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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 7

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EUROPE. The Viceroy of Canada Sails for the Dominion. The Sultan of Turkey and King of Egypt for Paris. EY TEE CABLE TO JUNE 13. THE DOMINION OF Tho Viceroy on Ilin Way to the of Livkkivol, June 13, 1SST.

the Viceroy or tbo Dominion Canada, sailed to day for Quebec nn the Nestoriau. THE CONGREGATION OF SOVEREIGNS. The Saltan of Turkey nnd King or Kiypt for Pari). Parts. Jane 13, 1MJT.

despatch has been received by the government Iront announcing that the Sultan of Turkey will M.ko his departure from his capital for tliis ciiy on Tuesday next. The an ival hore of Ismail, ths king of Kgypt, is daily expected. THE FENIANS. Alnrdrroua ou C'orydnn, the Informer. IH i.u.v, June 13? Evening.

Corydon, by testimony the prisoners who were captured at DunctarveO bavn been iclen i fled, was to-day altaoked by a mob of countrymen at Wuterfonl, and barely (Heaped from vengeance witu his life. FINANCIAL AKD COMMERCIAL. The London Market. LosdW) Juno 13? Noon. Conso'B Tor money (Jailed Stales live-twenties 7" Illinois Central Railway shares 79 Erie Railway abures Atlantic and Great Western coui-olidated shares.

Lo.ndo.1, Jans P. M. Console for'money have decliued siuce noon, and are now quoted at AMKUCAN aiCURlTIW are without change. Atlautic and Great Western consolidated Iaindox, 13 Evening. Consols closed at 041, for money.

United States five twenties 73 Illinois Central Railway shares 79 Brio Railway shares 41 Atlantic and Great Western consolidated shares closed to-day at 25. The Continental Hour see. FitAMKroRT, June 18? Evening. United States bonds were last quoted at The Liverpool Cotton Market. pool, June 13? Noon.

Cotton firm; estimated tales to-dajr, 12,000 bales; middling uplands, a UJid. middling Orleans, 11 M. Ljvkbp.x)!., June P. SC. Cotton is firmer.

Livkrpool, June 18 Evening. The following are the authorized closing quotations or eettoa Middling uplands, tnlddltng irleans, 11 Kd. The sales of the day reached 15,000 bales. Liverpool Hreailatufle Market. Liverpool, Jane 13? Noon.

38s. California wheat, 138. 3d. Barley, 4s. 7d.

Oata, 3a. fid. Peas, 38s. Liverpool, June P. M.

The breadstuOb market is without alteration. LivsnPOOL, June 13 Evening. California wheat. 13a. 3d.

Cora, 37a. Barley, 4s. 7d. Oata, 3a fid. Peas, 38a.

Mnrpeel Provlelone Market. Livbupool, Jane 13? Noon. Previsions nnohanged. Pork 76s. Beef vlSSa.

6d. Lard 60a. 3d. Bacon 41s. Cheese 04s.

Lnrurooi, Jane 13 2 P. M. Ia the provision market pork has declined Is. and is bow quoted at Beef has also declined Is. and the price now ia 181a 6d.

Ijvbrpool, June 13? Evening. Pork 76s. Beef Lard 60a 3d. Bacon 41s. Chases 64s.

Liverpool Produce Mitrltef. Liverpool, June 13 Noon. Petroleum Spirits, 7d. refined, la Id. Pot ashes, Sla Roeln? Common.

7a flue, Ma Spir.ts of tarponUM, 32s. 6d. Tallow, 43a fid. Clover seed, Liverpool, June P. M.

In the prod ace market tallow has advanced and quotation ia 43a 9d. Ijverpool, Jane 13? Evening. Petroleum? Refined, la splriu, 7d. Asbes, 80a fid. Common rosin, 7a flne rosin, 12a Splriu turpentine, 32a fid.

Tallow, 43a. 9d. Clover seed, 42a London Marhets. in doh, June 13? Noon. No.

12 Dutch standard sugar, 26.1. Scotoh pig iroa, Calcutta linseed, 04s. Linseed cakes, 16a Llnsssd oil, Jans P. M. Then are no changes to report in any of the markets.

Losaoa, Jane IS Evening. Sugar, 25a Iron, 64a. Crude Calcutta linseed, 64s. Linseed 16a Linseed oil, Sperm IM Antwerp Petrolewm Market. Ahtwkrp, Juns 15 renin jr.

Petroleum markst quiet. Standard white 40 per barrel. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Brkst, Jane 13? Noon. The General Transatlantic Company's steamship Europe, Captain Lemalre, from New York on the 1st last, arr.ved here to-day.

PocTHAnrrow, June 13, 1887. The steamship Atlantic, which I ft New York on tha 1st arrived at this port and willed tbis morning for Bremen. 81 STEAMSHIP TO JUNE 2. The German mail steamship Cambria, Captain Trautman, which left Bambarg on Sunday, Jane the same day the Persia left Queenstown? at two o'clock in the afternoon, was off Sandy Book at eleven o'clock P. M.

on Wednesday, and made her dock at a very eerly boar yesterday morning. As ths Cimbria ran from Hambsrg direct to New York, tbis very rapid passage the shortest which has yet been made between the two porta It will he sssn that aha made the voyage In, say ten days and eeveateea hours. Allowing thirty hoars for the run between the Elbe sad Southampton, the time from the latter port was only nine and nine hoars, thus beating ths Usm of the Cimbria's contort, tbe Hammonia, In her ran ended a few days ago. The passage of the Cimbria la equal to nine days and seven from Honthemptou. and eight days slsvsn hours from Queenstown.

Ths average speed was three hand red and twenty six miles per day, Tbe Canard mail stsamshlp Persia, Captain 1-ott, which from Liverpool at nine o'clock on the morning of ths lat and Queenstown on the afternoon of the 3d arrived at this port at an early hour yssterday morning theee arrivals we received oar special eorreepoadsace and aewipapsr files to ths 1st of Jans, coatataiag very latsresMag details of oar cable despatches. The Derby. Disraeli Reform bill continued to mate progress In ths House of Commons. All thst portion regelating tbe franchise bad been got through with, sad ths committee was engaged upon the question nf ths redistribution of seata The boroughs of Lancaster, Yarmouth, Totnee aad Retgate were totally dWfraacnlsad oa nrosaat of ths bribery and corruption that took place ia them at the last election. At a meeting of the Council of the English Reform League la Load en, Mr the President, complalasd that ha was placsd ia a posttioa of soms ifDculty.

AM their friends on the liberal side of the houss were doing nothing but complimenting the Chancellor of ths Rtcheqesr. It looked ss If they eeasldsred ths Refovea Mil the greatest hesa that oeela ha wrtwit sa the country. The Lsagee, however, bad yat a grant deal to do, aad ha was not yet prepared te lewsr ths faaaaar of maahoed snffraga Tha Laagne conld nleo ha uasfal ia other mattera A resolutive srag adsptsd ia favor at the iMfU earnestly aad that tbe Executive Council should carefully consider tbe redistil hollos of iNli i The roll Mail Oatetts May 31 If ii were possible to coeceire of a man (bat be should lead two dim inn Uvea, and that when living one be should entirely tbe other, mo should think tbat we bad such a phenomenon before ui 10 tbe dlfctinguisned person of Mr. John Stuart Mill. He are sometime? asked II the member for Westminster is really ike remleuian who held ofllce for soins thirty years in the India House in LeadenbaM Mreet, and who rose by gradation to one of tbe highest executive appointments under tbe borne government of the Kant India Company.

However emphatic the anawer to wn'b a question be, it could hardly indicate any surprise at tbe nature of it For tbe public career of Mr. Jjhn Mill bus never evinced the silgtitesi of previous official connection with the Indian Department since bis connection with our uallonal public life be entirely to bave forgotten bis oilicial experiences, and altoee tlier to liave ignored ludia. It wan observed the other evening tbat durlut; tbo greater part of the Mysore debate the most important ludian debate or this and of many preceding serious Mr. John Mill, though coti-c enlioti iiy present, showed no aigu tbat be bad ever before beard the name of Mysore. We tbat we are sorry lor this.

Mr. Mill do a great deal oT good by' speaking sometimes on Indian subjects, and wo trust that, wiion the reform imitation bad subsided, be uiav be induced to turn bis oilicial experiences to this good account. The British Hpard or Trade returns continue to show a greit oontrat Lion of commerce compared with the returns of last year. The it (torts for April exhibit a oil" in value or ahor.l per cm'- The reduc.ion is divitlod among all tbe principal articles. It is observed, however, that much or ibe diminution in the general total is due to the decline in the price of cotton, since while in the of cation manufacturns there bus been a falling off of thirteen por cont in valua there lias been an increase of Ave per cent In quantity.

Tbo Timet says tbat the Sultan of Turkey la expected to isit mdon on leaving the French capital The Loudon of tbe 1st of Preparations are making in the Ottoman seHion of the Ciiamp do Mars for the recoption of the Sultan Ab-dul The puvillion which hus noticed in this quarter of tbe Kxhlbitiqn. and which hud nothing striking about it, is undergoing great alterations and extraordinary embellishment, now that it certain that tbe sovereign of the Turkish empire will visit the world's lair. The divans will give place to sumptuous rich hangings and gorzeous tapestry will adorn tbe wails, and the most costly furniture will be provided so that the pavilllon will lie transformed Into a veritable Oriontal kiosque, rendered as Tar us possible worthy of the august visitor. The linden ytwt says the Spanish Supreme Court of War and Marine has quashod the entiro proceedings of the Cadiz Prize Court in the case of the steamer Tornado. Lord Stanley must now, it is said, Insist on the restoration of the lornado, with "duo indemnity." A letter from Madrid of May 30 stales that arrests continue to be made without distinction of class.

They are generally followed by immediate incarceration, always without anv formal sentence being passed upon the pr soners, and often without any examination whatever. touts Kossuth has written a long letter to Mr. tbe Hungarian Minister, which was publishod in the Mannar Ujtag, the organ of tbe extreme left in Vienna. The present arrangemont between Austria and Hungary, Kossuth declares, is identical with the ultimatum presented by Jellachlch when ho invaded Hungary In 1848, which was refused by the Hungarian Ministry, in which at that time Deak himsolf and tbe present Minister or Worship. Baron were the colleagues or Kossuth.

After bitterly complaining of the sacrifice about to be made tiio revision of the laws of 1548 the letter In a word, the proposals of the Ministry are In flagrant contrast with the essential conditions of the existence of Hungary as a Mute; they are opposed to the policy our nation bas steadily pursued through three centuries and a half? that policy to which the nation owes its present existence; they run counter to the tendencies of Uteday aud tbo behests of tbe pressnt phase of European in their ultimate aim they are in ibe higbost degreo dangerous; they are called for neither by tbe requirements of the ruling bouso of Austria nor tbe demands of any political calculation. The I'esth journals of the 30th of May publish a letter from M. Deak. in which the Utter states that he deems it unnecessary to justify himself against the accusations contained in the letter of M. Kossuth, as his whole political conduct Is publicly known, and on that I conduct he rests his justification.

The hereditary objects or his political lire, he Bays, havo been to effect an arrangement with Austria, in conjunction with tho maintenance of Hungary's constitution, and he mill not trust to utrforaten events, revolution or foreign aid. Messrs. J. Morgan of London, notified that of overdue Ave per cent bonds of the State of Pennsylvania or of oert Ideates or indebtedness, with the next August coupon attached, may exchange them for new six per cent bonds lately created. It is said that the French government has Invited the European Powers to an International on monotary aflsirs, which It Is probable will take place in Paris or Brussels on the 17ib of J'tne.

England. Switzerland, Italy, Belgium. Portugal and Spain are reported to have already promised their co-operation According to a circular ot Messrs. Arlos-Diifour A of Lyons, the silk marltots of that city experienced at tbe beginning of May some revival of activ.ty. and tttoder tbe apprehensions of a deficient crop tbe transactions during a fortnight have become daily more important.

The stock of European raw and thrown silks may be considered nearly exhausted, and the little coming in from the mills Is taken up freely at two to four per cont above the highest rates ever betore paid. A Prussian named Rhelnhold Jeiger was brought before the magistrate at the Thames Police court, tendon. May 30, charged with forging coupons. Tbe case oxcltcd a good deal of interost. The forged coupons have been so well got up that they have found thoir way not only into the English market, but into roreigu countries also.

Tbe prisoner was remanded. Tbe cattle plague continued a source oC anxiety in England. and precautionary wore being again strictly resorted to. During the week preceding the steamer's departure elghty-rour cases were reported. The trial of Patrick Joseph Condon and Dominlck O'Maliony for treason -felony waa concluded on tbe 30th or May In Cork.

Ireland. Tbe prisoners were charged with being the Fenian Centres in Cork, and the principal witnesses against them were the informers Corydon and Masssy. The chief ground of defence waa tbat the lormers were not corroborated by independent testimony, and a verdict of not guilty was returned by lbs Jury alter of an hour's deliberation. An article which recently appeared in tbe London Timet, favoring the right of Iroland to re hoi, bas been poeted throughout Dunlin on large placards. The Oionmel (Irelandi Ckramrle atates that the Fenians are drilling ss actively as ever in tbe county of Limenck.

The-Auitriaa frigate Dandoio. Captain Naula, from Havre, Arrived at Gibraltar on the of May, and saluted the garrison with twenly-one guns, and also the flag of Lord Paget, both compliments being returned, the former from the salntlng battery and tho Utter from tbe Victoria. The Dandoio proceeded to the eastward the same evening. His Hlgbnees Mulai Drls, nephew ot tbe Sultan of Morocco, baring completed his pilgrimage to Mecca, landed af Gibraltar on the night of the 23d of May, and proceeded for Tanglers en tbe 23d in her Britannic Majesty a ship Redpole. The Moorish Prince waa saluted on hia departure by the garrison aad also by hsr Ma jssty 'a ship Victoria.

Telegrams from India dated Bombay May 30 report lb. shirtings, dr. lb. Tr. 14a.

40's muls twist, 14. Cotton firm Dtiollereh, 385. Exchange on la Government securities? Four per cents, Ave per cents, flvs and half per cents, 110. At Calcutta May 27, lb. shirt toga, 8r.

3a. 40's mule twist, Cotton, Exchaaga oa London, Is. UXd. By way of England we ham news from the West Coest of Africa dated Fernando Po, April Cameroas, 38; and Old Calabar, 36; Brass Hirer, May Genie, Bonny, Lagos, Aacrn, Gaps Coast CasUs, Cape Palmes, 10; aad Sierra Loose, May 18. Ms brings 1,700 on nose of gold dust.

1,889 sovereigns la specie, and forty passengers. Trads doll at Fernando Fa Twenty of tbe Spanish prisoners hsd escaped oa their way to Eagland Trads dull st Accra. Tbs Awooalahs still betag discontented, dlsturtnases had eoearrsd at Garee between the aallrs cbtsfs aad tbs French, tbs lattsr at tbs last aocouaU being defeated. Hostilities wsrs rtlll going on. MAXIMILIAN'S FALL What Is ilia sf JleilMf-Wlll tfca Dortrtao Bsatsla fkwlary la the Territory the Londoa Post, May 80.1 If.

ss Is to be apprsbsaded. Us collapss of the Meiiasa empire bas been sigaalised by a sanguinary catastrophe, the 'awvsatloa out sf wbwh It arsss pansataasiy will painful ralleetuas. Tbs tfaa whloh tbs Empemof tbs Freach sought la rasMsa was a 8uallag II I ii ales. to deeenbe the failure of a good intenttoa may ssaat hsri It Is, however, tumble ta tbe rindloatioa of the soaoa which Ota Ftweh has tahsa la withdrawiag its HF from the Mexican umpire. There waa.

It truer, But it does not follow that a tk? power of sword would admit tod the requirement whioh, it is Mr. Soward to remark, was eipronaed oonaideriU if other arguments bad 'beea wfcnUug. 1'rance accompanied the Kwperor when be crOONtd to liberate li.Uy, and would havo gone wit'? him to Warsaw, out counting the coat; but tbe French people never saw their war Van Crux, and when, two M. Rouner polated it out. speaking.

aa ft were, through the national trumpet, his eloquence was upon them. The Austrian Prince who undertook to govern tbe Mexicans will. If his life is spared, receive muoh sympathy. He has displayed qualities which win admiration and respect. He has vrorkeil hard, and, wo doobl not, honestly.

He has bad to bear a load of private affliction as well as public trouble. Maslrailian was probably deceived and misled, as o.hers were. Tbe Mexican empire was evidently constructed on a scaffold el misrepresentation, and those who are morally auswerable for the blood that has been shed, be they whom they niav, can have no absolution on this side of the grave. But their erimo must not be regarded as afforded any justitlcatlon of the means that were adopted to an end which, whatever we may think of Its object, contravened principles that should be maintained and obeyed with scrupulous exactitude in the arrangement and settlement of international differences. England and Spain, as well as France, had causo to complain o( the licxicau government.

If government It may be called. Nevertheless tbey were not entitled 'to demand more than was due to them. It was not within their province to decide the destinies or to make provision for the better government of some millions of "Indlanized Spaniards. The doe'rine irrel-nmnt ti tA? imue, inatmuh at it no paH of the lam of nati tu. France has not, we apprehend, acknowledged the pretension in any cense.

The objections to the proceedings which led to the establishment of the empire are, however, obvious, and they do not appear to have been removed by tbo vote which Maximilian accepted as an expression of the will of tbe people. Thev relate to the interests of all States, and to tbe securities on which peace and freedom are more or less dependont. This the case id America, aud while it ir. possible that the Mexicans have missed an opportu. nity of improving their condition, It is manifest tha, encouraged by their powerful neighbors, they have vin riicatod a common right.

At to future all it dark. Tho blood-stained ruins of the empire are alone visible. Mewicn itfd be to the 0m Vd S'alet an embarratting aequiiitrm but telf government be. tried again, there it nothing to tntild a uftnn. The people nationality is represented by brigsndage may xoell of apprjeia'ing the independence they have recovered.

IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. Trial of Maximilian by Court Martial. The Prince the Legality of the SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE HERALD. Kbit Oklramb, June 13, 1887. The following despatch has reached this city from one of the correspondents of the Hkrai.u in San Leo Potosi, May 28, 1887.

To-morrow Maximilian and his principal generals? Miratnon, Mejia and Castillo? may very possibly be uentonced to be shot. On Tuosdny, the 21st, the Emperor and Prince Saim-Salm bad an interview EsCDbedo at his headquarters at Quereturo. Th? meeting was brought about by the Princess Salm-Salm, wbo had Just returned from her mission to the President at Ban Luis. It was characterized by an Incident which, were I able to relate it, would cause a thrill of disguat in every civilized community in the world, but at present my lipa are sealed for weighty reasons. Maximilian offered to abdicate and to naa his influence to bring about the Immediate surreuder of Mexico and Crux, the former to bo accomplished in a most remarkable manner.

In return he asked the lives and a sire conduct out of the country for himself, is German and troops, and Generals Mejla and Castillo? Mirs mm. for reus ins whi4h will hereafter be apparent, was loft out and for his private secretary. A messenger was despatched to the President with these conditions. Be returned to Querutaro on the Inst, with an unqualified rejection of the proposals. The same day the Emperor, Miramon and Mojta, were placed in separate cells, under double guard, and a court martial was organized to try them.

Since the days of the Spanish Inquisition no such tribunal has ever been framed. Wbo the President no one knows. Where the court sits and wbo are the witnesses is equally a matter buried in the darkest obscurity. Tbe Judge Advocate baa fourtoon points of accusation. With these he passes from one to the other of the and asks them on each point what they havo to ear in reply.

In vain the Kmperor requested time to consult his counsel, naming as such the liberal General Kivas, Pallacio and Senor Martinez de la of Mexico city. In vain lie protosted against the legality of the court. These proceedings have boea going on for three days, and to-morrow the sentence Is expected to be If that sentence passed it will undoubtedly be death, and the fate of the Emperor will be shared by his chief offl'-era The Princess arrived In San Luis to-day by special express. The President liad promised bor that if her hufband and the Emperor were sentenced to be shot she should have another Interview with him. This courageous lady is the bearer of a private letter from the ex-Emperor to the President.

She has been refused admittance but is promisod an interview to morrow. But a suddea case of perplexity has arisen to-nicht, and affords almost the only faint hope of the Emperor's life being spared. Notice been served upon the President. that Maximilian denies the jurisdiction of the court, on grounds of international law. I am a government, he says, recognised by every Power in the world except tbe United Statos, and I can only be tried by a legal congress of nations.

work on International Law was at once In requisition; but there was only one copy In the whole of San Luis Poipji, and that belonged to a shrewd notary, who got bis own price for it before be would give it up. Whnaton obtained, the Ministry have been la deliberation the whole night, and the council has not even now (midnight) broken up. What tbe recult will be no one ventures to predict. President Juarez is unqusstionably in a dilommt. Tbe newspapers snd all the violent liberals are clamoring loudly for Maximilian's blood All ths crimes snd outrages at the French troops in this vicinity snd they are legion? are charged apon his head.

On (fee other band, if the President orders Maximilian's execution, be has been warned that he would lose the sympathy of the United States. Personally Juarez would like to conciliate the United states; but the sonAmerican feeling bas grown so strong bore, especially since tbe unexpected fall of Qusretaro, that it is quite possible Maximilian may be shot out of bravado towards trie United States. THE NATIONAL GAME. SPECIAL TELE6RAB TO THE HERALI. The Athletics, mf Philadelphia.

Heal tha Clsbi af si Bssiss. Boeroff. Jnne 13, 1M7. Tbe Athletics, of Philadelphia, met the Lowell Club, of Lowell, en tbe Common this afternoon, and defeated them by a score ef fifty-three to eight. Only Ave Innings were played, la whleh the Athletics did some of the finest batting ever wltaeeeed.

There was an Immense concourse of citizens In attendance, and tbe enthusiasm at times was of the moat exciting character. The scors was ss ctea. UMrnt.f. cios. flss'l I.

0. K. VUiy" o. t. Klinefelter, 1st I Loratt.

I 0 McBrlde, 1 7 Alllne, e. Beaeh. Mb 1 7 Wilder, 0 WIMaas. S.S 3 4 ftumnsr, Mb I Pisler, b. i II Crosby, Isih Zensandorfor, 1 7 Bewton, I Mi C.

7 Jewell, I If. r. 6 Lowell, l. 0 Pharo. a 1 Thorn peon, 0 Total 1 sons tics imiiroa.

Amt.srir* First, II; second, third, fourth, 17; II fib. If. Total. M. Lowsli.s.? Ptrst.

seeond, third, fourth. flfib, I. Total, B. Umpire, J. C.

Ames, ef the Harvard. Scorers Messrs. Benson and Fuller. TOIACCO FAW AT ST. LIUIS.

Sr. Uxm, Juas 13, 1MT. The premium tohaceo fslr earns off ta-day. Tha attoadaace was large, Including rspiwisUllvss from Heir Task, Virgiaia, Kentucky, Tiantsns, Ohio. Illlnato aad Missouri.

Aflar swardtag Mm premiums, the arise tobaooo was subsequently ssld for 1 70 per dred poaads, siml premium fbe fill 5, third premlem far fourth yrsmlum for KM; Iks remaining apflK potlnf tobacoos so)d at to fTO per handled panada ACHTIN G. Animal of lite Mew fork Far lit Club. A. Pine Display of Sailing Craft and a Tame lace. The Schooner Phantom and Sloop Evelyn (lie Winners of tbe Stakes.

Tlio yachtiug Haakon vru formally opened io the annual regatta of the New York Yacht Club. This regatta haa been for some time past a feature of the seminar amusements of the public, and baa formed a very favorable occasion for the display of thu tlnoly nsodolled craft in holiday attire and neat rig, without rendering them liable to rude or damaging buffets which might soil their pretty feathers or tarnish the shining coats of their bulls. This occasion has always been to tbe yacht club what the dross parade is to There are always rogular manoeuvres on a smooth Held, a grand and eflective marshalling of forces, but not the least danger. This forms a scene, moreover, which may be fitly and safely adorned by the presence of ladies a sort or holiday show, in whioh the spirited craft wheel and curvet about the course in the sight of admiring spectators, flaunting their gaudy colors and gay signals, to lend additional p.oturesquoness to the pleasant scone. Tho regatta, then, as an annual parade of the forces of the Yacht Club, and a preparation for 1 tbe earnest work of the season, is peculiarly interesting, even beyond the fact that it is recognized already as a holiday for pleasing frivolity, brilliant show and general Yesterday having been set apart for this display of our fast nailing craft, it might ot courao be expected that we have to record this morning, as usual, a grand affair in tho way of a yacht parade.

The regatta held yesterday was, however, unusually noteworthy for the display made by the club aud by chose who assembled to do if honor. TBS DAT was a very pleasant one for amusement and show. Tbord wu an almost cloudlM- sky, a dear annospaoroj and a bright sun, shining with only sufficient intensity to temper agreeably tho chill that ever sweop across the cold bosom or the wate s. The wind, though pleasant to the pleasure-seeker or excursionist, was uot peculiarly calculated to till tbe soul of an enthusiastic yachtuan with delight. It was by do means sufficiently heavy for tbe purpose of affording tbe amusement of a lively race.

It came in fltfal puffs, and weak gusts, now rising and twirling tbe gay streamers of tbe sharp-prowed craft In all manner of shapes, again broatliing softly and weakly against tbe impatiently fluttering sails, and finally dying away altogether, until there remained so doad a calm that it seemed to the impatient ones a perfect atmospheric vacuum In which breathing even was a difficulty, fuch a day was of course favorable to a holiday parade, but it was nevertheless annoying to thiwe who preferred to show the sailing qualities of their yachts in dashing manoeuvres, instead of allowing tbe galiaot craft to float lazily on the stream, bound up iu a calm and the sport of tide. If any proof were needed that yaebting has grown greatly In popularity with the people, however, it might be readily adduced from the attendant at thin regatta. before the day of the display a dozen or more excursion boats 'were advertised to take such as might wish to witness the yacht club show to the sailing grounds and over the course marked out for the The result proved that the provision or such accommodations wan a wise liuiiness forethought on the part or the owners or the boats, tor they were crowded with eager sight seers. At an early hour yesterday morning crowds or ladios and gentlemen assembled on tbe wharves at different points along tho North and East nvors, where the boats made tboir landings, aod by hair-past fen o'clock A. M.

all bad been taken off, and the gailv-decked vesn-ls were steaming rapidly down the bay towards that interesting point where, clutched in the embrace or the high lands or stHten IiJand and tbe curving slums of Long Island, the thick cluster of white sails lay. Tho majority of these excursion steamers were sldewbeel tags of the better class, fitted op tor the accommodation or those wishing to participate in tbe excitement or the race; but there was ooe large river Bteamer, whose decks were crowded with ladies, which made an especially bril'innt show. however, were fouud on the decks or even the smallest craft that paraded, and the flutter of ribbons and raniastlcally formed skirts on board of a small ocean propeller and on the numerous pleasure boats that limed the sparkling gave tone to the sport of tho day. The company gathered on board these excursion boats or the sport the had to horor. Yach'lBg lias few rowdy admirers.

and coinequontlv tbe vimlor co Hie or yesterday's were or tbe highly ruepe table quality. TitS srni-s AT TUB Arrived off the anrhonws ground or tho yachts entered ror the race, a scene of novel an 1 striking beauty meets the eve of the excursionist. White-winged clippers are on all sides or him. There they lie in a thick cluster, laxilv heaving on tbe smooth rolling Hood; there th sweep to anil Iro among the resting craft, like shuttles, weaving ibis toir tonne of white canvas and finely moulded bulls, cranky with the crowding to their of mase-s of spectators, lie motionless at the outer cirrle of tbe gay sailing craft, and lilliputian yoclits, dwarfed with paddle wheels or screw, perfect counterparts on tbe ama'leat imaginable ale of the giant sea vessels, puff noisily about, pertly saluting with their and flaunting the colors or the yacht club In proof of their quality. Hundreds of fine and swift Ratlins representing lb? yachtsmen or the neighboring citlea.

trim craft decorated with fluttering streamers and gay signals, add to the adornment of tbe smooth tVaft of every imaginable description also raiojie ijt tbe congregation. Here Ira and canal at camera, and small of every quality and in anv number. Tbe ahorea of Long and Stafen Teland show lo glorious advantage a rratne to beautiful and animated picture. The bright a'inliabt falling on their wooded and verdure covered knolls, hrmg" out every beauty of light and khade. The nost ahow their couimaading or unique to peculiar advantage, and occasionally there seen fluttering above the tree lope a br giit banner.

raised in honor of the occasion, over some mansion bidden tonm the eight by tbe rich foliage everywhere in the soft summer breeze that plays over tlie Tbe raring yaehls lie quietly in held by their with pointed toward th? the city. They seem I ke trim race being held by their to prevent a sudden boll. A gust of wind a little stronger than usual Mts them prancing aod tug. ging at their bonds aa ir eager to daab around the roorse, and maintains tlie illusion I hat they are veritably of life." scanta os a.iian. Having inspected the yachts and made their bets the excursionists become clamorous to be taken down tbe bay in order that they may be promptly on hand to see which vessel turns tbe ligbtehip first and whether it la better to hedge or not.

poarrelv waiting for tbe start the pulling and gallant spatter aad daah away thromh the In a lively race of their own for the Southwest 8pit, rrmte to the turning point, lightship A race la improvised, steam is put on, and commotion among the deck hands. the passengers throng tho bars of the boots and draw baovily on the of tbe dispenser of bevereragea. on tho result of tbe race are freely made, and finally an enterprising individual oonceives and Into execution the Idea of calling "poota" This a great interest, some excitement and no little merriment among tbe jovial throng. Tbe Palmer the favorite at heavy odda among the on the eicuralon boats, and aalia at a high figure. Thoee who offer the odda, however, are noticed to individuate who maaltoat the evident opinion that they are the "knowing ones" of the party.

For the rent, however, each has his or her ospwlal favorite among the cloud of white winged racers which are in cloud aatem of the and tbe time 1a occupied In canvaaslng tbe of each. Tbe provokIngly variable wmda are made the subject of a learned aautlcal disaertaUon rroaa aa individual who la so poor a aallor that he la finally cnt abort In his argument by being taken with eeo-alckneea aa the the I.lght Ship Kleld glasses and lanebeon are produced and aa tbe ataamera roll oat toward tbe red hulled ship, which decorated with many-colored bunting in honor of the part it la to play, the gay alternately scrutinise the approaching yachts aad nibble at their bread and cheeee. Off the Hook, the hraeao freshens and tho en craft crowd cloaeiy la ptctureaque maas, bending gracerally, aa If wooing the wlad, aad dashing tbe sprsy from their until seems like of foam falling from tbe bit of the carbed aad atead. Tho rnraton boau align themselves about tbe lifhtahip, aad their anxlooaly await the aproachlag Beta are made la reference to which la the leading yacht. Everybody la willing to ataka hie "pile that the appraaobiag leader of tbe flauila la bia eepeetal tovortte.

Much money baa gee handa on each stubbora ventures, and assay tbeor aa or regular betllag mea rail to the ground, at leaM la refereaee to yachting, where, aa the aportmg mb remark, "There are ao breaks, and no proapeet of a aara thing it tho "knowing oaea," appears la aa aaderatoed iBteauoa of aoaae jockey to threw a ma ma vat 1a with suoh more boisterous Jollification thaa prevailed oa the dewnward trip The bare patronised by everybody, to aa ettent that tbe liquor ftvee out, aad aa lavoluaury la eaforcedL The itMnm paddle slowly clinging to the struggling yachts, whisiios blown iu noisy ohoruw, cheers, in souud bjr then pass ig over i lie greet and the crews of the leading yachts, and afi-r all tine enthusiasm, the wind dies awav moat provoklagly, end savagely those who l.ave staked tbetr money, view the winner as she drifts toward the eoal with her sails idly Happing iu the wind, aud Uur competitors aateru the situe predicament. Tin h.vjik of the regatta waa, however, most unique and beautlf uL Tbe appearance of the hay an the yachts gaily troopud its silver waters was strikingly t'oir. and th" spectacle of the hustle and animation at the lightship, when thu trim craft, in perfect control and finely handled, 'swung around and daried off homeward under the influence of a temporarily fair breeae, was something grand in the way of natural causes combined to create unusual About the stikeboat all tnannur of were crowded whon the leading yachts beiiau to loom up on their homeward way. diminutive steam yachts which had gallantly accompanied the ileal over the whole course, steamed saucily in aud took coinmaurtinu positions fomenting the incoming vessels, the brooklyn and Hoboken Yacht Club fleets cluHiered about the goal, aud steamers, lighters, tugs, small boats, and sailing craft of every description and used for every purpose, mado up a vast congregation to welcome the returning racers, who, as ihey floated lazily by the winning point, were greeted with a tumult of cheers and the shriekiug of steam whittles from all the vessels assembled. A general stampede of sailing vessels and followed the deciHion of the contest, aud the guy scene beauty dissolved in the shadows of approaching evening more rapidly than it had been organized.

The details of the race, though furnishing no exciting features, prove interesting in showing the force of tlie club and evidencing the increased capabilities of its rralt for future dashing encounters. TUS fUlMgfi ASH MRHTITHMM. The sailing coursos and direotions lor the start were aa A flagboal will be anchored abreast of the Owl's Head, I Island, about half a mile from the wharf, east of which the sloops will anchor in line about forty yard- apart, and the schooners in line two hundred yards north of the sloops, about fifty yards apart. In taking position in the lino each yacht may select its own In the order of arrival at the anchorage. Mainsails.

foresails and gaff topsails may lie sot before starting, unless otherwise ordered by the roinmitteo. The order for starting will be announced on the morning of the regatta. Yuchts will proceed from the anchorage to the buoy of the Southwest Spit, passing it to the west, and south, and ihaiico to the lightship, rbundlug it to the northward and eastward, and return over the same course, puling to the eastward of the tlagboat off Owl's Head. tloing nnil returning, all the on the we-t. bank, No-.

11. 13 uud 15, are to he passed to the eastward TUS KimtlMs. Vilnis. Owner, ftmnoffr. Ami.

Annie F. Hurgess UK. 4 White 8. ilomaus M.1 I ISvclyn A. Stellenwerf im.4 A.

A. KlsekWfer 8M W.i tfcantea n. (J. 4 C. H.

Slebblns. ltU a tin 4 Magic (i. la. r.orlllard 1 111.6 I.eVUO Ijaitntlesi I. Keunett, Jr WJ.8 2 'AM 4 Wulgeon l.lovd Plioeuli 106.1* (U6.t) silvip K.

IIW.2 Vests V. laorlilard. Jr 1,512.5 Palmer K. K. 194.2 2.M7I tl Klenrde Us J.

Dickinson 1, Ton soK.ts a owl's hkad. Five o'clock on Thursday morning found the sky dashed with clouds ominous of rain, and many hearts heat in mutinously that the day for the grandest uquatic sport of the year would prove rainy and uncomfortable. The wind was light and doubitul, with alternate tendencies to the northwest and west noithwost. The dubious appearance of the morning made Augustus, amateur yachlraan, as he changed his immense now sen -at I on suit for a rfgr more appropriate for a stormy trip, gave vent to several feeble "demns;" while sweet rriscllla. of the Mine family, who was gorgeously attired for a day of exuberance on hoard the Armenia, took off the lace bonnet arid its strange intermixture of wheat ears and cherries and donned a loss sumptuous attireMthinkmg, with a -igh, what would Charles think of her if he should happen to see her in that rig.

But both Augustus and IViscilla were agroeihly disappointed; for when lbs hour of eight, advertised to be the time of conveying those who desired to witness tbe race to the sceue of starting, had arrived, the cloud curtain was drawn aside, und bright sunshine covered river and bay. The rapid Charles sped swiftly to the start Ion point, and there, among a multitude of vessels, stcamltoats, yachts, wherries, dolphins, and in fact every species of propeller that could be possibly brought into requisition, were the contesting vessels found, resting sereuely upon tbe placid waters There they lay beading to ebb tido and wind, the sloops abreast of stake-boat to leeward, in tbe position named First. Evelyn; second, Whltewing; third. Annie; fourth, Nautilus. The schooners being north of the stakoboat in lino to leeward, as follows First.

Palmer: second, Phantom; third, Vesta; fourth, Katnhler; fifth, FlenrdeLls; sixth, Dauntless; seventh, Widgeon; eighth. Si I vie; ninth, Magic. The sloops were resting gently on the calm surface of tbe bay, with main and topialls set, and the schooners with mainsail, fore, sail and gaff topsails all In position, awaiting the arrival of the committee, situated among the ladles on Itoard tbe Armenia, enabled to obtain a perfect view of the scene at this position. There were counted not leas than a dozen excursion boats, hacking aud darting between the pretty yachts, many of tbem chartered by private parlies. The countless small craft, each with its bevy of happy people aboard, added to tbe brilliancy of the scene.

Imagining the long range of green wooded hills and gentle sHpes, bounded on either side by the poailiou of the yachts, and the merry atraiM of various bands, with the bright Balls of tbe craft alluded to and tbe brightest and gentlest of June sunshines, and one obtain an idoa of tbe Initial point of yesterday TUX The swift Armenia, carrying the committee and guests of the clnb, arriving at forty minutes past o'clock, awnkened a greater degree of animanon among the yachts snd the various outside boats. No time was Ion, the committee being transferred Immediately to the lug Chamberlain, when tbe Chairman started the sloops at 11:17:10 o'cl trk upon the prevlous-agreed signal of lowering the yacht club burgee at the tug's They got away in handsome style, the wind at this tline having shifted to the south, being, howaver, very light. Quirk as a flash the Kvelyn and Nautilus hoisted jib and jibtopsails, and rounded In a prompt maimer, commended hv all the spectators, and put off, followed quickly by the Annie and Whilewlng. Turning from the shooting out these model boats the same signal was given 11:31:10 o'clock, precisely fourteen nutes later, to the schooners, which were calmly awaiting release from Uieir restraints, buoys, the StlvlJ glided ahead in handsome style, followed by tbe Palmer, tbe captain of which had been Instructed to pay off on either tack in passing the stakeboat, with tbe Phantom, and tbe rest in posilioa, and othora astern. The wind came with so much feebleness, at tbia time, that it amounted to almost a dead calui, and it was with efloru that the yachts were enabled to hold their own.

omw4rd to mr hask. Healing dead ahead to wind, making repeated Ucka. the yachts very slowly made liemlway, tu? I 'aimer tacking repeatedly, mi ill liealing lo windward, followed by the Vesta and Passing under Fori Richmond old Boreas deigned hardly to breathe upon the anxious yachtsmen. Yet at ill on ther crept makiug tromenduos exertion to advance. In answer to thetr prayer tbe breeze Ireabened somewhat, wlien the Phantom csrae down In lismlsome style to windward, with the Magic almost abtrati to lOrtward.

Here tbaae were tacked to windward and leeward, when tbe gallant Widgeon appeared and gave them a merry clinse to Kumar Shoals. time the Palmar was working up to tba sdvam-4d craft, and bowling merrily along, when tha little tug containing tho judges, shot ahead In bar efforts to overtake tbe aloop, which by thia had almost re? bed a pit. Before they reached thla point tha wind diad away, but freshening again in the same westerly direction, the pa caught the Inspiration and aped merrily on. the Wbitawing and Evelyn striving by every possible exertion to reach tbe goal in advance of aach other. Hot fort-me favored tbe former, who tamed the Isioy tha flrat of the ileet, amid tba moat oowy demunairatioiis, followed Iminad lately bv tha Nuutllus, who so bulged her aa to exit forth Involuatnrr applause.

Coming down upon these in a atyle of grandenr, their hulls aecmlnglv In their b-auty protesting rnal tha gentle breathing of tha wind, were Evelyn and Annie. In Una thev sped on, the sight of their white sails and gallant struggle creating the utmost enthusiasm among tbe craft that bad shot out and sped down from every conceivable point to wltnees tbe turning at this buoy. Leaving them to struggle onward to the gate or sea, the attention of all waa fixed to tbe coming schooners, who had caught a freshening breeze, and whose white saila flecked the dark water? of the hay. intermingling each with the othor to a degree that rendered them difficult to recognize But emerging from the rest, and shaking tbe great of spray from off her bows, the Phantom rounded the buoy amid cheers, steam srreama, and i most barbaric din. following her, striving gmndiy to catch tbe fleet heels ol Ibis noble craft, were the Magic, I'nlme'-, flilvle, Rambler, Widgeon, Dauntless, and flour de Us.

Every inch e( canvas waa now spread to the wind, and each was saluted with tba same luil) cheers and shrill steam tbe first. The timea of their turning tbe buoy at Uie southweet was sunn. H. M. If.

ru-hU. ft. M. White Wing ...12 30 Evelyn 11 30 12 56 Annie 12 Ml Phantom 1 1 40 W'dgeon I 12 30 Magic 1 4 40 Dauntless 1 14 Palmer 1 0 48 Vseta I 17 30 1 rieerde 1 Rambler 1 44 rntwaan ro rax mur. As the last yacht sped by the buoy the wind changed to a eoutherlv direction, and freshening, tbey chared like coursers to be away, and passing down by the point of the Hook in gallant style, tbe Palmer, by dint of dexter on seamanship, wsetbsred her deserving rivals, and for some time kept the ledB.

Bat soon the PTisntom, the Rambler and tbe Sllvie stretched every Inch or canvas, and gallantly sailed together for a time, pmeentiag a sight worthy of the srtlat's pencil. Catching tbe freshening breeze off the tail of Ha ady Hook, the selling qnalltles of tbe Daumleee were demonstrated, as she brushed with tbe Wfdgtoa, beating ber finely until the wind died away again gradually. Tbe Palmer at tbla time was heading for the lightship, with all sails set, and sa the her was peseed tbe breese still freshened, giving renewed lire aad activity to tbe whole fleet. Tbe Phantom was (till to windward tbe Magic followed gallantly, then the Palmer, the sloope all being some distance la the wake. Shaking up tbe genius that area ided over tbe committee's boat, that craft bavtag lata dormant upon the gentle hearing watnra to allow its members to witness the grand exhibition, as thev struck off to tbe last tnining point, wbtoh wna reached la time to note the paMlag prooeKaloa.

The Phantom maiatatned her leaj), the Mag'r, Palater end Dauntless foflowtng. the rthsr Uis ltay, only from tbo by their pretty signal flag. All aorU or muds respecting form, rig, bottom, build eat' nt those aijualic iiotue, who ui of tbe sea, could not have used tenderer bad thay spoken of their and vv judges' boat wm lyie ft within btsceU of tK' lightship bout, the i'mnloai turned Win lightship aiu.t Uie nails. cheers, IiiUIckw und voclforous deuiouslrauouc of the myriad oratl around, followed in ordar as nuted H. S.

Phantom 47 Silvio 3 1 Mug' 2 51 15 Widgeon 3 3 Palmer 2 III Vesta 3 Dauntless. 54 Vleurdo Ma 3 10 i 'J few 30 Annie 80 Nautilus 0 10 While 2 58 Kvelyn 3 to The handsome l'htuilont and Palmer, as they glided gracefully to the rylhm of the and around the shin, excited admration and praise. Tbe yeohte that ho racef I ly followed, also sweeping like awaits and shudows upon ike water, received their uiotad praise. TUB HONK HTKKTIfl, On, ud they Hp.xl homeward, the "electic" being gtvnrf to the i l.amUtrlaiu (the committee's boat) she ran instead of walked tbe waters like a thints of life, in order to a position for timing tbe returning, ae time bad beon lost in noting the sluggish of tbe Vesta and Kleur da Lis, in tiirmug the light ship The wiud had stitloned a little, and tbe ''wrinkled see" made tbe various courtesy moat gracefully ae they hastened howoward. Several boats wore not able to or not willing to keep paoe with tbe swiftest recent, luieed the biiat luiled to roach the south spit buoy iu tune to chronicle their time of tnrnlog.

but. hurryiug on and making a position near the channel, it was found there was uot much difference in the relative positions of tbe lioata from that in whiob they passed tbe lightship, except that thn Kvelyn bad crept ahead of all the sioojw and the aohooner Vesta was buB down in the distance. k'rotn this point they shook eat all sails, pi uced them wiii4 and wins, and brought to their aid all iba skill of the moat veteran yaohtoaan, Jwt it it was of no avail, there (was (almost a deed calm, and thus they beat to the stake boat at Owl's Near thin sublime position of land and water scape, au4 amid tbu strains of Dodworth's sweete. of btindii, tlie charing tones of the many HurrouDdlng steamers, the buz ot tbe thousand spectators and tbe booming gune of the victorious yachts, they passed stake buat the following order noom Ywhts. II.

M. 8. Ynf.h\. U. M.

H. Kvelyn 4:: 00 Nautilus 3 (JO Annie 5 48 "JO t.menot tukee. at huohom. limn 11 00 Ibtnibtnr 6 6R l'alnier 30 6 Z-'V Magic f. 05 Vesta, time not teken.

vy 10 THR As will hesenn from tbe the winning yaobte were the schoouor 1 'aliner und sloop Kvelyn. The judxe's Umr, with all allowances made, settles the rnee on ilie following iiasis its regards tbo time of the lead lag yachts: Phantom, 5 hours, 4u minutes, 67 aeconda; Magic, 5 hours, 48 minutes. seconds; Palmer, 6 hours, 06 miuulae, oonds; Kveiyo, 8 hours, 3 nines, seconds; Anuie, 0 hours, 10 mlnutea, IX seconds; Dauntless. 6 hours, 7 minutes, 11 seconds; Kambler, hours, 1H minutes, seconds; Siivio, 1 hours, minutes, 14'-. seconds.

ACCIDENT Ml THE WORTH RIVER. A SnillMiat Oee ul tlie I'srtr lirnwsril. Yesterday morning a pariy of young men, Henry Jamas Dunn and Michael Doa nelly, left the city in a small sailboat to witness tbe regatU ot the Now York Yacht Clab. They sailed around tbe vicinity of lloboken until after the departure of the yachts, when they concluded te make a short trip down the hav and uwail the return of tbe fleet. When opposite Bedlow's Island, near tbe Jersey shore, they a short taok and came in contact with a small tugboat, which upset tbem, sinking the yacht.

Two of the party. Henry and Donnelly, were rescued and brought jo tho city in the tugboat, but Dunn was last seen with the wreck, and went down before assistance could be rendered him. He has lately arrived in this city, his Iriends residing in Galveston, Texas; The is said to lay with the party in tbe boat, as they ware considerably under the Influence of liquor at the time Ijainv, llolni, liana! Kasier than the auctioneer's hsmnter down aner. eUandise. neulf't of tbe teeth.

Dirt, therefore, for that prim- of life, a perfect aet, by brushing them with iDOKT. A KAI.I THE HYHTKM. After a disease has tteen conquered, there Is stilt the weakness that It leaves behind it 10 lie removed. Convaleaoenoe ix a tedious "fTxti If tlic enleeMed and tUoeld muaolea, the shattered nerves, the thin and watery blood nould apeak, thev would cry for help. In too many eases such help as le ttiven tbem is not of the right kind.

The fiery stimulants ef commerce do harm They kindle a temporary flame, whtofe is a mockery. Than- ett'net passes, and the last stale of hits who uses them ia worse Hum the first. Not Much is the effect of UOSTRTTRR'H STOMACH BITTERs. There Is no drawback to tneir toning propertiea. anil barks and roots contribute their restorative juices to render thin and strengthening prostration uKMi uiai.

egenl. Its basis Is the only pure stimulant which lias ever be. produoed eontate tup no fusel oil or anv other deleterious element. The most Odreful and skilful have analj7.ed the Bitters, at4 pronounce them harmless This Is si'irntlflc testimony: but the testiraeny ef the of thounanas hsve the preventive end enrstive effects of tbe (treat Vegetable Tonic and Alter alive of modern la still more conclusive. Ia fever sgne d.rapepsla.

biliousness, nervoux complatnts, general debility, and chronic complaints it as nasrly fnfu'libie aa anvihlng in this fallible world can Sold evei New Vork offloe, 38 Dey atrrat. A. -f'nrrlnnra. Ilnrnewh MkeHs, Ao sll styles, g.tod work and no Broadway expenses or profits. TUKTtf 47 Oedar street.

A Urpnt Wsdlrsl and eii'e for Intermittent and sod Fever Mold bv all the Depot, sn Oortiandt a treat. Atfentlon. -The Creel I'lriarlel llssMa bcr I'HRI'NOl 'VilCU, JOI'RJlAl. for July contalne lllustratioiiK. po.trai's, h' tehaa of Chief Jiuticc I'haae, Mr? II.

H. rttvve, Madam Le Vert, Carswell, thirteen I'lnment Clerxymin, leeludlng Mpnrgeon. Oratory. Studies in t'hvslognomv. Man, Monkeva and OonlLa, profnaely Illustrated- and a great variety of other mat te- on ethnology, Pliyxioiogy.

both agreeable ae4 intirurtive. neit wrrk. New volume, enlarged, vear, V-. a number. Addrens K.

WKI.I.H, M8 Broadway. New York. New -men will liberally, to meet the eitnt demand. lprs, lloltlere. at KAtiDENHKRO SON'S I and 8 John and IB WaU atreeia Hand for cimilara.

Itepainng. An Awicrlcen Welches nt Pariary frlcee by T. BYNNI5U A Broadway and 155 street A. for tender feet I.ORIS BKOOXH A oadwey, corner Howard street IHW Anterlene TIIK BEST IN THK WOKI.O. Mold everywhere All I.RdiM Ink' Hand? Rar'nrtt'a KnlllatM Is the only ran- Waah thai IfciinMlln Hie Complei loo wit boat tilling up the jmrea anil uij'trtng the akin It la cleansing and refreshing, imparia eat in like teilum, relterea tlie illMfrrnatila antlouof aell wtlerand the aun, peculiarly adapted to the twtMng of and a MRotalMa and delightful lumry for the Imth.

Try it, and too It the palm. Si. i.i hr all druggtata, and at MM Broadway. Hear Ink la Camkinnl Wrlrlag mmS Coiirtag fluid. Bent ta STICK WF.1,1.

"oU ererywhare Batrhrlar'a Hair Itnal world; the perter-l Ilye; Uartnleaa, reliable. Factor II Harrlar atreet. CrlMNdnra'a Hair lire. I'nr llrat KveriVfaaufartiired Wltolraale and ratal! alao applied, at Ma. A House Caaalllatlon Hater ia Certain rare ar niabetea and all the Cliff rt'H, 441 BraMi nr.

Tm Klaeitbera'a The w.ii'ler of the age for the cure of all dlaeawa of Mm Kar. Throat, Catarrh and tathau OBIce Ml Klftb ar. Or. INarrhiea Bm. tie will cure; every family, In or in boallS, a bottle of II ewery traveller, limild hare a Imttle of It.

For aal 4 II I'ark tow an.l f. WRLU. NY. At retail trr all 'irilggtata, fl 1-aoeaa or in neaiin, aiiouvt ler, by land or by wager. i it DKMAft HARNNB MTKI.M ruttoa I'll I Mir l.arkatltrb HewlM rir.t IW.

Ml Broadway Crystal toot rotate lenstou; adjtatahle drop feed Klrrwarlta. fourth annual aale The length of Unta wtabllikll a guaranty lor aaaortmeut, quality and prlr-e lirater Ir Itakrr'a Htwlag laohlnaa Broadway New York If VM whfc ta la tableau, ell the Hummer aiylea of I'aria. London aoa Hair York. In Mlaaaa' and II ate, aaU at (JKNIN'H. No.

MS Broadway. I.ra A Prrrta'a Naam-Dallflaai arltk ah. came. An. JOTIM HOWH, Agerta for tti? (' mted Malaa.

(lata, KaJTMOt i-T! Qnekam prognnrfatea. aecordlag to the weather- It la alae marked hftbe ST Humaier Hat. which we Ukeatao to aattonaatng "nol" for thla aeaaon. Oall aedeea 2L kta til BraattgT. ooraer of and Mi Broadway, eader the rraeoott Heaae ijfcttaaawiOt' Jga naobtnai, fieaidaai.

Broadway, (if Fht.

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