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New York Daily Herald du lieu suivant : New York, New York • 4

New York, New York
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

CICTL SERVICE REFORM. A Herald Reporter's Interview with Ex-Civil Service Commissioner Geo. Wra. Curtis. WIIY IIE RESIGNED.

Ho It Still a Supporter of General Grant's Administration, but Thinks the Political Pressure Too 8trong for the President? The Appointments of Surveyor and Postmaster of New York Clear Violations of the Eeform Principle. A Herald reporter called yesterday on Mr. George William Curtis in relation to his resignation as a member of the Advisory Board of the Civil Service. Mr. Curtis was in his study in his handsome residence on Staten Island, lie had been very ill, but the reporter was readily admitted.

Mr. Curtis greeted him cordially, solicited the reporter's name and introduced hiiu to two old gentlemen, neighbors of his, who were present during the interview. "I have been very sick, bnr I am getting better now," Mr. Curtis said. "Please to be seated." Reporter? 1 came to see you with regard to your resignation as a member ol the Civil Service Hoard.

Mr. Ui'BTis (with some surprise)? Ah, Is that It? Well, I will tell you all I know. I am always willing to give the Herald all the information 1 have. The reporter thanked him and examined lus features. The well known champion of civil service reform is a man who looks to be about forty, lie is tall, well built, and moves about quickly and gracelully.

Ills lace is fresh, youthlul; his eyes blue, clear; Mb features give him au EXPRESSION OK FIRMNESS AND KINDLINESS, lie speaks In a pleasant, low voice, with great distinctness, and smiles cheerfully while he is looking at you out of his bright blue eyes. His manner is genial and courteous. Mr. Curtis? You see the comments of some of the journals have been quite erroneous. They seemed te take It for granted that my letter was intended to reflect upon the President.

The lact is that the President's views of the character and requirements of the reform dltrered lrora my own. Had I questioned his sincerity in this matter I should certainly not have assured him of the continuauce of my support. The President found that this was a more severe and dilllcult undertaking than he probably supposed. KsroiiTBR Did you not mean to say by your letter that the President had abandoned relorm? Mr. Curtis (speaking leisurely and crossing his legs comfortably)? Oh, dear, no I My letter showed simply a difference of opinion between the President and myself.

1 did not say that the President bad abandoned the reform, but I said that this seemed to me to be au abandonment of the regulations. It isn't at all my view that tho President has made any PLEDGES wmcn UE HAS VIOLATED. Why, that's perfectly absurd? absurd. Why, you know 1 haven't the slightest ill-icellng against the President, and I hope there Is none on his part. Oh, no that's perfectly absurd.

Reporter Tou do not think that President Qrant was elected on tho ground of civil scrvice reform Mr. Curtis? Oh, no, no. This Is a foolish attempt on the part of the Journals to make it appear so. rhls Subject is not generally understood. You must remember The persons who demand civil service reform are not a powerful element in politics, and here Is the proof.

AltliouKh there as a plank of civil service reform In the republican platlorin which was adopted Philadelphia, there was probably not a single representative elected whose views on the subject of this reform were asked by lus constituents, it's a very foolinh tiling to represent that the President was elected on the ground of civil scrvice reiorm. Reporter You would have supported General Grant even if he had been opposed to it Mr. Curtis? Oh, as myself, I am A REPBULTCAN BY CONVICTION. I supported General Grant before he professed any interest in this subject, and should have supported lum in 1872, even if he had not made meanwhile that profession. The country, in my judgment, elected Geueral Grant to save it from the coalition of old copperheads, ex-rebels and sore-headed republicans; although, no doubt, there were a small number of persons wno honestly preferred the chances of Mr.

Greeley's election to the re-election of General Grant. REPtAtTER What are the differences of opinion between General Giant and yourself? Mr. Curtis? He regards tue transfer from one part ol the service to another as a promotion within the meaning of the rules; and then I think that the President is more Inclined to carry It more strictly within party lines than 1 think Is consistent with any genuine reform. I think it very possible that the President Interprets the power of amending and changing the rules In a more arbitrary sense than I is allowable under the system. You see, therefore, that the President anu 1 may honestly differ; but there is nothing lu my resignation that conveys the slightest imputation upon THE PRESIDENT'S PfRPOSe AND SINCERITY.

Reporter? Which are the "several important appointments'' that seemed to show you au abandonment of the reiorm? Mr. Curtis 1 referred to the appointments to the Surveyorship and Post Office of New York and to others. 1 consider Mu se two appointments clear violations ol the rules. Mr. James, the new Postmaster, is a ft tend of mine, and although I don't know much about General Sharpe, the new Surveyor, 1 know very litle to tils prejud tee.

My objections are not to the men but to the principle. I think the reappointment of Mr. Casey In New Orleans was a mistake in view of the report rnauc by the Congressional Committee. Whjrf Mil Curtis? Because civil service retorm contemplates the removal ol these officers from politics, and also tiecause Mr. Casey had not only taken a conspicuous but even an improper part ui the politics of Louisiana.

That was why the President ought not to have appointed him, and not tiecause he the President's brother-in-law. (Oil-handed). That's a matter of taste. The appointment of surveyor of New Orleans was a Molation of the rules winch specified the particular manner In which certain surveyors, including that of New Orleans, should appointed, aud yet the Surveyor of Sew Orleans was appointed IN DISRKDAHD OF THOSE PROVISIONS. Reporter? You object more particularly to the appointments In New York Mr.

Curtis? Yes, I think the chief appointments In New York showed that what is called political influence was ger than the principle of reform. 1 refer to the npp intments ol surveyor, Postmaster, and of the Marshal. Although he was a deputy and promoted, and Is, 1 believe, a thoroughly lit person lor the position, he was yet not promoted in strict accordance with the letter et the rules, While the letter Ol the rules was urged as a reason for withdraw nig the nomination of me Deputy surveyor to be Suiveyor, which had been already made to the Senate. Kktorter Do you tliluk that the President Is Btni sincere in ihe matter of civil scrvice relorm Mr. Cur i is oh.

fully. Reporter? And that It will be ultimately established on a firm basis I Mr. Curtis? 1 think that It will be; but It must be in a different way from that which lias been pursued during ins administration. Reporter? Is General Grant aware that be has abandoned the reform Mr. Curtis? I don't believe he thinks he has abandoued It.

It is difference of opinion between us. Our views ditter. Reporter? Be ktud enough to give me your Mr. CURTI8? I think the essential principle Of civil service reform is tilling the oinees with honest aud capable men in a manner which snail put them BEYOND MKKK POLITICAL PATRONAGE. Of course when that relorm is undertaken by thp President alone, unless the principle is strictly adhered to, there will lie no real change ol the system, and, consequently, there would t.e no adequate resnlt ot the close of his administration while If the sy stein were strictly adhered to there would be at the close of his administ ration no party in the country that would dare propose to return to the old system.

1 think that as a mere matter of policy the President is in tnc position to enforce the system entirely. Repiirter? Are the members of the Cabinet in sympathy with the movement? Mr. Ct rtis? The'members of the cabinet are disposed to carry out the rules laithluily without, I think, any great faith In the system, both in regard to Its advisability and practicability. Their opinion is, 1 think, that with a change of the administration every otnee in the country, large and small, tfrom the President down to the messenger at his ought to be changed. I kaow that that is tl.nir leellng, and that, Hie point of view of r.vll service relorm, simply makes every election a ramble lor plunder instead ol v.

hat It should bolt choice BETWEEN OEEAT PRINCIPLES OP GOVERNMENT. Borland would be our nearest model In regard to tins subject. Although the Executive is permanent the government is carried on by parties as with us, and the system works admirably. There if 'litre f'c wiuck arc mduivvu brMc to a poed civil service? namely, entrance at the lower crades, probation and promotion. Kki'Oktkh Have you conversed much with the Pkjsulent on thin BUbje Mr.

Curtis I conversed with him last January, and our conversations were always very agreeable and friendly. AyearaROlast Winter 1 haw liitn very often and talked very Irankly and freely with htm. Then nothing had beeu tried as yet, and there was generally great agreement between us. (With energy.) Any one who knows General Grant would never accuse him of shamming or falsity in this matter. Yoa know If he had not been sincere he would nnl have renewed his pledges in his Inaugural address.

Reporter? And is toe reform all enure lallure? Mr. Cruris? No, It is not an entire failure, but It Is not based on principle, uud 1 can see no good results front what 1 consider an Inconsistent eniorceincut oi it. Kei-ortkr? WIH the remaining members ottho Board still devote themselves to the reform? Mr. Ci'UTis? There were lour members of the Board who held no other national otllces. Altogether tlure were seven members? three were Iroiu the departments in Washington, in order that there might be always ACCURATE INFORMATION AS TO Till RETAILS ol the service.

Wo were always most harmonious, and our recommendations were unanimous. Hut, of tliose four unoitlcial members, 1 have resigned ex-Senator Cattell, ol New Jersey, goes abroad In the public service as a special Treasury to place this new loan; Mayor Medill, oi Chicago, resigned becauso lie held another position so that only Judge Walker, of Georiria, remains. Mr. Cattell has not resigned, but will be absent a year. It will be necessary, under the system, that (here bo an Advisory Hoard, but not exactly ol that number; you see, the whole thing Is at the President's pleiuure.

It Is possible that he will be satisfied with the live remaining members Walker, Cattell, and the three gentlemen from the departments. Hkioktkk? is Congress in sympattiy with the movement? Mr. Cruris? Congress Is hostile almost to a man. Mr. Willard, of is almost the only member ol the House who accepted the present system uureserveiily.

He tried to have it Incorporated iuto a law. Senator Schurz is a genuine civil service reformer aud Senator Sumner is in favor el It; but both schurz and Sumner UA YE NO FAITH IN ANY REFORM of any kind under this administration. Senator Kdmunds. of Vermont, is alse in favor of reform. General butler is, perhaps, the leader of the opponents of cimI service reiorm in the House.

ei'oktek Has the Hoard accomplished much thus far? Mr. Curtis? The Hoard has accomplished a good deal in tilling some ol the miner offices. The appointments to minor otllces in the Treasury Department have been generally made, not always, in accordance with the rules. This was owing to the lact that Air. lioutweil was willing to give the thing a lair trial, and that the Treasury Hoard of Kxaminatlon contains gentlemen most sincerely devoted to reform, and who toolc all tne pains oi preparing details and so on.

To what do you really attribute the failure of the reform? Mr. Curtis? I think the pressuro has been too strong lor General Grant, uud, of course, is a light between the principle or reform and pOMticul pressure. 1 think the managers of politics are all opposed to the thing. This fight in Albany is simply a fight to control the city of New York by the power ol patronage, and it Is that spirit widen Is i terly opposed to the principle of civil service reform. Our pontics will become MORI AM) MORI PR08T1TUTID ANO OEORADEn until they are saved by tne principle that underlies this reform.

Hei'obtkb? You predict for the country a sad future? Mr. CritTis (laughing in his good-natured way) No, for 1 think we shall triumph. 1 think this will become more and more a cardinal question In polities, and th6 interest General Grant has taken In it has certainly carried it very far forward. The progress that we have made in regard to tlie subject in the last three or iour years has been perlcctly immense. Hetorteh? You do not consider your cftrecr as a civil service reformer closedr Mr.

Curtis (emphatically)? No. my Interest In the matter Is unchanged. 1 shall spare no effort, you kuow? not at all. If the press would take heartily hold of it they would carry it by educating the people up to It. The body of office-holders are a very dangerous element In this natloir, for they are under the control of the party leaders.

The moment you take away their political life the danger ceases and they become merely citizens. The only plausible argument for the One-Term-Presldent Is, that under the present system every official in the country will vote or can be made to vote for the President under whom he holds office. Reporter (rising)? Hut one question more. lias your resignation been accepted? Mr. Curtis? Yes; 1 have received a very friendly letter from the President.

In whicu lie says he accepts my resignation with regret. 1 would give It to you, but have reasons lor not publishing it. Ksi'okter? Thanks, Mr. Curlis. Mr.

Curtis? Yon are very welcome. And he accompanied the reporter to the door, where he cordially bade lilm goodby. The Presidential Explanation? Mr. Cartli' Letter of Resignation. the Washington Chrottfclc, April It is amusing tu witness the attempts now being made by some of the democratic organs to act as champions 01 the civil service reform, wlilcli never would liave been necessary had it not been lor the acts of Andrew Jackson and his followers.

Iflght or wrong, the will of "Old Hickory-' was to be obeyed, and intoxicated political power found, in the blind confidence of its credulous followers, immunity for every usurpation and for every auuse. It was one or the most honest and respected leaders of the democratic party who openly avowed in the Senate of the United States that his party fought, like pirates, lor what they could win. said Governor Maroy, in January, When they arc contending lor victory, they avow their intention ol enjoying tlie nuits of it 11 they are deflated, they expect to retire irom office. If they uro successful, they claim, us a mutter of right, the ailvantimes nl success. They see nothing wrong in the rule, that lo the victor belong the spoils of the eticmv.

Hits monstrous doctrine was at first regarded as an inadvertent slip of the tongue, but it was soon found that it was Che lavorlte watchword of the democracy. Instead of the old rule of Mr. Jefferson in regard to offlce-holders? "Is he honest, Is he capable, is he faithful to the Constitution a rule which had worked so beuellcially for the government? the edict "To the victors belong the spoils." Oitlces were distributed only as rewards for partisan services, and to hush the clamors of the hungry multitude of camp lollowers regardless Of qnallncationsor falthiulness. It was not to be wondered at that aud peculators soon indulged in all sorts of oftlclal frauds aud plunder, and that they have since beeu found whenever ami wherever the democrats have exercised power. A citizen who acccpts ofllce of any kind tinder democratic rule virtually signs, seals and delivers uu indenture of abject political servitude during his continuance 111 ofllce, and feels disposed to pocket what he can by way of consolation.

The republican party has endeavored to break up this narrow, corrupting aud miserable uolicy inaugurated by the democrats. President Grant has taken the lead In this good work, and has done all in his power to throw around the civil olllcors of the government the same protection, In the enjoyment ol their privileges during good behavior, that the military and the naval oillcers enjoy. It Is true that the President has met witti much opposition, especially in entorclug competitive examination lor appointments or for promotions, but he has nevertheless persevered. Mr. George William Curtis was placed at the head of the civil Advisory Hoard lirst appointed by the President, aud he did much toward giving the reform a fair start.

Last Winter, however, a difference of views was developed between liuu and the President which proved lrrcconclleoble. The President, If we are not misinformed, suggested to Mr. Curtis that his own exjmrleuce 111 Ailing oftlces had suggested Mich a modification of the rules as would admit of transfers 01 officials from one class of oillces to another. This Mr. Curtis did not fancy, Insisting on promotion In each class of oillces.

The President quietly waited until one of these caaes occurred, and then, exercis'ng his reserved authority, he made the transfers, the propriety of winch all who know tne gentlemen admit. Mr. Curtis, however, felt that, like a Hrltish cabinet Minister, It was his duty to when he could no loager consistently carry out tHe views of the t'htel Magistrate, and he wrote the following letter of Wkst Nfw Brighton, N. Mnrch My Sir? As the under winch several important poititnients have been recently made seem to me to show nt) abandonment both ol the spirit ami the letter ol the civil service regulations, 1 respectfully rexixn uiy position a- a member ol the Advisory Board ot the civil service. In so doing 1 beg to insure you ot my wannest wishes and of the continuance ol my most earnest lor the success of your administration.

Very respectlull) and truly yours. uEOKuit William curtis. His Excellency the I'rksidknt. It will be observed timt while Mr. Curtis differs with the President as to the working of the machinery of the civil service he pledget his most earnest efforts for the success of the Grant administration, How different trom the aeii-atyied liberal republicans oi last year, who maligned the administration, yet held on to the oillces to which ropublican votes had elected them.

The resignation even so zealous a worker as Mr. Curtis will not check the relorm which lie did so much toward inaugurating. It must be borne in mjnd, however, that it is only through the exertions of President Grant and the republican party that we have anv approach to civil service reform, and it ill becomcs our democratic friends to find lanlt with what the conduct of their party has rendered necessary. Fortunately the people understood this, and like the citizens of ancient Athens, they are not to be deceived by any demagogue? whether he be the Cleon who brawls or the Cleon who willspcrs? out of their common sense. The people know what party originated and is now per 'letting civil service reform.

A RAILROAD BUHPUS. Cl.KVELAND, Ohio, April 10, 1S73. A large number of the stockholders of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis Kallroail, among whom are such well-known cltlzeas as s. c. (itis, T.

D.Crocker, Fayetto Brown, Judge cadwcll and others, have determined to resist the proposed increase of stock and lease of the roa I to the Atlantic and Great Western Company. These stockholders claim that the $8,000,000 new stock is wholly uncalled for, and that If Is proposed only for fraudulent and corrupt purposes, ami that the Atlantic and Great Western with its el Iwuujkj liooelosslv insolvent. THE COURTS. In the United States Circuit yesterday, Judge Sinalley But (or the purpose of disposing of civil suitB. There arc 458 cases on the calendar, and out or this large number hut one was ready tor trial, and that was postponed till Monday next.

In oases In which the piaintlir was ready to go on and the defendant did not appear the Judge permitted judgment to be entered by default. Where the delendant answered aud the plaintiff, the Judge ordered the suit to be dismissed. This will make the attorneys look sharp and attend closely to the Interests of their clients. Yesterday Judge Shlpmansat in the United States Circuit Court to hear counsel on tbo settlement of the amendments to the bill of exceptions died by the plaintiff In the weil-kuown Jumel suit Bowen vs. Chase.

Mr. O'Conor and Mr. Carter appeared Tor Mr. Chase and Messrs. Chatlleld, Shaffer and Sawyer for the plain tiff.

Alter some conversation the matter went over till Monday next. The Court of Appeals, after a three weeks' session in this city, adjourned yesterday till the 6tU of May, when it will meet in Albany. During its session here the Court has heard llfty-one eases argued and given decisions in thirty-three of them. There still remain on the calendar 123 rases awaiting argument at the next -term. The suit brought in the Supreme Court, Circuit, before Judge Davis, by Mr.

Schonucrg, ger of Wallack's Theatre, against Mr. Choney, proprietor of the Globe Theatre, In Itostou, in which $5,000 damages were sought for the non-production of the plaintiff's version of Sardou's play of "Fernando," the full particulars of which have been published In the I1eiui.i>, was yesterday terminated. A verdict of $M7 was rendered for the plaintiff. Ail the State Courts have adjourned over tomorrow on account of Its being Oood Friday. Judge Barrett, in Supreme Court, Chambers, yesterday, granted to Iienry C.

Tanner A Co. an injunction restraining Peter A. II. Jackson from selling 500 $1,000 bonds of the St. Joseph and Denver Railroad Company.

The injunction was granted on the ground that a loan for $250,000, for which the bondB were given as collateral security, was usurious, aud that the present sale of the bonds would work Irreparable injury to the plaintiffs. Two mandamuses were also granted yesterday by the same Judge, dliecting the Comptroller to pay two oillcers of the Superior Court their salaries from May 1 to June 11, 1872, which he had refused i to pay, claiming that, as he did not appoint them, they were illegally appointed. As most of tho Court officers arc in the same position this decision is regarded by them as specially important. UNITED STATES COMMISSIONERS' COURT. An Interesting (lueatlon of International Liin- The Case of Carl Volgt.

Before Commissioner White. Yesterday Carl Volgt, a native of Prussia, who has been chargcd with the murder in Brussels, Belgium, or the Chevalier Du Hols de Bianca, was i brought before Commissioner O. White, on a warrant of extradition issued In obedience to the maiflate of the President, which was granted at the request of the government of the German Empire. The warrant was also based upon an affidavit made by Johannes Koessing, the Germau Consul General at this port. There la a peculiar law in Prussia winch enables the authorities there to try citizens at homo for crimes committed in foreign countries, aud it Is now urged, on behalf of the Prussian that this law can reuch Volgt and brlug him within the operation of the extradition treaty.

Volgt was brought Into Court in custody of a Deputy Sheriff on an order oi arrest in a civil suit brought by the heirs of the Chevulier to recover some property alleged to have been stolen irom kirn. This order was vacated, so that the proceedings uuder the traditlon treaty might be instituted. The case was adjourned till to-morrow (Saturday). StPREIKE CCURT? CHAMBERS. Court Officers Getting Their Pay.

before Judge Barrett. It has already been reported in tlio IIkkat.p that Comptroller Green refused to pay certain Court oillcers for services performed from the 1st of May to the 11th of June, 1872. The reason of refusal was that be did not appoint them, as he claimed he had a right to do. Colonel James Doyle and Captain Thomas Peeley, two offlcers of tho Superior Court, accordingly applied in tnis Court for writs of peremptory mandamus, directing the Comptroller to pay the amonnt 01 their respective claims. The matter lias heen pending in the Court for some time, through various points of defence interposed by opposing counsel.

Judge Davis passed lavorably upon the cases when brought before him, and yesterday Judge Ilarrett gave a ilnal order directing the writs to issue. Following this decision other applications of similar character will be speedily made, and the result will be that the Court oiMcers will not be kept much longer out of their pay lor services between the dates specified. Decisions. Nolen et vs. Colton et Writ of assistance granted.

Davis vs. Upon the merits the motion for an Injunction is denied and the temporary injunction is dissolved, with $10 costs. In the Matter 01 tue Application of A. H. Vdll, an Intant, to Bell, Order granted and bond approved.

Dumas vs. Referred back. Burns vs. Memorandum lor counsel. In the Matter of the I'etitiou of Motion dented, without costs ami without preiudice.

in the Matter of the Petition of (icorgina 1'. Curtis et Intants, to sell Heal Report confirmed and order granted. COURT OF OYER CTD TERMINER. Two Young Men Sent to the Penitentiary? Case of George Before Judgo Hrady. There was a very short session yesterday of this court.

John Smith and John Tully, young men, recently convicted of assault and battery, were each sentenced to the Penitentiary for one year, being the full penalty for the offence. The case oi ueorgo Sbefflin, indicted for the murder of his wtie, was called up lor trial, but his counsel, Mr. William F. Howe, that it had been impossible to get two Important witnesses, and the trial was accordingly postponed till next Monday, to which time the court adjourned. SUPERIOR COURT? SPECIAL TERM.

By Judge SedjcwIcK. Schermerhorn vs. Motion denied, without costs. Coddlngton vs. Motion denied, without prejudice to another application upon notice.

Lecompte vs. order continuing report ofrefeiee and for judgment. BatcheUler vs. Order for commisdou. By Judge Van Vorst.

De Lavalette et al. vs. Miaw et Order for extra allowance of $750 to defendants. CCUHT CF GENERAL SESSI3KS. An Italian Stabbing Case? Disagreement of the Jury.

Before Recorder ll.ickctt. The great part of yesterday's session of this Court was spent in the trial of a case of relonlous assault and battery. Andrew Hressant was charged with stabbing Dominico Longtnottl on the 20th of November, 1871, at bis saloon lu Spring street. It seemed from the testimony Of a number of Italians who were examined that they were drinking together and that the complainant Invited Bressant to join them, ut the same time catching hold of his beard and saying, "You are a nice looking gentleman, although you have the look of a Jew." lie immediately apologized and said lie did not mi an to insult hini. A man named Kranke took hold of l.enginottl, and In the scuille ttresaant stabbed Longinetti with a small knife, Inflicting one wound the breast and three In the audomen, one of which the physician swere might have proved rat al.

Longinetti was contlned to bed for one month, and uuable to woik lor four months, 'llie accused proved by respectable witnesses that hi was a that his reputation peace and quietness was very good. The jury were unable to agree, and His Honor discharged them from the further consideration ef the case. It was understood that seven of the jurors were in lavor of convicting the deiendant of an assault with intent to do bodily harm, while tue other five wanted to acquit him. On motion ol Mr. Llowe the accused was permitted to go on bail.

Grand Larcenies and Assaults. George Covel pleaded gull to the otfence of grand larceny. On the 17th of March he stole clothing and Jewelry, the aggregate value of which was the property of Georg F. Haws, 111 F.ast Eighteenth street. He was to the State Prison ioi three years and atx montas.

John Hoebn, against Whom wn? a similar charge, admitted his guilt. I lie allegation was that on the 16th ol October he stole a piece of s.ik worth tlie property of Overton Colfax. The sentence I was imprisonment in the State Prison lor tureu years, Thomas Rice, who was indicted for cutting Ann ik tu? Utai uit.i Si buu Uer'a kuiie. LueuJvd gulHy to assault and battery, and was Bent to the Penitentiarv tor one year. 1'liillip Kniflen, who was Jointly Indicted with James iwr stealing a water color painting, the property ol Henry Chamberlain, pleaded guilty to petit larceny.

John McCabe, who watt charged with attempting to eoimnit an outrage upon Mary Governor, on rhe 6th of July, while she wan panning through Fortyninth ntreet, pleaded guilty to assault ami battery. Knitfen and were each neut to the Penitentiary for nix inouttiB. John Kedmoad wan tried upon a charge of snatching a pocketbook from Kntlier Jacob on the 28th of March. The evidence wuh insufficient te suntain the Indictment, and by direction of the Court a verdict of not guilty wan reudered. TOMBS POLICE COURT.

A Boy Clerlt who Huns Off with Two TliouKand Worth of Gems and Watchei? Exacting his Reward. Judge Hogan. James P. Matthews Is a diamond doing business at 637 Broadway. Iu his employ was a boy named Harry Solomon, aged about sixteen, who was trusted to a considerable extent by his employer, aud had access to the key of the sale.

On Monday last Solomon availed himself of the privilege to open the sale and abstract twenty -six hundred dollars' worth of diamonds, watchcs and other jewelry belonging to various persons, among otherB Charles Showier, George W. Green ami Charles Cardozo. Mr. Matthews put the case in the hands of Captain Irving and Detective Heidelberg, who set about discovering traces of the missing property. In the meantime Mr.

Matthews received a letter by mail, post-marked Buffalo, from the absuoudlng clerk and enclosing pawn tickcis lor the stolen valuables. Captain Irving immediately telegraphed to Rutlalo, requesting the police authorities to secure the fugitive. They did so, and the boy is now in custody awaiting the arrival of the New York officers. Captain Irving then obtained a warrant authorizing him to search the promises of one Cook, 21 Amity street, and there touud $suo worth ot jewelry. Messrs.

Matthews, Cook and the detectives appeared before Judgo Hugan yesterday aiternoon, about three o'olock. Mr. Cook stated he was in the habit of doing business with Matthews, and, knowing the boy, supposed everything to be all right. lie was willing to join Mr. Matthews in the prosecution of the fugitive.

Judge llogan thereupon Issued a warrant for the purpose of having the boy delivered over to the New York magistrates, and the case will probably come up again in a day or two, when the lacta will more lully appear. BXACTINO IIIS REWARD. Yesterday Martin Hotger, of los Madison street, stopped in front of 69 Hey street to purchase some articles from Samuel Benedict, a pedler. He laid his pocketbook (containing (65) on a barrel and inadvertantly passed on without taking it. Immediately missing it, he returned and inquired of the pedler 11 he had seeu it, to which the luttcr replied in the negative.

He was informed by Herman Wlsker, of 71 Hey street, that he had seen a boy pick it up aud hand it to the pedler, aud the two afterwards enter a liquor store. On being couirouted by Hotger and Wlsker, Benedict took out the pocketbook and handed it to the owner, with $40 in it. He was immediately arrested by officer Byrnes, brought before Judge Hogan and held iu $300 ball to answer. When brought into court he evinced great anxiety to settle the case. YORKVILLE POLICE COURT.

Heavy Swindling In Pianos. For some time past a man who sometimes gives the name of Richards, but more frequently that of Grey, has been victimizing pianoforte makers and dealers In the following He would engage a furnished room in a respectable house, then get a piano at a rent of $10 a month, and in a few days or a week at the most It was sold to some person for halt Its value. Among the victims oi this nice simple little game? one that pays, however, pretty handsomely? are Charles Butts, 788 Broadway; Calvin A. Munger, 70 University l'lace and Adam Brantlgam, of 701 Broadway. These gentlemen who are onlv a tenth probably of those who have been swindled, made application to Justice Coulter for search warrants on Thursday, and the result was that lonr pianos, all ot the value of $2,000.

were recovered at various places. Thomas Drew, of 3D Carmine street, one of these, in Whose possession was found one of the pianos, wan arrestod by Sergeant Phillips and Officer O'Connell of the Court squad, and arraigned on a charge of larceny. Ho denied the same aud claimed that he gave $200 for tke piano. In deiauit of ball he was committed until this afternoon, when examination will be aocordod him. JEFFERSON MARKET POLICE COURT.

Falie and Grand Larceny. At the Jefferson Maricet Police Court yesterday, before Justice Cox, Clark Wheeler was charged with obtaining $15 by false pretences from Redmond lteilly, of 307 Madison street. The evidence showed that the complainant was about going to Boston in search of employment and met the prisoner on the steamer, at the wharf, who, by promises or an engagement on arriving in Boston, induced him to loan him $16 and then stole away. Wheeler was committed iu default oi $600 to answer. Henry Johnson was charged with stealing $100 from a money drawer in the store of Washington Hadley, ltsu sixth avenue.

The complainant testltled that he saw him iu the act, and he was committed to answer. Frederic Marville and iTolly Bird, of 110 Macdnugal Btreet, were charged with stealing a quantity of silk and of ladies1 clothing, all valued at $180, from Maria Keed, residing at the same place. They were held to answer. BROOKLYN COURTS. SUPREME COURT? SPECIAL TERM.

The Doard of Education In Court. Before Judge Pratt. The argument was heard yesterday in the matter of the application of Thomas Prossen for a permanent Injunction to restrain the Board of Education from applying which had been appropriatedby the Joint Board to any other purpose than erecting a school house In the Twenty-ilrst ward. The Board, it seems, had determined to build in another ward. Mr.

Brltton, for the Board, contended that such action ceuld only be maintained by a suit of the people through the Attorney General. Mr. Brltton argued that the petitioner had shown no lacis warranting such Interference, and that by the act ol 1850 the Board of Education hud entire supervision and control of the maimer In which ttie school money should be expended, and it wus entirely within the discretion of that Board how it should be expended. The only restriction upon them is that they cannot intringe upon the "General Fund" for the benetlt of the Fund" or vice versa. It roliowed that thev had a right to determine whether moneys constituting the special fund should be expended for the erection of one school house or two, and it is no part of the duty of tha Jolut Board of Aldermen and Supervisors to specify the special purposes for which the school moneys are to be raised, nor has the power to control the action or the Board ol Education.

The exercise of such a power would a usurpation of Its functions and reducing the Board ol Education to the position of mere executive agents of the Joint Board, and would practically tiansfer the duties and powers of the Board of Education relating to the control and management of the Common school Department of the city to the Joint Hoard. Counsellor Campbell, for the petitioner, held that the Legislature had passed an act authorizing a taxpaver to bring an action of this nature. The counsellor condemned Mr. Brltton's argument on the special and general funds as faliaclous, and stated tnat tho Jelnt Board had designated the manner lu which tlie money appropriated wus to oe expended, and it as the duty of the Hoard of Education to uo in tills respect as the Joint Board had directed. Judge Pratt reserved his decision.

CITT COURT-TRIAL TERM. An Insurance Company's Defeat. Before Judge Nellson. John W. schaerff insured his allegorical painting entitled "The Liberty," in the Andes Insurance Company for $7,000.

The picture was sixteen feet long by twelve feet high, and SchaeriT valued it at On the 25th of last July the picture, which had been placed In a store at the corner of Ilooper street and Marcy avenue, was daumged bv Are, and as the cotupuny refused to pa.v him he brought suit against them yesterday in the City Court. The company said that the picture had only a comparatively trilling value and that It had been set on lire by Schaerfl to defraud them. The jury gave plaintiff to the Bar. To-day being flood Friday the calendar will not be called, but will "stand over" nntil Mvndary, with additional causes. Motions noticed for to-day will be heard to-morrow.

Judge Nellson will be in attendaucu at Chambers this afternoon to grant orders. Judge Woodruff will be In attendance In the United States Circuit Coart, commencing May 14, for the purpose or hearing anneals. Notes oi issue must be (Led not later than May 6. A RAILROAD SOLD AT AUCTION. Wilmington, N.

April 10, 1973. The Wilmington, Charlotte and Kuthcrfordton Hallway was sold at public auction to-day, under a decree from the Superior Court of New Hanover county. Edward Matthews, trustee for tho first mortgage bondholders. became the purchaser at RACING IN LOUISIANA. Prospects of Fall Stables, Liberal Partes and Good Banning, and Yet the Perspective Not Very Bright Oki.bans, April 2, 18T3.

The racing world, an might naturally be expected, is not exempt from the general feeling of depression which attaches to every Interest in this, at present, unfortunate State. Truth is, the community is not only too mournful, but it is too poor, to indulge in such expeusive luxuries, and it admitted the fact when it abandoned the great $20,000 subscription Durse, which was to have made the approaching meeting of tho Louisiana Jockey Club memorable in the turf annals of the South. Its advent is therefore contemplated by the public at large with but little interest, more as a matter of mere routine than as a source of any pleasurable excitement. This la to be regretted, mainly because the attendance will not prove remunerative to the Club, which meets the issue bravely for all that, and hangs np what may be considered, under such depressing circumstances, "a big lot of money" to be run ion As usual, its preparations are upon the same liberal anil extensive scale, and everything at the track is in an advanced stage of preparation. The magnificent grounds surrounding the palatial club house never looked more attractive, with their nicely trimmed lawns, innumerable flower beds and endless clusters of trees, all clad in bright, new foliage, and waving welcome to the balmy sunshine of dawning Spring they present a picture thoroughly Arcadian in Its elements.

The track Itself looks equally pretty. It has been thoroughly and laboriously worked, until it is as level and as springy as a dauclng floor? just in proper condition to reel out all the speed that flying hoofs may have in them. From present indications the entire Held will number (bobtails and all) about seventy horses, and the various events will be well contested, mainly through a spirited rivalry which has lately been lamed to a white heat in regard to training capacity between Moore, litce, Cadwallader and Jennings. IUce, It appears, was of old Moore's trainer, while Cadwallader commenced turf liie as a race rider. Each of parties considers himself standard" in horse lore, out all unite in war Jennings for his successes during the last campaign.

This spirit of emulation will secure good racing aud will prevent any of those combinations so common of lute and so tatal io the proper preservation of the right royal sport. THE 8TABLES. Owing to a slight misunderstanding (now happily settled) between the Magnolia and tlie Louisiana clubs the tables have been slow to arrive his Spring, but tho horses now here are all in splendid condition. The epizoety, from which lew escaped, appears to have rather beneilted them than otherwise, and, if appearance is any indication 01 performance, the season's record will be a brilliant one. The following stables have arrived and are all In active training: George Cadwallader, of Lexington, with live good ones, among them General Custar's Frogtowu, looking remarkably well and destined to prove an astonishing race horse: Fannie M.

and Florence, both of whom have scored mile records under Vandalla, a chestnut filly of the Lexington strain, of which great hopes are'entcrtained, and last, not least, Alice Mitchell. Dr. J. W. Weldon, of New York, brings old Flora Mclvor, Mary Louise, who made the fastest mile and a quarter at Saratoga last Summer King iienezett, a noble-looking animal, but at present in too high condition for work, and Warlike, a now candidate for turf honors.

11. Van Llew's hopes are centred on three very ordinary looking A chestnut 4 years old, by Hiawatha, dam by Leviathan; a bay colt, 3 years, by Norton, and a gray colt, a years, by Lightning. Of the three the Norton colt Is by far tho most promising. Joseph Donahue, New York, la on hand with his hurdlers, Blind Tom and Alroy. lioth have been well Wintered, are in such good flesh aud strong health that little doubt can be entertained regardlug the fate of the timber purses.

George H. Rice cemea to the front with six? Stockwood and Wanderer, two good ones, the latter very dangerous looking; Bessie Lee and C. O. who have their records yet to make; Edwin Adams and Sunrise. Billy Conner's two colts are lu good condition.

A. Debrell, of Texas, has three horses? the old veteran Morgan Scout, who looks as It he had one good race leit lu him; I'iigrini, who is oil, and Edua Earl, a big slashing which littla is known and less anticipated. Thomas G. Bacen comes to the scratch with Frank Uampton, who ran in 1:44 last Fall, aud a Jack Malone colt, out oi Sea Breeze, that has never started yet, but on whom the Major builds high hopes. W.

Jennings, of Memphis, has a hard stable to beat, comprising seven in all. Cape Race, who, when a two-year-otd, ran the fastest race ever rnn South, mile heats, weights up. In silent Friend, Mr. Morrlssey's Defender, Louisa, Dunboyne, Enimctt and Solon shingle are lu fine condition and ready lor work. Captalu T.

G. Moore, Alabama, enters with the great London, a wonderful horse In the estimation of all turfites. He is a very large, strong-bulit horse, periectly In form and has an eye that almost talks; Hoger llauson, Hollywood, a mare of which the Captain speaks in the most enthusiastic terms, aud a ruil brother to London, hardly his peer, either In bnlld or appearance. A. B.

Lewis Nashville, brings a good stable about which little Is known here. It consists of Joe Johnson, Nashville Harry, Vanalltc, Belle of Australia and another. A. C. Franklin, comes with Arizona, a full sister of Cape Race, and Nevada, a full sister to the tamous sa'ina, of the Preakness stable.

Captalu William Williamson contributes six? Old John McDonald and Repeater, both looking splendid; Kattle Voorhles, a three year old Ally by Harry of the West, as yet without record; a Daniel Boone filly, and another couple, as yet nnknown to fortune or to lame. Captain Stone comes with a fine looking bay filly named Mary Farrs, I. 0. U. and Meta two promistng Allies, and a pair two-year-olds yet In their novitiate.

Captalu William Cottrill, the pattern turfite, who runs his horses for pleasure ami not for gain, a tine stable, lu splendid condition, and will most probably get away with both of the stakes. Evelina Mabry, sallie Watson, Young Harry and Village Blacksmith will be In the dance, the latter at the hurdles. Saucebox, the most dangerous of his stud, will probubly keep out of the cotillon. In addition to this list, General liuforn Is on his way witn three horses, a couple of stables are expected from Natchez and one or two from other localities, but noue of which are worthy of especial mention. THE PROGRAMME, considering the depressing tunes, Is a good and liberal one.

FIRST DAT? SATURDAT, APKII, 12. First Rack? one milo mnl three-quarters, for nit Ages; Club Purse. Ural hurst: $350. second horse third horse $10. Record Ual-k? The Pickwick Stake, lor colts and Allies three years old $.10 entrance, p.

with $1,600 added; second horse to receive third horse $200, luilo heats; closed with the following 1. W. M. Conner's li. c.

Kdwin Adams, by 1'lunet, dam Zephyr, liy Lexington. 2. W. M. Conner's b.

f. Sunrise, by Planet, dam Ultima, by Lexington. 3. Alfred Honnnbcl's ch. by King Lear, dam Miss Music, by Whale.

4. Alfred Botiuabcl's gr. by Lightning, dam by Imp. Sovereign. 5 W.

Cottrill's b. f. Hnltle Watson, by Daniel Boone, dam Maggie ti. by Brown Hi k. rt W.

'ottriir b. i. Hullle Kellar, by Daniel Boone, dam bv Bill Cheatliam. 7. George Cadwallader's ch.

f. Vandalla, by Vandal, dam Alert, by Lexington. 5. E. Harrison's ch.

by Tom Roddy, dam unknown. 9. A. Kecne Richard's ch. c.

Macon, daiu Cass, by Whalebone. 10. A. Keene Richard's ch. c.

War Cry, by War Dance, dam by imp. Kuightofst. (ieorge. 11. W.

Jennings' ch. c. Emmet, by Asteroid, dam Lightsome. by Gltncoe. 12.

W. Jennings' h. c. Dunboyne, by Australian, dam Bonnet, by Lexington. Third Three miles, for all ages; with one hundred pounds on earb three pounds allowed to mares and geldings.

Club purse, $S0U; Arst horse $ti00, second norse third horse SITCOM 11 OAT, TUKSDAT, APRIL IS. First Rack? Hurdle race, two miles, over eight hurdles; Club purse, tlrst borne $450, second horse SiOO, third horse $Ati. Skcosd Rack? one mile and a quarter, for all ages; Club purse $o00; tlrst hone $300, second horse $100, third horse $90. Tiiikd Rack? The Louisiana Stake for colts and Allies, four years old; $50 entrance, with added; second horse to receive third horse $201); two mile heals; closed with the following nominations: 1. W.

Cottrill's ch. f. Alice, by Daniel Boone, dam Kfllc Bynum. 2. W.

Cottrill's b. Young Harry, by Harry of the West, dam by imp. Uleticoe. S. T.

U. Moore's gr. c. London, by Lightning, dam Sister to Jerome Kdgar 4. Oeorge Cadwallader's b.

f. Fannie by Lightning, (Hm by imp. Yorkshire. 5. K.

Harrison's ch. f. Belle Buckle, by Brown Dick, dam by Bulletin. rt. Bacon A Holland's ch.

by Jack Malone, dam Sea Breeze, by imp. Albion. 7. A. C.

Franklin's b. f. Nevada, by Lexington, dam Lightsome, by ulenooa. s. W.

Jennings' b. c. Capo Race, by Lexington, dam Imp. Zone'by the Cure. 9.

W. Jennings' ch. c. Silent Frlcml, by Australia, dam by Lexington TIURn DAT? WKDSKSDAT, APRIL 16. First Rac? -one mile, with loo lbs.

on to carry their propor weights; three pounds allowed to marcs aud gelding; Club purse, first horse $350, sccond Iwrse Slim, third horse Kkcond Mile hoats, for all ages; Clufc purse, $7110; first horse second horse third horse $50. Third It ai -Three tor all Hges; l.luh purse $300; Arst horse $600, second horse $150, third horse $00. FOURTH thdrsdat, 17. First Rack? Two for all ages; Club purse Or-tt horse second horse $100, third horse Skcosp Rack Selling race, one mile and a ball horses entered to be sold lor to carry their appropriate weights; for $1,000, allowed seven pounds; tor $780, ten pounds; tor $100. Alteea pounds; twenty pounds; the winner to be sold auction immediately after the race any surplus over the amount entered to be sold lor will go to the ('tub; Club purse $500; Arst hornu horse $100, third horso hest In Qjc, for all agesi Club nursa first horse $900, second horse $209.

third horse $lofl. rirru day? Fkidat, afhil 18. Kikst Rack? Handicap Hurdle llnco tiro miles weights to appear the day beiore the race Club parse $500- tlrst $350, sceoud horse $1U), third horse (61. Skconii Hack One mile, for three- year olds winner of Ihe Pickwick Htnke, seven pounds extra; Club purse tlrat horse second florae $100, third horse $50. Tmun Two utile heals, for all ages; Club pursa $1000; tlrst horse second horse $2110, third horse $100.

SIXTH SATUKUAY, APBII. 19. Pi hst Race? The Fort una tako, lor Allies three years old $50 entrance, p. with $1000 added; second to receive $J00; third $10u; one mile; closed with tho following 1. W.

M. Conner's b. I. Sunrise, by I'lanet, dam Ultima, by Lexington. i.

CottriU's b. f. Hallic Watson, by Daniel Uoone, duin Maggie by Drown Dick. 3. W.

CottriU's b. f. riallie Kullar, by Daniel Boone, daw by Bill Cheatham. i. George Cadwallader's ch.

Vandalla, by Vandal, darn Alert, by Lexington. 8. Oailwallitder's b. The Pet, by Vandal, dam Magenta, by Mahomet. bKCOXli Rach? Consolation purse, for horses that have ruu and not won during the meeting; horses beaten once allowed 7 lbs.

twice. 10 lbs three uuius or more, 15 one mile; Club purse $50J; llrst horse $.150, second horse $HX), third horse $5 1. Timii) Rack? Knur mile heats, for all ages Club nurso llrst iiorse $1,500. second horse third horse $200; winner ol congress Stake at Mobile, 3 lbs. extra.

For the four-mile event there will, In all probability, be live starters, comprising London, Flora Mclvor, Wanderer, Frank Hampton and Fannie M. It is expected that London and Cape Itace will come together during the meeting to decide an outside bet of $2,500 now pending. Altogether the races promise to be interesting, and undor more lavorabie circumstances would create Botiiei.iing akin to excitement. as it is, raciug In New Orleans will be something akin to whistling thraugh a H0BSE NOTES. W.

R. Babcock's stable of racehorses passed through tliia city yesterday, on their way to Monmouth Park, to bo trained for the coming campaign. The horses canio lrom Providence, where tUey have been Wintered well. All the horses are In robust health and just In the right shape to go into strong work. The stable comprised the well known fourmiler ileimbold, Conductor.

Ethel Sprague, llattio O'N'eil and Ransom, the latter a bay colt by Aste. roid, dam Banner, three years old, and looks as 11 he will make a race horse. KACrNU IN NATCHEZ. Fair Grofnds, March 29? Dash of two miles. E.

Harrison's g. h. Tom Corbett 1 E. Harrison's ch. g.

Sir ltulus 2 Mr. Danueman's ch. g. 3 Time 4 :00. Same Day? Mile heats.

E. Harrison's ch. f. lielle 1 1 Mr. Warwick's b.

h. Tom 2 Time 1 ART MATTERS. Aradcmy of Design. The forty-eighth annual exhibition of the National Academy of Design will open next Monday evening, with a reception and private view. Artis ta havo been sending in wosks with great promptitude, and we hazard nothing in saying that the display will be interesting.

Mme. Sale. Another very attractive art and miscellaneous sale is set down for next Wednesday evening, aC the rooms of Mme. De Hazard, No. 50 Union place, it is to consist of statuary and various articles of virtu from the Tuileries, together with souvenirs and antiquities collected by their present possessor during a long residence abroad.

Tha statuary includes nine pieces, sculptured by Mme. Hazard herself. Among these are to be found "Abandonata," a group of three figures In rare Cristola marble; "La Pace tteuerosa;" also a group of three figures in Carrara marble; "L'Ksperana," a beautiful single figure in Cristola; "Summer" and "Autumn," two single figures; "Rustic Felicity." also two single figures, and several medallion portraits. The jewelry consists of thirty-six lots; but perhaps the connoisseur will be most interested in the antiquities and the souvenirs, ol wnlch there are many valuable and unique examples. A PBOBABLE EDUCATION MUDDLE.

Was Tbere Bungling Legislation Shall Kdufston Be Educated 1 At the last meeting of the new Board of Education a sub-committee of the whole was nominated to select five school trustees In each ward to replace present ones, and report their names to the full Board for appointment. Section 6 of the new act commands that "within fifteen days after the organization ol the Board of Education appointed in pursuance of this act said Board shall appoint for each ward in said city five trustees." The fifteen days began to run last Monday, and already ward associations of the republicans, local and general reformers, leaguers and intriguers are thronging around the sub-committee with recommendations. The ofllce ol Trustee of Schools la one of much power and Influence. The Board of Trustees authorize leases, appoint and discipline the sub-teachers, oversee the repairs or school-houses, and enjoy conslderabfe consequence witu teachers, scholars and parents. Indeed, lor many years past, School Trustees have asserted power as politicians.

Possibly their political influences have appointed unfit janitors of the schools; but, lortunatcly, Henry Kiddle, the City Superintendent, cau and does protect the people by Ills licenses against incompetent teachers, who might otherwise be foisted on the public by the same kind of influence. the scramble for the office is now rather lively among the new set or politicians, who, to a great extent, have been debarred a voice in selecting trustees and sharing tuelr patronage and Influence. Up to 1870 trustees were elected. For the past two years they were appointed by the Mayor, who, however, we believe, gave the republicans a minority share of the patronage. But by the new law they have it all, and it is doubtful whether the democrats will get any.

In the midst oi the scramYie, however, comes a horrible rumor the spoil hunters. Section 6 adds immediately after the appointment power of the rive trustees in eacA ward, "one to hold office for lour years irom the 1st day ol January next, one for three yearn, one for two years, one lor ono year irom said date und one 'until' the said date." The rumor Is that, althongn the appointments may be made within nfteen days, only oue of the live can take office now, and that the other four must wait until New Year's Day to assume office. The act so reads most certainly, "to hold office from the 1st day ol January next." To make this more emphatic the sentence concludes, -'one for one year irom said date (t. January and one until the said date;" and the spoil hunters hear with dismay that Commissioners Man, Townsend and Beardsiey, who are lawyers, have already sent messages to the Legislature te correct the blunder. if the spoil hunters were the only ones to bo disappointed perhaps it woull not be bad.

But another reference to the act looks as if there could only be one trustee In each ward to form a board until New Year's Day arrives. Section 0 also, "The terms ol office oi the present Trustees of Common of the city ol New York shall end And their official functions cease on the appointment of their successors by the Hoard of Education for the unexpired term." That is to say, the Trustees go ont any way. They are abolished. And as to lour in each ward there is an interregnum until New Year's Day. This, if true, is awkward, because ihe statutes and rules call lor a "majority ol trustees" In all action.

Certainly one trustee cannot be In a majority over himself unless he sees trebly, for if lie only sees double then he ties htmseli. One wiseacre in lie caucus attempted to satisfy the muddle by quoting another sentence, "Any vacancy in the said office of Trustee of common Schools by death, resignation or otherwise shall lie tilled by the Hoard of Education lor the unexpired term." Ills point was that alter the present trustees became abolished there would be four vacancies in each ward, which the Hoard could till up to next January. This wiseacre was met by another one, who retorted that vacancies can only exist to a term begun, and in the probable hlatns the vacancy dodge was not operative, because no term began until long after the prior one ended. To Increaso the muddle, there are jet office In each ward two Trustees of Common Schools, who were elected to the trust by the people. They, it Is said, are advised by eminent lawyers that the Legislature cannot, except by abolishing the office, turn nut incumbents who were elected and whoso terms are yet limning In order to fill their by appointment, it seems that the Tweed charter, when appointment of trustees were given to the Mayor, provided that these should be made only when tlu; terms of elected trustees expired, and thereby saved the legal question.

The elected "ins" therefore propose to move the ponderous machinery of ijuo warranto aud all the cog known to law in order to retain possession. It Is at leafit certain that some law draughtsman has blundered. He has cooking sections lor educators toigotten to educate himself In perspicntty oi expression. Hnt this is no uncommon event at Albany, it is not long ago that Recorder llackctt rebuked the pleading or seme lawyer as "slovenly but what will and the generally say aboul the, slovenly rhetoric of Albany lawmakers? ARREST OF A. DRY G00D3 DEALER.

Boston, April 10, 1873. Charles Curtis, rwently a dry goods dealer at Washington atrei has been arrested and held in bail for trtai, charged with buying goods on credit and selling low for cash, witu the tutcuuoii of wlOi tjie ptocQviiU.

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