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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 3

New York, New York
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THE PACIFIC RAILROAD. The Last Rail Laid and the Last Spike Driven. San Francisco and New York Linked to Each Other. Celebration of the Event Throughout the United States. Official Announcement or the Completion of the Point of Junction.

Promontory Summit, Utah, May The last rati is last apiitc driven. The Pacific Railroad Is completed. The point of Junction Is 1,080 miles west of the Missouri river and 690 miles east of Sacramento City. LELAND STANFORD, Central Pacific Railroad. T.

C. DyRANT, SIDNEY DILLON, JOHN DAFF, Union Pacific Railroad. Hour at Which the hoot Spike Win Driven? 1'lacea Cuoneetcil With. Promontory Point, Utah, May 10, 1809. The last spike In the Pacific Railroad was driven to-day at five unnutes past three o'clock P.

New York time. The following places wero thus connected with Promontory Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis, New Urleaus, New York, boston and Plaister Cove. The Celebration nt Promontory. Promontory, Utah, May 10.

i860. The long-looked for moment has arrived. The construction of the Pacific Railroad is un fait The Inhabitants of the Atlantic board apd the dwellers on the Pacific slope are henceforth emphatically one people. I write on Promontory Summit, amid the deafening shouts of the multitude, with the tick, tick of the telegraph close to mv ear. The proceedings of the day l.

Prayer by Rev. Dr. Todd, or Pittsfield, asking the favor of Heaven upon the enterprise. 'L Laying of two rails, one opposite the otherone lor the Union Pacific Railroad und ouc for the Central Pacific Railroad. 3.

Presentation of spikes to the two companies? on the part of California by Itr. Uarsness, on the part of Nevada by Hon. F. A. Frltle, and on the part of Arizona by Governor Safford.

4. Response by Governor Stanford on the part of the Central Pacific Railroad. ft. Response by General (i. M.

Doihie on the part of the Union Pacific Railroad. 0. Driving of the last spikes by the two companies; telegraph to be attached to the lost spike of the Ceutral Pacific Company, aud the last blow to an nouncc to the world by telegraph the completion of the Pacific Railroad. 7. Telegram to the President of the United States.

8. Telegram to the Associated Press. CELEBRATION OP THE EVENT IN NEW YORK. ii mere was no jam in en crowu upon oroaawuy yesterday it was not because of any indifference on the part of our metropolitan population at the completion of so gigantic a work as the I'aclDc Railroad. Everybody felt happy over the event and expressed their pleasure in that quiet, thoughtful and dignified manner peculiar to the citizens of the greatest city in the New World.

Nevertheless, yesterday flags were flying from all the public and mauy private buildings in New York. Uy order of Mayor liall 100 guns were fired on the City Hall Park. The booming of the cannon and clouds of smoke that rose upwards with each discharge attracted a goodly number of persons to the spot; but this was the only it could be called in the city yesterday. On Wail street some excitement wus manifested. The bulls, ulded by the news of the road being completed, managed to the stocks of several roads tolerably high.

This morning New York woke up calui and serene. The IWritlc Railroad Is a matter of course, fclveri preparation Is complete to receive and ship the products of uatlons from and to the Orient. Congratulatory Meaangca. At precisely 3:16 P. M.

Mayor Hall received the following Promontory Point, May 10,1869. To Hon. A. Oar IT HaLL. Mavor, New York City The tunlsptke in the rati connecting the Atlantic and Pacllie by raU has been driven at P.

M. to-ilnv. A. S. KROWN, Manager.

TEI.EtlRAM FROM PRESIDENT AMES. Mat 7 1869. Hon. Oakry Hall, Mayor of the City of New Pacific Railroad, stretching from Oinahn, on the Miaaonrl river, to San Franrtseo, opens on Monday nest, connecting New York, ou the Atlantic, with San Frauelaco, on the Partite. The event Is onr of such local as well ss national importance (bat wo have felt that the city of New York should receive notice thereof through Its uftirtal authorities, anil thua he enabled to join with the sister cities of Ssn Francisco.

Omaha ...1 I'hlraon in ema eanrraalnn of e.ouffratulatlon on the bred fact. Very respectfully, OLIVER AMES, President. MAYOR IIAI.L'B REPLY. The Major sent the following Executive DaranTMtNT, City NVw York, May 1U, 1 m. 1 To the Ma tor of San Francisco: New York rejoiced when, almost half a century a((o, by the completion of the Erie anal, the silver chain of esteru Inland eeaa was riveted upon the Atlaullc Ocean.

The metropolie of America exults to-day because, by the completion of the I'aclUc Railway, two extremities and coasts of an Immense continent are commercially welded together. Apart from the relations of (Ids grand event with Christianity, political economy, civilization and patriotism, it Justifies the metropolis In the pardonably selfish expectation to sood become the commercial exchange of the world. Iter newspapers, which have an largely contributed to this day's result, must soon accustom our citizens to phrases like this Asiatic freight train has arilv-d to time," an our Uags aro now dying, onr cannon arc now booming, ami in old Trinity, ut tbn head of Wall street, a TV Itniiii Imparts thankful harmonies 11 the busy hum about her church walls, fan tt then he necessary by mere words to lender you fuller magnetic sympathy As for congratulations to you, pbravs seem Inadequate to foretell the full fruition of the beginning of railway Intercom munlcatlon to your golden gated city of enterprise. Therefore let the llltli of May pass into thn annals of San Francisco, Mew York and every hamlet, village, town anj city aloug the new highway, ua an aumrcrsary day. A.

OAKEY HALL. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. This morning the Chamber of Commerce of this sent the following despatch to Sun Naw York, May A. M. The Chamber of Commerce of the State ut New York de to unite at noon to day with the t'hamlier of Commerce of Kan Francisco In grateful thanksgiving to Almlglitv Hod, the Supreme Ruler of inverse.

on the completion or the continental lice, of rallwnf, spanning the territory of the American I nlon and 01 roercls ly uniting two great oceans of the globe, and In snlrnin recognition of the manifold hen tlts and blessings, industrial and commercial, moral and political, national and International, of this great avenue of Intercommunication. The new highway thus opened to man will not only develop the resources, extend the commerce, increase the power, exalt the dignity and perpetuate the unity of our republic, lint by Its broader relations as the segment of a world embracing circle directly connecting the nations of Europe with Asia, will inatsrially facilitate the enlightened and advancing drilllatlon of our age. By order of the Chamber. SAMUEL It. WILLIAM K.

DOIH1K, GKOKOK OFDYKE, I 1 A. A. LOW, CYlehmtlon of this Kvent nt Trinity f'hnrrli. While the gTeat railroad triumph of the century was undergoing the last stroke towards Its completion a very numerous and highly faahlutialiie congregation assembled at Trinity church to take part In the celebration ordained hy the Corporation. At twelve o'clock the interior of this splendid edifice was the scene of one of those audiences that seldom gather In New York.

Ilcsldcs the ladles, who appeared in their finest midday toilets, and the school attached to tne riiurcn, rite ihisiiichs man laid aside his caret, the clerk his pen atxl a few of the lalmrlng classes tncir duties, all to participate In the ceremonies of the hour. At about. half-past eleven o'clock Mr. AyiiiTe sounded the sonorous cldmes of "Old Hundred," "Hed, White and Blue," "Hall t'olumbla," sevorai other patriotic as wed as religious airs, which rang upon the clear atmosphere with a very pleasing effect. Precisely at noon the exercises In opened witlua proeeMloual hymn, sung choir of altos and tenors, the members of the "rs- Vinton and Morgan Iwhhtes and took their places iVrl-M t.o'if marching.

The scrn' rei -d' wol. il, 1 of Morgan IHx, seventh collects for the Md he prayer" set Ity of Bishop Potter, of by Ood, thscreator of tha endsof the all things on the word of Thy power Is strong, nothing laholjr, wajdesa asms that by Thy goodness the great work Slorlone infiorstethis dayTiaa been nocompllshed, si "hat treree borders of our land have heen Joined and bnoJht together, and a pathway opened between remote Darf. earth, both for the commerce of the nations and mIk war end a way whereby Thy gospel mar hava free courSa' i i and Thy holy name maybe glorified. We thank Thee thti She wilderness and the solitary plars and that the ileeert may rejoice and blossom at ths rose We come before Thee ''ay. In deep humility and thankful of heart, acknowledging that Thine, Lord, la tha greatness, am, power, Si'd the glory, and the victory, and tha aiajeily for thai Is In the heaven end Inllieearlhl NEW Thine.

to the kingdom, Lord, and Thou art exalted llud over all. Both rich re and honor conic of Thee, and Thou reign eat over all; and in Thine band to power and might; and In Thine band it to to make great and to give aiieiiglh unto alb Bow, therefore, our Uod, we thank Thee, and nraiae Thy glorloua name, through Jceua Chrtot, our Iwtrif Probably the rendering of the Te Deum Laudatntis by tiie accomplished choir and organists of the church has rarely been equalled, if ever excelled. The accompanying music of the chancel organ, echoed back by the massive main organ on the Broadway front, together with the exactly measured intervals observed by the singers, made this masterpiece of sacred music highly impressive and imposing to the ear of the listener. Next in order came the lesson from Deutoronomy verse 7, In which the children of men are exhorted to obedience. Psalm Ixxix.

immediately preceded the anteconimunion service, which was performed by the Kev. Morgan Dlx. Proceeding with the Nlcene creed and the chanting of an anthem, entitled "The Lord is Great," the formal services were then intermitted by an address Irom the itev. Dr. Vinton, who, upon ascending the pulpit, read a lengthy congratulatory telegram from the New York to the San Francisco Chamber o( Commerce.

This, said the reverend gentleman, Is an evidence that the great Pacific Kallrnad, begun but five years ago, Is complete. This work, embracing as it does a length of 3,285 miles, and all Included in an area bounded by four parallels of latitude and liity degrees of longitude, is the marvel of this industrial century. It Is one or the subllmest victories of peace, which are always greater than the victories or war. The splendid country which It traverses will be the most important held for the future labors of the Church. Not less for religion than for trade and commerce will it be the great highway lor exalted labor.

Formed geographically as Hie Western territory of our country is. into naturul basins for manv peoples and diverse interests, the Pac.ltlc Railroad will unite them, and thujf our l'nion yet siijer and mjfie stable in its growing pffljjortloiw. Heretofore nature has built up on tne West the tfrcat barrier of the Rocky Mountains, and on tiie Fast the AHeglianics and Sierra Nevadas have threatened the division or the l'nion. Now all lines of geographical demarcation must pass away: all hindrances to a common concent ration of industry and trade must disappear, and everything that until this movement seemed to conspire against the huuiogenity of the American people Is of the past. With the commercial grandeur of ihe work we join to-day the prophecy ol the religious lrulfs which it will that will seen In one language, one religion, one God.

We draw in our camels of the desert nsi our ahtna of the ocean luive been called. the tedious voyage around the dangerous Cape of Good Hope is at an end. Hereafter the railroad belt which spans the Continent will be the receptacle of the commercial energies so lately bestowed upon the outlying seas of the Atlantic and Pacific slope, civilization and proirress will develop lu in the West, the Church of God will grow in its Intluence and territorial extent and the rich resources which lie buried in the distant West will become for the further enlightenment of the rice. Dr. Vinton concluded by asking ol the congregation a collection for missionary purposes upon the line of the road.

It was taken up and realized a handsome sum. A benediction was then pronounced, when the congregation dispersed. CELEBRATION THKOIGHOIT THE COIN TRY. (treat Demonstration at Omaha. Omaha, May 10, 1869.

The completion of the Pacific Railroad was celebrated here to-day by over 15,000 persons. One hundred guns were tired and a procession of over a mile in length marched through the streets, speeches were made by Clinton 11. KIbk, General Manderson and others. The city was brilliantly illumiiiutcd at night and there was a grand display of fireworks. (traiul Celebration in by Vice President Colfax and Others.

Chicago, May 10, 1869. The celebration of the completion of the great Interoceauic railway connection to-day was the otffllp rliA that dvor tnolf place la Chicago, and probably In the West. It was entirely impromptu, ami therefore almost every man and woman and child in the city did their part toward making it a success. The procession was unique in appearance and immense in length, which, at the lowest estimate, was seven miles. Iiurtng the moving of the procession Vice President Colfax received the following Promonitory Summit, I'taii, Mav To Hon.

Schuyler Colfax, Vice President The rail" were connected to-day. The prophecy of lieuton to-day is a fact. This is the ay to India. u. m.

nonoE, JOHN Dl SF. SIDNEY DILLON, T. C. DUKANT. This evening Vice President Lieutenant (luv.

Dross and ottiers addressed a large audience at Library Hall, 111 which they toolte ciouucntl.v Of the great era which Pais dav marks iu the history of our country. During the evening there was also a general Indulgence in fireworks, bonfires, illuminations, Ate. Interesting Piirtiniliirs Itearnrdlng lite Telegraphing of the News Point. Washington, May io, irop. This afternoon there was an interested crowd, principally members or the press, In the receiving room of the telegraph ofllce watching the instrument which was in connection with that at the Junction ol the lining Pacific and Central Railroads.

The operator at the latter point, about two o'clook. telegraphed "Keep quiet; wlieu the sill is laid I'll say 'Done Next came a despatch. "Almost ready." Then. "Prayer is offered. After 1 say 'done' I will close the curreut, so you can tell 'tis finished." Another despatch announced the prayer ended and the formal presentation of the spike.

Nhortly after tins the signal or striking the first blow was given, and then other blows, the last rail having been fastened at quarter to three P. Washiigton time. The word from the operator, "Done," was pro nonnced and the circuit closed. A Utile bell attached to the instrument gave voice to Hit pulaatlon of the eneral Rejoicing in Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, Mar 10, 1X00.

At half-past two o'clock precisely (Philadelphia time), the news was received of the driving of the last spike of the Pacific Railroad. Word was sent to the Mayor and in a few minutes the bells Independence Hull and various lire stations were runtr, drawing a crowd into the streets, thinking a general alarm of fire was being rung. The people sooa ascertained the reason of the ringing of the bells and were immediately hoi-im! everywhere. A large number of steam lire engines were ranged In front of Independence llali with screaming whistles, hose carriages, liells ringing, Ac. Joy was expressed in every luce at the completion of the great work of the century.

The sudden (locking of the people to the State House reminded one of the reception of the news of the surrender of Lee's army, when a similar scene was enacted. Celebration at Sernnton. Sckanton, Pa. May 10, wo. Scranton celebrated the completion of the PaclUc Railroad by the llrlng of cannon, ringing of hells, whistling of locomotives and general expressions ol joy by its citizens.

Reception of the News in linlfnln. May 10, ism. A largo crowd of citizens at the Hoard of Trade rooms this uftornoon to hear the aunouiice nieui oy teiegrapn 01 me uriviiig 01 lasi Hpixe in the rail connecting the Atlantic with the Pacific. The telegraph wire wan attached to a gong bell, and at forty-one minutes pant two o'clock, eitv tmio. repeating strokes were simultaneously nnide.

At the completion cheers were given, "The Star Spantrlcil Manner'' sung by th? crowd, nraver offered and appropriate speeches made by Mr. It. S. Uennett, llcury A. Iltchmond and others.

Rejoirinn In Nt. Isinlii. St. Lotus, May 10. The nre alarm hells of this city atmck at six min utes to two this afternoon, In responte to the blows of the hammer which drove the list spike In the Tnion Tactile Railroad.

Much Interest was manifested, and everybody was rejoiced. lCnd of the Difficulty with the of the Itnllroad Officials from I'iedmoat. St. Lotus May 10, lsflO. omaha despatches say that from Echc City report the trouble with the Intorera near Piedmont amicably settled.

The and telegraph officials left Kcho City this afternoon for Promontory Point to attend the laying of the last rail. Although the Central Pacltlc officials deny that the Union Pacific could not reach the meeting point Promontory Point tiefore the 10th they arranged to lay there own last rail yesterday. Kxplnnnllon ni inn iiorniBinirn i anion? Their lll-Trrnlmrnl br the Knllrond Nmwt Mtnry or Inhumanity. Omaiia, 3, imp. The arrest or detention of Vice President Durant by his worklngmen on the Tnton Pactflo Railroad excitrn no surprlee here, where nearly all the operations of that orergrown monopoly are known.

All accounts I ran gather Agree that the company hare treated heir workmen In the moat shameful manner. Greater numbers than were needed were lndnced to go out to the end of the track for work. When arrived thev hail a choice either to work for the company for Inadequate compensation or starve. The fare hack to Omaha wan about forty dollars; going back by the cars wan. therefore, out of the question.

To attempt to walk back wan certain death by Indiana. The poor creatures Sere therefore completely nt the merry of the railroad officials, lbs condition of these worklnemen has been do OKK. HERALD, TUESDAY, plorable for some months past I will give one example to show how they are treated. Two workingmen, entirely without means, got on the oars at the end of the track with the intention or returning to Omaha IX possible. The conductor finding they had no money put them off at the drat watering place.

They got on again and the conductor permitted them to ride to a point on the open prairie, half-way between two stations, when culling the brakemen to his assistance he seized his victims and thrust thein from the train while going at fall twenty or twenty-Uve miles per hour, what became of the poor creatnres I never learned. Whether they were killed by being thrown from the Iraki or by the Indiana 1 have not heard. My informant saw thetn thrust rrom fUc cram while going at full speed as here stated. SOUTHERN BRANCH OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Arrival sf the President at Si.

Work te be Paehed to Settle Along the Road. St. Louis. May 10, Judge Levi Parsons, of New York, President of the Southern Branch of the Union'Pacific Railroad, running from Fort Riley, Kansas, down the Neosno valley to Fort Smith, arrived here last night, accompanied by the following New York Francis Sklddy. Robert S.

Stevens, (leorge Dcnntson, Theodore Johnson and A. H. Johnson. The party leave this afternoon for Junction City for the purpose of making an inspection ol the road. The road is a feeder to the Kansas Pacific Railroad.

The survey was commenced In December last. Slxtv miles will be built by next September, and the whole rood is under contract. The company have a grant of 1,350,000 acres of land, and in county bonds have been subscribed towards the road by the counties through which it passes. Five thousand emigrants from Copenhagen have paid their uassage, and Swedes are expected during the seasou to settle on the lands belonging to the rood. AMUSEMENTS.

Fifth avenue Theatre?" The Wermjt's Bei.l."?Tills was the French opera at the Fifth Avenue last night. They call it an opera comlque, though it is quite as much a sentimental opera, with a leavening of wholesome piety. It does not belong to the oirenbachian school of the bouffe. The story Is consistent and connected and the development of the plot is something that we can almost believe in. The action takes place in a village, about the year 1701, at the end of the war of the Cevennes, on the French Hide of the Alps, on the boundary at that time between France and Savoy.

A squad of French dragoons are on a hunt for a gang of heretics. They halt and enjoy themselves at the house of a rich farmer, who has a farm hand devoted to the proscribed heretics and who is on good terms with a wild peasant girl who has a reputation in the village only for mischief. The farmer, too, has a pretty wife, somewhat inclined to weakness which seems to bo pretty general among the ladies of the locality. But the shrine and the bell of an old hermit (the (rood old man dead three hundred years) protect the lords of the hermit's bell siipcrnaturally riugmg out tiic alarm witli any peccadillo on the part ot the fair sex. The commander or the squad of dragoons gets into a decided flirtation with the farmer's wife, but at a meeting near the dreadful liell it rings out the alarm- The bold dragoon, however, contrives to quiet the lady's apprehensions and to humbug the jealous farmer, while the peasant girl manages the general business, with the farm hand, of getting the proscribed old pastor and his flock over the'mountains safely into Savoy.out of the clutches of the dragoons.

And the story ends the hapnv union of the peasant girl and the farm hand, with a happy clearing up of a charge of treachery to the refugees she had undertaken in a by-path to lead over. Irma as Hose I'rlqtiet, the peasant girl: Aujac as Hvtvain (the farm hand), Mons. Tholer as Belainy (the bold dragoon). Lagntroul as Thibanlt (the stnpid, old. Jealous farmer).

Mile. Iiuclos as Georgette, the farmer's pretly and coquettish wile: Mr. Hamilton as the pastor, are the prominent characters of the play. The music is delightful, and while Irma and Aujac never appeared to better advantage than last night, Mons. Tholer, with his rich, strong voice and tine acting, came in as a very welcome acquisition.

The Alpine sceties throughout are very fine, and the costumes of the dragoons and peasantry are historically satisfactory. The choruses, male and female, are good: the music, solos, duets and choruses are, we repeat, delightful and refreshing. The whole make-up and execution of the piece are exceedingly graceful and picturesque. The dialogue might be somewhat shortened to advantage, buc still, as given last BUM. the opera is a very pleasing entertainment.

Ix't those wlio would lie satisfied go and see and hear it. It has evidently been produced with great care and regardless of expense in every department. WAVERI.EY HIE ATM COIIipiCU! Ol company ana of the bill attracted a very respectable audience to the uncomfortably narrow seats of this otherwise commodious little theatre last night. The performance comprised the domestic drama entitled "Miriam's Crime," the farce of "Middy Ashore," and a second farce, "Icl on parle Francais," with the "Love Letter Polka" and the "Kiss Waltz," by those pretty girls and line dancers, Misses Hetty aud Emily Rlgl. "Miriam's crime" Is a touching domestic story, founded on the generous burning of a will by Miriam (Miss Lizzie HUlmorei for the purpose of permitting the fortune to go to the man she loves, but her mistaken scheme of love is thwarted by the saving of a previous will bv Biles (Mr.

Felix Kogers), a drunken lawyer's clerk. The result the usual one, of course, and the plot Is well worked out, presenting some very touching scenes. The quiet and chaste elaboration of Miss wiilmore's representation of Mirlatn is verv refreshing after the overdrawn passion on the one hand and the burlesque exaggeration on the other, of which we have had so much. Mr. Rogers' Btloa was an excellent and not over-acted sketch of the drunken lawyer's clerk, and If he would drunk his a little more lilies would become a favorite stuge toper.

In the "Middy Ashore." Miss Jenny Wtilmore as Hurry Halcyon and Mr. Kogers as Tom Cringle, brought down the house. The pieces were well put on and the support by the rest of the company was very fair. were glad to see that ail were well up in their parts and (lid not attune the patleneo of the audience by delay and undue preparation. The tilll through the week, and a visit to the Will mores will be found pleasant.

Howkuy hills announced that "Who's to Win" was acted In London "two entire seasons, with the most enthusiastic applause." Such a positive declaration invited personal scrutiny, and alter bestowing it upon this drama, at Its tlrst representation last evening, we are only uble to say that the very numerous audience, which filled the house to Its utmost capacity, was so well pleased that their comments will ail every seat for this season not only, but for some others to come. It Is exactly what the habitues of our so-called popular theatres want. There is an adventurer and the keeper of a workhouse, a nobleman and a scoundrel, a beuuttful woman and betrayed wife, a "second sight" and a rescued daughter, and there are scenic effects, sueh as the appearance of the whole scene of the murder ol his wife at the moment of the death of young Edward. And the denouement is actually Irritating. Ami all this Is alterwurds to lie followed by the "Chief of the Ghant Mountains," where agnln Injured Innocence triumphs, and where the victory ol the true lover Is finally achieved by the aid of an American middy and a "joll.v tar" from an American man-of-war, the middy's constant companion and occasional protector.

The world has seen worse dramatizations upon the stage; but it does one's heart good to hear the Joyful expressions of sympathy with the mlsforluues of an American sailor In foreign lands, and the shouts of Joy when he at last succeeds In vanquishing nls enemy. Patriotism may tie taught in better ways, but the losson will never have a more lasting effect. Bryants' MtNsTHF.i.s.?These dusky favorites, aftct a short alisencc from the metropolis, reopened last evening at their popular hall In Tammany fot the summer season, with new attractions and a re(luctlon in the prices of admission. The troupe were welcomed back to the city by a crowded house, not even standing room being attainable, and well did the members of the rompanv, Individ ually and collectively, endeavor to please their im mouse audience, that, the bouse was kept in con tlnuous roar of sldo-spUttlng laughter from the coin mencemcnt to the termination or the performance. Have Reed, the popular Ethiopian delineator, whe lind Imatl vol I i II nrlth Ihn Isomm lual night marie his first appearance in tlris cttj as a member of the company, ami wa? three separate times recalled atter Ills tlnit song ami i (lanee.

The groat black "koh-ah-uor" diamond oi American Bryant? delighted anriionoe with a numtier of his clever eoccntrh 1 sketches; t'nsworth regaled them with his banh solos, and Messrs. Ilogati and Hughes contributed ir no small measure to the pleasure of the cvetitng'i entertainment their inimitable "Virginia double shutne." In addition to the musical portion of tne night's festivities the programme for the pi week contains such minh-jirovoking sketches a Mack cade," "Ixion" and tne "Black Doctor," nol to mention the startling burlesque of "Red the subject of which takes the off track front tiffrm bach's "tirphec." and. as per lull, "follows From 1 verso and Tcrslons at a disrespectful distance." I'akr Thkatrk, Ore act drama entitled "Snare, or What can't Money Do" was pro I dueed for the first time last evening at this theatre, and witnessed by as many admirers of the dramt I as the honae could well hold. It is scarcely necessa ry to add that the play was highly appreciated, when Itlsetated that Mrs. D.

P. Bowers and Mr. 1 C. McCollom siutainsd the leading parts, those of Clara and Harry Meivlllei a loving wire and affectionate husband, who are eventually separated by an artful woman, who gains her purpose by the i liberal nse of money. This artful woman was Mrs.

81 mii thornby, the widow of a wealthy banker (Miss Ella Wren), who always had an attachment for Harry Melville, and who resolved at the death or her husband, the old banker, to use the money to wnyh she had fallen heir in securing Melville to herself The opportunity ottered in Mel MAJf 11, vllle becoming involved and his papers falling In the poasesBion ot the widow. She drat endeavors, through others, to secure him by offering a sufficient amount to cancel his liabilities, but this falling she places the papers in the hands of other parties, who cause bis arrest and Imprisonment for fraud. Then bmc ttjipcato un a uvuuaciicss. pwuvq are very afTecttng, and the play Is brie of the beat which Mm. Couwav baa presented for Home time.

It was written for Mrs. Bowers, aud will be repeated every night this week. Brooklyn Emerald Jt is only on rare occasions tuat the Academy of Mualc is ho crowded as it was last night. "The Emerald IUng" and the well-earned reputation of Mr. ana Mrs.

Barney Williams brought together a large und fashionable audience. Mike Macarty and Maggie Macarty were not merely well represented were realities. Mr. and Mrs. Williams were evidently put in good humor by the magnificent house, and thev acquitted themselves to their own and the satisfaction of the audience.

We have nothing but praise to give to the company, nor nave we any doubt "The Emerald Ring" will command even a larger house in Brooklyn on Wednesday night. We ought not to forget the orchestra, which gave entire satisfaction to the audience. FREE TRADE. Meeting at the Cooper by W. C.

Hrynul, E. Atkinson, Juines Brooks nnd Others. Last evening a meeting wus held at the Cooper Institute under the auspices of the Free Trade League. There wus a fair attendance, and the proceedings appeared to be regarded with some interest. On the motion of Mr.

David D. Field the chair was taken by Mr. Howard Potter. Mr. William crr.i.en Bryant was tlie first speaker, lie said he was glad to see that concourse.

It was a worthy occasion which called tliern cause of the great mass or our population, the cause of human liberty, the cause of national prosperity, the cause of the useful arts, the cause of peace and good will between nation and nation. All those were Implied In the lreedom of exchanges. We talk of free labor; but what is free labor If we are not permitted a free exchange of the fruits ol our labor? One man comes to another and says to lilm, "You shall work only when and where I direct you, and you shall work as long as I direct you." That is naked slavery; It Is justly detested, and we get rUl of it as soon as we can; but under our present commercial system a set ol men come to us and say, "Well, you bave got the products of your labor In a shape proper for sending them to market; I now you shall only sell tliern where we direct, and for prices which we dictate, and if you want goods for tliern you shall take the goods of us and at our prices." Thai Is the sum aud substance of the protective system, the plalu English, the long and short, the proper interpretation of the laws which the protectionists have caused to be enacted for us to live under. How much better is that system than the one which denies us leave to work where and when we please? The same principle of despotism is the ro ot of both; tliey are both shoots from the same baleful stock. But they who were guilty of that usurpation of our rights tell us WIICD we complain lliui are mreu xmuiuiu.

that wc arc paid in British gold. Now, lie asked those present, were they paid to come to the meeting Had they British gold In their pockets He 110 railing accusation against those who made the charge. He might retort by saying that those who have imposed upon the country a system which has destroyed our snipping interest and made Ainerlcun products too dear to be exported, a condition of things greatly to i lie ad vantage of the British far more likely to lie corrupted by British gold than any other class ol men in tins country, out he did not say that. The speaker then alluded to several who had supported the cause of freedom of trade, including Henry Ward Beeeher, Win. Lloyd (Jurrisou, nry Clay, 111 They all remembered how proud they were of lleccher when, during our civil war, he went to England in order to enlighten tlie people of that country In regard to the nature of the great straggle whlclJ we were making to preserve the Cnion.

lie went, fearless, imperturbable, eloquent, master of Ids subject, took John Bull by the beard, tamed one noisy ipob alter another and made them listeu to the brave and true words he uttered. Was he a receiver of British gold or had all the kingdoms of the world wealth enough to buy Harrison? He honored Mr. Clay for his magnanimity In proposing that tree trade measure more than for any other act of his public life, lie had to make a pulnlul sacrnice Of the pride of opinion, to renounce old prejudices, to disappoint attached' fricuus, to admit practically that the protective system was not the proper policy for our country, lie made ull these sacrifices, these renunciations, these admissions cheerfully and like an honest man. Was Henry Clay paid by British gold? Will the detractors to whom lie had referred say as much and oiler such an insult to Ids memory' Was there any man audacious enough to bespattci his monument with the dirt thrown so freely at us! (Applause.) The tunc had come to follow his exam pie. The protective system will be cause ol bittei dissension In this country as long as it is allowed L.

exist. Its csseuttal element Is injustice, purtiuliir, monopoly, unequal legislation, and it canuot last. It makes dear provisions, dear garments, deal household utensils and farming implements, dear iimiuou ami hiirh rents. It lies heavily upon uh after we get into our gruves, for tlic very wood of which our coffins are made is burdened with the lumber duty. (Applause.) Mr.

kuw aim Atkinson, of boston, next addressed the audience at some length, referring chiefly to what he considered the lattice of the preseut turiif. He contended that in the present posture ol a mors there woe an antagonism between the capitalist and the laborer. An the law now stood there was no protection whatever. There could be no result but iuquaiity and Injustice. There being an inequality In the law there must be an Inequality in the tax, and the profit of one man must come Irom the unjust taxutlon of his heavier burdened neighbor.

He strongly advocated free trade, for It spread universal benefit. The speaker cited several proofs in ns favor; among others that or thirteen hundred thousand operatives nearly one million ol tlieiu were injured liy the protective system. The people, he thought, had endured long, with nrnorani patience, from that system, while it greatly impeded the industry of the country. This present movement was simply freedom. Free speech, free soil, free men, free were the four corner stones upon which they would stand erect upon the broad platform of Justice and equal rights for every man in the community, and then, and only then, could they rightfully claim to be the leaven among (he nations of the earth.

(Applause.) A vote of thanks was proposed to Mr. Bryant, the last speaker, and unanimously passed. Mr. Jawf.s Bkook- siud that a Congressional orn mlttee would shortly consider ttie subject of the present tariff, and unv information relative to it would be gladly received, as the committee would repori to Congress at the opening in December. Then was every hope that a good and acceptable tarltl would reported.

In conclusion, he observed thai tt was a great day for America when the great way was opened to Francisco, a distance of ovei three thousand miles, under one form of govern ment and one series of laws, lie thought It not In opportune to move the following the opening of the great I'arific Bailroad to-day connecting New York and San Francisco, be recog nlrod as a pledge not only for one country, one con Filiation, one destiny, with a duo regard to ttn revenue, but for the freest sort of a trade with ai countries and all continents." (Applause.) Mr. I.irrrk followed, in some remarks upon th present protective system, which he condemned a unjust ami unsatisfactory. 1 lie meeting then adjourned. FIRE Of BROtOHtf. aim lo 970,000.

At ten minutes before ten o'clock last.night alarm nens proclaimed a nre at jsu. osv oruaunaj but as there have recently been no many fals aiarma ning tiy members of the Fire Com mlesKmere' Board for the amusement their friends and to teat the activity the department, the firemen wore not as prntnp aa usual. When the Fourteenth precinct detail police, under Sergeants Brown, f'olhamua am Looney, arrived on the ground, there was hut llttb indications ot fire; but a moment later dense volnme of smoke U'gno to po ir out ot the WCOlM and thin story winnows of the four story marble front nnlld nig So. fijo Broadway, occupied on the lower floo by Klngsburry, Abbott, Oay A hatters, and 01 i the three tipper stories by L. A M.

(Baser A Co. dealers in bats, caps and furs, By eleven o'clock Captain (latland. who was con i flued fo his residence, put in an appearance am I took charge of the officers of lbs precinct. Slmul taneously Roundsman Thatcher, of the Fifteen tt precinct, appeared with a detail of effective men who. with the police of the Fonrteentl precinct, rendered the firemen valuable services, i few moments later a detail from the Eighth pro.unci under command of Sergeant Williams, took cliarg i of the west side of Broadway, and permitted the put lie generally, under the plea of hcing guests of th St.

Nicholas llotel to enter the lines. One of th odlcers of the conceived th Idea Hint things were not properly managed piled cltiu vigorously upon a citizen who wu protected hy one of the Fire Oepartment badges i but on lieing remonstrated with apologised. in the evening Sergeant Williams cleared the stree on the Eighth precinct side, and toe fire was cot fined to the building In which It broke oht. Intui of Messrs. Klturuhury Aliluitl A fo.

wan fnily which wan fully covered by In roranw. That of Glaser A who occupied th upper stories, and who had a valuable stock. wn fully whlrh, It la nnderatood, was full covered by insnrance. At twenty after twelve the fire unde the control of the department, but It bad reacDet the fourth floor, where the damage, considering th value of the atom, will be from to additional. Tho insurance of three were oo aecertalneil.

The foreman of Engine No. 20 badly stiffo rated, and for twenty considered in 1 dangerous condition, bnt recovered. The engines terf the scene of the couflngratlon at fifteen Mutinies past one tins morning. Lots uo that hour 470 01.0. SHEET.

THE STATE CAPITAL. ADJOURNMENT OF THE LEGISLATURE. The City and County Tax Levies Passed. The City Levy Reduced $1,800,000 and the County Levy $600,000. Passage of the Twenty-third Street Railroad Bill.

Governor Hoffinan Sustained in Several of Bis Vetoes. Albany, May 10, i860. Legislation, weary and long drawn out, which Bbould have terminated on Saturday night, aud undoubtedly would have, but for the stubbornness of a few Senators who insisted upon adhering to their own views of the tax levy, and non-concurring In the opinion of the llouse Committee, was brought to a conclusion to-night. At ten o'clock both houses agreed to the report of the conference commltees on the city and county tax bills. The reduction in the city tax levy, as It comes from the hands of the committee, Is and in the county levy The report on the city levy passed the House by a vote of to 11, the report ou the county levy by a vote of 88 to 15.

The Senate also concurred in the report, and the tax levies as amended are therefore a flxed fact, which the taxpayers must carry as they can. The scene In the Senate during the discussion this morning on the tax levies was exciting aud earnest. Senator Folgcr proposed that as the committees appointed by both houses hail reported that they could not possibly agree, the question was at an end anil there could be no further action taken on the tax levies. This absurd position was soon abandoned, utiaer pressure of the arguments ol Messrs. Creamer, Tweed.

Genet and and by the casting vote ol the President of the Senate, the vote beluga tie. A new conference committee was accordingly appointed, composed of Messrs. Creamer, Genet and Williams. A committee of the llouse was named by the Speaker, consisting of Messrs. La Itan, HltcUinan, Judge.

Campbell, Glcason anil James Irving. Millions of dollars being involved in this business, no douot the Speaker used due discretion in the ilie members from New York city. Metiers. Irving ami HUchiuau. Hire threats were made against Senator Williams for accepting a place on the committee.

Mr. Kolgcr was personally offensive in lus remarks, not on the floor, but in private. He shook his linger under tne nose 01 the little senator and declared that every republican In the State would denounce ami revile him that he might as well place himself on the top of a polo to be pelted by the whole people of the State as to accept a position on the committee. Mr. Williams, Uowcver, stood llrm, the Influence brought to bear upon him for the paHt two days being probably strong enough to sustain him against the wrath to come.

The Father Matthew Temperance Institute, No. 1, of Brooklyn, fared well at the hands of Mr. O'Keefe, who got'the sum of $0,000 inserted in the Slate Chanty bill towards the payment of its Indebtedness. The Twenty-third street Railroad bill was passed in the House this atteruoon. iMr.

Irving opposed it stoutly, saving that he had no faith a measure introduced at this late moment, for what cause he knew not. The locality was in his district, and he knew that nunc or his constituents desired that the bill should pass. The franchise of this road is to tie sold to the highest bidder by, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, it provides lor horse curs from the North to the Hast river. The Covcrnor has signed up to this moment no less than 708 bills, wlilch have thus become laws. The uoveruor's vetoes ot the one Hundred and Twenty-fifth street and the Avenue Railroad, the bill providing tor the appointment of President pro I Win of the Metropolitan Police Board, aud tne Senate.

The Governor has reason for congratulaf Hod upon UttKBtaMnot of ins sagacious policy, Ity concurrent resolution communicated to the Assembly through Senators liradio and Crowley, the Senate uotiilcd Hie tout the Senate had i finished Its business and was ready to adjourn. About this time the House was in a very agreeable and rather noisy mood and' very nearly arrived at the point of decorum licensed by the usual euatoiii of a mock session; liu: there was dignity enough in the parting hours for Mr. Selkreg to pay a Just compliment to Governor Hoffman, whose action, from all the vetoes, lie said, entitled hlin to the good opinion of the people of the State. A committee was appointed to wait upon i the Governor and acquaint him that the House was ready to adjouru. A similar committee was sent to the Senate.

At midnight the Legislature of lww adjoiirued sine in the best of spirits, with mutual i congratulations. About tlve o'clock this afternoon, while some workmen were raising a house on Spruce street, near Dove, In this city, the house leli and some portion of i It struck a young girl, about seventeen years of age, i matned Eliza Jane O'Connor. She was instantly killed. An inquest was held on the body this evening I and the jury rendered a verdict in accordance with i the lacts. viEW YORK LEGISLATURE.

SENATE. i ALU a ny, May 10, I860. 1 The Senate met at nine o'clock. vetoes 8t stain upon motion of Mr. Folgek the veto messages of the Governor were taken from the table.

The veto or the bill relative to filling the vacancy in the office of Justice of the Peace at Lowville was first consldefed. The veto was I to 1. Ttic veto of the bill 10 authorize iho appointment of a president pro trio. of the Metropolitan Hoard of Police was to n. The veto of the otic Hundred and Twenty-fifth street Itnllroa.l bill was to t'auldwell.

Genet and Muttonu. The veto of the Avenue 0 llallroad till) wus sus1 to t'auldwell, tenet and Mat toon. The veto of the bill In relation to filling vacancies of justices of the peace in the several towns of ihe State was brought up. Mr. Folder thought the 1 Governor partly right and partly wrong, and lavored passing over the veto.

The veto was to 15. The veto of the bill to Incorporate the Oswego Pier and Dock Company was sustained by 24 to 2. tiik tax levy. Vnder the order of messages from the Assembly Mi. Twerp called up the question of concurring In the amendments to the Tax Levy bill.

Mr. Fouikr raised tne point of order that the Fenatc having agreed with the report of the conferp ence committee, that they had tailed to agree, and having discharged the committee no further action could be taken, and that the bill Is dead. The President overruled the point of order. Mr. Koi.cier appealed from the decision.

The Chair was sustained by 16 to 16, ail the demo1 crats and Mr. voting vea and the republlf cans voting nay, the Chair giving the casting vote, Mr. Folorr raised the point of order unit on question of sustaining a decision of the Chair the I President cannot give the casting vole. Mr. Mi Rrnr took Issue thereon.

The Ciiair overruled the point of order. 1 The question being on concurring with the Asaemby amendment Mr. Moroan asked for a division of the question so as to vote separately on i no nropoi sltlon to appropriate twenty cent of theVv, so fund for what he termed sectarian avhoola in York. The proposition was discussed at some length bv 1 Messrs. Morgan and Murphv.

Mr. Moroan withdrew tus request for a division, i Mr. Twerp withdrew his motion io concur in Assembly amendments. Mr. Creamer moved that a new conference com mlttce be appointed, which was earned -IT to IN; Messrs.

Matton and Ynu Pctten voting ajc with tne democrats. i. Mr. Van Petton- said he voted under a ruisappree bctislon, and moved to reconsider the last vole, Mr. Crowley thought this was idle, and said tnat It was evident the question must be compromised.

I Mr. Moroan compromise impossible, a The republican Stmators have only to stand by the original Senate OIIL Mr. Tweed said there wan no remedy for the 1 dilemma except compromise, i- Mr. Folder said the compromise must be in the Renate, and not with the Citizens' Association. The motion to reconsider was to i'.

President voting no; Mr. Mattoon voting no with the democrats. a The President appointed the following as such committee of Creamer. Genet, VAimir. iha luttpr iirritnrd.

and Mr. Stanford was appointed; Mr. Stanford declined, and Mr. Van I'etI ten was appointed: Mr. Van rotten declined, and Mr.

Williams was appointed. 0 Mr. to instruct the committee to Insist oi the original Senate lull, or on the AwieniMy bin unreported hy Its committee. Lost? IB to i. Id, Mr.

Mattoon voting "no" with the democrats; 1 the rhair voting nno." The Seiite a recess until this afternoon. 1 awaiting the conference committee's action. t.ARK ONTARIO IlSMKRItS. Mr. introduced a bill, which was mi 3 mediately passed, protecting the fishing interests in Lake Ontario, bays, estuanes and river St.

Lawrence. the canal bill. The Senate coftcuyed in the Assembly amendments to the bill for tne construction of a new work and extraordinary repair on canals. The bill Imposing a lax oi three quartefs of a iniii involves an expenditure of about tie state excise law. The report of the conference committee on amending the general Kxcise law as to retain the Senate amendments, authorizing licenses to tie granted foi the sale of ale or tieer for ten dollars, was agreed to.

Mr. Mattoon dissented. The bill to incorporate the Brevoort Savings Bank, New York, was passed. gpn contkact investigation. On motion of Mr.

Van Pblten the Judiciary committee upon investigating lie gnu contract was excused from reporting tins session, and have leave to sit during the recess, without expense to the state. the tax levies. The report of the conference committee on tax levies was received. The report of the city levy was concurred to 11. Yeas all democrat! mid Messrs.

Van I'etten, Williams and Maitoou. Nays all republicans. Ykah? Messrs. hsnss, Hrsdley, Ciuldwi-II, Cre? Kdwurds. lisnel, (Jratism, Uuuoard, Multoon, Murphy, Nichols, Norton, Pierce, Tweed, Van Patten and Nays? Messrs.

Campbell, Chapman, Crowley, Kolccr, llale, Humphrey, Kennedy, Morgan, Mcks, O'Dounell, Palmer, Parker and The report of the committee of conference on the County Levy tvas read and concurred by the saint vote as the City levy. At lorty-flve minutes past ten, the levies being disposed of, a concurrent resolution was adopted to ad journ at twelve o'clock midnight. committer op conference. On motion ot Mr. Thayer a new committee 01 coniereuceon the Canal Appropriation bill was appointed, as Thayer, Morris and Hubbard.

Kecess for three-quarters of an hour. adjournment. Messrs. Bradi.ey and Creamer were appointed a committee to wait on the Assembly uud Inform thern' that the Ncnate was ready to adjourn. a committee was also appointed to wait on the Oovernor.

At twelve o'clock, midnight, l.ieutenant Oovernot Beach, after a few words of farewell, declared the Senate adjourned nine die. ASSEMBLY. Ai.dany, May 10, On motion of Mr. Hartman It was resolved that, 11 the concur, the Assembly will adjourn situ at twelve o'clock to-day. The Speaker appointed the following as the committee of conference 011 the tax La Bau, W.

Campbell, lllichman, and Irving. The Assembly took a recess for half an honr. bills ordered to a third keapino. For the construction of a railroad on Twenty-third street, the charter to be sold at auction. Mr.

Freak asked and obtained ununimons consent that said bill have now its third reading, and the hil 1 i.fiaccii Yfr nlnne vntinor int. Upon reassembling tlic Assembly concurred in the report of the committee of conference on the canal Antiropriaiion bill; also the State Excise law. Kecess till four o'clock. evening session. of the committee of conference on the tax levies, tuaile a unanimous report cuttfng down the city levy $1,800,000 and the county levy about $600,000.

The report of the city levy was concurred to 11. The report on the'county levy was concurred to 15. The Senate bill to protect the fishing inte-ests on l.ake Ontario, its bays and entrances, and the river St. Lawrence was passed. veio message.

At a rpiartor after eleven a message was received from the Governor the bill relative to the assessment rolls in the town of Osweeatchie. St. Lawrence county. The Governor wavs the bill is a needless Interference with the duties of the town assessors and town supervisors, which are by the geueral laws. The city of Ogdensburg is a part of the town of Oswegatchie, and its citizens have their share Iti electing supervisors of the town, whose Jurisdiction extends over the city as well as the town for all town pttrpoges.

So long as the city contlnncs a part of the town it Is not right that any of the duties and powers should be devolved upon thgward supervisors, whose jurisdictions are lunch more limited. If the proposed change is necessary there should lie a general law passed. The veto was sustained by a vote of 71 to 1. Messrs. Itlch, Hasted and Ferris were appointed a committee to Inform the that tne House was ready to adjourn; and llixon and Miller were also appointed a committee to inform the Governor of the same.

Mr. called up his resolution instructing the Canal Board to lliipilre into the expenditure of the building for the State a grain elevator tn ButTalo. Adopted to 34. The committee of conference on the Canal Ordinary Itcpair Appropriation bill reported their failure to agree. Laid on tne tattle and the bill killed.

ad.tot'knmxnt. Farewell speeches were made by Messrs. Selkreg, Judge Campbell and Jacobs. The Speaker, Mr. Younglove.

made the closing speech, and at 12:30 declared the Assembly adjourned utte die. BILLIARDS. Between Dion nnd TIcDevltr. A for (500 came off at Irving Hall lust night between John McDevitt, of New York (who held at one tunc the cnnmplon's cue), and Cjrille Dion, of Montreal. They played the French three ball game, soo points, each carront counting one.

There was a pretty fair audicnco present, but seemed small In comparison with the crowds wno flllej the hall afternoon and evemug during the late tournament. The game was opened by Dton, who foiled to count, and failed also on his next two innings. McDevitt made three points on his first inning, and for his next twenty played much better than his competitor, which Is saying very Tittle. Dion in his twenty-nine Innings had failed to count seventeen times, and Mi Devitt eleven. The game up to this point was utterly devoid of interest, many of tllie spectators leaving In apparent disgust.

There was hardly a man present who ever had a cue in his hand but thought he could do as well himself. After.the thirtieth inning ouch player began to do a little better, but McDevitt still kept far In advance of Dion. At the forty-fourth inning the game was called, the score standing McDevitt 101, Dion S3. Alter this Dion began to gain a little, so that at the next call the score stood McDevitt 137. Dion inn.

on his eighty-seventh inning Dion made a run of is, which won him the first applause he had yet received, and closed up the gap considerably: out in Ills next seven Innings he either failed to count or made not more than four points. McDevitt, however, had a run of 2W. much the highest made thus tur. and which again lengthened the distance between the Slaters. Soon alter this the game was cnlled and cDevitt had 20a and Dion 143.

After this McDevitt fell off considerably and, the next call showed him tmt twenty-four points in advance of Dion, and this was reduced to sixteen points on the 130th Inning, at which time the game for the Urst time began to Imk doubtful. Soon afier this McDevitt get In a run of 27, which once mere widened the gap and reassured the friends of McDevitt. But this assurance was of not long duration; for Dion got a good run and begnn to close up again with nearly every inning. McDevitt began to get nervous and piaved Inau uL-ill than Hft liarl luirnrn ulinu llfltr. ever not a run of four, which lefl bun one to get to win the game, and he seemed certain of trotting that in the same run.

as the shot was an easy one. He tried it and loot. Dion followed and brought score up to 298. At this point the excitement was Intense. The balls were so placed that the shot was not difficult one.

Uion, however, was afTected somewhat as McDevttt was. He considered the shot ell before he ventured upon It. but to no purpose. It wa? lost. McOevttt had another chance, and as he advanced to the table the house was deathly still.

It was east to see that he could not make a winning shot. He tried tt, and. as all feared and almost all expected, didn't succeed. Dion had one more chance, and coolness enough to proflr by It. He made I Ills two points, and the game wa? his.

The play was finished at iwentt minutes of one. Such tin the confidence in Mr lyritt at one time that ets on htin ol fifty do.lars to fifteen were without takers. The Towrnnmenl. Tlje nsi match, which was to decide Ihe award of ihe turd and fourth prizes, was played yesterday between fnyder and Foster. It was the boM game of the tournament, the loser nrnklng a htsher average than had been mode by any player before, not excepting the winner of the cue and of the second prize.

Foster won the game by Dug points, making an average of Snyder's average was 29. F'oster's best run was 492. Hnyder'a i best were 249, 128, 117. The winner of the I game received the third prize and the loser the fourth. MASSACHUSETTS BULIAHQ TOURNAMENT.

Boston, May 10, 1809. The Massachusetts Millard tournament for the championship of the Mtatc commenced this afternoon at the Olympic theatre. Tne games to be played are wo points each, push shots barret), the couutlog to be the same in the New York was Jwtween H. B. "IliumIII mill niiiwui a.

iuuiu, auii hh mm ui 4M. The winner's 42, 27. TobUJ's highest runs 30. 72. 40.JJf ant Murphy's highest runs, JA Jtc nrst game was iwMreen Flacfc and ToMn, and was won the former, AOQ to SSS.

The winner's average was and tu? highest runs 27, 33. Tohin's inchest an. ft, 9A. Ml The next (rame was between Williams and ami was won uy the former, to 471. The winner average and hi? highest as it I highest runs were.

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