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New York Daily Herald from New York, New York • 12

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CITY KKAL KWTATK FOR Kart MMe. A THREE STORY HIOH STOOP HOPSE FOR SALEA $11,000 In aMb; flrat cliu order: Thlrtyfifth rinH Apply to H. C. SMITH, owner, I'raukfort Houii, oormmeot Frankfurt anil William -EXCEEDINGLY LOTS, FIFTH nue and 9th four Lota, atreet (pavednear Naavenuu one Lot. Madlain corner Dial street; Lata.

avenue aud efttli These pioperlies can be alii a jjood aliai'o below tb? lowait prenen! Market ratei. K. STEVENSON A SON, 11 Ploe etreet. Factory propfrty for sale iki.i-. wirb building! lbrreon, fr.

nlltmou Columbia and Sheriff MreeU. Apply to JOHN KKVS BROTHER, 87 and CoItuabfa meet, Neir rR KALE-OX THIRD AND EIGHTH AVENl'ES, IMproved Property; (food fry Inventnient. J. MATHliWSOh A HON, No. i Pine POR i.iLE VERY EAST SJ1I1 STREET.

i ilorv Ji'ulj itoop I House, tupeiior rdoc also No. L.I2 Madison avenue. W. 1'. SEYMOUR, 171 Broadway.

CASH, THE GREATEST BAR IAIN in iho olty, coi ner Plot, In Third avenue. lifcUl It' feel, with sti lirsi i.Uaa tiva stoiv and bMomant Storehouses: raMal ouly, AddrvM U. Herald riR OK THE FINEST RKSIOENCES IN the citv, LAknortbensl cornrr ot Mudliou uveutiB aad nioiu lire At. 8 AM UI I. GLOVER, 47 WllUain it.

KX)R COTTAGE, IIS EA.ST 1I6TH STREET; central find gon.1 looatlou; cbeiji. Apply to V. k. Sl'E NSON A HON, II 1'iue Hrer). rpo INVf.STORS.?FOR SALE, TWO LARUE PROPERJ.

well rented; one. price will rent tor tW.Outi and Ieaae.1 for ten veari at 111 per cent on Mltng price; both valuable business properties; termi eaay also a line (hree itory brown Hone Residence; for UfO; piici O. G. RENNET, lil Cedar fctreoeL TUP EVENING TELEGRAM, THE LEAPINO PAPER OF NEW YORK. THE FIRST WITH AIL THE NEWS.


'ALL OVER VHE city," TWO CENTS A COPY. YV ABARUAIS- WEPT be Immediately, on account of otvner moving West, Lots, ft nice two utary frame Hoiua and stables arMi'i brown now being built directly oppowe. WM. J. COLK ,1 ML' DUETT, southeast corner Thiity-socona street and Sixth avenue.

CE.VVKU, AVKNVK, MILK FROM MoCOMB'g acres, beautifully located, high ground, for very cheap; terms easy or exrhange. W. P. HBYMOUR, W1 Broadway. WASHINGTON and WASH INQTON HEIOHTS, only IP and 22 by ram, ami but a abort distance via Central Park.

with houses and seiera! acres of land In garden and lawq, tor sale, furnished or unfurnished. Maps of this section of the city cau be bad at our office. K. Land Is Milt si.ld by the POTTER BROTHERS, No. Pine streffl.

TTIOR SALE-ON WEST TWENTY-NINTH STREET, neat Tenth avenue, a large Plot of Ground, with five Houses, rented at sri.liiO rcr annum price Apply lo K. 11. LVDLuW A No. 3 fine street. TOR SALE- HOUSE NO.

255 WEST TWDNTY-FIFTH JF atioi't. For particulars apply to V. DK EOORIAZA, 113 Water street. FOR IMPROVED AND UNIMproved, above Forty-second street, several choice of Boulevard and Central Park Loth for sale or exchange. WM.

BEKRIAN, 1,630 Broadway. FOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE LOT, SOUTHEAST corner Madison areuuu and Fifty-third street; UK5 feet on avenue by feet on Fifty-third street. Inquire of JAMES J(. HITSTED, 2S? Dey street. FOR SALK OR EXCHANGE FOR TENEMENT Property, three Lota on Seventh avenue, near Fifty iifth street K.

K. PAOK Filth avenue, corner Fifty-second street. Fifth avenue plot, sou feet on the avenue, 201 fret deep, located between Forty-eighth street and Cenlral Pari. K. P.

PAGE A Fifth avenue, corner Flfty-ttcoml street. 8tu loth on the corner of llPtli for sale ou easy terms; anltablo for lager fceer or public garden, JOHN C. GRAFF, Broadway, room 18. OiO ONLY O.V A HOUSE. 25XIWXIOO.

Address VERY EASY TERMS, lUrald oQloe. pretty 3 STORY HTfjn PTOOP "UU. brick Hotuo, neat order, ou bib arwnua. W. SEYMOUR, 171 Broadway.

Miscellaneous. FOR 8ALB-UP TOWN LOTS IN CHOICE LOCATIONS. MATHEWtJON A SON, No. line street. FOR 8A1.R?TWO i OUH dl'ORY BROWN STONE ENOUsh basement Houses, near principal hofels, below Thirtieth street; rented Tot price Address INVESTMENT, Herald office.

SALE OH TO LET-A NEW CHURCH, IN THE -F niost desirable location of the upper part of the city; terms mnL A4drw C7H'RCH, boxtfrl Post office. TO EXCHANGE OR RENT- FINE HOUSES. IN New York, Brooklyn, city, Newark, Orange, Elbasclh, Bellnvllle, Woodsldo, Rli'gewood, Irving lou and Norwood, by MAUOX, SO Park row. BKOOKLYN RKAL E.MTATE FOK SAI.K. Brooklyn biildino each, inonlhly payments; ten minutes' walk from Prospact Park, and three city to nil the ferries.

O. 928 Fulton avenue, corner Cumberland street, Brooklyn. 10IRT 8TRHET STORE PROPERTY FOR SALE OR I exchange for good vacant low or farm nuar New York city. Alto a Hotel tor sale or to lease, in good location, only two minutes from Fulton ferry, Brooklyn. Apply to owner, 103 Paoltlo street, Brooklyn.

FOR FOUR STORY BROWN STONE FRONT Uouae, on tb? corner of Carlton avenue and Warren treat, two blocks from main entrance to Prospect Park; 30 minutes to Fulton ferry bouse with all modern Improvements; Just ftnished. Terms easy. Apply Monday and Tuesday, lrom 9 A. M. to P.

of J. B. KILBY, ou the premises. FOR SALE-FIVE FULL LOTS, ON KOSCIt'SKO street, between Yates and Lewis avenues; price per lot; ualf cash. FORME A HOLYWELL, 1ST Contro at.

SOB SALE-IN ONE OF THE BEST NEIGHBORhoods in Brooklyn, a modern built three story and brick teinent Houaa; lot has all Improvements; gas, tot and cold water through the house; grapo vines, plants, Is newly paintad and papered; will be sold vory low; furnished If dnslrad; terms to suit. Apply on the premises. tween PeKftlli and WHIotigbby avenues. FOR SALE? IN BROOKLYN, A TWO STORY, ATTIC and basement frame House, in linn order; excellent location, within five minutes of Fulton ferry. McILVAIN, Ileal 1 F.atiue Broker, No.

4 Samls etieat, near ferry. For sale at a story brick Home ruu LottonfRntledce street, near Bedford, Brooklyn; all modern Improvements: must be sold tills week. Apply to A. J. BLKECKER, SON 77 Cedar street, New York.

For saltc or to let-property and 200 Water slieei. Brooklyn, ox! Dyeing and Finishing wtgans and buckrams; liuglne, three boilers; other machinery: value taken 111 work. Apply to JOHN A. LOCKWOOD 23 Walker street, New York. For sale or to let-two three story philadelphia brick and brown stone luuomnit Houses, all modern improvements, on Leffeits ncur Classon avnliue, Brooklyn fine location newly painted throughout In fine style; terms lo suit: rout very low to a respectable family! Apply to owner, J.

B. COTTE, Bowery. HOr.SE AND TOUR LOTS, ON CORNER, IN BHOOKIva, woi th if 6,000, to exchange for l'laee In New Jersey. DICKINSON llAYEb, fcl Clout street. rPWO VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING part of Brooklyn; one oa Clinton avenue, near Amity, and one on Amity, near Ciinton.

pavement. MARTIN, 24 tiuidux street, Jersey City. JKHMKY CITY, IIOBOKKS III'IISON CITY AND REKOEN KNTATIO. For Nalc. AT JKKf-EY BEST CHANCE EVER OF fered, a i.rst (iotUie Villa, Ifirooms, all Improvements: eonserratory.

gardener's lodge, barn, carriage, cow and hen 1 mi sin, over running feet of greenhornet filled with choice fruits and plants, fish poud, with of land, with water front; suitablefor laying out in building lots, now in line lawns, table garden, H. cherry, npple and near orchards; small friiltsiu abuudaoec. property sHuato on a prominent wide a horse and steam cms to ferries every few minutes; first olaes neighborhood property rapidly Increasing in value; must be sold to eli se ai. estate: only for entire property alone worth money very easy ternis; speculators or Crv.iis wanting a first eliss cheap coll and see tnis; rsn be seen at all hours. J.

OIB.S- 27 Honig street, Jersey Ciiy, second block from ferry. BARGAIN. Sl'LENIHI) CORNF.R PLOT, CONXV tattling lots, on Ocean avenue, Creenvllle, blocks from Jersey City; lino view of New York Hay, and eurroundln horse end steam ears to properly every fow minutes a'! ready for igft.fMfJ easy tiirina. Also Bne Plots tor sale on easy terms In all cf Jersey City and Hudson county. J.

M. Montgomery street, Jersey City, second block trom ferry. FOR iLE- ON JER3FY CITY HEIGHTS, HANDsome three story and basement House, lit rooms: targe lot; very select neighborhood; only In cash romilred. JOHN H. PLaTT, opposite Court House.

I'UOPKKTY OI'T OF TIIK CITY FOtt HAI.E OU TO UBST. ALL WANTING FARMS. 9JM ACRES, GOOD SOIL, ild climate; iM miles south oi' Philadelphia pri oi per acre; also Iruptoted Fcrins. The place it gtuwlug moie rapldlv than most ai.y other place In the I i ileii States; lire settling. Address 0.

K. LANDEti, Viaeland, N. J. A SWISS MILKS FROM fTAMfor.l. tlve le'nutes' vri i.

Nooton depot; One shade and fruit; 17 a es; lurnlUlitt. nn I Implements all Itl Ono order; Apply at is'. Thirty-Ural AFL RNI3JIED HOl'Si: TO RENT AT MORRI-AMA, N. Rent very low to itel iil; has 16 rooms; mooer improvBinents; situated high and inside a park of 20 acree, witn view or East rirer; fruit on prem'sM; 41 fn.m Hsrltm depot in New A.pply to GEORGE JANES, 21 how kt' eet. NEW 3 raOPIKTV OUT OF THB CITY FOR SALE OB TO KKNT.

A ORKAT BARGAIN. FOR KALE AT TABRYTOWN, A a gentleman's Residence, south of tfca da pot. The house built of brick la lh? most substantial tnanusr by former owner for own use, aud la escellent order throughout. It tsstefully painttd, has wide ptsixas on three sides, French and city Improvements, such as gas, furnace, hot and rold water, bath, stationary basins and wash tubs, spacious hall, parlor, dhi Ins ro library, butler's and two ulurenonu on drat floor, Are Suod hlied uleeplng on the scoond and third oors, each with numerous closets. The outbuildings are a gardener's eottaje, brick stable, carrlaye houfe, covered sheds, lnuise, con, chleken lioui.e, an abundant supply of pure spring ami rain wator for the house aud stable.

I here nre four acrcs of excellent land In garden and lawn, with choice fruit, ornamental and elegant shrub: Due strawberiy mid asparagus Lmls; garden a made and planted for the season gravelled and Two line cut stone gate entrances. This property Is on and very healthy ground, commanding magnificent views of the river and surrounding country. hoorhood first claaa. The above description la true In every particular, but tha Appreciated must be seen and examined. I rtce ftHSO.irOO and no leas, which Is far below Its valitfand bout one-half the asking price two years ayo by the former owner, J.

Butler, Jr. Terms easy and Immediate possession given. Apply to 8. EMBEKSON, 42l Eighth avenue, sole or to tbe Jeuer, on tbe i FINK PLACE OP HO ACRES; GOOD meots-. fruit near Tillage and dopot, 17 miles lu New Jetsey bargain.

W. P. SEYMOUR, 171 Broadway. FAMILY GOlNi 1 TO EUROPE WILL LET TITEIR Country Peat, furnished, for the imnmrr or year; fifteen minutes' drive from Irvlugtou or Tarrytown. Address box tHH Post office.

A SACRIFICE, FOR ONE-HALF ITS ii one of the molt superb Co'intry Residences In Amorica, offered for one week ouly: If lU.OlKI cuh only required, end suitable for dividing into building sites; about 1CU acrus highly improved land, nil well drained line lsrjje mansion; sraperr, propagating house, barr.s, carriage house, mo aud all other necessary buildings; farmer's a deer park of tbrae acres, enclosed wlih wire fpuce; two miles of drives and walks on the premises, beautifully lall out; fine shade; abundance of all of fruit and flowers, lirst class residence for a gentleman of refinement an.l lasts; but must be sold; only ono hour and a half from New York city, in New Jersey, among first claw surroundings. Title indisputable. Further particulars of O. G. 57 Cedar itreet.

A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE, THE GREATEST BARgain in market, just finished, one hour from New York by Kouthslde Railroad, at Rockritie Centre, L. a two story Huuss, It rooms, cellar, bard walls, centre marble mantles; terraced In front with large one acre of good ground; plenty of fruit and shade trees; price, terms easy. Inquire of C. F. COMBS, 170 Broadway, room No.

1, third-Boor. A MAGNIFICENT FURNISHED RESIdeuce at Mount Hope (25 minutes by Harlem Railroad irom Twenty-seventh street, or one hour's drlre from city), with acres elegantly arranged In (lower garden, abundance tine fruit and shrubbery; commodious carriage bouse and stabling; for sale, let or exchange for city residence. Inquire of owner, J. L. BROWN, Chambers street, first tloor.

AT IRVINOTON, ON THE HUDSON, FOR SALE OR to two acres, line ah vie and milt, near depot good house and stable, lately put in perfect repair. Apply at 67 Broadway, room 20. AT RITHERFURD PARK, N. NEW FreDch roof Cottages to let or for sale. Terms to suit.

App'y to owner, THOS. R. AGNEW, Ureeuwlcli street, corner Murray, New York. A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SEAT, CONTAINING BEtwecn 3 and 4 acres of ground, distant than ten miles from the city, in Westchester county, will be sold at auction, to the hlgh'st bidder, by M. MILLER, at tbe Exchange Salesroom, on Tuesday, the 7tb at 12 o'clock noon.

Sale positive. A FINE WESTCHESTER RESIDENCE, HEALTHY, high grounds, fifty minutes from City Hall, for sale or to rwut or trade for City Property. 1 A. M. 38 Broadway.

AT NEWARK, N. LET, FIVE PLEASANT Rooms, to small family; gas, water; pleasant location, convenient to depots; moderate reut. Apply at 109 Elm street, Newark. ANE.iT TWO STORY COTTAGE, FURDished, in order, seven rooms, at Plvassnlvllle, on Ilarem Kallrosd, thirty miles distant, to rent, garden, fruit trees; very healthy location; church, school, superior; nine trains daily; or for sale, terms easy. W.

MY KB, owner. No. 7 Warren street, room No. 7. At tarrytown, knowlton auction Wednesday, Ways.

See auction column. MALLORY A Auctioneers, 55 Liberty street and Tarrytown. A BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED COTTAOB TO RENT? For three months, or longer, within 10 minutes' walk of the depot, at Tarrytowu parlor, dining room, library, kitchen and live large bedrooms, besides cellar. gas and gas fix! lures throughout the whole house; stable and carriage house; grounds si In lawn, with plazas, frultfand shade trees; will be rented cheap to the right party. S.

EMKERSON, 421 Eighth AFURNISHE HOUSE TO LET, FOR THE SUMMER, at Orange, N. minutes' walk from depot; two acres; unsurpassed for beauty and site; vegetable and flower I garden, fruit; In fine order; gas and water; 12 rooms. Address box 144 South Orange, N. J. AT SARATOGA SPRINGS LET, FOR THE SEASON, a furnished House containing 14 Rooms in perfect order, large grounds, fruit and ornamental trees, and also Carriage House and Stable.

Address L. VAKNEY', Saratoga Springs. LET, FURNISHED, A NEW COTTAGE: beautiful mountain scenery, a variety of fruit and within accoss to cars and bouts. Address J. L.

LYNAN, Cetskili, N. Y. PLOT. lHOXICU, AT FORT HAMILTON, TO exchange for Piano and some modern Furniture; also others, very desirable. DICKINSON HAYES.

81 Cedar street. (WUMIil linn uit hanwr. Cottage will be rented furnished, or a family of tlx to eight persons can obtain Board. Location accessible and healthy, Prefer to rout. Inquire at SPOONER BROTHERS I A SOS to illl Cans! a.roet, New York.

french roof ho $r00 down and monthly until paid; 11 rooms, marble dumb waiter; hot air und gas pipes, range, high gronnd; near depot; one hour by rail; fare lio. Price 21 Cortlan It street, room No. up stairs. TTtLEGANT GENTLEMAN'S VILLA-ONfl HOUR BY I'J rail, in New Jersey, near depot, on high ground; gas, hot-air range, water throughout, (peaking bells and costly mantels; all Firth avenue style; only cash, the balance seven years. Furniture (new) can be purchased, ill Cortlundt street, room No.

3. Farm, eo acres. good buildings, near elizaboth, N. to exchange for neat Houss, in New York city. DICKINSON A HAYEn, 81 Cedar street.

let, a small cottage, in perfect order; fire minutes from depot; rent $600; Furniture, taetv complete, for sale cheap. WAKIi A OGDEN, Broadway, corner Seventeenth street. For morristown, n. fully furnisheri, an dopant House and 26 Acres, situated only two miles from station, and one hour and thirty minutes from" New York by express trains. House Is 58(84 feet, two story, basement and attlu; built In the very best manner by days' work, and finished in a superior manner In hard wood; contains 1ft rooms beslilM basement, containing large kitchen, laundry with stationary tubs, milk room, dairy, wino cellar and storage for fuel, with linen, cedar or clothes closet In every room; also bathroom and water closets on each tloor.

Outbuildings consist of a new carriage house, 30x80feet; bara, feet; gardener's house, 27 x2S7eet; hothouse, cowhouse, woodshed, ennery, icehouse filled, Ac. House is chaining: situated on Morris mains, and commands fine views of Dover Mountains, Morrlstoivn Hills, Ac. A mountain stream runs through the place, supplying tho house and a large fish pond near the house. This placo will be sold, if il est rod, with all the Furniture, Including bed and table linen, One cut and engraved glassware, pictures, fancy articles, plated wure, garden and farm tools, oarriaue and work horses, pony, pony chaise, depot and other wagons, harness, Ao. Any person desiring to serure a delightfully situated and completely furnised establishment, without trouble and at short notice, will find this an opportunity rarely equalled.

Fine lawn and garden planted, Ac. Apply for permits and price to E. H. Ll'DLOW i No. 8 Pine street.

For sale, to let or exchange for mkbchandisn? ltrookiiido sixty acres, situated In Westchester county, four and a half miles from Pceksklll Depot, one eighth of a milo from Lake Mohegan dwelling containing twenty-four rooms; hot and cold water throughout; bathroom and water closet; laundry, separate building, containing live rooms, bathroom nnd water closet; two large, well-built barns, carriage stabling for Ciirty head of cattle and horses, with complete shed-room for wagons and farming tools. Also farm bouse, containing Jive rooms; beautiful lawn ami shads trees, or hundred voars'growth; two thousand fruit trees, quince bushes, plenty of cherries and other small fruit, such us blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, plums, currants, Ac. In abundance Catawba, Isabella, Concord, Allen, Hybrid, Diana, Delaware and other vinos. Apply to the owner. JOHN A.

LOCKWOOD, 23 Walker street. Ti'OR SALE AT FAR ROCKAWAY, A VERY X1 ble Lot of Lsnd, AO feet frot.t by 160 feet deep, with two story and attic Cottage Mouse, stable, wagon and tcchottsa attached, being one mile from the beach unci throe minutes' walk (rout the railroad depot; will be sold cheap. Apply to H. COSThLLO, B2't Kant Twenty-acveuth street, belure 9 A. M.

and aftur 3 P. M. CARMAN SVILLB (152D STREET, near St. Nicholas avenue), a splendid Residence with 16 Iota of ground: bouse Inn all modem Improvements; grounds laid out in and private stable, Ac. DYE i CL RTIH8, fc08 Sixth arenue.

For sale- a plot of ground, 40 acres, bituate within (ire of (he Clarenceville depot, on Long Island. W. A. CuRHIEUE A 176 llroadway. TilOR SALE A HANDSOME BOC BE, 7 ROOMS, FOLDP lug doors; bunt view on Uergen Heights; fronts on Urand avenue: within feet of City Reservoir; price a-so 4 years' Lease of Stables, with Dwelling, verv cheap; also to let, a first class Stand for a horse shoer, a Shop Mid Dwelling.

Apply to E. MOKSSNER, grocer, Sixth avenue, or JlfO West tenth street, Market. IfOR HOI.BROOK, TWO HOURS' RIDE ON 1 the Long Island Railroad, a small improved Kami; six ai res, house, bum. crops; fine location, adjoining the village; price immediate poMosolon. Also a few mora 6 10 end 20 acre Kaims.

unimproved, at $24 and per acre. Fine In in the rlllage ot Ilnlbrook, from to worth double in six months. Call on Monday, on the owner, who will go with you on TueHJuv inorn 1 o'c ock, from Hunter's Point. A. MoCUT'l'ER, 148 Fulton utioet, N.

V. SA7.K A SQUARE PLOT LAND. CONTAIN, leg 4S acres, imltablo for an Institution, gentleman's rnsl'lcnce or to lay out In lots for spernlatlon; situated at Pelham depot; 17 minutes by New Karen Railroad, fronting on Uie railroad and main road to bridge, and adjoining the depot the furthest part can be reached in 10 minutes from depot: terms to suit. T. NICHOLS, 93 Fourth avenue, i corner of Eleventh street.

TjlOR A AT EAST NEWARK, N. .1., "It minutes terrv, full Lots of Uround. Inquire of the owner, P. d. Spring street.

Ti'OR S.Vl.E?A SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND two lots. 1 leu minutes T1 irty fourth street ferry; will be sold cheap t-i leiver. Fur further particulars inquire of the owner, T. KEY WORTH, 40i aviuitie. If'R 3AM: -CHEAP HOME, NORTH HIDE HTATEN 1 citlage, burn, 1 aciis, tinclv located; twenty from ferry; itl.MO, worth terms onsv.

DARRIN, U) Broad street. T.10R BALB-flUM WF.ST NEW BRIGHTON, NEAT 1 uf-v tno sicr? mx I.ol*, pleasantly located. DAKKIN, Hi Broad street. fORK HERALD. SCN.DAf, NtOPKKTY OUT Of THB CITY FOR SALS OK TO KjKNT.

FOB SAUC-DERIRABLR REBIDKNCbVOR GENTLSman ot moderaW meaua; 8 rooms, acre land; fruit, shrubbrry abuudaiit; north shore Htaiaa Island; price 9I.M4 part cash. DARR1M Broai street. rR 8ALR AT LONO BRANCH-AN double Cottage, containing 14 rooms, and having all the conremencea of a flrat data cltr residence, handsomely and completely furnished; looaU'd near the Mansion House and Continental Hotel, and convenient to railroad depot pr'oe, with furniture, tgZi.n msy. Inquire of A. D.

VAN DOREN, Long Branch, or B. V. CL'RTIB, 6W Broadway, New York. RALE CUEAP-A NKAT TWO STORY COTTAOR, with 7 at Union 11111, N. situated on the road, near Lewis ftreet, two from horse can; half the purchase money can remain on mortgage.

Apply to Nra, T. Harrison, 834 Canal street, up atalra. balk CHEAP-A PLOT Of GROUND, feet, on the higheat ground between Central avenue and Forukum drpot. Westchester county, suitable for a public or institution i ui.aing. Apply 10 owner, p.

bibs, Bruidwftj. SALE OR TO VIEW HOUSE, ON Concv Ialaiid, terminus of Dutuuiv Railroad. Inquire of GRIFFITH it McPHERSON, 4 and 6 New atrcpt. For walk or to let- French roof house, with alt modern improvements; lot WxiSO; Mctucbln, N. 12 cents by rail.

J. UK-SHAM, Writ Twenty-third street. For sale or to let a cottage, with one acre of ground and stable, situated near the water, at Mamaronoek nation, N. on line of New Yurie and New Haven Railroad; one hour from New York city; price or rent $MM; partially furnitthed if deiired. EXECUTOR, 87 Wintb itrent, ruar onice.

Furnished cottaok to liit-a furnished cottage on the Iludion, wllb 14 roomi, beautiful rlrer new, to lot for July and on'r thrco of aa hour from the city; Are minutes' walk front depot. Raul 1(150 per month. L. box 119 itatlon D. BOOMS TO LET AT NF.W BRIGHTON, 8.

near tbe landing. Apply at Mr. BIRD'S ice cream aloon. Hastings, on nice furnished Collate for or to let; nine rooma, and half acre of (round, alt kiuda of Inquire at 890 Canal street, or of J. NAPPERT, on promises, about live trom depot.

Handsome mansion and grounds, in elizabeth, N. to cichanje for or riot of Lota, York or Brooklyn. OlOKINSON AH A YES, 81 Cedar JONG ITRNISHRD COTTAGE TO RENT, containing seven well shaded; garden, carriage homo and stable; ten from (bore; high ground. App.y to J. M.

SPERO, tM4 Bowery. IONC NICE location, nnd wlH te keut in a superior manner. can tc secured at No. 20 Twenty-Brat street. June 6.

Fine stalls and carrlago house. Vltiomr. l. l-to lease, a house. beautiful11 ly situated on C'lormont terrace, near the railroad depot; Imme ilstelv; tent per annum, to corumenoe August 1.

Apply at i allroad depot. NEW BRIGHTON, 8. DWELLINO Home, all about 18 city Luts, for sale; groiiml high and healthy; lino view. Apply to A. SCOTT, Washington I nsurance Company, 173 Broadway.

OKLY THINK OF IT. For $10, paid monthly, on Adolph Bandman'a p'au everybody cau secure without further one of tbe splendid of the Jamaica Association, an institution which met with the greatest success ot modern Hundreds ot have already beou to dellgbte.1 and nthn, (laktlc buyers. In order to give tboae who have not seen the property a cbauus to examine tbe same with a view of purchasing, a Grand Free RlJa, Free Collation Excursion, will take place on Wednesday, June 8, over Southalde Railroad. Cara will leave foot Of South Eighth street, Williamsburg. at 10 o'clock.

AH who are looking for first class lots, all who want to secure of their own, all who to escape ihe miseries of tenements are invited to call oo ADOLPH BAN DMAN, r.t his ofllce, Howery, and aocure for next excursion. ON MAN1IASSET BAY, LONO ISLAND, A FINE Residence, with walar front, tine views, abundance of fruit and 7d acres or of highly improved land; fog at a bargain. O. G. BEN NET, 57 Cedar street.

MINE FOR SMALL INVKBTU mont will secure a valuable Mining Property that only requires capital to be productive. Address P. l'EEL, box 1,180, San California. Ridge wood, n. miles hour and 10 from New York, on Erie Railroad.

and frequent ROSEVILLE, N. TO LET, TWO MINUTES Irom depot, 7 rooms; Ann, healthy situation; garden well stocked. Keut per annum. Address E. E.

Herald ollice. SOUTHSIDK RAILROAD OF LONO ISI.AND.-TO LET, at I lti from the city, a Cottage, 9 rooiua, piazza, good well; lot 100x150; three Irom deuot, one i mile and iv half from tbo beach; six trains a day; churches and ichools. inquire of CLAY, SIMMONS 142 Fulton street, from 9 till 4. QHOOTING, FISHING AND Dwelling, It) rooms, with modern five of Land, at Scheuck's station New York and Philadelphia Railroad. Apply to FRANK (1.

BROWN, V) Broadway. OARATOGA STORE TO LET-NO. 18 UNION BLOCK; a good stand for confocHonery or fancy goods; rent low. Apply to JOHN J. TAYLOR, Bowery.

LI.T?FURNISHED COTTAGES, AT IBLIP, LONG Island, ueartbo Pavilion Hotei: rent SCOO, M. I'ORTER, No. 9 Pino TO IjKT s. Houses, unfurnished, both having modern Improvementi and bouses; eoout one aore In garden, well shaded and In good order; neighborhood unexceptionable and view unsurpassed. Apply to Sir.

PENULETON, 45 Vrondwuy. rpo A PLEASANT ROOMY HOUSE; garden, with fruit aiul shade trees, and stable. Apply to 8. 8. t.ILi'IN, Townseud avi nue, Clifton, S.

are walk from Vanderbllt landing. TO OR UNFURNISHED, A NICE Cottage, of 10 rooms, situhtod on Long Kami Sound, immediately at tbc water's edge, at Cottage Lawn, on Hpolford Point, Westche.stor county. Address or call at Broadway Hotel, corner of Forty-second street, New York. TO LET-FURNISHED, A LA ROE FRENCH ROOF House, with all modern improvements; bath, gas and closets; tine garden and carriage house; situated at Forest Grove, Morrisania. For particulars inquire In furniture store, 488 Canal street, between Varlok and Hudson.

TO WELL FURNISHED HOUSE, AT I'ORT Richmond, Staten Island, live minutes from landtag; large crounds, stable, abundance of fruit and garden for tliu teason or longer. Inquire of JOHN H. PRICE, No. 9 Murray street. rpo NEWARK, N.

AN ATTRACTIVE DOUJ. frame Dwelling House or 10 rooms; gas and marble mantels; situated on Mount Pleasant avenue; beautifully surrounded by shade trees neighborhood select; location healthy. Will be let from Juno 1 ut the low rent of per month. Apply to or address MUNSON (J. DOItEMUH, Agent, MS Broad street, Newark, N.

J. TO LET OR I.ASOR AND WELL Ft'Rnislied Mansion, including 50 acres of highly cultivated lawn, gardens, orchard and woodland, with numerous walks and carriage drives; situated near Hunt's Point, ten miles from the i lty Hall. The outbuildings consist of extensive carriage home and gardeners' and gHte cottages, fcsshouse, all in complete order and supplied with every convenience for the residence and homestead of a gentleman of taste and leisure or for ono doing business in the city. The place Is directly on the new Southern Boulevard. arid Is accessible at all hours by cars and steamboat or by drire through Central Park.

To a good tenant It will be let or leased for two years, ut a low rent, during lite absence of the owner abroad. Applications to box 1,470 New York Post office. TO SI MMER MONTHS. FIVE ELEGANT furnished Mansions, and grounds at Tarrytown and south of it to fU'dt class CEO. S.

1IANFORD. 82 Cellar street. TO RENT-A NICE COTTAUE, WITII 12 LOTS OF ground, pleasantlv situated, one hour by rail from the city; ront iJ-M per annum. Apply to T. W.

STRONG, 6VJ Broadway, New York. fTUIE RUTHERFCRD PARK ASSOCIATION WILL SELL. their few remaining Building Sites in thn i'assuic Vallry, 40 minutes from New York, at reasonable pricril. J. FISH i.R A 10 IMne COTTAGE TO LET, FOR .1.

three or four months, on Warburton aventio, six nilniUrb' wait from station; (-an. range, hot water, good well, garden and tmnil a very desirable place. Address box 146 Post olllce, Yon Iters. -to let. furnished, the second story, with pilvilccn of parlor and kitchen and use of lano If desired, to a lamllv of a lulls, In new house, our from New York, on the island Railroad; venlent to sea bathing.

For particulars address II. M. office. rt.1 BARN, 8k ACRES, IN A VILlafie, easy tcrtns, llouse, Barn, 60 aores, 35 milos, near shore and depot. A.

T. .1 AV.M-. A Ill Broadway, room SB. Ann WITH NINE ROOMS. NEW O.U\"''? barn, 7 acres of laud, all in good order; plentv of fruit; three milua from Slug Sing depot.

Call on A. b. H1LLTEK, pier No, 6 North river. IIKAJ. ESTATE TO EXCHANGE.

A FURNISHED HOTEL AT A POPULAR WATERING place for sale or oxcliange. W. B. 311 ROPE, 181 Broadway. A FIRST CLASS RESIDENCE, WITH FROM ONE TO three acres, In the Immediate vicinity of Fordham, half a railn from either 'J'remont or Fordham station, Harlem Railroad, and tnree minutes' walk to street cars; house in best order; 17 rooms; stable a nd necessary outbuildings; for (ale or exchange for a city House in aeon location.

For further particulars address REAL ESTATE, box 6.1K9, Post ofllce. DOINO A SUMMER-ANTT WINTER business netting $10, WO yearly, to exchange for Improved real estate or a buslnttus. W. A. CORBIE RE 178 YONhERS, N.

8ALE OR beautiful Residence ou Huera Vleta avenue, commanding a tine and extended view of the river; carriage house, la. Will be sold at a great bargain or exchanged for New York city prooerty. COKM8H A Broadw av. A VALUABLE BLOCK OF CITY LOTS TO Exchange fur stock in trade of wholosalo hardware business. Ad-dress D.

B. box 2Jl Herald oilloe. OR SUBURBAN COTS OR FARM FOR ONE OR I' two brick Houses, nine rooms; a.l iinrroroninnts; equity cash required $500. Owners only, after 4Id West Thirty-third HALE EXCHANGE FOK CITY PROPERTY? A splendid wnter front Mill Property, only minutes from New York, embracing a large Flour Mill, Saw Mill and two Dwellings; mills nm bv both water and steam power; boats at mill dnor, and rati road within a few hundred yards. This property has valuable Legislative privileges and a superior opportunity to embark in an Immediately Eirotitable and permanent easiness, Uvur OR PosjcI stmel, econd floor.

JUNE 5, REAL BftTATB TO KXCHANOK. IPOR BALM Oft KXOHANUK A FINE PBODUCTTVE Property, 44x100: first rata location; beUreen Fulton ferry and ity 1UII, Brooklyn. Rent $4,000. will bo sold cheap. rery easy.

W. COOK, 89 Nassau street, Brooklyn. Ijm)b balk or exghangb fob country proper' ty, a fine three story high stoop and basement brick House, In fine condition. J. MATHEWSON SOW, No.

4 Pine street. Fob sale or exchangb-a of 1,400 acres. two houses, four barns and saw mil), all In good oruer; One water power; near railroad and canal; 100 inllea rrom Mew York; price BACJJIK 4c DUCK WITZ. 80 Coillamll street. For sale or exchanoeone of the oldest established sale and custom Shoe Stores In this olty; owner retiring from business and learing tbe State; cash or city property taken in exchange.

Address for one week B. C. Herald office. Great brown stone Houses to exchange for Brooklyn. New Jersey or other uburban property.

WM. J. COLE it MID K'l southeast corner of Thirty -second street and Sixth avenue. IOWA LARDS WANTED-IN EXCHANGE FOR FIRST class brown stone House and Furniture In Brooklyn, worth free ami clear. W.

A. CORBIERE 178 Broadway, room MPRCHANDISE GOODS. HARDWARE, Clothing or Boots and Shoes In exohaujte for Real Estate, Boudsand Mortgages, and some caili. W. A.

CORBIERE, A 178 Broadway. fI'U EAtiiAnuci A nwi nwunc, in nun 1 York, free from encumbrance anil rented for three vrars at for House situated between Third ami Eighth nrentes. Sixteenth and Foitv-elghih streets, for which aome rath would be paid. Apply 10 J. N.

KALLEY, 163 Montague street, Brooklyn. TO EXCHANGE-FOR COUNTRY PROPERTY, BROWN tone Humes, on 8e. enty-mnth street and on Lexington avanun; alio a large Tenement Property near Tompkins square to trade for a brown atone House In New Vork or Property well located In Brooklyn; eimlty tWKl.OO. T. NICHOLS, fourth avenue, corner of Eleventh street.

TO EXCHANGE FOR A COUNTRY RESIDENCE, near New York, a brown atone Ilouse, well located, up town; a place worth to itSo.OOO desired. Address, with full particulars, B. Herald office. TO EXCHANGE-A DESIRABLE PLOT OF LOTS NEAR Park: valued 9110,000, mortgaged for $82,000, due In lb7l, '7i, '73 and '74; streets graded and paved; lots to grade. Unencumbered country plaoe wanted for equity.

Address OWNER, box 176 Herald office. l'ROVKD REAL ESTATE, NEAR New Yoik or Brooklyn, In exchange for Flrat Mortgagee. Apply to W. A. CORBlERli A 176 Broadway, room 41.

YORK PROPERTY, IN EXCHANOE VY for the f.nest location In Brooklyn, 40x40, with Outbuildfnga and BO Lota; equity Address box 8,751 New York Post oilice. "liriTHOUT EXCEPTION THE MOST CHARMINO vf Residence within 43 minutes from foot of Chambera street for sale or exchange; two-thirds of purchase money can remain. Address PICK IN, box 128 Herald olllce. 1 ACRES, WITH HOUSE AND EARN, TWO MILES 1 from New York; WCliamhuic. line of horse and steam cars; $8,000 flrat payment lr sold, or will be exchanged for city property.

Addreaa WM. HILL, Fulton street. dNpnn UNENCUMBERED LOTS, IpOtHj 80 mlnntcn from Rosevelt street ferry, Brooklyn, to exchanpe for small bouse. Owner, GEORGE G. T11US, 19 Nassau street.

a HE Ah KMTATK ICE PROPERTY WANTED-A PIECE OF SHORE PRO1 perty on tho North river, above Kingston, with not less than 1.0,10 led front on deep water. Ad ireas, with full description and lowest cash price, W. U. ANDREWS, Agent of Home Ice Company, No. 60 East Tenth streeti New York.

TO BUY-FURNISHED COTTAGE, WITH YY water front, on line of New Haven road, betwoen Coscob and Fairfield. Address E. J. box 1,061 Post oO'ce. WANTED TO PI RCnARE-ON OR NEAR FIFTH YY avetlue, a good House, below Fiftieth street; owners only need answer.

Address B. box 103 Herald office. FIRST CLASS HOUSE, BELOW FIFTYYY ninth street, worth to for which a country Beat worth free and cash will be given In payment. W. A.

COKBIERE i 176 Broadway. TO PURCIIASE-A THREE OR FOUR YY story high stoop i rnwu stone House; good location; 30 feet front; price $16,000 to Address box 15'i Herald office. OOitPOUATION NOTICE. ORDINANCES OF THE CENTRAL PARK. The Hoard of the Department of Public Parlci do Ordain as All persons are forbidden Ssohon 1.

To enter or laavo the Park except by the gateways. K.o. 2. To climb or walk upon the wall. Src.

8. To turn cattle, horses, goafs or awlne Into the Pork. frc. 4. To carry firearms, or to throw stones or other missiles it.

Fvt. 5. To cut, break or In any way Injure or deface the trees, shrubs, plants, turf or any of the buildings, fences, bridges or other constructions upon the Part. Sec. 6.

Or to converse with, or in any way binder those encaged In ita construction. fee. 7. Two uoumls are hereby established within the Central Park, for (he impounding of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, swine and cjaise, and other animals found trespassing vpon said Park. All such animals found at large upon the Park may be taken by any person or perrons, and driven or carried to one of the said pounds, anil may be kept enclosed therein during five days, at the end of which time, if not previously claimed, the) may be sold at public auction; provided that two (lays' previous notice of the sale thereof snail have been cnnSDicuouslv DOsted at the nounii.

Tbe owner of any animal so Impounded by virtue of the of the central Park, n.av redeem the S'une before the day of Bale, by the payment to the Treasurer of tbe Board an follows For eucb animal other tlmn goats and geesn, $2, and the expense of keeping. For cach Roat, t-A, and the expense of keeping. For each, and the expense of kecplBg. The cxponsc of keeping bo reckoned ai For each horse, dog or head of neat stock, 50c. per day.

For each goat, swine or 8Uc. er day. For each goose, per day. If, within one month after sale of any Impounded animals, their former owner shall appear and claim the same, the Treasurer shall, after deducting the full amount of the. charges provided for.

par over to him tne proceeds ot their sale. Kite. No animal shall travel on any part of the Central Pars, except upon the ''ride," or equenrlan roait, nt a rate exceeding scvan miles per hour. Persons on horseback shall not travel on the "ride," or equestrian road, at a rate exceeding ten miles per hour. Sko.

ft No vehicle shall be permitted on the "ride," or equestrian read, the same being devoted exclusively to equestrians nor shUl any vehicle, horse or nnimal of burden go upon anv nart of the Central except upon the and other carrispe and transverse roads, and upon such places as are appropriated for carriages at rest. SEC. 10. No animal or vehicle shnlt be permitted to stand upon tho "drtrc" oi carriage roads of the Central Park, or any pr.rt thereof, to the obstruction of tbe way, or to the of travel, nor shall any person upon the Central Park solicit or Invite passencers. heo.

11. No iiacsney coach, catrlageor other vehicle for hire sIihII st.ind upon any part ot Central Park for the purpose ot taking in any other pessengers or persona than those carried to the Park by said cosch. carriage or vehicle. l'i. No person shall uxpoee any artlclo or thing for sale upon Central Park cxcept preetotislv licensed by the Poard of the Department ot' Public Parks, nor shall any hawking or peddling he allowed on tbe Central Pork.

Sko. 13. omnibus or express wagon, with or without nor any enrt, dray, wagon, truck or other vehicle carrying goods, merchandise, manure, sell or other article, or solely used for the carriage of goods, merchandise, manure or other articles, shall be allowed to enter aoy part of the Centrnl Park except upon the transverse roads. Bko. 14.

No threatening, abusive, Insulting or Indecent lanfuage shall tie allowed on the Central Park, whereby a reach of the pence may occasioned. Pro. 15. No person shall be allowed to tell fortunes or play st game or chance at or with nnv table ur instrument of gaming, nor to do any obsoeue or Indecent act whatever ou the Central Park. hr.o.

lfi. In case of an emergency, where life or property ate endangered, all persons, If re uired so to do by the upfrintondent or any of his assistants, shall remove from the portion of tbe Central Park speciried by the Superintendent or his afslsunls, and remain oil'the name till porcnl-fsleti Is given lo I clurn. Keo. 17. The Central Park shall he open dally to the dnrins the months of December, January and February from seven o'olack In the morning until eixht o'clock In the Mm- November trom o'clock in the morning until nine o'clock in the evening, and (luring the months of June, July, August and September from five o'clock In the morning until eleven o'clock In the evening.

Skc. 18. The Superintendent may illrect that any of the entrances to the ParK be closed at any time, mid may, on special occasions, also direct that the Park. or any portion thereof, remain open at other times than those aboyo spoolIlea. Spa 19.

No r.erf-on other than employes of the Board of the Department of Public Parks MiaU erlur or reinnln In the Central Park, except when It Is open as abuye provided. Kkc. 20. Mo doe shall be allowed upon any portion of the Central Park, unless led by a chain or proper dog string not exceeding five feet in length, nor shall any pcrsou bo allowed to lead any quadruped (except doss in the Central Park.

No person, except In the urupioy of the iioard of the 1 lepart.nent of Public Parks, shall bring upon th? Central Park any tree, shrub, plant or dower, nor any newiy plucked branch or portion of a tree, shrub, plant or (lower. Uf.c. No petsun shall bathe, or lisn in, or go or newt any animal into any of the waters of the Park, nor disturb any of the fish, water fowl or other birds In the Park, nor throw or pluee any article or thing In said waters. Sr.fl. 23.

No person shall fire, discharge or set off In the Central Park anv rocket, cracker, torpedo, squib, balloon, suake, chaser, or double header, i.or any fireworks or thing under any other name, composed of the same or similar materials. or of the same or similar character as the fireworks above spoclffi d. 24. No person shall place or propel any Invalid or perambulators upon any portion of the Central Park oxcept upon the walks. SKO.

25. No pernor, shall post or otherwise affix any bill, potlce, or other paper upon any structure or thing within the Central Park, nor upon anv of the nates or enclosures thereof. No person si without the consent of President of the Board of the Department of Public Parks, play upon any mnslcnl Instrument within the Central Pnrk, nor snail any person take into, or carry or display In the Central Pnrk, anv Bag, banner, target or transparency. hro. 27.

No'mliuarv or target company or civic or other procession shall be permitted to parado, drill or perform upon the Central Park any military or other evolutions or movements. Kr.o. No fire engine, hook and ladder, cart, hose, truck or other machine wheels, commonly used for the extinguishing of tire, shall be allowed on any part of the Central Park, except tbe transverse roads, without tiie previous consent of the President of the Board of the Department of Public Parks. SKc. 211.

No fiiDeriil procession, or liesrse, or other vehicle or pernon carrying the body of iieceasod persun, shall bn allowed on any part of the Central Park, except upon the transverse roads. SO. No person, except In the employ of the Hoard of the Department of Public Parks, shall light, make or use lire upon the Central Park. Sec. f.l.

No person on foot shall go upon the crass, lawn or turf of the Central Park, except when and where the word "common" Is posted, Indicating that persons are at liberty at thut time and place to go upon tuo grass. BEo. 82. No person arrested In the Central Park for violating any ordinance or any regulation of the Board of the Department of Public Parks shall he conveyed before any magistrate, nor vhall any complaint be entered against any person until tboj shall have been brought before the Captain of the Central Pnrk l'oiico, or the ehler officer in charge, and his approval of making such complaint first obtained by the officer making the arrest. By order of the Department of Public Parks.

PETKR B. SWEENY, President of the Depaitinent of Public Parks. May 26, STORAGE. A-8TORAGE FOR FURNITURE, PIANOS AND MKR? cbandiseof every description; llneral advances on same when required, by A. it OR18TAI'Aft.

698 near Houston street, HEET. TO IJKT FOR BDMMISfl PUBPOSW? ATHRBB STORY AND CELLAR BB1CK BUILDINO, feat front by 180 faet with thrw itrtrr building on rear. to lei, for fate or exchange, No. WOHua on itreet. E.

L. A B. T. HURNHAM, A8PAOIGUS SUIT OK ROOMS. WITH ALL IMPROVEmeoti, or Fint Floor, well adapted for phytlulan, In private houie 136 Weat Twenty-third dreel.

A STORE TO FOURTH AVENUE, NBAS the Harlem Railroad dnpot; rent moderate. H. R. DREW A 17? Fifth API! YSICIAN'S OFFICE TO LET-A OOOD LOCAtion, with modern ISO Weat Ftfty-aecond itreet, WITH FIXTURES, TO at 177 Henry itreet. AN ELEOANT FURNISHED SECOND FLOOR TO LETVary reasonably, on Broadway, near Fourth etreet; tillable for first claM milliner or loan oftlce.

Addresi Bt'SlNKSS, box 5.U47 Foit ollSoe. A LRA.SK. FOR A FRUIT STORE AND FINE Groceries, Half the Front of 180 Broadway, connecting with elegant wine and luncli newly fitted up: looatlon unequalled; auoceM certain. Apply on the Alarob, elegant lunch the fruit Store, aonnecteil with the Wine Room In the city, all on the tame floor; newly decoiated; location unequalled. Can now be leased.

Apply on the preinlaei, 180 Broadway. Brick factory to let cheap-no. jank treet; 4 stories and basement; desirable location for any kind of a (hop, laundry or store. A pply at 360 Broadway CORNER STORE TO BROADWAY. NEAR Fifth Avenue Hotel; good location for a first class drug lore: other Broadway Stores to let.

Apply to EDWIN CLARKE, IS Eaat Twenty-jeventb street, near Fifth avenue' Desk room to let on first floor, low. Call on W.L. BUTLER A 89 Liberty treet Desk room to let-at no. i pine street; also Storea and Offices In good localities to let. Apply to FRANK T.

MURRAY, No. rine street. OFFICE8, storks, shoi's and lofts to let. 8B Mercer- 920 446 467 50 83 4C6 Pearl? Store JuO 424 Broome Loft 60 T. FRANCIS GIBBONB.

449 Broome street, between Broadway and Mercer itreet. (J TO RE TO LF.T.8S7 EAST! THIRTY-FIFTH STREET, very desirable, may had; rent 926 per month. Inquire at tho above number. CTORE TO LEASE-ON BROADWAY, WEST SIDE, near all the uptown to be at a bargain. Apply to ASA HALL, 66 west Thirtieth atreet.

CTKAM POWER TO LET--FIRST AND BECOND HGx44, lighted on all by 81 Inquire of E. C. ROBINSON, 158 to 184 Welt Twenty-seventh treet. TO LET-A LARGE LOFT ON THIRD FLOOR, WITH or without Steam Power; rent vorv low. Apply In the tore 160 William (treet.

TO LET-DESIRABLE ROOMS, FURNISHED OR for business or lodging, at 86 West Eleventh street. TO LET-ELROANT. TWO WINDOWED PLATE GLASS front Store and Backroom, IBS Flntbnsh avenue, opposite Fifth, Brooklyn; established business stand; only Kits per month. Apply on premises or to ownar, A. HALLIDAY, 214 I Franklin streat, New York.

TO LET-AT 87 SEVENTH 8TREET, IN FIRST CLASS house, separately or together, a front Basement, desirable for olllce purposes, and handsomely furnished back Parlor. TO LF.T-A CENTRALLY LOCATED FIRST CLASS Clear Store, on Broadway, in vicinity of best hotels and places of amusement; atoro 60 feet deep, affording abundant room for a fruit store In addition; elegantly frescoed and fitted up; large show window and connected with an old established bar and billiard room. Apply to W. L. GARDNER, 70 Ludlow street, New York.

TO LET-BTORE 608 CANAL STREET, FOR A BAKERY, tailor orany kind of business rent $6C0. Also Office and Lot 60S Hudson street. For particular) apply at SSG Broadway. TO LET CHEAP--AN OLD ESTABLISHED LIQUOR Saloon, three story brick Dwelling, Billiard Saloon, Concert Hall and Real Estate Office, all for (northwest corner 114th itreet and Third avenue). Apply at 866 Broadway.

TO LEASE-SECOND BUILDING FROM BROADWAY, will be ready about 15ib July, a lino new corner Store on first Boor, 27 feet bv 65 feet, with' Iron front and plate also the Second Floor, 27 feet br 136 feet, together or separately. Applv to NICOL A DAVIDSON, 696 Broadway. Steam power If required. TO LEASE-PLOT OF GROUND, 60X100, WITH BRICK Factory, 40xC0, and briok extension, on Kent avenue, Williamsburg, near ferries. ICE 432 Canal street.

LOTS ON KENT AVENUE, WILllainsburg. fronting oti deep water, (uitable for manufacturing or storage purposes. ICK 4sJ Canal street. TO LEASE-ONE-HALF PIER FOOT OF LEROY street, Norlh river, 606 feet In length deep water. ICE COMPANY, 432 Canal street, New York.



STEAM POWER TO WELL LIGHTED Rooms and Basement, 26x60 feet; steady power. Apply to NORRIS A MILLER, S29 EasfForty flrut atreet. mymxing hoi nes to let. Furnished. ANY LADY IN SEARCH OF A FIRST CLASS HIGH stoop brown stone Home, completely furnished, with Imme Mate possession, will find such by addressing BROWN STONE HOUSE, 823 Broadway.

Location a short from St. James Hotel. A PARTY, GOING ABROAD, WILL RENT THEIR elegant Residence, furnished, for the season, situated at East Orange Junction, N. rent to stilt parties. Apply to CRGWE A MoKKE, No.

6 l'lne street. run urjiiiAnijii ru tin innnu nuiscs TO L.KT at moderate rentals, for season or rear, always apply to B. B. GOODALB, Nos. 7 and 9 Weit Tvrenty-tMrd strcot, Avenue Hotel.

A PROFITABLY FURNISHED HOUSE, 22 ROOMS, AND full of boarders, to let, if applied for at once; situation unexceptionable; of WARD A OMDKN, Broadway, cor. Seventeenth street. ALAROR AND TVhhT FURNISHED BROWN RTONE House to let, on Twenty-first street; also one containing 28 rooms, on Twenty-third street, and others at summer prices 0. 8. PECK A M7 Broadway.

A PERFECT PALACE TO STAMFORD, 16 rooms, well furnished from kitchen to attic, except linen and silver; two aores groun 8arden, variety of vegetables and fruit, shade, lianty to cpot. For part'culars apply to C. S. PECK, i 947 Broadway. BKOWN STONE HOI'KE TO LET-FURNISHED, IN A first class neighborhood; room reservad for one gciitloman; rent much reduced.

Call at 107 West Forty-fifth street, near Sixth avenue. I7IURNT8HED IIOUSF. TO COMMODIOUS House. situated on Ninety-seventh street, near Eleventh avenue (Strvker's commanding a tlno view of tho Hudson rivor. House fully furnished; rent moderate.

Apply to Mrs. A. MoliONALD, on tho premises, or to HOMEK MORGAN, No. 2 Pine street. Handsomely furnished houses-one on west Forty-sixth street, and one on West Twenty-second street; to desirable uurtiei, at reasonable rent.

DYE A CVRTIHS, 508 Sixth avenne. TO BEAUTIFUL LITTLE House on Forty-sixth street, near I.exlDijton avenue; a verv desirable house for a small family. Apply to M. HINCllMAN, 53.5 Broadway. a 10 LET FURNISHED, THE SMALL THREE STORY nnd basement briok House No, lftl President strcot, poslte Carroll Park, Brooklyn; a first class location in eveiy I respect.

Rent moderate. Apply to E. R. KELLOUU, No. 3 i Rroadway, New York, or IS Second place, Brooklyn.

TO A SMALL GENTEEL FAMILY, A THOROUGHLY finished nnd well furnished three story and basement brick House, in a desirable location in Brooklyn, rent free, to Mily 1.1871. for Boanl of gentleman, wife and cbild. Address T. box 1,459 Post olllce. mWEST THIRTY-FOURTH NEW ENG.

lish basement brown stone House. Call from 9 to 11 A. 1 EAST SIXTEENTH STREET, NEAR IRYINO lOi first class four story high stoop House, furnished or unfurnished, at very low turms. Inquire on tho premises. 7OA PAYS YEAR'S RENT.

BUYS PIANO AND I V'U Furniture of whole house; nuwly painted, inside, outside, wails, pleasantly located In Ninth ward; part cash; or let furnished. Address l'RINCK, 871 Bleecker street, store. A DOUBLE 1WO STORY COTTAOR TO site Striker's Garden, Striker's lane, near Fifty-second street; 6 rooms; per month. By J. D.

BODE, grocer, Eleventh avenue, corner of Fifty-second street. A THREE STORY HIGH STOOP HOUSE TO LET, nnfiirulshod, on Forty-third street, near Broadwav. Kent 41,100. II. R.

DREW A 175 Fifth A VERY DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED HOUSE TO Thlrtv-fiiit street, near Madison avenue; stun one on treat, near Fifth avenue; several at reasonable 0. 8. PECK W7 Broadway. HOUSES TO REDUCED RENTS. 61 Wen Hth st $1,800 414 West 2ctb fl.MO r.t West 37th st East 00th it.

25(1 East frith at 456 I'sarl st 2.G'0 47H)i Broome pt 1,000 42 F.HSt Kith 1,200 T. FRANCIS OIBBONS, 416 Broome street, between Broadway ana Mercer street. House to let 73 st. mark's vlace, in aoop order; will be let low to a good tenant. Apply to H.

DAVIS, 13 East Broadway. TO J1NB, 1871. A HOUSE, DELIOHTfully located, furnished complete, now tilled with boarders. Board for three and tiro rooms reserved. Address COMl'LETB, Herald ofllce.

TO LET-A THREE STORY KNOLIBII BASEMENT House, water and cat, in Brooklyn. B. near the ferry; rent $600. Apply to or address r. O.

DAVEY, 2.40 Ninth avenue. New York. TO LET-A NEAT COTTAGE, NO. 8 nORATIOSTREET, which Is In good order; location good: modern racDti i Immediate possession Apply at 3W BMMway. 4 DWKLLTOU IIOI'HKH TO LIT.

r- -w VaAwaUnl LET HOUSE NO. I ABINGDON SQUARE INtlra, or will dirlde it la at low rente; hotiae iual painted In (jood order. Alio other Houaea to lat. In oooil Inquire of T. J.

OIBBONB, 106 Bleecker itroeV TO LET AT HOBOKEN, NO. 180 HUDSON Flrat data brown atoue all linprovementa at very low rent. Apply to CHARLES CLINTON, It Waah'tna. ton atreet, Hoboken. TO BENT-A NEAT OOTTAOE HOUSE, BARN AND threo Lots of Ground on Eighty-fourth atreet, between Central l'ark and Buubvard; very deiliaWe; ALBERT BELLAMY, No.

Pine atreet. UNIVHR81TY PLACE, NEAR UNION SQUARE? JL Deatrablo aa rnatdcnce (14 rooma) or builnoae; ponaea Ion at once; rent onlv 111 Wj. IIKBHI.RU i DUTY, 19 Eait Fourteenth atreet. BOOMS AND APARTMENTS TO MCT. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET, TO SINGLE OENtlemen, without bonrd, one or more bandaomaly furnished Koomi; terma favorable; and location Drat claaa.

819 Weat Twemy-aurond atreet. AT SUMMER FUIINI8HED Kooma, In auita or aliigly, without board. In llrat houae. No. 61 Weal Eleventh atreet, tetween Unlveraltjr and Filth avenue.

A8KCOND FLOOR OK FIVE ROOMS TO all modern Improve menta; rent low. 148 West Thirty eventh atreet, near Broadway. KDit 1CA biDT A. street, neiif Lffxliigton ft re to let. Parlor, kitchen anrt thiee light gas fixtures, wardrobes, rent.

$26 par mouth. Apartments and floors to let at reduced 32 Suoton, part $45 497 Floors 98S 16 Rutgers place, 30 19 Went 11th, Floor St T. FRANCIS GIBBONS, 446 Broome, betweeu Broadway and Mercer. A GENTLEMAN WHO MAY WISH FOR AN INDKpeudent Aparitcent, In en agreeable locality, and with good attendance, can find one, unfui nlshrd, on a first at per month, bv apph lug at 77 Went Forty-fourth street, A FAMILY GOING AWAY FOR THE SUMMER WILft let their Floor of four handsome rooms, neatly fur, for hoimekneplng, in the healthiest part of Jersey City. Reut low.

Call Monday or Tuosuay, at 104 Montgoinery street, between drove and Barrow. A PA ADJOIN I NO, MOST CONVENIENT Rooms, Hudson street; alio a eery One high ment, 4 ronnii alio Attic with all Apply at 64 West Tenlh street. A FEW LIOHT ROOMS O.N' TnE FIRST FLOOR TO let; $3 to $4 per week. Frankfort House, eorner fort and William alreeti. FLOOR, THREE 1" Elizabeth itreet, near Bleeckeri rent low to a noo-l tenant.

A SECOND FLOOR, IN 105 MADISON STREET. TO let, in perfect order, containing bath, hot and coUt water. Apply on the premises to JOSEPH PRICE. Brooklyn overlookino the bay to let, without board, en loltu or alnglv, furnlilied or unfurnifbea. 74 Columbia street, three l'rom Ful? ton ferry.

Furnished remain to let in tho spacious private dwelling No. 6 St. Mark's plaoa, near Broadway. Ret'urencos given and required. Furnished rooms complete for housekeep.

ing; no objection to children; corner house No. til Amity street. Furnished neatly for housekeeping-parlor. fronting hlilith avenue; very pleasant; three adjoining rooms; two closcts, paniry, watercloset; all on first I floor; 26 weekly. Call at E0O Twemy-elgnth ONE OR TWO WELL FURNISHED ROOMS TO LETwithout board, at the elegant private house 141 Bast Twenty-tirst street.

PURCHASERS OF DESIRABLE LOTS AT THE DYCCman auction sale of the 1st and 2d wishing to sell tho same, may obtain a customer by applying to POTTER BROTHERS, No. bjj PineJitreet. PARTIES VISITING THE CITY FOR THE SUMMER can find handsomely furnished Suits of tm the new first class house KX6 Seventh avenue, junction of Broadway and Forty-fourth street, convenient to St. Cloud Rekt.iuranL SUITS OF HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS ON second floor, with private hath, to let to uentlemeo, without Board; also, rooms on Third floor. 30 East Tenth itreet, near University place.

TO LET- UNFURNISHED, THREE PLEASANT ROOMS, suitable for gentleman and wire, for light housekeeping! Applv at 1IW West Fourth street, between Washington square and tfixth avenue. TO LET-FURNISHED, TO GENTLEMEN, PARLOR Floor and Second Floor, separate or In single rooms, ia brown (tone house West Thirty-first street, near Sixth a v. TO LET-SECOND FLOOR, 644 HUDSON STREET, SIX rooms, marble mantels, water closct and gas; separate meter. Inquire In the store. I'O LET-LOW RENT, TO DESIRABLE TENANTS, the Lower Part of the handsome brown stone house 411 West Fifty-first street; also Floors, six flue each.

rpo LET AN ELEGANT UPPER PAItT OF A BROWN house; seven fine rooms; well adapted tor housekeeping. Will be lot very low lo a small, responsible family, If taken at once. St 13 West Fiftieth street, near Eighth av. mo FRONT PARLOR. WITH SECOND .1 Floor.

of high stoop House 281 Clinton street, oorntr Monroe; rent $S5per month. Apply on premises. TO LET-A NICELY FURNISHED BOOM AND BEDroom, In house with small private family. 171 place, oetween Charles and rerry streets. TO SUIT OF FURNISHED BOOMS, TOOErHEtt nr separately, in a first class house: references exchanged, 118 West Eleventh street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues.

TO LET FOl'B COMFOBTABLY FURN18HED ROOMS, together or separately, for business or private family, at 110 West Eighteenth street, near Sixth avenue. Can be Men on Sunday. TO LET-SUITS OF BOOMS, FROM SIS TO $40. NATHANIEL ROWE, 200 Vurlok street. TO BOOMS, second floor, 218 East Forty-fifth street; three Booms, 8i? Third avenue, near Twenty-eighth street, Kit; three Booms, Sb Third avenue, $20: also two Booms, also others.

ROUT. Q. RICHARDS, OSS Broadway. TO LET-A FCRN I8I1ED HALL BOOM, FIRST FLOOR, with large pautry, bath and water closet attached; location 102 West Twolfth street, near Sixth avenue. TO LET-PABLOR FLOOR AND BASEMENT OF house 12S West Houston street, corn or of Varlck place, Sullivan street, to a suitable party; rent moderate.

rpO LET-IN PAST OB WHOLE, A FOUB STOBY AND basement House, near Sluyveannt Park, with all modern Inquire of HENRY DISNEY, East Sixteenth street. TO LET-8S3 WERT ELEVENTH STREET-FURNISHE? Booms, second and third floors, water aud gas, suitable for housekeeping, at reduced rents. TO LET-SECOND FLOOR, UNFUBNISHF.D, WITH modern Improvements, to milliner or gentleman au4 wife, but no housekeeping; would give Hoard If required; also oxtenslon Boom with, back I'arlor; very desirablo location for physician or dentist. 44 West Eleventh street, door west ofjt'nivurdity place. IIO A BBOWN STONE HOUSE AND FINK location, to a small family, the Second and Third Floors.

East Seventy-ninth street, above Second avenue. TWO ROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR, CONNECTING, IDT prlvato house, for it16 per month; gas and water; wouhl partly furnish, at Fiftieth street, near Lexingtou aveaue. fTHYO FCBNISHED BOOMS IW A LARGE, AIRT house in Maciiougai street to to gentlemen, without board. For particulars Inquire at 17 Clarkson street. mHIBD FLOOB TO LET -IN A PRIVATE HOUSE, I consisting or five rooms, all modern Improvements, to a family.

Kent S25 a month. Apply at 500 West Fifty seventh street. WEST FO RTY THIKD LET, A SECOND and'third Floor, handsomely furnished, In a first class four story brown Bt one house, one door from l'lftb avenue. 4 NELSON PLACE-TO FIRST AND SECund Floors, furnished or unfurnished, to small families, for light housekeeping or business purposes; would suit? doctor or dressmaker. Al90 single Rooms for gentlemen on modes rte terms.

I) EAST TWENTY-NINTH HAVE AN ijCi elegantly furnished Parlor Floor and would let it vory reasonable to hyslciat), with all attendance. WEST FOUB Til STREET, NEAR WASIUNOTOW Ol) furnished Rooms to lot, on first and second floor, with bathroom; convenient for housekeeping; from a week. rn EAST TWENTY-NINTH tJU joining front Rooms, newly furnlshed.on third floor, with iw lain? anuaie front room "on second floor; all oouvonlencea, baths. gal, Ac. 1Ai) AMITY ROOMS TO LKl'i without board, to single gentlemen, In a private family.

A splemlld loca lion for business men. 1 9Q CHRISTOPHER, CORNER OF BEDFORD Floor, four rooms, in a private bomej terms low to a good tenant. 1 Ji) EAST THIRTEENTH FLOOlt ll'O furnished for housekeeping (parlor, kitchen and (wd bedrooms); wator and gas; $12 N) per week; or front Room and Bedroom, $7. Inquire in bookstore one door from Third avenue. Oflti SULLIVAN FURNISHED Rooms; moderate to a possession Immediately.

WEST TWENTY-FOURTH 000 ntubed oorns to Itt, wltli or without Board, bio for housekeep In term? moderate. A QA WEST TWENTY-SECOND OU ed, a front Room, suitable for housekeeping, rani $6 per week, and one Hall Bedroom, $2 BO per week. Neighborhood first CftQ BROOME ROOM ON SECOND floor; class reference. POIJITICATJ At a large and enthusiastic assemblage Off the of the Twenty sooond ward, held on Thursday evening, June 2, it was reso.vod that tho meeting Itself into an Mi-'ooiatlon to be known ns the "Alalthew Brennan Association of the Twenty-second Ward," and the fol.owlug odlccrs were unanimously oleite I Hon. James E.

Coulter, Prosiuent; Mluhnel Hullhau, James Oarvev, Robot Brown, Michael Vice John lilde, Charles Mclntyre, i Thomas Roaqh, Treasurer; Patrick Powers, Recording Secretary; Patrick ymnn, Corresponding Scorotary. On motion it wae resolve I that thi meeting adjourn to tnlBg, Just Washtngtoa Halt, TH.

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