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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 8

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Li HDH. OPEfJ TOALL. The 'Lawn' T.nraanent There Be No' Mixed Doubles Firs Frizes CoBDt' as Two Points, Second asOBe.rV Cotligtoa and Price Hill Plaj Their Game. The Termer Moves Second rTsaa, while the Latter Hs SUm Chaise for rim. V.

'ir' Toe fourth anneal tournament of the Ohia Stat Tennis Association will be held upon the grounds of the Cincinnati Tennia Club-. Cincinnati, commencing to-morrow a week and continuing faon day to day -until ecrnpletad. Tbe tournament is open to member of all clnbe. belonging to tbe Ohio State Tennia Association. The events-are men's singles and doable and ladles' singles ana doable.

There will be no mixed double! The winner of the men's tingles will playT. 8. Beekwith. Eso- bolder of to. State Cba.

lenge Cap for tbe championship of the state. The club whose members via tba greatest amber of poiat will hold tbe Clnb Trophy Cop for tba coming First prizes count as two points each and second prizes as oa point cash. Handsome priies will be offered for Bomber of leading busi- nessfirme." vj -Entries should be made to Stephen H. 'Wilder. Es 64 West Third street, and should be made ao aa to be receded not later than 10 o'clock Maaday morning.

Augast 24. The entries should be accompanied by a fee of 13 for each player for each erent. The. Gibson' House bss 1eenJ selected as beaaaoarter. Applicatiun -for club membership should be made to the President of the Bute Association, and.

if eeiyed before the eleee ef the entries for the tournament, will entitle members of such elub catering the tournament to play. The annual does for elnb membership are tlO. The officers of tbe association invite all clubs not now members of the State Associa tion to loin, and urge aa large cumber an tries for the tournament as possible. Complimentary tickets of admission to the games will be forwarded ali players and all visitors from outside of Hamilton County. Tbe prises for the State tauraameat hare nearly all been determined upon and are re markably handsome and appropriate, and reflect great ereait oa the energy and geed taste of the committee; Messrs.

Waite and those to be offered for gentlemen's tingles 'and doubles and ladies' doubles. The fol lowing is a ust ot too prues and the donors. First prixe in gentlemen's doubles. two United btates signal fiald-giasses; second prize in gentlemen denotes, two brushes, with atrrlina silver backs: tf rat price, in laaiear sinaiea. a -oeautiiai set ot aacKeray.

Moan in calf: second prize in ladies' singles, silver-mounted card-case and, pocket-book: first rrize in ladies doubles, two eut-glass bowls. All tbs prizes will be placed on exhibition at tbe Thorn p- mo hook toe week. Company during he early part of A large, number of players are' expected from Toledo and Dayton, while it is thought that several will came from lrdcrwill certainly, send the twoColdbams, tv. w. and A.

and' probably several young players. From Dayton will come Mruonds. Mahnn. Dickey and Wood. Beekwith and Wortbington will represent Vieveiaaa.

Among the Cineianati players who expect to enter the daables. may be mentioned Hosea aad ICckert. Emerson and Jecg. Her-ron. Mitchell and Field.

G. aad J. Fentey ana xiceaer aaa luaaeii. -f Miss Eaton returns home te-day and will Play in tbe ladies' doublee with Mis Foster. Miss Morrison and Miss Dougherty also in- tena 10 togetner 10 in 13 event.

Saturday of this week the East End dab will hold a. tournament, open only to mem bers. Ameag the entries are Misses Urner. Looy aad Kieanor Herron. Metisn and ul-lise.

and Messrs. JJftbart. Nicolls. Mills. Ber- ron ana rr.

ana J. Jkaton. 4 -v-- "Judge Eose has announced that he does not intend to enter the State teurnameut. we hope that he will change his mind, as aU the good playeri in the city are wanted to ana the 'Judge" is certainly among Jteport come from Toledo' that W. W.

Coldbsmhas won the Toledo tournament. which was held durrng tbe past week. Mis voiaaatn wiu not piay una year, as the is The 3anaea Katarday. On aeeeuat of tbe heavy rains none of the local conn were fit be played Saturday afternoon, but the Kentucky were better condition, and Covington and rios Hill Slaved thiv anhednlMl vaM Mnea to tha mrnriui nt kmI Lmmi Henley dowsed Hose in two close and excit- iaa hh. i ais is tne nrst time that has been defeated, be having won all but two seta, losiag one to Hille brand and one to Burton.

Miss Stewart has an aaxr time in taw ladies' singles, and tbe Fee ley brothers uanai. mine doubles. 1 he score ImiA is as IOIIOWSS acn bill. coviaeToa. rieKl a 'r 1 istm Wbrrv alias blai Kiaa WarrTZZ liua.

O. Fonl.r -f'o. V.n.. I ill. vevlsewa.

4. Total OaaaesirPrice Mill. CeTlatoa, 17, The Standing. The taadina this, week dee not show much, a aU but two of the 'clans have six postponed game play. ofl.

Coviogtoa movea up to second place, bat will very probably be ousted a soon as Kensingtoa and Cincinnati play off their- names with Walnut Hills aad Kacqoeu Price Hill, by losin four sets yesterday, made her chance for nrst very slim, as it is almost certain that Kensington will take twelve more sets from alno Hilli and Raeauet. and in that case Price mil will have to take at least four sets from Cincinnati tat win theeaamnlnnahin IJext week Cincinnati will play at ITice Hill, Covington at Walnnt Bills and Racquet at im sianaing is: Price imm Walaai HlUa. 1 OlBM. SH RKHKATISAL TO-DAY. Slaglag haMrtatioa TBat VSU1 Take Par ta tkeXveat Septaaaawr 1.

Tba first tensral nbearsal of all the Sinf lagSeeiaties that have decided to participate ia the calibration at tbe laying of the corner- tone of the new Odd Fellows' Temple. Sep- tember 11 will occur to-morrow ia tbe main hall at Washington Park Hall. The follow ing Societies have signified their intention lillit sart: Odd Fallawa. A. P.

bwiaa. Bavarian. Concordia, barfeid Curd. lruid and jiarmomae-ingiog aocieues. LANGHORSTS ASSAILANTS.

AU Thtwa Ar Haw Bahiad the Bare at Caatral Btatiaau. Edward Riahard. a' cook, St years old. who was oae of the parties to the brutal assault upon August Laagborst at Fifth had Plum streets Saturday aight, was arrested by'Pa trolman miser at I o'clock yesterdv morn- inc. ie charged with assault to sail, lb puioer touad him at Uta and I' lata.

wher ne uoaras. Zeaobia Lw. "Bob nni. a habitue of tbe hease ot ill-fame ef Mrs. Thompson, oa Loagworth street, we Thar Cans fr yKtard-y.

charred with the theft ef tH tattle -nooia -m; r. an inmate of Vie of DONATIONS. mm aa JTe rwk Air rt Side. Cui help. ta the Tha UU appeals In Uen elumas have not keen to vain, (or fundi have Mm in daily from near aad far.

and she children have been oalr la this city, bat while sojourning afar off each summer doea the mid little group at- Bar Port Hotel. Li Michigan) Mod their Serine: a parlor ea- tertaiameat el tome una on rear Cin derella Tableaux -aaa toe receipt for warded from Luc an' Char lie Kale HousbelL Bessie and Marios Huntington and Faenle Kenigoed. of Snginsw City Mich. 15 SO. accompanied by a beautiful let ter, then the yearly afiair of the west Rich mond-street children.

Leak Hark. Mabel Plinn. Merriam Sheas. LHIi aaA Leur Suebel. fcabiae.

Brsaoey an Artie josepns. llton Plant and Carl. Bertt. J2, and then again some little bita of tota In North Cortle Diwi minsvilie. at tae sica baetea.

little fair hr Lan ra and Clem Irohmaa. WilliaTarr. TntLu Baah and IJHie Crnae. S3 32. and Miaa Pocahontas SmitbTalTS.

Mow all thee dear, good children must nave a fMM letter of- icanta. ana eaen ana every one must-have a beautiful saembershipeard sent them, so that every body can see that tiie resh-Alr Kooiety remembers aaa apnre- ciatea all this good work in such aaobfe cante. Trie bociety also returns grateiu! thanks vt the lollewmfc revived iace hursday; Cantaia iLu. Hord.Jfl: rrom Frien.l." 12: Charles THofer. S5: Mrs.

Tatem. 110: Mra. H. l' Hllles. t5: MtSsKrie.

Hick, fiaua. Ubto. uu loux bnbseriptions left with Kebert Clarke Co. prempuy ana puoiiciy acKnowieaseo. CAUGHT ON THE The Mr MJaa rayto mTasteaod- to Trwnt Llae.

bilas Paytoa. -the young xnaa who was drowned off the new bridge last Friday even ing, was tonnd at, the mouth of the licking River yesterday afternoon, having been cauht on tbe books of a trout line. Two mem who were In a skiff eaught the body and Immediately towed it to tbe Cincinnati side of the where it was taken the Morgue. Payton's brother-in-law. wh lives in Kew port, identified the remaina.

which will be removed to Kewport for burial. Coroner Davis, of that city, is highly Indignant over the action of the men In taking the body out of Sentocky. and wilVprosecute them If he sscertains their names. FOUL PLAY FEARED. Strang Disappearaaee of Price Youg A Collefe Bin Ooaobman Who Can Not Bo Vottlid By the Police.

A very peculiar disappearaae has been called to the attention of the police depart ment of this city. Price Young, the ceaehmaa and hostler of J. L. Plersdn. the lumber dealer of College Hill, baa been missing for two weeks and there is oe reasonable excuse for his absence.

Youne. who is only about SI years of age. went to work for Mr. Pierson about six months ago. He proved to be a very faithful ana competent employe, ana his employer thought a great deal of him.

He was a boy of good habita and thoroughly On Monday. Augnst Youaa drove the family carriage to the eity and put it no at a livery stable. it was time for the Pierson to go borne. Mr. Young could not be found and soma one was seab tor to take-the car riage heme.

The young man has not been beard rot since. In his pockets were be key of the stable and outhouses. At his boarding houas he left all bis elotbea and other articles of wearing appareL Pierson telegraphed ta Lexington, tba supposed home of Young, out eanld get no trace of him. At tbe timeef hi disappaaraaoe Yeaag had hi monthly wage, -about S30. which he had received that morning.

It was at first thought that ha had gene away oa account ef proba ble trouble with airl. who work at tbe Sanitarium, but an investigation shows that there ta nothing im that, story, and hi ab sence become more and mere inexplicable Many ef the people on the hill think that be has met with some accident, or has been foully dealt with. Yeung was well liked by every body, and Mr, Pierspn declared that he was one ot the 'beet men he ever bad in hi employ, aad he is very anxious to hear from him. ELLA WAS IN. ABd'Sne ITerjoki aid Bis Masa, fight Over a Colored Man, Who Beam 3s-: to raadaata White Women.

John Hitchsll Is a big. tall colored man who lives with a white wenian. Ella Butter- field, at 23s Court street Yesterday after aoon John Johnson, another white woman of rather prepossessing appearance. aa the street, Sarah was fascinated by John'i ebony attraction John was also drawn to Sarah, and he TOOK HI WITH nut To his bona ea Court street. Ella was in and tba sight of 'John in company with an other woman, and a white woman at that.

filled her breast with Jealous rage. In less time than ft takes to tell. John, tbe women and Eugene Sturgis. another man in the boase, were, badly tangled np in a pro miscuous row. Patrol aaea White aad Von Bargeu.

BSiaBTBB naCKIT And ran Into the bouse. With some diffi culty they' disentangled the four aad took them elf- to tba Ontral Station. 8turgis wascbarsed with loitering and tbe other three with disorderly conduct. Sarah says she is a book csBVaaner. and cisims that she has been staying at the Oibson House.

Mo suca persoa is xawwa at tbe hotel. cohen's charity; Orladlas a Haa Oemmm la the. Stawete 'AJf'M. Cohen. weU-kaown attorney (amuel Fine, of the Banner Brewery.t and Mr and Loa Brahasa wens, rooaatly all on a tour to the Thousand Islands and through Canada, had thoroughly enjoyable time, aad as the party were going an Lake street in Toronto Alt espied an or gan standing solitary and alone, with not even a monkey to run it.

He aaw a chance for fun and charity at the same Seis ing the organ, be began grinding at a vigor ous rate. Srrav aad lively, solemn and friaky musie rolled off in such enlivening strains that every body stopped uuauai aulas oi a weit-arasoan. aigi bed maa. in a SuJt hat. anaaaed in aaeb odd occupation, teas round the hatr and seme one aid.

A thousand people or more bad now gathered aroaad. and every body enipnedln. A CD art enp full of nickels and Bennies, tool auA diaaea war aoaa cattaarad YhereMas7GBdBAatians Will And Where Others Intend Goinz Later. Also Boas Who Ears Eetonsd liter Oolag. Pwraonal Polata ef iBtaroet aa to Oattaga Other Sventa.

v-' Viuxj.kiat vxi.VAi!xTAXl, AUUUDJL JL lOUl Via II Oil Linos S9 West FcartJi Strsst i -an vt Chautauqua and Cctarn. Xiafaraand Cetnrn, Toronto and Eetiira.1 Thousand Islands ad Ketura, THURSDAY ust 2 Aug la. which the genial Alfred turaed over to the owner, of the urcan. a boot old woman. who was so surprised at the unexpected do nation taat aae criea wun ware oi joy.

A COIINE. Aaaesieaa Plaa.Claae Vaamtnetauwre To A con area ee ef American plate glass saan- nfactnrert will be held at the Gibson Hons to-morrow. Kepreeentatives -of six leadiag forma will be croaent. It ia said that a scheme is on root, to term a combine aad ahat ant the French plate-glass from the market. Coatly Moral Foe Drmbma.

XewTerkSaa4 exclaimed Mrs. Tve heard efsueb extravagances as gUvar bath tubs, but ffbls beau all." "WhatT" asked bar husband. arv's ia the newspapers about The ooid JLraiu. It Is Trr iwir'tant in this areof vaHn tcrij.1 i. ill reme-Jy be nleasina tee t- a n.i 10 are.

ta txn. a-p nt i ana 1 it quauui ru SOCIAL TIPS. The' annauacement that Visa Ada Glaaea has been married to Mr. George Haldy seems to be premature. Mr.

Baldy ia ia Kew York and Miss Glaaea la this city. "MrJ Nat' Henchman Davis has returned after taking Ms family to Watch Hill. Mr. and' Mrs. Chevalier Woods have re turned from their trip much refreshed by tbe cool lake breeze.

spend the rest of tbe summer at Ontario. Mrs. Harry Cleneay Is tha leader of a gay eoUrie at Karragansett. General and Mrs. A.

T. Goshern left for the East Wednesday evening. afra. Johnson and daughter are rusticating on College Hill. Among the noticeable women at tbe Graad Hotel it Mackinac Island is Miss Alice Law, whose regal carriage is envied by her'rivals and extravagantly admired by the men.

Mr. James Hicks is with his mother for a few days. Miami County must agree with him. as he has not lost an ounce of flesh. Mr.

and Mrs. Wnv McAlpin. with their pretty little one. are located moat pleasantly for the cummer on College HUL Police Commissioner Werner is "seeing tbe eity" from a bachelor's point of view, as Mrs. Werner has left for Lakewood.

Mr. Harry T. Baynor aad his pretty bride have returned ta the city from their trip to Niagara and Toronto. Mr, Balph Peters is new in Columbus. where his friends are as numerous as they are here.

5 Miss DeCampand MlssEdaaDeCampare being entertained in Chicago aad are very popular ia society. Mr. E. MeCormlck has returned from Old Point Comfort, He repqru that the place must ne very popular, as there seems to aa no end to the new arrivals. Dr.

Miner want to Put-in Bay Tuesday ia order for awhile to be relieved from aues- tiena about "the finest." Albert West has returned to Chisago, after a pleasant risit here. Morton Isabel has arrived safety from aa extended trip on the continent. His sen-eraLhealth waa very much benefited by the i voyage, which waa aa exceptionally smooth -V Mrs. wight Kinney and Mrs. Edmund MUlsr are among the gay society people at Cress.

Their turn-outs, whish thsy have with them, are in constant requisition. Mr. and Mrs. M. Arnheim and family.

ef Walnut Hills, leave this evening via H. aad D. for Chicago aad tha lakes to speafd a few weeks. Miss Kannie Budd. one at Walnut Hills' most eharming girls, has goae ta visit friends in Indianapolia, Dr.

his danghter. Georgia. la heme from a much enjoyed trip to Canada. Mr. J.

Kyle Hollo way. of Avondale, among the society men at Lakewood. Mr. Weatherby. of- Glendala.

with "her family will be among the gay society people at Lakewood. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills are at Saratoga. Mr Mills, whose knack of entertaining in such a pleasant way is wsll known, is very much sought Mrs.

Meriatn. of Kashville. is here viaitdag her old friends. 1 Mr. Ed Hart is the men popular among the men at Lakewood.

liss Dolly Strsdar has gone to Join friends at Lakewood, 3ta. Darling and Miss Mnrtha are being eaUrUined by Mrs. Bee be at Put-la Bay. Mis Derliag will no doubt return with any number ot sketch sa added to 'her portfolio. Her.

and Mrs. Menfort with their bright and pretty daughters, are now at Mackinac, Mr. Ceorge" Anderson will soon claim Kew York City for his home, where he has ao-tepted a position with Tiflaay. George was one of the most popular ef the Walnut Hilts set of yeaager beaux, and his absence much to be regretted. Mrs.

Harry Haahea and daughter are among the fashioaablo throna ht White 81- pbar. f. Mr. J. 8eaaoagood has carried ff his family to the Thousand Isles, Mr.

aad Mr Adolph Weed will be much missed by their large circle of friends when they leave for their new home in far California. Mr. Geonr Gerke. wha has Just returned from abroad, is willing ta return very, aeon again, if only for the sake af the aa voyage. r-.

at Miss Kearns is snstaialag Eeatocky's renn- tatioa for beautiful womea at Crab Orchard Springs. Mr. Walter Ferdyce isvislung friends la v-I Mjs Mabel Dodd la being feted by friends on Ht, Auburn. -f I Mrs. Georc Anderson, af Cclambus, Is aa tartaiaiag Miss Mcrriwetaer.

Miss Ida Crane left las week rusticate In a uio co Dmtrr place. Miss Abbie Miehie will' remain arias SeH Umber at Lebanon. Mr. aad Mrs. Fraak Armstrong are eaiey-iag the waters at SarnsngB.

a Hiss Lata Ecsopls is the belle par excel-leaea at Lakewood. where the entartaza-meats in her honor are Bumeroua. Mr. Goodaaan. of the Third ttatiaaal.

ia at Montr. Penn. Mrs. B. H.

Eabsn. of North Bead, the ahrtar of rraaideBt Harriaon. accompanied by her sitter. Miss 8pecke. af tfaatsville.

Ala. aad Mr Pr.T.H. Backaer, aocempsBied brher Jon. W. T.

I ackner. ot Cincianau. eoaeins of reaident Uamaoau were ail at tbe mil ton ionae, hacserstown. tne LLb- ahd OB too following day left for i' BTwaor Tav Warn Baaar ta Ohio. August IX 1S9L re TBB luroi oa cars saocxaaB, Eobot to whom honor is due.

The altar lately pnrehaaed for St, Jerome Chnrea, California. Ohio, was donation ef Kev. M. Klswitter. dwei.

who fn r'olt'vn't dtc- iTitni on.nd tr a r9 ins sum waa I iraaf r--r ro- tar it rs. tt 1 ur-f Ciiv. it aa -r rr r.aj,'. A DRAWING atn rwn roople). CaawtBst.

dndnnatf graad aammer night carnival Is drawing near -r: It evens next Monday night. Aagust St. It will continue four weeks. Sundays and rainy night excepted. It will consist of James Pain et Son's ideal reareeentation of The key Days of PompeiL" The ancient city wiu oa accurately reproaneea.

wui Da aJnaiiart aresiirrectuMk. Ttai pea ranee oa the Cameos will be a revelation to.tae moo ardent admirer the mostastata eritiea nf th.mMfrni.p. tve acres ot land, a stage SOD feet Ion, a aae sun leet inn a. lxuuu varasoi art-namud sceaery. Su.ear-loaus of immense properties.

as correctly costoaaed people. large company ef talented, world-renowaed soeciaitv artiata are required for the production of wis snperB araniatizauon oi Ajora JLytton sewiriui aeoenptive wot. The aala af awt nMni tKl mai in at the fompeiian -offices. Chamber oi ijOBaenarce nsuius soortn ana in. TTTC' VTCTTT TJUTTiriT' '-i'- a j-lxi It Win Bo TJaress Open te the) PBBlie ess taw TeaatiJnata.

Captain John A. Williamson. President of I the Central Railway aad Br i age Company, tbe new bridge crossing the Ohia. in conver sation with aa EitQcraxa reporter yesterday "We will open the new bridge this month. but not next Saturday, as unforeseen delays have prevented us.

But on tha following Saturday, the S9th the bridge will be fhrowa open to tne public On that mora-ni alL wbather walkina. rinin driving, may erossover and back as maa timeaas they pleaae. All that daraadtbe fol lowing nay tbe people oi the surrounding country are tn vitert -to come and cross aad inspect toe onage iree oi cost. "I'LL STAND How J. H.

McNeal Was Hustled to Ia- diana and Conrieted. i Mrs. Mills, His Mothsr'i, 8tory ef tbe Affair. Tha Oaaa In Which Governor Campbell -V Crave BequlaltloB PaparW' In yesterday's Xsocraan a dispatch from Columbus, stating that Governor Cmn-beli had issued a requisition on the Governor of Indiana for J. Hilton.

a lawyer of Martin a villa, Ind en the enars of kidnaping. The charge was mad by Jaaob W. McNeaL a respectable and hard working citizen at Biverside. wbess brother was released from the Penitentiary last No vember, having served two years from Allen County for robbery. V- i': On the day ot McNeal's release Huton aad Detective Pete Murphy succeeded in spiriting him out of ths State into Indisna.

where he was tried for grand larceny aad sent to the Penitentiary at JeffersonviUe ton five years. After secunag tha reouiaitioa for Hilton's arrest, Jacob started to Indian apolis, when he was arrested at Columbus for eanBTm covcBautn wsroirt, Aaa pair of baad-enff and a revolver were found. on him. Yesterday afternoon an J- J. H.

MoMEAL. QPTBsa reporter paid a visit Jacob W. Me Meal's home at South Side, about two miles below the end ef the street car lino. Tbe McNeal r- Mills-family are well known la Riverside. They -reside In a well furnished, oozy home on the left ot the Big Four track, oa property owned by General Hatch, in a place surronaaed.

by-pear and peaeh trees loaded to the grouad. while sev eral head ot sleek-looking cattle were brews. iag in the talL blue grass. There are four ef the McNeal boys, avid George and Samuel are tha two who worked eight days and nights aad wen the friendship of all Biverside by their heroic serviee rendered in finding the bodies of the five persons drowned at the recent Biverside horror. Sam net.

woe waa years eld. was buried by his heart-broken mother recently, from exposure contracted at tha time, although the poor lenow naa toe oontaniptioa, out no insisted on going and working an til the dead Hrawnnl wcr. rmnruL airs. Mills, tne mower, is a miaaie-areo woman aad seders from ths droner. aad has aad i iarzyrrn roix or TsocBLB.

When tha dianatch waa shown and plained to her, she talked readily end feet- "'ihope! sir." she said, "you will remem that 1 am a mother- and do save me a little justice, A week ago Friday. Jaron aaa. aaid ho waa aoinc to Cola baa to a MwtMR oiift. mt trnubL 1 na oiarsatch shows what he is trying tod, -sent a num ber of letters ana papers to the uoveraor and ka Bvnmiaad na tha raoniaiLioau Tha facta. as aear as I eaa recollect them, are that last November Jacob W.

went to Columbus lor his brother, who was to be released, to bring him home. The Warden of tbe Penitentiary released J. Harneon. when a maa stepped up having papers from Iniana, ordering Hsrrison to be turned ever to the bhariQ ot an ladiana twenty. "The Warden asksd ShariflT.

and ha reolied him if he was the I o. Tben turning fto Jacob; bo: aaid. "Yoq, hat as I'll take him aaid Hilton, when Jacob W. sprang and eaught Hil the throat, trlting his brother to so. I replied No.

I'm aot guilty, and will go to Indiana Now this wss all related in Tbs EQ0isn at the time. I aoob W. went to the Governor for as aistance. Meantime Detective Pete Murray aad Hilton got my eon end carried him In a buggy down to some way-station and too him to Indiana, where on the ygsTuaosrr oy a irrrta box; Hilton by but Whieh I kaow was bought, he waa sent tbeladtaa roaitenuary. mere we a reward ofierod lor the arreetof the persoa wbo did the crime ia Indian, and seme time last summer received a letter from aa attorney In Indian saying.

tnat every tiling eeuia oe settled for I did not answer, hot iaa few dara a man who said he was named Boyd cam to my house and said that the ladiana chars eoald be ali settled lor Thialnf.hin.aad ha far. n. a rstaiaL wbicb is with tb papers fiied with Governor Cam Dolly anas is a true siatsmans ot ua George aad Jacob W. wark at steae-cuarry- Ing aad heavy vara, ana some year aaw tioorge resetted Miss Hatch from bar father's boose, which ss 00 a hill opposite, while It waa in flame He bears Ue sears to this ds. Tbe family are all Hemoeraia.

aad Mrs. Hell wee very proud of it. and said that if ah could vote she pat la a ballot, too. DIETING TO-lrtGHT. Tha sense's Paeey WUI 8a tha -Thaw will be meeting ef the Exceptive Committee of the People's party at Work- man's Ball to-night to determiae the place aad time fee holding the -County Convwo-Uan.

The ganeral drift af sentiment amoag tha members of tbe saw party is la favor af September 11 aa tbe Hall as the pleas. A be nominal, bat Seared aaa can Tha Othas Is Wara Oats tWow Teak al Eickahaw Whisky is very bard on ceastitatioB. rMmssich--'Ta. Kickshaw Ken roeky has beea obliged to nave a new onesuaaa. i .0.

1 A Plqmsi Has Fraak Spaegwaberg. a bsrber from Piua.j Ohio, received severe seals-wound at 1 30 yesteralrv snevnine by fahsg from a street oar st i- inn r-l Lina iatrol took Lixn ut tut icit- j.t Fo distresilsg oa sal f- Liver i. ia THE GRAY MARE, And How She Got Her Owner Into She Waa Old Enough to Know Ret- ter, Bat She Ban Lwnj, Aad Andy, Ear Owner, Wouldn't Buy Beer For These Who Caaffct A Small Blot Pearl aad BnUar Oa Participant Cptur4 By a Po- lioamaa' la aEkilt Andy Holland is a yonngfartnar who lives at the outskirts of Coiambia. He is a cautions and frugal young man. bat that did not keep him out of trouble yesterday afternoon.

If Andy bad not stopped refresh him self at Witzge's saloon, as be wss on his way yesterday to pay a Sanday visit to bis mother in the city, ther would have been nothing painful to reeord about him to-day. Or if Andy had Burn an na bobs More securely, the same desirable state ef affair might have existed. But Andy was thirsty, and the old gray mare was anchored only by a hasty half hitch to port when her driver stepped through the side door of Wiuga's saloon, which of course had ths blinds un In accordance with the Owes law. Tbe saloon is situated on 7 Pearl street, be tween Butler and Kilgwar. and does not bear the aaost enviable reputation.

Tern 6keJten. wba stabbed Johnny Coaners, shot four times tbe barkeeper, a maa named Roe-dicker, only a few days ago. it is only Just to say. however, that Boedicker attentions Skelton's wife, aad not the quality ef tha liquor he dispensed, were the causs or tub SBoonaa. Owing to the provisions of the Owen lew Andy was unabls to keep his eye oa been are and his mouth on a schooner at the same tima Consequently, when a tram pulled into the Little Miami Depot tba mare saw that there was no proper reason why she should not become alarmed.

She therefor did so. and started down Pearl street at a su perannuated gallon that weold have made a Christmas bobbv-borse fall -over with envy. Seme of tbe crowd loafing in front ef the saloon ran down tbe street. -Overton It the aged- but fnsky animal, and brought her back to thosaloon. Andy was then requested to exoand tha worth of tba charawr in Bur- chasing beer, as token of hia appreciation 01 the service, This proceeding was not In accordance with Andys fnaia at niMitirr.

He obfected. "Whet kind ef sucker are yes. anywayf inenirod ana of tha eana. "Ain't va coin to blew yarself after wea poller fur vr i Andy replied evasively after estimatiagl tne amount which tbe barkeeper Would require of him after supplying tbe wants of the crowd. He then edged slightly toward tbe door, making a remark about the weather.

And aaea not know who threw the beer arlaaa. but hia noao teatifiea ia ailent eloqaeno to the marksmanship of the un- ue also naa no distinct recollection as to the succeeding event, but a minute liter Officer lave saw the gang endeavoring la hammer Aarlv into tha lnteratieea of the gran ite on Pearl street. He came to the fallen man a reaeae aad too gaag not an rus I In a dozen directions. Ths policeman caught naol them, named Jamas aarreii. and aant im and the disfigured Andy totheHanv iona-atreet fetation, bota eaara-ao wun I orderly oanduet.

All the other Dartjeiu in tne row except one escaped, ion uorMU made a desperate otlort to get away with his I but met with a spectacular taunre. r'atrolman Beexman. wbo was In the Little Miami Denot. aaw him aa ha waa Irunaiaa dawn ioarl street, and made a vig-oreqs parsuit. 'iaa dromon at the Six iLnrino House, at Pearl and Martin streets.

saw the policemen in pursuit of Corbett and neaeea on the fugitive, as it was his only way to turn he leaped over the twenty-foot I guard wall and down rate the little Miami raraa. unibu loutvM or a neianoonne stairway and pressed the ngitive so closely teat ne revran nrro vrs nrn swam boldly off toward the Eeatocky Mis strength cave out. however, an be could barely drag hie drippias and breathless body npoa a stone jutting ant from the pier the Newport la the meaawbilo Patrolman Love had followed tha eoarM of the chase, and eeeine? the fugitive leap into tbe rivor secured a skill and alerted to row np to the bndara. Home of Corbett's friends, also in a ski ft. essayed a race wHh the policeman.

Intending to row Uorbett across to Kentucky. The polioema waa a good winner, however, end took er- bett back toahorawhere Patrol 4 was waiting to taka him to tha Hammond-street Station. Tha array mar. ill. I atranaa liverv atahla and doeen anderatand aituation at au.

HINTS. Goon Okblbt On half cup of breakfast baosBt one large tomato, one onion with one peach. lour eggs; chop the baeoa aad tomato. alae the onion and peach, aad cook slowly in a pea: beat the yelks, add pepper aad tbe eooaoa mixture; aaa too WBitcs beetcB stid and cook brown. Cxisrp Cajtcxras Split butter crackers an spread with butters put them in a pan and brown in a hot area.

They are delicto us served witn not oeiery soup. TewATO Jam Take oae half pound of sugar to a pound of tomatoes, put in a stone Jar aad let stand for. twenty-four hours, then take off juice ana strain. Put in a kettle and boil aad shim, thon put In tomatoes with a handful pi sue- cinnamon tied in a rlnth all ail the lime. Abont ten minntaa before removing from tba fire take out the eianamon and add little viae gar.

ou all until it is lias jeuy. EwzsTsasaBe For a luncheon, cook in bailing water for twenty minutes, season with salt aad pepper aad squeeze little oraagejaiee aver them. Rub over with soft batter, uredge witn Hour and baae lor nan an hour, serve this and garaish the diah with aiioed oranges. Ea Ptairr Cut off a slice from tbe tap sad remove the inside: da Bat break tbe skin. Cook about ten minute in boiling water, slice sad hail one oaioa.

chop the egg tnt sad onion, add a eup of bread crumbs. It and M.Mr. nn. tahleanoon of butter andone beaten egg. Fill the shell, pat tb slice back oa top aad bake a hall hour.

FELL DOWN- STAIRS. Little Georgia Janaa Brwha Ilia Sg aad la ass. 6orgie Jones, a little shaver of years. had abed habit of alldiac down banister. and.

whjJs trying to see how Quick he could do it yesterday morning, fractured his leg abont four inches above the ankle. For tunately only on bone, tb tibia, broken, and Dr. J. Hays set this ia aaadsgas, Georgia lives with his pare a at 128 MeMickea avenue, and will be an invalid for seme ilAY BE MURDER. Ma OilSHh, Waa Wm Cat Vr Oeahaas.

Ia Bysasv Ida Griffith, the young colored womaa who was cut by Bea trios Graham, at the Hunt's Grove picnic, is In a dau ge reus eonditiea. The physicians at the Hospital report that the is likely to die at any moanent. Ida air rams to tha Hospital asvaral days after poiag ant. aad waa vol taw at tha tima. Ker assailant ease was caanauod in taetroians Court last la sonar until next wee.

To Blsaf John Cardesman. son of tha Front street 1 vm naacBiaarr. was I loekad up at tbe Olive street elation yes ter- WVoa I day. charged with personal violence ta a I mtt XI fa. 1 date, and ufacturer of wood machinery, was He kaoekad Pol Balware V.s offiasr.

down when the Seer, arrested draakeaaess. -rt A bask him fori iraek.l Cal Somiae (risiag) Gealemen, kaln't eoatiaua in dis game dars eheatia goia' ea. (Three rssers lastaatly drssraj Hub sh But, I waa sarin. I'se ealy tnado two dollars n' a ouawiiLh by tuh icalbecs raiund aaa wivaraw 1 A BassOI rralchs Wndu At o'clock Ujt evenfag two earacf a lit tie Miami freight train jumped the switch at Parens rest. TV were lsa3ed wi 1 urs.

niiiMU. THE LAST DAY: EsvatHt natfaa Yesterday waa a red-letter day 1b the his tory af this year. Cbaetaaou Assembly. Frank EoaeeU. of national fame as lecturer at Cbaataaqu Lake, preaohed both naora- ingaad evening.

His text ta the aborning i from Corinthiaas iii -ML The eermo was a nowerfnl one. He took for hia aub-ict ia last aicht's lecture: "The Process ot Teaching." Tbe aaditariosa was well naea witn attentive listeners. i-ev. vt ubnr araoz. a.

tne pnpertB-tndeat. cod ducted an interesting and biehly attractive round table at o'clock in the afternoon- ln-day pragramane laciude a leetara ay F. bicharda. who haa inat marnM frnca Eastern Africa. Haaaana) of tba annex ane eeajiui worEers in teatral Ames, ilis subject will be "Life In Dr.

Goo. hi. ll orris will nn a loctnroaa T-m bob- ect. A i allow Sweetheart. BowareF Kev.

a roar wilt then tarow eome ateraopucoa vie wa of Scotland aa tha arre.a To-morrow wui ba tba-last day -aC this roar a asaemblv. which haa been a auocesa in every war. Tbre will bo ejutte a number of gracuste ia toe inaatu.o soars, tat eiase of physical cnltar. in charge of Mats v-aa at I p7 jpb sar Aaita a.eliaa-a. will mva an exhibition.

bioitioa. graduatiag exerciaps propsi i laesday veniBgatTJu. The sill take place STOLE TWO DOLLARS. Jm BXaak aad Witnaaa- ttrangi oa hr, Theft Joe Mack sad Waa. Brian, the first a teamster and the second a laborer in the em ploy of the city, were arreased by Moan ted Patrolman Bay.

yesterday afternoon, near the candy store of Mrs. Cooper, at the earner of Lin wood road and the Madison Pika. where they had stolen S3 from tha drawsr. They were locked UP at the Palsbu Station charged with petit larceny. The lice claim that Mack aad O'Brien hav bee systematically 'working tha shells" at the Sunday base-ball games at Oakley.

A Aagast BTaaghala Kaota Wtth a Wamt eoptloa ia a Saloaa. Early yesterday morning August Maag- holx entered Antonio Castelcina's saloon at Fifth and Pi urn streets. A few moments Uter Patrol No. 1 was called to take him to tbe Hospital aad Casteloina and bis fifteen- year-old eon were locked np at Central Sta tion chare-erf with asaanlt to kilL They claim that Mansholz came there to asscnlt young Casteleina and was hit with a beerglass by a Manghols bad several severe gaanea He baa bo home, THE SWISS. Their Celebration and Parade.

A Big Erent In Honor of the Six Hun dredth Annirsnarj. These Who Win Fsrtieipata in the Ssaetasn lay Tsatars ef the Sigalaf. The big Swiss celebration in honor of tbe six hundredth anniversary of thefenading of the Swiss Confederation will take place to day. i The last meeting of the General Committee of Arrangements was held yesterday, and aU preparations for the affair were perfected. At 1 o'clock this siteraaoa the grand spec tacular parade will form ia froatof the Swiss ball, at Twelfth and Elm street, sad down Elm and over tha route indicated in yeeterdaya Kbqvibbb.

Following are tha names of those who will take part ia tbe Spectacular display of the parade: John Gloer. Graad Marshal: Bad Troehler and Abraham Strelfl. Marshals: Dr. Llader. Charles Boegli.

Otto Aaaer. M. Kaolin. Henry Buck, J. Bsnnn Bad Troehler.

Albert Bnetachi. Henry Rehr. Mies Dora Tenner. Albert Boet- schi. Jr.

Edward Bueasehi. KmLf Outzwlller, Joseph Wuebxsr. Misses Aaa a Blaser. Baaa Hot. Emilia Lehman Mamie Pflaaser.

Min nie Hof. Josephine Meyer. Kosa Yosal. Emma Meyer. Maggie Hot.

Louise Imfeld. Mana Hofer. Kaue ChristofieL Ellzn Wlldhofer, Louie Teaneman. Am 4a da Hodesn. Panline Lohmann.

Mamie Frey. Bertha on lice. Panline Ackermana. A a ale Beichler. Boas Wildbnber.

Ann Pflanser. Amelia Hot. Ann ChristofieL, Anna Thomann. John Wildhuber. Herman MeehL Fntt WUdi.

Waltber Seheror. -Henry HirschstauA Xaver Bertsch. Frits Ruppli. Kobert Bap- ply. Bobert Baumann.

William Bechtold. Bud. Merkt, Henry poeepler. Henry Tseh udi. All.

William Lngenbuehler. Maaaener, John Zwesgbardi. Jacob weggnarat. tranii a am per. Meary rrey.

Aug. aiooin, Jaoob.Laas. Nich. bhuerff. Aug.

vtarner. jacoo Aoaermann. tut isia maan. John Gasnaia. E.

Chatelain, Leo rioier. ar a. nenacoer. imil Motzsoi Kmil Schmid. Victor Huber.Frita Kothacke A.

Hot. Janus Meyer. Lacr C'hriatofeL 1 Tnomam. 'Albert Blum. A if Seheidesser.

John Baechli. Kadolph Ai. Iteming. vub uKuiiuiir, J. osius ajiueee.

J. mtoas gartner. job uoasDy. John John ttothecher. tL Kara in ear, r.

f. Urenner. ti truesenl Zuerther. A John C. Scbmidd.

ibuehL Ed Moase. Lehmann. R. Kreppeit, F. O.

Lohmann. rVerner Honeeear. John KrrM.lti.r. Cuur 'flanser. Kobert Lutshorft mii UacbanaBB.

Hurlimaa, J. Brenner. ar Kobert Dueara, ames Schinidinu. Charles Weber. K.

Ladio. A. Hengastner. ii. Amerraum.

M. F. greitenbacn. Joe oiedfried. Probst.

A. Krebser. W. Aaabope. E.

RiteehardL A. tioistetter. a- Merer, euhos. John Jamea Wair- CL Mitarnam. be Sadler.

Vt alchlL K. Ritaebardl Charlee biiiber. Cat Tneker. A. bohneider.

In tbe afternoon and eveningher will be a Swiss festival at the beilevoe House. The big banquet will take place at o'clock this evening In tbe mala boildin of tb Beltevue House. At toe festal board addrersee will be maoe by a number of prominent speager. who will elucidate the hiatona nfmanaM of tbe celebration. Tho awua binning bo-ciety will a Bum her of bwtas bational airs during tbe feasting.

The programme for the banquet is as follows: overtur from. UUaea by Fred vt ever a naa, rhe feasting. Btroduciorr resaarha hv tVa In Ident. J. J.

Abbibl. Orauon ot the day, Kav. f. O. Gerber.

hone, latitat Thon af r.tM.l.iuir'u. oompaaira of bobsic. -The Old Ex-Consul -I k. i 1 1 1 IT vu 1 WBh, banc I Katinn f- from VaanlL hv tbe onus Ringing 8ociety. lossv "Ihe hew by J.

R. Wolf. boBg. Th Swiss Aim." cnartet Emit Schmidt. Leoabard Holer.

OUa Aaner and Rudolph Throeler. loaat- "The serine Wit.l! Meyer. "Kesounai 11. Pong! About My Xatdve Firs." eoag from Branner. by tywiss Singing bojety, Recitation.

-Ths Wait Cross la tbe Bad Field, by Otto Aaaer. Tha Fsaplas Th Eden Park concert yesterday af 'r- aoon-was largely attended, although the weather was sultry aad threatening. The Ctaeinnati Orchestra, nader direction of Miehaad Braad. was beara at its bast, sad ooaeas international I onsrsesT waa especially eapuvauBs. Mr.

Was. hopp Piayoo a eornet svlo very entertainingly "Aiexta. of Levy. Ihe muaio for tha. people has evl- aanur na.

aa star. BtoVao Si. PVtsak. Theedere ValenUne. waiter, was arrested last evening by Detect, ves Callahan aad Jackson aad charged with grand larceny.

He boards with J. W. Thorn psoas, af St Rich- Doagiinn. i aompam ciausas that 1 una stole Sat from a trunk ia aa trinirs. -1, TfTB Hon.

Cbsnneev V. Tlanww. fa aa'af. flrees ta th Alumni Aasaaatian of Tale l. 1 ol fuaraoent tourthronca the swuiiiern I no Bet result of hia visit to taat-outa ao Bar a.

is is lust thta. 10 at ue eooia is the f-onaasa af the futwre. have deveiooed all tbe great aad saddea enDortnnii'. of imm. me orv.j-wnira (Mates ana oa Ute r'acinc ooe.

but here is a vast eooutrr. tae bet saw ia tha world, wit aooditions ot beai uic are abso-ateiy parai iesedt who va.l lorcsia untoncbad; wun eeormoas veiaa ot and Iran, which yet have not koawn any tame b.rond tneir original 000- 01 nor wi' I proper euluva- imo.iori sr.pnai.eaa sap port a tresnen-dens pops coaditioa la the at-luoscLere 1 -r cuiofortab.o liviae winter and euesuK-r, w. 1 ent Bownar else in one country: a 1 is to bo too attrartioa tor young mn out from too laraotto tt 1. ad not by immigrsiioa six 1. 1 1 oe pot thick leer wi.l se mat war.

1 triae lateraal lmmiaratiea Iron.nn i dit ia to beeotno la tml aa rrr i 04 oar eciua ef too ror Ir yes 1. 7 ruus ty a purtuy or dow-n wiih tie i Liv-r I raiatar. mm FIAKOSL refused to pay for them aad the dark. Ben Edelman. came out on the sidewalk so "rap" for the poUoe.

The four set upon bint sod gave nun a severe trimming. During tne nafat Hatrolaaan Huiiluia ramaaa and ana- needed in erreating one oi the mea. Ja. De- wire.01 no. ZJQAastbixta street.

BAXIXQ POWDER. OBtanrai. No. Blueberry nTiliins. SY Mrs.

D. A. Liscolk, JaUa'SaBaOatiM, Pick over, wash and dry pint blueberries; sprinkle thickly with flour, to keep them from settling; in the dough. Mix well I tea sp. salt, 4 level tea sp.

Cleveland's baking powder aad cup 'sugar, with 1 quart sifted floor. Rubin cup butter. Moisten with about lH cups milk, or enough to make a dough that will keep la shape when dropped from a spoon. Stir ia tb prepared bhMberries, being; careful not to mash them. Drop by the largn epoottfuls os a well buttered shallow pan, or, in round muffin pans.

Bah about twenty minutes, and serve hot with batter if for breakfast or tea, or with cream if for Iunchcou.Copyrignt. 1S9I.) Ut ewJV CkxlatW taJkutf awaaVfl Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder I a perfectly wholesome. It leavens most and leavens best. Try a can. Scad etaasa faeCeoh Book, Co, hew Teas.

Delicious Mince Pies CVKRr OAT HI VMS TSAR. SUCH CONDENSED 1 809 Por fnfl tnormataaa HIOHCST AWARD ranrtvedataa iperter Quality eJfT i 1 1 jxsnMMrKr Is t-'iA aaaiaim aasraaf Sarhaa aai sS tea havlag BOSrE feUCtt aaCrtRCLLeVSOOLC vaacuee.H. ft 111 ST a Bsrw Br sy 'BOIXJERSL Tripod Boiler. rohsMof Basavsorny ImaM Eeessaji Liw First Cast abaotutaiy haa-K the aaost Darahlf it Is pi ewe CbbS kxplMSva that ver Strong tsaxftnrmials frs dreda of users ia all pans of the MtoLOXH. P.

EAiaT.1TE:rC3E:iUBC0. Block, CHICAGO, ZXJCs. li. W. DUG AN, Asrent, covTsarcfs.

kt. ly-PT3t-eod? 1 BXMTBSIB. TatCaaVhssaiUC Seailsas. SrTsSiVai ilws. gsatetaM afBBBBfff) JawaB ehawal ejaWwan c.

Rii'ya a co (aaB-aetMwrt roitlXASZ. FOR LEASE! WeU-UsTbtod. DUILDIHG, S03 to 313 Broavdway, 1 Comer of Caort 8s. WUI lease as a whole part. Chssgss sasiic to suit tenant.

Apply toJS. DAYla. Jaw dt CCUKJ Broadway. auf-tf xrxrrxRT. etc I' cm r.aii:u jev.be3, GLEIIEIiT OSKAIIP, 175 VU.a8tret, cr rr.z geeat clock.

Kill iiliii urn SOUS 139 A TtT STREET, DOORS DELOW FOUHTII, CJIXCINXAlH All C- ilaulMtMWFl FIRST CHINESE LODGE. Beatdeato Wha Ava Maa; Ta Be ntaoaaa. The charter member of the first Chinese Masonic Lodaa ia the State at Ohio as- biod at tha iaandry ef Heary Poya- K. 9G0 Vine street, at o'clecK tost Sight to perfect their organization. Daring the en tire day a stream af visitiag brethrea from Cucaao.lBdiaaapolUaad Dayton had been ranting tbe Dieee of moeUng and parfectlag arranaemehts for the proper exemplifica tion of tb work ot the order.

A elaea of twenty-. Bovieee will lnstitatad to-night. with- about' ten members residing her who are already members of ta order, win consti ate the lodge proper. No name ha yet been selected for tbe lodaa. RAPPED FOR THE; POLICE, heat row htoa Jam-ed Ittaa i Four men' bought four a lunch stand at Geors street aad Caatral aveaneatS o'clock yesterday -snorning.

They FOH SALE FOH SAJLE, THE GLOBE ROLLINS C1SCIXMAT1. THIS mill is complete with one ajj train, and la-in snide miU trains. one iiiuabmtrili tor araU at irain oTa wo )n. sqoeeser. pa-1 iiii-a fa scrap lacnacva.

rr. larn nnu Jwe engine. ITS horse posrr Several small eneinea f.r shwu One eceaaa hammer. tari Four iron boilers aad f.ur tw kp RaU turning lathe and eiac tnu Gas producer, erani.

too by Pablic Auction on th tr-. bar at SB olnr 1 tii 1 price is not bid for it vKc-i. tT3 parte of same will be immfdjaW. ior saio oy auction, until th. ii.uj int.

1 be entire mill must be mrA 1 I yor rnrther particalars icaouea Oca of the i Vmoany. jyx- V. A. f. rJOKTOy.

lsri PROPOSALS. auxical Or BALE OP fid EATON' (OHIO) WATER Wof Omn or tub Vlttaos or Earos. fttivx.4t timel.iTHL& 1'KOl'UM A LS will h. untl.l 1 cliict f. ha 1.

Atidui a nnrehaae of aivtv-aevpn mn.i. Water Worka bunda of tbenissnJ Ohio, forty-seven being for lor saw eu eacn. an Marine Usw af bar 1. lR)L and orawina inirmi fmJ tt.e rate of six per centum eeraaaaal hie semi-annuailT. I caid beorls are divided iaiotarJ 10-wii: a Sixuue ia block.

11.000 OS boude ana eight Imm, 00 00 block. cooaiatiBS ot trs J4 i and ten S'de 00 bonds: a t-j sto Slating ot twenty-nine UW ku twenty-two tSOO Ob poada. rjaid bonds era parsola aa During eaob of tbe bnt four rat 1 lowing the data of isaus tbrrv two SI.U00 00 boada and lo tbH! Jt ht Jng ail the bond, of said t.ij ate our years from the dau of isase as4 eechel the five rttmi'it foliaeis shall be paid two fi.000 uO ouaea 1 toi OS bonds, being ail tha toe da ef OU) SO block: after nine rears frsa 1 of Issue an durin each of iui years of the eleven mn sen nine years there aiia bssa'drsr bonds and two t0 00 bonoa. saa last seven years of air re isW shall be nam three si.wn bono a Sjud 00 bonds, peine all the boon, at I W0 OS block. fcaid bonds are iasusd for ta nti providing said village witbsirtwa tie water works, aad ia ronoaD of tbe General Anwrnkj tea I Ohio, passed February IS.

USL as dmaaco of said viliase. pedja authorising their issue. aa4 loataa ordinance saad boads are is strutcd li Int.rMl MnMI Place as the buyer rt mte may determine, bnnda si.l aa I the bigbeat and best b4i aal far at than their par value. rtiJ.iara are rj to state the aunabvr sod biork Men the gross amount they will i-erbriM bid for aad accrued intprsat la ttf transfer. The nstl to rrjt ar bids Is reserved.

lsii.vr'i'i Ylli OFALED for ths Work. Hardware. Caintir.s.r:an4 and Bell of tbe New Cut Hall at OH Ohil. will be received by ths tttsr. Hall Trnateea until o'clock a.

17. 1891, Bids uat be Poo tba snsui furnished by tha tvard. aae rsea beaceompsaied with a bniroc cieat suroues for tbe aerepiasat at tract if awarded by-iae iwara. aw iioi mbl r.r ia. Bids most be addresMd lbs i Ciiy Hall and isdsrwd el name ol tha hiddar aad tae cas upon: bids to be ielt wtia taa Jww oliiee ot tbe roaru or itv n.i nerolMntb and 1 ium tlrr-iv.

The aaccassiul bidder vul be fori gtvs pood in tweaty-nva vrj 7-amoaatof bid for its of the work, end within tie taa upon: said bond to be aaiviaciwu 1 ha riant ia reserved to rejettarJ DrirwlBCS can be seen sa4 at the ethos of i-amoei nsr'atw" architeeta. a e. cor -nth f.V?. auaaUuee reeai Cars aa ta tbe eo hiJdaea. and term if a 1 1.

-ja. Xiiflst- tTw RTiw.aT.l lerk. Ut- Proposala For KnvelopForIrri nartmemt. Central JlnKk Home For V. V.

n. lion uu'vi. crt It Sealed phokau the Treesurer'eLrtfcre erjm teew' bATCRDA V. Aatun Zt. J-S- aaddeiirery during hscaw Jane S3.

PaTJ. of eoen K.Dei onired for the LPJt soarta" ho a TheHc omo rrrv will be nrnished 1 Bl 1W oil proposals, to d.i1 "7I np BON DWlCrB. -7. eoa tract to Ihe lowwt 4-Ir ia amoaatealiei for 10 tbs Klank aaa lis aaa sehadale atatias lbs ins tis.i rj red. aad rics onditiona to rm, rut o( Iroo the I-saawra 1 trots r-amDieaarewnvj or for ia schedule wui nci Eavelocoe eeateinias 1' indotwed -r-ropuaaia lor drawod ta the uwi iauaii.lT-:tJ BIDS will be receive! sr reotora ot the Od'eee Ohia, uaul noon.

I be una a tbe toiiowins work, eat stone work- aiaas work ba j' ana avail bids is rassrvo. ELECTRIC Toft SKI wAswT WW. mast be aeeoa.taJ a per eaaUe. eoai-l nj bald bead riars. dars will enter work af their eaatraea.

JZv Staeotft Piaeo 'a'" eaaaea hief ham i- ca. 163 Viae 5Ttw. ra. tv-oae 1 nw f- -j tains t.iJV Iha-i I tiA A Vc-M "fauli.g-a ill I-' TTFaVj..

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