiat to which her sex is sui.ject. Its tu the Married niay be gathered from the tact, that Tatar aXJjati agents make In Three to Fire Dollars a day! from its sale, hundreds of active, cnterprizin IMNBI are accumulating a Utile con.petcnre from theliiie-ral discount allowed, and the great demand for it. Orders are required to be accompanied with payment Copies will be sent by mail free of postage io the purchaser. Over twenty thousand copies have been sent bv mail within three months with perfect safety and certainty. On the receipt of One Dollar, the "Married Woman's Private Medical Conipunion'' will bff sent (mailed free) to any part of the United States.

All letters and applications from those desiring to become agents must be post-paid (except those containing a remittance) and addressed to Dr. A. 11. JIauriceau, Box 1224, New York City. Pubiiah-ing Office, 129 Liberty street, Xcw The "Married Woman's Private Medical Tom- panion is sold by Boousellers tnruughout the Uni- 44-3in.

Notice IS hereby eriven that a oetition will nrennnipH to the Commissioners of Carroll county Ohio, at hereby given, that a petition will be presented their session in December next praying f.r an al- I t0 Commissioners of Carroll county Ohio, at teration in a portion of the Harrisburgh road, lying session in December next, praying for the loin Oiange township, Carrol) county, to commence cation of a county road to commence at James at Henry Newels Saw mill, and to run through the Forbes mill, on Conottor. creek, and to run through lands of Samuel Rutter, John Hamilton, William Jhe lani18 ot 8aid Forbes, Thomas Cumminga, Campbell, Thomas Cummings, and to the south Isaac Browers, John Moncrief. John Browers, Pa-west corner of John Moncriefs land tef Browers, and Isaac M. Wallace, to intersect September 8, 1848. MANY PETITIONERS.

the road leading from New Hagerstown to Caroll- lon Estate of Thomas Carson. NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned have been appointed Executors on the estate of Thomas Carson, deceased, late of Carroll county, I September 8, 1848 MANY PETI flONERS. ted States. Estate of Tnonias Scarlott. Notice is hereby given, that we have been appointed administrators of the estate of Thomaa Scarlott, late of Carroll county, Ohio, deceased.

All persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claim against the same, to present them, legally proven, for settlement, within one year from thia data JOHN JOHNSON. CATHARINE SCARLOTT, 15, 1848 49-3t. Estate of George Smith, Sen. Estate of Jacob Ciotshall. NOTICE is hereby given, ihat ihe undersigned have been appointed Executors on the estate nf Jaeoh (tiiIsIih I.

r- 1 ATM T- 111,1, ui uuimiii NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned Ohio. Those indebted to said estate are requi red to make immediate paymeat, and those hav- uii unMii.1 iig.uiisi Mio esiuie, are requested to mi I-J-Li-J. wnio. liioae inueuiea 10 sam esiaie are required has been appointed Administrator on the estate of to make immediate payment, and those having George Smith, Sen deceased, late of Carroll coun-claims aeainst said estate are reauested to nresent tw fthln Tlmo iiiUvi.m.u duiu vsiiiiL aic reijuir- .1 i them, legally authenticated, lor settlement within ed to make immediate payment, and those havin" ir suihenitcaied, for nrtA voir frnm this rlntn I -1-1 a I mfinl uritVin rtu aJaalaa A cr.M clalmB ttre requesieo to present them, legally pro- ven for settlement within one year from thisdate. JOHN SI10BER, Executors.

I GEORGE SMITH, Adm BepteniDer ie. September 8, 184S. 1 Sept. 1848. ment withiu one year from this ditto.


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