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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 8

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ft v. 2 1 i' ill 1 1 i fr 7 'o At the Humane Society Fair. SomewTiat of a SqnabWe Orer Onfi of the Earlj Erents. Trots That Were Exciting and.FoH of Fan. The Soldier Boys Make It Warn Fr the Eaemj.

le-Day Come tb 'Cjelisto, the Big Featire the Week fimt Crowdl st Csrthase. NotwithstandinK the rather cold weather of yesterday there was an exceedinily iarfe crowd at the Humane Secietr Fair. Cartbaee pikq was lined witn rarriaaes and tbe trains out of the city were crowded with eager special ors. The electric lines were also so crowded that the csrr. broke down and delayed the (assemrers for sorae tiase.

At the grounds tbe crowd was at least three times aa large as that of any other day. Polk Ttailcet Ho. X. The trot ssainst time was set far 10 a. hot was not ailed uatil 1 p.

as. In rotation the horses took their tarn, and at the last call Bob." belonging to Ir. A. Evans, bad the ribhoo. At 1 o'clock tbe speed con-teit was called and tbe bones appeared an the track and made a record as follows: Young Benton, belonring to Foster Webb, fharailton.

Time Flow boy. owned by Jas. Long, of Cartbaee: Belle of Hamilton, owned by Foster Webb. Hamilton. 3 2.

"Bob." owned by Dr. A. E. Evans, of Cincinnati, who took tbe ribbon for fancy driv ing and sp ed on Wednesday. The rowd cheered the magnificent gray.

and thought tbe race was fiuisbed. as ft was supposed that "Rob" was the last entry. Two liour afterward tbe belt in the Judges' stand rung, and thejstarter announced that Kin? Kirnard. belonging to Rudolph Var- wig. of Carthage, would trut for tbe premium the nearest to 3:00 stake.

TliTp considerable surprise over this. Every supposed that the contest bad endi iiouri lu-fore. Vr. Evans, who drove "Ilnii." was eaperiallv indignant. He was told when lie started that his horse was tbe Inst to enter.

thinking that he bad only a iwm beat, permitted his horse te trot m. a Kail, siinoly last enough to wia the coii't-M. whi-n ho con Id have trotted in 3:40. Jie that no ethers were against him. Ibe of the Judges in allowing Trn to tr-'t Ins horse two hours later met With considi rohle criticism.

Thr Atttrawa Kvent. Thr in tbe stand yesterday were as follows: s. 'i. Harris, starter: Associate Judges. D.

W. McClnng and LeviC Coodalf: Timers. Peter It liudd and Edwin AVoollev: iMstanre Judge. Dave Wolverton. The cray stallion Kdgewood was entered in like ivifi trot nl yesterday afternoon, and tbe roan bullion wa given the outside place, tvith at the pole.

Monta. Phisier second. Maizone third and Jarg Slade fourth. In tbe first heat the horses came under the wire on thr tirst core wjth AUtrath. the pole ho nr.

it neck ahead. i At tbe turn Edxewood cansht tbe dying stallion and went to the front by a sulky lenuth. At the quarter Monte Phisier caught the stallion unci crept up on the wheels of the sulky. Around they went and came uneVr the wire at the half almost neck anl nerg. witn the other horses bunched in- the rear.

At tbe three Quarter pole Monte I'hister was crowding Edgewond. but as the horses enterea the stretch Monte Phister br- kc and Jack Slade pushed to the front. Down the wretch the horses came, straining every fiber. Jack Made gained every second on KdKowond. and passed' under the wire ii, -rk and neck, with the stallion Edgewood lirst.

Jack Made second. Monte I'hister third. Mazzone fourth. Alstrath fifth. Time In tbe second heat the horves got away with Kdgewood in tbe lead and Jack Slada close behind.

Monte Phister third, and Alstrath fourth, with fifth. The horses kept tbcsamf places all around the track, and F.dgewood won the heat in In the third heat Kdgewood got away first, with Alstrath close behind, and the other horses bunctied in the At- the first uusrter Kdgewood was three lengths ahead. with Mome Phister next. Jack Blade third ami fourth. The horse gent their positions a'l around the track, and 'Kagewnort ramt in winner of the rare in fh- money divided as follows: XI SO to first.

S75 to jpcond. Stalo third and S3) to the iourin. i races were exciting and closely contested, hut Riieea.iod rln wrmm h.rMjl from the tirst races, had a sure thing on win- ninu. Tho tttK Drill. Between tiie tirst and seoond heataef the race the skirmish drill of the First Regiment was called, and while the daylight fireworks were hanging away.

Colonel Whitney cot the hoys together. The ngiment Was consolidated into four companies. The great First Regiment Band marched in to the track, lollowvd by the boys in bine. Across they went and into the hollow inside the track. On the far side, facing the grand tand.

the soldier boys dress up in line and about-laced and marched twenty feet apart. Another bugle call and the soldiers started si double-quick and charged on the grand stand, but the bngles souuded and the beat hssir retreat. call and each nov In hlua AmniA on his kn- and the whole regiment tired a vollev that aaCenel the echevs of thelitis around tarthage. Aaaintha bugles sounded the call to keep on firing, and boys let co with a vim that madu Ihe.aorses in the lamiiy carriages rear and the spectator in the Krand stand duck their heads. Again the bnuJes sounded retreat, and site long line yeiiow-leggined soldiers burned euct to the lar smeoi tnetraoev -Another vUey was fired, and the boy, having u0 orders, ohargsd on the grand stand.

'l'brogh pools and over fen ce 'troopers charaed. Across tbe track tuey went, and juaied the intervening tesoe. Vmt jnst then the bugler aoanded treat, and bar. tney went io form into companies. -Again they vent through tbe same drill, and men.

lieaded by the gaJlaut irt Keguuent iiaud. they marched oft theerounds. itrr. however, between the aaenn and third beats, the reginieuts gave a dress pa rade on tue iraeg in iront ot tbe graud land. The exhibition was receivwl itb tumultuous apDlause and cheers, which be-ppkr thegnod feeling miutifest in the laat First, ul Hamutpn County The a tas AlfVi Iletweea the second and third heaia ef the raceXiae.

Zeno tusp aaotaer aacsnsiea The daring aeronaut, who baa made soma ef the most perilous ascension, was anxious to go no on Wedoesday. bnt the jiiaukgers of tbe fair thought the wind was loa strong. and prerentad bar. Tacterday. hawevrr.

she was allowed to make an ascewt, Jhratght- np ty sards tbe clouds she went, ovee f-et above the was a moat dating as-cent. The bailooti drifted vastward. and when over a large forest began te descend. The madam, seatat; the trees below Jier did Dot cut loow. bau with rare nerve sat in her trapeze and waited for tbe balloon to drift dear ot the trees.

The parachute opei.ed and ibuu bnt still she gat quietly in the rooei. When toe Balloon cleared the trees, how. over, she was less then 6D0 feet above tbe crvuad. yotwtihvsnuiag this fact, ait cut Tb snandt wndtf eiwlwnt irMtin. Ttnf thlint.racM ci in ineiiiDil Policy.

PWtHKat dU on the rrouncs nncpr tn tomturo wnwrn. Th ton Id blua bnttonf feavtf litll to do At.tha Uir. thr rthRlMa th ffirr -ar dtmle tbre for inty 9vry ar. (inl iM reruia, oBicm are clio on account appear A lieturr or iwi are hndoro-t on iUr fore rBiaiia to be wen. aretfipr Hun SBiMhhnrt.

larejiea Gwrnoe. Charl l-U. Jom Murjhy. J. t'otT.

FiW br. Jufca. Aran and tbarlea Kraba. To-day! proaramme is Tb Pt- alar trotting matches are potpoad nnnl 'Saturday morning-, as re also ait tbe ntner even of the day except lbs bicycle toBma- Tba one of ttte lsrsent erer bald rt tbe State, as tlte prizes offered have some of ttte heslarberlmeu into the. contest.

Tbere will be a number of highly xr.iuncrantesu.and alxo an arciiery. tournament gno lonmer Zeno Again Does a Dam Search of dSS.1?,b iri niniirTa I atJt limlf will reiidrr rt nlrl bimeelf will render The Feast of After sratberinv tat brarv at Dy Mme. be there, and Bellv softie of bis soperb poned ontll baturflay STttm BoV aetdler. Clifford Graoee. tbe nine-year-old boy sol dier, drilled yesterdav the regiment, but to-day he will drill alone in front of the grandstand.

Yester ay while be was mime he received a telegram front the New iora Advertiser, is beeginjr him'. as the greatest hoy soldier in the world for $1,000. stating that a twelTe-year-old competitor arrived in new lnrt irora ainennui raclts. England, to compete with him for the prize. The contest will come oft Aetv York for tne raampionsnip oi sne wora wiiuio tne next twu weeks.

Tbe boy soldier. however, will drill at the grounds to-day and to-morrow. il FELL OUT. A Claemnatt Karlaoer Meets With eldent Mear Nsnss, Ohio. WAPPY" Boo bs, elebraited Israeltta.

In the predncia NOT, GUILTY. Tha trarj BarJ aa Ae- Word was received in this citr yesterday that Ed Small, an engineer on tbe Nypano Boad. fell off bis engine near Marion. Ohio, and was severely injured. He wa standing near the door of the cab.

when a sadden lurch threw him out. Tbe train was goibg at a high rate of speed and Small was thrown some distance. He was seriously braised about tbe body and his right let broken. He residet at No. .12 Race street, Wins a Weallhr Western Bride.

The Good Fortune of the Former Chief of the Cincinnati Detectives. The friends of Charley Wappenteifl. tbe well-known Ex-Cbief of Detectives, will be surprised to hear of his marriage a few days ago in the far West. "Wappy" left Cincinnati become con nectedwith the Pinkerton Agency in Chi cago, and has succeeded in establishing him self as one of the trusted lieutenants of Su perintendent Pinkerton. Htbu won considerable.

lame ior ciever work in important anq Difficult case. es pecially in the Western Some months ago, while on a visit te his sinter. Mrs. (Jenersl Koutj-. nt aneoover.

he met Mi Minnie Benn. an accobi-piished young lady, whose father is oneof the weolthiest lumber drtier tf taat Tbe scquiintance into an en gagement. Becontty been working on the Penrose murder ease at Butte. and baa found time to visit Aberdeen, Ore-of which place Mis Beon's father is Mayor. Last week the wedding took place at the home of the bri le's parents.

and wasduite a xwell atroir. Mrs. Wappen stein' is a bright little womannd a grndnate of the at Sslem. Ore. CRAG HAS-SUCCOTH, By the This evening tbe Israelite again eon- gregatein their houses of worship, to cele brate "Chag feast booths.

This festival i an ocessicm of re joicing ssd thanksgiving; and is often called the. Jewish Thanksgiving. It is celebrated seven days by the reform and eight days by the ortbodor Hebrews. Tbe first and Isxi days are particularly holy, and on these Maya the Jews are prohibited rem'dulng hriy kind of work, and are commanded in tha BiHe to attend relictous "The days b'-'. "ihe first and Jsst are: only half- was originally harvest festival of-on agricultural people.

ot tueir fields, he Jewish 'farmers in Palestine would rejoice at their prosperity ami give tha totiod f'-r Ills bounties. During the-week they dwelt in booths built not on their fields. Thin festival has lived through ail the are uoto the present time, ana is celebrated by Hehr. wsh a wArlil tiifr than a religious holiday ilidav It is now rg'h a vest festival. harvest fentiA-fl 1 here will be from hfty to 100 booths ininis ihese are usually placed the and during the nurht thr families camp 0 er a thougb iti-ceitrs at harvest time even here.

Talks al- oTit in ttim At riMtttmi. tfew attranf. ftiinv cur ions -visitors. The booths' ol wealthy Hebrews are very elegant affairs, hemgtaav fnlly and profusely adorneo with various Kinds ot milts. plauUajid.nower.

-j- That Gar THREE BLAZES the Fire XSMkvtmeaS Kaeretae." The alarm from Box. 197 at. liM yesterday morning was eansed by a traall bite on the roof of a twit-story frame house. 19 Good loo street, occupied: by Mr. Demag.

Aboat O'clock yesterday-morhing I. P. Butler otned grocery'-. on I'olumbia aveane lie struck a match and. then there asan- explosion.

An alarm ws sent in from Box -M4 a the blare was extinguished with a los S303.u-.The was caused oy voe lesxiHKot a uinKofsasoliiie. A sniftU tire on the rVx of a tenement nonsest raliinrton and i ooper avetues. cauxd an alarm nqrn jiox g. lHiinage. SIO.

GRABBED HER -f Stary Kxperiosrao Wkh a Colored Mary Souther, ot 119 lmTlier street, wa walking atuus that UtotoughCar Wed jar night, when a colored boy kuatehed her poeket-bnvtk. enruainjna S3 jOkind ran away. William Victory, of VSi Wsm was rohbetl of a eolil watch. -Aiitisenm nMI BKxen from i Rosenberg, of. ei f-i'ui streoi.l ilarg are priest t.peirt he side door of A giiit Mnrrman's saloon, at Filth and Park streets; and stole a hog cigars anst enart potties wlustr.

Msry ot EaXt 1 hint street, a as nibbed of a gold watch. Girl IriUVMarrying r-serts iier. T. Woods Wife Gets a Diroree. Other.

Ditarw Matters Oeaeial lews of ths Oonrts. Karl Hair was a fakir and a canvasser for 'cbromos. While following hU bnslnew in this etty be with MrsTHaneImann. "r-. Srre had a daughter named Pearl, a large.

handsome young "wornso. Hall, with his sasooth talk and fine dree, won the heart of Miss Esnselmann. He nractically talked her into marrying him. and into falling in with him. He went to her mother and asked for her.

bnt tb mother said she would not want her daughter to marry him under any circum stances. Tber eloped and were- married September He never; provided-for her. He- would not pay. ihe rent and they moved com place to place on" that aeconnk He always dressed well, while ehe sraa-almast destitute of clothes. On one occaaien Bowed, her "hi Silk underwear, told her i was ver cool said he was sorry she did not have some also, bnt that he'd get some for her.

He failed to do so. Finally fae deserted her and their child, and she has not seen him since. She sued him -r divorce. Jndge Bucb- walter beard the case yesterday and granted a decree. She was a granddaughter of 'Squire Hansclmgnn.

a well-known man in this city during bis life-lime, George G. Bright, attor ney. xrs.Wsw(dsJHvwree. Tnrtn KHithwi IM VMUW1IV mntM a divorce to Ada Woods from Granville Woods. The rase was heard Wednesday.

The grounds on Which the divorce -was asked was adulter with Josephi Jefferson 1ee. with whom Granville lived as ber husband. Itlwiiteli nia leeal trite resinen onlv a few squares as ay ana extreme cruelty. The nlamtift said that onre he tied her to the bed nd threatened to kill ber. and that on many nccasious Ik1 b- at her.

Both are rnlrd and the plaintitns hiehiv etinrated and a teacher in aacoeol lor-short-hano. Other Ptvovee Matter. Kay Lyons has Bled an affidavit in supaert cAa motion for alimony from John D. Lyons. sffe ay he deserted her.

leaving hef deti-tnte. He is a fortune-teUer. she says, and Mini a day. Judae Ontealt r-f used to allow alimony pending the hearing of the suit of J. A.

Steven against Limebtevea. riiarle By bolt's OtTewse. The Grand Jury yesterday beard the charge geainst Charles rlyblt. He i accused of ob taining gopd by false pretenses front Eastern mbrehant. It is probable that the United rttatos -Grand Jury also indicted him, as he used the.mails for his schemes.

He had a place of business on Front street. go' For Talaable Property. Ruit baa been begun la the Common Pleas Ciurt by Missouri A. Ely and husband gainst the heir of the late A. F.

Bramble for the partition of V6 seres in the heart of Mddistnville. worth abmit tiUO.OWl.- Tbe petitioner is one of the chifdren of Ay res F. Bramble, deceased, thr ngh whom the prop erty in Question comes. Mr. Krnmble will remembered as.

a very prominent 1 demo cratic iKilitirisn i'i the hfties. Me was engaged in the pork business and accumulated a laree tortnne. jjurcn jonnsun represeni tiie penttoner. fleaersU reu- Wewa. astee of J.

i A. Pimpkin-son A sold the Simpkinson ho meat'-ad for Sso.866 to f. tf. Harrison. The price- -paid was "Inst two-thirds of tbe appraisement.

Judge OtiP'slt reversed the juigfnnt of Squire Tyrrell in the ease, Heo. fish, for cruelty to aoost while killinait. tieo. Baker, eonviciea of giving' a theatrical performance on sunday.basa pealed to the Common Pleas lurt August Brugcemann is adminUtrator of Louis Wirth. Personal tv.

tlJOO. i heHyosmore-street ldiug Acsnciatirn gnt judgmeat against John S-hlotiuau tor J1.58U".!. i Joseph 'Esrnshsw got a verdict of 470O against the Mu Ankara Cable Kail way t'om- Var'y C. Kardm and other sued tbe city to enioio the collection of a street asessmeat. J.

1- Logan, and italiaea Howard, attor- lieory Jfack'Xsned Fretieripk Hoeltge and others to reform a deed and qu et the title to rear lo'k. atlorner. he Howling ftreen fJIe CompaaT snfd Comotott, sola. ton; Auitsi Vs. L.

Ave o. for fliff 07 due lur goods very, attorney- tl ItfsrOatte Ir'i rV CO MOM FLXAS Henry Mack vs. Frederick Hoeltge and wife. Belief. 9LBl Geo.

Baker vs. The State of -Ohio, Error. 9t 310. The- Electric Sunpl.y and Conioli-dac-d Comootiy Ttie Boluridge Si Jiugai Mow 'Ompahy. Appeal.

91,21. E. W. Traeev et Jaroe B. fim ill.

Aft til In In nt.i.A avrmioa cocaT i 45.R36. Mary Eardiii vs. Tb City of Cia- eiiinnti. Kelief. 4a.ta.

Tb BowHng -Green' Glas Company vs. tompton. Money. Pel tee Ceort Uoeket-V. i The following case weiw disposed ot rev ter-'ay by Judge Gregg: John Wirher.

Daniel Hr-ley. costs: 1 rauk SIO and ooam I ln. ftrown. Jamrs uc4iatit to and ooats: Cos.

Barter. Mary Paitou. cnsei: Belle A.Imius, Hind IHidv. Mnrie Murrar. Marv Csrbett.

thirty days. 0 and c-sta iris orderly duct Lawrence T. Kingston. tlctobetl6: Joseph Winters, thirty days. $50 and coetM hell Wi.son.

Clara Miller. SO ad custs; Fred Meyer. Edwin jobi. ovm- Assault an Battery--Violet Dndtey, Oeto-beriS. Loi ert estte Gil more.

October 'JO. Jeiit larceny Tbo. Brown. Ja. McTtit-Inm.

dismissed: Hohert tiraves. lie and costs: Henry Wegener, thirty days. SVOO and costs: Mike Burns, thirty daya. S3 and Costs: je Dal ton. Boya Industrial bchool; Kike Barns, dismissed." 'iolkii tii Midnight Law-Win.

Veift, Anshisi. fturos.otoher2i -'lhsi-harging Fire-Artus Chas. Neavey. tlOV and i Failina to Provlda for Chfld-rMartin Leieer. cttper S2.

Arwnit to ksiti Herman Kan. uctober vh t'aiUas to- Kiil Albert U. HU. bound over. i- Keegtug House ef Ill-Fain Emin Harris, costs.

Carrying -Concealed Frank Bcaiy, $100 and costs. MARRIAGE LICENSES'? Richard C. Gould and Nettie M. John Bcrkher and Emily p. McKee and Ema Nobles John Kw ruing and Ldcy William Muelleraud tbristina Knnns ana.

Michael Egner ad Minnie Weecbke. tfflftn ftM Kth 7iiam.Miu.. The VertlM la th Caso Araiast ataMir JU-lin J. Fabry and fathanae Msloney. i.

Itavtin. 'jy' 1-ouis Armbncht ana Annaltoiiiug. 4 ilaaagef John Havlin was tried hy a jury in tb Police Court- for-g-tvitig a theatrical Derfovmam' on Sunday. T- 1 G. Mercurlo and Promdeaza Mercurlo.

Edward was the 'foreman pf. that Soaympp-rt. Jury, which toog -'just f.f:eeu minutes to -Alice Shiflard. of 6 Watson street. jester' bs ins in v.

rdict of iiotgAxur. I day sworet.fat a warrant for the arrest of her 1 1 i streets, for iiu-upport of ber fenr efclldfen. lite l.iararr iJnd held a meeting yester- Tney tter divorced some time ago. bnt the aiternooa and nki-eea to oben the U- I ert ordered him to pay alimony, ce ehe at Vcloct ia.the morning and cW ZZlkiiLhtiitZZl a cloow, board also ordered die. 1 nce last hnsliiiaa.

r. trtbuted among the two luiiroianes -icnr atl Asyinoi j'nd ItrtKmrMi bouks.i t.lfu volumes of damaged. SI Is a Citlxea Kew Godtreid Wollank yesterday took out his naturalization paper. Ho was born ix Oor-goanv and served in th army there. 0 Crew fp ith tk.

c.uBtry. who was ia the Signal Servioe Burean ia ibis has. been changed. II I will go to Omaha and take charge ot th tla- tiou uier. Myowa family "medici no Simmon Liver Regulator.

Key. Jaa. M. XioUina.Fairtlsld.Va. it J.

4," -THE EKQIJIRER, COITOIATI FRIDAY, OCTOBER -16, jcoi; i MA8LET CAKXWS BIjOCK OF STORES. -i i (:f.iErs;BdyS'AiD CIIILDREITS ruutnAnnonrnnhnnnnuinAnnnnJinnn AND VETiE SIMVIIG THE i Largest Most tleant and fashionable 5 Tha larereist 6 to 1 best and finest I n. r-k ill rstbck in Cincinnati: 5 I nitnrhmr for all Man. HI rilltO of all GOOD SORTS "for UtiWt fiand Child: kind of ULUVCO Men, Women 7 and ChilV ft The Great Wholesale Retailers. iruvuimuinuvuuininnnAnsinnra i'- BIG TIMES )mm, and.

tb 'trcii oeiun inim-j rtiilr. flatfd "th roond Rii cticr of ttte -V lH FAKIR SPICK AND SPAlt STORRS FCHHX1bXBS. THX JaXJfS Jt DOZPKJE CXI. a "ll tTMa 9Hak.9tK HaiM Ckarck 4U 1 annnAnAniuiJiruviruvnnAn Wmm a ar -fc I 1 I I ft 1 I I 1 In) 4 i Euv Uaotist CfanrcU faaa uti Bin. He Failgto Proyide and OrnelljDa- ntr iu -1nth.

TlieinUrvrir' haa Ulider-, rone thorouyh repairs at a cost of SMUB. Botfa ttte cbttrvh roper and. tbe Sa tay-aeboi raosa harm been ae-rly carpeted and aetiateaV Tha Ctjorch proper baa been entirely re-modeldand that, old abitnes would Mi kfeow it. A allery has been run in a aroaad thrr sides, aanatelereh fet wide, and hariac aseatiac capacity of 53a The ceilicc has been ele-aanily frec-ed by Pedrtit, in cream color, with old sold borders and ft-rai desians, I hrorua ksx bren. newiy aeeorated and pat in tirst-elass order, and etands nnt bo tore in the rear of ibteurch, but at the left of- the pnlpic Three ew a ithic arches bae been piaoed behind the pulpit.

The windows are of sunned class, itv pearock blue and brown; certainly nvd9t and humbie colors. The baplistry or po-l in in the rear of the ohorcb puloit. and intrisibie to the audience, exeept when the orimance is administered. be The UHBitntir leetnre room ran sed es rie room tor prayer tneetSnes. hot 1 bv the aid of aiidma doors and partitions ran be mane into several room.

I am service ocaur en Sunday nexk. which there wsano demand. opening I OVER HIS Jaaaaa Kwr Sa Over By Own xteien. James Kerr, an agent for. tbe Metropolitan Insurance Company.

No. 2R2 Main atreet, had a narrow escape from being killed yesterday Kerf dropped into a saloon and restaurant at Poplar atreet and Freeman avenue to get his dinner. He left hi bone and boggy sta-idlngob the corner. as Kerr came out the horse started to ran away. Kerr grabbed the bridle, bat was knocked down.

The wheel of the baggy nassed over bis he4. in flirting a scalp-wound. He was also bruised about tbe. body. Patrol No.

5 re move turn to the Hospital. where hia wounds were dressed, and he was then taken to his bomt. Ao. 10 Webb alley. IgImiel-dirr Explains For Contractor DeSerisy Why the Hamilton Afenne Contract LajB, and Blames the Wafer Wsrks and Gas; fempaay The Snbvray Qaest on Ariin Befo-e the B.

of A. Mr. Presents His Views. Zerper "The Board of Administration yesterday morning approved the final estimate and a- saina ordinances for the improvement of Loi gworth street with asphalt. The merit ia S3 67 per front foot.

The assessing ordinance for sewers in Richmond and Ninth street and 'McLean aveaae also were passed-and forwarded to tb Poerd of Legislatio-i for passage: also, an ordinance to establisa the grade of IngiesidV avenue. from McMillan (treet to Forest a venae, Armand DeSeriay. the over-time con ttactor. who was summoned before tbe Hoard to state why bis work on Hamilton avenoe is dilatory, failed to show op. but et Gabe Dirr to say that the blame lie with the Water-Works Department and Gas declaring that the main bad not been removed in time to allow the grading ot the avenne.

rABI.KTtKO Wa indulged in between Gabriel a-d the members ot the board. Mr. Washburn did not eare to shoulder the responsibility of the work ant longer, hot wanted it pushed. Finally subject was dropped. Gabriel ornmising to see that the matter wonld be pushed.

'Hardiit, this understanding been reached before Mr. of. Osborne. Tlutcbins it HhnLeame in and reiterated Gabriel'a tateKtets concerning the Water Works, and wanted to know why his elevator was not supplied with water. Superintend- eatThro.

of the Water Works, explained tbe by say! that when the water simply elevators as turned off Mr. Os- i i i write vh ani.piK-tt Tvn qiitp luoaer mjiii others. since the supply of aater WABBairrtn rcBKntniBO r'- F. levator oower. Me.

nsbnrns-liM not an- plied power. Ibis waa finally straigbt- then took un" the subject of electricity. Some i-nrersation was bad con- rerntnar tbe lioertit-s taken br tbe M-raan otnoanr. It Is prnhable that that company wid tie restrained from stringing any more Hresitlent ftrsvdon rennrtad the' reoeln of a-rhe'efc for Slftt39 upon the Sinking oni rnstees. 1 lie check renresesita the bi nds bougbt by no pt roller MrVeta.atid f.r ater nrks bins a ounting to sz.u5 were approved alss v.

nchers for S3.8U. At i o'clock the Board met with- 4 rrorre Kerir and John Pogue. aad talked orer the sun-say sobwutted a eommnnieation sayiae that es a rroreeentativeof the uuf.a City ectrie Company be feels the need of a seoeral snbway under restrict ions which would be more economical than aw iMprrasio' lit tistv' This plan is the interest of the city and to the companies fnrnisbing tbelisbu Hesne-ta tiiat the bidders name Uie price per dnrttp beenanred per annum and that the a acta ne let to tne iowe-1 niotcr. Tbe maximum -price named in the doe-n Gity Company's stovificaiioos. according to estimates, would be- a ot per anirum -on the company's pres ent ous.nesv wane tne company cmiio oniio IndeOeiient subway at a rental lease SLOW pet-aannro.

and tbe tmutinivf business would tier ten times, mat now clone -or the SO thai tbe excess of rental would bessOOOO per annaoi.tbe ennsomer having to -pay- this amount Besides the subway oul ant be run in th interests of electric ha (it companies. The Keasley New Ynrk faHl Company contracted at aenst of er He would like to hsw nistnrt at one fourth that figure. He ag that eight were time pe snvea Biaaers to formulate tneir piap. -m. HERE TO THERE.

XJewMaaar, Sergeaata aad OSseey Traaar "tsrwd Ry CbleS Ho.t-eh. -Iky direction ot Mayor Moeby tbe following transfers of Li.u tenants. Hergeants add pa-. Vrolmen will take ejet October 1S-. First-; Lieutenant M.

Lanadon to Third District Police fetation, vice Lieutenant William H. Krifppe. transferred to fecand UUlrict Pe- lie Second Ijeoteaaat James J. Hanrabao to Third District Police tarien. "vico eter Erg.

irantferred to Second Dsv triet PaliCb Station. Third Sergeant Louis Schmidt from the Ninth District Police Sta tion to tb Fifth District Polio Station. Beraeant Frank R. Chase from th Fifth Dis trict Police Mauou to tht Ninth Ihstrict Police Mation. Fourth Patrolman Lout Brinkrian Irom Seventh District Putic 8ta-Hon to tne Second District Vol ice fetation, ami Patrolman Richard J.

Richardson from ihe Second lntrici Police Station to DUtriet folic cHati-Mt. JGET, 'I' TTliy Charge Were rrrred Acaiast 'i-r Omeesr esteakd. Tb other bight Officer Giesk arrested F. T. JJoihoUaad.f Richmond and Freeman, for; violating the midnight law.

He, was fiaed in tiie Fbhee fourth Yesferdaj-. to get even. 'be appeared before Chief Deitseh and preferred charsres againt Ui- oiiicer. e.ainiiHg that be used threatening language en he made lite arrest. Ckarges were aif-o preicrred atrHinstPrtvat Prtict-r Webber for.

assaulting i red tbad-ttiugag with but Ciub. ApyMiated tm Ue a. at. Charles Gilbert was yesterday appointed Railway Mail clerk betweea IajiiLs and reside in Obi aud wi.l start on his route immeuiaie-ly. warns a special ijauoi; That Troublesome Triangle Again totheFront.

A. Petition From the Traatees Pre sented to the Election Board. dresina room for the candidates is above the I vampaiffn 1 iairmB oeK Informa tion Abort Ckalleigsrs. They Will Be Allow in the Comtrj, Bat Not la the City Awsri tat Ceatraet For PriitiBs the Aaitraliaa Ballets. The Board of Elections yesterday awarded the ballot contracts, finished tbepreparatiot- of instructions to officers of election, and received a Ursa oonussment of the nw ballot-boxes.

President Ebrman wa about to congratu late, tbe membera oa the suecoasful easple- tion of the work on which they had been an busily engaged for weeks pest whan Clerk Crow interrupted htm. "Ihasw a oommnnication here from Storrs Township;" he saidt Tbe anemben dropped bk in tha chair srea or ogsyaiai If tber is any thing that hecau-d trouble to the Board it is 8torrs Township, or rather what is left ot When the tiwnhip was abolished anil Its territorr annexed to the gitr tbe law-makers overlooked a little triangle containing about 130 voters; It is difficult to determine where this email pateh belong, but it alway comes up ai election time in some shape or other, it In. Ham ilton Csd ty, but not in the First or Seem' District. When th Consriasiwnai Districts were rearranged" by tb last Legislature the triangle was overlooked, and -th omission necame tbe basis of a strong -effort by tbe Republicans to overturn the so-called "ger- ander." Constitutional lawyer fought battles over the point involved, and tbe subject was finally paorraa is ptsersx. Tbe conn tnlcatlon reeeiv 1 yesterday wa' from George E.

Gobreeht and Pewr F. Btry- ker. Trusters of Mtorrs Township. They in formed th Board that tbe term of -Joseph cbalta, Justice ef the Peace for Hwrrs Town- ehio, would expirs'on the 12th of December. and requested that the yieoessarr arrange ments ba-made for the eeleetinn of hissnr- ressor at the approaching general election.

Clerk Crow directed to notify the Trus- tees to PrODerlv certify tne list of candidates so that a special ballot could be prepared for tne e.iecu..o oi a Magistrate. to TBI CoHTaJkCT PO HUsmvo The ballots, needed for the Doming election wa asaroed the 'Klm-eireei Printing onipany-ar 11 om oi ti Of serunu tie ballot arw ooo in book form. and. besides two ecu for every precinct in the city and country, there will-, twenty-five -xira was tor tue citv ana nrtee the un-try. In all 175.

A ballots will be provided. As soon as tne ion is completed the Bo ird of Kleetions is a body will to tlte printing Hice. and ia llivir Dreaenaa the balluta ill be sealed, not to be otiene-i on til the morn ing of election dar. he Board's estimate oi the cost of uri ting the lot was aioa. actual cost will be SttS uO.

the additional 16 tteins for an- elect so tha if by any possibility the harlots should be destroyed bey can iv repiaoxt ih a few hours. Nearly 900 of tbe new haliat-boxeK or Tbe Russell IiH-ubator." as they are caiiert, were received yest -ruay aad stored aaav for elec tion morning. I were design. hy Mr Hurfseii. Hoard ulai are orouf against any irregularities.

CHAlklfgg fW Sltp HRVMAXS, Of the Petiinc ratio ahd Republican naia-n t'Ontmitteee ra-netiveiv. oame in lo in her to interview tbe Board a t- its rating ctiallengers at tbe polls. fresment t-hrman slated that ho challeng ers should be ailowel at th tolU in th city. Ihenlvmeta.d br wnirb a man 'a right to vote could be challenged a as by appearing ber ore the Beard after he registered, or elo ending a emrantCatHn staling tbe gntaads of obj' ctiott; On tne dar of election tats etiscniumcation Ooiilu be sent to the precinct Judees but any war-ihe qiieetion won in bdislxed or tae ra. ins lew mentions wh shall be id booth, and dees net specify avial Mr.

howler had his doubts about such an indirect repeal o' a positive law. bnt President Lbrsnen tated that the Board had Ooa- alderod the gnbject and pgctpga to allow os To remain in th pl lag dace except th reeti'ae a.SHeera aiid lh mlit-MBan. 1 tie in tent was to preserve the secrecy ut the ballot. 1 here sae no provision tor the challengers to take aid to reveal what they might as in bow a citilen voted, and besides they would be in the mar. The law urovuied anger in thecnuatrr.

and one would be allowed from each party at tbe several precinct. Mr. Herrmann aeked if ink or lead pencil would be used In martins and was tola I oat noting But oiaca lead pencua euld be provided. He altowed a ballot marked with ink where the cross had blotted another squsre. The Boani decided to let the -Hi ng place wf hirtieth Ward remain at sVestarn av aue afld 1 nlp -t-eet.

i he Hoard to post tnstrncttons in Knrli.h and German at ua ttolliag alacee and in th MORTALITY -KEPORT. aleery Walker. SI bed ebpaeameala. Bau BUs.t Brew a. eipbibcrta.

Deaaia Beyle. u. obi eoart erhooa. S. S.

dward at, feMtlptegla. Praak Dames, JOH VI st. typbetd fever. Ei Kurwold, tMt, 7 ahermao watined Beeker. s.

Foslar -roBcaltls. aarTara IecK leataa, St, Tnrreace read-BflgJitSj it I deed HolUday. it, Paniz Bolldiag-tyabd lofaatkeaUey.n aeors. It Barr birth. ataxy Carr.

ktlll -unti a( bowsta. Jas. MeAavay. tx. Hespttat-parB- Settle Scbeti.

maa a. cor. Fart ar. and Lo- aviaabeta Hkswo. ST.

') reltM Tagearf roraJ. fanertl of Edward Urtaggart will not be held' from the' family residence, as announced yesterday, on acoonat of the serious illness of his father and aister. fens tKevrr. held in the Hartweli Presby- teriaa fhnrcb at J-JO cloct this afternoon. ly 'r FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We Bhall offer choice of zoo Stylishly Trimmed Hats Por Street Wteaur at at jf.

Tber were made to sell at St and to. Don't fail to see them. LADIKSi we are ennstantly in receipiof attern mnnete trom the tasluon centers the world, and have at all times the best and largest ass -rtmentot Millinery at much les? than retailers' prices. FECneEMEBS SOAP. NO OTHER r-r LKATXa A DXXJCATX AITD LASTTWr- ODCS For sale by all Drag aad yaneyeoods Dealer or I to pmenre uua ssrstatdevtwi ia stamps and receive a cake by retoca maO.

JAS. 8. KIRK Chicago. Bene Watte '(the wrapper, of Shaoooa Belts Soar. rtUe" TseM-ly-oSnl AN OtJTRAGE.

DeHaeh'e 'OpltMa of th Dispose of the Esaasa Harris "a Emma rJsrris'i a notorious wornsn' wb has served several terms the Work House, tt present she- conducts a low resort on LongwurUi street, ''She ha given th nolle any aaioant trouble, and hardly sight passe that tber-- is not a fight or some other. kind of rue pus ia the joint; The other day, be eansed the arrest or one oi ber inmate for stealing a Ores, gbe was honorably acquitted in tbe. Police Court. -and'Jud Gr- st -instructed tbe Harris' woma- to re. torn the dressy e-h did so.

but at the aamr ti me the apieare4 before 'Squire Tyreell an- wore eat a writ of rep'evir for the garment The Constable who cerved the writ Cam pel led ib poor errata re to take off ever. stitch of isdogv. whictt tie carried away. The mattet wa reported to Chief DeUaohand it was nch a bold ease yibbery. that be ordered tbe Harris woman err-M keep inga nouae ot iti-ia-fe.

iotnsianRBui I.k iliii, I' ,.1.111., fin.Mllnil bv amm of the citr' a quire K4 Wif- sott. -t ben- th- eae waa called A Wot a0ry appearKl I d-tite pr.eentiun and stated the facts leading to the arrest, which were welt known by Jadee Gregg. Wilaon said they were alltrne. put pleaded for elten.aaduth"eurprisfver onvJadav ftree dumuai tbe taidant upon tne pay ateut of tbe cost, wbteb amounted to 12. A moment later a worst gmaa staa been onfirt-tiiaate rnotwh todrink a little too 15 mfl ftata awai.

ne I.I hMu liwn befora. bs Harris woman has been arr-sted lime and time again, but she was virtually at -misled, wan a iatxr -r woo rnake- an hnnevt living aa t. i to tne Honso because be could not afford tu hire a lawyer and pay hia one. -Chief Deitach was more than angry whoa hat do Vua tniaa that. Coloael?" was as tea.

Alt sot to ay ls.iaai i an outrage. Grsdy. tbe polios snitch, wbo was fined the coeta fur. carrying a ran hy Judge Gregg, tew days appeared around -the Pfctice Court yesterday la his irtre Wedaes-day sight Ball WUsoa and Clara filler, two prostitutes. wer; arrested for disorderly conduct, in tbe Police ourt yesterday thoy were fined Sid and Grady listened J-the case, and when the nae was impoeed be appeared a- ue friad ul Belle Wiimn.

and returned Jater ana paw oer noe. Utt avgtlddK of Wmmj Frank Broeeart. of Moor street, swore oat a warrant for 'the arrest of august Lodwig, .4 Caaal street, for assanlt and battery: Brogsart and a noatber of bey were in front of Lodwig factory. and it ia charged that Undwic turew ack of wood, st hv-t struck ia face, cottinc a big gash, Maabsd Wath a Silas Vince. entered, ot Ko.

3 West Fifth street, quarreled with bid wife yesterday and nulled a razors. Be ata'te a slash at her with the razor, bdf.hd only succeeded in cutting heron the is re were no arreiw OS. gMCirS IXAVORINO EXTX4. OTS. The delicate; pure and truly qualities of -IjbfPrice's- Delicious Ravoring Extracts: have se cured for them the patronage of the most intejli- gerit4 housewives of this countr A few cents additional cost does riot deter ladies are mindful of the health -of their.

Cimily. from procur-f hg 'that which is; known to be pure and. -Those who have' not should try Price's Delicious Flavcrings, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Kec-V tarine, etc; They are the finest made. Two DaysFridajv ancl Satarday. Hi-; vj ys -v.

UUUULls.1 L. DQRPOLK i jr i I BOYS' SUITS To-Day and To-Morrow wo offer Boys' "School Suits at $2.60, 2.75, $3.00, t3.25. Boy' Dress 8utts at $4. SO, 5.O0. 90.25 and 7.50.

Boys' Overcoats at $2.00, $2.60, 4.0O and Boys FDie Overcoats at tO.OO, (8.00 and C10.OO. fail to be here early. i JkTXNCE BfCAT. ULLICIOO la.lNCC Plk, rvKRT oa in tms; vkar. SUCH CONDENSED ipce eat HIOHeST AWARD V-1 VC 1 1 Jt 4 aooaelMepera, nTTnrfMiiiMiaeiTnil ftr rr man ones anbelliBWi rSaiBtattKatlena.

ts aaaa a brnw proet. Befae. meh utlrw. aad wins rui AUORAPE THE CALIGRAPH. a a rj d7 Vvs W3.

I.theesnhodimeatof aaechaaical excel lnr is adjustable in all wearing parte and 1 lit DtKAKlUTY IS WF.I.C K.VOWN. If-ome aomnstiM. machine eana! nrexeels it. AKK 1HKY NOT A RA Hi TtXD FUa TWO Onr RKFERKN' 'ES are its beer a-d the practical saerba ics and tpaowfaetdrey ef nemhiMrr in ibis city. tirs srj wnt hard fid.

a FOLK ARK U-KD TO EVERY OMi OK OJdEB UAK.K ia Cia-cintiatL tenoeriphers and vrt-hnd ttBdenrs requested to ron test ante i OR TH K.A 1 PRIZE" offered th n-4 skillful peratora. rall-lor iafnrmati. 'V Mil maehin -a. the tet grade of aop stVe. OK RENT kC.H IX rv.

We will not be pisderoold by any eae on aupplies eqaalias la grmdo those old by wsl Telephone XT3L. t3 ilniristi Writing Ca. 4 W. FOCKTII STREET. ts25-lttF-nTdl ffUE A TICE CO.

-t Tb. clBk-ted xt. Ob. POKCELAIX LT5ED CCVIEO CIS'IES, With FasTteled lining. Tripl tsusliuicut iianohased.

ITI-L SIZE 0LT $LS0. erior to any thing yet oSerad toy tt tnoaey. Till CO. KDszi mr.roBrtliSL, CHILDREK'S CLOAKS To-Day andToMorrow we will sell Scotch Gretcha Cloaks, with lon. 1 deep capes, cat in the vary latest fashion, will asU all 8izss at one price, 4 to -12 ydars, "i Only Fins Children's Cloaks at 6.50, 87.60, 10 and 15.

Those who were fortunate enough to attend tese-sales last Friday and Saturday secured some excellent sale will be repeated to-day and to-morrow, Don t' Main, Canal and Hunt Streets. AT.OO' nXTUitS. i 7 iS ESS ft BOMS CO. -if AND BILLIARD HALL FURNISHED COMPLET. ito and ik West Fifth fstreev.

SEND FOR CATALOGUE TREE. -nk7 ll THE AT JstS et P0IaP 9 Mm THE AIMS OOEFli Ladies and Missev' onola. Button 4U Sl.OO for choice of La styles, wortn 2. WE are havir. THC ROBERT UITCBXIX FUaHlTlTaE COM 'A it.

Vf 01 XXA PERR1KS SATJCC. TbaOriEina! snd Gcnifna SAUCE rxTsacr rLKTrntfenaa a MKDICAJL oks. TUOIAI at XXA FEXBXS1T thstr asaos Is hsrhry i mm Ite. SUa paattsUa. wm wav nir a tae nxst ib aaoat Sr.

a. tlud 1.L I ro w.c-r. MXtb a a Vaj st. ii i Button Shoes, wr.nh 551.S. -lor bhoe, plain and patta worth $1.75.

for choice nal success in our Sho dJ lines aavcrt'sd above go dmckh'. It you to see them. extra AiN, CANAL A3 ti LarigdonV Largest Bakery in (X Finest Retail in Car. 1 ae Bivaas.rsaes.rTarsrr- ir.LTiei tee aad txcrimt, toewKnc ixrr cetcplee. asesnssect to se; fr--m.

1 to taepecV Retsil rtepm -W T4 i9 Kara St, m. JXWIfT Bthecid RELIABLE JEWad CLEMENS OSKAI 175. Vine Street, ,7 i Cincinaati. OhMx FIGK Of THE GRF.AT CVCl MORX1XO. NOOX tn TTf HdiSllisiii Nw, attractive and fashionable designs in all wois and all finishes.

Our assortments eomprise all grades, from cheap to flnevt eruoh as trood Bedroom 8ui 118 up; pretty Parlor $30 up. ttee. Remember we Are and Manu acturers Acents, and e.l AT MAN PRICES. Come and" see ns. or write lor what fas wt.

WOOD MANTELS VTO -e BfUoaa taraj axeS SSS Sfl ho a cesua I lteara "cf IMtatioiiav 1 eee that you get Lea every Usttleof OrlgiaaiaO atae. JBS DfPICAJX' tOS.KW TOSUU -i- UeMztF) w- TOR A IX. FB UtE-Ve asv taa riaslt Gas frein. 7 horse-poerer. 1 vi peeler vt titn tldlloa-bwi Mar bid.

Fv lmh 1 1 rm I'ive A bihewiag-Biachiad. Two Heginbotbam Lnopers. frat f. Branson 4 Iihm aitb KcUecters, i Mmteovrapb. 1ri Itrt'MuTH, -Tbr Tnk.

inoia, teMtntevs. ig. Pullers. Beltin 9 Hana rs. ic.

sv, H. 11 AL6li.L t.i Hana rs. rlS-zt S. Main and ALiaon streets, at auction MOXJJAT, May 10. Agoud $6.50 Up ROBT.

HITCHELL FURHITDRE CO. ilOT. to 113 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati. CTU.ARS. the new coOf! fis i proposals I LtBtdV A.

r. BfTtgarHAP.Chwk. niuLin PROPOSALS will tlte office of tb rVrd aintil u't-Kark aoou oi etna- bb1 uMuf aittten. BdaSP-fSt erjiet. Ul" LAServ ui as I ttaivil 13 clock na i 1 1 lV a A.

1 pn tor th Vi-ta nreet. I rota old mop aerper avenaeoy gradin. crosainaw. osgvingam adamixing to road toe tdra u-. d- i.

MuiMlwrtt walla. arrorling to the aBim at IM RmM A Tnaotetobo Ptd for a. rTH The Bnard reavrve th ruM ay or ail drrs. upon the toiaid toe laming i beir pd. i t' rt bid to hd terested eureuea.

t-rg Hidner ue ih printed hrss other wi.t be reoeived. directioa oi tar rv tf JOHN bf toberSk A. II. t-et. tor Abrens street.

fra fine of t.iock i of by gradiiMt. Brttntg eorb aoJ road a r. aad airi 'VV v. ria. drains and retaiai X7t9f tosuecibcattvn on hi bW lou-i of Admix p.

id tor as prvdd (trains ia 1.1 aaid 'H', Z.aa' H.rd i.rveo tb rlglil r- orailbtds. bidders most indorse taming toeir OKI. Kaeb btd IB) be 1 paeS' forg I idaees i.hwi!b iriBd r- Other will oe received- airectiooo. A. P.

ErrrgangxP. CUrk..

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